#the character placement is
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tea-time221 · 9 months
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i, too, would like my head to be cushioned by wyll ravengard's bosom :3
throws these things into a cooking pot and blows up the kitchen
i cant stop drawing them grrrgrrrrrrrrrrr GRAAAAARARARRRRRRGHHHH
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ciearcab · 1 year
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something i got carried away with last weekend, i love this wonderful little game so much
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willczek-art · 3 months
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NPMD Tarot - The Star
Others from the series: The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Devil, Strength, The World
A bit of symbolism under the cut, but I'm curious of other interpretations 👀✨
I matched The Star with Ruth based mostly on visuals and the reverse meaning (which among other things mentions feeling like everything is against you, which I thought fit her well).
Elements that represent hope, opportunities and shining bright from the original card are turned into foreshadowing of her death here.
Light - Her Moment, chance, ambitions and wants. The second she enters it, she's dead.
Background - theater seats, empty.
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titenoute · 7 months
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Meme redraw OG Rayman prefers to choose kindness whenever he can...
V.2 :
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But sometimes, you gotta send a message.
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pandadrake · 8 months
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Get fridged, idiots. (affectionate)
Don’t mind me, just thinking of character parallels.
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allgremlinart · 2 months
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these I feel rather strongly about yea
blank ->
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spacepatrolhana · 1 year
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shane vs the world ?!?!??!
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freakartack · 6 months
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today is 4th of JULIE!!! good by 2007 hello 2008!!!!
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There's always something so symbolic about framed pictures when they're broken.
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The fact that Eve didn't fix the cracks says so much - look at how there's a portion that only includes the heads of the mom and dad.
Now look at the bottom half, how she's excluded from the both of them on both sides.
The cracks are likely to represent the rift in their relationship, Eve already knows this but when she didn't fix it it solidified that she accepts this and knows that the rift will stay for a long time.
When she changed the photo to what she envisioned her family would look like, there were no more cracks.
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Found family always hits right but found family you barely knew about but STILL consider your family even when they're gone has now kicked me in angst-ville. Excuse me while I go cry a river.
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rosie-kairi · 9 months
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"Your friends smile warmly behind you"
finally watched a playthrough of Omori after meaning to for years and I'm in shambles. I cope by making silly lil kh art with it
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penciltopbear · 11 months
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zukkaoru · 4 months
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are we gonna talk about the injury (scar?) on fyodor's face because... it has to be there for a reason. especially making it so prominent in that first panel to the point where it's literally the defining feature of his face, when present day fyodor doesn't have a scar there. this seems to be his only injury and he's not actively bleeding so it's unlikely it's a fresh wound. plus he allowed himself to be captured, so it's not likely he was particularly ferocious about fighting back, meaning the guards who apprehended him would have had no reason to hurt him. i don't have any specific theories but it seems like a strange thing to include for no reason whatsoever.. also worth noting that both bram and fukuchi have scars with similar placements, though that could just be because asagiri and harukawa decided that's a good placement for scars in general
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kneelingshadowsalome · 2 months
Hi Salome!!! Hope you’re doing good and healing well ❤️ I have a question: how old is Konig in DOG? (Also thank you for writing this deranged, sexy creep I love him so much I want to kiss him on the forehead and put him in my pocket)
Aww ty! 🥰💞 I was originally supposed to keep DOG König's age undefined but because there's a birthday scene at the end of this fic it sort of has to be disclosed ^^
So our doggy is currently 36 and will turn 37 in a few months 🐶 He's a summer child!
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bishicat · 10 months
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haven't drawn this man's dumb little face in five years
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rainbowratsstuff · 5 months
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Willy and Noodle but they kitties :3
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