#the big bad wolf series
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schmede · 1 year ago
I forgot I had this art blog whoops....Im reading the big bag wolf series by Charlie Adhara and I am obsessed so here's Cooper and Park 💕💕💕
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noahhawthorneauthor · 2 months ago
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Did I relisten to a bunch of mysteries during the month of festivities? Yes, yes I did.
Criminal Past, Twisted Shadows, and Northranger were new to me. I relistened to Liar City in anticipation of Twisted Shadows releasing, and nearly listened to them both again after I finished TS. Allie Therin never disappoints 👌
Speaking of never disappoints, if you haven't read The Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adhara this is your official notice to do so. The character and relationship development across the series is off the charts, and if you like werewolves without all the usual dynamics then this is definitely for you. (Also my friend @bencalico has been making some beautiful alternate covers for this series !)
Criminal Past was the end of the first Hazard and Somerset series, and was probably my least favorite of the series but still pretty good. I just wasn't in a good headspace for all the shenanigans that happened. On a side note, I read the Off Duty novella this past weekend, and that was full of good feels.
Northranger was a quick horror like novella with a cute budding romance, and the realization that sometimes the biggest horror is our own thoughts.
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wadwitchesonly · 4 months ago
It was strange what you remembered and what you didn’t. Stranger still the things your parents held on to as critically important information, and what they let fall away as bygones, ghosts of the past.
Cry Wolf by Charlie Adhara
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cybersvoid · 3 months ago
❥ Big Bad Wolf ii
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♡ Pairings: Dabi x Reader
Summary: Little Red Riding Hood AU. You just wanted to deliver a basket of goodies to your grandma’s house, but you end up getting mixed up with a wolf who wants more than just your basket.
Parts: i
ღ Warnings | 18+ NSFW, Yandere Themes, AU, Manipulation, Cursing, Virginity Loss, Dubcon, Breeding, Threats, Stalking, References to Last Chapters Smut, Etc.
Do not repost my work anywhere. If you see anyone reposting or copying my work please let me know. Thank you!
“Y/N?... Y/N?” You heard someone call out, waking you from your sleep… that voice… you knew that voice…
“Grandma?” You croaked out, forcing your eyes open.
“Yes, dear! What exactly are you doing out here? Did that mother of yours send you over?” She sighed, “That girl has always been a worrier... and why on God's green earth would you sleep on the porch swing? I’m sure the guest room is much comfier.”
Porch swing? You questioned, as you began regaining consciousness. You lifted your head to look around and saw that she was telling the truth. The pillow for the swing was tucked behind your head, while your red hood was draped over your body. Even your basket was here, pushed off beside you, but seemingly untouched.
“G-grandma, I-”
“Never mind then. I’m sure it was a long journey to make on your own” She dismissed with a wave of her hand, “Not to mention you always were absentminded. Even as a child. Now just forget it and hurry inside! Hasn’t your mother ever warned you that there are wolves about?”
Once inside you had immediately excused yourself to go shower, blaming your desperate need to wash on the long journey over, but truth be told you could still smell him on you. As roughly as you could manage, you washed over every inch of your body repeatedly. Desperately hoping that maybe some of the bruises would come off with your insistent scrubbing as well, but alas, as you looked yourself over in the bathroom mirror it was obvious you failed in that task.
If it wasn’t for the bite mark on your shoulder and the aches of your muscles, you would’ve been sure it was nothing more than a dream. Your head was a bit foggy and pieces of your memory from the night prior were missing more than likely due to the alcohol. You had never drank before and it had seemed to have a bigger effect than you would have thought. 
You don’t remember much of how you got to your grandma's house, but you were positive that you somehow managed to walk yourself here after he had left you in the woods. Then, too tired to make it inside, you made yourself a bed on the old porch swing. After all, it doesn’t make sense that he would bring you here, he doesn’t even know where your grandma lives, and you definitely never mention it to him.
You wanted nothing more than to forget the entire encounter, but it was revealing itself to be next to impossible. You’re not sure what he did to you, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t fully get him out of your head. His voice. His smirk. His touch. You wish the whole thing could be erased rather than just bits and pieces, but it felt as if you were under his spell. 
“Y/N?” Your grandma called out, disrupting your thoughts, “When you’re done in there, I made breakfast for us.”
“Coming,” you shouted back in response, attempting to keep your voice as steady as possible so as not to worry her. How would you even begin to explain the situation you got yourself in? She would without a doubt tell your mother as well. Oh, you could only imagine the fate that would await you if your mother found out. You’d never be allowed to leave the house again, that much was guaranteed.
Quickly, you threw on one of your spare dresses you kept here for whenever you came to visit. You made sure to pick one that would cover enough skin to hide the markings underneath before rushing off toward the kitchen
“Grandma, I should be the one making you breakfast. You need to be in bed resting.”
“Oh hush dear, there’s plenty of time to rest today. You traveled all this way to deliver me some medicine and goodies, the least I can do is make you some breakfast in return.” She grinned, placing a bowl of porridge down in front of you at the table. “I know it’s not much, but I just haven’t been feeling well enough to go into the market. Regardless you should eat, I know you must be starved.”
You were. In fact, you don't think you realized just how hungry you were until the first bite of food hit your tongue. It was almost as if a switch had been flipped as you all but attacked the food in your bowl. Not even attempting to make small talk in the process of eating which your grandma took note of.
“My my, you were hungry. As good as a cook as I may be I don’t recall you loving my porridge quite this much.” She hummed, scooping up another helping into your bowl. Which you graciously accepted. “Now talk to me. You seem more distracted than usual. What’s on your mind, dear?”
“Nothing, grandma, nothing at all,” you lied, not looking up from your bowl.
“Ahh, nothing, is it? I think I know what has my sweet granddaughter distracted. In fact, it's been a long time coming. You’ve found yourself a boy!”
You dropped your spoon at the shock of her statement. The clattering sound echoing through the small room. “N-no, Grandma, that’s not-”
“Ohh hush now, you don’t have to worry. It’s perfectly natural for a girl your age to have these sorts of feelings.”
Your hand traced over your shoulder without thinking. Your fingers gently rubbing the spot above your shirt covering the bite mark that he had left behind. The wound was burning hot. A constant reminder of the so-called ‘boy’ your grandma was referring to, and what exactly he did to you.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell your mother about this boy plaguing your thoughts either. Lord knows that woman tends to overreact.” She pushed herself up off her chair, “Well, I reckon it’s time to take my medicine.” She excused herself from the table, pulling out a green vile from inside the basket you had brought over. How strange. You don’t recall your mother packing that, but she did pack a lot of random items, and you weren’t paying as much attention as you probably should have when she was going over everything.
“Okay, grandma. I’ll start cleaning up, and once I’m done, I’ll head into the market for you, so feel free to make me a list.”
“What would I ever do without you, dear?” She took a big swig from the vile, face contorting a bit as she went into a coughing fit. You ran over to her and began rubbing circles on her back to help soothe her, but she raised a hand shooing you away before quickly regaining her composure. “If you could get me some new cough medicine while you’re out I would appreciate that. I’m not sure where your mother got this, but I much prefer to be sick than having to take this again.”
After cleaning up your grandma had become quite exhausted, putting herself to bed as you finished up around her home. At first, you were nervous about going out to the market. Afraid that you might run into that wolf again. But you felt reassured when reminding yourself that he didn’t know where you were. You were safe here.
The walkover was a bit more difficult than normal. Your body was sore from the events of the night prior, and your knee was still tender from your tumble, so you were forced to take everything slower than you normally would. The sun was already setting by the time you were returning.
You hummed to yourself along the way back, holding onto the grocery bag of your grandma's requested items. Hoping that she was feeling much more rested upon your return. When you arrived at the front door, you noticed that it was a bit ajar, but you assumed your grandma had accidentally left it open after going outside while you were away. You shut the door behind you, turning around and coming face to face with the blue-eyed wolf from yesterday's nightmare.
“What are you doing here?” You hissed, trying to act braver than you currently felt. His familiar grin bringing a sinking feeling to your stomach. “Where’s my grandma?” You quickly dropped the bag of groceries on the floor as you ran in the direction of her room. 
You barely made it more than a few feet when he had you wrapped in his arms. Your back was being held firmly against his chest, his height causing your legs to dangle helplessly above the ground as you frantically began squirming in an attempt to be released.
“Shh,”  he hushed, his warm breath tickling your ear. A chill ran down your spine at the realization of your current predicament. “Now, now, bunny. Dear old grandma is sleeping, and we wouldn’t want to wake her now, would we? After all, sleeping spells ain’t cheap.”
“Sleeping spells?” You froze in place at his confession as your mind went back to the unfamiliar green bottle. “You put that bottle in the basket?”
He chuckled at your cluelessness. “Of course, I did. I would hate for us to be interrupted. I tend to have a bit of a short temper, and I would hate if Gram Gram had to pay the price for it. Wouldn’t you?”
You felt tears begin to well in your eyes at the mention of losing your grandma. “Please,” you whispered desperately, “Please don’t hurt her, I’ll be quiet.”
“Mmm, good bunny.” He praised, gently placing both of your feet on the ground and releasing you from his grip. You spun around and took a few steps back in order to put some distance between the two of you, which he found more amusing than anything. “Is this any way to act around your mate? There’s no reason to be scared.”
“Mate? I don’t know what that is.” You had no idea how he could expect you to act so casually after what he did to you. In your mind, you had every right to be scared.  “Please, I have nothing for you. Can’t you just leave?”
He began stepping towards you. Slowly, but meticulously like a predator stalking its prey. You shadowed his movements. Taking one step back for every step forward.
“You’re wrong, you do have something I need.”
“Whatever it is, you can have it. Just take it!” You begged, your back now hitting a wall, as he took this opportunity to place his hands on either side of you—his tall form towering over your helpless one. This position was bringing back the memories of him on top of you from last night. That tickling feeling starting to creep its way back into the lower half of your body.
“Oh, I intended to.” He chuckled, blue eyes glimmering down at you, “You’re my mate. That means you were made for me. I could smell it on you from the first moment I saw you. I watched you from afar, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Until I couldn’t wait anymore.”
You felt the tension continue to grow in the room at his revelation. How long had he been watching you exactly?
“I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. I’m not your mate. I can’t be.”
“Oh? And why not?”
“Well, you’re a wolf and I’m a human, we can’t be together.”
“I see, so you didn’t feel anything the other night? The way you clawed at my back and moaned out my name. The way you withered under me, gripping me with all your strength as if you were begging me to cum inside you. Your body knew who I was even before you did. I bet you're even wet right now.”
“N-no. That's not true.” You fidgeted slightly under his string gaze, rubbing your thighs together in an attempt to shield him from the truth of his words.
“You’re a shit liar, bunny. You know that bite mark on your shoulder isn’t just for show. It connects us. I can feel what you’re feeling, or what you’re desperately trying not to feel. You can try to lie to me all you want, but your body is calling for me. The only reason I’m not ripping your clothes off, and taking you on the floor now is because as much as you may want it, your body wouldn’t be able to handle another round. You humans are weak little things.” He cooed, gently stroking your face, causing you to flinch in response. He gripped your chin forcing you to look up at him, “Now, there’s no need for all of that. This is even harder for me you know, but  I’ll make sure to satisfy your needs another day.  However, in order for that to happen you need to come with me. I gave you one final day with your grandma, now it's time to come home.”
Why did you have a feeling that the ‘home’ he was referring to was not the home you knew and grew up in?
“I can’t go with you. I have a life here. I have a family here. My grandma, and my mother, they both need me.” You tried to reason, but it was all in vain. He wasn’t going to let up on this.
“Your grandma who lives miles and miles away from you rather than in the same town to ensure you can see her more often? Your mother, the same woman who keeps you locked away in that prison you call home. I doubt you’ve so much as stepped a single toe outside of that town other than when visiting your grandma. Am I wrong? Is this the family and the life that you're referring to?” 
His vast knowledge of your life was frightening.
“Listen, I’m trying to play the nice wolf right now, but I’m going to explain this plain and simple. You are coming with me. Kick, scream, fight all you want, but you are coming with me. If this life is what’s keeping you from coming willingly, then I’ll rip it away from you. You won’t have a grandma. You won’t have a mother, All you’ll have is me. Is that what you want?”
You were frozen at his threat. Tears falling at the thought of him taking the only family you had. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you were the reason why he killed them, but you weren't sure if you could live with him either. He was a wolf. He was everything you were warned about. Cunning, strong, fast, and violent. Well known for being naturally vicious carnivores you knew this would be no empty threat. If you didn’t go with him, you would have nothing left.
At the very least maybe, just maybe, you could go with him and earn his trust. Play nice for as long as possible until finding the perfect moment to escape. To run home, and warn your family. All three of you could leave, and you’ll never have to see him again. That might just be your only option.
“Okay, you’ll…”
“Okay, I-I’ll go with you.” you cried, taking in a shaky breath as tears continued to fall down your face.
“Smart choice, bunny.” 
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ilminnestrone · 5 months ago
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My (late) entry for @strifesodosweek 2024: Oct. 8 - Day 2, Fragile
This piece was inspired by @rottenpumpkin13's fic Ghost Your Reds And Skin Your Wolves, and it's a gift to them. 🐺
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distracted-obsessions · 2 months ago
My character type: Liars and conmen and other types of criminal who are secretly touch starved puppies but they're bad at expressing their emotions so they bite when people get close
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wolvezbiteback · 17 days ago
werewolf partner who is still wolf-like in skin!!!!
generally quiet. walks on their tiptoes. bumps into you with their shoulders and nudges you with their head without realizing to get their smell all over u. dramatic Dog Huffs(tm) through their nostrils. licks their lips when they’re nervous and sneezes when they’re happy. hovers around you when you cook. acts like a lapdog when they definitely Do Not Fit on ur lap
feel free to add more
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ferritin4 · 2 months ago
Me on chapter 2 of Thrown to the Wolves by Charlie Adhara: haha I made you this picture of yourself Oliver Park. I love you but please learn to be perceived even one time! You will not vanish into the aether despite what you may have been told
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Me on chapter 5: jesus christ sweetheart are you all right is anyone all right
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quackquackcey · 3 months ago
Hiiii! I apologize if you've answered this before, but I just found your Ao3 (and now your tumblr!) and I'm in lerrrrve! Are you planning on continuing your 'The Idiot and the Big Bad Wolf' series? I really enjoyed it. No pressure, I just thought I'd check!
I haven’t answered this before—(I almost never get asks so I was happy to see this in my inbox)! Super glad you’re enjoying, & yes no worries, I am definitely continuing ‘The Idiot and the Big Bad Wolf’!
The WIP for season 2 sits at 53k words rn & I’m…uh…halfway done…? LOL 🤣
I keep writing for events tho so it’s taking a while to write lol, my own fault I know 💀 but here’s a snippet:
“You think Scott and Allison don’t know what their priorities are?” asked Stiles, surprised and a little flattered—he’d always thought Derek didn’t get along with Scott because their priorities didn’t align.
“They don’t. Scott wants to save everyone.”
Stiles blinked. “What’s wrong with wanting to save everyone?”
“Nothing, if you have a plan and the means to do it. Like now.” Derek made a sharp turn to the left. “What’s the point in leaving Jackson alive when we don’t have a way to restrain him or change him?”
“Then why didn’t you kill him?”
“Scott got there before me,” muttered Derek. “No sense in beating the shit out of him in a parking lot when the Argents were going to come any minute.”
“Scott’s not here now,” Stiles told him.
“Uh, I don’t like where this conversation is headed,” Danny cut in.
Derek glanced at Stiles and leaned in, one hand grabbing Stiles’ chin and the other on the steering wheel. “But you want him alive, don’t you?” he murmured with a sinfully mischievous smile before slipping his tongue past Stiles’ lips and stealing a kiss.
The Jeep swerved.
Stiles’ face flamed red as Derek righted the Jeep back into their lane just before a car nearly ran into them with an all too satisfied lick of his lips. “You— You’re so—” Stiles paused, then let out a defeated huff. “Is it just me or have you become more… more… I dunno, more of a menace?”
“Is it just me or are you two flirting over killing Jackson?” said Danny.
Derek ignored him. “Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?” he told Stiles, voice dry.
“I just think we could at least try, y’know, now that we have our trump card secret weapon Danny on board," muttered Stiles with a pout. "And then if that doesn't work, uh, don't you have stuff for the full moon that we can restrain him with?"
"Where's the part that I get to kill him?"
"The part where we can't figure anything out and the full moon arrives. Isaac and them need that damn equipment so we can't just restrain him indefinitely, plus people are gonna notice Jackson's missing and search for him, and holy god I'm already getting a headache from this—maybe we should just kill him."
"That's what I've been saying."
"Only Danny would miss him."
"And his parents," Danny cut in. "You can't just kill him!"
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whereispearlescentmoon · 6 months ago
Pearl is in the Baron of Brick’s stew from neverafter :(
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Pearlescentmoon is in the Baron of Bricks’ stew!
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verilydigital · 9 months ago
More gifs of this huffin’ (and puffin’) fella!🎺
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from the Disney’s House of Mouse episode “Big Bad Wolf Daddy”
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wadwitchesonly · 4 months ago
"Being open isn’t easy for either of us. Shit, maybe not for anyone. But I work on it because, to me, you’re worth it. And you know what, Oliver? I’m worth it, too."
Thrown to the Wolves by Charlie Adhara
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bird-inacage · 2 years ago
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LITA DVD Behind the Scenes | ‘He did it’
MY SWEET SUNSHINE CHILD. I WANNA PROTECT HIM FROM THE WORLD SO HARD. I mean look at him. (*screeches*) LOOK AT HIM. How could you possibly resist? Well Fort can’t, that’s for sure.
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tangledbea · 1 year ago
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Group Halloween icons!
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fratpackhasmeinachokehold · 2 years ago
Can everyone please read the Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adhara? Is it gay? Yes. Is it the most slept on gay werewolf detective books in existence? Yes. Did it change my brain chemistry? Yes. Is there smut? Yes. Read ittttt, it made my brain feel good and I feel like all my ROTE besties would like it too :)))
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ferritin4 · 2 months ago
Cooper leaned forward and kissed him mid-sentence. “Did anyone ever tell you how sweet you are?” he said when he pulled back a bit. Park blushed and looked at him through lowered lashes. “I’m not sweet.” Cooper kissed him lightly again. More of a brush of his lips against Park’s. “The sweetest,” he murmured, meaning it.
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