#the collection my dad had only got smaller
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goddamnitmahtin · 1 month ago
Jason is a Teenage Dad Part 2
Jason was sitting with Danny on his lap on a sofa in the first floor living room of the manor. He could feel the boy was nervous and he did his best to comfort Danny as much as possible.
“He smells like death Daddy…” he said quietly. One of the first things Jason had learned about Danny on the way to the manor was that the child was really in tune with the paranormal. He seemed to see things others couldn’t and could tell where people had died before. He had pointed out a few locations on the way since the two of them had to walk across the city to get there.
The second thing Jason had noticed was that Danny’s speech was pretty advanced, using long sentences, complex vocabulary and correct grammar unlike most children his age. He could have long conversations with depth if he wanted to but this he only did sometimes when Danny thought it was important or if it was about the stars. Danny had mentioned how he couldnt see any because of the smog surrounding the city.
Jason’s inner self really liked that Danny had called him that. It was almost like the kid had claimed him as much as Jason had claimed Danny. Like they both knew they were meant to stay side by side.
Jason spoke softly, “Yeah he probably does buddy.” He didn’t know if he wanted the 3 year old to know about Bruce’s extracurricular activities yet.
“Is he like us?” Danny asked, his eyes flashing green for a moment. A moment so short that you could almost miss it.
Jason shook his head, “No, not quite. But he is safe.”
Danny seemed to think about this for a moment before nodding, though he didn’t release his grip from Jason any bit. He was apprehensive still and that was okay. Jason was nervous too.
“So…” B said, sitting in a chair across from them, “You’re alive.”
Bruce had repeated that statement at least 8 times since he had collected himself off the floor. When Jason first saw him, Bruce started crying hysterically in a way he had never seen before. He had slumped to the ground saying that he was seeing things because of his own guilt. At first Jason thought he was putting on his Brucie act but no… he was just that distraught. Unless it was a Brucie act. Jason was still 50 percent sure it was a Brucie act.
“I am,” Jason said in return. He didn’t really know how to approach this.
“And you have a kid,” he said, gesturing to Danny. Ah yeah. Of course once Bruce got over himself he was going to pick up some context clues. No doubt he noticed that Danny had called him Daddy.
“I do. This is Danny,” Jason said carefully. The 3 year old was skittish to say the least when it came to anyone that wasn’t Jason. He had learned that on their way across the city. Whenever anyone walked past them, Danny had hidden his face in Jason’s shoulder. So because of this, he wasn’t going to say anything Danny wasn’t comfortable with. He was pretty sure he would feel it if they started to broach a subject Danny didn’t like. He would feel it in his chest.
Jason watched as Bruce took a look at his toddler. No doubt noting the blood he was caked in. The eyebags and pale skin, the sunken in cheekbones and his overly thin appearance. All signs of malnutrition. Signs that Jason was going to be dead set on correcting.
“Hi Danny. My name is Bruce,” B said. He smiled gently, caving in his shoulders to make his appearance smaller and less threatening. Jason was relieved. Were there lots of questions in B’s head? Probably. But there was a very scared child so it wasn’t the time to be asking them.
Jason felt Danny peel his face away from his shoulder enough to look at Bruce more head on, “H-hello.”
“Danny will be staying with me now,” Jason said. He felt a wave of relief come from Danny.
Bruce nodded. Again, he knew not to ask about details at the moment.
“Your room is just how you left it. Danny can stay in the room next to yours. I can install a connecting door between them if you want,” he said.
Jason nodded, “I think that would be best.”
The next morning came around and Danny had yet to let Jason put him down. Much less clean up the blood or change him into something clean. He did eat though when Jason said it was safe. It wasn’t much but it was something. It was 7 am by the time Danny had finally fought sleep too long and passed out silently on Jason’s shoulder. At least now they could talk more freely.
“I thought you were dead. The Joker, he sent out a video online of your body. I thought he killed you,” Bruce said. He was gripping his coffee mug a little bit too hard. Jason didn’t want him to break it and wake up Danny.
“He did,” Jason replied softly, gently taking the coffee from Bruce and setting it safely out of his dad’s reach, “With a crowbar.”
“But you’re here! Alive!” B whisper shouted.
Jason nodded subtly as to not wake Danny from moving too much, “I am. I woke up in the Lazarus. I think he dumped my body there.”
Bruce took a long look at Jason before responding, “You seem awfully fine about that.”
Jason wanted to shrug but he would rather die again than wake his son, “I got better. And Joker won’t be a problem anymore B. His head is in our kitchen.”
Jason could practically hear Bruce grind his teeth, “Yeah I saw that. Was that you?”
Jason hadn’t even thought about the fact that it might have looked that way, “What? No. I woke up yesterday. I didn’t have time for that. I found his head that way.”
“You found his head that way,” Bruce repeated as if it was a hard concept.
“Yes. Whose blood do you think is all over Danny? When I found him, he was playing with it,” Jason said. He didnt understand the confusion.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, “Where did you find this kid, Jason?”
“Next to the pit,” Jason said, his voice remaining soft, “Right next to the edge, I was afraid he was going to fall in.” Just thinking about it made Jason instinctively hold Danny closer.
Bruce let out a very tired sigh, “Okay.”
Tim’s parents loved him. He knew that. But thing about that love was that… it was very conditional. Not in the way one would probably think. The best way to describe it would be out of sight out of mind.
When they were alive, Tim had learned very quickly that as long as he didn’t bring attention to himself, his parents could go weeks without noticing his presence. Almost like they forgot he was there. Most of the time, this was in Tim’s favor. He could focus on whatever puzzle he had found for himself and no one was going to look for him until he was done. He could literally see his mom walk past him in the hallway and as long as he stood still enough, she had absolutely no idea.
The first week Tim was at Wayne manor, he knew Bruce was grieving and had pretty much locked himself away in his room or in the Batcave Alfred wouldn’t let him into. So he didn’t see much of him at all. He was free to work on the puzzle of what had dropped him from the sky. He could think about Jason’s murder. Maybe he could solve it.
But then Jason wasn’t so dead anymore. Tim had listened in on as many conversations between Jason and Bruce as he could and he learned what had happened to him. Well that was one mystery solved.
But Tim still had the other mystery. So he did what he had always done. Hide himself away until he was done thinking about it. It had been a week since Jason had come back and brought Danny into the manor. Not a single person came to check on him. At least other than Alfred. They all had their own problems to worry about anyways.
Tim was having the same problem as before. He had very little info to go off of and not enough resources to get the intel he wanted. He kept coming back to that singular dead end. It was driving him nuts. How could he make any progress when he couldn’t LEARN?
Tim was jostled out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. He was in the room Bruce was letting him stay in. It was probably Alfred again to remind him to eat or something.
Tim got up from the desk and opened the door. It was Bruce.
“Can I come in?” the man asked.
Tim nodded, a little thrown off. Didn’t this guy have other things to worry about? Like being Batman? Or the fact that his son was not actually dead?
Tim sat back down at the desk and he watched as Bruce took a seat on the bed.
“Tim, I’m sorry I haven’t been very welcoming the past week,” he said.
Tim shrugged, “It’s fine. You had more important things.”
Bruce shook his head, “I did have other things to… handle but I should have been more present with you as well. You are in my home and I should have tended to you more than I did.”
That made him kind of confused. It wasn’t like Tim was his son too. Was it like he really had anywhere else to go? No not really but at most Tim was probably just a guest to Bruce. Just some kid he had to save.
“I told you it’s fine. I’m used to it,” Tim said.
Bruce’s eyebrows knit together for a moment before he seemed to control his face again, “I’m sorry to hear that…. I uh… looked into your records. You don’t have anywhere to stay.”
Tim sighed, he knew this was going to come eventually. He was getting kicked from the manor. Which SUCKED! He hadn’t even gotten a chance to tell Bruce that he wanted to help him. To fight crime and be useful. He had a PowerPoint and everything. Well at least he did on the computer he had back at Drake manor.
“So I was wondering,” Bruce continued, “If you wanted to stay here. With us. I would need to draft up some adoption papers of course so it can all be legalized but-“
Tim cut him off, “Yes. I would love that!” To say Tim was surprised was an understatement but like hell he wasn’t going to take this opportunity. If he was officially a Wayne, he could start dropping hints that he wanted to become a vigilante. That he wanted to help. Eventually maybe he could wear Bruce down enough to make it happen.
Bruce looked surprised, “Really?”
Clearly the old man thought it was going to take a lot more convincing. Luckily for him, Tim had his own motives for wanting to stay.
Tim nodded, “Yes. You’ve already been nice enough to me. I don’t have anywhere else to go. And besides. I’ve liked it here so far.”
Tim was pretty sure he saw some joy behind Bruce’s eyes even if his face didn’t give that away. If he was that happy about it, maybe breaking down the old man wasn’t going to be as hard as he had planned for it to be.
“Then I will get all of those legal documents in order. Did you…. want to meet Jason and Danny?” Bruce asked.
Again Tim was surprised. He thought that the interaction would have ended there. He wasn’t expecting… a warm invitation. But it couldn’t hurt right?
“Uh yeah. Sure,” Tim said.
Part 1 Part 3
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k1ngpin42 · 10 months ago
Abby HCS (Yes it's mostly smut)
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AN: I had a list of Abby head canons that I wanted to post and I’ve been searching for it for days now. Alas- it is lost. But here are some new ones.
Top or bottom?
Okay we all know how confident (cocky) Abby is and this definitely translates to the bedroom. She likes to be really fucking rough with it, mainly because she just likes powering over your smaller frame and watching you struggle to take her. This isn’t to say she doesn’t take care of you- in fact its her utmost priority. She’ll drown you in a chorus of praises while fucking you within an inch of your life. 
This being said, she definitely can be subby too. She’d probably only let this happen if she’s had a really tense week or you’ve done something to really make her happy- after all, all good girls deserve a reward.
I’m sorry if this grosses anyone out but she definitely has a breeding kink. Me personally, I don’t like babies or kids, but I’d let her filthily tell me to “take her kid” while she fucks me. When you ask her about it she avoids the subject. “Breed kink I don’t- that was just talk, just drop it.” 
She’s all for public sex. Even if it isn’t directly fucking you in front of an audience, she’ll make sure you’re fucking screaming when in her dorm, knowing there’s people outside. “Move your fucking hand from your mouth, scream my name baby, let them know who’s making you feel like this.”
She loves playing with your hair. She’ll run her fingers through it and massage your scalp, she’ll shampoo it for you in the shower, she’ll braid it when it’s drying, she loves the smell of your hair too, always so clean. 
She loves training with you, practically babying you even though you can handle yourself. “Lift one more baby you’ve almost got it- mm good girl.” But it’s already your 10th rep.
She likes talking about her interests
Won’t admit it because she’s Abby, but aftercare is her favourite part of sex. 
About Abby:
We know she likes dogs, collecting coins, she’s funny, enjoys the gym and competitive, but I feel like she secretly enjoys some more childish hobbies after not really allowing herself to enjoy those things when she was a kid after her dads death.
Additional NSFW:
Adding to the public sex thing, she definitely makes you put a vibrator in around base. 
Get’s so jealous when you’re around certain people that she grabs you by the hand, pulls you into the nearest, semi-isolated area and fucks you dumb until you forget anyone and everyone else.
Such a munch gf. She loves eating you out so much that even when you’re wining for her to stop because you’ve already cum, she just won’t stop tasting you. That girl is moaning into your cunt like its the best thing that will ever exist. 
Very loud in sex, constantly talking, praising, groaning, moaning, and she loves hearing you gag around her strap before she puts it in. 
That’s about it kiddies. :) 
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talekinesis · 5 months ago
Random Gravity Falls Headcanons
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This guy smokes to help deal with the stress of everything. He picked up the habit after he was kicked out by his father and hasn't quit since. He used to be a chainsmoker but after getting to look after the kids for the summer, he drastically cut back and is actually thinking of quitting altogether because he wants to be around long enough to watch Mabel and Dipper grow up
Actually a pretty decent cook, it's just baking he sucks at. With cooking you can sort of eyeball the ingredients and add more or less depending on your own personal taste, but with how strict baking is with its ingredients, he never really picked it up. He's only baked a cake twice in his life, once for his mom when he was a kid, with the help of Ford, and once for the kids' birthday (it was lopsided and runny and they decided to just go out for pancakes instead)
He can play the guitar really well. He had to teach himself how to play when he was young and homeless, playing for tips. He still has his original guitar and occasionally, on a good day, will get it out and play it. He played it once for Mabel, who, for once in her life, actually sat still and listened
Part of his daily routine is kicking gnomes out of the trash because they keep trying to eat leftovers. He just bats them off with a broom like they're raccoons
He grew up a huge mama's boy since she was the only supportive parent he had. After he got kicked out of the house, he called her from a pay phone a couple times to ask to come back home and to wish her a happy birthday. To this day he still makes it a point to get a cupcake on her birthday since he can't celebrate it with her, and sometimes he'll tell the kids stories about her, like how she would have loved Mabel since Mabel has all these different unique sweaters, and his ma used to collect different, big, unique earrings
Stan coaches Mabel in boxing, and actually helped her discover a passion for it, he attends all of her matches. He even taught her a couple illegal moves that she can't use in the ring but can use in real self defense
Even in his early 60s, he still thinks it's funny to bother Ford as if they were still kids. He'll randomly snatch his glasses off his face (forgetting that he also wears glasses and Ford can retaliate), he'll just start copying Ford and repeat what he says, he once even dressed up as Ford, but it didn't last very long because Ford wears a much smaller size of pants, and Stan has a bit of a gut on him. He changed after about five or ten minutes.
He's a die-hard fan of Chappell Roan
He's actually the more responsible of the Stan-Twins. He breaks laws sure, but he always makes sure everyone is fed and safe. He's like this close 🤏 to putting Ford and Mabel on leashes when they go out because they have a tendency to run off
"I'd like to make an announcement to the store, I lost someone." "Oh, did your kid run off?" "My 60 year old brother, yeah. No he doesn't have a cellphone."
Has a biological kid out there somewhere but the mom cut him off. I just think the scene where he said, "Scary movies are great, the girl cuddles up next to ya... next thing you know you gotta raise a kid.. And your life falls apart.." sounded too much like he was speaking from experience and not as a hypothetical. He wants so badly to be a dad though and regrets not keeping contact. (let me know if I should make an oc for this :] )
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He can't eat doritos or any triangle shaped chip because one time Bill hid inside a chip bag just to startle him
It took him a while to adjust to this dimension's laws of physics. He was frustrated for a while that he couldn't just leave his coffee floating in the air. He broke three mugs and one of them was Stan's.
Despises pickles as if he held a personal grudge against them. He hates them an irrational amount, and even gets irritated with Stan for just having them in the house. He acts like a child about it too, arms crossed and everything. "Here, Poindexter, you want me to take the pickles off your sandwich? Like a child?" "Don't bother, the meal's ruined >:( "
He gets sucked into those soap operas that Stan watches, and will sometimes watch from the doorway or over his shoulder. He won't admit it, but Stan knows.
He lights his face on fire because he saw someone else do it in a different dimension where that was normal
Unlike Stan, he's actually amazing at baking (he likes to follow precise measurements and instructions) But sucks at cooking. Caught a pot of water on fire.
When he first discovered the shape shifter, he kept it as a pet because he found it cute, but ended up letting it go when he found out it had a human-like sentience and could speak. But for a while he raised it the same way Mabel raises Waddles, putting it in little shirts, hats, and just absolutely adoring it
Used to play 'Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons' with a group in college as the DM, and it was the first time he actually had a friend group. The other players loved the way he set things up
Doesn't like alchohol. At least from this dimension, he got used to alternate dimension alchohols that tasted way better, so when he came back to Earth everything tasted way too strong and almost like dirt to him so he just quit
Used to know a little banjo since Fiddleford taught him but forgot it while in other dimensions
Used to babysit Tate on occasion and sucked at it
He also used to babysit Shermie and *also* sucked at it. He'd have to pass him off to Stan if he got fussy or started crying since only Stan and their mom could calm him down
• Used to play David Bowie in his lab and would occasionally lip sync or dance to it. Even when traveling dimensions, he'd introduce David Bowie music to the people, creatures, and beings he met, until he lost the cassette tape and was devastated
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Allergic to chocolate and makes up for it by eating way too much of other candies. She still tries to eat it though because "Maybe I'm not allergic anymore," but Dipper has to stop her. Stan even makes it a point not to keep chocolate in the Shack when they visit because he knows Mabel is a heathen with little self preservation. It's not epi-pen bad, but it will burn and itch her throat and get her coughing (Ford will use chocolate substitutes when baking for her and Dipper)
She likes to tell people that she and Dipper were originally two of three, and that she ate their triplet in the womb to become stronger. This is not true.
She wants to be a big sister really bad and sometimes that comes out onto Dipper despite him only being 5 minutes younger, much to his dismay and protest
She found a passion for boxing after Stan taught her how, and even asked her parents to let her start doing it as a sport, which she got really into. Coincidentally, after she picked up boxing, Gideon suddenly left her alone completely. Future Headcanon: She grows up to box professionally and one day even faces Grenda in the ring, but there's obviously a mutual respect between them. They agreed ahead of time that if they ever had to face each other, neither of them would hold back and it would be a fair match. Even after there's a winner, they meet up afterward and go out for dinner with Candy, who posts their matches to social media. Waddles is her mascot.
Mabel makes even more friends when she returns home from Gravity Falls because she takes Waddles for walks on a leash and it's a pretty good conversation starter
She is convinced that if she eats all the ingredients for a cake, she'll have successfully made a cake in her stomach. Once again, Dipper has to physically stop her from doing this. Ford does too, the first time he heard her say this (through a mouthful of flour) he went, "That certainly is an interesting theory, Mabel, but no-"
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Let's get it out of the way, I really like the 'Trans Dipper' headcanon. It just fits really well and I, as a trans person, can relate to him a lot
I think he knows how to dance a little because his mom taught him and used to take him to 'Mother-Son' events
He secretly keeps a tally of how many times Mabel rolls herself out of bed because it always wakes him up but he also kind of thinks it's funny because she just sleeps through it. Even if they don't share rooms back at home, he can always here the distance "thunk" of his sister hitting the floor. The tally isn't a sheet of paper, it's a small notebook with multiple pages filled in
He sometimes gets the courage to try and roughhouse with Stan, who is always on board but purposely takes it easy on the kid because he's like "baby bird" fragile
Dipper was the one to break the news to his Grandpa Shermie that Stanley was still alive and Stanford was actually missing for 30 years with Stan taking his place, almost giving the poor man a heart attack. (Shermie ended up booking a flight to Gravity Falls to yell at his brothers in person because that's not a conversation you can have over the phone)
Dipper was the one to introduce Stan to Chappell Roan by accident, but now they listen to her if they're in the car together
his DD&MD character is a female orc fighter named Yotula and he got very excited to info-dump about her to Ford (who was equally as excited to listen)
Has an odd addiction to chocolate milk. He makes a glass of chocolate milk at least once a day. Twice if it's been a rough day. He actually gets a little upset if he misses his daily cup of chocolate milk, its just routine. Stan one time made an offhand joke that since Mabel's allergic, Dipper has to consume twice as much for the both of them, but Mabel took that seriously and now to her its just the truth.
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making-the-crypt-rock · 9 months ago
Lena, the Werewolf
Monster x human reader (pt 1)
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Mostly safe for work(nudity, depictions of a strap on), but trigger warning for domestic abuse.
Escaping a bad situation leads you to the small town of Denizen, where the people are hiding more secrets than just a beautiful state park. It's here that you meet Lena, the best bartender you've ever met.
(I'd also like to shout out @momolady , as this piece was inspired by characters in her Hearthway Hollow section)
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"Finally away. Finally, I've gotten away." That's all I can think, as I speed down the road. As I wipe the last of the tears from my eyes, I try to control my breathing. Fortunately, I haven't passed any hidden police cars. The way I was driving, I would have been pulled over, for sure. Then again, maybe cops who didn't know my ex would take me seriously.
With clearer eyes, I catch sight of a speed limit sign. I slow down to match the thirty mile per hour limit. I figure that I must be getting close to a town. I'm not even sure where I am, right now. I just ran out of my apartment, got in my truck, and sped off. I didn't even have time to grab clothes, this time. He was so mad... I couldn't stay there. I can only imagine the state that my apartment's in, now. Caleb probably tossed the place and broke all my stuff. It's probably for the best that the majority of my most prized possessions are at my parents' house. But I definitely won't have my computer or a lot of the pictures I had hanging on my walls, when I go back. I shiver at the thought of him still punching holes in my kitchen.
I'm shaken from my thoughts, when I pass a sign. It says, "Welcome to Denizen. Home of Nethermoore State Park." The green of the basic road sign stands out against the fall colors painting the woods around me, making it hard to miss. I don't think I've ever heard of this town, let alone the park. Coming around the corner and over a small bridge, I'm met with a quaint town. Right away, I can identify a coffee shop, hardware store, gas station, grocery store, and a bar, most importantly. The lights on the street have hanging baskets decorated in autumn fashion, with fake, orange leaves and little pumpkins. There's not a stop light, even on the main road. This place is so much smaller than Stillwater.
I pull my truck into a space next to The Raven bar and grill. It stands out pretty well and has a very charming look to it, as it seems it's designed to look like a log cabin. When I park, I notice an older man leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. He looks at my truck, before looking in at me. Then, he just looks away, taking a drag. Now parked, I take the chance to look at my phone. Fifteen missed calls, fifteen voicemails, and fifty-seven unread messages, all from Caleb. However, there are also a couple texts from my mom, wondering where I am and if I'm alright. Caleb must have called her to see if I was hiding with her and Dad, again. Hiding there didn't go well, the last time, though. He almost fought my dad to get to me. I'm pretty sure he'd do far worse, this time.
I send her back, "I'm alright, Mom. He's upset, because I finally told him that we're over and that I'm going to be moving out of my apartment and away from him, as soon as I can. It's finally going to be over. I'm going to be staying the night, out of town, but I'll stop by after I go collect my things, tomorrow." I watch the text bubble for "someone is typing" dance for a moment, before her reply pops up. She tells me that she loves me and that she's proud of me for finally leaving him. She tells me to stay safe and that she'll see me, tomorrow.
I store my phone back in my pocket and hop out of the truck. I hadn't gotten the chance to eat the dinner I'd made, and now I'm getting hungry. The smoker looks me up and down and nods at me, but gets a bit of a concerned look on his face.
"You alright, Miss?" he asks.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, just getting through a bit of a rough patch. I'll be fine," I reply.
"Well, this would be the place to help with rough patches," he says, pointing his thumb over his shoulder at The Raven. "But this is also pretty good and you look like you could use it." He fishes a tissue out of the pocket of his jean jacket and hands it to me. I take it and wipe the last of the moisture from my eyes and wipe my nose up, thanking him.
"No problem, miss. I'm Elijah, by the way. I own the grocery, next door, if you need anything, while you're here." Elijah smiles, kindly. He reminds me of my dad, in a way; sturdy build with dark hair and kind eyes. He's the kind of friendly that makes you feel calm.
"Also, miss, and not to pry on your business, but what brings you to town? Camping out the rough patch in the park or you just come for the pour?" he jokes, taking another drag from his cig.
"Oh, I'm YN. YN Green, and I'm just passing though. Needed to get away, for the night, and kinda ended up here by accident," I reply.
He chuckles to himself and replies, "Well, Ms. Green, if you believe the old folktales, no one ends up in Denizen by accident. Always something to find. Anyways, I'll let you get to finding what you need." I nod and thank him for the help. He nods back with a smile.
When I walk into the bar, a few people glance over at me. The place is warmly lit with hunting and sports decor all over the walls, ranging from old Wild jerseys and a gigantic, framed picture of the old Metrodome to mounted deer and fish. There are a couple TVs, too. All are silent, except for the one displaying a channel for the music playing over the speakers. Many of the tables are full, but I find a small one tucked in the back. The black chair I sit in has a little duct taped patch on it. The sound of bar chatter and 90s country is almost foreign.
Then, an older woman in a black t-shirt with the bar's logo walks over with a laminated menu. "Welcome to The Raven. Can I get you started with anything to drink?"
"Just a water, please," I say with a smile. She studies my face for a moment as she hands me the menu.
"Alright, I'll bring that right over," she says in a cheery tone. I look down at the menu. Burgers and sandwiches line both sides of the menu, with sections for appetizers and daily specials. Today, it's fish fry, like many Midwestern places do on Fridays.
Looking up from the menu, I take another look around. This place is different from my usual hang outs, but not in an uncomfortable way. Certainly, just... different. My eyes stop at the bar, where I notice one of the bartenders is looking at me. She glances down as she hands a customer a beer, but her eyes come back to me. Her short, brown hair is pulled back into a paintbrush of a ponytail, showing off her undercut. Her face is soft, but with a strong jawline. She looks athletic and like she enjoys her time at the gym. I'd bet she could open any jar of pickles she set her mind to.
The waitress comes back over and sets my water down. "Know what you're having, tonight?" I look from her to the menu and order the fish - three pieces with waffle fries, and I ask her to hold the side of coleslaw. She scribbles it all down and nods, taking my menu. "Thank you much. That'll be out in a bit." I nod and try looking back at the bar, but the woman is gone, pry helping someone at a different corner of the bar or checking in with the kitchen. Elijah walks in and takes a seat at the bar, giving me a wave when he sees me.
I pull my buzzing phone back out. Caleb's latest text says, "Where the fuck are you? You need to come back here and take back what you said. We're not over and you better be prepared to apologize, you fucking bitch." My eyes start to water, so I just swipe the notifications away. I open my phone and message my landlord about the situation. A friend of my dad, Mark has been working with me to document everything that's happened and get me out. He wishes he could just move me to his other property, but it's all occupied. With Caleb and I both on the lease, though, he's making sure that all charges for damages and fees for breaking the lease are going to him. He thanks me for the info and says he's going to go over and give him his thirty day notice. I thank him and set my phone down, again.
The waitress comes back over, but not with food. She hands me a glass with what looks like a kiddie cocktail in it.
"I didn't order a drink," I tell her. She lets out a little chuckle.
"No, but someone sent it over. Lena makes a mean Malibu Shirley." I glance over at the bar where the bartender, Lena, is looking at me, again, while she stands by Elijah, who's giving me a toothy grin and doing a goofy, finger twiddle wave. I smile at him, mouth a 'thank you', and thank the waitress. She smiles and walks off, again, towards a table of older folks having a rather jovial night. I take a sip of my drink. Sweet and fruity, not too strong. It would be great blended, on a hot summer day.
As the night winds on, I eat my dinner and stare at my phone, trying to find a local hotel. There's a motel at the edge of the state park, but it says that it doesn't have vacancy. The next closest one is forty-five minutes back the way I came. Far too close. I sigh, wishing I hadn't taken my camping gear out of my truck bed. I send messages to Mark and my parents, getting and giving updates about what's all been happening. Apparently, Mark took the police chief with him, to deliver the papers, and Caleb was detained, after they discovered all the damage. I still don't feel safe enough to go home.
Elijah came and went, telling me to have a good night. I order a few more Shirleys, as the night goes on. The waitress, LouAnne, gives me a polite smile, every time she stops at the table. I think I only heard her raise her voice, once, and it was to tell this old drunk he had to go home. Lena kept looking over at me, but I haven't seen her for a bit. I get lost in my search for a place to stay the night and the warm comfort of coconut rum.
Suddenly, the chair on the opposite side of the table slides out and the bartender takes a seat. "I'd ask if this seat was taken, but I don't think I've seen anyone use it, since you came in. Plus, it's getting close to closing time and I doubt anyones gonna come in just to snatch it," she jokes. "I'm Lena." She's even prettier, up close. I notice the little freckles on her cheeks and the crescent moons on her ear piercings.
"Yeah, the waitress told me your name. You're the bartender that likes to stare," I joke back. Her cheeks turn pink, but she laughs along, shoulders shanking. Her eyes are soft. They're green, like walking through a spring forest. "I'm YN." We shake hands and I can feel just how strong they really are.
"Yeah, ol' Eli told me about you. Said you blew in out of nowhere. He also said you might need a place for the night, and considering you've had a few more of my Shirleys than just the one I sent over, I'm gonna guess a ride somewhere, too." I feel my mouth fall open, ever so slightly. She sent it? Probably just trying to be nice, I suppose.
"You sent it? I thought Elijah did, cuz he saw me when I got here, so I thought he was just trying to help me feel better," I tell her. Her face gets a bit more serious.
"Yeah, I did. Elijah mentioned that you looked a little worse for wear, when you pulled up. Everything ok?" she asks, leaning in and resting her forearms on the table. I feel tears fighting to come out, but I hold myself together. Between the stress and liquor, it's a real battle. The crack in my voice, however is a different story.
Telling her, "I'm fine, just some stuff with my b... My ex." I have to correct myself. He's not my boyfriend, anymore. There's a slight shift in Lena's expression, but it passes quickly. "He's just being a jerk cuz I told him to get lost. But then I got lost and ended up here. Funny how that works." I know I'm rambling, but the words are hard to stop. Her face softens as her eyes scan me. She looks so amused.
"You're a little drunk, aren't you?" Not a question.
"Yes, ma'am. And youuuu started it." I point a finger gun at her and giggle. "You make a good drink." Lena smiles and lets out a soft chuckle.
"I'm flattered," she says, mockingly, placing her finger tips against her chest. Then her tone turns to the edge of flirtatiousness. "It's not every day I get such praise from such a pretty girl." I'm praying that the flush from the alcohol hides my blush.
"I, um... Thanks," I squeak out, causing her to throw her head back with laughter.
"God, that was adorable," she wheezes, trying to compose herself. Pretty, now adorable? I'm not even sure what to truly say, in response. "Ok, ok. Real talk. Eli said you were pry in need of a place to stay the night. Not to be presuming anything, but I've got a spot at my place. I have my basement listed as an Air BnB, and it's open, at the moment. Since it's just the night and short notice, you can just crash down there, if you need. If you found a spot, that's cool, too, but I just want to make sure you get where you're headed, safely." She sounds genuine about the offer. I didn't find a place and I didn't even think to check that site, with it being such late notice.
"Uh... Yeah, that would work for me, if it's not too much trouble. I promise I'll pay you back." Lena puts up a hand and shakes her head
"No need. I'm offering. Now, I get done in thirty, so just hang here, while I finish cleaning up and clocking out," she says. And that's what I do. I sit with my, now, almost dead phone and watch her work. She wipes down the bar and washes her mats, before mopping and taking out the trash. She lifts the large bag like it's nothing and I have to push a thought out of my mind, when I realize that I rocked my hips on the chair. She looks back at me, for a moment, before leaving the room, a strange look in her eyes.
When she and the cook lock up, I head to my truck for my charger and travel toothbrush. I expect her to head for a car, but she just starts walking. I try asking her about it, but she says she lives only a bit down the road and that she just walks.
"Do you want to just drive my truck?" I ask. I'd feel better not leaving it here, if I don't have to." She agrees and we hop in. Lena adjusts the seat back and tilts the mirrors. She rolls the windows down, too, letting the chilly, fresh smelling air in. Then, in no time at all, we pull into the long driveway of a gorgeous two story house. She parks my truck and we hop out.
"Hey there, Toasty," Lena babbles after pushing the door open. She looks back at me with an uncomfortable face. "You don't mind dogs, right?" Then, before I register it, we're both surprised by a very happy Staffordshire terrier bouncing out of the door and jumping up to sniff and lick at my face and hands, letting out a few barks. I laugh at the excitable dog and scratch his ears.
"I love dogs!" I laugh, as the dog sits for pets. "Is this good boy yours?"
"Yeah, he's my buddy." Lena leans down and pats his side. Then, he runs into the yard to do his business, before coming back to us. "Alright, in." He follows her command, trotting back through the door and we both follow.
Lena's home is beautiful. She has many different potted plants in her windows, a spacious living room, and a kitchen that would make my mom jealous. She gives me a small tour, only pointing upstairs to tell me she sleeps up there, before taking me to the basement. It's finished and she's set up a second entertainment area with a TV and an Xbox 360. I even spot some old guitar controllers, in the corner. There's a full bathroom and a bedroom, in the far corner with a nice bed already made up.
"I know you said it's alright, but I'm definitely paying you back for this. This is really too kind." Lena just shakes her head.
"Not happening," she replies, crossing her arms.
"You can't stop me from trying," I say, crossing my own arms and smirking. Her brow creases as she lets out a light snort. Lena takes a couple steps towards me and I feel the wall on my back. I stare into her eyes and am surprised that I don't feel the same way Caleb made me feel, when he would corner me. This time, I can feel my heart racing in places besides my chest. I see Lena's eyes dilate, as if she can tell that that's what she was doing to me, too.
She places her right hand above me and says in a low tone, "I can't stop you, YN, but I can certainly do my best to make you too flustered to keep trying." I can smell her sweet and musky perfume. Her eyes have the same amused look that they had, at the bar. She's playing with me, like I'm a toy. I've never flirted with another girl, like this. Sure, I kissed a few friends, in college, but I never really took the chance to pursue anything further. It was all just in good fun, but this? This is different. And so much more exciting.
"And just how would you do that?" I look at her chest as I trail a finger along her collar, before looking back up at her. I see her breath hitch as she takes in my response. Then, she gets more serious, an almost worried look in her eyes.
"You really want to do this? I need you to know that I didn't bring you here for anything funny and that, if you're just playing, I understand. I'm not the kind of person to just bring anyone home, especially not drunk girls. I'm... not the type for one night stands," she says, searching my eyes. Wouldn't this just be one night, though? I mean, I don't think I want it to be, but isn't that how it has to go? I just left Caleb. I can't just start in with a new partner, the same night. Then again, I haven't so much as kissed him, in over three months, and with everything he's done, I think I'm ready for someone who wants me.
I look Lena in the eyes, then down to her lips. They're thin and I can tell that she bites them, but they draw my attention in a supernatural way. I want to see more of her. I want her. Looking back up and meeting her eyes, I can almost see sweat forming on her brow, in anticipation of my answer.
I place my hands on either side of her face and let out a steady breath. "My brain has been so fried, this evening, Lena, but if there's anything that I know for certain, it's that I don't think I'd ever forgive myself if I didn't take this chance. I want this and I want you." Her eyes light up and I don't think she really knows what else to do, besides stare at me and bring a hand to my cheek. Her mouth is trying to form words, but nothing comes out. I let out a small chuckle, before leaning in just a little, glancing down at her lips, again. This time, she takes the initiative and kisses me, hungrily. My hands find each other, interlocking my fingers behind her neck. Her right hand, remains on the wall, while her left takes hold of my waist, pulling my body to hers.
"Fuck, your lips taste good," Lena growls. She tastes like peppermint and vanilla chapstick. I can feel my body turning on for the first time in ages, as she kisses me. She rolls her hips against mine and I begin to notice a firm object being ground against me. In my head, I let out a long "fuck." Lena hard packs. She's a butch who hard packs. I moan against her lips, grinding my hips to match hers.
"You're sure about this, YN?" Lena pants in my ear, huskily.
"All bark and no bite, huh?" I goad, trying to control my breathing as I plant a soft kiss on this woman's neck. She lets out a noise somewhere between a low growl and a chuckle, before latching into the side of my neck. Her teeth press against my skin and I can't hold back from moaning, which only seems to encourage her. She hungrily licks and sucks at my neck and I have to push her away, before she leaves a mark.
"Not there, just yet," I whine. "I want it there, but no visible ones, yet." She nods, a hungry look in her eye, as she realizes that this means she will have access to the rest of my body to leave marks on. She licks her lips as she looks me over.
"Fair enough." With a quick movement of her hands, I'm lifted off of my feet. I wrap my legs around her middle as her strong hands caress my thighs. "Then let's take this to my room, huh?" She gives a toothy smirk as she begins to effortlessly carry me up the two flights of stairs.
"God, you're strong," I tell her, making her smile.
"I have a very active lifestyle. When I'm not at the bar, I'm either in the gym or on the trails. And I work at the trail head, for the nature center. They have me split firewood, for the campers at the state park." I get a mental image of Lena all sweaty, wearing a wife pleaser and jeans, with an ax over her shoulder. She hums out a teasing tone, when she feels my muscles clench at the thought. One hand slides further up my ass and gives me a little squeeze, as we get to the second set of stairs. "I felt that, cutie."
I mutter into her neck, "Well, I could feel your strap, when you were grinding on me, so I guess we're even."
"You can do a lot more than feel it through my pants, if you want," she growls in my ear. When we get to the top of the stairs, I feel a wet nose touch my ankle. Toasty is looking at us, happy for company. Lena sets me down and gives his head a pat. "Sorry, buddy. You're going to have to sleep in the living room, tonight." He cocks his head, but trots down the stairs, when Lena tells him to go on.
Lena's room is spacious with a couple of dressers, thier tops covered in little knick knacks, a large book case with books ranging from older hardcovers to more contemporary, and a comfy looking king-sized bed with a maroon comforter on it and a large walnut chest at the foot of it. I excuse myself to her bathroom, for a second. I set my phone on the counter to charge and pull my toothbrush from my pocket. I give myself a quick cleaning and check my neck for a mark. Besides being a little red, I'm ok.
When I come out, Lena is sitting on the bed, looking deep in thought. She gives me a soft smile, when she notices I'm looking at her. I ask her what's wrong and she just gives a little shake of her head.
"I'm trying to figure out the right words, right now..." answers Lena. I give her a confused look and she sighs. "Well, there's... some stuff you need to know, if you're serious about this whole thing. And it's... It's going to be really hard to believe and make me sound insane." She looks almost terrified. I sit next to her and she keeps just looking at the carpet. "I hardly know you, YN... But I really feel a connection that I can't shake."
"I was feeling something similar..." I say. "Back at the bar? I just couldn't stop looking at you. Something in the back of my brain kind of just said 'that is the prettiest, most fascinating person you've ever seen, so you better not stop staring.'" She finally looks at me with a soft smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes..
"I'm... not quite a normal person." I raise an eyebrow at this as she searches for more words. "Well, you how I'm a dog person? Like, how I have Toasty?" I nod. "Well, I'm also a dog-person. With the hyphen, in the middle."
"So... You're a furry? Or is this like a pet-play thing?" I ask, thinking she's just worried about exposing a fetish.
Lena says, voice wavering in a way I would have predicted, "I'm... not entirely... human? I'm... I'm a werewolf." A goddamn werewolf? I turn and just stare at the floor, the same way she had been.
I sigh. "If you didn't really want to have sex with me, you could have just said." She looks shocked.
"I'm being serious!" exclaims Lena. "Want me to show you?" I look back at her and tell her very matter of factly that, yes, if she ever expects me to believe her that she's a werewolf, then I'm going to need proof. Holding eye contact with me, she offered her hands. I watch as they shift from the slightly muscular hands of the butch bartender to a set of furry claws. I jump back, almost falling off the bed. I don't even know what to say.
Lena stares at her hands and replies, "It's a genetic thing, so don't be worried about catching it. This town was made for our kind, a few decades ago. That's why people ask strangers if they're going to the park. It's a total safe zone for us to shift or be in our less-than-human forms. ...I'm sorry, I should have told you, sooner." She can't even look at me. She looks so ashamed. I'm trying to process it all, but nothing is computing, properly.
Slowly, I manage to ask, "Can... Can you always control it, like that, or... you know... Like, does the full moon make you wolf out?"
"I'm in total control, but the pack does get together, during the full moon, for a meeting and other activities. Mostly a midnight run or hunt," Lena explains. I look back down at her hands. They're still the paw-like, furry hands. "February can be a bit hectic, though." She laughs a little at this, but whatever it is goes over my head. Taking everything in, today, must have taken its toll, as this all starts to feel less and less insane. I place my hand on her shoulder and she stiffens.
"I've had... a very rough day, Lena. And I don't know if it's the drinks, the fact I've been so emotionally drained, or the fact that I thought you were a person I was genuinely 100% glad I met, a few minutes ago, but I don't think I care about... any of that," I say, tiredly, gesturing at her claws. She looks up at me, eyes wet with tears she's holding back, like water in a dam.
"You... you really don't mind that I'm..." Her lip quivers and I almost can't help but think it's cute. I give her a soft smile.
"Strangely enough, no." I sigh and replace my hand with my head, resting it on her muscular shoulder. "I just wish you'd saved it for a bit." I can feel her turn her head, a bit. "Not meaning that this was one, but telling a girl you're a werewolf is kind of a second date type thing." Lena bursts out with her hardy laugh, again, wheezing and letting her tears fall. I scoot closer to her and wrap an arm around her waist.
"So... I'll take it you want to keep seeing me?" Lena asks, sniffling and wiping away tears from her eyes and face with her paws.
"Yeah... I want to get to know Lena. But you need to do a couple things, first." She nods, smiling that beautiful smile. "1.) I could use some pajamas, 2.) I want to see your whole body do that, cuz that is so weird and I don't think I'll be able to sleep without seeing how that works, and 3.) you're big spoon." She laughs and leans into me.
She jokes, "Alright, but if you ask me to play fetch, you're sleeping downstairs." I pick my head up and look into her pretty, green eyes. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and tell her it's a deal. Then, she kisses my forehead and gets up to find me some night time clothes. She hands me a white tank top and a pair of thin, black, cotton pants. As I'm about to excuse myself back to the bathroom, she turns away and pulls her shirt off. She does the same for her sports bar. I can see just how cut she is, now. My eyes linger on her toned back as I set the clothes on her bed. I, similarly, turn away from her, disrobing and watch her out of the corner of my eye, the same way you suspect she is.
As I pull her tank top over my head, I hear the zipper of her jeans come down. I watch with anticipation as Lena slides them over her hips, exposing her red boxers and the straps of the mount she's wearing underneath it. She tosses the jeans onto a chair that seems to house a few articles of "I'll wear those again" clothes as I finish pulling on the pair of pants. She digs in her dresser and pulls out a gray t-shirt and blue, flannel shorts. She casually brings them over to her bed and sets them down, all the while she's smirking, I know she saw my ogling her chest.
"You can look, YN. Wolves are pretty open about their bodies. Can't quite shift well in your clothes and expect them to be in decent shape, after." My eyes are scanning her body and I can practically feel my brain kicking me for not just telling her to shut up and fuck me, after I got out of the bathroom. Her tits are great and the outline of her strap is just... Ugh... "Also... I can smell every time you've been turned on, tonight. Glad I waited for you to be looking, when I did the trash." She winks as my face flushes bright red.
Then, moment of truth, she slides her boxers off. Her mounted dildo springs up from her thigh - dark blue and purple, large, and in a very uncommon shape. Of course the werewolf lesbian has a Bad Dragon. I make a mental note to look for the model, in the morning. Unfortunately, I don't get to enjoy it, before she slides the toy from her hips and puts it in the chest with what looks like more of her gear. Now I can see her well groomed bush. And she's about to get more hairy.
Lena looks at me, nervously, as she steps back to the center of her room, stark naked and asks, "You're ready for this?" I nod, sitting sideways on her bed. I take a deep breath as I watch her. She groans as her body shifts and elongates, growing hairier and more monstrous. I feel my body start to shake with fear, but I don't look away. Her kind eyes change to add tones of rich amber to the forest green. Her chestnut hair covers her body, changing to gray in many places. She's so much taller than me, now. And she has a tail! She looks straight out of a movie. Twilight, eat your heart out.
As I try to speak, Lena rasps out, "There's more." Then, she begins to shrink onto all fours, hands becoming paws, broad chest slimming, and cut muscles becoming less and less defined as a wolf, unrecognizable from any other, now stands in Lena's bedroom. She pads over to me and looks up with the saddest puppy eyes I ever saw, laying her head in my lap. She can definitely feel me still shaking, because she lets out a sad whine. I don't suppose she can talk, like this.
Carefully, I set my hand on her head and her tail starts to wag, ever so slightly. I pet her coarse, yet still fluffy, fur. She's like the husky my friend had, when we were kids. She lets out another whine, looking at me expectantly, but I just stare back. I think to scratch behind her ears and she seems to enjoy it, but shakes her head and takes a step back. I watch as she shifts back, groaning and growing more and more nude, until she's just plain, naked Lena.
"I forget that you can't understand me, like that." Lena walks back around the bed and hikes her boxers back up. She comes back around, pulling her shirt on and squats in front of me. "Are you alright? I know that seeing that is a lot, the first time." I put my hand back on her head and just play with her hair. She sighs and stands up, crawling onto the bed and pacing herself at the center. Her arms are open and she motions for me to come closer. I do, sitting between her legs as she wraps me in a warm hug. She sways and hums one of the songs that had been playing at the bar. I hardly even register it, when I start to cry. It feels like my body is just all of a sudden racked with sobs as I cry against her.
"It's alright, YN. It's going to be alright. I've got you." Three little words to make you feel at home. Two strong arms to hold you together. Lena feels like the one person in the whole world with both, and she is, right now. "I don't know what all you're going through, right now, or how much I've just added to all of the things on your mind, but I'm right here, for you, YN. I'm right here." She continues swaying and rocking me until I can't cry anymore. She wipes my teary face either thumbs and holds my cheeks in her hands, until I look at her.
"That's it. It's going to be ok. Want me to grab you some tissues? There's a box right over there." She jerks her head over to her right. I nod and she leans back, stretching out. She comes back with a small box of Kleenex and I take one, blowing my nose, loudly. She rubs my back and just sits, patiently waiting. After a few more tissues and a few more lingering hiccups of sobs, I'm left puffy-eyed and all cried out, leaning into Lena's warm hug.
"I think it's time to get some rest. We'll figure this out, in the morning, alright?" Lena softly asks. I nod against her chest. She scoots back, leading me with her hand, as I crawl behind her. "Ok. Let's just scoot back, here, and get comfortable and we can fall asleep, when you're ready. Come here." She pulls back the comforter and tosses the decorative pillows off the end of the bed. Lena, then, pulls the covers over both of our laps, as I lean into her, finding comfort in her warmth.
"Lena?" I whimper, trying to find my voice.
"This is all real, right now?"
"I'm afraid it is." I nod. "Is there anything I can do for you, YN? Anything at all that would help you though this?" She sounds so sincere, almost pleading.
"Just... Don't... Don't let me go. Okay? Promise me that."
Lena's face softens and she kisses me on the top of my head. "YN, when I said that thing about not doing one night stands, I meant it. There's nothing set in stone, but I trust my instincts and they're completely drawn to you. Wolves mate for life."
"I know this sounds weird, but haven't you had partners, before? You seem so confident and practiced." She laughs through her nose.
"I've had a few standing partners, but those relationships were for mutual physical needs. I'm twenty-seven and it's a bitch to be as horny as wolves can get, without having an outlet. Mostly women, but one was nonbinary," Lena explains, gently, rubbing my arm with her thumb.
"Men, but mostly because I was unsure. Looking at you... I don't know, it was just different." She nods along.
"It can feel like that, sometimes. And it's ok to feel unsure." Lena rests her chin in my head. "Also, and I hate to do this, but I'm going to run downstairs and let Toasty out, for just a second. I'll be right back, ok?"
I nod and reply, "Yeah, go ahead." She kisses the top of my head, before slipping out of the bed, putting on her shorts, and telling me she'll be right back, before disappearing out the door. I head to the bathroom, myself, while she's gone. Checking my phone once more, finding nothing but random notifications, before grabbing it and plugging it in next to the bed, for the night. I swipe away all of the notifications for calls and texts from Caleb, the fear of that whole situation feeling like a distant memory. I take a chance to look at his messages, all the same as they've been during previous fights. I know I have to go back to my apartment, tomorrow, to assess the damage.
When I hear Lena coming back up the stairs I shut my phone off and set it back down. She flicks the light off and climbs back into her bed to snuggle up to me.
"Can I ask one more big favor?" I ask.
"Can I come back, tomorrow? Stay a while?"
"Nothing would make me happier. Stay as long as you'd like. Preferably forever, but..." she jokes. I laugh and that makes her smile. "Aww, there's that cute laugh. ...Alright, now. It's been a long day and it's getting really late. We'll get you all settled, tomorrow. I already told Vix, that I'm not going to be in, tomorrow, anyways." Lena holds me close as she prepares to fall asleep. With the weight of everything, both being away from Caleb and from everything since I entered Lena's house, I fall asleep almost immediately. I barely make out Lena's, "Goodnight, YN," as I fade into the darkness of sleep, dreamless and safe.
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howlingday · 6 months ago
Been missing the Rwby Pokemon Au
Can we just have some random skits you can think of for them?
Ideas if u need them
they have a field trip to a gym(-any pokemon type)
Jaune takes another nap outside, team jnpr nap alongside him with the pokemon being jealous there spots are filled
Weiss plays with her pokemon (shenanigans)
A legendary pokemon does a thing (also shenanigans)
Jaune’s mom telling the pokemon that keep breaking into Jaune’s old room to stop, he’s not here right now
At The Gym
"Hey, there, Trainers~!"
"Dad?" Yang balked. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm the Gym Leader of Patch now!"
"You're the Gym Leader now?" Ruby asked.
"Yup!" Taiyang turned to the rest of the students in his daughter's class. "For those of you who don't know, I'm Taiyang Xiao Long, the Gym Leader of the Patch Island Gym. Can anyone tell me what type this gym specializes in?" A familiar student raised their hand. "Yes, Ruby?"
"Fighting-Types, right?"
"That's right!" He gave a thumbs up. "And what service does this Gym offer?" Another familiar hand shot up. "Yes, Yang?"
"This Gym teaches self-defense for Pokémon and Trainers while also acting as a safe-guard against Grimm attacking from the sea."
"Rightio~!" Taiyang gave another thumbs up, this time giving a wink. Both Ruby and Yang cringed. "And what does Safeguard do?" He held out his hand. "Without getting help from my daughters, please."
"I wouldn't even know." Yang whispered, getting a snicker from Ruby.
"Anyone?" A delicate hand was raised. "Yes, you?"
"It provides a barrier that prevents status effects." Weiss answered.
"Correct!" He chuckled. "Bet I caught you kids off-guard, huh? Bet you're all in a state of ASTONISH!" Professor Goodwitch joined her students in a collective groan.
"So, one last question for the day." With a pop, Taiyang's partner, the Mega Fire Pig Pokémon, Emboar, emerged with a growl. "Who's got the Guts to take me on~?"
Playing Games
"Okay, Arc, which type does Powder Snow work on?" The Alolan Vulpix tilted her head at the two cards. One had an Eiscue and the word "ICE" underneath, while the other card had Dratini and the word "DRAGON" beneath. The Fox Pokémon tapped her nose against the Dratini card. "Whoosh!" The card fell over as Weiss made a noise with her mouth.
"Vah!" Arc cried.
"Yes, you did very good~!" Weiss cooed as her fingers slid across her Vulpix's fur.
"Wouldn't it be easier for her to learn if she actually battled?" Yang asked. "She's not going to be a baby forever."
"She will battle when she's good and ready to." Weiss huffed as she picked up her Pokémon.
"But she won't be ready if you keep coddling her." Yang argued. "Sometimes you gotta throw 'em to the Orthworms to see what works and what doesn't."
"I am not some brute who mindlessly puts her Pokémon in danger for the sake of 'gaining experience' as you say." Weiss turned up her nose. "My Pokémon will be ready for anything the tournament throws at them BEFORE the tournament begins."
Yang rolled her eyes at Weiss. "Whatever you say, Ice Queen."
Weiss then resumed playing with her Vulpix while Ember and Celica rested at Yang's feet. They'd stood up as they argued, but quickly settled after Yang put her hands on both of their heads. Thinking on it, she remembered when she first got these two. They were as rambunctious then as they were now, though Yang had to step in at the request of her teammate, Blake.
Getting a better look, Yang saw that Arc was definitely smaller than her Pokémon, even before they evolved into what they are now. Maybe it would be better for the little one to spend more time learning before actually getting into the thick of it. Yang stood up and left the room, her two troublemakers trailing behind. She did her thinking best when she wasn't sitting down.
Beautiful Day For A Nap
'It's not fair!'
'Quiet.' Akouo said little above a whisper. 'Disturbing their rest will only make matters worse.'
'Mm!' Milo nodded, though his weepy eyes and trembling feet made his true intentions more easily seen.
Those intentions being to take a nap with his trainer, along with her friends, under the shade of the tree her leader was often seen resting against. She was right at his side, though not touching as she kept her hands to her chest. When her leader placed an arm over her shoulder, she seemed to be smiling. On the other side of him was their teammate Storm Flower's trainer with his back pressed against his leader and with Magnhild's trainer cuddled up to him! It was like one big cuddle pile!
'It sure would be nice to take a nap over there.'
'Then what's stopping us?!' Magnhild cried.
'Him.' Without pointing, everyone knew who Akouo was referring to.
Crocea Mors, the Aegislash of the leader trainer, was the one who insisted on maintaining a distance from their trainers. In his words, it would help "strengthen personal willpower and resolve" while also "rooting out the weakness of dependency". Milo didn't understand what it meant, but if Akouo was on board with it, then so was he! Even if Pyrrha's exposed skin looked so inviting to him.
He took a step forward.
A subtle screech of steel hissed.
He took a step back.
No Pokémon was getting cuddles right now.
Rock. Shiny rock. Many side. Infinite within. Endless with an end. Dialga.
Stick. Wet lines. Held in mouth. Firm, except when touched. Zamazenta.
Gold. Big hole. Human made. Taken without permission. Hoopa.
Eyes. Above head. Hateful. Not Pokémon. Not human. Salem.
Must move.
"Go on now, shoo!"
The massive Pokémon glared at her from the shadows. It's massive, fiery red eyes glared at her from beyond a timeless void. Still, this didn't stop Mrs. Arc from shoving a broom at the beast from beyond. Giratina gave a bellow.
"He's not here! He hasn't been here for almost a year! Now shoo!"
Another bellow as their head started to push through. Mrs. Arc began jabbing harder, shouting louder than ever. "NO!"
Mr. Arc was in the living room, trying to watch TV with his youngest while his wife struggled in their only son's room. He looked down to his daughter, her eyes glued to the TV, then put his hands on his knees.
A tiny hand was placed on his thigh. Looking down, his child shook her head.
"I have to, sweetie. Mommy needs help." With a sigh, she slumped, watching TV with her head on her chest. He rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back."
Standing from the couch, he stepped away from the living room and closer to where his son's room was. "Honey?" He called. "Everything okay over there?"
He sighed. It really was that bad today, huh?
60 notes · View notes
jrob64 · 2 months ago
Drummer Boys, Reindeer and Romance
My Secret Santa gift for @mie779
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Merry Christmas @mie779 - I'm your Secret Santa this year! I was very excited to get your name and I hope you like the story and pic set I created for you. I tried to work in some of your favorite things. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Many thanks to @hookedmom who took time out from a busy holiday season to beta for me.
With this story, I can cross off one square on my Winter Bingo Board. Stories in that collection can be found here
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Story Summary: An empty seat at an elementary school Christmas pageant creates an opportunity for Killian Jones to meet Emma Swan. As they chat between songs, they feel drawn to each other, but Killian has to be brave enough to ask Emma out…and she has to be brave enough to accept. 
Rating: G
Words (Chapter 1/1): 5899
Can also be found on Ao3 and ffn
Stories in the CS Secret Santa 2024 collection can be found here
Story begins under the cut
“Pardon me, lass. Is that seat taken?”
Emma Swan looked up from the program she had been scanning, to see a man standing in the aisle of the auditorium, looking at her expectantly.
“Excuse me?” she asked.
“I was wondering if you were saving the seat beside you for someone.”
She glanced at the empty seat to her left. “Uh, no. I’m not saving it for anyone.”
After an awkward pause, he asked, “In that case, would you mind if I sit there?”
“Oh, sorry.” She stood up, letting him pass in front of her.
When they were settled in their seats, he said, “Thanks very much.” Holding out his hand, he added, “Killian Jones.”
“Emma Swan,” she responded, shaking his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I don’t think I’ve seen you around Storybrooke before.”
“I live in Portland. I visit from time to time, and stay at my brother Liam’s house when I do. I’m here to watch his and Elsa’s daughters. They’re the two cutest reindeer.”
“Missy and Alice are your nieces? They’re in my son Henry’s class. In fact, I think he has a crush on one of them.”
“Which one?”
She shrugged. “I’m not sure. They both look alike to me.”
“Well,” he chuckled, “that’s quite common with identical twins.”
She laughed. “You have a point there.”
“Is your son also a reindeer?”
“I wish,” she sighed. “Reindeer are quiet. My son is the little drummer boy. My friend is the music teacher and I’m pretty sure she cast him in that role intentionallly. Her husband has been dying to buy Henry a drum set ever since he was a toddler, but I keep telling him absolutely not. Of course, once my son got the part, he had to practice, so Mary Margaret sent a snare drum home with him. I can hardly wait until this program is over, so I can get that freaking thing out of my house. I love my kid, but he’s driving me crazy with it!”
Killian’s grin stretched wider across his handsome face. “Well, I can assure you that reindeer are not quiet. At least, not in Alice and Missy’s case.”
“I’m sure having two ten-year-olds in the house can be very loud. I only have one and sometimes I swear he’s trying to split my eardrums.”
“With his drum,” Killian smirked.
“You’re hilarious,” Emma groaned sarcastically, rolling her eyes. However, she couldn’t help grinning a little at his attempt to make a joke.
“Are you, uh, are you sure I’m not taking…anyone’s seat?” he asked tentatively.
“If you’re talking about Henry’s father, he won’t be coming. He lives in New York City with his other family. Henry only gets to see him a couple of times a year.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be. The less time Henry spends with his dad, the smaller the chance Henry will act like him. After six years, he’s used to taking a back seat to Neal’s other kids.”
She opened the paper she was holding again, scanning the information typed inside. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Killian leaning in slightly to have a look at it, too.
“Didn’t they give you a program at the door?” she asked.
“They were out by the time I got here. I left work as soon as I could, but barely made it. Liam and Elsa weren’t expecting me to come tonight, so they didn’t save a seat for me.”
Emma swiped across her phone to look at the time. “They’re getting started a few minutes late. That’s typical for Mary Margaret because she wants everything to be perfect. She’s probably still gluing cotton balls onto Santa’s beard.” Scooting over in her seat a couple of inches, she held the program between them. “I’ll share with you. Looks like Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer is the next-to-last song.”
Killian perused the offered page. “Your drummer boy looks to be the star of the third song.”
“Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum,” she intoned. He chuckled.
The lights dimmed and Mary Margaret hurried onto the stage as the crowd applauded.
“Show time,” Emma commented, then straightened in her seat to listen as her friend welcomed everyone.
Killian shifted in the cushioned chair and tried to focus on what the lovely, pixie-haired teacher was saying. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to pay attention; rather, it was the distraction of the beautiful woman to his right which was occupying his mind. Through no fault of her own, she was making it very difficult for him to concentrate on the acknowledgements of all of the people responsible for helping with the elementary school Christmas pageant.
When she looked up at him after he inquired about the empty seat beside her, he was instantly struck by her beauty. It had been a long time since he gave any woman a second glance. Having his heart broken three years before caused him to swear off of women for good, and he stuck to it.
He may have to rethink that.
Being intrigued by her looks was one thing, but when she began conversing with him, he was struck by how easy it was to talk to her. She was witty and sarcastic, and put him at ease immediately.
When he verified that he wasn’t taking anyone’s seat, it was also his subtle way of asking if she was in a relationship. He had discreetly checked her ring finger and saw it was bare, but wanted further assurance. He was probably assuming too much by thinking her answer about her ex was proof she was indeed single, because she could be dating someone else. But if she was, that man would surely show up to her son’s Christmas pageant, wouldn’t he?
As crazy as it sounded, after knowing her for all of five minutes, Killian was seriously thinking of asking her out.
Emma could feel the nearness of the man beside her and, shockingly enough, she didn’t mind at all. In fact, she actually found herself leaning toward him.
Her friend Elsa mentioned her brother-in-law to Emma several times, but she had never met him or seen a picture of him. If she had, she definitely would have remembered, because the man was ridiculously handsome. She probably seemed like an idiot when he asked about the empty seat beside her and she didn’t tell him he could sit there right away. She was simply gobsmacked when she looked up at him and had trouble getting her mind to work.
Fortunately, once he sat down, words were easier and the conversation she had with him was very enjoyable. She found herself wishing he had gotten there sooner, so they could have had more time to chat before the pageant began. It had been quite a while since she actually wanted more time to talk to a man. Usually, she wanted them to shut up and leave her alone.
Finding someone to date in Storybrooke was not an easy feat. Not that she put much effort into it. After what she went through with Neal, she swore off dating altogether. He not only broke her heart by leaving her for another woman, he told her he never loved her in the first place and the only reason he stayed with her as long as he did was because she was careless enough to get pregnant. He didn’t seem to realize that he had a little something to do with her ending up in that condition, too. She didn’t regret it, though. Henry was the best thing that ever happened to her. She had been telling herself for years that she loved her kid and he was the only male she needed in her life.
How absurd was it for her to want a chance to get better acquainted with Killian Jones so soon after meeting him?
Killian’s whirlpool of thoughts was interrupted when music began playing and the third and fourth grade students trooped onto the stage to stand on the risers, all of them dressed in homemade costumes for their various roles.
Leaning over, he quietly asked, “Which one is Henry?”
Emma pointed. “The one with the jeans chopped off at the knees, white shirt and a vest made out of a cut up paper bag. Real professional, huh? He reminded me last night that he needed a costume, so it’s the best I could do.”
“I think it’s very effective. He’s supposed to be a poor boy, right?”
They fell silent when a little girl dressed as Mrs. Claus stepped to the microphone to introduce the first song. As Killian tried to lay his elbow on the arm rest, he bumped Emma’s, which was already there.
“Sorry, Love,” he whispered, tucking his arm against his side.
“We can share,” she whispered back, scooting her arm over to give him some room. Under normal circumstances, he would have passed on the offer, but he quite liked how it felt to touch her. Once their elbows were both on the arm rest, he turned his attention back to the stage, where the students dressed as elves were lining up to lead the song Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas, while Mary Margaret was taking her seat behind the piano.
“You were right,” Emma muttered. “Your nieces are the cutest reindeer.”
“Of course they are. They take after their uncle,” he cheeked.
Mary Margaret launched into the accompaniment before Emma could reply.
Frosty the Snowman followed, with students dressed as snow people spinning and dancing on the stage. One snowman twirled himself dizzy and almost fell off of the stage. Luckily, David was quick on his feet, catching the little boy and preventing disaster.
“I can guarantee I’ll hear about what a hero he was for days from Mary Margaret,” Emma remarked as they clapped at the end of the song.
“Your boy is up next,” Killian reminded her.
“Oh, yeah,” she said, scrambling to pull her phone out of her purse.
“Would you like me to take the video so you can sit back and enjoy his performance?”
She looked at him. “You wouldn’t mind?”
“Not at all. It would be my pleasure.”
Emma quickly unlocked her phone, pulled up the camera app and set it to video. “You know how to do this, right?”
He chuckled as he took it from her hands. “Don’t worry, Swan. I’m a twenty-first century man, so I do know a fair amount about technology.”
Henry took his place behind the snare drum and smiled widely at his mom. However, once the song started, he was all business, taking his drum solo very seriously. After filming the entire group of students during the first verse, Killian zoomed in on Henry for the rest of the song, capturing his solemn expression as he struck the drum in perfect rhythm.
At the conclusion of the song, Killian turned the phone toward Emma, who was clapping loudly and shouting, “Way to go, kid!” Through the lens, Killian could see the sheen of proud tears in her eyes. He didn’t stop filming until she turned to him to get her device back.
“Thank you,” she said. “I’m glad I could enjoy it without having to watch him through my phone screen.”
“No problem,” he assured her. “He did a wonderful job. He just might have a future as a drummer in a band.”
“I hope he’s out on his own by then if he does. I don’t think I could handle all of the practicing.”
Killian chuckled and settled back in his seat to enjoy the next two songs. When it was time for the reindeer to take their place at the front of the stage, he dug his own phone out of the front pocket of his jeans.
“Here, I’ll return the favor,” Emma said, reaching for the phone. “Enjoy your nieces’ performance.”
“Thanks, Love,” he said gratefully.
The song went well until one of the twins accidentally stepped on the other one’s foot, who then pushed the unwitting culprit. A short shoving match ensued between the two of them, until Mary Margaret snapped her fingers at them with one hand, while continuing to play the piano with the other.
Killian scanned the crowd to find his brother and sister-in-law. Liam was trying, and failing, to keep a grin off of his face, while Elsa scowled ferociously at her rowdy daughters.
The rest of the song went on without further incident. When Emma handed his phone back, Killian remarked, “I think the girls might be in for it after this is over.”
“Yeah, Elsa looks pretty peeved.”
“Do you know her?”
“We got to know each other through the PTO, and we’ve become pretty good friends.”
“PTO?” he questioned.
“Parent-teacher organization. We do fundraisers to give the school and staff extra things the district doesn’t provide. We also sponsor fun events for students and their parents, like skating parties and bingo nights.”
“It sounds very beneficial,” Killian commented.
Mary Margaret announced that the final song was Silent Night and after the students sang it through once, the audience was encouraged to join in.
The children, who had just sung Rudolph loudly and exuberantly, now sang the beloved carol with great reverence. A hush fell over the crowd as they listened to the sweet voices. Killian turned his eyes toward Emma and saw her swallow hard, clearly trying to keep her emotions in check. He was a little emotional himself and he didn’t even have a child on the stage.
Killian added his rich baritone the second time through. He could hear Emma’s voice and wasn’t at all surprised that it was as lovely as the lady herself.
As the final notes faded away, she turned to look at him. He smiled and winked, beginning to clap with the rest of the audience. When the ovation was over, she quickly collected her coat and purse. “I have to go get Henry from his classroom. I…it was nice meeting you, Killian. Maybe we’ll see each other the next time you come to town.”
He looked stunned. “Aye, Swan, perhaps we will.”
With a final wave, she was gone, swallowed up by the crowd.
As he watched her walk away, Killian felt like kicking himself. He just let her go, without asking her out or even requesting her phone number. He was sure he wasn’t the only one who felt the connection between the two of them, but now it was too late to act on it.
She did say she was Elsa’s friend, so perhaps he could get Emma’s information from his sister-in-law. That was less than ideal, but it might be his only option.
He sighed, grabbed his coat from the chair and set off to locate his family.
Emma hated leaving the way she did, but she knew Henry would be waiting for her. Telling her son how proud she was of him, trumped hanging around to talk to Killian some more. She truly hoped she would run into him again, sometime.
She wished she would have been bold enough to ask him for his phone number. Of course, she could always get it from Elsa, but that would mean telling her friend she was interested in her brother-in-law. Emma didn’t really want to open that can of worms.
So as she fought her way through the crowd, disappointment rose up within her because she knew she was leaving behind the first guy who drew her interest in a very long time.
“Where’s Elsa?” Killian asked, once he found Liam still occupying the seat he sat in during the performance.
“She went to get the girls. I offered, but she insisted. She may knock their heads together after their antics on stage.”
Killian laughed. “Never a dull moment with those two, is there?”
“Not a single one. Thanks for coming, brother,” Liam said, standing up to clap Killian on the shoulder.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I told Missy and Alice I would try to make it and I didn’t want to let them down.”
“You’re a good uncle.”
“The best,” Killian smirked. Then his face took on a serious expression. “May I ask you something?”
“Sure. What’s on your mind?”
“Uh…how well do you know…Emma Swan?”
Liam’s brows raised. “She and Elsa are good friends, so I know her pretty well. Why do you ask?”
Killian scratched behind his ear. “I, um…I sat beside her this evening. I never met her before, but I…she…she seems very nice.”
Liam studied his brother for several moments. “Are you interested in her?” he queried.
His brother shrugged. “I just…we had a good conversation and I thought about…”
When he didn’t continue, Liam supplied, “Asking her out?”
Killian shrugged again. “I know. It’s a stupid idea. I mean, I just met her and we only talked for a few minutes, but…”
Liam stepped in front of him, placing both hands on his brother’s shoulders. “Killian, I know you had a rough go of it with Milah, but you can’t go through life never taking a chance again.”
“Emma probably wouldn’t accept…”
“You won’t know unless you try.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway. She went to collect her son and then they’ll leave.”
“Then we’ll go find her before they do.”
“Killian, a man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets.”
Killian considered his brother’s words for a few seconds. “You’re right. Let’s go see if she’s still here.”
The pair took off through the nearly empty auditorium. Liam led Killian down one hallway, then nearly ran into Elsa and the girls when they turned the corner.
“There are my lovely ladies,” Liam said, kissing first one of his daughters on the head, then the other. “Good job, my little reindeer.” Seeing the stern look Elsa was giving him, he added, “But perhaps next time you shouldn’t stand right next to each other.”
“It was Missy’s fault,” Alice began, before being cut off by her mother.
“I’ve already talked to you about this,” Elsa reprimanded. “You were both at fault and tomorrow, you will both apologize to Mrs. Nolan.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they chorused. Then they rushed to get a hug from their uncle.
“You came!” Alice cried.
“Told you he would,” Missy said. “Uncle Killy would never let us down, would you?”
“I can’t promise that I never will, but I’ll try my very best not to,” he assured them, one arm wrapped around each twin.
Liam pulled Elsa aside. “Did you see Emma?” he asked.
“Yes, she was picking up Henry at the same time I was getting the girls,” his wife answered. “Why?”
Lowering his voice so their daughters wouldn’t hear, he said, “Killian sat beside her during the performance and they seemed to hit it off. He was hoping to catch her before she left and ask her out.”
Elsa’s expression went from very excited to downcast. “I’m afraid they’re gone already.”
Killian caught what she said and his heart sank. He knew he missed his chance when he let her walk away.
Elsa saw the look on her brother-in-law’s face. “Girls, hug your uncle and tell him goodbye. I’m sure he needs to start back to Portland soon.”
Missy and Alice took turns getting big bear hugs from Killian, then Liam bid him goodbye and took the girls to the car, clearly aware that his wife wanted to talk to his brother alone.
Killian gave Elsa a questioning look. “What do you have up your sleeve?”
“Do you think Emma was attracted to you?”
He shrugged slightly. “I can’t say for sure, but we talked quite a bit and she seemed to like me.”
“The fact that she enjoyed talking to you leads me to believe she does. I love Emma, but she can be a bit prickly. I think you should ask her out.”
“Did you miss the part when you said she already left?”
“I’m going to give you her address, smart guy. Then you can go to her house.”
“Perhaps you should just give me her phone number instead.”
“You will not ask her out over the phone,” Elsa commanded. “That’s too impersonal.”
Killian nodded. “I see your point.” Pulling out his phone, he brought up Google Maps and typed in the address Elsa read from her contacts list. “It’s only a five minute drive.”
“Yes it is, which gives you less time to change your mind.” She gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. “Now get going. Call us when you’re on the way home and let us know what happened.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, saluting smartly. When she rolled her eyes at him, he grew serious. “Thank you, Elsa.”
“You’re welcome. Now go turn on your charm.”
Ten minutes later, Killian pulled up in front of the small, unassuming house where the GPS led him. After cutting the engine, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, contemplating whether or not he should go through with his plan.
His phone buzzed with an incoming text.
Liam: Remember what I told you. Don’t lose your nerve.
Killian shook his head and snorted out a laugh. Sometimes it was almost scary how well his brother knew him.
“The worst that can happen is she turns me down. I can survive that, right?” he muttered to himself. “Well, I guess we’ll find out.”
He unbuckled his seatbelt, threw open his car door and climbed out. Then he walked up the short sidewalk, lined with lighted plastic candy canes. After knocking on the front door, he nervously brushed one hand through his hair, then tugged at the bottom of his black leather jacket.
The door swung open and he found himself looking down at the little drummer boy, still dressed in his cut off jeans and white shirt, sans the paper bag vest. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds, then Henry turned and yelled, “Mom! Some guy is here!”
“Henry, what have I told you about answering the…” Emma’s words cut off suddenly when she came into view. “Killian?” she questioned disbelievingly.
“Uh, hi. I, um…I hope you don’t mind me stopping by,” he stammered.
She looked flabbergasted. “How did you know where I live?”
“Elsa gave me your address. I hope that was okay.”
Henry looked back and forth between the two adults. “Do you mean Mrs. Jones? Alice’s mom?”
“And Missy’s,” Emma added distractedly.
“How do you know Mrs. Jones?” Henry asked.
“Killian’s brother Liam is Elsa’s husband,” Emma explained. “Henry, please go turn the burner off under the hot cocoa so it won’t burn.”
“If it’s ready, can I pour some…”
“Absolutely not. Do not touch the pan or anything else; just the knob for the burner.”
“But I…”
She put her arm around his shoulders. “After you turn off the stove, why don’t you go ahead and put your pajamas on. Just give me a couple of minutes to speak to Mr. Jones, okay?”
“You did a fine job on your drum solo tonight, lad,” Killian said.
Henry’s face brightened. “Do ya really think so?”
“Aye. You were the star of the show.”
A wide grin split the boy’s face. “Thanks! I practiced a lot!”
“Your mother told me you did. Practice makes perfect, they say.”
“I guess so. We can be in band next year and I want to play percussion.”
Killian snuck a glance at Emma, who closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. With difficulty, he kept from laughing, before answering, “I’m sure you’ll enjoy that.”
“At least one of us will,” Emma mumbled, before reminding Henry about turning off the stove.
“Bye, Mr. Jones. Merry Christmas!” Henry shouted on his way out of the room.
“Merry Christmas to you, lad.”
“So, um, not to sound rude, but why are you here?” Emma asked as soon as they were alone.
He tried not to fidget as he thought of what to say. “I…I really enjoyed talking to you this evening.”
“I enjoyed talking to you, too.”
Encouraged, the corner of his mouth quirked up. “That’s good to hear. So, I was wondering if…if you would consider going out with me.”
“On a date?” she asked, brows shooting up.
“Aye, that’s the idea.”
“I can’t…”
Killian felt his stomach drop.
“...even remember the last time I went on a date.”
“Perhaps we should remedy that,” he suggested hopefully.
Emma pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, chewing on it in contemplation. “I don’t know…”
“Go out with him, Mom!” Henry yelled from the kitchen.
“Really, kid?” Emma said, clearly exasperated.
Henry poked his head around the door frame. “I like him.”
“Weren’t you told to put your pajamas on?”
“I will. I just accidentally heard what Mr. Jones said.”
Emma crossed her arms and gave him a patented ‘mom look’. “Accidentally, huh?”
He shrugged. “I have good hearing.”
“Only when you want to have it,” she stated. “Now, go do as you were told.”
“Okay,” he sighed, trudging down the hallway to his room.
She turned back to Killian, dropping her arms to her sides. “Looks like you have my kid’s approval.”
He studied her for a few seconds. “What about you, Emma? Do I have your approval, too? Elsa said she would be happy to watch Henry for you if we go out.”
She hesitated, then lifted her chin decisively. “Yes, Killian. I would love to go out with you.”
One year later…
Killian followed Emma down the aisle of the auditorium and grinned when he realized what seats she chose. After sitting down, he draped his arm around her shoulders and leaned over to murmur in her ear, “These seats seem familiar, Love.”
She snuggled against his side. “They’re very special, because this is where I met the love of my life.”
“What a coincidence,” he teased. “This is where I met mine, too.”
Elsa and Liam slid into the seats in front of them. “Hello, lovebirds,” Elsa grinned.
“Don’t encourage them,” Liam cautioned. “I already have to witness far too much PDA from those two.”
“You don’t have to watch, you know,” Killian said, lightly whacking the back of Liam’s head.
“Both of you behave,” Elsa said, as Emma giggled.
“Speaking of behaving,” Killian began, “do you think your daughters will make it through the concert without assaulting each other this year?”
“I wouldn’t bet on it,” Liam said. “I caught Missy trying to hit her sister over the head with her flute the other day.”
“Be happy it wasn’t the other way around,” Emma commented. “Alice could do some serious damage with her saxophone.”
They were still laughing when the fifth grade band shuffled onto the stage in all their Christmas finery, instruments held proudly in front of them. Emma and Killian immediately spotted Henry taking his place behind the snare drum. He smiled and gave them a quick wave before picking up his drumsticks.
“He looks so grown up,” Emma said quietly.
“Your little drummer boy isn’t very little anymore,” Killian observed fondly. He and Henry had a very close relationship and he loved the boy as his own.
“A lot has changed in the past year,” she sighed happily.
“Aye, Love. It’s been phenomenal in every way.”
Mary Margaret, who also instructed the fifth grade band along with teaching elementary music, walked out onto the stage, preparing to introduce their first song.
Emma settled against Killian’s side to enjoy the concert. A year ago, sitting in these very seats, neither of them could ever have imagined what that first meeting would mean to them.
As the band began playing Jingle Bells, Killian pulled Emma a little closer. His chest swelled with pride watching Henry concentrating on his music, as he beat out the rhythm on the drum. This year, Emma hadn’t had to endure his incessant practicing alone, since Killian moved in with them just before Thanksgiving.
Emma saw Killian glancing at his watch once the third and final song ended. “Are you anxious to leave? You know we still have to sit through the sixth grade and junior high bands, don’t you?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m aware. I was just trying to gauge what time it will be over.”
“I’d say the concert will last about an hour,” Liam threw over his shoulder.
Killian slumped a bit in his chair. Then he caught sight of Henry, who was sitting in a reserved section to their right with the rest of the fifth grade band. The boy beamed at him and gave him a thumbs up. Killian winked and returned his smile.
Last year, the evening of Henry’s concert ended with Killian asking Emma out on their first date. This year, he had a different question to ask when they got home, one for which Henry had already given his approval.
He hoped her answer would be the same as last year. If so, they would be sitting in these seats next year as husband and wife.
Kissing her temple, Killian impatiently waited for the sixth grade band to begin playing. He intertwined their fingers, imagining how her hand would look with the diamond engagement ring on it. When she turned her face up to look at him, love shining in her eyes, he knew the beauty of the diamond would pale in comparison to the lady wearing it.
Liam’s estimate for the length of the concert was right on the nose. When they finally walked out of the auditorium, light snow was falling. The conversation in the car on the way home was warm and playful. Henry laughed about the sixth grade percussionist who dropped one of the cymbals in the middle of a song, and expressed his hope that when he got older, he would be the one to make the whip sound for Sleigh Ride.
“Lord, help us through seven more years of band,” Emma murmured under her breath, causing Killian to laugh, despite the nerves that were knotting his stomach.
As soon as they got home, Henry went into the kitchen to get the ingredients out for hot cocoa, dubbing it a tradition after the Christmas concert.
“Is it a tradition if this is only the second time we did it?” Emma asked.
“I don’t know,” Killian answered, “but I do know of another tradition that’s been around much longer.” He pointed at the top of the doorway between the living room and kitchen.
“When did you put mistletoe up there?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“This evening while you were getting dressed for the concert.”
“You’re very sneaky,” she said, leaning in until her lips were just a fraction of an inch away from his.
“And you love me for it,” he grinned.
“Mmhmm,” she hummed before kissing him.
“Pre-teen boy coming through,” Henry announced, squeezing past them. “I’m going to put my pajamas on. Please be done making out by the time I get back.”
Emma and Killian laughed into their kiss. “I think we’re scarring him for life,” he quipped.
“That’s what parents are for,” she replied.
Killian pulled back to look at her. “You consider me to be his parent?”
“You’re more of a father to him than Neal has ever been.”
He surged forward to kiss her again. When it finally ended, he asked, “Do you think Henry regards me that way, too?”
“I’m sure he does.”
“Does what?” Henry asked, re-entering the room, now dressed in plaid Christmas pajamas.
“Do you think of Killian as one of your parents?” Emma asked.
“Well, duh,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Can we make hot chocolate now?”
Emma tried to give Killian a look that said I told you so, but he was gazing at Henry with a sense of wonder over the boy’s declaration.
Once the cocoa was gone and Henry was off to bed, Killian and Emma lay together on the sofa. The living room was lit only by the gas fireplace and the lights from the Christmas tree, while Christmas music played softly.
“This is nice,” she sighed.
He hummed in agreement, stroking his hand up and down her back. His thoughts were preoccupied with the perfect way to propose, so he almost missed what she said next.
“Marry me, Killian.”
His hand on her back stilled as his mind registered what she just said. “Wh-what?”
She pushed up on her elbows to look into his face. “Marry me.”
“Swan, you’re depriving me of a dashing proposal!” he protested.
She cocked her head, studying him. “Are you serious?”
He slid out from under her to kneel on the floor in front of the couch, reaching into the pocket of his sleep pants to retrieve the ring and holding it up for her to see.
Her eyes widened as she swung her feet down to the floor. “Oh. My. God. You really were going to propose, weren’t you?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad? Since you asked me first, I’m pretty sure I know what your answer is going to be,” he chuckled.
“You still have to ask. That’s the rule.”
“Whose rule?”
“Mine. Now, let’s hear that dashing proposal.”
He grinned, then cleared his throat. “Emma, you and Henry have changed my life in every way possible. I never knew happiness like this even existed, let alone that it would happen to me. There aren’t enough words in this world to express how much I love you, but right now, there’s only one word I need to hear in response to this question - Emma Swan, will you marry me?”
Tears filled her eyes when she opened her mouth to answer, but emotion clogged her throat, so she nodded emphatically and threw her arms around him. As he held her tight, kissing her and murmuring words of love, she finally found her voice. “Yes, Killian, I will marry you! I love you so much!”
She pulled away, wiping at her eyes. “Henry and I are very lucky to have you in our lives. I know I’m speaking for him too when I say we want you to be part of our family forever.” Framing his face with her hands, she leaned in to kiss him again.
“Do you want the ring?” he asked against her lips.
She giggled and sat back, extending her left hand to him. He slid the ring into place and kissed her knuckle above it.
“It’s perfect,” she breathed.
“You are perfect, my love.”
“Says the man who complains when I leave wet towels on the floor,” she teased.
“Well…nearly perfect,” he grinned.
She held her hand up to admire the ring, the lights of the Christmas tree making the diamond glitter. “We’re engaged,” she said, awestruck.
“Mmhmm. Who would have thought that a little drummer boy and two feuding reindeer would bring us together and give us a happy ending?”
Her eyes met his, laughter and love dancing in them. “Best night of my life, hands down. Until today,” she amended.
Kissing the tip of her nose, he whispered, “Happy Christmas, wife-to-be.”
“Merry Christmas, husband-to-be.”
He stood up and took her hand to help her to her feet. Then they went to their bedroom to share the best gift of all - the love they had for each other.
My heartfelt wishes for all of you to have a blessed and memorable Christmas!
@qualitycoffeethings @grimmswan @cs-rylie @wyntereyez @kmomof4
@hookedmom @ultraluckycatnd @paradiselady19 @xarandomdreamx @motherkatereloyshipper
@lfh1226-linda @pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23 @tiganasummertree @bluewildcatfanatic
@eleveneitherway @elfiola @kday426 @julieenchanted-swans @gingerchangeling
@andiirivera @djlbg @jonesfandomfanatic @snowbellewells @anmylica
@booksteaandtoomuchtv @cocohook38 @ilovemesomekillianjones @zaharadessert @lyssapup27
@undercaffinatednightmare @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @xsajx @jackieorioncat
@teamhook @soniccat @jarienn972 @softkilly @kymbersmith-90
@apiratewhopines @hollyethecurious @laianely @resident-of-storybrooke @exhaustedpirate
@caught-in-the-filter @stahlop @veryverynotgoodwrites @darkshadow7 @fleurdepetite
@whimsicallyenchantedrose @earanemith @superchocovian @idristardis @captainswan-kellie
@beckettj @killihan-jones @cssecretsanta2020
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months ago
Soka Takes a Terrorist: Chapter Two
The latest fic in Anakin and the Jedi Babies. Three chapters total.
In which Anakin tries so, so, so hard to be a good dad.
Chapter 2: Consequences
About two thirds of this fic were written by hand on the train while in Japan.
“You are grounded for the next decade,” Skyguy snaps.
Soka is still in bed. Depa and Master Windu are in the next room, and the ‘real’ Mandalorians are all busy with post-battle cleanup—they hadn’t gotten Tor or Pre, but they’d captured a lot of important people and weapons and data—and Soka… is in bed, Ben crawled in next to her.
Shmi is going to be here in three and a half hours,” Ben announces quietly, “less if she drives like buir and uses those boosters she added.”
The ones Mereel and Jango pretend not to know about when the engineers at the hangar complain.
“Thank you, Ben,” Skyguy grits out, “I’m sure she’ll have plenty to say herself.”
Soka tries not to shrink away when Skyguy towers over her bed. She knows she’s in trouble, but she also knows Skyguy would never hurt her.
Even if some of the dreams she’s had, overlaying Pre’s stories of his uncle with the visions she’s had of their ‘training’ sessions, make the sight enough to cause a flinch.
Skyguy hasn’t ever raised a hand against her, but it’s not only her own memories she’s got in her head, these days.
“I am… incredibly angry right now,” he says, and… steps back. “I don’t know what I did to make you scared of me, but no matter how angry I am, I pro—”
“I know!” Soka bursts out. “It’s not you I’m scared of. Or, I guess…”
He kneels by her bed. He takes her hand. He looks her dead in the eyes, and she waits for his words of comfort.
“Then I assume you’re in a place to hear me when I say that I have never been as angry with you as I am right now.”
“I’m sorry,” she says, voice smaller than she’s ever heard herself. “I didn’t mean to get caught.”
He closes his eyes, and does that thing where he tries to collect himself enough to decide if he needs to leave the room to cool off.
“Getting caught,” he says slowly, “is a fraction of the issue. Getting caught was about skill, and I do not get angry with you about skill.”
Her eyes prickle, but she… but she can do this. “I’m not sorry for trying to help.”
“For trying to h—” he cuts himself off and closes his eyes, and takes a breath. “Sokanth, you are ten years old, snuck out on a self-appointed mission, alone, no backup, no supervision, barely a note to tell me you were gone, and not even letting me know where until it was too late to stop—”
He cuts himself off, eyes scrunching shut, and takes several deep breaths.
“He was worried,” Ben says quietly, as if she doesn’t already know, “we all were.”
She stays silent. She can outlast her father. Probably.
“I was out of my mind with worry,” Skyguy confirms. “You are a child, Sokanth. What the hell were you thinking?”
She can outlast him.
He might actually be getting angrier. “Sokanth. Why did you do this?”
(Continue on AO3)
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milaisreading · 2 years ago
Hiii good morning i was reading ur manager series and am totally in love with it specially the scenes where rin and reo decide to use their captain and rich-boy powers (the plushie one is my absolute fav) and i was wondering if i could request shidou and sae/kaiser/ness reaction to yns plushie or keychain? More than anyone else i wanna know shidous reaction🤭
Author : I didn't expect that story to be so popular since I came up with it at like 3 am☠️ but I hope you like this and thank you for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Blue Lock is really that big now?" Loki commented as him and a few of his teammates were in the changing room of PXG, looking at a phone.
"Yeah! My sister wanted to buy one of the plushies and the site crashed like 3 times."
"Geez. Blue Lock 11 have boy group level fame." One chuckled as Shidou walked in, confused with the commotion.
"What are you guys looking at?" The blonde asked as he walked up closer, with the teammate showing him his screen.
"The guys who beat you, Blue Lock have now merch. Every girl or guy I know won't stop talking about them. My sister ordered like a collection of these plush toys."
"Haha my brother ordered all the keychains." Shidou was amused at the revelation, taking a mental note to tease Rin about it later.
"My sister has been complaining how hard it was to get the (Y/n) plush toy version. Every time there was a restock it got like sold out in a matter of minutes."
Now that was something Shidou had great interest in. The manager of Blue Lock has plushies? Shidou wanted to laugh.
'Hah! This is gold! But why would anyone buy that? A smaller version of (Y/n)? The whole replica? Small and soft...' Shidou's thoughts wandered off and he felt giddiness the more he imagined the item.
"Shidou, where are you going? We still need to train?" Loki called out as the taller walked out.
"I need to make fun of Rin for that plush toy of his!"
"Not again." Loki sighed and facepalmed.
The same night Shidou went on the Blue Lock website, where he found the said plush toy of the girl, and with absolutely no 2nd thought bought it.
'So adorable~' The boy grinned.
'I think 10 of these are a reasonable number.'
Once in a while Sae would travel back to Japan to visit Blue Lock and his brother. Although he spent most of the time around (Y/n), trying to get her to join Madrid as their manager. The idea itself would be shut down by not only (Y/n), but also by Rin, who by now wouldn't leave the girl's side if he was around. This visit was a little bit different though. Since it was holiday season, Ego and Anri has sent everyone home and Sae was bummed a little. His brother wouldn't tell him anything relating to (Y/n).
'Brat.' Sae would roll his eyes at Rin's glares and him telling the older how his manager was none of Sae's business. The two weeks in Japan went by pretty quickly and it was Sae's time to go back. His mom, dad and Rin would drive him to the airport.
"It's in Rin's room?" Sae asked as his mom nodded her head.
"Yeah, I left your scarf there on accident, can you please get it? We need to hurry up to the airport and Rin is already outside."
Sae sighed and nodded his head, walking to the familiar door.
Opening it, Sae immediately spotted his red scarf and went to take it, only to freeze up when he noticed something on Rin's bed. On it was a smaller and softer version of (Y/n) staring up at him. Sae stood there for a moment and then quickly walked to the bed, picking the item up.
Sae stared at the soft toy in awe, astonished with how detailed it was.
'She looks adorable... nearly as adorable as the real (Y/n)? Where did Rin even find this? And why us he so reckless with it...' Sae sighed, patting (Y/n)'s head over and over.
"Sae! Hurry up!"
He turned to the door as his mother called for him. Sae shook his head and put the plush toy in his backpack and then took his scarf.
"Since you refused to tell me anything, I am taking (Y/n) with me. She is too adorable for Rin, anyways."
The next day, Sae was in his room and hugging the plush toy, enjoying the softness.
'So cute... so soft... I wonder if the real (Y/n) is even better to hug.' Sae's moment of peace was interrupted by his phone ringing.
"Hello." He said, already knowing who it is. He has been ignoring Rin's calls ever since he landed in Madrid.
"You thief! Did you take her?!" Rin yelled, obviously upset that his plushie was missing.
"Yes. She is really soft." Sae taunted.
"You bastard! I will come to Madrid and beat your ass!" Rin threatened.
"Do it and I will tell (Y/n) you had this thing to begin with. Imagine how much easier it will be to get her on my club then." Sae smirked as he got no answer in return and ended the call.
'Mine.' He thought as he hugged the plushie closer to himself.
"What are you even looking at, Ness?" Kaiser raised his eyebrow as he saw his teammate and close friend smiling down at his phone.
'He looks like a child in a candy store.' Kaiser thought as Ness looked up at him in surprise, before showing him his phone.
"My package arrived today! I can't wait till I pick it up." The boy admitted as Kaiser went over the tracking history.
"From Japan? What did you even get there?"
"Huh? You didn't see it?" Ness wondered, making Kaiser even more confused.
"See what? Stop talking in circles."
"Blue Lock just released new merch and restocks-"
"Ness... please don't tell me you bought merch from THEM?"Kaiser asked in disbelief. As far as he knew, the only person in Blue Lock Ness liked was (Y/n).
'But there is no way they made merch of her. It's always about the players, not managers.' Kaiser thought.
"There was a cute plushie of (Y/n) and her figurine as well as a keychain... I had to get it!" Ness defended with an embarrassed look.
"Hold up... there is merch of her?" Kaiser wondered as Ness nodded his head.
"Yes! The plushie looks so adorable, I can't wait till I hold it." Ness cheered while Kaiser went to look at the item.
A few weeks later...
It was late at night in Japan as (Y/n)'s phone rang. Panicked and still dizzy from her sleep, she took her phone and answered it.
"Helloo?" She slurred out, wondering who it could be.
"What a day to be alive, you never told me you had merch!" Kaiser laughed from the other side.
"Kaiser? Do you even know how late it is here? And what about the merch?" (Y/n) asked, a little annoyed but she was too tired to argue.
"It's kinda cute that my little Liebling is a star now. Don't forget about me when your merch sells out." Kaiser laughed.
"Shut up! I want to sleep!" She yelled but Kaiser kept on going and (Y/n) was forced to listen to his talk for another 10 minutes.
Kaiser on the other hand was sitting in his living room as the (Y/n) plushie sat on his lap, getting headpats from time to time.
Ness was honestly not expecting to fin anything interesting the evening after a training. It was honestly normal, he showered, ate his dinner and went on his phone, to see what Blue Lock were up to. In all honesty he just wanted to see if there were any pictures or video clips with (Y/n) in them. But instead of that, he found an announcement on new merch.
"Huh? Plushies, keychains and figurines?" Ness mumbled and opened the link, boredly scrolling down the site as all of them were from players.
"Boring-" Ness stopped himself as he saw a familiar shade of (h/c) hair and stopped. Blinking at the items that were displayed, Ness took in the plushie, keychain and figurine that was displayed of (Y/n), all tiny and adorable.
"I need this. I don't even know what I entered this site for again." Ness mumbled as she put the items into the cart.
"You bought it?!" (Y/n) yelled from the other side of the phone. Ness giggled and hugged the plushie of the girl.
"Yeah! You have no idea how soft it is! I have been hugging it ever since it came hours ago." Ness said as the line went quiet for a moment.
"...and what do you think? How is the merch of me?" (Y/n) asked nervously as Ness looked down lovingly at her plushie replica.
"It's cute! Very soft and I love how well detailed it is. It's nearly as cute as you."
"A-ah?! You think so?! I... I need to go now and talk with Ego-san over something! See you, Ness!"
"See ya~" Ness said and ended the call, then looked down at the plushie again.
"So cute..." He smiled, giving a small kiss to the toy's forehead.
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 years ago
What do you think about how the bots would think about seeing pictures or videos of when the kids were smaller. Like a video of Jack in middle school with a lisp from his retainer or pictures of Miko having an awful haircut her parents got for her to make her look more “presentable” as well as her fighting tooth and nail for them not to watch an old video of her piano recitals. Raph’s glasses being a little too big at first because he had insisted on getting glasses from the adult section like his dad and grandpa and they weren’t the right size for his head yet and the multiple little tools he made growing up to try and hold them up until his head grew.
Little things that as they got older they found embarrassing but just are general parts of growing up.
Pfft. This idea is rather humorous. I added my own little twist to it too.
Embarrassing Pictures
The whole situation began when June brought a camera into base to take pictures of the children. It was nothing new, Miko took pictures all the time, so the team didn't question it. However after June started making a fuss over the pictures, trying to convince the children to smile and whatnot, the team became vaguely interested. Once asked, June revealed that she intended to add the photos to her photo album, electing a groan from Jack. And when asked to explain what that was, she told the team all about how she liked to take photos to save and look at again in the future.
Suddenly very interested in seeing photos of the children, the team gathered around June and asked to see her photo albums. June was perfectly happy to oblige and returned to base a day or so later with not only her photo albums, but also ones she had managed to haggle off Rafael's parents and Miko's host family (Why they had the albums was a mystery, but some liked to theorize it was because Miko didn't want her parents to have them to show off). The children were mortified as June put the albums under a magnifier and projected the pictures onto big screen for the bots to see.
Jack's baby pictures came up first. And in the beginning they were pretty tame. It was a few photos of when Jack was an infant and aside from the odd bath photo and a picture of him dressed up as his favorite superhero, everything seemed fine. It was mostly just images of him being a cute kid, which the team found to be both fascinating and adorable. They hadn't realized humans could get any smaller, so seeing a tiny version of Jack doing adorable things not too dissimilar from what sparklings did on Cybertron brought smiles to their faces. Of course then Jack's middle school photos came out and suddenly the teenager couldn't look anyone in the eyes or optics as pictures of him with his braces and then retainer were shown to the team.
Ratchet: *pointing at the picture of Jack with his retainer* Is that some form of human torture?
Arcee: *suddenly very worried* Jack, are you already at home?
Jack: NO! WAIT! I mean-! Look, I had to wear a retainer for a while to fix my teeth, that's it.
Miko: *laughing* You really do look like you are being tortured in that pic!
Jack: Shut up!
Bumblebee: You had to have a cover over your teeth to fix them? Why not just remove them and put them back in the right way?
Rafael: *softly* Bee... no. Humans don't work like that.
Thankfully for Jack, he wasn't the only one who got a taste of humiliation since soon after Miko's own photos came on screen. Just like with Jack, it was mostly cute baby photos (which the team collectively cooed at and more than one may or may not have saved a mental screenshot for later). However by the time her photos from between the ages of eight and twelve were brought up, she started wishing for the sweet release of death.
The worst haircut she had ever gotten was the beginning of the torture. In the photo she was frowning and trying to fight back as she was held in front of the camera, a shoulder length bob cut and bangs taking the place of her usual wild hairstyle. This earned her a bit of mockery from Jack who was still feeling rather bitter about her prodding at his pictures earlier. However it didn't end there, her parents had also recorded several of her recitals which began playing as June hooked them up to the projector. She tried to stop it, but could only watch in horror as the team witnessed her horrendous singing combined with her rather remarkable skill with the piano. The team weren't all that concerned, finding it mostly cute, but Miko wanted to die right then and there.
Bulkhead: You play that instrument well Miko. Why haven't you played that one around base?
Optimus: Is it? I find you talent with that instrument rather pleasing.
Ratchet: *under his breath* She screams like a Turbo-fox.
Optimus: *kicking Ratchet lightly* Your voice is lovely too.
Safe to say Miko didn't walk away from her photos being shown around mentally sound. But with Rafael's own photos up next, she opted to try and draw attention away from herself by mocking her younger friend as his baby pictures were displayed.
Rafael honestly didn't have all that many embarrassing photos up until an image of him duct taping his grandfather's glasses onto his face came on screen. Young Rafael was waling as he tried to rip the tape off in the photo, causing the team to chuckle in amusement much to Rafael's horror. After that more and more photos of him trying and failing to wear adult glasses came on screen, each more dooming than the last as Jack and Miko laughed. One image showed him with glasses almost three times the size of his face tied to his head with string as he tried to walk around looking normal only to run into a wall.
Jack: *laughing* You ran into a wall?
Rafael: I was eight!
Miko: You look like a bobblehead!
Rafael: ...
Bumblebee: Why did you not just get normal sized glasses?
Rafael: I wanted to be like the grown ups...
Optimus: That is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I believe I have some pictures of Bumblebee doing something similar...
Bumblebee: Optimus no! Please no!
It was too late. Before anyone could do anything about it, Optimus helped June put her albums away and highjacked the projector and uploaded images directly from his personal databanks. Bumblebee died a little inside as Optimus unapologetically showed pictures of him being a feral monstrosity and tearing up furniture and consoles around high command. He could only heat up in embarrassment as Optimus then proceeded to show pictures of him doing numerous other things ranging from eating rations like an animal, shooting Prowl with a blaster by accident, to picking out his first earth alt mode and the subsequent car wash that came with it.
Rafael: Why a Volkswagon Beetle? That's such an old model.
Bumblebee: I liked it alright!
Arcee: He thought it was cute.
Bumblebee: NO! I DID NOT!
Ratchet: He did. And he even thought it was the height of motor transportation on your backwater world for nearly a month.
Bumblebee: RATCHET!
As if contented, Optimus finally stopped sharing his pictures after Bumblebee started steaming from the stress of having his past exposed. But Ratchet being the slightly malicious medic that he is took the chance to throw Optimus under the bus in turn. He hooked up to the projector next and began sharing pictures of Optimus back when he was Orion Pax, much to the Prime's silent humiliation. Pictures of him eating wild animals innocently, him screaming at a stray cyber-cat on all fours, him getting drunk as pit the one time he allowed Ratchet to take him to a bar, and all sorts of photos of him gnawing on things came up one after another. It was a different time, but Optimus should have known better than to assume Ratchet wouldn't have collected such incriminating photos of him.
Bulkhead: Prime... are you eating a datapad in that picture?
Optimus: ...
Arcee: Why were you crouched on top of the bookcase with a electro-dove in your mouth in that one?
Optimus: ...
Bumblebee: *squinting at a photo* W-Where you trying to size up a statue?
Optimus: I wasn't always a Prime.
Ratchet: Who could have guessed.
Optimus: You weren't always and honorable medic either Ratchet.
Once again taking his place by the projector, Optimus plugged back in and began airing out all of Ratchet's past escapades for all to see, the children practically forgotten in the midst of the silent battle going on. The Prime quickly began cycling through dozens of photos of Ratchet high as a kite doing stupid scrap like pole dancing, screaming at mecha, and throwing things. And before the medic could process that, Optimus pulled out even more of him competing in street races, competing in drinking contests, and even a video of him swearing up a storm at everyone and everything while drunk. Ratchet could do nothing but silently offline internally as he watched his dark history get replayed.
Bulkhead: So... a party ambulance?
Ratchet: Shut up.
Arcee: I should be asking you what's humming doc.
Ratchet: I was young and dumb. Weren't we all at one point?
Bumblebee: Young and dumb usually points toward breaking someone's window or accidentally trespassing, not getting stoned, drunk, and then doing incriminating things.
Ratchet: ...
It only got worse from there as Ratchet pulled up the pictures he had acquired from Bulkhead and Arcee's files on their own little misadventures as younglings. The children were completely forgotten as the team became focused on airing each other's dirty laundry for all to see. And the children had no problem with that as they watched the dark past's of their favorite Autobots gets shown around like contraband reading material.
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 2 years ago
First Time Father - Rooster
Pairing: Rooster / Wife (No Name or Appearance)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Hospital Visit, Self Doubt, Stress, Light Angst, Sick Baby, Baby OC is Referred to as 'Dove,' Rooster Thinks He's a Bad Dad
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: It's Rooster's first time alone with his baby daughter. But when she comes down with a fever under his watch, Rooster seriously doubts his abilities as a father.
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It was Rooster’s first extended time alone with his daughter without his wife around.
He was very much a hands-on dad, but his wife was their daughter’s primary caregiver for the first four months of their daughter’s life because of maternity leave and then her gradual return to work. Rooster was always quick to look after their daughter, who they nicknamed Dove, when he got home, but he openly acknowledged that his wife cared for Dove most often.
So, with his wife’s college friend’s child-free wedding coming up, Rooster had a three-day weekend to care for his daughter all on his own. And, well, this was a test for himself. His wife didn’t put excessive expectations onto him. That was all Rooster.
He always tried to check-in with his wife to make sure that he was pulling his weight with Dove. Rooster didn’t want to become one of those complacent dads who just relied on their wife for everything and couldn’t take care of their own child by themselves. He didn’t want his wife to be one of those women who said that she had two kids at home—her actual baby and her husband.
Maybe that was just the fear creeping up from his conversations with Penny about her divorce and what the older guys at work said, but Rooster wanted to prove to himself that he could do it. He could take care of his daughter by himself without any hiccups.
Rooster’s wife left Thursday night and Rooster handled Thursday night and Friday morning perfectly well. Dove stayed on her nap and feeding schedule, he got some projects done around the house, and they even went to see Grandpa Mav. But then a few hours after they got home, Dove came down with a fever and started crying like nothing Rooster had ever heard before.
And, well, maybe he panicked just a little bit.
The lights of the ER were bright and blinding and Rooster did his best to shield Dove’s eyes from the excessive light. Holding her against his chest as she cried, Rooster tried to console her as he waited for a medical professional to come and collect them.
Since it was a Friday night, the pediatrician and Urgent Care centers were all closed. And his wife wasn’t answering her phone, probably because she was at the rehearsal dinner. And the lady giving him the side eye for the last hour combined with his daughter’s continuous cries were really starting to push Rooster over the edge.
“It’s okay,” Rooster tried to console his daughter, his voice breaking a bit. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of his daughter’s little head, praying for some advice from his mom. She would know what to do in this situation. But Bradley didn’t know what he was doing. Maybe he wasn’t as good of a father or as good of a husband as he wanted to be. As he thought he was.
“Bradshaw,” a nurse called, causing Bradley to hurry to his feet.
The nurse led him back to one of the smaller hospital rooms. Bradley listed off the timeline of events to the nurse, who nodded, typed them up, and walked off to grab a doctor. Rooster tried setting his daughter back into her carrier, but that only made her cry louder. He picked her back up and cradled her to his chest, feeling a few tears leak out.
“I know, sweetheart. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you’re in pain,” he whimpered, resting his head on top of her smaller one.
There was a light knock on the door before a man dressed in a pair of turquoise scrubs and round glasses stepped into the room. The doctor seemed to quickly assess the situation before striding further into the room.
“I’m Dr. Greene,” he stated, causing Rooster to nod. “What seems to be the problem?”
“She has a fever and she won’t stop crying and I don’t know what’s wrong. Nothing that I try seems to work,” Rooster replied shakily, hugging his daughter just a little tighter as she continued to cry. “And I don’t know what to do.”
“Alright, let me take a look at her.”
Rooster set his daughter on her back on the examination table. She wiggled around, still whimpering and crying. Dr. Greene started with his stethoscope and listened to her heart and lungs. He quickly checked her ears and her throat and looked over her vitals again. Rooster stood to the side, trying to comfort his daughter as well as he could while subtly wiping his tears away.
He must have done something wrong. He was a terrible father. He screwed up his daughter.
“It’s an ear infection. Nothing too serious,” Dr. Greene deduced, straightening up. “I’ll prescribe some antibiotics. That should clear it up in a few days.”
“But her screams . . . she sounds like she’s in a lot of pain.”
“Ear infections hurt. And this seems to be her first one and she’s only about four months old. Every little bit of pain to a baby can easily be the worst pain that they’ve ever experienced before,” Dr. Greene explained calmly, typing away at the chart. “Her heart rate is normal and her lungs are clear. And an ear infection can cause the fever.”
“And the ear infection, what caused it?” Rooster asked nervously, rubbing his daughter’s head.
“Well, does she spend any time around other kids? Is she in daycare or does she have any siblings?” Dr. Greene suggested, turning back to Rooster.
“She’s at daycare twice a week,” Rooster breathed out, causing Dr. Greene to nod.
“Exactly. Those places are a breeding ground for disease. Especially with babies and young children who haven’t really built up an immunity to anything.”
“So . . . I didn’t do anything wrong?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Dr. Greene stated, finishing up with the chart. He turned back to Rooster, studied his tired and frazzled expression, and offered him a small smile. “First time dad?”
“Is it that obvious?” Rooster returned, wincing a bit.
“I assure you that we’ve seen and heard plenty of stories far stranger than an ear infection from first time parents,” Dr. Greene chuckled, gathering his things. “Kids get sick. It happens. And you did the right thing in getting her to a medical professional. The antibiotics should be ready at the pharmacy and they should clear it up. But if she’s still sick in three days, go to your primary care physician.”
Dr. Greene turned to leave the room before pausing and turning back to Rooster one last time.
“And to be perfectly honest with you, I would highly prefer a parent who was overly concerned with their child’s health than one who wasn’t concerned at all. You’re doing fine,” Dr. Greene assured Rooster with a small smile before opening the door. “Have a good night.”
“Thanks, you too,” Rooster called back, finally able to breathe a bit again.
It was just an ear infection. He didn’t screw up. He did the right thing.
“Let’s get you some medicine, Dove,” Rooster sighed, setting his daughter back into her carrier.
The Dr. Greene that I may or may not have had in mind:
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turns-out-its-adhd · 1 year ago
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For the past several months I have been out of work, after some terrible life events in which my whole life kind of fell apart.
My Dad died, my 10 year relationship ended, I had to pack up all my stuff and move from one end of the country to another twice. It's been rough.
I've been feeling a lot of guilt being unemployed and living off savings, and feeling that dread that comes with watching those funds get smaller and smaller with no income to restore them, while I try to pick myself up and put some kind of life back together.
At the same time, I was starting to feel more and more imposter syndrome about my ADHD because I was managing to get into some good habits. Cooking proper meals. Staying on top of the dishes and laundry. Getting the bins and recycling out for collection on the right days at the right time. Picking up some of my craft projects and even learning some new ones. I started regular driving lessons. Started doing some DIY in my new living space to fix it up.
I finally felt ready to dust off my CV and try to get a job again. And I got one. Yay! Or so I thought.
I only started this week, and I am already so tired. It's taken everything I have to make sure I got up and ready in time. That I had clean and suitable clothes to wear each day. To get groceries and make myself food each day. The dishes piled up again. The house is a mess. So much food has gone bad that I had to throw out. The crafts I started last week are sitting half done next to me and I don't know if I have it in me to pick it up again. I forgot to update important documents and had to cancel my theory test, and postponed my driving lessons.
I feel like I can do one or the other, but not both. A full time job earning money, or a full time job keeping a household running and living my life. No matter what I'm always going to feel like I am spinning plates, running from task to task to try and keep up until the plates come crashing down. I won't know which plate I forgot until I have to pick up the pieces.
I'm so tired.
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hey-i-am-trying · 10 months ago
(Canon does not exist)
I don't know why you are all sad. The eggs got together to plan Mothers' day, yes even the eggs that don't have moms, they wanted to celebrate their tias.
(I don't know if it like that in another counties but in Brazil Mothers' Day is not ajust about the celebration of your own mom, it is the celebration of mothers in general)
Pomme, Dapper, Em, Sunny, Pepito, 춘식  and Richas got to give their gifts to their moms.
Chay and Lullah helped Em and Pomme make cakes and collect flowers for all moms. They gave flower crowns to all moms that showed up.
Rámon and Léo helped Dapper and Pomme, Dapper wanted to build a giant duck statue for Baghera, Rámon and Pomme point that they need space for the party, it took sometime to convince Dapper they could not have the party on the top of the duck, they settle for a relativetly smaller duck statue.
Sunny was having difficulties coming up with a present for her mermaid mama, but she decided to make a bag with all the things they thought her mama could like: shells(certainly a mermaid likes shells), diamons, amethysts, any shiny cristal she could her hands on and also a little turtle for her mama! Every mermaid needs a pet turtle! It was really fun to do it, she got to go collect everything with Rámon, Em and Pepito!
Em, Richas and Pepito wanted to draw for their moms! Richas and Em got in a brief argument if only one of them should draw Bagi and who should do it.
Em: She was my mom first!
Richas: You have 3 other moms! I only have our mãe!
Pomme and Rámon had to get in the middle and convince them Bagi will be more than happy to receive two drawings from her kids.
(Pepito's was a noodles drawing and Pepito misspelled the entire card Pepito gave with the drawing. Rivers cried when she received it.)
춘식 wanted to make something nice to his omma YD, in Korean there is actually only Parents' Day, so I think 춘식 would also make gifts to all his parents. 춘식  made a chest for each parent and put carnation flowers and he decided to also give them sweets he made with the help of his siblings.
All the kids made small little gifts for their tias with the help of their parents.
The coparents also wanted to make something, all of them a bit more awkward than the other but they did their best. Bad, Étoiles and Aypierre tried to be more practical with their gifts for Baghera, giving her good armor and good food, Antoine probably gave Baghera something like a loaf of bread. Tubbo didn't know what to do, but then he settled for also a practical gift for Lenay. Favela were the most awkward ones with a variety of small gifts that were not particularly useful and some were sentimental, Bagi appreciated all the same. Pretty sure Pepito's dads tried something sweet but end up explonding something, somehow.
(Bagi was going to try make this quick, it was supposed to be a celebration to all the other moms too, she didn't want to bring the mood down, especially not for Em and Richas, but it felt wrong not do it, the little cupacke Em made and the beautiful blue flower she gave to her felt so heavy in her hands. When she reached the Miku statue she noticed somebody was already there. Roier. A bouquet lying on the statues. They didn't say anything to each other, but he watched while she put the cupcake and the flower on the ground. The stood in silence. There wasn't much to say. There was too much to say. The sunset was beautiful that day.)
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thelattechronicles · 5 months ago
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Going from Kindle to Kobo: My Thoughts and how I settled on the Clara BW
I've had my one and only e-reader: the 4th generation Kindle since 2011. That's quite literally over a decade old- 13 years, to be exact.
It's been deemed old enough to justify an upgrade. Not that I had even been needing one, or considering getting a new one; rather, the Kindle had just started glitching on me and freezing this past September. After 13 years, I'd say it's an accomplishment that it took this long for the tech to finally start breaking down on me. Believe me when I say that this Kindle had not been babied by any means whatsoever.
Now, it's been exactly 30 days since I've gone from my Kindle 4th gen 2011 model (thanks Mom and Dad) to the new Kobo Clara BETWEEN. Read on to see what my thoughts are on this upgrade!
I don't think I can go back to the Kindle UX and world, and I truly do see what people are saying about Kobo just being overall better.
For starters, here are the specs between both as a comparison:
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(Side note: the 4th gen Kindle is SO old that I had to dig around for a review of it, and found one on The Ebook Reader dot com)
As you can tell from the glaring number of red X circles, the basic Kindle 4th gen does not have as much much going for it compared to my new Kobo Clara BW. But that's okay! Here are some things I LIKED about the Kindle:
The e-ink screen
The physical page turning buttons on the side - I still love the page turners and how I just need to press down on the side. The buttons are very streamlined and a part of the side plastic framing.
The wallpapers when the device is turned off
The battery life (once upon a time, one charge could last me a good 4 months I stg)
The size of the screen (was not willing to go smaller, but was open to go bigger)
Straightforward system and user interface (turn on, find book, read.)
Being able to email epubs and PDFs to the Kindle directly via the Whispernet
Here are some things I DISLIKE about my Kindle today:
Its current extremely short battery life (I don't think a charge can last me two weeks now)
Being locked into the Kindle Amazon storefront and ecosystem - yes, I purchased each and every book on Amazon that I have on my Kindle...
Not being able to make Libby work on the Kindle (as a Canadian reader)
Lack of backlighting options
Anything to do with any sort of typing (I had to physically press the arrow buttons and wait until it landed on the right letter to press enter, then move on to the next letter, rinse repeat. Needless to say, it gets exhausting real quick trying to type out a short word, let alone a title of a book you're trying to find in your Kindle library storage.)
Lack of ad-free options with today's Kindle models (I got lucky with my Kindle 4th gen, where the home screen goes directly to my storage, listing all the books and collection folders I created. I hear this is no longer a thing, and the home page is the Amazon Kindle storefront. Ew.)
So, the Kobo Clara BW does a lot of what I liked about my Kindle - and more! It has quite a lot going for it: a long battery life, multiple backlighting options (reg vs warm lighting), bluetooth (if I wanted to do audiobooks, but I do that on my phone anyway so it's just a bonus for me). The Kobo Clara BW has crisp displays (I've read some manga and comics on it), and the zooming in and text font/size adjustments are super easy to navigate.
I know, I know. No physical page-turning buttons. I still lament the loss of my buttons. I know there are some Kobo models such as the Libra that have the buttons, but I strongly believe that the Kindle 4th gen buttons are superior. I liked that they were a part of the side, rather than a blocky-looking extension, like the buttons on the Libra are. The touch screen was a bit of an interesting thing to navigate in the beginning, but as we use touch-screen phones, it was very easy and quick to get used to it.
Why not the colour option?
Granted, the Kobo Clara colour as well as some other colour alternatives did come out. Why did I not choose the colour option? Yes, colour e-ink and e-readers are pretty to look at, but for someone who uses e-readers purely to read novels and text-heavy documents, it seemed unnecessary for my purposes. In store, I did a side-by-side comparison of the Clara Colour and BW and actually found the lighting to be drastically different at max brightness and warmth. Here's a picture I found online that gives you an idea of what I mean:
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As you can see, the Clara BW version (right) has a crisper and whiter background, and the Clara Colour (left) looked a bit orange-red-toned overall.
ABOVE ALL: the Kobo ecosystem has been fantastic for me.
As someone who has been pitifully buying every single e-book on Amazon thus far or loading janky PDFs with too-small-text, the Kobo Clara BW is a breath of fresh air. It was very easy to connect my Libby account in the Settings. I now have an automatic delivery of all my ebook loans to my Kobo (!!!!) (A dream come true for Canadian e-readers!). I also have Calibre downloaded on my laptop and with it, can customize my Kobo to no end. You can see that I've gone ahead and gave my Kobo some wallpapers, which include my favourite The New Yorker covers. I'm happy with how much I can do with my Kobo. The Pocket app feature also came as a pleasant surprise! It's nice being able to read articles during work lunches and save any interesting articles on my computer, and those articles get automatically downloaded to my Kobo.
In true The Latte Chronicles fashion, if I were to give my Kobo Clara BW a rating:
If you're like me as a reader and your needs are similar to mine (and maybe your old Kindle is dying on you) I encourage you to make the jump to Kobo! I haven't regretted my Kobo Clara BW purchase at all. In fact, I've already finished 13 books since I booted up my Clara.
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saleintothe90s · 2 months ago
506. The Sunday Salespapers, December 4, 1988, part 2
(part 1)
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Win a cute lil wagon or a big scary wagon.
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You guys, its ~our coffee~ in holiday packaging!
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This obviously has nothing to do with the holidays, unless you make hamburgers for 40 as part of your Christmas Eve, I just had to share this giant keg o ketchup. 32 oz! That's two more ounces than the Stanley I put my iced espresso and cream in so I can sip on it all day.
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We have our first silly goose! You know, the folk art geese everybody's moms wanted in the late 80s into the early 90s. Their kerchiefs always had to be blue and white! Also, sorry, but I'm not giving my cats mysterious drops to change their smell of their poops.
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I need to know this tasted. What is simethicone.
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oh. This. this was the collection of terrible secret santa presents. Except for you cat mug, you can stay. I had that brass jewelry rack! I had it with my Barbie stuff and Ariel's hair got tangled up in it.
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I have never considered broccoli in a dip until I saw this. You would have to cut the broccoli up teeny tiny for it to be dip-aple, I'm guessing. A little smaller than broccoli cheese soup size, I guess.
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I am flabbergasted at how cheap this Caboodle at Treasury Drug was. This is an early model that looks more like the Plano tacklebox it was descended from.
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This order form for an engraved Parker pen is insane. Why couldn't you just fill out the form, choose the pen you want, what you want the pen to say, include a check and send it off. Why did you have to buy the pen, take the ink refill out of the pen, make sure you keep the box it came in, fill out the form and send all that off. Also I didn't know that Popples were also footballs.
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WOAH. WOAH WOA. My dad was a firefighter and I'm sure if mom n dad had the money back then, I would of had this.
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Again, not Christmas, but on everybody's home recorded tape of a Pee Wee Christmas, there is a commercial for this toothpaste on it.
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I wouldn't be able to make my mind up on what sheet set I would want. Alf or Garfield, Alf or Garfield.
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Ok, who didn't have or didn't know someone who had this.
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The Kiblan cat sheets! Kiblan stuff goes for so much $$$ on eBay. I was wondering why that Mickey pillow looked so familiar, then I remembered it was in a law office commercial when I was a kid! It was on fire! Something about how the law offices were responsible for fire retardant toys and children's pajamas? I know I have the commercial on one of my tapes a local friend sent me. Just can't find it right now.
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More Silly Geese and the house they lived in!
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Even MORE. Also tablecloths and tables my mom most definitely had. I love how the rugs are described as "kitchen slices".
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Man, Bradlees was home of the Silly Geese.
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I only share this bride because she reminds me of Markie Post.
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I wonder if those California Raisins keychains from Pep Boys are leftover figures from the Hardees promotion. Big oof on the front facing Alf.
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It is 2024 and I want Alf pajamas back. I had an Alf nightgown where Alf discusses how much he loves cats.
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I had those lil Oliver shoes!
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I also had some flocked Oliver toys from Sears that had amazing detail. (source)
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SEARS, what were you doing selling an ear piercing kit.
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I love that a New Yorker esque comic was used for Crispix.
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You tellin' me there's no Hawaiian Punch in these Tutti Frutti cookies?!
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This is one of my most missed foods. Matt from the Purple Stuff Podcast always brings up the commercials that gave people the idea of of McNuggets as a holiday party food . This is my idea of a holiday food for an 80s holiday party held at someone's giant house in the suburbs.
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Again, not related to Christmas, but to childhood. Did anybody else's first grade teacher make you bring a bottle of this soap to school on the first day? We used it for the sink in the classroom. Was that just my mean first grade teacher, Mrs. Bailey?
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We had the ornament of the couple on the sled with the horse!
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We laughed at winning an almond orchard back in 1988, but could you imagine how much it would potentially be worth in 2024 with all the almond milk yall be drinking?!
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ultimateaclrecovery · 4 months ago
Japan Day 11 (from my trip last November, but this is the last one!)
Last day in Tokyo and travel home!
Started the day with some more temple and some cute bridges with a bunch of koi
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And then it was mostly shopping for last minute souvenirs and things that are cheaper in Japan. So here are some more fun Disney pictures!
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Ended the trip by finally getting the panda cream puffs from stand right by our hotel transit stop, and then it was homeward bound! I celebrated being home by using my new bear shaped pancake maker to keep the cute food going.
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What a wonderful trip!
Overly long travel diary (read if bored)
Day 11
Started our day fairly early with free hotel breakfast and then took the train to see tokyos temple. It had a cool pagado and a garden with a bunch of koi but I admit to being a little templed out at this point. We spend the rest of our morning time before the airport shopping. We start at the little stall market by the temple that is just starting to open. I get a bird shaped custard to eat right then 80 yen. And a box set of fun ct character custards to eat later. And a little lantern that I will make a Christmas ornament, best part I get a 500 yen coin so now I have the full set.
We then go to a grocery for snacks and then a don Quito for more snacks and weird things. I get some snacks and some socks for my brothers girlfriend.
Then we go look at fancy tea and dish ware for my bf. He gets a sake set and a tea set and a get a little heart shaped mold for making rice balls. We then go to Tokyo station for ramen and back to the character store so I can get the penguin in a Christmas tree that I’ve been thinking about all week. It’s smaller than I had built it up in my head but it’s still so cute so I get it even tho it is over priced and silly. It’s cute and makes me happy. I look for other things I might want but don’t really find anything.
We then head back out to do more shopping and whatnot at a normal mall. Anthony gets normal things like socks and underwear because they are cheaper here and we find our dads matching Japanese shirts. They are nicer than ones we’ve seen at the souvenir shops. I really want a womens cut shirt but I don’t think they have any. They have some fun womens graphics and I find one I really like but it’s only in large. We realize you can print the designs on different shirts or design your own but can’t quite figure it out. I try asking the guy working there if I can get the one I like in a medium and luckily he knows enough English to figure what I’m asking and sets it all up. I then have to go buy the medium shirt and then get it to printing people. I manage to do it successfully but only because the workers know some English. Although they keep trying to explain things to me in Japanese before giving up and pointing at their English signs or trying use what English they know. I worry as I get printed that maybe I should’ve gotten a small but it’s cotton so it will shrink a little so it should be fine.
We head back to towards the hotel and get vending machine drinks on the way, can’t believe I made it this far without using a vending machine. I use some of what’s left of my ic card for a 180 yen grape Fanta. I love me some things that are purple even tho I don’t normally like pop. I got my ic card down to like 200 yen so I did pretty good job there.
And then it’s off to buy panda custards! They’ve been selling them at the train station nearest our hotel and I’ve wanted them since we’ve got here.
Then collect our bags from the hotel and head to the bigger train station to get tickets for the train to the airport. It’s a special one so can’t just use your ic card.
At the airport we mostly breeze through security except I forgot a tiny water bottle in my backpack from the flight out here oops. And then we go to the liquor store so my bf can get fun liquor and I buy one of the bottle for him since the us it’s only one tax free per person.
We stop by at another store just to see and I find the cutest howls moving castle tote bag. It’s a little over priced (ghibli plus airport) but it’s the cutest tote bag I’ve seen here so I get it.
I then get ice cream with my remaining, non souvenir coins.
The flight is uneventful and then his parents give us a ride back to his place my first time meeting them which is a little overwhelming after traveling for so long. I take a 20 dollar lyft back from his place and then it’s home sweet. I crank my heat back up to normal and start to unpack.
General thoughts.
The toilets here can be so fancy. Minus the one public restroom one just in the street that was just the hole in the ground. But any western toilets have bidets and a lot of them are fancy enough to lift up their kids when you walk into the room. My favorite tho is the public restrooms with little speakers that can play water music at the push of a button. Anthony thinks this is to cover the sounds of peeing or pooping but I think the rushing water is also to help you go.
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headfullof-ideas · 2 months ago
I have finished! The Adult References! My wrist hates me because I stubbornly refused to use the text option on Procreate (I just can’t get it to turn out in a way I like, sue me) and so hand-wrote ALL THE LITTLE NOTES. But behold! My adult versions and Ant, Fontaine, Finn, Madeline, and their respective partners, years down the line!
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Some extra notes that I didn’t add in to the drawing because the ones I had were getting long enough as it is:
Ant and Fontaine are the owners of the Aronnax now, legally and everything. Kaiko and Will have a personal submarine of their own, like Kathryn and Jacques did, and they live at the original base that we see in the show when they aren’t galavanting around the ocean. The Aronnax is no longer there however, since that location is pretty far from where Ant and Fontaine live now. The Aronnax is kept in a repurposed airplane hangar, and she lives there for a big majority of the year since neither Ant nor Fontaine live on her anymore. They live in separate towns, a few days away from the bay the hangar is in. Though every so often through out the year, they’ll go and work out of her, depending on what project they’re working on, with their own offices in her and everything. They kind of treat her like a home away from the homes they’ve built now, like a hotel and office crammed into one submarine when they’re there working on whatever project requires them to be there.
Fontaine uses the Aronnax more often than Ant, for a few reasons. She’s closer to the hangar, about a days trip depending on when she leaves, whereas Ant lives a couple days away meaning it takes longer for him to get there, so he usually only goes if he’s planning on staying at least a few days. The Aronnax still has all of her old equipment, and Fontaine’s job has her somewhat working with/for the World Ocean’s Authorities, so the equipment helps. She however refuses to take full ownership for the Aronnax despite the fact Ant isn’t there as often as her, because it was their childhood home and she knows how much it means to him as well. They’re usually only there for work, especially if they end up collaborating on a project or doing something for the WOA like their family did as kids. Sometimes they even take it out into the ocean, again depending on what kind of project they’re working on. However, each summer they take their kids and spouses on the Aronnax for a trip into the ocean. They do this not just as a way to make sure the Aronnax doesn’t spend her days collecting dust in a hangar, but also as a way to help their kids stay in touch with their roots (though Jackson’s Thalassophobia makes it a bit tricky for him) and provide the opportunity for both their families to get together when they usually can’t. There’s also a seperate, smaller bay in the hangar for any aquatic faring visitors to park, whether that be their parents or Maddie.
In my heart, it is always going to be Madeline who ends up taking the wheel of the Dark Orca. Even if Finn stays/stayed a pirate, I just don’t see him becoming Captain of the Dark Orca. Maddie’s heart is truly set for that role though, and with my interpretation of her, she makes quite a few changes to the submarine once she’s in charge. For starters, the Dark Orca had a major rework of her entire system and appearance. For one she functions much better now. She’s got working plumbing and AC, the walls are clean of rust, the hull is sturdy, and the Red Claw doesn’t sink or flood anymore! Madeline is also still a pirate, but she’s a very different brand of pirate than her dad was. She still goes around stealing things if she likes them, especially from other pirates, and she has a stall at the Floating Market. The Dark Orca is still a pirate ship, and it’s also on the WOA’s list. However, it’s also on a separate list now as well, because Maddie sometimes does things for the WOA. Some other pirate or criminal steals something that they really shouldn’t have, artifacts or items, sometimes even people are taken to places outside the WOA’s jurisdiction, or a vessel sinks out of reach of the WOA’s base submarines depth. When that happens, a hint or notice is sent through a burner phone Maddie has and sometime later the WOA have whatever or whoever they need. The Dark Orca also keeps other pirates in line, keeping them out of marine reservations and fishing waters for smaller villages away from the general populace.
Maddie also homeschools her kids and has them signed up to a few online courses. They all have birth certificates and Social Security numbers and the relevant papers needed to make them capable of living or working on land at any point in time. She’s even scrounged up paper work for herself. Maddie takes her kids on pirate excursions but only the ones that she knows aren’t super law-bending, and they also help her with her WOA errands. She’s making sure they have some semblance of an education and background because she remembers how hard it was for Finn to even get into college, having to resort to the Nektons and their connections to get him there in the end. She wants to make sure that they have that option if they choose not to live their life on the Dark Orca and instead go on land like their uncle has, and she wants to make sure it’s easier for them than it was for Finn. Maddie also takes in her nieces and nephews on occasion for outings, and makes sure not to do any questionable things while she has them in her care for ‘Auntie Maddie’ time. She also regularly visits Ant and his family, as is her right as Godmother.
Jeffrey is, unfortunately, no longer around by this point, but Ant has a box filled with mementos and a few pictures of him that he keeps on a nightstand, and he had a little fish sewn into his cat’s vest. Buttons is a very sweet kitty, super spoiled and super affectionate and a little sassy, which is par for a Nekton.
Those were the big ones, though the Jeffrey one was a bit shorter than the other two, but these are my adult designs of these characters! It took me a few days, and writing out all the notes hurt my wrist and took the longest. Next up will be the reference sheet for the kids, with (checks notes) all…twelve of them on it…that one might take me a bit longer.
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