#collider 2024
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
A great interview with Michael with Collider :), mostly no spoilers (or what already been said elsewhere :)❤)
COLLIDER: Obviously, when you were making the first season of this show, you had the book to work off of, you had a characterization to work off of, but because this season is an all-new thing that Neil Gaiman has written, did you get to work with him at all to develop what Aziraphale was doing this season, or was it all dependent on what he wrote?
MICHAEL SHEEN: Yes, I think when we were doing the first season, Neil always talked about the idea that he and Terry [Pratchett] had talked quite a bit about future storylines and that they had worked out quite a lot of it, actually. They just never got around to writing it down in a book. So there was quite a lot of material already in his head. One of the wonderful things about this, as well, working on this project, has been how much myself and David have been able to collaborate with Neil on the characters and inhabit them and bring them to life, and developing the relationship between them and the storylines. So it’s felt very collaborative, but then, of course, Neil is very good at making it feel collaborative even when he knows exactly what he wants.
QUESTION: Speaking of that relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale, you are obviously quite close with David Tennant. You work with him not only on this but also on Staged. What's it like getting to put that friendship dynamic to use on those shows, especially since Staged is something that's so completely different from Good Omens?
SHEEN: It's just wonderful, really. You know, often you work with actors that perhaps you have very good chemistry with on-screen or on stage, but maybe off-stage, off-screen there's not a particular spark. It's fine, but there's nothing particularly special about your relationship on stage or on-screen. Then other times, there are people you get along with really, really well, but maybe there isn't necessarily that amazing chemistry on-screen or on stage. So it's very rare that you have both. I think with us, we've just sort of discovered that that is the case, or it seems to be that people feel like we have good chemistry together when we're working. And we just have a lovely time together in between working as well, so it's such a pleasure to be able to do that, and to be able to work on projects like Good Omens and Staged with the characters that we play in those. It's just a real joy, so, you know, long may it continue.
QUESTION: Personally, I love the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley, and the show has had such a massive fan response. How much are you aware of that, and what do you hope fans take away from this season as opposed to the first one?
SHEEN: Oh, I'm very much aware of it. Yeah, it's one of the most enjoyable aspects of working on this, to see how much the audience and in particular Good Omen fans just give to the project. It does feel like a fulfilled kind of creative collaboration with the fans as well. There's so much talent when people come to writing fanfiction or artwork, or just discussing ideas or things that have sort of been born out of it. I mean, there are all kinds of amazing groups who fundraise now for charities and do all kinds of incredible things. There are conventions and all sorts. I love that, and I love seeing how people have made friends, really close friends, through their connection to this and these characters in this story, and how communities have been created, and how much people are helping each other. I see all that online and I hear about it. It feels very in the spirit of the story, you know, it feels very in keeping with what it's all about. I think that's a big part of why Neil and I and the rest of us have all really opened ourselves to that fan community, because I think it feels like a very living part of the story.
QUESTION: How do you think Aziraphale has changed between where we leave him at the end of Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2? Is there anything unusual that we can expect from him this season?
SHEEN: Well, I think he's in a quite odd position for him because, on the one hand, he's got a lot of the things that he's always wanted. He's always wanted to just be left alone and live in his bookshop, and drink tea and listen to music, and read books and go to the theater, and eat nice meals and drink nice wine, and be with the being that he loves being with the most. But on the other hand, he's also someone who feels very anxious about not being part of the company, you know, being out on his own and sort of independent. It’s quite a challenge for him. It’s that thing about “be careful what you wish for.” He got what he wished for, but he still feels a bit off-kilter, I think, and then this unexpected guest arrives and turns the world upside down for him again.
But one of the things that we wanted to explore with Aziraphale in this series is perhaps finding something a little steelier underneath the apparent soft surface, that maybe there's something else going on under there. So we see that kind of come out as the story goes on, as well.
QUESTION: In addition to playing Aziraphale, you also did the voice for Lucifer in The Sandman audio series, which is obviously also a Neil Gaiman joint. So what's the difference between playing an angel and playing a demon?
SHEEN: Well, of course, Lucifer is an angel, was once a fallen angel. My first experience of Neil’s work was The Sandman. That was what I first read when I was still a teenager in the late ‘80s, and it just absolutely blew my mind and opened me up to all kinds of things and started a journey [with] Neil’s work, but also all the people that Neil kind of points you towards through his work as well. It opened so many doors for me. So to be able to then be a part of The Sandman world, as well, to play such an iconic character, it was and is, because we're still doing it, just a bit of a dream come true.
QUESTION: I have one last question for you, and it's a little bit of a silly one. One of the most iconic parts of Good Omens is Crowley's Bentley, which is cursed to play nothing but Queen songs forever and ever. I would love to know what you think Aziraphale’s favorite Queen song is.
SHEEN: Well, I think he likes the more operatic ones. So he probably…I think he likes “Bohemian Rhapsody.” All those nifty chorus bits. He’d love that. So yes, probably “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
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lioncourtz · 8 months ago
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Collider interview at SDCC x
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anyataylorjoys · 9 months ago
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I know what it's like to feel like half of you is evil. It can turn you into something you don't recognize. I think there are others like you out there. What if you could find them? We don't have to be alone anymore.
THE WATCHERS (2024) dir. Ishana Night Shyamalan
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sayornispress · 6 months ago
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Two author copies delivered! Both for @bropunzeling (AO3 here).
More photos and info under the cut!
I actually did my copies of these a while ago--both in February, one in 2024 and the other in 2023. collide the spaces that divide us was one of my earliest attempts at social media formatting, and one of the last books I ever made with my inkjet printer. I did end up fixing a few things on that one's typeset, but it's nearly identical to my first copy. You may also notice in the photos that I chopped off a bit too much off the edge--I didn't yet know how to use my guillotine, and in all the time that's passed since then, it's become defunct (sharp enough to cut off a hand, but not sharp enough to cut through a stack of paper lol)
It's neat to see such a clear example of how much I've improved as a bookbinder in a year and a half--my copy on the left, author's on the right:
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Also, a comparison of color ink (left) vs color laser (right):
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Like this, it's easy to see how much more vibrant color toner is than ink. Ink works much better for complex images, but since I don't print a lot of photos, but do make a lot of social media typesets, this works much much better for my purposes.
Soon after that, I bought a black-only laser printer and had a whole new set of challenges. It was in this era of printing that I made only fools rush in. It has one of my most complex title pages to date, as they're not really my forte.
Below are my copy, the title page, and an example of how I did texts in this particular typeset.
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My copy has a cloth spine and a different cloth as the cover, with a strip from the endpapers to hide my sins act as a bridge between them. This is one of the binds from last Binderary that I'm most proud of.
The title page is in several different pieces--sort of jigsaw-puzzled together from vectors, Google Drawings, and a few different fonts.
Black-toner-only printing meant adjusting how I did social media formatting, and this is one of my favorite ways I solved that problem. I like the simple, almost minimalist formatting that sets the texts apart but doesn't steal the show.
I'd been meaning to offer author copies for these books for as long as I'd had them, but it's hard to understate how little I wanted to use my inkjet once I got a laser XD It's both slower and more expensive to use an inkjet, so as soon as I got my color laser printer set up, I sent the DM!
I organize my handbound fics by ship--that is, every ship has a set spine cloth and title color--so one of my favorite things about author copies is that I get to be a little more creative about covers!
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cellgatinbo · 1 year ago
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irenespring · 7 months ago
Daniel...do not pretend to be asleep Daniel I know your tells. No, I am not waking you for no reason, I have a reason. You have deceived me. You told me there were no prominent American vampires to fear. I now have reason to suspect that is false. You are aware that I follow various luminaries on the website Stumbling, I think it is called... They have painted me and my erotic form and in return they have my eternal devotion and "reblogs." They have informed me via a hastily assembled image of two gay men exchanging love declarations and current mortal news events there is to be a public political spectacle called a "debate" on September 10th where a murder will be committed. Yes, a murder. Isolated reports indicate that the woman, Kamala she is called, is going to subject the old one to...I wrote this down...a "one-sided slaughter the likes of which we have never seen before on live television" and that she may "vivisect him in front of a live audience" or "rip out his heart and lungs and display them to a moderator." This sounds very much like my work at the Theatre. Is it possible there is a vampire coven operating in plain sight? When I look through my iPad I see she may have attempted contact via texting. You told me those were automated messages but perhaps she believes I have spurned her and broken the code. I do not need more enemies right now, Daniel, now that Lestat is planning to tour and you have agreed to feature him in a film. Do you think she will be appeased by a sum of American dollars to her coven campaign?
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midsummerafternoon · 9 months ago
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fletcher and xana at summerfest (june 29, 2024)
- photography via madisonfromdallas on instagram
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watcher0033 · 8 months ago
Sukuita fan reacs at the fucked up twin flames bullshit Itadori Yuji and Sukuna got going on:
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cocotome · 11 months ago
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Help meeee!! Their smiles!!!!!!
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doamarierose-honoka · 2 months ago
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Here is an art piece Sonic crossover MegaMan, I did the inks and colours and penciled by @RaccoonRhythm for @Sonic_Online ASO for their panel at Sonic Expo Panel 2024. to unveil there return of "Sonic Super Special" #sonicthehedgehog #megaman #archiesoniconline #worldscollide
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Hate how the headline excludes Daniel (like the rest of the promos 🙄), love the interview. Finally, an interviewer who knows their shit. Looking at you, Variety.
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maxwellshimbo · 6 months ago
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Botober, day 1: "Collide Loopstorm"
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landoposition · 6 months ago
not even kevin day on his worst fucking day would do to neil what oscar did to lando lmfao
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crystalchimera · 3 months ago
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Originally posted November 21 on Twitter/X.
Sol Badguy/Fredrick rp account that I follow mentioned that Fredrick would probably love Bowser, so I quickly doodled them together. Fredrick is in like a weird half transformed Dragon Install state lol
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inktr3pid · 3 months ago
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farihahqaisari · 9 months ago
last ten laps so intense i had to hit the dad pose.
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