#the dame speaks
moonmaidensblessing · 3 months
I love Mystra as a character 100% she is an interesting character and I adore a morally questionable woman with my whole heart in fiction but I’m trying to get why ppl get so up in arms about her. The concept of a god having a relationship with a mortal is nothing new; I wrote a paper last semester comparing Gale to Odysseus from the Odyssey for the very reason they both had relationships with goddesses. It’s an age old situation in storytelling and it’s not going anywhere.
I want to posit the idea that Gale’s specific dynamic with Mystra is meant to say more about his character than her, though, since he’s a major character. His relationship with her is meant to tell us how powerful he is as a magic-wielder and his connection with it is beyond what the average magic user could ever dream of (looking at you, Rolan). He is written in a way where his hubris could easily lead him down a bad path as it had done several times for him already. He is messing with things beyond his scope, though, as he learns more and gains more power. A line I always feel people ignore is the one where he admits Mystra gave him a boundary, appropriately seeing what it was (Netherese magic that had almost killed her before), and tend to majorly focus on the fact that she asks him to sacrifice himself with that same dangerous magic. I mean, i can see a perspective that she sees Gale as potentially dangerous since he disregards her request ultimately for his own purposes. Keep in mind that he not only has the parasite, but the orb would not be kept docile forever. He became dangerous not only to himself but to anyone unfortunate enough to be too close should something happen. He poses an immense threat after crossing Mystra’s boundary (his exact words in the game) to Faerûn, the Weave itself, etc.
Does this make Gale evil? No. He had the potential to be misguided, though, in the story, and I think that’s the writers’ point was how easy it can be to fall from might and grace with a few bad choices.
To be frank, the dynamic between Gale and Mystra is already at a power imbalance. It isn’t like the other characters’ relationships with their respective gods because they do not have a romantic/sexual relationship with them. That is a curious distinction, which would lend to it being an unusual practice in the pantheon of the gods. However, not in the world of literature, I reiterate. Odysseus has intimate encounters with several goddesses in his journey, but the power dynamic is written a lot differently than how Mystra and Gale are written.
If it is not common practice for the gods to have intimate interactions with mortals, then it stands to reason that it is a discouraged practice among them. We hear a line in the game where Gale says Ao would not permit Mystra to interfere with their quest directly, and it makes me believe there are rules for the gods when it comes to behavior and actions. For some reason, Mystra is permitted to have romantic relationships with her worshippers, and I have to wonder why that is. Apparently it isn’t common for her to pick someone, either, as she only chooses the most powerful magic users, her chosen ones. And that’s where we start to run into the power imbalances.
In a way, Gale seeks the missing magic for Mystra to feel equal to her, a dynamic that would never change no matter what he did. Who is really to blame? The one who wasn’t content in his role, or the god who appointed him to that role in the first place? Was Mystra trying to influence Gale to stop him reaching beyond mortal limitations, fearing (for him or perhaps herself even) that he would go too far one day just like Karsus before him? Did she have valid reasons to fear for herself and the world of magic, or was it a selfish act borne out of fear of losing control of her realm and devotees? I don’t think people are thinking this deeply about it.
I think why it bugs me in a way that kids keep giving her the “bitchy mean girl” treatment is because it sort of cheapens the intent of the characters and what its supposed to mean to the story. I mean It’s funny but I cannot look at a single piece of fan art online that features her without 15 ppl all unironically claiming acts of violence against a video game character. I guess its ultimately harmless, and it’s good they are able to recognize the harm that is present there, but it feels like a simple, immature take just all on its own.
Oh and I definitely hate the take that Mystra groomed him. That makes me pretty sick, and it isn’t a one to one comparison at all. I sincerely doubt that was the writers intention at all, and as someone who was it makes me pretty mad to see. But I understand since most of those saying it are most likely children who don’t have a full grasp of it. Grooming is intentionally selecting a person with little to no agency, usually a child, and trying to influence them into inappropriate situations. I feel like comparing that dynamic to grooming demeans and lessens the importance of it in real life. Gale was not a child, he has agency in his life, and it’s cheapening even to the character to imply he had no control over what was happening to him. Unless I’m missing some crucial piece of lore here, I don’t think Mystra picked Gale as her chosen and romantic partner to make him find Karsus’ tome and unleash the magic that nearly killed her and destroyed all magic.
I get it, though, why young people jump to that conclusion. Again, I’m glad that they see the surface level issue. I’m glad they can recognize danger and harm. That’s good. I’d never discourage someone, especially children, in being vigilant with those sorts of things.
And of course all this said not so much in defense of Mystra (though I love her as a character) but more in defense of the people who wrote it. This game is so well written and it’s one of the reasons why I love it so much. The fact that I CAN write an essay for class about it makes me over the moon and goes to show just how much depth and meaning is present.
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dantedoodles · 6 months
Felt like doodling phoeb
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Casually rips off a part of the palace of justice
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ranminfan · 10 months
Hellfire is the only Disney villain song where the antagonist is not having a good time....
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I'm trying to think of the reasons why Hellfire is one, if not, the best Disney villain song and how it's different from the others, and this is what I noticed...
Their songs is where we see the motives, goals and overall character of the villains and how they'll drive the plot of the movie.
However I don't think I've ever seen another Disney villain who's having a horrible time.
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Frollo is the only one I've seen who's in pain in a sense.
He's not singing because its his number, no, he's singing because he's struggling with his inhibitions.
I mean, look at the other guys...
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They're having a gay ol' time
Another thing I've noticed to other villain songs is that they have an audience.
I think they need to because it's usually the time where they hatch their evil plans and the audience is generally the main protagonist.
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Meanwhile Frollo doesn't want anyone to know his little "trouble" with the fireplace.
He doesn't want witnesses... no one has to know, no one needs to, and he made sure of that.
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Even having to burn Esmeralda's scarf so nobody can find it. He was determined to keep his motives hidden.
He's alone, restless, and vulnerable, as shown with him not wearing his usual vestments (hat and the shoulder pad thing).
The only people who knows Hellfire exists is him and us, the viewers.
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Decides to make this also because I've been seeing people who've watched the new movie Wish and a lot are comparing the villain songs to the old ones.
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brown-spider · 1 year
Noir is the type to poetically monologue about a man from his youth that "had he been a dame, we would have been lovers" with such dramatic intensity you'd think he was talking about the love of his life
But then if someone asked Noir anything suggesting that he's attracted to men, he'd dismiss it like "Now don't get me wrong, that crowd is fine by me, but I'm not a homosexual. I like dames too much, haha."
And it drives the modern spider kids fucking CRAZY. They want to shake him and scream "BISEXUAL!!!" so bad but oh god he's wearing headphones, he can't hear them, oh my god 😨
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merrunzs · 10 months
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the last dragonborn / the last akaviri
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aprillikesthings · 11 months
There is something deeply funny to me about the fact that, of people who pray the rosary (at least in the United States); the Catholics tend to be super conservative, and the Episcopalians/Anglicans tend to be gay.
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cfcreative · 1 year
I revel in the notion that Isobel’s “AYLIN” after the “Succor” moment really is a shorthand for “Beloved, we are on the same page but can you please not shout our business to everyone?”
I imagine if Isobel had said it that way Aylin would have continued with: “THE FASTER I MAKE THEM LEAVE THE FASTER I GET TO FEAST FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 200 YEARS. AND BY FEAST I MEAN ON YOUR—“
Isobel: Aggressively casts silence spell
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sophiethewitch1 · 6 months
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i genuinely love writing for damian he is such a piece of shit <3 <3
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svaints · 8 months
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Regarding Rollos flat self, this what I mean. He does not have a bubble butt.
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ushi-mama · 8 days
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nocturnalcharm · 3 months
announcement !!
ive been searching on here for awhile now for bg3 specific characters x reader and honestly having a hard time finding fics! so i decided to start writing my own.
ive been writing for 10+ years, fanfics and original stories, and i want to fill the gaps i see in this fandom ^.^
also ive only just started act 3 so pls no spoilers!!
who i'll write for:
dame aylin
might add more later lol
x fem tav/reader only
tbh idk if i have any hard no's that i can think of rn so just request and i'll say if im able to write it or not!
also, pls dont just send "write for *insert character*!!!" only send a req if you have an idea!
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moonmaidensblessing · 10 months
Anyone else notice in Invincible the philosophical question that keeps showing up is basically consequence verses responsibility? Idk im interested in seeing what they’re gonna do with that statement like its been said at least three times by enemy characters. Kind of like by the nature of the thing responsibility is on the individual regardless. Making me think of Kant. Idk someone smarter than me should look into that lol.
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ishouldgay · 1 year
I honestly don’t usually like threesomes where one is a couple that is like… super deep in love and probably would never share themselves with a third because while I think threesomes are hot like everyone else I hate out of character smut more.
Shadowheart x Aylin x Isobel has not left my mind.
Between the whole religious/cult trauma being amplified by 300% (Isobel is 100 because she’s a favorited cleric while Aylin counts as 200 because she’s, you know, the actual daughter of Selûne) and the fact that over all they seem each others type (The idea that Aylin has a thing for half elf clerics of Selûne is hilarious to me too) it works out.
I need like. At least ten fics about them. Please. At least one of them is just Shadowheart being lovingly railed by Aylin while Isobel watches because she deserves it.
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ranminfan · 5 months
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Going crazy over Frollo's expressions in the scene where the soldier interrupts Hellfire.
like they animated his face and everything but in all the videos I've seen it's all blurry or non-exist at all because of the poor quality .
This is on our smart TV on disney plus, and ohmahgash his expressions are agshfjkf
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spooky-activity · 1 year
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Has anyone else encountered the bug where if you’ve recruited Jaheria when you trigger this cutscene at Moonrise, she disapproves so hard she comes up to you and leaves forever?
It is the same if, for whatever reason, Aylin or Isobel are alone in this scene. It’s just MUCH funnier to me that a bug made her homophobic
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tethered-heartstrings · 7 months
dishwashers and washing machines and dryers take an hour+ a cycle is kind of fucked up for people who have very little motivation/energy and get things done by random and intense spurts of energy where any down/sitting/waiting time will axe the momentum at the throat
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