#sophie elizabeth foster
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er-idkhehe · 30 days ago
book 10 is gonna be basically a SoKeefe fic but by the actual author
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dippenink · 8 days ago
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Some digital doodles
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thefirstimagifabricator · 2 months ago
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kotlc hyperfixation revival bc I finally read Unlocked and Stellarlune and kotlc was In My Brain so I drew Sophie
yeah ik I’m posting this nearly a month after I drew it (that’s crazy how’d that go so fast) but I went on vacation for over a week and couldn’t take a photo until after and also I’ve since reread book 1 and started rereading Exile and the hyperfixation has died down somewhat now but I want to get back to my rereads before I go back to college at the end of this week so. yeah
also just gotta say Sophie is so <3 and I love her sm
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sophiefoster942 · 1 year ago
#Let sophie Elizabeth Foster stab someone in book ten
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hot-take-tournament · 1 year ago
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Submission 493
Sophie Foster from Keeper of the Lost Cities is a terrible protagonist.
I cannot think of any likeable qualities that Sophie has. She also has little to no flaws, and the ‘flaws’ that she DOES have don’t impact the story in any way, and they’re only played off for laughs and are, essentially, meaningless. Additionally, all the fucking characters are either in love with her, like her, or are evil. I hate it.
Spoiler territory after this.
At this point in the series, Sophie has FIVE FUCKINF ABILITIES (where most characters only have one, or maybe two if they’re lucky). She is honestly…so fucking stupid. Like, it’s not even funny at this point. Not only has she burnt down a storehouse with enough evidence to basically convict all of the bad guys, but she also tries to JUSTIFY her actions, saying that she was burning all their supplies (while also burning the things her organization needed). She’s also said to be clumsy throughout the series, but the SECOND she needs to use a knife, bam; she’s amazing at it, and has perfect fucking aim. Also, all of the guys are in love with her.
All of them.
I also find it annoying how she always goes on and on about how she has a different view on the world, since she was raised by humans or whatever (she lives in a world with elves), but she actively avoids and/or tries to sympathize with elves that have no ability, making them feel worse in the process. She has no idea what it’s like to feel powerless in a world where you’re surrounded by power, and I fucking hate that about her.
Finally, she decided that even though her friend was fucking going to die/being tortured/black swan secrets were going to be leaked/being forced to betray all of his friends, it was more important to get a hot date instead.
My hate for Sophie Elizabeth Foster is a burning, inferno of passion. Hate does not even describe it.
Propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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iabggsyk · 28 days ago
Hear me out guys... Gethen being Sophie's bio dad has some pretty solid evidence once you think about it.
In Legacy Cassius makes a comment on how Sophie uses her telepathy (and just how she acts in general, tending to think using her heart/emotions first in situations) and says that she acts a lot like an empath. He also mentioned how during the matchmaking process, telepaths are more often than not paired with empaths than any other Talent because of how well they go together (pretty sure this was Shannon telling us something) saying that he wouldn't be surprised if the black swan had one of her parents be an empath, and the other a telepath.
Later on in legacy we figure out who Sophie's bio mom is (no spoilers for those who haven't read that far yet), and she ends up being an empath, no surprise there, so that just leaves the dad.
If we go by Cassius' logic (one of the few times I will ever utter this phrase) then her father must be a telepath. Let's go through the list of known Telepaths (excluding those who were still minors at the time of Sophie's conception (because elves go by conception date instead of birth date)). *Spoiler warning below*
Kenric and Alden are both immediately out, Kenric for obvious reasons, and Alden because, as was stated in Neverseen, if Alden was the father, it would have made Fitz and Sophie half siblings, and the black swan would've shut that situation down before it even had the time to properly grow.
Mr. Forkle also said he wasn't the father, and I'm assuming he meant both of the Forkle twins. We can also rule out Tiergan because, looking at the official art, he looks nothing like Sophie. Prentice, Emery and Quinlin are also out for the same reason as Tiergan (Also Emery is Oralie's coworker so that couldn't work), with all three of them being described with dark skin.
This leaves Gethen. He looks the most like her in appearance: He is described as having straight blonde hair. Blonde hair is a recessive gene so it makes sense for Sophie to have blonde hair if both her bio parents have blonde hair. Secondly, he has straight hair. This is important because Oralie has ringlet curls, and curls are a dominant trait so if Sophie's bio dad had curly hair then she would, at the very least have more curly hair than the current wavy look in the official art and book description, implying that one of her parents has to have straight hair.
Lastly, it would add to the similarities that Sophie and Keefe have. If This were true then: 1 they'd both have an evil parent apart of the Neverseen (Gethen and Gisela), 2 they both have parents in a high position of power in Elvin society and instead of using that to try to change the bad things they personally don't like about the society they instead conform to it (Oralie and Cassius), 3 both of their parents are shitty, 4 they both have a complicated relationship with their perspective "less shitty, but still relatively shitty parents" (again, Oralie and Cassius), 5. Both of their less terrible parents are empaths, and 6. Both of their respective parents (minus Cassius, that one's complicated but I'm too tired to go into full detail tonight) experimented/genetically modified/let someone else experiment on/genetically modify their kid for a "greater cause".
So in conclusion... I'm 90% sure that Gethen is the bio dad. It's either that or some character we've never met until book 10. Or Shannon'll never reveal it. Either way, thanks for coming to my Ted talk about who the bio father of a fictional character is.
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clarity2electricboogaloo · 7 months ago
These new Sophie and keefe portraits are literally how they look in my brain yall don’t understand how mentally unwell I am over them
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joellalovestoread · 2 months ago
when I read the Sokeefe kiss I was at school and my friend was sitting across the room. She saw my face light up and my jaw drop and she immediately knew I had gotten to the chapter.
we reread that entire chapter every time we hang out and can never get through it without giggling maniacally.
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black--butterflies · 6 months ago
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Fitz u can't say stuff like that in a kids book.
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couldpolyamorysavethem · 8 months ago
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"Love triangle plot should’ve never happened they should just all date each other" - Anonymous
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lotusishere · 2 months ago
People thinking that Sophie had a “new” attitude when Keefe left was sorely mistaken. She had the same energy since book one. The only reason why it feels different in the series is because when she truly felt alone or that she didn’t have a community/family she acted in a different way.
As the series continues she grows and develops more relationships. It makes sense for her to go back to her coping skills when the one person that she feels like truly understands her vanished. Leaving her with parents she can’t talk to 100% because of the secrets forkle makes her keep. Fitz being idek what drugs he was on half the time and etc. She’s been so busy with not trying to be dragged that she’s distanced herself from the relationships she did have with Dex.
Here are some of the scenes in Book one showing how she acted (which is similar to recent books when Keefe ran away).
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er-idkhehe · 20 days ago
I am anti-Keefe.
I still ship all the Keefe ships. Most of them anyway.
Forkle X Keefe will NEVER be normal to me
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dippenink · 7 months ago
So I ‘m rereading nightfall
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itz2manyfandoms · 6 days ago
The keeper fandom back to haunt me again
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unch4rtedwxters · 2 years ago
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this is why i love sophie
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the-soul-detectives · 7 months ago
Wait pause.
... Bitxh what do you mean only 2-3 years have passed since Sophie's arrival?
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