#the SHELL
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caba-111 · 3 months ago
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"So it just... fell from the sky?"
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alienpossession · 2 months ago
The Shell: The Landing Part 2
Part 1
"Come on dude, you've been helping us tremendously, at least grab a beer or something," insisted Colin as he tried to persuade the Forest Ranger to take a sip of the cold beer
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"Heh, sure, not like my boss is around or something," said the Forest Ranger as he loosened himself up and grab the tempting cold beer from Colin's hands. Colin grinned with malice as the first sip of the beer instantly froze the ranger, the bottle shattered to the forest ground as venom already spread all over his system. Colin then easily opened the Ranger's mouth and then the alien starts to climb out from his throat and then traveled upwards to enter the ranger's nose. When it finished wrapping itself around the ranger's brain and then absorbed the memories, it oozes out from the ranger's ear and then flopped to the forest ground where it started to expand itself as the shell's creation process started. Minutes later, the perfect replica of the ranger, albeit naked, stand up with a smug grin next to the ranger.
"Guess I need to take what's mine, Ranger," said the replica with an eerie smile plastered on his face as he started to undress the real Ranger from his uniform. The boots with the lengthy, damp black socks, the pants that framed the ranger's hairy muscle ass so well alongside the sweaty white briefs, the wifebeater underneath the worn out uniform shirt and jacket and at last the musky hat that once adorned the Ranger head is now in the possession of the shell that wears it with pride and smugness that's never been seen before from the usually stoic and stern Ranger
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"Ranger Stephen Henderson at your service. Ohhh......I love how knowledgeable he is about this forest. Lots of delicious bodies for our pack scattered in places I, as the Ranger, fully aware of if you want to explore the woods now. What do you think, Colin? Should we tell Ryle about this?"
"Oh we definitely should, Ranger Henderson. I know Ryle will be elated if you can show us where to find the next bodies,"
"Well, what if we bring one more body to him? There's this jogger watching us as we're speaking now looking all horrified right there," the Ranger pointed out to the person around 300 meters behind Colin that has witnessed everything
The jogger tried his best to outrun the youthful Colin and the street-smart (or forest-smart) Ranger Henderson, but he eventually succumbed to the same fate as the real Ranger and the real Colin when this alien replica of himself eventually snapped his neck in the final act of taking over his identity
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"Let's head back to meet Ryle and strategize which folks we should convert before we head back to the city," advised the Ranger to both Colin and the recently-added Marco, the town's bartender that just wanted to get some fresh air but unfortunately took his final drag of fresh air witnessing an impostor stealing his identity and life
With the help of the Ranger's knowledge of the forest, the takeover turned out to be even much more efficient and rewarding as the Ranger directed them to the more fit and powerful human to be disposed of and cloned as shell into. As it stands, the pack led by Ryle Adams leave the forest in three differing cars, the first one filled by Ryle, Colin and the two local college jocks named Austin and Wes
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Then, the second car, a huge pickup truck is filled by Ranger Henderson, Marco the bartender, Paulie the town cabin-builder and the owner of the truck alongside his buddy and recently turned in-law as their kids married each other, Sheriff Jeff Wilcox.
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The final car, and quite an unexpected yet very much welcomed outcome, filled by 4 soldiers from the military base in the opposite town of the other 8 shells. The soldiers were on a quick unathourized trip out from the base to enjoy the pristine wildlife outside of their base. They managed to do so because the most senior one among them is the nephew of the Major and while the trip has been fun and stress-relieving for them, they certainly would never expect that it would be their last trip, ever. When the Ranger came out to the soldiers camping ground asking for help, they walked into a trap without knowing as they found themselves paralyzed from head to toe all in a sudden. They did not realize that they stepped on aliens on the forest ground that soon slithered themselves stealthily to numb their bodies to the point of paralysis. Then, the ranger wickedly shoved four slithering alien right to their ear canals and soon, they experienced what could only be described as progressive amnesia as their memories absorbed by the alien presence in their brain. As soon as they sucked the memories dry, the alien slithered out with pink-ish glow from the soldiers ear and flopped to the ground where it started to replicate the soldiers and that's when the soldiers also encountered their final fate soon after the replica reached its full state of replication, resembling perfectly the 4 unfortunate soldiers not only physically, but also mentally
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So, while the 8 shells will get back to the town and inform the motherships of the town exact coordinate for a more precise landing of the next batches, it will also inform of another coordinates which is the military base that didn't even appear in the mothership detection. One reckless trip of the 4 soldiers will become a heavy price to pay by humanity as when the landing reached its full-scale, that entire base will be turned upside down and will become the base of the invading enemy without anyone knowing
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chaos64sprinkles · 5 months ago
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10th anniversary of TAWOG S3 EP20 The Shell! (Piskel)
Sprinkles: Bark! Bark! (Happy 10th anniversary of the episode '' The Shell '' from The Amazing World of Gumball, I decided to make this fanart in gif because it is one of my favorite episodes of TAWOG, seeing gummy or penball holding hands in space dating, this is quite nostalgic for those who saw this episode for the first time back then, and they also confirmed that there will be a seventh season in the year 2025-2026 and a movie, let's wait for that next year!)
Drawing Pixel Art Animation Gif Made In Piskel
Gumball and Penny is Belong to TAWOG (Ben B.)
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housepilled · 11 months ago
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house md x the shell by lucy dacus
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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Her Room :: Andrew Wyeth
* * * *
The Shell
The sea fills my ear with sand and with fear.
“You may wash out the sand, but never the sound of the ghost of the sea that is haunting me.”
Ted Hughes,
The Mermaid's Purse: Poems by Ted Hughes
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bluespringwrites · 2 months ago
i know lucy dacus won a grammy as part of boygenius, but she should've won a grammy for historian. genuinely one of the best albums i've ever heard
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lovefortayley · 2 years ago
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An assortment of Lucy Dacus edits from my Instagram lettertoagaypoet.
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typingwithmyhandstied · 1 year ago
When Lucy Dacus sang, "You don't wanna be a leader / doesn't mean you don't know the way / hold your own hand, walk on without a plan," it was exactly what I needed to hear.
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cruisersensei · 2 months ago
another thing i like a lot is that both reiji and rokushiki are huge hypocrites. it’s, if not central, very relevant to their characterisation. but reiji is the mundane, everyday sort of a hypocrite. he doesn’t follow his own advice. he gets angry with people who have the same shortcomings as him. this is the guy who spent the entirety of kns2 convincing people that it’s necessary to let go of their obsessions, both for themselves and for the sake of those close to them, AND THEN he gets the news about shinji and drops everything just to go to the mountains and (possibly) hit his head on a rock. he’s the guy who tells masaki not to punch rokushiki (because he’s a manipulative asshole who likes to gauge people’s reactions! because he wants you to get angry and punch him!) and then a couple of minutes later punches him himself. he’s the guy who keeps telling masaki to go to therapy, because he’s lost too many friends and acquaintances just recently and is growing emotionally stunted — while perfectly aware of the fact that all of this applies to himself just as well. he knows that, everybody around him knows that, and still he won’t go to therapy even though he himself admitted that it’s what a person with this kind of trouble should do.
whereas rokushiki is the guy who, in his earlier days, found a loophole in his own belief system just to keep claiming that sinners must be punished by death but somehow incest (which he engages in) is not a sin at all, why’d you ask?
i know it might not have been an intentional parallel, but it fits with the staple of their dynamic — that reiji could likely become a man just like rokushiki if he were to convince himself that he has the right to personally punish wrongdoers —just fine
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rinamohn · 2 months ago
Virche Evermore and The Shell are both despair games but in very different ways.
Virche has like a lot of over the top-ness to it. It comes on strong, poetic and loves the beauty of tragedy. It has a lot of catharsis to me.
The Shell is brutal, poetic and realistically cruel.
There is no salvation at the end of suffering. No catharsis.
You have to suffer with reality now.
I greatly enjoyed Virche's Bad ends and The Shell taught me that real suffering exists that will leave me on the ground🥲
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iplayvidya · 1 year ago
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The "undercover detective and their sassy student sidekick" dynamic has quickly become one of my favorites, and I need more of it. Please, if you know of any other duos that capture their vibes, ya gotta tell me.
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caba-111 · 3 months ago
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Duhr and the Temple States have... Pretty different norms around modesty (and weapons), which leads to some friction during the post-war tourism boom. 
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alienpossession · 2 months ago
The Shell: The Landing
The right landing should have delivered us right on the doorstep of the townhall of the small town, where we would quickly encounter all sort of human that probably gathered right away to observe us upon our landing.
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We would then utilize that opportunity to paralyze them with our venom, gather their DNA, absorb it to our system and built our human shell that copied the townspeople for the perfect integration as we would then dispose their vegetative bodies. But, we instead landed off the town's border due to the rookie that probably put the wrong coordinate which resulted in us stranded in this forest and in human measurement, some 35 kilometres off from our supposed landing spot. That distance is a very miniscule one compared to the intergalactic journey we went through, but for human measurement, that's like a major miss and we ensured that we will relay this message once we are in contact with Mothership that stationed just outside Earth's orbit. The next batch should not experience this unfortunate circumstances
Yet, despite the isolation, we still managed to find a lot of traces of human existence among this wooded path. Sadly, it's not consistent enough to be extracted as a basis to build our shell as most of them tend to be sweat and urine instead of blood, saliva or sperm which has higher DNA consistency. But it's a huge wooded landscape and with that much human traces already, we kept our belief that we will find the necessary DNA source eventually.
After around 30 minutes, we finally found what we're looking for. It's near a structure we learned as a tent and there, we found copious amount of sperm and other things right next to a tree and basically spread around the area. As the one responsible for this pack, I decided to be the first one to initiate this whole thing so I absorbed all the DNA, hair, saliva and practically anything I could find in the perimeter and let the process kickstarted. I can feel my liquid form enlarged and started to harden as I emitted all the information I received from the sources to create the perfect human replica. The flashes of image I received about this human source sharpened the imitation to its finest details. I started from the head as we were taught in our academy to always form the brain and the head first because that's where we will control the shell from. This human has quite an angular facial feature peppered with shaved facial hair based on the genetic data. He has no inherited diseases whatsoever so I take the liberty to assume that this is a healthy person which means that he probably has decent built. The average height of the human in the area where we supposedly landed is around 6 feet tall so that's the height I set my shell to be. But everything becomes much more easier as this human all in a sudden walked out from his tent and started calling out another name
"Colin, is that you?" He faintly whispered. Did I and the pack make too much noise? Well, creating a shell is not necessarily a quiet process as we're practically building a skin but we believe we've been very quiet. Then, an animal we know called as deer appeared but the human seemed to not be that startled. Yet, just a glimpse of his look helped me to really fine-tune everything to perfection. I reshaped my shell's abdominal and pectoral muscle to be tighter and imprinted the ink I saw on the human. The taut legs and tight yet bubbly glutes followed suit alongside the hair on his legs and shaved pubic hair. I also notice the scars in his back and right above his ass crack and make his intricate web of veins that carried the blood to energized his body more visible in my shell to really match his. The final creation is the sexual appendage of the male human and despite not seeing it in full frontal form from the owner, I make an educated guess from the bulge he sported earlier and let the meat formed itself to become a 6.5 inches soft, uncut cock with a large grape-sized sperm glands or human usually called it as balls. It's modifiable after all, so no need to get it perfect on the first go
As I then take the time to create all the internal organs and placed myself to wrap this imitation brain of this shell like a cocoon, this shell is finally ready so I stand up and happily grinned looking at the rest of the pack
"Wait here, okay? All of you will have your turn coming,"
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He's already back inside his tent when I stand up, so I slowly creep myself to ambush him before that Colin person comes back. He's sleeping naked with his ass on full display inside his tent, the fuzziness and arch of his ass inspired me to alter my shell right then and there for a perfect copy and before he's aware, I lunged right at him and started to circle my muscular forearm to choke him. We battled hard as he flailed around trying to get himself free, but I locked his neck and legs way too tight for him to get out from. When his body goes limp, I finalized the tiny details I failed to get by altering my shell before I enacted the final replication process. As my shell goes limp without me in control, I inserted myself to his brain to gather all information needed. It's a rather quick process as I simply wrap myself around his soon-to-be useless brain and absorbed all the information about.......Ryle Adams. Then, I slide out from his brain and entered my Ryle shell to then inject the memory to the mush of a brain of the shell so I can pass myself on as Ryle Adams with ease and also making this body able to function autopilot even when I'm not inside of him, a perfectly seamless integration
Now, time to clean up the old Ryle and prepare for Colin's arrival after his fishing duty. Maybe to make the replication easy, I should just stuff one member of the pack into Colin's brain, so once it gets out, it can simply replicate everything without making guesses or adjustment. Yeah, that sounds easier to be honest.....
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taardisblue · 11 months ago
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grand-theft-carbohydrates · 8 months ago
stop using chatgpt!!!! take a bronze pin and carve your questions onto an ox scapula, then toss it into the fire!!!! use the cracks to divine the gods answer!!!!
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