#the devil conspiracy
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loveboatinsanity · 2 months ago
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evilbubu · 7 months ago
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My Favourite Films
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months ago
Okay, unfortunately “The Devil Conspiracy“ was mediocre at best 😬 but… the angel design really rocked.
I mean… Archangel Michael everyone. 😏
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A few more nice visuals (especially Lillith) but … well. The visuals were definitely the best thing about it.
It had a few nice references to Rosemary‘s Baby and The Exorcist, too, but… unfortunately too … IDK. Cheesy and unlogical in parts. Still. Gotta find myself high res photos of the angels. 😏
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silveryuusage · 2 years ago
i just watched The Devil Conspiracy and the way that Michael and Lucifer talked to each other in the scene before the baby was born was peak sibling behavior
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onetrueartform · 1 year ago
Mixing Religious Horror with science fiction. Interesting. Alas, I don’t think I’ve seen something as juicy as “Jurassic Park meets Rosemary’s Baby” wasted so thoroughly on such a by-the-numbers script.
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cinemaquiles · 1 year ago
Tão absurdo que faz rir: o cômico A Profecia do Mal (“The Devil Conspiracy”) para ver no streaming!
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madamebaggio · 2 years ago
Dubious movie of the night: “The Devil Conspiracy”.
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muzicafilmedivertisment · 2 years ago
THE DEVIL CONSPIRACY film horror Aboneaza-te la @mscastudiotim2023
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swampflix · 2 years ago
The Devil Conspiracy (2023)
We cover many flavors of schlock on this blog, but we tend to ignore one of the most popular, profitable sources of schlock around: “faith-based” Christian propaganda.  Outside a one-off podcast episode where we dipped our collective toe into the frigid waters of Evangelical schlock (covering God’s Not Dead & The Shack) and Boomer’s long-dormant Late Great Planet Mirth series covering the…
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dandelionjack · 10 months ago
> new series release (space babies) coincided with the uk seeing the northern lights for the first time in years
> the devil’s chord coincided with paul mccartney’s long-missing hofner bass guitar being found, by a doctor who fan no less
> boom coincided with an actual meteor crash
> 73 yards is coinciding with a rise in bizarre supposedly-occult animal sacrifice rituals in britain (the folk horror part) and rishi sunak finally calling a general election (the political drama part)
> hypothesis: russell t davies has somehow managed to tune in to the universe’s divine frequency ??
> conclusion: messing with the forces of fate, cause&effect and coincidence, even if it’s for the pop culture franchise you’re showrunning, actually turns it into an egregore, but only if it’s been going for long enough (sixty fucking years to the dot) and watched by enough people (tens of millions). which it has
> ergo, postscriptum: television magick is real and is being unintentionally performed by the creators + audience of the world’s silliest science fiction show
> /jk. unless?
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loveboatinsanity · 2 months ago
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evilbubu · 1 year ago
has anybody watched a movie called The Devil Conspiracy about this cult stealing DNA from corpses of important historical figures and injecting them into fertilised eggs to impregnate women and make them give birth to essentially babies with the same genius/talent as those historical figures?
like and there's this cute priest who gets stabbed to death trying to stop this evil lady from stealing the shroud of Turin to ressurect baby jesus and free the devil. and then st Michael shows up to earth and posses the priests body and tries to stop them and and and
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of-pale · 9 months ago
I haven't seen many people talk about the fact how Vergilesque Urizen's true form can appear at certain angles.
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Look at that! That's a purely demonic Vergil right there. They even share same stink eye!
Sure, sure you got the whole deal of Urizen pulling blue colour wise, obviously, but I'd like to present another very interesting detail. So here's Vergil's fabulous tail in his SDT form, coming right out from between his shoulder blades:
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And here's a certain attack Urizen uses that annoys the shit out of people:
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Guess where that bad boy is popping up from:
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That's right! From between the shoulder blades, looking all too familiar to certain magnificent tail. Yes, Vergil's tail is probably a remnant that's stuck around from his time as Urizen.
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twinklerei · 5 months ago
I think we can all agree that Pochita isnt actually the chainsaw devil and he is the fear of something bigger
Pochita is a primal fear, but not an obvious one like pain or mutilation.
Pochita is the fear of being forgotten. The overwhelming thought that your existence, your entire being, doesn’t matter.
Now yes, I agree that doesn’t seem like something every human would be afraid of on instinct. and you’re right, it isn’t something you’re born being afraid of.
But Devils are different from humans. Their entire being is dependent upon being remembered and feared, making the thought of being forgotten something they fear more than anything. The thought of being powerless would drive any Devil mad. Which is where Pochita comes in.
While humans would instinctively fear the dark or falling or fire or loads of other things, demons would instinctively fear the only thing that would be permanent to them, being forgotten and without power.
This would also explain his willingness to save anyone who asks for it, he’s protecting the people who’ve been forgotten about like denji. It also goes without saying why this ties into his ability to erase the name and existence of anything he consumes since he’s making the world forget them.
Overall I think this is a really good reason why Pochita is so powerful when chainsaw’s aren’t a universal fear. Every Devil knows and remembers the rev of his chainsaw as he’s a primal fear for devils, while humans don’t recognize him and misname him, as he’s not a fear ingrained into their subconscious like to devils.
The other Theorie besides this that I like its that he is the love devil, the fear of love, because devils are born from fear and hate and he erases them with love but I cant really think of other reasons so I think I will go with fear of being lonely/forgotten.
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kirnet · 11 months ago
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Now, that look like something my old auntie taught us how to make when I was a tyke. Some folks call them bird traps. Old auntie told us they were devil nets. You put them around the bed, catch the devil before he get too close... I always just though it was something for children to do. Keep them busy. Tell them stories why they're tying sticks together.
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nothing-but-paisley · 1 month ago
So I just realized in the s3 teaser that Daniel thanks Lestat for the tickets, PLURAL...
who was your plus one, Danny boy??
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