#the alenefar family
Alenefar family aesthetic
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tiana4evahh · 5 days
If the Solreef Family (Tiergan, Tam, Linh, Wylie, Prentice, + Rayni if you like) doesn't get a big, beautiful golden retriever doggy in book 10, and it doesn't become Tam's best friend in the world, I'm gonna be reallyyyyyy sad, Shannon. -_-
(If they don't, I headcanon that this happens.)
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uni-seahorse-572 · 6 months
@bookwyrminspiration I was your gifter!! I hope you enjoy :)
When Fitz is finally cleared to leave the healing center, he can’t stomach the thought of staying with his traitorous brother - even if it’s just on the same property. So instead, he moves in with his mentor. The results… are much more than he would have ever expected.
@song-tam thanks for hosting <3
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Wylie: What's two plus two?
Linh : Math.
Wylie: ...I will accept that answer.
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marellaredeks · 2 years
I think that Tiergan should wear one of Cyrah's hair pins in his hair. I think that's why he keeps it long.
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much-brighter-ink · 1 year
I’ve seen different HCs and I think it largely depends on where you are on the scale from “Tiergan and Prentice were actively lovers before the break” to “Tiergan was in love with Prentice but never confessed,” but either way, I wonder what happened to Prentice and Cyrah’s house (or if Tiergan moved in with Wylie when Cyrah died, what happened to his old house)?
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moonlarked · 1 year
@the-great-gullon-incident made a post about kotlc band au and incidentally made me have bartender!Wylie brainrot
- he doesn’t drink much even though his best friend is constantly trying to get him to play drinking games with her
- he brings a book with him to read when the bar’s not busy
- Rayni is his best friend and a regular at the bar. They hang out a lot while he’s working. Some of his coworkers think they’re a thing, but he’s ace and she’s questioning.
- His dad’s currently in a coma and his mom died in a car accident. He was raised by Tiergan before he went to college.
- Everyone assumes he’s just moody, but he’s just trying to hold it together every day.
- He does genuinely enjoy many of the conversations he has with customers
- but he’s a very wary person who doesn’t make friends easily
- his life was ruined too early and he’s just trying to get by every day
- so when the band members arrived he was very standoffish
- Sophie wanted to be friends with him bc she could tell he had a rough past
- he disliked her at the beginning
- so did Rayni. She thought they all were a bunch of egotistical hotshots
- He only opens up a little bit because Sophie wears him down
- then one day he goes back home to visit Tiergan
- and he meets a member of the band there
- and her brother
- Tiergan introduces them as Tam and Linh Song
- Their parents abandoned them
- They’ve been moving around with the band but they always wanted parents again
- he admits that he’s been meeting with the bands at the bar and helping them with gigs, funding, scheduling, etc.
- he says they’re going to stay for a little while
- Wylie feels weird about this
- at first he stays away from them
- but then he sees Linh reading one of his books she stole from his bookshelf
- He asks her what she’s doing
- she immediately apologizes and confesses that she was drawn to this book because it’s about the tides and she loves water.
- she thinks he’ll be mad at him
- he lets her keep the book
- in truth, he feels a connection to these kids who also lost their parents. In a different way, but it’s still loss.
- he finds Tam lurking around one day and talks to him about his situation.
- one day Tiergan comes downstairs to find all three of them cooking crepes together.
- he’s overjoyed
- the next day Wylie goes to work and seeks out Sophie
- he tells her about what happened with the twins
- she says she’s talked to Tiergan. She had no idea he was his dad
- Wylie wonders if he should tell her he’s adopted
- he decides he’s not ready
- a week later he brings Tam and Linh with him to visit Prentice at the hospital
- they don’t speak, but Wylie feels comforted all the same
- one day Linh is leaving for practice and he says he wants to come with her
- he’s introduced to the band and they all seem happy to see him
- he listens in and is shocked at how good they are
- he decides to talk to Tiergan about helping them succeed
- He uses his job as a bartender to help find clients at the bar
- he starts hanging out at rehearsals more and more
- eventually he tells Sophie about his dad
- she immediately is sorry for any time she may have pressured him to open up
- he accepts her apology and says there can work on being friends
- as he spends more and more time with the band Sophie starts to tell him about her own past - taken away from her parents, struggling with severe sensory issues, and her PTSD and OCD due to her trauma
- he learns about the other members of the bands and their pasts
- he finds kindred spirits in them
- Rayni meets them and starts to warm up to them as well
- they start coming over to his house once in a while for practice. Tiergan is quick to offer hospitality.
- eventually, Wylie realizes he’s happy in a way he hasn’t been in a while
- he tells his dad about them when he visits him in the hospital
- he says that he’d like him to meet them
- he still keeps his job at the bar, but he’s busy now
- he’s enjoying life a lot more
- Rayni teases him and calls him a chaperone, but he can tell she enjoys hanging out with the bands as much as he does
- Tiergan officially adopts the twins and they have a celebration at his house
- Certain people choose to party like their life is on the line, but Wylie is content with simply soaking up the happiness around him
- and feeling content in his own happiness, too
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Say Goodbye The Hundredth Time
The Solreef fic I've been working on for two weeks! I finally finished it last night
Thank you to Tobi for hosting ten years of keeper, Athos and Arjun for letting me scream at them about this fic, American rock band My Chemical Romance for writing lyrics that make good titles, and my math teacher for making her lessons so boring that I ignored them to write angst. All of these lovely people and also my math teacher made this possible.
Content warnings time! General themes of grief/death/loss, intrusive thoughts/compulsive behaviors, (unintentional?) self harm.
No beta, we die like Cyrah Endal
@solreefs @xanadaus @aphelea @amandayetagain @synonymroll648 @an-ungraceful-swan @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss
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serialadoptersbracket · 5 months
Round 1, Match 7: Yondu Udonta vs. Tiergan Alenefar
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Submitted kids:
Yondu Udonta: The entire MCU guardians of the galaxy gang
Tiergan Alenefar: Wylie Endal, Tam and Linh Song (legally). Every other child character emotionally
Propaganda under the cut!
Yondu Udonta:
My boy Yondu may be a pretty bad father but damn is he trying his best. Man kidnapped some kid to (unknowingly) send him to his death then felt bad about it and kept him. Then said kid dragged a bunch of pathetic little guys into their silly little found family and now they're THE found family ever.
Tiergan Alenefar:
This man is perhaps the most serial adopter of anyone. Legally adopted his best friend’s (fanon: lover’s) kid after he got put into basically a coma for years. Tam and linh ran away from home, and he housed them, too. He also serves as a father figure for every other teenage character. He’s gay, he’s a dad, he serves and slays, what more could you ask for?
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Introduction Post
This is Fallon Vacker here. If anyone's unaware, I'm a Telepath and Empath. [OOC: the abilities are part of my personal headcanons; Fallon does NOT have confirmed abilities in canon.] Long ago, I was a Councillor, but nowadays (to my great relief and satisfaction) I am not. I was also once a musician, which I technically still am, though I haven't released anything in...some time.
I've been told by...let's just say several people, that's less embarrassing, isn't it, to be more present in life, though I don't see why. Short of actually leaving my estate Mistmead (which I hate to do because it is extremely stressful and inconvenient), this website, where many of the people I know are active, is the best way to do so. So here I am.
[OOC: Hi! This RP blog is run by @worldsunlikemyown, where my general KOTLC posts are. EDIT: I have moved the main for this account to @main-to-worldsunlikemyown-etc. Any asks, anon or otherwise, are welcome, as are people's OCs (OC relatives, spouses for Fallon etc)! DM this blog if you want a planned-out thread, or just drop an ask if it's casual! Not sure if the RP does this yet, but if they do, I'm entirely open to AUs or canon-verse at any time in the past.
I send RP asks on anon, but I will tag this blog in the ask to identify myself :)
Organisation tags:
#what did i say again -- RPing and in-character posts will be tagged with this
#rp -- RP threads will be tagged with this
#out of daydreams -- ooc posts will be tagged with this
Any blogs I've roleplayed with will be tagged with their urls (eg: if I roleplayed in a thread from the Alden blog, the post in which I reply will be tagged #alden-dedrick-vacker)
#a mysterious individual -- replies made to unidentified anons will be tagged with this
Tags will always be OOC unless stated otherwise
Disclaimer: this IS the first time I'm joining a big roleplay group like this, so please tell me politely if I mess up at any point!
Tagging @kotlc-rp-official to officially kick this off!]
People I know (or should get to know):
Family members: @alden-dedrick-vacker @fitz-avery-vacker @fitzroy-avery-vacker (?) @sparkles-make-anything-better (Biana Vacker) @alvar-not-vacker
Old friends (though I have a feeling that I'm not friends with some of them anymore): @fintan-pyren @bronte-the-inflictor @vespera-neci-foland
Friends of my younger relations: @keefe-sencen @therealsophieelizabethfoster @tam-shade-song @linh--song @dex-the-smart-one
@rex-dizzneeeeeeee @lexicle-the-third (Lex Dizznee) @bexisthecoolest (Bex Dizznee) @the-only-maruca-chebota @flasher-boi-endal (Wylie Endal)
@shut-up-i-will-burn-you (Marella Redek) @im-just-cooler (Stina Heks) @jensi-babbles-lots (Jensi Babblos)
@amy-rose-foster @little-miss-neverseen (Rayni Aria)
Members of the (is it called the Black Swan??): @the-prettiest-ice-cube (Squall) @blurrieidentities (Blur) @prentices-husband (Tiergan Alenefar/Grranite)
@candies-and-sparkles (Livvy Sonden/Physic) @norwegian-trickster-god (Mr. Forkle) @constantly-tinkering
Members of the...Neverseen, yes that's it: @lady-gisela (Gisela Sencen) @ruy-tonio-ignis @trix-up-my-sleeve @brant--redacted @umberthebettershade
Councillors (glad I'm no longer one): @terik-the-councillor @oralie-pretty-in-pink @councillor-kenric-fathdon
Various Elvin adults: @quinlin-sonden @not-a-fan-of-that-boy (Grady Ruewen) @edaline--ruwen @elwin-at-your-service (Elwin Heslege) @magnatetheleto
@thebestsencen (Cassius Sencen)
Other individuals: @igowhereyougo (Sandor) @therarestprattlespin (Silveny) @hunkyhairs-backup (Ro) @iggy-the-imp @king-dimitar
Official organisations: @black-swan-official @neverseen-official @foxfire-official @exillium @thematchmakingoffice
@the-official-matchmaking-office @thecouncil-official @eternalialibrary-official
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Tam Song Aesthetic…expect he’s punkish and there’s butterflies
these people are my family and if you hurt them, in any way, I end you, I swear I end you all
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the moon taught me there is beauty in darkness too, that even when I don’t feel whole, I am enough
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I don’t trust people easily. so when I say “I trust you” please don’t make me regret it.
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I could be your family, they’re all afraid of me i can keep you safe
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when you’re born into a burning house, you think the whole worlds on fire, but it’s not
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I like the darkness, there’s something to the feeling of not knowing your surroundings, not seeing the color of things as they appear, but as they truly are. there’s something about the unknown, the quiet, the cold, there’s something unspoken about the dark, something I can quite put words too, something terrifying yet beautiful
Richard Kadrey/Pinterest quotes
@crymeariveronceagain @cherryys-stuff
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tiana4evahh · 1 year
Solreef Family headcanon where ALL OF THEM ship Tiana. It started with Linh, of course, then Tiergan started shipping, then Wylie and Prentice. And then Rayni came and she’s all like “wait, you guys ship Tam with Biana? OH SO DO I EEEE”
But Tam is completely oblivious to all of this. He never notices the goofy, large smiles on his family’s faces anytime he brings up Biana because he’s to busy thinking about her to notice.
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Ten Years of Keeper Schedule
As we dive closer into the dates, you'll get more specifics, but for now, here are some events to look forward to for the Ten Year Anniversary of KotLC!
Each section of celebration is sectioned off into a week of events for the fandom, and with three incredible hosts (who will get their introductions soon, don't worry.)
October 1st-8th: Miscellaneous non-themed events
From the First to the Eighth, all sorts of fun activities such as word searches, quizzes, ask games, and prompts for all of those in the community will be available!
One of which will be a Scavenger Hunt! Now, this scavenger hunt will be focused around some keepblr history, so we've found that it may be easier to have teams.
Here's the Forms to sign up!
October 9th-15th: Ship Week!
For all of those who love the romantic dynamics of our favorite characters, our three creators will be hosting four ships that they hold near and dear to their hearts.
Be sure to tune into:
Sophitz: 9th-10th
Tiana/Sokeefe: 11th-12th
Keefitz: 13th-14th
Free/Catch Up Day: 15th
October 16th-22nd: Character Week
Focusing on characterization and the growth and development of our blorbos are these creators' specialties, and they'll be hosting three character events that will knock your socks off.
Set your calendars for:
Wylie Endal: 16th-17th
Tam Song: 18th-19th
Fitz Vacker: 20th-21st
Free/Catch Up Day: 22nd
October 23rd-29th: Family Week
Last but certianly not least, are the family bonds that developed in kotlc that these creators would 100% die for. They're taking three families and lifting them up for the entire community to see.
Get ready for the:
Dizznees: 23rd-24th
Alenefar-Endals: 25th-26th
Ruewens: 27th-28th
Free/Catch Up Day: 29th
Each one of the event weeks will have prompts, which will be out on the 28th of September. It isn't required that you follow the prompts, but if you'd like to do so then it's completely up to you.
We can't wait to see the creations you all make!
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aphelea · 1 year
la vie te blesse souvent (tiertice)
happy one year help me hold on to you anniversary! and by happy i mean sad. have some more angst
Summary: An exploration of guilt, anger, and grief, through the eyes of the two remaining members of the Alenefar-Endal family.
To be Tiergan Alenefar is to have anger rushing through your veins, sizzling and boiling and cursing the names of all those who have hurt the ones you love. To be Tiergan Alenefar is to wait just too long for the words on the tip of your tongue to slip out; to resign yourself to mournful silence, alone and melancholic in your tower. 
And to be Prentice Endal is to love him, however much it kills you. "And it did kill you, didn't it?" Tiergan says, into silence. Always into silence. 
Prentice’s chest rises slightly beneath Tiergan's hand, and he sighs with relief. Tiergan half-expects that one day, Prentice will take his final breath right beside him, on a typical afternoon like today’s. He half-expects, each time he tells a story to his unconscious best friend, that it will be the last story Prentice hears. 
If Prentice can hear anything at all. 
Tiergan resists the urge to punch the wall. He has work today; it would be incredibly unprofessional to show up with bloody knuckles. He doesn't particularly care about Leto's reaction—stars know that the man has seen him in worse conditions—but he'd rather like to keep his students’ impression of him as a confident, capable mentor. And, besides, if Sophie and Fitz were to think that something was wrong with him or Prentice, they would drop everything to help. 
Tiergan doesn't need that. 
The only people he wants beside him are his two best friends, but one is dead and one is here: unblinking, unmoving. 
Somehow, that's worse. At least Tiergan has no hope of meeting Cyrah, no optimistic notion that she'll rise from the ground beneath her Wanderling tree and offer him the comfort that he so desperately requires. 
A knock on the door interrupts Tiergan's endless spiral of thoughts. 
"Dad?" Wylie asks. He drops his satchel beside the door and rushes to Tiergan's side. "Is everything alright?"
Tiergan opens his mouth to say yes, of course, why do you ask, and a salty tear slips onto his tongue. Ah. Tiergan doesn't need a mirror to know that his eyeliner must be everywhere right now, smudged with sadness and tears he didn't know he was shedding. "I'm fine," Tiergan says, voice raspy. "Everything is fine, Wylie."
Wylie stares at him. "If you're sure," he replies, and Tiergan's grateful for it. 
They sit in silence, together, for a long moment. Wylie appears to be studying the intricacies of the floorboard design. 
“How was school?” Tiergan finally asks. Usually, he isn’t one for small talk—but this isn’t that. He just needs something, some flow of words to keep his mind off of the spiral of old memories he knows he’s falling into. 
Wylie shifts his chair closer to Tiergan’s. “Fine,” he says. “We spent the week learning basic first aid. Nothing I don’t already know.”
Both of their gazes are trained on Prentice’s sleeping form in front of them. Tiergan knows what Wylie is thinking, even without having to read his mind: If only they could teach me how to heal him. 
If only. 
“I’m proud of you,” Tiergan says, voice soft. “I know that Prentice would be, too.”
Wylie looks up at him, eyes wide. “You think?” he asks, his voice cracking. 
Tiergan reaches over and rests a hand on Wylie’s arm. It’s relieving, honestly, to feel warm skin beneath his fingertips, after weeks of only the cold half-death of Prentice’s hands. 
Sometimes Tiergan dreams of Wylie, lying beside his father, his eyes closed and his mind equally broken. He dreams of failing everyone that he’s ever loved, of broken promises and endless fear clawing away at his mental defenses. 
There’s a reason that Tiergan never wanted Wylie to join the Black Swan. He could never bear to think about what would happen if Wylie were hurt—or worse, if he followed the path of his father. If he were loyal, as Prentice was, to the point of losing his sanity. 
Tiergan would never be able to forgive himself if Wylie’s mind broke. 
(In the end, though, what were those attempts at protection worth? Wylie was still taken; he was still forced to feel pain beyond a level that most elves could even dream of.)
“I’m sorry,” Tiergan says, and he knows it’s been too long of a silence. 
Wylie frowns. “Is that for me or for him?” He gestures to Prentice’s sleeping form. 
“For…both, I suppose.” Tiergan says, contemplating. 
Wylie only hums in agreement, resting a cool hand upon Tiergan’s clammy wrist. 
“I meant it, by the way,” Tiergan adds, after a moment of heavy silence. “Prentice would be proud of you. So would Cyrah.” He pauses, the weight of his words holding his tongue down. “You’re a better man than any of us ever were, Wylie.”
“You really don’t give yourself a lot of credit.”
“I give myself what I deserve.” And he doesn’t deserve much, really—after all, isn’t it his fault that Prentice is in this state? Wasn’t it for him that Prentice joined the cause, in an effort to make this world a better place for the two of them?
He reaches out to take Prentice’s cold hand once again, quietly sighing with relief at the thin layer of sweat that coats his lover’s fingers. Any sign of life, now, is worth the world to him. 
Sometimes Tiergan can’t breathe until he is sure that his lover’s heart still beats, until he feels the heat of skin beneath his own hands. 
“You know, I don’t remember much,” Wylie says, after a long moment. “From…before.”
Tiergan thinks back to the chaos of the end, how the three of them had shut themselves off from the world and each other, scrambling to keep their own heads above water. And as much as Cyrah had begged him and Prentice to keep the issues of the Black Swan far, far away from their son, they’d never quite succeeded. It had been his and Prentice’s rash decisions that left Wylie with only a third of the family he’d once had, but it had been Wylie who had to face their consequences. “Maybe that’s for the best,” he tells Wylie, and he almost believes his own words. “We didn’t exactly make the best decisions back then. Cyrah and I were always too consumed by our work to be responsible. And Prentice…” Tiergan squeezes his lover’s fingers, lightly. “Well. He’s always been reckless.”
“I don’t know. I think you did the best you could,” Wylie replies, quietly. “All of you. I know I spent a long time feeling bitter, as a teenager. But I guess, with time, I’ve come to realize that I would make the same choices, in Dad’s situation.”
“You two are very similar people,” Tiergan admits, with a soft sigh. “Though that’s what scares me. I never wanted you to be involved in any of this, Wylie. I never wanted you to know pain like you have.”
“I made my own choices,” Wylie replies. “So did Dad. You can’t take that weight on your shoulders. It’s not like you made Dad join the Black Swan, or forced the Neverseen to come after me.”
“I know,” Tiergan says, though he doesn’t. He pauses, for a moment, then finally says, “But, Wylie…I’m not as innocent in Prentice’s break as you think I am.”
“Unless you were the one that broke him—and I know that you weren’t—then I don’t see how that matters.”
“People can be reckless when they’re in love,” is all Tiergan replies, and he waits for the dots to connect in Wylie’s mind. It takes a moment, and then Wylie’s eyes widen, and his gaze shifts rapidly between the two of them as the pieces begin to click. 
Tiergan sucks in a breath. He’s been meaning to have several important conversations with Wylie, since Prentice was released, but he’s never quite found the courage. 
(There are a lot of things that Wylie doesn’t know about his family. Mostly things that aren’t Tiergan’s to tell. But this one is, and it’s hardly a secret for most people, so he might as well start here.)
“That…makes a lot of sense, actually,” Wylie says, after a long moment. “Still doesn’t explain why you think it’s your fault, though.”
“Nothing is as black and white as it seems.”
Wylie scoffs. “You sound like Forkle.”
In truth, Leto has spent years trying to convince Tiergan of the same thing, to no avail—after the break, it had really only been him and Cyrah that kept Tiergan sane, with Leto constantly begging him to let his guilt go. 
I don’t know what I would do if both of you were broken, Leto had told him at the planting. If the break were anyone’s fault, it would be mine. Please, Tiergan, don’t let yourself become a shell of guilt. 
But even twelve years later, Tiergan has yet to fully let it go. Somehow, seeing his lover up close only aggravates all of his long-buried feelings of anger—at himself, at everyone. (Not Wylie, though. Never Wylie. He doesn’t deserve that.)
“Guilt is a tricky thing,” Tiergan says, after a moment. “Once it starts to fester, you can’t really remove it.”
“But you have to try,” Wylie says. “Please, Dad, you have to try. Even if Sophie could heal you…how am I supposed to deal with that? With two broken fathers?”
“My mind won’t break,” Tiergan says, though he isn’t quite sure himself. “I promise, Wy. I won’t let it get that bad.” 
Wylie wipes away a small tear, and Tiergan finds himself staring at his sleeping lover once more. I wish you could hear us, love. I wish you knew how much we miss you.
And somehow, in a movement so small Tiergan wonders if he imagined it, Prentice’s lips curl up into a fond smile. I love you, it says, or so Tiergan hopes it does. 
Tiergan reaches over and squeezes Wylie’s trembling hand. I love you, too.
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i hope i didn't forget any
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