#the absolute comfort post
haveihitanerve · 10 months
I couldnt find the pic, but i have it written out so here-
Tears for Fears interview No 1 1985. Interview is typed out below!
Tears for Fears play Mr & Mr
Remember the rules? That’s right, one group member is grilled in private about the personal habits of the other. Afterwards his answers are checked by telling them to his partner. Points scored depend on how near the mark they are. Points are lost for group splits or fist fights…
What’s Roland’s greatest fear?
Curt: “Nuclear war and flying – but flying first and foremost. He’s calmed down a lot now but he used to hate it. Once we had to fly from Birmingham in a light aircraft with only eight seats and we just got thrown everywhere. Roland grabbed the back of my seat and swore all the way home.”
Roland’s answer: “Flying, yes, that was an easy one for you.”
Does Roland enjoy winding people up?
Curt: “Oh yes, it was funny, we met the people at our American record company recently and because they hadn’t bothered to do any research on us, none of them knew our names. I mean, really, we’re their number one act and they don’t know who’s Curt and who’s Roland! So when they threw a party for us I was so pissed off that I didn’t go, but Roland went along and introduced himself as Curt. So there was this poor record company exec introducing Roland to all these journalists and radio people as Curt Smith – I thought that was hysterical!”
Roland’s answer: “Oh yeah, I did a great wind-up in Boston recently when a guy from our American company had the cheek to say to me, “I’d like to introduce you to some people – what did you say your name was again?” So I said I was Curt and at the end of the day I told him who I really was”
What’s Roland’s most prized possession?
Curt: “I’d say his wife Caroline, but she’s not really a possession. Could be his special edition Fender Strat guitar that he uses every night, or his cat, or his camera. One of those!”
Roland’s answer: “Er – this quiz is really hard isn’t it? Well one answer would be my wife…”
Curt: “One of my answers was your wife. A point!”
Roland: “And one would be my Strat.”
Curt: “Yes, the Strat, got that one as well.”
Roland: “And one would definitely be my camera.”
Curt: “Three points!”
No 1: “Nice try – but that’s still only one point.”
What does Roland like most about being famous?
Curt (no hesitation here): THE MONEY! You see, Roland doesn’t particularly like being famous at all, but there is that one advantage. He’ll probably lie when he gives his answer though.”
Roland: “What do I like about being famous? I think it’s probably the money!”
What’s Roland’s most annoying habit?
Curt (again without hesitation): “He’s a noisy eater, but he’ll never admit to that. The bad habit he will admit to is looking at himself in mirrors – if you’re talking to him and suddenly he looks over your shoulder and starts tidying his hair – you know there’s a mirror behind you.”
Roland’s answer: “I bet I know what Curt said about me – he said I eat with my mouth open didn’t he?”
Curt: “Yeah, and there’s another answer Roland, go on, you know what it is!”
Roland (innocently): “Could it be looking at myself in the mirror?”
Who’s Roland’s all-time hero?
Curt: “Good question – could be Paul Simon, could be David Byrne or the actress Jessica Lange.”
Roland’s answer: “John Lennon”
Curt: “Oh I didn’t know that – one point down”
When Roland fell in love with his wife Caroline, was he sloppy or cool?
Curt: “He was just 13 when he met Caroline and he was so nervous on his first date that he got really drunk and spent the whole afternoon throwing up in the toilet. I remember he got drunk before he met her and had to stagger down the road to meet her. Caroline ended up sitting with him while he threw up and now they’re married – she’s got a warped sense of humour.!”
Roland’s answer: “I was nervous, wasn’t I?”
Curt: “You were pissed!”
Roland: “I was very, very nervous and I was also unconscious for about three hours!”
Can you remember the date of Roland’s wedding anniversary?
Curt: “I think…I believe…it’s September the something. He got married in a registry office but I had a big do.”
Roland’s answer: “September the 10th”
Curt: “I didn’t know exactly when it was but I got the month right”
Of all the countries he’s visited which is Roland’s favourite?
Curt: “I’d say France because his dad’s French and so he can speak the language. Also there’s good food, good cheese and good wine.”
Roland’s answer: “France.”
What’s been Roland’s most embarrassing moment on stage?
Curt: “He hasn’t had one that I can think of, but the most embarrassing thing for both of us is looking back on all the old TV appearances we’ve done – just the way we were then!”
Roland’s answer: “I can’t think of any.”
Curt: “Nor could I, so I said that looking back on our old image was embarrassing.”
Roland: Yes, that’s true, you deserve a point there. We looked so young and pathetically fragile!”
What’s Curt’s greatest fear?
Roland: “Mmmm, that’s an easy one for Curt to answer about me but he doesn’t seem to get scared about anything. He doesn’t realize when he’s in a dangerous situation. I mean, he never gets scared about flying which is pathetic!”
Curt’s answer: “Fear?!!”
Roland: “You see what I mean!”
Curt: “No, I don’t have any fears.”
Can you remember what you and Curt talked about the first time you ever met?
Roland: “Yeah, I was 13 and I went around to his house and he told me he wasn’t allowed out because he’d been in a fight the day before.”
Curt’s answer: “Er!” (looks totally blank)
Roland: “It was one specific subject but I’m not allowed to help you.”
Curt: “Oh yes, we talked about me not being allowed to go out because I’d been involved in a fight.”
Of all his pet cats, does Curt have a favourite and if so which one?
Roland: “He probably does have a favourite and I’d say it’s his first one. Treasure, a completely black half Siamese cat.”
Curt’s answer: “Treasure.”
If Curt ruled the world for a day, what’s the first thing he’d do?
Roland: “Ah, now I know the answer to this one because he’s been asked it before – and he said he wouldn’t accept the responsibility in the first place.”
Curt’s answer: “I bet Roland said I’d change everyone to working class.”
Roland: “I didn’t. I said you wouldn’t do it.”
Curt: “Well you were right then, weren’t you?”
Is Curt a sulker or a shouter when he’s in a mood?
Roland: “He’s a sulker, he’ll go off in a corner somewhere and sulk for hours. I’m the one that shouts.”
Curt’s answer: “I sulk for ages.”
Does Curt ever take a long time to get ready when he’s going out?
Roland: “No, he’s pretty quick. Just clothes on and that’s it. I probably take a bit longer because I wear a little eye make-up.”
Curt’s answer: “I’m always quick.”
When Curt first fell in love with his wife Lynn, was he sloppy or cool?
Roland: “He wasn’t sloppy, he just fell into it very easily and soon moved in with her.”
Curt’s answer: “I’m normally nervous but when I first met Lynn she introduced herself to me and I was sorta taken over really!”
Roland: “I said you fell into it easily.”
Curt: “Yes, that’s a fair comment, give him a point.”
Can you remember the date of Curt’s wedding anniversary?
Roland: “Well it’s in December (much deep thinking for a while here). I’d say it’s December 18th.”
Curt’s answer: “December 18th.”
Roland (ecstatic): I remembered, I remembered!”
What’s Curt’s most annoying habit?
Roland (laughing more and more as he thinks about the answer): “When he’s had a few drinks he keeps repeating himself. He’ll repeat the same sentence to you over and over again, and you go “Yeah Curt, right Curt, really Curt!””
Curt’s answer: “I repeat myself a lot, don’t I?”
Roland (so excited he starts drumming with his hands on the table in triumph): “HAH! So you know you do it!”
Curt: “Of course I know I do it. While I’m repeating myself you stand there and go mmm, mmm, mmm, and look incredibly bored!”
What’s Curt’s favourite television programme?
Roland: “Oh that’s really easy, it’s The Young Ones.”
Curt’s answer: “Oh that’s obvious, it’s The Young Ones.”
And the winner is:
Curt scores 8 and a half points and Roland scores a perfect 10 out of 10
Roland: “I did extremely well, didn’t I?”
Curt: “I think we both did pretty well, in fact, maybe we should get married!”
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phantomkapok · 7 months
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happy valen time dey (it is valentines day today dude trust me dont check the date wai)
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zuzu-draws · 2 months
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[ These Scars - The proof of your Love ]
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scribe-of-hael · 9 months
"They're my comfort character!"
They say as the comfort character's gaze is filled with nothing but murderous intent
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aceofwhump · 3 months
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Two times Paul held Mike's hand while he was in pain
Graceland 1x08 and 3x08
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zephyrchama · 5 months
Mephisto has two toned hair in the back but ignore that for now and just imagine with me.: That famous scene with Hatsuharu in Fruits Basket, but Belphegor.
It was during a break between classes, and you were in the RAD corridor conversing with the twins, Simeon, and Luke. An upcoming exam made you all feel apprehensive, so it was a fine time to discuss forming a study group
Mephistopheles lurked nearby, eyeing your group as if everyone had just rolled in fresh manure. It was hard to ignore. You waved him over, beckoning for him to join the conversation.
He strided up pompously. The first word out of his mouth was "inexcusable."
The twins already looked fed up as Mephistopheles wasted no time pointing his cane at the youngest.
"Bleaching your hair? Have you no shame?"
Belphegor blinked twice, batting the cane out of his face. "What?"
"You're dragging down the Royal Academy of Diavolo's reputation with your inane fashion choices. Did you even think to consider how this is going to reflect on our lord?"
"What are you on about? This is my natural hair color."
"Ha! Can you prove to me, without a doubt, that your hair is its natural color?" Mephistopheles had an insufferable smirk plastered across his face as he publicly challenged Belphegor.
"If I have to," he sighed. It was obvious this situation would drag out indefinitely unless it was resolved right away.
"This should be rich! As if you could provide undeniable proof of such-- ghh!" The noble was cut-off mid-sentence as Belphegor roughly grabbed his jacket.
"Hey, wait! How dare you!"
Mephistopheles' protests grew muffled as he was dragged into the nearest bathroom. There were several seconds of silence where you exchanged confused glances with everyone, followed by an ear-splitting shout. It echoed down the hall, causing students to stop and stare.
Belphegor emerged smugly, calmly returning to his place between you and Beelzebub. Mephistopheles soon followed, covering his flushed face with a shaking gloved hand. "Impressive evidence."
He looked traumatized. Obviously bested, he turned on his heel to leave. "I admit defeat for today, but next time you won't be so lucky."
Once the clicking of his polished shoes faded away, Luke asked the question on your mind. "What did you do in the bathroom to prove your hair color?"
"You'll figure it out later, Luke." As always, Simeon was quick to make sure nobody spoiled the boy's innocence, despite the little angel's disappointment.
You were equally confused though. "You won't tell us?"
Belphegor leaned over, cupping your face and trailing a finger over your cheek. "Hm? You really want to know?" He chuckled, "want me to show you, too?"
"It's time for class." No sooner did Beelzebub say that than the next bell rang, and your attendance was required back in the classroom.
"I'll show you later."
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
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“hold on to your heart” // do me a favour live at forest hills stadium new york 08/09/23 ♡
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baalzebufo · 2 months
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some additional doodles and a Lot of Headcanons... sorry if im spamming these a little bit. ive got so many thoughts in my head, lmao
theres my older pacifica- after weirdmageddon, her and gideon become friends. theyre both sort of ostracized from the town as a whole bc of their past attitudes/actions so they cling together and become buds. its nice having someone else who 'gets' it.
pacifica moved out as soon as she could to get away from her folks and has a job at a local mall. gideon enables her to enjoy at least SOME of her old luxuries by taking her shopping and to get their nails done together and stuff. also his prison buddies help ''kindly persuade'' her parents not to break her enforced no-contact rule from time to time. i know the two have the bitchiest gossip in the entire town together. sometimes when its hard to be 'nice' they know they can at least vent to the other and they wont get judged for it, yknow?
also some backstory doodles! he was a Normal Kid, Once. or close enough to it. gideon was a sickly child and was sheltered and homeschooled for most of his life. the gleefuls moved from texas to oregon when he was about seven (yes i know this breaks canon a little. its fine shh.) and he found journal 2 shortly after. things went downhill from there
other notes. he's always kept his hair long, but used to either let it down or tie it into a long braid. he very briefly attended a public school and he didnt fare very well there (fat kid + albino + 'girly' + general weird interests is basically painting a massive target on your back) he used to stay up and watch late night televangelists when he couldnt sleep in hospital and copped his aesthetic from there
sorry this post is so long i have a lot of thoughts about him </3
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Small detour of what I usually post, but I absolutely wish (other) clown the best of luck during these confusing and almost hopeless times- nobody knows how to deal with such amount of attention in such short amount of time- a blessing and a curse to behold
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gurinpotte · 6 months
Please more buff aang I'm thirsty 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️
well i hope these will quench ya....
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i had wayyyy more fun with this than i should have had. i was giggling and kicking my feet nonny, it's my first time doing quenching drawings like that. i'm not that great with manly muscles so i'm sorry for the messyness and mistakes. thank you sm for this ask my dear thirsty anon! also sorry if the kataang wasn't that you expected but in this house we serve kataang at every chance
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7roaches · 8 months
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i will take good care of you
i will take good care of you
everything you feel is good
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sunsetcdiscs · 2 months
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Posting to tumblr as well because its genuinely just sooo. Ugh
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 months
my opinion about the watcher news basically boils down to this:
watcher is screwing over a huge portion of its fanbase with this move considering how many people within it are teenagers who may not have access to streaming services, low-income adults who can't afford yet another streaming service (if any), and international fans who couldn't sign up for a US based streaming service even if they wanted to. it's okay to be angry about this, especially if you're one of those people who now can't support shows you loved or will be unable to see any of those shows going forward because of it.
youtube's payout to creators has dwindled in recent years to the point that it is impossible to fund the kind of productions watcher makes purely through it, and in order to sustain a company of 40+ people they need a more stable source of income not reliant on ads from outside companies and patreon, which, in this case, means a pivot to streaming. it's okay to be upset that creators you like have to turn to such methods to continue funding their work, whether you have the means to support them through these avenues or not.
if the early reactions to this move are any indication, watcher will probably not get the fan buy-in they anticipated and in all likelihood the new streaming site will either fail within a year or two because it isn't making enough money and take the company with it or they'll be bought out by a larger company and have their shows archived or deleted for tax purposes like what's happened to roosterteeth. it is okay to be scared by that potential future and seek to preserve as much content as you can before that happens.
are all statements that can and should coexist
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
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"Sometimes you learn more things from the difficulties than from the celebrations"
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solphuruz · 1 year
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❝ ꜱᴀᴄʀɪꜰɪᴄᴇꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ
ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ɢɪᴠᴇ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ❞
Putting my blorbo through the blender is my favorite activity
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saayatsumu · 2 years
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yeehaw if you think epel is a gremlin
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