#the ONLY thing that worked was frozen blueberries
castielfucks · 4 months
the good news is seroquel IS putting me to sleep !!!! I'm sleeping!!!!!
the bad news is constipation
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bogleech · 3 months
Scanning electron microscopy is awesome and I personally think the images it produces are gorgeous but objectively speaking I feel like it doesn't do any favors at all for the "scary" cultural image of insects, because I mean, here's a closeup of a carpet beetle in its true colors:
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And here's an SEM image that comes up for carpet beetles on google:
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And the thing about SEM images is that they aren't "photographs;" they are computer scans. They're 3-d digital models generated by scanning an object at the molecular level. Color is not preserved by this process, and if it were all the specimens would look like metal anyway (I'll explain this is in a moment), so images like this had to be colored artificially. This isn't done to recreate the true colors, but to make different body parts more visible as study material, resulting in scientific images of wacky blueberry fleas:
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The subtly varying transparency levels of living tissues are completely lost as well, which is why the fine hairs of insects stand out more like cactus thorns in SEM imagery, and tardigrades look like opaque leathery things with no eyes:
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...Even though a tardigrade actually has eyes, they're just under the surface of a crystal clear exoskeleton:
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Another thing that probably contributes to the uncanniness of SEM images is also the fact that they can only show us embalmed corpses encased in liquid metal.
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It's not possible to do this fine level of scanning "instantaneously" enough for it to work on anything that's still moving, so even when you see scanning electron images of animals in various lifelike poses, it's because they're preserved specimens that were carefully positioned, or they were live specimens basically "flash frozen" by a sudden dehydration process, mummified so fast they never knew it. Many specimens are then "sputter coated," meaning they're sprayed with a thin (like microns thin) layer of liquid gold, platinum or other fine metal in order for the electrons to perfectly bounce off of every subatomic detail and produce that perfect scan. So this is a live fruit fly:
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And this is a fruit fly mummy with probably some sort of chrome plating:
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE june edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the june catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. a magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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as you may or may not have noticed, i've been hiatus for most of the month now. and i disappeared because of personal reasons, and one of those reasons being that i felt i needed to reflect. here are some things that i've learned and realized during my reflection time.
in that post i go into things that i went thru during the month of june and the reason behind my absence. something that i mentioned but failed to elaborate on in that post was what i plan to manifest next and i'll talk about it later on in the post.
this summer is a hot one, and one way that i've been getting my vegetable and fruit intake is through smoothies. smoothies and juices are perfect for the summer because they're SO refreshing so im going to talk about some smoothie recipes.
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adriana limas smoothie recipe ; (1 cup cold water + 1/2 avocado + honey). candice swanepoels smoothie recipe ; (1 frozen banana + 1 cup blueberries + 1 tsp protein powder + 1 scoop collagen powder + 1 tbsp chia seeds + 2 tbsp almond butter + 1 tbsp spirulina + 1 1/2 cup coconut water)
smoothies make amazing breakfasts or just amazing drinks to have when ur craving a sweet drink. for me, i like to keep my smoothies simple and use ingredients like strawberry and banana, but lately i've been loving mango in my smoothies.
because of my period of reflection i had time to focus on what i wanted to manifest next and i wanna manifest a trip to italy for the summer + other mini things within that trip.
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i've already created a script for it, and im gonna start affirming for it on the first of july. im so so excited to go and share this with you guys...💬🎀 furthermore i wanted to share some manifestation reminders and posts that have been helping me so far.
patricia navidad in “la fea más bella” is an over the top, feminine queen who i absolutely adore. she was easily one of my favorite characters so ofc i wanted to make this editions style dissection about her.
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she has beautiful blondish hair that is similar to and complements her skintone, making her look super put together and gorgeous. she wears jewelry that she coordinates together. but my favorite outfit of hers HAS to be the one shown above on the left.
if theres one thing patricia knows how to do is to make her outfits work for HER which is why i thought she'd be the perfect candidate for this months style dissection...💬🎀
in this outfit shes wearing a matching pink set, the shade of pink is very soft and matches beautifully with the white (what looks like a corset-ish top) underneath. the color coordination is superb and she makes the shirt pop more by only using one button beneath her bust which draws attention to her figure and the top underneath.
to be a victim to the cringe stigma is to be caged in ur own mind bcuz ur so scared of what others may or may not think of you. lets talk about it. the way others perceive u isnt ur business. lets think about how many times that you've stopped urself from doing something that u rly wanted to do, or something that you've really loved because u were scared of what others might say? imagine all that wasted time and energy worrying?
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its not ur responsibility to keep urself small or digestible for someone. u can't grow where ur comfortable so to grow u have to get uncomfortable even if that means being called cringe by others. bcuz when others call u cringe thats their own projection onto you and it rly doesnt matter. dont take someone else's judgement too personally and just enjoy yourself no matter what...💬🎀
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emo-batboy · 1 year
Battinson and Food
He’s vegetarian and I will hear none of your crap
Depression meals, so many depression meals
I already made a post of his greatest hits here but here's three more:
A whole tub of apple sauce
Instant grits mixed with a hot chocolate packet
And a bowl of croutons
Some meals have actually graduated from the “Depression Meal” category to “Whenever I Can Sneak It Out of the Kitchen” status (because Alfred is appalled every time)
Dick, with the invincible, titanium-lined stomach of a 9yo, doesn’t know why Bruce makes them, but he loves taking bites of Bruce’s weird concoctions.
His favorites so far are:
Cream cheese and jelly sandwich
Spoonfuls of peanut butter (with chocolate chips, that was his idea)
And frozen garlic bread
Diner Food is King. (This is New Jersey. What did you expect?) His go-to order is two eggs over easy, well-done rye toast, grits with syrup and butter, and a fruit cup with no melons from the 24-hour place two blocks east. Hasn’t changed since he was five. Never will.
Bruce can cook food that is edible. Edible.
Like if he tries to make Italian, he can successfully cook the pasta. He can make a basic sauce. He can even plate it.
The tomato sauce is crunchy in some places, yes, but it’s fine :) and it is edible
but Bruce has NEVER succeeded in a baking endeavor, and it positively devastates him every single time
“Baking is science! I love science! I’m great at science. So why didn’t the cake rise when I did everything on the recipe?!” “You need to make it with love-“ “That wasn’t on the ingredients list, Alfred!”
He can handle spice surprisingly well. It’s not like he could avoid it while training all over the world, so he ended up building a tolerance, but his eyes still go unbelievably red every time.
He really fucks with bagels (I mean, what self-respecting Gothamite doesn’t) and he has a very specific bagel order for every possible mood from the great place downtown
The workers at Bagel Kingdom know which moods correspond with which order, and they have a designated spreadsheet taped to the back of the counter so they can work accordingly.
They know he’s barely hanging in there when he gets a toasted blueberry bagel with no butter.
He’s having a good day when he gets a plain bagel sandwich with tomato, provolone, two fried eggs, and hot sauce. In that order. That’s the shit
When he’s stressed, he gets a pumpernickel bagel with strawberry cream cheese to cheer himself up.
The workers of Bagel Kingdom will NOT let you disrespect his bagel.
Bruce almost burnt the tower down when he tried to cook a toaster waffle in the microwave while running on 40 hours without sleep, and he just kept cooking it because it wasn’t crisping for some reason
Alfred needs to force him to eat all the time
(It is definitely because Bruce suffers from disordered eating.)
There was one period of time in which Bruce went days without food, and Alfred (lovingly) threatened to send him to in-patient if he didn’t eat
Bruce said that those gross, mushy, lukewarm blueberries were the only thing he’d tolerate when he was struggling, so blueberries became their indicator: if Bruce can’t stomach blueberries, he goes to in-patient.
He’s gone twice, and Bruce was very mad each time, but he still uses healing methods that he was taught in there so it couldn’t have been that bad.
(He’s also friends with some of the nurses now. He, Denise, and Kayleigh have a group chat.)
Dick once convinced him to test taste different kinds of olive oil to learn the difference between regular and extra virgin. It was absolutely disgusting, and he ended up puking an hour later. Alfred now puts child locks on the kitchen cabinets.
The first time Bruce ever makes a meal that doesn’t look horrid is when he spends two weeks practicing Romani dishes for Dick the month after he adopts him.
He has since perfected three different recipes:
Stuffed peppers
Cabbage rolls
(Keep in mind Dick is not vegetarian like Bruce.)
He tried making almond cake like 80 times (which is more like a biscuit but still a baked good) but could never do it right so Alfred makes them instead.
At dinner time, Dick always eats off Bruce’s plate more than his own. Alfred has chastised him several times, but Bruce only encourages him more. He thinks it’s cute. And so does the general public when they attend dinner parties.
One of Bruce's favorite memories of his parents is when he had a bad dream in the middle of the night so Thomas and Martha drove him out to the nearest diner to have a chocolate milkshake at 3 am.
Now, after patrol, if Bruce saw something traumatic or something that reminded him of his parents’ death, he’ll go to that same 24-hour diner and sit for a bit with a chocolate milkshake.
He continues this tradition after Dick becomes Robin. (Even if it took months for Bruce to even consider the idea of letting Dick near harm’s way.)
No matter how hard he tries to keep Dick away from the gruesome stuff, he can’t stop everything. They get milkshakes a lot more than Bruce would like.
But eventually, it turns into a treat whenever Dick does well in school or needs a pick-me-up.
And when they add Jason to the mix, they introduce him to the tradition as well.
They know everything will be okay when they have chocolate milkshakes together.
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vitaminseetarot · 1 year
Last Quarter Moon PAC: What Are You Harvesting? 🌗🍓🍹
Welcome, one and all, to my last chapter of the four-part moon series! In the beginning, all we had was the seed of potential. We then added some tender love and compost, tending to its stretching stems and budding leaves. We then sat back and witnessed the colorful flower blooming forth, reflecting our work well done.
Now it's finally time to take a look at what will be harvested from this growth. How will it sweeten your life? How will it ensure that more growth can continue to the next month? What blessings will at last be bestowed that will, with careful preservation, last through the winter and beyond?
Take a peek at the three packages of fruit you see down below. These are of the frozen kind so they will last for many smoothies and muffins to come. (Brand names are blotted out for your convenience.)
Pile 1 - Chilly Blueberries Pile 2 - Snowy Strawberries Pile 3 - Frosty Plums
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Pile 1
Cards: Four of Swords, Three of Cups, Nine of Cups; Dandelion Wish, Avocado - Prosperity, Scorpio Moon - Camouflage, 6 - Freedom
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I guess it works that I called this the Chilly Blueberry pile cause it seems like you're just looking to chill. You've been through the long haul this last month, and for you the growth hasn't come easily. Now you're being greatly encouraged to kick back and relax for the last few days of the season remaining.
You've been spending a great amount of time working on your internal issues. This pile has done some immense shadow work, and perhaps you sense that you're still in the thick of it, laying low and addressing some old fears. These fears may have to do with something you've been wishing and longing for. There's almost a feeling of treating shadow work as a full time job, wanting to purge and clear as much as possible to make room for desires. Which isn't a bad thing! It can be the recommended thing for many people (like one of the other piles, per example wink), but there's also such a thing as overdoing it. Sometimes you get to a place where you've squeezed out every tear cried out and felt the rock bottom of rock bottom, where you're hitting impenetrable bedrock. Pile 1, this is your reminder that you've been doing GREAT work improving yourself, but now it's time to breathe.
You're going to be harvesting peace, relaxation, a chance to decompress and distract yourself with good times. Your friends could be trying to pull you out of the house or into a discord chat -- join them! Don't let yourself get distracted by the heavy emotions at this time. Not all shadow work is productive, like with anything it can be habitual and keep you ruminating in a little loop. You are protected as far as social relations are concerned. You're being given the space to relate your deep inner work with the work others have been doing. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be in the thick of some deep karmic issues, only to find out a close friend or even acquaintance has been going through a similar ordeal.
Right now, even with all the freaky planet shit happening out there, don't think that the next few months will be like your last few. You're gonna undergo a subtle transformation on your own naturally after this harvest. You'll be moving into a place of wish making and abundance. This may even boost your sense of financial freedom. It could be that some of your shadow work involved money, but I'm really getting abundance in general with this pile. You don't have to overwork yourself to get to that place, pile 1, you're already approaching it. There's no need to get a 100% completion rating on your spiritual practice. You're not being rewarded for hard work, you're being rewarded because you're in the right place and time to be receiving the abundance coming for you. The shadow work is to help you get in a better mindset and receive without letting old baggage get in the way. It's not a forever thing.
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Pile 2
Cards: Five of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Page of Cups; Turtle Creek, Strawberry - Affection, Leo Rising - Shine, 5 - Heart Healing
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How awesome is it that you got the strawberry card for your strawberry reading?! Maybe you just really like eating them; the card does talk about affection after all! With Leo Rising, I'm feeling that this pile has been really affected by the Leo Venus retrograde. Lucky for you, the planet will station direct in a few days, gradually bringing back in a feeling of overall sweetness to your life like a tide coming in.
It could have been that your self-worth took a small hit in some way. Some things may have happened that tested you just a little too much. You wanted more out of your circumstances, but when you ask and ask your spirit guides and higher self and nothing seems to happen on the surface at the end of the day, that can really wreck confidence over time. You'd hear things like "maybe it's just not meant for you," to which you'd respond, "then what is?" You're about to gain a lot more clarity as to what is for you, and that no matter what your doubts say, pile 2, you deserve this!
That belief is very important--it keeps you from creating blind spots where opportunities lie. I felt relief pulling the King of Pentacles in the middle. The King does not think at all about what he deserves, he simply has it. He listened to that one random shampoo commercial's message "because you're worth it, baby" and stuck to that philosophy for the rest of his life. He needed this confidence because with Pentacles (and as hinted by your Turtle Creek card), success doesn't happen overnight. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if something is going to work out in the long run. We often have to wave our hair around like supermodels and strut our stuff as though we know it will anyway. (I just got "Good As Hell" by Lizzo in my head. You might benefit from pampering yourself a little to remind yourself of your worthiness.)
There's going to be a moment of inspiration that comes to you this harvest, like an artistic idea or emotional epiphany that will flood through your slow moving creek. Page of Cups doesn't see you as really stuck, but will help push you along either way. Your lack mentality is being restored to a fullness mentality, and with this comes a strong wave of emotional resolution. Letting yourself feel the hurt of lack for just a moment in time can help you clear it out of your system to make room for healthier and better feelings that actually stick. You're allowed to set down your doubts for now and be more vulnerable and open to giving and receiving. It may not seem so, but vulnerability is important to creating flow, and flow is when we sense that we are moving with life and not against it, so that naturally things will work out for us. When you're ready to open your doors to life with softness and tender affection, so will the doors to what you've been dreaming of.
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Pile 3
Cards: VII Chariot, Queen of Swords, Ten of Cups; Cottage Hill, Watermelon - Fun, Sagittarius Rising - Adventure, 9 - Self Acceptance
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Before I flipped over your cards, I looked at the Cottage Hill card and imagined how cozy you've been for the last while, maybe a season or two where you stayed home and felt comfortable. I even channeled a feeling of enjoying old familiar songs and games. Then I turned the cards around and got the exact opposite message!
Your cards are nudging towards pushing yourself out there and taking in the goodness of life without getting muddled in the details. You've been in a state of analysis (paralysis?) for some time, and the only thing you're harvesting, whether you like it or not, is the chance to go out and enjoy yourself. It doesn't have to involve others, it can be just you looking to try something new (maybe rock climbing isn't in your taste, but there are many other things to explore). Forgive me for saying this, but we all know what dried plums are: prunes. And what do prunes help with? Of course, getting things going! The Chariot isn't always a card of traveling, but you are specifically having your travel experiences sweetened this time around. A dash of spontaneity and whimsy has been added to your harvest. There is stuff out there waiting for you to see it and experience it for yourself.
Please don't think that this time to run around and enjoy yourself is a waste of time, pile 3. Do you know how hard it is to want to move ahead when you have 6-8 planets in retrograde? Cut yourself a bit of slack. Being a successful human being doesn't mean never allowing yourself to feel content with the present, especially since for many people being successful means exactly that. You also never know what these greater experiences could bring you in the long run. A good time spent away can be like a shower that prepares you for the next big thing to tackle. It could be hiding blessings in between, waiting for you to seize them.
The Queen is Swords approaches everything with discernment, so you can work with her energy by finding out what sort of thing you would like to do or see next. It doesn't mean planning every single thing out. The best itineraries keep you from getting lost from point A to point B, while also leaving room for exploration. Maybe you'd be interested in joining a computer programming class, for example. It doesn't mean you have to sign up for the full major. Taking things a step at a time can really help you determine what's better for you further down the road. Self-Acceptance card talks about how to deal with our tendency to self-contradict. There's a part of you what wants to move ahead, and part of you that wants to stay put in the comfort zone. Plan out your "itinerary" so you're not caught in black-and-white thinking. If you're feeling the resistance to move, just try it a little at a time. You'll have a lot more fun this way.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
🧇 Eggos as a symbol of M*leven: an analysis
El Loves Eggos is a running thing throughout the show and I want to look at where that actually came from.
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does she, Michael?
because here's what it looks like when El tastes an Eggo for the first time. here's the moment of origin!!! drumroll!!!:
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Eggos are first established as a Mike thing. he's absolutely wolfing them down at the breakfast table, to the point where Nancy and Karen are both giving him weird looks. they don't know he's doing that because he's eager to go check on the feral child camping in his basement, and might both just mistake this as a sudden unexplained enthusiasm for Eggos.
I really wanted to see whether the whole family was eating Eggos or just Mike, but the scene is shot so that you can't see what's on Ted's or Karen's plates. Nancy might also have an Eggo, which she's eating with a fork and knife to let us know she's repressed and also in a doomed relationship.
then Mike hurries downstairs to give one to El and we get this non-reaction that launched a thousand toaster levers.
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what part of this reaction should warrant Eggos becoming her whole thing? because if she didn't "!!!!" over her first one, why would she with subsequent ones offscreen?
Mike has no inkling at this point that she likes Eggos, because.. she doesn't. At least she's given no indication that she does.
I don't know if El has ever especially liked the taste of Eggos. I think what she likes about them is Mike. also as far as she knows, they're are a major pillar of a regular people diet. to her, they're a connection to Mike and by extension to the normalcy, safety, and love that she craves.
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Next, El shoplifts the Eggos. out of a whole store of options. doesn't that prove she thinks they're delicious? not necessarily. I think it's just because she latched onto the only familiar thing she saw.
she clearly didn't come in here looking for them specifically, she's just hungry and she can tell this building is where food comes from, but she gets in there and is a bit lost because none of this stuff is recognizable as food to her. between Mike and Benny and the lab, she's probably never seen prepackaged foods and doesn't know what to pick, not to mention she literally doesn't have any preferences anyway. she's wandering rather aimlessly until she sees the picture of Eggos by chance and thinks "hey!! those are the yellow circles I ate before!"
side note: notice just to the left of the Eggos she takes, is an alternate blueberry flavor. El has no reason to choose the default yellow out of familiarity because she's never seen what package they come in at all. she didn't even know they were called Eggos, or that they are a frozen product, she just spotted a picture that looked familiar. the actual Eggos pictured on the boxes don't even really look different. did she just choose the kind with the word "home" on the box? :(
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she eats her stolen Eggos in the woods, probably not understanding why they're not very good, because she doesn't know they need to be toasted. she's not having a good time. these are the first Eggos she's acquired on her own without Mike providing them, but as she sits there eating them, and missing Mike and all that he represents, she hears him calling her in the distance, reinforcing the Mike-Eggo link.
also wait, I see 4 boxes open, at 8 apiece, is this at a minimum her TWENTY FIFTH dry frozen Eggo she's eating right now?? my poor baby's gonna have tummy trouble in the upside down
remember right before this, Mike and Dustin saw the grocery store with the shattered door and the cops out front and realized it must be El's work? most likely after Mike got El home, he would have asked her what had happened there, and maybe she could have been in a rare mood to actually answer a direct question. Mike, not knowing her real reasons, could only have been like "whoa, you must really love Eggos!" and El, not yet knowing how to evaluate her own likes and dislikes, might have thought, "huh, yeah, I must."
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that's what must have happened because the next thing on the Eggo timeline is Mike telling Nancy that El REALLY likes them, despite El never having given any other indication. nobody's even mentioned Eggos for a few episodes as far as I can remember.
Then, when she asks for them, thinking she loves them now, he calls them "not real food". hmm
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this is the first (only?) time El mentions Eggos by name. Mike never told her what they were called - she found out for herself at the grocery store. interestingly, much of this scene is of Mike struggling to put a name on romantic attraction or even distinguish it from platonic or familial relationships.
you know how he just gave her the Eggo without explaining what it was or asking if she wanted it first, and without any frame of reference she kinda just assumed she liked it?
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I don't see any reason why El would already know what a kiss is or what it means. she lacks the life experience to process whether she's really into this or just thinks she is because... well, Mike seems into it, and he's easily the least abusive interpersonal relationship she's had so far, and he represents normalcy and safety and home, and she's always wanted to be loved and this feels like something to do with that, so... smile??
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now believing her to be the world's biggest fan, Mike comforts a distressed El with visions of a future with unlimited Eggos. we know Mike likes feeling needed, in fact he equates it with love itself, so I can see him absolutely eating up the idea of being El's Eggo-provider.
in the same sentence, he re-offers the Snow Ball thing he was talking about earlier when he kissed her. this links Eggos with M*leven, and the idea of him loving her.
then she takes out the demogorgon and disappears to the upside down.
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Hopper, too, must discover her apparent love of Eggos when he responds to the shoplift call and the store manager tells him that's all the bald kid stole. so that's what he leaves for her in the woods.
but to El, Eggos are a Mike thing. she doesn't know anyone else knows that she likes them. so she finds this mysterious box with Eggos in the woods - the woods, where Mike found her originally. the woods, where she sat eating Eggos and heard Mike calling to her, and practically the last thing he ever did was promise her Eggos... what can she think but that Mike left them? that after all this time out here cold and scared and alone, that Mike is still looking for her? that there's still hope for her to have a home and be loved?
she stakes out the box and discovers the Eggo-provider to be Hopper, not Mike. that's disappointing, but she reveals herself anyway because she's been Bear Gryllsing out here for I think at least a few weeks in that Nancy dress and she's pretty over it.
Hopper buys her Eggos as a regular treat when they live in the cabin, not knowing she likes them mainly because they're a reminder of the proto-relationship she's desperate to get back to.
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they're Hopper's go-to bribe when she isn't speaking to him. it's a strong motivator because she's been stuck in this cabin for like a year dying a slow death of isolation and FOMO. even if she's mad at the new provider, she can't bear to miss out on the Eggos because of what they represent.
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it's also what Hopper takes away as punishment, along with the TV, for her sneaking out. these are both indirect ways of taking away Mike (she uses the TV for static to go see him in the void) who she's already upset about having missed out on, because she saw him with Max and thinks she's taken him away, too.
also Hopper's being a dick and threatening to send her back to the lab and stuff, so thinking she has no one left in the world who loves her, she runs away to find her mom and start the life that should've been hers in the first place.
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Hopper checks in eventually to apologize and remind her that Eggos aren't real food. she isn't home to hear it.
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here she is stealing something to eat from the convenience store with Kali's gang. she takes an apple but then spots the Eggos and decides she'd rather have that than fruit, so again, she was not seeking them out. she would've made a beeline for the freezer section if she was.
this time, she gets sidetracked and doesn't actually leave the store with them. they don't seem quite as important as before.
El spends most of season 2 forcibly and unhappily separated from Mike, which yields probably the Eggo-heaviest season as she clings to them as a connection to their relationship.
she then spends most of 3 separated from Mike as well, except this time by her own choice, happily, and wouldn't you know it, the season is a pretty dry spell for Eggo references. she's having the time of her life hanging out with Max and learning about herself, and doesn't miss the relationship.
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she uses this freezer's hum to go void-watching, and oh, what's this? a row of Aunt Jemima brand frozen waffles encroaching on the Eggo display? she's branching out. there's more to life than stupid Eggos.
the party uses and eats and loots anything they wanted from this store, and this is her best ever opportunity to steal some sweet sweet yellow circles. in fact, she's sitting in front of the exact freezer where she grabbed all her little arms could carry in season 1. the coast is totally clear, and there are even more in stock now.
she doesn't even touch one box.
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season 4 starts off with this Mike toaster shot paralleling the one in season 1 for what other reason than to Eggo-bait us?
Mike's outwardly eager to get on with his spring break trip and go see El, but the fact we're prominently shown him toasting two pop tarts instead of Eggos hints at a different goal he may or may not be aware of. I don't mean this to be a byler post, but I know that's what yall are going to say and it could sure work for that, but at a minimum it hints that Mike's true priorities are drifting from his relationship with El. Mike is also allowed to realize there's more to life than stupid Eggos.
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oo look who's learning about other breakfast foods on her own and isn't so concerned with Mike's approval
after the rink-o-mania incident, things are weird between El and Mike and he makes her Eggos as a peace offering. it should be a cute sentimental gesture but also kinda feels a little damning that El Likes Eggos is still basically the only thing he knows about her after how long they've known each other.
the presence of Eggos in the house means that Joyce is keeping them in stock for El, who's been back on her bullshit since ten seconds before she left Hawkins. although to what degree I don't know, it depends how aware she is that she's lying to herself. either she's going through 2 packs a day keeping this relationship alive with lies and desperation, or there's been one box in the freezer awhile growing ice crystals. not sure.
either way, right now she's pissed off and doesn't want them. she never really liked Eggos, but now she's gone too long without getting what they represented, and doesn't even want that anymore.
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also what kind of sociopath pours syrup on someone else's Eggos an undetermined amount of time in advance and lets it get all soggy. you gotta do that yourself so it's fresh and you control your own destiny/syrup distribution. are they sitting in a giant puddle of syrup?? boy, how do you mess up EGGOS. this on its own is a dumpable offense.
Mike's idea of El is still "haha Eggo go in, superhero come out" and he looks at them like he just doesn't understand why it's not working. so he tries again like smoothing out a wrinkly dollar bill and trying it in the vending machine again. he brings her the soggy symbolic Eggos she already didn't want when they were fresh.
she doesn't look at them. it's over.
I really believe their relationship doesn't survive this scene.
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if this scene went on longer it would've been Mike picking up an Eggo and gently smushing it against her mouth with concern while she stares at him like
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also notice Mike isn't having Eggos for breakfast. he and Will are having eggs and toast (real food). he only made Eggos (not real food) for her. he's trying to give El something he doesn't really even want himself.
also what do you wanna bet Will got that syrup out for himself and Mike to put on their eggs and then Mike didn't take any and put it on El's Eggos instead.
Anyway, post fight-or-possible-breakup, El ends up at this diner with Owens. she has to have discovered a second kind of food that she likes by this point in her life, but she peers at a menu on the wall for a moment and recognizes something familiar, a lot like at the grocery store, and orders "waffles, please." she is, after all, in a pretty scary situation here - arrested, dragged off in handcuffs, federally kidnapped in the middle of the desert, and put sorta back in custody of her lifelong abusers. she kinda broke up with Mike, but it's still her habit to look for the comfort of familiarity.
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on the surface it's worth a chuckle because El Loves Eggos and waffles are the closest thing to Eggos you can order at a restaurant. but also it's the first time she's ever gone off-brand, isn't it?
waffles are the real food that Eggos are a junk imitation of. she wants real love, and symbolically, this is her letting go of her notion of Mike being her only option for that.
five seconds later she chooses to immediately embark on her self-discovery journey which she's been clearly warned may result in her never seeing her friends again.
she doesn't stay for the waffles at all. showing that not only has she left Mike behind, but romance, period, is not her priority at this time.
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later at Surfer Boy we see what it looks like, by the way, when El really does like the taste of something. here's the !!! reaction I've been attributing to Eggos that never actually happened.
Mike is there to scowl and insist that pineapple on pizza is both insane and blasphemous. El knows how to like what she likes now, and she (on a good-natured level of course) couldn't give less of a shit whether he approves. in fact she tries to force feed it to him. the growth.
ps, she was about to codify their breakup before they got pizzablocked.
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Mike then lies and says he loves her at emotional gunpoint, killing Max and causing the apocalypse and stuff so the vibes get weird again.
El doesn't talk to him at all after that. and Mike makes no effort to stay near her on the approach to Hopper's cabin, which he should realize is an emotional moment for her.
our final Eggo reference is this old box in the destroyed cabin, looking like a relic of the past. Nancy finds some cleaning supplies and everybody starts sweeping and picking up trash.
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i'm livid that it happens just out of frame but we end the season on El STUFFING THE EGGO BOX IN HER TRASH BAG oHOHOHO CHEF KISS
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~ Fin ~ 🧇🦴
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wormdebut · 2 years
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE WITH ME ✨ ENJOY - “I missed him, seriously? You two boneheads got to see him? That’s a cruel joke and I for one am not having a good time, in these hallowed walls.” Eddie was pressed. It was five-thirty in the morning on a god damned Saturday and Maxine was being insufferable.
“I thought you said pretty boy was shy! I for one thought he was endearingly feisty.” Max tossed her hip into Eddies side and she shuffled behind him to get espresso from the back.
Eddie let out a quick laugh, “Are you sure we are talking about the same pretty boy? My pretty boy? He said all of ten words, maybe. But god, he blushes so pretty.”
“Steve Harrington, right?” Max called from the back as Eddie was finishing setting up his beloved pastry display. The fluffy blueberry muffins were looking especially fruity this morning, and Eddie was ecstatic. He absolutely dropped one on the floor at that though.
“He has a last name? You know his last name? How the hell did you pull that off Mayfield?” Max had the beans tucked up against her shoulder as she crouched down to grab the fallen muffin, “Jeez Ed, you don’t have to throw things to get what you want. I asked him to join our new loyalty program. You know we need a first name, last name, phone number, sexual orientation, et cetera et cetera.”
Eddie stood frozen with the stupid floor muffin, “Sexual orien—what?” He shook his head to snap out of it, “Did you say phone number? Maxine Evelyn Mayfield, did you con my pretty boy out of his precious phone number—” He finally tossed the poor muffin into the trash and grabbed the beans out of his current favorite employees hands, pouring them into the machine hopper, “For little ol’ me?” He fluttered his eyes at her and she swatted at him to get him to absolutely cut that shit out.
“Of course I did, you flaming homosexual idiot.” Eddie loved Max, she was a sister to him really, and he never saw himself as someone that would get to have more family than just his uncle Wayne. He loved Wayne deeply, but Max had started working at the grind as soon as she turned sixteen, came out to him as bisexual within the same year and they had been inseparable since.
“You flatter me Red, you truly do, gimme gimme gimme the goods.”
“Calm down, Edward. Let us get the store open and then I’ll tell you what you want to know, Capiche?”
Eddie groaned as he walked away, “Come on Maxine, at least I call you by your government name. You know Edward isn’t even that.”
She laughed again, “Forgive me, Edison.”
“Max, why does our fearless leader keep staring out the window like he’s waiting for someone to return home from a year long journey?” Erica was not the only one that noticed Eddie peering out into the street with eyes wide like he was a kid that lost his mom at the grocery store. Max and Erica were settled at either machine and Eddie had blown through all the guest orders in the lobby, hoping to see the current object of his affections but he had had no luck.
“Because he’s waiting for his flavor of the week to return from the Abercrombie cataloger he seemingly walked out of.”
Erica huffed out a laugh, shaking her head as she muttered a brief ‘hopeless’ under her breath.
Eddie Munson wasn’t one to get caught up on any specific man, no. He kept his options open and certainly was not the dating type, not since—he just wasn’t a relationship guy. There was something about Steve though. Was he being irrational, having only seen the man once? Abso-fucking-lutely he was, but Eddie didn’t care. He knew the people around this city, he knew which regulars he could take out for a drink, he knew who not to talk to. Steve was new, and Steve was cute. So cute.
The business was slow for a Saturday, Eddie certainly didn’t mind. He was distracted. After checking on the girls, he ducked away to the back to pull his phone out. Max had given him the sticky note that had ‘Steve Harrington’ written on it, in surprisingly neat cursive with a number underneath. He was willing to get Max whatever she wanted, after the little stunt she pulled. The ‘Loyalty Program’, god Red was genius.
Eddie: So, I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news. Always gotta go with the bad first so, Max may or may not have lied about the loyalty program. My uncle is fairly old fashioned so we don’t subscribe to that kind of thing, but the good news is I get to shoot my shot, so drinks tonight, maybe? I know a couple cool places in the area if your interested?
Eddie sure as shit wasn’t shy and he wasn’t going to pretend to be. He smirked to himself as he sent the text off, but the smirk was just as quickly dropped when he realized he didn’t even say who he was.
Eddie: Shit! This is Eddie, by the way, the manager at The Daily Grind? I honestly can’t get you out of my head, to the point that my team stepped in, so like I said, this is me shooting my shot - E
Because business was slower than usual, Eddie’s day was slow as hell. The customers were an even mix of lovely and absolute hellions. One woman asked him to blend a drip coffee with ice? He did it of course, but he sure as fuck did not want to. A gentleman tried to snap at Max and she handled it fairly well on her own, but Eddie was waiting in the wings for her signal.
One-thirty couldn’t have come sooner. Eddie absolutely beamed as his beloved best friend and assistant manager for all intents and purposes blew in with her hair up in a bouncy high pony-tail, “Eddie Baby!” she cheered and she threw her arms around his neck with a airy laugh.
“Chrissy Angel!” Eddie smiled into her obnoxiously high pony tail, “Did you catch Henderson in the parking lot?”
“Yeah he was just pulling in. Day go okay?”
Chrissy Cunningham was bubbly and fierce. Eddie absolutely adored her. She followed behind Eddie as he sauntered into the back to catch her up. He wished her well, greleted Dustin as he made his way in. Erica was set to stay with them for the next few hours, but Chris and Dustn would be fine to close up by six.
Eddie walked Max to her car, and nothing short of cackled when she wished him well with his ‘lover boy’.
“Haven’t heard from him yet, Red, but you know I will keep you updated.” She waved him goodbye as she slid into her car. Eddie found his motorcycle, that he had parked by the back door and found himself lost in thought as he drove home.
Eddie really wasn’t a relationship guy. He was twenty-three and had had one relationship, Devon had been great. He had been. They had been together for two years, Eddie was eighteen and fresh out of high school, Devon was there for Eddie when he needed affection, when he needed someone to need him. Devon was older than Eddie, twenty-two when they started dating and he had clung to Eddie, it was unhealthy at the end. The facade Devon had put on had melted away, and it just—Eddie was snapped out of his thoughts as he parked in his apartment complex. His phone trilled and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face when he saw the text from ‘Shy Boy Stevie’.
Steve: Hey! Sorry to get back to you so late. Rob and I are still unpacking our apartment. I am not at all familiar with the area yet but would really love to see you again. Where do you want to meet?
Eddie: Excellent. Meet me at Bauman’s on Braker Street at 8? It’s a date sweet thing. - E
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winchester-girl67 · 2 years
Happy Hour (Part 2) - Happy Ending
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Summary: A few weeks into dating Dean and things finally heat up with the first snowfall of the season.
Part 1
Pairing: Neighbour!Dean x reader
Square: Snow angels @spnchristmasbingo​ Date night @supernatural-jackles​
Word Count: 5,423
Rating: mature 18+ MDNI
Warnings: mature themes, heavy smut (touching, teasing, biting, kissing/cuddling, dry humping, p in v, protected sex), brief mentions of past drugged!reader, mentions of stretch marks/body insecurity/performance anxiety, language, mainly fluff
A/N: Every relationship progresses at its own pace. For those of you who wanted more of these two. Also written for @spnchristmasbingo​ and @supernatural-jackles​’ Tell Me a Story bingo. Enjoy!
Dean looked damn good holding a spatula as he flipped the chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes with a wink. Your eyes sunk to his rear as you sipped on your crazy hot coffee, burning the tip of your tongue. You stuck it out and blew to cool the tip. You pinched the end of your tongue between your fingers and tried to look at it. Dean laughing when you did so.
You never had someone cook you breakfast before. Not actually cook it like Dean did. You could taste the love he put into the food that morning, because he did love food, especially breakfast food.
Usually, you couldn't get a half decent breakfast unless you bought it or cooked it yourself. Most guys leaned towards microwaving breakfast burritos, which somehow always turned out still half frozen when you bit into them. But Dean was different and you couldn't believe how wrong you'd been about him.
Things changed after that morning, firstly you cut that friend out of your life, because friends don't drug friends without their knowledge and consent. And secondly, you decided you wanted to keep seeing Dean. Romantically. That feeling -the urge to jump his bones- never fizzled out completely, although you had yet to do anything about it; it was still early in your relationship.
You'd been going out for a few weeks now. Times were busy though with the holidays coming up and neither of you had much time for each other. So a few weeks was really only three dates; the last of which was cut short when Dean's little brother called him up to ask for a ride home from a party.
You made plans to be with Dean for New Year's Eve but tonight was the last time you were going to see each other before you headed home to see your family for Christmas. And you weren't about to waste a single second of it.
You met Dean at his house after work and he cooked you dinner for the first time. Your taste buds were in love.
This man could cook!
After dinner you watched a Hallmark movie, the one where the two main characters fall in love and finally embrace the Christmas spirit... you guessed, since they were all the same. You weren't really focused on the movie at the moment. You were straddling Dean on the couch with your back to the screen and your ears only intermittently registered the sounds of sleigh bells and random Christmas music.
Until a screech came over the speakers and interrupted your heated make-out session. You turned to see the red alert flash across the screen, a 'Winter Storm Warning' was currently in effect in your area. You glanced at the sliding glass door but Dean had drawn the curtains hours ago so you couldn't see outside. Or rather so your neighbours couldn't see inside.
The first snowfall of the season was always the most magical; when you woke up and saw that fresh coating of snow lay over the fallen blades of yellow and green grass. You hadn't seen that yet this year, it was late, but you loved that sense of renewal and calm that radiated from the season and you had the urge to know if it was, in fact, snowing right this second. Dean wasn't going anywhere and you could resume your make-out session without missing a beat once you opened that curtain.
You pushed on Dean's shoulders in an attempt to stand but he tsked and held your hips. You were both still dressed but he took full advantage of the long sleeve, v-neck top you wore and placed heavy kisses to your chest. His thick breath between your breasts warmed your skin and made you shiver at the same time. Tiny goosebumps appearing in his wake as he kissed up your neck and made you suck in a breath.
"I think it's snowing," you said, running your fingers through his hair and tugging the strands so he had to separate his lips from your skin.
He grunted and met your gaze. His eyes lust blown and his lips just as red and swollen as you supposed your own must be. His brows furrowed and a small smirk pulled at the edge of his mouth.
"Huh?" He questioned, taking the opportunity to wet his lips.
You thought he was probably unable to form words at the moment and you felt his hands slide up the back of your shirt and palm at your smooth skin. Almost like an attempt to distract you, but it didn't work. The storm was calling to you and you just loved the snow so much!
It was something you desperately wanted to share with Dean. Especially since you were set to leave in the late morning and he was part of your life now; you wanted to celebrate and share the things that excited you with him.
You started and jumped in Dean's lap when he snapped your bra, "Ow! What the hell, Dean?"
"Sorry, my fingers slipped." He said, but the grin on his face said he did it on purpose.
"I can't take my eyes off you for a second, can I?"
"It's not advisable, sweetheart." He winked and shook his head.
Fucking cute, cocky bastard!
For a guy that was a complete gentleman the first night you spent together, the second you sobered up, he was back to being that bold neighbour leering at you in your leggings. Except now his hands felt what his eyes couldn't. And you most definitely leered back. You liked him looking, you liked seeing the emotions he didn't bother to hide in his eyes, whether that was lust or affection or unease. He showed it all to you.
You kept your eyes on him, pushing his shoulders back and lifting yourself from his lap. He pouted but watched as you stood and twirled around to skip towards the backdoor.
You threw the velvet curtains back, "Holy shit!" Your mouth gaped at the sight before you. "Dean, you have to see this!"
That got his attention and you heard him lift himself from the couch. His sock feet padding over to you before you felt strong arms slide around your waist and the heat of his chest press against your back. He rested his chin on your shoulder and huffed out a breath that fogged up a spot on the glass door.
"Wow, that's a lot of snow." He said unenthusiastically and nuzzled your hair out of the way with his nose to peck a kiss to your cheek. "Let's finish the movie, sweetheart."
Finish the movie, my ass.
He just wanted to feel you some more, in the ways that you hadn't been able to since you started dating. And you wanted to, too. Time alone together was precious, but so was the first snowfall and you thought you could combine the two.
You did have all night after all.
You sucked in a breath when Dean's hand found the skin of your stomach and squeezed into the front of your jeans. There wasn't much stretch to this style of denim though and he relented when you grunted at the tightness. Maybe you should've worn a dress or leggings but it was too cold for any of that and these jeans made your butt look good.
"I wanna go outside." You tugged Dean towards the door but he didn't budge. "Come on." You whined.
Dean groaned and sighed exasperatedly as you put on your shoes and ran outside, coaxing him along with a flirty curl of your finger.
"Fine," Dean rolled his eyes and shoved on his boots.
The second he stepped out the door you smacked him in the face with a lightly packed snowball and giggled. You didn't intend to stay outside long so neither of you bothered with a coat. It actually wasn't all that cold either.
"Oh, you're in for it now." He said, wiping his face and chasing after you.
Snow crunching under his feet as he grabbed you around the waist and spun you around with him, lifting your feet off the ground for a moment. You laughed and squealed until Dean released you and you grabbed onto him and jumped on his back, shoving a handful of snow down the back of his shirt.
"Holy shit, that's cold!" Dean cursed and arched his back but since you clung to him there was no amount of squirming he could do to dislodge the snow. "Fuck, Y/N! You're gonna pay for that!"
You giggled and hopped down from your perch on his hips, attempting to escape his grasp when he turned to grab you. But you were too slow and he lifted you in his arms with a hand under your knees and one on your waist. You playfully struggled when he walked towards the deeper snow, knowing full well he was going to drop you in it.
"No! No, no, Dean, I'm sorry! I give up! Please, it's too cold!" You pouted up at him with big Y/E/C eyes.
"Should've thought ahead, sweetheart, you know I have to do this."
"I won't do it again! I'll be good." You promised, but didn't actually try to get away from him.
You didn't want to get away from him. It was a game and he knew it too. There was no way he'd actually drop you in the snow.
"Is that so?" He stopped walking and looked down at you, cocking an eyebrow like he was questioning you. "Prove it."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss that made winter slip away. Your tongue played with his, welcoming the warmth of his mouth over yours. His lips, though slightly chapped, felt perfectly molded to you as they separated from your lips to attack your throat. You giggled when he hit a certain spot and your skin flushed with a heat like you were sipping on warmed Brandy. A type of heat that endangered your life because it pulled every ounce of it from your core to the surface where the brisk winter breeze could whip it away. But you weren't worried about that; with Dean's body pressed to yours, that heat just kept regenerating.
He sucked a sensitive spot on your neck until you could still feel the pressure of his lips even when he finally separated them from your skin. You knew the spot would be purple tomorrow but you liked it when he marked you and you planned to mark him back before the night was over.
You got caught up in the kiss and your mind didn't register the cold on your back until the snow melted and seeped into your shirt. Dean was hovering over you lying in the snow. Kissing all over your neck, his lips lingering below your ear when you whined and slid your icicle-like fingers up under the hem of his shirt. The muscles in his back tensed at the cold and he let out a pained grunt.
"Fuck, Y/N." Dean growled, grabbing your hands and pushing them back in the snow above your head. "Let me warm you up, baby." He breathed a sigh of relief and then he was kissing you again.
You whimpered and wrestled your arms away from the cold, piling the snow next to your body in the process as if you were making a half-assed snow angel. You pushed up on Dean's chest and rolled beneath him so that his hardness pressed against your butt and your front was assaulted by the snow instead. You didn't think this through and shivered against the new found chill that peaked your nipples under your shirt.
"Dean, this isn't working for me, s'too cold." You said, shuddering even though his warmth radiated through the damp clothes on your back.
"But I thought you liked the snow?" Dean teased but pushed up to adjust you both, wrapping his arm around your hips and pulling you up with him until you were kneeling in front of him on your hands and knees. "Better?" He asked as he rubbed his hands up and down your thighs in attempts to warm you.
You balled your fists in the snow to warm your fingers, but it wasn't working and you whined again, "Not much."
You felt his hand slide under the front of your shirt and bra, his palm lying flat on your ribs between your breasts as he pushed off the ground with his other hand. He pulled you back with him so that your hands were free of the harsh cold and you sat back on his thighs. He moved your hair over one shoulder so he could kiss at your neck.
"How about now?" He asked between nips to your delicate skin.
"Better, but maybe we should move this to the bedroom?" You moaned when he sucked the same mark he'd made earlier, "Dean."
"Y/N," he matched your tone and his fingers moved to the buttons on your jeans. He popped one of them open and then two, three... and then, "Why the fuck do you need so many buttons?"
You could've told him you liked the style but instead you turned your head and captured his mouth in a wet kiss that both warmed and chilled your lips in the winter breeze. You giggled into his mouth and dragged your tongue against his, eliciting a deep groan from him that you felt vibrating through his chest. He tasted sweet and tart, like apples. Apple pie, actually. Dessert.
His hand slipped into the front of your panties and you felt his fingers comb through your short hairs, seeking out your warmth.
You gasped, "O-oh my go- Dean!" You grabbed his wrist and leaned back into him.
His hand was fucking cold!
Dean smiled into the kiss he placed to your lips and his other hand slid under your shirt to cup one of your bra-clad breasts, his thumb tracing over your hardened nipple. You squealed when he pinched the bud with a teasing strength and you twisted in his hold until you were straddling his lap again. You rolled your hips into his and he groaned in your ear. Loud in the dead silence of the winter storm surrounding your sleepy neighbourhood.
It wasn't long before the cold, wet snow soaked into the back of his jeans as well and he couldn't take it anymore, "Sweetheart, I can't feel my ass and I swear my balls are turning blue."
"Are you telling me you have blue balls?" You laughed.
"In more ways than one, trust me."
"I could fix that, in a nice, warm bed," you rolled your hips again and bit your lip to muffle a moan. He did the same.
"Keep doing that and we aren't gonna make it there." He clamped his eyes shut and growled when you did it again. "Fuck, Y/N."
Something about the cold made your bodies more sensitive, except for the nerve endings in your fingertips which numbed in your fisted palms as you tried to warm them up.
You had a sudden thought, Dean was warm, and you shoved your hands into the back of his shirt, stretching out the neck hole.
"Dammit, that's it!" Dean grit his teeth together and clutched your hips. "I'm done with your fucking teasing, Y/N-"
His eyes were dark and fierce, and you loved how you did that to him. His threats were words. You both knew it. But you kinda hoped tonight he'd finally follow through on them and take you in that bed of his. It would've happened last time if he wasn't such a good big brother.
His hands slid up the back of your shirt and held your shoulders, pulling you flush to him. He kissed and nipped at your lips like a starved animal and you realized he had no intentions of moving your escapades anywhere other than right there.
And it was getting colder the more the snow melted into your clothes... at least, your neighbours were asleep, probably, right? It was late. Your defrosted fingers moved over his skin, feeling his shoulder blades roll when his hands started to roam down your back and slipped into the seat of your jeans. His hands cupped your cheeks and you jumped and giggled when he squeezed your butt firmly.
You started a slow rhythm, rubbing yourself against him and listening to his breath get a little heavier with each circle of your hips. It was intoxicating and you lost yourself in the feel of it, like the world outside of the both of you didn’t exist.
Then you heard a door slam and the porch light flicked on a couple of doors down.
You halted your movements and hid your face in the crook of Dean's neck when your cranky, old neighbour yelled over at you, “Get a room, lovebirds, you’re waking up the whole damn block with a free show!”
“Sorry, Bobby!” Dean called over and chuckled under his breath as the old man headed back inside, grumbling to himself.
He wasn’t wrong, the backyard was clearly visible from at least ten of your neighbours despite the wooden fences separating them. It wasn’t likely anyone else would be awake for the show at this hour, but now you knew at least one of them was and that was enough for Dean. He held your waist firmly when you tried to roll your hips again and glanced around at the darkened windows of his neighbours.
He huffed out a sigh and pushed back your hair, “Do you wanna take this to the bedroom, sweetheart?” He practically growled and you bit your lip and nodded under his hooded stare.
“More than anything.”
Your jeans were tight enough that they didn’t fall down your hips, despite being unbuttoned, as Dean led you back inside the house. He slid the door shut behind himself and locked it, throwing closed the velvet curtains as well. Now it was just you and him. Nothing between you, nothing to keep you from exploring each others bodies until dawn broke through the storm and cast the light of a new day on the fluffy blanket of snow littering the ground outside.
Until then, the storm raged on, as did the butterflies in your stomach when Dean took a step closer to you.
You were frozen, your breath, your heart, your Y/E/C eyes locked in his gaze and everything moved in slow motion. He walked towards you -only a couple of feet away in reality but it felt like it took him forever to close that distance- then grabbed your waist and hoisted you over his shoulder.
You puffed out a breath and laughed, suddenly unfrozen by the unexpected silliness of his actions, “Ah-HA-HA-ha-D-Dean!”
He carried you to his bedroom, patting his large hand over the wet butt of your jeans before he tossed you onto the bed. A king-sized bed with the comforters and sheets haphazardly thrown over it, made-up like he wasn’t expecting the evening to wind up here. But this was exactly where you saw it going and exactly why you started kissing him during that Hallmark movie. It all felt like an incredibly long build up to what would’ve happened with any other guy already; simply because any other guy was not Dean and Dean was not a one-and-done type of guy.
Sure, he came off that way when you first met him but the more you got to know him, the more you saw the hopeless romantic buried deep inside. He was a decent guy who took pride in his family, his little brother, and it genuinely hurt him when you thought he was that shallow; he was anything but. He took care of you when you were at your most vulnerable and he didn’t take advantage even when you threw yourself at him. Multiple times!
Tonight was going to be a different story. You weren’t high, you weren’t even a little buzzed and neither was he.
The way Dean was looking at you made your heart flutter and your palms sweat. You sucked in a breath and shuddered like you’d been edging yourself over and over again and that damn dam was finally about to break after weeks of interruptions and him playing it slow. He had you, what was he waiting for?
“If you don’t stop staring at me and get in this bed, I swear I will finish myself off without you and go home.” You threatened and raised your eyebrows in question like you were actually expecting him to challenge you on the matter but he just sighed and palmed his face.
“Holy fuck, Y/N, don’t say shit like that.” He breathed heavily and adjusted the crotch of his jeans, “You have no idea how hard this is.”
“That’s kind of the point, Dean.”
“That’s not what I meant, sassy-pants. It’s just… I-don’t-know-how-long-I’m-gonna-last,” he said as quickly as possible before he lost the nerve and shifted on his feet as he avoided meeting your eyes.
“I’m pent up, too, Dean. I promise I won’t judge you on our first time together as long as you promise not to judge my body, especially my stretch marks.” You crossed your heart and he met your warm gaze.
You told yourself everyone has stretch marks and on a hot summer day you’d say fuck it and wear what you wanted but that didn’t mean you accepted them. Not completely, you’d always be a little self-conscious and that you were fine with because it was only the opinion of one person that meant anything to you. Yourself… -Okay, maybe a small part cared what Dean thought, too; but only because you didn’t want him to be a dick like any other guy.
“That’s really not the same thing,” he shook his head.
“Well, not to you because you’re a guy. I don’t care if you get performance anxiety or if you come before we even get started, so long as you treat me right and so far, you have. Better than any other guy from those stupid dating apps and let’s face it, it’s not hard to be better in that area than those guys. Most of the time they’re only in it for themselves and you are the complete opposite as far as I’ve seen.” You said, but he still looked kind of nervous and you crawled off the bed to stand before him. “If you want to wait, Dean, if this is too much pressure right now, I’m cool with that. I won’t get mad or offended.”
That seemed to get through to him and he smiled, his eyes practically twinkling in the low light of the bedside table lamp.
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he breathed and pulled you in by your waist to kiss you hard. "You're perfect just the way you are, stretch marks and all."
His lips bruised yours as you sighed into his mouth, "You haven't even seen me yet."
"Yes, I have and you're fucking gorgeous." He chuckled when you soured your face in confusion, "Don't tell me you forgot our first date already."
Of course, in the shower, when you were flying high on that 'Aspirin'. How could you forget?!
You rolled your eyes, "That was not a date! And you could barely look me in the eye let alone anywhere else! I doubt you saw much of anything."
"Oh, I saw enough." He smirked. "And without coming off as a total creep, I loved every inch of you." He chuckled breathily and smirked again, "You're the woman for me and I don’t wanna wait.”
His thumbs hooked in the waistband of your jeans and he pushed them down your hips, leaving you in your shirt and panties. You stumbled against him when you tried to kick the jeans off the rest of the way and he laughed as he pushed you to sit down on the bed. He knelt on the carpet in front of you and lifted your feet to rest on his knee, then untangled your feet from your jeans and tossed them on the floor to the side, taking your socks with them.
Your breaths were shallow and your body hummed at the feel of his hot, rough hands on your bare skin. His palms dragging up your calves, feeling your smooth skin all the way up to your thighs. You didn’t care that your cheeks were probably bright red when you saw the smirk tugging at his lips.
His hands moved under your shirt next, waiting until you lifted your arms to let him strip it off of you. You shivered and he leaned in to kiss your bra-clad chest, tossing the material in his hands in the same direction as your jeans. You moaned with his fingers all over you, on your legs, your stomach, your breasts, and when they slid into the front of your panties again you squirmed, sensitive and suddenly aware that he was far too dressed for your liking.
“You give me shit for my buttons,” you tugged Dean’s henley over his head, leaving him in his short sleeve shirt, after stripping him of his flannel, “-Yet, you wear too many frigging layers!”
Dean laughed and pulled the last shirt off over his head, tossing it into the rather large pile of clothing on the floor.
“Why do you hide that body?” You asked rhetorically, although you wouldn’t have minded an answer; you were pretty sure he only did it to frustrate you. And probably every other woman on the planet. You traced the freckles on his shoulders with your fingertips, “You are so fucking gorgeous.”
“Men like to be called handsome.”
“But... you’re not handsome, you are gorgeous!” You teased, trying to get him to loosen up and giggling when Dean pushed you back on the bed and blew a raspberry against your stomach. You squealed and wiggled as he held you down and did it again, “Okay! Okay, you’re handsome, too!”
“Gor-some?” He laughed, immaturely combining the compliments.
“My beautiful, silly girl.” He smirked as he crawled over you on the bed with both your legs still awkwardly hanging off the edge. His lips trailing in the wake of his hands as he felt and kissed every inch of you. “Wait,” he grunted when your hands slipped between you to unbuckle his jeans. His skin felt like a furnace as he held them to his lower stomach; a nice reprieve from the snow earlier that had numbed your fingers. "Condom?”
“What?” You breathed, feeling too much to hear what he asked.
He breathed against your neck for a moment before he repeated, “Do we need a condom?”
Dean pushed off of you and you pouted at the loss of his weight and heat over you, but you took the chance to rid yourself of your bra and panties and crawled to the centre of the bed; diving under the comforters and glancing over at him. You watched as he broke open a new box of condoms from his nightstand, feeling a little excited when the thought crossed your mind that he must’ve bought them just for you. Then he stripped out of the rest of his clothes and sat at the edge of the bed.
“This is always the awkward part, isn’t it?” You said, watching him tear open the foil and roll on the condom.
“It wasn’t until you said that.” He laughed and blushed.
“You’re so hand-geous,” you sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down sideways so you could kiss the red in his cheek.
He shifted in his seat to face you. “Gor-some,” he corrected and smirked, kissing you until you laid back on the bed with him hovering over you.
You smiled up at him, happy your attempts to be silly in order to calm him were working. You didn’t want him to be nervous with you, you were a team working towards the same goal. Both tonight in this bed and everyday in your blooming romance.
You spread your legs and hugged his hips with your knees as he settled in between them, feeling Dean’s breaths pick up as he lowered his forehead to your shoulder and froze. Taking a moment just to hold you and slow down. You rested your palms on his shoulder blades, fingertips embedding into his flesh and his muscles moving under them with each deep breath. Your hands started to wander.
“Fuck,” Dean groaned and scolded when you grabbed his ass playfully, “Y/N.”
“I couldn’t resist, it's so perky!" You shrugged under him as best as you could and he chuckled into the kiss he pressed to your lips.
“You’re irresistible, sweetheart,” he whispered below your ear and kept kissing you until your breaths were heavy against his skin.
He rested his weight on you, just enough to press you into the mattress but not enough to steal your breath completely. He slid his arm under your back and gripped your shoulder as he kept kissing your neck until you started to moan softly in his ear.
Then he reached between you and slipped two fingers into your centre and you gasped. You didn’t expect it and whimpered as he quickly built you up to the edge. Your chest moving briskly against his with sweat beading between your bodies and heat spreading between your thighs.
Dean's hand on your shoulder reached up and he tangled his fingers in your hair as he kissed you deeply. His tongue tasted yours before he nipped at your lips and pulled away.
“Ow-ow-ow! Dean, stop! Your watch is caught in my hair,” you gasped.
"Shit, sorry, sweetheart." Dean panted, grunting as his fingers left your centre to remove his watch and untangle it from your hair. "Good?"
"Yeah," you breathed and clutched at his ribs, nuzzling your nose into his cheek and pecking along his jaw.
Your hand went to his bicep and Dean hummed when you rolled your hips up to meet him impatiently. He shifted and your head fell back against the pillow as he pushed into you. You locked your ankles around his lower back and clamped your teeth into his shoulder hard enough to bruise.
Dean let out a pained grunt and ground his hips into yours. The muscles in his arms tensing as he held the back of your hips. Going deeper and harder with each thrust until you were brought over the edge.
You wrapped your arms around him to keep him close, waves of pleasure spreading through your extremities as Dean shuddered and stilled on top of you. His breath was hot in your ear when he pressed a lingering, wet kiss to your cheek; the weight of his body wrapped over you and pinning you to the mattress.
"That was-" you panted.
"-Wow," he chuckled breathlessly and rested his forehead against yours.
You stared into his eyes and pecked a kiss to his lips, "Did you know your eyes are green?"
He chuckled again, "All my life, sweetheart.”
"But -like, so green."
You ran your fingertips over his cheeks, feeling his lashes brush your thumbs when he closed his eyes and sighed. Warm and content, soaking in the feeling of you in his arms with your breasts squished against his chest, rising and falling with each steadying breath. Bodies still tangled together as your knees hugged his hips. Neither of you pulled away from each other as you kissed him passionately because you couldn't not kiss that smile on his face.
"Can we do that again?" You asked and scratched your nails through his hair.
Dean shook his head and chuckled to himself, "Fuck me," he hid his reddening cheeks in the crook of your neck. He placed a kiss to your sweat coated shoulder, then another one to your collarbone before answering. "Soon, Y/N. Give me a minute to catch my breath."
He kissed your mouth again and you felt him smile against your skin. You hummed and continued to run your fingers through his hair.
"Can't wait to see how you celebrate New Year's." He mumbled against your lips.
"Don't get ahead of yourself, Dean, we're hardly done celebrating tonight." You teased and dug your heels into his ass.
Dean grunted, "Insatiable girl."
_________________________ Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891 @leigh70 @globetrotter28
Forever SPN: @hobby27
Tell Me a Story Bingo: @princessvader15
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calmingpi · 3 months
Happy anniversary to calmingpi, i made a calming pie again (this time with more lavender)
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Good news is that it tastes pretty good. Bad news is that i believe i messed up my starch amount, so it's a lot more runny than it was the last time i made this. Its all a process, i suppose. It SHOULD come out not exactly firm, but not liquid either. Kind of pull-apart jammy, i guess
Im afraid im not very good at precise cooking, but its about time i recorded my findings better. So heres my best attempt to write down the calming pie recipe. You know, for science (note: calming properties of said pie are still largely untested)
Bag of frozen blueberries (size big)
Lemon or lime juice (at least 2 shot glasses)
Honey (1/4 of a cup) (for any extra sweetener, use more honey, or white sugar)
Tapioca starch (I used the incorrect amount this time. Learn from my mistake and use about 4 or 5 tablespoons) (you can also use corn or potato starch. Maybe even rice starch. I used potato last time and it worked quite well)
Chamomile tea (2 bags) (get one thats only chamomile. Maybe sleepy time would work? Never tried that one. But i try to keep it just chamomile)
Dried or fresh lavender (I dont know. Eyeball it)
Ground cinnamon (????) (Eyeball it i guess. I put in a puff)
*blueberries, honey, chamomile, and lavender supposedly have calming properties. Starch is to thicken it, juice is for taste, and cinnamon is because blueberry pie apparently has cinnamon usually. And im sure the blueberry pie sparks have a good idea of what theyre doing
Make a pie crust (I used Bob's Red Mill gluten free pie crust mix. It comes with instructions)
Dump all of this into a pot and cook it on the stove at high heat. The blueberries will turn liquid and everything will just come together. Stir frequently. The most important thing is to constantly taste test the mixture to make sure its the right amount of sweet and tangy
I usually only use 1/4th of a cup of honey, which takes a little while to melt, because im of the opinion that blueberries are actually very sweet. The lemon or lime juice should also balance that out, so use less juice and more honey/sugar if you want it sweeter, or the other way around if you want it more tangy
Eventually itll start bubbling like some sort of witch's brew. Leave it like that for a few minutes and stir sometimes. When its been a few minutes, transfer it to a big mixing bowl, and let it cool. Make sure you take the chamomile bags out! They are funny to poke at but not so great to eat
Transfer pie to pie tin (which should already have crust in it), and add more crust to the top. Add an eggwash on it if you want (its just half egg/half water, and honestly it kind of wastes an egg but it does come out a little nicer looking)
Cook at 425°F for roughly an hour. I highly recommend putting a baking pan underneath the pie as its in the oven, because it tends to spill over the top as its cooking
Let it cool, and then eat the thang ding
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missellaneousworks · 1 year
Excerpt from "Sundae Jack" - Fluff n' Smut SDJ Fic
Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a +18 ONLY community. Therefore, the content of this fic is NOT APPROPRIATE for anyone under 18+ and should not be engaging with it.
Very self-indulgent Ella (OC) x Sunny Day Jack fic. The full version can be found on AO3 HERE.
Below is just a taste before things get spicy~
Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a +18 ONLY series. MINORS DNI.
Oh yeah.  It had been that kind of a week for Ella.
The tub of ice cream landed on the counter with an unceremonious clunk, followed by the rest of the ice cream fixings.  Strawberries, bananas, chocolate fudge syrup, and whipped cream.  After a whole week of work, paying bills, having her hot water shut off for two days due to a water main breaking…. She needed to treat herself.  So after a horrible week, Ella went to the store with a little extra cash she had left over and got herself the full sundae spread!
Jack’s head poked out of the bedroom as he was finishing up folding laundry.  “Welcome back, Sunshine!  Whatcha got there?”
“My salvation,” Ella remarked with satisfaction. “I decided to take some of your advice about treating myself after a rough week.”
In the not-too-far past, Ella would usually turn to a nice bottle of wine and a bubble bath to relax and unwind. But while walking down the frozen dessert section in the grocery store earlier, she found a brand of ice cream she hadn’t seen in years. Normally, she would sadly pass by before she could change her mind, but today of all days she figured why not?  Besides, Jack would probably appreciate a little sweet treat, too!
“Anything I can do to help?” Jack’s ever-cheerful voice inquired helpfully. 
“Actually, yeah! Can you slice up the strawberries and a banana?”
After retrieving the cutting board and knife, Jack began to cut the fruit into thin, even pieces, humming a melody that Ella didn’t quite recognize, but was sure she heard it before.  “You know, most people get cherries with their sundaes.  I like the fact that you bought strawberries, though!”
“Eh heh, yeah… cherries remind me too much like cough syrup.  I know they’re already cherry flavored, but still… I like strawberries more.”
“Blueberries are also great!”
“No kidding, Mr. Blue-Haired-Clown-Sir.”  Ella teased back.
“Pfft, okay, okay, that one was obvious.”
“A little,” Ella giggled.  As she removed the ice cream tub’s lid and began to scoop the into the bowl.  “You know, I’m also a fan of peaches and nectarines.”                                                        
“Those sound tasty!  Maybe we can buy some next time.  Can never have to much fruit for your diet.”
“Not unless they go bad because I don’t eat them in time.”
“That's what you have me, here for, Sunshine,” Jack said triumphantly as he finished cutting the fruit, quickly washing the knife and setting it into the sink drainer.   
“…to eat the fruits I don’t like?” Ella innocently blinked up a Jack, leaning into his side slightly.
Jack chuckled and shook his head.  “No, silly.  To make sure you stay happy and healthy!  So we can keep having ice cream dates together~”
“Hmmm!  A fine point, Mr. Sunny Day.”
“You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!  So it’s important to keep you in pear-fect health!”
The silence was incredibly loud as Ella slowly, deliberately turned towards Jack.  “…honey.  May I remind I am armed?  With an ice cream scooper?!”
Jack didn’t even attempt to hold back his laughter.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t help it.  I just think you’re one in a melon.”
“I know where you sleep.”
“I should hope so,” now the clown was turning the tables again on Ella, his voice lowering an octave as he came up behind Ella and wrapped his arms around her waist.  “It’s right next to you, after all.”
A pleasurable shiver ran up Ella’s spine as she felt Jack’s breath across the back of her neck and shoulder.  Subconsciously leaning back onto Jack’s body, Ella almost forgot about the ice cream sundae, at least until she accidently knocked over the open jar of chocolate syrup and got all over the counter. 
“Ah, shit!”
“Whoops!”  Jack blinked at the mess, a slightly disappointed grimace across his face.  However, it didn’t stop him from getting a moist paper towel and dabbing the mess.  “I got it, Sunshine, don’t worry!”
“Guess your flirt was too hot for this hot fudge to handle.”
That earned her another chuckle from her lover.  “Want to cool down with this sundae?”
“I thought you’d never ask~”
Within moments, Ella and Jack were nestled on her couch with a blanket, and a sizable bowel of the sundae, with two spoons so they could share. 
“Um, is this okay?  That we’re eating out of the same bowl?  I thought about getting one for each of us, but I kind of thought it would be cute to share…”
“I don’t mind, this is perfect, Ella.” Jack reassured with that ever-comforting smile of his.
“I thought it was pear-fect.”
“Ooooh!  My own pun thrown back in my face.”
“You’re very handsome face,” Ella shimmied closer to Jack’s side and wasn’t blind to the slight blush on Jack’s face.  It was nice to know even he could get bashful at times.  Adorable.  “Anyways, let’s dig in—”
The abrupt pause in his Sunshine’s delight caused Jack to raise his eyebrow in confusion.  “What’s wrong?”
“…I feel like… we’re missing something.”  Ella thoughtfully tapped the spoon against her lower lip before her head snapped up.  “The whipped cream!  Oh my god, hang on.”
Her sudden departure to retrieve the forgotten condiment was amusing to Jack.  Ella’s strive to get something just right might have been considered a setback to others, but not Sunny Day Jack.  He took a lot of time and dedication to improve Ella’s quality of life, and even more important, her happiness. 
Which was one thing they had in common.  His sunshine worked so hard to make people around her happy, it just showed how kind, creative, and amazing she truly was.  Sadly, there were times when Ella overdid it—with the best of intentions, but it was a small secret Jack kept to himself; he felt that most other people didn’t deserve the time of day with Ella.  She worked so hard at work, maintaining her home, and her writing, and finding new inspiration to keep her going.  As the matter of fact was that Ella persisted despite all of the trouble and heartache she’d been through in the past.  And that fact alone made her… special. 
It felt good being in her light.  Incredibly, warm, light, and loving light.  It was only right that her attention shouldn’t be wasted on others who would otherwise dim that precious light.
He’d make sure it would stay that way.  Forever, if he had to. 
“Got it!” Ella triumphantly scampered back to the living room with the whipped cream.  She plopped right next to Jack again, shaking the can before placing a sizable dollop on top of the sundae.  “Now, it’s perfect!”
Jack couldn’t help the mischievous smile.  “You mean pear—”
“Don’t,” Ella pointed the can directly at Jack’s face in an attempt to look intimidating.  Though the scrunch of her noise proved to be cuter than anything.  “I am armed and dangerous.  Don’t you dare, Jack.” 
Jack bit his lip in an attempt to stifle the chuckle building in his chest, but he couldn’t resist teasing her… just a little.  He jokingly lifted both of his hands up in mock defeat.  “Oh-ho!  What do you intend to do now that I’m at your mercy, Sunshine?”
The glimmer in Ella’s eye was unmistakable.  Her finger pressed on the tip of the can’s spout, intending to spray just a little on his nose, to make good on her threat, and to be a little coy.
After a moment, nothing came out, and Ella added a little more pressure.
Jack stiffened as a flurry of whipped cream erupted all over his face, covering his left eye, cheek, part of his lip, but most of it did land on his red nose.  Jack squeezed his eyes shut when he was met with a barrage of sweetness, not fully registering what exactly happened at first.   After one mortifying moment, Jack’s right eye blinked open.  Ella’s face blanched from utter embarrassment.
“Pffffft!” Jack’s shoulders began to shake.  Then a giggle slipped, followed by a snort. 
Ella could only blink back as the silliness of her nerves and the situation itself sunk in.  Jack hunched over in an attempt to turn and hide his face, but Ella could clearly see his eyes squeezed shut, and the corners of his mouth failing to suppress a smile. 
“Oh my God,” Ella released the beginning of her own breathless laugh before she finally quipped, “Sorry honey,” she genitively wiped the cream from his eye.   “Guess I was the one who blew their load prematurely, huh?”
Jack guffawed and doubled over with a shocked laugh.  “ELLA!”
It broke the damn that held back Ella’s jovial laughter as she hunched over while cupping Jack’s face.  “Hey, first time for everything, am I right?”
“You’re t-too much for me, sunspot!” Jack managed to eke out through his laughter. 
Ella giggled back, “Too bad! You’re stuck with me, innuendoes and all.”
“I’d hardly call that a bad thing, you know.”  Jack’s laughter began to subside into breathless chuckles.  Most of the cream had slid down his face and landed on his chest and lap. 
“O-oh,” Ella tried to remain focus, but Jack was so close to her.  “Let me help, honey.”  Quickly, she grabbed a napkin that was sitting on the coffee table blotted parts of his face to remove the sweet confectionary cream from his face.  Jack was perfectly still and let her work, seemingly content to let Ella touch him, even if it was just for the sake of cleanliness.  She could feel his warm breath against her skin.  He wasn’t even doing anything other than just sitting there, messed up by her own hand.  Yet something about it made it feel… oddly intimate.  Especially the way Ella was studying the sharp features of his face.
“I think that’s all of it—oh, wait,” Ella cupped the side of Jack’s cheek and guided it to the side.  “You’ve got something on your face…”
“Ella--?” Jack was cut off at the feel of Ella’s soft lips against his cheek.
The dusting of pink across her face as she pulled back was impossible to ignore, as was a small, coy smile.  “Never mind, it was just me.”
Jack’s smile widened, positively smitten.  “Have I told you recently that I love it when you get spontaneous?” 
The compliment hit its mark perfectly as Ella’s blush deepened before an idea began to form in her mind.
Spontaneous, huh…?
Read more at the link on top. Thank you for reading~!
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vanillaverses · 15 days
I work at the frozen yogurt stand in my local movie theatre and one of the things we sell are smoothies. I thought I’d let tumblr make me a smoothie, which I’ll actually make at work and try!
since I can only put one poll per post, I’m going to hold 3 separate polls! starting off with what fruits I should put in it :]
poll #2!
poll #3!
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castletown-cafe · 2 years
Castletown Café Episode 20: Spider Donut
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Ahuhuhu...I seem to have lost track of time. Has it really been three weeks!? Oops. But I didn’t want to wait a whole year to post these, even though I did learn quite a lot while making them. I’ll have to remake these next October so the glaze is more purple than black!
It was only a matter of time before Undertale recipes made their way into this Deltarune-inspired cooking blog, given they share the same creator and are alternate universes or timelines of each other. Here in the Castletown Café, we’re very familiar with Muffet’s Spider Donuts: made by spiders, for spiders...of spiders. Indeed, Muffet is a known cannibal, not only eating small regular spiders but also shown to try to eat other monsters (and one human) by turning them into baked goods. Whether or not she has successfully done that, we don’t know...
There are no spiders or monsters in these donuts; just flour, eggs, sugar, the usual ingredients for baked cake donuts. The description of Spider Donuts state that they’re made with fresh Spider Cider in the batter, so we’re using the next best thing: apple cider!
Many apple cider donut recipes call for reducing the apple cider by heating it over the stove and letting it simmer down to just a smaller amount, usually half a cup. This is done to reduce the amount of liquid that goes into the batter as well as to pack the donuts full of that apple cider flavor!
The recipe I followed from Sally’s Baking Addiction included apple pie spice - something I don’t have - so I made my own by combining cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, allspice, and ginger. The exact measurements of each will be listed in the recipe.
I created my own recipe for blueberry glaze by cooking frozen blueberries, blending that into puree, and then adding powdered sugar and a little melted butter. If there is anything I’ve learned from creating my own glaze recipe, it is to SIFT YOUR POWDERED SUGAR FIRST! Otherwise you’ll have lumps in your glaze that heating it up won’t fix! I’d sift it at least twice to get most of the lumps out before adding it to the blueberry puree.
Unfortunately, this glaze was too dark - so although blueberry puree sounded like a good idea (and maybe if it was fresh instead of frozen or less puree was used, maybe the colors would have been brighter), maybe it should be something else, like blackberry - or just basic vanilla glaze with food coloring added. I need to experiment first.
The webs are super easy: just melt white chocolate chips, fill a piping bag, and pipe on your white chocolate spider webs! You can use the microwave or a double boiler, but be careful if you choose the microwave because you can burn it easily that way. You can make your own “makeshift double boiler” by filling a saucepan with water and placing the lid of the right size upside down over the water so you can pour the white chocolate into it and use that as a shallow dish.
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Liiike this!
As you can see, it needs to be a metal saucepan with a matching metal lid, not glass, and no hole(s) in it for steam to escape. Idk if they still make lidded saucepans with metal, holeless lids, come to think of it...since I use several that are part of a set made in the 70′s!
2 cups (or 250g) all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 and 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
1/8 tsp ground ginger
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
Sprinkle of ground clove
1/4 tsp salt
1 and 1/2 cups (or 360ml) apple cider - reduced down to 1/2 cup (or 120 ml)
1 large room temperature egg
1/2 cup (or 120 ml) room temperature milk
2 tablespoons (or 30g, or 1/4 stick) melted unsalted butter
1/2 cup (or 100 g) packed brown sugar, light or dark works fine (I used dark)
1/2 (or 100g) cup granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 or 3 tablespoons blueberry puree
1 cup (or 200g?) powdered sugar
2 tablespoons (or 30 g, or 1/4 stick) melted unsalted butter
About 1 cup (or 200 g?) white chocolate chips, melted
Heat your apple cider in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Have it simmer for up to 10 minutes or more, stirring occasionally. Keep checking every 5 minutes afterward to make sure it’s evaporating. You’re likely to still have a bit more than 1/2 cup after 20-30 minutes, that’s okay. Pour the reduced cider into a 1/2 cup measuring cup, and feel free to drink whatever’s left.
While the reduced cider cools, preheat your oven to 350 degrees F (or 177 degrees C) and grease your donut pans (you’ll need at least two 6-cavity donut pans).
Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and spices together and set aside.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the melted butter, egg, brown and granulated sugars, vanilla, and milk. Pour into the dry ingredients and stir together while slowly pouring in the cooled apple cider reduction. Stir until fully combined and no streaks of dry flour remain. Your batter will be slightly thick. Do not overmix, it affects the texture.
Spoon or pour the batter into the donut cavities. I just scooped it in, but you can try using a piping bag, which is recommended in most cake donut recipes!
Bake for 10-12 minutes or until fully risen and not shiny. The tops should be a nice golden brown, and a toothpick inserted in should come out clean. Also, if it springs back when you poke it, that’s another sign they’re done. Use whatever testing method works best for you.
While you wait for the donuts to cool, get the ingredients ready for the glaze! Combine 1 cup (200 g?) of frozen blueberries in a saucepan with 2 to 3 tablespoons of water. Cook over medium-high heat and let the berries bubble for a few minutes. Once fully cooked and a nice hot berry sauce has formed, remove from heat.
Have it cool a little before pouring it into a blender or food processor. With the puree setting, blend until smooth. Measure out 2 or 3 tablespoons of blueberry puree and add to a bowl.
Sift your powdered sugar a couple of times before adding it to your blueberry puree. Melt 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter and add it to your glaze mixture, stirring until your glaze forms.
Dunk cooled donuts halfway into the glaze to frost the tops. Let dry while you melt your white chocolate.
Over medium heat, heat water in a saucepan and place a fitting holeless metal lid upside down over the water - or just use a double boiler if you have one.
Pour the white chocolate chips into your saucepan lid/double boiler and let melt, stirring occasionally. Keep an eye on your chocolate so that it doesn’t burn.
Once your chocolate is fully melted, scoop into a piping bag fitted with a small round tip (you can fill your piping bag by placing it tip side down in a glass so it stands upright, keeping it open by curling the ends around the rim of your glass). Pipe white chocolate spider webs onto your donuts, working quickly before the white chocolate hardens back up again.
Ta-da! You now have delicious apple cider donuts with blueberry glaze and white chocolate spider webs! A multitude of flavors all wrapped up in one Spider Donut - hold the spiders.
???, Sally, “Baked Apple Cider Donuts”, Sally’s Baking Addiction, sallysbakingaddiction.com, 9/14/2018. Link: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/baked-apple-cider-donuts/
Jeanne McDowell, Erin, “Baked Apple Cider Doughnuts”, The New York Times, cooking.nytimes.com. Link: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1019593-baked-apple-cider-doughnuts
Zhang, Catherine, “Baked Blueberry Glazed Donuts”, Catherine Zhang, zhangcatherine.com, 5/24/2021. Link: https://zhangcatherine.com/baked-blueberry-donuts/
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poppyseedgirly · 27 days
a ladybug appears
my guardian angels
i eat a salty steak
my lips feel chapped and i feel a pimple in my chin forming
nothing i can do about it now that i haven’t
i want to be brave until i have to be brave
what are we holding on to still
i shake a womans hand across the counter
she tells me about her gambling addiction
and she’s going to a meeting later
i tell her it’s going to be okay
she shakes my hand thank you
my eyes feel heavy tonight, salty
the waiter has a frog tattoo as well
and he is excited to show me it
i want to plan a picnic with friends
i want to work on a new project
i started working in the beer and wine department at my grocery store
i walk back and forth admiring the labels
i’m not sure what i am doing but we must keep moving through and forward
september usually is like a warm bath
something is coming something is changing
the wind flows through me
touching my face
through my hair
like a familiar friend
hello again
it’s always been
but i distinctly remember meeting
in that frozen wisconsin air one night
when i thought i was alone
so here i am now almost two years later
sitting on a swing set
alone but not lonely
it’s singing
change change change
somethings coming
like it always does
when the leaves inevitably change
something is going to happen
i buy dried cherries and a gatorade
i wear all white
a pop of red
i go with the ebb and flow of a crush
whatever it means it’s fun
i think about my time my presence to others
like you took it from me but i would have given it to you
i can listen to pinegrove again
clairo too
who knew it took so long to take back
things for your own
sometimes i feel like no splash formula bleach
you are a memorable person she says
i dream of preparing a meal for you
swedish meatballs
and stuffed grape leaves
a dr pepper
i’ve had quite the sweet tooth these days
i’m working on cutting back candy
a tee shirt that says
don’t talk to me till ive had my magnesium
is your heart trying to tell you something
echoing like a gong
sometimes only sometimes these flicker still in my mind and i learn new things
samia says when someone loves you they take you as you are and that’s all i’ll ever do
i am spilled blueberries outside the door
and i would like to help clean them up
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milkweedman · 2 years
what do you recommend for dying with beets? Use raw fiber, batts or already spun yarns? Cotton or wool? Do I have to shred up the beets or can I use the juice in the can and eat the beets myself ? Does it smell like beets? Use color fixer or something more natural? Dyou tbink I can like speckle it on an already commercially dyed pink yarn for pops of darker pink? or dip dye it for pink gradients?
Tbh I would recommend absolutely none of this, for the sole reason that beets, like red cabbage and tumeric, do not produce lasting dyes. The colors you get from them don't want to stick to things and even if you do manage to transfer color from the dyebath to your fiber, it will come out pretty quickly (within months at best) and usually the end result is something that kind of just looks stained.
To attempt to answer most of your questions though (which are very good questions, but would be answered with an unequivocal No if you're asking them about beets specifically):
I personally prefer dyeing things as washed fleece (not raw--you need to remove the dirt and lanolin or no dye will stick). It feels safest to me and I enjoy the extra freedom it gives over dyeing as yarn--with dyed fleece I can alter the color just by mixing other things in as I card it, or I can pull out the most vibrantly dyed sections and process them separately for different effects, etc. But it's entirely personal preference, and you can dye either yarn or fiber using natural materials without much difference.
I would not recommend dyeing batts using any traditional dyeing methods (except perhaps solar dyeing, which is very gentle), as the likelihood that you come out of it with a batt that's still spinnable, at least without reprocessing, is definitely lower than with fleece. I have heard of people dyeing batts by cooking them in a tray of dyebath in the oven, but I've never tried it and can't speak to how well it works. Batts should be alright with acid dyes, but natural dyes are (for the most part) not instant and require more time, heat, exposure, etc.
Wool is much easier to dye than cotton. I would always recommend testing new dyeing ideas on wool rather than a plant based fiber if possible.
Dicing or grating the dye material is not strictly necessary but is a good idea for larger or less permeable materials--for example, I don't bother shredding avocado peels because they just don't need it as they're very thin. But I do always chop avocado pits into small pieces, because cooking whole avocado pits is not very energy efficient, and possibly would not get all the dye out.
I definitely would not recommend trying to dye things using cans of food (especially the juice or canning water from said foods). You will get better, more vibrant color with fresh dye materials than with dried or frozen dye materials, and I have to imagine that extends to canned goods as well. Generally you also want to use both the juice and the fruit/vegetable/whatever, as you'll get a lot more color that way. I suppose if you were only dyeing a tiny amount of fiber, just using, say, blueberry juice and keeping the blueberries to continue cooking into jam, you'd be fine. Same if you had tons of blueberries and could easily amass large amounts of blueberry juice. But a definite limiting factor in natural dyeing is the amount of dye material that you can get your hands on, so people usually use all of that material instead of trying to reserve parts of it for eating.
I have never found that the smell of the dye material transfers to wool when it's dyed. Once it's dry it just smells like wool. Not necessarily the case with plant fibers, but I would generally not worry about making your wool smell like food permanently.
I don't know what color fixer is (the only thing with that exact name that came up was a laundry detergent for colored clothes that may have fugitive dyes--definitely do not use this in the place of a mordant), but the majority of natural dyes need things called mordants to adhere the color to the material. The more natural types of mordants are minerals (copper and iron are very commonly used) or tannins (such as from soaking acorns or from walnut hulls). Unless you are using a dye material that doesn't need a mordant (indigo and woad, for example, are well known for not needing mordants--although you also can't just throw them in a pot with water and simmer for a while to extract the dye from them, it's more involved than that. So there are trade offs), you will always need to mordant your fiber to get a good and long lasting color. For example, if you want to dye some wool with yellow onion skins and you don't mordant the wool, you will still end up with dyed wool. But it's a very light wheat color. If you want rich colors, you need to use a mordant.
Natural dyes are not suited for speckling yarns. Acid dyes work great for that, but natural dyes usually require you to fully immerse the fiber in the dyebath, and then expose it to heat over a long period of time. I do know that you can get speckled yarns using resist dyeing methods--essentially, if you take a skein of yellow yarn and tie sections of it very tightly and then dye it all in a red dyebath, you would get a primarily red (or reddish orange, perhaps) yarn with yellow speckles wherever those ties were. So that is one method that you could use to get a speckled yarn with natural dyes. But the method you're suggesting (just speckling it with a paintbrush or your hands for pops of different colors) is not suited to natural dyes. The most likely outcome of that would be no obvious change whatsoever. The second most likely outcome is probably just yarn with intermittent and random stains.
Natural dyes are not suited to dip dyeing, either. I think you could potentially get it to work, or at least get similar effects--you could mordant a piece of fabric/hank of yarn and then cook it in the dyebath like normal except leave part of it sitting next to and above the pot, which would then remain undyed. But whether the yarn would felt or get weird or whether there would be any unforeseen complications, that I don't know. It sounds like a good thing to experiment with once you already have some foundational knowledge of natural dyeing. But I wouldn't recommend it as a first project, for sure.
It sounds like the parts of dyeing that you have an interest in are better suited to acid dyes, so that might be a better route for you to go down ! If you do want to try natural dyes, I would recommend starting out with some good beginner dye materials, such as onion skins (by far the easiest and least bad-smelling dye material I've ever used, this would be my firm recommendation). Another good option would be powdered madder or other powdered dye materials (I specifically say madder, though, because it yields beet reds) that can be done without much fuss.
I hope this was helpful !
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roguelibrarian · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
You caught me at just the right moment where I'm feeling really good about my writing, so thanks for that.
In the Blood. This one is pure self-indulgent nonsense that I am playing 100% seriously and I love it. For those who haven't read it, it's an AU where Maul is actually Ezra's father via weird Force bullshit. Also yes, I am planning to continue the series even though it's been way too long since I updated it. I have another oneshot already written, another that I'm working on, and an outline for a 20-chapter fic that has an open enough ending that it could go on even longer. And also I have an AU of this AU in the works because I'm a parody of myself.
Occupational Hazard. This is definitely one of my best one of my best oneshots. It was written for the Whumptober prompt "whipping" and involves Ezra being forced to have a Really Bad Time in order to maintain his cover while on a mission for the rebellion.
No Exit. I like this one because I really pulled out all the stops in terms of whump writing. For those who haven't read it, it's a post-finale AU where Thrawn maroons Ezra on a frozen moon only for him to be rescued by Maul, who has once again cockroached his way back into the story. I really need to get back to writing this one because I have a bunch of terrible things planned for it.
Lost and Found. Look, there are some parts I need to go back and polish a bit one day but I put so much into this series that I can't not love it. It's yet another one of my "Maul finds Ezra first" AU, in which Maul kidnaps Ezra when he's too young to remember his family and he grows up being horribly abused until he gets rescued by the Ghost crew.
Winter Blueberry AU. My take on the classic "Winter Soldier but make it Star Wars" concept. This one is just fun and probably one of my more underrated series. I know I keep saying this about like, all my WIPs, but I really need to get back to this one soon because I've got Plans.
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of-worms-and-fibers · 4 months
The Winners
Tsu and Shinya rebelling against The Capitol's rules and making a risky decision Angst, pure love, god are they in love, sad Word count: 815
Shinya’s cursing screams filled the already tense air around Tsunagu who just stood by the Cornucopia, frozen, his ears ringing with an overwhelming flood of emotions. Mainly anger. But not surprise. He and Shinya had just won the Hunger Games, or so they’d thought until those in charge decided to change the rules.
He wasn’t scared to die. He wasn’t even hesitant to, having danced with death so many times that the idea of finally giving in to his kiss as well didn’t seem bad at all. At least then he wouldn’t have to see Shinya cry ever again. But it didn’t change the fact that the other wouldn’t want to keep on living after the blonde died. After all, that’s what neither of them wanted. And if they got separated like that… it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Both of them knew that.
But it didn’t stop the gray-haired man from grabbing Tsunagu by the collar, breath ragged from screaming and crying; his eyes filled with pain and anger and tears as he spoke. It was hard for the blonde to understand through his own thoughts:
“Tsu! You better fucking kill me! I am not killing you! I could never I- I would never be..”
This pain.  In his eyes. His voice. The quivering of his lips. They were something Tsunagu had promised to never witness from his husband again and yet, those very things brought a small smile onto his face; his hand slowly rising to cup Shinya’s cheek:
“My dear.”
His voice was calm and soothing, almost as though he was just calming the other down from forgetting their anniversary. The other halted, the anger on his face dropping into confusion until he saw the nightlock in the blonde’s free hand. 
“My heart could never bear to even cause you a single scratch. And I know yours couldn’t either. This may work... or it may not. But I refuse to be without you for even a second.”
The poisonous berries were quickly shared between them, each one receiving half a handful, with no expectations. Either they would win the games together or they would die together, their trust in each other so large there was not a single trace of doubt that either of those scenarios would happen. Holding their solution securely, they shared a long kiss; it wasn't wild or passionate, but it was long and assuring, calming, loving, all those things they needed. Filled with silent apologies for everything they'd ever done wrong. Full of the love they might never share again. Full of pain of just being in a world that wanted to see them suffer so badly. A world that wanted to see them broken and shattered like a pair of decorative glasses that rich people didn’t see the need to be gentle with because they could be replaced oh so easily.
I love you’s very exchanged before the two of them raised the berries to their mouths. Slowly, in hopes of being stopped by the announcement of having won together. But the arena was silent, the only thing audible being the wind howling through the trees and the rapid beating of their hearts. The berries felt cool in their mouths, just the same as freshly picked blueberries would, and for a moment, they two imagined just that. Being on a date. Eating blueberries. Just the taste was off, bitter and loveless, and a soft chuckle briefly escaped Tsunagu as he saw his husband's scrunched face of disgust. He was so adorable, much too kind and sweet for the world they’d unfairly been put into.
They dropped together, next to each other, faces turned to keep the most beautiful person each of knew in sight for as long as this would take. A beautiful face. Beautiful eyes. A beautiful, soft, sad, apologizing smile for each other. Tsunagu weakly reached up to push some hair from his face, still wanting to look good for Shinya, for his love, but his body was already too weak to let him go further than his chest, where his hand dropped with a quiet thud. He observed the other for a bit longer, just as long as it took for Shinya’s chest to stop its increasingly weak pattern of rising and falling before he closed his eyes.
The cannon shots that followed were assuring. Assuring that they’d let him die at last. Allow his shattered heart to stop beating, next to his husband, and, the cherry on top, the knowledge that a game with no victors was sure to cause the Capitol even just a fraction of the inconvenience they deserved. Just a fraction of problems at such a high cost. But the blonde refused to be disappointed now. The soft smile still played on his lips as his heart finally came to a halt. 
They had won. In their own way.
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