#the acrylic paint had dried
I am failing winning failing at pen surgery right now
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krustykrabfunfair · 19 days
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friendship between two drummers with glasses can be so beautiful
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miaushii · 3 months
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i can find so many good references for web slinger cause i just get to look at pictures of arthur morgan
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Drew them very tiny for fun to decorate my iPod :]
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arctic-hands · 9 months
Oils dissolve silicone, right? If I got a silicone bowel to hold the water that cleans my paintbrushes, I wouldn't be able to use my (water miscible, meaning I don't need paint thinner or mineral spirits) oil paints in it, yeah?
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xitsensunmoon · 3 months
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My first ever comic con! And first cosplay too. Of course it's gonna be my boy :] Ramblings about the process are under the cut(Let me know if?? You would want me to elaborate with process images for any of the steps?)
The costume took me forever to make, as I've never done any machine sewing, sculpting, fabric dying or spray painting before but learning all of these was so fucking fun!! I never realised just how many different skills go into making a cosplay but it was so worth it!!!
Almost all of the clothes(except the hat) were purchased first as bases, but all of the detailing was added by me. All of the fabric used was originally just scraps that I was given for free so I needed to learn how to dye and dye all of the stars, they were originally white.
The sewing machine was its own beast that brought me tons of frustration from the lack of skill and knowledge (it was devastating to find out that 95% of fuck ups were my fault and not the machine's lmao). But as a result, a hat sewn from scratch, all of the fur trims, embroidery on the corset, stars and the collar(which is very hard to see on the pictures unfortunately) was all added manually. The stars and the stripes(on the back of the cape) were attached using heat-and-bond adhesive (I WISH I knew about such thing just when I started working on this. It would save me so much time and nerves.)
Then I found out about polymorph(mouldable plastic) and it has become the next thing I wanted to learn, to sculpt the claws and the fangs(yes, they're handmade jfksjs). The claws I then primed and painted in trillion coats because I wasn't satisfied with the colour of the spray paint. The fangs I moulded to my own teeth and then stained with tea to match the colour of my teeth :)c
As for makeup, I used Mehron Paradise water activated paints. At first I wanted to try to save money and bought myself Snazaroo instead, which unfortunately turned out to be a waste. Snazaroo didn't hold on my face for longer than 2 hours, cracking and peeling awfully. Mehron on the other hand survived 11 hours of me smiling, talking, emoting and such and didn't even crease at the smile lines(I'm actually shocked about that). It obviously works like any other makeup which means your skin texture and wrinkles won't go anywhere but Mehron's elasticity pleasantly surprised me. It did obviously smear from sweat and saliva(if you're eating and licking your lips) but if you don't touch the skin it just dries again, self setting. But if it's dry it's fully smear-proof. Highly recommend!
And last but not least, I've decided against painting my hands as it was very risky that I will stain everything I touch at the smallest hint of sweat. So instead I got myself gloves-tights(? Not sure how they're called but it's made from the same fabric as tights) and painted them with normal acrylic paint(did you know you could dye fabric with acrylic paint? I personally didn't), then heat set with an iron and voilà, they're reusable, my hands are not stained after an exhausting day and I don't stain everything I touch. It worked wonderfully which honestly was a surprise as I was really sceptical that acrylic paint will somehow stay in place.
I think this whole thing took me minimum of 6 months with big-big breaks for my school and life in general. But I'm really proud! This project taught me so many new skills and I couldn't have been happier about learning new knowledge, even if it sucked to fail in the meantime.
Everyone at the con was really nice and gave me a large confidence boost even tho it was my first time and I had no idea what I was doing. Taking photos with other people was really awkward/new for me as I hate cameras so I really had no idea how to pose/behave in front of one. But that's okay I think. This whole experience definitely made me want to do this again, so I think that will come with experience. Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed this little summary :)
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coveredinredpaint · 6 months
design of the zip up hoodie is by @dyemelikeasunset , its fully designed after a drawing of theirs, go check them out!
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creation process, described and with pictures under the cut
okay so this was a bit of a chaotic project
i had this old eat the rich zip up hoodie laying around which was one of my first diy's but because i was inexperienced and bleach tends to bleed it was illegable. i found a very cool skeleton hoodie design on pinterest and decided to just go for it cause i never wore the hoodie anyway.
so i freehanded the stencils,
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strengthend the weak part with tape, cut em out and started painting! this took eons the paint dried very slowly i think cause the moisture of the paint had trouble evaporating from the thick plastic fabric of the hoodie.
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ehh yea thats it, not much to say about this, i used acrylic paint so wether it holds up when washing is ehhh doubtable. it was a nice challenge either way.
currently working on some pants again and losing the feeling in my fingers cause its sturdy fabric and very hard to handsew but i dont wanna risk damaging my sewing machine (bernina my beloved) so tune in next time when i cannot feel my fingers anymore. exciting!
again check out and support the artist @dyemelikeasunset !! theyre very cool and were very kind when i messaged them and their art is gorgeous.
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sanhatipal · 1 year
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"Who killed poor Alice?"
An illustration of Alice's defiance and hatred and conviction all culminating in the event that unfurled before Jack's eyes on that fateful day, 100yrs in the past
I did this as an experimental technique,more under the cut!!
I used to do the multi layer oil pastel scraping technique a lot as a kid,but only for fun,I never considered using it for a serious illustration. But a few years ago,I saw Mochijun use it for a VnC illustration: the one with Louis surrounded by stakes. And since then, I've wanted to try it,but didn't have a subject I wanted,so I pushed it to the back of my mind. Well.... inspiration struck recently,and I wanted to draw Alice this way..the composition was suddenly clear as day in my mind. So I started,the sketch as usual,and inked and coloured Alice with watercolour,as usual. Nothing remarkable here,I almost always use a lightbox for inking, so far it's the same (ignore the extra eyes)
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Then...I busted out my old oil pastels. These are 12-14yrs old, haven't been touched at least 11 yrs or more,I have no idea.
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Now, instead of removing the sketch from the back,I left it,and with the help of the light box,added in colours according to the sketch
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The next step may or may not be done,but I didn't want to risk getting any ink into the paper,so I used a candle to rub the shit out of the oil pastel areas,and removed the sketch
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Once I was satisfied that nothing would get past the wax layer, I used ink mixed with acrylic matte medium to cover it up. The medium is important,else it won't stick to the wax at all
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Once dried, I rubbed graphite to the the back of the sketch and pressed it on with a ball stylus(a ballpoint pen or back of toothpick can be used) to press on the pattern onto the background
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After that, it's just a matter of scraping and scratching with a scalpel until I was satisfied
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Finally I sprayed it with some varnish,to protect the ink layer from peeling off(but scanned before that, because varnish scans weird),and adding some final highlights and lines here and there.
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So...am I happy? Yes! It's almost exactly as I envisioned! I do feel like I overcomplicated it,I could absolutely achieve this with just paint and ink,no scratching. But hey,I had fun,and I'm happy with how it turned out!!
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bippiti · 7 months
505 cl16
where you reminisce on your first love
wc 3k
an done for my 1.2k event! first fic in the series, lmk if you wanna be tagged and as always pls like + rb<3
(starts in 2014, ends in 2024ish)
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i'm going back to 505
you rushed down the road, feet peddling as hard as they could as you biked down the street. your eyes glanced down to your watch, squinting before you read the time. great. you were going to be late.
you thought that was you’re biggest problem, and then a new one came crashing onto you, literally.
while you were busy checking the time, you failed too notice someone else running in your direction. you don't know what had them too preoccupied to notice you- but you could technically say the same thing about yourself so-
you were bought back to the moment by the stinging you started to feel on your knees, you hissed looking down and seeing red. ugh
you began to apologize, looking up and stopping mid sentence.
wow. he was pretty. really pretty
you slapped yourself mentally, wincing while standing up. it was definitely going to scar. you reached your hand down to help the mysterious boy up, who sharply inhaled when your hands met. he had scraped his hands up pretty bad when you guys collided.
"i'm so sorry again"
"you're completely fine, i should've been paying more attention" he said while laughing
he has nice laugh
"anyway, i think i should properly introduce myself, i'm charles le clerc" this time he was the one to extend his hand out
"y/n l/n, nice to meet you" you smiled as you shook hands
then you remembered what had gotten you into this mess. you checked your watch again. you were definitely late now.
"i'm so sorry charles but im running late to a painting class, i really need to go" you picked up your bike, kicking the dust off of it.
"wait i am too, are you going to mme. callarios?"
you looked back at him in shock. "how did you know"
he shook his head, "you're going in the wrong direction, since we're heading the same way mind if i show you?"
you didn't see why not, so he climbed in front of you and began to head towards your class
if it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
the bike halted as you reached your destination. building 505. you stared at each other nervously before walking in. the class had started at 1pm, and it was nearing 2 when you arrived. granted, it was a 4 hour class but still.
you cringed internally as you felt all eyes on you when you opened the doors to the class.
"y/n, charles! great to see you. we've split up into partners, so you both will have to work together. decide who will be the painter and who will be the model for the first piece. switch in an hour and a half!" she explained quickly, ushering you both to the only empty table.
you both sat across from each other, and after a small game of rock paper scissors, you were adjusting in your seat getting ready to pose for the next 90 minutes.
when you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect?
you didn't know how you managed to keep a straight face, his stares were piercing into what felt like your soul. you knew that he had to be like this, he was painting you after all. but knowing that didn't help. after silently uttering some words of encouragement to yourself, you maintained a straight face.
after what felt like forever, you heard the timer go off, and with one last stroke of the brush charles was up and you were swapping places. you cracked your knuckles before sitting on the stool. this was gonna have to be the best painting you've ever done.
before you knew it you were hearing to now familiar ring as you finished off the details of his eyes. you stood up, backing away from the piece. not too bad you thought.
after everyone had finished, you went to the room across as they all dried. it was acrylic, so it wouldn't take too long. there were snacks and refreshments scattered throughout the space. grabbing a drink and seat, you started to learn more about charles. he had two brothers, one older and younger. his mom still cut his hair, you thought he might be embarrased but he showed it off proudly.
“all these years and she still hasn't given me a bad haircut”
“if my mom could cut hair like yours, i'd be getting it done by her too”
“you should come by her salon sometime, i think she'd like you”
“yeah, she's out of town so next month when she's back”
with those plans made, you collectively went back into the painting room. you both swapped paintings and looked at them for a while.
you gauged his reaction, at first his face was blank and you were scared that you had made him look like a troll or something, but slowly a smile creeped up onto his face, he looked up to you.
“it's really good”
you smiled and looked down to yours, he had gotten your likeliness down to a t. he left clear marks and left the strokes visible.
looking up you saw him searching your eyes for a reaction, just like you had.
“you did so good, i love your painting style”
he seemed relieved when you said that, smiling. as everyone around you began to pack up and leave, you both exchanged numbers before grabbing your paintings and going your separate ways.
not shy of a spark
you had texted back and forth a lot since then, and soon enough you found yourself at the doorstep of his moms salon. after being welcomed in you sat down and showed her photos of the haircut you wanted. she nodded, and began to wet your hair
“charles talks about you a lot, you know”
“does he really” you said with a laugh
“he does, i think he likes you dear”
that shut you up, she smiled warmly
“at this age, love is everywhere, make sure you grab it while you can”
you left the appointment with amazing hair and a lot of questions, you didn't think he could possibly like you back. but now, who knows
the knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
I'm going back to 505
you walk into the painting studio, excited with the a dragonfruit in your hand. today was still life day, normally you found it boring but mme. callarios had let everyone bring their own fruit.
you spotted charles when you got in, and lifted your dragonfruit for him to see. he put his hand up, showing off the orange he had started to peel. he tore off a piece for you, and offered it once you got closer.
your hand was cramping as your eyes continued to squint at the pink fruit in front of you. you regretted picking dragon fruit barely half an hour in, the seeds and the outer skin were proving difficult to paint accurately, you glanced over to charles, his was coming along nicely. you ended up pushing through the ugly phase and were somewhat proud of the piece. it had definitely been your most challenging one so far
If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
you were biking to charles' place, over the weeks you had both become closer, and he wanted to cook for you. you were somewhat scared, charles didn't seem like michelin star material, but maybe he'd surprise you.
he did end up surprising you, but not in the way that you thought.
pasta was on the menu for the afternoon, and you sat on the counter as he went around getting all the ingredients ready. basil, pine nuts, garlic, and olive oil were all pushed onto an island before he began on the pasta. getting out the flour and egg, he began to knead the dough together.
he looked nice in moments like this, comfortable. you liked to think that maybe you could see more of him like this, when he's quiet and the silence isn't awkward. existing together in his apartment kitchen. once he was done cutting the dough into pieces, he salted the water and dropped the pasta in. he came over to you and you both began talking.
you ended up getting so immersed in the conversation that the pasta was forgotten- at least until it was too late. you glanced over to the stove, eyes widening as you saw smoke rising from the pan. you both jumped up and yanked it off the gas, bringing it to the sink. what was going to be amazing pasta was now a charred rock. you couldn't help but laugh before getting side eyed by charles.
"i guess we're going to have to order pizza instead"
you ended up binging some random show you found on netflix, and as a souvenir took home the rock of burnt pasta, you named it char, short for charles charcoal
In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
charles had become a f3 driver now, and hadn't been in monaco for a bit. you watched all his races, and you were the first person he called after his first win in pau-ville. he was excited, and so were you.
you're feelings for him had kept growing, and you couldn't help it, no matter how much you tried. you loved everything about him, his eyes, and how they'd light up when he saw you, his smile, and the dimples that formed when he did. his hair, his voice, just him.
soon enough he was back in monaco and you were excited to see him.
you grabbed coffee and began walking around the streets, stopping at building 505, walking into the currently empty studio. you looked around some of the paintings before sitting on some stools.
you knew him too well now, 3 years of friendship will do that. he was nervous, when he bought his hand up to his face you had saw he had bitten his nails. you didn't bring it up, but before you could say anything he started to speak
"i've been trying to figure out how i should say this for the longest time. i've known for a while now, but it really hit me in pau. i couldn't have don't any of this without you, i don't even think i'd be who i am without you y/n. and now that i'm back i can' t handle not telling you. i like you, i really like you"
you were stunned for a minute, before you kicked back the stool you were sitting in and kissed him. the puzzles had fallen into place, you couldn't believe it.
he deepened the kiss, bringing his hand to your waist as you sat in his lap. your fingers ran through his hair, tugging as you began to roll your hips against his.
you pulled away, panting. smiling at him before you began to kiss him again, his hands roamed down to your shirt, tugging it up as he separated from you again. you raised your arms, and took his off as well. a silent beat skipped between you both and you laughed
"are we really about to do this right now"
"yeah, i think we are"
you pulled him closer to you once again, his tongue slipped int your mouth effortlessly and you almost moaned, god he knew how to make you melt.
soon enough, the rest of your clothes followed suit and you were on the cool tile floor. as his hand started to trace your inner thigh you grabbed his hand. he looked up, somewhat confused but before he could say anything you spoke,
'i've never done this before"
he relaxes almost immediately, and smiles down at you
"neither have i"
you weren't ashamed to admit you were shocked, sopmeone like him.. never? not once?
he could see the gears turning in his head and he spoke up
"there were girls now and then sure, but i always wanted it to be you, it's always been you honestly"
you couldn't see yourself rn, but you were sure you were giving im heart eyes by now.
"it was the same for me too actually" you said sheepishly
"was it really?
"yeah, it was" and with that you bought your hands up to his shoulder, flipping him onto the floor. you kissed him softly, turning his face to kiss along his jaw, his neck, going further down to his chest, then stomach. pausing for permission, after seeing his nod you pulled down, eyes widening as you saw it. well this was gonna be interesting
you left kisses on his tip, working your way down before you took him all in your mouth. he hit the back of your throat and you almost choked, but hearing the moans coming out of his mouth kept you going. you could feel him start to pulse, and before you could do anything else he was bringing you off of him, kissing your lips as he turned you around.
“can’t have you doing all the work can i cher?” he said as he pulled your underwear down, almost moaning when he looked down at you, all of you.
he traced his hands down your sternum, down to your waist and legs. spreading you open he dipped his face down.
you could feel his tongue inside you, pulsing before he started scissoring you open. he was good- too good at this. you don’t know if you could handle it. soon enough, he was back on top of you, kissing you gently as he lined himself up with your entrance.
he cleaned you up afterwards, he was quiet, soft. you could get used to this
but I crumble completely when you cry
it had been months since that night, you and charles had been going strong, but after he joined f2, something changed. his eyes no longer lit up when he saw you, he started buying things for you instead of making them. you’d wake up to your phone being full of messages, but none of them from him.
it hurt. he hurt.
it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he called you, asking where you were.
you answered, mme. callarios’ place. he said he was going to be there soon.
you felt your heart drop, wether it was excitement or fear, you couldn’t tell.
you knew the minute he stepped through the door it was going to be bad. you could read him like a book. you composed yourself as he came closer, pressing quick kisses to the others cheeks, you painted a smile on your face and smiled at him.
his eyes were full of emotion, for the first time in months. it’s almost funny, you knew it was coming but the moment the words left his mouth you broke down
“i’ve been seeing someone else”
“i see”
at first it didn’t register, not really. a heartbeat later you felt the tears pricking at your eyes. you turned around trying to excuse yourself, but before you could take another step a sob escaped your lips. you started to cry. you couldn’t shut up, why couldn’t you just shut up? you could feel yourself gasping for breath, all the air in the world wasn’t enough for your lungs right now. you were getting lightheaded, knees turning shaky before ultimately giving up on you. the impact resonated around the empty room.
he stepped forward, kneeling down. his stupid, warm hands brushed up against your face, trying to wipe away your tears.
you couldn’t even push him off of you. you really were pathetic.
you managed to fight your way up, shaking and all but running out the door.
never again, you were never going to love anyone like that again
i’m going back to 505
you walked into a crowded room. your latest collection had been getting a lot of coverage in the media, and it was the last day it was up for the public. the pieces would be going to the individual buyers first thing tomorrow.
building 505. it no longer made a bitter taste seep into your mouth. it’s crazy to think a decade ago you were standing here painting him, how time flies.
the first few months were the worst. he was the only thing you could think of, you were a broken record. so naturally, you did the one thing that made you feel close to him again, painting. and it saved you
you could get out every thought you were too afraid to say out loud, every emotion you didn’t want to feel with simple strokes on canvas
you didn’t think anything would come of it, honestly. you were meant to go into investment banking, like your parents. the universe had other plans though
one of mme. callarios’ friends was a museum director, and took a liking to your pieces. he asked you to do some works on commission. word got around fast, and now you’ve made a name for yourself as an artist, in some ways all thanks to charles
charles. now he had his dream job, f1. working with the team he used to tell you about, the team he worshipped.
you were happy for him, sometimes you wonder if he was happy for you. you still think of him when you eat pesto, you still keep char in a jar under your bed, you have all of the paintings you made that summer in a closet collecting dust. there were pieces of yourself that you gave to him that will stay his even though you’re done.
none of that matters now though, you turn to someone who’s called your name and start explaining the piece they’ve asked about
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hansumswife · 6 months
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𝖙𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖓𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘!
chris sturniolo x read
(no mention of y/n)
tags: @st7rnioioss @its-jennarose @timmyscomputer @kriissy4gov @liz-stxrn @sunrisemill @riasturns @mx0qin @junnniiieee07 @alorsxsturn @nonameisthegameandilovejake
creds to -> @mattssluttywaist
Chris sat next to you, huffing loudly and impatiently. Biting your lip you hid your smile, knowing exactly what he was about to whine about. “When does the nail lady get-”
“She’s pulling up right now princess.” You mocked jokingly, allowing your outgrown nails to massage his scalp as he slouched on the couch.
A knock echoed from the door, causing Chris to jump up excitedly and rush down the stairs before you could even sit up straight. Laughing, you walked after him greeting Emma.
Emma was your best friend in high-school, though you’re not as close now she became a nail tech and does your nails — something Chris loves.
Your guy’s tradition started when Emma first game round the triplets house, you were staying for a while and were in need of new acrylics so you invited Emma round.
Chris watched over your shoulder for the entire three hours. Frequently asking Emma questions.
“How long have you been doing this for?”
“How do you do that?”
“Does this cost loads?”
“Woah, how’d you do that so smoothly.”
“Bro that looks so cool.”
And in the end he ended up sitting in the chair too whilst you watched over his shoulder — his brands logo being painted delicately onto his short nails.
The next time she came round Chris went first, getting orange smiles on the random finger. So when your turn cane around you decided to copy him and put orange smileys on your long acrylics.
“Alright so… who’s going first?” Emma asked, opening the suitcase that contained all her equipment in — somehow fitting in an entire stool to lean against as well.
Chris looked towards you pleadingly, cheering loudly after you nodded with a grin on your face. “Show Emma the pictures!” he exclaimed, pointing towards your phone as he rolled up his sleeves and sat down.
Taking your phone out your pocket you turned the screen towards Emma, receiving a nod as she started taking products out her case.
You sat next to Chris patiently at the table, playing a podcast you both frequently watched so neither of you would get bored whilst making conversation with Emma, who was switching between you both as your nails dried.
Soon enough both your nails were finished and glossy. You both had your pictures taken before Emma packed away and left — Chris paying her despite your disagreement.
Later on you and all the triplets were spread across the couch whilst a movie played. Nick wasn’t paying attention as he was answering questions and dm’s on snapchat to put on his story, and Matt was scrolling through tiktok on low volume.
Chris tapped your shoulder, causing you to look up from your head leaning on his chest. “Can you massage my hair again? Please.” he whispered, fiddling with your hand that was on his lap.
You nodded with a lazy smile as you were half asleep already. Lifting the hand that wasn’t holding Chris’ to his head, you started scratching and making patterns gently with the tips of your acrylics. Chris giggled and shivered slightly at the sensation before relaxing into it.
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mlobsters · 1 month
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are you lost?
acrylic on paper - painting video below
song: time is on my side by the rolling stones
i'm not exactly pleased with how this came out, but i definitely learned some stuff with trial and error that led to a better result with the gray/blue cloudy sky i think. mainly trying to mix the colors on the page immediately while it's still wet (even with a slow drying medium, acrylic dries *fast*) and also to wipe off the brush quickly and do some dry brush blending. which if i ever like, took a class or watched instructional things would probably be obvious but you know i like to figure stuff out myself 🤪
hell or high water i was getting that are you lost sign in there. had a moment of despair when i realized i'm pretty sure they're not allowed to put road signs on power poles like that and was gonna move it to another support and then was like. you know what. spooky unofficial official looking signs can be mounted wherever they like! lol
the car is fucked up too but i don't have the heart/energy/will to try to keep fixing it hey ho. and don't get me started on those trees. the danger of zoning out. more branches. thicker branches. branches everywherrre
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madisockz · 6 months
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Hello! I wanted to share my process of how I made my Easter Pony! She is my second ever custom and she made all the trouble I had with the first one seem like a walk in the park in comparison ಥ_ಥ Let's begin!
DISCLAIMER: Custom ponies like this one are not to be played with by children nor made by children. This pony was made with the use of nail polish remover (acetone) which is toxic. You need to wash your hands throughly after use and use in a well ventilated area. This pony was also made with sharp tools such as an xacto knife, sewing pins, rehairing needles, and an awl.
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First, the concept art! Trial and error caused her to look a little different than the concept art but I still love the end result!
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I wanted to start with a white base to give myself a clean canvas for dyeing so I got this G3 Breezie off Ebay for only $3. I decided to first remove her mane and tail which requires removing the head. If you know anything about G3 pony customzing, you know their heads are difficult to get back on once they come off. Even when you run them under warm/hot water. So to get it back on for dyeing, I tried trimming a little excess of vinyl off the neck ring with my xacto knife. It slipped and got me right under my nail! Bad omen for what's to come!
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After getting her prepped (removing her mane and tail, cleaning her, using acetone (nail polish remover) to remove her cutie mark) she was ready for a dye bath! I used Rit DyeMore as regular Rit Dye won't dye the vinyl material that ponies are made of. This was my first ever time dyeing anything that wasn't fabric so I was thrilled when she came out this warm rich brown! So pretty!
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I read online that dyed ponies will leach dye onto other ponies if they touch, so I wanted to try and prevent this as much as possible with some matte sealer. Lesson #1: Even though she was dry, the matte sealer reactivated the dye! The smallest touch left a print! :(
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I pushed forward! And tripped immediately after! I thought, "Surely matte Modge Podge will seal her just that much more" and to my dismay, the Modge Podge kept every brush stroke I made when it dried!! She looked like a leather hand bag! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ I learned later you can buy matte Modge Podge spray online but all I had was the type you brush on to your surface.
Thankfully, with the help of sixteen cotton balls and a q-tip with acetone, I managed to remove all the sealer but she was no longer that nice rich brown. Oh well I still loved her!
And whoever said the paint will protect the eyes from the dye has clearly never dyed a dark pony! Her eyes were so brown after this lol
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Painting, adding of polymer clay easter themed confetti, and adding her 3D chocolate bunny cutie mark went great! It was all going well until the eyes.
I had never fully painted pony eyes before so the first attempt was pretty bad. Not even my multiple attempts at glitter and using clear nail polish as a cheap gloss on the eyes could save them.
It was so bad that I almost didn't take any pictures but when I went to seal her head, this weird white powder covered half of her face?? I had never seen this before and it freaked me out thinking I just ruined her. I managed to get it off with a cotton ball and some acetone but her paint was fully damaged.
Turns out this was caused because I didn't shake the can of sealer well enough. I needed a break....
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While I took a break for a few days, I decided to watch tutorials on how to paint doll eyes and learned that it's actually pretty common to use high quality watercolor pencils; either Faber Castell or Derwent (which is what I ended up buying).
When I came back, I made the hard decision of removing all the paint and decorations from the head and starting over. Hours of work gone but it was so worth it! 🩷 Removing the paint with acetone ended up making her head lighter than her body so I had to redye her head lol. This time I mixed Derwent pencils with acrylic paints for her eyes.
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Time for the hair! I've never done curls before and my original plan was to buy curly hair online but it's so hard to find in the color and curl size I wanted.
So my second idea was to buy small curlers to use on regular nylon doll hair bought from ShimmerLocks on Etsy. But when I tested them out on poor Flower Bouquet it looked so bad ಥ_ಥ
I discovered a Youtube channel you may know called Dollightful where in one of her Stock Box videos she used yarn that she unraveled to make super cute tight wavy hair for a doll. It was a perfect solution! It looks so good but omg it was tedious haha! I used it for her tail too; sectioning off the colors hoping they'd stay separated (they didn't lol).
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She's nearly complete! Time for small decorations! I tried so many different ears from air dry clay to stealing some from bunny decorations I bought at the store and nothing was working! But I had one last idea...
I gave these old Littlest Pet Shop costume bunny ears some use with a flat top sewing pin and some glue so now my pony has bunny ears! Yay!
I forgot it in the concept art, but I originally wanted to add flowers to her mane but I couldn't figure out how to do that without glue which I didn't want to do, too permanent, so I opted for some beads I had on hand. I didn't have any light blue so I made some with the use of acetone (nail polish remover in my case) and boom! Light blue beads! Then I washed them off so the acetone wouldn't damage anything :)
I used a gold topped sewing pin, a butterfly charm, a felt flower and two faux flowers to create a cute hair accessory!
Finally I sewed a hair tie to a puffball to give her a removable cottontail if I ever wanted to take it off.
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And DONE! She looks so good after so much time and effort! I worked on this girly for two weeks I think? She actually had a partner I designed but I've run out of time to make her :') Maybe next year? 👀 🩷🩷
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hannamoon143 · 1 month
Darkness is everything that remains
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ships: hyunjin x fem reader
Genre: heavy Angst, Hurt/no comfort
warnings: death,crying,kinda depression ig,denial,su!cide,drowning,
words: 1,5 k
a/n: since these are heavy themes please don’t read it if you are not comfortable with any of them,cause i don’t want to trigger anyone with my writing. I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.Remember that you are a beautiful person,and never stop taking care of yourself.Drink enough,eat enough,sleep enough. I hope you have a great day. Enjoy <33
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I just wanted something. Anything. I had everything till four months ago. But now i had nothing anymore.
I was dragging myself out the bathroom, only changing into some different clothes and then laying down at the bed. Our bed. And i wasn’t wearing just some clothes. It was my sweater.My sweater with the acrylic stains on it.I was trying so hard not to look at the wall in front of the bed. But i did anyways. Of course i didn’t look at the wall, i looked at the painting.His painting.
6 months ago
„knock knock“ i said,smiling at him while my head peeked through the door. „Come in love“ he didn’t look up from his painting but he smiled too.I could watch his smile forever. The depth of his dark eyes,the way his lips slowly turned upwards.
I went inside his room and sat at the chair besides him. „What are you painting hyunnie?“ i said,peeking over his shoulder. „It’s for our anniversary love, but now the surprise is destroyed. It’s the day at the beach.A stranger that was a photograph was randomly making photos, and he had to make one of us cause we were looking so in love he said.and he gave it to me. See? We are sitting there, the oceans breeze was making our hair go all messy but you still looked so beautiful. And you are holding the single rose i gave to you.“
While he explained it i looked at the painting. It wasn’t even finished yet, but it was beautiful.The colours made it seem so alive and i could see a happy hyunjin smiling at me with a loving look in his eye, while i was looking at the rose with a little smile, like it was the most precious thing i ever got. Of course it wasn’t. He was the most precious thing i ever got.
„Well i won’t disturb you then my love,wanna watch a movie together later?“
„Sure, you pick“ he said,smiling at me. Then he gave me a soft kiss with a hug, the acrylic paint now on my sweater too,but i didn’t care.
I couldn’t look at it any longer. I got up, slipping my shoes on and left my apartment. Our apartment. Where was i even going? I didn’t know to be honest. That means i did know. As if my body was mechanical i sat into my cold car, driving to him.
I got out of the car,walking to the love of my life Then i was in front of him. The past five months i never cried a single tear,gone entirely numb.But now? I broke down to my knees,starting to sob. „Why did you do this? Left me just like that? You promised me! You promised me that we would be forever together, hyunjin!Tell me,why forever is so short.“ I looked at all the flowers. From his family.From his best friends.From people that knew him. And in the middle of all these way to colourful flowers was the rose. Our rose. It was dried,and looked fragile. I took it into my trembling hands. „When you gifted me this,you said it stands for us.For our love. Where did all this go? Where did you go?“
The petals fell down on the cold ground. „No no no. Is that you trying to tell me that it’s over?! Are you trying to tell me that hyunjin? Because i disagree! You can’t just leave me like this,i won’t accept it. Remember you always telled me i’m so stubborn?And you were right! So i won’t give up!“ I yelled between choking sobs,trying to pick up the petals of the rose.
7 months ago:
„But you said i pick the movie, so i pick 10 things i hate about you.“ i pouted.
„Everything but this!“ hyunjin whined. „We watched this movie over five times only in the past three years and if i may remind you that since i know you we watched it fourteen times wich is way too much, i think i am allowed to say that we will watch something else.“
„But i love this movieee.and we didn’t watch it in the past four months soo-“
„What about we just watch The fault in our stars? It’s also romantic, and you like it too“
„But i wanna watch 10 things i hate about you!“
„You get to see my current artwork tomorrow if we watch something else.“
„10 things i hate about you.“
„I will get you everything you want when we go next shopping.“
„10 things i hate about you.“
Hyunjin sighed.But after a bit silence when i almost thought about giving in, because he looked annoyed for real now,he started smiling and just suddenly hugged me.
„Hey,is that another attempt to not have to watch 10 things i hate about you?“ i said, but with a giggle now.
„To be honest you are adorable when you are so stubborn.“ He said,brushing my hair out of my face betweent the cuddles,that were almost choking me. I acted annoyed and looked away but just had to start smiling when he planted soft kisses on each side of my cheeks.
„I love you,pabo.“i muttered into his hair.
„I love you too,my muse.“
Was it smart to go to his grave in the middle in the night? No
Was it even more stupid to drive to the beach in the middle of the night, with only petals of a rose and a bottle of water that was laying in my car for a year now? Yes it was.
I got out the car, taking the petals of the rose, that i wrapped up in an old hoodie of him. I walked towards the water.My mind was blank.I walked until my converse were soaked up with water.Now i was simply standing there and looking at the ocean. Looking at his promise.
8 months ago:
He broke the comfortable silence,that was only filled with the sounds of the waves.
„Do you see the blue ocean,love?“
i giggled. „Of course i can see it jinnie.“
He looked at me with a little smile,laying his head on my shoulder.
„If i am ever far away,then look at the ocean. Look at the waves always coming back to the sand of the beach. They will remind you that no matter where i am, or how far away i am, i will come back to you my love. I will always come back, because i love you, i always will. Never forget that.“
I looked at him.I simply looked at him and he started smiling.
„I love you too jinnie. So, so much.“
He smiled even more,kissing my forehead softly,and pulling me closer.
„I’m looking at the waves like you told me jinnie.And now? When will you come back? Cause i saw you.Saw how they put layers of earth on you. It didn’t seem like you would come back jinnie!“
I didn’t notice that i started crying again, and almost yelling the words into the cold night. I looked at the hoodie in my hands,with the petals of the rose in it. The worst was,it still smelled like him.Without thinking i went further into the freezing water.My whole legs were covered in the freezing waves of the ocean now.I smelled at the hoodie.I wanted to feel like everything would be okay one last time.Cause i knew that it wouldn’t be. This time he wouldn’t come home, craddle me in his arms, and let me sob into his chest. This time nothing would be okay again. I threw the hoodie as wide as possible into the turbulent water. The petals of the rose seemed like they were flying until they hit the water surface. i watched them get carried away by the ocean. Was this really the end?
The answer was yes. Yes it was,because nothing would ever be okay again.I didn’t want to live in a world without him. A world without love, without care, without comfort.
So i went further into the ice cold water. I went so wide until i was underwater. The waves, and the water were turbulent, because of the storm, that i didn’t even acknowledge until now. And i felt that i got carried away. Further into the darkness,further down. But i didn’t fight the water. Because maybe there was a little hope,that maybe after the darkness he would be standing somewhere, waiting for me.
So i let the darkness come.Until it’s everything left. Until my shattered heart stops beating.Until darkness is everything that remains.
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a/n: if you know someone that might consider suicide or self harm help them. Sometimes a simple word,a text or a call can help.
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clubdionysus · 5 months
[BAD DECISION #3] Coffee
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warnings: hangovers, language
soundtrack:leave (get out) - jojo, coffee - bts, hangover - woosung
wc: 2k
bd total wc: 540k (on-going)
minors dni | AO3 | series masterlist 
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"No you don't understand, I'm actually dead," Hoseok groans into the staff room fridge, where his head is currently resting on an empty shelf. His eyes are closed, and he's been in there so long that the fridge door light has cut out. 
He's not been in the fridge since last summer's heatwave, so you know his hangover really must be as bad as he's making it out to be.
"Stop," you lightly scold him, shooing him away so you can grab the vitamin drink you'd put in there at the start of your shift. You swear by it as your favourite hangover cure, and in fact, it's your second of the day. Something about the ache in your head just won't budge. "You'll let the cold out, Hobes."
"Good," he huffs. "It's a sauna in here." 
It's spring, and summer is yet to fully ripen. There are far hotter days to come, but Hoseok's body is trying to flush the alcohol from his system in the easiest way possible: sweat.
"Whatever was in those little purple shots was lethal," he whines, slumping down onto the single chair in the kitchen. It's cramped, and really not big enough for two people - windowless, but at least there's a vent. 
It doesn't really matter what the staff room is like. You rarely spend any time there; always front of house instead.
For the past two years following graduation, you've been working at Pot & Paint - a painting cafe downtown, where people paint canvases while enjoying a fresh brew. 
Time passes by slowly within the four walls, but peacefully. The fumes get you a little lightheaded sometimes, but for the most part it's a dream of a job. Easy money. Hoseok had taken you under his wing in your first week, and had been stuck to you like dried acrylic ever since.
Days are relatively similar, and yet always different thanks to the customers. You have your set jobs - make coffee, clean brushes, fill water trays - but it's seeing what the customers create that really makes the job so much fun. 
You and Hoseok place bets on which half of the couple will be the better artist, on colour combinations, whatever you can think of. Neither of you ever win anything of much value ("Drinks on me", "I'll make you a coffee", "I'll empty the bins") but it's a way to pass the time, nonetheless.
You rank the best to worst of the day's paintings, but only ever out of earshot of customers. At the till, you will always smile and enthuse over their creation. What's important, you think, is that they're creating at all. To diminish someone's endeavours in such a public manner would be cruel. Art is subjective, after all.
What is objective, however, is how fucked up you both managed to get thanks to Purple Starfuckers. The bartender really hadn't been kidding when he said they were delicious. 
"Amaretto..." you begin to list, but trail off, for the fact you don't have a clue. Can barely remember how you even came across such a delicacy.
Mortifyingly, though, the events in Jimin's apartment are mostly crystal clear. The sex? Meh. A bit iffy. Not much to write home about. The disruption you caused, only to summon a topless bartender? Yeah, a lot more to write home about - but also far more cringe than you can bear to deal with when your head is so tender. 
Hoseok is none the wiser.
He'd crashed at your place and had been woken to a very grumbly rendition of Jojo's Leave (Get Out) when you found him passed out on top of your bed. He'd refused, and so you'd climbed beneath the duvet, him on top, dead to the world until Danbi came through a couple of hours later wrapped up in a blanket of her own.
"Tried calling you," she'd groaned, flopping down onto your bed. "Wanted to order breakfast but apparently neither of you seem to know how to answer a bloody phone."
"Mine's dead," Hoseok had mumbled beneath a pile of pillows. He'd migrated to below your duvet by this point, the pair of you still in last night's clothes. 
You hadn't even showered - the whole reason you'd excused yourself from Jimin's. 
But maybe it was a lie, after all. Maybe you didn't really care about making yourself decent. Maybe sharing a bed with him would have just felt too similar to sharing a bed with your ex. You weren't ready for intimacy, no matter how meaningless.
The beauty of Hoseok was that he'd kicked you fourteen times within thirty minutes. You couldn't fool yourself into thinking there was anything intimate about it.
You'd fumbled around, hunting under your pillow for your phone and almost thought you'd found it. Was about to pull it out when you realised it wasn't your phone at all. Thanked your lucky stars. Would have had no choice but to simply die if you'd started waving a vibrator around in front of Hoseok.
Still, no phone, though. Your clutch was in the kitchen, by the front door, so you assumed it must be in there.
Not checking until after you'd consumed your body weight in hangover waffles, you were confused to not be able to find it anywhere. Your clutch, your bra, your bed, the kitchen, the bathroom - you'd checked them all and yet it was still nowhere to be found. 
"You get a cab home? Might have left it in the taxi?" Danbi had suggested, which was entirely plausible. 
"Maybe," you hummed with a small pout. "I'll call them later."
Later came, and later went - still no phone. The taxi company hadn't had one handed in, which left only one location it could be. One you really hadn't ever planned on returning to:
Jimin's place.
"I don't even know his name!" You cringe when Hoseok asks you about it a little while later.  "Well, no. I know his given name, but fuck knows his family name. Wouldn't be able to find him even if I had tried."
It's not the paint fumes making you feel lightheaded today - it's the roasting coffee beans. The idea of drinking it makes you feel like you're gonna hurl, but you know your body will probably thank you for it later.
"And you're sure he was called Jimin?" He asks, staring down at his phone. He's crouched behind the front counter, not willing to deal with customers but knowing he needs to be semi-present in case the boss pops by. "Sure he wasn't called Jeongguk?"
You hum a little in confusion as you take a sip on your americano. Tastes like shit. "Jeongguk?"
"Yeah, Jeongguk." Hoseok grunts. "Jeon? Ring any bells?"
Oh, how you wish it didn't. You also wish you never made coffee, but hey, bad things come in threes, right? An awkward encounter, a mind-splitting headache and now a terrible cup of coffee. No more bad things.
Except you're forgetting the fact you also had a shit shag, so the quota of three had already been met. Your coffee's just started the cycle all over again. One down, two to go.
"Er, I think so?" You shrug, playing things so cool that Hoseok notices your change in demeanour. There's a smirk on his lips as he glances up at you. 
"He messaged me. He's asking after you."
It's at this point that you think your hangover will catch up with you, and you'll actually be sick. Right on the counter, maybe. There's a sink behind you, but you're already mortified so what would the harm be?
"Let me see him," you say almost instantly, pushing away vomit-inducing thoughts. You just want to check. Make sure it is him, and not some weird coincidence. 
Hoseok passes you his phone, and there he is: Mr Purple Starfucker himself. 
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His Instagram is sparse in recent updates, but there's enough of a back catalogue to clue you in on an idea of 'him'. Beach pictures, sunsets, the kind of generic shit everyone likes, but there's something about the way he captures such scenes. Makes them infinitely more breathtaking, you think.
The gym selfies? Yeah. Leaving you a little breathless, too. That's neither here, nor there, though. You'll blame it on the hangover.
"Yeah, yeah, guy from the bar," you reply all nonchalantly, before clicking back into Hoseok's messages.
JustJK: Hey - I work at Dionysus. Think your friend left her phone there. Just let her know I have it and for her to get in contact with me if she wants to come by and get it.
Hoseok thinks nothing of it as you begin typing back - trusts you not to be doing anything untoward. Also is dying too much to care.
seokshine:  hii!! sorry it's me (the friend lol), hobi just gave me his phone!!
JustJK:  Disco Ball?
seokshine:  disco...ball????
JustJK:  You were dressed like a Disco Ball.
seokshine:  thank you?
JustJK:  You're welcome.
JustJK:  I have your phone.
seokshine:  life saverrr, thank you so much <33
JustJK:  I'm at work tonight so you can swing by the club. If not I'll be at the gym this evening? I go to one downtown so it's easy to get to. Just let me know and I'll make sure I have it on me.
The idea of going anywhere near alcohol given your current state repulses you - but equally, so does the idea of going to a gym.
The only plus side would be that you'd maybe get to see his a-
No, no, no, you mentally reprimand yourself, and cover the thoughts of his torso with mental images of Jimin - sexy, charming, average shagger Jimin - because he's the one you hooked up with. 
You'd just been reeling from the sex when you'd seen Jeongguk last night. Easy to let the hormones take over - but he'd been shirtless and -fuck - his tattoos had been so intricately carved into his skin that all you wanted to do was study them and -
Get a grip, girl.
"So?" Hoseok asks.
"So he has my phone. Left it at the club," you lie. "Says I can either get it from the club tonight or he can take it with him to the gym. My choice."
"So... watcha gonna do?" Hosoek asks, none the wiser of the mental hoops you've been jumping through from such a simple decision. Not like it's life or death. It's gonna be mortifying regardless, having to do a second walk of shame in front of Jeongguk.
And so you sigh, and type through a message back to him.
It won't be long, you figure. You won't have to stay. Just get in, get your phone, get out. Never see him again. 
Cool, Jeongguk replies. See you then. 
When you hand your phone back to Hoseok, he raises a brow. "Really? This is the decision you made?"
And unfortunately, all you can do is say 'yes', before you excuse yourself to the bathroom so you can hurl in peace.
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blae-kitta · 4 months
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Comments below on the black panther Ace figure process (link to more finished photos!):
The second sculpting; this time I used wires within the legs to ensure stiffness which I found ambivalent to the process; on the feet I later had to add extra foot padding to hide the wires which stuck out of the bottom of the feet. I first made the legs, let them dry, and then added the torso and head. The pose is actually based off of multiple actual Ace figures, but mostly a figure in which he is crouching.
After creating the torso and legs, created his hat, the size which I adjusted multiple times. I also created his hats yin-yang beads, and threaded through some needles around the height of the holes in the red spherical glass beads I had bought to function as the beads on his necklace and hat-circumference, to ensure they don't sit too high when threaded through (with low-grade fishing line, lol).
After the beads dried, I painted them using a metallic silver gouache and acrylic pints painstakingly to get the facial expressions. They are so small!
Gave him his shorts, and not pictured, his little blue pocket that's strapped on.
Made his knife; again the metal is from a cat wet food tin, that's been sanded down to its actual colour and cut to size. I thought it would be much more cool if it's an actual blade that can be removed (and I still think that). I dried the sheath with the blade inside, then using a tang I cut to pull out the blade and molded and dried the handle on the tang which can be seen in relation to the sheath; the dots and leather straps added later, then affixed to his side.
Arms added!
Finished sculpting. The bracelet made and painted, then slipped onto the wrist while attaching the hands. It can spin and move as it's own free piece! Originally the hand pointing the hat was off a bit, so I ended up cutting off the arm and reaffixing it to be placed properly. Also added his elbow brace. Originally wasn't going to add the flames coming off him, but thought it might be a fun touch.
First layers of paint; started with yellows, oranges and reds, which includes his hat, elbow brace and the flames, etc.
Second layers begun; laid down the under-grey for Ace's fur, which was adjusted to get lighter at his stomach side, with highlights. By this time I'd also threaded the beads together with fishing line, plus glued the yin-yang beads in place to ensure they don't flop down.
Finished figure! The leopard pattern was added based off of photos of leopards, and the back under-grey darkened slightly to continue giving the colour shift, and the rest of the colours painted in. Highlighting was used liberally on his shorts to try and differentiate the shorts from his fur since they are both dark. Eyes and mouth painted in, and the bamboo and cow-skull charm sculpted and painted. The string is glued into place, both on the charms and onto the hat. The red 'puff' is from glued then trimmed red embroidery thread. The red bead necklace was affixed, again with fishing line and slipping the knot under one of the beads. Belatedly the fire from his finger was sculpted and then painted, as I found just the finger itself lacking.
Link to figure masterpost!
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bubble-dream-inc · 2 years
TIME TO END THE WRITERS BLOCK- okay here's my request Pookie boo; Simon Riley lets his gf paint his nails. She's going into cosmetology, and needs a muse, and why not ask her hunky-dunky boyfriend?? The plot could maybe be he's on vaca, and she's all like "Yo hot stuff. Wanna get hotter?" (and she pulls out acrylics and polishes) And he's all like "...", but no matter how cold and has no emotions he is, he lets her sit on his lap while painting his nails (fake nails, cuz she put on the longest one possible to irritate him, to hear that smexxxxyyy British voice cursing on how he can't hold a teacup with the witch nails) BRIGHT ASS HOT PINK with a black skull painted on it. AND THEN SHE PAINTS HER NAILS BLACK WITH A PINK SKULL SO THAT THEY HAVE MATCHING NAILS????? COULD BE A HEADCANNON BUT IT'S SUCH A CUTE IDEA POOKIE BOO.
imma do headcanons bc my brain is too fried to come up with a full ass fic but i hope ya like it bb
Simon is very, very tired. He comes home from the gym on the second day of his leave to find you already standing in the living room, a menace with a wicked grin and a small metal suitcase in your hands.
At least you had the decency to let him get settled on the first day before you started with your antics.
"...What's in the suitcase." "A project." "Fuckin' hell."
After you reveal your idea, it might take some coaxing to get him to agree but it works out bc c'mon let's be honest. The man is secretly a simp and a softie when he loves someone. So he begrudgingly agrees, letting himself be dragged by your giggling self to the couch.
So he manspreads on the couch, getting comfortable as you perch yourself prettily on top of him to glue the nails to his gigantic hands (you actually have to dig around your materials a little bit to find tips that somewhat match his natural nail size), and, as grumpy as he is, he at least gets to enjoy the view of you looking so focused on his lap.
(You actually have to stop yourself from giggling a few times because of how the bright pink polish looks out of place on his dark self)
While the polish dries, you offer to go make him some tea, and end up having to help him with it between fits of laughter since he couldn't hold the cup with the extra long coffin nails he has going on.
In the end, you take some pictures and let him simmer in his misery for a while longer before moving to remove them, however, he notices how proud you were of your work, so he just agrees to keep them on as long as you cut them shorter.
So that's exactly what you do, grinning like a mad person. Doing Ghost's nails has you so inspired you actually do your own to match him, and pretend not to notice the soft look in his eyes when you proudly show your work and enthusiastically exclaim how you two are matching.
He ends up keeping them on until they inevitably break or get weirdly outgrown, and he couldn't care less about the weird stares he gets at the gym; as long as his girl is happy, he is happy.
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