#the abyssal things
sunnetrolls · 5 months
i wish to speak with abby
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aphel1on · 10 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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citrussly · 7 months
formative part of your childhood and/or early internet usage?
or pick whichever one is your main one today. i'm not a cop, i won't know.
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sunderwight · 28 days
y'know I think that if Liu Qingge actually did tell Shen Qingqiu (SY version) that he was lonely and asked him to be intimate with him, even just for tonight, as speculated in the Airplane Q&A, Shen Qingqiu would go for it.
like probably not after he married Luo Binghe (because infidelity), and at first I think he'd blank in shock and he'd need to quadruple check that he had correctly gleaned Liu Qingge's (extremely blunt) meaning, but after that... yeah. I think he would
because I think he'd want to, because he is attracted to Liu Qingge, he's just repressed about it. so I imagine his thought process would go:
-oh no I'm straight I can't sleep with Liu Qingge
-also this would be a terrible ethical violation because I'm his shixiong
-although as fellow peak lords we're basically equals so that probably doesn't matter so much
-I mean he is asking me after all it's not like I'm perving on him or anything here
-wow this is so deeply sad for Liu-shidi who has turned to me of all random people in his hour of need, only to be rejected
-is he sex pollen'd? he doesn't look it...
-I'm sure lots of people would jump at the chance to be with someone as handsome and capable as him! does he not know that? are people not jumping at the chance to be with him?
-I guess not if he's lonely?
-how incredibly stupid of them! the incomparable war god of bai zhan is a catch!
-this really is too tragic to tolerate. I can't possibly turn him down now, what if it's a blow to his pride that he never recovers from? a man needs his pride! gay men even more than most probably! that's what that whole gay pride thing is about, right?!
-so in a way it would be homophobic to reject him
-and well if it's just for one night... I mean, the truly heterosexual man should be comfortable in his sexuality... obviously I find the idea intolerable, however, it might be even more intolerable at this point to turn him down. for basic decency reasons that would compel anyone, not just me
-there are probably lesbians who would make an exception for Liu-shidi I mean just look at him
-and who is more confident in his dislike of oranges, the man who has tried one and confirmed his distaste, or the man who has never eaten an orange in his life? in a way, isn't having sex with Liu-shidi this one time actually the straightest thing I could do?
-(has sex with Liu Qingge)
-(enjoys it)
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tevintersnakes · 5 months
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Reviewing some holotape records
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salamispots · 11 months
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some downtime doodling
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mittthrawnuruodo · 6 months
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"Once you take an illithid by the talon, there's no telling how deep into the abyss it might drag you." (for @theemperorweek)
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the-last-butter · 6 months
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Enjou performing his qualified lector-ly activities
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starcurtain · 2 months
Some Evidence in Favor of Jade
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One thing I've constantly seen in Jade hate posts is the idea that she's trapping good and innocent people like Aventurine and Topaz and chaining them down to the IPC.
But I actually think it's this act--choosing Aventurine and Topaz to be her proteges--that tells us a lot about whether Jade is a fundamentally bad person or not.
First, it's key to understand that Jade is in a significant position of power within the Stonehearts. When Diamond chooses not to appear, it's often Jade who goes in his place and acts as his voice. When it comes to making administrative decisions on who will get to join the Stonehearts, Jade had a direct hand in supporting Topaz's ascension (by accepting recommendations) and an even more direct role in Aventurine's ascension, choosing and testing him for the job herself.
So Jade is a character with enough power to have a strong say in who gets to become a leader in the IPC. She possesses enough authority and trust from Diamond to catapult a wanted murderer like Kakavasha straight up 45 ranks in the Star Rail universe's single most powerful corporate entity. She helps to decide who rules.
And who has she picked with that power?
Aventurine and Topaz are both good people. Although they'll do whatever is needed to advance the IPC's aims, they're both essentially kind-hearted and unwilling to put others at unnecessary risk. They both deeply value friendship and exhibit many of the other positive traits one associates with heroes--loyalty, generosity, gentleness, and honesty. Topaz takes a hit to her own reputation and rank to protect Belobog. Aventurine, infamous for high-stakes gambles, specifically spells out that he absolutely refuses to cheat his way to victory.
In an organization that is otherwise known for the literal colonization and extermination of civilizations--in an organization that puts wealth and material value above anything but their own god--in an organization with people like Obsidian who literally want to turn things into a bloodbath--Jade's top picks are both quintessentially good characters.
She is extracting value from them. She is profiting from their work for the IPC.
But Jade had the power to promote complete monsters into the Stonehearts. She could have picked heartless, profit-driven villains who would have forwarded the IPC's goals at the expense of the human element entirely. She could have promoted more evil into an already evil organization. But she did not. Jade chose to support two disadvantaged young people who had clawed their way up from the bottom while still maintaining their principles. At least two of the Ten Stonehearts are people the Trailblazer can associate with without extreme moral guilt, thanks in part to Jade.
The people that Jade chooses to throw her support behind mean something. Topaz and Aventurine's presence in the Stonehearts indicates that Jade is capable of not only recognizing goodness--but has actively chosen to elevate (at least relatively) moral people into positions of authority. This act, choosing to promote and support inherently decent human beings, speaks greatly to Jade's sense of who deserves power--and, from there, to her own sense of justice.
Just something worth thinking about, I feel.
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grassbreads · 1 year
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On a scale of Chang Geng to Luo Binghe, how well does your teenage protagonist cope with the realization that he has a massive thing for the guy that's basically raising him?
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sunnetrolls · 8 months
I’m very head empty or I’d try and continue conversing but ummm Abby do u mind if I just sit here and chill with u?
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"Not at all. You are free to do as you wish."
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seirindono · 4 months
Hey Seirin! I’m not sure if this is a spoiler, (and if so, no need to answer) but I wanted to know! How do each pair of brothers feel about their alternates? Just curious! :)
I've omitted a few but there you go ;)
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The rest under the cut! Minor spoiler?
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I won't give any further context or explanation lol you may interpret it as you wish and share with the class however.
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toastervox · 14 days
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beep boop
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aleatoryw · 2 months
literally finished watching Phil's video about going to the hospital and scheduled my blood donation appointment. someone's blood donation saved his life and it's a good reminder that you too can save a life! join me if you can, I promise it's easier and less stressful than you think.
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dezimaton · 14 days
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he is babygirl to me :)
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zarla-s · 3 months
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just Basil Things™
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