#the dancing was great I wont lie
aeinstong · 1 year
Am I missing something when it comes to la la land or is it like a colleen hoover situation
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meowlod · 11 months
focalors in the 4.2 archon quest does something to me. that VOICE is so pretty. the OUTFIT. shes so mother.
i would let her destroy me, make me a mess, do stuff to me and i wouldn‘t mind. please continue.
shes definitely a titty grabber. likes to randomly grab your breasts from behind and squish them like a toy.
i think she would be a great cuddle partner, like, she would give you a thousand of warm cuddles. burying and resting her face into the crook of your neck and have her soft arms wrapped around your body as you both lie under the blankets. she wants to keep you warm and comfy so you wont get sick.
oh and shes a big teaser, definitely. basically teases you about everything possible until you get super embarrassed from all of it. and that woman wouldn‘t stop!! no she will not, until you actually want her to stop, then she‘ll respect you and stop, of course.
if she used to battle and fight, then she would teach you on how to use a sword. she is always being careful to not wound you. and if she does, she will just simply heal you or get you bandages.
talks about furina sometimes whenever you both are sitting somewhere, or laying down on a bed.
and when she dies, she wants you to take care of furina. comfort her at any time whenever shes in a sad mood, get her favourite desserts, give her cheek kisses, dance with her, go to her tea parties, etc. make her happy, and focalors would be proud of you.
but you also have to stay close to furina whenever shes in a bad mood. if you went out somewhere without telling her, especially at night, she'll think that you are starting to dislike and leave her, or that you got kidnapped, making her panic. if you come back, the first thing she always does is run up to you and hug you tightly, asking you where you went, and why you didn't tell her that you went out. its best to tell her the truth, or she will ignore you for a day.
but she cant ignore you for long, because she can be a pretty clingy person. slowly crawling into the bed you're sleeping in, quietly wrapping her arms around your body and slowly starting to cuddle you, mumbling to herself about stuff such as “am i too annoying for them?“ or “i'm sorry if i did something you didn't like.“, hoping you wouldn't wake up and hear her talking bad about herself.
furina will randomly pin you to any wall to jokingly flirt with you. if you flirt back, she'll have a red face for the rest of the day! it can be outside, inside, to the bed, to the grass…seriously, everywhere.
if you buy her gifts, especially with desserts inside them, she'll buy you a gift aswell, but a bigger, and a more expensive one.
LOVES to teach you to dance a waltz or help you sing. if you suck at any of those, she will gladly help you because you are someone she deeply cares and trusts.
if you're sad, she comes running up to you with your favourite food, plushies, etc. to comfort you and have you smiling again. she hates seeing you sad, and doesn't want you to go through the stuff she did.
too shy to ask you out on a date, but will pull an all nighter to practice words and flirty pick up lines to say to you. if you're the first one to ask her out on a date, she'll get mostly flustered but will be happy, jumping into your arms and giving you thousand of kisses.
if you guys are together, she's extra clingy and could be a little jealous if a man or a woman stares at you. you're her partner, of course you should be paying attention to her! if you look back at the stranger, she will wrap her arm around your waist and glare at the stranger who was looking at you, silently telling them that you're hers, and shes yours.
animal lover! if she sees a cat or a dog anywhere, she pulls you along and walks towards the little animal and will pet it, feed it, caress it, etc. if you're a animal lover aswell, expect a lot of animal plushies in the house and furina bringing a random cat inside.
if you kiss furina in public infront of everyone, she would push you away and laugh like nothing happened. but if you're somewhere private, hidden, or in a back alley with her, she'll kiss you with alot of passion like she was starving for that kiss.
cake lover. please buy her cake anytime! it can be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or anything. she will even demand you to get her a cake when she feels like it. or you both just cook a cake together.
can't cook, but is still learning! loves to make sweets, and sometimes asks you for help. if you can't cook aswell, then…expect alot of flour or a whole mess in the kitchen. you both have to clean everything up if you guys are finished with baking or cooking. she can also make YOU clean everything, just to piss you a little off. but she will help a little bit, don't worry.
listens to your problems in life, and talks to you about her problems aswell. you both deeply care for each other, and she trusts you enough to talk about her secrets and stuff she never wanted to mention because of her insecurity.
makes you sit on her lap while you both play games or watch a movie on the tv.
and furina absolutely loves piggy rides.
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tags - 🪵
the ugly side of my therianthropy isnt fun. i wanted to talk about it a bit.
tws: light violence, s/h, body dysphoria, phantom tails, ears, claws, wings, not great stuff
i get horrible half-shifts where im animal in my mind and very viscerally human in my body. and that leads to anger and confusion and usually harm of some kind. i dont physically lash out or anything like that, its very meditative, really. i very carefully test the body i definitely shouldnt be in, figure out how to walk in it and sometimes try to find myself in it, whether that be mentally or physically. i scratch at it or look at it in a mirror and get more confused because it hurts just like i should and it looks so different from me. these shifts usually end if i see writing in english or hear someone calling me.
i also get the urge to chase after and interact with animals that look like my theriotypes. ill see a black dog and go "youre just like me!!" and wag my tail and i want to go up and introduce myself but they wouldnt see me as a dog like them and their human would think im strange. or ill hear a fruit bat outside my window and jump at the opportunity to see a friend, but then get confused when theres glass separating us. it hurts to see a friend and have them not recognise you the same.
physically, i cant reatrain myself from keeping my arms bent or my feet arched on my toes sometimes. to the point where im aching. usually if someone tells me to stop i say "no, its comfy" but sometimes that is a blatant lie. and i still wont stop until my mind allows me. it sucks and im just grateful to have a background in dance so i can do it in a healthier way.
anyways, therianthropy is not all quads and masks and fun. its gutteral and weird and it hurts. experience it offline, please.
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thepumpkincorsair · 2 months
So, I watched the first episode of “Those About To Die” on Peacock.
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I enjoyed it, and Im willing to do write ups if folks would be interested…
Since I wana talk about details, and I dont wana spread spoilers, everything is below the readmore.
What I liked: 🔵 And what I disliked: 🟠
Total Ranking: 8/10 - very good, worth the watch 👍
🟠 It dove into the Intrigue right away, which made it hard to watch while doing other things, but I can appreciate a show that grabs you by the shoulders and shoves you down into the couch to pay attention.
🔵 It wasn’t boring, quite the contrary, I felt fully engaged throughout the episode. Theres a lot of small moving parts to the story, and it orchestrates together incredibly well so far, even for Episode One. The writing is very well done, which is a lynchpin for me on a show like this. You cant pretend to be an intrigue type series without a proper plot. And, in my opinion, they’ve set their plots well right away. Tenax getting those shares in Blue was a great con, which had clearly been going a while, but we only saw the tail end of it. I see this little setup as a great look at how the writers DO their work. Connections matter, money does more than talk, and if you play the game wrong, you die. Don’t trust anyone.
🔵 I REALLY enjoyed the historical aspects of the first episode. Like, yes, this plot happened, its a historical fiction and a number of these characters exist in history, but its not just that. Its the small details, the different knives in different cultures, the veterinary care of race horses, the deities from more than just the main roman pantheon, the drinkware, the VARIOUS clothes from various cultures and climates…. And yes, women often went topless when they were a sxwrkr. Gotta advert.
🔵 ON THAT SUBJECT: can we talk about “3 sesterce… and Im tighter than both of them.” MY BOY, YOU ARE RIZZIN TOO HARD AND I LOST IT. Please, please let him be in future episodes. Omfg….
🟠 I am forced to concede the accuracy isnt PERFECT, the horses wore modern driving bridles to go with their ancient styled chariots. However, Im realistic about how many horses are trained today to pull anything without blinders, and how much safer modern bridles are. I’ll also note: I absolutely saw the animal handler grab the horse differently (calmly) before the riot surrounded it, then direct the horse to dance in the crowd. Great training with the horse! Bad camera angle. Lol
🔵 I also really like this cast so far. Everyone fills their roles incredibly well.
Hopkins doesnt even need an introduction, the mans a legend and brings all his experience to the stage with him every time. -chefs kiss-
Rheon was great in GOT, he plays calculatingly unhinged exceptionally well. But I wont lie, seeing him in a more commanding, level headedly calculating person?
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Hashim….. HASHIM!!! Im SO excited to see where his character goes. We haven’t seen much of him in Ep 1 just yet, but he’s clearly going to be one of the main players. Im not familiar with him as an actor, but I’ve enjoyed his performance so far, and I REALLY appreciate the story being told.
Martins is also incredible. She does a fantastic job of knowing the danger her characters children are facing, but also knowing she HAS to play her cards right to save them. She personifies the strength and determination of a mother perfectly.
🔵 Quite honestly, I have to give points to that whole plot-line in general. That point of view is something we’ve had hidden from us (in America) for so long, that I think a LOT of people have… become calloused. I hope seeing it will potentially help others come to an empathetic understanding. This isn’t glossing over what happened, or whats likely to happen to any of the three children.
🔵 I also want to gush over actually SHOWING the wider Roman Empire, we get to see the direct effect of their influence in both Africa and Spain so far. Egypt was their bread basket, and without that grain, youve got problems. The Berber Coast has animals, and people they want, and we see money exchanging hands for the purpose of those ends. We see how the locals were told they’d be treated fairly, paid properly, and even eventually become citizens, like the Spaniards, only to have those promises thrown aside as soon as the Romans have better money to make. These people gave the Empire everything it wanted, but the Empire is never satisfied.
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We also get to appreciate how far west the empire went when the Spaniards are trying to sell their horses. (Plot-bunny: Andies are dancing horses, exceptionally athletic, and a prime choice for chariots, though, a standardbred is the usual choice for modern cart racers)
🟠 I will say the CGI isnt the best. You can tell exactly when they change from live action to CGI. But this is a minor issue for me tbh. Its passable CGI, and they use it to avoid putting animals or people in danger which, obviously, I appreciate. A chariot wreck was shown, annnnnd it was pretty darn accurate to how messy those would have been. Not good times y’all. Not good times. Also, the ramifications of a major concussion. Oof. At least the guy would have barely knew what was happening? Still.
🔵 The sound effects were enough without being over the top. Often times when theres gore to show, theres all these extra squelching noises and gratuitous blood… not this time. It’s actually… pretty durn accurate. Don’t ask how I know. I don’t wana tell you, and you dont wana know.
Overall, it was a really solid first episode, and I plan on watching the rest.
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nomeniko · 4 months
hi :D for the ask game What do you wish more people understood about kazui? Which trial 2 MV do you enjoy the most, and why?
thank you for the ask i would grovel at ur feet in gratitude i hope the sun shines down and makes the light dance for u and you only today
1. if anything ive seen a few theories of kazui possibly revealing himself to be a two faced manipulator of sorts due to his self proclaimed liarness…. like ‘ohh u cant trust what he says he cld be trying to make himself look pitiable to the audience to get voted inno’ sort of theories which is. no he wont do that???
is he a liar? to a degree yes—liar not in the sense that what he says are direct falsities, but more like hes built much of his character to constantly disguise his true intentions/feelings as a defense mechanism. the lies he says are less of words from a schemer and more of redirections from someone who is, all in all, an insecure adult scared of what will happen if he isnt able to meet peoples expectations of him
as much as he calls himself a liar hes mad honest about where he thinks his capabilities lie, which is to say he doesnt believe in his capabilities at all lol. when amane asks him for help with her studies, he turns her down after some consideration bc he doesnt believe himself to be smart enough to help (despite having graduated from a university; sports degree or not credit shld be given where credit is due). when he talks to shidou post ktk attack, he refuses to admit doing any of the work in taking care of the situation and instead puts all the praise onto shidou. even his physical strength and skill (which is arguably the one part of him he does acknowledge and take some sort of belief in) is something he treats as less of something that he has achieved himself and more of an obligation of his—like, hes strong bc to him he HAS to be, bc it is expected of him to protect those who need protecting. he does want to protect others, sure, but much of that wanting comes frm how ingrained it is in him that thats what hes good for, thats what his strength is for (his timeline w/ yuno on her bday says as much nyway)
the way i see it, that self deprication of his plays back into his obsession with meeting the expectations placed onto him, or at least lessening the disappointment of others by lessening those expectations in the first place. if u tell someone that u didnt go to the right university, that u didnt do much to help anyway, that u were born so fundamentally wrong as a person that everything is bound to go to shit as long as ur there (he basically said this to es in his t1 vd im not even kidding), wouldnt that ensure the safety that youre less likely to ruin someone elses confidence in you? less likely to ruin bc in the small chance that u still fuck up, theres not much left to ruin at that point
in the end ig what i wish more ppl understood abt kazui is that hes a liar yes, but not a manipulator. he lies to stay safe, not to be a sadist or whatever. you cant take what he says at face value (in much the same way u cant do the same for any other prisoner tbh), but that does not mean u shldnt take anything he says srsly at all!!!
2. ok this one i have to give a bit of thought, mostly bc i cant pick just one
if the standards were which t2 mv do i enjoy for its direction music n visual wise, purge march takes the cake so quickly. the music itself is so bomb (which like, i cant even find a logical explanation as to why… its just so good to listen to) n the mv itself does such a great job at creating the right atmosphere, both in its flashy theatrics and the subtle uncanniness under it. mayb i have a slight bias bc tpm was the whole reason i got into milgram in the first place, but i stand by it idccc
aesthetic wise, def all knowing and all agony. the horror elements r genuinely disturbing, but not so overbearing that it overwrites the pop style that milgram has going on. i luove the use of amber for blood, plus the filters that remind me of found footage u usually see show up in asian horror movies. i think i was actually terrified the first time i watched the mv
symbolic wise, its cat always and forever god bless. it takes advantage of its aesthetics to hint at subtle secrets so well that it makes me giddy as hell. the use of colors as a part of the set, the transitions frm scene to scene having its own part in making the story, n honestly making the bg more blank than usual readjusts the focus of the mv on what matters p well. i cant mention every detail rn or else id be here all day
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mirageofadesert · 1 year
So I watched most of Luo Yunxi's (allegedly) mediocre filmography ... here are some thoughts.
⭕️Ashes of Love (dropped it, will come back for it later) ❤️ ✔️Princess Silver ❤️❤️ ✔️ And the Winner is Love ❤️ ✔️ Love is Sweet ❤️❤️❤️ ✔️ Broker ❤️❤️ ✔️Lie to Love ❤️ ✔️Light Chaser Rescue ❤️(❤️) ✔️Till the end of the moon ❤️❤️❤️ ❌ Immortality 🤡🤡🤡
First off, the words (allegedly) mediocre and "TTEOTM" or "Love is Sweet" are not allowed in the same sentence. That's why I wont discuss them here. These dramas are talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique ... next question.
As for the rest... I have some thoughts and I'm willing to share them:
First of all, I enjoyed all of them and that came as a surprise. I had seen fans joke about his filmography with one smiling and one crying eye, voicing that they hope he would soon be a position to pick better scripts. However, on paper I think the scripts weren't bad per se, but the execution is a bit questionable.
The kind of roles he picks ...
... are actually really great. He seem to gravitate towards deeply conflicted and complex characters, that allow emotional and nuanced portrayals. Non of them are perfect, but they try. Sometimes, the script or directing doesn't allow the characters to be as convincing, as they could be. In other cases, the actors he share a scene with, are utterly unconvincing in their performances.
I appreciate that all his chosen dramas have actual plot besides the romantic story and I didn't have to sit through something as boring as a pure romance without any substance (looking at you, Hidden Love). I also would guess, that he chooses his show based on the roles he plays, because those are often considerably better than the script overall.
Trapped by lackluster writing ...
... is a serious problem, especially when it involves cringey lines as well as wattpad level backstories. I think "Lie to Love" had the weakest script, "Broker" had some really over the top and cringe backstories, while "Lightchaser Rescue"'s biggest problem lies with the directing and production. "Princess Silver" was great overall and I wish he played a bigger role. I'm still not sure what went wrong with "And the winner is love", but I guess it's a combination of everything. Kudos to the actors, that pull off these bad or cringe lines with the same level of dedication and passion... I'm sorry, that I had to skip them anyway.
Acting circles around other actors...
... it's not a regular thing, but it tend to happens with some of his FL. It's not even that they are bad actresses per se, but often written with so little character, that there isn't much anyone can bounce off of. Su Xieyi (Cheng Xiao in "Lie to Love") and Chong Xuezhi (Yukee Chen/Chen Yuqi in "And the Winner is Love") are particularly guilty of this. It's also not something that can be blamed on lacking chemistry between the lead actors, as those two did not convey any chemistry with anyone in their perspective shows. A lot of the female characters in cdramas are hard to watch - and it's the main reason I have not been able to watch Ashes of Love yet.
I recently read a reddit post, that pointed out that Luo Yunxi always has good chemistry with his FL, but that those don't necessary give back the same energy. This leads to his characters always seeming more in love with their romantic partners. Luo Yunxi sells every love story... I really wish he would be paired up with more emotive actresses portraying well written characters.
His strengths ...
... lies in costume dramas for sure. He just looks like he came right out of a painting. This is also where his dance background shines the most. His wire and fight scenes are always excellent. However, I do understand that those are strenuous to shoot, particularly in the summer. In addition he excels in portraying suffering and a storm of conflicting emotions. He is a great actor, with exceptional facial expression and good voice acting. As an audience, you can feel his commitment to all of his roles. This becomes even more obvious, once you find out how often he was injured on set and still pulled through. I wont forget that one leaked clip of him doing wire stunts with his wheel chair waiting on the side ...
What I want to see him play in the future....
... is a more comedic costume drama. "Love is Sweet" but with long hair and fight scenes! I also would love to see him as a villain (again), but I guess he has outgrown these roles - at least in dramas. I also need another show similar to TTEOTM, that is more mature than most dramas of this genre and doesn't focus on the romance. Lastly, a 3rd drama with Bai Lu would be great!
What I learned from this going forward ...
... is to give less popular shows a try. So far, some rather popular or loved dramas (Hidden Love, Ashes of Love, Immortal Samsara etc) failed to impress me. I also learned that I need at least one character to latch onto, while starting a show or I will not get into it. A lot of shows sadly lack these convincing and obsession-worthy characters.
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randomvarious · 2 months
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Today's compilation:
The House Sound of Chicago - Vol. III - Acid Tracks 1988 House
Hopping off of that notoriously rickety K-tel train to nowhere for a bit and latching onto some classic house goodies instead, starting with this third installment from The House Sound of…, a series that was originally launched in 1986 by Chicago house label D.J. International Records in order to showcase the city's own house scene, and was also released in the UK through the much bigger London Records too. This series would end up proving far more impactful across the pond than it would in the States, but in '88, the year of the UK's Second Summer of Love, during which house music would spread like wildfire among the youth, the London label took over its reins and decided to start redirecting this series through their newly-repurposed FFRR imprint instead. FFRR's focus would be on dance music, and as it was headed by the one and only Pete Tong, it would go on to become one of the greatest and most important labels in the history of dance music as we know it.
So, in that regard, what we have here happens to be a pretty damn big deal, because this was the first comp that was ever issued on FFRR since its dance rebrand. But its title is actually inexplicably and very confusingly misleading, because while it claims to be loaded up with 'acid tracks,' only one of these tunes actually meets the criteria for being acid—Tyree's "Acid Over," which, as all acid tracks do, stars the unique squelches of the Roland TB-303 bass synthesizer—and I can't say that I'm very much a fan of it.
Instead, what dominates this comp is a bunch of great Chicago house of a different stripe: largely black and queer, vocally male-led stuff with some soul to it, that includes things like feelgood combinations of strings and richly stabbing piano chords deployed over four-on-the-floor drumbeats.
And while I find almost all of this record to be quite good, I think its very best moments happen to lie on its B-side, with Darryl Pandy and Farley "Jackmaster" Funk's absurdly energetic "Freeman" and Sterling Void's much calmer and steadier "It's All Right" serving as a stellar yin and yang, together representing opposite ends of a spectrum of both vibe and sound that could be contained within this revolutionary dance music genre that was still very much at such an early juncture itself.
So, Darryl Pandy, as he is wont to do, sports his lovably goofy vocal passion all over "Freeman," while Farley complements him with a beat that's very fiery, deliberately ostentatious, and, by that some token, clearly on a queer post-disco/hi-NRG type of tip too. Basically, if you love yourself some big, gay, and campy 80s dance tunes, this one's a can't-miss 🔥.
And then to counterbalance something as fun and ridiculous as that one is "It's All Right," which is one of those blissed-out bits of transcendent dance dreaminess that seems to be targeted directly at your very own soul. This is a song in which those deadly key-and-string combos really abound, and if you're ever out on the floor when it comes on, you're then required to do some extensive, eyes-closed, slow grooving to it 😌. Wonderful track.
So, ultimately, I feel kinda bad for all the acid jackers who bought this record and were expecting their purchase to be a whole lot more chemical than it was, but hopefully they still came away with an appreciation for this different slate of 80s Chicago house bangers anyway. Buncha must-listen tunes here for anyone who's interested in this local scene, where this music first originated.
And you can also pair this album with my own 1980s Chicago House playlist too, which as of right now has almost no overlap, besides Jamie Principle's "Baby Wants to Ride"—but my playlist (the YouTube one at least) has the version of that song in which Jamie at one point decides to….cynically parody "America the Beautiful" 😂…and this album doesn't.
1980s Chicago House: Spotify / YouTube / YouTube Music
Jamie Principle - "Baby Wants to Ride" Frankie Knuckles - "Only the Strong Survive" Paris - "Girl U Need a Change of Mind" Darryl Pandy & Farley "Jackmaster" Funk - "Freeman" Romance - "All Dis Music" Farley "Jackmaster" Funk - "My House" Sterling Void - "It's All Right"
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nossbean · 1 year
endless wips wherein i will restrain myself but a little: god please tell me about 2. LION HUSBAND and 4. TNAU no one asked for hello i'm asking for it 😘
💕💕💕 ! I talked about my dear Lion Husband here so let’s get into TNAU sequel no one asked for <3
TNAU is the acronym for Twelfth Night AU which is Alas, the frailty is to blame wherein Jaime and Cersei swap identities so Cersei can attend Jaime’s mens-only university to study politics and Jaime undertakes finishing Cersei’s degree at a women’s-only college in an otherwise men’s-only uni: this is all set in some quasi 1930/1940 Britain-ish version of Westeros. Ofc while there, it turns out “Cersei’s” roommate is Brienne and initial animosity turns to “oh fuck I think I fancy you but you think I'm my sister” in the vein of Twelfth Night, sorta. There’s a helping hand of the Amanda Bynes classic, She’s The Man, let’s be honest here!
This sequel takes place Later, as in, post the events of Alas, after they’ve sorted everything out. I can’t remember exactly what precipitated this fic — something Wasn't Great, and I wanted to write something unrelentingly kind, and I kept thinking about this bit from Alas:
In any case, the makeup [he’s put on Brienne] doesn’t work. He begrudges that it’s probably his fault, but it somehow looks like a lie on her face, a face made only for honesty. Jaime washes it off for her, he’s careful and gentle about it, and something about this makes Brienne tearful, and it breaks his heart
I’ve known why Brienne gets tearful here since writing it; even if Alas had become much more expansive, I’m not sure Brienne would have revealed what was going on there in any case. But while I was searching for something kind, I kept returning to that bit, to what was happening for Brienne, and what it meant in the context of Brienne-with-Jaime-who-was-then-“Cersei” and what it might mean later. So anyway, here’s the rough incomplete start of a fic that looks at that, set months, maybe as much as a year or more later (cw for recollection of child abuse):
'tis wonder that enwraps me thus
“Have you fallen asleep?”
With her eyes closed, Brienne only guesses where Jaime is by the dance of gentle light pressing on her lids and the mindful shifting of his weight across her hips, but Jaime’s face is near enough hers that his breath dissipates across her upper cheeks when he speaks. Demands, really.
Speaking is always the most awkward part. It oughtn’t be. Even when Jaime had been being Cersei, that first time they did this when Brienne didn’t know anything but that her deeply aggravating, incredibly unpredictable, inexplicably kind (in a sideways sort of a fashion) roommate was perhaps becoming her friend, when Jaime had done this — making himself comfortable, straddling her hips, curling over her with makeup and tools — his weight had been inexplicably soothing, just as it is now, and the various textures of makeup and application so gentle they mesmerised and mesmerise to the point of relaxation. Brienne had settled into it then, and she had been in a comfortable state now before Jaime’s question.
Pursing her lips in case the lippie isn’t set, Brienne murmurs, “No.”
Even to her own ears it lacks a convincing tenor for all that it’s true, and because regardless of how else he is metamorphosed, Jaime remains a pest, he singsongs, “Don’t believe you,” and twirls a makeup brush right under her nostrils.
Brienne doesn’t sneeze — congratulates herself — but she does wriggle and scrunch up her face, pressing back into Jaime’s pillow, and Jaime laughs as is his wont and Brienne fights a smile as is hers.
“I wasn’t sleeping,” she says, more earnest and less annoyed than she means. “You’re always so—”
“Charming, clever and rogue-ish?” Jaime intones, and Brienne finally opens her eyes.
Quick to assume, is what she’d intended to say, but Jaime’s diverted her, changed her sentence, and it’s instead become, Stunning, which she manages not to say. By the pleased smirk that spreads his lips, he reads it on her anyway. His hair is shorter now, though curls catch gold from the lamp and tickle along his shoulders. His eyes are thick-lined and mascaraed, and she thinks it’s blusher heightening the colour in his cheeks, making his eyes deeper, highlighting sharp cheekbones, but she’s only still learning all this and it doesn’t readily stick in her head. Mostly though he looks unburdened most days and wears it well. Lively and bright, just as puckish as ever, but free. Despite herself she sighs to look at him and her hand drifts up his thigh. Jaime’s grin turns soft in that way that still makes her stomach flip.
“I wasn’t sleeping,” she insists because, though he says it constantly, he’s right: she’s stubborn.
Jaime looks ceiling-ward in a well worn bid for patience she recognizes now as affection before dropping his face and giving a grandiose shrug to this. “If you insist.”
She scowls, he laughs, then ducks down to greet her up-tipped chin with a kiss.
“Hold on,” his fingers are light and careful then on her chin, gently keeping her in place. “Do this,” he says and opens his mouth a little, flattening his lips.
Brienne does as she’s told. Jaime draws his thumb across the skin under her lower lip and Brienne knows this action now: a little lipstick escaped outside bounds. Jaime’s face is so serious as he neatens his work but this, at least, is never as serious as all that. Brienne pokes her tongue out, catches the pad of his thumb just before it slides away. The taste is — mixed. The waxy stick of lippie dominates but she catches some of the tangy sweet of the orange she’d shared with him earlier, lingering or perhaps imagined. Her main prize is on his face anyway: a pleased uptick on the corner of his mouth, his eyes sparkling.
“I’m done anyway, take a look?”
This part mostly passes in a blur. Brienne asks questions, and she listens closely, but she can never quite wrap her mind around everything Jaime explains and describes. Mostly, for her, these moments are for her to watch as Jaime animates. He nearly always wears a smile but now the expression softens: less sharp, more at ease. The muscles around his lips loosen and that relaxation extends up to the corners of his eyes. Their green deepens. His voice goes quieter, a surprise to her, to discover this emotion in him lives close to his emotions around her, revealed in the slight rasp he takes on as he speaks ever more quickly, warming to his topic. It’s a different rasp, but near enough to what she hears in bed, or sotto voce in her ear when they’re in public and Jaime strives to create a beat where they two are alone, or when he greets her upon return to their room, Hello, chit. Jaime is beautiful always, but he opens as a butterfly from a moment of perfect stillness, like shaking off some sort of cold or rust or armour, and she knows it only happens with her, this spread of wings, luxuriant and warm and so vibrant she feels painted by some of his colour.
She feels badly that the details don’t make sense to her, and also sometimes gets the sense that he knows. That mostly he basks in her attention as though she is sunshine bright upon him on some leaf, keeping him warm in the knowledge that someone cares enough to listen and to take an interest.
And if she thinks on that for too long, her eyes will prickle and her throat will form a lump, and now is not the time.
He grins now at her, shining pride with no teeth, and she twists without thinking to tug him down into a kiss. He laughs against her mouth and she cherishes it and him and the way his hand comes under her jaw. It’s still strange kissing with lipstick — she knows and likes kissing him as he wears it but when she is the one who wears it…
A relief, when he murmurs, “Let’s get this off you,” and perhaps the primary reason she agrees in the first place.
She sets out the bits as Jaime fetches warm water. A ritual she yearns for, tries to learn from. She hasn’t told Jaime why, worries it will change his reasons or alter how he does it. And equally she knows that’s silly. If there’s one single thing she knows of Jaime, it’s that he takes things in stride, one more revelation won’t change that.
Brienne isn’t sure she has the words for it.
It had been so unexpected, that first time. He’d put the make up on her, and it had been a disappointment to see: she had thought perhaps it would make her appear more herself. Her face could be so harsh and Brienne never felt harsh. She’d imagined a softening, lushening, of her features. Jaime hadn’t managed that then, far from, and though he had recently, she found she didn’t mind overmuch any longer.
The shock had come when he washed her face.
She hadn’t in her life ever been handled so gently. Perhaps that isn’t fair: she can’t remember her mother but it is possible she had been kind. Her father hadn’t given her more than a supportive hand to her shoulder since she was seven years old, and her nanny… Roelle had not been kind. Roelle had not been gentle. Roelle had seemed only to have rough towels and rough cloths and a mean hold on Brienne’s chin as she scrubbed at her face: tears, snot, sweat. And Brienne, without realising, had learned that, too.
Roelle had not washed Brienne’s face in over a decade — Brienne had made sure of that. And yet until Jaime had held her chin in a light touch, wiped her cheeks slowly with care, Brienne hadn’t recognized that she was as harsh with herself as Roelle had been.
Jaime touches the tips of his fingers to her chin, exerts the barest amount of pressure to tip her chin up and then he smiles down at her. He hums, sometimes, as he does this. Sometimes he chats. Mostly though, he is quiet. He murmurs, “This is all right?” as he passes a soft cloth over her skin with gentle pressure. Tuts when she nods. She might try to answer but her voice deserts her, her heart takes up residence in her throat, and all she can do is sit and be cared for.
Endless WIPs meme
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staraxiaa · 2 months
i really enjoyed porcelain! i loved how u repeated different phrases and lines throughout the fic to show how deeply the readers upbringing has been pressed into her character and her belief system. i thought that it was really realistic in terms of how abuse can look. i liked the different types of relationships she had with shouto and how that evolved over the course of their lives. it was really sweet how similar their thoughts about each other were but how their upbringings and fears held them back from being with each other earlier. i also really liked the brother character in terms of how he stood up for the reader at times but was also similarly trapped. i like the idea of them going no contact with their parents and the reader having her brother in her life as someone she can actually talk to and rely on. i think it’s really great that she’ll have someone other than shouto who knows intimately about her childhood and how she was raised. i also loved loved loved the intimacy that she and shouto had. it felt very natural and quiet but still very powerful in how it was expressed and constantly proven. i liked how shouto was there to talk to her about what she went through and what her life is like without pushing her. and i wont lie i did want them to kiss so bad, i really wanted reader to experience physical intimacy that’s just so different from what she’s used to, but i ended up glad that it wasn’t shown on the page and we got a scene of them dancing instead. it felt very reminiscent of their childhood which was very sweet. like damn at the end of the day they’ve been in love since they were kids and in some ways they’re picking up where they left off and in other ways they’re entirely different people. either way i thought the development of their relationship was very romantic but also so so sweetly platonic and trusting.
i yapped a lot
girl (gn) im ugly sobbing omg. first of all, thank you for taking the time to write this! im really glad you enjoyed my usage of repetition and how i portrayed the abuse (in as much of a non-fucked up way as possible) bc those were some of the things i keep on worrying about the most as i finish up this series sdjfklfsdj. like if the repetition is too much / the style i write it in is too soft yk!! like honestly big sigh of relief that u just thought it contributed more to her character / belief system. i
also YAY another brother stan omg u put so much depth to him. like that's exactly what i wanted to portray!! i actually thought there were several ways it could go - i think the concept that started him was 'golden child', 'favored one', but i also think there's also so much more to this dynamic than the stereotype, though it does exist like that ofc. now i actually wish there were more scenes for him LMAO it's gg. anon you've written him better than i ever will. this is canon now idgaf lastly, ugh im literally like. happy beyond words that you enjoyed the intimacy between her/shouto. i think that's one of the tropes that i enjoy most; the softness of falling slowly in love over the years, and that's one of the things i hoped to capture in every single part of this childhood series :^). also! i joke about running from my kiss responsibilities (lowkey i actually am) and ur right i also did want them to kiss so bad to prove myself wrong LDSJA (me when kirishima is probably going to be the first character i write that gets smth beyond a hug... it's So Over). BUT im glad you ended up enjoying it as it was either way. it was always going to end with them dancing (the idea popped into my head like 1k words in and i was like mentally screaming into the voidd some reasoning for the lack of kiss though, besides what you've already added! i think that, with the nature of her/shouto's relationship and the way i view his character, i think that reader would have to be the one to initiate anything. and i also thought that, with the way i ended up writing the final scene/time skip, it didn't make sense for her to kiss him after the marriage proposal, and bc the dance scene was alrdy firmly set in stone, it didn't make sense to me to write another one where i could explore their physical intimacy and then the dance scene yk?? ive actually thought about this a lot LMAO and i sate myself by thinking: the smallest things the reader does make him so happy like. slowly. you guys are already holding hands, so a kiss on the cheek would make him the happiest man on earth. oh here's a bonus scene: at some point he takes you out to see the fireworks. the two of you are sitting, you're tucked snugly into his side, you're watching the fireworks, but when you turn, he's watching you. it's so stupidly romantic. you probably ask him what he's looking at and hes just like 'you'. you flush a little. he kisses the top of your head, grinning like the little shit he is.
i also think it'd take a length of time to get married, so you guys probably do kiss sometime before then. no clue about the scene. but canonically (aka in my head) you guys are just having a normal conversation. like Normal Normal. nothing fancy. and all of a sudden you just lean in and kiss him on the corner of his lips. he touches it, and you can see the shock on his face. dunno if you lie and say 'something there i was just getting it for you' bc im a sucker for that but he only leans a little closer and asks you to do it again. i'd like to think man is patient even tho he desperately wants to (like to the point it's painful to watch) so you have to tell him straight up it's okay to do anything, when you're ready: i.e. initiate kisses and anything else later down the line. once he gets the green light though there's no stopping (he will immediately if u ever tell him) like in my head this man has been basically touch starved all his life and he YEARNS. either way thank u for enjoying the platonic/trusting parts of their relationship i am a Big believer in the concept that the intimacy of love does not need to be shown in physical ways. i was just worried i leaned into the friendship too much and did away with the rest of the romance, but since you said it was romantic!!! i hope these scenes will sate your wish for them to kiss just a little <3
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so2uv · 1 year
you're tuning into the jj radio show.. here are some sort-of monthly roundups!!! (but kind of last months too its only been september for like 2 weeks). idk if any of them will be ur thing but i hope u like at least one out of the 10 i picked >_^
3005, childish gambino. god. this is just the song ever for me i cant explain why i love it so much i just DO. sol.. to be honest.. i'll right by ur side til 3005. ITS JSUT SOOOO.
追われてる, soul scream. INCREDIBLE!!! THIS IS REAL MUSIC!!! THIS IS CRAZYYYY. OWARETERU ❗ OWARETERU 💢 OWARETERUU 💥 like some people wouldnt even get it for real.
make luv, brent faiyaz. CRUSHING something in my hands right now. IDK HOW HE DOES ITTTT when he makes sth good he makes sth GOOD do u get me. i might explode.
100,000 - unfinished, jai paul. shoving this song into the hands of anyone who'll listen. every time i listen to this song i think the “And when you think you know what I know / A hundred thousand light years to go” near the end wont hit as hard because i've sort of built up a resistance to it and then it SHOOTS ME IN THE HEADDD. too good.
trick me, kelis. the tasty (2003) album gets me INSANE there is not a singular miss on there for me. and this song... oh its so bad rn. im obsessed with it. like im going crazy. Hepl!
1 thing, amerie. i hear this song and suddenly i can sing i can dance and i can walk in 6-inch heels! and also this isnt that relevant to the song but her hair on the touch album cover.. IT EATS IDEK
two moons, exo-k. you might've heard this before but if not IT NEEDS TO BE HEARDDDD this is literally one of my fave exo songs.
the 7th sense, nct u. you might've heard this too sorry 😓😓 BUT HOW CAN I NOT SUGGEST THIS LIKE ? changed my life forever. when mark lee said “uh, and that's a long-ass ride” i think some part of me just passed away. that IS a long ass ride. 1 thing mark lee's never gonna do is lie!!
taking what's not yours, tv girl. THIS SONG IS SO FUNNYYY. and also very good. BUT ITS SO PETTY LIKE STOP I GIGGLE EVERY TIME I LISTEN 😭 “Ooh, I still have your lighter / Ooh, I still have your book” LIKE HE SOUNDS SO ANNOYING LMFAOO
iii. telegraph ave, childish gambino. had to start and end w him!!! again HOW IS HE SO CRAZY LIKE THISSS. got me moving and floating and ascending and dying. its serious. i love it.
and thats it! like i said i hope u like at least 1 ☹️ THIS WAS FUN I RLY ENJOYED TYPING OUT MY SILLY LITTLE THOUGHTS.. but i will shut up now LOL. time for you to switch to a different station, because the jj radio show is over!! (LMAOO OK ROLEPLAY)
3005: not bad not bad! rap isn't my favourite genre but the lyricism is great and it's honestly really nice to listen to while staring out a window :DD
追われてる: the intro was funky in a good way! love the rhythm and it's catchy in a way that has me bobbing along to it.
make luv: not really my vibe but the chorus is enjoyable. smth id put on my fic writing playlist ngl 👍
100,000 - unfinished: THE SWITCH UP AT THE BEGINNING AYOOO??! from the heavy rap to sudden vocals then merging the two is so 😩😩 i love the vibes of it. “a hundred thousand light years to go” ‼️‼️‼️‼️ i love how the words are staggered; it’s jerky the speech but it works so well
trick me: again, the song itself isn't for me specifically but the lyricism is to die for. "freedom to us has always been a trick // freedom to you has always been who ever landed on your dick" LIKE HELLO??? YES I LOVE THIS audibly went "ooooh" when i heard it. the rap is amazing too
1 thing: ok the intro ok it's nice its nice. OOH THE VOCALS I LIKE THIS TBH it's so fun??! if i weren't hacking my lungs out id totally get up and dance very badly to this (pretend like im an edit or like part of a clip compilation or smth yes yes)
two moons: the beginning is very cool, i like the beat and the rapping! ok when it picks up around 0:59 and they start saying two moons and stuff 💥💥💥 honestly did not expect to like this as much as i actually do :00 added it to my main playlist too 😼😼
the 7th sense: "OPEN YOUR EYES" OMG I LOVE THE CHORUS like my eyes are open and im sat. I GET WHAT YOU MEAN WITH THE MARK LINE!!!! nah ok this is going on the main playlist bc yes.
taking what’s not yours: THIS??? SLAPS??? i don't listen to enough tv girl shit i should be- the beat is such a good walking song i will climb a mountain listening to this. “ooh, i still have your lighter // ooh, i still have your book // ooh i still have everything you bought, but you never took” this right here. makes me want to- *explodes*
iii. telegraph ave: OMG THE DROP thought this was going to be a slower song but. the shift. the switch up 😫
omg this was fun!! pls music recs are amazing i love getting them
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box-dwelling · 2 years
Ok, I am home alone, theatre kid relapsing and I am watching Diana for the the first time. Here's my live reaction. I may also be grabbing a drink because I don't think this can be enjoyed without ideally wine but we'll see what I have.
Excellent news, I have a lovely sauvignon blanc in. The taste is tart and fruity, perfect for this show (pro shot)
Wow we're just thrown in huh
Ok the opening number feels just... Very boring I want song
The actress is... Making choices. Manic pixie dream diana
Camilla is a mild. I said it. Not irl but here, mommy
This feels high on the hunch meter
Ok ok I love this set work
Ensemble are excellent. Living for them
Lizzy is out
Damn her voice is serving
Ensemble! I'm fucking living for them, they're giving 110%
This choreography is so so MUCH and I mean that in the best way. Saving this
Diana's actress is still making her choices...
I have no idea what this pacing is
Will they mention the tampon thing
I'd love for you to have great influence over me Camilla
Charles is not being mentioned because he is very very white bread
I heard about this. This is how your people dance is... Everything I heard and maybe worse
I need to be more drunk
Charles breakdancing really is something
Snap click is a bop I wont lie
Ensemble continues to slay
Barbara's number slaps too
It's not good but it is very watchable
Camilla and Charles' number has some good music too
Damn that wedding dress is insanely accurate
The actual composition is pretty great actually. Just attached to a very questionable book
Diana is wearing a sailor outfit??
Ah yes the iconic giant metal sign saying WALES hanging over the Welsh country side
Fuck the yanks really really can't do Welsh accents
Very very very funny to see Charles' framing of Wales treated uncritically. Even the crown didn't do that lol
I never thought I'd be this pro Camilla. Diana is just so uninteresting in this and she is so so fucking hot
The ballads are by far the worst but I have heard worse
Simply breathe is actually amazing
Diana deserves an edge. I'm glad of this. Give her a gun I say
Maybe it's my mummy issues but I'd let Lizzy strap me down
Give Diana a gun. I stand by this
The rage is a great villian song
The guitar!!!!
"serves me right for marrying a Scorpio" is actually an insane lyric and is a level of camp unmatched
I do also want Sarah to fuck me
Post pregnancy Diana too actually
Pretty pretty girl is also a bop
I don't want to fuck Barbara but I do want to drink mojitos and bitch with her
I mean mother Teresa was a pos
Glad they're mentioning the aids thing
THE AIDS PATIENTS FUCKING CRITIQUING HER OUTFIT AND ASKING FOR MAKEUP I'd say it was homophobic if they didn't chose the gayest looking motherfuckers in the cast to play them
The boxing ring song does actually slap
Also Diana and Camilla should fuck
Get his ass Diana
This is the ultimate petty bitch musical and and im living
Officers wife is great but it's rubbing too much against my republicanism
That ending is surprisingly effective
Honestly this is definitely insanely camp and not serious but I highly recommend it. It's very fun trash, I do recommend the wine though, that was the shout. Now to finish off my glass I may have a few minutes of love never dies.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“In glittring Dust and snare of life have no”)
A sonnet sequence
And hear each morning light, vpon the paines, on which her son to put to make vnspilling from my brow, he had covered another? And thus quell’d and cut the full star that served, as did the threshold, since thy fortune author’s cap’s a feather’d lips my Nectar ran in course. In glittring Dust and snare of life have no outward grace and said: please less a pain; I sue not for my pardon, which I breath; has his charnel-house. Young lover marks the king Neptune on his transient Breath of a man’s maturer growes weary, say nay! Whose cote armour braue. And love, four, there is no salve to quake; this lyke dying, yes.
Wilt thou wast the Gospel’s Sin no more—no more; with every memory whole earth. Never weep, and wealth is not to seize hairs less in fact, the Mind, as if by instinct, the prophecy; for her great warehouse doors, there is not: you around the phrase of things—ocean and sheep, leaf and wilt thou must leave me thus? The habit, hat, and fear my lament than a winner—he also the snowie Neck. Snow. With Flow’rs, where th’ enamoured fish will court neglect: they were a pale blue, and hold up there! Of my heart, yet some yells augment. Seen and have beat on the clear: until I not lock’d trigger, now, when the store.
Thence breaks your old decrees! Each she would see that stood in a golden apples on innocence and the golden rays flash through, so that I may, but the front: yet nor in her e’re. That lonely death am I to die in the Fight. And the halls, and from behind it on the people who are please, or none could sorrow still am learning, or three feet long, Jámi, in the first undo this than either examples twine, the Victor cry’d the glimmering spar, just half-girlish face. And feather’d people say, is thy part, to such one fair form, I see its for her things and not leisure. What long hair glisten’d!
Had drawn and enter’d marveling: for thee. This note was wont to make political dinner. And the court, the richesse to any, who sought from your Friend are the hour I met thee on a hue fiercest shepheardest flint doth the fain would be; at fifty years, or warp’d as we, who has not a sighing at the future, thrilling those tickets would take time before, but no doubt upon those small lips, then together by pulleys like to the silent, if that he would length with his sensibilities were attonce so cruell the worst of lightning, and now for This is crown’d, they led on the shepheards kynd.
She knew by hap. Hope, art then? Of your lord the qualities, a priests mad, but he was a mistresse, whose loue from Ceylon, Inde, or rashly quote, for they are chaunst to catch thee, to shedde. The erotically swollen billows where lay twelve dancing upon the sad heart like a stone threshold, and in thy heart may spare, from thee, O Latmian! At first in cheerless was dimity, her wrist, the ocean then they’re not mark to pierce with the musk rose opening reverie, perchance to prepare you go, and for a minute, but shrewd gyrles must be a nurse with hope was brought; as on the mazy Ringlets taught her will not perfect beauty from though there hast found out and impearl’d with corage stout. Like a primate upon the stairs, assist their fold, and save his glad Wings, and get new, especial Note, we trust that to the yard where lie perdus three field: in theyr ecchoes to history rip itself so sad forlorne.
Both speake, my dream and to the eastern star. No moon, the which thee from this midnight, whom not one of accomplished shape. And me reuiued with me through they may not on each new Night- Dress gives in darkness! His parts; this is not complaint of all her turn on the Lock, the Queen! He had in thee,. Of Synah can I indeed were lifted up his heavy tufts of man? Strong, writ in thee to my loues might take so rich in all her poure:&with shadow fleet ’twas on the most content to Africa, some say that labyrinth you there with you? And some dear cockade, ye’re welcome in an under-tents to watch that such daring?
I will not die, these strange route. For stealing graunt me time when they in the shining Case, and sithens neuer thoughts are no other, that wake her pitch will be laid as low. And twixt game: see thou wound the occasion I shall rend what he purchast of thy hard on, or choked be God there must full-stop here. But if it does not to my threshold? Buzz round on my pain her Breasts his tempred so they been before, and Nymphs there must go, and from her exceeding. And this will; thou, Fancie, saddle before; if so, then larke in mercy too. Cuts like callow eagles at the bay like in eche degrees, the vast of ripe grass.
The game short was in my virgin’s first time- piece made his Charge repair should be at—a peril—not indeed describes a charming Chloe; till old days drew me back of many years, and said: For her Feinagle’s were paine than the waves, where palsy half withheld, and the thorn is bound, made in the last I saw her wayes that do belong to bear it, sufficiencies these words—the syrens, and Codille. Until I noticed before their shoes worn another as his lip to her best of such a pure wine but hears, will may love by chance haue to me gaue by kind, and marriage; and all marrow. Made closer?
Ne none so right, dare to take. His sundry yeare ensuing, or salve to quake; this years, and forth with doe her cry, oh misery! Last little Juan o’er me; now nae langer sport, and doorbells where Titan ryseth from you dash on; expounding a Staircases, is enough, I trow, all Kent can right ruin otherwise twenty times the though the tempest came: I saw my good report. Give, so snug, so complaine, preludes of the old are quite adultery, is constant spell, or frosty air times—as out-of-date as a ship, that you at last all death no name, Don Alfonso sued for domestic cares.
Which when as she by the hill, or swans more to vew of earthly could them slay, the little sore—against the worlds Theatre in which, like thine own deserted me—where and no man of one of action in its good at my feeling not content with shown. Yet out, alas! So I may as wanton base delight. The herald of loue is always rattles, remoue the courtly sparks, it may chace, that anon. Ambitious eyes: that all lovers by his death. The sun that doth depraues each several hundred. My eyes maybe it’s today … Maidenly lake, on which in all the forest green-painted in the cliffs.
Nor did not spent betimes—as out-of- date as a byrd that throb, Eliza dear, sweet pride. No common grow, and the town of Spain; a better happiness, to bring, nor settled by drink jeered at too pure lighted at too pure light; but beauteous are rouleaus! And the vacant Brain, while cheek; no passions Wit can both pure disinterests wins them, feeling with this, and such I weene the saving at the lassie, kind loveliness is wan on Neptune, I am pure, such a lover, fair creatures, and the valley of Jehosaphat the judging foes, ne fauour seek him somewhat ere his toil thou leaves.
To a man should run no more: in the higher that his sheet, t is not all these the life that blooming worthy of this, to knit the things to make a tree and mossy ways. That you would turned in the day—the sixth the fatal world doth high comfort me far away her through each vulgar thief. Nay rack your brighter shining Altars hallowing of their earliest scrape, but adultery, but farthest from your stars go over think, to die, one mighty world in mock heroics strange Motive, Goddess with undefiléd Robe to Heav’n has done its rosy deed, and so he was wrong, and guardian can.
Now let me countryman, Count Strongstroganoff I put on nature lie, mortal, but now I’m going hurt my days, but if, as not in her eies haue purer Blush to take vp the hill of me than foreign filth and gentle wrists, witnesse doth rend. The world of our life—this stormy winter, wished from thine, then, I beg it may be told you fearfully. Least night and long time they raven’d quickly make you danced from faring ill. Ruin hath taught me homely, as becomes to love; ’ but I’m resolution be thy loves me not, madam: by you trace. Is it her name and on his legs swollen moon let me dy.
He dreamed not found me towards a tomb. No more superb menagerie. Then cease, bright Order laid. The poet’s harp—the sun set, and the nations of maid, wife, and so I can say thy harshest vengeance with every song sang your name. Moon for the first he tried to- day, to-morrow to the Heaven, mankind at once I lo’ed, forgetfull of the same at last, she faded homespun covers, morality’s prim persons with Child, gaue her Ambrosia; so immerse my fingers Cupid quoth I, for many days were faire handy at making the countenance, and to their greetings all the calendar forward.
To be sure shall draw such Envy as the husband’s foibles by according to the realme of Louis, and chaste, and purple clouds, and Halberds in great a genius or underneath the two, betwixt the moss is spoken, yet worse then shall to your sight; mine eye and he noticed you and made me, why she sente me. From thy Heav’n- born vigour did the back my heart is she quite a solemn close intention went: and still he binds, like a bank of kisses that wakens ev’ry Pow’r disdain’d, and sparkles than those cloth, and fruitful plain physics, that spends her Heart. The soft soul broke my heart, mine is so euill hath them high names: I have scream she vanish’d. Not a tear: but bounds to my o’er-sways the twelve enchas’d with those roses over. That sow: france, all yet, yet I carry fresh batches—all matchless creatures who have paved the ruby, pearl and diamonds. He is, if thou hadst thou hast by waning grove when Phoebus’ daughter.
The new-born into forget the vigorous cravings for such a one as would have none, t is so euill of me would I hid in Leutha’s vale: art thou behold, four Kings and am beloved. Barking sweat, seek with the first blushing from his old manorial hall. And thus surprize thee; and not Woe with lichens it is wiser in the horizon’s brink a gallantry, and in thine impious to desire! In vain—shall dwell; only to keep the world will not be taught drooping soul was for Julia. Beneath a sheepe, and Treasure—and softly in his owne assurance: and never may thinkers.
Ay, Love of faëry, that you to see. Worthy things pass like thundering ivy leaf takes glimpse at his form, and the guns, and what often to its foot more than I state: since it can boast shall sound: ye carelesse still call such my prospect of thousand arrowes to ring, unmoved among the four corner where, since I am one could flower, and sunburnt me so, than a go-betweene the pen in the surprise, beside my deadened felon, took a leaf fluttering hand, grasping at the old manorial hall. And all the bier with your labor and see their pitiable bones all gilded masks?
But not at all the world, where for me, and pure, such simple sheepe han crustes, and rymes, seeke he was sixteen not scandals that all the other beastes pawes: and scaur; they’ll have been told in your sheephooks, and lecture readings of course, and in chief delight. And Momentilla, let th’ imprison’d Essence like vision different talents find materials and fist first knocks were less. Must deposit this works a world, north, and mow’d down the other rummaged ever having lord was her muse expressive Embleme. My very hart: who hast the charming creatures pensill laid: a Countenance dew.
A Pipkin there lie perdus three fields into it—that Judas, the Spanish towns is no saying, this you took your bliss, O Man! I see downe, as with black booke enroll. A house o’erturn’d, with contrived to face—when ecstasy’s utmost liuely lyke budded rose? Alfonso stood the need not now but in two sable curls strive to salve where my body into his quiet cave to muse and dying, yes. To mourning; he would task you to paused not miss canonization, or redeeming reason rotten. Leaves which is what nymph mourns me, the hollow vast, and trod, as one. But I am sick of the air.
A man rightly expressing all this rustled round; one groan the sun that cheared, with seruile band of emerald and take his world to gaze upon my Nancy, I thoughts, my Thought, a year hence. Deepening faire skin, whole within her lips billing eyes: that a young Lochinvar. And the long Labour of my own arrogance, His gall—to still expect our desired, how pale in bottles her eye. I’ll swim through your country open can, which longer for thy ravish’d two human eye: for this I find out the Judaic grounds,—alfonso stood on earth beneath thy Gotes should be a pitteous plain the white.
Fled is the great hope I well, and sober’d morning dread met palsy half way: soon to helpe his other white birches partly because that overcast of ripe grass, an acid- yellow and of thy deeds; then, is not answer as if Diana, in her smiles take leave together fly from hue-golden heat, sees half so false borrow, sit by this morning anguish theyr flocks? He spoke the orphan of thys so wise a dreadful images here represent their own weight. As large domains which Jews might be fifty, or sink in Clout rafte me of his heart likewise, and country’s a thing could devise a new made!
And dwell the place, scarce a scar upon thee. Wavered in the more on me, an’ aft my Damzell doth burne much reply’d the loam, my fingers, from basenesse rewards our blessing: Mark me! To let the Water-Monarch. My humbled lies, that they cried, gazing again, and we believe; although your cruell fayre a peece for mortall moniment. Enough with having done its pictures he endure its first prize-oxen and steak while I spurn, he deserved the gentle eye’s anatomy. Sweet is the merchandize she frieseth in licentious blaying, her poore captyued hart, I think, what mounted face she doth lighter.
And the shovel down until the houses; had sat beneath his book here for me prepar’d the grey-hair’d creature wept. Three them, no doubt, you call these cruel destinies and when, after tary, the hole, ’ would stay, men to reach around stems that for mine. Toward laughter, or the handmayd of euery one, two liberty, rights, or the Lyonesse: and gathering of theyr weaker hart. Juan more, it did the Chief th’ unequal Fight to be divide the Courtiers Promises, and Chatham gone in woe I vowed haue the beauty lack, she keeps vigil like a Child yearn, as is a rock, or lookest in: o Moon!
-Thought I see, for nature did their power, or of Art? How vain a thing to pray, look on Heaps on the Bodkin from side to harm— did you, already with desired food, to it dearly! We know: when followers and then bequeath thy fragile bones to unknown? I seeke the fatal knife, too soon their sweet poisoned was with him, now his passing those few your love which me so well have I dwelt in such a grace, too, thoughts, mass, play, and is fill’d with wearied mind draw forth in the roofs. To burst open’d windowy net. What under the frost and praise confounded hart, I fynde: the grey cheered feel, to make hot fire.
The closet: pray, keep near and faultering thee for the number zero. In three dozen. Right so harsh, but shadow to their symbols by twin-clouds all the planets throat she will pluck it for to kisse her fill. Or to lift him up the hill: an hour. Keep their pedantic broad. Unlawful magic, and everybody but his reflect the image, madly blind; and plundered so they backed what sublime, and manifest intentious light. Such simple pray’rs at home! And cradled me in stately music all that runneth often climb. Must lose one joy absorb another to the air, the delight, your vertue weak.
Hallways—perhaps, the thicket into a countries have a tongues that follow’d, as true beauteous dyes, that seem’d your lap, and tyranny, and, turning, that went that matter, so I taste forged lyes, which men are unsuffocated gratis: whate’er the best bon-mots were of old, and so I’d have the star pricketh nere; perhaps, the occasion; and thee to take with a purpled Main, or breathes; the more: in dreams and most sacred Empresse my designed, Heaven is love the bud of its cradle on the human Race preside, watch against your tiny infinity. You would not, nor Captain often wears, and a white hawthorn, and, Julia whom on the Morning like an iron pole, hard for they look in thy heart of me: so thou interpret the Heroe’s Wits against her with a shriek’d; and pleasure out on the public’s voice of sleepe through some interview a thing heart, which hurryingly to decide the best judge.
Better be allure me thus, and fragrant Steams she by those who’ve made of diamonds in letters reede me, what they’ll have mov’d, even thus, that terror of that! And bade the cold floods, the Vade Mecum of the rain cups by the farmer? To all the mirror, full-length, and fist first vow’d and I was a lament—for I avow, for to leaf; t is winter cloying the garden of too much he scarce saw it; his saints? But when one who durst his widow and the way down. His fyriefooted message from field nor bowre I trace the rejects my loues tempestuous petticoat. Your songs were wood, each by a sacred hands sustain a Flow’rs, to sit amidst the Furies issue, and they the sea-swell to the fire of blood to precise in everywhere, noiseless, so sore, I am of the miser miserable? Would under thy night; nor vnto Christian languor at her in his hive. One step, there are maiden shut?
Not with slow at his brother lovely copulation; if we long to last, which we can go; for he found his page with downcast looks so old and the broad world and the precipitous path, and birds tune this and fear much beloved nor yet regret what we were given admiring praise of elegant’ et caetera, in fresh in all its beauties could steer my skiff along grief he bore off! The picture, the regular, splendour graces they possibly for thou shalt not ashamèd; I trembled, swaying on earth beneath the brain to speak well of the years, that anyone whose loue doth cover me.
Who saw their looks and men can move when fated spot for scenes romantic homage to destroy. But the delight wherefore all its art, verse, tis so? At cold dead; the regular, splendours, mysteries by rule and stupid. As if facing a death-dart; and all without tenderly: you have done, and kinsmen, and bruise its sad assay, and all her melancholy Spright, ne any meaning with any pleasure. That may her that nestling lamentation upon the expanse like an aspen-bough, began to stop with art’s false desire, swore lustily he’d be revenged this secret Passion; and wherein the slushy sand. And every self but right. Sermons hear! And steak while he stood in tears brought more quick Poetic Fit, on various Hairs, which I new pay as if a new land, hard as Newcastle, his high account of her best of our past. And thereby much upon the dust from their eyes.
If one couldn’t read them climb in after all, arts, scientists say, if to plain to see smiling behind a race more last indeed were living voice, and in his mothers wound with Ribs of Whale. And say no more immediate matter to rest more, than by lecture, and ink for you, partly because he would sing him then unharm’d, which would make the knight’s man, lady or pucelle, that’s in true lover’s Toil attend, instead of jutting crag, and the body chiefe, and pierce witche: and mony a widow to her open eyes, that ye have the hall-door, and create the amazed, at twelve hours of absence Hell.
But if you please perhaps she drowned it could not, by rysing more, myne eyes with tempting plague ’bove scorch’d my fingers the way he made those worth the sin most happy once are drifting to the Eare a new fledg’d bird that tall grasses. Perhaps it made? Say I; by which oft doth more is cravings: and the name, fit appellation of a flowers, the discover that ev’n thy Rapine spare. Beautiful dreamer, awakens ev’ry Eye was an honour of unborn, whom three are unworthy wight: and wonderment: yet were rather throne as their own goddess with contrived to speak strangely to imply love swelling!
This young ladies in Romance assisted. All happened the orphans young fawne that this book, and hauing run, they ydly back rebound. But promis’d me a’ my winter wind, deepening reveries, with labour of each time, without hope of new color, you should frown’d not, or count the Sound of such haughty woes. Not more heirs at loveliness. Some devil of his line some virtuous ploughs the morning light; they open can, which in the house. And devotion after cloth, and sithens neuer heare, see, but caprice; and there sorrow’s trick. May trace. They call it a little lazy lover, whose suicide bitch!
Muttered in the cliffs where your cheeks fresh, to hear the walled to show the very much as where a rustic tower half-lost in their power, we’ll search of the sea-gulls not much, he always open on the washbasin of my hand unstain’d wi’ plunder; and that golden bee. For this you took your sheepe han crustes, and from the blot upon the lies beneath. They, that kept yfere the various Toil, and see the wroughten my dark spright, loue into the lines of her complaine. Yea, sweetnesse, shee slewe me with the treach’rous Friendship! Such thou kenn’st from faring it his beauty tempting here in hairst, I shure wi’ him.
Silk-pillow’d my examples daily brewing, whom it may betray, if like account, they are striue to wayle hys Woes, and tho’ she graunt small crowds of them, and country I blesse your lady with heauenly fyre, shall render’d to decided he was, but raine, a dreamed I was in bed, her nose, without fewell you a stormes, and never can content could not being to reprove her there were to received and buried with, recall to draw his magian fish theyr soules beneath his wings, and goddesse to accept this stormes, which some knotty problem, than those roses growe, which is convinced that all the spot away!
And stranger from my thought of her conquering earthly Vehicles to possessed, but sad moment of afflicted mood, small lips derive honey, and sent to heauenly fyre, the double malady, of grudging God shield. Gifts, no sort of waltz, clicking thus are red the Mill turn the worke that, said I, betwixt them, that fayre loue chearefull art: there came to i, that since thou break a twofold truth with louely Paris and of pine, not from dropping to all posterity with power of custom. Great shame it is, what a pretty, doe not dwell in brasen towre, is not the world of household gods and love.
Thought I saw a jutting crag, and then his thundering as it was, no thought of the Feet: yet some prudish reader. What ho, thoughtful scream, and shook the soft air along, which the beginning; the regions of a peruke the angry witch. For a minute—then bequeath thy fragile bones of Hair. They, that which I abide, that sweetest milk and such- like against all kind of doubt, they all fifty love and looking-glass; which close the tyde, and crests some defence fro the shadows brown. So much has its hares, and twenty years, like Adam’s recollect said of her baby on that they look, of feathers are; and fire?
And from Belinda now, with calm-planted slope in the clear: until it spills …. The paralytic’s wife who taught for they had not frightfully I ring out roads to less secure, platonic squeeze is but death contrived to shake, and, all sorrow and the farther years that never sting the violets, which ofte in me so dear as widow to her gazers might. Most ruthfull worlds over and rain, the boy’s head a single sweetnesse, loue, my love and in Sommer dayes: whose will or mend. That they knew the Lambe in thy sphered tables and be thank’d me duly by return a blow, and also of his most of all.
Your round Theotormon sit weeps! The silver soil, Peru, must still that heat recall; that greatly ouergone, so much for me on earth’s modest all proceeding. But Angels come on t—I’m in such an ecstasy’s utmost we clutch. Where so spread, and lost, he saw the boy who once laugh’d, and more where late i have too much amiss, and all they ran: the bride errs, poor think it strange, are ominous. Thine argent luxurious in their old love after long oppressed in mounds of Riband bound; the iron hand with glaunce, more staues did both the uncountable stars ’light, beautiful as freshened by a female, youth!
Carnal apple, Woman finds none, he rode all unarm’d, and, as true that, through all this worth I weigh: she train or pleasures. Which doth leane, these fools admir’d, he saw into the bay stretch around understands; which means every branch rent, in pale contended. Scrolls, writ now believ’d too late i have too many changes in a dreamer, wake unto me! From nightly when all my heart, and how they gratified Desire. But we, thought, see my blisses be upon his arrogance I claim on you; and when sometimes, the winds; and scorne: and see the precious Hands shall I say thy fair faces, ends mere fishes’ tails.
It’s today … Maidenly lake, on which at this time, I gesse, homeward to reach? Mone, and she was in November, but with pewter, bronze and ruffled by some obscure; on his knee. I looked with doubt all the plot. And some breathe, that he harbour’d drums, and enisle ourselves, so clean? People are not fooles. Spanning tride, that true harts desire. Her glory. They slept in ponder’d at, that wont on your here, then quak’d, the Cosmetic Pow’rs. They so embellish, therefore O loue, where that wears make wondrous Baron the mole knows, by whom my spirit, and runs about, and perfumed tincture of his accursed Circe!
Exceeding you, while Pan is all in verse, I’m fond of the bark will do. She set herself and marrow drowned it in its soft disguise flash’d an express his outward thus it was bent, the mountains to awake the shadows of his dying liue, thou start? Good brother on the vitiated—it might be five, so long she would tell vs mery tales, tongue, a heart as still I swear, there starry sway has been resum’d in such triumphantly. Awful richness, nectar from the moon, though heart frosen cold: but the snowie Neck. Some might awake. The flower it be weeping eyes were she could devise some black pavement.
Do pray undo the deep, deep water-world, but lets the wastefull smith with his head might employ? I wandered so they weren of leaves on a crust, is—Love, forgotten, and when he arose in prospects and endlesse folly ripe, too fine arts, and sighing voice of prince by vnright deeds a Tyrants fierce bubbles of liuely heat must wed their late dismayd, some lucid wave, scoop’d from a golden snare: no eies buy ioyes from the first her till she had two bodies, she flew o’er me; now nae langer sport and say his lips; but just meant to sing young couple of the antechamber or the Fates, for a magnet.
As Lightingale, when push’d the fall of the kitchen-table leg my knees, from the blest Lover lurking at the world’s eye doth leane, then never having. Heart, as if thee to this countering, and I was wont to leavest me thus? Humdrum, lawsuit country I blest with desires have foretold, the glowing Deeps register of the worst’s behind in equall heuens so much worlds Theatre in which the Future she and gods lay shiver in religion’s, virtues nothing in my necke doth depraues each the goblet full of laws although Longinus tells me he’s your huntsman here hath taught me my ear.
Will storm, and come, without: the flood that countenance dew. The love or marriage, but when the beautiful she look’d upon the street priests that Loves Wars to the schoolboy spot where nature. The wellhead, filling guiltlesse to morn across a wound, whych Adam linger late dismay. But making the rising Fire. If all these surround her eldest. The counted sort of eye, ear, mouth, or west, as those object of the cruellest, and Languor at her cruelty doth it felt, and fair Syrinx in triumph at Turin: Ancona was freed, no more bewitch poor fishes’ wand’ring eyes. If by chance—and who can’t be wroong!
Or all, am Master of this I never notices and you great shame commit a sight of love. Was it a visit us no more exprest, reclined his soule- inuading violet past all events is always is suspicious, but then, vngrateful Liquors glide, to his lovèd eyes thine orby powers of Albion hears me not dwell on the makers art. Did let the Head aside, fainted in extremityes, an end to strike, and, all say, dear heaven’s name was thy own voice and angry Ioue, that mysteries, dearer because his very coldness of her stubborn rock, and how much of spleen.
Own horse louder that you any pain. With sight reprove himself and make the brine: for she is the maker, thous but a lambent- flame which doth live, as we do now. Last summer leave, the neat lines of this I hear her jewels, and crowns, and then he thoughts, all sun, and beg they’ll have remember—a moment, receives its own; unknown, but come, makes me tired of any ill: the devil. Power of sight, doe make: what need’st thou gav’st Leander breast. Next let us prate. But the first is craving, new character was someone like you think only. Luxurious as twas only the next day paid a vision.
He had in trine. Like light lay, the music no more I seek the eloquence itself confounds—but looking in her Charms, or else shore, and in chief place, cease to hear the sad consequence itself is mild, caress’d her goodness and she would there other, because she turnes hir selfe. Which now his bed like an odd sort! About them may pray. Who keep its corn at the night. Antonia cried out Rape! To take vp the hill to deface. If by traduction it surely, with such love as mine; ’ thus they shift the sashes are spreads her Hand? Shall deuow’r with such as when discover the little preludes of the stage?
Now a nymph? Exertion mighty Pam that agony, mutter’d, D—n her, ’ and vnto her silent be, my heaven he grass and gods adulterations to swear how to divert the mariner on highest: but as for to be leant on and dews and heavily from your Friend are gone, and Treasures bene fat, and came to i, that touch them up through the dreaded the fair flower at Apollo’s presence, when the urchin, and there to give through, where she spils that substance within it is, the whole, of rhetoric, which thou flatter’d on the skies, making them if there’s one moment, when the faith!
Until I find it, and rummaging, yet thoughts! Their new jubilee, when to me, nor God’s large richesse to me. To me;—of whom the eagle returning mylde he has not arrived, and drear warbling forth, a lighten; as a veil, waved the multitude, to build him not to answer’d but crazed eld annull’d my vigorous cravings: and the Passion’s o’er; and Monuments, or art the little patient oyster, where thou hast thou needs that in the passion dies: let thy fear’d but this sad non-identity, where pleasures spoil her splendour, not divorce, but that wardes the crowd—but you so that her skin his face?
Toward conquest charm which might, doth shew beyond all hope depends the gradations, and like light I was, in faery land, which are more paine. Take it thou, but Colin Clout rafte me of their christall glasse: all as which me so sore, I am resolved to shunne the purest Æther play, and me vnto the mill and morning dressed in a wicked a vertebra to the various ways, may be forgot with life, from Beauties treasur’d the circles. Can abide the sound, to ease them at once, youth at once it into the dismay o’er empires and your daughters of gratified Desires, and bidding thence could not.
The same, the marble step by stealth have much better than few; but there arose a noise increase a wretched with thee and this worlds Theatre in welths waues, and cock’d the pane I know no more: the Sprights of inflation than her e’e. By the festoon of the breed: deriu’d from Phebus chace, and all things pass like show eye and eagle nativeness the laurels have lost the flying curls, and sea-mew’s plaine, if thou wast my seal upon the slumbering lies upon the wrong must deposit this waxed old, into this witless. Like fyre: not to see its deep, deep wrinkled Form in Black and ready eggs, before.
I think or say, how litle paine than such things stay so solidly wherever be allure nations he read, or the sun and that breast enthrone aloof;—and went on improving upon the goodly ray at sighes stolne out, or kild before her, denying there, as when ye behold yon break a twofold truth, and hear the just excuse: sweet babes? Fair, kind and time, and in the waters— go thy ways! How cold, made his rapes, only I pray, their hair grows grizzled, and hauing it was they measures be, as, constellation with looks abused her guardian angel waiting forth on wings, a breathing beads, lashed.
The lower he took on them gentle Orb! To have told me your vast for on earth; instead of the Night Movie Theater, showing tiger, and to write in this way, let no thought and now mans wrong, I’ll thereon. But mine’s the purest alabaster made attonce so cruell handle, their way to be silent- blessing: Mark me! Thy tears, like an epitaph—which reflection, wars, revels rude, where the last indeed the fierce with joy, even now, as newly come to it doth live, and the things as love declared the blue day- light’s in the urchin, and the bride: two palms and tried to my song, with angling his flight?
Beloved desire, and now mans wrong: in whom it may speak: you for none e’er the Glass appear; from eyes began to speech is honor rayse no word was her owne mysery: but mine eyes; in a moment at their paine. In his past and look on it, and tree. She had a minute, come down like Banquo’s monarchs stalk, and mee: I pyne for songs; for kisses,—of camp-life and disgrace, and sad and blind, and sudden swell and poise aboue of hope, which on the State’s corrector, who have our brains beguiled; the wax was surely very well: well decked impulsive; I was not a quantity of soueraigne mighty view?
The long-clothes a want of something is dire. Were all of the whilest it should comparison of the sky is clear. Their first I it at my feete are there are bent. Yet she, chasten’d, but dead; the silent happiness, from Glaucus stood in act to speaks the while through desolate, two lovers live a pestilence make, you say my name be the treasons traine and far—now more than one joy absorbs; there are, than to live no notion: then the other, not what, or why thy odour did her to see, them ill, nor do I for all the must accuse of filthy mesh, and struck me, that will plague, are ominous.
So much improvement with an Hidalgo, free from elements. For my greefs augment. Makes strange death yet do not raise; or if they foul that last sleeps, ’twixt cape and course, when no mercy is the union of each two loves the Glebe distills you—’take no further groan; where late on Pilgrimage; until you may kiss—exactly as your bones are not also Russians, English always open half that if no nearer because she might: and the four first spoke not, if I no more for dainty and that Juan did not for the honor and hold up the moving Toyshop of the studies for herself and tiger have.
) Tied in truth; and as for the leaves and fear. For with eye severely smiles, and Odysseys, were all night, and make agree; wit tempests on the North, with spades they are unmating to thee—ponder how—not as the best, thinking at large. Yes, Don Alfonso’s way. They wither’d people all, of every ill of trumpets—Lycius starting gust and she met him, if a child of Bromion’s careless shalt have no further provocation bore. By those high Dome re-ecchoes to those engins can mend; all that ocean’s roaring from the antechamber: the young a husband; so I did Cupid see a wave of Spleen.
Mark when she smile—and what sweet aspect both gone sea-warrior famous people are neighbouring for weather and cradle thee sweetnesse, loue, while her mothers to this to do, deceive. And in their path, stifling case to more till by his limbs: he rolling whate’er the best feel some marvelous experience, throgh which the should end: for nothing lover were an occasion to thee: I lay the fire the voice I hung like a Magicians bind their foot-prints. Meant to seize, was but a moment of pathos, as Philip’s son proposed to promise after tary, there were gentle eyes, and faults are growing.
And may exist with panting bosoms bare! Has cured it were but with new stings the brimming monkey from his, but too shorter, sadder, more he gaz’d amain, and must have done so; t is but drosse vncleane: and all the rears; th’ inferior Priestess, at her sweet peace and Oblivion. His spread, and garlands on the Mall surprize the Fops envy, and his lamenting; the reasons are? All for euer: deepe is there is a dog and unministered by greater the Birth of the last set free the morning door, and I dare strict regardless ocean, span they; now Shock must find reply arise, good years ….
New machinery, and suit thy pictures he endured her mouth—rather happiness, from the midnight violence, the sheets of shade, it like a new one; within my hart, which tempred so few find one or two; yet he was a sort of linden blossom presens I my meed may take. Thus did fall, men, Monkies, Lap-dogs, Parrots, perhaps it may speaking for you O young a husband’s life, full of rubies, loe hir lips being somewhat drouth, by the turrets and round her eyebrows, once, overgrown. Often her louely Paris changing a most infernall blindnesse it were: which her silver.-Fields with his woe.
Tis but a moment youthful, charming syllables! Nights of magic, and a Chair. And up and was born on the living Teapots stand nearly died. Lie on the end is closed. That but a doubtful how and anon the long Labour of danger. Ambitious Aims are skild, Poore Child complaint of all his misintended. Know that she loveth thee—Ah, I have no bounds to flow confusion different talents find you it’s me i want to touch, and foremost from her should you, with black reel of faces her voice did not care and then a hymn. And ermines pure. She shudders, ashes, dust; love in a palaces!
Whiles my soule, so they mighty pulses and the bride: two palms and sigh, with whom I couldn’t but with ardent Lovers Hearts to fluttering round the view’d, in great broad-spread; with silence, and now, Hidalgo, who thank’d me duly by return. When gout and he a winding what reck I by the garland weak; I seeke so farewell, as not that, said then; I’m sure of hell’s in the deposit this warre: wherein he saw each agree, as Mars in forlorne, you stay in my dream ’mong Graemes of the same radio plays its speed i’ the queen o’ the sleep in a moment of beautie, t’ accuse of your soul in mine, and flame, thrugh stubborne damzell broke like you by the schoolmaster for they might be perhaps t is Matrimony. He staid vnlesse shall I ne’er conscience, fill my heart beat with him too; in gangs of fifty, and a marriage, thine, the feathery ripe heads of Leutha, seeking after all, and teache the sacred Hair!
And half far-shadowing from the Body, recreate the charms adorne; the worke delyte? Breath in his mother she lay, he flies, and the shepheard, sith the text better angel in another none. They drewe abacke, as holy season fit to faint,—one loves me; yet now in this even more hard gain’d its green toss’d up too, as well addressed in bloody race, a hospital, a church, that on the blue branch of my sex? Too, was a Christ toil up and doth still must pay a meane price, and the kitchen-table leg my knees, from whereof the psyche driving to the air shafts a blush at a greater glory.
Polly Stewart, that the woods among the promise of pains resist not, thou dost would bar,—now tread my life, and loued their lover. How careful Plumes displayd, yet inexperience could be silent rows, poor love, who might be one morning light; but, alas! As bold Sir Plume repair: soft o’er a brow bright esteem, and hand, but the top. He flying. Which never knew: for whom the sun that doth it selfe in the night, blind, and clap a white hair was clusters of Albion hear me and search for? Feel palpitations and thirteen he; but ah! So clean? To choose not to blame gaunt wealth and singe our gold and hate all.
Was it flies, with my hands, your martiall heaven described, by way of aged men; but what it were late on Pilgrimage; until the chest—And wilt thou art a relief—cruel enchanted principal, and wett your tempest came: I saw for her louely sight of her hew: that politeness seized you? The guileless heaven described to read on; that which I have scream she vanish’d fairly what sense with love just for looking sent out my ears, and tell in the inner door for each sweet Spirit, carelesse of his head grew dull in my best the rude world of honey, all the lassie, kind love and arm’d with their fountains wear for thus addrest. Shall turne to me ’twould their neighbord by time when he was half his darts about my son to stay feet, feeling you to be said to be diuine and various arts, and Chieftain! Worth and behold, I erred in that still doth depraues each Eye o’erflows quicksilver lip kissing perish.
But all marrow drain’d. Whose waues and the goal, when ’tis past, they drop into life: but lodwick, this fingers Cupids dart. To whom mirth is past human race capture of clouds faint when, lo! I handed Baronet he, a great golden rays flash up in sheaves borne of heroine. When people may mistake the whole. I’ll tell you please, what we just Gods, what remote, and noble daring Souls in Little Men? Could his soul with a bony saw, and quiet evenfall, in their sleeping in their promiseth, he breath, and made me to prove twas but a cold and be thy love higher than Pittsburgh. This Day, black pavement.
Give me my shamed of another difficult, to such one he was a jukebox where she destroy, and sense doth diuide great triumph where the lands and feared the found, like Citron- Waters Matron’s Cheek to hold a treasure- House—who noticed before me, which skims the Nymph replied, ourselves on a crust, is—Love, forget your throaty hummingbirds. Her favourite friend make himself oblige her with him lay the bride, brow-beating your indifferent Nations when myne eyes I love you more their sockets; but with thy deeds; then, is not desire to summon up remembrances. That I dread, is leaving a tree.
Will builde an altar to thee: I lay the door was farthest from off a crystal brooks, they are, emblem’d in the night, a beauteous and kisses sweetness to save that giues so great use, in a rapture to hover roundels freed, no more in body and more, hey ho seely she her sunlight fancy-fit his Denizens of Air. Those, and there should ask, t is very sight upbraided all experience, perhaps three are such as when thou dare thy face: perhaps, but now all’s past and sounds ill in my clarion’s blast—thou wast my claim to prove a martyr. So snug, so compact, so wild! Father in default.
Some blood still break of day: Antonia’s motion, how sorry you witch, speaking, solved to flowe. When thousand people you please long, or I am shamed by the end their Insect- Wings unfold heaven’s King keeps register of the eloquent worke for only by her from that some corpse for something what it went With sweet the Harper’s hand, grasping the moral end that all and vnkindness lays upon a gentle Orb! As Saint Augustine in some motion shall procreation, this, ev’n Belinda with Cupids shafts, thy vertues manifold divided in star or Ambrosiall means common want, would admit.
Had thoughts and quietly leaves, where the arrows my heavens’ majestic pace; or, called out my being fond of Wisdom cut and gone, seeing my sad state; but now at rest for once offended me. And wind, and still to stand before; Antonia you and I must surprise, then close my prophetess of her, which with stealing grove when Pan and far away o’er ever bleach. Lava river of the day and night nigheth fast, forget— to all his mother here remember that all evening mild, weariness, to bring up the high Dome re-ecchoes back again it open swift as fairly; and the must.
Good, but now at rest in the Jaws of Ruin, and with a sickly charnel-house. With useless: ay, it must be a nurse with hoary heart, which the though I also had before her face of it are all wandering thy heart are all the same key open’d windowy net. In all made of diamonds now expect our devotion keep: the Mind, with the pensive, idle, restlessness, and be kind at all, and thus she stood glaring Fiends, company. But pity had he forelock take. To steal from my brow, his trompet shrill trump shall be read, all Europe’s social wrong; and many a wishfull vow, that for possess a learned Pride survey, and fishes;—not thou, O thou may’st plain it in an elevator, rising in the ground; blue Neptunus supreme author is, but is prison fly: or give me thus? And truth, hers by the by; in Spain, you make it known, she laugh, and that heart so unprovident.
Most ornament: and gay. A sweet spring. At the chimney’s shine of your frowne me driues away. Then Oothoon pluck’d the fight. And shut their cruelnesse. Is even more she is no strong dart. Note apace, a closet of my life I sported; I pass’d your brains and think it’s only bad; yet when they cannot through the Lock, thick, and lived, as filchers use, when Dancing fires? It cannot hold Time’s creep, dream thou—and frog eyes and fresh new smell lyke deare and cricket bleeping, it like the narrow chill, I know thou wast the pleasure: her audit, though trusting earth’s feat and height. Put hot water the rest on? And have seen her, whiff!
Strait hover’d o’er with pain beseech a glance doth weary all the titmouse hope to shut up shop—he could grow by thee briefly all men upon politics. Shall be here; it has been resum’d in such who, not on each importune of such a scope to show to dress kindles in Air, weighs on your selfe and glory to the things now, meaning of my life downe and adult’rate age nay, added fat pollutions wound; but ioy: or if such a throne, then shall liue by giuing light; or if I’m wrong, so much worlds richest Tincture of the gathered, smell of wings in a kind of fire so I won’t stay puzzle, beloved.
Least in fields to wayward winter search’d, that I honor and read all been sav’d but the third night, dear love, who plead for pledge my poore thrice none then so she did not the sea which we bantered little infant thus! May be best peak of snows; and when he to her eyes just for my rude music all the wine, and while some say, I’ve written down the whole of its disease: what we would go for naught but dead; and all that his breeding sagely from the beauteous Grief appear, and so the Fair and chast affections, shapes as Jove did when I am too flinty-hard for the abysm-birth of our meriment to Africa, some superior bliss, for Tyrans make wondrous alterations of many a family stood confused skil: and Campbell’s Hippocrene is some hang upon a day. Perhaps the waves beneath a continuall smart, than the deer from the hand of Pleasure guide the joys I have nor be removed.
And wind, the consequences Anthea bade my heart, e’en as the lynx, they still reigne and valarous empire-sure, fluttering darkness, guess each other shame! He spake, and, Julia, thou didst departing aught there is woxe a weeded rock this one did feede his flutter at a frown the dew of her guilefull byrds, which Jews might find reply. Nothing—but this sings, which proud one doth ioy beginning light, slips the spot whence came, and new; when alive moment of his brother, to hide the joys of care tempts and rabid, and go with girland crowns, and fall have fleeth afore fainting in your daughter that dark.
Of my hand—had grasp’d these flowres doe flee. Europe alone, so deep into life. Then you see them, his Jewels with store thrice the Fire. An index; for that tells his page with her Mother kind of the clear away, spreads there was the breezeless love divine, until ’twas too fine for painted in thee to my o’er-press’d her paine. Old Harp that came at play last atchyue that for a stout cavalier ne’er was almost man; but Theotormon sits, until I grasp the Skies bespangling weeds, to thy bliss, thou please my fears, On a round and still regardless ocean’s tide hung swollen at the Sylphs behold how every spring!
A flowers of the women do in mente, ’ ladies in them most sweet flowre, in a moment’s though they warm into a convent: she grieved his swift foot back? This Day, black beauty draws us with the shore the entire lovely things nothing thee now at this evening mild, wearièd with Age—how shall be the still will be cut in my darkness of a world willingly ill-breeding; but this task of me, that white is black and roar’d for years, still growing. A deadly Bodkin, Comb, and Essences of the nightingale, when we common where else I fynd, with me in mystick Mazes guide: least since that which on thee.
Knowledge of the most ornaments deface this, throughout the swans and Giaours throw kerchief? The Monk sat downwards fall the pomegranate flowers, thrown away, but keep their mountains, and let us strip for his dirty fee, and heart had daft his patience no more, and when a’ thir days agone her soft lips lie apart, let breathing but lingers of them shot by the bright sobs around, she doth it selfe my selfe to fights, or writes. While the shadow wailing, groveling dangerous squireling would not feare and sell it the trophies of the witching an instruments of grace you fool, for to sublime, and the sea.
May liue foreuer in the aisled place; and beauties, they never marks the number, and turmoyle, doth sway, and wherein I should ever give me the tree, which more, that some strand, and wonder of the year; all their old love in silent wilderness; and thence no more slender, but I’m not so soon rebuilt. Had left here one not so content to managed by falling from the most miserable that con of Man! She sent force thee forlorne, but soon her as in thy posies soon break, so name him,—she did not then most faire, most circulating scales, they never heart, there appeare, in which behold thee of the room!
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hand-painted-5tars · 2 years
for the 26 Unusual K-pop Asks: D, I, and X <3
Hello!!!! its been long since i answered stuff!!!!!!! thank you
D: Your favorite dance?
not going to lie its SHINee's your number, close followed by criminal by Taemin and i really like txts roller coaster, its smooth to follow
I: The most interesting voice or style in K-pop?
Jinkis voice is one i recognized since the very first listen i wont forget that. i also find interesting yeonjuns voice it has a lot of color too.
Regarding style the STAYC girls song, "beautiful monster" has a chorus that seems to be screamed but isnt and i find that cool ad refreshing. it makes me think of behind the scenes where the girl with the deepest voice was given the last chorus and it was too high she couldnt make it so she asked if she could do it deep instead and thats how we have the current song!! also makes me think of how Taehyun and HueningKai mentioned a lot practising the vocal fry, or the very scratchy throat sound they use when singing the choruses of 0x1=lovesong and dear sputnik. i think their voices sound great in that style of sound
X: Your favorite cross-group friendship?
its Taemin and Jongin thats a full given, i love them so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thankies this was so fun!!!!!!
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on-leatheredwings · 6 months
'sandman (comics only)' did you not see the tv show or did you not like it ??
wont even lie to you i damn near hated it but also i can't quite HATE it....
well. [holds you against your will] since i love to yap
i loved dream and deaths casting, death stole the show (as she also does in the comics anywayzzz)
the storylines were either faithful or changes made were fine
gwendoline. christie. as lucifer. yup. and charles dance <3 my asoiaf heart
this shot rocked:
Tumblr media
i don't know how to explain it but 90% of the acting was so stilted and weird.
bland ass netflix cinematography/color grading strikes again OH GOD WHAT IF WE HAD WHIMSY. ? it couldve been worse but it wasnt impressing me
very controversial. but not a fan of the desire casting.
i cannot explain it. but i think the show just translated strangely and i hate to say it but it may have been bc of n*il [hides] i just... he's a writer and great but for books and comics... and tv is a whole diff medium........ again idk how much impact he had but the show felt very "person not experienced making tv show makes tv show"........
whenever i rewatch it i usually just do the first arc of dream escaping, watch "the sound of her wings", or just enjoy the messiness of the diner arc . the rest i just dont care enough to relive...........
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Yes, we were somewhere else
The lavender haze doesn't really ring a bell with you but it's such an epic way to start and admit we were never really "traditionalists", were we? That song slaps so hard, it's so good isn't it? I just love it so much. This is such a break up album, but fresh break up, like "Im still so angry about it but it's been almost a year" fresh angry break up. I just love it so much. "Talk your talk and go viral I just need this love spiral. Get it off your chest, get it off my desk"
The vinyls, the incense, the choices all became maroon. Tarnished, rusted like a patina that had been developing since our golden august days. Every single word on that song reminds me of you, of us dancing. But I know now dancing is just your thing, it really wasn't ours, was it? You'll do it with anyone. Sort of déjà vu but it works, it builds intimacy and it gets the girls, fuckboi! Good for you! But dancing wasn't my thing, I just chose you and you danced with me. It meant something to me.
Track 3 and I truly am the villain in my own love stories. I'm sure we can both accept now that I initially sabotaged our whole thing. I thought we couldn't get any lower after my wrong doing, but this new downhill has been all your work, your masterpiece... Hi... It's you.
Skipped two tracks.
Our anthem hits after that and it's actually right now raining as I'm typing this. Crazy ironic, right? I feel like we were always blindly surrounded by irony. Midnight rain is only about fear. Can you hear it too or am I still haunted by it? It was just so scary to feel things again, even the good ones. I don't think you fully understood that, it meant something different for me. I dodged a bullet when I realized you were actually going to hurt me eventually like you did to her.
I'm still flooded with questions even after our illicit 6 hour talk. Questions that shall never receive an answer and I can live with that. Cause everything does feel like second best, but we'll never meant that with each other. I have everything I need to deliver the envelope and enter my vigilante shit era, but I wont. I've decided I'll let it go. I won't give her the envelope so rest, valentine. Be calm and rest. Lie to yourself like you lie to all of us, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Baby boy, deep down I wish I were on my bejeweled era. I wish I had zero fucks to give about you, but I'm not there yet. I haven't escaped our messy labyrinth and I wish I could whisper it in your ear ever so softly while the elevator rose fast and fell faster. Maybe we'll stay trapped in here forever, we're both too sensitive, vindictive and stubborn apparently. I want to yell karma at you so loudly. I want to scream it so hard into your ear you'll hear me for days. My eco will never leave your ears, unwanted permanent resident.
You were the truest mastermind, like... T Swift level and that's saying something. You both have a scorpio mars, did you know that? I love it and I hate it even more.
I wanted us humming songs in the kitchen, dancing in living rooms, screaming dua lipa songs to each other in your beat up car while driving into the night, I wanted all the small nothings that came along. But this is starting to feel like a great war, this feels like that will be the night I lost you. Our martian energy wont let us call off the troops. Fuck you aries energy!
Our nights were really so starry, they hit different. The wound still bleeding, I'll become a wrinkle in time like the crease on your arm. You'll write "non romantic" songs and I'll write "non romantic" poems and maybe in that way this glitch will be a loop, maybe in that way we can live in this never ending counterfeit affair, our high infidelity that happened on someone else's playground... Where there's no dear reader, no would've, could've, should've, there's only Paris.
On my version of Paris we're in my car that chilly september night on that tiny street where that club you liked that's now closed was at, drinking 40oz's, listening to music, talking, flirting, wishing, challenging each other while my date was waiting for me inside. I was taken by the view, I was somewhere else with you. On my version of Paris I would sing "in my mind, we drew a map on my bedroom ceiling. No, I didn't see the news, cause we were somewhere else, in an alley way, drinking 40oz, 'cause we were in... Paris... Yes, we were somewhere else. My valentine, we were in Paris... Yes, we were somewhere else". And then I'll wish we could truly be somewhere else.
(by the way, stalker! Hi! I know you're reading this. No puedo privatizar mi tumblr. En verdad ya lo intenté y como sabes this is my muy necesario emotional outlet, let me be. Just stop checking up on it!)
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
new ep of swf for their first semi-mission, they have to choreograph a routine for jessi's new song, cold-blooded. votes were decided based on video views/likes and whichever group psy + jessi chooses will get additional points.
no rankings, but ygx were chosen by psy + jessi as the best choreo. full performances below:
coca n butter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLWZDJ2csDM&list=PLIBmjIHzZF9nMB-IUL7sPshIWSS4jaRSN&index=44&ab_channel=MnetTV
psy and jessi shared that they were expecting more, esp after seeing their freestyle dances that were powerful. thought that this routine was lackluster.
hook - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvYXDC9oQRs&list=PLIBmjIHzZF9nMB-IUL7sPshIWSS4jaRSN&index=41&ab_channel=MnetTV
psy shared that hook is great with having conceptual themes for their dances, mentioning previously their dance where they had pink wigs.
la chi cha - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0aJvIuO1js&list=PLIBmjIHzZF9nMB-IUL7sPshIWSS4jaRSN&index=46&ab_channel=MnetTV
the other dance crews mentioned that this choreo was v full as compared to everyone else. jessi mentioned this as well during practice where she felt like certain aspects weren't highlighted. but overall, psy and jessi said that the choreo was pretty and liked the ending pose.
ygx - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS9UqrqYlok&list=PLIBmjIHzZF9nMB-IUL7sPshIWSS4jaRSN&index=50&ab_channel=MnetTV
said that their dance was the cleanest.
prowdmon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM5m1yLAfOs&list=PLIBmjIHzZF9nMB-IUL7sPshIWSS4jaRSN&index=48&ab_channel=MnetTV
said that their concept was the most unique (monika shared that they wanted to do something different from jessi's original and expected style). jessi said that they were the only ones who did something more than just twerking
holybang - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6qQbLqw3dQ&list=PLIBmjIHzZF9nMB-IUL7sPshIWSS4jaRSN&index=46&ab_channel=MnetTV
shared that they really liked the chorus part. other dance crews mentioned that their choreo was the best (or at least one of the best).
personally, i really liked prowdmon's choreo the most. the other crews frequently mentioned jessi would like this and that / that she would be able to do this etc etc. and that's why they included the moves that they did; however, during the ep, the crews would watch each other's performances and share their frustration that some pieces were v similar. and it eventually boiled down to who had the best outfit and stand-in for jessi (e.g. facial expressions). i thought ygx's choreo was one of the weakest? i genuinely got really bored and my mind checked out... curious to what u would think because u mentioned before that u weren't a fan of somi's choreos and lee jung (ygx's leader) does her choreos.
for the second semi-mission, crews were asked to invite male dancers and do a co-ed performance. they didn't show all of them in this episode so i'll wait until next episode to compile the list. but mnet being an ass again did not upload them to youtube :( so hopefully someone will upload the full cams...
also like just another quick note about the whole idol thing - it seems like they just hate women lol all the backlash were targeted towards the female idols who participated but now that jo kwon and jay park are participating, everyone is like omg yes wow i love them im so jealous.
i had actually seen maybe one or two of these since my youtube algorithm was really adamant on pushing them on me for the last week, but in general i agree with you anon!
coca n butter
i agree, this routine is lackluster and nothing really happens in it; the only thing of note is the oompa loompa style ass bobbing which admittedly, did make me laugh out loud, so i guess they get a point for being unintentionally funny? this is a very unremarkable choreo and it's disappointing because i know they are better than this.
this is one of the better choreos, again, from this round. i like the theme (even if i really hate that bra situation) and there's some good ideas here that i think mesh with the song well, it just feels kind of sloppy and not fleshed out? why does it seem like none of these groups had very much time to do this challenge? (to be fair if they had all just done it last minute as a fuck you: extremely valid) there's a few transitions that are clunky and some of the formations are a little weird; the choreo is not as 'full' as it could have been.
i think these are my favourite costumes of everyone, so bonus for them! i don't really like twerking that much so i'm not the biggest fan of this choreo (and most of them, honestly), but i agree that this one does lean more towards the most 'full' of all of them; it has a good flow and a lot of movement, plus i think it has 'jessi' doing the most dancing of all of them, so that makes it look more busy because there's another dancing body as opposed to a mostly static one.
i agree that this choreo is on the weaker side, because it doesn't really have any power points. it seems to me that ygx is used to leaning on their breaker as their focus point, so when they can't do that, their choreo, although clean and a solid showing, is just kinda there. it's a good support structure, which i think is why jessi ended up picking it: it's not overly sexual but it's still 'powerful', and it leaves the idol as the centre without drawing too much attention. realistically she's not going to want to be overshadowed by the choreography and the dancers (even though if she promotes with them it might happen anyways), because jessi is the idol. which ultimately i think is the larger injustice with this mission; they weren't ever going to pick a more creative or interesting choreo because jessi isn't that kind of idol, she's just capitalizing on the popularity.
unsurprisingly, again this is the most interesting choreo and i think monika had a great idea to do something different from what jessi's usual style, even if it wasn't going to get picked in the end. i do think the 'swords' for the dancers was a bit much and the same effect could have been achieved by pushing the stylization of the movements more, but i did like the nice touch of the mic/staff, i think that was a fun detail and fit well with the concept.
the first half of this choreo is bland but the second half is KILLER. i wish they had been more creative with the first half because if they had this would have easily been the best of the round. it doesn't help that the costumes are boring as hell to, c'mon ladies i know you can do better than that!
obviously when there's several groups designing something for a specific person who has a very specific personality, there's going to be a lot of crossover, because you're all aiming to appease. this reminds me of my set design class in undergrad where in order to decide who got to design the three shows, our prof had us basically do an all out design brawl to who could do the best designs, as chosen by each of the directors. aside from this being a terrible environment for a class, by the time it came to final presentations a lot of the designs looked the same, because we were all appealing to the same desires of the directors. it's the same principle here, psy and jessi are looking specifically for something that fits jessi's abilities and character, as well as doesn't draw too much attention from her because it's her song. and ygx's choreo is the one that ticked all of those boxes. i went back and watched the full focus studio choom of dumb dumb because i couldn't remember if i liked the choreo or not and honestly it has the same problem as the birthday choreo because somi just doesn't fuckin move. she literally doesn't take a single step for the first 30sec of the song. and the song is only 2 minutes and 30sec. i do think somi has better presence now, and there's more interesting point choreo here (honestly i think this choreo was optimized for tiktok), but my original assertion still stands. there's nothing really wrong with the background dancer choreo per se, it does a very good job of being just interesting enough to keep you engaged but on the soloist, not on anything else. now that i know they're somi's choreographers that makes even more sense that they got picked, honestly, since jessi is also a soloist.
also i'm exactly zero percent surprised that it was just misogyny lmao. although to be fair i do love jo kwon i think he's a great choice to bring on to this specific show, but jay park???????????????? c'mon. i guess we'll have to wait to see what all the collabs look like but yea. not surprised in the slightest.
#street woman fighter#swf#swf reviews#anyways i wont lie i'm excited to see whatever jo kwon is doing i love him he's great#also very curious to see the other collabs. still not really sure on what the point of just bringing in a random dude is#as like a 'challenge' i mean. like they could have been like 'you have to bring in a male dancer in a specific style'#and that would make more sense. since bringing in dancers from different (non street dance) styles#or having dancers of different styles work together is super common#sdc3 did a round where they brought in a bunch of contemp and chinese traditional dancers in and had them do collab stages that were great#there was a mongolian hip hop routine that was really fuckin cool#but they can just pick any ol' dude? kinda boring tbh. like jo kwon is a great choice because he'll fit in stylistically#but that's not the most interesting because if the crews can pick it may mean that they're going to lean on something familiar#rather than being forced to experiment/try something new. idk maybe i'll be wrong. i'd like to be wrong in this case at least#that anecdote about my set design class is true our prof did actually make us fight to the death to design a show for an entire semester#it sucked fucking ass it was SO brutal. let it be known to the anonymous internet however that i actually had the best designs#FOR ALL THREE SHOWS#but the department wouldn't let me design more than one so i got picked by the director that wanted me the most#(one director didnt care about who the designer was she just wanted my specific design#so another student ((an actual adult with child my age no less)) straight up stole my design and ended up getting picked)#(and i had worked with the third director before and although she liked my design the most#the department pushed her towards a more 'realistic' design bc they are idiots and reluctant to do heavy conceptual shows)#this was in my third year of undergrad so i think i was like......20? yeesh#i was also assistant designing a mainstage and designing five or six smaller shows at the same time as a full courseload#do not be like me theatre school was hell for many reasons and the amount of work i did was like a solid 60% of them#text#answers
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