#the costumes also make me froth at the mouth
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year ago
they just don't make men like gene kelly anymore
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pynkhues · 2 years ago
Was wondering your thoughts on the costume design on the show.  I saw a post recently about the costume design in the show and how it does seem like fashion is really not a big deal.  when in most cases when there is a story about a wealthy family. The fashion is usually really important and they’re always shown with the most high end on trend clothing. I think the costume design is great but understated. was wondering if you think that’s intentional and what your thoughts are? (Succession)
Oh, man, this is such a huge question because ultimately I do think it varies both character-to-character, and episode-to-episode. That's not unusual for shows of this callibre with such a big ensemble to manage and such a limited setting (i.e. corporate chic is 9 times out of 10 what characters are wearing), and I do think they overall do a really great job. Their use of colour in showing alliances and fracturing relationships is especially good, and I like the way they play around with really simple things like hats, watches, amount of buttons done up, shoes, and fits to show differing mental states and groundings.
I also really appreciate that the show's overall costume/art department vision is about divorcing glamour from wealth, but I think there was a lack of clarity sometimes in terms of the visual language of the show in understanding whether the costume and depictions of set were about being accustomed to a certain quality vs an inherent lack of taste.
I think Shiv's probably the worst for this, which I know a lot of people read as Shiv not knowing who she is and the costumes being a reflection of that, and I do think there's room to say Shiv has difficulties with elements of fashion being raised by men to appreciate maleness and masculinity, of which fashion is pointedly not, but I don't know. I do think the show at various points has struggled to dress her in a way that made sense for her wealth and status (like, this is hair and make up, not costume, but I actively disagree with the premise that a character like Shiv would just tie her hair back for Connor's wedding. She could half-arse it, for sure, but she still has people seconds away from doing that for her).
That said, I do think they dress her great a lot of the time, and I think the show is actively interested in stealth wealth fashion, and not detracting from the inherent narcissism in characters like Kendall and Roman to dress in a way that's expensive yet not ostentatious. They know they're not men of the people, and would never slum it, yet at the same time they want to just look like a better version of a business bro. An elevated everyman, instead of a billionaire, and I think that works. I think the costume team has put a lot of thought into that, but yes. Not sure I think their vision always worked with Shiv.
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gliphyartfan · 4 months ago
With all this Halloween talk and the holiday season coming up, what do you think are the Chain's favorite holidays? Like maybe they definitely go crazy over Valentine's to impress (Y/N), or they enjoy dressing up with her on Halloween, or want to get the best presents for December?
The Chain getting to react to (Y/N)'s modern day world is what makes the Mafia AU so much fun sometimes.
the Chain would ABSOLUTELY go all out for any holiday if it meant impressing (Y/N). Like, these boys live to make her smile (or lowkey fluster the hell out of her, let’s be real).
For Wild, Halloween. You cannot convince me otherwise. This man gets way too into the spooky season. (Plus have you SEEN the number of outfits he gets during his journey?? And I thought Legend was the hoarder.)
He’d make crazy detailed pumpkin carvings, handcraft his costumes, and definitely try to scare the others with ghost stories.
Wild would also be that guy begging (y/n) to entering a costume contest with him. insisting they’d win.
Four gives me Easter vibes. Like, he’s all about spring festivals, decorating eggs, and planning scavenger hunts. (Definitely would have fun with scavenger hunts)
He’d make the cutest little handmade gifts for (Y/N), and his attention to detail would shine.
He’d love the quiet renewal vibe of spring, maybe even taking her out to see the blooming flowers or just enjoying nature together, maybe look around for Minish stumps.
Wind lives for loud, vibrant holidays, so Independence Day. But honestly, it’s just the fact that summer festivals are totally his thing. So maybe he’s a summer solstice type of guy? Or just a festival guy.
He’d drag (Y/N) through every booth, share festival snacks, and challenge her to games just so he can show off.
And the fireworks?? He’d point to every single one like, ‘See that? That one reminds me of you, totally explosive and amazing.’
…or (y/n) would say that to him. It’s always a toss up on who says it first.
Warriors? Oh him?
Mr. 🎄 Christmas King 🎄 himself.
He thrives during Christmas because it’s all about being generous and thoughtful.
Wars would make sure (Y/N) has the perfect present.. like something she mentioned wanting once six months ago and totally forgot about.
He’s got the ‘cozy holiday movie + hot cocoa + subtle arm around her shoulder’ game down. The guy’s just a pro.
(Also, especially cause it messing with Wild, would be the guy who’s start openly planning Christmas decorations right after Halloween ends. Like midnight on the dot he is talking about Christmas Decorations and Wild is frothing at the mouth.)
Legend was a toughie, but honestly? He’s is the biggest troll, so it’s April Fool’s Day for him. (Cause I love the idea that he’d enjoy such a day.?
He’d prank (Y/N) but in like, the most harmless and clever ways possible. And if she got him back? He’d actually respect her for it.
…i mean he’d still prank her back. But he’d respect her for managing to get him.
but he secretly loves seeing (Y/N) laugh, even if it’s at his expense.
Don’t worry folks, his pranks always delight her.
(…the others on the other hand…~)
Dear Hyrule? Winter Solstice. Rulie’s a soft boy who loves those quiet, magical moments of that time.
He’d take (Y/N) out to stargaze, wrapping her in blankets, have hot cocoa or tea and telling her the most heartfelt stories about constellations, his fairy sisters. and ancient magic.
His gifts would be small but meaningful, like charms or trinkets he made himself. (He’s got cozy solstice energy, fight me on this.)
Twilight equals AUTUMN KING ALERT.
Harvest festivals, any holiday that involves cozy vibes and homecooked meals? That’s all him.
He’s also got big ‘pile on the couch after dinner’ energy, and if it also involves wrapping (y/n) in a blanket and watching her fall asleep next to the fire/tv, he’s very up for it.
Imma be predictable here and say it’s gotta be Valentine’s Day for Sky. He’s hopelessly romantic and absolutely shameless about it.
He’d be the one to plan some epic, heartfelt day, handmade gifts, surprise picnics, and probably one of the Loftwing feathers he’s kept with him tucked into a letter about how much he loves her.
Bonus: He’d 100% serenade her under the stars with his harp.
Time was easy to think about. New Year’s is such a Time holiday. He’s all about that reflection, making quiet resolutions, and having meaningful moments. (I’d like to this it may or may not remind him about Termina’s festival, after he beat Majora. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
He’d sit with (Y/N) somewhere peaceful, watching the stars or fireworks, and subtly slip in how much he’s grateful for her being in his life. Soft vibes but romantic because it’s Time.
Also? He’d be the one to give her some small but meaningful gift like a bracelet or charm, something to keep her safe in the new year.
As for as a group? The boys would be INSANE during any modern holiday. Valentine’s Day? All out war to see who can impress (Y/N) the most.
Christmas? They’re fighting over who gets to be with her on Christmas Eve vs. Christmas Day. The presents have to eventually have rules. As conditioned by (y/n)
the gifts HAS to be simple, cheap, or handmade, because if she didn’t have that rule, the gifts would be ridiculous.
Halloween? Matching costumes would be a whole thing, and they’d all try to partner with her.
(Y/N)’s like, “No, I’m going solo this year” and they’re all collectively pouting.
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akajustmerry · 7 months ago
Palette cleansing ask because some people are weird: do you have a favourite piece of costume design in IWTV? I haven't watched the show yet but some of the gifs I look at the costumes and actually froth at the mouth a little bit they're so luscious.
ooooh, thank you! i love costuming in iwtv actually!
i LOVE claudia's mauve dress in 2.02 that madeline makes her. i love how it truly does look like a woman's dress made to fit a child and makes claudia look simultaneously adult and childish. delainey is 25 so a lot of claudia seeming younger on-screen is achieved in costuming, make up, and delainey's physicality (which she does extremely well!!), but that purple dress AHHHHHHH. its such a masterful and specific costume choice that signals claudia's trapped adulthood and perpetual childhood and how that is both a horror and something beautiful. its my absolute favourite costume piece. not to mention. its just a beautiful dress on its own too!
i love armand's outfit in 2.05, not just because i find 70s fashion really attractive generally. i love how its one of the few costuming choices where he's not trying to look smaller. so much of armand's costuming to me is trying to make him seem unassuming and charming, wolf in chic clothing. but the simple flare fitted pants/shirt combo makes him so tall! its one of the few times he looks as tall as he is!
i love how louis' costuming tends to be reflective of who his companion is at the time. when he's with lestat his costuming kinda mirrors lestats but softer. when he's with claudia, they tend to coordinate, and when he was with armand his fashion reflects armand's both in the past and present. i like that after he leaves armand, its the first time you see louis kinda in an outfit that's his but also incorporates all their influences!! which is why i love that cardigan he wears in the final scene in season 2. i feel like the softness is his, and the colours are claudia, etc
as for lestat's wardrobe, i am bisexual and love when hot people where fitted waistcoats!! also...... that shit gives me a gender crisis. i've spent many periods in my life fantasising about being a hot bisexual dude in a fitted waistcoat. so, there's a level of envy and horniness that makes it difficult for me to commentate on lestat's costuming. but oh my GOD. the trial outfit? CRISP. the way his clothes are kind of old money, but ahead of the time for everyone around him because he can afford new clothes while a lot of the people around him don't. the way lestat's clothes telegram his class but also his mood simmering beneath the surface. so good!
but yeah all the costuming is luscious and intentional. i love it!!!
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fairyable · 5 months ago
Fuck it, list of unhinged things my boss has done
Pronounced colleagues 'colLEAGUES' today on a phone call, despite running an entire company. He is a native English speaker.
Completely 180-ed his stance on a service we run three whole times in a meeting (promising to completely abandon the project, and then to prioritise it, and then to abandon it again) preceding each statement with "obviously"
"Next week we're really just going to push on and finish up so we can start getting started"
Insisted on daily morning 1-to-1 meetings despite me being a part-timer who works less than 2 hours per day
Spent upwards of six months pretending he had to go and talk to upper management when he had to make decisions. There is, of course, no upper management.
(Oh dear god, am I upper management?)
Instead of pulling the classic move of taking credit for other people's ideas, he regularly attempts to convince employees that various things were our ideas. This, so far, has benefitted nobody and is only confusing.
Tried to monitor ethnic diversity data by guessing
Concealed, for inscrutable reasons, that my colleague (and I guess also boss?) is actually his brother and lives under the same roof as him
Regularly invents, as far as he is aware, parts of my job/personal history to boost my credibility to other colleagues. (I am fine with this as, unbeknownst to him, I usually do actually have the experience he is fabricating)
Called me after going to China for a week to make work connections, and (alongside his brother) frantically tried to convince me to run a webinar wearing a Winnie the Pooh costume. I have no idea whether he was aware of the political implications of this.
Keeps me around because I am "going to say no"
Had a serious talk with me where he emphasised that clients "aren't going to be there for you when times are tough," which was a truly chilling insight into his psyche.
Hasn't taken a single day off work since I joined the team almost a year ago, weekends included.
Began literally frothing at the mouth in a 1-on-1 meeting as he was talking about his plan to "rule the world" (his words. we're a very small company)
When I had to take a couple of weeks off work due to a very imminent physical health problem, he misheard the word "pressure" (there was pressure on my brain/optical nerve) as "depression," and gave a supportive yet concerning pep talk with reference to his own struggles. I am not sure how he made sense of the fact that it was making me go blind, but I also couldn't be bothered to explain.
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shelaghdette · 1 year ago
ctm s13e06 thoughts (spoilery, sweary, sleep deprived, scottish)
actual pisstake. frothing at the mouth. rabid. feral. unhinged. not being normal.
first of all, the episode.
matthew aylward is an absolutely abhorrent fiend. every single time his face showed up on the screen, me & my pals on the discord server were POURING abuse into the chat. callin this man the worstest names in the world. truly the minginest bloke ive ever seen. imagine shouting at my best pal trixie franklin (who is your beautiful gorjiss wife) just because she tried to help solve a problem YOU created. DIAF matthew aylward.
speaking of new faces, love aw the wee pupil midwives passing their exams!! so excited to see wee rosalind and wee joyce as permanent staff at nonnatus!!!
speaking of cyril tho, he's an absolute legend and was serving so much cunt this episode. 100% lad. love how nice he was to the poor irish wummin & her barins.
also doctor turner talking about his old arthritic knees like he doesn't know what a temptation that is for me as a recovering dilf addict. scrum diddly umptious. i had to go and have a lie down and a valium after that blatant and violent assault on my mental health.
speaking of scrum diddly umptious and the turners, costume designer putting shelagh turner in lesbian flag colours THE ENTIRE EPISODE and teasing all the gay lassies who have taste? cruel and unusual punishment. i fancy her so much. at least it was acknowledged how bonny she was in this one (and every one) (cheers sister v you queen)
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speaking of the turners also, it's fabulous to see all of my stepchildren safe and well, especially my best and favourite wee lassie may <3 i know we're probably coming up for some pretty harrowing stories about her, so it was awfy gid to see thon wee smile for a moment.
finally: loved seeing sheelz in her element on the old johanna whacking oot the jesus bangers wi the local weans SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA TO THE KING OF KINGS!! GIVE ME OIL IN MY LAMP KEEP IT BURNING 🔥 🕺🏼💃👯‍♂️
fuckall but slay.
god bless my ctm luvvas. catch yis aw in a fortnight. big kissies to all (especially my wifey sheely turny)
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oh-no-its-bird · 7 months ago
Okay quick question what's the Magical girl izuna colour scheme
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PLEASE ignore the demon woman thingy she's still I'm her ugly art phase
Also just curious on whatever it loos like whenever Izuna does that "cleansing the moon from the people or whatever" cause i just drew pinkish fire and I'm not sure that's right
(Nurse June thinks his colours are blue but I think she's biased because she picks blue whenever I ask her what colour I should use in my art. Plus I always invisioned a more Cardcaptor Sakura esc colour scheme)
don't hate me but I've been meaning to change his outfit actually so this is now the official ✨️new design ✨️
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Only I also couldn't decide on colors so tried out 2 sets. I like the purple bc its more "Uchiha" but I think since I'm color coding Susanoo as the purple one, I might go w the red just so Madara can be purple? But idk. Honestly either of them work, Amaterasu probably changes details of the costume on a whim just bc she also can't decide and has fun playing dress up
But also the purple makes the sharingan decoration pop more so. Mmmm I dunno this is hard
HONESTLY PINKISH FIRE IS PRETTY ON POINT. Think just the amaterasu blue fire skill thing but like. Pink/red just for aesthetic or whatever.
The sharingan on his outfit also probably changes it's pattern to match the pattern of his own sharingan, I bet it unlocks a new tomoe with him. When he's detransformed, it just looks like a lump of decorative red glass
(Also tell nurse June I said hi)
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britesparc · 10 months ago
Weekend Top Ten #638
Top Ten Superman Costumes in Film and TV
Okay, so the reveal of David Corenswet’s super-suit from James Gunn’s Superman was a couple of weeks ago now, but I still wanted to talk about it. Because it generated a lot of interest on the ol’ interwebs, for a bunch of reasons. I mean, any talk about Superman nowadays is going to get the Snyder cultists frothing at the mouth, but there was a lot to discuss genuinely about the picture, and what it might mean for Gunn’s take on the character.
It got me thinking, because obviously at this point there have been quite a few cinematic interpretations of the Man of Steel (including in Man of Steel). For a character who has an incredibly iconic look, one that literally defined what “superhero” looks like, and who’s been around in broadly the same outfit for the better part of ninety years, the various changes and nuances to the costume can tell us a lot. Yes, it’s quite a dramatic decision if we give him the red trunks or not; but even stuff like the size and position of the S on his chest can speak volumes.
And so, with no further ado, I’m going to jump (in a single bound) right into my list. Because I’m going to rank my favourite Superman looks, not from the comics, but from the various adaptations that have popped up over the decades. And I don’t want to say too much more before we go in, because I’m going to leave that to the comments.
Up, up, and away!
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The Brandon Routh (Superman Returns, 2006): I think the shade of red is a touch too dark, and the S looks a tiny bit small; other than that, this nails it, and in a way that just looks great on camera. Whatever material the suit is made from, it’s bright, it feels thick and pleasant, it looks great stretched across Routh’s chest. The leather-look to the boots and cape is great; there’s a weight and heft to it that feels like a real suit and not just a fancy dress costume. And I love the embossed S; it gives texture and depth to the thing. So, yes, some minor nitpicks, but I think on balance this gets more things right than anything else.
The Christopher Reeve (Superman, 1978): in many ways the definitive look, and I’m sure some will be shocked it’s not number one. But I think the thinness of the suit itself, and the high-waisted-ness of the trunks, leans a bit too heavily to the circus strongman appearance of yesteryear. The screenprint design of the S on the chest is a touch too, I dunno, “cosplay”. And I prefer a longer cape. Plus, maybe the shades of red and blue are a bit too light? But, let’s be honest, these are ridiculously minor nitpicks. It’s nigh-on perfect.
The Flashback (Superman & Lois, 2021): echoing the early years of the comic and the Max Fleischer animations of the 1940s, the suit we see Tyler Hoechlin wearing during flashbacks in the Superman & Lois is just incredible (and better than his “real” suit!). The shades of blue and red, the length of the cape, the trunks; all perfect. The way the S is slightly raised but not fully embossed is brilliant, and almost feels a touch homemade for Superman’s first attempt at a super-suit. But I think for a regular, “definitive” suit, you can’t really have a black S-shield. It looks amazing here, in flashback, but I don’t think I’d want it to be the norm. Other than that, though, this is exactly what I want Superman to look like on screen.
The David Corenswet (Superman, 2025): my preference is for pretty simple fabric; the smooth, fitted looks of the previous three suits. This is textured, quite thick. Also, if I’m honest, I’m not super-keen on a high neck. But the overall look of this – the style and size of the S, the fit of the cape, the boots, the trunks – is pretty great, and I’m happy with the shade. This is actually a very good interpretation of the “New 52” Superman suit, right down to the engraved patterns. Plus, I just like the fact that it looks kinda lived-in; like a “real” suit, not just something that only makes sense in a movie.
The Tyler Hoechlin (Superman & Lois, 2021): Hoechlin’s actually worn a couple of suits in his time in the Arrowverse, but this regular suit is best. Yeah, okay, no trunks, but otherwise the overall look of the S and the colours and the cut of the cape… it’s all top notch. I can forgive texturing in a modern suit, but I’m not so keen on the shading that seems designed to accentuate Hoechlin’s own musculature; this always reminds me of little kids’ cosplay costumes and their painted-on muscles. The dude’s hench enough, he don’t need it!
The Kingdom Come (The Arrowverse/Batwoman, 2019): we’re onto another “special” outfit here. This one is incredible, and if it weren’t for one or two specific details, it’d be perfect. In the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, we meet an alternate version of Superman, again played by Brandon Routh, who’s wearing what amounts to a live-action version of the Kingdom Come suit. The red is a bit darker than usual, but the big deal is the black logo. The whole style of it, the look of the fabric, the design of the S; it’s incredible. But, y’know, it feels very specific, not an everyday thing.
The Dean Cain (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, 1993): when I was growing up, this was what Superman looked like; how I saw him, week in, week out. Looking back now, there’s a thinness and a perceived cheapness to the fabric; if someone was wearing this exact outfit at a Comic Con you wouldn’t be surprised. Also, there’s something a bit off about the trunks; they’re more like briefs, if that makes sense. Almost looks like he’s wearing a codpiece. Plus, y’know. Dean Cain. Yeesh.
The Nicolas Cage (The Flash, 2023): the inclusion of Cage in the bizarre multiversal merry-go-round that climaxes The Flash was, I have to say, inspired; the story of his beleaguered and abandoned Superman film is legendary. So to finally see him, mullet and all, was a joy. The suit is pretty good, although (and here it appears to be very closely referencing historic images of the suit they were going to use in the 1990s) it has a “muscle suit” look reminiscent of the Batman suits in the Burton/Schumacher movies, and the colours have an almost metallic tinge. But, y’know, it’s blue and red and recognisably Superman.
The Henry Cavill (Man of Steel, 2014): I’ve never been keen on this. We’re back to an incredibly textured, patterned look; but the shades are all off here. It’s almost like a grey-green and not a bright blue. Plus the cape is far too long. The biggest issue is the weird swirling embossed lines that highlight his sleeves and seem to serve as a sort-of belt in lieu of trunks. I liked Cavill as Supes, but I’ve never liked his suit.
The Zack Snyder (Zack Snyder’s Justice League, 2021): it’s black. It’s shit. This is the film, remember, in which Superman is involved with chopping off a guy’s head and throwing it through a portal at the guy’s boss, as a warning. Ergo, it’s not Superman, and it’s not a Superman suit. Bye!
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paperconsumption · 2 years ago
no one even cares that when eichi said he was going to disband akatsuki keito PASSED OUT from shock and souma had to BRIDAL CARRY HIM to kuro and anzu and then anzu poured AN ENTIRE BUCKET OF WATER on him to wake him up. he was also manhandled by kuro in the same story. and no one cares. and no one cares about the way keito always gets jealous when kuro helps souma with his costume but not him. and the way they tried playing mario kart together once and they all SUCKED ASS. and the way they dont know how to take selfies so when asked to for a promotional thing it failed because the photos were just so bad. no one understands. THE WAY KEITO ALWAYS SHOWS KURO CAT VIDEOS. the way keitos scared of large animals and souma asks him why hes not scared of kuro and its because they love each other so much actually. the way souma saved them........... the way that, when kuro and keito had condemned themselves to hell, souma was stubborn enough to disobey keito to SAVE THEM - *coughs up blood*
RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT they r all insane and they all care about each other so much and they all r kinda lame,,i’m reading opera right now every akatsuki moment is making me froth at the mouth
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moookar · 1 year ago
What would the Exiled crew (yes even Lionel 🙄) be for Halloween
OHOH this is a fun one ty Ilysm. Halloween doesn't exist here but we will pretend they have all our modern conceptions and culture around it
I am so sorry to do this to you but I don't think Caparal would dress up. As a kid he probably did some halfassed costumes. Basic stuff, spider, wizard, idefk. When he was 8 he realized that there's a cheat code for this holiday which is "just go as a sheet ghost" and he abused that. He stopped getting in costume entirely when he was 14.
First Halloween after they met (let's say they're post-story here so Caparal and Rye can interact without Caparal either giving one word responses or frothing at the mouth how much he wants to strangle this man), Rye asks Caparal what he's going as. Caparal gives a noncommital shrug and says, "Well, I dodged any invites to Halloween parties, so I don't have to."
The pain and confusion that briefly flashes across Rye's face here is enough to make Caparal completely reconsider it just for his sake.
Rye loves Halloween. He spends hours and hours dreaming up costumes, agonizing over what to go as, etc. (In the second + third iteration of his character, he was actually a tailor!) You are prroobably surprised by this, but it'll make more sense once I tell you that he's so convinced that it'll make him look stupid he never once goes as anything. He has even kind of half convinced himself that no, he doesn't actually like it, because holidays are for children who haven't learned the cruel realities of the world or whatever haha.
So yeah, Rye was confused and pained because his question (which if Caparal knew Rye's internal context of, would have considered it an insult) was responded to with an "I don't want to" rather than a "I can't", which broke his brain a bit.
Don't worry, though, Delayne convinced them to get in costume!
Delayne didn't make Rye, but the threat of her disappointment was motivation to briefly overcome his weird internalized bullshit.
Rye goes as a character from a play, I think. Someone tragic. I'm imagining him finally in costume and tearing up in the mirror like those "I just put on a binder for the first time!" videos. It's really well made, too. He spent a lot of time on it.
Caparal's a sheet ghost, obviously.
Delayne considers matching with Rye even though she didn't really like the play, but when she suggested it and there was somehow more panic in his eyes she backed off.* I think she'd go as something water themed. Paint some scales on her face with kohl or something. It doesn't have much significance to her--she just went with whatever seemed fun!
(* he was scared of the vulnerability that comes with matching costumes. If she pushed, he would have accepted it gladly)
Lionel also isn't one much for costumes (too stressed! Ach, you want him to have another event he has to prepare for?). If gently prodded, he would, though. He'd go as famous poets or philosophers... this guy is such a nerd. Jester you're going to hate me for that one.
Andrea goes as classics (ghosts, witches, etc) but also some not-so-classics. I could see her as a lion. Those are probably her favorite animal. (🚨🚨 ALERT ALERT. NO RELATION TO THE MAN NAMED LIONEL. THIS IS JUST BECAUSE SHE HAS LION ENERGY. THE NAMES OF THIS ANIMAL AND THE PIECE OF SHIT BEING SIMILAR ARE AN UNFORTUNATE COINCIDENCE🚨🚨)
Character I still have not named from Rye's past would go as a wizard which is just their sense of humor. Holy shit I think this might be the first solid fact I've ever told you about them? I really need to name them damn
Thank you for the ask and thank you for reading ily <3
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thejesusmaninred · 6 months ago
"The Aphros." From Mark 9: 14-19.
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We continue our discussion about the Ninth Degree, the birth of the Son of Man. The Gospels illustrate the coming of the age of the Mashiach like a virgin birth, after which follows a cute Jewish boy with hair knees stealing attention in the synagogue, but this is not how mankind works. Each generation must rear up its own and chase the demons away from it, until the blood runs pure.
Jesus focuses on freedom of speech as the first sooth a young person must adopt in order to attain to a pure spirit. Freedom of speech does not mean speak one's mind. Jesus says a rebellious spirit has robbed a young man of his speech, meaning He plans to give it back to Him but in a different dialect prior to the onset of the demonic spirit. We covered this in the frame entitled the cough. Bear in mind this frame follows the one that explains Elijah.
Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Impure Spirit
14 When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. 15 As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him.
16 “What are you arguing with them about?” he asked.
17 A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. 
18 Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.”
19 “You unbelieving generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.”
We have touched upon the fact religion and real life exist in parallel up to a point. As maturity grows one's dependence of religous studies should senesce. A boy that cannot get his face off the ground and who foams at his mouth much in the way the blood and foam of the goddess Aphrodite were creamed off the surface of the sea to create a divine apparition.
"The noun αφρος (aphros) means foam and is applied to the same bubbly structure in Greek as in English. In the classics our noun primarily describes the foam that forms on the sea or even a river (see our article on Tigris), but also the foam on the mouth of a raging beast, and on occasion froth on wine or even blood.
Note that foam results from a mix of water and air (ανεμος, anemos, wind), whereas water (John the Baptist) mixed with light (Jesus of Nazareth) produces a rainbow, the varicolored mark of the Noahic covenant (Genesis 9:8-17, hence also Joseph's tunic; the Septuagint of Genesis 37:3 uses ποικιλος, poikilos, varicolored)."
Orthodoxy or rigidity is not the desired outcome of a religious education in young people. At some point, the discretion of a young man must be allowed to flex its muscle and this means the fruits of the actions, not the religion must be acceptable as the deciding votes for his future conduct within him. He must become responsible for himself just as we adults must be responsible for ourselves.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 14-15: They ran to greet him. Now we must all want to make a Son of Man. That will not happen over night. The Number is 16791, י״וזטא, "that will do it."
We need to watch what Jesus does with the Law in the Gospels. He is dead, but He is also very much alive, hidden within the Gospels which are called "field exercises" by the underlying script. They worked for someone back in ancient times, and they can work for us today. ‎
v. 16: “What are you arguing with them about?” he asked. Choosing the right argument against society is as important as how the argument is done. Just take a few glimpses at that home permed bitch Kristin Waggoner who is an anti-abortion activist stormning the Capitol on January 6 alongside utterly crazy persons wearing costumes, speaking in hillybilly and you will what the incorrect arguments look like. You will never see them marching or advocating in a way that resembles Christ at any time, ever.
The Number is 3725, גזבה‎‎‎, "they were arguing about garbage, wasting time."
v. 17: A spirit has robbed him. Spirits might seem to rob us of time only if they do not promote freedom of self-determination as their final objective.
The number is 7331, ז‎גגא, zagga, "the glazier."
The Torah says God wanted to see Himself in the surface of the deep, and so do we, but God knew who He was first. The whole of the Torah and the Gospel Torah are preparation for a state of mind God will find pleasing during the introduction.
What does one thing God is going to see if one is living in Russia or Ukraine or in all those flooded and diseased places? How about in America where we are all shitting shingles because Joe Biden will not kill Donald Trump like he should have long ago?
v. 18: He is in hell. But the Disciples could not help. What did Jesus do they could not? The Number is 10503, י‎ןג, "the young."
Proper citizenship brings out the Son of Man in the same way indecent wickedness brings out the evil in him.‎
"The verb ילד (yalad) means to bear or bring forth. It's used for a woman bearing a child (Exodus 1:19, 1 Kings 3:17-18) or a father bringing forth offspring (Genesis 4:18, Proverbs 23:32), but also for a city or nation bringing forth its citizens (Isaiah 23:4, Ezekiel 16:20 - compare this with the word for mother and mother city; see אם ('am)-names like Ahiam).
Our verb is also used in a wide collection of expressions: bringing forth wind (Isaiah 26:18), the day brings forth events (Proverbs 27:1), the wicked bring forth evil (Job 15:35)."
v. 19: Bring the boy to me. Study this Book of Mark again. What does Jesus tell young people- get up out of bed, act on your dreams, be good, follow the rules, be yourself. This is how the Son of Man is made.
The Number is 11071, א‎י‎זא‎ ‎, aiza, "bring this one to the House of Israel."
Ai= Eretz Israel
Za=This one
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fahrni · 1 year ago
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I did! It’s a time for family and wonderful food at the Fahrni household, especially the pies! Kim’s pumpkin and Haileigh’s Pecan pie are amazing and I always eat a little too much of each. 😋
Ruth Ben-Ghiat
Some have wondered why the Trump campaign is being so open about the repressive policies they intend to implement. This “transparency” is in line with authoritarian history: Autocrats often tell you who they are and what they intend to do to you before they take office. They do this as a challenge to norms, and they do this as a threat.
If TFG is elected again and destroys our Democracy we will deserve everything we get and I hate the thought of it happening.
Where will people immigrate to if our democracy comes to an end in favor of an autocracy? Canada? Germany? Some other European nation not caught up in this current authoritarian wave?
Anita Chabria • Los Angeles Times
A unicorn costume, a hammer and a belief that pedophiles are using public schools to destroy democracy: The trial of David DePape for attacking Paul Pelosi was strange and disturbing.
It’s frightening how folks can go down these rabbit holes so quickly and turn into complete, frothing at the mouth, lunatics. 😳
Adi Robertson • The Verge
Music streaming service Spotify struck a seemingly unique and highly generous deal with Google for Android-based payments, according to new testimony in the Epic v. Google trial.
Well, well, well, good for Spotify. I’m sure any indie app maker would take a deal like that but it’s always the “big guys” that get preferable treatment.
It can’t hurt that Spotify is a direct competitor to Apple Music and puts a dent in Apple’s bottom line because of it. Not that it’s hurting Apple. 🤣
Law Dork
Monday was a day that crystallized on just how many levels our democracy and its promises stand on a precarious perch.
So a Colorado judge found that his Orangeness is in fact responsible for the insurrection. She also said he’s still eligible to run for President because the 14 Amendment doesn’t apply to the President because he was not “an officer of the United States” that could be disqualified under the amendment.
What?! That makes no sense. 😳
James Boyd and Dianna Russini • The Athletic
Former Colts LB Shaquille Leonard goes unclaimed on waivers: How injuries derailed his stellar run in Indy
Hearing this bummed me out. I like Shaq Leonard. He’s a true leader on and off the field and he has a motor that won’t stop.
Here’s hoping he finds a new team soon and is able to get fully healthy and back on the field.
Heck, even if things are over for him prematurely, due to injury, he’s had a great career.🏈
I do think the clock is ticking, though. The deterioration of Google’s culture will eventually become irreversible, because the kinds of people whom you need to act as moral compass are the same kinds of people who don’t join an organisation without a moral compass.
Interesting read from an 18-year employee of Google. Companies change as they grow. It’s just a fact. WillowTree has changed tremendously since I joined in 2019, especially after the Telus International acquisition. It happens as companies get bigger. ❤️
Oliver Darcy • CNN
NFL denounces hate speech, says it has expressed concerns to Elon Musk’s X
Sure, like Space Karen is going to listen to the puny NFL.
Some advice for the NFL. Get off of X, start a Mastodon instance called nfl.social, and start doing whatever it is you use X for on your Mastodon instance. Problem solved. You’re welcome.
Adobe has been issued with a formal antitrust complaint by EU regulators regarding its $20 billion bid for cloud-based product design platform Figma.
I wonder what kind of deal Adobe will have to strike to make this work? It’s obvious Figma is winning the hearts and minds of designers. I feel really bad for the likes of Sketch who are a native Mac only shop. Their work is beautiful and extremely useful but can it survive? I hope so!
Also, please stop using Figma for EVERYTHING in the company. I’ve seen folks make presentations with it and make project plans with it and both of those uses really sucked.
Andrew Wallenstein • Variety
You might as well hitch your wagon to Musk with Krazy Glue at this point, Linda, because despite what your deluded pals on Madison Avenue might think, there’s no going back now. Stacking the events of the past week on top of the mound of insanity that’s already piled high over the course of your short reign has seen to that.
Good luck, Linda. I hope the man is at the very least paying you crap tons of money to destroy your good name and reputation.
Maybe it’s all worth it to her for that CEO title? 🤔
Rodrigo Mesquita
First part of an in-depth guide into developing a native macOS application using Haskell with Swift and SwiftUI. This part covers the set-up required to call Haskell functions from Swift in an XCode project using SwiftUI.
I love seeing other languages integrated into applications! VBA on Windows apps was a huge benefit to app users and gave them the ability to create specialized scripts to help automate their workflows. Even with all of the security implications and exploits it is the best implementation of a scripting environment to date.
I’ve also seen folks integrate Lua with great success and look at how the integration of JavaScript into native iOS and Android apps — ala React Native — has changed the app landscape.
The Eclectic Light Company
Following on from the previous memory leak I have demonstrated in the Finder in macOS 14.1.1, here’s a second, discovered by Kate, which might have a common root cause.
I have questions. Is this a leak or is it memory consumption? Those are two different things. One is not freeing resources because of a coding error, the other is not freeing resources intentionally. An intentional case would be caching things in memory to improve performance.
Also, if the system needs memory at some point and can’t find enough does the Finder relinquish this memory back to the OS?
Either way I suppose it can be seen as a leak. At the very least it could be a performance problem if system performance degrades because of it.
Jason Snell • MacWorld
What I’m saying is that Apple sometimes takes its failures and learns important lessons that inform its future attempts… but sometimes, it seems to just give up.
Apple is a company of people and people make mistakes.
I feel like the Vision Pro could be a mistake. Maybe mistake is too harsh a word? Maybe it’s just a product that’s too immature at the moment? I’m sure they’ll sell a hojillion of them on day one but will there be a great app ecosystem to support it?
My guess is highly specialized applications will drive sales but what do I know? Not much. 😂
Lauren Goode • WIRED
Harvey’s urgency, even 12 hours later, is a reflex: This is exactly what she did for 13 years as the head of Twitter’s trust and safety team.
It must have been almost impossible to squelch all the crazy and hate on Twitter. Now X just doesn’t care and allows all the crazy and hate to blossom.
Get out, now. ☢️
Ben Wolford • protonvpn.com
Last month, Google launched a new feature for Chrome called IP Protection that makes it easier for the company to spy on you. No surprise, since this is Google’s business model. But what’s concerning is that Google is marketing this as a privacy feature.
I don’t know much about this but it seems like something I need to better understand.
I’m a Safari user and I mix Firefox in there.
I had to install Chrome at work because a client has some Chrome friendly tools we need to use. 😮
Nilay Patel and Alex Heath • The Verge
After an attempted coup by OpenAI’s board that lasted five days, Altman is returning alongside co-founder Greg Brockman.
Dizzying. I hope Altman keeps a good set of ethicists around him to keep him in check.
We don’t want the robots to take over the world, do we. 🤖
Colin Walker
It is this type of definition, however, that holds RSS back. Why does it just have to be updates to a website? RSS can be used to distribute all sorts of information. Once you start adding custom namespaces the possibilities are amazing.
I agree with Colin. RSS can be used for many things and why not? It’s extensible and there are gobs of tooling for it.
Just think of what it did for Podcasting.
I know at one someone maintained an RSS feed of hospitals with extra drugs other hospitals could ask for. You’d be surprised how many hospitals run out of certain drugs and how many have a surplus. It was a nice way to connect folks. Yet another niche served by RSS.
I’ve had the thought of just publishing my blog as RSS only. Sure, discovery would suck, but feed readers are just another type of web browser, only the web comes to the feed reader.😃
Happy Birthday President Biden! 🥳🎂🔥🚒
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marshmallowprotection · 3 years ago
That anon talking about Saeran’s parallels with the Phantom and such has me wondering if you’ve ever written a little drabble for Ray in his Halloween costume 👀👀👀👁👁👁👀👁👁👀👁👁👀👁👁👀👁 because Ray…that’s the number one musical as an ex theater kid that makes me froth at the mouth how could you do this to me
“He was illuminated only by the moonlight at the end of the hallway. Normally, a sight like that would make somebody uncomfortable in a lonely building like this one in the middle of the mountains. However, you weren’t just anybody and Ray wasn’t just a stranger waiting in the shadows to whisk you away. He was a man you adored and you knew for sure that he adore you in return. 
After all, he made you a costume to match his for the evening party that his Savior had planned to celebrate with the rest of Mint Eye. It was brilliant white and reminded you of a vision of true innocence. It made you feel lovely and all you wanted was to discover what Ray imagined himself to be on a night meant to be someone you weren’t. 
Would he play a vampire? A ghoul? A monster? 
Much to your surprise, he stepped out of the shadows with a beckoning hand already waiting for you. “I was hoping you would arrive soon... I wondered if there could be a chance that you heard my heart beating all the way from your room.” 
The suit that he wore was not like the one that he normally would. There was no sign of magenta on his person where his tailored coat would swallow him up like there was no tomorrow. It was sleek and black. It was also the first time that you had seen him wear clothes that actually fit him. It was all too often that you would see him wear something that was two sizes too big. He was small but for some reason, tonight, he appeared well-kept. 
Out of the darkness and into the light, you could see that he was wearing a mask. It was a mask that reminded you of something that you had seen before but you couldn't place your finger on. His costume was a theme that went with something that was popular but what was it again? It had to match with yours, after all. He wasn’t a ghoul, a monster, a devil, or an angel. He was Ray, and a man that seemed ready to play a trick. 
It was on the tip of your tongue.
It was something that made your heart feel like it was rushing against your chest. It almost made you feel excited. No, you were definitely excited. There was something mysterious about being able to meet with Ray in the dead of night where nobody could find you or think twice about pulling you apart. It felt like you were meeting in a place that only belonged to the two of you.
You took his hand, and he smiled. “My Christine,” he bowed his head. There was mirth in his eyes but the intensity did not miss you. “I’ve not heard your voice yet tonight, my angel, but I already know you were meant to play this role. Just as I was meant to play the Phantom, enraptured by your beauty and the light of your glow on stage.” 
A phantom, he admitted. 
Oh, it hit you what he wanted to play on this Halloween like clockwork. He was determined to make you feel like you were a gift on stage. You let out a little laugh and looked away from his enchanting expression. He didn’t do much to stop you. He let you set the scene and the pace, which isn’t out of line for him. You weren’t sure you fit the role he gave you, but you saw how elated this made him. 
“Phantom,” you returned, voice quiet, eyes returning to take a look at him and the way the moonlight caressed his cheek. “I was searching for you... you don’t make it easy to find you. But, I’ve found you. You won’t leave so soon to where you hide, will you?” 
A hand was lifted and brushed against your cheek, moving the hair out of your eyes so that you could see him. “Tonight, I wish that we never part... a stage meant for the two of us awaits. Will you shine even brighter knowing that I’m by your side? Will you smile and see all that I’ve made for you and me? Will you let me into your heart where I know I’m... destined to be?” 
Your heart fluttered. Ray was being more confident than usual. What were you supposed to think? You were intrigued by him... determined to be as close to him as the universe would allow... chasing him down hallways and tunnels to know a single truth about him. You had a chance to be as close as you wanted, and you were going to take it. 
“I will.” 
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gerrydelano · 3 years ago
okay so this new song that came out ALSO came out around the same time the new chap did, and ever since i have been frothing at the mouth about danny. it's kind of short so im spitting half the lyrics at you here but-
Pity was never a factor/When mercy is the sign of a talentless actor (idk how many times danny has put on a show and had the slightest thought of 'hm, that's not good.' but it would have been in the early days when he's confronted with the 'costumes', right? the memory of being one of them must have still been fresh, and they would have been closely watching him to see if he falters, and AHHHH)
And as you grow, its hold on your throat starts to falter/And once you go beyond pure humanity's border (monster danny!!!)
You will come running back like a dog... To Her (mf must be HOMESICK!!! even though everything's dark so kind of unknown, the loupe is still making everything clear and the Archivist is right there and- 😭 he must miss the contortionist, even as much as i hate it)
I know of pain and devotion/A gear in the machine grew immune to corrosion/Go on, turn the back the clock/I will set it in motion all over (is... there any argument to be made that danny is proud of how far he's come? like. he's good at what he does. he knows that. and apart from the occasional 'slip up', i assume he does quite well. could there be arrogance even? also the turning back the clock thing is!!! Well!!! they can't do anything!!! they cannot bring the original danny they and loved back!!! they cannot resurrect tim!!! they can't unkidnap him!!! they can't turn back the clock!!! and it's not like danny is gonna be super duper willing to reconnect. everyone has regrets xoxo)
... So tell me, what do you know of pain and devotion? (Danny's what we call POMI, as I'm sure you know (physically out, mentally in if anyone doesn't) and well. in my experience and what I've seen from others, people dig in HARD when violently removed from their belief system, no matter how much said system was hurting them. so, again, the arrogance thing. these people don't understand, and how can they? that's the whole point.)
just.... danny is like the only cult survivor rep i've seen. like. ever. you and ren have no idea how much he means to me. i am ecstatic to see how his journey develops once more (martanny im looking at you 👀) and i just wanna say ty for all the work you do in diversity!!! im sure so many people are grateful for your hard work :]
oh those lyrics FUCK! incredibly accurate, yeah, WOW. all of this analysis? spot on. delicious. 10/10.
i didn't know the term POMI, thank you for teaching me! i'm going to be looking more into cult survivor stuff now that i'm finally able to bring him in, for sure. ren had done soooo much research and of course i played sounding board for them, but i need to bulk up on that knowledge, too! it's always so moving to get feedback from people within an experience we're trying to portray respectfully, i can't tell you how much it means to us both (namely ren, in this case, because they set all the groundwork for our danny first!) and i can't thank you enough!
i can only hope that where i take him in PBR comes across the way i want it to, especially since i'm intentionally skewing his development in almost an opposite direction to his narrative trajectory in HLM! it might be more uncomfortable in some places purely by nature of HOW they extracted him from his situation, the information that he doesn't have, the agency that was taken from him "for his own good" (which we all know Virtually No One responds well to, even without all this extra incentive to resist.) that said, i am so looking forward to his recovery arc. healing is imperative, and love is always possible.
i hope you stick around long enough to see where he ends up!
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space-blue · 4 years ago
Dune, the mostly spoiler free review.
Spoilers will be under breaks.
Having slept on it (and since I got to bed at 4am I needed that), and having eaten enough sugar to kickstart my brain again, I can now confirm, wholeheartedly, that Dune is a masterpiece.
Hardly a hot take on the internet right now, I know. I'll say this, to start on a low note : Dune's greatest flaw is that the side characters (anyone outside of Jessica and Paul) can be left wanting development. Some non-book readers might struggle to get attached.
The film simply doesn't have time to deliver narrative, mood and emotional characters the way Fellowship of the Rings did, as I often see the film compared to LOTR. Unlike LOTR, Dune has not shot part 2, and it doesn't have enough action beats/plot beats to give you engaging character interactions for 1/3 of the story.
As a result some characters seem to be "seen in passing". Which... Bothered me a little at 3am, but has since faded. My memories turn to Jessica and how incredible Fergusson was. Absolutely show stealing. And Skarsgard!! Yeesh, the Baron Harkonnen does not need more screen time to be intimidating...
All the cast delivers. The visuals, design, costume, photography... It's clear to me everyone involved in this was at the top of their craft and giving it their all for a career turning point of a production. I even struggle to believe book 2 could land such a punch again, I mean, I've rarely been punched in the face this hard by a movie...
I mean, I'm not the type to be into spaceships or anything. I even struggle with models in the Star Wars universe and I published 58 fan fics for that fandom so... And yet in this film, hah... When the Atreides ships are introduced (you see these big transports in the trailer) I was like "No. He didn't... OMG the madlad, he did." — the music, the visuals, the scale... And then there's the thopters, and I was having moments of prescience myself, seeing actual ship/spaceship nerds rise up, foam frothing at the mouth. Modeling thopters and making videos about them for years to come.
The audio was loud, bold. The music alien. The sound mixing done so well I had a snappy thought 2min in, along the lines of "I hope Nolan sits to this film and learns something about sound mixing from this" (don't @ me, I'm still spicy about my viewing of Tenet).
In short, Dune is spectacular. It oozes with mythos and charm, feels lived in, intimidating yet beguiling. The plot is as sound as the book's the visuals are a cinema/SFF fan's wet dream, the acting and production value are stupid crazy, and the only drawback IMO — for non book readers — will be the "in passing" characters (like Raban, Piter, Gurney, Hawat... Who simply don't have the space and time to shine yet) and the ending, which is 100% "INSERT CD 2"
It feels jarring and leaves you begging for more. But book readers probably won't feel the same pang, since we can now close our eyes and image how bonkers part two can be in such visuals.
I've over-heard old french people saying it was super boring and slow and... lol I can't disagree more, but then again the trailer does market an action movie, and the film is not any more action packed than BR2049 was. When the action comes calling it's big, fast... When it isn't, the movie is moody, deliberate, and meticulous.
It won't be for everyone, but if you've so much as "enjoyed" the books, you'll be having the experience of a lifetime.
Before I delve into some mild spoilers I'd like to make a disclaimer: Denis has begged people to see Dune in cinema, and I was thinking "of course, what film maker wouldn't want people in cinema?" but also suspected he might want the numbers in order to get part 2 started.
I owe him an apology for these impure thoughts. You MUST watch Dune in cinema, not for Denis or part 2 (though, come on...), but for YOURSELF. There is not a single home cinema set up that can do justice to this film. It's the definition of why you go to the cinema for. It's epic in scale, it makes you jump at startling moments, it punches and screams at you, and makes you squint at others, and you walk out of there with a sense of having witnessed something like... To me, like Interstellar. Remember seeing that docking sequence scene in the theater and walking out being like "holy shit" ? Well Dune is very much like that. It was made for the big screen, and anything short of IMAX or Dolby ATMOS would be a disservice to both the film and yourself.
I will be seeing it in France the instant it comes out in September. It begs rewatching.
Now for some spoilery thoughts (mild spoilers, and a warning for further spoilers below).
The film takes surprisingly little time to delve on certain topics. Like the spice. Sure you're told it's important, and the economics that drive the story make it feel important, but not nearly as much as I suspected it would be. There is no clunky exposition on the topic (lol no fucking time for that!) no scene where someone shoves spice in your face and goes “oh but blah blah spice must flow”. It’s said in passing and newcomers better hold on to their seat and pay attention.
Sadly though a fair bit of the dialogue was expositional imo, and too little of it over all felt like that heart warming moment between Paul and Leto. It's not a big drawback, but since I enjoy more character driven stories, I regretted the lack of general emotional investment.
On the point of emotions though, I was taken aback by Jamis! The scene of him in the trailers "I'll show you"... creates a sort of very subtle and implied dynamic that was probably one of the biggest heart punch for me, and started driving home how dire Paul's visions can be. I suspect some viewers won't interpret it the way I did though.
THE VOICE WAS SO WELL MADE YOU GUYS!! The thopter escape scene was always a "meh, sure, they get away" moment for me in the books. Good teamwork between Paul and Jessica... But *hearing it* was a completely different business. I was at the edge of my seat, I LOVED IT.
There's also a lot of actual signing in the film! And the Sardaukar don't speak english but a super guthural language. Kind of like making a conlang merging German and the Black Speech of Mordor and giving it to a Danish to speak. Felt very cool.
The shields were just as badass as you think they'll be. The slow impact weapons are just... *chef kiss*
Finally some heavy spoilers on book story details (jihad, Muad'dib, some characters) :
There is no mentions of Jihad, but not because it's avoided. The visions of a fight Paul has are rare, and he mentions them once. At that time he says war or massacre but not Jihad. I didn't notice until I was asked.
He also doesn't chose the name Muad'Dib. If I recall that's right after killing Jamis, but doesn't happen here, even if we see the literal muad'dib in the desert. It's also fine. Those scenes were at the very end, and I felt like slamming newcomers with such a significant moment with alien language at the very end might be a mistake. I'm curious to see how it's handled in part 2 though.
I was looking forward to Piter... His role is uber minor. As much as Hawat's. Like, the Bull that killed Leto's father gets more screen time, funnily enough. There's a heavy imagery around it that's going to fuel many video essays.
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therenlover · 4 years ago
that list says blurb, so here we go...
young Daniel, LIL era Daniel, playing Sky in Mamma Mia and singing Lay All Your Love On Me
((Okay I took this shit and ran in another direction with it because @creme-bruhlee loves to indulge my ridiculous ideas. Sorry lol))
How The Danny Bunch Would Do Performing "Lay All Your Love On Me" From Mamma Mia From Worst To Best
Number Seven: Laszlo Kreizler (The Alienist)
Poor Laszlo would be absolutely miserable trying to do the whole number.
Like... the whole dance includes push-ups and barrel rolls and all that crazy cardio stuff, so with his arm being the way that it is he would just have a terrible time.
More than once he'd get stuck like a turtle on his back unable to get up from both physical inability and just plain exhaustion.
He'd probably be taken out of the number at his own request about 2 weeks into rehearsals, so we'd never get to actually see him in the diving suit and flippers.
Honestly, it would be for the best though.
I can't imagine how John and Sara would react to seeing him perform.
His dignity would be safe for another day, at least for now...
Number Six: Checo (Paradise Mall)
Checo, though attractive, would not want to be there at all.
Like, he has a million better things to do with his time that don't involve humiliating costumes and hours worth of dance rehearsals every week
He probably wouldn't even show up for the actual performance.
That being said, he'd be around a little longer than Laszlo, and he would actually end up wearing the cute costume at least once, so he doesn't get put in dead last
When it comes to the actual dancing he wouldn't put in any effort
Like... he'd consistently not actually know the moves and would be several beats behind because he'd just halfheartedly follow along with what the other guys were doing.
Checo has potential, and if he actually tried he'd be higher on the list
But he refuses to try, therefore, he is at the bottom of the people actually dancing.
Number Five: Niki Lauda (Rush)
Ah, Niki. What can I even say about Niki...
He, like Checo, does not want to be involved at all.
That being said, Niki is not a quitter, so he would show up and give it his absolute all because he might hate it, but he would refuse to be anything but the best.
That being said, effort can't save everything.
I feel like it wouldn't matter how much Niki rehearsed the moves or did his best to do them right.
He would just look really, really ridiculous.
Not that he would accept that. No, no, no, he would be convinced that he was the absolute best, and when he was confronted with facts that showed him that his assumption wasn't true, he'd get really, really bitter.
In fact, he'd probably even put aside his need to be the best and team up with another dancer if he thought it would mean someone else wasn't better than he was anymore.
More on that later
Also, Niki would look like a fool in the costume.
It's flattering on a lot of people, but with his bouncy little curls it would just be a hot mess
Number Four: Ernst Schmidt (The Cloverfield Paradox)
Schmidt, like Niki, does not want to be involved and is not gifted with the talent that is being able to dance with any semblance of internalized rhythm.
He's a scientist, not a dancer, and that's for good reason.
That being said, Schmidt's attitude is really what sets him about Niki.
He might despise being involved and complain about the experience to anyone who will listen, whether they're in the cast or just strangers, but he would give it a good effort and wouldn't try to tear other people down just because he's a bad dancer.
In the end, he wouldn't do too badly, and he's on the better end of things as far as the Dannys go.
I also think that by the end of the experience, he would be secretly glad he was involved.
Even for hot-headed guys like Schmidt, it can be fun to blow off some steam and just have some stupid fun, even if you make a fool of yourself while doing it.
If any of his teammates recorded it, though, he would simply kill them, so if anyone had a tape of the performance it would have to be a big secret.
Number Three: Andrea Marowski (Ladies In Lavender)
Oh, sweet Andrea would be having the time of his life and I refuse to believe any different.
I have no doubt that he'd be the one that dragged all the other Dannys into this and they couldn't say no because lets be honest, who could risk making Andrea upset? Nobody. Not even the most heartless of bastards.
Andrea is a musician, and he's decently fit and pretty young, so he'd probably do alright with learning the actual choreography.
What he lacks in skill he'll make up for in heart.
That being said, he probably would get so caught up in the excitement of it all that he'd trip over his own feet a few times like an overexcited puppy, so he wouldn't be the very best.
Everyone would tell him he was though, and it would make his whole life.
As for the costume, we basically already saw him in something close to it when he wore the one-piece bathing suit in Ladies In Lavender, so we know he pulls it off well.
He'd look extra funny in the flippers though.
I can see him doing the goofy run with them on backstage and just grinning like a fool saying "Look! Duck feet!"
Number Two: Helmut Zemo (Falcon and the Winter Soldier)
Now, Helmut Zemo may be getting older, but I am a firm believer that he was trained in dance for at least part of his young adulthood.
That means he would pick up the choreography fast, and execute it with a dancer's precision, especially since it isn't super tough skill-wise, it just takes the ability to keep a rhythm in your body and the strength to do the cardio of it for several minutes.
Zemo can do both of those things.
That being said, he is getting older, so he would have some struggles when it came to the more strenuous moves.
The biggest setback for Zemo isn't his skill, or even looking silly in the costume (though I personally think he'd absolutely kill the look)
No, his issue would lay with his ego, because Zemo, even if he thought the whole thing was the stupidest idea he'd ever heard, would need to feel like he was the best.
Just like Niki, he'd get bitter when he realized the attention was going towards someone else.
So, inevitably, he would team up with Niki to do whatever it took to distract the audience and win back the eye of the watchers.
Nobody likes that asshole, so he doesn't to be on top; sorry Zemo.
Also, just for funsies, Bucky and Sam absolutely would come, and they absolutely would make fun of him for it forever as he defended it as an "expression of his inner youth and freedom"
And, Number One: Alex Kerner (Goodbye, Lenin!)
Now, this may come out of left field, but hear me out.
Alex is young and attractive, so he's already got that going for him.
He's also a laborer (he installs satellites) so he would probably be able to keep up with the physical aspects that would be required.
The biggest thing that would make him the most charming and adorable one up there, though, is that he would be doing it all to see little Paula smiling up at him from the audience.
So, even if he thought that whole thing was stupid, he'd put his heart into it.
That combined with his other traits would be enough to win over everybody who saw him as a shining diamond in the rough.
Also, come on, just imagine Alex in one of those wetsuits. He would be too hot for his own good.
Zemo and Niki would totally try to steal the spotlight, but Alex would just be so endearing that nobody would take the bait.
Basically, I wanna give Alex a big smooch after frothing at the mouth as I watch him do high kicks in those stupid flippers
Young Daniel Bruhl would be the one actually playing Sky, because he's the leading man of the bunch.
He'd probably get all shy about the vocal aspect of it.
He would kill it though, no matter how humble he acted about the whole thing.
His costume would be a little different, just swim trunks and the flippers, but he would still rock it and have everybody drooling because duh.
Nobody would be paying attention to him for most of it though.
Because let's be honest, Daniel is wonderful, but the fools doing his backup dancing would be causing enough chaos that people couldn't help but be distracted.
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