#the chipmunk one keeps me up at night i’m not even kidding
junkosblunt · 1 year
being a junko stan is actually so fucking hard when her sprites literally look like this
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horriblenightmare · 2 years
evil ravine
for this dream there was like a prequel that i could remember dreaming/having had happen before but i dont think it actually did that was just part of the dream. anyway the basic premise was that at this summer camp / school (combination of both, i used to attend both of these places) there was this weird ravine/crevasse out in the woods (like a usual hillside ravine but with more cravasse-like features) and kids from the place would explore it but it was supernaturally easy to get lost in and people would go missing for days and come back basically possessed. so I know this has been going on because of thtat prequel situation. I go out there, and im like following around this (totally made up) girl whos trying to go exploring (vibes of amigawa fault, like knowing its your doom kinda shit) and sipping this mason jar of salad dressing that my girlfriend made (its in the fridge rn) but in the dream ive laced it with shrooms, somehow. and im like viciously mocking this girl whos trying to descend deeper down these leaf-covered (its fall) steep slopes into the ravine. and I know that I cant talk her out of it or appeal to reason but what I can do is keep her attention on me, so im like saying evil cruel things and taunting her and its like she cant really see me, even though I’m right in front of her and its sunny-ish out. anyway she keeps descending even though im distracting her and eventually I give up and walk back up this slippery leaf covered slope. and theres this fucking chipmunk following me around and kind of talking to me but not like vocally, and its taunting Me the same way I was taunting her but I’m leaving and I’m walking back to camp/campus and I’m on this old logging/utility access road (still sipping my salad dressing (did that last night irl its good salad dressing)) and i walk past these power line guys who are standing around a white work truck with a lifter on it and theyre drinking and eating lunch and I dont talk to them but they notice me and they know where I’ve been. and the chipmunk is still following me. but I go a little further and get to this place where the guys have been working to build like metal grille walkways over this area of crevasses and boulders (different place than the other one but kinda the same too, maybe just a different section of it) and theres a bunch of kids there from school/camp all climbing over these mazelike walkways that go up and down and all over the place. and im just trying to cross it and the chipmunk isnt following me anymore thank god. and then i get back to this one field thats like almost the same as one at my old school. and a bunch of kids from the camp/school are gathered there and its a panicky mood, same feeling as like a fire drill when you dont know if its real. because some kids apparently are lost (probably in the ravine) and i see my sibling and their ex-gf walking through the crowd looking for someone named sarah and they think they found her but it turns out its her twin and then they find her and (shes transgender (clocky)) and then they like try to talk to her but shes not responding normally shes like muted and far off and. she got lost in the ravine and got possessed. Then its like flash back to the prequel dream and im following my sibling and their ex-gf in the cravasse but i cant see its like minecraft blindness and i know that im walking in the leaves and i can hear them and their footsteps and theyre reaching for my hand and im reaching for theirs and they should be well within reach but i reach out and i cant reach them and its just dark and i cant feel anything but the leaves and the slope underfoot.
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Karasuno boys when you wander away
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Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Dachi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, & Kageyama Tobio, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: probably some swearing but nothing besides that :) 
A/N: So this is somewhat based on my IRL relationship haha. I’m very bad with just walking away or getting distracted by something and always worry my partner xD thought it would make for some cute headcanons! Let me know if you’d like more!
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Tsukishima had only looked away for a moment. He walked towards a fresh fruit stand, glancing at the peaches and wondering if you wanted one to snack on on the way home. He glanced back and his lips parted to ask you, but you were no where to be seen.
His lips turned into a frown, trying not to give into that small moment of panic as his eyes scanned the outside market. You were no where to be found nearby. His heart pulsed harder against his chest as his mind reminded him of that news story of girls going missing in public places. Tsukishima pushed through people, giving half-assed apologies as he thought about you being dragged away and no one noticing. How had he not noticed? How would he find you? What should he do now?
His heart raced as he continued to look for you, giving out a small yelp when he felt someone grab his hand.
“Tsukki?” You were suddenly next to him, smiling innocently up at him. “Are you okay?”
The rush of relief that came with seeing you next to him was followed with frustration. “Idiot! Where did you wander off to?” He scolded, his hand tightening on yours.
“There was a puppy,” you admitted with slight embarrassment, smiling shyly. “I just gave him a couple of pats - he looked so lonely. Everyone was ignoring him,” you explained, nodding towards an older man who was dozing off on a bench. He had a leash in his hand and a large dog sat next to his feet, eagerly watching people was if begging for someone to pet him.
Tsukishima shook his head in disbelief, “You scared me for a dog? Moron,” he grumbled, pulling you further into the market. He didn’t want to be in such a big crowd right now.
You giggled, trying not to note the redness in his ears, “Aw I’m sorry Tsukki, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You tugged on his arm gently, trying to give him an apologetic smile but he kept looking away from you.
“Whatever, get yourself lost for all I care,” he pouted slightly and you tried your best not to laugh at how such a tall boy could act like a 4 year old.
“I’ll stay with you, promise. Won’t ever leave your side!” you insisted, clutching his arm and beaming up at him.
Tsukishima glanced at your smile, noticing it looked... almost playful? “What?” He raised an eyebrow, already knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer.
“You care about me,” you teased, reaching up to poke his nose playfully. “You were worried about me because you careeee about me.” You had expected him to pull his arm away, stomp off until you apologized for making fun of him.
But instead he just rolled his eyes, flicking your forehead gently, “Maybe just a bit.”
That surprised you just a little, your heart skipping a beat or two in response, “I am sorry, Tsukki, I didn’t think I went off that far. It just got really crowded,” you told him sincerely, squeezing his hand gently. “But lucky for me! You’re so tall so it’s easy to find you!”
Tsukishima scoffed some more but blushed anyways, feeling now like he had overreacted, “Whatever. You’re buying me a snack to make it up to me, idiot.”
“Mmkay!” You beamed, the two of you roaming the market together. Tsukishima pretended like he had completely forgotten the whole thing, but you noticed that he never let go of your hand that easily after that. And he always kept you close in crowded areas.
So yeah, maybe Tsukishima Kei really did care for you.
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Daichi is a calm cool collected dude. Calm. Cool. Collected. It was as if he was chanting these words in his brain, eyes frantically trying to find you. CALM COOL COLLECTED, he desperately tried to remind himself. Everything is FINE.
But that still didn’t answer the question: where the hell could you have gone off to?
It was one of the first big matches that Daichi ever invited you too and the crowds were 10x bigger than anything you’ve been to. Daichi’s whole body trembled with the idea that you were completely lost and waiting for him to find you.
“I’m sure she’s alright, Daichi! Y/N’s probably just exploring,” Asahi clapped a hand onto his friend’s shoulder, though Daichi could tell he was nervous too.
“Stop being such worry-bums,” Suga insisted, smacking both of their arms. “Y/N can be as scary as the rest of us! No one would pick on her!”
You were fully capable of dealing with things yourself, Daichi knew this. But he felt a surge of protective energy anytime he felt you needed him. “I’ll be right back,” he mumbled to his friends, his feet quickly running around the gyms to try and catch a glimpse of you.
“Daichi!” Your voice made his eyes widen, darting around to try to find you. Suddenly, he was attacked with a full on jump hug, staggering backwards to keep them upright.
“Y-Y/N! Where’ve you been?” Daichi asked with a laugh, holding you tightly and trying to avoid showing you how nervous he was.
“Coach Ukai told me Hinata left his shoes in the bus so I went to grab it before the game! Shimizu-san and Yachi were both busy so I wanted to help!” You explained, smiling up at him while holding the little bag up for him to see. Your eyes flickered over Daichi’s for a moment, noting the slight blush on his cheeks and the way he couldn’t fully meet your gaze. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle, your lips turning into a little smirk, “Were you worried about me, Daichi?” You teased and laughed as his face turned even more red.
“Well I can’t win without my lucky charm on the stands,” he chuckled, ruffling your hair.
“Oh and I just thought you liked me,” Y/N shot back with a laugh. “Didn’t know it was just cause of your game.”
You turned on your heel, starting to walk back to the gym, Daichi following while stammering out a, “I-I do liked you!” He tried to laugh off his nerves, rubbing the back of his neck as he gave you a smile, “Don’t make me all nervous before a game, love!”
You two shared some more laughs as everyone warmed up, and just before you headed to the stands, you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Daichi tried to play it off cool but he was wobbly the whole walk towards the team and the group of boys just laughed, all slapping his back in pride. 
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Unlike the Cap’n, Asahi is not calm, cool, or collected. I mean I think he’s cool but not in this sense LOL.
Asahi and you decided to have a picnic for lunch in a nearby park. But while he was setting up, you magically disappeared and Asahi felt all of his panic just intensify.
Did you? Leave him? To be on his own? Was this your way of breaking up with him?
No, Asahi tried to convince himself, you loved him. You guys had been together for almost a year now, that’s not how you’d end thins... is it?
Maybe you got lost? Did Asahi walk a little too fast to this spot? He knew sometimes you had a hard time keeping up with his long legs but he thought you had been holding his hand this whole time.
His eyes scanned the somewhat busy park. He couldn’t find you anywhere. His heart was starting to beat way too fast and his fingers were shaking while he tried to text the other third years to ask what the hell he should do.
Suga: LOL knowing Y/N she probably saw some cute chipmunk or something and stopped to take a photo of it
Daichi: don’t worry, Asahi, she’ll probably find you soon - you’re this gigantic dude in a park. I doubt she’d lose you
That didn’t help. Now Asahi was noticing how parents and kids were specifically avoiding him. His bottom lip pouted as he wondered just what he could do to seem less intimidating. Should he sit down? No, what if you were trying to see him? Sitting would only make it harder!
Just as he was considering climbing up the nearby tree to see the park from a higher distance, you popped out from some nearby bushes, holding a few wildflowers.
“Asahi?” You blinked in surprise, finding him trying to find a foothold on the tree. “Are we... eating in the tree?”
“Y/N!” The poor boy almost knocked his head on the tree when he turned around to see you, eyes widening. He immediately ran over to you and twirled you around in a hug, “God, you scared me!” 
You quickly apologized profusely seeing how nervous he was, “I’m sorry, Asahi! I saw some pretty flowers over there and thought maybe it would be nice to decorate our tablecloth with!” You kiss his nose and cheeks over and over again trying to get him to calm down (but really that’s just making him more flustered).
The two of you share a gorgeous meal together, and you spend the rest of the day with his head in your lap and you braiding his hair, intertwining some of the flowers you found. The two of you talked about everything and anything and Asahi made sure from that day forward, he could always spot you. Any time you guys weren’t holding hands or standing next to each other, everyone noticed that Asahi’s eyes would dart over to you every now and then, whether consciously or unconsciously. 
When he got home that night, he pressed the flowers you put in his hair in a book and kept them as a keepsake. And then gave them to you in a gift for your anniversary later.
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Kageyama would start feeling panic and wouldn’t even know why. The game was starting soon and something just didn’t feel right. His muscles? No… he felt in tiptop shape. He stretched a little extra today too to make sure he wasn’t feeling stiff. His stomach? No, he made sure to have some food and milk a little earlier. And he wasn’t feeling nauseous so it couldn’t be that. His hands? No, they felt perfect in fact. He was so excited for this game earlier, he had felt the anticipation running to his fingers to just set the perfect ball. So why was he feeling so uncomfortable?
His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think about what was making him feel different. His eyes scanned the crowd unconsciously before realizing what it was.
You weren’t standing up there with the rest of the Karasuno fans.
Where the hell were you?
His feet moved towards the gym doors before Ukai yelled at him, “Where the hell do you think you’re going, Kageyama? The game is staring soon!”
Kageyama’s eyes widened, noting the whole team watching him curiously. Why did Kageyama seem so nervous? He never seemed nervous.
“Don’t worry, Kageyama, with my spikes better than ever, we’re definitely going to win!” Hinata grinned, trying to lighten the tense air in the team.
“I’m not worried, just don’t be stupid on the court,” Kageyama replied, shrugging it off. But his eyes still scanned the stands. Where were you? You had said hello to the whole and wished Kageyama luck just a few minutes ago? So how come you weren’t standing up there with Coach’s friends and Yachi?
The whistle blew to indicate the game starting and Kageyama felt his stomach turn. Why was he feeling like this? You were probably fine so what did it matter?
You had been buying some milk from the nearby vending machines to make sure that Kageyama had some after his game. You knew that he had accidentally finished all the ones he had packed earlier and had been kinda crabby about it so you thought maybe it would cheer him up. You had stood in line for the vending machine for what felt like forever but it was all worth it knowing that you could throw the milk boxes into your lunch bag to keep them cool. Knowing Kageyama would be excited about it made you really happy.
As you walked back towards the gym, you could hear cheering. Your eyes widened as you realized that the game had already started and you ran towards the stands.
“Y/N! There you are!” Yachi’s smile looked oddly nervous. Not that she wasn’t normally nervous at these games, but this one seemed different. “I think something’s wrong with Kageyama.”
Your eyes shot down to the court, seeing how stiff Kageyama looked next to everyone else. They were patting him on the back, yelling “We’ll get the next one!” and Noya screaming, “BRING IT ON!”
“He was looking for you in the stands earlier I think,” Yachi told you with a small giggle, “He looked really nervous when he couldn’t see you.”
Your heart swelled slightly, wondering if Kageyama was off his game because he hadn’t been able to see you. “Kageyama!!” You yelled from the stands, cupping your hands around your mouth. The dark haired boy’s head shot up to look at you, a sense of relief growing on his face. “You can do it!!” You screamed some more, the people on the stands behind you yelling in support.
Even from far away, you could see his lips turn upward in a smile.
Alright, you both thought to yourself. Now we can get started.
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All Men Have Limits - III
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,500+
Previously on…
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Bruce was having yet another night without sleep. It happened often. And similar to the rest of the family, he just learned to function on very few hours of sleep.
So, he decided to make his way down to the kitchen.
But as he walked down the long hallway of bedrooms, he noticed that Y/N’s door was open. He glanced inside to see that it was empty and her bed was still neatly made from this morning. 
He looked down at this watch to see that it was almost 5AM.
A part of Bruce expected to find Y/N snacking or drinking coffee. But she wasn’t in the kitchen either.
Bruce sighed, realizing where she’d be and made his way down to the cave.
He expected to find Y/N with her eyes bloodshot and shoulders hunched over at the computers.
What he didn’t expect was to find Y/N passed out, slouched in the chair, knees in her chest and head balanced on the palm of her hand. How her elbow stayed propped up on the arm of the chair was beyond Bruce.
He smirked at the sight.
Perhaps she’d been spending too much time around the Wayne family. She was starting to adopt their bad habit of exhausting themselves.
Bruce knew she would be irritated if he moved her. But, honestly, he didn’t really care.
Carefully, Bruce slipped his arms behind her back – separating her from the chair – and then behind her knees, slowly lifting her into his arms.
Even though the movement was extremely smooth, Y/N still stirred.
“I was just taking a cat nap,” Y/N mumbled, but couldn’t even open her eyes to make the argument compelling. “I’m still working.”
“No, you’re not. Time to get some sleep.”
“Mmmm. Fine,” she slurred and tucked her head into his neck.
Bruce wasn’t sure if her mind even put together that it was him carrying her.
But he savored the closeness as he carried her out of the cave and up the stairs to the second floor of the manor.
When they got to her bedroom, Bruce put her down on the bed so softly, that she didn’t even feel it. Then he bent down to take off her shoes and unfolded the covers to tuck her in.
Just as Bruce reached the door.
Y/N woke up slightly and muttered, “Night, Bruce.”
His hand froze on the doorknob. It was so quiet that he wasn’t even sure if he had imagined it. But he couldn’t find the courage to turn and face her.
So he shut the door and let her sleep.
“Where’s Y/L/N?” Damian asked the table.
She usually ate breakfast with them.
“Still sleeping,” Bruce answered without looking up from the newspaper. “No one bother her today. She needs to rest,” that made him look up and give a warning look to Tim, Damian, and Dick.
Then Jason came stomping into the kitchen.
He grabbed a pastry and ate it standing up, getting crumbs all over the floor.
“Where’s ladylove?” He asked with his mouth so full that he looked like a chipmunk.
Bruce ignored him and looked back down at the paper.
But Dick frowned at him. “Don’t call her that.”
“What do you care?” Jason laughed.
Dick didn’t dignify the question with an answer. He just thrust his chair back and shoved Jason’s shoulder as he stormed past him.
“What’s his fucking deal?” Jason asked once he was out of ear shot.
“Watch your language,” Bruce warned with a glare from behind his paper.
Jason exhaled a laugh. “I’m not a kid. I also don’t live under your roof anymore.”
“And I consider that a gift,” Damian muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.
Jason smacked the back of his head.
Damian flew out of his seat and lunged for him. “I will end you, Todd!”
“Maybe when you hit puberty, demon spawn.”
“Damian!” Bruce shouted to get his son’s attention. His son snapped to attention. But then Bruce’s tone was eerily calm when he continued with, “Control your anger.”
It was something they’d been working on since Damian arrived at the manor. Bruce guessed that Damian would always have a temper. But he needed to learn how to control it. Through time and practice, he got better.
Damian took in a deep breath, but still looked like he wanted to murder Jason.
“I will be training,” Damian announced through an irritated sigh before leaving.
Bruce glared at Jason. “Don’t push him.”
“He started it.”
“You claim you’re not a kid, so don’t act like one.”
“Speaking of kids…” Jason started with a smile.
Bruce swiftly stood up. “Don’t even try.”
Then he was gone as well, leaving just Jason and Tim.
“Well, it appears everyone is in a rather bad mood this morning,” Jason joked.
But there was no response from Tim.
“Are you sleeping with your eyes open?!?” Jason yelled.
That woke up Tim and he jumped. “Huh? What?”  
Y/N would’ve slept the whole day if she hadn’t smelled the coffee and breakfast.
She winced as she woke up to see if her mind was playing tricks on her.
But on top of her nightstand sat a beautiful, antique tray with a full American breakfast on it, a cup of water, a giant mug of coffee, and a little vase with a tiny flower in it – a single, pink peonie.
Y/N rubbed her eyes awake with a shy smile.
Alfred was way sneakier than she realized if he could bring in a full tray like this and not even wake her up. She must be far more exhausted than she originally thought.
But then a piece of paper caught her eye. A note.
Y/N reached for it.
In the neatest handwriting Y/N had ever seen, she read:
“Perhaps you should take the day to relax. I apologize for my behavior last night.”
Y/N snorted at the word ‘behavior.’ Everything he had done last night was passive. It was more of an energy and tension than actual behavior. But Y/N had to give him credit for being aware of it. He had annoyed her last night, especially when Dick somehow took the fall for her own actions regarding her own life.
She ate the food at a disturbingly fast rate, not realizing how starved she’d felt until taking the first bite.
She would definitely miss Alfred’s cooking when she finally left Wayne Manor… whenever the hell that would be.
Y/N hoped it was sooner rather than later.
‘No, you don’t. Liar.’ A voice said inside her head.
Once Y/N had finished eating at light speed, she threw on a pair of baggy jeans and a cropped sweatshirt. She grabbed her coffee and carried it through the hallway.
She heard typing coming from Bruce’s office. He hadn’t used the room since she starting stay at the manor. So, her curiosity got the best of her and she leaned into the doorframe.
Bruce was wearing a navy polo that fit tight on his toned body. He was behind the desk, typing on the computer with his brow folded in concentration.  
He immediately noticed her presence and looked up from his work.
“Hi,” she said shyly before she leaned her back into the doorframe and took a sip of coffee.
“Hi,” he smiled back.
“Thank you for the breakfast.”
Bruce leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. “I can’t take credit for the actual cooking,” he admitted with a smirk.
“Oh, I know.” Then she looked around the study. “I was on my way to the cave when I heard you in here.”
Bruce frowned at that. “I thought you were going to take the day off.”
“I think you thought I was taking the day off.” Then she raised an eyebrow and glanced at all the work spread out on his desk. “Maybe you should take a break.”
“This is Wayne Enterprises, not my…nighttime…activities.”
Y/N shrugged and sipped more coffee. “Still work.”
Bruce rubbed his face. “Guess so.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” Y/N walked into the room and didn’t break eye contact. “If you take the day off, so will I.”
She expected Bruce to immediately shoot down her offer.
But he was smirking as he considered her proposition.
“Deal,” he told her before standing up and walking out from behind the desk.
He got unnecessarily close, invading her space.
Bruce held out his hand.
Y/N grinned at the formal gesture, but shook his hand.
But when their hands gripped together, the gesture no longer felt formal. It felt intimate. Y/N’s grin fell when she acknowledged it.
“What did you have in mind?” Bruce asked. He put his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
If he felt the same intimacy as she had, he didn’t show it.
Y/N cleared her throat. “How about something simple? Maybe a walk?”
Bruce nodded slowly. “A walk sounds good.”  
“Well, then what are we waiting for?” Y/N sassed.
He shook his head and almost rolled his eyes before gesturing to the door, silently telling her to go first.
Next thing Y/N knew, she was getting an informal tour of the grounds at Wayne Manor from the owner himself.
Y/N listened closely, genuinely finding all the history interesting. Bruce was surprisingly a good storyteller – even if he was more informative than colorful.
“I know you had a hard childhood. But it still must’ve been nice growing up in a place like this,” Y/N tried to tell him.
“I suppose so.”
He glanced at Y/N and found her giving him an encouraging look, as if she was silently begging him to say more, to share more.
But he left it at that.
“Damian is rather fond of animals. That’s why we updated the old outbuilding. He keeps his horses there…amongst other things.”
Y/N chuckled and nodded, “He was telling me about Batcow the other day.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate me telling you this, but I think Damian has enjoyed having you around – all the boys have.”
Y/N hummed and turned to fully face Bruce. “And what about you? Have you enjoyed having me around?”
“Wayne Manor is the safest place for you right now.”
“That’s not what I asked, Bruce.”
But he already knew that.
Y/N waited. Because she wasn’t going to let him ignore her question.
“Dick has taken quite a liking to you,” Bruce said quietly.
“Don’t change the subject,” Y/N snapped.
He opened his mouth to continue, but she cut him off.
“We’re not talking about me and Dick. We’re talking about me and you.”
Bruce’s jaw tightened.
Y/n took a step closer to him. “Why did you kiss me the other night?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Did you not want me to?”
“What does it matter?” Y/N sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I want to know what you’re thinking. I thought I put up walls. But you give me nothing, Bruce. Absolutely nothing. One second I think you see me as a nuisance, then the next you’re fucking kissing me.”
“You’re not a nuisance.”
“Oh, he speaks!” Y/N threw up her arms.  
“What do you want me to say, Y/N?” He asked evenly.
Always calm and collected. Overly polite. Controlled. Closed off.
“Forget it,” Y/N breathed and started walking back to the manor.
But after she was a few yards away, she realized she wanted to say one last thing and turned back around.
“Not that it matters. But I did. I did want you to kiss me.”
“Then why did you run away?” Bruce asked.
“Because I knew you would do it eventually. And I was trying to protect myself.”
So much for a “day off.” When Y/N was upset, she turned to her work to take her mind off of things. Was it denial? Was it displacement? She didn’t like to dwell on it. And most of the time, there was no one in her life to call her out for it.
Y/N thought she was emotionally distant, but Bruce won that race by a landslide. And she found it infuriating.
It was interactions like the one she just had that made Y/N think everything Dick tried to tell her about how Bruce saw her was utter bullshit.
Y/N arrived to the cave with an energy she was definitely not expecting.
Damian and Dick were training on the lower level while Tim and Jason observed from the sides.
Y/N had seen footage of each of them fighting before. It was one of the research pieces she’d watched while investigating them before figuring out their identities. But seeing it in person was a completely different experience.
Dick was using his escrima sticks,  while Damian had his katana.
Jason noticed her arrival and made his way over with a smirk.
“Was wondering when you’d wake up,” he greeted.
“Please tell me that’s a sword for training and not an actual blade,” Y/N asked nervously while her eyes followed the two dancing around each other. She could even hear the blade slicing through the air.
“Don’t worry. They won’t seriously hurt each other.” He had a little side smirk. “Especially since Dick is Damian’s favorite.”
Y/N looked at Jason. “I always assumed Bruce was his favorite.”
He shrugged. “Dick’s been a father to Damian far more than Bruce ever has.”
She didn’t have anything to say to that. It caught her by surprise a bit.
“Can you fight?” Jason asked her.
Her eyes widened. “No. I don’t know how to do…anything. I did one of those boxing workout classes. I hated it. All the instructors are male models, and that’s their side hustle.”
“I can assure you that was not boxing,” Jason laughed. “Why haven’t asked one of us?”  
Y/N shrugged. “Seems like a waste of your time.”
“No, it sounds like a fun time,” Jason corrected.
She laughed at that.
They both watched the two again.
A few moments went by before Y/N quietly added, “I have a gun. I don’t really know how to use it. But I thought it was necessary with my…line of work.”
Jason nodded slowly. “These pansies have a certain aversion to guns.” He looked down at her. “If you need me to show you a few basics, let me know.”
Y/N quickly looked at him. “T-Thank you.”
He laughed. “Don’t look so surprised.”
Jason Todd may have been labeled an anti-hero or even a criminal at one point. But deep down, he was still a Wayne. And even though he had the reputation of the bad boy, they all knew he was a sweetheart deep down. However, Y/N was now just seeing it.
Y/N jumped when Damian was slammed to the ground.
“Jesus,” she hissed.
“He’s fine,” Jason insisted.
But then he leaned closer and started pointing out certain moves to her. 
“With Dick’s gymnastics background, he incorporates a lot more acrobatics and moves that require more flexibility. He’s good at improvisation. He also leans more toward taekwondo. But with his escrima sticks, he also uses arnis.”
He looked down to make sure he wasn’t boring Y/N before he continued.
“He almost moves like a dancer,” she thought aloud, proving she was interested and engaged.
“Exactly,” he nodded. “Whereas Damian is still a kid. It’s less about power and more about agility. Before he got here, he was trained to kill. He’s mastered the sword better than any of us – but don’t tell him I said that. Damian’s had to adjust his technique and turn it non-lethal.” He smirked, “Just think devil ninja and that pretty much sums it up.”
Y/N laughed.
“And Tim?” She asked.
“Tim leans towards Kobudo, which is an ancient style developed by the Japanese. He prefers to use a battle staff. He’s smaller, so his technique is very calculated and controlled. Every move he makes counts for something. He’s extremely observant and can read his opponents like a book. Dick tries to create his openings, while Tim waits for the exact right moment.”
“Smart,” Y/N commented.
Jason nodded in agreement.
She turned back to him. “And you? What’s your style?”
“Brutal,” a voice said behind them.
Y/N whipped around to see Bruce standing behind them with his arms crossed. He’d changed, and was now wearing a tank top and sweatpants. Clearly he came down with the intention to train as well.
Jason didn’t seem surprised nor did he acknowledge him, meaning he probably knew the moment Bruce had arrived. He just didn’t care to notice him outwardly.
“Wing chun. Heavy-weight boxing. Krav Maga,” Bruce continued as if he was just listing of stats. “Angry…” he shrugged, “sometimes reckless.”
Jason scoffed at that.
“And he can’t seem to get over his complex for guns,” Bruce finished.
Jason turned to him. He was just an inch or so taller than Bruce. But he looked like he was twice the width and his muscles were somehow even bigger.
“Should we give her a show, B?” Jason offered with amusement.
“We’re not a spectacle, Jason.”
Jason looked down to Y/N. “Such a party pooper this one.”
She smirked at his sass. Bruce was not in her good graces right now, so she would support any and all mocking of him.
Y/N hadn’t even looked at Bruce since he arrived. And now she was choosing it as a perfect time to finally make her way to her computers and away from him.
Jason didn’t miss the cold shoulder. “What did you do to piss off yet another woman?”
Bruce glared at him, and walked down to the training area with the boys.
Jason followed after him. 
He looked back and forth between Bruce and up at Y/N, a plan developing in his head.
“$100 bucks Bruce can lay out Dick in two minutes,” Jason said loud enough that Y/N could hear him.
Tim and Damian shared a smirk.
Bruce and Dick glared at him.
“I’m not betting against that,” Damian announced.
Tim smiled. “But I will.”
Dick shook his head in submission, “Fine.”
Bruce needed the practice, even though he was aware Jason had ulterior motives with his request. So he just gave Dick a look of consent.
Y/N tried to ignore what was happening, even though Jason made it very clear for her. She heard the sound of fists and feet hitting skin. He heard their grunts of pain and exertion.
It wasn’t until she heard Dick torment Bruce with, “Come on, old man,” that Y/N couldn’t help but turn to watch them below the platform she worked on.
Dick’s teasing worked, but not in his favor.
Bruce no longer took it easy on him. Maybe that’s what Dick wanted, but he was now on the defense.
They were fighting hand to hand. No escrima sticks or gadgets. Just hand-to-hand combat.
Y/N could tell the that Dick was starting to get frustrated. 
Bruce, however, seemed completely calm. He knew all of the boys’ fighting styles and taught them the majority of what they knew. There was a part of Bruce in all of them. It almost made for an unfair fight. 
Their movements got faster and faster. Y/N was struggling to figure out what was even happening anymore.
But just when she was about to give up her observing and get back to work, Bruce managed to get a proper grip on Dick and flipped him over his shoulder.
Dick landed on his back hard. So hard, that Y/N heard the smack and the sound alone made her feel sick.
Y/N gasped, and put a hand in her mouth when the sound came out louder than she expected.
Jason, Tim, Damian, and even Dick glanced up at her.
But Bruce was staring down at his opponent.
“Your weight placement was off and you know how to get out of that hold,” Bruce lectured. “You know better.”
Dick glared up at him.
Bruce offered him a hand up, but Dick ignored it.
“I know,” Dick growled as he got to his feet.
“You’re letting yourself get frustrated. It’s causing your mistakes.”
“I said I know,” Dick snapped louder this time.
Before an argument could really start, Alfred made his presence known by clearing his throat.
All the boys looked up at him, as well. 
“What is it?” Bruce asked.
“I was rather certain you’d forgotten. Seems I was right.” Alfred cleared his throat. “I came to remind you all that the annual gala for the Martha Foundation is tomorrow night at the manor.”
“Can’t we reschedule it,” Damian whined.
Bruce shook his head. “The Court of Owls is made of Gotham’s elite – many of who are invited. If we cancel, it will cause suspicion.”
“You can’t honestly think we should risk that with Y/N being here,” Dick called out, gesturing up towards Y/N.
Bruce and Dick had a silent conversation.
Y/N knew it was about her, so she did not appreciate being excluded.
“Oh, wow. Looks like one of my safe houses is finally more secure than this place,” Y/N spoke up melodramatically.
But she should’ve known it wasn’t going to be that easy to escape.
Next chapter is gonna be fun, guys. 😈 But let me know what you thought of this one. 
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
I've been working out a little bit (Spencer Reid/Reader)
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Requested: Yes.
Summary: Spencer has been working out with Penelope, and they are doing their best to keep it a secret. Until (Y/N) finds out and tries to help. And though he doesn't want to because he is embarrassed about his poor athletic performance, somehow she manages to help.  
Category: Fluff
Warnings: Curses, frustration. Good old fools in love.
Word count: 3.8K
A/N: Hello, pretty people! I've missed you! I hope you like this little story. It's one of the last requests pending on my list. Tomorrow I can finally visit my grandparents, I'll be taking care of them for at least two weeks, and though I know it's hard work, I am just so happy I can be with them again!! I miss them! Take care, whenever you are! Love you!
- "No fucking way, Spencer!" (Y/N) widened her eyes and laughed so hard tears filled her eyes. She was sitting at her desk at work, staring at her best friend, who could barely walk due to the two hours he had spent that morning training with Penelope.
- "Please, don't tell anyone."- he whispered and looked around the bullpen. He was too embarrassed already to let anyone else know he had to take the mandatory fit test. He wanted to avoid the jokes, especially Derek's.
- "Your secret is safe with me, as always, chipmunk"- (Y/N) smiled and bit her lips, trying not to laugh anymore- "But why on earth are you working out? You have enough case hours to cover a fit test!"
- "Apparently, I can't skip it this year. Both me and Penelope have to take it."- Spencer whispered and sat down very slowly, pain written all over his face.
His best friend stared at him reading the mix of embarrassment and physical pain he felt with each movement he made. (Y/N) smiled and opened one of her drawers, looking for the last Snicker she had hidden in case of need. Watching Spencer in pain was precisely the case. She stood up and handed him the candy, making his heart skip a beat. Spencer did his best to hide the blush on his cheeks and just looked away.
- "I can help you if you want."- (Y/N) whispered and cut him the most adorable smile she had.
- "Help me what?"
- "Working out."- she replied and bit her granola bar- "I can teach you how to kick ass, and I do look hot wearing sweat shorts."
Spencer nearly chook. He flushed and closed his eyes, trying to cover up his embarrassment. But (Y/N) giggled and turned around. Her job there was done. Now Spencer had to be picturing her in her sweat shorts.
Of course, he was. He couldn't stop, actually.
The two agents were the youngest of the team, and somehow sometimes in-between cases, it showed. Especially when they were on their own, and their conversations ended up in casual flirting.
(Y/N) was head over feet in love with Spencer, though she was never going to face it. God knows Penelope had tried to force her to deal with her feelings. But she was closed as an oyster. No matter how much Garcia insisted or how drunk they were, (Y/N) kept denying her true feelings in public.
Spencer wasn't indifferent. Not at all. As a matter of fact, he was in love with (Y/N). Everything about her bewitched him. Ever since the first time he laid eyes on her, he felt it. She was tailor-made for him. If only he weren't a nervous wreck each time he saw her...
After two years working together, Spencer had managed to overcome part of my shyness and awkwardness around (Y/N). They were best friends, and they would usually hang out in their free time. The little free time they had in the BAU. But even when they could playfully flirt all the time, Spencer was sure she didn't like him that way. He convinced himself she was just joking.
(Y/N) headed to the Batcave holding a large frappuccino and knocked on the half-opened door before walking in.
- "Penelope García, I had the feeling you were running caffeine low."
- "Oh my pretty little thing! How do you do it? You read my mind!"- the tech analyst nearly hyperventilated as soon as she held her ice and creamed coffee.
- "Reid and I were out for a little break, and I knew you would like one of these to cheer up your afternoon"- Garcia sipped her frappuccino and nodded. But as soon as she had finished savoring the perfect coffee, she asked.
- "So, you and Reid..."
- "We were out getting coffee, like the best friends we are."
- "But, there's coffee here in the kitchenette. There's no need to go out and get coffee unless you want to find an excuse to be alone with him."- (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and sighed. Garcia did that every single chance she got.
- "You and I know the FBI doesn't share our concept of "good" coffee."- (Y/N) looked at her friend and just smiled- "Besides, I told you, I felt you needed some extra sugar and joy in your life after your early workout session this morning."
- "That little snitch!"- (Y/N) chuckled and shook her head.
- "Don't get mad at Reid. He didn't tell me anything. I kind of figured there was something wrong 'cos he looked in so much pain just breathing."
- "Oh man, he is sored, but I am sure he would be way sorer if you train with him."
- "I offered myself to help him"- Garcia raised an eyebrow at (Y/N) 's words, and the young agent wide opened her eyes, blushing- "Stop staring at me like I'm a perv! I meant helping him train for the test. I could help you too."
- "Thank you, but no, thank you. I trained with you, and there's no way we are going to do all that boxing again."
- "Come on! You said you had fun!"
- "I did! I really did... but I could barely move the next day! And I had a date! I couldn't even dance, less doing... other... nevermind"- Penelope stopped herself in her tracks and shook her head.
- "Shit, PG!"- (Y/N) closed her eyes and chuckled- "Spare me the details."
- "Sorry... anyway... you and the little genius should definitely train in a more... horizontal way."
- "Garcia! Stop it!"- (Y/N) laughed and stood up- "I'm gonna go back to work 'cos clearly you have some hormonal issues today, and you are projecting."
- "Stop acting like you haven't thought about it!"- Garcia said and chuckled as her friend walked away.
- "I'm not telling you anything."
- "That means yes!"
- "No! it doesn't!"- (Y/N) was blushing; that's why she refused to turn around and look at Penelope.
- "Oh! It so does!"
The end of that day found Spencer even more sore, hungry and weary than he had felt in years. All he wanted to do was go home, eat pizza leftovers from the night before, and go straight to bed.
- "Hey, chipmunk!"- (Y/N) looked at Spencer, gathering all his things and getting ready to go home.- "Dinner at my place tonight. My treat."
- "I can pick the take out tonight?"- he said immediately and asked himself where did that come from if, a second earlier, all he wanted to do was to go to bed. Probably from the same place that kept coming back to the image of her in sweat shorts.
- "Even better. I'll cook"- (Y/N) answered and winked, playfully- "You deserve a proper homemade dinner after all the workout you did this morning."
Spencer looked at her and didn't even notice the silly smile on his face. If he had known how in love he was looking, he would have probably slapped himself. (Y/N) sighed and stood up.
- "I'm gonna take that silence as a "Great (Y/N)! Thank you! How considered! I'm so lucky to have you in my life".
Spencer rolled his eyes and shook his head.
- "Thank you, (Y/N). But I'll give you more praise if your food turns out to be eatable"- the young agent gasped, pretending to be insulted by his words, and hit Reid's arm with her knuckles.
- "Auch! (Y/N)!"
- "I'm being nice, and you are insulting me! I'm having second thoughts about driving you over!"
- "I can take the subway! You are such a slow driver I can actually be there faster."
Spencer stuck out his tongue at her and ran to the elevator, 'cos his friend widened her eyes and ran after him, probably to hit him again.
Morgan and Prentiss stared at the scene in silence, sharing a few looks, both of them thinking the exact same thing: "When are these two goofs ever going to hook up?"
- "They are annoying"- Rossi stood next to Emily's desk and crossed his arms on his chest.
- "They are in love"- she corrected, but David shook his head and sighed.
- "I know, and they are adorable, but it's so annoying staring at the same scene over and over again, waiting for something, anything, to happen between them."
- "Are you turning into a bitter old man who completely forgot about the charm of being young and in love?"- Prentiss raised an eyebrow and turned to Rossi. The Italian stared right into her eyes and shook his head.
- "I'm just saying someone should try to tell them something."
- "I've tried to talk to him about her a million times. But Reid is one private kid."- Derek said from his desk as the three of them stared at Spencer and (Y/N) getting into the elevator, still arguing and playfully playing.
- "And he is so insecure. He doesn't think she likes him."
- "Likes him? She is clearly in love with him!"- Prentiss said, annoyed- "I swear, if nothing happens between them this weekend, I'm going to intervene."
- "Now who is forgetting about the charm of being young and in love?"- Rossi joked and sighed- "Come on guys, dinner's on me."
(Y/N)' s dinner was a success. Spencer ate two portions of honey mustard-glazed chicken bake. She even managed to make him eat vegetables. And Spencer didn't even argue. Not only because it was delicious, and his body really needed some homemade dinner. But also 'cos (Y/N) got him wrapped around her fingers, even without knowing it. And if she asked him to eat veggies, Spencer (no matter how much he would argue) would eat his damn veggies. And he could actually enjoy them.
- "Ok, chipmunk, you ate all your food. You earned your dessert"- (Y/N) smiled and picked the dirty dishes from the table.
- "Let me do that. You already fed me. The least I can do is do the dishes."
Spencer followed her moves and took the dishes to the sink. (Y/N) didn't argue with that. It wasn't the first time Spencer cleaned the kitchen with her, after all. They had been good friends, close friends, for a long time, and they were used to being around each other.
But this time, it felt somehow different. Like there was something in the air warning them things were about to change for good.
- "Ok, doc. Do you wanna eat your dessert watching tv for a while?"- (Y/N) handed Spencer an ice cream bowl with chocolate chips on top and some whipped cream.
- "A smiley ice cream bowl?"- Spencer chuckled as he stared at it. He loved it.
- "Yes, you are never too old to eat food with a smile on it. And that's a life lesson, Spencer Walter Reid."- she said and walked to the couch, holding the remote control.
- "You are filled with wisdom, (Y/N)"- Reid teased her and sat by her side.
- "I know. It would help if you let me train you. You would pass your fit test in a blink."- she said and continued surfing channels.
- "Thanks, but no thanks. I wanna do it on my own."- Spencer glued his eyes on the screen and ate his dessert. (Y/N) just nodded and continued surfing channels.
- "Why?"- she asked him after a few minutes. They had been watching an old movie in silence, just eating their ice cream.
- "Why what?"- he whispered and looked at her just for a second. He didn't trust himself around (Y/N), especially under those circumstances: alone in her house. She had changed into leggings and an old extra-large sweatshirt. Her hair was in a messy bun. And Spencer didn't feel able to look at her into the eyes, 'cos he was going to cave in. He was going to grab her face with both hands and kiss her right there. No questions asked.
Which is why he avoided looking at her.
- "Why don't you want me to help you train?"
- "Just because"- he answered and glued his eyes to the screen. But (Y/N) knew better. She moved closer to him on the couch and held his hands. Spencer shivered right away at the sensation of her skin. It was so warm and soft. All he craved was some more of that. He wanted to feel her. Touch her. Taste her.
His head was going way too fast, and just because she held his hand.
- "Spencer, look at me"- she whispered and practically begged her friend to pay her attention- "I just wanna help. It's just a stupid fit test. It ain't hard."
- "For you."- he mumbled and looked down at his hand as her fingers played against his skin.
- "I didn't want you or anyone to help me 'cos I'm a fucking SSA who should be perfectly able to perform a simple fit test on his own. But no. I can't! And do you know what that means?"
- "That finally I know there's one thing you are not good at?"- she answered and smiled at him. Spencer raised his eyes and met hers. He knew his cheeks were all shades of pink, but for once, he just didn't care. He just wanted to look at her and see if she meant it. Or if she was just teasing him.
- "Right"- he snorted and shook his head.
- "I mean it, Spencer. You don't have to be good at everything."
- "It's a fit test. It's basic to be an agent. I need to be able to catch an unsub."- (Y/N) frowned and tried to understand where all that self-doubt and insecurity was coming from. To her eyes, Spencer had nothing to be ashamed of. To her, he was perfect in every single way.
- "You already catch unsubs, chipmunk. Everyday. You don't have to kick down doors to make a profile. And you don't have to run six miles to get the bad guy. Everything that you do every day at work is what an SSA is supposed to do. And you excel at it."
(Y/N) sighed and smiled at her best friend, trying to push aside the urge she felt to kiss him. His golden-brown eyes looked so big, like honey pools, she could stare for a lifetime. Spencer didn't know what to say. He really wasn't good with praises. He wasn't used to them. Not in that way.
- "Besides"- (Y/N) added after a few seconds of silence when she realized she might have said too much and started panicking.
- "It feels good to finally know there is one thing I am better than you at."
- "What are you talking about?"- Spencer answered right away, in the sassiest tone of voice.- "Just because I suck working out doesn't mean you are better. Even at my lowest, I'm still better than whatever you can do in a gym."
Reid was obviously joking. He knew (Y/N) could kick ass. Not only had she saved his life many times on the field, but also, he had seen her working out. And she could definitely kick his ass if she wanted to.
That didn't mean he wasn't going to tease her just because.
- "You take that back, Reid!"- she threatened him and
- "No"- he sentenced and crossed his arms on his chest
- "Last chance. Take it back, or you will pay for it."
- "Make me."
And that was it.
In a second, (Y/N) was on him tickling him, and trying to practice a chokehold on him. But Spencer was faster, and somehow, stronger than her. Maybe it was because he was struggling with himself. A part of him wanted her closer, and a part of him didn't want her too close, 'cos he knew his pants were going to start feeling too tight if she did.
Whatever the reason was, after two minutes of wrestling, Spencer had (Y/N) pinned down against the couch. And the way she panted against the fabric of the cushion wasn't helping him with his pants.
- "Spencer, it hurts"- she cried and tried to move from his grip, but he didn't let her go.
- "If you want me to release you, you have to say I am the best agent in this house."
- "Never!"- (Y/N) quickly answered and continued struggling.
- "Just say it, I've got you held, and I'm not going to let you free until you say it."- something in his tone of voice, it was teasing but also... sexy? (Y/N) knew Spencer wasn't trying to act that way, but it was working for her in a way she hadn't imagined. He would be so soft. And now, there he was, acting like a dominant man, holding her tight, not letting her move, literally pinned against the couch.
If only it were all happening in a different context.
- "Let me go, Spencer Reid!"- (Y/N) battled against his arms, but it was useless
- "Just say it"- he leaned in and whispered in her ear, and (Y/N) sword she could almost feel his smile as he spoke.
- "You are the best agent!! There, happy?"- she mumbled, making her best to sound annoyed and not turned on. Spencer released her, and she quickly sat down properly, rubbing her left wrist.
- "Did I hurt you?"- Spencer whispered and noticed how flustered she was. That was a first.
- "No. But I gotta tell you, you are stronger than I thought."- she said and stuck out her tongue to him, trying to be playful and innocent, though you could feel it in the air. That moment was anything but innocent.
- "Yeah, I've been working out a little bit."- Spencer answered and chuckled at his own words.
- "Well, you are going to have to learn how to control your new strength, 'cos this is going to leave a bruise"- (Y/N) whined and showed him her sore wrist. Spencer winced, ashamed he had been so hard on her without meaning any harm. He moved closer to her and held her wrist carefully. (Y/N) just looked at him as he kissed her wrist a few times.
That man couldn't be real. He was such a tease.
Did he know all the things he was, in fact, doing to her with that simple touch?
He surely had to know. Otherwise, there was no explanation, she thought.
- "Thanks"- (Y/N) whispered and fixed her eyes on his lips, still landing small kisses on her wrist.
That was when she stopped breathing. Spencer was literally breathtaking. He smiled at her, and she just couldn't help it anymore. (Y/N) leaned in and kissed him. It was a soft, short peck. But she had dared to do the unthinkable.
She kissed her best friend.
Spencer widened his eyes, shocked, and looked at her, not saying a word. They just stayed still for a good thirty seconds until Spencer finally made his move, cupping her jaw carefully with both hands and pulling her face against his.
The way she moaned into the kiss made him feel more in control than he had ever been before.
It was a soft kiss but intense. Spencer's lips rubbed carefully against her mouth, and his tongue moved carefully, making its way until he could taste her. (Y/N) moved closer to him until she was basically sitting on his lap, and his arms wrapped around her body, locking her against him.
They were in heaven.
Until it was over. Their phones buzzed at the same time, breaking the spell, ending the charm. (Y/N) jumped from Spencer's arms and grabbed her phone.
- "We've got a case"- she whispered and turned to him. He was agitated, his cheeks were red, his pants felt tight, and he was starving for more of those kisses.
- "Ok."- he replied but didn't move.
- "I'm gonna change, then we can go."- (Y/N) added, but he didn't say a word. To be fair, Spencer wasn't processing what was going on. He was still trying to elaborate a coherent thought. And most of all, he was fighting the boner in his pants that didn't let him stand up.
You could blame all the sugar in his body after the massive bowl of ice cream, or all the praising (Y/N) had given him, but Spencer found a new level of courage in that kiss. He decided it was time to stop overthinking it. It was time to act on his feelings.
- "(Y/N)"- Reid knocked on her bedroom door and heard her from the walking closet.
- "I'm almost ready. Did you talk with Garcia?"
- "No, but I don't wanna leave things like this. I wanted to talk about what just happened."
(Y/N) sighed and took a look at herself in the mirror. She could still feel her cheeks burning after that kiss, after feeling her best friend hard underneath her body, holding her against him. But she wasn't sure she wanted to hear what Reid was about to say. Most of all, because she was sure it was going to be something along the lines: "That kiss was a mistake, you are my friend. I don't wanna ruin this."
- "That kiss was..."- he mumbled and walked to her as soon as she showed up in the room, but words were hard to find when she looked at him that way.
- "Spencer, I..."- she tried to speak, but he just continued.
- "Would you like to..."
- "Pretend it didn't happen?"
- "Go out on a date with me?"- the two of them said at the same time and widened their eyes in shock.
- "What?"- (Y/N) questioned and stared at her best friend in shock- "You want to go out with me?"
- "You want to pretend it never happened?"- he asked her, scared he might have rushed to the wrong conclusions.
- "No, no, no, I don't... I can't pretend it didn't happen"- (Y/N) quickly answered and held Spencer's hand, afraid she might have ruined everything.
- "I was just scared you were going to reject me or..."- (Y/N) bt her lips and dared to look at him- "I wanna go out on a date with you"- she whispered and watched his whole face change as a big silly grin drawn on his lips.
- "Really?"- he murmured, still not sure it was actually happening. He asked her out. She said yes. He was sure that was never going to happen in real life.
- "Really"- she assured him and leaned in slowly to kiss him one more time. But her phone rang again, and so did his. This time it was a message from Hotch. Wheels up as soon as they reached the FBI.
- "But after we catch the bad guy."- (Y/N) added, and Spencer chuckled.
- "Sounds like a plan."
Spencer Reid’s taglist: 
@calm-and-doctor @all-tings-diego
Requested by @shilohpug​ 
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vukovich · 3 years
Listen. Draco goes on a run past Harry’s house everyday. It’s August. He needs hosing down.
The Ass is Greener Where You Water It
Harry gets the keys to the dingy little cottage on his birthday, so that he can have a housewarming party instead of a 30th birthday party. It's the best birthday he's ever had. By miles. Instead of Gryffindor kitsch and Quidditch tickets, his friends give him things he actually wants.
Hermione brings an owl perch that clips right into his bedroom window. Ron distracts Harry with a cast iron skillet from the Burrow while Dean and Seamus set off atmospheric charms over the house. Bit of a risk in a Muggle area, but the houses are so far apart, and the traffic so sparing that no one notices.
Luna arrives late, and he greets her on the dilapidated porch. His glasses fog in the humidity, and she casts a spell on the weed-choked front lawn that sounds like it should give the thistles the power of prophecy, but merely keeps his glasses clear.
Hermione takes one look at the kitchen and heads back out for pizza. Ron and Seamus do a double-take at the chartreuse living room carpet and roll up their sleeves. Luna performs an exorcism in the basement, just to be safe. Dean stocks the fridge with beer. Only beer.
Dinner is eaten out of hand, seated on the living room floor between rows of carpet staples. Ron sets a small team of allen wrenches into motion, and Harry watches furniture assemble itself.
Ron thumps a fist against his chest, holds his breath, and belches so loudly he has to swallow at the end. Hermione shakes her head and confiscates the rest of his beer.
Slowly, as the bottles accumulate in the recycling bin, and the leftover pizza makes its way to the fridge, they all filter out.
"Gotta pick the kids up from Mum's. Love you, Harry. And happy birthday!"
Luna yawns. "The dabberblimps will be waiting for their bedtime story."
Dean and Seamus each snag a cold piece of pizza on their way out. "We're headed to the bars. Coming, birthday boy?"
"Nah," Harry says, shaking his head.
Dean rolls his eyes. "Got a big day of fuck-all tomorrow?"
Harry snorts a laugh and shoves him out onto the patio. "Like you've got a big night of fuck-nobody tonight?"
Seamus licks his finger and marks an imaginary tally board. "G'night, Harry. And happy birthday."
Seamus pulls Dean along, out to the sidewalk, and exclaims, "Shit! Longbottom, what the fuck?!"
Harry squints out into the dark front lawn, and Neville stands up from the other side of the snaggletoothed picket fence.
"Oh, hi. Hey, Harry!" Neville waves. "I'm planting Moonroses along the fence!"
Harry leans against a pillar, but the bottom of it slides away. He startles, catches it, tugs it back into place, and eyes the porch roof warily.
"Uhm, thanks, Nev. You want some pizza?"
Dean shoots Harry fingerguns, then throws an arm around Neville's shoulders. "He wants to get shitfaced, not put that shit in his face!"
Dean looks to Seamus, who licks a finger, raises it, tilts his head in thought, then revokes the potential point with a solemn head shake. Dean flips him the bird.
Neville brushes his hands off on his jeans. "An appletini does sound good. Harry, be sure to water this rose bush every sunset for the next month. Only at sunset."
Harry shrugs and agrees. He really does have fuck-all to do.
The bush is dead. Or he's pretty sure it is. He watered it dutifully at sunset every day for the first week, but then a chipmunk bit a hole in his garden hose and he missed a night.
Flooding the ground around the scraggly bush might revive it. He tugs the hose out over the picket fence and stands on the sidewalk, intent on spraying the dirt as fast as it can absorb the water.
Spray. Watch the standing water trickle into the ground. Spray again. It lulls him into a rhythm.
A hard knock to his shoulder spins him around, and he grabs at the fence. He hits the ground next to the bush, arse in the mud, a busted-off picket in one hand and the hose sprayer in the other.
A man looms over him in the fading daylight. He pants for a moment and takes a long breath before speaking. "For fuck's sake, I hollered three times-" Platinum hair glows pink with the sunset where it isn't sweat-matted against his head. "Potter?"
Dry rose thorns scrape Harry's arm. "Uhm, yeah."
Draco holds a hand out to help Harry up, but Harry hands him the picket. Draco tosses it into the yard.
"I wondered who wasted their money on this hovel."
"Excuse me?"
Sweat drips down Draco's temple, and his t-shirt clings to his chest. It's a rather nice chest, Harry decides.
"This house is hideous. I've run past it every day this summer, and I honestly thought it would end up torn down."
Harry scowls up at him. "It's got good bones."
Draco rolls his eyes and rests a hand on a hip. It's a rather nice hip, Harry decides.
"Carcasses have good bones."
Harry points the sprayer at Draco's face and waits for him to notice, but Draco's busy cataloguing Harry's house's faults.
"That porch roof is going to fall off, and the porch itself is-"
A jet of water hits Draco right in his open mouth, and he coughs, swallows, and glares down at Harry.
"Your front door doesn't even-"
Water shoots up Draco's nose, and he sneezes it out.
"Goddammit, Potter, I-"
Harry looses the hose all over Draco's face for a good, long while. Draco freezes and lets the water drip from his nose and chin.
He blinks down at Harry, who bites his lips to keep from laughing. "You looked thirsty."
Draco clears his throat. "I was..."
"And hot."
Draco smirks. "I can't argue with-"
Harry points the hose at Draco's chest and soaks his shirt while Draco winces and turns his face away from the spray.
Draco peels his shirt off over his head and wrings it out onto the sidewalk. "Your house is still a piece of-"
Harry aims for Draco's crotch and hits him in the balls with a short shot. Draco yelps and wads his t-shirt and hands over his groin.
"Done?" Harry asks, hose steady on Draco's face.
Draco clears his throat again. "Quite."
"This splendid manse of yours wouldn't have a towel, would it?"
Harry tosses the hose back over the fence and climbs to his feet.
"I have no idea, but you can help me look."
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whatisgoingonpaul · 3 years
Looking at the deleted scenes
so my last post looking into a scene to hear what they said was a deleted scene and that honestly got me on a kick now about looking though them all. This one is mainly going to be just taking about them/details more then a what I heard post. So here we go.
1- fighting over rooms
This was in the script and the book but never made it into the film, Sam was in the room Michael wanted and they fought for it. So this scene is the context behind Sam bolting down the stairs “MOM PLEASE! Ma! You gotta help me!” “S o o n”
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Sam’s got a serious comic collection, which he organises(I see the hulk but no Batman)
Sam mumbling the song he later sings in the tub!! (Ain’t got no home)
“oh no no no, this is MY room. You, spidey and richie rich and the rest of the boys are outta here.” Michael I love you.
“My way or the highway bud” Sam I love you
Sam bites this man in the leg- Michael also notably mumbles ‘lil shit’ as his brother rushes away laughing
Y’all I am in LOVE they are literally just siblings
2- Kitchen that night
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This was also script/book. I mean duh because it’s a deleted scene. Basically just talking after dinner
Lucy has two big pictures of her mother ‘hi mom’
Sam is trying to fix the stereo but it keeps popping also Sam wearing the bandana! Cutie lmao
The stereo starts playing lost in the shadows (also like how when Dwayne hits it, it plays good times)
Michaels “sammmmmmm”
Michael just “I dunno if I’m going back to school” he dead ass went ✨I wanna drop out✨
Sam swoops in and starts dancing with Lucy it’s to cute I’m gonna explode
Sam and Lucy dragging him in , Sam straight up head locking Mike and Lucy’s dance is gonna
3- extension of Michael following star
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Honestly this should have stayed in. It gives star a bit more character and it also makes Michael slightly less creepy in his actions. THIS IS WHERE THE PHOTO OF LADDIE COMES FROM!
Star: are you following me?*laugh*
Michael, confidently: yea, I am
How star is laughing and smacking gum watching this dork
Laddie like :0 the whole time
The way she says “well, talk” In a half laugh
SAM ACTUALLY CUTS THEM OFF FROM THEIR CONVO WITH “moms here” that’s why she goes off
“She wants me , all of me” - Sam Emerson 1987
4- Michaels job
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Self explanatory, honestly I think this scene should have been kept in for little more past actually establishing that the movie is longer then a few days. Really it’s more like a few weeks
The drunk dude laying on the beach left over from the night before
Hhhhhhhh shirtless Michael hhhhhh
This kid is trying to read a comic in the ocean
Sam gets splashed by the surf nazis
Michael gets tricked by hair lmao
5- video store that afternoon
Weird note but Maria is called Marie? However in all media she’s called Maria??
Marie gives her little backstory, how she owes max
Max is busy during the day you see
Lucy is such a sweetie “there’s my boys! :D” “my sons my sons”
Michael trying to give Lucy his left over Christmas money and all that 🥺
Sams “bye mike!”
6- talking again
Second night extended talks
They used to come spend summers in Santa Carla
M: where’s your little brother?
S: hes not my little brother
The audio cut out :(
Grandpa asks Lucy about her boss “oh you know him?” “Oh I’ve seen him around”
“Yea if i knew I was gonna live this long I woulda taken better care of myself”
8- morning
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Sam watching the stuffed mountain lion
Nanook going after the rears of the stuffed hunting dogs- sir-
“Chill out Nanook”
Sam gets noosy and looks in on the Taxidermy and Grandpa chooses to gross him out lmao
“Nanook, this is my life , I come from a broken home. My mom works all day, my brother SLEEPS all day and my grandfathers possibly a alien who stuffs chipmunks” SAM I LOVE YOU
Sam sneaks a bit of grandpas weed
I’m going to sob I’m gonna sob it’s like a bit of the leaf! Sam baby never change
Grandpa walks in- Sam gets offended and tells him to stop with the Indian walk (this implies that he just straight up sneaks up on Sam non stop lmao I love him)
This blends into the “let’s go to town” scene
9- Michaels “morning after
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The video I’m watching titled it this and I’m losing my shit so I’m keeping it. ALSO AGAIN THE MAGGOTS AND THE BRIDGE SCENE ARENT ON THE SAME NIGHT. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT IN TO ESTABLISH THAT
Michael not being able to lift his weights
“I can’t remember to much, not after the Chinese food that looked like maggots” Sam slowly putting down his apple lmao
“Hey mike, you think grandpas a alien?”
Mike “mom and I didn’t wanna tell you two early” lmao
Nanook and Michaels salty feet. I still don’t get this part
“That was some pretty funky Chinese food”
Mike just placing his full hand over sams face
Went over this last night
Max having thorn sit shot gun
His baseball cap that’s it just his hat
11- max and Lucy date pre phone call
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Again for  character development , like star. Like he doubles as a love interest and villain you think they’d leave the little parts with him in it in the movie
Max saying “I know what it’s like to be alone”
He says protecting mother in Latin(I think?) then English - NERD
“Lioness with her Cubs” she laughs THEYRE REALLY CUTE- STOP
“I think my mothering days are just about over” “well, they don’t have to be” SUBTLE
Max trying to show off with a fancy order shsisososososos
Max goes all out and spoils with the expensive order and Lucy is all !!! ☺️ no one touch me
They’re actually really cute and it makes me so mad they cut out moments like this for him and star? Because even with these they don’t get that much time but they get that much more character
13- Mike they’re here! Introductions
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Should have been kept simply because there’s a huge gap
“This guy looks more like a zombie”
“Should I run him though?”
Mike is so sarcastic
“David! It’s David isn’t it?! He’s the leader! David ansisosososoos” mikes deflated “yea”
In conclusion these all should have stayed in the film and I am still upset over this. Also if there’s any more or any one that I missed: gimme
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Angel’s Girl
Characters: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Summary: Angel wants everyone to know you’re his girl. Also, part of a request from @brownsugarcoffy​/  Hi! I don't know if your taking any request, but I saw this picture of this necklace with Angel on it. I was wondering if you would write a imagine of Angel Reyes giving the reader a necklace with his name to claiming her as his old lady and now Angel now wants to only see her wearing his name as they make love. I really adore your writing and know you will do it justice. ❤
Warnings: A lil angst, a lil smut, a whole lotta fluff and cheesiness. 
Here’s more of my work or if you would like to be notified here’s my taglist
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At some point, you and Angel knew you had a forever kind of love. The kind of love where you get tattoos expressing that love. When it was your two-year anniversary, he propositioned the idea.
He showed you the sketches he drew of your name. He was so excited, that it physically hurt you to burst his bubble. “Angel, I love you, but there’s no way I’m getting your name tattooed on me.” Angel grabbed you by the back of your neck and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I know, mi dulce. You’re too practical for that, so that’s why I drew you these.”
Moving his page of his drawing of your name Angel revealed a sheet of paper full of angel wings drawings. The one in the center, immediately caught your attention. “That one! That’s the one!”
“Yeah? You like it?” He asked nervously. Angel had only shown his drawings to you and EZ. He was too insecure to share them with to anyone else.
“Duh! And I’ll get ‘em on my fingers and go like this,” you flicked your wrist. “And tell them my super amazingly talented boyfriend drew them.”
“Handsome. Your super amazingly talented handsome boyfriend.”
“Oh, how could I forget!?” You smacked your forehead. “It’s okay, I forgive you.” He kissed your temple and listened to you plan when you and he would get the tattoos while he rubbed the ring finger you flicked at him earlier, thinking how well it would look with an engagement ring.
Angel just loved how you showed off your tattoos. Or better yet how you explained the meaning behind them. Club hang arounds? You flaunted that shit and in the next breath you threatened to punch them dead in the face if they ever disrespect you by flirting with Angel. Dudes hitting on you at the bar? You shot them down with the quickness and told them you only belonged to one person and fluttered your fingers like you were already married.
But one day the tattoos weren’t enough. Angel didn’t know what it was, but he knew he needed something else to say you’re his. An engagement ring was out of the question because he had yet to find the perfect one. Luckily, one day he stumbled onto a heart locket that had his name engraved in it and he knew that was it. That would show everyone you were his old lady.
When he brought the necklace to you, you were automatically in love, but you also had to tease him. He was practically going all caveman on you when he requested you always wear it. “Damn Angel, I might as well get your name tattooed on my forehead.”
“Angel!” You hit him as he was seriously mulling over the idea. “I’m just kidding, querdia. We want to take attention away from your big ole forehead not bring more to it.”
With your forgetful self, one day you forgot to put your necklace back on after the gym. That didn’t sit well with Angel, especially since you and him weren’t on the best of terms.
“Where the fuck is your necklace, Y/N?”
“In the car. I forgot to put it back on.” You set down your gym bag, went into the kitchen and got you a bottle of water.
“You forgot? Didn’t I tell you to keep it on at all times?” His insecurities were flaring up, driving him to be crazily possessive.
“Angel, I’m not your damn property! When you get that through your thick ass skull give me a call!” And with that you ran out the door with him calling after you was cut off by you slamming the door and running into your car.
That’s how you ended up at the bar, listening to some lame pickup lines.
“Angel, that’s a pretty name.”  The guy pointed to your necklace.
Soon as you decided you were going to the bar you put the necklace back on. “It is.” You replied in a monotone voice, keeping your eyes straight ahead. He didn’t take the hint that you were not interested and continued to talk to you.
When you raised your glass to take a sip, he noticed your tattoos and made some corny joke. Somehow, he kept going even though that was like the fifth joke you didn’t laugh at.
From afar Angel was watching the interaction partly amused and partly jealous. He wanted you to tell the guy get lost, but he could clearly see your annoyance and it was funny to him. He decided he’ll let it go on for a little while longer to let you suffer some more unless it got out of hand.
“So, Angel what’s a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?” The stranger was about to put his hand on your thigh, but he finally picked up on some social cues and stopped himself. “I was enjoying my drink and my name’s not Angel.”
“What? It says it right there.” He pointed to your locket. Oh, this man was dumber than you thought. “Doesn’t mean it’s my name.”
“Then whose name is it?” He got defensive, he didn’t appreciate being made a fool of.
“Her boyfriend’s.” Angel finally decided to intervene when he saw the guy become agitated.
The sleazebag was about to be Billy badass, but then he saw Angel’s kutte and became a stuttering mess. “Sor-so-so-sor-sorry man, I didn’t know she was your girl. My bad.” He didn’t even give Angel time to threaten him. He ran off afraid of what could happen.
“Took you long enough off.” Halfway through your one-sided conversation with your unwanted suitor you saw Angel’s reflection through the bar’s mirror. “You knew I was here? Why didn’t you stop him?”
“I thought you would.”
Angel took your glass and drunk the rest of your drink. “Nah, it was too much fun seeing you suffer.”
“Asshole!” You playfully shoved Angel.
He started to laugh but it eventually died down. “I’m sorry, querida.”
“For being an asshole at home or being one here?”
“At home. That shit here was too funny.” He backed away before you could hit him again. “Seriously though, I’m sorry. I don’t think of you as my property. Yeah this,” Angel moved in closer to grab your necklace, “it means you’re my girl, but the deeper meaner is that you own my heart.”
“So that means I’m not your whore you can fuck however and whenever you want?” You asked with a smirk.
“Check, please!”
Angel had you twisted up like some damn pretzel, but you loved it. As soon as you got home, he got on his knees and made you cum three times with his mouth and he would’ve gone for the fourth if you didn’t beg him to fuck you.
“Shit! Who’s pussy is this?” Angel was pounding into you, his eyes were focused on your locket swinging against your neck. “It’s yours Daddy!”
“Damn right it is.” He took your left hand and sucked your ring finger. With his hand he took a hold of your neck. “And next time some little bitch tried talking to you, you shit that shit down. You understand me?”
“Yes, daddy,” you whimpered with tears streaming down your face. Angel was too good at this. You could feel another orgasm mounting up and it felt like it would be the most powerful of all.
Angel noticed you trying to hold back your orgasm because he didn’t give you the permission to cum. “Good girl.” He praised you, leaning forward until your foreheads met. “Daddy’s making you feel good?”
“Yes,” you nodded your head, “You’re so big, I can feel you deep in my tummy.”
He pressed a hand to your stomach. “You’re right, princesa. I’m deep in them guts. But can you do me a favor baby girl?”
“Anything for you.” Angel smiled against your neck. “Cum all over daddy’s cock.” And just like that you did. You screamed Angel’s name at the top of your lungs almost drowning out his own shouts of pleasure.
After that thorough round you wanted to bundle up and go to sleep but Angel made you get up. “Hygiene over comfortability,” he said.
As you went to use the restroom, he changed the sheets and started the bath. Just before you joined him in the tub, he handed you your shower cap. It was blissful silence as you two cleaned up.
Again, Angel was rubbing in your left ring finger. Ever since you got the tattoo there, he’s been obsessed, but he never gave the same attention to your middle finger with the other angel wing.
“Yes, querida?”
“Why do you keep a hand on my ring finger?”
“Man, I thought you were the smart one of us two.” You splashed some water his way and he quickly apologized knowing you could start a splash war like nothing.
He brought up said finger to his lips and kissed it. “Because I can’t stop imagining how good it’ll look with a ring on it.”
His answer appeased you which led you to your conditions of your proposal. Angel listened eagerly and ingrained each requirement in his head. There was no way he was gonna mess this up.
He hadn’t been shopping for it, he just accidentally stumbled on it while at the mall. Weeks later, Angel finally found the perfect engagement ring for you. He was so excited that he planned to propose that night, but your nails weren’t done and one of your requirements were to make sure your nails weren’t ‘raggedy’ as you would put it.
Then another couple of weeks later the opportunity presented itself. You were on your lunch break and you came to the clubhouse to spend it with him and the guys. Your mouth was full of tacos like chipmunk cheeks while you yelled ‘No fucking way!’ at Coco and Angel thought there was no one he rather spend the rest of his days with.
He did a quick check of your nails and they still look good from the day before. Yeah there were people around, but it was people you and him consider family. Your hair was done, and you had a nice outfit on, so all the boxes were checked.
“Querida,” he called out to you to stop you from arguing with Coco.
“Yeah babe?” You turned to him and found him on one knee. “Oh my god!” You jumped up and started wiggling around doing some weird celebratory dance.
The guys turned to see what was happening and they all cracked a smile. “About damn time.” Coco slapped the back of Angel’s shoulders. The rest of the Mayans came out with their guns out when they heard your screams, but quickly put them away when they saw what was happening.
Each time Angel tried to say something you would just squeal and continue dancing, not giving him a chance to get one-word in. “Prospect, get her.” Bishop ordered, seeing how uncomfortable Angel was getting from kneeling on the gravel.
EZ wrapped one arm around your shoulders and the other over your mouth. “I know you’re excited to be my sister-in-law, but you can’t say yes if he can’t ask the question. So, can you be quiet and be still?” You nodded your head fervently and EZ released you.
“Thanks, bro.” Angel cleared his throat before looking at you. He was getting nervous again, but then he saw how you had to contain your excitement and he was overwhelmed with love again. “You know I’m not good with words and shit, but I’ll try. You’re my everything, Y/N. You’re my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night. I honestly can’t think of my life without you because it would be too depressing. God, I hope this isn’t too corny, but here it goes: what’s the point of an angel if there’s no heaven? So, with that being said, Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Angel was lucky he started to stand up because you tackled him once he slid the ring on. He was attacked with kisses all over his face and he wondered how could he had been worried about you saying no at all.
“You know you’re gonna be stuck with me forever, right?”
“Yeah, I’m perfectly fine with that. What’s the point of heaven if I don’t have my Angel with me?” Forever with Angel sounded like paradise and you couldn’t wait.
Tagging: @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @sadeyesgf​ @woahitslucyylu​ @starrynite7114​ @angelreyesgirl​ @blessedboo​ @ourlittlesecretsoveragain​ @sambucky8​ @mygirlrenee​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @my-rosegold-soul​ @angrythingstarlight​ @richonne4life​ @brattyfics​ @lovebennycolon​ @langiinspirations​ @chibsytelford​ @trulysuccubus​ @spookys-girl​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @fvckthisbxtchup​ @theartisticqueen​
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irgmugurg · 3 years
Belphie's Music Taste
Mammon's Music Taste
Asmodeus's Music Taste
Belphie listening to lofi songs is simultaneously the cutest and funniest thing that I’ve ever heard.
Aw is the bratty little cowboy gonna listen to windchimes and sparkles. Yes. Yes, he is.
Aight hear me out. JUST LISTEN
Belphie listening to country music.
He’d start it as a joke but he’d gradually love falling asleep to the slow drawl of the music.
he thinks their super cheesy but proceeds to press play
"ugh more country music?" *clicks play*
Or even listening to those sad country army songs about being soldiers and missing your family
He 100% relates these songs to Lilith and having to fight for/against the celestial realm.
AT SOME POINT he’s layed with Beel and they both cried about country music/Lilith (think If Your Reading This and a bunch more by Tim McGraw, Arlington, and Your Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins)
Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlise. FUCK. I’M GOING TO CRY.
I know some of these songs are from the point of view of a daughter and their dad but Belphie can’t help but think of being able to grow up and show Lilith how the world has changed.
Doesn’t even care that most of country songs are religion-based and yeah sometimes he gets so angry at Father for what he took from him but he remembers that now Lilith is up there still. Doesn’t make it hurt any less though.
Wishes he could still hold her, see her grow up, him and beel being her best men at her wedding, connecting the human and celestial realm
listens to circus songs and fucking cries
NICKELBACK. (he isn’t THAT bad okay, sometimes his songs SLAP) ((lullaby,,,belphie relates this song to his feelings of overwhelming anger in the attic)
Falling asleep holding each others hands, reminiscing about Lilith and the times they had together.
Mammon and satan, just to piss him off, played the wild west theme songs (The Good The Bad The Ugly theme) whenever he walked in a room and he would go demon mode (only for them to laugh harder, cowboy looking ass)
gets embarrassed if you hear him listening to country music
changes the song quickly, he can't have people knowing he genuinely likes it
listened to If I Die Young once and thought of Lilith
proceeded to block all mentions of this song
He loves how soft and sweet it is even though it doesn’t match his “style”.
This motherfucker can be berated by Lucifer and he’ll put on headphones and just watch Lucifer scream at him and only hear soft Lofi music.
Lofi hip hop, Jazz, pop. He does not discriminate.
Very often gets the beats and small portions of the lyrics stuck in his head.
LOVES Shiloh Dynasty and all the remixes
But that is not the only thing that Belphie listens to. Oh no, definitely not.
Loves nightcore. Alvin and the Chipmunks who?
Alternatively likes listening to slowed down songs
Listens to the front bottoms and thinks about punching lucifer in his face
OUCH! By Matt Watson
Emo headass.
Is very much stuck in the 2010s (probably the last era he was able to listen to before getting locked in the attic and since getting out has been stuck there) and if MC introduces him to any more then even 2020 music.
It’s the emotions that he relates so heavily to but it also helps him stay awake to do tasks.
His turn to do dishes? Unearthly screaming comes from the kitchen. Please don’t worry he is just vibing.
He has the screamo voice. He doesn’t use it often because I don’t see Belphie as someone to sing along, more bopping to the music and swaying, MAYBE mumbling under his breath but nothing more.
Will do it with Lucifer around just to fuck with him
Why is the thought of Belphie on stage, smudged mascara, black leather clothes and screaming on the top of his lungs hot????
would 100% let you dress him up in that outfit but acts like he doesn't like it
Stop *bonk* being *bonk* a *bonk* belphie *bonk* simp *bonk*
He doesn’t like making playlists because its so much work so if he puts on Lofi to go to sleep to and he will stay sleeping on wild screamo music.
Listens to it most in the attic because that’s where a FUCKTON of his resentment/rebellious vibes come from and because he doesn’t want to bother Beel while they are sleeping.
Asshole probably doesn’t use his headphones anywhere else tho.
Asmodeus and Mammon don’t understand him but they love him nonetheless.
*demonic screeching* “Okay sweetie don’t forget about the student council meeting later today <3”
If Mammon vibes with a song he WILL scream along, incoherently though because he doesn’t know the lyrics.
Beel just kinda sits there. Doesn’t get it either but loves seeing Belphie look so at peace.
Old man lucifer “is that what you kids listen to today?” (but can he talk?? really?? listening to cursed records bc iTs InTeReStInG)
Satan gets it the most out of anyone else. When they have Anti Lucifer-League meetings Belphegor puts on the most rebellious, and relatable (for their cause) at least, songs and they both scream the lyrics.
he isn't shy showing these songs to you but has once attempted to show off his emo scream please don't laugh at him
Trophy Father’s Son by Sleeping With Sirens, Can You Feel My Heart, Keep Myself Alive, Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon, Last Resort by Papa Roach, A LOT OF LINKIN PARK, Monster by Skillet, and OF COURSE Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
He probably wouldn't listen to wolf in sheeps clothing but *pointing* THATS HIM
Belphie has spent time crying over these songs. On late nights when he can’t sleep he cries about how he thinks Lucifer doesn’t love him and blames him for Lilith’s death. How MC must really hate him for how he’s acted. How different he is from his brother’s. (part of why he won’t listen to it in front of Beel)
please hold him and promise him that you don't hate him
He also LOOOOOVVES classical music but due to his history with it will not listen to it.
Aka how he used to lay on lucifer’s lap while he plays lullabies for him.
If Lucifer is playing classical music in the area tho? He can’t help but suddenly feel really sleepy. And no he didn’t fall asleep close enough to hear Lucifer scribble away on his paperwork (Lucifer knows he does and always has a blanket ready for when this happens).
lay with him and if you listen very carefully you can hear him mumbling the lyrics under his breath as he runs his fingers through your hair
One of my biggest things about belphie is that he is really smart even though he doesn’t like to put in the effort.
He likes to dissect these songs (typically passing thoughts and really paying attention, he won’t put to much effort into it) and get into them and it backfires because that means he’s really listening to these lyrics and it hits him THAT much harder. (STICKING LITTLE WHITE FLOWERS ALL UP IN HER HAAAAAIIRRRR)
End Note: Belphie doesn't have the largest music selection but the songs he listen to either help him sleep or makes him get all up in his feelings (bc he is emotionally stunted and its the only way he can cry).
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aficwhore · 3 years
Truth Is (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2: In the Moonlight
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Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!reader
Summary: After Benny’s fight, Chipmunk and Frankie bicker and have a heated argument, leading to something unexpected. When the moment passes the gang goes back to ‘Chip’s’ place to prepare for Colombia in the morning. Fish and ‘Chip’ reunite in the moonlight, but not for long. 
Word count: 4.9K
Warnings: explicit language, blood, violence, guns/weapons, lots of angst and emotions, infidelity, smut, sexual innuendos, drinking, mentions of drugs, talk of death, and talk of mental health(PTSD and depression).
A/N: I was so excited to start this new part, I had no exact plan on how I want it to go, but I went with what I was feeling in the moment. On a Side note THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS, you all are so special to me <3.
“And the winner is!” The announcer yelled, his voice echoing through the arena, pausing just enough to make us anxious, “Ben Miller!” He then raised the hand which held Benny’s arm, to showcase the successor.
In seconds you could hear Will, “Yeah! That’s my baby brother!” followed by proud roars, ours being the loudest in the crowd. I jumped from my seat and started jumping up and down. Too distracted by my glee, I didn’t notice Frankie had stood up from next to me. Once I saw him from the corner of my eye, he picked me up, jumping with me pressed to him, Santi and Tom cheering and playfully slapping each other and Will. 
Though the whole room was bursting with noise and people, when I made eye contact with Francisco, it felt like the whole world stopped. As if we were the only ones here. His smile slowly dropped into a face conflicted with lust and other emotions, I guess mine did the same. He slowly released me, placing me back on my feet, his eyes still bore into mine. 
After a few seconds, his eyes flickered down to my lips. He leaned closer to me, attempting to bring his lips to mine. Feeling my heart stop when his lips lightly brushed mine, I quickly pull away, before our lips could fully meet. Clearing my throat, “We should hurry up and congratulate Benny, then we can all go rest at my house.” 
Fish’s expression read nothing but confusion and sadness. “I-uh, yeah sure.” I swiftly turned to find the boys, but they had already started to make their way through the crowd and back to the locker room. 
My body began to buzz with emotions, not knowing how to feel in this moment. I didn't quite understand why I pulled away, I wanted nothing more than to kiss him, but something didn’t feel right. The timing maybe, or even just the setting, or maybe the fact that I haven’t had closure from that one night many months ago. 
Trying to snap out of my thoughts, I walked a little faster to catch up, hopefully leaving Frankie behind so I could shake this feeling. As I swiftly made it back into the locker room I saw the rest of them surrounding Benny on the bench and making jokes, while Will held a towel to his face, collecting the blood dripping from his split eyebrow.
“Chippy!” the younger Miller exclaimed when his eyes made contact with mine. “Sad to see I didn’t lose?” he questioned with a smirk playing on his lips. 
Shaking my head and laughing, I glided over to him, taking over for Will, and pulling the towel away, examining the cut. “You may have won, but this sure does look nasty Benny Boy.” I light heartedly explained.
“Then it’s a good thing you’re here to patch me up.” He chuckled, a small pleading look in his eyes.
I quickly turned to Will “If I’m gonna fix this, I’m gonna need a first aid kit.” All he did was nod before trailing off the grab one. 
Before I could realize Frankie was in the room with us I heard, “You did great out there kid.” He gave him a nod of approval. “Honestly was surprised, the other guy was a lot bigger than you, which I didn’t think was possible.” 
Benny burst into laughter, Frankie, Santi, and Tom joining in as Will came back and handed me the kit. “Alright boys, I think we should give Mr. BigShot here, a break.” I suggested, opening the kit and pulling out some alcohol pads, gauze, and some bandaids. They all nodded and filed out the back door into the parking lot.
As I began to dab at Benny’s eyebrow, he flinched. “So, you gonna finally tell Fish about everything? You know, since now you guys are kinda talking again?”
“Ben...No, I can’t. You know that. Only you and your brother know.” I explained, attempting to use butterfly tape to seal the cut closed. Carefully, I secured the tape with a bandaid over it, making sure to be gentle as Benny sat perfectly still in front of me, staring at me.
“Fish would be understanding, maybe even regretful with how he acted. If you just told him, he would realize how dumb everything was!” The kid chirped in a hopeful tone.
With a frustrated sigh, I spoke. “No Benny, I don’t think it’s worth it, because I’m not over how he handled it all.” I turned away from him, picking up the trash from the first aid kit.
He tried to convince me again, reaching up for my shoulder. “But you won't even give it a chance, what if-” 
“No! I already said no! Leave it alone! If I want to, then I will do it when I want to!” I shouted, letting my anger out. I yanked out of his grip, causing a sad look to appear on his slightly tattered face. He stayed silent, making me feel quite bad for raising my voice. “Look hun, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. Just so many emotions were awoken today. You can’t blame me.”
He quietly shook his head and stood up. Towering over me, he stepped towards me and wrapped his big and long arms around me, securing me in a well-needed hug. “I’m sorry, I pushed it, I shouldn’t have. I get it, you need time to process and heal. Don’t apologize, I love you Chip.” 
“I love you too B.” I hugged him back for a brief moment. “But please, for the love of all things holy, go take a shower.” I tilted back smiling up at him, reaching up and pinching my nose shut to make fun of him.
“That’s rude.” He scoffed with a smile on his lips. “I’ll see you tonight at your’s, right?” He asked as he gathered his things, heading off to the showers.
I nodded, waving and spinning around to leave out the back. When I walked through the door, I was greeted with Frankie. He was leaning against the wall next to the door. I glanced around, in hopes to find the others, but they all had vanished.
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you.” He spoke, pushing himself off the wall and towards me. I nonchalantly crossed my arms, still looking around.
“What about the others?” I inquired, wanting to avoid this conversation.
“They left, I told them I would drive you home and meet them there after they grab everything.” He revealed, taking in an encouraging breath. “But I wanted to talk to you about something, about us. To be exact.” He paused, stretching his hand out, behind his neck. As he began to sheepishly rub the back of his neck, he continued. “Look, I know things happened very badly, and I could’ve listened. And if I did, maybe we would- I don’t know, maybe we would still be together. But if you just told me the truth-”
“Excuse me? I know you are not trying to apologize and then still say its my fault I didn’t tell you everything?” I interrupted angrily. 
His body tensed, I could physically see the anger arising in him. “Would you just shut up and let me talk?” He spat, making me slightly jump in my skin. “This is another reason why things happened the way they did, you don’t know when to stop and be quiet.”
“You know what, fuck you.” I reacted, “Want to know what I was keeping from you? Want to finally know the goddamned truth? Well Dr. Philips is my fucking therapist.” His face contorted with confusion. “I was getting help, because I was getting worse again. The nightmares came back, and so did the depression, but I was too ashamed of telling anyone. So Fuck off Frankie.” 
Twisting around, I began to make my way out to the street. “Nena (babygirl), damn it, please, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t know.” He pleaded from behind me. 
Completely ignoring him, I kept walking in the direction of my apartment, even though it was blocks, maybe even miles away. When I heard his footsteps get closer, I sped up, trying to lose him once again. Then finally, it was quiet, except the sound of my own feet on the sidewalk and the bustle of the city.
After walking for a few more minutes, my anger calmed, until I heard a car pull up and drive slowly next to me. 
“Por favor (please), get in the car.” Francisco’s voice came from the window of the car. I acted as if I didn’t hear anyone and kept walking, facing straight ahead. “Stop being stubborn and get in! You can’t walk all the way home, it’s going to get dark!”
I rolled my eyes, still ignoring him. Then I no longer could hear the car, which piqued my curiosity, had he really given up that easily? I slowed my pace and as I turned my head to glance behind me, I was lifted into the air. “Hey! Put me down! Help! Help!” I screamed.
“Would you cut it out!” Frankie shouted, struggling to hold on to me as I swung and flailed in his arms. 
“I’m being kidnapped! Someone help!” I kept yelling. “Save me-” My voice being muted as he clamped a firm hand over my mouth, continuing to drag me into his car. As he was forcing me to sit in the passenger side, he yelped. “I know you did not just bite me!”
I huffed, “Well if you weren't trying to abduct me, I wouldn't have to!” His hand reached over me to buckle the seat belt around me, I leaned forward, attempting to bite him again. 
“What are you?! A fucking piranha?!” He screeched, yanking back.
Though he pulled back, his face was still inches away from mine. Our eyes met again. Our feud seemed to melt away with each passing second that his eyes bore into mine. I no longer wanted to put up a fight. Every inch of me ached for me to forgive him and make up, but I couldn’t. No matter how badly I wished to, I knew that our split wasn’t my fault, nor his, but its both of our faults for being so stubborn. 
“Baby,” He spoke softly, pulling me back to reality. His gorgeous brown eyes still locked on mine. His lips lay slightly open, fanning his breath across my face. His breath smelled like mint, it mixed with his scent. He always smelled woodsy, like pine and bergamot. I had missed his intoxicating smell for so long, that I wanted to revel in it, even just for a few seconds. 
I reached out my hand, letting it carefully caress his cheek, his stubble rough against my palm. He didn’t move, he stayed just a hand’s length away, allowing me to sweep my fingers along his cheek, down his neck, and to the collar of the shirt he wore. I gripped the ring of fabric and tugged him forward, crashing his pillowy lips against mine. 
It wasn’t a sweet kiss, it was a needy, rough kiss. Our teeth clashed as our lips parted, inviting each other in. Our tongues swept across each other as one of his hands tangled into my hair and the other gripping my jaw, coaxing me to open up more for him.
It felt like sweet relief, longing and pining had been all forgotten. The man I missed so much, was right in front of me, touching me, kissing me, which I dreamed of for nights on end. 
When I let go of his shirt and began to trail my hand lower, Frankie released my jaw and stopped my hand. He broke the kiss, offering a light chuckle when I whined at the loss of contact. 
“You have no idea how much I missed that. How much I missed you. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t respect your boundaries and that you weren’t ready to tell me.” He whispered with worry, placing his forehead on mine, rubbing his nose against my nose. I closed my eyes taking in the feeling. He laced his fingers with mine, with the hand that still held it to his chest. 
“I know Francisco, I’m sorry too. I should’ve told you, I could've still had you all these past months if I just got over myself and came clean.” I choked out, trying to keep calm.
He squeezed my hand, “Its okay, it’s over now. Please tell me its over.” It sounded like he was close to crying.
I nodded quickly, not wanting to speak, because if I did, I know my voice would crack with emotion. 
He remained crouched halfway into the passenger side, forehead to forehead with me. “Amor (love), they're going to make it to my house before I do.” I giggled, regretting my words moments later when we split. He nodded with a smile, stepped back and shut my door. He hurried around and got back in, starting the engine and making his way to my apartment. 
During the drive he reached over, taking my hand in his, and glancing over every once in a while to make sure I was okay. 
We sat in comfortable silence, until he spoke up. “I still have to run by my place and grab my things, do you mind if we stop on the way?” 
“Not at all.” I responded, bringing up our joined hands, to kiss the back of his. 
We rushed to his place, I stayed in the car as he ran in and gathered what he needed. It all seemed a blur, the euphoria from the event minutes before clouding my brain. 
When we made it back to my place it was dark and everyone was already inside, I guess one of the Miller’s used their spare key to get in. I helped Frankie grab his bags and head inside with them. As we walked through the door, the rest of the team was huddled on my couch, scarfing down pizza which I assume Benny bought. They glanced up and waved quickly before going back to eating and watching whatever they were playing on the TV. I set Fish’s stuff down with the other’s and walked further into the living room to find that the boys had laid out their blankets and pillows for the night already. 
I sat on the floor in front of the boys and grabbed a slice of pizza while Frankie set up his own area to sleep. When he finished, he strolled over and sat next to me. 
For the rest of the movie they guys were watching, we ate and chatted until we got tired and were ready for bed. I made sure to pick up the mess we made and helped the boys get comfy. When they were all laid down and falling fast asleep like children, I smiled to myself as I turned off the lights and headed to my room to turn in for the night. 
I tiptoed quietly, careful not to wake them as I walked to the laundry room and changed into my sleep clothes. Right as I made it back to my room, a hand reached out and covered my mouth to muffle the startled scream I was about to let out. 
“Its me, its just me.” Frankie’s voice contrasted with the silence of the room. I relaxed, turning around to face him. It was dark but I could still see some of his features with the help of the moonlight coming through the windows. 
His eyes crinkled with a smile, his teeth shining brightly. I couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss him. This kiss was loving and gentle. His lips moved against mine as I let my arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. Feeling him flush against me, made my skin become hot with want and need. 
He seemed to notice because he deepened the kiss, pushing me further into my room and shutting the door behind us. In seconds he spun us around and pressed me against the wall. He tilted his head back to look at me, not daring to move, except his arm.
His cool hand trailed up my thigh, dragging my sleepshirt with it. His fingers leave goosebumps in their wake. The material bunching on my hip, revealing the shorts I had on. I felt breathless from his touch as his index finger dipped into the waistband, lightly tugging on it. “Please tell me you need this as much as I do cariño.” He pauses with his nose nudging the side of my jaw, waiting for a response.
“Yes, pl-please, just touch me Frankie.” I stuttered, feeling my heart beat harder for him. In an instant, he drug the shorts down my legs, following them, and kissing the skin they surpassed. Once they were off and tossed away, he began his journey back up, but stopping at my stomach. I gasped as he kissed and licked at the hem of my panties, tasting the fabric and soft tummy underneath.
Through his eyelashes, he looked up and met my admiring gaze. My skin burned with desire, as if his touch was the only cure.
With little effort he wrapped one of his hands around my calf, pulling it up, and placing it over his shoulder, causing me to push my weight against the wall behind me. A small smirk finds its way to his face as he moves my panties to the side. Feeling vulnerable and exposed, I carded my hand through his hair, silently begging him to touch me.
“Paciencia mi amor (Patience my love).” his breath ghosted over my wet core, making me whimper with need. And at that moment he dipped down, placing a sloppy kiss where I wanted him most.
He placed another open mouth kiss on my mound, letting his tongue peak out and part me. My breath hitched when I felt his warm tongue flick at my aching clit. He did it again, causing me to buck my hips, asking for more friction. As he continued, slowly beginning to roll and suck on the bundle of nerves, he ran his hands up the back of my thighs, gripping my ass and pulling more of my weight onto his shoulders. 
He sucked harder, bringing a hand forward, and dipping his fingers into my wetness. “Fuck, I missed your sweet taste.” He murmured from between my legs, scissoring me open with his fingers. A moan escaped my lips, not loud, but enough to spur Frankie on. He started to go faster, working me closer and closer to the edge. His hot breath encompassing my wet heat when he would open his mouth to lick a broad stripe up my slit.
Losing focus on all things other than the man situated at my cunt, I could feel him swiping his tongue across my lips, as if he was spelling something. His movements were too intricate for me to understand, if he was spelling. 
I could feel a mix of my arousal and his spit start to drip down my thigh, sending a shiver up my spine. He broke away from my wetness, and chased the leaking fluid, catching it with his tongue, licking and sucking up the trail slowly, teasing me, making me wait longer for a release. 
My head started to spin with lust, nothing but quiet whimpers and his name leaving my mouth. “Please, stop teasing m-” I was cut off by him curling his fingers and speeding up. He placed his mouth back on me, determined to make me finish. I tugged his hair on accident, the pleasure surging through my body.
He moaned into me from my actions, vibrations radiating through me, allowing the coil in my stomach to tighten quickly. “Yes, don’t stop,” I moaned, trying to keep my voice low. Even though my body burned for me to scream in ecstasy, there were four other men in my living room asleep.
He curled his fingers again, hitting my g-spot. A loud moan eludes me, I quickly bring my hand, free of his hair, up to my lips, biting the skin on the back, in hopes of muffling my noises.
Just as I thought I had it under control, the coil tightened to its max, and snapped. I felt my legs rush with heat and wetness. MY legs threatened to give out as Frankie kept going, prolonging the white, hot, orgasm ripping through me. He gripped my ass again, holding me up, he could feel my legs tremble around him. 
Feeling a little too sensitive I slightly jerked away, slowing coming down from cloud nine. He took this as a sign to stop, he pulled back, placed a gentle kiss to my lips for the last time. He peered up at me, watching my relaxed face come back to reality, and stroking my thighs. 
As my breathing calmed, I looked down, finding my handsome Frankie, staring at me with adoration in his eyes and a smile on his face. I picked my leg off his shoulder, leaned over and grabbed his face in my hands, tugging him up to meet me, embracing him in a passionate and strong kiss. 
I could taste myself on his lips, his face wet with my slick, letting our lips glide smoothly against each other. He placed his hands back on my ass, walking back towards the bed, and me still pressed to him.
His knees backed into the edge of the frame, but he still stood tall. I broke the kiss, a seductive smile on my lips. I grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, showing my bare chest to him. I tossed the shirt away and stepped out of my soaked panties, kicking them into the abyss of the dark room.
Frankie watched me intently, never taking his eyes off my frame. I came close to him, my fingers playing with this shirt. In seconds he tore off his shirt and began to yank his shorts and underwear down. Once they pooled at his feet, I leaned into him, kissing his jaw, nipping at the skin while my hand found his naked member, hard and leaking. His breath caught in his throat when I lightly stroked him. 
“I’m not go-going to last long baby, its been too long.” He choked out, struggling to keep his cool. I nodded, placing one last kiss to his neck. I stepped next to him, to get on the bed. I got on my knees, looking back to make sure he was watching me. As we made eye contact, I slowly bent forward, stretching my arms out straight in front of me. I guided my chest down and into the mattress, leaving my ass in the air and on display for him. 
I relaxed my face into the covers, feeling him touching my thighs and ass, lightly pinching the skin as he traveled up the skin. 
“Mierda (shit), all for me?” he questioned with a playful slap to my right cheek, luring a soft moan from me.
“Yes, all for you Frankie, always.” I responded, shaking my ass, hoping he would fuck me soon. The bed dipped behind my knees as he joined me. Thats when I felt his hard cock pressed to my cunt. He tapped himself on my clit, causing me to surge forward at the contact. 
He chuckled, “Are you sure princesa?” as he ran his head through my folds, eliciting a moan from me.
“Yes, Jesus Frankie, just fuck me already.” I growled frustratedly.
At my command, he lined himself up at my entrance and pushed into me. The stretch was borderline painful, it had been months since I'd taken him, and he was already bigger than all my exes.
Once he bottomed out, he gripped my hip and snaked his free arm around me, pulling me up and flush against his chest. He began to kiss and suck my neck, slowly rocking into me. His hand stayed at the base of my neck, splayed across my collarbones, pressing me into him. 
“Faster,” I whined, feeling him move quicker and more deliberately. His breath tickled my ear as he groaned, feeling me tightly wrapped around him.
As his pace quickened, I reached a hand behind me and braced it on his upper thigh, attempting to meet his hips. With a particularly aimed thrust, I moaned fairly loud, being consumed by the pleasure.
“Shh,” He spoke between grunts, “Unless you want the boys to know that I'm balls deep in you, filling you up with my cock.” He gave a hard thrust, never losing his pace. My free hand slapped my mouth, covering my cries.
Our hips sped up, meeting more passionately, with more meaning. With every thrust, all problems between us seemed to dissipate. I no longer cared about all things before tonight. All that mattered was him, us, and this moment. Being connected to him again never felt so good.
All that could be heard in the silence was the snap of his hips against mine, the small noises we let escape us, and the quiet creak of the bed below us. The moonlight illuminated our entangled bodies, the sweat gleaming in the night. 
The coil in my stomach tightening again, the waves of pleasure threatening to spill over the edge. Frankie had to be getting close, his thrusts became more erratic. He reached his hand from hip, down to my clit, rubbing in tight circles, trying to bring me to the brink with him.
“Fuck you're so tight, w-where do you-” He questioned until I cut him off.
“Cum in me baby.” I moaned, feeling my orgasm take over, the waves of bliss crashing down, taking me with it. Whiteness blinded my vision as my body convulsed against his chest. 
He thrusted a few more times before he let out a broken grunt, pumping his load into me, mixing our hot releases together, letting them seep out and down our legs. 
I turned my head to the side, reaching back and grabbing the back of Frankie’s head, pulling him into a kiss as we calmed down. The smell of sex filling our senses. He slowly pulled out causing me to whine at the loss of him. 
When we finally recovered, he got off the bed, taking me with him to the bathroom. He sat me on the sink, opened the cabinet underneath and grabbed a cloth, coming back up to wet it. Then he gently spread my thighs apart, cleaning up the remnants of the act. He then cleaned himself.
“You should go to the bathroom while I grab our pajamas.” He spoke softly, pressing a kiss to my lips and turned to scavenge for our clothes we had lost in the dark corners of my room. 
I hopped off the counter and sat on the toilet. I went to the bathroom, but began to feel exhausted. My eyelids felt heavy, drooping over my eyes.
Frankie came back in, only dressed in his boxers, my clothes in his hand. “I know love, let’s get you dressed so we can sleep.” He whispered, helping me up and helped me get dressed. His face had an unreadable expression, what could he be thinking? All was forgotten when he picked me up bridal style and led us to my bed, he pulled the covers back and laid me down, tucking me in. 
He wondered around the bed and got in behind me. He pulled me to his chest as sleep began to drag me under. His arm laid across my body and his hand splayed across my chest, feeling my heartbeat. Thats all I could process as I fell more deeply into slumber.
It may have been a dream but I felt him lean over, kiss my temple and whisper “I’m sorry for everything.” And everything went peacefully dark.
I couldn't tell how long I was asleep until someone began to shake me. “Chip, get up, it’s time to leave.” I groaned, not wanting to get out of the comfort of my bed and the comfort of Frankie next to me, or so I thought. 
My eyes snapped open to find Ben crouched next to the bed, face to face with me. I jolted up with surprise, quickly looking around to find Frankie, only to be disappointed. 
“Woah woah! Calm down, it’s Benny.” The man child looked frightened. 
I sighed, maybe it was a good thing Fish wasn’t in here, it could make a lot of questions amongst the team arise. But when did he leave? 
“Oh sorry Ben, I-I was sleeping too hard,” I lied. 
“It seems so,” he chuckled “Breakfast is ready, everyone is up and ready.” He explained. I nodded and he left, allowing me privacy to change. I quickly threw on my cargo pants and shirt, rushing to grab my packed bags. I brushed my teeth and hair in a hurry. I headed straight past everyone in the kitchen, out the door to throw my things in the truck.
When I came back in, everyone was staring at me. But I only made eye contact with one of them, Frankie. And the look on his face pained me, his expression was full of regret.
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*if your user has a strike through, it wouldn’t let me tag you*
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
A special fateful April birthday to @zelinkie !! I hope you like it!
It wasn’t a big deal.
And after all that both of them had been through, such a small thing shouldn’t have bothered her at all. She should have been thankful, thankful that they were both alive, here and now, together given a second chance at the ubiquitous legend of living, instead of surviving.
But Link was across from her and she could see through the heat waves of the campfire the way his knee was not bobbing, the way his fingers were not fiddling with each other, the way his nervous ticks seemed to be cured by the shrine of resurrection.
Zelda found herself swimming, drowning in selfish concern. If he could forget his anxiety, did he forget his love? If he could forget his anxiety, was he even the same person?
Zelda knew better than anyone the weight of anxiety, that Link no longer bearing that weight, or bearing it much less than a hundred years ago, was a good thing.
Yet, she couldn’t help but worry that calamity was the only thing that tied them together. In peace, in calm, without trauma, without fear, could Link remember his love?
A hundred years ago, he had kissed her when they realized they might not make it out alive. Over the past hundred years, she persevered remembering that as a passionate act of love. But if it was nothing more than a desperate lust for any pair of warm lips to kiss before a cold death, Zelda supposed there was nothing for Link to remember. She supposed she might have to suffer a broken heart.
“Link,” she voiced so naturally that she barely meant to, panicking when Link popped up his head from his leaf of roasted mushrooms and she had no more words to offer.
His mouth was full and he looked absolutely ridiculous, cheeks puffed like a chipmunk and eyes wide like a deer spotting its hunter. It was as if he suddenly thought he needed permission from the princess to swallow, not knowing the princess found him absolutely adorable.
Zelda released a giggle.
“For goodness sake, Link, swallow,” she said. “I don’t want your slobbery salivated mushrooms. I have plenty on my leaf.” Link swallowed, keeping his icy, blue gaze on the princess. “I just…wanted to ask you something.”
“Shoot,” he said, setting down his leaf of mushrooms onto the stone floor of the ruins they were taking shelter in.
“Why did you save me?” Zelda asked.
Link looked visibly confused.
“Because you…told me to?” He replied. “Along with your father, and Impa, and…well basically everyone I met.”
Zelda waited for him to say more, but he just didn’t. Zelda nodded as she felt her heart breaking. She should have expected this.
“I see,” she said. 
“It just felt like the right thing to do,” he said. “Saving you, saving Hyrule…I’m not sure what else you want me to say.”
Zelda forced a smile, slightly shaking her head.
“Nothing,” she said weakly. “I was just curious.”
Link started to study Zelda, blue eyes melting with concern, even as she stood up.
“I’m gonna get some water from the lake,” she said, already starting to head off. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” She heard Link ask, but her answer afterwards was quicker than Link expected.
“No,” she said sharply as she paced down the hill, hugging her arms close and trudging through the short grass. She made her way through the trees until her toes met the bank of the river.
She crouched down and cupped her hands together beneath the surface, before washing her face with a splash, softly rubbing with closed eyes until she opened them with an exhale.
Zelda shifted the way she was sitting so that her legs were bent and crossed before her, Zelda leaning back on her planted hands. With a sigh, she looked up at the night sky, the twinkling stars that hadn’t changed in a hundred years.
“I can only imagine what you would say, Father,” she said, as if talking to the stars. “All the sacrifices to return this kingdom to peace and my concern is on a boy. You’d probably tell me to to stop wasting time and reclaim the throne already.”
Zelda blinked her eyes narrower, before letting her back lay on the ground, her arms hugging her chest and her head lolled over to one side.
“You never got the chance to see me through to my courting days,” Zelda continued. “Perhaps without calamity…you wouldn’t have found it fruitless at all. Perhaps you would have gone on about following my heart.”
Zelda smiled.
“You always were a good dad before the calamity.”
Zelda stopped, reminding herself that there really was no point in talking to her father.
“But me following my heart…” Zelda continued. “It leads me to Link and…that’s just not how he feels, it couldn’t be. He would have said something, done something…”
“What if he didn’t know what to do?” She heard a voice echo behind her, one that filled her stomach with butterflies, her heart with grasshoppers, and her head with bees.
She scrambled to standing, facing Link with a furrowed brow and fisted hands.
“Zelda,” Link said. “I’m not kidding around. I just didn’t know how to breach the subject.”
“You’re just saying that because you feel bad.”
“No!” Link insisted. “I…I really do love you!
“Oh yeah? Prove it.”
Link took a step forward. Zelda rolled her eyes.
“Without kissing me.”
Link stopped abruptly. 
“That would be too easy,” Zelda a said with crossed arms and a smirk.
Link’s mouth hung open, stammering for words. He paused a moment too long.
“See?” Zelda retorted.
“Green!” He exclaimed, suddenly and desperately. “My favorite color is green…because it reminds me of your eyes. I remember them sparkling like stars. When I first laid eyes on you after defeating Ganon, I…I was consumed by the fact that they really did shine and…that your smile really was like the sun. But not just because of your beauty, but…well…because seeing you happy made my heart warmer than ever.”
Zelda had adorned a great blush.
“Wow, okay,” she said walking forward, crossing past him. “Remind me never to doubt you again.”
But Link grabbed her elbow and pulled her flush to his chest.
“Link,” she said. “What are you doing?”
Link sank his lips into hers, to which Zelda replied by placing her hand on the back of his head, exploring his mushroom-scented mouth with hers.
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Just gonna leave this here: a quirk that turns Hawks into an actual hawk version of himself that can talk, and his poor s/o must be his falconer until the quirk wears off. Alternatively, Dabi getting chibi’d. MANY LOLS TO BE HAD. And also burnt pants pockets, if I’m not mistaken.
If Hawks was a bird, I’d imagine his appearance would resemble a Brahminy Kite aka red-backed sea eagle. Yeah, I know they’re not exactly hawks but it’s such a perfect look for him. Though I’d imagine his front plumage to look more blonde than white.
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The news reporters were already swarming him. At least give him a chance to breathe; this was probably more shocking to himself than it was to them. It’s also just a little intimidating to have so many people several times his height squatting down and shoving mics into his little beak.
“Did you see the villain that did this to you, Hawks?”
“How long will this quirk last?”
“Will you be able to carry on with hero work in this condition?”
“What do you have to say to your fangirls right now?”
“Would you be willing to have a photoshoot with us and promote our bird shop?”
He raises his wings (man, it’s weird when they’re your only upper limbs) and attempts to calm everyone down.
“Relax, everyone. I’ll have this all fixed up soon, I promise! And don’t think I’ll be taking a break from hero work just because I’m small enough to perch on your arm. You villains out there better stay put!”
The flashing cameras hurt. His eyes felt more sensitive than ever.
Of course, that was a bit of a lie. Hell no, he isn’t fighting any competent villain while he’s a literal bird, but he already knows that the Hero Commission isn’t going to let him sit back even while he looks like this.
What the fuck were you watching.
A group of reporters were crowding a bird that had just hopped out of your lover’s hero outfit which was piled on the floor. And they were calling the bird Hawks.
And then the bird spoke. With Hawks’s voice.
No way.
A bit less than an hour after those surreal interviews, a rapping sound was heard at your window. Lo and behold, the same bird you’ve been looking at all over the Tweeter feed was waving at you as he waited patiently to be let in.
You didn’t know where to even start as he waddled in, unsteady on legs that bended in ways he wasn’t used to, and large talons that scratched every surface.
“Did ya miss me, baby bird?” Wow, he really just used his seductive voice. 
Your discussion with him about what he plans to do while in his current form is as awkward as you expected, with one extra curve-ball thrown in.
Your face looms over his smaller head. “What do you mean you need me on your patrols? Patrols that you shouldn’t even be doing right now?”
He shakes and puffs up his feathers. “You’ll be my partner in crime! Well, more like you’ll be the one carrying my goods around and answering calls while I take down bad guys. And I have to make sure I always have a good takeoff spot, since I’m not as quick and limber of a flyer as I usually am. It’ll be safe, I promise.”
It wasn’t very safe.
Sneaking up on a villain in a sketchy ally was not safe at all. Hawks was unknowingly digging his talons into your skin as he kept his body low, his wings only half-folded in case he needed to fly at any moment.
With a signaling squeeze (ouch), you swung your arm as he leapt off and flew toward the unassuming criminal.
It was...ridiculous, watching what was an intimidating man make high-pitched yelps of surprise and swat at the hawk flapping around his head. All respect as a villain is probably lost if you’re subdued by a bird that isn’t even half your size.
“Now!” Hawks shouted while he had the man’s arms pinned behind his back.
You rushed in to click the handcuffs around his wrists. 
“That’s your third arrest, baby bird! You oughta try for a hero license!” He praised you with a wink.
“Thanks, but I’d rather have this entire fever dream end as soon as possible.”
His phone vibrated in your pocket and you withdrew it to see which sidekick or Commission member was calling him this time. Instead, a strange name popped up.
“Who is...‘Burnt Bitch’?”
Hawks swooped in and snatched the phone out of your hands before you could even blink.
“Aheheheh, sorry love! This is a personal call that I gotta take myself!” He flew out of your sight, leaving you to handle the humiliated and angry villain by yourself.
Hawks swore when he scratched his screen as he attempted to answer the call. Dammit, Dabi sure was a master of contacting him at inconvenient times. 
Having finally pressed the button, he gave his usual greeting to the fiery villain. “What’s up, Dabs?”
“So you’re a literal birdbrain right now, are you? Pretty hilarious.”
That...was not Dabi’s voice.
“Um, why do you sound like a chipmunk?”
“...I’m just using a voice changer,” the squeaky villain said. “I shouldn’t make myself too obvious when talking to you.”
Hawks scratched his head, flinching when he nearly poked his eye. “You’re just now deciding to do that, and you couldn’t pick a voice that I’d actually take seriously?”
“Like you’re one to talk. I’m impressed you managed to answer the phone without any hands. You’re meeting up with me at the usual spot tonight.”
Dabi groaned, which sounded more like those low meows that angry cats do. “Did I stutter? Those holes in your bird head work, right? And you better not laugh when you get here.”
Hawks’s inner eyelids blinked rapidly at the phone. What would he laugh about?
That’s what.
Hawks rested on a trash can as he watched Dabi emerge from the shadows behind the abandoned building. He was pretty far away, his form slowly getting bigger as he got closer. Although...Hawks is pretty sure that he should look a lot bigger from that distance. Maybe the angle of his giant eyes was screwing up his depth perception.
It was only when Dabi was right in front of him did Hawks realize that the villain was the size of a toddler.
He tried not to let any laughter slip past his beak, and failed miserably.
“What did I fucking tell you?” Dabi growled in his helium voice. Oh god he wasn’t using a voice changer on the phone.
That made the bird hero laugh even harder, wings outstretched as he tried to keep his balance. “Wh-wha...” He struggled to speak between wheezes. “What the hell happened?”
Dabi shuffled in his kiddie hoodie. “Some dumbass thug thought it would be funny to chibify me. I thought it would be funny to turn him into ash, so I did.”
“Really? Do you know if it wears off overtime or did you just kill the poor guy without asking questions?”
“Holy shit!” Another fit of squawking laughter. “You might be adorable forever!”
A blue flame appeared in his tiny baby hands oh my god he’s so cute!
“Unlike you, I can still use my quirk, so keep talking if you want to become the fried chicken you love so much.”
"You-” Cough. “You don’t even need your fire.” Hawks's feathers were fully fluffed out as he tried to breathe. “If you keep talking with that high voice, I’m gonna keel over!”
A tiny scarred hand around his neck finally silenced him with a startled screech.
“You tweety little bastard.”
Hawks cracked up again as he choked.
Shouta Aizawa has come across many strange sights during his late night patrols. Some of them gruesome, some of them obscene, and some that are just too weird to even be questioned.
Finding a child concealed in an oversized hoodie in a bout of fisticuffs with a bird of prey was in the third category.
He couldn’t even tell who was winning. The kid would sometimes get a hold of the bird for no more than a few seconds before a sharp beak digs into his hand and forces him to let go. It was the strangest wrestle that the underground hero had ever witnessed.
“Aww, try again, little baby! You almost had me that time!”
Wait a minute. That voice...
Right, Hawks was still doing work even though he was a damn actual hawk. Well, he probably doesn’t need his help with an unruly brat. 
Aizawa walked away from the scuffle and continued his scouting. There are real dangers out here that need to be taken care of.
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
loyalty’s all i got | part two
three years ago, you had it all: great friends, good grades, and an almost perfect relationship with your boyfriend, jj. it all came crashing down when your mom relocated your family to california for work and you were forced to trade the outer banks for malibu, leaving your broken heart behind in the place you were just starting to think of as home. now you're back in town for college and to pick up the pieces, hoping to make things right again with your friends and the boy you never stopped loving.
word count: 8.6k+
ship: jj maybank x female!reader, pogue friendship
warnings n stuff: angst angst angst all around (with a happy ending tho!!), the reader being a v. sad girl, mentions of anxiety/depression, failed long distance relationship, drifting apart, self-inflicted loneliness/isolation, the classic trope of 'they broke up but they're still in love with each other' that gives me feels, swearing (it's not my writing unless someone says 'fuck' at least once), reconciliation/mended relationships, traditional cheesy rom-com rain scene 'cause i'm a Dramatic Hoe™
a/n: and here's the second and final part of this looooong two-shot! thank you all so much for reading and i hope you enjoy the finale even though i low key kind of hate it 🙃. fun fact: surfrider beach is a real place in malibu known for its great waves :) also i apologize for how long this took to post, i dropped my laptop and the screen broke so i had to wait for it to get fixed lmao. unbetaed as usual, any mistakes are my b. 
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part two: like a ghost that no one knew
When you said goodbye to your friends three years ago, you should've known things would never be the same again. You were sixteen, still so young and naïve and full of an almost childlike hope that kept you from seeing the obvious: life wasn't fair. Sometimes, you could be holding all the right cards and still lose the game.
It should've been easy. You had a video chat schedule already figured out, promises of daily texts and Snapchats, a boyfriend willing -enthusiastically willing, in fact- to go long distance and make it work no matter what 'cause you both agreed that what you had was something worth fighting for. You and your friends had weathered many storms together, what was one more? It could've been easy but you underestimated just how cruel California would be.
You traded one coast for the other and watched the sun set over the Pacific alone when you would've given anything to watch it rise over the Atlantic with your friends. It hurt to surf solo but you did it anyway, even though it felt like a damn sucker punch each time you caught yourself scanning the sand for JJ and his proud smile when you successfully caught bigger and bigger waves at Surfrider Beach. 
Long distance was hard. You had days where all you wanted to do was lay on your bed for hours, safely curled up in his arms as he ran his fingers through your hair but you had to settle for his voice over the phone and one of his shirts from your closet instead. You missed everything about him: his pretty eyes that looked like the clearest ocean, the cheeky grin he'd send your way after making a stupid joke that had you affectionately rolling your eyes in exasperation, that adorable flush that spread across his face without fail each and every time you said you loved him. You longed for his constant affection; the way he always wanted to keep you close somehow, his arm around your shoulders, hand in your back pocket, or fingers entwined with yours; how he could never go a day without kissing you. Being apart was nothing short of torture.
"I fucking miss you." He said late one night during a rare FaceTime session -his phone was a piece of shit so he had to 'borrow' John B's whenever he could- and you smiled despite the knife twisting itself deeper and deeper into your heart as you played with the fraying sleeve of his old sweatshirt you wore. 
"I fucking miss you more, J." You whispered back, giggling quietly when he scrunched up his nose in playful skepticism. 
"Yeah, I don't think so, babe. There's no way." 
"Yes, way!"
Although it hurt like hell, you imagined being tangled up with him in the hammock hanging in the Chateau's yard under the North Carolina sky -the light from the moon would turn his blond hair a pale silver as he grinned down at you and cupped your cheek in his hand, closing that final distance between you for a kiss that'd fuel the fire racing through your veins- and you let that fleeting happiness carry you through the night, long after you said goodbye. You fell asleep with your phone in your hand, unaware that your mother had been listening from the other side of your closed door.
You'd been distant from her and your dad in the months since the move, obviously going out of your way to avoid them both by spending all your spare time surfing at the beach, coming home well past sunset and heading straight to your room without a word. They'd taught you forgiveness wasn't something to be given willingly -it had to be earned- and since neither of them had done anything worthy to deserve an absolution, you simply pretended they didn't exist and let yourself stew in your justified anger.
Until the morning after your video date with JJ, they'd wisely given you your space so you were pretty blind sighted to find them both waiting for you at the dining room table, one of your dad's famous cinnamon rolls on a plate set in front of your usual chair. You paused in the middle of tying one of your boyfriend's worn bandanas in your hair before abruptly continuing toward the front door, acting like you didn't see the hopeful looks on their faces that made guilt slowly start to burrow its way into your chest. 
"Y/N, wait," Your dad sprung from his seat and reached his hand out toward your elbow, his face falling when you instantly pulled back and crossed your arms. "Please, let's just talk for a second."
"I'm gonna be late for the bus," You lied and tried for the door again, sighing in frustration when he blocked your path and ushered you toward the table where your mom was sitting, biting her thumbnail. The guilt burrowed deeper: you thought she kicked that habit years ago but there she was, chewing her nail to shreds and it was all because of you (the empty satisfaction you felt knowing you were the cause of her stress made you hate yourself just a little more.).
"Jellybean, don't worry about that. I'll drive you." 
You bristled at the old nickname but sat in the chair your dad pulled out for you anyway. The smell of the cinnamon roll he pushed your way made your mouth water but you refused to eat and kept your eyes down as you played with the stack of bracelets adorning your wrist. "You wanted to talk?" You asked, deciding to just rip the band-aid off all at once 'cause knowing your mom when she was anxious and your dad being allergic to any type of confrontation, you'd have sat there all day until one of them worked up the courage to speak.
"Talk, right." Bill said with a nervous chuckle, shaking his head as he took a seat and swiped his own cinnamon roll from the pan in the middle of the table. "Uh, how are you?"
"Are you serious right now?" You asked incredulously, looking up from your lap with a raised eyebrow. "All this for 'how are you?'" 
"How would we know?" Your mom finally spoke up as she pulled her ruined nail from her mouth, only to start instantly drumming her fingers on the table. "You're always holed up in your room or at the beach, Y/N. You never talk to us anymore."
You rolled your eyes before fixing her with a deadpan stare. "Hmm, I wonder why."
"Honey, you know I'm sorry-"
"Don't, okay? Just don't." You swallowed thickly and dumped the cinnamon roll back into the pan, blinking away the awful burning pressure building behind your eyes. "I can't listen to some half-assed apology that you don't mean!"
"Y/N, we are sorry. Everything's gonna get better, just give it time." Your dad's reply was muffled by a mouthful of pastry and any other time, you'd usually be laughing at his chipmunk cheeks but instead you just stared back down at your hands again, lip quivering as you tried and failed to hold yourself together. You would not cry. You would not cry. You would not-
"Please, honey." Your mom tentatively reached out one hand like she was approaching a wounded animal, her voice so soft you could barely hear it above the rush of blood in your ears. "It hurts us to see you like this-"
Oh, fuck this shit.
"You're hurt?! Are you kidding me?" Your chair scraped along the tile as you rocketed to your feet, vision blurring when the dam finally broke. "You promised we wouldn't move again until after I graduated and you broke that promise. I let myself make friends for once in my goddamn life -I fucking fell in love, Mom! I fell in love with the most amazing boy who, by some miracle loves me, too despite me being a...a complete loser!" You were rambling now but you couldn't find it in yourself to care about or stop the words flying from your mouth. 
"God, I was happy -so, so disgustingly happy it kind of scared me, okay?" You laughed bitterly and roughly wiped the tears from your cheeks, only to have more immediately take their place. "And you didn't even stop to think before you took it all away from me! So don't even talk to me about being hurt 'cause you have no fucking idea!"
Your dad was frozen, eyes the same color as your own blown impossibly wide in the middle of another bite of cinnamon roll while your mom, two tears streaking perfect twin tracks down her cheeks, looked at you like you'd just told her the world was ending -to her, it just might've been but to you, it already had. Neither of them said another word as you snatched your backpack off the couch and stormed from the house, slamming the door behind you.
Halfway to the bus stop, you decided school just wasn't in the cards that day and doubled back, hiding behind the shed in your backyard until your tears had run dry and both of your parents left -Rebekah to the hospital, Bill to wherever he went while you were in class- before heading inside to change into your rash vest and grab your board. Despite it being early Friday morning, Surfrider Beach was full of life and you welcomed the hustle and bustle as you turned off your phone and buried it at the bottom of your bag, leaving your problems behind on the sand. 
You spent the whole day at the beach, blissfully alone and free to do what you wanted, until the sun dipped low in the sky and you were too exhausted to even think about anything but dragging yourself home so you could pass the fuck out. You caught one final wave before heading back to shore, waving goodbye to the group of other kids you'd surfed with all day (the one thing you loved about California: everyone was so chill) and trudged through the sand toward your things where, just as you expected, your sister sat on your towel, clad in a baggy UCLA long-sleeve with her phone in hand. 
"Bitch, you killed it out there!" She looked up as you dropped your board to the ground and sat down heavily beside her, slipping an old Kildare County High School sweatshirt -the first one you ever 'borrowed' from your boyfriend, much to his delight- over your head. "I mean, look at you go!"
You leaned closer to watch the video she took, the barest hint of a smile on your face when you watched yourself perform a near perfect cutback on the screen. "That's 'cause I had the best teacher." 
Daisy tagged you and posted it to Instagram before you could protest, then tossed the phone back into her bag and turned to you with a forced cheerfulness that kind of made you want to smack her. "So..."
"Mom and Dad sent you to clean up their mess." You finished quietly, tucking your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them as your sister sighed dramatically and offered a sympathetic wince. 
"As always." She copied your position and you both stared out at the sun sinking over the water, its fading rays turning the sky brilliant shades of orange and pink. It was typical of your parents to send Daisy after you when you were upset -after all, you'd both been each other's only friend for over half your lives- and normally, you'd be glad to see your sister's friendly face instead of your mom's or dad's. That evening, though? All you felt was...disappointment.
"Guess they really don't give a shit about me." You mumbled under your breath, half-hoping Daisy didn't hear you but from the way she snapped her head in your direction, you didn't get your wish.
"Y/N, that's not it. They're just..."
"Just what? Pretending that they didn't stab me in the back? Acting like everything's all hunky-dory and they actually cared about my feelings?" 
You hastily wiped at your face when your sister silently looped an arm around your shoulders and tucked you against her side, her fingers running soothingly through the ends of your damp hair as you vented all of your frustrations -everything you'd kept locked deep inside your heart- until your voice was hoarse and the sun had long disappeared from the horizon and you had no tears left to cry.
"You have no idea what it's like, being so lonely it hurts to breathe. It hurts knowing Mom and Dad have each other and you have Daniel and I'm alone all the time." You lifted your head from her shoulder and rubbed your red eyes with your sleeve. "Worst part is, they just keep acting like I'll wake up one day and magically be okay and everything'll be all sunshine and rainbows again." 
"First off, I wanna say that I'm sorry for not making more time for you. I knew you were struggling and I'm a terrible big sister for not being here for you like I should have," You squeezed Daisy's other hand in thanks as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, her voice soft and steady like the waves crashing against the shore. "Second, I definitely don't think Mom and Dad are handling this the way they should, but I think they're trying in the only way they know how. That should count for something, right?"
You sighed and tugged the sleeves of your sweatshirt over your hands. "I guess, but they haven't even tried to see where I'm coming from and they don't get that I'm not the only one they hurt. If I have to hear one more half-assed apology, I'm gonna lose my shit. Again."
"I'm not saying you have to forgive them right away 'cause I sure as hell wouldn't until they say they're sorry and mean it. But..." She said, pulling you to your feet and shaking the sand from the towel you were sitting on, "you shouldn't keep shutting them out, okay? It's not healthy."
You tucked your board under your arm as Daisy grabbed your bag and swung it onto her shoulder before you both started walking toward the parking lot. "What if I'm never ready to forgive them?"
"That's a question I don't have the answer to." She said with a shrug. "You've gotta figure that one out for yourself."
So you followed your sister's advice. You were civil and gradually, your relationship with your parents improved until you could stand to be in the same room as them and even carry on a short conversation, even though you knew you'd probably never be able to fully trust them again. You caught them exchanging glances you could only describe as wounded when you often turned down their invitations to go to the movies or get ice cream or other things you used to love doing when you were younger but for the most part, they took it in stride and you were grateful for their little efforts. Forgiveness wasn't in the cards quite yet but with each passing day, you felt the icy wall around your heart slowly start to melt away.
But every time you thought you were taking one step forward, life pushed you two steps back. Just when you were getting things back on track with your family, the train went flying off the rails when it came to your friends and it was all your fault.
It wasn't like you didn't try -God, did you try- to keep yourself from falling back into old habits but Malibu just had a way of bringing out the absolute worst in you. Your old self, the girl who kept to herself and pushed everyone away, someone you thought you buried in the deepest grave, slowly came back from the dead with a vengeance little by little, so subtly you didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. 
One missed phone call turned into two, texts went unanswered for days or not at all, FaceTime sessions happened less and less. The last video chat had been with Kiara and it ended terribly, after you blew up at her for mending her friendship with Sarah Cameron in the near two years since you'd been gone, spitting words you couldn't quite remember -something along the lines of 'didn't take you too long to replace me, huh' and calling the blonde girl a 'heinous bitch'- but knew you regretted with everything you had and hanging up before she had a chance to explain. You couldn't even recall the last time you talked to Pope or John B aside from the occasional Snapchat and your daily calls with JJ had turned to once a week, if you were lucky.
He was trying, you could tell, and so were you but the deck was stacked against you and you were never very good at cards, anyway. It hurt to try, it hurt not to try, everything just hurt. Nearly two years apart had done their damage and coupled with your debilitating fear of being forgotten that clawed at your chest like a rabid dog, your relationship was on unstable ground and for the first time in almost four years, you were thinking about the end. It wasn't like you didn't love him anymore (holy shit, were you still completely head over heels in love). In fact, you loved him so much you realized that he could do so, so much better than you and the thought rested heavy and bittersweet on your mind, lurking in the shadows until you were ready to bring it to light.
It happened on New Year's Eve. Alone in your room, your hands shook as you answered JJ's call at midnight, his voice tired and a little hoarse from celebrating the new year three hours earlier on the opposite coast and you nearly started crying right then and there when you replied with a shaky "I think we need to talk."
"Babe, what's wrong?"
You took a deep breath and said quietly, "Everything."
"Talk to me." The pure concern in those three words nearly convinced you to call it off, to tell him to forget you said anything and that you were fine, everything was just fine but deep down, you knew you couldn't.
"I've been thinking about us and I...I just think that you deserve better than me. Someone who can actually be there for you when you need her and hold you when your dad's an asshole and see you every day. Someone who can laugh at your silly jokes and share a joint with you and clean you up when you get into fights defending your friends-"
"Babe, what are you talking about? That girl is you."
"Maybe I was but I'm not anymore and I don't think I have been since I left. I just can't be the girl you want, I can't be the girl you deserve, J -I'm a total fucking mess and you can do so, so much better than me."
You didn't know you were crying until you heard the broken way he breathed your name and salt water dripped from your chin onto the bracelet around your wrist. 
"...are you breaking up with me?" His voice was impossibly small, the quietest you'd ever heard it and the exact moment your battered heart shattered into pieces was when you realized he didn't even put up a fight. 
"I think so." The words tore through you like a gunshot as you cried, curling into yourself on the bed in an effort to ward off the worst pain you'd ever felt in your life and you wondered if it was possible to die from a wound that wasn't even physical. 
He was quiet for a long time, so long you thought he hung up without you noticing through your tears, until he sniffed on the other end of the line.
"Guess we had a pretty good run, huh?" He asked with a watery chuckle and you found yourself giving a tiny, shuddering giggle in response -God, even when you were breaking his heart he still managed to make you laugh.
"The best, baby." The pet name slipped out like second nature and you winced, hastily trying to cover your mistake with an awkward cough but from the sharp breath you heard him take, he'd heard it anyway.
("I'm sorry," you said, and it stood as an apology for more than just your slip-up.)
"I love you, Y/N. Probably always will."
"I'll never stop loving you, JJ. That's a promise."
You let yourself believe him as you laid there bleeding from a gash you couldn't see, a wound you knew would never heal, and you hoped he let himself believe you, too, even when you ended the call without another word and threw your phone away from you, not bothering to see where it landed. The sound of your heavy, broken sobs filled the room and you didn't even mind when your mom, who you knew had been listening from the other side of your closed door like always, barged in and took you into her arms, stroking your hair as you cried into her lap.
If you were supposed to avoid getting hurt by leaving first, why did it feel like everything in you was broken? If you were making the right choice, why did it feel so wrong? You didn't have the answers and no matter how hard you searched, you knew you'd ever find them.  
So you tried to stay busy. You joined the surf club at school, got a part-time job at the local aquarium, did anything you could to distract yourself from the hurt and the guilt and the way getting out of bed every morning was the hardest thing to do. Surf club introduced you to Mackenzie, the one girl who was more ostracized at school -an even richer version of the kook academy you hated -than you, her for being freakishly tall and you for your East Coast attitude, and the two of you became fast, if reluctant friends. Mack didn't try to stitch the gaping hole in your heart caused by your absent friends but she numbed the pain just enough to make it bearable and you were grateful for her calm, steady presence at your side, even as you both tried to keep each other at arm's length.  
Later, you found out she was just like you, friendless and awkward with no self-esteem and a tendency to push people away, and that just cemented your friendship through the summer and your final year of high school.
Mack told you all about her life, growing up with no siblings, having height that she never learned to deal with, and a debilitating social anxiety that made making friends near impossible, and in turn you told her about how you hopped from town to town on your mother's whims, the wonderful friends you let slip away, and the beautiful boyfriend you loved enough to let go, and you both cried together for the lives you could've led.
"You two looked so happy," She said during the first sleepover you hosted as she held one of the many picture frames littering your dresser, her lips turned upwards in a small smile.
You gently took the frame from her hands and ran your fingers over the grinning face of your ex-boyfriend, his arms wrapped around your shoulders as your painted lips planted a deep red kiss on his cheek, and the wave of longing washing over you was almost strong enough to bring you to your knees. "It was the happiest I've ever been."
"Do you miss him?"
"So much it hurts."
i miss you.
i'm so sorry.
i still love you.
You'd typed and erased those texts every day but never mustered the courage to hit send and you couldn't decide if that was a blessing in disguise or the worst possible curse. Of course you still loved JJ: you promised you would and even if you didn't, you couldn't stop if you tried. He was your first love, the boy you so willingly gave your whole heart and then some; you still kept his ring on your thumb -the one he gave you at the airport the day you left- and his bracelet around your wrist, his bandanas in your hair and his face in your dreams and you knew you always would.
Before you could blink, your eighteenth birthday flew by and graduation was upon you.
You thought the second you were done with high school you'd be gone, heading straight back to the Outer Banks and the life you left behind but you found yourself stalling on sending in an application to UNC -Chapel Hill until you missed the deadline for the fall semester. On the outside, you made up a semi-legit excuse about getting your basic courses done at a community college to save money but deep down you really knew why you procrastinated: you were terrified to go back. Ever since your break up with JJ, you hadn't spoken to him or any of your old friends other than the obligatory birthday wishes on Facebook and you wondered if the damage you'd done over the years was too much to come back from, even as you tried to work up the courage to find out for sure.
Another year passed: in between earning college credits, you and Daisy took a sister's trip to Disneyland, Mack asked you to tag along on a jaunt up the coast to San Francisco to see Alcatraz, your parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary (your gift was long-overdue forgiveness and they said it was the greatest thing you possibly could've given them). When the time came, you and Mack both sent out your applications to UNC -you for biology, her for chemistry- and the myriad of emotions you felt when you got in was nothing short of dizzying. The old you was terrified, screaming at you to rip up the letter and join your sister at UCLA instead of opening old wounds but the hopeful you, the girl who lived without fear, the girl who fell in love and let herself be loved, screamed louder.
And so you killed the old you once again, burying her even deeper than the last time in a locked chest and throwing the key as far as you could out into the Pacific where you knew you'd never find it. You clutched your acceptance letter close to your chest and took a step east, away from California and toward the place where your broken heart still rested, scattered in pieces across the sand.
Settling in at UNC was surprisingly easy. You and Mack already clicked pretty well as friends so making the transition to roommates was natural and, dare you say it, even a little fun and the two of you quickly fell into a comfortable routine in your tiny apartment off campus in Chapel Hill. Comfortable and yet...that happiness you once felt all those years ago was missing from your life and you found yourself just as restless as you were in Malibu. While you knew exactly what you needed to do, that fear kept rearing its ugly head in the back of your mind, poisoning your thoughts: what if they wouldn't be happy to see you, what if they forgot about you, what if they hated you? What if he hated you?
It was terrifying, picturing yourself turning up at the Chateau with a hopeful smile only to have the door slammed right in your face. Deep down, you knew they'd never do that to you no matter how badly you'd hurt them but when you'd spent your whole life expecting the worst, taking a leap of faith wasn't an easy feat -something Mack just couldn't wrap her head around.
"I don't get it."
You glanced up from where you were lounging on your bed, flipping through your biology notes in preparation for your lab exam the next morning and shot your roommate a confused look. "Get what?”
Mack sat at your desk, her own notebooks lying ignored as she spun the chair around to face you, arms crossed. "Why you haven't hopped on that ferry to go get your man yet!"
You froze for a moment too long before offering a half-hearted shrug as you fiddled with the beads at the end of your bracelet. "It's not that easy. He probably wants nothing to do with me and I don't blame him."
"How do you know? You haven't talked to JJ in over a year, right?" At your tight nod, she continued, "What if he's just like you-"
Mack fixed you with a flat, unamused look. "Still in love, dumbass."
You scoffed and propped your chin in your hand as you glanced back down at your study guide, trying not to latch onto that little thought -hope and pain all rolled into one- that sparked to life at her words. He'd said he would probably always love you that New Year's Eve and back then you'd let yourself believe him but now, you weren't so sure. "Yeah, right. No way he's still...still in love with me after I broke his heart."
"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't," Your roommate said with a shrug, spinning around on the chair to grab her things. "You'll never know if you don't get over there, track his fine ass down, and talk to him."
You stared down at your notes without actually seeing anything, the slanted letters of your handwriting blurring before your eyes as the other girl flipped her chemistry book closed and stood, shooting you an warm smile that you didn't see. 
"Listen, Y/N, you're my best friend and I want to see you happy more than anything but I can't take that jump for you. Yeah, it's scary and nerve wracking and you might end up hurt worse than before, so what? That's just...life."
Mack left after that, crossing the apartment to her room so she could get ready for a date with a girl from her psych class, leaving you alone with tears on your face and a million thoughts in your head, all of them terrifying and exciting and oh so loud.
She was right, of course -Mack always knew the right thing to say- and as you stared down at the bracelets on your wrists and the ring on your thumb, the pictures on your phone and the too-big shirt hanging off one shoulder, you realized sitting around moping wasn't gonna solve anything; if you wanted your happiness, your friends, the love of your life back, you needed to step up and fight for them with everything you had. And so you wiped the tears from your cheeks and walked to the cliff's edge with your head held high, ready for the fall and whatever came with it. You were ready to fix your mistakes, no matter how badly it might hurt.
Still, you couldn't do it all on your own. You needed some help to make things right again and while you knew just who to ask, you weren't quite sure if they'd be willing to lend a hand. Desperate times called for desperate measures though and you penned a good old-fashioned letter, feeling like a heroine in a Jane Austen novel as you poured all your thoughts -your dreams, wishes, hopes- onto a piece of paper in bold blue ink and sent it off to its destination on Figure 8, your Hail Mary for a happy ending sealed up neatly in a single envelope.
Mack, bless her heart, did her best to keep your spirits up as you waited on a response but even her ever reassuring presence couldn't keep you from worrying as one week passed by, then two. Halfway through the third you'd almost given up, already wracking your brain for another way to make your plan work when your phone chimed with a text from an unknown number.
i'll help you
And just like that, the moment you'd been waiting for was finally within your reach; you told your parents not to expect you for Thanksgiving break, called your sister for a much needed pep talk, and started counting down the days until you'd see your friends again, for better or worse.
When you left the Outer Banks three years ago, it was sunny. You were sixteen, young and in love and scared about the future.
When you returned, it was in the middle of a storm. You were nineteen, a little bit older but no less in love and definitely still scared about what was waiting for you at the end of the road.
Rain pounded against the roof of Sarah Cameron's SUV as she drove away from the docks and toward the Chateau, her fingers tapping along to the music playing quietly through the radio. You sat in the passenger seat, soaked to the bone from your ferry ride from the mainland and shaking like a leaf despite the towel wrapped around your shoulders and the warm air flowing from the car's vents.
"Thanks for coming to get me," You said, wincing at the awkward lilt of your voice echoing in the small space as you spun JJ's ring around your thumb and stared out the windshield at the familiar sights streaking by in blurred shades of green and brown. Being back opened a Pandora's box of emotions in your head, both good and bad, and instead of trying to sort them out, you let them bounce around in your brain like a pinball machine and concentrated on methodically twirling the warm metal ring in circles on your finger.
Sarah briefly glanced away from the road to shoot you a small smile, her kind eyes softening at your visible nervousness. "Not gonna lie, I was pretty sure you hated me so when I got your letter it kinda...threw me for a loop. Sorry it took me so long to reply."
You wished the heated leather seat would swallow you whole as you winced again and wrapped the towel tighter around your shoulders. "For the longest time, I thought I did hate you but I realized I was just...scared of losing my friends and I took it out on you. You didn't deserve to be labeled the villain in my story when I was the one, um, sabotaging myself, I guess." You took a deep breath and picked at a loose thread tickling your arm. "And I'm really, really grateful for your help."
It was more than you wanted to admit out loud -nearly the same words were written in the letter peeking out from the center console of the car- but at the same time, you knew it was what needed to be said and from the way the blonde girl's fingers stopped tapping against the steering wheel, she knew she needed to hear it. At a red light, she quickly tapped out a text on her phone before tossing in back into her bag with another tiny grin in your direction.
"Happy to help. For what it's worth, I'm so sorry if I made you feel like you were being replaced, I never intended to hurt you or steal your friends or...or, I don't know, usurp-" 
"Sarah, stop. Please," You held up a hand to cut off her apology and offered her a self-deprecating smile. "I'm the one who's sorry. I let my...jealousy get the best of me and I feel so bad about all the shit I said 'cause that wasn't fair to you at all and I hope you can forgive me-"
"Y/N, there's nothing to forgive! We all say stupid shit when we're mad -trust me, I know." She interrupted with a bubbly, contagious giggle that seemed to scare away the gloomy storm clouds gathered over your head for a moment in time. "But I was never pissed at you, ever. I just want you to know that."
Stunned, you settled deeper into the seat and started playing with your ring again as she kept driving on, unbothered by your lack of response. You felt like you were thirteen again, back when Sarah and Kiara were your only friends, before the birthday disaster and the whole pogue versus kook feud that got completely out of hand; it felt...nice and you found yourself hoping that the blonde girl would still want to be your friend again, no matter what the others thought about your sudden return. 
"Thank you."
Sarah gave no indication she heard your quiet confession of gratitude but from the way you watched her smile grow out of the corner of your eye, you knew she did. The rest of the drive passed in companionable silence as you retreated into your own thoughts, your nerves getting worse and worse the closer you got to your destination.
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly through your nose, feeling like your heart was trying to beat its way through your rib cage. You hadn't been this anxious in a long, long time, so long you almost forgot how much you hated the tightness in your chest, how your palms would start to sweat, the way you'd chew the inside of your cheek until you tasted blood on your tongue. By the time Sarah pulled into an open spot beside the achingly familiar Volkswagen parked in front of the Chateau, you were surprised you were still able to breathe.
The sight of the tiny house, one you spent so many carefree days and beautiful nights in alongside your friends, standing virtually unchanged in front of you was like a shot to the heart and your hands, curled into fists on your lap, began to shake without warning. Shit, you were a godforsaken mess; how the hell were you supposed to do this without having a mental breakdown?
"I'm so scared."
The whispered words, barely audible over the torrential rain against the roof, slipped from your mouth before you could stop them and Sarah slowly reached one hand over to give your trembling wrist a reassuring squeeze, the corners of her mouth curled upward in a slight smile.
"Don't be. They're gonna be so happy to see you!"
You turned to look at her, eyebrows knit together in disbelief. "How are you so sure they still care about me?"
"I'm sure 'cause I've seen it. My God, if only you could've heard all the times they talked about you -'I wish Y/N was here,' 'remember that time with Y/N,' hell, just straight 'I miss Y/N so fucking much,'" She said bluntly and shifted in the driver's seat to face you head on, smiling wider at the thunderstruck look on your face. "Pretty sure I haven't gone a week without JJ saying that last one at least once." 
"I thought..." You paused, tongue darting out to run over your dry lips as you tried to put your jumbled feelings into words, "I thought he'd hate me -I mean, after all I've done, you think he still..."
"Loves you? Are you kidding?" Her reply was so enthusiastic it was hard not to believe her as she went on, her words like sunshine brightening the darkest corners of your mind. "He's still head over heels, I've never seen him even look at another girl in three damn years. You know he still wears your necklace, the one with the silver star? Kie told me all about it."
"I-I didn't." You remembered giving it to him the day you left, managing a shaky smile through your tears as you carefully clasped it around his neck, your fingers running over his skin as you settled the charm perfectly alongside that little shark tooth you'd grown to love.
('Be careful with this, baby. It's my favorite.' You had said, crying harder when he'd taken off one of his rings and slipped it onto your thumb.
'Well, this one's my favorite so take good care of it, okay?' His voice had been light but his eyes were heavy with unspoken words that you'd heard loud and clear because you knew your gaze said the exact same things.
don't let me go
don't break my heart
don't stop loving me)
You coughed to disguise the fat tears that started rolling down your face, quickly wiping them away with your sleeve but the blonde girl wasn't fooled as she gave your hand another friendly squeeze.
"Come on, they're probably wondering what's taking me so long," She sent a conspiratorial wink your way and grabbed her bag from the center console. "I told them I was picking up some pizzas but I have a funny feeling they won't be too pissed that I lied."
With a desperate grip on the strap of your backpack and your heart racing, you trailed behind Sarah through the rain to the front porch. 
"Ready?" She glanced back where you lingered at the top of the stairs, anxiously shuffling from foot to foot, and shot you a smile that did little to calm your nerves. "Just wait here!"
She knocked on the door before you could reply and yelled loud enough to be heard over the pouring rain, "Hey, it's me! Can somebody get the door? My hands are kinda full."
"Got it!"
Your bag slipped from your fingers and fell onto the porch with a loud thump at the sound of the voice floating through the open windows, a voice you heard nearly every night as you slept, in your dreams of a future you wanted with everything you had. You knew it better than your knew your own, knew every pitch and tone and lilt; quiet and raspy in the mornings when you woke up in each other's arms, loud and carefree during long days spent under the golden sun with the rest of your friends, soft and warm and laid bare at night when he showed how much he loved you with more than just words.
Sarah gave you an enthusiastic thumbs up before stepping to the side just as the door opened and you suddenly found yourself struggling to breathe as you stared into the wide blue eyes of your ex-boyfriend. JJ stared right back, one of the hands you used to hold clenched so tight around the doorknob his knuckles were white, the lips you used to kiss parted in surprise, the blond hair you used to run your fingers through falling onto his forehead like always and the familiar, beautiful sight of him standing close enough to touch made your knees weak.
"You're not pizza."
It was such a JJ thing to say and you didn't know whether to laugh or cry as you swallowed thickly and shook your head. "Sorry to disappoint you."
"I'm not."
Hope flared white hot in your chest at his words but it quickly started to fade, replaced by fear when he made no move toward you, his fingers still gripping tight to the door, and you felt your face start to heat in embarrassment as Sarah looked back and forth between the two of you like she was watching a tennis match. 
God, you were so stupid. What did you expect would happen, showing up out of the blue after over a year of no contact? Everything would fall into place again with just one long, heavy look? Believing it could be that easy turned you into a complete and total fool, tongue-tied and insecure and weak.
"Yo, what's the hold up?" John B's voice asked from inside the house and Sarah leaned down to call through the open window, "Come out here and find out!"
A wave of dizziness hit you like a truck and you took a sudden step back toward the stairs, arms wrapping around your stomach as it twisted itself into knots. "I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have come. This was a mistake." You didn't notice the stricken look that crossed JJ's face or the three familiar, stunned expressions that appeared behind him in the darkened doorway before turning away and stumbling off the porch toward the road, leaving your bag behind and you definitely didn't notice how you barely made it off the bottom stair before a set of footsteps hastily gave chase. 
"It wasn't a mistake, Y/N!" JJ's desperate voice stopped you in your tracks, halfway across the yard with more than just rain running down your face. "Not to me, never to me."
His soft touch on your wrist sent shockwaves through your body and you instantly became putty in his hands, letting him turn you around without a fight to face him, watching in fascination as the downpour started to darken his gray shirt and flatten his hair against his forehead. Three years hadn't changed much about him -he was a little taller, hair a little longer, the muscles in his arms a little more defined- and when you met his wide-eyed gaze, beads of rain dripping from his long eyelashes like diamonds, you wondered if he was thinking about the differences time created between the younger you of the past and the you of the right now, too.
"Oh." You repeated dumbly, struggling for something, anything to say that didn't make you sound like an illiterate fool. Even at nineteen, words still weren't your strong suit so you let your actions speak for you as your hand reached out on its own accord to caress the silver star still clasped around his neck, the thumb still wearing his ring brushing slowly against the dip between his collarbones; he shivered, and you weren't really sure if it was from your touch or the cold. 
"Y/N." JJ said your name like a prayer, like he couldn't believe you were there in front of him, and you inhaled sharply when both of his hands slowly, carefully moved to cup your face, his calloused thumbs habitually wiping the tears from your cheeks over and over, even as more instantly replaced the ones he swept away. "I fucking missed you."
You stood there, looking like a damned drowned rat with your hair dripping into your eyes, shivering in your soaked jeans and Kildare County High School sweatshirt, the love of your life cradling your face so gently in his hands, and so many things you wanted to say flooding your brain but only the one that mattered the most managed to get by your trembling lips.  
"I'm still in love with you." 
You noticed a lot when you put your heart on the line: the steady, soothing sound of water falling through the trees, the bright, clean taste of rain on your tongue, how the sun was just barely starting to peek out from behind the stormy clouds, but they all paled in comparison to the little things you noticed about the boy in front of you; blue irises made even brighter by the red rimming his eyes, how he stepped closer on the wet grass until the tips of his scuffed boots touched your worn gray high tops, the way his hands trembled ever so slightly against your flushed face. 
"Well, it's your lucky day 'cause I'm still in love with you, too."
All of the breath left your lungs in one big rush when JJ smiled hopefully -oh, how you loved everything about that smile: his slightly crooked teeth, that dimple in his cheek, the endearing pink blush swept across his nose- and you felt yourself return it without a second thought, your own hope once again burning bright in your chest.
"Even after...everything?" Your voice shook like the fingers you slid into the hair at his nape and he leaned down to rest his forehead against yours, close enough you could feel his breath on your lips when he spoke.
"I told you I'd always love you, didn't I?"
You nodded, a delicious shiver running down your spine when he tilted his head just so and gently bumped your nose with his. You remembered all the times he did that through the years, a dizzying slideshow of memories that flashed through your mind like lightning, and your fingers wove themselves deeper in his hair. 
"I have so many things to apologize for," You said with a tiny, quiet shake of your head, tearing your eyes away from his in shame and staring over his shoulder toward where the rest of your friends watched from the porch, all crowded together at the top of the stairs with identical enthralled expressions on their faces. "There are so many mistakes I've made and people I've hurt and I have no idea how to even start saying sorry for it all." 
The sound of your old pet name caused your gaze to snap right back to his and your heart felt like it was about to beat right out of your chest when one of his hands trailed down the sensitive skin of your neck and then lower until it traced along the curve of your hip and left a line of fire in its wake.
"We'll figure that out later, okay?" JJ said as his fingers tucked a loose strand of wet hair behind your ear, a coy, ardent grin on his face. "'Cause I've been waiting three years to kiss you again and if I don't get to do it soon, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind."
You smiled -a wide, joyful, elated smile- and rose up on your tiptoes in anticipation. "Then kiss me." 
You didn't have to tell him twice. His lips pressed against yours desperately, like he needed you to breathe, like you were the very air in his lungs, religiously, like your mouth was the altar and he was there to worship as he pulled you close, the fingers of one hand tangling in your hair while the others dug into your hip. You kissed him back just as hard and the familiar taste of him on your tongue -mint, smoke, salt- sent that dearly missed spark racing through your veins like wildfire.
It was a little cliché, having your long-awaited reunion kiss in the rain but it was honest and candid and real and so much better than anything you could've dreamed. You lost yourself in his touch like you used to, clinging to him like a lifeline and pouring your whole heart into every fierce brush of your lips against his, both of you pulling away for a moment only to dive right back in each time. It was addictive, intoxicating, and you could've spent the rest of your life standing there in the middle of the yard and kissing like there was no tomorrow if a loud, ear-piercing wolf whistle hadn't come from the direction of the porch.
The two of you broke apart just barely, with foreheads still pressed together and swollen lips, and you couldn't stop yourself from giggling when JJ blindly flipped the bird over his shoulder before pulling you back in for another eager kiss that filled your whole body with an exhilarating, heavenly heat that never faded, even after four enthusiastic voices suddenly surrounded you like an excited swarm of nosy, buzzing bees.
"You aren't the only one who missed her, J." Kiara said, smiling widely as you reached out to grab her hand and pull her into a powerful one-armed hug, her chin resting on your shoulder.
"Yeah, stop hogging all the love!" John B added, throwing himself into the pile along with Pope, who slung an arm around your shoulders as he said, "Great to have you back, Y/N."
Sarah was the last to join and she quietly tucked herself under John B's arm with a pleased grin on her face, nodding when you mouthed 'thank you' in her direction. The six of you stood there in the rain, smiling like fools, and as the sun started to scare away the dark clouds overhead and in your heart, a weight you didn't even realize had been crushing your chest slowly began to lift away with each freeing breath. 
You still had a lot of work to do: wrongs to be righted, apologies to be made, explanations -not excuses- to be given for every shitty thing you did in your past. But as happy tears started streaming down your face once again and you felt the arms of the friends you’d thought were lost to you forever tighten around you at the sight, you knew in your bones all would be forgiven. You knew that after three long years, you'd finally come home.
let me know what you think! i read each and every one of your comments and cry because they mean so much to me! ❤
taglist ❤: @sinkbeneathwaves​ @cordeliascrown​ @maysbanks​ @jjpogueprincess​ @bibliophilewednesday​ @k-n-e​ @jiaraendgame​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @heypearce​ @sexualparkour​ (send me an ask if you’d like to be added or removed!)
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acephysicskarkat · 3 years
I was just packing up from practicing in my garage when Rosetta shot bolt upright.
Rosetta’s my dragon.  She’s mostly a blue, but there aren’t any blue breeds that are crestbacks, so there’s definitely some other stuff in there.  Her crest is also malformed, so it flops over to the right all the time instead of standing straight up like crests are supposed to.  When I got my undercut, I made sure it flopped over to the right as well, so we matched.  She seems to appreciate the ‘do when she’s riding on my shoulder.
Anyway, Rosetta’s awesome. Smarter than some people I’ve met, although to be fair I’ve met some really dumb people.  Also, I’ve managed to teach her to play the drums.  Some dragons have an amazing sense of music.
In this case, though, she’d apparently heard something in the bushes – yes, even though we’d both just been rocking out for the last twenty minutes.  I don’t know how her ears work.  I put down my electric guitar and went to have a look…
…and found a white dragon.
I looked up a lot of dragon breeds when I was a kid and obsessed with them, so I recognised him as a purebred at once.  Specifically, he was a seraph – a rare and very expensive featherwing breed, with a long, wavy feather sticking out the back of his head like a ponytail.
“Hey there, little guy,” I said, keeping my voice gentle and sing-song – at least, as far as I could. “Someone’s gotta be missing you. Come on, I’m not gonna hurt you…”
Cold fangs nipped at my fingers, but after a few moments, the newcomer seemed to decide I could be trusted.  A heart-shaped tag on a simple but expensive-looking collar told me that this was Ludwig, and gave an address.  Needless to say, it was on the rich side of town; if you lived anywhere else, getting a seraph would probably leave you in a cardboard box.
“You up for a trip, little buddy?” I said, and  Ludwig hopped up onto my wrist.  “Great. Let’s go find your owner.”
The house Ludwig’s collar pointed me at wasn’t the biggest in the district, but since my house is basically six rooms including the garage, which doesn’t even have a car in it, it still made my place look like a shoebox.  And here I was carrying a dragon probably worth as much as a car.
Some low, shitty part of me whispered that I should just run away and sell the thing, but I felt the comforting weight of Rosetta on my shoulder and shut that thought down.  I knew how I’d feel if Rosetta went missing. I wasn’t going to inflict that on anyone, not even for a big sack of money.
I was just about to knock on the door when it swung open and all my brain’s resources were assigned to Being Gay simultaneously.
She was gorgeous. Blue eyes, a tight ponytail of night-dark hair, wearing a tailored shirt and elegant pants, carrying a handbag that probably cost more than anything I’d ever owned and holding a bundle of Missing Dragon posters with Ludwig’s picture on them and the legend “IF FOUND, CALL GWYNEIRA” and a number I couldn’t quite make out.  Standing there in my leather jacket, pride pins on full display, an old skirt, hand-repaired glasses and big, tough boots, I felt like a nail driven into a classical painting.  I had no business being here and I knew it.
After a frozen second, her face broke into a smile.  “You found him!  Thank you so much!”
“Uh.”  My brain whirred for a few agonisingly slow seconds, and then some parts of it kicked into gear.  “He was hanging around my garage.  Must have heard my music and thought it sounded interesting.”
“Oh, a fellow musician!” she said.  “What instrument, pray tell?”
“Well, I dabbled when I was a kid, but these days I mostly stick with the axe.”
“Axe?  You mean a weapon?”
“No, I mean an electric-” A stray neuron sparked back to life. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”
She gave a too-innocent wide-eyed look and then started laughing.  After a few moments, I did too.
She reached out, and Ludwig hopped across from my wrist to hers.  She waggled a finger under the dragon’s snub little nose and said, “I hope you won’t be pulling any more disappearing acts, Ludwig.”  Ludwig gave a smug, catlike smile and hopped up to her shoulder, and she turned back to me, reaching into her bag.  “I didn’t have time to put the posters up, but I was planning to give a reward for finding him-”
Take the money, Vetra, you dumbass, the parts of my brain that were functioning said.  Your amp is so old it was designed for the mandolin. Take the money, stick it in a jar, and when you have enough money, buy an amp that isn’t held together with baling twine.
Then my mouth, operating entirely independently from those parts, said, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?”  When my treacherous head nodded, she said, “Then at least allow me to buy you dinner.”
I was crammed into the only halfway decent dress I owned and had eaten something about half the size of an actual proper meal, but somehow I was still having a great time.
“So then we found the drummer hanging from the tree, in his underwear, rope around his ankle, and all he had to say when we let him down was, ‘I hate chipmunks.’”  Gwyneira choked back a laugh, and I shook my head.  “The band didn’t last long after that, although the bass player still crashes on my couch when he’s in town.”
“Such an…adventurous lifestyle,” she said, and sipped her wine.  
“But I’ve probably rambled long enough.”  I stabbed what I had been assured was the correct fork into a too-small morsel of chicken and said, “You said you were a musician, but you haven’t even told me what instrument.”
“Oh, how rude of me.” She cut a slice off…well, I don’t speak French, so whatever it was she was eating, and said, “I’m a violinist.”
“Huh.  Just as a hobby, or-”
“Professionally.”  She adjusted the cuffs on her suit, an outfit choice that was just deeply unfair.  “Have you ever studied much classical music?”
Show her how smart you are.  “Tell the truth, uh…I never really got into it.  I like my music with a bit more impact to it, you know?”  I mimed shredding on the air guitar.  Nailed it.
“I think I can show you plenty of impact,” she said, her delicate features arranged into a cocky smirk. “Come to my place tomorrow afternoon, and bring your…‘axe’.”
Rosetta took a deep breath and spat lightning into the amplifier.  For some reason, dragon thunder-breath doesn’t just charge a battery; it keeps it charging.  I scratched her behind the ear, and she grinned up at me, then spread her wings and soared over to the drums.
Ludwig raised his head from the piano, and Gwyneira started to play.
Notes didn’t fall from the violin; they rose, soaring into the air like birdsong.  Her voice, just as high and pure, mingled with it, underscored but never challenged by the slow, measured notes of Ludwig on the piano.
It was beautiful, but I wasn’t just here to listen.
I was here to play.
As the notes from the violin started to die away, I flicked my plectrum between my fingers like an old-time riverboat hustler playing with a coin.  Rosetta chose the tempo, her bunched-up claws striking the drums, a drumstick wrapped in her tail striking a cymbal, and my axe sang as I began: not the high, pure note of birdsong, but the howl of an iron wolf.
After a few bars, the piano started up again, but without its previous dignity and reserve.  Ludwig, apparently, relished the chance to cut loose a bit.  His claws struck the keys with speed rather than precision, keeping up with the beat of the drum and the snarl of the electric guitar, mixing in the occasional, perfectly timed glissando.
Then the violin’s song started up again.
Gwyneira’s eyes were closed, but she was keeping up with the much faster tempo like she was born to it, her bow dancing over the strings.  Her violin and my guitar weaved notes around each other, twining together like the tails of dragons in love.  It was like we were instinctively opening spaces for the other to slip into, letting the instruments work together rather than battle for dominance.
It was the kind of jam session you usually only get once in a lifetime.
Anyway, that’s how I met my girlfriend.
I own some nicer clothes, now.  I speak a little French.  And, you know, I’m starting to get along with classical music.  I mean, give me the faster ones any day – you should hear my cover of Rondo Alla Turca on the electric guitar, it’ll knock your socks off – but, you know, we meet halfway.
And I mean halfway.  Gwyneira looks like a goddess in anything, but when she’s let her hair out of its ponytail?  When she’s at a rock concert, just letting it all out, headbanging along? It’s amazing.  She’s amazing.
There have been challenges – you try finding good homes for an entire clutch of half-seraph, half-mongrel dragon hatchlings sometime – but we’re going pretty damn well.  She’s even talked about starting a proper band – weaving classical and rock together.
And if that never comes to pass?  If we can’t get a gig or find a good rhythm guitar?  At least we can still jam together.
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baronessblixen · 4 years
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Two prompts tonight! This is my entry for the awkward first date challenge by @starwalker42​. Set in late season 5, after “The Unnatural”. Fluff/hurt/comfort/humor?
Tagging @today-in-fic​ and @xffictober​
Fictober Day 22
More Than Okay
He should have bought her flowers. That’s his first thought as he knocks on Scully’s front door at 7 pm sharp. He’s made sure to be on time, sitting in his car for an additional five minutes. Standing here, feeling like a child who is anxious to see if their best friend will come out to play, he realizes how ridiculous the whole situation is.
It started as a joke. Or half a joke, really. Last Monday, Scully’s mom called her at the office. That alone is noteworthy as Mrs. Scully usually refrains from doing so. He tried not to eavesdrop, but it was impossible. He pretended to work while stealing glances at Scully, wrapping the phone cord around her finger, her face beet-red.
“No, mom, I don’t need you to make dates for me,” she’d said through gritted teeth. “Can we please discuss this Friday night? I’m at work.” Oh, how he’d wished he could have heard Mrs. Scully reply to that. A moment later, though, Scully sighed in relief and hung up the phone.
“Mom trouble?” He’d asked with a soft smile.
“You could say that.”
“You know,” he’d said, chewing on his pen, “how about we go on a date Friday night? You could call your mom and say you’re busy after all.”
“Are you serious?”
He had been. At that moment he had been dead serious. He had been thinking about their baseball quasi date and how he couldn’t wait to repeat that.
“Yes. I know the perfect place. I’ll pick you up at 7?”
“Well… okay.”  
And that’s how he finds himself here, heart pounding, his flowerless hands sweaty, ready to take Scully on their first date.
“Mulder, hi.” Scully opens the door and the synapses in his brain collapse. She’s wearing a black strappy dress that hugs all the curves he knows are there (he’s felt them) but hardly ever sees.
A “wow” slips from his mouth unasked and Scully throws him a shy smile over her shoulder. Staring at her, and he can’t stop taking her in, taking mental pictures for himself, he feels utterly overwhelmed. And so very underdressed. He’s wearing black jeans and a blue dress shirt.
“You look good too,” she says anyway, picking up her purse. “Ready to go?”
“S-sure.” He puts his hand on the small of her back, simply out of habit. Heat shoots through his whole body as his fingers meet the next to nothing fabric. He feels her muscles with every step they take.
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a- a surprise. You’ll like it.”
Or at least he hopes she will.
“I’m sorry, Mr.-“
“Mulder,” he says, keeping his voice down. “I had a reservation for 7 pm. Fox Mulder.” He flashes his badge, hoping that it will impress the hostess. It doesn’t.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Mulder, but there is no reservation under that name. You could wait at the bar and you will get the next free table.”
“Let’s do that,” Scully says, tugging at his sleeve. “We’ll wait.”
“I’m sorry, Scully,” he says when they sit down.
“It’s not your fault.” She reaches for the small nut bowl, shoving a few into her mouth.
“You’re hungry.”
“A bit,” she admits. She touches his arm and squeezes. “I can wait. So how about you tell me what-“
“Fox,” a voice screeches near them. “Fox Mulder?” They both turn towards the woman, a tall brunette and with eyebrows shot so high they almost reach her hairline. She’s clinging to the arm of a man who clearly has a reservation here. One that didn’t get lost. She stalks over to them, obviously knowing him.
“It is you,” she says. There’s no warmth in her voice. No friendliness at all. He tries to place her – her face looks vaguely familiar – but nothing comes to mind.
“Hello,” he says with a shaky smile. Her own smile falls when she notices Scully next to him.
“Oh, I see,” she says. “You never call me back but you go out with- with someone like her?” He glances at Scully, who clears her throat, and licks her lip. He can’t tell whether she’s amused or pissed. Maybe she’s both.
“I don’t – aren’t you on a date yourself?”
“Oh, you mean David? Well.” She winks at him before she remembers that she hates him apparently. She ignores Mulder and turns to Scully. “He used to ask me out for dates, you know. Before you.” Mulder is still watching Scully and now he knows she’s amused. She’s biting her bottom lip. Hard. “Good luck with him. Bye, Fox.” She quickly turns on her heels and joins the other man who throws him dirty looks.
“Scully, I am so sorry, I – are you laughing?”
She is. She’s trying to stifle it but there’s no denying it. She’s laughing, tears rolling down her face.
“I’m glad you find this amusing,” Mulder mumbles, taking a peanut and crushing it between his fingers. “I don’t even know who she is.”
“Well, she obviously knows who you are. I’m sorry, Mulder. I just didn’t expect – she was so angry.”
“I wasn’t dating her,” he says. “I really have no idea who she is. It must have been…” he thinks back, tries to remember the last time he even tried dating. Right after they lost the X-Files for the first time. He’s flirted a bit here and there, missing Scully and not admitting it to himself.
“You’re free to date whoever you want, Mulder.” She is no longer laughing. Her voice is soft and serious. So are her eyes.
“I don’t want to date,” he says firmly. Anyone but you, he adds in his head.
“She’s still staring at us.”
“Is she?” He doesn’t want to check.
“Mulder, I know you had plans tonight but… how about we go somewhere else?”
“You’re really that hungry?” He stares at the small bowl next to her. It’s almost empty. “Let’s go.”
As it turns out, the whole city is on a date tonight. They can’t find a table anywhere. Meanwhile, Scully’s stomach is protesting loudly to the lack of food.
“I have an idea,” Scully says. She’s shivering. She obviously hadn’t planned on spending their date running from one restaurant to another. “Let’s just pick something up and go to my place.”
He nods. “How does Mexican sound to you?”
She sighs. “It sounds wonderful.”
They each carry a bag of food when they arrive at Scully’s. She moans when she takes off her shoes and his cock has definitely heard it. It twitches in his pants and he wishes he’d worn something with more wiggle room.
“I’ll get plates,” she says and hands him her bag.
Five minutes later, they’re eating. Or Scully is. Because Mulder can’t stop watching the way she’s shoveling food into her mouth.
“Wow,” he says for the second time tonight.
“I’m hungry,” she says, coloring slightly, her mouth full. “I haven’t eaten all day.”
“Nervous because of our date?” He jokes though he’s only half kidding. He’s been on edge all day.
“Maybe,” she admits, not looking at him.  
“Scully, I don’t know if I should tell you this but…,” she looks up at him, her cheeks looking like a chipmunk’s. “You eating all that food is… hot at hell.” He’s glad she can’t answer right away.
“You’ve seen me eat before.”
“Not like this,” he says with a soft chuckle, still watching her in amazement.
“Why did you ask me out, Mulder?” She asks, changing the subject. She takes a napkin and wipes her mouth.
“Because of that phone call with your mom,” he says. It’s half the truth.
“I thought so,” she says and does he imagine it, or does she sound sad? She picks up her fork again and just as she’s about to bring it to her mouth, he stops her.
“Not just because of it,” he says, his heart pounding in his chest. “I wanted to take you out on a date. I’m sorry it didn’t happen. This was probably the worst first date ever, huh?” He gives her a lopsided smile.
“Mulder,” she says with a sigh, putting down the fork. “This wasn’t out first date.”
She chuckles and takes his hand into hers. “We’ve been on so many dates. And what about when we played baseball last week?”
“That counts?” She nods. “Good. Cause then I take it back. We had the best first date ever.”
“Not quite,” she says, biting her lip. It’s driving him crazy.
“A great first date usually ends with a kiss.”
“How about…,” he trails off, moving closer to her, “we make up for that.”
When their lips meet somewhere in the middle, his minds grows quiet. There’s nothing but Scully’s lips against him, nothing but the taste of her, captivating all his senses. She opens her mouth to him, inviting him in. She tastes spicy, her tongue burning his. He deepens the kiss and Scully’s fingers tangle in his hair. A sharp pain shoots through him and he’s so busy with kissing Scully that it takes him a moment to locate it.
“Ouch,” he grumbles against her mouth.
“What happened?”
“Your wrist,” he says, trying not to move his head, “your bracelet… it’s stuck in my hair.”
“Oh! Hold still, Mulder.” He’s lucky that Scully is a doctor. She knows what she’s doing. But when nothing happens, when the metal continues to hold his hair hostage, she starts yanking it impatiently. He winces.
“Sorry,” she says quickly. “It’s just stuck.” She looks at him and he almost forgets about the pain. He just wants to kiss her again. Do more than just kiss her.
“I’ll count to three and then you just… rip it out. Don’t care about my hair. I need a haircut anyway. One, two-“ He doesn’t get to three. Scully pulls her hand back with such force that he thinks he’s going to pass out.
“Tada,” she says proudly, showing him her wrist where her bracelet is full of his hair.
“I said on three, Scully,” he pouts, rubbing his head.
“I couldn’t wait.”
“You’re impatient today.”
“I told you I was hungry.” And then she’s on him again, straddling his hips and devouring his mouth. His hands roam her body and as much as he’s admired her dress, now he wants to see her out of it.
“Scully,” he asks, breathless against her mouth. “Is this- are we-“
“Are we what?” she asks, stealing another kiss from him, her hips gently gyrating against him. His cock is wide awake by now and she must feel it.
“Is this leading… into the bedroom?”
“You really haven’t been on a date in a while, have you?” She asks, smiling at him.
“You’re not like any other woman I’ve ever dated, Scully.” Her eyes grow soft and she kisses him again. Then she gets up and stands before him, reaching for his hand.
“Come on,” she says and he follows her into the bedroom. He tears at her dress and she giggles. She helps him take it off and Mulder stares at her nude body.
“Where is your underwear?”
“In the laundry,” she says and starts unbuttoning his shirt. He’s too stunned to help her, to utter even a single word.
“I love this shirt, Mulder.”
“Hm, I’m glad,” he says, only half listening. His hands have started on a new journey, getting acquainted with her body in this new, wonderous way.
They end up on the bed, both naked and he doesn’t know where to look first, where to touch, where to taste. He wants to be everywhere at once. He spends some time on her breasts, cupping them, testing their weight in his hands. He kisses them, nuzzles them, before he takes a nipple in his mouth, making her squirm and moan. He gently bites her, getting lost in the moment, and so does Scully because her knee shoots up and hits him right in the groin.
“Oof.” He rolls off of her, touching his penis that’s throbbing for less pleasant reasons now.
“Oh my God, Mulder,” she says sitting up and moving his hands away from his groin. This should be a joyous moment, Scully touching his penis. But his poor cock just hangs there at half-mast, unable to greet her properly. She pets it lovingly, stroking it gently.
“Sorry,” she whispers, kissing his cheek.
“It’s okay.” He takes a few deep breaths and just when he thinks he has a grip on everything again, Scully’s mouth is on his penis, licking him. She takes him in deeper, starts sucking him harder, and then he hears it.
“Scully,” he asks, panting. “Did you just fa-“ before he can finish his question, his penis slips out of her mouth and she slithers up his body, pressing wet kisses everywhere she passes until she reaches his mouth.
“I got too excited,” she says before she starts kissing him in earnest again, “and yes, I did fart. These things happen.” Their bodies rub against each other enticingly and his own excitement grows by the second. Just when he’s about to roll her over, she stops kissing him. Her eyes grow wide in surprise and she scrambles off him quickly, elbowing him in the stomach in the process.
“Scully?” he asks, watching her stumble in the bathroom. A moment later he hears her throw up violently. He quickly gets up, doesn’t even think about putting on clothes, and joins her.
“Oh honey,” he says, kneeling down next to her where she’s hugging the toilet.
“I’m sorry, Mulder,” she says. “I don’t know what happened. Don’t laugh but I thought… I thought I was feeling queasy was because we were finally doing this.”
“No need to apologize.” He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Are you feeling better now?” Her answer is to be sick again. He strokes her back gently, whispering nonsense to her. When she’s done for the moment, he wets a washcloth and wipes her mouth with it. There are goosebumps all over her body. He gets up to get her robe and helps her into it.
“This is not how I wanted our night to end,” she says.
“Neither did I,” he admits with a smile. “But I’m glad I’m here.”
“So am I.”
“Think you can get up? Or would you rather stay here?”
“I think I can get up.” He holds her and watches as she quickly brushes her teeth. They make their way back to her bed. “Did you just call me honey, Mulder?”
“Maybe,” he says, drawing the word out. “I’ll make you some tea and get you some Pepto, okay?” She nods, disappearing under her blanket, the term of endearment forgotten for the moment.
When he returns a couple of minutes later with a cup of tea, a glass of water and Pepto-Bismol, Scully chuckles.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, helping her sit up.
“You’re still naked.”
“Oh.” He looks down at himself. “I was preoccupied. How are you feeling?”
“Still queasy. Remind me to never eat Mexican food again.”
“I will,” he replies softly. “Do you want me to…”
“Stay here? Yes, I’d love that.” That wasn’t what he was going to ask but he smiles at her, happy that he gets to stay.
“Do you think we should try this again?” He asks her after a moment.
“Having sex? I sure hope so.”
He kisses her knuckles. “I meant going on a date.”
She sighs, closing her eyes. “Maybe we can try again in a couple of years. I just want to be with you, Mulder. We don’t need to go on dates. Okay?”
He nods. It’s more than okay with him.  
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Coach Cavill - Chapter 8
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Summary: What did Dean do to upset the children?
Coach!Henry Cavill x Amelia Jung (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 3.6k
Warnings: None
A/N: I loved that the overall message of your reaction was that Dean is an idiot (and then I haven’t even talked about the pitchfork and the emergency dagger 😂😂)
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter 
This was definitely not how I expected our first date to go. I haven’t spoken to Henry the second we got back in his truck. While we’re might not be talking, I don’t want him to leave either. He stops in front of my house and I look to the side. ‘Could you wait?’ I ask him.
Henry nods, looking so handsome, even in the dim light of the street lights. ‘I’ll be right here when you need me.’
I have to take a deep breath, before I step out of the car. I hate facing Dean, but hearing how upset Benji was and how Isabella just stopped talking, indicated he really did something shitty. I should be a good mom and confront him about this. I confronted him during Benji’s match, so how hard can this be, right?
I close the car door behind me and walk up to Dean, who is standing in front of my porch as he turns around. ‘According to Eve, the kids were pretty upset. What happened?’ I ask him.
Dean checks me out, glancing at me, up and down. I remember that I used to love it when he checked me out when I would walk into the room. He would always show me off, whispering dirty secrets in my ear when we were in public and telling everyone that he had the most beautiful wife.
What happened to those times?
I genuinely thought we were happy and were going to last forever.
‘You look—’
‘Just answer my question, Dean,’ I interrupt him. ‘Really, we are way passed those days that we could give one another compliments or whatever about each other.’
He simply shrugs and from the looks of it, he is not feeling good. He looks tired, and a little tense. As if I should care about that. He is a grown man, he can handle is own problems. ‘It’s nothing.’
‘You honestly can’t possibly think that that will work? Your it’s nothing is what set our divorce in motion in the first place. Tell me, what happened that you got them this upset. You had the kids for what? Two hours? I mean, even for you that’s a record.’
Yes, Amelia, stab him where it hurts. I know that it annoys the shit out of him that the kids are rather at my place than at his.
Dean clenches his jaw and looks away. ‘Mindy is pregnant.’
Is this what it feels like when your soul leaves your body? This turning of the world, the way the air in my lungs is knocked out of it? ‘She is what?’ I ask him, but I start to shake my head. ‘No, wait, don’t repeat that. I heard you. This is… Why… How… Are you fucking kidding me?’
‘I’m not,’ Dean says and he is dead serious, ‘and our children were very rude about it.’
He really doesn’t get it, does he? ‘You really are not fit to be a parent, are you?’ I laugh out of disbelieve. I’m trying to find the words to say to him, but nothing seems to come out. ‘I don’t even know what to say to you.’ I turn around and beckon Henry. I throw him my keys and tell him to see if the kids are okay and if Eve needs any help.
Henry walks passed us, causing Dean to be flabbergasted, to say the least. ‘What the—’
‘Dean, this is the time where you explain yourself to me, not to ask me—or worse: lecture me—about what I’m doing with my life. Why on earth do you think this is a wise thing to do? You can barely take care of the kids that are already here.’
‘You are just jealous.’
‘Jealous?’ I ask, causing me to laugh. ‘You really are something. How on earth can I be jealous of what you have now?’ I hear something clatter in my home and I let out a frustrated sigh. ‘Are you fucking happy now?’ I ask him. ‘I think it’s for the best that you go home and I will talk to the kids. I’ll text you when they are ready to talk to you.’ I rush into my house and see that Henry has managed to calm Benji down, whose fists unclench and he leans with his head against his coach’ strong chest. I hear him mutter something under his breath and while Henry seems to understand it, I don’t.
Isabella walks up to me and I lift her up, wrap my arms tightly around her. ‘Oh honey, how are you feeling?’
‘I don’t know,’ she whispers and if she can’t even say how she is feeling, then Dean must’ve brought it in such a manner that took both of them by complete surprise and not the good kind of surprise.
I press a gentle kiss on her temple and let out a sigh. It’s pretty busy in my house; Eve has Yara on her lap, while Lola and Jake are cleaning up the shattered vase that is spread out over the floor—good thing I hated that vase in the first place.
Soft sniffles are coming from Isabella and I try to sooth her as I walk up to Eve. ‘Mindy is pregnant,’ I mouth to her.
It turns out that she didn’t get that out from either of my kids in the time that she called me and now. ‘No way,’ she whispers.
She shakes her head and I can already see her restraining herself from walking outside to smack Dean across his face. I walk up to Henry and Benji. ‘No, no, no,’ Henry says, holding Benji’s shoulders tightly in his hands. ‘Don’t do that. You were doing just fine. Listen to my breathing and try to copy that, okay.’
Benji seems to be on the verge of a breakdown again and I place Isabella on my hip, before I hold out my arm. Benji nearly knocks me over, as he clings to me. ‘You’re doing good,’ I whisper.
‘I hate him,’ he mumbles against my shoulder.
‘I know.’
Isabella gives me a kiss on my cheek and whispers: ‘I don’t want to go to dad anymore.’
‘Me neither,’ Benji quickly agrees.
‘You two don’t have to when you don’t want to,’ I say. ‘That has always been the case and that will stay that way. What you two want and think matters the most.’ I look at Isabella, who looks really tired. ‘Sweetheart, I think it’s time for you to go to bed. You want to sleep in my bed?’
‘I do,’ she whispers.
‘Then I’ll take you there,’ I say to her. ‘Benji?’
He clenches his jaw again. ‘I’ll clean some up in the kitchen. I might’ve made quite the mess there.’ I appreciate his candor and for some reason I don’t really want to see the mess he made there.
Henry pats him on his shoulder. ‘I’ll help you out, kid.’
I carry Isabella upstairs, as she softly whimpers. ‘I’m sorry, angel,’ I say to her, as I place her in my bed. I help her change out of her clothes and I grab her pajamas from her room. ‘How about you try to sleep and we will talk about it tomorrow. From the looks of it you are really tired, which I can totally understand.’
‘Okay,’ she says and I give her a kiss. ‘Will you sleep here tonight as well?’
‘My bed is big enough,’ I say, ‘so of course.’
I tuck her in and she says in a soft voice: ‘I’m sorry we interrupted your date.’
Always the sweetheart, my lovely Isabella. Despite the fact that she likes to embarrass me and told every single one of my colleagues about my date with Henry, she sure loves me a lot. ‘Don’t you worry about that. You and Benji are my number one priorities and you always will be. I love you, little chipmunk.’
‘I love you too, mom.��
‘Good night,’ I start.
Isabella smiles. ‘Sleep tight.’
And in unison we say: ‘Don’t let the bedbugs bite. See you in the morning light. Good night.’ I let out a soft laugh, before I walk out of the room. When I descend from the stairs, I see that Eve, Yara, Lola and Jake are ready to leave, since they have to get up early tomorrow. They are going to visit Johnny’s parents and ever since their retirement, they moved quite far away. I give them all a tight hug, before I look at Eve.
‘Your date sure is a keeper,’ she whispers. ‘He has known Benji for what? Almost two weeks and he knows how to calm him down from his rare rages. I have known that kid his entire life, but when he goes off like that, I know better than to rush towards him.’
‘I know,’ I say, ‘I sure as hell am lucky.’
‘You deserve it. You know, we’ll call tomorrow. Knowing Johnny’s parents, I’m stuck on horse keeping duties again.’
I chuckle. ‘Yes, we’ll talk tomorrow. Thank you for tonight.’
‘It’s what we do,’ she says, before walking out of my house to go next door.
Benji sits on the barstool in the kitchen, staring at the counter. I walk up to him and wrap my arm around his shoulders. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart,’ I say. ‘This must’ve been such a shock.’
He simply nods. ‘I don’t want another sibling,’ he says. ‘I already have a sister and she is all I need. I hate dad for doing this.’
I look over to Henry, who has been making some tea for us. He doesn’t seem surprised, so I figured Benji already told him about this. ‘You know,’ I say, ‘I can totally understand that, but… Maybe this is a way for your dad to make up to what he didn’t do for you and Isabella.’
Benji frowns. ‘What has that to do with me?’
I scrunch up my nose. ‘Nothing, really. Maybe this is too much of a positive outlook on this situation. I’m sorry, I was hoping that would make you feel better. I really don’t know what to say, Benji. Believe it or not, this is the first time something like this happened to me.’
Somehow he manages to crack out in a smile. ‘Really? You never had an ex-husband who was going to have another baby before?’
‘Well, you must feel a lot better,’ I chuckle, pressing a kiss on his temple. ‘How about we talk about it in the morning. Maybe I have some great positive thoughts to share with you.’
He nods in agreement. ‘I’m sorry about the vase and plates.’
‘Plates?’ I ask. ‘As in plural?’
‘I’m sorry,’ he says again. ‘I… I just lost it.’
‘We’ll talk about that tomorrow too, okay?’ I suggest, knowing that I can’t give him a lecture about how to deal with his emotions right now.
‘Yes, mom.’
‘I’m sorry you felt like this tonight. I know you hate it.’
He sighs. ‘Yeah… Well, I think I’m going to bed,’ he announces. ‘Thank you for being there for me. I love you.’
‘I love you too, honey.’
‘And coach,’ Benji starts, looking quite nervous, ‘I’m sorry I hit you.’
Benji hit Henry? While I’m stammering, looking for something to say, Henry smiles and simply shrugs. ‘It’s all good, Benji, no worries. I can take it.’
Benji chuckles, before walking upstairs and from what I can hear, he goes for my room. That’s going to be a full bed tonight.
Henry pushes a full cup of tea over the kitchen counter towards me, as he is standing on the opposite side of the island. ‘How are you, Amelia?’
‘I’m doing okay,’ I say, but that is probably the biggest lie of tonight. I shake my head and let out a sigh. ‘I’m not okay.’
Henry walks around the kitchen island and pushes the bar stool aside, before wrapping his strong arms around my upper body. Holding my kids tonight, was a necessity, but I never thought about how I should be held too. I mean, my ex husband is creating a new family, while it is obvious that he can’t even take care of the one he already has.
I missed the feeling of being comforted by someone who seems to care this much. I bury my face in his chest, as Henry places his chin on top of my head.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I mumble.
‘This isn’t your fault,’ he says, ‘so remember what I told you: save your apologizes for the moments that matter.’
I pull back, to wipe my eyes dry, because this makes me feel more emotional than I thought. ‘It’s just that I can’t believe that Mindy is pregnant,’ I whisper. ‘Dean barely knows his children and now he is simply going to bring another one in the mix? Like, how does he thinks this will work out?’
Henry sighs, placing his large hand on my flushed cheek. ‘I have no idea, Amelia.’
‘And you heard it, Benji really doesn’t want another one and even Isabella is on the fence now, for visiting her father. I can’t believe this, Henry. I don’t know what to do.’
‘I get that,’ he says. ‘But maybe you should just sleep on the matter for the night and then tomorrow, you and the kids and who else should talk about it.’
I sigh. ‘Could you maybe come here too?’ I ask him. ‘It’s because of the way you calmed Benji  down and… You seem to really understand him and I would actually be very grateful if you’d join us. Normally Eve and Johnny would be here, but they are out of town this weekend and their kids have really been looking forward to this trip, so I don’t want to interfere with that. I just could really use someone else there as well, because I’m on the verge of breaking down again and I don’t think the kids can need that.’
He smiles. ‘Of course,’ he says. ‘I’d be honored and if you want me gone, just say so and I’ll let myself out right away.’ He tilts his head and when he notices the tears in my eyes, he pulls me in a nearly bone crushing hug. His thick arms wrapped so securely around me, it makes me feel safe and taken care of.
‘Did Benji hit you hard or…?’ I ask, as I pull back, as my hands rest on his sides.
He shakes his head. ‘He kind of latched out, but is was nothing serious.’ Henry twists a strand of my hair around his finger.
‘It’s a thing that we’ve been working on,’ I say in all honesty. ‘He can explode every now and then here at home. He barely does it, mostly once a year, something like that. This year however, he has been having hem once a month. This divorce, it’s really taking its toll on Benji.’
‘Has he ever hit you?’
I shake my head. ‘No, I usually leave him when he is having a moment like that. When I fear it’s getting out of hand, I go get Johnny or Jake, they seem to get through to him most of the time. What did you do, by the way? You seemed to calm him down instantly.’
‘Well,’ he says, ‘Benji is a lot like me and though I barely latched out like he did, I can totally understand it. Besides, he is not the first hothead I’ve encountered. Remember, I’ve been doing this judo coaching thing for sixteen years full time now.’ He places his hand in the back of my neck, a comforting action that I have seen him do with the judoka’s quite a few times. ‘I think it also helps that I know I can take it.’
‘Yeah,’ I whisper, ‘it’s just that I don’t want him to hurt anyone, but he has this now on a monthly basis, but never this intense. For fuck’s sake, I hate Dean.’
Henry nods. ‘Well, despite the interruption, I did have a lot of fun tonight.’
‘I did so too,’ I say. ‘You are quite the catch, Henry. I thought dating after a divorce would be really complicated, but you make it pretty easy.’
‘You make acclimating in a new town very easy.’ He sends me such a loving and caring smile, that I nearly melt into a puddle. ‘You have ice cream? Since we skipped dessert at the restaurant, I figure we could finish our date here.’
I smile. ‘Bottom drawer of the fridge,’ I chuckle. He walks up to the fridge and bends down to get the ice cream out of the drawer and I have to bite my lip to prevent myself from drooling. My cheeks are red by the time he stands up again. Henry has really made himself comfortable at my place and that alone is a clear sign that meeting someone like him, is going to be a once in a life time opportunity and I really shouldn’t let this go to waste.
I hoist myself up on the counter and he takes place on a stool. ‘You know,’ I say, ‘I really don’t think that Mindy is suitable to be a mom. I mean, I think she can be sweet, but she cannot be a mother already.’
‘How old is she?’
‘Twenty two,’ I say. ‘And I know that might makes me sound like a hypocrite, since I had Benji around her age, but at least I was with someone my own age and… I feel like I had reached a certain level of maturity, that I have yet to detect with her.’ I grab a spoon and take a scoop out of the carton box. ‘I honestly can’t seem to wrap my mind around the fact that Dean thought this would be a wise decision. He barely knows his own children and though our marriage was okay, he never really connected with his kids.’
Henry nods, before bringing the spoon to his lips. ‘There is this quote and it goes something like: becoming a father isn’t difficult, but it’s very difficult to be a father.’
My eyes widen. ‘If you look up Dean in a dictionary, this is the description attached to it. Oh my, I’m going to send that as a celebratory card to his new address.’
He starts to laugh. ‘You should maybe think about that,’ he suggests and I have to agree that that isn’t really the mature thing for an ex-wife to do, especially after I bitched about Mindy not reaching her level of maturity. ‘While this might not be the date we both envisioned, but I sure enjoyed it a lot.’
‘I did too,’ I say. ‘And I wouldn’t mind if we did this again sometime.’
‘I would love to,’ he says. ‘You know, I have an idea. I’ll bring breakfast tomorrow, we’ll talk about the issue and after that, we can go to the autumn market. Greg has been bugging me about it all week, so if I don’t go, he’ll probably ban me from the store.’
I can’t help but laugh. ‘Well, I absolutely adore the autumn market, so I would love to go and I know the kids will too. Please bring Kal with you, okay?’
‘Dogs are allowed?’
‘They are,’ I say. ‘And I know that Isabella would love it.’
We somehow finish the entire box of ice cream in a very short amount of time—and I might have something to do with that, because I’m a professional emotional eater—and Henry announces he should go home, so he can take Kal out for a night walk. I walk him to the front door and though he is already standing on my porch, he turns around to give me a tight hug. ‘Remember,’ he whispers, ‘whatever you decide to do, whatever the kids decide to do, it’ll be a good decision.’
I nod against his chest. ‘I’ll try and remember that.’
‘Breakfast muffins?’ he asks.
‘Please, buy them in every single flavor. We Jung’s are known for being able to love every single muffin flavor.’
‘I’ll go to the bank first, crank up my loan.’
I slap him across his stomach and he pretends to double over. Because he is leaned over, his face is very close to mine. I don’t even think, but I press a kiss on his cheek. ‘See you tomorrow, coach Cavill.’
Henry smiles and from up close, it gives me some serious heart palpitations. ‘See you tomorrow, Amelia.’ He walks to his truck, as I lean in the doorway, staring as he gets in. He holds up his hand, before he drives off.
I quickly walk upstairs—no, correction: I float upstairs because of the butterflies that I haven’t felt in such a long time—and quickly change into my pajamas and remove my make-up. I go to my room, to discover that Benji and Isabella are under the covers, leaving a spot for me between them. I remember when Dean and I were still together and one night it was storming. Isabella was four and Benji was ten. First it was Isabella who ran into our room, to lay between us. Around five minutes later, Benji sneaked into our room, to lay with us, flinching every single time the thunder hit.
After Dean moved out of this house, when we all found out he was doing his intern, we would have slumber parties, every night in a different room. We would drag mattresses from one room to the other, every night, but it was our way of reminding one another that no matter where we were, we’d always be there for each other.
I crawl into the bed and manage to wiggle myself under the cover. As if we’re magnets, Isabella curls herself up in my arms and I feel Benji’s head against my shoulder. ‘I love you,’ I whisper, ‘I love you both so so much.’
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