#the dad is tang and pigsy
fonixen · 1 year
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Sweet tooth lmk au perhaps
Mk is gus
Macaque is jeb
Mei is bear
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angelcake10023 · 18 days
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“Mama’s Boy….” 🎶
I don’t know why I do this to myself… i need to draw something fluffy next-
Song I pulled from vvv
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butterflyscribbles · 27 days
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End of an Era📚🚸
Based on a hc that Mr. Tang homeschooled MK for three years before he became friends with Mei and went to public school with her.
It was the main way the two of them spent so much time together so the first day was even more tough for the two of them than for most…
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jellytamalies · 2 months
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An ode to mk’s many many parental figures (most of them suck lmao)
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swkbiggestdefender · 5 months
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Freenoodles stop being cannon challenge (impossible) gjfjfhd I love them sm
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cerpiscool · 6 months
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Jttw is NOT family friendly 😭🙏
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monkiekidtwt · 3 months
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 9 months
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I dunno what Pigsy was expecting to happen when he hugged a touch-starved monkey
were i not constrained by the limits of my computer i would have a great deal more of these
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uselessalexis165 · 2 months
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macaroonkitti · 1 year
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MK and his kind-of-dad-but-not-exactly
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I love the theory that MK would have turned out like monkey king because it basically means monkey king turned out like a dick from being fatherless, while MK came out really sweet from his abundance of dads.
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zerohirrotries · 2 months
LMK s5 Mild Spoilers
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Through the season, Mk has used the word McGuffin a few times. It is just there through few episodes and it seems to be a joke.
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Pigsy then makes a comment about Mk's new word.
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He took Mk to a how to write seminar?! When did this happen and how?! I want to know how this happened and why Pigsy brought Mk to a seminar! Did Mk need help with writing, did he want to learn better writing skills, did Pigsy want him to attend it for some other reason, or was it an online seminar that Mk wanted to be a part of?!
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miss-conner3 · 1 year
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En Español: Aquí
You know I have some ideas of interaction with children that are not limited to Wukong or Macaque XD
So the following appearances have to do with the main cast, so here I present their versions of the MK Dad AU! \(OuO)/
Plus the inclusion of two new characters (OuU)
I hope you like it!
 P.S: These designs are subject to change.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
I get the feeling that somewhere in the background of the kids' fights, we see the parents all bonding over their kids' being kids. Like, full on Pigsy patting Wukong on the back as he bemoans his daughter's misbehavior and wondering where he went wrong as a parent to make his daughter think anyone could take him away from her
Kids having anime-esque battles while their dads bond in the background.
Wukong, sobbing & drunk on noodle broth: "I don't know what I'm doing wrong! How could my little girl think I'd abandon her!? I literally carried her for the whole Journey to make sure she was born safe!" Pigsy, patting his back: "It's ok, kid. She's just feeling insecure over MK becoming your successor. Something I'm still worried out of mind over by the way..." Sandy: "Nobody gets a tutorial on fatherhood." Tang: "Or teenage angst. You just need to explain to her that she's ultimately your daughter, and no magical inheritance can come between you both." Yuebei & MK in the bg: (*battle noises!*)
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junkanimate · 1 year
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My two fathers
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py-dreamer · 3 months
How does Tang pay off his tab? Freenoodles addition
Another headcanon in one night wow!
Ok so Tang is a freeloader right?
He gets free noodles and probably lives with Pigsy anyways, they're basically married.
I headcanon that Tang never pays outright for his meals but does so in other ways in the relationship.
Like, he would go all out for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays the works.
Even on random days when Pigsy is overworked or he'd just completed a really big order or a new milestone for the noodle shop, when they were younger, Tang would treat Pigsy on some really nice dates.
Like maybe a rock concert that Pigsy really liked, a train trip around the city to get his husband out the kitchen, maybe even meet and greets with other famous chefs Pigsy admired cause I also headcanon Tang to be a university teacher so I think he'd have students who do internships and some who have connections.
Also since Tang does have a teacher's salary, Pigsy can kinda understand Tang not being able to pay for every meal but he'll still complain about it.
To make up for it, Tang would just splurge on his love every now and then. Perhaps even save up for some new equipment or new sign for the chef.
Heck, he might even ask Mk to be like the chef/waiter and have the date in the restaurant for once since I also headcanon Tang cannot cook anything other than instant noodles for a damn (Pigsy finds this insulting and does try to teach him but Tang doesn't really want to learn)
Since they're older they might not go out as often, but Tang would still treat Pigsy I think but most often just listen to Pigsy when he's stressed about customers and such.
Cause Pigsy listened when he rambled about myths and legends, figured he'd do the same.
Also I feel like Tang's straight up awful at flirting, he'll clam up and just chicken out when trying to flirt traditionally but he'll find other ways to flirt with Pigsy in very cute and nerdy ways or show his affection through other forms.
(ie nicknames, not very big on PDA but are very physically affectionate without even realizing in private, nuzzling all that good stuff)
On that note, I feel like Pigsy's kinda one of those people who just forgets every anniversary or valentines day and such.
He's a working man! Holidays means more customers! He ain't got time for slacking when there's business to be done!
But in all seriousness, he's doing his best to keep them afloat and in the buzz of it all does forget certain important dates sometimes but feels very guilty about it afterwards.
Tang is annoyed by this but knows Pigsy cares and will tease him but understands.
(Saw a tiktok of freenoodles in bed, Tang's annoyed, he counts down to midnight before saying: You missed our anniversary and Pigsy be like: ._.' He'd absolutely do something petty like that)
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