#the constant back pain and constant illness on top of that?
siconetribal · 2 days
Sick Day
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Illness, feeling sick, alone, fluff, care
Request: I was hoping for a fluff/ comfort one shot fic with the reader suddenly gets sick and loki takes care of her
This was a request made by an anon, and I'm hoping I did a good job. I'm sorry it took longer to post this than I anticipated. I hope you like it!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
You can find this story and my other works on my master post.
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Everything hurt, her body felt like lead with an intense gravitational force that kept her plastered to the mattress. A constant throbbing pain slowly pounding in her head, starting from the swollen pressure in your eyes to the rest of her cranium, which felt as if it were waterlogged. The room felt like an icebox, but her body was a furnace running at max, with fuel poured in to keep it blazing hot. The icky clammy sweat was the icing on the cake that made it clear that she was not ok, and would need to call out of work today.
Great, just what I needed on top of everything else. Y/N felt the sting of tears start. She wanted to wish them away or somehow distract herself, but she had not the energy or the drive. After a hellish week of mishaps and terrible luck, she was exhausted. And now, here she was laid up in bed in her apartment, unable to go to the one place that helped keep her hands and mind busy enough to not count the series of unfortunate luck she was having. A good cry could possibly be helpful, she deserved it. Taking a deep breath failed miserably as a series of bone rattling coughs left her more breathless than before and forced her to turn over. Her nose burned, and her sinuses were sealed off. Laying boneless on her mattress, she let out a low whimper. Added to her list of ailments was the inability to use her nose nor have a good cry. Forget icing, the icing ran the cake over with a bulldozer before catapulting it into the next galaxy.
Y/N grabbed her phone and dialed her boss. As much as it hurt to talk, she needed them to hear just how dead she was to know she was faking any of this. With the approval of her sick day, she rolled over and threw off her blanket before her hazy mind slipped back into the depths of sleep.
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“What’s the matter, Loki? That’s the tenth time you’ve looked at your phone in the last hour.” Steve raised a brow at the odd behaviors of the odd royal that came to join them. He braced himself for a snippy remark, mentally reminding himself that any reaction would only encourage the ex-villain, but nothing came. He sat back and silently watched the prince. Had he not heard him speak?” Loki, is everything ok?” Still nothing. “Loki.” he called a little louder.
“What?” The younger prince finally looked up to see who was speaking to him. Normally he would show his disdain and reluctance, but that was not important right now. There was something more pressing on his mind that even the brown nosing of the super soldier meant little to him.
“Is everything ok? You keep looking at your phone.” Steve pointed to the device that was face-up on the table. The fact that it was on the table for all to see was a shock in and of itself, since everyone knew how much he disliked the device, considering it a leash for them to keep tabs on him only. 
“Hm, yes,” he absentmindedly mumbles the answer as his gaze fell to the device. He tapped it awake once more and frowned.
“Are you waiting on something?”
“On the phone, are you waiting for some sort of communication?”
“The mission won’t be an issue. You needn’t worry so much.” Steve let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. Reaching over, he tried to grab for it, but Loki reacted faster. He snatched it off the desk and glared daggers at him, startling the New Yorker. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah, you can, by answering what I’m asking you. You’ve been hung up on it for the last hour, and you never pay that much attention to it usually. What’s going on?”
“It’s a personal matter, none of your concern.” Loki coolly responded as he pocketed the device for safety. “If you’re concerned about the upcoming mission, you needn’t worry. I’m fully capable of focusing when required. If you’ll excuse me, I've got somewhere to be.” Before Steve could even respond, he was out of his seat and vanished from sight.
The Trickster reappeared in the legal department, walking down the halls until he reached a door with a name engraved into a plaque beside the door, with the title of a lead attorney just below it. Without even knocking, he walked in to see a young woman engrossed in a document on her computer screen.
“Leave the file in the bin, I’ll look at it later. Thanks, Ricky,” she waved to the mesh desk organizer that was already filled with other manila folders.
“Meredith, have you heard from Y/N?”
“Loki?!” She napped her head, shocked to see him. “How many times have I told you not to just appear in my office?”
“I didn’t, I walked in through the door. Now, Y/N, have you heard from her?” He pressed on, taking a seat without her invitation. Normally the annoyance that brought her was pleasant to him, but his focus was elsewhere. The normal treasures of his days were dull and meaningless, painted grey at the concern that gnawed at his mind.
“Y/N, no, not particularly, why?” She frowned, pushing her glasses up to rub her eyes. “Why do you ask, did something happen?”
“She has not answered my text. Granted, she is not always readily available, but she usually replies by noon. If anyone knows anything about her, it would be you.” His matter-of-fact town earned a small twitch from the lawyer.
“Let me check my phone,” she knew better than to argue with him, and Loki smiled in appreciation. He had little time to deal with menial things. Y/N was not answering him, and that was of the utmost importance. Y/N, she was a beautiful and brilliant young woman who found a way to thaw his icy heart and show him that he too deserved kindness and love. That he was not simply a monster because of what he had done. He was flawed, and it was perfectly fine to be flawed. If anyone were to ask him, saying he loved her was far too little. It barely scratched the surface of the many ways she brightened his world and brought color back into his life. It would take ages for him to count the various facets of her that made him smile and feel anything. She was his person, a far off dream that he had long forgotten.
“Yeah, she’s not picking up, one second.” Those words struck sharp and true, giving strength to the fear of the worst.
I have been extremely careful in my meetings with her to avoid any unnecessary attention. I doubt anyone outside of Meredith even knows of our relationship, since she is how we met. What if she came across a thug? Bank robbers infest this city like the rats. There’s a high chance there was some terrible driver who paid no attention in a fit of stupidity. Hasn’t she said that there have been stalkers? Mongrels that leer at any female? Once the thoughts started, they quickly poured out like floodgates ripped open. He watched Meredith as she spoke on the phone. He could see her mouth move, but his thoughts drowned out her voice. What if Y/N is hurt, and I am simply sitting her idly waiting for a text? His right leg began to bounce, the chair softly squeaking from the speed and force. 
“OK, she’s not at work,” he leapt from his seat. “But that’s ok. She is safe.” She quickly and firmly stressed, pausing to watch the words register. “She’s home sick for the day. According to what the boss said, she sounds pretty bad but,” before anymore could be said, Loki was gone in a flash. “She’s probably just tired.” She rolled her eyes at his lack of listening to what else she had to say. “Oh, thank you, Meredith, I’m so glad I came to you for help. Nonsense, Loki, it was my pleasure. She’s my dear friend, after all. Indeed, Meredith, had it not been for you, I would’ve never met her. Oh stop, it was a coincidence!” She grumbled out the imaginary conversation with herself as she put on her glasses as she got back to work.
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A cool sensation earned a soft sigh of relief from Y/N. She had been warring with her body temperature on and off for several hours now, but she nothing seemed to work well or long enough. Whatever she had done the last time was clearly the right thing to do. What did I do again? Her sluggish brain tried to recall what she put on her forehead, but she was drawing blanks. Wait, that’s right, I didn’t put anything. She forced her heavy lids open, blinking a few times to get the function working properly. She notices the blinds were down, and her fan was oscillating on a low setting. Her comforter was off to her right, but a light blanket was over her body. 
She carefully reached up to feel a wet towel placed on her forehead and a basin with water was on her bedside. What caused concern was her desk chair. It was not beside her bed instead of across the room. Had she moved it in her feverish state of mind? She slowly sat up, her body groaning in painful protest. The world began to spin, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Breathing from her mouth, she tried to regain some stability.
“Darling, you should not be sitting up so soon. You need to keep the towel on your head.” The distant voice slowly grew louder as a pair of arms helped ease her back, but she resisted. There was only one person who called her darling, and she felt torn.
“No, I don’t wanna.” Y/N mumbled, leaning against him. “Loki, you shouldn’t be here, I’m sick.” She sniffled, one of her sinuses considering this the perfect time to drain itself. Great, I look disgusting, and he’s here to see it all! She tried to pull away, but his grip was stronger.
“Nonsense, whatever diseases you Midgardians carry has no effect on me. I am a Frost Giant, I lack the temperature necessary for such weak viruses to grow. Most importantly, you need someone, and I would be a fool to allow someone else near you in such a vulnerable state! Now, lean back against the pillows. I’ve brought some medicine from that shop a few streets down, and I’ve ordered your favorite soup. According to your precious internet, when someone is sick they must stay well hydrated, take proper medication, rest, and eat. You seemed to have been locked up in your room with no form of air circulation. So I did the best I could without opening your window and possibly worsening your pain.”
“You searched what to do online? On your phone? The ‘brick of uselessness’?” Y/N raised a brow at this sudden deluge of information. Equal parts shock and warmth pooling into her stomach, tugging a smile from her chapped lips. “You didn’t have to come here, it’s fine. I could’ve just ordered food and medicine from the app.”
“You could have, yes, I would never argue that. You are quite capable and very self-sufficient. You live in this tiny hovel and are well-fed through your dedication and hard work. There is no doubt in my mind about what you could have or would have done. I am here because you do not have to. You have me and I, for the first time in my life, want to do for someone else…for you, Y/N. I was a sick with worry when you never messaged me back, and when I learned of your falling ill, I came as quickly as I could. To see you here, so frail and alone, my heart felt as if it would twist right out of my chest. Majority of the day I wasted doing nothing while you were here, suffering alone. Please, do not turn me away. Let me help you, be of some use to you.” He lightly nudged the tissue into her hands.
“Ok,” she softly whispered. It was the only word she could think of saying. How long had it been since someone last cared so much for her? Worried about her and when out of their way to be here? And he even thought highly of her and her occupation, which everyone else probably thought nothing about. Even her own family made remarks from time to time about what a waste it was, or that she should simply marry and stay at home. It was nowhere near as grand as his, and yet he did not belittle her. Her eyes stung with tears that she blinked back and blew her nose.
“Thank you, love. Now, I am no physician, but I’ve managed to gather necessary medications for the most likely ailments you may have.” He pulled up a plastic shopping bag filled with all sorts of syrups and pills, a mix of brand name and store brand. The long receipt tumbled out as he fished through it, unfurling into a large mess beside him as he pulled out the necessary painkillers and fever reducers. An image of him standing in the aisles, seriously reading through every single item flashed through her mind and she giggled. He was about to open every single one of the boxes when her hands shot out and grabbed his.
“I don’t need to take all of those, that’d be a different issue of overmedicating. I’ll take some cough syrup and maybe one of the painkillers when I eat. Better to have something in case my stomach is a bit sensitive.” She explained, grabbing the brand she normally used.
“Is that so? No one said anything about that when I was looking online. If such a thing is possible, they should be more mindful and make it clear that everything can be dangerous to your kind.” Loki frowned, eyeing the bag suspiciously as she took it.
“Everyone knows it, so it’s not something normally.” Y/N lightly shook her head, wincing at the taste and pain from swallowing. “I just hope this fever breaks soon.” She leaned back into the pillows.
“Yes, they said a cold towel to the head would be useful, but perhaps I can offer something better?” She let her head roll to the side to look at him. There was a glimmer in his blue eyes, a glimmer that normally screamed danger, and he should be stopped at all costs. 
What could he possibly suggest that would be dangerous? I’m sick in bed anyway, not like I can physically stop him. “And your idea is?” She hesitantly asked, unsure if it was wise to given even this small inch of an opening. He remained silent, eyeing her for a moment before standing up from his seat. To her surprise, he untucked his shirt and undid the top two buttons before climbing onto the bed with her and wrapping her up in his arms. Alarm bells blared in her mind, screaming danger and telling her to run, but she was a deer caught in the trap with no way or nowhere to run.
“This, I will be your personal cooler until you feel better. It’s certainly far more efficient than a silly little towel, and I get to hold you. It is what you call a win-win. Ah, ah, before you protest, I do not get effected by the pathetic weak viruses of your race. Now, be a good girl and let me take care of you.” He pressed his lips to her temple.
The danger is him and to my heart! I’m going to be even more overheated than before! She quickly hid her red face from his sight. Perhaps my luck isn’t so bad after all. She snuck a peek at him to see his eyebrows furrowed together as he intently read the cough syrup information. I get to spend time with him. She smiled to herself as she rested her weight against his cooler body. “Best sick day ever.”
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Tags: @queenofstarsign85 @vbecker10
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stressedjester · 1 month
If my body could stop getting sick literally every other day that'd be so cool
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thedrotter · 1 month
update about the re:kinder daily for a month thing i was doing... it'll be on hold temporarily for health issues😢!!! Yesterday I nearly crashed and my neck and upper spine are injured and in pain, and i struggle to sit down for more than a few minutes Dx ... I've been told It'll take some weeks to heal so I'll have to put the challenge on hold despite my best wishes to take it easy for a while. I hope you understand!!! )x
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Off Day Or Day Off
Summary: Reader has a bad day due to a chronic illness they struggle with (POTS). Luckily Lizzie and Scarlett look after her.
Tw: headache, mild pots, exhaustion / fatigue, pain medicine, mentions of passing out
Words: 2129
A/n sorry for such a long absence I got diagnosed with POTS so I have been in and out of the hospital for appointments for the past few weeks. So, this fic is kinda just me projecting. Also, POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (for those who don’t know). Let me know if you want a part 2.
You knew today was going to be hard when you opened your eyes to see your alarm had already been going off for a good half hour.
Whilst not something that was unusual for you, it did pose some insight into how the rest of the day may go. Taking a deep breath, you gathered the strength to sit up, still feeling exhausted to your bones and wanting nothing more than to lay back down and keep sleeping.
Reaching out to smack the alarm in order to finally get it to shut up, it took a few tries to finally hit the button.
You were tired despite having slept over the recommended eight hours. You were tired when you woke up and you had no doubt you would be tired when you went to sleep.
Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed you braced yourself to stand up. Once on your feet you stayed upright for a good half a second before sitting back down hard.
Yep, today was an off day.
Trying again you managed to stick the landing this time, but still had to pause to wait for the patches in your vision to clear up first before doing anything.
You were vaguely aware of a dull ache in your temples and a general feeling of malaise and fatigue across your whole body.
You leant against the wall of your bedroom while pulling on some fresh pant and swapping out your pyjama shirt for a clean and presentable top.
You fought to stay upright while hopping around to stick the socks over your cold feet.
Throwing your notebook and pencil case into your backpack before pulling your laptop off the charge you added it to your bag and slung it over your shoulder, not bothering to do up the zip just yet.
Scanning the room your eyes caught on the small medical pouch were you had left it the day before. Groaning you circled back to grab it and triple check it was stocked with extra electrolyte packets before tossing it into your already full bag.
Your footsteps were heavy on the stairs as you plodded down to the kitchen, the voices of your little sister and mother only seeming to aggravate your growing headache.
You gripped the railing as you descended the stairs just in case your fatigue flared anymore than it already had.
As you shuffled into the kitchen you distantly listened to your mum wish you a good morning. Feeling tired and slightly annoyed at the whole situation you mumbled something incoherent back to her.
Scarlett had been your mother for almost ten years now after the adoption had gone through. You had met on the set for one of her earlier marvel films and due to your less-than-ideal situation and close bond with the actress she had adopted you.
It hadn’t been until a few months into living with her that she begun to take notice of your fatigue and various other issues. She had been with you every step of the process to get diagnosed and despite your fears she had stayed by your side.
You had been managing your tachycardia for a long time now and the symptoms of POTS weren’t as intense as they once were. However, from time to time you still had flare up which caused you a lot of heart ache and suffering.
As you slid into your place at the kitchen table Scarlett set down a plate of bacon and toast for you whilst she continued listening to the constant chatter stemming from your younger sister.
Scarlett nodded along with Rose’s story as she observed you closely. She had noted something was off almost straight away and knew you were doing your best to keep up a front.
It was Scarlett’s day off and as such she was tasked with taking Rose to school as Colin had headed into work early for a meeting with the writers.
You weren’t too interested in the food your mother had given you. Despite loving bacon and usually chomping it down with gusto you felt gross and tired.
Scarlett took note of your slow pace and droopy eyes as she took roses dishes back to the sink and loaded them into the dishwasher.
Scarlett had been trying to help you get better at advocating for yourself by simply making you ask for her help. She hoped it would help you speak up for yourself more now that you had more recognised needs. However, she also knew when to step in and simply help if you didn’t ask first.
She frowned at the sight of your backpack slung over the back of the chair knowing full well she didn’t want you going to uni if you were unwell.
As you continued to poke at your food with a fork and a bored expression that barely masked the exhaustion Scarlett sent rose to get dressed.
“Alright munchkin, what’s going on?” Scarlett said sitting down next to you.
“‘M fine mum. Just tired, I didn’t sleep well.” You grumbled still mining away at the edge of the slightly burnt toast with your fork.
Scarlett frowned as she knew you had been asleep before ten after she had poked her head in at around nine fifty to see if you were up.
“In that case maybe you should stay home today and get some rest sweetheart.” Scarlett said softly.
“No. No, I’m ok.” You said shaking your head which wasn’t a great idea as the patches reappeared in your vision.
“Alright.” Scarlett said admitting defeat for now. “I have to take rose to school; do you need a lift to uni?” She asked and you nodded pushing away the full plate of food. “Ok then come get your shoes on.”
You nodded again and stood. Just as she had expected Scarlett watched as you swayed on your feet slightly, blinking rapidly to try and clear your vision as your hand blindly reached for the table to provide the support you needed dot stay upright.
“Alright. No.” Scarlett said. “Definitely not. You’re staying here sweet girl.”
“But i’m-“ you begun only to be cut off.
“If the next words out of your mouth are “I’m fine.” I’ll make you take the whole week off.” Scarlett said and your lips snapped shut. “Go make yourself comfortable on the couch, I’ll have lizzie come stay with you while I’m out. She has the day off too and before you start, I’m sure she would like to spend the time with you.” Scarlett said before you could protest hindering the younger actresses schedule with your change of plans.
Before you could protest Scarlett gave you a look that kept the words in your throat from leaving.
“You’re not a problem y/n. Lizzie loves to spend time with you, and it makes her feel better to be able to help you out. Plus, I don’t want to leave you here alone in case you need something or pass out.” She said sternly but kindly.
“But I haven’t passed out before.” You grumbled.
“There’s a first time for everything.” Scarlett said. “Now go get comfy while I call Lizzie.” She said pressing a kiss to your head and giving you a light shove in the direction of the living room.
As you settled into a small nest on the couch you begun scrolling through Disney plus before settling on something to watch. You heard Scarlett talking on the phone in the kitchen before she appeared and handed you a water bottle which no doubt was filled with electrolytes. She spoke to Lizzie for a bit longer before coming back once the call was done.
“Drink.” She instructed, nodding to the bottle in your lap. “Lizzie will be over soon. I have to take rose in and then we can have a movie day and see if Lizzie wants to join us.”
“Ok.” You mumbled feeling bad for ruining everyone’s plans.
“None of that. We love you and we would rather spend the day making you feel better than knowing you’re not ok and doing what we planned.” Scarlett said as she picked up roses backpack and grabbed her trainers from the doorway.
Rose came and hugged you goodbye before continuing her endless chatter about something or other as she and Scarlett disappeared out the doorway. Scarlett blowing you a kiss as she left.
Snuggling down into the blankets you felt your eyelids droop as the show played on in the background.
What couldn’t have been more than five minutes later the doorbell rang before the door opened. You knew Lizzie had a a key, but she always rung the doorbell before she let herself in just to let you know it was her.
You heard the door shut and the sound of her taking off her shoes before she came upstairs.
“Y/n?” She called out as she walked down the hallway.
“In here.” You said barely shouting.
A moment later Lizzie entered the room, her face looking a little sad at the sight of you all bundled up and sleepy, your arms wrapped around your water bottle as your eyes drifted shut.
“Hiii.” You mumbled quietly.
“Hi sweet girl. Oh, look at you, it’s not a good day, is it?” She asked as she took the seat beside you on the couch.
“No.” You huffed as you shuffled over into her side.
Lizzie’s hands went straight to your hair as she brushed her fingers through it. She guided your head to her lap and gently began braining locks of your hair. The feeling of her fingers on your scalp relaxed you as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Have some more to drink first baby, then you can have a nap, okay?” She said helping you sit up and sip some of the electrolyte drink before guiding you back to her lap as her hands took their place back in your hair.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep again.
The next time you woke up Lizzie’s hand was still gently massaging your head which was helping with the now whopping headache you had. You shifted slightly prompting Lizzie to look down from the show she had put on and see you were awake.
“Hi sweetheart, how are we feeling love?” She asked softly.
“Headache, tired and lousy.” You mumbled turning your face into her stomach making her chuckle softly at your cuteness.
“That’s no good.” She said frowning now she registered your words. “Want me to get your mum to bring some Panadol and a snack?” She asked and you nodded into her stomach.
Lizzie gently reached down and placed her hands over your ears to shield you from the noise as she began calling out to Scarlett who you hadn’t noticed return.
“Scar car you bring y/n/n some Panadol and a snack!” She called and you faintly heard your mum’s response before Lizzie was prompting you to drink some more of the electrolyte drink in your water bottle.
“Sorry I know this wasn’t what you two wanted to do on ur day off” you said to both actresses when Scarlett came in with some cupcakes, she and rose had baked the day before and a strip of Panadol.
“Honey…” Lizzie said looking sad. “I’ll always be here when you need me.” She said softly.
“Yeah, I can’t get rid of you.” Scarlett joked making all three of you laugh.
When you winced at the noise Scarlett went straight to mum mode as she popped out two of the tablets and put them in your hand before nodding to the water bottle.
“Alright, what are we watching?” Scarlett asked situating herself on your other side and pulling your legs into her lap, so you were laid across the two of them.
“Whatever y/n/n wants.” Lizzie said chucking the remote to you.
“I’m thinking marvel.” You grinned making both women groan in protest.
You put on age of ultron and barely twenty minutes in Lizzie’s gentle head scratches had lulled you back into the arms of sleep.
POTS was hard to live with but with all the people in your life supporting you it was bearable.
Part 2
@barbarasstar @charlie56
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subbmissivesuccubus · 4 months
Kinktober Day 5 - Dottore X Reader - Humiliation
 Day 5 – Dottore X Fem Reader – Humiliation
Disclaimer: Very intense humiliation and free use themes. No sex or penetration in this one, just plain humiliation. Thought I’d spice these up once in awhile <3
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It was a cold night out as you followed Dottore to a local tavern. The Doctor had a pep in his step, this particular version of him whisking you away from your chores to act as his aid. Whatever that means. “Keep up.” He said, looking back at you and giving a particularly harsh tug to your leash, making you choke and almost trip while walking. “Y-Yes Sir.” You responded meekly, the metal of your collar digging into your skin. With a smirk, the man continued onwards and you made sure to match with his pace so you were right behind him.
When Dottore offered to cure your illness and only asked that you work as his assistant, you couldn’t believe your ears. The offer was too good to be true and you were worried there was a catch but the man kept his word and helped you, making you the healthiest you’ve ever been. No more sleepless nights in pain, no more constant headaches, no more fevers every other day- you could finally live your life.
And of course, you had to keep your end of the bargain as well. Most of your duties involved checking up on his clones and seeing what they’ve been upto, making sure his subjects were well fed and taken care of, recording down notes of his recent experiments, keeping his pen full of ink and replacing his notebooks when needed-
Letting him bend you over the table and fuck his stress out, offering your body to his many clones to have their way with, put a collar on you and drag you along everywhere like a dog and not caring about people staring-
You know. The usual assistant stuff.
Tonight, Dottore (the original one? Atleast, he was the one who first gave you the offer) had a meeting with the owner of the tavern. An exchange of goods of sorts. The tavern head was experimenting with his wine and agreed to help Dottore in spiking it with some kind of potion, Dottore planning to use the drunkards of the bar as his unwilling experimental group.
He opened the door, the bell of top jingling to signal that they had entered. The man behind the bar greeted them, instantly recognising Dottore and his eyebrows shot up when he saw you trail behind him, leash and all. “Welcome, Doctor.” The man said, “Glad you could make it.”
“How could I not?” Dottore asked, sitting on the chair opposite the counter. He hadn’t ordered you to sit, so you continued to stand behind him. “I’ll have a bottle of your finest red wine, my good man.”
“Coming right up.” The bartender said, “And for the Missus?”
Dottore looked at you, his eyes hidden behind his mask but you were confident they were twinkling in mischief, “Can you put some milk in a dog bowl?”
Blood instantly rushed to your face, Dottore’s comments catching the attention of the many regulars in the bar, all of them immediately looking at you. The bartender barked out a laugh, “Lucky for you, I just bought a new dog bowl. A glass of wine and milk, coming up.”
“On your knees.” Dottore ordered, tugging tightly at your leash. You quickly obeyed, kneeling down next to the man and sitting on your heels. More murmurs echoed through the bar as people’s attention was all of you. You in your cute white shirt, turquoise corset and adorable blue booty shorts with knee high boots. It was quite revealing but Dottore liked it on you and so, you wore it.
“Cute little girl you got there.” The bartender said, placing a glass of beautiful red wine on the table in front of the Doctor and a dog bowl filled with milk next to it, “What do you think about lending her to me for a while?”
“Oh, are we talking business already?” Dottore asks, grabbing the bowl before carefully placing it on the floor in front of you, not needing to command you. You should know what to do. With a gulp, body trembling as you tried your best to ignore all the people staring at you, you placed your hands on either side of the bowl before bending down and drinking the milk. You heard Dottore laugh along with the gasps of the people around you, almost choking on your milk as you felt the familiar sensation of a heel pressing gently onto your head. Dottore’s heeled boot was on you, the man stepping on your head as he made sure to keep you bent over.
“If that’s what you want to start with.” The bartender responded, “Not the first time I’ve made dealings with the Fatui. As long as the deal is fair, I’ll do anythin’ ya want.”
“That’s good to hear.” Dottore said as he picked up his glass, taking a sip of the drink before continuing, in a softer tone so the onlookers couldn’t hear him, “But you know exactly what I want from you.”
“That I do.” The man responded, “But it won’t be cheap.”
“I didn’t expect it to be.”
“So, spiking my bottles for a whole month will cost you twenty million mora.” The man said, leaning against the counter so only Dottore could hear him, “and it will cost ya extra if you want me to make that purple powder myself.”
Dottore chucked, “I’ll be proving you with the powder and I’ll pay you ten million.”
“Nah. Twenty million.”
“Ten million and I’ll throw in a few Fatui to act as your bodyguards.” Dottore negotiated, “Doing this will put a target on your back, you know.”
The bartender paused, gnawing at his lower lip before saying: “Ten million, bodyguards and…I get to fuck this pretty puppy of yours.”
You jumped as he said that, close enough to hear their conversations. The milk was empty and you were just waiting for Dottore to get his boot off of your head, but he just pressed it down harder.
“No one fucks her but me.” Dottore said, his tone indicating his annoyance even if the mask covered his eyes.
“Damn, well, then I guess we’re back to square-“
“Eleven Million, bodyguards and I’ll let you watch while I fuck her.”
You shivered, a rush of heat and shame washing through you. “Now why would I just wanna watch?” the bartender said, looking at Dottore like he was foolish.
“Not just you. Everyone in the bar.” The Doctor responded, “They’re already interested in her- why not make a profit? Only those who buy drinks can stay behind and watch. What do you say?”
Your body shivered some more and you could feel your pussy clench underneath your shorts, the action no doubt visible to some of the patrons who grinned widely at the scene. The man behind the bar took a second before a smile formed on his face, a twinkle in his eye as he brought his hand out for Dottore to take, both of them shaking on it.
“It’s a pleasure doing business with ya!”
“Oh, the pleasure is all mine~”
You shivered and mewled at the lewd stared directed your way, some of the patrons already hard in their pants and nothing had really happened yet. Sure, the Doctor had stripped you of your corset and was groping at your tits, your mounds shifting in his touch, but that was all he had done. Sitting in the middle of the bar, perched on top of Dottore’s lap with your legs spread wide open, you tried your best to ignore the large group of men that were now surrounding the two of you in a circle, beyond excited to see what was going to happen.
They got filled in on the situation and a few people left, mostly women and men who were taken but majority of the men stayed behind, refusing to miss this chance. They sat comfortably around you, eyes wide, taking in every second. The door of the tavern was locked and the bartender was pocketing money, his business booming tonight.
“Look at how hungrily they’re looking at you, pet~” Dottore cooed in your ear as he found your nipples under the shirt, his long fingers starting to run circles over them, “You’re making them so horny~”
You didn’t respond, letting out a yelp as the Fatui pinched your buds, squeezing them tightly between thumb and forefinger before pulling them harshly. The men cheered at your sweet cries, their voices louder at the way your breasts bounced back once Dottore let go. He cupped your tits from below and started to jiggle them, the fat of your tits bouncing for everyone’s viewing pleasure. It was so humiliating- so shameless- so hot.
“Unbutton your shirt.” The man ordered as he continued to jiggle your tits, “flash all of these old perverts.”
Knowing better than to argue, you started doing just that. Eyes around you widened and cocks swelled in pants as you revealed your naked chest, not wearing a bra underneath. With a gulp, you shrugged the shirt off of your shoulders, exposing your breasts to the greedy crowd.
“Oh fuck.”
“Holy shit.”
“Such good fucking tits!”
You mewled at the lewd words thrown your way, your pussy drenching your panties as you shamelessly bared your naked tits to the group of strangers. There were more than ten men leering at you, perhaps close to twenty, all of whom were staring at you with nothing but lust in their eyes. You were briefly distracted as Dottore once again cupped your breasts before jumping them up and down again, this time, the ripple of your flesh all the more delicious. You noticed that a few men were starting to palm themselves over their pants, eyes watering from how they weren’t blinking.
“Your nipples are hard~” The Doctor said, licking at your earlobe before his fingers flicked your sensitive buds, “Are you enjoying this?”
“S’ cold…” you said as an excuse, whining as his gloved hands started to twirl your nipples in circles. Your breasts were so sensitive to his touch- even the lightest of sensations make you feel like your body is burning up. “Oh yeah?” Dottore asked, clearly not convinced as his palms grabbed your breasts, palming them lewdly, “So your pussy won’t be dripping for me?”
“Hmmm, should we check then? What do you think boys?” Dottore asked, addressing the crowd, “Should I take off these shorts and check if her cunny is drenched?”
A loud cheer echoed through the room, all of the men shouting a deafening yes making your ears turn red. You felt so vulnerable- so bare- so humiliated as everyone celebrated getting to see your pussy. This wasn’t the first time Dottore has showed you off to others, being fucked in front of the Fatui warriors a fairly common occurrence, but this was different. These were random strangers who had nothing to do with the organisation and were just here in the right place at the right time.
“You heard them.” The Doctor said, nuzzling at your neck before giving it a kiss, his hands letting go of your breasts to instead slide down the curve of your hips and towards the hem of your shorts, “Let’s get you naked, pretty puppy~”
“Pussy! Show us that pussy!”
“Tear those slutty shorts off!”
“Spread those legs wide! I wanna see that asshole!”
You gasped as the dirty words thrown your way, lifting your hips up so your master could slide your shorts down. Everyone hooted as your bare legs got revealed, your black thong doing very little to hide your pussy. One of the men grabbed at your discarded shorts and held it up, hooting like he just won a prize.  Deciding to leave your boots on, Dottore grabbed you by the back of your knees before pulling up, making you yelp as your position got slightly changed. You couldn’t help but slap your hands over your eyes as you saw the men move closer to you, some of them so close that you could feel their breath on your cunt. With your body slightly lower and your knees almost pressing your shoulders, Dottore held you wide open for everyone to ogle at. Your thong was wedged between your pussy lips, your puffy cunt practically swallowing the thin fabric and your asshole almost completely visible.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” the Doctor asked, his voice like honey as he took in the scene. It was truly a power trip to watch all these men be so obviously horny for his darling but they couldn’t touch you- couldn’t taste you- couldn’t fuck you. “Take pictures, Gentlemen. It will last longer.”
“Wait- Seriously?”
“Holy fuck! Where’s my Kamera?!”
“Jerk off material for life!”
“Ah-ah! Only if you refill your drinks!”
You looked up at Dottore from your position, peeking between your fingers as the commotion around you increased, everyone buying drinks and scrambling to get their Kamera’s. “I should use you more often.” Dottore said as he looked down at you, “I can convince a lot of perverts to do a lot of bad things just so they can have a taste of your pussy- why didn’t I think of that before?”
He clicked his tongue, annoyed with himself, his mask starting to reflect the flashes of the Kamera’s. Your body twitched every time the shutter went off, the slick from your pussy glistening in the light, something the audience took note of. They moved in closer, their Kamera’s taking countless pictures of you- of your tits, your pussy and your ass. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what they would do with said pictures but knowing Dottore, if they ever got circulated, he’d find a way to monetise it for himself.
“Come on, pet.” He said, his hand sliding between your legs and giving your pussy a few pats, the impact wet and filthy, “Do you want them to see more?”
“Beg for it.” He explained, “Say: ‘Everyone, please take a good long look at my wet, nasty cunny~’”
“B-But-“ you sputtered, blood rushing to your face so fast it made you feel dizzy, “That’s so- I-“
Dottore raised his hand and gave your pussy a sharp slap, making you yelp out in pain. “Did you say something?” he asked, daring you to protest.
“E-Everyone!” You said, tears in your eyes from the pain and from the humiliation, your ears ringing and your heart hammering so loudly in your chest, you wondered if they could hear it, “P-Please take a g-good long look at m-my w-w-wet, nasty c-cunny!”
“Fuck yeah!!” The crowd cheered, some of them getting your words on video. You were so focused on Dottore and his touch that you failed to notice just how riled up the audience was. Most of them had their cocks out and more than half of them were jerking off, their pleasure filled expressions hidden behind their Kamera’s. You gulped down the saliva in your mouth, your body having been trained well enough that you’d drool when there were hard dicks around- cocks that were eager to fuck you. The slick sound of the strangers sliding their hand up and down their members echoed through the air, their dirty panting somehow turning you on more than their dirty words.
“Let’s show them this pussy, hmm? This pussy that belongs to me~” Dottore growled before his fingers clutched at the hem of your thong and pulled so harshly, he ripped the thin fabric to shreds. Drinks were poured and cheers erupted as the blue haired man tossed aside the remains of your underwear, leaving you truly and completely naked. You gasped, tossing your head back against him as the flashes and clicks of the Kamera increased, your brain getting overstimulated. You felt Dottore’s fingers on your cunt, his gloved hand going up and down your pussy lips, collecting the slick before giving it a nice pat pat pat. The sticky sound of your cunt was barely audible over everything else, especially of the men who started to jerk off with more vigour.
“Take a good look, Gentlemen.” Dottore said, his fingers suddenly spreading your pussy lips apart, showing off every nook and cranny of your cunt, ignoring your cry, “the most perfect pussy in the World~”
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nyashykyunnie · 7 months
˗ˏˋ Sung Jinwoo x Terminally ill Reader ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
・┆✦ Entry : 022 ✦ ┆・
‼️[ TW: Hurt, No comfort, Character Death, Terminal Illness]‼️
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅ Part 1 || Part Two ♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ I Have To Breath, But Every Inhale Feels More Like a Punishment From The Gods ] ¡! ❞
White walls were all you have ever known for all your life.
Christmas? Inside White Walls.
Your Birthdays? Inside White Walls.
Your first kiss? Inside White Walls.
You hated the sight of it all, you hated it so much that the smell of this room was starting to have an aroma of death.
And yet, Jinwoo never complained.
He visits everyday without a fail, always on time, maybe a little late here and there because he was a hunter– But he is always there, sliding open the hospital door with a beaming smile and lips ready to give you a caress.
Jinwoo always had food with him, even when he comes into the hospital room with a battered look.
Clothes stained with grime and dirt, a shoe with a hole, a face disheveled with some dried blood he failed to wash up earlier from rushing— And hair so messy you swear there must be a nest inside those soft and delicate jet black strands of his.
You would scold him with anger and yet he just laughs it off, muttering "I'm sorry" over and over while he gently takes your hand, rubbing his thumb over the soft and thin hand of yours.
But you knew he wasn't listening to you, and for that, you could only sigh.
Jinwoo always appeared calm and happy.
...Because if he shows you the turmoils and anxiety he has hidden in him, what would happen to you?
You're already dying.
Your skin is paler than last week, your body is growing thinner everyday, your voice is growing quieter and more ragged, your breathing is slower and heavy, the tubes strewn around you were increasing in number as if it's turning into a complete amalgamation of horror—
Jinwoo is losing you.
He knew that so well, the doctor had already told him weeks ago that you don't have much time.
So he desperately tries his outmost best to spend as much time with you, even if he comes in bloody from his raids— He needs to see you everyday.
Even when he went through the double dungeon, he went straight to your side the moment he came in, and to ligthen your mood he would joke around and say you two can now be bed buddies since you're both sick.
Jinwoo will strive to make you smile, even if it hurts him inside he supresses that anguish deep down inside because he knows you must be in much more pain.
He will never know what it's like to always receive these different medications that are so disgustingly unpleasant to the mouth, he will never know how much the constant injections would hurt, he will never know how tiresome it is to constantly be monitored, he will never know how much sadness you go through when he isnt there.
Jinwoo needs to be happy in front of you.
He just got back from the system's first dungeon, he was going to tell you all about how he did because he knew you love listening about his raids even though they are scary.
But as he approaches the familiar number of you hospital room— Nurses and doctors were running in and out in rapid succession.
He could hear the doctor barking out orders, counting down and screaming Clear.
"We're sorry Mr Sung." The same doctor comes out, the heartbreak in his eye evident as the hunter flung himself inside the room.
There was a ringing inside Jinwoo's ear, it was so high pitched and painful.
But really, it wasn't a ring.
It was Jinwoo screaming at the top of his lungs.
A scream so full of pain and anguish that everyone who hears his scream felt shudders— But even that, even that could never compare to what Jinwoo feels right now.
His heart felt like it was about to explode, his organs felt like they were twisting and contorting inside his body, his muscles felt so stiff that he swears he must have been made out of stone, the lock in his throat wouldn't go away no matter how much he cried out.
Tears would stream down his face.
And the medical staff could do nothing more than to close the door to let Jinwoo have his last moments.
Jinwoo would kiss his beloved's hand that was so cold, he would beg and beg for them to wake up— To call out his name, to scold him, to smack his head because he is such a reckless idiot.
He implores, "Open your eyes... Open them, I'm right here. Woowoo is here... Please, please come back."
But no answer would reach his ears, not even the faintest of breaths would reach his ears.
He tried to listen to your heartbeat, but there was nothing there for him to listen to.
Hours, he spent hours inside that room until he finally came out to call a medical staff.
Jinwoo's voice was horse, almost like he even lost it.
His eyes were puffy and his expression drained of color
Everyone though his expression couldn't worsen any further.
But in your funeral, he was empty, complete empty.
Mindless as he watches your coffin lower, numb as the dirt piling up on the elegant Mahogany wood.
He stood there, unmoving as the last dirt was thrown and fixed.
Jinwoo stayed there even in the rain.
Just staring.
It was as if he's waiting for a hand to emerge from the dirt like those stupid movies he used to watch with you.
But no.
No hand would ever emerge.
The sweet sound of your voice calling out his name, he could never hear it again directly.
Since them, Jinwoo would abuse his body through the system.
Ceaselessly leveling up in godspeed, pushing himself past his limits as a form of punishment.
It was his way of showing how much he hated himself.
He always though of that day, had he come in a little earlier, had he beaten that godforsaken snake a little more earlier— Then perhaps he could have heard your voice one last time, perhaps he could have said goodbye more properly.
Over and over and over and over and over.
He would rise, he would level up, the sound of the system dings becoming sickeningly disgusting the more time passed by.
And soon, he was titled as the world's strongest hunter.
... He was also the most lifeless of them all.
Grey eyes always empty, it was as if he was merely a shell of a person.
Jinwoo never really reacts to anything other than his familr, the few times he has shown emotion— Was when he was furious.
And everytime that happens, the world would tremble in absolute horror.
Other than that? He just did his job.
People would call him all sorts of things, insult him but not once has he ever batted an eye at them.
When he isn't in the gates, taking care of Ahjin guild, or leveling up— He would often go by your grave.
He'd buy all sorts of flowers, from your favourites to whatever he thinks looks absolutely pretty and you would certainly have loved.
Jinwoo would lean behind the stone wall, his head tilted back as he tells you about his day. How it's been, how silly Jin-ah has been, how ridiculous Jinho was last night whole drunk, and what he's been up to.
He'd talk on and on, even if he knew there wouldn't be a reply.
But somehow, the breeze blowing felt like it was the stand-in for your voice, the scent of leaves seemed to carry your scent— Everything around him was reminding him of you.
Or maybe it was just his senses is making him delusional because desperately needed you by him.
After all, he was slowly going more and more mad.
It's been so hard, yesterday, he was a struggling hunter who has lost the love of his life.
Today, he is the world's champion.
He was to be the war hero thrown to save the world.
"I don't know if I can do it" Jinwoo weakly mumbles as he continues to lean on your grave as if it were your arms comforting him. "I've killed a few monarchs, Antares only remains yet somehow... I still feel anxious. I could really... Really use some of your words, love. But I know that's impossible."
It wasn't really.
He could technically reanimate your being, but he never did. as much as it kills him, he wanted you to rest, he never wanted to use his wicked power just to see you.
Not having you by his side is his punishment for not coming any sooner to stay by your side that dreadful day.
"Well... If I don't make it, it's fine." Jinwoo mumbles, looking up at the starless night sky. "I'll see you again soon, wherever it may be, no matter how many lifetimes it take, no matter how far I go, I'll come back and see you again. So wait just a little longer, my love. Woowoo is coming home"
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ʚ(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ .。✧・゚: ~♡ —! stories written by kyunnie; translations, reposts, plagiarism are strictly forbidden.
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nocturni3 · 1 year
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Miguel O’Hara x male reader: Daddy appreciation
Top reader
(TW: incorrect Spanish I’m not a Spanish speaker sorry, praise kink, IVF reference, infertility issues, depression, infertility treatment, IVF struggles, fatherhood, anal sex, handjob, body worship, doggy style, becoming parents, celebrating, slight daddy kink, slight public teasing, slight car sex, edging, stomach bulge, breeding kink, submissive headspace)
Months passed since the two lovers became engaged and things couldn’t be better for them both. It was as though things were beginning to look up for both Miguel and M/n as they moved outside the city; away from the loud noises, most of the crime, the stresses of Miguel being spiderman.
After Tyler Stone vanished after his failed attempt at getting his CEO position back from Miguel, Alchemax was slowly turning into a big corporation that began to take the city's poor and lower classes protests seriously. A corporation that both M/n and Miguel could be proud to work for.
With the help of Miguel’s mother as his secretary much to both men’s surprise she was good at both being a threatening force and yet a silvered tongued negotiator. What’s more M/n’s department got more funding to extend a larger hand in downtown clinics and ERs providing them with the newest and safest tech during surgeries, and treating illnesses and diseases that had been neglected by Tyler Stone.
It allowed M/n to move all his major work as head of the medical engineering department to their home; it felt unreal as though this shouldn’t have been possible for Miguel to live happily in a loving relationship with a house, and a ring on both fingers. Spiderman was needed less and less as most of the villains that littered the city were falling back into the shadows with Alchemaxs change of CEO, the change needed for a better future for everyone.
Looking around his new and much larger office that Miguel shared with M/n; he sighs, taking off his tinted glasses as he shuts the hologram screen off; after signing off another approval for the start of a more powerful environmental power grid to be placed downtown. To help clean the pollution and gasses that permeated the air quality.
Rubbing his sore eyes Miguel sighed as he leaned back in his chair, allowing himself to breathe in the smell of M/n cooking them both an early lunch before their doctor appointment. An appointment they both were excited but scared to go too. After all it would be their 5th appointment of seeing if Miguel’s constant supplements had helped any with his sperm count; one of many side effects of his DNA being spliced with a spider. An effect he hated, despised so much that Miguel was losing hope with each failed test, with each failed attempt at fertilizing the donor's eggs; eggs that were running low with each failed appointment.
Miguel had his fair share of breakdowns as this was their best chance to have a kid, as M/n was deemed infertile the second round of IVF. A fact that had broken the two men; a hard fact that had all the pressure placed on Miguel which M/n tried his best to help Miguel through, but there was only so much his love and support to ease the pain and hole forming in Miguel’s chest each time they got the news of yet another failure.
Even with technically advancing the way it has been compared to the early versions of IVF in the early and mid 2000’s to now with the child being grown in a womb like environment eliminating the risk of miscarriage by a large margin.
There was only so much technology can fix when it came to a genetic code being altered in the way Miguel’s has. Only so much injections of enhanced vitamins could do for a body that was genetically modified, only so much it could fix an already broken-
“Miguel hun, lunch is ready! And your medicine too love
Miguel groaned, rubbing his face even more as the knot in his stomachs made it harder for him to want to eat anything. Made the decision to just ignore this one appointment to just wallow in his own self pity; maybe then Miguel wouldn’t need to take anymore injections. Resting his arms on the glass surface of his office table Miguel felt the tired, mental exhausted tears start to purs into his eyes as he tried his best to control the painful knot in his chest at the thought of this appointment being another nail in his self worth.
M/n looked at the still closed door of Miguel’s and his office. Seeing no sign of Miguel coming out M/n whipped his flour covered hands looking at the plate of hot steaming beef and veggie empanadas he had just finished cooking .
A recipe Conchata had given him after the two revealed their engagement to Miguel’s family; who all accepted the fact it was either accept the two for their love of the other or they’d lose Miguel for good.
M/n remembered holding Miguel’s hand throughout the entire exchange. He still held his finances hand through this difficult time in their lives; wanting to have a child to call their own. M/n despised not being about to take all the weight off of Miguel; he wished he could be the one going through the bull of the stress and pressure of these appointments.
But he wasn’t…he was completely infertile; the Lilly hood of him having a kid even with IVF was zero. The least he could do for Miguel was make him as comfortable as he could for as long as the both of them wanted to keep trying.
After all it was ‘through sickness or health, til death’; the ring on his finger made it all a reality. They were starting the next chapter of their lives together. The wedding was all set up, the venue paid for, their suits tailored and ready. They bought a house! But even that wasn’t enough for what their hearts truly craved for a child; a kid they could both raise and watch grow up with two loving parents; far from the toxic lives the both of them had to endure.
They just had to wait and hope that this appointment was anything but good news for them. Placing the dirty kitchen towel on the counter M/n dusted what was left of flours and spices on his shirt. Before making his way to the closed black door of their modern homes office.
A light knock echoed throughout the house as m/n waited with baited breath for Miguel to answer him. Give him time to regain his composure before m/n enters.
Lyla looked over to Miguel who quickly wiped away the stray tears that escaped his normally composed face. She saw how much the two wanted a kid, even going as far as to pick out names ahead of time while planning their wedding. Even though she was sentient now she was still very limited on what she could do to help.
Lyla forced a smile as she appeared next to Miguel’s shoulder, leaning over to look into his eyes getting his attention.
“M/n made your favorite!”
Lyla smile widen seeing Miguel’s frown turn into a small smile, as he scoffs his face turning a shade of red as he once again mumbled,
“Shock, ¿qué hice para merecer a alguien como él?”
Lyla disappeared and reappeared, informing Miguel, smiling as she pulled at a holo pad tilting her glasses down on her nose as she spoke in a joking assertive voice.
“Ah well let’s see, you and hot stuff over there met, we’re friends for four years and in that same year became boyfriends, then from then on you two dated, kissed, kissed, oh wow looky! Nope, more kissing, proposal and now you two are trying for a kid!”
Lyla froze her small bit hitting a sore subject as she tossed the holo pad over her shoulder listening to it canish in pixels as she turned to see Miguel’s face turn hopeless once more.
“Trying and failing-“
Lyla quickly appeared in front of Miguel shushing him.
“Listen here! And listen closely Miguel, you're not failing! You and M/n aren’t failing at anything, you’ll see Miguel things will start looking up for the both of you-“
A soft knock at the door was heard as M/n’s voice spoke up. His voice was soft, calming, warm as he spoke to Miguel.
“Hun are you okay? Is it okay if I come in?”
Clearing his throat Miguel waved Lyla away who huffed as she disappeared to another part of the house, continuing her installment of security measures.
“You don’t have to ask, this is your office too”
The door Jared opens revealing m/n whose clothes even after his attempt at dusting them off still had flour sticking to his shirt. Miguel smiled at M/n who made his way into their shared office, his eyes falling on the old day of the dead costume now turned spiderman suit that now mostly stayed locked for the time being behind a glass case.
The memories of Miguel saving him from a hostage and mugging, the moments the both of them spent in the other's arms comforting the other. loving each other with all their heart; Looking over to Miguel who began to fidget slightly as he started getting up only for M/n to make his way over to the stressed out man in front of him, placing his hands to Miguel’s tensed shoulders gently pushing him back into the comfortable office chair. Before leaning over the man who's had too much stress placed on his shoulders.
Leaning down M/n smiled his lips grazing Miguel’s, as he spoke his own hands running down Miguel’s muscular shoulders to his thighs massaging the even more tensed muscles. His hot breath landed against Miguel’s now parted lips as his focus turned from the stresses of their appointment to a need for a taste of M/n.
Miguel took in his fiancés appearance, his s/c skin that always seemed to glow anytime Miguel layed eyes on him, his H/l H/c hair that always managed to fall in the right places to frame his handsome features just right; enough to take Miguel’s breath away even after all these years Miguel would somehow still be flustered by the man in front of him.
“I know, but I figured you needed some time to yourself, didn’t want to interrupt your work mr. Sexy CEO”
M/n purred, closing the distance between their lips. Miguel sighed, feeling his entire body feel lighter as his hands reached up to take hold of M/n’s jaw gently rubbing it as they kissed.
The rhythm they kissed, the soft yet yearning for the others lips even after they had pulled away left the two nearly breathless as they stared at the other.
M/n smiled, leaning his face into Miguel’s hand, his own reaching for Miguel’s as they simply took in the atmosphere of this moment. The smell of food filling the air reminded the two of the meal waiting for them. Miguel sighed his face that had once been soft and relaxed after so long of stress now tensed at the approaching appointment. Another disappointment-
M/n kissed Miguel’s temple, feeling the pulse of the stressed out man in front of him who’s heart was beating rapidly.
“I know that face hun; this appointment has to be good news-“
“And what if it isn’t!”
Miguel shut his mouth at his outburst, his eyes burning once more that the thought of their doctors telling the couple more bad news or worse she’d tell them Miguel's sperm fertility was just not improving…that.
“Hun, it’s not hopeless, shock don’t say that anything but that, please.”
M/n’s voice creaked, he shook his head shoving his own feelings down, focusing on what he should say to Miguel who was losing hope.
“What else should I say, Cada visita es solo una pérdida de tiempo. I want to raise a kid with you so badly; I want to have a normal family with no strings attached…but every time we try Esta maldita genética mutante todavía lo arruina todo!”
M/n wiped away Miguel’s tears, ignoring his own that streamed down his face. They wanted to complete their family so badly, to raise their own family, to live a normal calm life. Seeing the man in front of him break down, his heart wide open and exposed, raw with grief and self hatred. He hated seeing Miguel so broken; going from a confident, strong headed, sarcastic hot shot to a broken mess in his arms M/n wanted to just take all the pain away.
“Miguel don’t say that”
“But it’s true, if I never tried to cure myself, never got my genetic code rewritten with a spider we wouldn’t-“
“I wouldn’t be alive”
“Miguel, if none of this happened to you, if you never became spiderman…I would’ve died that night. Spiderman wouldn’t have saved so many lives, and even if you weren’t spiderman we both know you wouldn’t have just sat by and watched Alchemax keep hurting people. Things happen in ways that force us all to adapt, evolve in ways that shock even ourselves, be it in a positive or negative light. But don’t ever hate yourself ever, no matter what happens now to the future miguel I’m just happy to have you in my life, to have a kid with you and we will Miggy we just have to be patient a little bit longer”
Miguel leaned his head into the crook of m/n’s neck as he let out a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around m/n waist and back breathing in his scent. Mixed with expensive cologne and food had Miguel’s heart lighten; feeling truly at home in m/n’s arms, holding his soon to be husband.
“Estoy tan cansado de esperar”
“Oh hun I know, I know but we have to try and stay positive the best we can…which food can help com one handsome let’s eat and get you your injection before the doctor tears our heads off”
“Ugh, shock not another shot”
M/n stood up taking Miguel’s hand pulling him up from his chair pulling the muscular taller man against his own chest. The sounds of birds outside singing with the distant sounds of yard drones cutting the neighbors yards. It felt truly like home, staring down at M/n who caressed Miguel’s jaw luring him down for a peak.
“It’s just a small prick, besides hun I made your favorite food; managed to get your mom’s recipe”
Miguel peaked those intoxicating lips once more, his arms wrapping behind his lover's head. Untaloned Mighuel ran his fingers through the soft hair; gently tugging out knots as he gazed into the E/c eyes that stared back at him with such love it only luring him in even more; a siren song with no dangers.
“And how did you manage to do that? That woman keeps her recipes closer to her heart then that hun of hers”
Smirked, M/n flipped his head to the side, side eyeing Miguel.
“I have my ways, she’s not so secretive if you hang her dirty laundry out in front of her. Besides, it’s the least she could do after dragging our love through the mud. Now stop deflecting, let's eat before we go okay. And Miguel I love you just remember that no matter what I love you”
Leaning down Miguel pressed the twos for heads together, smiling allowing his teeth to show. His old confidence came back in full; feel much better than before.
At that moment he was, but now that the couple sat in their room waiting for their reproductive endocrinologist Miguel became an anxiety riddled mess as he sat on top of the examination table trying to at the very least keep his talons in check as to not hurt the hand that was intertwined with his.
“Shh babe, just remember to breathe okay.”
Miguel tried to follow m/ns advice but even that wasn’t helping as Miguel squeezed his hand slightly as he kept his eyes moving around the room, reading the small posters featuring information on IVF and it’s almost beaconful message of;
‘We make families whole!’
Scoffing Miguel looked over to M/n who had his full attention on rubbing Miguel’s clenched hand, trying to sooth Miguel’s anxiety. Realizing he was hurting him Miguel eased his grip on his reassuring fiancé who leaned over in his chair placing a tame kiss upon Miguel’s quivering one.
His voice was like satin, soft and calming as he spoke with such confidence Miguel yearned to have such hope like M/n had.
“She’ll be here real soon hun, they are very busy today”
“I know but we’ve been waiting for an hour! Can they get this over with-“
“Hey now what did we talk about in the taxi hun?”
Miguel wanted to cop attitude but seeing the look M/n gave him Miguel sighed, taking a deep breath calming his already breaking heart at the news he knew they’d get once again. Breathing out Miguel pressed his head against M/n’s staring at their interwoven hands staring at the red diamond that sat set into the tungsten carbide band engraved with the couples most charashed phrase,
‘Mi única luz en la vida’
Words Miguel knew were far more truer now than ever before. His gaze soon fell to staring at m/n who smiled softly, even though he looked hopeful Miguel sensed he was just as much of a nervous wreck as he was.
“Try and stay hopeful-“
A small knock interrupted the couples thoughts as their doctor walked in, her holo pad along with her AI who processed the data came walking in. She was anything but a straight to the point, take not shot doctor. As she looked up her glasses caught the bright lights that had Miguel wearing his tinted sunglasses.
“Mr.O’Hara and Mr.L/N; I know you both what nothing more then to know the news-“
M/n smiled his voice loud and excited as he gave Miguel’s hand a slight squeeze as he spoke.
“Do we ever, it’s good news right doc?”
Miguel felt his fiancés hands shaking as they clasped over Miguel’s. Who now comforted M/n as his voice cracked some. Miguel clenched his teeth as tears began to gather.
“You both have been going through the highest levels of IVF, the most expensive treatments for infertility in men your age group and on top of that 5 separate appoints with no promising outcomes-“
‘Here it comes-‘
“Which is why I’m pleased to tell you both good news!”
Tears fell from Miguel’s eyes as he looked at the doctor, his and M/n’s hands gripping earthers tightly as the news left the doctors lips, her smile widening as she call for her AI to pull up the photos of a artificial womb with a small fetus floating within a time counting down twirls the date their child would be ‘born’.
“You both will be proud dads of a healthy baby girl! Congratulations!”
M/n yelled out pulling Miguel into a tight embrace, tears streaming down both soon to dads faces. Miguel began crying as well as he gripped the back of M/n’s shirt as he sobbed in pure relief of happiness. Almost disbelief as they stared at the photo given to the two of the child’s ‘ultrasound’. Standing up M/n wrapped his arm around Miguel’s waist as he asked the doctor questions Miguel didn’t bother to pay attention to as he held the photo in his hands, seeing their baby, their own daughter! Alive and healthy, a clear bill of health.
“When will she be fully developed I know this kind of new technology is recently upgraded and such with nutrition and growth potential en-“
“She’ll be born and ready for the both of you to take her home in around 3 months as long as she stays on the growth patterns she’s been showcasing. Rest assured mr.m/l, ohara we’re ensuring this little princess will be well taking cared of and safe”
Both parents sighed at the news, Miguel looked over to M/n who looked about ready to start crying himself at the news. The news they’ve been waiting for so long; was coming true, they’ll be parents with a baby girl running around. A strong, healthy baby girl.
“Now then I’ll just be right outside filling out your paperwork make sure to talk to the front office for your own paperwork to fill out, her name, legal parents that sort of thing, nothing to serious”
Miguel still could barely believe it even as he looked back down at the ultrasound seeing the small fetus that would soon grow into a baby; Their baby, migue leaned his body weight against M/n who smiled tears filling his own eyes as he held his fiancé.
“Thank you Dr.Lee, I-I don’t know how to even word just how much this means to us.”
Dr.lee smiled, placing a hand upon the couple's still interwoven hand.
“No need to thank me for doing my job, and once again congratulations Mr.l/n, Mr. ohara”
The door closed behind the doctor giving the new parents time to process the news of their daughter. M/n squeezed Miguel’s body closer to his as the two stood looking at the small ultrasound of their daughter. M/n smiled as Miguel's lips crashed against his own in a raw emotional moment of tears of both fathers, as overjoyed tears streamed down their faces: as all the stress and heartache finally vanished after months of wanting and waiting for this same news.
“W-we’re having a baby”
M/n smiled down at Miguel pulling his body flushed against his chest his hands gripping him by his waist his fingers soon running up Miguel’s white long sleeve shirt messaging the tension in his back out. Littering Miguel’s tear stain face with peaks with sweet nothings.
“ we’re having a little Gabriella, you did it hun; shock im so happy right now!”
Miguel’s eyes brightened kissing M/n back with a new found exuberance at the realization of this being real. That this was happening, that they were starting a family together. With a daughter they both always wanted Miguel’s hands wrapped around m/n’s neck basking in the joy the two felt,
“I guess this is the part I admit you were right?”
Laughing m/n held Miguel’s face in his hands leaning close enough for their noses to touch.
“Nah, I mean sure it’s nice to be proven right but now all I care about is that our daughter is safe and healthy and taking you out to celebrate…maybe invite the family?”
Miguel laughed, nudging his nose against m/ns shaking his head.
“You just wanna show off Gabriella don’t you”
“And why shouldn’t I? After all she’s our daughter, our strong, healthy, beautiful baby”
M/n couldn’t keep his hands to himself during dinner; and how could he? With Miguel sitting beside him as he spoke to Gabriel who seemed more distant and out of it, Miguel tried not to get sidetracked with the hand that slowly moved its way farther up his thigh. But the more he tried to ignore the hand that rubbed up and down his thigh getting closer to his slowly stirring cock. Trying to calm his body’s reaction Miguel tried asking Gabriel how his own fiancé was doing with her pregnancy.
“Oh she’s fine…when she’s not obsessing over spiderman. After all he’s the protector of the people right?-aye mamá! ¿Para qué era eso!”
Gabriel winced as Conchata hit the back of his head with his palm as she finished drinking her drink. Setting the drink down she turned to Gabe who seemed to know he messed up poorly as she began talking in her authoritative voice that made even Miguel tense up as. M/n tore his eyes away from the uncomfortable situation of watching an adult being ridiculed by his own mother.
“that was for disrespecting the man who managed to keep downtown safe while your stupid fiance and her useless rebel group got in spider man's way most of the time!El hecho de que esa rata sin hogar te haya abierto las piernas no significa que empieces a faltarle el respeto al hombre que está ayudando a tu hermano a sacar el crimen de las calles.”
Miguel had to force his face to stay as blank as he could as he took a bite from his meal, staring at the two members of his family arguing. While trying his best to not buckle against M/n's hand that now cupped his covered cock in his hand.
Messaging the area with a straight face side eyeing Miguel with a look that had Miguel’s stomachs knot up with lust; his cock throbbed against M/n’s hand earning Miguel a smile from M/n as his attention turn back to his mother and brother who were in an argument that was gaining some attention from the other people eating; clearing his throat M/n smiled at the two as he spoke a lovable tone calmed the two in laws down as he spoke.
“What we wanted to tell you both is that well…Miguel did we grab the photos?”
Miguel took a sip of his drink, nodding clearing his throat as he reached into his pocket grabbing the two ultrasound of the IVF womb with their soon to be daughter inside looking in her seventh month. Miguel’s hands shook not from nervousness even though he knew his mother and brother would take it as such but that was far from the reason he was quivering as the hand messaging his slowly hardening cock rubbed and cupped around him firmer.
“Mamá, Gabriel y M/N y yo estamos teniendo un bebé.”
Miguel’s smile widened, handing his mom and baby brother their own ultrasound pictures of his and M/ns baby girl.Gabriel practically yanked the ultrasound out of Miguel’s hand only for his scowl to turn into a look of pure adoring as he looked at his niece, his face beaming at the small image.
Conchata grabbed a hold of the small photo looking at the ultrasound . The stoic scowl that seemed to always be stuck on her face vanished as she looked down at the photo running his hand over the polished image of the baby curled up covering its face.
“Do you know the gender yet?”
Her voice softened as she stared over at the couple who looked at one another for permission. Miguel smiled at his mom,
“She’s a girl, a strong, healthy girl”
“What are you naming her! Did you come up with names yet?”
Gabe shouted as he leaned over the table at the couple.
“Yeah we settled on Gabriella for her. It just fits her don’t you think”
M/n's hand lightened its messaging of Miguel’s covered cock, Miguel’s one hand gripping the hand in place wanting it to stay, to keep its teasing as it stroked the straining fabric against his now hardened cock.
“Sure does! Now I know how to embarrass her haha Gabriel and Gabriella! Genius M/n!”
“Actually man it was Miguel who chose the name. He seemed dead set on the name and who am I to tell him no”
M/n smirked, kissing Miguel on his cheek; Gabriel’s chest clenched seeing the happy couple. Seeing his older brother aka spiderman in a loving relationship while his own as being torn apart because of Spiderman!
Looking away Gabriel grabbed his drink, chugging the rest of the alcohol, getting an elbow in his ribs by his mom who corrected his manners.
“Don’t drink like that”
Resisting the urge to yell at his mom who now favored his more successful CEO brother. Instead Gabe apologizes for his hasty celebration. Congratulating the couple before standing up excusing himself for leaving early.
“Do you want us to pay for a taxi for you Gabe!-“
“No, I'm good! Congrats again miggy!”
Miguel sighed, placing his head into his hands rubbing his temple looking towards his mom, who was now standing up grabbing her jacket, rolling her eyes at Gabriel’s ‘childish behavior’ stating she had to get going. Saying she had an appointment with a friend.
As both of the couple watched as the two rushed out leaving M/n and Miguel alone at the table. M/n’s other hand guiding Miguel’s hurt expression to face him kissing his fiancé who’s family rushed out as fast as they came. M/n knew the family had a toxic streak but to just ditch a celebration of a new member of the family coming soon…m/n knew it cut Migue deep.
Leaning forward M/n pressed his lips against Miguel’s, being glad the couple chose a booth seat as not many people bothered to look at the couple.
The hand that messaged Miguel’s cock gripped his balls harder, fondling them the best they could with; making Miguel pant, trying to keep his face and noises down as they were still in a public space surrounded by intel’s other people.
“We’ll celebrate in our own way after all You're getting pretty horny now aren’t you hot stuff?”
Miguel’s other hand gripped around M/n's wrist for support as his hand began palming his cocks head through his jeans. It took all his will power to not throw his head back from the pleasure and teasing he never knew he missed getting from his other half; who’s lips brushed against the shell of his ear, his hot breath brushing against Miguel’s skin had his skin shiver with goosebumps all in anticipation…hinging on every word the man in front of him whispered.
“Wanna treat my baby’s daddy just right, gotta make him feel real appreciated”
Miguel let out a soft gasp moan as lips trailed down his jaw to his neck. Miguel couldn’t take much more, his cocks throbbing became painful, his legs were turning into jelly at the images runny through his dirty, horny mind.
Would his throat be fucked raw? On his back taking his lover's cock? Would he fuck him like an animal in heat, pull his hair, mark him. Miguel’s grip tightened around M/n's wrist while his free hands talons tore through the leather of the booths seats.
Feeling M/n smirk against his neck Miguel sighed leaning his head against m/n chest; embarrassed wasn’t the word he’d describe himself, there was nothing to be ashamed of when it came down to their lust for each other, PDA a sign for either of them to get home fast or there was no stopping them from indulging in their carnal desires for pleasure.
For many men Miguel’s size being the ‘bottom’ was embarrassing, to look too weak so fragile for any amount of touch to satisfy their needs. To Miguel it was pure bliss to let the walls down to let someone else take control to be in charge of his own pleasure. Someone like M/n who knew Miguel’s body inside and out, knew ways to make Miguel go limp at the near thought of getting fucked raw with carnal, primal lust and desire.
Feeling m/ns lips leave his neck Miguel clung to him jerking his hips slightly against the hot palm rubbing him through his pants. His focus was beginning to slip with each thrust of m/ns palm against the head of the aching cock. So much heat burning in his stomachs Miguel felt his control slipping even more as his fangs ached leaking bits of his own venom into his mouth mixing with his drool in ways that had his tongue buzzing with the bitter sweet taste.
“Por favor, te necesito tanto que duele el amor”
M/n's hand palming softened its unbearable teasing as he pulled Miguel’s head into his neck area as his voice shouted out to their waitress. Miguel’s large muscular body tenses at slight fear of being caught in the act had Miguel regain some sense through the cloud of heated lust.
“Excuse me, could you call up an auto taxi please? We both must have drank more than we thought.”
Miguel let out a strained moan at the sudden strong rubbing that started once more. His mind rendered into a fog of pleasure struggling to keep itself focused on the act of staying aware of the situation they were in. He could hardly even focus on what their waitress was saying.
“Oh of course sir I’ll go do that right away, was your automatic payment set up for when you leave?”
“Oh yeah it’s all set up, tell the cooks good job on the food yeah and here's a tip for the trouble.”
“Oh there’s no need but thank you so much sir, the taxi will be here soon!”
Miguel let out a groan of relief with the deparcher of the young waitress. Trying his best to play it off as him being ‘drunk’ that didn’t stop M/n from kissing down his jaw to his neck, nipping at the sensitive skin near Miguel’s ear; sucking the skin leaving hickeys from his jaw down his neck. The grip Miguel’s talons had on the leather seat tightened even farther, tearing more of it in their wake of pleasure.
“joder a la mierda por favor necesito sentir tus manos a mi alrededor, I can’t take it anymore-“
“Mr.l/n your taxi is here!”
Miguel’s face tensed his eyes clenched shut, his lips swollen from his teeth biting down to keep the moans from pouring from them. But m/ns hand didn’t light up even as his sweetened voice. But Miguel knew the slight straining behind it as M/n's hand tugged Miguel’s shirt from his pants helping Miguel hide his rage ig boner as the two stood up.
M/n gathered most of their stuff, wrapping his hand around Miguel’s waist as he ‘helped’ Miguel walk outside to their taxi that waited for them, it became harder to walk from the anticipation of whatever was in store for him once they both got into the hover car.
Tossing their coats into the hover car M/n held the door open for miguel who only had one foot into the car before hands rubbing up his covered spine before lips kissed behind his ear, Miguel groaned when a hand gripped his straining cock firmly before letting Miguel go to get into the taxi.
The autopilot chimed on,
-“Please enter in destination requirements”-
M/n closed the doors hatch, without hesitation M/n swung his leg over Miguel’s legs straddling, his knees m/n’s face blocking much of Miguel’s view as he racked his hands all over Miguel’s muscular body.
Both adults eyes filled with lust for the other, Miguel’s body could help but shake as hands that weren’t his own started running up his thighs landing just shy of the raging cock that throbbed underneath the slowly staining fabric. Miguel barely had time to hit enter on the holo pad before the hands unbuttoned the jeans and took the pre-dripping cock out from the straining fabric.
No matter how hard Miguel tried he couldn’t hold back the unrestrained pornographic moan that escaped. He’s never felt this much lust in his life, it was almost suffocating as the hand started it unbearably slow pumping from head to base. It was as if with each stroke of the hand left Miguel more breathless than before,
Throwing his head back to the back stead’s headrest M/n's free hand took a handful of Miguel’s dark locks making him stare into e/c eyes. Miguel groaned, staring at the man he was marrying, having a kid with, and fell so deeply in love with it nearly hurt to feel him all around him.
Leaning forward M/n smirked, his voice heated, hot, and horny all for Miguel to make the man under him feel appreciated, worshiped, and valued. And that was exactly M/n planned to do, make Miguel’s walls come fully down to fuck him in ways that would make them both so exhausted the next morning they’d just stay in bed and bask in the afterglow of sex but the new found strength both parents had now for their daughter.
“¿Qué quiere papá que haga? What can I do to make him feel appreciated?”
Miguel’s mind was slipping, slipping into the pools of light headed lust. Pleasure building painfully slow in his guts, the weightless feeling of the hover taxi waiving past other hover cars only added to the feelings of his mind slipping into giving all power to the man over him.
All Miguel felt was appreciation from the man in front of him, sighing as lips trailed down his lips to his neck, the warmth wet trail left from his fiancés tongue left in its wake had Miguel craving for more of m/n.
“Ah, ¡joder! No sé”
-“please refrain from contaminating the back seat; if you proceed to do so you will be charged extra for any cleaning services that will be required”-
The automated voice sounded over the taxis inner speakers of the back seat. It sent an electric shock through Mighuels body as he made an attempt to fix himself, only for a hand to push his back against the plush seats of the Taxi. Soft swollen lips pushing against his own, M/n’s voice lustful, soft and jokingly tone all slipping through his voice as he spoke against Miguel’s slightly parted lips.
“You do know; you’ve known for months what you’ve wanted me to do to that body of yours; you just have to tell me how you want it daddy, this is all for you to feel appreciated”
M/n pulled Miguel by his shirt, closing the space between their lips in a heated kiss. Miguel moaned, letting his mind give in; opening the floodgates as Miguel’s hands ran their way up M/n hips grinding his hips up with each jerking motion the hand around his cock pumped. Pre leaking down the thick Vick onto the hand, lubing it up even more to pump faster.
The air around the lovers heated up, the smell of sex and sweat mixed together with their colones that only became stronger the more they sweated. Miguel’s mouth limply hang open his forehead resting against M/n’s chest watching his cock vanish and reappear as the hand twisted at the head making it leak even more pre, drool dripping from his mouth as he watched his cock get pumped with the hand; spit joint the pre in lubricating m/ns hand in jerking Miguel more efficiently.
“Remember Miggy we can’t make a mess”
Hooking a finger under Miguel’s chin M/n lifted his face to look at the existence of the state Miguel was in. What he saw had his own cock throb painfully at Miguel’s flushed face, his unfocused eyes, the drooling mouth that revealed his fangs that seemed like they were even losing control over their venom leaking out, Miguel’s messing hair clinging to his forehead. M/n smirked down at his blissed out minded fiancé who’s arms clung loosely on his hips.
“ w-want you inside, hmm ah”
Miguel moaned his head leaning against M/ns hand, his body was in a state of plearsureable numbness. The only thoughts going through his mind was the thought of M/n cock filling him up with is seed. In a primal part of his mindset miguel craved to be filled to the brim with M/ns kids.
“Want your cum…in me filling me”
“Oh? And why does daddy want my cum?hmm”
Twisting his hand harshly at the reddening tip of Miguel’s cock; m/n moaned watching Miguel’s body shake involuntarily with Miguel’s whines from the amount of pleasure.
Miguel couldn’t take anymore his cock,his stomachs, even his ass ached for his fiancés cock to fuck him raw and full with cum.
“I want more kids, want you t-o fill me with them ahh, carajo!”
Miguel stammered his request filled M/n with such primal desire to do just as his future husband asked. Fill him full of his cum, his kids, to get him pregnant; to give their baby girl Gabriella siblings right away.
It was a part of Miguel’s brain that had these instincts programmed into him from the desisted, it made Miguel feel nothing more than a needy animal but in a way it was part of Miguel that he couldn’t hate…not when it made sex feel so fucking good.
Yet Miguel wasn’t prepared for his pants to be yanked as far down as M/n could manage before he got sexually frustrated enough to the point he removed his hand from Miguel’s burning cock to O’Neal down in between Miguel’s legs yanking his stained jeans the rest of the way off.
Licking his lips as he stared at Miguel’s pre-covered cock to his twitching hole. Shoving his own fingers into his mouth not knowing just how deputed Miguel’s venom was;
“Don’t give me those sexy eyes, I’m not gonna risk getting paralyzed by that venom of yours again.”
Throwing his head back in frustration Miguel knew M/n was valid in his concerns last time they were lost in this kind of lust he was paralyzed for a good part of the day stuck with a raging boner.
Opening his eyes Miguel looked down at M/n who was sucking on his own fingers coating them in his spit, while his other hand grabbed ahold of Miguel’s thigh guilding it over his shoulder showing off the puckering ring of muscle that craved for him.
Feeling his face heating up to a point Miguel could only moan as fingers began their teasing taunts with each small push, a slight probe. Whines escaped Miguel’s lips as one of his hands gripped his own hair the other made its way to his beading pre cock. Only for the hand to get slapped away.
Shocked, Miguel looked down to M/n whose face was in between the two mounds of ass, his tongue pushing past the ring of muscle, loosening the inside enough for a finger to shove it’s way all the way to his knuckle.
“Amor a la mierda por favor déjame eyacular”
Miguel’s struggling voice whines his free hand reaching down to M/n hair gripping his fingers into the soft messy h/c. Pulling m/ns head closer with each brush made on his prostate. The burning pleasurable sort of pain each time a finger was added along with the tongue that still eases the ring of muscle open.
Stretching Miguel’s ass farther, the heights of Miguel’s nearly climax was at its peak, the knot that formed altightened, heightening his senses even higher than before as blood rushed to his ears the corners of his eyes started to go white with pleasure.
All stopped once the autopilot spoke once more the voice alerting them of their nearly destination in a few moments. Causing the head between Miguel’s shaking thighs to retreat, along with the tongue that Miguel had gotten so used to the warmth of inside him.
Letting out a desperate breath Miguel looked down at M/n. Whose face was just as flushed as Miguel’s as he stared back, his fingered scissoring Miguel’s still tight hole open; preparing him just the way he wanted.
All while he stroked a hand against Miguel’s neglected cock that leaked far more the more teasing M/n did.
“Look at yourself you sexy beast, being scissored and stretched with one hand while being given the best handjob with the other and still you want me. Shock I love it when you let me take care of you baby, so sexy”
Miguel’s hands clasped M/n head weakly hinting at his desperate want for their lips to mean once more. Chuckling M/n continued his assault of his fiancés ass and cock. Their lips barely brushed against the other when the hover taxi sounded;
-“destination reached! Scanning; cleaning required your holo card will be charades as such for a cleaning crew, enjoy your day”-
M/n smirked down to Miguel’s exposed body, exposed to him and him only; Miguel’s muscles that were flexed made the shirt he worse tight and cling to parts of his body that had M/n drooling himself while racking his eyes down the masterpiece of the body before him.
Miguel’s cocked twitching with the lack of attention went for his ass as it tried to pull his fingers deeper. Latching onto Miguel’s soft spot on his neck resulting in slightly taloned hands to grip his shoulder breaking the skin slightly: the pain was worth more of those sweet, addictive moans being pulled from those plump lips.
“Shock Miguel keep doing that and I might let you fuck me instead”
Miguel’s groan tugging on M/n’s suit wanting him to be in the same amount of undress he was right now. Miguel wanted him inside, fucking him raw and primal to worship his body like he knew M/n would.
“cariño, please get me into the house and you can do whatever you want with me!”
His head rolled back as M/ns fingers retreated out from his ass, with a wet sound as they pulled fully out leave his hole twitching for something to clench, to suck deep within itself.An invention M/n would soon take
“When you put it like that how can I say no”
Miguel let out a shaking breath as hands brushed up his chest all the way down to the jeans that were still down at his ankles.
“Shock I can’t stop looking at you; fucking beautiful”
Lips ghosted down Miguel’s thighs, the trail of kisses were near unbearably sweet; it had him breathless all while M/n pulled his Jeans up, his boxers covering most of Miguel’s hyper sensitive cock.
The fabric now covering him up had Miguel panting as he resisted the urge to pull the clothes off his hyper sensitive cock. The fabric brushing against his slightly exposed head had Miguel squeezing his legs together as much as he could as the two made their way into their house.
A house that already held so many memories and would hold more. A clean organized house, with modern furniture decorating the interior of the modern home. The only messy part could be spotted in the kitchen which was getting cleaned already by LYLAs drones.
Miguel’s scenes were in overdrive; the smells of both men perforated the air of the house with their colognes, and now the smell of sweat, and sex that clung to the two. The smells are becoming stronger in their bedroom. A room that houses all the smells that had Miguel's instincts go wide.
It all had Miguel’s head spinning as he turned to M/n who smirked as he threw their suits onto the floor seeing the darkening lust that poured into Miguel’s eyes just before he pulled his other half on top of him.
M/n gasped as their bodies hit the plush bed; Miguel’s face was redder than m/n had ever seen it, his hair was messy sprawling over his face and bed. His fangs catching the dimmed lights as miguel spoke his voice thick with a need to be fucked, to be filled with cum.
“Love you; want more of you”
“¡Sí, por el amor de la mierda, por favor, que me jodan!”
M/n practically ripped Miguel's clothes off leaving the far more stronger man naked and bare underneath his body. Miguel’s broad figure relaxed moaning with each light touch M/n left on his skin. Any amount of lips that licked up the sweat that ran down Miguel’s anticipating body.
M/n loved seeing Miguel so lost in the ecstasy of it all. Watching him shiver,buckle, beg underneath him seeing him finally let go of all the stress and pressure that the last few months placed on him. Now he gave in, allowing himself to feel everything all at once.
M/n took his time stripping his own close off his body, giving the desperate Miguel underneath him something to enjoy with each curse word that poured from Miguel’s lips with each piece of clothing thrown elsewhere in the room.
Miguel, sexually frustrated made a move to pull M/n down to him but it only resulted in him being flipped into his stomach. Gasping as hands gripped his hips, pulling them flushed with a straining pair of pants that covered a raging cock under eight rubbing ever so slightly against Miguel’s prepped plum ass.
“Such an impatient daddy; maybe I should punish you-“
“I guess you're right, this day is all about you, about making you feel really loved. Is that what you want for me to shove my cock inside this needy hole?”
Miguel’s talons released from his fingers gripping the thick blanket underneath the two, the unstable fibers of the blanket resisted the tearing from Miguel’s claws. Miguel looked over his broad shoulders seeing M/n tossing his pants off the bed along with his boxers leaving them both fully naked, a fact that had Miguel pushing his ass back against the cock that now rubbed its pre leaking head between the two mounds.
Miguel arched his back as the head teased his waiting, ache hole. The heat radiating from m/n legs and cock that pressed flushed with Miguel’s body had him moaning tears of joy ran down his face with the burning pleasure rippled through his ass up to his head.
As m/n started to slowly push the head of his cock inside Miguel. Hearing M/n’s low moans against his lower back, groaning about Miguel’s tightness that clenched around the head.
“Shock, miggy your ass is pulling me in so well”
Miguel moaned loudly at the praise, taking pure bliss of feeling so fucking full of M/n’s cock. Each each raised Miguel’s moans higher and higher, the addictive burn of his ass adjusting around the cock that fox in oh so perfectly had Miguel’s rolling his hips. M/n's hands grip on Miguel’s hips tightening as he holds back to give Miguel some time to breath only for Migue to buck his ass back slamming the rest of the cock into him.
“Fuck miguel! Ah”
“sí se siente tan lleno querido, más quiero todo lo que tienes"
Miguel managed to get his arms under him, his talons gripping tighter on their blankets; the glow from the fibers resisting the tears had the dim room glowing faintly as the illuminated the two pleasure lost men.
Miguel threw his head back moaning loudly as M:n hips gave in fully to Miguel’s demands. An iron grip on Miguel’s hips would bruise the next morning from the intensity of m/ns thrusts had Miguel voice breaking mid moans. In no time m/ns cock found Miguel’s prostate ramming into the bundle of nerves repeatedly.
Electrifying pleasure after pleasure had Miguel screaming as his vision began to turn nearly white as the pleasure blinded him. His knees began to lock up the feeling of the nearly inhuman speed his fiancés thrusted into his tight ass had Miguel railing for more.
Thrusting his own hips back against m/ns the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in their room the smell of sex and sweat became nearly as intoxicating as the pleasure. The nails in his hips trailed separating one wrapping itself around Miguel’s dripping reddening cock pumping the cock in time with his thrusts stimulating Miguel’s nerves even more. Miguel’s mouth hangs open saliva escaping his mouth that is now mixed with his venom making for a sweet but bitter taste to be a constant in his mouth.
Before Miguel had time to realize the other hand trailing threw his hair it was already to last as M/n pulled Miguel’s head back, both arms wrapped around Miguel’s body pulling the pleasure lost man to his own chest allowing lips and tongue to trail down Miguel’s neck leaving hickeys and bite marks in their wake.
Miguel’s moans turned into whimpers as the increased intensity of m/n thrusts became harder and faster the knot in Miguel’s stomachs was reaching its breaking point; Miguel’s cock was leaking an amount M/n's hand was covered in the pre.
“Ah, look down Miggy, fuck my cock is filling you good hun”
Miguel did as he was told with slight resistance from the still tight grip M/n's hands had in his hair. What he saw had Miguel nearly lose his instinct riddled mind as a bus able bulge could be seen with each harsh unforgiving thrusts.
“Go on, fill it, fill just how much I’m filling you baby; rub that cock filled stomach of yours for me.”
Miguel threw his head back as another dead-on hit to his prostate was made, his head resting against M/n shoulder. His hands trailed up to his stomachs moaning at each thrust had the bulge protruding from Miguel’s stomachs to rub against his hands.
M/n was right he was filling Miguel so good, so much filled him Miguel never wanted this to end the feeling the cocks head gave him with each thrust had Miguel’s brain want to believe it wasn’t a cock but his and M/n’s child growing inside of him. A baby bump; that a child was growing inside of Miguel.
“Shock M/n more ¡Lléname, cum dentro de mí por favor! quieres darle a Gabriella un hermano quiere a tus hijos, amor”
“Ah fuck keep t-talking like that and I’ll loose it hun”
“So close to, ah shock, shock please so close! W-anna feel you cum inside me!”
The knot that’s been building in both of the two lovers grew to its breaking point. The pain melded with the pleasure of the pressure build up had Miguel gripping M/n's ass keeping him in place the best he could while his screams of pleasure filled the room ; ropes of cum splattering all over the bed sheets and m/ns still pumping hands.
Wet skin slapping movements filled the air of the couples room; as a tear stained Miguel gasped for any amount of air he could get as his body shook only for a moan to rip be ripped out of him as his hand felt M/ns hips sputtering in a final harder thrust up into Miguel’s tightening hole; the bully Miguel felt twitching harshly against his prostate as his inside were flooded with m/ns hot seed. Made Miguel buckle his own hips into the air as yet another unexpected second orgasam hit him.
Grabbing hold of M/n's hair Miguel sighed, feeling his lover's lips soothing him. Soft lips trailing up Miguel’s neck to his jaw. His hand turning Miguel’s fucked out expression towards him peppering kisses all over Miguel’s face that scrunched up in discomfort as 5the now softened cock slipped from his cum dripping hole.
Leaving Miguel whining yet moaning at the soft attention he was receiving from M/n whose other hand rubbed what was left of Miguel’s cum on the now dirty blanket. Before stroking Miguel’s aching thighs and hips.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?”
Miguel laughed, opening his eyes to stare at his worried fiancé who’s shoulder bore more damage compared to Miguel’s soon to be bruising hips.
“You're asking me? Last I checked I’m not bleeding anywhere”
“Yeah yeah smart ass, fuck I love you so much“
Interweaving his fingers through the h/c hair Miguel breathed in m/ns scent now mostly smelling of Miguel and sex Miguel relaxed basking in their afterglow.
“Yo también te amo, m/n”
Feeling m/n face pressed into Miguel’s neck Miguel relaxed as he continued to play with his lover's hair; feeling him speak against his neck a statement that had Miguel’s chest ache with just how much he loved his man holding him.
“And I love our daughter; I’ll protect both of you the best way I can I swear, I’ll keep you both safe no matter what”
“Now you’re stealing my lines”
A chuckle tickled Miguel’s sensitive neck as they both chuckled while caressing each other's bodies, messaging out the aching muscles.
“Sure am, we deserve a normal life don't you think, a nice long vacation”
“And just how long is this vacation lasting?-“
“The rest our lives; raising our beautiful baby”
The couple intertwined their hands M/n looking down at Miguel’s ring around his finger, the joy and light feeling of finally finding the family he’s spent all his life searching for was here. Had always been here in his arms for years and now another part of their family is one her way as well.
Pulling Miguel’s hand to his lips both Miguel and M/n kissed their ringed fingers, nudging ‘em their head together as they basked in the love they held for each other and their daughter.
Nothing would change that…ever.
Part 6 final
( damn this turned out very long and angsty and soft all at the same time! Hope y’all like it!)
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dmc-tings · 2 years
The Lord's helping their s/o recover from an injury
Alcina Dimitrescu
She had left you in care of her daughter's
Or them in your care
She was leaving to meet with the other Lord's and Mother Miranda
Lady D gone, the girls wanted to play a game
Hide and seek!!
They hide and you... well you don't seek
You actually just do whatever, and they end up popping up whenever
You sat on the balcony, reading and enjoying some coffee
The girls had started to play earlier in the day
It was afternoon, when you started to get worried about them
You got up to search rhe castle
Finding your way into the library, you heard their laughter
One at the top of the steps Daniela, shot out in front of you
Letting out a "boo", raising her hands above you (you know like a monster on Halloween)
You yelped and tumbled down both sets of stairs
"Uh oh..." Cassandra said, standing next to her sisters
You landed heavily on your side, blood streaming from your head
The girls rushed to you, finding you knocked unconscious
Things got worse, as Alcina finally came home and saw the trio trying to maneuver you to your room
"What happened?!" She barked, taking you from them
Though not listening for an answer she took you up
You sturred in her arms, "Al...Alcina?"
She shushed you, caressing your cheek
"You have a head wound, Darling. But do not fall asleep."
You tried to nod, but failed, resting your head on her shoulder
Once bandaged up, she asked you what happened
You explained, leaving out the part about the girls scaring you
She nodded and looked at you wound
"You'll stay here with me until your fully healed."
You tried to argue, but she only stood, taking you with her
And tucked you in
For the next few weeks, Alcina took care of all your needs
Food, drink, changing your bandages, keeping you company
She almost gave you a bath, but you protested to the point of almost being drug into the bathroom
She finally conceded and let you bathe alone (sometimes)
"Why are you coddling me, Alcina? I'm an adult! Yo-"
"If something where to happen to you. If I was to lose you, my wrath would know no end."
You shut your face after that
And finally let her take care of you
Your head finally fully healed and Alcina finally backed off
She keeps a better eye in you though
Salvatore Moreau
"Its was an accident, Salvatore."
"You shouldn't have been there, my precious."
You where in the bed, surrounded by blankets
Bruised ribs, is what Donna told you
And you knew you couldn't move
But that don't matter now, your safe
Salvatore kept you there, serving you hand and foot
But you had gotten tired off his constant condescending tones
"Darling, shut it. Your not helping me heal by stressing us BOTH out. Please." You rubbed your head
And he promptly shut his mouth, reaching over with a cool hand, soothing you
Letting out a humm, you enjoyed his hand, gently rubbing your now throbbing head
Smiling, your fish man stood and you let out a whine
"Im going to get you some pain medicine, my dear. Ill be back shortly." He promised, lumbering away
He kept his word, bring you something for your ribs and head
He helped you sit up, and you huffed after taking the medicine
"Im sorry for snapping at you..."
You know he never took your snapping at him as a serious matter, he was always patient with you
Moreau took your hand in his and smiled
"My Precious. You know I don't mind."
You frowned, whincing from the pain and from his gentle tone
"You get it enough from the big bitch and metal bastard.... I shouldn't give you shit..."
He hummed, sensing your pain, both emotional and physical
"Yes... but do rest..."
You settled down for another nap
This continued for a few weeks...
Until you were able to walk on your own
Yet he ordered some of the Vârcolac to keep at your side
Angie and Donna Beneviento
It happened in the damn garden
You told Donna to get rid of the roots from some of the bigger plants
But she insisted it was for the better
And now you were sitting still with ice on your sprained ankle
And your girlfriend buzzing about like a bee
"Im sorry. I didn't think they would get in the way like that..."
You tried to tell her that it was fine but she kept coming into the room and out of the room
Handing you tea and snacks every ten damn minutes
You finally grabbed her and pulled her into your lap
"Donna. My love. Dearest thing. Please. Calm down. I just sprained my ankle. I just need to stay off of it for a while ok?"
Donna finally took a few breaths and relaxed against you
"O-ok. I-"
You patted her head and gently rubbed her back.
"Yeah, yeah. Just be quiet for a bit ok?"
She could really be worrisome, and sometimes you had to remind her to cool it.
She soon fell asleep on you and you followed suit
Karl Heisenberg
"I told you to keep outta my part of the Factory. And look at you now. All wrapped up like a burrito."
You glared at him
It was true, your food was wrapped up like a burrito
But that was because your boyfriend was an idiot
A mechanical genius
But a fat idiot when it came to matters about you.
"Karl. I only stubbed my toe. You're over reacting."
He huffed and placed a tray of food on your lap
And sat next to your foot, giving it a poke
You frowned and kicked him with your bandage boot
Well tried to
In retaliation, he stood up and laid on you with his full weight
Knocking the wind out of you
It was just his way of keeping you still and in his arms
Just an idiots way of dealing with the love of his life
2K notes · View notes
Lost Boy (EngWnt x Male Reader)
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This was inspired by Lost Boy
8,869 words
Warning: Swears, Angst and fluff moments
Why am I here? This is isn't home. Well you didn't know what a home is.
You say as you wait outside the famous St George Park. You feel the rain hit the top of your head and shoulders as you hear the car that dropped you off drive away. You sighed as nerves and anxiety crept in. You wanted to be here but also wanted to be home back in Japan.
You missed the feeling, you missed your apartment, you missed your training grounds, your teammates and the Kawasaki Frontale faithful.
You were scared to be in a land that you only been to with your team once before. Truth is you were an orphan, you were left at an orphanage in Japan in Kanagawa from there you grew up and at the age of 13 you joined the Kanagawa youth squad and once you hit 16 you became part of the first team 3 years later, 42 assists and 77 goals for the club. You wanted to play for the japan national team but you kept getting the cold shoulder. You started to deflate, lose motivation and felt the same feeling you felt since you could remember. The pain your so called parents gave you.
"Lost Boy, Lost Boy, Lost Boy" A smile came to your face and you recollected that chant Kanagawa fans would chant for you. The story of you being a orphan made the fans sympathise with you and your constant big player status on the field made you a fan favourite and was gifted the name Lost Boy.
That chant was something special it made you feel like you belonged, like a son to the crowd. The first time you heard it you had to fight back tears but bowed to the crowd.
It was your Neverland
You looked down before composing yourself, you started to walk into the reception of St George Park and you spot Serena Wiegman and Gareth Southgate waiting for you.
You think about how you ended up in the situation. Playing for England?!?!
You remember playing a man of the match worthy game in the AFC Champions League against 2 time champs from Ulsan Hyundai. Scoring 4 goals and assist. As you walked off the pitch to the famous Lost Boy chants, you didn't notice Serena Wiegman who was enjoying a vacation watching you from the crowd.
She approached you outside the locker room with your manager. Seeing your talent, the fans love for you and potential. She researched your background and found out that you have English relations due to your mother. And Serena wanted to give you a chance as she believed you not playing international football a crime. You was overwhelmed. Leaving Japan, going to England, no friends, no faces you know except for Serena.
But you knew deep down that this could change your life for the better.
"F/N, I'm so glad you are here" Serena said as she approached you with a warm smile. You go for a hand shake but Serena gave you a hug. She made you feel welcome and made you feel protected. You gave her a slight hug back and she turned to Southgate making sure to keep a hand on your back to let you feel comfortable. "F/N this is Gareth Southgate, the manager of the England Senior team." You extended your hand to the man who shook your hand. "Pleasure sir" you said respectfully in English "Nice to meet you L/N, Wiegman told me all about you. I have seen some of your stuff, I hope you step up" He said in a cold tone, you wanted to frown but hid it. It felt like he wasn't happy you were here "Mr Southgate, I said it before and ill say it again. This young man is an extraordinary talent and no offence to the team but his passion for the game shines brighter then your passion when you played for England"
God damn, you eyes slightly widen as you look back and forth between the duo. The tone of her voice sounded like a mother defending her child Talk about putting pressure on you. Southgate clearly wasn't happy with the comment but didn't say anything back. "Anyway, let me show you around. Serena" He said leading the way for you before saying goodbye to Serena "Actually i will come along" The Dutch women said "But what about the girls?" you looked back at Southgate before turning back to the lady. "They will be fine, the staff are already their for the girls training, i will see them after Y/N is settled in" She as she patted your back.
You smiled at her as the three of you walk into the building. You thought about what Serena was talking about. The girls? Her team is here training. The Lionesses! You remember watching them in the Euro's 2022 and it was inspiring to watch and witness. You had hope to cross paths in some way with one of them just to seek knowledge from the European champions if you crossed paths. But the whole team was here!
As you were taking to each rooms and facilities, you made sure to shake everyone's hand. The staff should be treated like they are part of the team. This made Serena smile when she picked up on the gesture whilst Southgate thought it was you trying to look good in front of him.
"This concludes our journey. I must depart now, as we have some new arrivals later. The rest of the team will arrive later tonight. Make yourself at Home F/N. Serena" Gareth said leaving in a hurry as he left you outside your hotel door. You let a sigh and ran your hands through your hair. "Well he sure is something" You say in a light hearted tone as you felt Serena's hand on your shoulder "He is a stubborn man, he rarely changes his team up and when i suggested you he laughed it off. But because of my belief I even went to the FA" your eyebrows raised as she nodded at tour response "Yes I made a case that you are what the men's team needed and they listened and push him on it." You looked at Serena with admiration. She really did believe in you, all that worry and nervous energy turned into determination.
You were going to make sure you proved Southgate wrong, repay Serena and show the world who F/N L/N is "Thank you Serena, you wont regret this" She smiled like a mother and patted your back "Now go rest, you must be tired' You smiled and shook your head "I managed to get sleep on the journey here. If its no issue since none of my teammates are her, can I watch you train the lionesses for a bit" Her curious look turned into a wide smile "Of course" You smiled and dropped your belongings in your room "May I ask, why do you want to watch." She asked curiously as you followed her "Well, you and the Lionesses are one of the top teams in the world, I'd be stupid to not want to watch h and learn from you and the women" She smiled, she found admirable that you would want to learn from the women when a lot just bash female footballers "Why me I'm just the manager?" she would say curious on what wanted to learn from her
You grinned as you walked alongside Serena. "Why you? Really? Well for starters, you're not just 'just the coach.' You're Serena Wiegman, the brilliant mind behind one of the most successful women's national teams in the world. You've achieved incredible success and I have a lot to learn from you. Plus, watching the Lionesses in action is an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Your team's skill, tactics and teamwork are truly works of art to me." Serena chuckled at your response and your excitement, clearly appreciating your enthusiasm and respect for the women's game. "Well, I'm flattered, F/N. We'd be glad to have you watch our training. I believe that learning from each other, regardless of gender, is how we all grow and improve in this beautiful sport."
You followed Serena out to one of the 3Gs the team was training on, You were feeling better then earlier, With Southgate gone and you can be around a pitch and watching football made you happy and at peace. Though nerves did run through as you were gonna be watching top flight pros playing
As you stepped onto the pitch and the view of the Lionesses practicing their drills came into focus, you couldn't hide the awe on your face. It was a sight to behold, the precision, the skill, and the teamwork of the reigning European champions were truly impressive.
You watched as Lucy Bronze skilfully dribbled the ball, Keira Walsh executed pinpoint passes, and Bethany England alongside Alessia Russio showcased her finishing ability. It was clear why they were considered among the best in the world.
The enthusiasm and energy of the Lionesses were infectious and it felt like a privilege to witness their training session. As you followed Serena, you couldn't help but feel a sense of motivation and inspiration.
As the Lionesses gathered in hushed conversation on the pitch, you found yourself still engaged in discussion with Serena Wiegman. Talking about her thoughts and expectations of the team as they near the Women's World Cup. The moment was a unique one for you as you were not only adapting to a new country and a new team but also facing the uncertainty of how you would be received.
Serena's voice was reassuring and she had the ability to put you at ease. She spoke about her belief in your abilities and her dedication to seeing you succeed in the England Men's team. Her unwavering support was like a lifeline. Keeping your confidence up and alive as you days counted down to your international debut.
"You know, F/N," Serena said, Turning towards you with her arms crossed, her eyes filled with determination, "I have high hopes for you. Your passion for the game and your incredible talent can bring a new energy to our national team and football. I believe that your presence will not only benefit you but also inspire our Lionesses. " She smiled as she glanced at the powerful women training and pushing their limits. "We have an incredible family of football here in England and I want you to feel at home."
You couldn't help but smile. Serena's words resonated with you and they helped the anxiety and homesickness that had lingered since your arrival in England fade away for that moments. It was the reassurance and guidance you needed. "Thank you, Serena," you replied with genuine gratitude as you bowed your head to her. "I appreciate your belief in me and your efforts to bring me here. I'm determined to give my best and contribute to the England Men's team. And if there's ever an opportunity for our teams to come together and train, I'd love to be a part of it."
Serena nodded, her eyes filled with warmth. "I'm glad to hear that, F/N." She stepped towards you placing a firm grip and pat on your arm "We're not just about men's and women's football here; we're one football family. Your presence here is a testament to that, and I'm certain you'll make a positive impact."
As you continued your conversation, little did you know that the Lionesses were observing you from a distance. The collective curiosity and intrigue of the England Women's National Team would soon lead to a new chapter in your journey, one filled with camaraderie, mutual respect and the realization that you had indeed found a football family
On one side of the pitch near the goal, Mary Earps, Ella Toone and Alessia Russo exchanged curious glances and hushed whispers.
Mar, the goalkeeper, leaned in and said, "Have you two seen that guy talking to Serena? Who is he, and what's he doing here?" as she played with the football in her hands
Ella Toone shrugged her shoulders, her eyes still fixed on you. "I have no idea, but he seems to be quite interested in what Serena is saying. Could he be a new coach or something?" She said crossing her arms as curiosity settled in
Alessia Russo chimed in, "I don't know, but he doesn't look like a coach. Maybe he's a new player or something? We can ask Serena later."
"Yeah you can ask for his number HAHA OW" Ella showed shout after receiving a kick from Alessia to the backside
Meanwhile on the other side of the pitch, Lucy Bronze, Keira Walsh and Bethany England were engaged in their own discussion. Lucy, with a sharp eye for talent, recognized you from a few clips she had seen online. "I swear seen that guy before," Lucy remarked, nodding in your direction. "He's a player, I'm sure of it. I saw some clips of him and he's got some serious skills if its who I think it is."
Keira Walsh, the midfielder, leaned in with interest. "Really? He looks like he's in deep conversation with Serena. Maybe he's a new addition to the men's team? Don't think I seen him in any of the youth teams in the past" Lucy nodded in thought
Bethany England, who had been eyeing you with curiosity chimed in, "Well, if he's here to play, he must be pretty good. We should introduce ourselves later and make him feel welcome."
As the training session continued, more and more of Lionesses kept a watchful eye on you, curious to learn more about the mysterious player who had captured Serena Wiegman's attention.
Serena would excuse you as she would approach the team to go over things about upcoming matches as you headed to the stands to watch the rest of the session from there. As Serena addressed the team and laid out their plans for the upcoming match, the Lionesses listened attentively. Afterward, Leah Williamson was the first to break the ice, curiosity getting the best of her.
"If I may" Leah began, "who is that boy you were talking to earlier? Is he a new coach or part of the England media team?"
Millie Bright, seated nearby, chimed in with her own question, "Yeah, he looked quite engaged in your conversation. Is he here to help with our training or something?"
Serena smiled and decided to share a bit about you, the new member of the England Men's team. "Actually, that young man you saw is F/N L/N. He's not a coach or part of the media team. F/N is a talented footballer, and he's recently joined the England Men's national team. I believe he has a lot to offer and you might see him around from time to time. As he requested to watch todays training" The mention of your name and the explanation from Serena piqued the interest of the Lionesses. They exchanged intrigued glances, realizing that you were not just a casual observer but a actual player.
"If his apart of the men's team, why is he watching us and not with Southgate?" Lauren Hemp who handed a drink to Jess park as she spoke up. The question was a thought was on most of the girls minds.
"Good question Lauren" Serena began. "F/N is here because he's new to England and he wanted to observe the training and learn more about the style and strategies of English football. He's keen on acclimating himself to the English game as quickly as possible. Whilst he's officially a part of the men's team, he's interested in learning from our team as well."
Serena's explanation seemed to make sense to the Lionesses. With them and Lauren nodded in understanding. It was clear that you were genuinely eager to immerse yourself in English football. The curiosity about your presence now seemed to be mingled with a sense of mutual respect for your dedication to the game. It was indeed a unique situation to have a male player from the men's team showing genuine interest in observing and learning from the Lionesses. It was a testament to your dedication and willingness to go the extra mile to improve your skills and understanding of football.
As the training session continued, you couldn't help but notice the collective gaze of the Lionesses directed your way. You had been absorbed in watching their drills and skills, trying to absorb as much as you could from the reigning European champions, but you couldn't ignore the fact that you had become the center of attention. Which was starting to make you anxious and paranoid
Whilst you were checking your Instagram notifications, you looked up from your spot of the Lionesses, You took a double take and realized they were watching you with expressions ranging from curiosity to amusement. Feeling a bit self-conscious, you flashed a small, sheepish grin and gave a little wave in acknowledgment of their attention as you slowly sinked into the chair and hoodie
"Aww, so cute." Millie Bright couldn't help but tease with a playful smile. Her comment drew light laughter from some of the other players. "Lets adopt" Rachel Daly would say as she gave Bright a should bump as the duo laughed. It seemed that your friendly wave had endeared you to the Lionesses even more.
Leah Williamson leaned over to Lauren Hemp and whispered, "Well, I have to say, he's certainly not what I expected from a guy joining the men's team. Seems like a good guy." Lauren Hemp nodded in agreement. "Definitely. We should introduce ourselves later and make him feel welcome." Knowing that whenever someone joins a new team or place for the first time it can be overwhelming"
As the training session with the Lionesses concluded, Serena Wiegman decided it was a good time to have a private conversation with one of her most experienced players, Lucy Bronze. The two of them found a quiet corner of the field
"Lucy, I need to talk to you about something important," Serena began, her expression grave. Lucy, ever the professional, sensed the gravity of the situation and nodded for her coach to continue. Serena took a deep breath. "You know the new player, F/N L/N, who you all have been eyeing?" Lucy's eyes lit with recognition. "Yeah, I saw him talking to you earlier. He's a really talented player from what I have seen. What about him?" As said as she crossed her arms
Serena leaned in closer and lowered her voice. "Well, the thing is, his arrival hasn't been entirely smooth. Southgate has been... less than welcoming, let's say." She would say in a displeased tone, Lucy raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? But why? He's a great talent. What's Southgate's problem?"
Serena sighed, her disappointment evident. "I don't know for sure, but it seems that Southgate has a certain way of doing things, and he's resistant to change. He's been dismissive of F/N ever since my recommendation and since F/N arrival, despite his incredible talent and potential."
Lucy's expression hardened as she glanced to where you were sitting before placing her hands on her hips and turning towards Serena. She had a reputation for being outspoken and a supportive teammate. This situation didn't sit well with her. "That's not right. If he's here to help the team, Southgate should at least give him a chance. Is there anything I can do to help?" She would ask with good intent as she suspected Serena was telling her this for a reason
Lucy nodded firmly. "Don't worry Serena, We should have each other's backs that's what makes a team. I'll make sure the team knows about this and that we extend a warm welcome to F/N." Serena smiled, her trust in Lucy reaffirmed. "Thank you, Lucy. I knew I could count on you. Let's make sure that F/N feels like a part of this football family and let's show Southgate how wrong he is. We need to look out for him on and off the pitch. He knows no one in country, he needs some friends. I cant speak for the men's team but I trust you and the girls" Lucy was driven to make sure you are welcomed and had new friends.
After returning to your room and finishing a workout, you realized that your roommate had yet to arrive. It gave you some time to unwind and reflect on the day's events. Your thoughts swirled with excitement about watching the Lionesses' training session and the camaraderie that seemed to be developing between you and the women's team. As you were catching your breath, a sudden knock at the door interrupted your solitude. You quickly made your way to the door, opening it to find Lucy Bronze, Keira Walsh, and Bethany England standing there, wearing friendly smiles.
"Hey there, F/N right?" Lucy greeted you with a warm and welcoming tone. "Mind if we come in for a chat?"
Your surprise at their visit quickly turned into a grin as you stepped aside to allow them entry. "Of course, come on in. It's great to see you all again. What brings you here?" You were sweating bricks
Bethany England was the first to speak, her friendly demeaner shining through. "We thought we'd swing by and officially welcome you to England, We thought it may be a bit daunting coming to a place where you know no one"
Keira Walsh nodded in agreement. "Yeah, We also heard about your conversation with Serena. It's not often we get a male player showing interest in our training sessions and we wanted to say hello."
Lucy chimed in "Plus, we wanted to let you know that we're here for you. If you have any questions, need any advice or just want to hang out, we're your go to squad." She said in a cheeky voice in the end
Your heart swelled with gratitude and appreciation as you looked at the three Lionesses who had taken the time to visit you. "Thank you, that means a lot. I'm really excited to be here, and I'm looking forward to learning and growing learning here. I'd love to get to know you all better and train together sometime." This was the first time you were getting attention not for your popularity or status. In Japan your teammates were stick around you for popularity and when the cameras where gone they didn't go near you. so this was refreshing, so you were eager to make actual friends
Bethany England grinned. "That sounds like a plan. We'll make sure to coordinate some joint training sessions in the future. But for now, let's just hang out and get to know each other better. We were about to head to the cafeteria and eat, You wanna tag along?" You smiled and nodded excitedly "Of course"
"Great, Come on Youngblood" Lucy would say as Keira patted your back and guided you out of the room following Beth and Lucy.
As you all settled around a table in the bustling cafeteria, the Lionesses were quick to initiate a conversation about your background. "So, F/N," Lucy Bronze began, "tell us a bit about yourself. How did you end up here in England?" She said as she took a bite out of her meal
You leaned back in your chair, ready to share your story. "Well, I grew up in Japan and football has been a huge part of my life since I was a kid. I played for Kawasaki Frontale for a since I was 13 and always dreamt of representing my country. But that never happened, they kept rejecting me." You said sadly, the trio couldn't help but feel for you. Playing for England was big for them and if that got rejected constantly it would hurt. You then smiled "And it was Serena Wiegman who saw me playing one day, She was in Japan and saw me during a match and gave me the opportunity to join the England Men's team. She went out of her way for me and I couldn't be more grateful to her." You smile before you take a bite out of your meal
Keira Walsh nodded in understanding. "That's impressive. It takes a lot of determination to leave your home country and start fresh. And for Serena to go out of her way for ya says a lot about what she thinks you. We're glad you're here." You smile at Keira who smiles back. Bethany England added, "And you're going to learn a lot from the coaching staff here. Our training is intense, but it's what has made us successful."
You gave a cheeky smirk. "If the training wasn't intense and didn't push me to my limit then I wouldn't be here" Lucy gave a light laugh at your change of demeanour as Beth looked Keira and gave her a look saying 'Lucy is going to love this guy' To which Keira nodded back "That's the attitude Youngblood" You chuckle, You were glad at the trio looking after you and couldn't but like the new nickname Bronze seemed to have give you.
Bethany England leaned forward, her curiosity showing on her face. "F/N, what did your parents think about you leaving Japan and coming all the way to England? It must be hard being away from them"
The question caught you off guard and you felt a pang of anxiety. You hadn't shared your orphan background with them yet and you weren't sure how to respond. You never like to talk about it or people asking you about them in interviews. Your mind raced, trying to come up with a plausible explanation that wouldn't reveal your painful past.
But just as you were about to stammer out a response, a strong hand landed on your shoulder. You turned to see Millie Bright, a tall and confident giant of a defender, offering a warm smile. She leaned in to speak, introducing herself to you.
"Hi, I'm Millie Bright and this is Rachel Daly. We couldn't help but couldn't this welcoming party" she said with a friendly tone, effectively shifting the focus away from the question about your parents.
Rachel Daly, Millie's Best Friend, extended her hand to you with a friendly grin. "Nice to meet you, F/N." You eagerly shook her hand before shaking Daly's hand. However, Lucy Bronze, who had noticed your hesitation earlier, couldn't help but keep an observant eye on the situation. She had sensed there was more to the story, but out of respect, she chose to let the matter drop, at least for now. She decided to get up and walk around the table towards you, She grinned and playfully ruffled your hair a move that caught you off guard. "Well, F/N, it's been a pleasure getting to know you. Enjoy your time with our lovely Millie here. She's the best at making sure our 'Child' is well taken care of."
Millie Bright, "Yeah Yeah, you three better have been on your best behaviour whilst with F/N. We can't have you being a bad influence on our new 'son' here." She gestured to herself and Daly. You were thrown off by the comment but recovered with chuckle understanding the English banter. "Come on son" She would say dramatically as she throw her tattooed arm over your shoulders and guided you away from the group.
As you walked alongside Millie, you couldn't help but notice the warmth and friendliness that radiated from her. Her easygoing demeaner put you at ease and you quickly felt a sense of comfort in her presence. Millie, with a playful twinkle in her eye, began to strike up a conversation. "So, F/N, tell me a bit more about yourself. What are your hobbies or interests outside of football? I want to learn more about ya"
You welcomed the chance to talk more about yourself and opened up to Millie. "Well, besides football, I enjoy golf ,reading and playing games. It's a great way to unwind and take my mind off things. What about you? Any interesting hobbies or hidden talents?" You say interested in her thoughts
"Oh, I can definitely hold my own in a game of darts, Painting and I make a mean lasagne. You'll have to come over sometime, and me and my other half will cook up a feast for you." You smile at her, surprised at her welcomes "You could bring your partner with you too" She nudged you "Oh no I don't have a partner. That too much hassle for me" You say nervously. It was true, trying to manage a football career and relationship seemed a lot of work, Millie would give you a surprised look, she assumed you would have a partner by your looks "But I'd love that. Thanks, Millie. And it's been great getting to know you and the rest of the team. I was a bit nervous at first, but you've all made me feel so welcome."
Millie patted your back reassuringly, You tried to not be sent to the floor by her strength. "We're like a big, sometimes chaotic, but always supportive family. You'll fit right in, F/N. Plus, you've got a great sense of humour. That makes you alright in my books"
"Ah so this is where the 'son' thing came from" Millie looked at you with a proud face "Oh you see, Young one , You're now officially part of the family. And that means you have no choice but to accept me and Rachel as your 'football moms.' You're stuck with us now." You couldn't help but smile at her. You felt a emotion that was foreign to you. To hear someone call you 'son' even if it was a joke made you emotional but you kept strong
"I wouldn't have it any other way mother dearest" You say to Millie who responded with a cackle as she ruffled your hair "Good Lad" When you reached your room and it was time to say goodbye, Millie's demeaner grew more serious. She took your phone and added her WhatsApp number, ensuring that you had a direct line to her. You was bamboozled at her actions as you stood there confused as she done it
She looked you in the eye, her tone sincere. "F/N, even though we've just met, I want you to know that you can reach out to me anytime if you need anything or if something comes up. I've got your back and that goes for both on and off the pitch." Her protectiveness and genuine concern touched you deeply. You nodded "Thank you, Millie. I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to being a part of this football family" You say with heart as Millie smirked "Good night my child" She would say in a mock voice. "Good night mother dearest" With a warm smile, you say and watched as she headed back down the hall way.
As you entered your room, You saw a figure standing there. It was your roommate and new teammate. "hello there" You say hoping they heard you. The man turned around at you and looked you up and down. " Hey" You smiled faltered, One he didn't reply with 'General Kenobi' and two he clearly had no interest in you. You walked up and stuck out your hand "My name is F/N L/N. I hope we get to know each other more and get game time together" You say in hopes you misread his emotions. "Nice to meet you, My name is Jordan Sancho" but there was a clear disconnect in his demeaner. It was as if he was putting on a façade of politeness "Well Jordan "I'm looking forward to getting to know you and working together on the team," you said, slightly repeating what you said earlier, hoping to break through the icy atmosphere. Jordan simply nodded in response and the room fell into an awkward silence. It was clear that there was something more going on with him and you couldn't help but wonder what might be causing this behaviour. The awkwardness in your shared room with Jordan seemed to stay as small talk was made sporadically but without much enthusiasm. You couldn't help but feel the tension and it was evident that he had reservations about your presence.
The following morning, it was time for a team meeting with the England Men's team. As you entered the meeting room, many of your new teammates greeted you warmly, and the captain, Harry Kane, offered a friendly handshake and a welcoming smile. However, it was Phil Foden, Kyle Walker, and Jack Grealish who stood out. They not only greeted you but also invited you to sit with them. Their eagerness to welcome you was palpable and it helped to ease some of the tension that had lingered since your arrival.
Phil Foden leaned over with a grin. "Hey, F/N right? we saved you a spot right here." You smiled thankfully as you sat next to the city trio.
"How you finding it?, settling in alright?" Walker would ask making you feel at ease "Its a lot, I wont lie but I'm happy to be here and play for England" you said with determination, Receiving a pat from Walker. "That's the spirit lad". You notice Jack Grealish offered you a warm handshake. Which you shook with a firm grip "Mate, it's great to have you here. Need anything we are your boys. What you say we go get a bevvie later?"
"A what?" You would say confused "A buvvie?" You say. You may have had great English speaking skills but lacked on slang, Foden noticing your confusion laughed "He meant like a beer or any alcoholic drink" You gave a noticeable "Oooooh" Scratching the back of your head in embarrassment "Sorry I'm not fully caught up on the slang here" You felt a pat from Walker "Don't worry lad, we can teach you all you need to know. But you have great English though" He said with surprise "Well I home schooled with a one of the Guardians at the orphanage who also had a accent which is why I sound like I'm from here." The trio nodded but then Jack spoke up "Orphanage?" You stutter, you slipped up. You started to feel the stares from the trio and those overhearing the conversation.
"Ok, everyone sit down" Thankfully Southgate entered the room to start the talk to the group, Making the trio forget and focus on him. As he began his presentation, he took a moment to introduce you to the squad. However, his introduction was laced with bitterness, making it clear that he believed your presence was primarily due to Serena Wiegman's influence. "Here with us, we have F/N," Southgate began, his tone sharp and a touch resentful. "He's joined the squad for this international break, and it's no secret that he's here largely because of Serena's insistence. As a result, he'll be replacing Marcus Rashford for these matches." Is he fucking serious? You thought as you then notice how silent the room was and you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. The weight of being seen as a replacement for a another player who had been and the implication that you owed your presence to someone else that wasn't even Gareth's choice was palpable.
However, Phil Foden, sitting next to you, reached out and patted your shoulder in a gesture of support. He didn't say anything, but his reassuring touch and understanding gaze conveyed that you were not alone in this moment. You glanced and saw that Kyle and Jack were also looking at everyone who were looking at you. Southgate quickly moved on to discuss the details of the upcoming matches. Netherlands, Northern Ireland and Germany. But the tension in the room remained and you couldn't help but feel the weight of expectations and doubts hanging over you just doubled.
Later in training you made it your mission to prove to them that you weren't just here due to Serena's backing but your skill. You impressed Kane, Foden and sterling with your shooting and dribble skills. Kyle and Saka would be paired up with you for 3 v 3 which let you build a friendship, trustfulness and learn how they play.
You received the ball from Saka and was about to lob the ball over Kane as you saw Walker running behind but then you found yourself landing on you upper back as you felt something shoot through your right foot. You knew someone just two footed you but the thought of it happening in training was disgusting to you. You looked up and stood up to see it was Harry Maguire. You pushed the larger man nearly sending him on his ass. "What the fuck was that Maguire! That was reckless as fuck!" The man regained his posture and glared again "I don't care who you are, L/N. you've got to earn your place here. If you can't handle a challenge like that, you won't make it." He said before walking away. Despite Kyle and Saka checking on you and Harry clearly getting a talking down to from Kane you knew what you was gonna do
"Earn my place you say? alright" you mumble to yourself
After the intense exchange with Harry Maguire, you were determined to prove yourself and demonstrate your resilience. He had clearly underestimated your ability and resolve, and you were not about to let his challenge go unanswered.
The first attempt to get past Maguire was a spectacular nutmeg that left him dumbfounded and you calmly slotted the ball into the net. The laughter and applause from your teammates resonated across the field.
For the second attempt, you displayed your dribbling skills as you deftly maneuvered the ball around Maguire, causing him to lose his balance and fall on his ass like a baby. Once again, you found the back of the net with precision and can feel the anger radiating off Maguire.
The third attempt was the most rewarding. As Maguire attempted to shoulder barge you off the ball, you gracefully evaded his challenge, sending him tumbling into the dirt. With remarkable composure, you scored yet again and the team couldn't contain their amusement and admiration for your resilience and skill. Whilst some worried that they would need to step up their game to keep a spot on the first team.
As you were about to move to the next game, you felt a hard push you forward harshly as you heard your teammates around respond with audible woahs. You turned around with a glare and was face to face with Maguire who was fuming. "What's wrong Harry, do I have dirt on my face?" You would say making fun that he had dirt on his face from when you sent him to the ground. Before Maguire could cuss you out, Kane got in-between you two, as you two were pulled away, Kane turned to Maguire as Grealish stood on front of you in a protective manner
"Maguire!, that's enough," Kane said firmly, looking Maguire in the eye. "We're here to work together as a team, and this kind of behaviour isn't helping anyone. If this continues I will make sure you wont play the next game"
As Kane continued to address Maguire, other players began to gather around and it became clear that the incident had divided the team. Some players like Foden, Walker, Saka, Sterling, Pickford were clearly on your side, believing that you had been provoked and had demonstrated your skill in response. Others, Noticeable Manchester United players like Sancho, Shaw and non United players like Henderson were against you, showing support for Maguire.
"ENOUGH" The team was silent as they heard Southgate speak up. "BACK TO TRAINING NOW." He turned to you and walked up to you ignoring Maguire "F/N, I don't know how you train back in Japan but this place is for the most professional of footballers. Act like it. We don't need any more incidents like this." You bite your tongue back, You knew he was trying to goad you into responding but you just looked down and had to swallow your pride. He left without saying anything to Maguire. You couldn't help but feel pissed off that he turned a blind eye to Maguire's actions and choose to blame you for the entire incident but in the back of your head you knew you had to fight for Serena, You career and those who are supporting you. don't lose your head you thought. The mixed emotions of anger and hurt were mixing around in you. Anger due to the treatment from the manager and players who have it out for you and Hurt that you felt like a target to most of the team.
You would feel a hand n your shoulder and turned to see it was Kane "You ok?" He asked and you just shrugged "Been through worst" Kane would frown " I don't know what the gaffers deal is but you were not to blame there. You did what anyone would do. when I saw your name on the call up post I searched you up and you are a fantastic player and you will do great things for England. I don't see why Gareth is treating you like this but I know you will make him and the others acknowledge you once they see you on the pitch" with that he would pat you on the back and leave. You smiled happy knowing that your captain believed in you and supported you it added more fuel to the fire that was building. You couldn't wait to show them what you could do.
Later you would be doing some last minute mess around with some of the team before heading in. You were shooting against Pickford in goal when a idea came to your mind as you saw Pickford away from his line. As you kicked your toes under the ball it would glide up into the sky and float over Pickford who was left standing in awe as the ball landed in the net. Screams of approval and claps came from Jack Grealish, Phil Foden, Kyle Walker, and Declan Rice, who had all witnessed the audacious chip with delight. Kyle clapped you on the back. "That chip was a thing of beauty, mate!". Declan Rice would ruffle your hair "That was mad man, could use you at Arsenal" he would joke around.
"THATS MY BOY" You all would turn to the voice in the distance and see the women's team from afar walking along to the training facility building and saw a wild Millie bright cheering her boy. You would wave to her slightly embarrassed. You could see the faces of the other Lionesses laugh at Millie's antics with the exception of a few who were confused. You were happy that you got to show off and some of your new friends on the men's and women's team saw it. It also reminded you of what Millie said last night about if you need someone to talk too. You wanted to vent to her about the day. Sure you could with the boys and maybe Lucy, But Millie was the one straight up with you and you know you wouldn't be a burden going to her about it. And you didn't want to make Serena stressed out about it when she has to focus on a whole team.
"Looks like you pulled lad" You would hear Jack say in a cheeky tone but confusion would show on your face as you didn't understand what he was saying
Phil Foden, sitting nearby, noticed your confusion and decided to clarify. He leaned in and explained, "It means it looks like you've caught someone's attention romantically, mate."
You shook your head, a slight blush still on your cheeks and responded, "Oh, no, it's not like that. Millie and I are just friends." It was true, you had no feelings like that for Millie
Foden couldn't help but laugh at your quick dismissal of any romantic involvement. "Alright, mate, just friends it is. But Millie sure seems proud of her 'boy' over there." The group laughed as you knew this wasn't going away anytime soon.
After training you would take a shower and change, Heading down a hallway to the cafeteria until you would see Sancho, The man stopped in front of you. He didn't sugercoat his words. "Look, L/N, let's get one thing straight. We're just teammates, and I don't care for you taking Rashford's place." The words hit you like a punch to the gut. The camaraderie you had hoped to build with Sancho, seemed to have hit a major roadblock. It was a stark reminder that not everyone on the team welcomed your presence, and the feeling of isolation and negativity weighed heavily on you. The man would walk past you as you signed before running your hands through your damp hair and walk around a corner.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice the approaching figure until it was too late. You accidentally collided with someone, and as they stumbled backward, you reached out instinctively to prevent them from falling. You would lock eyes with the figure. It was Alessia Russio. "Whoa, sorry about that," you quickly apologized, steadying her.
Alessia would smile sheepishly "Its alright, I wasn't looking where i was going, L/N right?" You would smile back "Yes but call me F/N. and you are Russio right?" Her smile got brighter as she would respond "Yes but you can call me Alessia" But then her face turned slight concerned noticing the slight frown on your face, "Is everything okay? You seem a bit off." You hesitated for a moment, debating whether to share your recent encounter with Jordan Sancho. But ultimately, you decided to confide in Alessia, who had shown genuine kindness.
"I had a bit of a run-in with a teammate from the men's squad," you admitted. "It's just been a rough day, and some of them aren't very welcoming." She would give you a knowing look. "Yep been there, Don't let them get to you. You're here on merit, and you have the talent to be with the national team. We all saw that lovely chip earlier" You would smile sheepishly as the words comforted you. She was right and you couldn't help but smile brightly and look into her eyes getting a clear look at them. You slowly felt like you were being hypnotised and unknowingly to you so did Alessia
*Wolf whistle* You would both snap out of it and turn to the sound
"What do we have here, then Ella?" You would turn to Mary Earp's alongside Ella Toone. Caught off guard by the duo you would then notice you were both holding each other. In a panic you would both separate and try to recompose yourself. You braced yourself, you had hoped this two United players wouldn't be like the ones from earlier Alessia quickly turned to face the two Manchester United Women's players, a friendly smile on her face. "Hey, Mary, Ella! This is F/N, This is one of the new players for the men's team. F/N, meet Mary and Ella." You smiled and stuck out your hand. "nice to meet you both"
Mary and Ella exchanged knowing glances, clearly amused by the situation. Mary was the first to shake your hand "Oh, F/N, you're fitting in quite well with the ladies, I see," Mary teased, her playful tone still very much intact. You tried to fight back the blush on your cheeks and then Ella would shake your hand "You two make a cute pair" Alessia would kick Ella as you looked down embarrassed.
Ella would play off the kick however. "AH Mary I'm falling" She would say falling to Mary who caught her "My hero" Mary would then play also "Fear not my love, i am here to protect you" She said in a mocking. Alessia was bright red "That's it" She then ran after the two down the hallway leaving you behind. You sighed in relief, The teasing made it obvious that you found her attractive and didn't want to embarrass yourself when you only just met them.
"They can be a lot sometimes. Sorry about them," You jumped at the force turning to them who would put a hand on your arm "sorry didn't mean to scare ya" In a apologetic voice. You saw it was Leah Williamson "I'm Leah." She shook your hand "F/N" You responded to her. You felt the same way when you met Kane. You felt nervous meeting the women's captain.
Leah sensed this and then shifted the conversation to the upcoming men's game against the Netherlands, showing a genuine interest in your thoughts. "So, how are you feeling about the men's game against the Netherlands?"
You appreciated her friendly demeaner and openness. "I'm feeling excited and ready. It's a great opportunity, and I'm eager to contribute to the team's performance. I'll give it my all."
Leah nodded in understanding and gave a smile. "That's the spirit. Just so you know. The squad was talking about you last night." A wave of anxiety washed over you" All good things and just know We're all behind you and we'll be cheering you on. Just remember, it's just another game of football. Enjoy it." She would pat you on the shoulder. You couldn't help but feel moved by the words she said. It really felt genuine and she wanted you to succeed. With that she began to walk away before stating "I heard you like golf, we should play sometime"
"I'm down" you would shout to her as she walked down the hall "Good lad!"
You sat there, in the stadium of light. England were beating san Marino 6 - 0 in the 67th minute. The day was filled with preparing and trying to focus. Of course there was media, Asking you how you felt and if you think you were ready for this. Also the online response was mixed. From those who thought you weren't good enough, didn't know you and of course the Rashford situation. But there was an upside, those who gave you a chance watching your clips or the interviews on the England YouTube channel drew a liking towards you an da big one was it showed you watching the Lionesses train and talking to Serena which shocked but drew interest to you, from fans loving the face you were supportive of the women's game and to people it as you trying to learn as much as you could.
Excitement coursed through your veins as you observed your teammates on the field, the crowd, each play and each goal filling you with a sense of pride. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, with fans cheering for their team and the players demonstrating their skill and determination. Yet, alongside the excitement, there was also a twinge of restlessness. Sitting on the bench, you were eager to contribute, to step onto the field and to make a statement in the match. The desire to prove your worth and show your capabilities was a burning motivation within you. As you closely watched the game unfold, you couldn't help but mentally prepare yourself for the moment when you might be called upon to join the action. The second half played out before you and you remained focused, all the days of studying the tactics and learning from the experienced players around you lead to this
The opportunity to represent England in an international match was a dream come true and you were determined to make the most of it. Your emotions were a mix of excitement, anticipation, and readiness, as you waited for your chance to step onto the pitch and contribute to the team's success.
As the second half of the match against San Marino continued, you couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation. However, as the minutes ticked away, Southgate didn't look at you once. You were waiting for him to tell you to warm up. Anxiety built up as you wanted to burst onto the field and show everyone your worth. You knew that your fans in Japan and around the world were watching, Serena and the Lionesses were too. Why isn't he calling to you. It was the 80th minute and you could even hear the crowd close to you say
"Put the new kid on!"
"Why isn't he putting L/N"
"We want to see what he can do"
The minutes ticked down
81th minute
82th minute
83th minute
84th minute
85th minute
86th minute
87th minute
88th minute
89th minute
90th minute
*Final whistle blows*
It never came
You sat there in disbelieve as when you saw Southgate shook the opposing mangers hands you caught him smirking at you as you sat there hurting.
Part 1 End
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the-angels-share · 6 months
Three Truths and a Lie
Summary: He’s getting married in the morning and it’s not to you. Pairing: Diluc x Reader Part 2
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"Let’s play a game," you tell Diluc one afternoon. The two of you were laying on the grass, listening to birds sing while you soak up the sun and relish in each other's company.
"What game?"
"Ever heard of three truths and a lie?" You ask. "You tell three truths and one-"
"One lie."
"Yes. So, do you want to start first?"
Diluc chuckles softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. "Very well. Let's see... I have a fear of spiders, I prefer red wine over white, I once climbed to the top of Dragonspine, and... I have never been in love."
You tilt your head, studying him for a moment before responding. "The lie is... you prefer red wine over white?"
Diluc smiles, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Correct. I can't stand spiders."
You both laugh, the warmth of the sun and the joy of each other's company enveloping you in a cocoon of happiness. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the simple pleasure of being together.
Little did you know, that innocent game would later become a bittersweet memory, a reminder of the love and pain you shared with the man lying beside you.
As the first light of dawn peeks through the curtains, you lie awake in bed, the events of the previous night swirling in your mind like a storm. Your heart feels heavy and your conversation with Kaeya replays in your head like a broken record.
You briefly wonder how you ended up in bed, your memories hazy and fragmented. Did Kaeya take you home after your heart-wrenching conversation? No, the features of the room slowly come into focus, and you realize with a pang of sorrow that you're in your old room at Dawn Winery.
The sheets feel cold against your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of Kaeya's embrace from the night before. You can still feel the ghost of his presence, his words of understanding echoing in your ears.
But despite the temporary solace he provided, the ache in your heart remains, a constant reminder of the love you're forced to conceal and the sacrifice you've chosen to make.
With a heavy sigh, you roll over and bury your face in the pillow, wishing for sleep to once again whisk you away from the harsh reality of your unrequited feelings. But sleep eludes you, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the silent echoes of a love that can never be.
You're not quite sure how long you stay like this when a gentle knock on the door interrupts your reverie. You sit up slightly, adjusting the covers around you as the door creaks open, revealing the familiar figure of Adelinde.
"Good morning, Miss Y/n," she says softly, her warm smile a stark contrast to the heaviness in your heart. "I cane to bring you a change of clothes and to let you know that breakfast is ready."
You nod, managing a small smile in return as Adelinde crosses the room to lay a delicate lace dress on the bed. You recognize it instantly—it's the same dress you wore on a picnic with Diluc one summer day.
"Master Diluc won't be joining us for breakfast," Adelinde continues, her tone sympathetic. "He's attending to matters concerning the winery before the wedding this afternoon, but you're welcome to prepare here as well. I've had one of your dresses from your time here at the winery washed and pressed. I can have it sent here after lunch."
Right. The wedding is today.
You try to maintain your composure, swallowing back the wave of emotion threatening to overwhelm you. Adelinde's keen gaze meets yours, and though she doesn't say anything, you can see the understanding in her eyes.
Bile threatens to rise in your throat, a sensation that leaves you feeling physically ill. You're not sure if it's from the wine you drank last night, the pitying looks from Kaeya and now Adelinde, or the harsh reality that Diluc is getting married today. Probably the last one.
Most definitely the last one.
You take a deep breath, pushing down the rising nausea and forcing yourself to focus on the task at hand. If anything, you are determined to face the day ahead with as much strength and dignity as you can muster.
With a shaky smile, you assure her, "Thank you, Adelinde. I'll be down in a bit."
She nods, her expression filled with silent empathy as she quietly exits the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.
You move almost mechanically, slipping off your clothes from the night before and putting on the dress. It reaches just above your knees, the soft fabric familiar against your skin.
You try not to cry.
Instead, you focus on tying the shoulder straps securely in ribbons over your shoulders, the simple act grounding you in the present moment. Each knot you tie feels like a tether and anchors you to reality as you steel yourself to whatever else that lay ahead.
Finally, you finish. You look at yourself in the mirror by the vanity and press your hands against the material of the dress. You have absolutely no plans to stay for breakfast and have half a mind to jump out the window to get away from the place and the people that remind you so much of him and his wedding and therefore your impending doom as soon as possible.
You go down the stairs, in favor of using the front door like a normal person. A normal person who isn't deeply, madly, and irrevocably in love with her best friend.
Of course, fate had other plans.
In your haste to descend as quickly as possible, your foot misses a step, and you stumble. But before you can hit the ground, strong, familiar arms catch you, stopping you from getting hurt.
(Just like before. Just like always.)
It's Diluc.
Your heart skips a beat as you look up at him, a mix of relief and despair washing over you. Of course, it's Diluc. Despite everything, despite your best efforts to avoid him, fate has brought you face to face with him once more.
(Oh, the irony.)
For a moment, you're lost in his gaze, the familiar warmth of his presence enveloping you like a comforting embrace. However, reality comes crashing back, and you feel the weight of your unspoken secrets pressing down on you, threatening to suffocate you in all of its intensity.
It's him who breaks the silence first. "Y/n?"
"Diluc," you breathe, his name escaping your lips almost involuntarily. Then, voice barely above a whisper, "Adelinde said you were busy."
A flicker of something crosses Diluc's features, an emotion you can't quite decipher. It is gone almost as soon as it appeared. "I was," he admits, his gaze never leaving yours. "But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Are you alright?"
No. I love you, and I want you, and—
And how could you possibly be alright when your heart feels like it's being torn apart with each passing moment? But you swallow down the truth that begs to leave your lips, forcing a small, strained smile instead.
"I'm fine," you assure him, though the words taste like ash on your tongue. "Just a little clumsy, I guess."
Diluc's expression softens, and you're momentarily lost in the warmth of his gaze. "Well, be careful," he says gently, his hand lingering on your arm for a moment longer than necessary before he reluctantly withdraws.
You nod silently, watching as he steps back, allowing you to continue your descent down the stairs. But as you turn to leave, the weight of his gaze lingers, a silent reminder of the unspoken truths between you two.
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Part 1 | Part 3
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reallypleasanttree · 1 month
A continuation for the Obamitsu soulmate drabble
According to scholars, a person experiences the physical and emotional pain of their soulmate.  If they received an injury, you would feel the same. A sprained ankle, scraped knee, bruised shins, or paper cuts. It was an empathic link between two people. 
On Mitsuri’s tenth birthday, she woke up screaming. The sound woke her parents and they tried to calm her down. Her cheeks felt as if they had been torn open. She tried to talk, but due to the injury she couldn’t for a few hours. She pointed to her cheeks and made a pained expression to indicate it was part of the soulmate connection. Her stomach rolled and she failed to eat the entire day. Underneath the pain, she felt terror. Her whole body trembled that night. Someone was watching her soulmate with ill intent. 
What happened to her soulmate? 
For the next week, Mitsuri failed to eat regularly. Periodically, she would taste blood and push her plate away during dinner. Her parents made an appointment with the physician when she refused to eat her favorite food. They put her on suppressants to dull the connection between her and her soulmate for the next week. The pain didn’t stop though. She couldn’t function with the constant worry and foreboding. Mitsuri continued taking the medication for years afterward. 
Whenever she attempted to go off the suppressants, the empathic link returned stronger and with it the dread and self loathing. She theorized her soulmate engaged in cutting as she could feel the slices on her arms and legs while off the meds. Mitsuri wished she was a stronger person, but she could not manage her emotions on top of her soulmate’s as a teenager. Her insecurities increased ten times during high school. She felt guilty about taking the suppressants. She would not have been able to function with her mental health issues on top of their self hatred, shame, and low self worth. 
Now she was in her college’s library studying for her first midterm. Mitsuri decided to major in psychology. The midterm was for her experimental psychology class. Right now she was reviewing statistical terms. She let out a huff, flipped over the note card, and cut the space between her thumb and forefinger. She hissed. 
Several people turned to look at her. Two guys at the table next to her, a girl sitting across from her, and a mask wearing boy a few tables away. She’s 90 percent sure he was in her psychology class. Mitsuri smiled nervously. 
“Sorry, paper cut,” she said and looked down at the cut. It was bleeding more than it should. She set her note cards down and grabbed a tissue to prevent blood from dripping onto the table or her study materials. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a band aid appear on the desk. She glanced up. The masked boy stood in front of her table. 
“Here,” he said. 
“Oh, thank you,” Mitsuri said and took the band aid. She paused when she noticed his eyes. They were two different colors. Blue and gold. “Your eyes are really cool,” Mitsuri blurted out. Her cheeks heated. 
“They’re weird,” he said as he looked away. He pinched the space between his thumb and forefinger. 
“No, they’re really cool, but I can’t be the best judge on what’s weird or not,” Mitsuri chuckled and pointed at her pink and green braids. The boy nodded and started backing up to return to his desk. 
“I think we’re in the same class. Mr. Ubuyashiki’s experimental psych at 1:30?” Mitsuri asked. 
“Yeah, I’m in the class,” he answered. 
“Do you want to study with me? I made note cards for the stats section. It’ll be fun,” she said. 
“If you want. It’s been hard to focus, so you can keep me accountable,” he said. 
“Yay!” Mitsuri clapped her hands together before inhaling sharply as she remembered her paper cut. The corners of his eyes crinkled at her mistake before he went back to grab his backpack and laptop. He sat down across from her. 
“I’m Obanai by the way,” he introduced himself. 
“I’m Mitsuri,” she said as she opened the bandaid wrapper. Mitsuri tried to use her left hand to place the bandaid over her right hand with little success. The bandage fell on the floor. 
“Do you want help?” Obanai asked as if he had not been watching her struggle for the last minute. He unzipped the top pocket and pulled out a new band aid. Not waiting for her response, he reached for her right hand. When they touched, goosebumps appeared on her forearm. Her heart quickened as he held her hand still and put the bandaid over the webspace. 
“Thanks again,” Mitsuri said as she grabbed her note cards to start quizzing her classmate. 
“No problem,” Obanai said. 
“Have you met your soulmate?” Obanai asked out of the blue one afternoon in the library. They sat in a corner with sunlight filtering through the blinds. He was sitting in the chair caddy corner to hers. Mitsuri lifted her head to meet her companion’s gaze. 
“No-Well, it’s sort of hard to know,” Mitsuri bit her lip. She’d been taking the Apath suppressant since she was ten. He tapped the armrest as he waited for her to explain further. There were groups of people who shamed others for taking soulmate suppressants. They often cited the loss of the bond, disrespect for your soulmate, and countless other reasons. Obanai never mentioned his soulmate or his thoughts on them. 
“I take Apath,” she admitted in a whisper and glanced around them. The nearest person was on the other end of the library. She pursed her lips and studied his face, which remained neutral as he dipped his head in acknowledgement. 
“When I was younger, I woke up screaming. Something horrible happened to my soulmate and I couldn’t handle the pain. It kept me from eating. Any time I tried to eat it felt like I was ripping open my mouth and tasted blood. My parents worried and decided to put me on suppressants temporarily,” she explained. His eyebrows raised when she mentioned tasting blood. 
“After a week, I stopped taking them, but the pain didn’t stop. It came back worse, so I kept taking them. Every once in a while I try to get off them, but my soulmate-” Mitsuri paused and looked down at the space between her feet. “I think they hate themself. Actually, I know they do. It hurts knowing I can’t do anything to help them.” The corner of her mouth turned down. It was shameful to admit she wasn’t strong enough to cope with her soulmate’s emotions on top of her own. Hopefully, Obanai wouldn’t think less of her.  
“I know it doesn’t look like it, but I have my own issues,” she continued. “It gets complicated when my soulmate’s issues influence my own and I’m sure it’s the same for them. It’s better this way, at least for now.” Why was she even sharing this? He only asked if she met her soulmate. “Umm, so yeah, I don’t know if I have or have not met them to answer your question,” Mitsuri finished. Obanai’s face didn’t offer any insight into his mind. 
“I see,” he said. “Do you think they still feel your pain? Or is that also suppressed?” He asked as he rubbed the inside of his wrist. 
“I’m not sure. It’s different for every soulmate bond, according to the research. Some people feel pain and others don’t. There’s no rhyme or reason so far,” Mitsuri said. “Have you met your soulmate?”
“Not yet,” Obanai answered quickly. “I know they’re clumsy. They have a tendency to stub their toe and trip. It’s weird to feel a skinned knee without having one. It made wearing skinny jeans impossible,” he joked and his eyes crinkled. Mitsuri laughed louder than anticipated, which earned her a glare from the person studying on the other side of the building. Obanai and her shared a conspiratorial look before they returned to their respective notes. 
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johannestevans · 2 years
i wanted to write a BIG essay on disability in House MD but the thing is that as it goes on the show plays and delves with the themes a bit differently - like in s1 they begin to introduce some addict stuff but not too much, and much less of the big grapples with house's own medical agency etc by his friends and coworkers
so i think i'm gonna do an essay series, set up some main themes around disability and autonomy in house
the first things will obviously be about the nature of house's own disability, firstly talking about his physical disability - yes, the lack of mobility from his leg and his reliance on his cane, and also the chronic pain that that comes with, but also specifically noting that house became disabled later in life and was previously extremely physically active
while the themes of house being an addict are extremely overstated because of the us' manufactured opioid crisis and its dehumanisation of addicts due to its racist and eugenicist "war on drugs", it's also noteworthy that he used to exercise all day every day on top of fucking and playing with substances on the side. no one minded this because his "addiction" to exercise was fun and sexy and healthy, bc he was making his own pain-killing substances rather than taking a pill
and then also talking about house's mental health issues - evidence of his autism and the way that people hate specifically his autistic traits, even when they're not actually causing them problems, and the way in which house masks and performs certain emotional responses, but more so like. his depression and his loss of identity as a disabled man, and his difficulties being OKAY with his disability when everyone around him hates disability
so apart from that evidence, the points of house grappling with this stuff will be:
house bonding with other disabled patients - in cases of chronic pain, lost physical mobility, and also mental illness and/or neurodivergence
and house specifically understanding disabled people's perspectives, or thinking about the PRACTICAL needs of the person they're treating or engaging with rather than what society cares about or what the hospital thinks is "appropriate" or "proper"
house bullying abled people for being Weird
times where house makes commentary about the injustice of the system (when he points out that the hospital is designed not to treat the poor, chronically sick, etc)
house being anxious and defensive of his own bodily autonomy (eg when ppl are trying to control his pain management or force him into systems that don't work, take over his medical autonomy, in general try to physically control his behaviours)
esp bc season 1 culminates in the stacy episode where we find that like... so much of house's trauma is not just being disabled
but the fact that stacy OVERRODE his desires, waiting for him to be put into a medically induced coma so that she could make "the best" decision for him and literally being the cause of his current disability. esp bc like...
she specifically went for the middle ground that he rejected, she was NOT a doctor
and in so doing she. invented his chronic pain. like there's a reason that in that same episode, we see the volleyball player who gets an amputation and is able to go back to sports - yes, house is a lot older than that volleyball player, but like
if he had either treated the infarction successfully or just got an amputation so that he could later work with a prostheses, house thinks he would have done much better
and so much of his TERROR around trusting others - not just stacy but wilson, cuddy, anybody else - is because of that. the one person he loved and trusted overrode his desires and created the hell he lives in where he's just in constant agony and he hates it, and the worst part is like
everyone tells him it's his fault. no one cares about what stacy did to him, that she manipulated him. every day they tell house how terrible it is that he does that to others, but when it's what happened to him and he lives in hell, it's on him because he's Mean and Too Autistic and he should just Stop Being In Pain etc
god it kills me.
BUT YEAH i think. season by season is gonna be a lot better to track the development of these themes and the way they shift and change from season to season - also idefk if i'll be able to stick with like. the last three seasons bc they just suck so ba dhfskjjgh
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
AJ Campos x chronically ill fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, descriptions if chronic illness + symptoms, smut ending
Reader’s significant moments in life while being ill. And only having the one person who’s always been by her side.
I just wanted to write this after hearing that one part of song trending on Tiktok. Evidently triggered some memories I tried to push down🤐
“Hey, you’re not in school, babe?”
“No, I’m not feeling too good.” You told her honestly.
“I’ll be by after school with your work and some things for you, okay?”
“Okay, thank you.” You told her, swallowing thickly when you felt another wave of pain hit you.
“See you later, babe. I love you.”
“Love you, too.” You answered, she hung up. You put your phone down and curled up into a fetal position in your bed where you stayed until she got here later that day. Well, you fell asleep, but there you still were. In that same place all day, practically.
Your Mom peeped into your room a few times but as always, like it’s been for the past month or so, she’s been checking in on you less and less. You don’t blame her, she’s done all she could. No matter what, you were still in pain.
You’d just walked out of the bathroom down the hall from your room when you heard AJ’s voice come from downstairs. You stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for her. You were happy to see her. Locking eyes with you, she smiles, picking up her pace.
When your constant hospital visits started to happen, she didn’t exactly question it, or your change in pretty much everything. She just went with the flow, quietly helping you in any way she could. The girl was observant, she doesn’t say much, but she knows a lot about what’s going on without being told explicitly. Like how, you’ve been to the hospital three times in the last month. Each time being sent home with no answers and same medication. Like how, after every hospital visit, the light in your eyes seems to dim more and more. Like how, it takes anyone more and more effort to make you smile. She knew you’d be faking at times, she knew you were going through a lot that she couldn’t exactly understand. A part of her wanted to know more but she knew you weren’t ready to share. Another part of her also knew you couldn’t tell her much— you didn’t know a whole lot about what was going on with you. Every day since four weeks ago, she wishes that you hadn’t gone to the clinic that morning. That’s how this whole situation started. The doctor discovers you had a lump in your stomach, and sends you to the emergency department that evening to get checked for what he thought was appendicitis. Spoiler alert, it was not appendicitis. It apparently also wasn’t anything.
That one supposedly straightforward visit to your regular doctor for a missed day at school due to an upset stomach was the very beginning of a terribly long fight. You didn’t want to share that much with her seeing that you had only started dating her three months ago, and yet, here she was with you, without any complaints while you were moody and ‘sick’.
“AJ?” You managed to say, “I can’t do it. Will you come pick me up?”
August. You nearly fainted at your summer job because of a sudden pain in your chest, freaking out your coworkers and shift leader. Which prompted them to send you home. They asked you to go see a doctor, but you didn’t want to. Of course. Why would you go back to those people who laughed at your pain?
“Sure, baby. I’m on my way, okay? Sit down, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
Thankfully, you worked near home so it didn’t take long for her to come by. Once she saw you, however, she immediately had the same idea as your coworkers. “You are so pale.” She points out.
“They’re not gonna find anything.” You said flatly.
“Your chest hurts. And you nearly fainted, I’m not joking with you right now, y/n. This has to be checked out.”
“Would’ve been dead by now if it was anything that serious.” You sighed, looking out the window as she sped towards the nearest urgent care.
Because of your symptoms, you were prioritised. And were seen fairly quickly, but you were still pissed off because again, you were told there wasn’t anything they could do but let it improve on its own, with the help of that one kind of medication they seem to love giving you. Three hours, one x-ray, physical exam and EKG later. They say, “It’s just an inflammation of the cartilage of your ribs. It’s self-limiting and should go away within a week or two. Just try not to do too much of what triggers the pain for you.”
You bite back a scoff. ‘Great, now I can’t go to work too?’
AJ sensed that you were upset so she didn’t talk to you for the ride home. Your mom sees you walking in with a bag of the meds and stops you to ask what happened, you didn’t want to talk, because you knew you’d lose it and start screaming so you handed her the bag which also contained a memo from the doctor so she could read it for herself.
“Oh.” You heard her say while walking upstairs. That was it, nothing more. She didn’t say anything else. Nothing. You hear footsteps behind you: AJ’s. You knew. “AJ, go home.” You told her as calmly as you could.
She doesn’t say anything to you but continued to follow you to your room. “Change your clothes.” She hands you a baggy t-shirt and your favourite pair of shorts. You changed out of your current outfit without resistance, simply doing so in silence. Next, you climbed under the covers and closed your eyes…trying to ignore the lingering ache and not-so-occasional waves of pain in your ribs. While you tried to drift off, AJ stays awake for a little longer, going on the internet to find out more about this diagnosis of an inflammation of one’s ribcage cartilage.
AJ couldn’t find out too much more of what she hasn’t already been told, but she did read that some people find that heat or ice helps. So she kept that in mind to have you try out the next day. Which you appreciated, but didn’t exactly show it. The lack of sleep made you terribly irritable. Still, she made sure you at least tried using the heat pack. It gave you some relief allowed you to get a couple hours of good sleep. AJ’s comforting back rubs similarly lulled you to sleep, but you made sure to ask for cuddles for when you woke up.
“Sure, baby.” She smiles, stroking your hair while you laid on her, heat pack on your back, currently kept in place by AJ’s hand.
August came and went without too much trouble apart from the ribcage pain flaring up two weeks after it died down the first time. September was oddly calm for you, but nothing prepared you for the atrocity that was October. Hours of waiting in the ER for test results, waiting for a proper bed but ending up sleeping in the ward corridor for the entirety of your stay. Having to leave the hospital one morning to take an exam, then go back to the hospital to be readmitted so you could wait for more test results. Which were inaccurate. Until you came back in a second time after getting discharged just a week prior. “You’re saying, your previous hospital did not keep track of the growth?”
“They said it wasn’t necessary.”
“And why?” Your new doctor was baffled.
“Because they ruled me crazy and every doctor since then saw that in my file and decided I was. And that I was there to avoid my life and responsibilities.”
“The ‘lump’ is the size of an egg, y/n.”
“Well, what could I do? My parents chose to listen to those doctors instead of me. I would too, because it is crazy, everything that I’ve had to put up with.”
“We need to get a biopsy done as soon as possible to determine whether it’s malignant or not.” Your doctor says.
“Okay?” You sighed, “Tell my parents that. They will be thrilled to have to spend more money on me.”
The panic didn’t set in until you were in bed for the night, at AJ’s. You somehow just needed her with you, and it didn’t click in your head why. You told her everything that night. Everything. Through tears and all, but she listened attentively, eyes never even leaving you for a second. Once you stopped talking, she took you into her arms and just held you until you stopped crying, rubbing your back comfortingly.
“You will always have me by your side. Okay? Always.” She says softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You sniffled, “I’m sorry. That was a lot.”
“You never have to deal with that alone, y/n. I’m here. I’m your girlfriend. I’ll always be here for you. I promise.”
Her declaration only made you cry like a baby, practically inconsolable. “You’ll be okay.” She whispers, “Hm? I’ll make sure of it.”
Words were just…words. Nice to hear, but realistically, what could she do? She was your age. She’d just be a companion, be there for moral support. You didn’t think it was fair to put her through this hell of yours, you were ready for her to dump you. But she did the opposite of what you were expecting. That night, you were simply emotionally exhausted and just crashed, almost immediately falling asleep in the safety and comfort of her arms. You couldn’t even resist it and tell her no, that it wasn’t supposed to be like this. That you shouldn’t be her burden as well.
Your parents left to go on a business trip two days after your biopsy. Which, the doctor said it was perfectly fine because it wasn’t a major procedure, per se, it sucked not having anyone around just in case. It was now the end of October, weather was getting chilly and you were anticipating another flare up of your pain in the ribs. You hadn’t talked to AJ since the morning of the biopsy and you didn’t plan to any time soon. You just didn’t want to. You didn’t feel like dragging her on further in the mess of a life you now had. She hasn’t texted you since two nights ago, anyway.
You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a string of knocks on your front door. Lazily getting up to go open it after vaguely seeing a familiar face in the peephole, AJ walks in. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” You told her with a straight face, “I’m in pain all over somehow and bloated from all the gas they had to pump into me to separate my bowels from the location of the tumor. So I’m nauseous. But hey, you don’t need to know that. You shouldn’t need to know that.” You went off on a tangent about how she shouldn’t be caring so much because you couldn’t give her much, how she should just go live her life instead of spending so much time with you moping around.
“y/n, you are so—”
“I’ve heard it all already, you don’t have to tell me again: ‘whiny, weak, disgusting, lazy, stupid, crazy’. Take your pick, AJ.”
“What?” She stops you, holding onto your wrist, you flinch because of a bruise left by failed IV plug setting attempts.
“I don’t need love. What I need is a fucking break from this fucking life that’s turned into some sort of survival game.” You scoffed, “Let go of my wrist.”
She immediately loosens her grip, watching you with eyes filled with pure concern and heartache.
“I have been poked and prodded probably hundreds of times in my week in the hospital. Most I’ve ever had been in my entire life, I’ve never felt more worthless because of how much of my dignity I’ve thrown out of the window. I cried to my nurse, my mom found it hilarious. I was in pain, trying to sleep when some other patient started spewing their guts so I got a panic attack. My mom scolded me for it, she didn’t want to be there. She wanted to be at home. I’ve never spent so much time away from home, my family. People who were supposed to care about me. They left me there alone, the first chance they could. No one texted me to check on me, I felt like I was just abandoned there. Then you come in here and do everything the opposite— I don’t know how— to take it. I can’t— I can’t do this to you, AJ. You deserve better than this.”
She started to cry the more you revealed to her, absolutely heartbroken and horrified by nearly every word you said. Still, she tenderly held your face in her hand, swiping your tears away. “I love you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have been anywhere with you if I didn’t.”
You shook your head, swallowing that painful lump in your throat, backing away from her.
“Listen to me and remember what I’m telling you.” She stepped forward, looking at your hands then taking ahold of them, “I love you. I don’t care what the fuck life throws at you, I will be here for you. I can’t take your pain away but I will do whatever I can to make your day better. If you need anything, if you need me there, call me. Text me, show up at my door. I don’t care. You are not alone. You are not going through all of this alone. I care. I fucking love you, y/n. Don’t give up.”
The rest of that day was a complete blur. You cried until you couldn’t and probably passed out. In her arms, yet again. When you woke up again, the sun was about to set. “Hi.” She greets you with a smile. “Hi.” You mumbled.
“What’s the matter? Do you feel sick?” Instantly, she picks up on it, rushing to your side.
“A bit. I don’t know why—”
“It’s okay.” She rubs your back, leading you to the couch, kicking the plastic trash can to your feet in the process.
“I don’t want to.” You sniffled.
“I’ll be right here, baby.” She says softly, still rubbing your back, “I got you, you’re okay.”
The sickening feeling kept building up, and it eventually gets to the point where you could no longer fight it. Bending over, you spilled what little you had in your stomach into the bin. Tears pricked at your eyes and fell against your will, your arm splints your sore procedure sites and stomach. AJ was not the least bit fazed, continuing to rub your back and tell you that you were fine. You got that bin out of your sight as soon as you felt okay enough to not need it anymore, then, she was beside you again. “Do you think you can stomach some water?”
You shrug, curling up in a corner of the couch and staring into blank space. “Popsicle?”
“Okay.” You exhaled, “I’ll…I’ll try.”
She got you comfortable in her embrace, flipping through TV channels for you to get your mind off things. You wanted nothing but her, being in her arms was the best feeling you could ever have.
Over the next year, you suffered from two recurrences of the tumor, or disease— used interchangeably by your doctors. And so you and AJ have become incredibly familiar with the processes. Pre, during and post-procedure. You detested the familiarity, you’ve had enough. You were numb at this point, but now had a fear of hospitals and having to be admitted. Some days, you questioned it all. But AJ was there to make sure you were okay. You also made sure she was okay on days where you were feeling better. You were surprise to have made it past a year with AJ, but you were feeling so immensely grateful for that girl. She was your rock through it all…someone that was once a stranger, was now the single most important person in your life. Your parents were there, but only because they had to be there, because they had to sign the papers, to pay for the appointments and procedures. They may ask how you were, but you could tell they weren’t willing. And you got that, you would be sick and tired of that too. You couldn’t blame them, but you were hurt.
This day marked your second clear MRI scan, no sign of recurrence. You were the happiest you’d been in awhile, once home, you immediately attacked her with a kiss which turned into a heated makeout session. Then, more.
“Are you sure?” She asks, palm resting on your stomach.
“Yeah.” You confirmed, “I want this.”
“Okay.” She agrees. “Sit up, and lean against the headboard okay? I don’t want to hurt you by straddling you.”
You do as she tells you to, and she starts to pepper kisses all over your body. Every single inch of it, slow and gentle and so, so loving. AJ was practically worshipping your body, it made your head giddy with pleasure soon enough. Smoothly, she slide of your shorts and underwear, then your shirt. It was clear she wanted to do more, and she did. “You okay?”
“Yep.” Your breathing hitches when she starts to suck at a certain spot on your neck. She picks up on that and keeps working that spot over.
You exhaled harshly, “Fuck.”
“Is that good, baby?”
You nodded, throwing your head back more to allow her easier access. Her hand makes its way to your chest, pushing your bra down on one side, she decided to give your tit a squeeze. You yelped, chuckling eventually. She grins, pinching your nipple and easily drawing out a soft moan which she quickly swallows with a kiss, “That’s it, baby. Let me hear you.”
The wetness between your thighs becomes so noticeable, it made you terribly shy. So much so that when her hand finally makes its way down south, your cheeks were flushed with a deep red hue. AJ laughs, “Aw.” Her middle finger teases your folds as she speaks, making you whimper, rutting your hips against her hand needily. “Let me do the work, baby…” She purrs, “You just sit there and make those pretty, pretty noises for me? How about that?”
With that being said, her hand leaves that area between your legs. And she presses a trail of wet, passionate kisses to your torso. Knowing that your scars were all in plain sight to her made you feel a little…ugh. But then again, she was driving you nuts cooing and complimenting everything about you. No one’s ever made you feel so wanted. “Hey.” She says quietly, “Look at me, baby.”
“No.” She licked your lips, looking up at the ceiling while she was on her stomach, face comfortably between your legs.
“Look at me, honey.” She repeated, “I get that it’s hard, so I don’t want you to feel like you have to finish. Or do anything more than this. I can stop. Alright?” Her hands caresses your inner thigh, you feel that warmth. You’d sobered up a little, but enough to fight the desire for her to make you climax. For the very first time. You locked eyes with her, she looks at you, patiently waiting for an answer. “Keep going.”
“Yeah?” She asks, hand squeezing your thigh lightly. You simply give her a nod, she instantly starts to work you up again, then you soon feel her fingers teasing your entrance. She pushes one in smoothly, hooking it upward to hit your sensitive spot inside. You whine softly, she keeps doing it and you got louder. Once you felt ready, in came her second finger without a hitch.
“Just…just like that.” You moaned, “Oh, God, AJ—”
“Keep going, baby. Sounds like music to my ears.” She says lowly. Oh, shit. That really made you feel something.
With her fingers steadily pumping in and out of you, and her thumb hitting your clit and just the right amount of pressure. You were closer then ever to that climax, feeling that fluttering in your core.
“I— oh, my God— oh— so good, fuck.” Your hips start to lift up, and she pulls her fingers out. You objected with a whine. But not for long, because holy shit, she puts her mouth on you. You saw it, you felt it. But you couldn’t exactly believe it. It felt like you had ascended into an entirely different dimension. How gentle she was. The warmth, the closeness. Her gaze locked in with yours. You were going feral, and becoming like putty beneath her without much effort. Your mind was emptied, and filled with nothing but the need to come. The need to feel more of her.
You twitched in her mouth, feeling yourself clenching around her fingers. She groans at the abrupt tightness but then grins, picking up her pace just enough to chase your high. Your knuckles turn white from gripping the sheets, breathing slowly getting heavier by the second as you approached the edge. You feel the coil tightening quicker and quicker, until you just had to let it go. “AJ, I’m gonna—” You couldn’t even finish your sentence, toes curling as you unraveled, “Shit—”
She begins slowing down gradually to let you ride out every last wave of it, eventually caressing your inner thighs and peppering kisses all over them before working her way up to your lips while wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand. “That was intense.” You laughed deliriously.
“I know.” She cracked a smile, “Do you feel alright?”
“Mm, yeah.” You hummed, kissing her again. She cups your cheek, smooching you again too. “That was amazing.”
She grins, “You were pretty fucking amazing.” You blushed, she said, “Oh, look at that.”
You chuckled in response, she slowly eased you onto the mattress properly so that she could cuddle with you. “I told you. You’ll be okay.” AJ says, “And you are. No matter what, I’m always here.”
“I don’t say this enough and I’m so sorry.” You snuggled closer to her, “Thank you. For everything you’ve done for me, for every minute you’ve chosen to spend with me. You mean the world to me and I can never thank you enough. I love you so much.”
“I know you do, baby. I know. Don’t be sorry about things you can’t control. I know you love me, you may now tell me that but you show it one way or another: making sure I don’t sleep through my alarms even on days where you’re not feeling your best, making me a drink, my favourite meal, running me a bath…just about anything you do means so much because I know how much effort and energy it takes you to do them, but you still do them. You still wake up, most days by my side, living another day. You are so strong, my love.”
“Fuck.” You laughed but end up in tears, “I love you, AJ. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you more, honey.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭 A/N: I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post this fic because of how personal (and traumatic) some details are. It started off as a draft for me to vent, but I simplified most of it and decided to share it after all. Hope it wasn’t too much🤧 ok g’night, I’ve got work tomorrow afternoon and it’s past midnight🤡
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viktortittiforov · 6 months
✨ help a queer disabled creature out ✨
hiii! this is my first time making one of these so i don't really know what i'm doing but please bear with me!!
my name is neptune and i'm queer and disabled. i have ADHD, depression+anxiety and a chronic eye condition that leaves me with only one seeing eye (and with high eye pressure in my blind eye, which is occasionally painful and gives me headaches). i am also trans and currently pursuing HRT, which where i'm from means i first have to travel all over the country to a bunch of different specialists who need to determine whether i am Transsexual™ enough (which costs money).
i am employed, but i work at an NGO, which, coupled with the fact that i can't work there full-time due to my disabilities, means i'm basically making a little above my country's minimum wage (converted to USD – i'm from central-eastern europe – i make roughly $810/month after tax). nearly half of my monthly income goes towards my rent, and this makes it very hard for me to save up money, especially given the so-called ADHD tax (look it up if you haven't heard of it).
as you can probably imagine, this is very stressful. i am privileged in that i am not in an immediately dire financial situation and have a solid support network, unlike a lot of other people on here. however, i live with constant financial anxiety. i have no safety cushion with which to cover longer periods of potential illness/recovery (e.g. after top surgery, which i might want), potential health emergencies of my two beloved cats (one of whom is a senior cat), or unexpected household expenses. i also have very little disposable income, which is not immediately a disaster, but which has gotten me into a difficult situation.
you see, one of the ways i can sustainably supplement my income is freelance photography and i would really benefit from making that a more regular thing. currently, however, the only camera i have at my disposal is a second-hand beginner level DSLR i got back in 2019, which is really beginning to struggle to keep up. this means i could really use a new camera so that i can take better photos and increase the chance of someone wanting to hire me. but cameras are expensive and there's no way i could comfortably afford even another second-hand one (the cost of a decent second-hand camera would be around $850).
sooo. i thought i could try my luck here? i'm not asking for any specific target amount and i will be happy for any help, no matter how small. i understand if you'd rather help out those who need it more urgently though! i know many of us hardly have the means to help even those.
if you do happen to have some spare change, though, here is my paypal. i'll be forever grateful!
thanks for reading 💜 adding a photo of me and my cats so you know i'm a real person i guess?
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You Can Cry If You Want To
Summary: You made a promise to yourself long ago that you would never cry again. However, unhealthy coping mechanisms lead to even worse ones. However, Leon is here for you
Word Count: 1.6K
Pairing: RE4! Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of self-harm, cursing, a single slap that was heard around the world, ummmm, that's it? Do let me know tho!
Disclaimer: Nothing to report :3
A/N: So I'm back again but with something fluffier this time uwu Have a comfort fic :3 I'm probably going to add a rules thingy to my blog and pin it to the top soon so be sure to look out for that if you wanna ask me to write anything for you! :D
Anyways, enjoy!
Being in this line of work you have to come to terms with the fact that you’re going to carry some heavy weight. From the deaths of your teammates to a failed mission that ultimately led to casualties. Not every task ended with a happy ending; human miscalculation and error will always be a consequence. But that wasn’t what bothered you today. No, this was a battle that you had been fighting ever since you could remember; mental illness. 
You had bi polar disorder - an illness that has caused a lot of strife in your life. You had hoped that enlisting into the secret service would be more than enough to distract you from your personal qualms but it just seemed to make it worse. However, jumping out now would just fuck you over financially and you weren’t sure just how long it would take to dig yourself out of that hole. So, you grinned and bore it. In front of your superiors, in front of your colleagues, and especially, in front of Leon. 
Leon Kennedy was a man of high regard and well respected amongst his peers. You were no exception. It was always an honor to work with Leon and a mission became more secure when he was around. But with constant contact comes welling feelings and you couldn’t stop yours from appearing. It was a slow burn, a small cinder that slowly grew into a healthy flame that now resided deep within your chest only for Leon. You could never tell him, however. You were sure that he had someone outside of work and that you were no way in league with him. So, you just let your feelings fester, an unhealthy way of trying to rid yourself of this puppy crush. 
And with unhealthy coping mechanisms comes unhealthy actions - you hurting yourself. You weren’t doing it because of Leon, but the added stress of possible unrequited love was enough to overturn the teetering table that was your fluctuating moods. It always started the same, your manic episodes; you become quiet yet violent to where you go on a small rampage. After you nearly demolish the area around you, you just sit down and sob. 
After a certain amount of time, you made yourself a promise that you would never have such an episode again. And, right before you entered the service, you started your streak. Through all of the shit and harsh training, you never broke your self promise. How embarrassing would it be to shut down like that in front of your team anyway? Especially Leon. 
You could never let them know about this side of you. But because of this you were left with a single, toxic mechanism which was cutting into your arms. You felt lucky that you could wear long sleeves with your uniform but you also wore bandages so as no dirt or sweat could get into the wounds. You craved the pain but you still wanted your arm. 
Lately, though, you were becoming quite sick. Due to your stress your stomach was beginning to twist in an agonizing way and migraines were becoming normal. One day, you couldn’t go in at all. You called in and practically begged for a day off. Of course you were to be given harsher exercises to make up for it but you were let off for the day. You could sob from the relief. You settle deeper into your bed and try to sleep off the pain that your body encapsulated. 
 However, a little under an hour later you heard a frantic knock at your door. You give an annoyed groan and throw off your covers with such force that they fell to the other side. You stomped to the front door of your apartment and you swung the door open with no regard to your bare arms. You were just so tired and sick that you just wanted to be left alone. You wanted to get this encounter over with and go back to bed. But your heart sank to your knees, your sharp tongue catching in your throat. Leon Kennedy was standing in front of your door and your brain was trying to process why the fuck he was here. 
“Leon?..W-what are you…?” You begin to say but stop completely at Leon’s expression. He looked intense, very contrasting to the worried look that was etched on his face when you opened the door.  “Y/N…” He said it in a way that sounded surprised yet heartbroken. You raise an eyebrow at him but when you follow his gaze you see what he noticed; your scars. You go to hide them but Leon’s calloused fingers enclosed around your wrist. “Why?” He wasn’t going to ask you the question of what this was. He knew but he just wanted to know why. 
You hide your eyes behind your hair, unable to look at him. “It doesn’t matter-” “Yes it fucking does!” He didn’t mean to sound so enraged but you were obviously lost in some sort of self depriving darkness and he wanted to know how or why so that he could fix it. But you didn’t want anything to be fixed. Everything was fine as it was, why couldn’t he see that? “Why are you here, Leon?” You ask and the expense of tiredness was evident in your heavy-lidded eyes and Leon’s heart clenched. Have you even been sleeping?
“You never miss a day of training. I wanted to make sure that you were alright.” He explained himself and you sigh. “Well, you see that I’m alright so-” You gesture for him to move back so that you could close the door but he kept his foot on the threshold. “We’re not done here.” He practically growled at you and your sanity was beginning to crack. “Leon, please. I do not have the energy for this.” You rub at your temples, your love for his caring nature now a jab in your side this time around.
He scoffed at you,”Right. And then the next time we talk about it you’ll come up with another excuse - no. We’re talking about this now.” He said as he tried to make his way in. However, you felt something deep within your mind snap and you slapped Leon. He reared back in shock, holding the side of his face that you struck. “I’M FINE, DAMNIT! WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THAT?!” You yelled, a familiar sensation welling up behind your eyes. “Leon please, just go.” You turn on your heel to hide your face, frantically wiping at your eyes to try and coax your body to stop and not betray your promise. 
“Damn it, it won’t stop.” You sniffled, your guard down. You hadn’t noticed that Leon had come up behind you, grabbing your waist as he slid into your apartment with you. “Leon! Let me go!” You struggle but then he sits criss crossed in front of your sofa. He places you in his lap, encaging you in the softest hug you had ever had the pleasure of receiving. “Oh.” You say in surprise from the gentleness and what Leon said next shocked you. “Cry.” You blink once and make a sound of confusion. “You’re not okay, [y/n]. And your body needs to get it out and you’re not letting it. Please. Cry.” He brought your head against his bicep, you subconsciously clinging to his shirt. 
“I don’t….I don’t…Need..to..” You try to reason with him but you feel the first few hot drops fall down your face. Your last line of defense was biting your lip but your whimpers were far too powerful. You let out a small sob which then transitioned into a symphony of wails. Your grip tightens on Leon and you shove your face into his shirt as you let out years of bottled up emotion. And he held you tightly, rubbing soft circles into your back as he threads his other hand through your hair. 
You cried for a little while, but sobs turned into sniffles which led to you passing out. Your body had finally let out everything and now just needed rest. Crystal drops lined your eyelashes as you slept in Leon’s arms, your reddened cheeks and nose leftover from your crying. 
Leon stayed sitting for a while, not wanting to disturb you. But once he felt that you were deep in sleep he rose in place and found your room. He laid you out on your bed, having pulled back the covers to tuck you in. After you were snug as a bug, he hesitated in place. He felt like the respectful thing would be to leave but he didn’t want to go. But, his mind was made when he felt your hand grip his. “Stay?” You ask, your voice a little heavy with strain. 
Leon smiled and nodded. “For as long as you want me to.” He says and you give a smile of your own. “I fear you may never have another day to yourself again then.” You lightly joke but hope that he would receive it in favor. “Is that a threat, [L/N]?” He teased back as he climbed into bed next to you and pulled you into his embrace. When your scars were in view, he would gently leave ghost kisses behind along the raised bumps and you felt yourself falling in love all over again. He was so scared that he would hurt you, but he still wanted to show that he was here for you. “Oh no, Mr. Kennedy. That’s a promise~”
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molarbeardoc · 7 months
Anyway fanfic starts now :3
Who would want to leave the soft and warm comfort of their bed? The embrace of one’s sheets wrapped around them as if they were but a small infant once more.
There was not a single person in the world who actually enjoyed getting up.
Absolutely no one..
Not a single person…
Okay that might have been just a teeny tiny lie…
Well… Not really a lie? How am I supposed to know, I’m just a narrator get off my back!
Moving on…
There really was one person who enjoyed mornings. For her, that meant she had lived to see another day. That she had evaded capture once more. No one could catch a genius, a reborn, intuitive Einstein as she would say. That’s right! Bive was the smartest cookie there was!
Mornings were a sign of hope, that she still had a chance to spread the truth! A chance to save everyone. Of course some were too far gone to be saved and would have to suffer the consequences for when the clowns came and snow soldiers took over but they picked their poison. They made their bed. They dug their graves. Now they had to lay in them when the time came.
Besides! Even if she couldn’t save everyone, she could save some of them! She could use her cleverness to think of plans to save those who listened. Her brains to find solutions to their biggest problems. She could accomplish anything as long as she was wide awake, as long as the gears in her head were constantly turning!
So why weren’t they spinning now?
She stared at her corkboard, her expression dull as she leaned against the brick wall of the maze. She felt horrible. Her head was killing her and her special brew wasn’t helping her in the slightest. If anything it made it worse! She felt top heavy and ill, her arms and legs acted as if they were a fruity gelatine. Maybe even a sweet lime flavour gelatine…
If that didn’t sound awful already. She was groggy and irritated. Her cat-like reflexes were more like a snail’s and her vision would occasionally blur.
What in the name of Clown Militia was going on with her?!
She let out an annoyed groan as she used the wall to keep herself upright before eventually succumbing and falling over. It was as if her own body were betraying her!
Useless vessel. Didn’t know she was the reason it was even alive! Talk about ungrateful…
There had to be someone she could trust to assist her. DrRETRO? No. That furball thought she was insane. Poob? No. They’d make it worse with their constant partying. Mark? He’d try and fix her with some sort of wood trick. Wallter? He trusts the flowers… Absolutely not…
Wait… God it was worse than she thought. She couldn’t even CONTACT any of them! None of them had her signal! Oh the fool she was! A complete and total fool!
Who had her radio signal..? Her memory was a bit fogged at the moment but she knew she gave it to someone..
Aha! Split! At least she thinks so? She couldn’t remember very well. She reached for her radio, twisting and turning the knobs as she attempted to reach the fruit-taur, letting out a cry of pain from the feedback and hissing through her teeth.
She let out a quiet sigh, trying to ignore the splitting pain that shot through her head, with every knob turn a new static frequency filling the air. Her voice croaking as she spoke into the radio.
"Split are you there?!"
The fruit-taur was sleeping peacefully in her own bed, a small banana-themed night light shining on her nightstand beside her alarm clock. It was still frankly early, only about 4am.
All was quiet…
… Until it wasn’t…
Split immediately shot up, breathing heavily as she was suddenly awoken from her restful slumber. Her heart racing as she glanced around frantically.
Despite being unable to see, she immediately went on the defensive, tensing up as she tried to look as threatening as possible.
"Split…? Split are you there? Split..? Split!"
She turned towards her nightstand, the adrenaline dying down as it slowly became replaced with tired realization. She grabbed her glasses, putting them on before reaching for the radio.
"Bivey, you’re spiralling again…"
Bive’s side of the radio went quiet, as if she were processing the moment before answering.
"SPLIT YOU’RE OKAY- AcK- Ow ow radio feedback ow."
Split couldn’t help but smile, finding her worry endearing before speaking up.
"Yes, I’m fine. What’s going on with you? It’s uh…"
She glanced at the clock.
"Four in the morning. I don’t even think the early bird gets up this early!"
Well that was concerning news.
"What do you mean something is wrong with you?"
She listened as the detective rambled on and on, blinking as she tried to slowly put everything together.
"Poisoned-? Bive what-? No one poisoned you. You probably just have a cold."
"Okay okay fine! You’re not sick! Just calm down."
"Oh my… Bive? Just… Stay calm for now? I’ll be over soon."
Guess she wasn’t sleeping in like she originally planned. She sighed as Bive rambled some incoherent words before the radio went dead, having no clue what she said before she got up. She was just in a comfortable T-shirt, that’s decent enough to go out.
It’s not like anyone would see her, it was too early for someone to be out and about on the elevator… Apart from her of course…
Bive was leaning against the wall, her head still throbbing and body still weak. She felt awful. There was no way she WASN’T poisoned. How was this even possible?! Even if they DID make it through the maze, how did they catch her off guard?! She was awake the whole time!
This was worse than she thought. Her enemies were getting smarter. They had found her location, slipped through the maze, and caught her off guard while she was on guard! Oh this was horrible. Truly terrible! How could she save anyone in her weakened state?!
The next hours were spent in agony. Well at least it felt like hours, it had really been only thirty minutes as she sat there patiently. Waiting for the Split’s arrival.
Speaking of Split, she was already stepping off the elevator, standing outside of the maze as she yawned. The sun hadn’t even risen yet, it wasn’t even dawn. She entered the maze, knowing her way decently enough to where she couldn’t get lost and only worrying about Scary Mike and an overly excited Fleshy, more so Mike, as she navigated herself through it.
Turning one of corners, she noticed the soft glow of a yellow light. Bingo. She quickened her pace down the hall, the strong scent of coffee wafting over her as the glow became stronger. Soon enough, she was met with the living quarters of the paranoid detective.
It was just as unorganized as she remembered, red string and empty styrofoam cups littered the floor. At least she listened to her the last time Split was over and picked up the thumbtacks, those were just accidents waiting to happen. Her floppy ears lifted as she heard a quiet and pained groan, looking down to see that Bive was on the floor, against the wall, with her head in her hands.
She let out a startled yelp, trying to jump back only to met with a brick wall as she hissed through gritted teeth. That didn’t help with her headache and weak body at all… She looked up at the fruit-taur, a wave of relief and realization washing over her.
"Are you okay?"
"No! I’ve been POISONED! I’m going to DIE!"
"You’re not going to die."
"Why do you think that?"
She winced in pain as she felt another debilitating stroke of pain shoot through her head, gritting her teeth and using the wall to stand as she leaned against it. Seeing her state, Split grew concerned. Her being poisoned was a stretch but there was very well a chance she may have done or eaten something that could cause her this much harm.
"Can you tell me exactly what you’re feeling right now..?"
"Er-! A stupid headache… I feel a bit nauseous… lightweight… Annoyed with everything.."
"Have you eaten?"
"Have you had some water?"
"Have you slept..?"
"Have. You. Slept?"
"Uh… No…"
"When’s the last time you have?"
"Bive… When was the last time you slept?"
"Hold on. I’m trying to remember…"
"You shouldn’t have to remember! It should’ve been recently!"
"You’re also vulnerable to them if you DON’T sleep!"
"Oh please, I’m not even tired!"
"Doesn’t mean anything!"
"I think it means a lot!"
"Do you want to feel better or not?"
"I do."
"Then go to sleep!"
"No no! I don’t wanna hear it. No buts! If you’re that worried about being attacked by someone, I can just stay with you! Problem solved!"
Bive stared at Split for a moment. She’s never had her stay over. But seeing how much the fruit-taur wanted her to sleep, she knew she didn’t have much of a choice.
"Thank you…"
Split watched as the detective huffed and left to go get ready for bed, smiling as she grumbled underneath her breath. Even if she wasn’t happy with the idea, it was certainly necessary.
She continued to wait patiently before Bive reappeared, no longer in her classic coat and pants but in her own sleepwear.
"I don’t like this."
"Too bad. You need it."
"Do I though?"
"Go to bed."
Seeing as she wasn’t going to be able to wriggle herself away from this situation, she groaned before heading off back to her room, falling onto the bed and just laying there while waiting for fall asleep. She wasn’t very good at this thing…
Split stood outside the door, still feeling sluggish but forcing herself to stay awake. She had no idea what time it was since Bive owned no clocks; something about time being stopped and how every other clock was a fake, but it felt as if it were still early. She felt herself dozing off, but tried to fight against it. Right as she was about to drift off to sleep, she felt someone tap her shoulder.
"Split…? I can’t sleep."
She jerked awake, staring down at Bive before sighing.
"Are you okay?"
"I’m fine! Just tired.."
"Do you wanna sleep in my bed?"
"I MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE TO! I just thought.. Ya know!"
She stared tiredly down at the stammering and jittery detective, a small grin appearing on her face.
"I’ll take you up on that offer…"
Bive paused, looking at Split before forcing out a nervous laugh.
She led the fruit-taur into her room, watching as she dragged her paws towards the bed. She paused midway before looking towards Bive.
"Wait. Where are you gonna sleep?"
"Uhh… I just… won’t? Since I’m not tired..?"
She gave her a nervous smile, flashing her yellow tinted teeth at Split. Unfortunately for her, the other’s gaze hardened.
"Alright, I’ll just fix it this way."
Before she could get a reply out, she was dragged into the bed with her, the fruit-taur was holding her close as she sighed.
"This… This isn’t necessary you know?"
"Yes it is."
"… Yes?"
"… Goodnight, Split.."
Bive fell quiet, listening quietly as Split’s breathing eventually slowed into quiet snores. She laid there a moment, before clinging onto the other, snuggling against her before sighing. A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over her as she began drifting off.
RAHHHHHHH FANFIC FINISHED. Sorry if it isn’t as good as my angst fic, I hope you enjoyed it though!!!!!
Omw to work on the Cheshire Cat doomed yuri fanfic someone double dog dared me to write now bye sillies <3
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