#the cult of st michael
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themichiferqueen · 1 year ago
So most practioners who invokes Michael likely knows about the number of cults formed around him,
and at first brush it would seem the cults explode during apocalyptic times (see an example of St. Michael's Cults starting up in Istria) because they're calling for his protection and grace (which they are),
but what these specific examples I'm going to post have in common with the broader representation of Michael is 'oneness'. Combined with the fact that he is the primordial representation for assertive, Martian energy, I theorize his cults often worship men, masculinity, or expressions OF masculinity (like having a strong sex drive).
It's a niche thought, but here's a couple of examples I was able to find:
Example 1) Valentine Michael Smith, Stranger in a Strange Land
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A cult famous sci-fi novel by Robert Heinlein, made in 1961. The main character, Michael, is the only surviving Martian that made his way to Earth and was held captive for study. Upon being broken out and discovering Free Will, he starts his own religion and creates a polyamorous commune in order to empahsize that 'Thou art God . . . and I am God. All are God, for God is in everything and every thought.'
Example 2) Mike Myers, Austin Powers
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We can all admit this is an outdated parody from the late 90s and early aughts, but all absurdity aside, the odd consistency of Mike being a famous playboy with the Symbol of Mars on his necklace is a subtle nod to the above theme.
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pinkiemachine · 8 days ago
Batman’s love interests 💕 OooohooHOO!
Okay, so in Gotham Files, it’s going to be canon that Bruce dated all of these women at some point in time, because he is a billionaire playboy philanthropist.
First off, there’s Zatanna, and they dated briefly back in high school. It didn’t work out because Bruce was still very much not in a good place, still grappling with the loss of his parents, being the “Prince of Gotham,” etc, etc. So they grew apart and went their separate ways. (This is Z when she was 18-20ish)
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Vicki was his college flame. (Side note, this pic is Vicki when she’s an adult, in [current year] of the tv show.) Anyway, they had their fun, but Bruce was really just trying medicate his ✨ trauma ✨ and his ✨ feelings ✨ with good times, and it quickly became apparent that they weren’t a real solid couple in the ways that matter. So, by the time they graduated, they had already broken up. They both knew what paths in life they were taking, and they were going in two different directions.
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Then there’s the fan-favourite, Talia Al Ghul. After college, Bruce went on his world travels, did a bunch of soul searching, learned a lot of skills, had a lot of teachers, vented a lot of his anger, and wound up learning under Ra’s Al Ghul in the League of Shadows, and wouldn’t you know it, he has a daughter and they kinda dig each other. It was probably the most passionate relationship Bruce had ever had up until that point, and he might have pursued her all the way… if it weren’t for the whole death cult thing… So, even though they had great chemistry, their moral codes were simply not aligned at all, and so it was destined to fail.
Theme: Clarity, covered by Sam Tsui
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Then, when Bruce got back to Gotham, he wound up running into an old childhood friend of his, Silver St. Cloud. She’s a member of the Gotham upper class, they knew each other as kids, and I’m thinking it might be cute if she was always crushing on him back then, like that one girl who would just openly say things like, “Marry me!” and it’s super cute, but the feelings are NOT reciprocated XD Anyway, this relationship will only last a short while, and I haven’t decided if I want to play it straight, or use it for comedic purposes, or do both, but it’ll be fun either way.
Theme: Crowded Room by Meghan Trainor
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Finally, there’s Selina, who needs little introduction. She is the end game. She is my OTP. The bus stops here. I give you, Mrs. Wayne.
Theme: Never Not Love You by Michael Buble
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kyoukamybeloved · 1 year ago
“You hate Dazai-san right.”
“Don’t act like a detective! That bastard is just.. just very, y’know.. It’s not hate.”
Looks like some complicated feelings.
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soukoku webweaves: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
cold spot - Trista Mateer// art by @taxolotl// wishbone - Richard Siken// ICU - Phoebe Bridgers// bubble gum - Clairo// so we must meet apart - Gabrielle Bates & Jennifer S. Cheng// essays in love - Alain de Botton// youth - daughter// dear Arkansas daughter - lady lamb// fleabag - Phoebe Waller-Bridge// sweetbitter - Stephanie Danler// art by @pleucas// the first bad man - Miranda July// in the aeroplane over the sea - neutral milk hotel// the beach - the neighbourhood// gilded lily - cults// waiting room - Phoebe Bridgers// boyish - Japanese breakfast// art from @/HiChuya on twitter// the hours - Michael Cunningham// yves olade// art from @/rokkyun1 on Twitter// stigmata: escaping texts// Hélène Cixous// wolf OR7 - Natalie Diaz// art by @thornedarrow// poem for a birthday - Sylvia Plath// unknown// art by @pleucas// lev st valentine// art by @bamfxp// vicious - V.E Schwab// I know it’s over - The Smiths// misheard lyrics - car seat headrest// be nice to me - the front bottoms// paper bag - Fiona Apple// trista mateer// art from @/1hys12 on Twitter// back to the old house - the smiths// let the light in - Lana del Rey// one last poem for Richard - Sandra Cisneros// art by @bananana2217
tagging moots and users who liked the other parts :)
@dinosaur-mayonnaise @philzokman @amagami-hime @homuncvlus @vinylbiohazard @bunglegaydogs @zamxii @ghostsinacoat @slug-behaviour @beastchuus @vivid-vices @atsuwushi @gorotic @pendragonstar @ricelover888 @oatmilkbasic @thou-shalt-cha-cha-real-smooth @the-gayest-sky-kid @lotus-reblogs @whiteapplesandblackblood @dazaiyurii @sommmee @shroombunnieses @sempieternal @sigskk @everyversionofmedeadandburied @thesunshinebard @hornyforthevirginmary @chibiko @galaxitic @evermorehypewoman
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
A great interview with Michael with Collider :), mostly no spoilers (or what already been said elsewhere :)❤)
COLLIDER: Obviously, when you were making the first season of this show, you had the book to work off of, you had a characterization to work off of, but because this season is an all-new thing that Neil Gaiman has written, did you get to work with him at all to develop what Aziraphale was doing this season, or was it all dependent on what he wrote?
MICHAEL SHEEN: Yes, I think when we were doing the first season, Neil always talked about the idea that he and Terry [Pratchett] had talked quite a bit about future storylines and that they had worked out quite a lot of it, actually. They just never got around to writing it down in a book. So there was quite a lot of material already in his head. One of the wonderful things about this, as well, working on this project, has been how much myself and David have been able to collaborate with Neil on the characters and inhabit them and bring them to life, and developing the relationship between them and the storylines. So it’s felt very collaborative, but then, of course, Neil is very good at making it feel collaborative even when he knows exactly what he wants.
QUESTION: Speaking of that relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale, you are obviously quite close with David Tennant. You work with him not only on this but also on Staged. What's it like getting to put that friendship dynamic to use on those shows, especially since Staged is something that's so completely different from Good Omens?
SHEEN: It's just wonderful, really. You know, often you work with actors that perhaps you have very good chemistry with on-screen or on stage, but maybe off-stage, off-screen there's not a particular spark. It's fine, but there's nothing particularly special about your relationship on stage or on-screen. Then other times, there are people you get along with really, really well, but maybe there isn't necessarily that amazing chemistry on-screen or on stage. So it's very rare that you have both. I think with us, we've just sort of discovered that that is the case, or it seems to be that people feel like we have good chemistry together when we're working. And we just have a lovely time together in between working as well, so it's such a pleasure to be able to do that, and to be able to work on projects like Good Omens and Staged with the characters that we play in those. It's just a real joy, so, you know, long may it continue.
QUESTION: Personally, I love the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley, and the show has had such a massive fan response. How much are you aware of that, and what do you hope fans take away from this season as opposed to the first one?
SHEEN: Oh, I'm very much aware of it. Yeah, it's one of the most enjoyable aspects of working on this, to see how much the audience and in particular Good Omen fans just give to the project. It does feel like a fulfilled kind of creative collaboration with the fans as well. There's so much talent when people come to writing fanfiction or artwork, or just discussing ideas or things that have sort of been born out of it. I mean, there are all kinds of amazing groups who fundraise now for charities and do all kinds of incredible things. There are conventions and all sorts. I love that, and I love seeing how people have made friends, really close friends, through their connection to this and these characters in this story, and how communities have been created, and how much people are helping each other. I see all that online and I hear about it. It feels very in the spirit of the story, you know, it feels very in keeping with what it's all about. I think that's a big part of why Neil and I and the rest of us have all really opened ourselves to that fan community, because I think it feels like a very living part of the story.
QUESTION: How do you think Aziraphale has changed between where we leave him at the end of Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2? Is there anything unusual that we can expect from him this season?
SHEEN: Well, I think he's in a quite odd position for him because, on the one hand, he's got a lot of the things that he's always wanted. He's always wanted to just be left alone and live in his bookshop, and drink tea and listen to music, and read books and go to the theater, and eat nice meals and drink nice wine, and be with the being that he loves being with the most. But on the other hand, he's also someone who feels very anxious about not being part of the company, you know, being out on his own and sort of independent. It’s quite a challenge for him. It’s that thing about “be careful what you wish for.” He got what he wished for, but he still feels a bit off-kilter, I think, and then this unexpected guest arrives and turns the world upside down for him again.
But one of the things that we wanted to explore with Aziraphale in this series is perhaps finding something a little steelier underneath the apparent soft surface, that maybe there's something else going on under there. So we see that kind of come out as the story goes on, as well.
QUESTION: In addition to playing Aziraphale, you also did the voice for Lucifer in The Sandman audio series, which is obviously also a Neil Gaiman joint. So what's the difference between playing an angel and playing a demon?
SHEEN: Well, of course, Lucifer is an angel, was once a fallen angel. My first experience of Neil’s work was The Sandman. That was what I first read when I was still a teenager in the late ‘80s, and it just absolutely blew my mind and opened me up to all kinds of things and started a journey [with] Neil’s work, but also all the people that Neil kind of points you towards through his work as well. It opened so many doors for me. So to be able to then be a part of The Sandman world, as well, to play such an iconic character, it was and is, because we're still doing it, just a bit of a dream come true.
QUESTION: I have one last question for you, and it's a little bit of a silly one. One of the most iconic parts of Good Omens is Crowley's Bentley, which is cursed to play nothing but Queen songs forever and ever. I would love to know what you think Aziraphale’s favorite Queen song is.
SHEEN: Well, I think he likes the more operatic ones. So he probably…I think he likes “Bohemian Rhapsody.” All those nifty chorus bits. He��d love that. So yes, probably “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
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gayleviticus · 4 months ago
reading a lot about st marys in exile - a catholic church in aus which was quite progressive and social justicey but got their priest removed for not observing liturgy right in a few ways and questioning key doctrines like the divinity of christ etc. so the congregation formed their own splinter chuch that seems to have basically become fancy liturgical Unitarian universalism
but anyway, it's interesting, because obviously the st marys guys want to frame the story as 'we were punished for being progressive' - but the actual problem was largely to do with things like using a different baptismal formula or questioning the divinity of jesus etc. not that the bishop hated them letting homeless people in
at the same time, you might argue that it was harsh of the church hierarchy to make such a big deal when they were doing that kind of good work. does liturgical uniformity matter that much?
but I think there is something to be said for like... adhering to a shared liturgy not because the alternative is sinful, but as a sign of respect for others? doing more or less the same thing as every other catholic church shows you want to be in community with them and values that shared tradition
(also specifically on doing baptism improperly - the uniformity of the baptism rite isn't just about the catholic church insisting you do things this way; it's about having one consistent baptism shared among all historic trinitarian Christians. getting baptised 'right' isn't just because the pope said so, but because it's something that's shared between most denominations. it's a sign of communion in a fragmented body of Christ
and so even if you think it doesn't matter whether you do baptism right, it still seems quite insensitive to me for a priest to do weird and quirky things with baptism because it's like your passport into all of Christianity. it would be really annoying years later to want to become orthodox or anglican or whatever and not having a clear, simple answer on whether you need to be rebaptised because the priest decided to put his own spin on it. it's like if the DMV clerk gave you their own little hand drawn drivers license)
and it's interesting reading the blog posts of Michael carden, a left gay fringe catholic, who is actually quite critical of the st marys in exile hagiography - they'd decided by their actions they didn't want to be catholic, and he suggests the whole thing had become a bit of cult of personality for the main two priests. he's no lover of church authoritarianism nor anti social justice at all; but he bemoans the fact that what could have been a strong progressive voice within the catholic church basically exiled themselves into irrelevance as a fringe community simply because they didn't want to wear vestments
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the-girl-who-didnt-smile · 9 months ago
RE: Was Baron Samedi worshiped in New Orleans prior to the late 20th century?
This one is also about the actual lwa.
Baron Samedi can aptly be described as not just the most iconic lwa, but one of the most iconic things from New Orleans Voodoo. Ironically, I have only found inconclusive evidence that he was worshiped in New Orleans during the 19th or early 20th centuries.
In American popular media, Baron Samedi is frequently conflated with other Haitian deities, called the Gede. The real-life Baron Samedi has his origins in Haitian Vodou, as does Maman Brigitte (Gran Brijit). The Haitian lwa are derived from African deities, among the most important being the Dahomean trickster god Legba (himself, derived from the Yoruba deity Eshu). Over the course of Haitian history, Dahomean Legba was refracted into Papa Legba, Met Kalfou, and the Gede - by extension, the Bawons, including Baron Samedi. This explains why the Gede are trickster deities of sexuality and liminality, who embrace all that is taboo - just like Dahomean Legba!
19th Century New Orleans Voodoo was greatly influenced by Haitian Vodou, due to the massive influx of Haitian refugees that arrived in the Crescent City after the Haitian Revolution. Following the post-Revolution migration wave, several Haitian lwa became features of New Orleans Voodoo, including: 
Papa Legba → “Papa Limba” or “La Bas”, syncretized with St. Peter
Damballah → “Daniel Blanc”, syncretized with St. Michael
Agassu → “Yon Sue”, syncretized with St. Anthony
Ogou Feray could have also been worshiped as “Joe Ferraille” (“Joe Feray”), and Ayizan Velekete as “Vériquité”. While the Erzulies were not directly worshiped per se, veneration of Mother Mary was a key feature of 19th century New Orleans Voodoo. (The Erzulies are syncretized with Mother Mary.)
(I should also note that, in New Orleans, the lwa were called “spirits”, while Bon Dieu/Bondye was simply called “God”)
During the 19th century, the two most important lwa were probably Papa Legba - the Doorkeeper - and Damballah - the most ancient of the lwa. This would explain why their names appear most frequently in 19th- and 20th-century sources, especially in large scale rituals. Damballah might have been refracted into multiple deities, including “Daniel Blanc” and “Zombi the Snake God” – a deity famously associated with Marie Laveau. Others argue that “Grand Zombi” is actually derived from the Kongo supreme deity Nzambi Mpungu, or an invention fabricated by journalists. 
A third key deity – “Onzancaire” / “Monsieur Assonquer” – might have been associated with Ogou Feray – one of the most important Haitian lwa. However, the origins of “Onzancaire” are elusive. Because so many different theories have been proposed, I do not know where his true origins lie.
Other deities of non-Haitian origin were also features of New Orleans Voodoo. St. Marron (Jean St. Malo) was the New Orleanian folk saint of runaway slaves. Mother Leafy Anderson – founder of the Spiritual Church Movement in New Orleans – introduced worship of the Native American Saint Black Hawk (see: Kodi A. Roberts (2015) Voodoo and Power: The Politics of Religion in New Orleans, 1881–1940). My understanding is that “Dr. John” (Jean Montaigne) was also deified, in a similar manner to St. Black Hawk. Orisha, such as Shango and Oya, may too have been worshiped. Other deities are listed here and here. 
Baron Samedi is conspicuously absent. I think this has to do with the history of Haitian Vodou. Prior to the Haitian Revolution, Haitian Vodou was less of an organized religion, described as a "widely-scattered series of local cults" (see: The Social History of Haitian Vodou, p. 134). It was between the years 1804 and 1860 that Haitian Vodou began to stabilize into a clear predecessor of its present form. (see: The Social History of Haitian Vodou, p. 139) This period of stabilization took place after the migration wave of the early 19th century, which could explain why key features of Haitian Vodou are missing from 19th century New Orleans. For example, I have yet to find evidence that division of the Petwo and Rada lwa made it over to American soil. The refraction of Dahomean Legba might have never been transmitted by Haitian refugees, which would explain the absence of Met Kalfou and the Gede/Bawons from worship.
This too explains why the Papa Legba of American history was both Doorkeeper AND Guardian of the Crossroads. It has been theorized that the legendary “Devil at the Crossroads” was actually Met Kalfou. However, this “Devil” does not match the appearance of Kalfou, described as "no ancient, feeble man...huge and straight and vigorous, a man in the prime of his life." Instead, the one at “the Crossroads” appears as a limping old man who loves music and dogs (“Hellhound on my Trail”). It’s Papa Legba!
Rather than Kalfou, I think American Papa Legba actually inherits his more menacing attributes from Eshu. This would explain why he walks with a limp (like Eshu), is notoriously vengeful (like Eshu), and is sometimes described as androgynous (like Eshu!).
In any case, the Papa Legba of American history can be clearly traced back to Haiti. His appearance as a limping old man is inherited from Haitian Papa Legba; his love of dogs and music from Dahomean Legba. 19th century sources clearly identify him with Saint Peter (“St. Peter, St. Peter, open the door;”) The same cannot be said for Baron Samedi. He was probably not syncretized with St. Expedite, because St. Expedite “did not achieve popularity until the late 1800s or early 1900s in New Orleans” – long after the Haitian migration wave.
I have found one compelling source that places worship of Baron Samedi in 19th century New Orleans. Creole author Denise Alvarado is something of an expert on this topic, her being born and raised in New Orleans. In Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans (2022), Denise Alvarado identifies a “Spirit of Death” with Baron Samedi / Papa Gede. The most convincing piece of evidence comes from the second interview, in which the interviewee describes a ceremony where attendees donned purple robes. The color purple has been historically associated with Papa Gede (by extension, Baron Samedi). 
That being said, I do think the evidence Alvarado provides is tenuous. Without additional context, it’s difficult to say whether the purple robes are truly linked to the Haitian lwa. The other newspaper article sounds rather sensationalized. The 19th century saw horrendous news coverage of New Orleans Voodoo, where reporters would exaggerate or straight-up fabricate details to demonize Vodouisants. The reporter’s description of the spirits of death does not align with the Haitian Gede or Bawons. It is important to remember that New Orleans Voodoo is not entirely Haitian in origin. Several other traditional African spiritualities are woven into New Orleans Voodoo. Prior to the Haitian migration wave of the early 19th century, one of the main influences was Kongo spirituality, in which ancestor veneration is central. Additionally, the newspaper cited is from the year 1890 – years after Marie Laveau’s death. The reliability of this article is therefore questionable. I think this could be a Damballah / “Grand Zombi” situation, where this “Spirit of Death” bears superficial resemblance to the lwa but isn’t actually him. It is also possible that he is simply a fabrication by journalists.
The defamation of Vodou continued into the early 20th century, as Haiti was occupied by the U.S. between the years 1915 and 1934. I don’t see how worship of the Gede/Bawons could have been transmitted to New Orleans between the end of the Haitian migration wave and year 1934. There’s a good chance that Baron Samedi / Papa Gede only properly became features of New Orleans Vodou during the revitalization movement of the late 20th century.
As such, I propose two hypotheses: 
Baron Samedi was not properly worshiped in New Orleans until the late 20th century. He quickly rose in popularity, as he was easily grafted onto the pre-existing worship of the spirits of the dead (ancestors). 
Alvarado has correctly identified Baron Samedi / Papa Gede with the “Spirit of Death”; however, this “Spirit of Death” was a radical departure from his Haitian predecessor, taking on a markedly different form from the lwa. 
But that’s all just a Theory… A GAME THEORY!!!
…Anyways, annotated bib: 
 Marshall, Emily Zobel. American Trickster: Trauma, Tradition and Brer Rabbit. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. 
Chapter 1 ("African Trickster in the Americas") describes Dahomean Legba’s origins in the Yoruba deity Eshu. 
Cosentino, Donald. "Who is that fellow in the many-colored cap? Transformations of Eshu in old and new world mythologies." Journal of American Folklore (1987): 261-275. https://www.jstor.org/stable/540323.
From the abstract: “Myths of Eshu Elegba, the trickster deity of the Yoruba of Nigeria, have been borrowed by the Fon of Dahomey and later transported to Haiti, where they were personified by the Vodoun in the loa Papa Legba. In turn, this loa was refracted into the corollary figures of Carrefour and Ghede.” Accessed here: https://www.centroafrobogota.com/attachments/article/24/17106647-Ellegua-Eshu-New-World-Old-World.pdf 
Haitian immigration : Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. The African American Migration Experience. https://www.inmotionaame.org/print.cfm@migration=5.htm
Describes post-Haitian Revolution migration wave like so: “the number of immigrants [from Haiti to New Orleans] skyrocketed between May 1809 and June 1810… The 1809 migration brought 2,731 whites, 3,102 free persons of African descent, and 3,226 enslaved refugees to the city, doubling its population.”
Fandrich, Ina J. “Yorùbá Influences on Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo.” Journal of Black Studies, vol. 37, no. 5, 2007, pp. 775–91. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40034365. Accessed 23 June 2024.
Mentions worship of Ogou Feray as “Joe Ferraille”. Fandirch herself cites Long, C. M. (2001). Spiritual merchants. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, p. 56: https://archive.org/details/spiritualmerchan0000long/page/56/mode/2up?
Long, Carolyn Morrow. A New Orleans voudou priestess: The legend and reality of Marie Laveau. University Press of Florida, 2007, p. 247: https://books.google.com/books?id=_XzSEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT247#v=onepage&q&f=false 
Mentions worship of Ayizan Velekete as (the male) “Vériquité”.
Anderson, Jeffrey E. Hoodoo, voodoo, and conjure: A handbook. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2008, p. 15: https://books.google.com/books?id=TH7DEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15#v=onepage&q&f=false 
Relevant quote: "Blanc Dani, Papa Lébat, and Assonquer make the most frequent appearances in both nineteenth- and twentieth-century sources. The first two, in particular, figure prominently in large-scale rituals."
Humpálová, Denisa. "Voodoo in Louisiana." (2012). https://dspace5.zcu.cz/bitstream/11025/5338/1/BP%20Denisa%20Humpalova%202012.pdf 
One of several sources that identifies “Grand Zombi” with Nzambi Mpungu.
Long, Carolyn Morrow. A New Orleans voudou priestess: The legend and reality of Marie Laveau. University Press of Florida, 2007, p. 247: https://books.google.com/books?id=_XzSEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT247#v=onepage&q&f=false 
Posits that “Grand Zombi” could be derived from Nzambi Mpungu, or "may be the invention of journalists inspired by "zombie tales" of Haiti's infamous living dead, combined with Moreau de Saint-Méry’s endlessly repeated description of a snake-worshiping ceremony in colonial Saint Domingue."
Anderson, Jeffrey E. Voodoo: An African American Religion. LSU Press, 2024, p. 46:  https://www.google.com/books/edition/Voodoo/O-v3EAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22assonquer%22+%22azewe%22+vodou&pg=PA46&printsec=frontcover 
Describes several possible origins for the elusive “Onzancaire”, including a theory that he was a deity related to Ogou Feray. 
Long, Carolyn Morrow. A New Orleans voudou priestess: The legend and reality of Marie Laveau. University Press of Florida, 2007, p. 236: https://books.google.com/books?id=_XzSEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT236#v=onepage&q&f=false 
One of several sources to describe St. Marron (Jean St. Malo). 
Roberts, Kodi A. Voodoo and Power: The Politics of Religion in New Orleans, 1881-1940. LSU Press, 2015, p. 82: https://books.google.com/books?id=EWOkCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT82&lpg=PT82 
Describes how Mother Leafy Anderson (founder of the Spiritual Church Movement) “found” St. Black Hawk, introducing him to New Orleans Voodoo. 
Alvarado, Denise. Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans. Weiser Books, 2022, p. 39: https://books.google.com/books?id=ktlWEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39#v=onepage&q&f=false 
Posits that high priestess Betsy Toledano worshiped the Orisha Shango and Oya during the 19th century. 
Anderson, Jeffrey E. Hoodoo, voodoo, and conjure: A handbook. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2008, p. 15: https://books.google.com/books?id=TH7DEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15#v=onepage&q&f=false 
List of deities worshiped in 19th century New Orleans Voodoo. 
Alvarado, Denise. Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans. Weiser Books, 2022, p. 126: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Witch_Queens_Voodoo_Spirits_and_Hoodoo_S/ktlWEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA126 
Another list of deities worshiped in 19th century New Orleans Voodoo. 
Mintz, Sidney & Trouillot, Michel-Rolph (1995) “The social history of Haitian Vodou” in Cosentino, Donald J., ed., Sacred Arts of Vodou, Chapter 4. LA: UCLA Fowler Museum, 123-47. P. 134: https://ghettobiennale.org/files/Trouillot_Mintz_LOW.pdf 
Describes Haitian Vodou as a "widely-scattered series of local cults" prior to the Haitian Revolution. 
Mintz, Sidney & Trouillot, Michel-Rolph (1995) “The social history of Haitian Vodou” in Cosentino, Donald J., ed., Sacred Arts of Vodou, Chapter 4. LA: UCLA Fowler Museum, 123-47. P. 139: https://ghettobiennale.org/files/Trouillot_Mintz_LOW.pdf 
Describes the stabilization of Haitian Vodou into a predecessor of its current form. This occurred between the years following the Haitian Revolution and year 1860. 
Deren, Maya. Divine Horsemen : The Living Gods of Haiti. New Paltz, NY: McPherson, 1983 (originally published in 1953), p. 101: https://archive.org/details/divinehorsemenli00dere/page/100/mode/2up 
Description of Kalfou (Carrefour) as "no ancient, feeble man...huge and straight and vigorous, a man in the prime of his life."  Deren conducted her ethnographic work during the 1940s and 1950s.
Marvin, Thomas F. “Children of Legba: Musicians at the Crossroads in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.” American Literature, vol. 68, no. 3, 1996, pp. 587–608. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/2928245. Accessed 23 June 2024.
Description of “The Devil at the Crossroads” as a musical genius and “limping old black man”: “Most versions of this story instruct the aspiring musician to bring his instrument to a lonely crossroads at midnight and await the arrival of a limping old black man who will tune the instrument, play it briefly, and then return it endowed with supernatural power."
Robert Johnson’s song “Hellhound on My Trail” identifies “The Devil at the Crossroads” with Papa Legba, who is associated with dogs. 
Long, Carolyn Morrow. A New Orleans voudou priestess: The legend and reality of Marie Laveau. University Press of Florida, 2007, p. 244: https://books.google.com/books?id=_XzSEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT244&lpg=PT244#v=onepage&q&f=false 
Relevant quote: "Mary Washington, born in 1863, said she was trained in the arts of Voudou by Marie Laveau. She remembered a song that was sung at the weekly ceremonies: "St. Peter, St. Peter open the door; I am callin' you, come to me; St. Peter, St. Peter open the door." Mrs. Washington explained that "St. Peter was called La Bas, St. Michael was Daniel Blanc, and Yon Sue was St. Anthony." She also mentioned a spirit called Onzancaire."
Alvarado, Denise. The Magic of Marie Laveau: Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. Weiser Books, 2020, p. 57: https://books.google.com/books?id=SZOMDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA57&lpg=PA57#v=onepage&q&f=false 
Relevant quote: “Baron Samedi remains a popular and powerful force in New Orleans Voudou today, along with his wife Manman Brigit. He is syncretized with St. Expedite, among the most popular of saints in New Orleans. We do not hear of St. Expedite in association with Marie Laveau, however, because he did not achieve popularity until the late 1800s or early 1900s in New Orleans (Alvarado 2014).”
Alvarado, Denise. Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans. Weiser Books, 2022, pp. 127-128: https://books.google.com/books?id=GsofEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA127&lpg=PA127#v=onepage&q&f=false 
This is the strongest evidence I could find that Baron Samedi / Papa Gede was worshiped in 19th - early 20th Century New Orleans.
Deren, Maya. Divine Horsemen : The Living Gods of Haiti. New Paltz, NY: McPherson, 1983 (originally published in 1953), p. 107: https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.505921/page/107/mode/2up?q=purple 
Historical evidence that, since at least the 1940s, Papa Gede’s colors are “black or purple”. To this day, purple is associated with Baron Samedi and the Gede as a whole.
Long, Carolyn Morrow. A New Orleans voudou priestess: The legend and reality of Marie Laveau. University Press of Florida, 2007, p. 250: https://books.google.com/books?id=_XzSEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT250&lpg=PT250 
Relevant quote: “The religion that evolved in nineteenth-century New Orleans and was embraced by Marie Laveau and her Voudou society combined traditions introduced by the first Senegambian, Fon, Yoruba, and Kongo slaves with Haitian Vodou, European magic, and folk Catholicism. It also absorbed the beliefs of blacks imported from Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas during the slave trade of the 1830s–1850s. These “American Negroes” were English-speaking, at least nominally Protestant, and practiced a heavily Kongo-influenced kind of hoodoo, conjure, or rootwork. New Orleans Voudou is therefore not identical to Haitian Vodou, but represents a unique North American blend of African and European religious and magical Traditions.”
Fandrich, Ina J. “Yorùbá Influences on Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo.” Journal of Black Studies, vol. 37, no. 5, 2007, pp. 775–91. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40034365. Accessed 23 June 2024.
Describes major Senegambian and Kongo influences on New Orleans Voodoo, prior to the Haitian Revolution. Relevant quote: “New Orleans's African population was Kongo dominated with a strong affinity with the spirits of the dead…Dahomeyan influence occurred only indirectly through the Haitian refugees who "flooded" the city after 1808. In 1809 alone, more than 10,000 Haitians arrived, and doubled the city's population. They brought their Vodou religion with them, which ultimately merged with the already existing New Orleans or Louisiana Voodoo traditions. During the French colonial regime, 80% of the enslaved Africans came from one single ethnic group: the Bamana (also called Bambara) people from the Senegal River basin (today's Senegal, Gambia, and Mali), most of them stemming from one single ethnic group, the Bambara people. The majority of the remaining 20% were Kongolese and some Dahomeyans (Hall, 1992). Despite their rather different geographical origins, these two cultures blend easily into one another. Eighteenth-century Louisiana Voodoo maintained a marked Senegambian flavor, with some Kongolese elements blended in, until the end of the 18th century.” 
Dubois, Laurent. “Vodou and History.” Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 43, no. 1, 2001, pp. 92–100. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/2696623. Accessed 23 June 2024.
An overview of the history of Haitian Vodou, as it pertains to U.S. history. Demonization of Vodou continued past the U.S. occupation of Haiti, until the late 20th century.
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evilbubu · 1 year ago
has anybody watched a movie called The Devil Conspiracy about this cult stealing DNA from corpses of important historical figures and injecting them into fertilised eggs to impregnate women and make them give birth to essentially babies with the same genius/talent as those historical figures?
like and there's this cute priest who gets stabbed to death trying to stop this evil lady from stealing the shroud of Turin to ressurect baby jesus and free the devil. and then st Michael shows up to earth and posses the priests body and tries to stop them and and and
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starstruckbyacomet · 2 months ago
There Is No Safe Word (Part 10 of 10)
(Source) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Prewarning)
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May 16, 2022: From a video message to Pavlovich. Photo: Courtesy of Scarlett Pavlovich. 
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January 20, 2023: A text to Pavlovich after she filed a police report. Photo: Courtesy of Scarlett Pavlovich.
Editor’s note: This story contains content that readers may find disturbing, including graphic allegations of sexual assault & child abuse.
This past fall, Pavlovich began studying for a degree in English literature at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. As it happens, the university had awarded Gaiman an honorary degree in 2016. In December, Pavlovich approached the head of the university, Dame Sally Mapstone, to share her experience and ask the university to review the decision to honor Gaiman. Mapstone was sympathetic but indecisive; some on the board, she told Pavlovich, would likely want evidence of prosecution to rescind his degree. As far as the police report goes, the “matter has been closed,” a spokesperson says. Gaiman’s career, meanwhile, has been marginally affected. A few pending adaptations of his novels and comics have been put on hold or canceled. But the second season of The Sandman is set to premiere on Netflix this year, as is Anansi Boys on Amazon Prime. (Amazon did not return a request for comment.) He and Palmer are entering the fifth year of an ugly divorce and custody battle. Gaiman has “bled her dry” in the divorce proceedings, according to someone close to her. She’s moved back in with her parents in Massachusetts. (Gaiman’s representatives alleged that Palmer was a “major force” driving this story in light of their contentious divorce.)
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Michael Stipe, former R.E.M. singer who is also a friend of Caroline Wallner, hosted Pavlovich, Stout, & Wallner at his house on Dec 31, 2024.
In December, Pavlovich flew to Atlanta to meet some of the other women who had made accusations against Gaiman. They had been unaware of one another’s existence until they’d heard the podcast. Since then, they had formed a WhatsApp group and grown close. “It’s been like meeting survivors of the same cult,” Stout tells me. “It’s impossible to understand unless you were there.” On New Year’s Eve, Pavlovich, Stout, and Wallner gathered around a bonfire at the Athens home of the musician Michael Stipe, an old friend of Wallner’s. Kendall joined them on FaceTime. With their dark hair and delicate features, they looked like they could be sisters. Around 11 p.m., they wrote down their intentions for the year and cast the scraps of paper into the fire. Pavlovich had written that she wanted to “release the yoke of victimhood” and “invite in self-acceptance.” The next morning, she woke before the others, made coffee, cleaned the kitchen, and sat on the porch in the winter sun. “Am I happy?” she wrote in her journal. “No.” But she also noted that she wasn’t alone. “There is no need to feel abandoned anymore.”
Back to: Part 9
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“don’t ask me about my baccano crossover”
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please spill them beans 🫘 asap
Oh no, I guess I did bring this on myself. To be clear, the chances of this story ever seeing the light of day are next to none, but here we go. Placing under the cut because things do get pretty dark.
If you've never seen/read Baccano! (and you should see it, everyone should see it. Watch the English dub.) then what you need to know here is that the world of Baccano is simultaneously very grounded and completely insane, and there is one particular aspect that showcases this duality in fine form.
It's only vaguely hinted at in the show, but in the light novels there is a fanatical, Christian-adjacent cult that serves as an occasional antagonist. This cult's beliefs focus on the torture and murder of children (these books were written in the early 2000s, long before Q*A*on and their nonsense, just fyi). They believe that they can, in a primarily symbolic sense, turn a chosen child into a sacrificial God that they can put all of their pain and misery onto in order to lead completely happy lives. So these kids are subjected to constant torture almost from birth until they are ritually sacrificed on their 10th birthday. And this cult has operated in different locations and forms since at least the 17th century, leading the deaths of probably countless kids over time.
So that’s pretty fucked up, eh? I happened to reread the light novels while also re-watching s1, and this idea just sort of festered in my mind until it took shape.
I'm serious when I say the stuff this cult is said to have done makes the original Martyrs film look easy. Their abuse turned a boy into what is effectively a sociopath with a pathological need to make other people smile (so he can understand what happiness looks like; he's also one of the best and most interesting characters).
So imagine, if you wish to, a scenario where little Ava gets abducted by these people and subjected to this kind of torture for anywhere from a few weeks to years. She suffers through the most awful abuse imaginable while being told that she is their new God (the novels make clear that the cult prays to and thanks the sacrificed children while they're being tortured as part of the ritual). Eventually, she gets rescued by her mom, but while they are escaping from the cultists, the car accident happens, leaving her safe from the cult but orphaned, disabled, and stuck in St. Michael's.
So think about how reluctant and unhappy Ava is to be involved with the OCS in the show, and then multiply that by 1000. She's properly terrified of these people who have kidnapped her and is constantly searching for hints and signs that they are related to the cult from her childhood. She really, really doesn't want to be their Warrior Nun, which feels a little too much like being their "God", so she runs fast and far the first chance she gets.
And it's not so easy to bring her back this time. No tough love from Mary or demon fights in cozy towns are going to be enough. It will take active effort on the part of the entire OCS to better themselves as an Order before Ava will feel safe enough to come back. And they'll have to make an actual effort to understand her motivations and her trauma instead of belittling and berating her and just expecting her to fall in line.
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enbyonmandalore · 2 years ago
Heaven "Satan" St. John
An introduction to my CoD MW2 OC. TW for Violence typical to the CoD franchise.
Child of a cult leader
One older brother, Michael, and two younger sisters, Faith and Eva
Michael escaped the cult first, leaving all his siblings behind
Their father believes his son being a heretic "infected" Heaven with demonic ideals
Heaven escaped the cult at 16 after being nearly tortured to death
Religious trauma (obviously)
Can growl & hiss like an animal, defense mechanism from their childhood
Joined the military young by lying about their age
Violently beat a fascist to the brink of death because he reminded them too much of their father
Had the best time of their life as a cadet in the Royal Air Force
Had the chance to finally feel normal and make friends
Callsign "Angel"
Met a black girl named Gloria "Wrecker" McIntosh, fell in love with her
Became a RAF officer
Eventually achieved rank of squadron leader due to being an excellent helicopter pilot and drone operator
Loves flying bc all their big problems seem so small from up high
Arrogant enough to call the helicopter on their first big mission "The Baron"
Caught special forces recruiters' eye for being able to potentially resist enemy torture very well
Received "special interrogation" training
Shot down while on patrol in a war zone and pulled themselves out of the burning wreck, only survivor of the incident
Barely made it and had to undergo 2 years of physical and psychological therapy
Covers the massive burn scar on their face with a mask
The right side of their body in general is extremely scarred from the crash
Captain Price was present when they first woke up from surgery, but they didn't recognize him
Captain Price continues to make sure Heaven stays in the military
Once they're allowed to be active again, they get recruited to SAS and change their callsign to "Satan"
The co-pilot that died in the crash was Gloria
Kept a pair of Gloria's dog tags as well as a few (stolen) sweaters
Price's immediate reaction to seeing Heaven again is "Oh no, not another one with a mask..."
Is present during the events of MW, helps get Gaz and Price around and is assisted by Nikolai
Eventually gets put on Task Force 141 after the events of CoD MW
Immediately befriends Soap
Soap and Satan talk in extra thick Scottish and Irish accents when around each other
"Speak fuckin' English!"
Satan's cocky attitude slowly but surely is wearing Ghost's patience thin...
Audio books + stress cleaning = post-mission coping mechanism
Secretly loves eastern European music, but will never admit it
Learned to speak Polish for a mission
Fluent in Gaelic
Despite listening to a lot of heavy metal, their favorite song is "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"
Gets anxious letting anyone besides themselves pilot an aircraft
Insists that they hate chocolate (lie)
Actually hates any other candy
Doesn't celebrate any holidays and volunteers for shifts on said days, but Price, Gaz and Soap still gift them stuff for Christmas
The only way they're able to seem to be as unfazed as they do, is bc they're completely disconnected from reality on missions (helps keep the PTSD in check)
When TF 141 meets KorTac, Satan befriends Gromsko almost as quickly as they befriended Soap
Polish swearing can be heard throughout the base at all hours
König has a staring problem and thinks nobody notices
Ghost notices and chaos ensues (aka Test The Limits)
TW for more shit Heaven went through:
beaten as a child up until they were 16
nearly drowned during baptism in order to be "reborn"
forcefully exorcised at 14, burned with battery acid in the process
had a large cross carved into their back to "drive out the devil"
caged in with a hungry dog
sleep deprivation, forced to stay up for days reciting prayer
held hostage at gunpoint during a mission
survived a nearly fatal helicopter crash, cracked multiple ribs, a triple fractured right leg, broken collar bone, two broken fingers on the right and three broken on the left hand, broken left wrist, severe concussion, 2nd degree burns on the right side and back of their body and face
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critical-chris · 2 years ago
Scream VI (2023)
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Guess who's back, back again.
Ghostface's back, call a friend.
The iconic, and my personal favorite, slasher franchise returns to the big screen in the shortest turnaround between films since the original Scream and Scream 2. Breaking the recent trend of taking a decade break between installments, Scream IV arrives just thirteen months after Scream (2022) AKA Scream 5. Sight unseen I would have petitioned to title this time out Ghostface Takes Manhattan, but for some reason Hollywood hasn't started taking my calls.
The original Scream released in 1996 was the first true horror film I saw, with all of the lights out next to my father on our attached recliners in rural South Carolina. I was in high school, and never had the desire beforehand to dive into scary movies. When I was younger, even trailers for horror movies in the theaters would give me nightmares, and I had maxed out with thrillers for years. However, I had heard so much about Scream and it being a meta-horror with dark comedy and one that was lighter on the brutality than similar franchises like Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. So I figured I would give it a shot to see if I really could handle horror, and it has been off to the races ever since.
In fact, just in the past two years I have caught up on nearly a hundred horror movies I missed when I was younger, vowing to see every classic and even the unheralded cult icons. One of my future blogs may be dedicated to the scores of horror I indulged in as part of a pretty cool scratch-off poster I bought from Pop Charts (linked here) to keep myself honest. Even after all of those being checked off my watchlist, Scream remains as my all-time favorite.
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Our long-running heroine of the series is Sydney Prescott, portrayed by Neve Campbell, and boy has she been through a lot of shit.
First, we hear Sydney's mother was killed a year before we meet her, and her friends and community of Woodsboro begin to get the sharp end of the blade of a masked serial killer Ghostface. In the climax, we learn that her boyfriend Billy Loomis and his friend Stu have been responsible for the killings. Billy wants to get back at the Prescott family since Sydney's mother had an affair with Billy's father, which led to his parents' divorce. Stu is just a psycho. With the help of her friend Randy, Sheriff Dewey Riley, and local investigative journalist Gale Weathers, Sydney turns the tables on the killers and whack Billy and Stu.
Sure, on paper Scream is just a slasher movie, but the real notoriety the series carries is its perfect commentary and skewering of horror movies, especially slashers, that came before. Jamie Kennedy's whole role as Randy is to advise the group of the tropes and pitfalls of horror movie characters so the teens can avoid getting butchered. The film is full of classic scenes, including Drew Barrymore in the cold open, Randy screaming at Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween to turn around to see Michael Myers while he himself is being stalked by Ghostface, and plenty of quotable lines (LIVER alone!).
Scream 2 picks up with Sydney attending college alongside other survivor Randy, and in my opinion is just a hair below the original in kills, humor, and twists. Scream 3 is a snooze-fest and the worst of the series by far, where the filming of a movie called 'Stab' is taking place based on Sydney's experience in Woodsboro. This is the one where the killer is revealed to be Sydney's long lost brother in the most who gives a shit reveal. Scream 4 takes place 10 years later, and recaptures what I found to be the best parts of the first two films.
At this point, I thought the franchise was dead and over, and I was happy for it to have ended on such a strong note as Scream 4. I especially thought it was a fitting end when the creator of the franchise and director over each installment Wes Craven passed away sadly in 2015. He had created and directed other iconic horror movie films like A Nightmare on Elm Street.
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However, Scream 5 was announced to be released 25 years later to the month from it's inspiring original. When I heard the announcement, I was extremely upset and skeptical about the movie. Why should I trust an installment in a beloved franchise directed by anyone besides the creator? And with the cash grabs coming from Hollywood by way of unnecessary sequels, why can't they just let this one alone?
I can admit when I am wrong, and I was wrong about being skeptical of Scream 5. I thought it was a worthy sequel, paid respect to the characters and movies that came before, and kept the commentary of modern horror sharp and relevant. I even liked the newly casted heroines in the film, played by Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera. Although I'm getting a little sick of seeing Jenna Ortega everywhere already. **SPOILER** It was sad to see Dewey die, but I understood the reasoning and why they did it per the Requel rules covered by newcomer character Mindy Meeks-Martin (a descendant of Randy's family).
The connection of Sam Carpenter being Billy Loomis' illegitimate child and channeling his psycho-powers for her to turn the tables on her own Ghostface was batshit crazy, but I loved it.
Despite really enjoying the 5th installment in the Scream series, I was hesitant once again when they announced a sequel would be released a year later, and this time taking place in the Big Apple. I immediately was reminded of the TERRIBLE horror movie sequel to take place in New York City- Jason Takes Manhattan. But you know I still had to buy a ticket and sit down to indulge in another offering that asks, what's your favorite scary movie?
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And finally, we arrive at the sixth installment in the self-described slasher franchise Scream VI.
The movie opens up on Samara Weaving sitting in a hip New York City bar, who is waiting for and texting with a dating app match. Her match mentions he is lost trying to find the bar and asks if he can call her. The voice on the other end of the phone is NOT the Ghostface voice we've come to love, but instead is just a regular guy's voice who eventually asks her to come outside so he can determine if he is on the correct street.
Weaving ventures further and further outside the bar looking for her match when she is led to walk into a nearby alley (dumb dumb), and her match's voice changes from the slight British accent to the menacing Ghostface effect. Ghostface pops out, stab stab stab, and then pulls off his mask to reveal new character Jason (Tony Revolori)????? That's a first, and at this moment I didn't know what to think about this movie breaking tradition of never seeing the killer until the climax. He trashes the costume in a nearby dumpster, keeps the mask, and heads back to his apartment, momentarily bumping into the movie's heroine Tara Carpenter before she heads off to a party.
Once Revolori gets back to his apartment, he gets a call from his friend Greg who he is planning Ghostface murders with, who asks him to describe how alive he felt murdering Samara Weaving. "Greg" speaks in the Ghostface voice and lures Revolori to eventually open the fridge where he finds the dismembered body of actual Greg. The Ghostface we'll be seeing the rest of the movie jumps out and kills Revolori.
Not a bad kind of double opening to the film, and it was tense in the moments that Jason is taken around his apartment by the killer playing the Warmer/Colder game. Nothing will ever top the opening sequence in the original film, but I give credit for these movies never phoning it in (pun very much intended) on the introductions.
We are then reintroduced to our surviving cast from the previous film, which initiated my frustrations with this movie. Of course you have Tara and Sam Carpenter as the returning heroines, but then we have Mindy and Chad Meeks-Martin coming back after being severely stabbed and left for dead at the house party in the finale of Scream 5. This trend comes up again multiple times in this movie, and I really hate it when horror films cheapen the 'kills' by just having everyone's favorite characters end up surviving. It removes the stakes, takes away any tension or fear we have that our beloved leads may be murdered, and makes the whole thing rather pointless.
We'll get to all that again. However, in this re-introduction to what they dub the 'Core 4' - Tara, Sam, Chad, and Mindy - we see that Sam is dealing with her issues with a counselor, who immediately drops her and threatens to call the cops when she says she kinda enjoyed pin-cushioning the killer Richie in Scream 5, and Tara is dealing with it by drinking. They then force an out of nowhere romantic tension between Tara and Chad which feels so creepy and dumb that I rolled my eyes both times they try and pass it off in the runtime.
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Anyways, Tara lives with Sam while she goes to college with their new roommate character Quinn Bailey, and the whole group has a new friend Ethan Landry who seems like a geeky innocent addition. Mindy will then hammer you over the head for the next two hours on how he seems too nice to actually be innocent of any of the Ghostface killings. There is also a neighbor across the hall that Sam seemingly has a crush on, and then reveals is having a secret affair with that she hides from the rest of the cast. Sam is overbearing for Tara who just wants to have a good time.
And there's the setup- phone calls begin, stabby stabby, strap in for another edition of Scream where we try to figure out who the killer(s) is.
Let us start with the positive for Scream 6. First, this is by far the goriest and most brutal movie in the series as far as the kills go. The twisting of the knife in the gut, Anika falling to her death and banging her face on the dumpster, Greg's dismembered body in the fridge, etc. are all the most gruesome murders we've seen in the franchise. And I ain't mad at it, as it makes each sequential death that much more powerful and painful to watch and makes you fear for whoever is next.
I also enjoyed seeing Hayden Panetierre reprise her role as Kirby from Scream 4. Although I found the idea that she is/was an FBI agent to be ridiculous and just a convenient plot point, it was still nice to see a legacy character besides Sydney or Gale make an appearance. Otherwise, she doesn't make that much of an impact in this movie.
Now, let's get to my gripes, of which I have MANY but will cover the two main ones.
The Killers
I don't know about you (who I'm assuming is a Scream fan if you've stuck with this franchise for 6 films), but part of what I love in these movies is trying to guess who the killer will be and still be somewhat surprised at the ending. I won't lie, there is one aspect of the ending of Scream 6 that I didn't see coming, but it's also a cheat and nothing you could have suspected anyways.
Due to the amount of times Ghostface mentions his plan to punish Sam for her past deeds and expose her as a killer, I knew whoever was the murderer in these movies was related to the killer in Scream 5 - Richie Kirsch. Then it hit me. When Quinn seemingly gets butchered, her father who is a police officer comes out and offhand mentions how he can't believe both of his kids are gone now. It clicked for me immediately, his son was Richie and he is at least one of what I assumed would be multiple killers. Then I knew if there was a second killer it would be someone else in their family unit.
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Then, when it is revealed that is exactly what is going on, I was pretty disappointed and underwhelmed. The only thing I didn't see coming was that Quinn didn't actually get killed and the cop swapped out her body for another when they faked her death. Pretty stupid in my opinion, and cheated the mystery out as much as Glass Onion (which I severely disliked). Cool that this is the first movie to have 3 killers instead of the classic 2, but something I found wasted on the laziness of the plot.
I have to mention at this point that I really do like Dermot Mulroney, and found him to be a good addition when he played the dutiful cop assisting the Carpenters in finding their stalker. HOWEVER, when he makes the turn to psychopathic killer, it is an embarrassing and frankly ridiculous performance. I have to assume the production kept a stockpile of eye drops on set since his peepers bug out of his head while he dances around revealing his master plan for minutes on end.
Mindy also calls out Ethan as the probable killer to an exhaustive extreme throughout that when it turns out he is one of the vengeful family members, I have a hard time believing you're actually shocked or care.
2. The Lack of Stakes
My gripe in the beginning of the film in seeing, specifically, Chad return after being what we all assumed was fatally stabbed in Scream 5 happens so many times in this movie that I can't understand why the filmmakers expect us to get any tension out of these new sequels.
Starting with Gale Weathers. Gale is stabbed multiple times in her apartment before eventually being found by Sam and Tara, but your sorrow in seeing a beloved character die is immediately dispelled when an EMT announces that she still has a pulse and she's saved. Alright, then why even have her get brutally stabbed?
Then, we move to Chad AGAIN! When the remaining survivors try to draw in the killer to the shrine/movie theater Gale discovered earlier in the movie, Chad gets stabbed several times in the chest and stomach by two killers at the same time. Go fuck yourself if you think that I buy him living through that, and why can we not have one person who returns get killed? They mention earlier in the film that one of the rules of a franchise is everyone is fair game to be murdered, and then nobody actually gets killed? BOOOOO, THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HERE FOR.
Look, I can't say this film isn't entertaining as it keeps the pace up, the kills coming, and the New York set pieces bloody. However, if I'm ranking it in the catalogue I only enjoy this time out more than the abomination that is Scream 3, because it introduces nothing new besides more gore, has the most predictable outcome of all the predecessors, and cheapens the kills to a ridiculous degree. Sure, I'm going to buy it when it gets released since I own the rest, but I imagine it's going to collect some dust over the years.
Scream VI - 6.0/10
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bradyoil · 2 months ago
Make Your Passion Project Now With Filmmaker Michael Patrick Jann.
Writer/Director/Producer Micheal Patrick Jann ("Drop Dead Gorgeous", "The State", "The Good Doctor") and I are holding a live webinar called "Make Your Passion Project Now" on Feb. 18th. 6pm Pacific. Live with a spirited Q&A and VIP pop ins. Sign up here.
100% of the ticket sales go to Red Cross LA to help the victims of the LA fires. Graciously hosted by our dear friends at the Filmmakers Academy.
Born of a chat Michael and I were having, he said, "while it's good to know the difference between 24mm and 70mm lenses and have a rich friend who is also a movie star, it doesn't matter if you can't define and explore your vision."  Your vision is the center of everything, and without it, you have no project. What is your vision, and how does that vision make the journey from your heart to the screen? What are you trying to say? How do you communicate that?
This class is about figuring out how master filmmakers have answered these questions and put their vision on the screen... and, most importantly, how you can do this as well. We will discuss and study several great films and filmmakers - with a particular emphasis on distilling the filmmaker's vision and intent and how they brought that to life. See you all there.
COMMERCIAL DIRECTING BOOTCAMP 04.05.2025 We're donating 50% of your Bootcamp tuition to charities and GoFundMe's to help the fire victims. Filmmakers learn how to win jobs and craft better work that leads to more opportunities. Agency creatives will learn how the flow goes on-set before the shoot. Limit 10 filmmakers. Includes one-on-one onboarding call.  Enroll now to direct with confidence.
FILMMAKER RETREAT JOSHUA TREE '25 Thursday, September 25th – Sunday, September 28th, 2025. Limit 15 Filmmakers. This will be our 4th year and it's so special, I'd prefer to jump on the phone with you and tell you more. Every year since our first, filmmakers have come back. Pretty much says it all. SIGN UP!
ONLINE FILMMAKING COURSES - DIRECT WITH CONFIDENCE Each of my online courses come with a free 1:1 mentorship call with yours truly. Taking the Shadow course is the only way to win a chance to shadow me on a real shoot! DM for details. Want to level up your commercial directing game?
MAGIC MIND - MY MENTAL PERFORMANCE EXILIR - JAN SPECIAL 45% Save hugely on Magic Mind by using this special 45% off the Magic Mind Bundle in January with coupon link for MAGIC MIND — This link is the way.
My cult classic mockumentary, “Dill Scallion” is online so I’m giving 100% of the money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I’ve decided to donate the LIFETIME earnings every December, so the donation will grow and grow annually. Thank you.
“Respect The Process” podcast is brought to you by Commercial Directing FIlm School and True Gent, aka True Gentleman Industries, Inc. in partnership with Brady Oil Entertainment, Inc.
Check out this episode!
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camdenleisurepirates · 2 months ago
I'm very much in agreement with her suggestions here. Yes, this is a shrine for the cult of Sts Crowley and Aziraphale, so let's treat it with the reverence it deserves. Don't deface it to the point where park maintenance is forced to remove it. Be mindful that there are also non-fandom visitors to the park. In short, be good citizens - those are in short supply in some quarters these days, we need all the good examples we can get.
(PS - I like to think the *original* bench has been smuggled off to Scotland or somewhere, to participate in the filming. Or maybe it lives in Michael or David's back garden).
The GO bench in St James Park has been replaced with a different one
Very sorry to report that the sanded down bench they returned at the original spot in St James Park is actually NOT the OG fandom one.
There are some very prominent features the OG bench had. Most importantly, the shape of the back of the bench, the armrest shape, and the height of the bench itself:
OG bench (pic taken last year):
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The new bench, unfortunately, has a different back shape (the tops of the left and right wooden planks at the back):
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I did some ineffable detective work in St James Park this weekend of 25th January (with the help of @0xlilith and @fuckyeahgoodomens and @fuzzywhispersbear) and examined all the benches in the near vicinity and subsequently all the benches in the park, in case they just moved it to a different spot. They did not.
I now have a special photo folder in my phone featuring some of the possible candidate benches in St James Park, because that's what you do if you are a GO fan on a trip to London.
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All the potential candidate benches that fit the shape criteria didn't meet the "recently cleaned" criterion or the "at least a bit visible carving scars in the right places" criterion.
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(A very useful graphics made by @fuckyeahgoodomens)
It is, of course, possible that I am wrong and the bench is there somewhere and has been cleaned so well that not even the carving scars are visible. I just recorded all the Clues as I collected them and this is the logical conclusion:
I think it is realistic to consider that the OG bench was damaged beyond salvation and as such, was removed permanently. I feel like maybe some of the carvings were too deep and beyond repair. I might be wrong, they just might be rotating the benches and our bench is just sitting somewhere in storage, waiting for being cleaned and returned. (It is probably not in different park because all benches have a SJP at the back and I think they make sure to not mix them up).
I, personally, am actually fine with fans writing on the bench. It is within my personal limits of what is OK. But some of the fandom love was maybe too vigorous. And as a whole, I think that this shows us that we might try to treat the new bench with a bit more respect. By refraining from carving in it with a knife. By using plain pencils to write our little notes so that they don't destroy the bench, are easily cleaned and are not visible to regular visitors of the park, only for people who know what they are looking for. Use it as a scavenger hunt place (my personal favourite) to leave little trinkets and gifts for other fans (but hide them well so that they don't visually disturb regular visitors).
I am not openly promoting vandalism here. I am just being realistic and I seriously have nothing but love for the people who left their permanent mark on the bench. (And I would HATE for this post to be used for hating on these fans. Pls don't.) I believe we can find a sweet spot of showing our love for the bois and not damaging the bench beyond salvation.
And I think the management of St James Park is showing us that they are just doing their job and they don't hate us (hopefully).
Why? Because the heart padlock of Aziraphale and Crowley is still there. Someone even added another padlock and a little fly! And these things didn't disappear. I think this hopefully demonstrates that fandom activities in moderation are allowed.
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The bench is a symbol of fandom love and as such, I don't think it can be lost. It is what we make it. There is a new lovely bench at the spot and it attracts GO fans just like the previous one did. And while I know many people (including me) will grieve the piece of fandom history that might have been lost, I think that this is an opportunity for a fresh start.
We'll be OK. This place still feels loved.
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cultfaction · 5 months ago
Cult Faction Podcast Ep. 128: The Greasy Strangler
In this week’s episode we shine our spotlight on The Greasy Strangler, a 2016 American black comedy horror film directed by Jim Hosking, and written by Hosking and Toby Harvard. The film stars Michael St. Michaels, Sky Elobar, Elizabeth De Razzo, Gil Gex, Abdoulaye NGom and Holland MacFallister. https://cultfaction.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Episode-128.mp3
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silvestromedia · 6 months ago
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SAINTS SEPTEMBER 29 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy
St. Theodota, Roman Catholic Martyr and penitent, she was converted and refused to obey the decree of the local prefect for all citizens of Philipopolis, Thrace (modern southeast Balkans), to participate in the festival of Apollo. Hundreds of Christians followed her lead, and she was arrested and put to torture, she was finally stoned to death. Feastday Sept 29
September 29th: St Rene Goupil, SJ
St. Rhipsime, Roman Catholic Virgin martyr who was put to death with a group of fellow virgins in Armenia. Brought before King Tiridates. Rhipsime refused the royal favors and was put to death by being roasted alive. Gaiana and all of the other maidens except one, called Christiana, were massacred by Armenian soldiers. Christiana later became a missionary in Georgia. Feastday Sept 29
Bl. Miguel de Aozaraza Roman Catholic Dominican priest. and a Martyr of Japan. Feastday Sept 29
Bl. Richard Rolle de Hampole, 1349 A.D. English mystic and hermit. Born at Thornton, Yorkshire, England, circa 1300, he was educated at Oxford and in Paris from 1320-1326, before entering into the life of a hermit on the estate of a friend, John Dalton of Pickering in 1326. After several years of intense contemplation, he took to wandering across England, finally settling down at Hampole where he assisted the spiritual development of the nuns in a nearby Cistercian community. He died there on September 29. Richard was very well known and his writings widely read during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He was one of the first religious writers to use the vernacular. A cult developed to promote his cause after miracles were reported at his tomb, although the cause was never officially pursued. His works include letters, scriptural commentaries, and treatises on spiritual perfection. Perhaps his best known writing was De Incendio Amoris. He also wrote a poem, Pricke of Conscience.
ST. MICHAEL, ARCHANGEL-St Michael the Archangel is the Prince of the heavenly hosts, always at the head of the angelic legions as they continually battle against the forces of evil. Devotion to St Michael, whose feast is celebrated on September 29th, has universal reach.
ST. RAPHAEL, ARCHANGEL-The cult of archangel Raphael can be traced back to the 11th century; his feast day is celebrated together with that of the archangels Michael and Gabriel. His name comes from the Hebrew “Rafa-El,” or “medicine of El [God],” the opposite of the name of the demon Asmodeus, “he who causes to perish.”
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Events 8.10 (affter 1950)
1953 – First Indochina War: The French Union withdraws its forces from Operation Camargue against the Viet Minh in central Vietnam. 1954 – At Massena, New York, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Saint Lawrence Seaway is held. 1961 – Vietnam War: The U.S. Army begins Operation Ranch Hand, spraying an estimated 20 million US gallons (76,000 m3) of defoliants and herbicides over rural areas of South Vietnam in an attempt to deprive the Viet Cong of food and vegetation cover. 1966 – The Heron Road Bridge collapses while being built, killing nine workers in the deadliest construction accident in both Ottawa and Ontario. 1969 – A day after murdering Sharon Tate and four others, members of Charles Manson's cult kill Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. 1971 – The Society for American Baseball Research is founded in Cooperstown, New York. 1977 – In Yonkers, New York, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") is arrested for a series of killings in the New York City area over the period of one year. 1978 – Three members of the Ulrich family are killed in an accident. This leads to the Ford Pinto litigation. 1981 – Murder of Adam Walsh: The head of John Walsh's son is found. This inspires the creation of the television series America's Most Wanted and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. 1988 – Japanese American internment: U.S. President Ronald Reagan signs the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, providing $20,000 payments to Japanese Americans who were either interned in or relocated by the United States during World War II. 1990 – The Magellan space probe reaches Venus. 1993 – Two earthquakes affect New Zealand. A 7.0 Mw  shock (intensity VI (Strong)) in the South Island was followed nine hours later by a 6.4 Mw  event (intensity VII (Very strong)) in the North Island. 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing: Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols are indicted for the bombing. Michael Fortier pleads guilty in a plea-bargain for his testimony. 1997 – Sixteen people are killed when Formosa Airlines Flight 7601 crashes near Beigan Airport in the Matsu Islands of Taiwan. 1998 – HRH Prince Al-Muhtadee Billah is proclaimed the crown prince of Brunei with a Royal Proclamation. 1999 – Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting. 2001 – The 2001 Angola train attack occurred, causing 252 deaths. 2001 – Space Shuttle program: The Space Shuttle Discovery is launched on STS-105 to the International Space Station, carrying the astronauts of Expedition 3 to replace the crew of Expedition 2. 2003 – The Okinawa Urban Monorail is opened in Naha, Okinawa. 2009 – Twenty people are killed in Handlová, Trenčín Region, in the deadliest mining disaster in Slovakia's history. 2012 – The Marikana massacre begins near Rustenburg, South Africa, resulting in the deaths of 47 people. 2014 – Forty people are killed when Sepahan Airlines Flight 5915 crashes at Tehran's Mehrabad International Airport. 2018 – Horizon Air employee Richard Russell hijacks and performs an unauthorized takeoff on a Horizon Air Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 plane at Seattle–Tacoma International Airport in Washington, flying it for more than an hour before crashing the plane and killing himself on Ketron Island in Puget Sound. 2018 – An anti-government rally turns into a riot when members of the Romanian Gendarmerie attack the 100,000 people protesting in front of the Victoria Palace, leading to 452 recorded injuries. The authorities alleged that the crowd was infiltrated by hooligans who began attacking law enforcement agents. 2019 – Thirty-two are killed and one million are evacuated as Typhoon Lekima makes landfall in Zhejiang, China. Earlier it had caused flooding in the Philippines. 2019 – Philip Manshaus shoots his stepsister and attacks a mosque in the Bærum mosque shooting. 2020 – Derecho in Iowa becomes the most costly thunderstorm disaster in U.S. history.
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