sinofbisexuality · 13 hours
Hey guys, BeitElbaraka is a Lebanese nonprofit that is currently working to provide basic necessities to the displaced people from southern Lebanon like food and mattresses. You can help by donating through their website (select South Lebanon Aid) and please spread the word. Israel had displaced well over 100,000 people in recent months and this number is only going to increase now.
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sinofbisexuality · 13 hours
eveeyones got it wrong your mid 20s arent for going to the club or partying or picking up new crafts. your 20s are for discovering how much more autistic you are than you thought you were in high school
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sinofbisexuality · 13 hours
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sinofbisexuality · 13 hours
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sinofbisexuality · 19 hours
you do have to be that angry tranny sometimes actually
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sinofbisexuality · 19 hours
i think its pathetic that journalists and even some casual speakers call twitter "X" now. weak fish behaviour. you dont have to play along
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sinofbisexuality · 20 hours
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first quote can be found in Landmark Speeches of National Socialism ed. Randall L. Bytwerk (including the next sentence of the speech not quoted in the tweet, which imo is relevant in the comparison to the specific argument from frum & other zionist propagandists). speech by Julius Streicher delivered on 10 November 1939, after Kristallnacht:
We could have killed all the Jews in Germany yesterday, but we did not do it. The demonstrations in Franconia were, in general, disciplined, clear, and farsighted. They proved to the world that the days when the Jew could take out his wrath on us, whether from within or without, are finally over.
second quote published in 1939 by the Nazi Party’s Central Propaganda Office, archived in the German Propaganda Archive (source materials also collected by Randall Bytwerk), plus additional surrounding text not included in the tweet:
The behavior of the Führer and the Reich in these days of continuous Polish and English provocations were remarkable. No other nation would have been as patient. It would have done what the Führer finally did on 1 September much earlier.
Our remarkable restraint was noted by all the neutrals. The Spanish newspaper Alcazar wrote on 2 September: "Hitler has exhibited extreme patience, until the Polish attack forced the German army to respond. Nothing is more consistent than the behavior of the Führer and the Reich government. While Poland was attacking Germany along the border, Hitler published his last appeal for peace. The responsibility is not only Poland’s, but also belongs to those statesmen who encouraged Polish insanity."
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sinofbisexuality · 20 hours
Friend: Dude wtf why did you put glitter in my coffee I was going to drink that?
Me: aesthetic
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sinofbisexuality · 20 hours
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sinofbisexuality · 20 hours
is this what it was like in 9/11. trying to reason with people whose entire concept of human decency flies out the window when presented with the possibility of causing the smallest amount of harm to a "terrorist", no collateral damage is too large, no civilian too innocent, no connection too murky for people to deserve to die or be permanently crippled. people citing world war two urban warfare statistics to try to make a bad situation seem less worse and not balking at how fascist they sound
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sinofbisexuality · 20 hours
Almost 200 killed and over 700 injured today after Israel’s attacks in Lebanon. Nearly 400 air strikes in only a few hours with more expected to come.
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sinofbisexuality · 20 hours
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From MattXIV on Instagram
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sinofbisexuality · 1 day
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sinofbisexuality · 2 days
its so insane to me how people will maintain the perspective that occupying armies have to fight by carpet bombing villages and refugee camps because theyre dealing with an enemy that blends in with civilian populations and not realize or refuse to admit thats because theyre fighting civilians who are forced to take up arms against an occupying power
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sinofbisexuality · 2 days
Maybe you don’t say it but if you’re not consumed with outrage for the fact that Israel has been acting with complete impunity and genociding not only Palestinians but now Lebanese people as well then you don’t care and you think death is inherent to Arab identity and the sheer injustice of it all doesn’t rattle you enough to even be moved by the horrific atrocities that it commits every day
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sinofbisexuality · 2 days
been thinking about sigourney weaver‘s ‘manic mondays’ laugh lately
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sinofbisexuality · 2 days
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