#the 3rd edit I ever made so maybe not the best but I like it :)
str4wberry-edits · 2 months
Song: Grey Matter by Oingo Boingo
189 notes · View notes
Logan x Reader pt.13
So my mate and I took my little brother out and he was like guys can we watch Deadpool/Wolverine so I watched it a fucking 3rd time
Upon my 3rd time watching I'm disappointed that Origins!Wade/Deadpool wasnt with the Deadpool core
And also I've realised how much dialogue I've like messed up 🤣🤣 thank y'all for sticking with me for chapters 1-3, if I ever post this on AO3 I'll have to spend years editing
This is like a part 1 of 2, the chapter was getting really long sorry
<<Part 12 Part 14>> Masterlist
The phone buzzed next to your head causing you to jolt upright.
You grumbled, eyes half open, patting the bed in hopes to stop the infernal noise.
It was your alarm, the one you had set to get up and go. Only you had set it when you didn't have to spend half the night rearranging your room.
“Morning sunshine.” Logan's voice made you turn. Where was he? He was normally right next t- right. He wasn't here. He was heading towards Nebraska.
“Logan?” You muttered, eyes barely blinking open.
“Hello baby.” He purred.
“Hi.” You smiled, God, his voice could just ease you back to sleep.
“It's pretty early for you to be up.” There was the tiniest echo to him.
“Where are you?” You pulled the phone closer, clearing the morning voice out of your throat.
“On route.” He revved the engine.
“Y-you're on your bike?” You squeaked. “Logan! That's dangerous!”
“It's fine, bub. You're on Bluetooth.”
“It's too early for me to even begin to learn what that is.”
He chuckled, the noise warning your chest. “You're fucking cute.”
“No, you're fucking cute.”
“Mm, wish I was.” He drawled, you could picture the smirk on his face.
Eventually you heaved yourself up and dragged your feet over to the drawers. Pulling out a suitable outfit. Some cycling shorts and a large shirt, no one would know it was Logan's but you.
You contemplated putting a bra on but you really couldn't be bothered with it, spending years in the Void with a broken one - snapped wires were a menace - you had grown accustomed to wearing what essentially was a sports bra so now as you looked at the padded cups they felt stuffy. The shirt was a thicker material - you think it was maybe loungewear? - it had long sleeves and a loose neckline where Logan had worn it.
Your hair was washed yesterday in preparation for today, wanting to look your best, so you didn't have to worry about looking scruffy. No, you looked comfortable.
You were put together well enough and when you looked in the bathroom mirror it was an outfit you would see other women wearing. Not that you cared. Maybe a little bit.
You stuffed your feet into some trainers, seriously debating sliders - you had thought socks and sandals were a big no no but the kids these days loved them - but decided on the trainers in case you needed to run. Preparing for some issue or display or anything.
You chucked your half full backpack over your shoulder, tossing a phone charger into it, and went to find the others.
As you opened the door Blade’s back was leaning against the frame.
“Fuck me!” You jumped, hand over heart. “Blade, you're actually going to kill me one day.”
He hummed. “Why has your bitch ass husband stolen my bike?”
“I did tell him not to.” You shut the door behind yourself.
“Mother fucker has a bike.” He tutted. “Ain't as pretty as mine.”
“Blade, I am sorry, I-” You shrugged, having no clue what to say. “He's an ass.”
“If he scratches it…”
“If he does, you have my permission to fight him.” Mock knighting him as you said 'permission'.
He laughed lowly. “We did fight once. Ended up on the same side. He gave me his coat.”
“Who were you fighting?”
“Some bloodsucker. Had an M name.”
Blade hadn't told you that. He hadn't mentioned he had once known a Wolverine. Not even when you had cried on his shoulder as Laura joined your party. You had mourned her, as well as the rest of your family, so seeing her alive and well really did mess with your psyche.
Laura's door opened to your left and she let out a surprised sound. “I was coming to see if you were awake.”
“Me and uncle Blade were just talking.”
“Anything interesting?” Her pupils fluttered between the two of you.
“A wolverine gave him a coat.” You repeated. “I didn't know he had met one.”
She crossed her arms. “Me neither.”
“I don't jabber like you.” He winked, a sly smile revealing his fangs.
You rolled your eyes and passed the man to knock at Gambit's door.
“Why are you up?” Laura asked Blade just in your earshot.
“Wanted to see you off.” He patted her shoulder. “Seeing less of you nowadays.”
She wormed her way into hugging him, not that he really resisted, and squeezed him. “It's strange being here.”
“I know.”
You wish you hadn't knocked at Gambit's door because the fucker opened it pulling your attention from them. “‘ey.” He nodded at you. “Who' ready for some drivin’?” Gambit ruffled your hair and shot passed you to the others. “Didn’ kno’ you'ere comin’.”
“I'm not.” Blade informed.
Gambit shrugged and tugged at Laura, “C’mon!”
You all trotted towards Logan's Jeep and climbed in. Your baby had the back row to herself and she had been clever enough to pack a small pillow in her bag.
Laura was wearing a Megadeth tee on top of a long sleeve with a pair of jeans. Gambit had opted for jeans as well but his seemed to be intentionally low waist. He'd paired it with a shirt that you're sure he had done a DIY crop job on.
All in all none of you looked like you were going to the same place but you looked good and you all felt comfy, all were able to decide what to wear. Not forced into the same outfit day in and day out. Laundry day in the Void was hilarious.
Everyone - bar Laura of course - had seen everyone else naked. You remember Magneto scoffing at yourself, Johnny and Gambit for sitting playing checkers in practically nothing, the odd sock and a ratty old shirt for modesty.
Y/N: setting off now x
You knew Logan would want to know so as Blade tapped the side of the car and Gambit pulled away from the curb you sent the text.
Your phone was sitting on your lap, Waze telling him where to go interrupting your playlist.
The Killers were your newest conquest. They were brilliant. You loved everything they performed, so dancy and fun!
Waze instructed you to get onto the highway you and Logan had had your hot steamy car sex and you had to fight the blush. If you were anywhere else people could've spotted you, well, they probably saw your car rocking… could you get a ticket for public indecency if they didn't have actual proof?
What if the car rocking was on camera?
“She's ‘sleep.” Gambit whispered next to you.
You turned back to see Laura spread out, sparko. “I hope she has fun at the Mansion.”
“Why wouldn' she?” He flicked the blinker on.
“I dunno, she hasn't been there.”
“Neither, chere.”
Gambit merged.
“Well, I know she had herself a Charles, I know he died in front of her. And yeah she's seen the one here for a millisecond, she had him look into her mind, but that's different. This will be informal, this will be- oh, I don't know.”
“You jus’ ‘ave to let things be things.” He shrugged. “You're worrying for her, when you don't need to. She strong. If she need you, she'll ask.”
You let that sit with you. He was right of course. She was tough and she would ask but since your little incident you were worried she had taken a step back. “It's just hard. We've lost so many people, I want to keep you all safe.”
“No such thing as safe.”
Again he was right. Say, right now, someone could have a brain aneurysm and crash their car into yours. There was literally no such thing as safe in a world of ever increasing variables. You, even, still entertained the notion that this was Cassandra toying with you.
“I don't think people give you enough credit, Remy.”
He chuckled. “Yo’ kno’ it serious when you use're my name.”
You laughed with him.
The mansion came into view and you felt a nervous twinge in your stomach. “Laura baby.” You nudged her knee.
The girl cracked an eye and realised where you guys were. “We're here?”
“Yeah, love.”
She sat up and eagerly undone her belt.
“Laura, Gambit, this is the X-Mansion.”
The building was the same, there were slight differences in the foliage but it was eerie how exact everything was. You could see Colossus was standing like a statue at the door to greet you.
Gambit pulled up in front to the entry stairs.
He turned the car off and you all exited.
“Y/N, Laura, Remy.” Colossus greeted in kind. “Welcome, welcome.”
The three of you trotted up the stairs and into the front doors.
Fuck me, even the chandelier had it's one flickering bulb. This was your mansion. Your home. Your sanctuary.
“You needn't fear, Miss L/N.” Charles spoke above your head to your mother. “Y/N will be safe here.”
You could hear giggling to the left, giggling and stomping. There were kids having fun. Craning your neck you could see one kid floating mid air whilst the other had their hands extended.
They were using their powers… they were allowed to use their powers.
“Hey.” A feminine voice caught your attention. It was a young girl - a year or so older than you, maybe seventeen? - with bouncy ginger hair and a kind face. “You're new.” She spoke without moving her lips. “I'm Jean.”
The girl gave you a bright smile. “I was asked to show you your room.”
You turned back to your mother who was still engaged in conversation with Professor Xavier. She looked different. Her shoulders weren't sagging and her eyes seemed hopeful. She wanted you here. Wanted you to be safe and, well let's face it, she'd be safer without a fucked up child.
“You're not 'fucked up'.” Jean rolled her eyes. “You're just something new.”
Your eyes widened. “Can you hear my mind?”
“Yeah, sorry. I can't turn it off all the time.” She had genuine embarrassment splattered on face. “I don't mean to, I'm still practising.”
“Okay.” You nodded. “I'll try to keep my thoughts quiet.”
The familiar sound of wheels pulled you from the memory. “Ahh.” Charles came into view. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
The others had clearly picked you as the spokesperson so you smiled. “Thank you for having us.”
“Of course.” His eyes crinkled with glee. “It was your home previously and apparently it hasn't changed. Would Laura and Remy care for a tour?”
The others looked at each other before nodding, unsurely.
“I'll call you both a guide.” He spoke before just sitting still. To an onlooker it would look rude, sarcastic, to say that and then sit motionless but you knew otherwise.
A girl with dead straight, long blonde hair and an unearthly feel to her sauntered into the entry. “I take Laura to Ellie and Yukio.” She spoke with a thick russian accent.
“Thank you kindly, Illyana.” Charles spoke over his shoulder.
You weren't 100% comfortable with Laura leaving but she had an eager expression on her face so you let her go with nothing more than a “call me if you need me.”
The two girls walked up the first flight of stairs, there were many in this labyrinth of an estate, and as they did they passed Rogue. She had darker skin than your Rogue but there was no mistaking that hair. Her hair was thick, voluminous and curly.
Her hips swayed as she strutted down the stairs. Adorned in ‘people clothes’ but looking every bit the X-Man she was.
“Y’all alright Sugar?” She placed her gloved hands on her hips. “I'm Anna Marie, they call me Rogue.”
“Remy LeBeau.” He bowed next to you. “They call me th’ Gambit.”
“Mmm. A Cajun, I can't wait to get some recipes outta you.” She waved him along, towards the right of the stairs and then disappeared underneath them to the kitchen.
Gambit clapped your shoulder before he jogged after her.
You were left with Charles. He was still smiling sweetly at you, it was a little unnerving.
“So…” You clapped your hands. “Who's my tour guide?”
“You don't need one, dear.” He told you simply. “You're free to explore, if you need me, call me.” He then whirled and zoomed off.
You were just left.
Again, to an onlooker it was rude. But maybe he knew you’d feel awkward paired with a X-Man. You would have to pretend to be in awe of the jet or the grounds or even just them. You knew a lot of these people but they had no clue you even existed.
If the TVA really went back and altered the reality was it still the same universe? How could they take their Logan out of it when he was the original Anchor being to the whole thing?
You pushed those thoughts aside and stomped through into one of the sitting areas.
It was large and decorated warmly. There were four sofas, three of which were in a square by the fire and the other was behind the one adjacent to the flames. There were coffee tables with board games and empty cups, messy bookshelves stacked high with trinkets and more games.
Two kids were playing chess, one had wings and the other was orange. Both were humanoid and young. Maybe 12?
You didn't care where you landed but you needed to sit by a fire. Stomping the light sleet off of your boots, you slipped out of your wet coat and scarf. Abandoning them on the floor - no one would be awake now - you rushed through into the first sitting available room. You flipped over the back of the sofa, face buried in pillows as your socks felt vague embers of warmth.
It was dangerous that it was still roaring but you didn't give a flying fuck.
“You alright bub?” A voice asked, opposite you.
You scrambled into a more presentable position and saw it was the new guy. What was his name? James? Jackson? Jonathan? It was definitely a J-Name.
He was sitting on the sofa opposite, in an X-Men hoodie and tracksuit bottoms, his feet were bare. The clothes led you to believe he had come from his bedroom.
“Yeah.” You nodded, hands outstretched to the flames. “Sorry, didn't realise anyone would be up.”
“It's alright.” He moved his hand to show that he was nursing a drink.
You questioned in disbelief, “is that bourbon?”
“Don't rat me out and you can have some.”
Now, that was an offer too good to pass up. “Sure thing. I saw nothing.”
He didn't have another glass so emptied the liquid into his mouth, wiped the rim and handed you a full glass. “Don't mind the-”
“It's fine.” After the day you had sharing a glass with a handsome man was nothing. “Working here I'm immune to any disease you could imagine.” You took a healthy swig, the liquid burning your throat. Immediately warming your insides. “I dunno if this is good stuff is but it's fucking strong. So cheers to that.”
He raised the bottle and took a gulp. You both sat in silence. After a while you had to shed your jumper, the heat making you sweat. He waited for you to fold your jumper before asking. “How long you been here?”
You did the mental maths. “Seven years.”
He hummed, the fire casting shadows that danced beautifully against his skin.
“Used to be everyone's favourite student, now I'm their favourite teacher.”
“Pretty thing like you, I'm sure you're right.” You had to pull your eyes away from him as he smirked. “What’d you teach?”
“Self defence.”
“Maybe I'll pop by.”
You took another sip. “You should. It'd be good to show the kids how to take down a bigger opponent.”
He sniggered. “It's a date.”
You prayed that the heat in your cheeks was from the fire.
“Why're you getting in so late?” One of his brows met his hairline. His hair was bonkers but endearingly cute, he looked like a little kitty cat. You wanted to see if it was as soft as you imagine.
You heaved a sigh. “I had to walk, the bike packed in.” Scott had loaned you his bike, drilling into you that you needed to refill it after using it. Well the fucker hadn't because it had conked out halfway through the journey.
The man opposite gave you a guilty smile. “Scott's?” You nod. “I might borrow it without his permission every now and then.”
You rolled your eyes. “So you're why I had to trek in the storm for 30 minutes. You owe me more than a drink Mr.”
“Logan.” He offered. Huh, you could've sworn it was a J-Name.
“Y/N.” You replied.
“I'll make it up to you Y/N. Somehow.”
A buzz in your pocket centred you back to reality.
Logan: Picked up his scent a while back. He's walking in circles
Y/N: Why? X
Logan: Classic misdirection, maybe shield weren't so careful
Y/N: Just be safe baby x
Logan: Course
Logan: How's the mansion?
Y/N: Memory lane has nothing on this place x
Logan: That good?
Y/N: Think so… just remembered meeting Logan for the first time. We'd sorta been introduced before but actually talking was a while after
He had read the message but didn't reply immediately. Perhaps he had to put the phone away to track Victor?
Logan: I'm here if things get overwhelming
Y/N: I'm not gonna call you on a hunt, love x
Logan: You're allowed. No one else.
Logan: You have any sort of 'wobble', you call me. No tears without me knowing
Y/N: Okay x
Logan: I gotta go but I love you Y/N
Y/N: You more baby x
The kids kept giving you confused side eye so you carried on into the next room. Surely they had seen a random person before, your mansion had a new person daily.
“Big brother is watching you.”
“Please, I beg you, I will do anything. Please do not spoil this.” You begged. He had found you sitting on the floor in a small crevice, 1984 clutched in hand. “This is the only book the students haven't read. ‘did you like that part miss?’ no I haven't got to that part yet, Sanhu!”
“I won't.” His hands met his hips. “What are you doin’?”
“Isn't it obvious? I'm Hiding.” Your eyes scanned the room before you eased yourself up, Logan caught your hand and steadied you.
“Sorry to pull you from your spot.”
“It's okay, wasn't you I was hiding from.” You dogeared the page and closed the book. “They keep finding me. There's only so many inane questions I can stomach.”
Logan chuckled. “It's ‘cause half have a crush on you and the rest are trying to imitate ya.”
You scoffed. “I highly doubt that.”
“Bub, trust me.” He rolled his eyes at your expression. “Here.” He handed you a blank CD case. “I came to give you this, it's the band that sings Sexical.”
“Oh cool!” You accepted the CD and flipped it. It looked man-made; ‘She's an angel’, ‘fuel to run’ and ‘cream’ scrawled in Logan's messy scratch. “You made this?”
“There are some songs I don't think you'd like, so I thought I'd put the good ones together.” He shrugged, the wall behind you becoming interesting.
You opened the case to see he had thankfully written the band's name - Love/Hate - with the same marker on the disc.
“Well, thank you. I'll dig my Walkman out.”
Logan gave you a nod and stalked off.
Christmas was wholly celebrated in the Mansion as there were those who couldn't return home. Storm and Jubilee had convinced you to help with the decorations and it took little to no convincing to get a certain gruff man to assist.
“Every year there's more.” You gestured to the decs.
Logan was leaning against the wall, he had helped you with the foil garlands, arms folded. “You love it.”
“Of course I do but taking it all down haunts me.” Last year it had taken four days to rid the Mansion of every last bit of tinsel. Angel had found a missed snowflake in the middle of June, it had fallen and landed on top of a portrait frame.
“If you had it your way, they'd stay up all year.”
“No.” You were adamant. “Halloween trumps Christmas.” Logan's brows rose to his hairline. “What? It's the superior holiday.”
“Wow, I knew you liked Halloween but hearing that from little miss kringle is something else.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove. “Shut up.”
Logan caught your wrist and placed it back down to your side, pulling you closer as he did. “Don't start things you can't finish.”
“Oh, we all know I can take you.” You gave him a smug smirk, spurred on by his intoxicating gaze - there were flecks of green hidden in his dark eyes - you added, “And in a fight.”
Logan's eyes bugled yet they slipped to your lips and back up.
“Hey, tweedle Dee and Dum!” Ororo’s voice called. “I'm seeing a lot of gazing longingly into each other's eyes and not seeing a lot of decorating.”
You turned to see Storm standing at the opposite side of the room, box in hand, one brow raised.
“Gazing longingly?” Logan scoffed as you called out: “We needed a five minute break!” You gave a nervous chuckle at his response and the situation in itself before trotting over to Storm, Logan let your wrist go a second too late, causing another awkward laugh.
“You can't tell me this room isn't festive enough.” Your voice was slightly higher than usual, no one commented but you knew they knew.
“It isn't festive enough.” Storm deadpanned, handing you yet another box, she did crack a smile at your ‘wtf’ face. “This is the last one. I promise.”
You didn't believe her in the slightest but let her vacate the room as you opened the storage box. It was faux greenery, garlands and wreaths and mistletoe.
“Ooh, Logan look!” You presented the herb. “Poisonous to werewolves.”
Logan was still standing by the wall but took a couple steps forward to look. “Lucky we don't have any.”
“Yet.” You added. “With all us mutants it wouldn't surprise me if we got a Vamp or an Undead being. I mean you're pretty grizzly, not far off a wolf.”
A familiar smile settled onto Logan's face, it was the same one he wore whenever you went on a tangent. You suppose being the silent watcher he was, he must be used to people yapping around him, hopefully you didn't annoy him too much.
You tried to refocus. “Where should we put it?”
“Depends on who you want to catch out.”
“Well, Jean won't tell me that her and Scott have a thing… but they totally have a thing. Maybe we try to catch them.”
“‘We’ yeah?”
“Are you backing out of my incredibly complex and well thought through plan?”
“Get out!” You screamed. “Go!”
The children behind you sprinted. They didn't wait for another order.
The humans had decided that they'd start out their New Year by killing children.
Your fields held strong against their bullets but you had known they would - if they could last against Adamantium they could last against a few bullets - creating bubbles of safety.
You were defense. Always on the lookout, always trying to hold back the onslaught so that the others could either fight or flee.
The footsteps behind you were out of earshot, meaning the children had got to safety. An underground tunnel would get them to a safe point. They would wait there for an adult.
You had done many drills and tests but you never thought this was a possibility. Fucking ridiculous!
You made a huge bubble and shoved the humans back, most of them being flung out of windows, glass shattering everywhere, but some hit the walls being knocked unconscious.
You were in bed, meaning that you had no shoes on so you tried to avoid blood, glass, bullet shells and any other debris as you examined each room.
You needed to get back to the others, you were protecting them from afar when a child screaming interrupted your flow. Logan's eyes had made contact with yours from his position in the garden and he gave you a few frantic nods. You didn't need permission but it was good that one of the team knew you weren't hit. If your fields suddenly vanished without explanation they might think the worst.
Shouting across the hall severed the silence and you jumped right back into the action. Jogging down the corridor, keeping low as you passed exposed areas.
Entering the room, you found nothing. It was just some of the teenage bunks. There were no children, no enemies, nothing.
Where had the shouting com-
Hands wrapped around you and you struggled, snarling as they strapped something to your neck. You tried to shove them off and create a field to prevent the rope? from winding around your neck. To stop it getting tighter.
It wasn't a rope.
It was cold.
Why weren't your fields working?
“Not so strong now, cutie?” A masculine voice spoke from behind, he circled you and gripped your jaw with one hand. “It's a shame you're one of them, you're fucking hot.”
“Is that a gun in your pocket?” You sassed. “Wouldn't want mommy to know you liked a freak like m-” He yanked your hair, making your neck click as he pulled you backwards.
“Tsk, tsk. A girl like you should know what comes out of your mouth should be prettier than what goes in.”
You spat in his face.
“That's it, bitch.” He struck you across your face - releasing his grip on your hair - with such force you landed on your knees.
He looked unimpressed as he stalked over to you and yanked on your arm, dragging you along with him. You fought back of course but felt inadequate without your powers. What sort of technology did they posses to force the Mutant gene into submission?
He groaned at the top of the stairs before you were tossed down them.
Your vision was blurry when you came to, he was dragging you again, bruised and aching. You could feel warmth flow from your hairline, down to your eyebrows, also leaking from your nose. Moving your arm was painful but you wiped your nose and found a blurry sticky red substance on your hand.
“Oit!” He yelled.
You were yanked down another few steps - each one sending a new jolt of pain through your body - but as you felt the floor it was hard. Small cold stones met your bare legs.
Outside. You were outside.
“You Muties, stick together right?” He presented you, slumped on the floor, squinting up at him. “Sorry, one second.” The man threaded his hand back into your hair and pulled you up, deciding kneeling wasn't good enough and forced you to stand on throbbing ankles. “What's her mutant name? You all have one, right?”
Your eyes focused and refocused trying to make out who was on the field. Storm was easy to see because of her hair but you could also see Hank and Scott. You knew Logan was there earlier but couldn't see him now.
“What? No one wants to play now?” He turned your head towards him and gave you an over exaggerated frown.
You had just enough sense in you to spit in his face again.
“That's it you fu-” he didn't finish his sentence because he was too preoccupied with punching you straight in the face.
You, again, landed on the ground but this time you were giggling.
“What's so funny?”
“You got-” You wheezed, closing your eyes. “Mutant spit in your mouth.”
He turned back to the others, addressing them. “I was going to bargain with her life but she's pissing me off, so I'm just going to kill her instead.” He chuckled. “Uh-uh-uh Cyclops. You can't kill a human under the new bill.”
“What?” Scott voiced the question you all thought.
“No mutant can kill a human, not even in self defense. Starting on January 1st. It's too bad for your lo-” He cut himself off with a choked gargle.
“No, it's too bad for you.” Logan taunted. “You had 6 minutes.”
The clamp on your neck fell away and hands were on your cheeks.
You tried to open your eyes but it was agony. “Hey, bub.”
“That's my line.”
Laying on the grass had become somewhat a passtime of yours now. For some reason you found comfort in the field.
When you had nightmares of that sadistic man and the bill and the humans and everything in your life, coming outside and laying on the dewy ground recentered you.
Charles and Erik had called a truce and began battling political opponents instead of each other. The bill was bullshit. It had passed and been withdrawn within a month.
It was odd classing Erik and Raven as enemies again when you knew ultimately you wanted the same goal but you would have to get used to it.
“I thought I'd find you out here.” You extended your neck to see Logan standing behind you.
“Hey, Lo.”
He collapsed next to you, sitting with one leg bent, his elbow resting on the knee. “You alright?”
You'd been the only mutant in the Mansion so far to have a collar fitted around your neck. You'd been the only one truly defenceless. Truly useless!
“I like the stars.”
He hummed, falling into a weighty silence with you.
There was no denying the two of you had grown closer, hell, he was probably your best friend at this point.
The two of you were paired together in training drills and in your lessons because you could really fight each other. Neither holding back. Your power could stop his. You were evenly matched.
He had gifted you more CDs and you had let him borrow a David Bowie LP. If he found you laying on the sofa reading he would sit next to you and keep you warm. He was so warm. Once, he even read to you. Your eyes were so tired and he plucked the book from your hands and finished the chapter.
You would never tell anyone, least of all him, but that was one of your fondest memories. His voice was so soothing and, bless him, he had even made up voices for the characters.
Logan always sat next to or opposite you as you ate, he was usually the main reason you ate, saving you a plate or bowl.
He was… well, like every other person with eyes here you'd formed a crush on him. He was just so kind. So generous. And it didn't hurt that he looked like that.
“I was thinkin’,” He started. You looked over, expecting him to still be sitting but he had moved. He was lying next to you, watching you. His nose inches from yours. “Tomorrow, I'll take you to to the bar I like.”
He was known for sneaking off premises at night. Coming home smelling like booze and smoke.
“The bar you like?” He had never confirmed he went to a bar - he was oddly secretive about certain aspects - but you all knew, it was something for him to admit it.
“It's a real shit hole but it's cheap and close.”
Your lips upturned at his blunt response. “Okay. You and me tomorrow. It's a date.”
“It is.” His face was serious. “I am taking you on a date.”
“Me?” You were flabbergasted. There were goddesses like Jean and Ororo and Raven and Psylocke knocking about and he wanted to take you on a date?
“There was only so much rolling about in the simulator we could do before I asked you out.” He joked but you could see an undercurrent of fear in his eyes.
“Yeah. Okay.” Your cheeks were warm. “I'd really like that.”
His cheeks pinkened and he looked up at the stars trying to suppress his smile. “Good.”
You felt his hand intertwine in yours and tried so hard to act natural. Tried to keep your breath steady and appear calm and collected.
“So, uh, what does one wear to a real shit hole?”
Logan's shoulders shook with his laugh.
It wasn't easy to take things slow when you lived and worked with the person.
Logan was ever the gentleman and gave you space but it was a strange mixture of wanting to be with him platonically and wanting to be with him romantically.
He was your best friend. You wanted to talk to him about your newest date but you also needed to act cool and casual.
You failed miserably at both of those things.
In fact you almost had a heart attack when he kissed your forehead for the first time.
He was yet to actually kiss you.
Which was good because it meant he liked you enough to listen and wanted to be around you without getting into your pants but you wanted him in your pants.
Which brought you to the present.
You were currently standing outside of his room - having knocked - waiting for a response.
“Lo, it's me.” You called through the wooden door.
“Come in.” He answered, slightly muffled.
You entered the room, he wasn't in view but the door leading to the bathroom was open, and flopped onto his bed. Letting out an exaggerated sigh - definitely not to inhale his smell - you spoke against his duvet, “I'm bored.”
“Yeah?” His footsteps got closer and you lifted your head and took a double take.
The fucker was glistening, a towel sitting far too low on his hips. His torso was gorgeous, he looked spectacular. He had strong pecs and chiselled abs, dusted with a coating of soft hair and there was one vein that disappeared into the towel that you ached to lick.
“Bub?” When your forced your eyes onto his face you saw a cocky grin.
“Yes?” You blunk, trying to figure out if he had spoken anything else. How long had you been ogling him?
A droplet of water fell from his hair and ran down his neck, passed his pecs and journeyed further- no! Don't look again.
Do not get caught twice!
“It should be illegal to look like you.” You spoke to your hands. They were resting on the duvet where your face had been.
“Kettle. Pot. Black.” One of his hands settled onto the towel, he usually had a belt to hold, so the movement could've been innocent but with the way his eyes scanned you, you knew it wasn't.
You eased yourself up, sitting on your folded legs and stared at him. Maybe you shouldn't. No either way you win. Either you call his bluff or... “You got a condom?”
The smile could've split his face in half, he licked his teeth, walking closer to the bed. Leaning down to open his bedside table he presented you with an unopened pack.
“Just for you.”
“I feel so special.”
Logan's right hand met your cheek and his thumb caressed the flesh. He was taller than you in this position so he lent down to kiss you. He was slow about it, giving you time to back out, but once his lips met yours he fastened the pace.
Your hands didn't know where to rest. One was fiddling with his chest hair whilst the other clawed at his back. You didn't want to be the one who disrobes their partner after less than thirty seconds of kissing but there was no robe. Can't disrobe someone who isn't wearing one, right? A mere piece of fabric barely covered him.
Oh my god.
He was naked.
Naked under the towel.
His tongue brushed against your bottom lip and you eagerly allowed access. Logan's chest rumbled, vibrating your hand, and you pulled back eyes wide.
“Do that again.”
He complied and you kissed your way along his chest. Sometimes you forgot how animalistic you were. How primal you could be.
Your cavewoman brain liked big strong man making noise.
Logan's nose nuzzled your neck, kissing your jaw and he ran his tongue across your jaw downwards to your collar bone.
It was almost embarrassing how wet you were but the steadily growing length poking your thigh made you feel better.
“I can smell you.” He ran his nose by your neck again. “Can always smell you. You're so sweet.”
“Always?” That better not be a hint.
“I know if you've been in a room.” He nipped your cheek. “I'm tuned into your frequency but now,” his voice deepened. ��I can smell here.” The touch was phantom but his fingers were where you wanted him most.
You only had on a baggy shirt and ratty pj shorts so you were quick to slip out of the shorts, tossing them behind your shoulder.
“Towel.” You ordered.
“I-” He paused, conflict flashing behind his eyes. “If we start I'm not su-”
“There is nothing that could make me not want this.” You didn't know how else to say it. "I would do a lot of bad things to do a lot of bad things to your body."
He smirked and allowed you to tug on the towel, it loosening, revealing his dick.
Oh, it was fucking fantastic.
You couldn't help but kiss his abdomen, dragging your tongue along the low vein. Wrapping a hand around his length you kissed the tip and he shuddered.
“You're beautiful.” You spoke to his dick, licking the slit.
“Take your shirt off.”
You grumbled, ignoring him, and licked the underside from shaft to head.
“Y/N. Shirt. Off.” His hand held your neck, halting your movements - you were stopped, your tongue poking out just shy of him.
Pulling up you made a show of removing the shirt and his hands were instantly on you. One was at your hip whilst the other kneaded your breast. He dipped his head and captured a nipple between his teeth, making your spine arch.
“You, er, you experienced?” He questioned releasing your nipple from his lips, his eyes gazing up at you.
Why did it feel like he was embarrassed to ask?
“I've had a couple not great fucks,” You shrugged. “Prefer my own company.”
“That's about to change.” He captured your lips again.
You were snuggled up in your bed watching the credits roll on a VHS you'd finally got your mitts on.
Logan slipped into your room and under the covers, wrapping a hand around your waist and dipping himself to kiss your cheek.
It was wet. Why was your cheek wet?
“Y/N?” What had happened?! Who did he have to kill?
“Spock fucking died!” You explained, frantically wiping your cheeks. “He just like sacrificed himself?”
If you had known that would happen you wouldn't have watched the movie at this particular time of the month.
Logan gave you a sympathetic noise and rolled you onto your spine, kissing your nose.
“It's okay.”
“No, it isn't.” Your eyelashes were wet but your eyes were no longer glossy. "Jim is alone, now."
"We'll get through this together."
Logan's palm found your abdomen and he kept his hand there, warmth radiating through easing some of the pain. “That's really nice.”
“I always get a fright each month when I can smell blood on you.” He nuzzled his face into your neck, placing delicate kisses to your flesh.
“How was the mission?” Your lips grazed his ear.
He had told you that your neck was his favourite part of you because it smelt the most. He was eager to mark and claim your as his own because it mingled the scents and apparently that was amazing. Logan seemed to get off on your scent alone so when there were hints of him on you he was wild.
“Distracted.” He sucked the junction between neck and collar bone. He had been chosen because of his unique sense of smell. It was a gift that he could track so easily. “Could smell you on my fingers, I didn't want to get bad guy blood on my hands because it would fuck it up. You'd smell wrong.”
Your body twitched as his tongue soothed the sore flesh. “That why it took longer?”
“Hmm.” He produced a small navy box from his jeans pocket, laying it on your chest. “This is why.”
You frowned but opened the lid to see the most beautiful pair of earrings imaginable. Diamond studs, each with three individual chains dangling, covered in more diamonds.
His face was buried into your neck for an entirely different reason now. It was fucking adorable that this big strong man still blushed around you. “Was gonna wait til your birthday but…”
“Thank you, Lo.” You kissed where you could reach on his cheek. “They're beautiful.”
“I brought them because…” He pulled back, his hazel eyes studying your face. “I want to take you out more. Take you to places that aren't natural or manmade disasters. I want to show you off to the world. I like having you on my arm, I really want to show you off. I think we should go out more. You and me just see the world, maybe? Travel? And, well, I've also realised that I fucking love you.”
Neither of you had quite admitted that yet. There were close calls where you almost did after a bad mission but it felt wrong to tell him on your deathbed. Felt like you'd cheat him. He deserved more than a ‘hi and bye’.
“I love you, too. I think I might even love you more, Logan.” Your fingers stroked his temple, gruff hair itching your hand.
He let out a sigh of relief and you almost laughed because how could you not replicate the feelings? Then you considered the way he rambled. How much this must have meant to him, he always wanted to do it right; to make sure everything was perfect for you but it was when he stuttered and said things out of order that you really saw how much he cared. He was unable to form literate sentences because he loved you so deeply. That was true, real love. Not the smooth talking, lady killers in the movies.
“No you don't.” He pecked your forehead.
“Who wants to see me kick Mr Logan's ass?” You cockily placed your hands on your hips.
Logan was standing next to you, hands in his hoodie pockets.
He was wearing matching grey sweatpants and you were dying. How did grey sweats look that good?
“He can't die.” Marcus - a little shit - sassed. “What's the point in fighting someone that can't die?”
“Well, self defence isn't about killing.” You set him straight. “It is about protecting yourself. Being able to keep yourself safe in this world is the most powerful thing you'll ever learn.” Hopefully, they would never know the hopelessness you felt when that collar locked around your neck, hopefully they could live in peace. Live freely.
Marcus just rolled his eyes.
“She's right, kid.” Logan backed you up. “There's a lot to fighting that isn't killing. I've been around a long time, I'd know.”
“Then shouldn't you fight someone more evenly matched?” He raised a brow. You knew this was coming. He had grown up in a very strict household. His parents were cultists, if he hadn't been a mutant he would've been the next leader. Shame. Women were beneath men in his eyes - which wasn't necessary his fault and you were trying to carefully show him but the fucker was pissing you off.
“She's kicked my ass more than any other opponent.” Logan shrugged playfully but you could see the twitch of his jaw.
“That's because you fight often. It's a matter of quantity and not quality.”
“Okay.” You clapped your hands before the kid would get on Logan's nerves. “Who wants to show me their skills?”
The lesson went smoothly after that. You saw a lot of potential in Erica and begged Winston to keep practising.
Marcus refused to show you - or anyone - his ability.
You had assumed it was because ‘mutant is wrong’ was drilled into him as a child but perhaps he just didn't trust you. You'd have to figure out how to bring him out of that shell.
The students left your class with a varying amount of glee.
“I don't know how you're so nice.” Logan lit a cigar. “You just put this smile on and keep going.”
“He's a kid.” You answered. “A stupid kid but a kid.”
“I think we're evenly matched.” He winked.
You scoffed and tidied away some of the equipment.
It was nagging at you.
It had been all class.
‘I've been around a long time’
Yeah, you knew.
Everyone knew.
But woul-would you be old and shrivelled and he'd still be the same?
Would he look at you in disgust once you started greying?
“What's the most dead you've been?” The words were sudden and far from eloquent.
Logan blinked, his brows meeting. “The most dead I've been?”
You nodded.
He pondered the question. “I was a skeleton at one point. My skin and organs regrew it was trippy.”
You considered the answer.
He could literally operate as a skeleton and you were out for a week because of a bad cold.
Was this the first chip?
Was this something that would slowly become a larger crack?
Would your relationship survive this?
You plastered a grin on your face. “Okay.”
“Hey handsome!” You strutted straight up to Logan. He looked amazing, wearing a dark button down and black dress trousers. You wanted to take him straight upstairs.
“Baby.” His arm automatically wrapped around your waist, kissing your hairline before reconnecting with Kurt.
You didn't catch what they were talking about, too drunk to care but sober enough to nod along when they looked at you.
Kurt poked your nose before he disappeared and you sneezed.
“Bless you.” Logan bent his neck to look at your scrunched face.
“That was so tickly.” You rubbed your nose, hoping your makeup stayed in place.
“Have I told you you look beautiful tonight?”
“Only a thousand times.” You grinned upwards, tiptoeing to capture his lips. “I know it's Hank's birthday but you look so yummy. Want to take you upstairs.”
Logan growled at your words, wrapping his other hand around you, “I won't say no.”
“Let's go then.” You kissed his chin.
“Hey lovebirds!” Bobby called across the room. “I need another teammate.”
“Go on.” Logan nudged you, you had all night and the rest of your life to fuck. Maybe you should enjoy your friends company. Linger in the room too long. “You'll be terrible but it'll be fun to watch.”
He was standing next to Sunspot at one end of a Beer Pong match. Jubilee, Kitty and Rogue were at the other.
You mock gasped but knew he was right.
The game was rigged, you were sure of it. You had to drink every time and barely managed one cup. Logan took pity on you after the second beer and downed your drinks, the others weren't best pleased but no one was going to argue with the Wolverine about his girl.
It was so good to let loose.
After having your hysterectomy and being without your best friend for months this was bliss.
You hadn't realised how much he was a part of you. Removing him from your life left it cold and empty.
It was cliché but you had slowly tumbled into a depression without him. Much like any teenage lead in a shitty romcom being without your boyfriend was agony.
He understood your reasoning, didn't condone the actions but was able to see it from your perspective.
You were rarely allowed to be out of his eyeshot, now. He had become even more protective of you, wanting you to feel loved and supported even if you told him you didn't need that. He wanted you to come to him with any issue, to trust him, no matter how big or small.
And you wanted to be strong.
You wanted to prove that you were okay.
But being carried up to bed and coddled was fucking lovely.
“It's Alice in Chains!” You excitedly clapped Logan's arm. He had played you this song more than once, you think it was called Nutshell. Did Hank borrow some of your CDs? “This is your favourite song!”
He smirked. “Not my favourite but it's a good one.” He wrapped himself around your body, his front to your back, watching Jubilee sink one for Bobby.
“What is your favourite song?”
He hummed and you felt his shoulders move. “I don't know, I'd have to think on it.”
Okay, you'd allow that. It wasn't an easy question so you reworded it. “If you were dying right now what would you want to listen to?”
“You humming in the kitchen.” He answered without a second thought.
You giggled, turning in his hold. “No, come on, seriously.”
He rest his forehead against yours. “When you hummed Elvis… making those flapjacks… the sun was-it made you look ethereal, you were an angel. I want that.”
You remembered that day. Everything had gone wrong even though you followed the recipe to a tee! He had walked in on you mid tantrum and made life better. If he thought you looked angelic covered in sugar and chocolate then imagine what he thought when you made an effort.
“You always leave me speechless.”
He kissed your temple.
“I never meant to cause you any sorrow.” You spoke seriously.
Logan looked up from the papers he was grading. His eyes squinting slightly in a silent question.
“I never meant to cause you any pain.” You injected sadness into your voice, it cracked slightly.
“What's happening?” He looked really worried, taking off his reading glasses.
“I only wanted one time to see you laughing.” You used your hands animatedly.
“I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain.”
He heaved a sigh of relief. “You had me worried. I was trying to figure out if I'd missed a birthday or an anniversary.”
“I can't grade these papers. The song is rattling around in my head.” You thunked your head against the desk. “Why did we say we'd help Jean again?”
“You told her you could grade more papers in a day then she could.”
“Pathetic fallacy this, juxtaposition that.” You groaned. “Why do I get so competitive?”
“I don’t know.” He spoke honestly. “We could be spending our evening any other way but you have us reading shitty analysises on An Inspector Calls.”
You didn't answer him. You wouldn't let him goad you. Wouldn't stoop to his level, despite wanting so badly to stoop in front of him. Biting the inside of your cheek you stood. “Nope, sorry, I have to play the record.”
He watched you wander to the shared pile of music. Your LPs and his CDs intermingled in the corner of his room.
“Is the Prince album in here?” You flicked through the LPs.
“All our music is. Did you let anyone borrow it?”
“I don't know.” You knelt, opening the cupboard underneath the record player, he panicked, jumping up.
“Don't look in-”
“Ha!” You waved the cover smiling but your enthusiasm ebbed away making room for suspicion. “Don't look in here?”
A hand stretched his face. “Please don't ask questions.”
“If you're hiding a present somewhere make sure it's not somewhere I'd look, Howlett.” You closed the doors. “That's like the first rule.”
“I don't have that many hiding places.” He defended. “We live together.”
That was technically true and untrue.
You still had a room.
You just spent most of your time in his.
“I can vacate i-”
“Shut up.” He took the record from your hands and secured the vinyl onto the spindle and placed the needle accordingly. He flipped the machine on and the last chords of ‘baby I'm a star’ played before the familiar strum.
He offered you his palm and you took it, easing up from the floor. “Dance with me?”
The two of you swayed to the music. It was the last song on this side of the record so you'd have to change it soon but just leaning against him, listening to Prince sing and play his guitar was heavenly.
Logan's nose was buried in your hair. He would tell you later on that he wouldn't have minded if you found what he was hiding.
He would've just got down on his knee then and there.
He didn't want to propose publicly but he wanted to make the day special. Make you feel loved like you deserved.
“Y/N?” You turned your head. You were upstairs. Outside of Logan's room.
It was empty. Unoccupied.
“Storm.” She looked amazing. Had she even aged? Maybe she was born later in this universe.
“The professor asked me to check on you.” She spoke with ease but it wasn't the friendly chatter you were used to.
“Yeah sorry, I've just been wandering like a ghost around this mansion.” Your cheeks warmed. “I'm absolutely fine, though, thank you for checking up on me.”
Part 14
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @br3nt-12 @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae @mei-simp @slightlymediocree @h0n3y-l3m0n05
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talenlee · 6 months
Why Is Druid?
Say that like ‘where is Wizard Hut?‘
I love the 4e Druid. This is a marked change from how much I liked the 3e druid, or how often you might see me playing a druid in a Baldur’s Gate game. Back in 3rd edition, the druid, despite being very powerful, never really engaged me, in part perhaps because I was always trying to find something exploitative and powerful rather than merely accepting the juggernaut of a toolkit the game just left in the Player’s Handbook. You couldn’t get clever with the Druid, you just had to pick it up and use it, like some sort of society of creative anachronisms where one of the anachronisms available to the players was has gun. Valid, but hardly sporting.
The Druid in 4th edition is different. Wildly different. Weirdly different, and different in one of those ways that shows what I think of as a seam in the design between 4th and 3rd editions of D&D.
The Druid was one of 3rd edition’s great mistakes, a full spellcasting class with healer capacity to serve as a pinch-hitter healer in a group that wanted things a little more varied, addressing an enormously complex potential build from its earlier edition, 2e, and all in the process, resulting in some deeply confused mash up of abilities that attempted to address confusion with volume. The druid of 2e had a special unique set of rules compared to the Cleric — for example, at a certain level, you passed into a specific category of Druidic ability and now you were technically a Hierophant, and Hierophants had seven extra spells of every level. Of course there was a limited supply of Hierophants in the world, so there was a question of if you could level up if another one existed, and maybe there’s a one-in, one-out policy? First in, first fired?
Anyway, I can’t speak to how it played, but I am at least aware, on the edges of it, that the 2e druid was odd. It had a lot of things it could do, but much of how it worked, reading the books, seemed to be interesting but challenging to manage. You could wild shape, you could heal, you could cast utility spells, you could even fight with some melee weapons — personally, I didn’t see any of it worth it, because none of the things it could do it could do very well.
3e addressed this seeming difficulty by instead taking all those different options and bringing them all up to the same level. Wild Shape worked by checking traits of monster units, which meant that you weren’t limited to specific reinterpretations of animals and instead could do what a druid feels like it should do — you know, turn into an animal. The spells were rebalanced and shared across different classes, which meant that they tended to work in a more standardised way. Armour rules were aggregated, and weapons were made less terrible.
The result was that the 3e druid went from being ‘decent’ at a bunch of things to ‘good’ at everything it wanted to do. The problem of the druid then became about picking the thing you wanted to at every opportunity, and doing a good job of it — you’d have druids carrying wands of healing so they could dedicate their spell slots to more important tasks, like Flame Striking opponents, or messing up the battlefield with roots. You’d also see druids keeping the ‘best’ list of animals on hand, and every new monster book presented a new chance for druids to develop a new best form.
It also created the strange question of What does the druid do?
The answer was ‘everything.’
The 4e Druid, in comparison and contrast to these designs is something very different that touches, at best, on the periphery of what the 3e Druid could be. I mean it stands to reason, you can only ever touch on doing everything when something you’re working from is so powerful. 4e with its role system of Defender, Striker, Leader and Controller, and its reliable, reusable balance math suddenly was confronted with fitting an elephant into a shoebox.
How do you represent something busted that could do everything in the context of a new system that sought to explicitly prevent that? I joked when the game was new that the four roles were Defender, Striker, Leader and Miscellaneous. That any class too powerful, with too much stuff it could potentially do, got thrown to the Controller role as suggested by the first Controller we ever saw being the Wizard. Oh and back in Player’s Handbook 1, the Wizard had a few builds that were pretty ridiculously pushed — the pinball wizard, I’ll talk about it sometime — and that meant that it was easy to feel like the Controller Does Everything.
That impression diluted through experience, of course, and eventually it came to that while yes, the Controller sure has some Miscellaneous vibes, the core of what the Controller was there to do was to attack the enemy action economy. Nice and obvious to a non giga-nerd, right? Okay, how about this: The leader lets you do more things, the controller stops them from doing more things?
And into this space, they poured the druid.
It works beautifully, for my tastes; the druid needs to do lots of things to feel properly druidy, but you need to make sure the doing lots of things doesn’t unbalance the game. Controllers have the widest variety of things they can do and ways they can do them – inflicting status conditions, changing enemy position, preventing specific action types, making areas on the battlefield inaccessible, these are all ‘controllery’ things, and that means there’s a lot of different ways you can flavour them. The Invoker is most famous for making zones in the play space hard to deal with, the Wizard has a build that slides things all over the place, and the psion controls people with immense penalties to their damage rolls.
Obligatory pause where, while reading this aloud, for either Fox or I to comment on how amazing it is that Dishearten is an AOE power.
Anyway, the druid was designed to be a mode switcher class. That is, there are two ways a druid can do things. One is a melee controller that makes a single target’s life harder, the other is a ranged controller that makes a large group of enemies’ lives harder. This mode switching then adds a new element to the class that your powers can interact with, where you now have control powers that can add a mode switching element to them as well. This is your Wild Shape – you transform into some kind of nonspecific beast, which can use your Wild Shape powers. Each form has fewer powers to manage, and you can build your druid to specialise in one or the other or do a mix.
This lets the druid do the ‘a lot’ without letting them actually do everything. You have a lot of choices and a lot of ways to play with those pieces, but even just how often you use the mode switch is part of what the druid does to control the battlefield. When I first played a druid, it was not uncommon to start a fight out of wild shape, use the first turn to make some kind of area control power, then shift into wild shape for the rest of the fight kicking people into that area control power. There are druids builds that work like wizards and only ever shapeshift to get away from problems, and make a hit while scuttling away, or to sit on a specific type of problem. There were druids who focused on summoning monsters and using them as kind of turrets on the battlefield, positioning allies in a way that benefitted them around those summons.
Lone artillery combat encounters, where you have a bunch of stuff in front of a long-ranged attacker? Druids love those. Even at level 1, that artillery is spending their days completely stuck underneath a Fire Hawk power.
Problem is, of course, that if you want to do Everything doing a Lot is going to miss something. That was what led to the subclasses of the druid, the ones that added healer elements to the druid, because the druid back in 3e could do that. It added animal companions, because the druid back in 3e could do that. Now I don’t worry too much about these things because if I wanted an animal companion on my Druid, I’d take a theme for that, but also because these changes were introduced in an Essentials book.
Which is to say, they’re crap.
They’re not crap crap, like I try to defend Essentials as giving players a choice for simplified character builds, but in the specific case of the Essentials Druids, in order to work with the simplified choices, these Essentials druids with their animal companions and their healing powers have to look at all other Druid powers and not use them. The only use they get out of their animal companion is using the specific subset of powers that make them work, and that makes combat more samey. But again: That’s a thing you probably want if you want a simplified build.
Still, it gives rise to my favourite joke – I mean like, funny thing, not really a joke, there’s no subversion of reality or anything here – about the Healer Druid. See, every Leader in the game gets an encounter power, usable twice a combat at level 1, that heals an ally with a bonus. Every class gets their own version that lets them distinguish their class specifically and add some interesting detail that shows how this Leader differs from other Leaders.
The Healer druid build gets Healing Word.
The Cleric power.
Literally, the same power, same name, listed as a Cleric power.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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vinvantae · 1 year
Ferrari’s second driver has been F1’s best kept secret for the past few years, but reports have come to light that the faceless driver might actually be a woman.
With 2 championships under their belt, no one had ever suspected anyone other than a former known player to the sport. But if speculation is to be believed… driver number 30, is a woman with no previous F1 experience before getting her seat.
You tapped your fingers across the top of your steering wheel as everyone around you worked on the car. This race was vital, a 3 way tie for 1st place going into the final part of the season - something that no one had expected at the start of the year. And you were starting 2nd place, alongside Max on the front row with Lewis close behind. If you won this, you would be a 3rd time world champion. But with Lewis fighting for his eighth, and Max fighting for his first? It was never going to be simple.
There were 3 more races left of the season so every mistake would be costly. And with your secret slowly starting to be uncovered by the media, you knew you had to do your best before they revealed your truth to the world.
It was a mystery how it had never leaked before now. Only a room full of people in the whole world knew who you were, your two teammates - current and prior - Sebastian and Charles, being the only two on the grid who knew. And before it was all taken away, you wanted, no, needed that 3rd championship win. You liked being F1’s biggest mystery but the weight of it was starting to tug you down, so maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing?
But as soon as they know, every mistake you’ve ever made will be blamed on your gender.
They’ll say you’re ashamed of being a woman.
You knew the latter wasn’t true, but you’d always wanted to be able to prove yourself without the extra pressure from them of being a woman on top of all of that. You didn’t want to be ‘the first woman’ on the grid full time. You didn’t want to be different. So faceless was the right way.
You just didn’t know how long you had left before the mask finally slipped.
So I’ve been heavily inspired by the faceless driver trend going round on tiktok (started by user @/ffrancescc I believe! Let me know if they have tumblr I’d love to give proper credit ❤️)
Let me know what you think 🥰
Edit - decided this is gonna be a Charles fic!
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jaylver · 2 years
jay as your bee eff <3
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PAIRINGS: boyfie!jongseong x gn!reader
GENRE: established relationship, romance, fluff
WARNINGS: none, except this might be a little messy
WC: 575
A/N: in celebration of jay being back, here's something hehe, it's also really random and sudden but being a jay girl, i needed to write these down and delulu a little (come join me) share some of your thoughts with me through asks if you wants! (it's the best option bc i can't reply to comments help)
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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– most likely met through someone. friends or family, maybe even family friends. very invisible strings coded ngl.
– IMO he's very gold rush coded too! everybody wants him and that made you second guess, so that's why you never really chased after him
– but knowing jay, he's the type to never back down, he wants you, he is gonna get you. period.
– he's a passionate lover, he's the one to fall harder and deeper
– he would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get you
– sacrificing his own to make time for you, bringing you out, listening to you, planning dates together
– cinema dates, dinner dates, he'll always find a way to spend time with you
– he would ALWAYS remember the smallest details about you
– "oh i remembered you said you like xx" and he turns up with that next
– you liked the cake he bought? it's going to be in his hands the next time you meet
– very lowkey about being rich, it's basically like the 'crazy rich asians' scene where she founds out he's rich 😭
– is the type to shower you with gifts even though you already said it's no need, but it's his way to showing you love by gift giving
– mutual pining, lots of mutual pining before being official
– he probably confessed to you in a really romantic poetic way let's be fr
– he's very affectionate, he loves with his HEART
– lowkey pda, doesn't like kissing in public but he does like skinships, he does like small kisses on cheeks, forehead pecks!
– holding hands, hands around your waist/shoulder, reassuring squeezes
– your family LOVES HIM!!! he might seem shy at first but he KNOWS how to charm your relatives
– your mum loves him, he's always over and helping her out, being the gentleman as ever!!
– family dinners with relatives, he would check up on you from time to time, squeezing your thigh in reassurance, telling you jokes and making you laugh
– from a 3rd pov y'all just seem like you're in your own world #cute
– as someone who gets really quiet when mad, i feel like he'll definitely know, giving you space to calm down and then approaching you, making you feel better
– good with words, he knows what to say to make you feel better/less anxious
– for my swifties out there, he's very "all of the girls you loved before" coded to me ☹️☹️
– he gets possessive sometimes, but nothing serious, also can be a jealous boy at times
– he needs words of affirmation! he can get a little worried/insecure sometimes, so it's important to give assurance!
– he's talkative, you'll give all ears and listen to his rants
– being talkative, it also means he CAN NEVER stop talking about you <3
– to his friends, family, he'll just be saying "oh y/n loves this" whenever he sees something that reminds him of you, he's a big sweetheart wbk
– secretly loves it when you come and bug him when he works
– enjoys cuddling in bed, running his hand over your back and playing with your hair.
– loves when you play with his hair, his hands, just the most simple things ever and he loves them all
– when the lights are off and you two are still awake, best believe you'll be talking until late into the night.
– at the end of the day, he'll give you the most healthy and stable relationship ever <3 he's the absolute best !!!
– super husband material, get ready for your family/friends to start asking "when are you guys getting married?"
– soon!!
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
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sarcosmiiic · 4 months
edit: goddAYUM this poll got a positive response :DDD i realized after i made the poll the maybe asking the MLP fandom if i should get into MLP miiight not be the best idea i've ever had :333 but i started watching my little pony! and i really like it :] thanks to everyone who answered!! <3
oh also the secret third option was the friends we made along the way :)))
~~~ (original post vvv)
hey guys before i leave for another 2.6 months, have a poll uwu
i loved the show as a kid and the ✨✨✨shiny pretty colors✨✨✨ and massive fandom might be luring me in- MLP FANDOM, HERES YOUR CHANCE TO TELL A (possible) NEW FAN WHATEVER TF YOU WANT :D
(edit: i went into a trance and now my mlp sona (ponysona?) is halfway done, oops)
(also thefinestbrandofeefa im so sorry i have failed thee and the entire mlp fandom, neigh, tumblr as a whole, i cant edit the poll, i had the greatest opportunity for a pun and i missed it😔😔😔 /lh)
(OH FAHK ALSO TYSM FOR THE RESPONSES EVER,,, every,,,, everypon,,,,, yall im sorry i cant do this) /j
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daxerian · 1 year
Teenage Love
Charles Leclerc x reader
Author's note: this is like the longest fic i have ever written and omg i feel excited for you to read this! Also i write like every story for my friend so it's kind of written in 3rd person so i hope that doesn't bother you!
Words: 7k (and some more)
Warnings: divorce, a bit of smut (not explained of course just a bit) and i think that's all
Ps: it's kinda rushed so don't expect much
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Y/n and Charles had the teenage summer love, but for them, it kinda seemed that it's a forever kind of thing you know? They somehow made it work with Charles' rising career in Formula 1 and y/n wanting to finish her Business degree. It worked, Charles got into Formula 1 and y/n finished her degree and got a job.
They got married in 2021 but since then their relationship wasn't it. There wasn't excitement in y/n's eyes when Charles came home after a race late at night. There wasn't any interest on Charles' face when y/n wanted to tell him about her day. Their relationship was falling apart. But they never mentioned a divorce, maybe they were scared to talk about it, or maybe they didn't want to throw all the memories they made over the 8 years of their relationship and 10 years of their friendship.
What should they do? Y/n already started looking at apartments in the city she grew up in, Spain. Of course, it was out of boredom then it started to get serious. Y/n found a job near the location of the apartment and it paid well. Charles found out about this a few weeks later because of his job. The argument was born just like that.
"What are you looking at?" Charles asked quite confused why his wife is looking at homes in Spain. "Nothing" y/n answered not wanting to talk about it but she knew that Charles would eventually find out. "Then why are you looking at apartments in Spain? Is it for a friend or what?" he asked and of course getting a bit mad, "No it's for me Charles, not any friends or family, just me" "But why?" "Charles, don't you understand everything that has been going on for the last 2 nearly 3 years of our marriage? We are more like roommates that don't like each other than happily married couple!" y/n answered Charles rather harshly than expected.
Charles became quiet because he knew y/n was right about their whole marriage being nothing but a failure of love. "Our marriage started to fall apart after our honeymoon. We pretend to love each other and I'm sick of it Charles! I no longer feel like I'm in a fairytale story with a loving husband in this beautiful city, your fans know that our marriage is falling apart but not you!" y/n told him this in a very mad but sad tone in her voice.
"Oh, you think I didn't notice that our relationship is falling apart? You don't know how many nights I spend wondering if you want a divorce or not! I ignore that this life that we created is not falling apart because I only imagined it with you y/n!" Charles told her sadly but he tried to hide it with frustration and anger. Y/n didn't know how to answer because she knew Charles told the truth that needed to be said.
"I never truly wanted this end with you Charles, all I wanted with you was a happy marriage and after time kids that could be a carbon copy of us you know? The happy life, not this stuff. And I also think that divorce would be the best option for us, we're not happy anymore so" y/n had a hard time saying this and obviously with the divorce part but she knew it was for the best.
Charles didn't know how to react to y/n asking for a divorce but he had respect for so he told her that everything was going to ok. "I'll call my lawyer to get the divorce petition so we can file it and then send the request for court okay? It will take a few months but not forever so we can fly to Spain and look at the apartments you have been looking for so you know which one is the best for you" At this point, Charles was trying not to cry.
Y/n was stunned, she just told Charles that a divorce would be the best thing for them and he said okay. "You would do this for me?" "I would even if I didn't want to"
*2 years later*
Y/n and Charles remained friends, they contacted each other twice a month to see how the other one is doing y/n also went to the Spanish GP to show support to Charles even if they were no longer together. Some fans still believe that the whole split up was something made up and the couple was still together but you know Bety and Charles ignored them, because even after the 2 years they wanted to keep it for themselves.
A lot of things happened since the divorce. Charles still interacted with his fans but not as often as before. Y/n couldn't focus on her work stuff anymore. They missed each other so much but they didn't dare to admit it. It's like 2 years ago when they were both scared to talk about their failing marriage.
They were meant to be but they did it wrong.
Well, one day everything changed. It was a beautiful summer day like every other in Madrid but at the end of the day it started raining so much, so y/n took care of herself you know? Washed her hair, did her skincare, made some late-night dinner that wouldn't make her stomach upset, and turn on a movie.
It was halfway through the movie and she heard her doorbell ring of course she wondered who the hell is here at 10:30 pm. She looked through the peephole and saw Charles with soaked hair, hoodie and sweatpants. She quickly opened the door and instantly felt worried. What the fuck is Charles doing here?
She softly asked him "Charles what are you doing here? And why are you crying? Come inside please" Of course she still cared, he was still her friend. "I'm so sorry," Charles said with tears in his eyes. "Sorry for what Charlie? I don't understand" "I'm so sorry for not trying harder in our marriage. And I fucking hate myself it took me 2 fucking years to realize that I should try harder and I shouldn't even be here your boyfriend-" Charles said slowly because he was crying.
"What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend" Y/n answered him still talking to him softly because she couldn't stay mad at him. "You don't? After all the time?" Charles was confused cause y/n is still the prettiest woman he has ever seen and she could be with anybody she wants. "No Charlie I- you know what? I'll find some clothes for you and you go take a shower okay? The bathroom is down the hall" y/n told him "Okay, thank you"
Y/n never told anyone but when she was packing her stuff she sneakily 'stole' two pairs of Charles' sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants, they were big on her of course but they were her favorite pieces of clothing of his, so how could she let them go? After some time they stopped to smell like him and it kinda hurt her. Because Charles has this smell of his own that reminds her of home.
After some time y/n asked Charles softly if he wanted to talk about what was troubling him. Charles shook his head and said that all he wanted was her. Y/n tried to remind him that they couldn't act on their feelings, but he insisted that he knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Against her better judgment, y/n found herself kissing him passionately.
It all happened so fast through. They were kissing passionately on her couch after 2 years of trying to act like friends even when they knew, they could never be just friends. It got carried away to y/n’s bedroom and it happened, it happened with love. Lingering touches were exchanged. Words of affirmation too. They somehow found themselves in love again.
*10 years later*
Charles and y/n got re-married after getting back together all these years ago. They are both 37 and living the best life they could ever imagine having. With Charles having 3 World Titles on his check he decided to retire after being in the sport for a lot of years. Y/n started working from home so she could finally had much more time to spend with her family.
They also got 2 beautiful daughters. Stella and Rose Leclerc. Those 2 girls brought so much joy to their lives. Stella being the fantastic 6-year-old kiddo and Rose being the fabulous 4-year-old, were living like one. There weren't arguments between the 2 sisters. They were their Angeles.
And now they are living their best life in their house in the beautiful country of Monaco.
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clexaweekofficial · 2 years
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Here are the themes that won for the upcoming Clexaweek23! If you would like to participate, just create something (write a fic, draw some art, make a moodboard, a video edit, you name it!) that somehow involves that particular theme. Whether you create or not, please participate by supporting each other! :) Reblog posts instead of just liking, and leave nice comments on content! 
Day 1: Monday, February 27th - Childhood Friends
Clarke and Lexa were friends as children! Example: maybe Clarke and Lexa have been glued at the hip since they were five years old. They went to school together, then college, and now they have an apartment together. They don’t really understand why everyone assumes they’re dating; or why they seem to get so jealous when the other person IS dating. Maybe Clexa were best friends in elementary school, until Lexa moved away. Now they’re in their thirties, Clarke is a divorced single mother, and she’s shocked when she realized that her kid’s teacher is none other than her childhood best friend. Maybe Lexa had a very difficult childhood and Clarke was the first friend she ever made, until Lexa was forced to move away; years later, they meet again in a support group, both having lost their partners. Maybe they were best friends until a falling out in middle school; awkward moment when they realize they’re roommates!
Day 2: Tuesday, February 28th - Secret Relationship
Lexa and Clarke in a secret relationship with each other. Examples: Are Clexa rivals in public but besotted behind closed doors? Is Clarke secretly dating her best friend’s sister which is totally off-limits? Is Lexa hiding the fact that she’s been dating her ex’s ex? Is Clarke secretly dating her best friend’s worst enemy? 
Day 3: Wednesday, March 1st - Fake Dating
The opposite of day 2! Clarke and Lexa are pretending to date. Examples: Maybe Lexa desperately needs a date to bring home for the holidays to get her mom off her back, so who better to ask than the cute girl she keeps running into at her favorite coffee shop? Maybe Clarke needs some temporary arm-candy to make an ex jealous! Maybe Clarke is trying to impress a boss who seems to only want to hang outside of work with a couples’ date, so she convinces Lexa to pretend to be her girlfriend and come out to dinner with her unbearable boss because she REALLY needs that promotion! 
Day 4: Thursday, March 2nd - Accidents Happen!
I put together Accidental Kiss and Accidental marriage/relationship since they’re so close together. Bottom line is Clexa accidentally do SOMETHING. Maybe they’re rivals on the same sports team and are so swept up in the euphoria of their win that they kiss right there on the field! Or maybe they’re strangers who wake up in Vegas and are horrified to realize they’re married. Maybe Lexa’s wife left her at the alter because she claims Lexa will never love her as much as she loves someone else. A devastated Lexa has no idea what she means, but she already paid for the honeymoon so why not take her best friend Clarke with her? Except oops, in the morning they wake up hungover and naked and the ring Lexa had bought Costia is on Clarke’s finger. Maybe Clexa are just fuck buddies, friends with benefits - except one day they realize oops, it’s been ten months and I have my own drawer space at your place and my own toothbrush and shit are we dating, are we living together??
Day 5: Friday, March 3rd - Friends or foes?
Both Enemies to Lovers and Friends to Lovers tied, so what does that mean? We do both! You can choose to use one of these, or do both! Examples: Maybe Lexa HATES her neighbor Clarke, who always seems to wake her up in the middle of the night because she apparently can’t paint without listening to music. Maybe Clarke is Lexa’s best friend Clarke HATES her neighbor that always seems to throw rowdy parties, and she lets her know that (and later, makes the horrifying discovery that this woman, Lexa, is not even the actual neighbor; it’s Lexa’s sister, Anya). Maybe Clarke and Lexa are work friends until Lexa’s given a promotion that Clarke deserved, and now she hates her. Maybe they’re allies in a war until Lexa takes a deal and leaves Clarke to dry. Maybe Lexa hates Clarke, who broke her best friend’s heart - except then she realize Clarke is actually super nice and they’re friends now and maaaaybe Lexa looks at her lips too much.
Day 6: Saturday, March 4th - Workplace Romance
Clexa at work! Examples: Are they rival farmers? Are they firefighters who can’t keep their cool around each other? Do they both contribute at the local farmer’s market and their stalls are right next to each other but they’re both too useless to actually make a move? Does Clarke get hired to paint a mural in Lexa’s cafe? Is Clarke an ER doctor and Lexa the cute EMT that picks terrible times to flirt with her? Are they coworkers at some company kept vague bc all we’re focusing on is the opportunities that await us once all the items have been swept off the desk? 
Day 7: Sunday, March 5th - Free Day
For free day, you can do anything you want. You can choose a theme that didn’t win. You can even use it as an Update Your WIP day!
Here are the guidelines for participating.
I posted this on November 11th; we have exactly 3 months and 17 days until Clexaweek23! :) 
So excited to see all the new creations! Leida!
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queertwilight · 1 year
Under threat from my sister @awkwardlysarah I have been forced to return to this hellsite in the middle of a delirious long day to post what she has informed me is the best idea she has ever had. please share and show her some love so that she thinks i’m a cool older sister and not just a tired grad student with a nostalgic affection for this series. Seriously she’s really excited about this post and I love her so make her happy or else :) Without further ado:
The Cullens as Different K-Pop Fans
Disclaimer: this is all my @awkwardlysarah head canons not my sister’s @queertwilight. I decided to combine my love for K-pop with my sister’s love for twilight. My qualifications are that I’ve been listening to K-pop for 6 years, so I kinda know a lot. Also no hate to any of the artists mentioned, you can have your own opinions and I’ll have mine. Silly little post enjoy!
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-exclusively listens to K-drama OST’s
-mainly for the instrumental and piano
-listens to the Best KDRAMA OST: of all time playlist and ranks them by instrumental
-secretly does watch K-dramas but claims its to help “appreciate” the music, has cried to almost every drama he’s seen
-Does not understand the appeal of K-Pop groups, prefers what he believes to be the classics
-Though, Alice once showed him RM’s album Mono and is now his biggest fan
-“No, you don’t understand guys if I met Namjoon we would get along perfectly. We could go on a museum date together and talk about life.”
-Loves RM’s newest release Indigo and locked himself in his room to reflect on the lyrics in the album.
-He too, mourns the loss (of what would have been) his 20’s
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-she is such a baddie with her K-pop taste
-mainly a 2nd gen girl group stan, but dips her toes in 4th gen (mainly AESPA) because Emmett showed her a couple groups
-also loves soloists-mainly IU and BIBI and DPR
-BIGGEST 2NE1 and 4minute stan there is (prays on YG and Cube’s downfall)
-if the songs are about being bad bitches then Rosalie is listening to them
-she can low key body any rap by CL
-has her more mellow moments when listening to Girl’s Generation and IU
-overall supports her girlies
-will fight trolls online that try to discredit any of the girls’ careers (
-has made multiple accounts deactivate because she proved them so wrong they could not show their faces online again
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-when Emmett discovered K-pop it was like opening up a portal that could no longer be closed
-he had casually stanned 3rd gen groups (since Alice listened to them)
-but then he found LOONA and other girl groups
-Rosalie low key curses this day btw
-became the biggest Orbit and Chuu stan
-“Emmett we have to go save Bella, she’s in danger.”
“Idk, maybe if she stanned LOONA this wouldn’t have happened.”
-is a photo card collector (Rosalie put a stop to this after he spent 3K on a Chuu broadcast photo card and getting scammed trying to buy other pcs)
-when I tell you he was so devastated that Chuu was kicked out of LOONA
-he didn’t have the strength to go hunting for DAYS
-helped boycott BlockBerry Creative #freeLOONA
-he does also dabble in boy groups; mainly Enhypen because he thinks they are actual vampires. (No one tell him it is just a concept it would break his heart, he streamed Bite Me for days because he felt SO seen).
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-she knows everything about every group (obvi) and knows which groups are unproblematic
-runs an undercover KPOPpredictions twitter account where all her visions go
-Loves groups mainly for lore/storyline purposes
-like TXT, BTS, ENHYPEN, ATEEZ, EXO, etc. she LOVES a good storyline
-does theories on her main stan blogs about what she believes the MVs mean for the overall story
-always has people commenting on her theories about how right she is.
-is also a K-pop dance/lifestlye influencer
-give her 10 minutes and she WILL know the entire dance-will upload and edit it almost instantly
-has been featured in KCON dream stages and has been able to dance alongside some of her fav groups
-love planning her outfits for concerts and giving people inspiration on her social media platforms
“You need help coming up with vampire themed outfits for Enhypen’s upcoming concert, say no more I’ve got just the looks for you!”
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-some of y’all may be a bit mad about this one…
-he’s the problematic K-pop stan
-like his playlist is CONTROVERSIAL
-liked sticker when it first released (believed the flute is what tied it together)
-low key a Jay Park stan on main
-…and a super junior apologist
(what did you expect he literally was a confederate solider)
-If a group has a cowboy concept he will be all over it tho, “takes me back to my roots.”
-will start shit online because he knows in the end he can control their emotions
-loves those unpopular k-pop opinion videos
-Alice does try to get him away from the problematic side of K-pop and it does kinda work, but like quitting human blood it takes him some time
-not a big stan, he’s kinda in it for the drama and to be an instigator
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You're My Sky
I just finished You're My Sky at the recommendation of both @bengiyo and @ginnymoonbeam and can I just say this was PHENOMENAL. Ben was very correct about the before and after I Told Sunset About You mode of storytelling, this came after both ITSAY and IPYTM and you can tell ITSAY was a heavy and direct influence on the method of storytelling, the cinematography, and certain themes that were a part of the show. (@waitmyturtles if you do not have You're My Sky on your OGMMTV list, you should add it because the ITSAY influences seriously ring loud and clear)
Suar Kritsanaphong is a goddamn revelation and I must have said "holy shit this man can act" no less than twenty times an episode, because it remained true, and NEED I REMIND EVERYONE THAT HE HAD BEEN IN EXACTLY ONE OTHER SHOW BEFORE STARRING AS A LEAD IN YOU'RE MY SKY.
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Like, seriously, think about his performance in La Pluie, and understand this man is green. La Pluie is the 3rd television show he has been a part of. THAT"S IT. THIRD. Like Ohm Pawat, this man has absolutely no right to be this good this early in his career.
This is, dare I say, one of, if not the most beautifully colored show I have seen maybe ever. Like the entire show felt like it was shot on film, the show read so much like a memory in the way that it was colored, I don't know what I am explaining myself well and I do not know who the colorist was on this show but the one thing I do know is I owe them my life because those colors were saturated and gorgeous (let me be clear, none of these screencaps have been edited, these are just how they appear in the show themselves).
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Like, seriously gorgeous
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Like absolutely, unbelievably, incredibly, wonderfully GORGEOUS
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If you haven't watched this, you should.
Personally, I have no complaints whatsoever with this show. I thought the pacing was good, the narrative compelling, the couples had great chemistry, and the cursed Episode 11 was painful to watch in all the best possible ways.
This show did two things that made me eternally grateful:
One: The show put Suar in this shirt (once again proving that he should always be dressed as a lesbian).
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Two: It gave me this shot (aka my new pfp) so what complaints could I even possibly have?
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It's a 10/10 for me
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I have to cut 10 fics, so I’m doing two polls of 10 for the 20 lowest word count fics, and progressing the 5 most voted for fics of each poll onto the tournament. All word counts are accurate as of submission to the tournament.
Link to the other poll
*Full name: Amnesia and Deleted Scenes: The Art of Selective Editing in Film and Memory
Propaganda and links below the cut.
1) Dear Advice Guy - All For The Game
No propaganda
2) first step (series) - Persona 5
GAHHH This series is just. So good. The bulk of it is in the first book, but the second one is a nice little aftermath. Despite the content warnings and stuff, it's like... really wholesome? I had a lot of fun reading it. It's very relatable. I've never seen a better fic. It's paced well and the palace seems like it'd come straight out of persona itself. I can plausibly see it in the game! Extremely well written. And it covers both Akechi and the protags traumas and issues... so good.
3) Devil’s Horns - LEGO Ninjago
Good (angst)
4) dog at the door - 3rd life SMP and Hermitcraft
Of all the fics I’ve read, it’s one of the ones that feels closest to a novel. It’s an exploration of grief, forgiveness, and friendships. It uses symbolism masterfully. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve reread it.
5) Amnesia and Deleted Scenes: The Art of Selective Editing in Film and Memory - Community
No propaganda
6) What the Cat Dragged In - Marvel and Miraculous Ladybug crossover
The best crossover I've ever read. The best Miraculous Ladybug fic I've ever read. Maybe even the best Marvel fic I've ever read. This fic seamlessly combines the two canons to really make them feel like one world, and it has top notch character writing and pacing too.
7) there are many downsides to being a marine biologist - 3rd life, Last Life SMP, and Hermitcraft
8) Oh, Hey There, Mister Blue - MCU: Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor
The Guardians of the Galaxy and Loki. Need I say more
9) Solving Counting Sheep - Evolution SMP
Exploration of personhood and humanity. Main character uses it/it's and this is proof that it is an individual. Made me cry as a trans person.
10) A Complete Kingdom - Supernatural
CHANGED MY LIFE FR. creepy and tragic and surreal and beautifully written. near single-handedly changed what i like to read AND what i like to write
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astronomodome · 1 year
Alright I was asked to make a list of all the The Garages songs I associate with life series things so I have done that
A few notes:
Songs are in no particular order (mostly just sorted by album as I was going through listening to them all)
All song titles (in color) are links to the respective songs, so you can listen to them :3
These songs are all worth listening to but my absolute favorites are marked in orange
Let me know what you think! I’ve been waiting so long to talk extensively about this :)))))) <- going to explode
list is below the cut because this got loooong
Astro Astronomodome’s Garages Life Series Playlist:
Eyes in the Dark- *gestures vaguely* how am I gonna live with these eyes in the dark when they’re following me around and they’re following you around 👍 and there’s nowhere you can go that they’re not there 👍
Jaylen Hotdogfingers Settles The Score- limited life winner martyn in thy little wood I am so normal about you <- lie
Godspeed- TIES sending off Skizz… see you space cowboy
Curse of Crows- third life grian-core, you know, when he was green and couldn’t actually kill but he and scar were going around being vaguely threatening. You could maybe use the crows in this as a metaphor for red life scar. Also birds
Relief Pitcher (Leave It On The Field)- Extremely strong vibes but I’m not sure of what. Maybe last life martyn? In the final battle? Idk. Maybe every martyn. I ljke him. (anyway this song changed my brain chemistry permanently so it deserves a place in the list regardless)
rooting for you- I’m delusional, bdubs is a species of plant, and ethubs is wlw. what is a nature wives
we had a season- ok this is THE desert duo song. No song will ever end of double life we’ve-spent-so-much-time-dancing-around-each-other-and-now-we-have-nothing-left-but-each-other desert duo as hard as this song. I have a very detailed AMV in my head of this so you know I’m right. It’s even a duet… ‘we had a season, we had a year/between when I died and when I reappeared’ (there’s almost exactly a year between grian’s last third life episode and scar’s first double life episode. I checked for this reason specifically and it killed me instantly) PLEASE just listen to this one ‘I had my reasons, I had my fears/I had my pride (I still had tears in my eyes as I died)’
dead ringer- just as the previous song is The desert duo song, this is The red king ren song. It slaps and the vibes are perfect. ‘my skin is made of energy, my blood is made of fire/I am what will happen when your best-made plans backfire’
hexed- very much post-3rd life watcher grian. pretty self-explanatory
The Alternate- ‘I’m new but I’ve seen so much/I’m old but I was not there’ do I even need to say it. Gem-as-Cleo and Lizzie-as-Pearl (‘I’ve done this once before’)
gamer grindset- yeah this is The Life Series Joel Song. you can fight me on this but you don’t have to because I know I’m right
a leap of faith- reminds me of scar. nothing in particular it just has similar vibes
haunted- ok now this is a Real watcher grian kind of song. ‘my body is a temple/for the gods of other men/wielded as a weapon by foes I swore I’d never be again’ ok. edgy bird moment
she’s dead and i’m someone else- this one requires some interpretation but I’ve always seen it was team BEST mourning the loss of bdubs. However it could also be applied to almost every ten in the life series that lost a member early lol
Mike Townsend (feels the shadows call)- specifically last life shadow alliance martyn but any martyn in general fits. he’s having a bad time
INCINERATE- just like. Being on your red life in general and the bloodlust and manic energy that brings. 😛 (edit after the finale: OKAY I KNOW THERES SO MANY LIMITED LIFE MARTYN SONGS BUT THIS IS ALSO ONE OF THEM ‘I know how to win this/I don’t need to play your games/I’m just gonna dance now/I’ll show you how to deal with pain’ ‘every day’s getting worse and we’re starting to choke/‘cause the water in the air is getting stuck in our throats’ LIKE COME ON MAN)
Sidelined- limited life skizz you will always be famous ‘am I just another wash-out/am I damned to go out swinging/I can’t hear you from the dugout/is there anyone else singing for me’ I am singing! I am singing for you skizzleman!!!!!!!!!
Firewalker With Me- the song. The myth. The legend. It’s just such a great song and it’s about life series grian’s curse of killing the people he cares most about. Grian is a parker if you think about it <- mentally ill (special note- ‘nobody deserves to be called a curse/but if you’re gonna resist I’m happy to make things worse’ is grian accidentally getting jimmy final-killed first in limited life btw)
We’ve Got History- not to be that guy but desert duo. Ok
New Year, Same Me- martyn.
The Return- the start of a new life series! Seeing old friends again! Missing friends who couldn’t make it (cough cough martyn missing ren in limited life cough cough)! Playing the game! Living and loving despite the horrors!
A Horrible Mistake We Will Make Again And Again- grian grian grian. Grain. The bird boy. Also easily one of my favorite Garages song titles. ‘If I don’t know the limits, how am I gonna break them?/If you think that we’re kidding well then you’re sorely mistaken’
The First Ain’t The Last- canary curse activated! Honestly the entirety of this album is just the average life series lmao ‘and one day you’ll wake up/and from the ashes a phoenix will rise/and she’ll hit like a champ/and burn out bright before your eyes’
The Ballad of Unremarkable Derrick Krueger- another one that definitely has life series vibes (and is just a really good song) but that I just can’t place. I want to say Tango honestly because he always has been somewhat painfully mediocre and has famously always final-deathed in underwhelming and meaningless ways
Rise- this is the Cleo song. Epic. Thank you Cleo :) Joe can be the monitor in this scenario I think he’d be good at it
RIV- does anyone still remember that part of martyn’s last life lore where the mysterious voice was promising that he would get to see jimmy mumbo and impulse again if he followed its instructions? Well……
Hell’s Game- Blaseball is a death game and this song leans into that so naturally it fits pretty well with the life series as a whole. Would make a great AMV
5am Shift- Ok bear with me here. This doesn’t really fit Pearl other than the song title (lol) and maybe you can make some parallels to cleaning lady Pearl but it gives me her vibes. Plus it’s just a whole jazzy banger and one of my favorite songs so it’s going here anyway :)
Nullified- for the end of limited life. pretty self-explanatory ‘wasted all my minutes/trying to stay alive/and look where it got me/I’m just the last one nullified’ honestly worked better before the actual finale because martyn was more manic about it than this song would imply
STRIKEOUT!- life series mumbo my horrible wet cat. this song is a little weird but it suits him I think
The Tug- they never left the desert.
SUN 2- obligatory flower husbands song for all the flower husbands enjoyers out there. Time to go cry I guess
flooding/drowning- big impdubs moment. Or honestly just any of bdubs’s life series exes reminiscing… ‘and you’re angry when the energy rises to meet you/like the life rafts are disrespectful to the sea’ is the most life series bdubs thing I’ve ever heard
REMEMBERTHEM- very good and classic anti-watcher song. If c!martyn was just a little more aware of his situation I think this would fit better (honestly a lot of good garages songs just don’t fit very well because we haven’t quite reached the ‘let’s kill the watchers’ stage of the lore yet lmaooo)
Nothing Happens Every Day- tfw when no life series 🥺 could also be martyn because he loves to kill <3
historic season nine party time speedrun and associated records- mean gills vibes. a nice quiet evening in the coral isles, reminiscing
Mike Townsend Is A Disappointment- I’m so sorry Jimmy but it fits too well
Bonus! Hermitcraft-adjacent songs:
Storm’s Raging- moon big. the long, slow, inevitable end of the world. Bdubs looking up at the sky as it falls on him. the lyrics kick ass as well: ‘there were days when it all seemed never ending/when all you could hear was the forecasts, the fear/and the sound of the cloudline bending’ (and the way it speeds up at the end……. omg)
howling at twin moons- s8 scar. I will not elaborate
alaynabella hollywood- ariana griande <- wait who said that
golden- rentheking arc I love you :3 viva la revolution
Sincerely, The Collateral- hermitcitizen song tbh
Beep or Bleat- despite the EXTREMELY zedaph-coded song title this is actually end-of-season 8 tango moon landing-core. ‘do we possess a soul/does it exceed the speed of light/can it escape black holes/do we still have a chance to fight’
Nut Economy- another rentheking arc song. You can tell when I started watching HC from this can’t you. Well. Royal emeralds I miss you :(
Morning is Coming- HONESTLY if I had the ability to make AMVs this would be top of my list. It’s just so… so much. Escaping moon big at the end of season 8… I know it’s overdone at this point but it’s rotating around in my head all the time. What does it say about me that there are two moon big songs here and they’re both my favorites…
fourteen days is not enough for my screams to reach your ears- another tango lost in space at the end of season 8 song. it messed me up ok
psychoacoustics- I love convex* *DISCLAIMER: 99% of the convex knowledge I have comes from fan interpretation alone. Alternatively I could just be really trying to manifest a zedaph villain arc
oliver mueller (is a hero)- docm77 for several reasons which will become apparent almost immediately
hello world- grumbot I love you :] (putting in a different version so you can tell what the lyrics are without subtitles and I’m sorry because this version of the song is somewhat worse. they just start singing godspeed in the middle of it for some reason and like I’m not complaining I love that song but also why) (here’s the original version)
the entire kansas city breath mints team failed the bar exam- hermitcraft. no elaboration is necessary
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1/100 days of getting my life back together
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
So I decided to try to do a thing for the first time ever since forever - try to start having a blog(?) again, because, well, the brain rot is real. I've deleted twitter for now to give my brain some rest, because a lot of things were stressing me out.
My life has been a real mess the last few months and I really need to get my shit back together. This semester was the biggest flop so far (which is not to say that much - it's only a second one, but still) and I'm really upset about it.
I've come off one of my meds, that were making me insanely sleepy whenever I tried to focus (still have no idea whether that was a real thing or no, but they either way were not doing anything for me), got back on antidepressants, that are a-okay to me, at least side effects wise, and I was hoping that NOW I will be so much better at school. It got so much worse.
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Not my room, but the vibes sum everything up quite perfectly. Everything feels insanely hard to do. I feel like a failure. I'm stressed and lost, but we persevere to the best of our abilities.
Anyway, I am writing this post one day after the 3rd of July, because I figured I should start somewhere, and despite wanting to have the first entry be as perfect as I want to become later, I figured that I have already tried that approach earlier, and it always falls off. Maybe it's better to start bad, slowly trying to build up all the habits and changes.
After all it is 100 days of trying to get my life together, not 100 days of describing my life being together.
Anyway, on 3rd of July I wanted to do some document related work and do some job applications, but because of fucking up my sleep schedule days prior to finish an assignment (which I got 100% for, insanely), I could not resist falling asleep in the day and then waking up late in the evening. That then scaled to 4th of July night, when I could not fall asleep again until 4 am, and the cycle repeated again.
So, yeah. T'was a flop. I didn't do anything good or productive for studying. The only thing I managed to accomplish was tidying up the place a little, but not the dishes. Luckily, my boyfriend helped me with that. It feels so much better to be able to work as a team on tasks that feel this big and unbearable.
2/100 days of getting my life back together
Thursday, July 4, 2024
It is currently 13:44 as I am writing this. Woke up (or more so, thankfully, got woken up by my boyfriend) by about 12:30. Still feel very poopy, but in today's plans are to do some studying for the first out of my two exams, and maybe a little bit for the second one.
DB 2
DB 3
DB 4
Probably will keep editing this post for any relevant updates that are not shitposts.
15:08 - 16:02 finished the db2 and 3 bits, 3rd one was way shorter than I expected. it turned out that I already had a set of flashcards on quizzlet there on it, so that was a win. originally was planning to study for one hour, but then finished 6 mins earlier, because my brain was fried and finished the dishes on my break. now back to studying
16:17 - 18:01 finished working on the SE2, but the lecture was kinda short and won't be that important at the exam, so I can't say I studied it properly. i will put more thought into it later (maybe), but not for now, since my ass is BURNING from the heat of upcoming deadline for the exams and there are more complex things i need to learn. started working on DB 4, which was an addition on initially planned to-do list. a little more than 1.5 hours of trying to understand the lecture made my brain feel GONE. i started to feel very irritated at the end, so im gonna be taking a break.
18:36 - 19:52 some minecraft break for mindlessly and quietly doing some things around our base. cleaned up the ground for where i want to build our house, transferred some stuff and organized it in a new chests system. the project will take A LOT of time so yuh. did i spend too much time on it? yes. will i do it again? also yes, probably. then we ate some dinner and now im comming back to some studying and note taking.
21:09 - 22:22
did some more note taking on DB4, not finished with it yet, but I think I'll call it a day for today. I'll probably play some more Minecraft before sleep and reread my notes and flashcards too. overall I feel still kind of unsatisfied with the day and its' results, I think mostly because of this is 1.5 hour game break, but it is what it is for now. overall I guess I did do some stuff done today, so it's still a win, right?
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sapphicsigh · 11 months
Gm y'all...I'm feeling a lot of feelings:
1st- to get it out of the way, Stede & Ed slept together. I didn't like the circumstances around it. Stede just killed Low, and I worry that that incredibly emotinally charged incident led them to make a rash decision. Ed JUST said he wanted to take it slow. It feels antithetical to their relationship, and it just rubs me the wrong way. I would have preferred a more organic/slower development of the sexual side of their relationship.
Edit: I'm not saying that Ed didn't want to sleep with Stede or that it wasn't consenual. Ed really loves Stede so, I'm sure in the moment, he got swept up in it all. In the next ep, Ed says he thinks it was a mistake, which I agree with (not for the same reasons as him tho). I don't think rushing into sex was the best decision they've ever made together. But maybe that's the point? In the ep where they're having dinner at Annie's and Mary's, Mary tells them that her unhinged relationship is what an *adult* relationship looks like, implying that their relationship is juvenile, which in some ways, it is. They're both have a lot of emotional growth to do and being in love is new for them (may not be for Ed but this is absolutely Stede's first time being in love.) So maybe they're brashness and their impatience is the point...they're like teenagers, making mistakes and being emotional and irrational.
2nd- IZZY SINGING LE VIE EN ROSE. I screamed out loud. It was so beautiful, and the vulnerability that Izzy showed by singing and wearing makeup in front of everyone was so heartwarming and hopeful😭🫡💅🏻. I love Con so much, and he is such a phenomenal actor it's unreal.
3rd-the pacing felt off in these 2 eps. Everything just felt rushed. Like they're trying to cram too much in
4th-NO SPRIZZY INTERACTION 🙃🙃🙃 I get that Lucius and Black Pete had to be below deck for the plot or whatever, but I just want somebody to love Izzy and I'm getting impatient.
5th- Wee john in drag looked GORGEOUS. I loved the Seaweed boa, and the sparkly oysters were *chef's kiss*
Overall, these eps definitely weren't my favorites of the season. 🫠
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artbyaleksandr · 1 year
🐶🐱Gallavich🐶🐱 💚💙Intropost🧡🖤
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HI  ~  MY 🐶🐱Gallavich🐶🐱💚💙Intropost🧡🖤 
  💗 from @callivich thank you 💗
I'm not good at English I use translate most of the time 🥺 I've been in this fandom for almost a year now. But I'm a shy person  😳 💦  and a foreigner  💦 I follow a lot of fics. (I read it every day for almost a year) I follow many Writer. I hope to get to know more people in the fandom  🌟
Name: (can be a nickname)
Aleksandr /  AA
20 + 
What made you fall in love with Gallavich?
I really like the Ian S1  That's probably the whole reason lol I saw a video of Ian dancing in TikTok. At first, I didn't care. But it shows up in my feed a lot. Until I continued to study the character of Ian, so I knew Shameless and was a gallavich stan ever since. (I quite believe Ian is definitely a character that I will fall in love with because of his character. I'm really looking for something new and interesting and yes I quite like the TOP HOT character and the warm hair color and I like the Power Bottom pair.  I bet against myself. What if I went to study Ian's character and I found out that he was top I would follow and yes I guessed everything right lol )
How long have you been a fan?
Late 2022
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene?
I love the S1 moment, the scene where Ian visits Mickey. I fell in love with the Smile scene to this day.  😊
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey?
I like Lip, he's my favorite character. I like smart characters. I like him 3rd in the show and I hope he gets better with every EP and disappointed in the latter ss)
Do you write or draw or make edits? Feel free to link to your work!
I drew, you can follow me here.  In the future there may be 18+ images/CMS/open of requests.
 / Tw :  @ARTbyAleksandr / IG : art_aleksandr_aa
Favourite type of Gallavich fics? Are you into angsty canon type fics or maybe fluffy one shots, perhaps you like dramatic canon divergent stories or interesting AUs - share what tropes/genres you like!
Since I've been following I've read a lot of Gallavich fics, really a lot.
I like Alpha/Omega /AU royalty / Mpreg👼 /Wolf Vampire🐺🧛/Hybrid🐶🐱
/fantasy🧚‍♂️🧝‍♂️/jealous Ian
I hope someday someone will write a girl! Mickey, not Tran, 
I need a fic F/M 🥺💦
Favourite Gallavich quote?
" Likin' what I like don't make me a bitch. "
"I Can Take Care Of Him, OK? Let Me Take Care Of Him Until He's Better."
I love you, Mickey Milkovich. More than anything.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
Hello, I love the character Ian BUT  Mickey is always the best character.  I'm a foreigner. Almost all of my language and reading depend on translate. My language is very weird I like talking But I'm pretty shy for for starting a conversation I hope to have more friends in fandom. I'm cute. I can love you as soon as you talk to me.  (I came from a fandom about Japan before.idk much about European culture. Most of my drawings are Japanese style. I like the type of dog/cat. 🐶🐱I hope I can practice drawing 18+gallavich and be able to post.
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arimiadev · 9 months
2023 Year in Review
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2023 has come and gone—it feels like it was just a week ago that my grandma was complaining that Thanksgiving and Christmas were too close together, and now it’s January. I spent the last 2 weeks of 2023 sick (I still am), which made it go by like a blur.
2022 was a fresh slate for me, with a new job, a new home, and new projects. 2023 was a year of finding a new rhythm—figuring out how I work best and molding my work time around that rather than trying to make myself go against the flow.
Working from home is truly a blessing and a curse. I do think that it has more positives than negatives (especially right now as I’m able to work while being sick and don’t have to take time off), but navigating around the negatives is tricky. The main problem I’ve faced, aside from lack of interaction with non-family, is that it’s harder for me to focus on work when I end up spending almost all of my awake hours at my desk, either for my fulltime job or for VN development or for relaxing.
I’ve had to mix things up, usually taking my laptop to other parts of the house or even working outside of home some days. Even if it’s only for a few hours, it helps reset the fatigue of being at my desk all day every day. It doesn’t always work, and one problem I ran into for most of the year was being unable to focus on writing. Art and scripting are more “mindless” for me, I can do them with a video or voice call in the background, but writing is something I’ve always struggled to concentrate on.
This year was my first year attempting NaNoWriMo, though a more casual version of it. A few other devs were also entering NaNoWriMo to work on their projects so I hopped on too. I wanted to use the hype of the event to push myself to focus on writing, and it worked! My goal was to hit 30k total words in the month across multiple projects—which is about what I write in half a year—and I hit it.
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Canvas Menagerie continued to be my main project in 2023. I was able to release several new demo builds for the project, mainly redoing and improving artwork for the game. My art has been improving a lot the past couple of years which is a good and a bad thing—it’s good because I’m improving and it’s bad because it means I have to redo or edit older game art!
I was also able to finish writing Act 2, meaning that Canvas Menagerie is 2/3rds written! A lot of good progress was made on it this year and I hope to continue (and maybe finish?) that this year.
I also got a trailer for it by Hatoge, a fellow BL developer! It came out so nice…
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My other main project for 2023 was Lost Lune, a project I started in 2022. It was meant to be a small-ish project for Winter VN Jam 2022, but I ran into some issues with the story structure.
Lost Lune is a story I like but have had a hard time figuring out how to put the world and characters into words. I have an understanding on how the plot progresses, but due to a few different reasons it’s been hard to actually write it. One reason has been the unconventional format for the story, with it flipping between the past and present in a linear way. The other reason I’ve had a hard time with it is the character personalities—Weiss, the main character, is much more forward, blunt, and promiscuous than characters I’ve written before. It’s also the darkest setting I’ve ever written in as it’s set in a post apocalypse.
Thanks to NaNoWriMo I was able to get over 9k more written for the story, leading to about half of the story currently being written. I’d like for the project to be finished this year, but it’s hard to say when.
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A small project I worked on for Ludum Dare & Otome Jam this year was a short game featuring some of my oldest OCs, where you play as a witch returning home and helping her father’s delivery service. I wanted to make something more experimental than what I usually make and something just for me.
I ended up adding some extra features to it but never released the updated build, so maybe sometime in the future…
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My last project for this year was Asphodelium, my Winter VN Jam 2023 entry. I’ve had a hard time describing it, but basically it’s a dark slice of life romance about the members of a disbanded adventurer’s guild after stopping a doomsday cult at the cost of killing their former leader who betrayed them. Hazel, the one who dealt the final blow, has had the hardest time moving on—until one day he’s approached by a man with the same face as their dead leader.
This was a story I got the idea for sometime in September and began writing on a whim in the middle of October and ended up writing a majority of in November for NaNoWriMo. I didn’t expect the script to get far but here I am, 40k words later…
I finished the script and most of the art in December but was unable to completely finish the game because I got sick before Christmas. Just another WIP to finish this year…
This year I didn’t make as many articles as in years prior, a trend that will probably go forward. I do still want to write articles on marketing and visual novel dev, but I feel like it’s a waste of time to rehash old topics or talk about social media algorithms and such.
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One thing I started this year for articles was interviews with fellow developers, starting with my friend ingthing. I don’t want my articles to be just my own opinions, so I want to get more voices out there. In 2024 I want to do more interviews with other devs to share their views on development.
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With a record high amount of games we had to judge for Spooktober VN Jam this year, I wrote up a post about my takeaways from the jam with some commentary from my fellow judges. I was blown away by the response the article received, with it being one of my top 3 articles of all time now.
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My last blog post—I hesitate to call it an article—that I wrote in one frantic day somehow was my favorite of the year. After months of radio silence from Aniplex US about Mahoyo, the first TYPE-MOON (pure) visual novel to be released officially in English on Steam, I did a deep dive into why they had forsaken such easy money by refusing to market it. The end result? Well, we’ll probably never know why, but it’s clear that someone at Aniplex made the decision to not give a budget to their marketing teams for Mahoyo and instead let the fans market it themselves.
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This year was a bit sparse for full artworks, with a majority of them being for Canvas Menagerie. I got a lot more comfortable drawing his hair!
I also got more into Holostars EN this year with the introduction of the second half of Holostars Tempus, the Vanguard unit (but mainly Gavis Bettel). I was following Tempus from the beginning and was a big fan of Magni and Vesper, but Bettel won as my kamioshi. He’s also the only one in the snapshot above (for August) that’s fanart, as the rest are OCs.
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2023 Goals:
Fully write Act 2 of Canvas Menagerie: Canvas Menagerie is currently split up into 3 acts, around 50k words long for each act. I was able to finish the first draft for Act 2 in October! It ended up being much shorter than I estimated, but that’s how things go sometimes.
Release demo for Lost Lune: …Well, this kinda happened but not really. I wanted to release a longer demo for Lost Lune as the current playable build is more like a teaser—it’s very short and only features 2 out of an estimated 20~ days. I did however end up reprogramming the playable build, changing the main character from a side sprite to being on screen with several other visual changes. I’m much happier with this direction for the game.
Write more consistent devlogs: This also didn’t really happen as my intention was to write an article a month, but with our physicals Kickstarter earlier this year, other things took higher priority. I also realized pretty early on in the year that I’m tired of writing about social media algorithms and want to write about more interesting game dev and marketing topics, like case studies and such.
Open a merch shop: This was the first goal I accomplished this year! It was also the easiest since it was already mostly set up. You can see the merch shop for my games here—I think it’s pretty cute.
2024 Goals:
Fully write Act 3 of Canvas Menagerie: Self-explanatory. I want to get to a first draft state for all of CM. I doubt I’ll be able to finish the game next year unless I get a whirlwind of inspiration as it still needs around 40-50k words, 25+ CGs, 5+ character sprites and more, but we’ll see how far I get.
Write more of Lost Lune: I was able to write over 10k this year for Lost Lune while working on other stuff and in 2024 I want to get close to finishing the script if not finishing it.
Release the full version & an artbook for Asphodelium: Due to getting sick at the end of December, I wasn’t able to fully release Asphodelium. It’s pretty close to being done so it shouldn’t take long to finish it. I also want to release a (digital) artbook for it, as I have a lot of design notes for the LI. It’s also been quite a while since I released an artbook so I want to try making one again.
Go to an out-of-town convention: All my life, I’ve only ever attended the anime conventions in the Memphis area. Despite Memphis being a big city, the conventions here…aren’t really ran by people who want to expand it or even really change anything, so for the past decade it’s been in stagnation. At Studio Élan we’re boothing at more conventions this year, and I want to help! I’m hoping to go to Offkai Expo this summer.
Share more VNs I like: Thanks to rejoining Tumblr in late 2022, I’ve become more acquainted with visual novel players over there and I want to talk more about visual novels that I play. There’s a lot of great games out there that people just don’t hear about, so I want to talk about VNs more.
I feel like in 2023 I was starting to find my “thing”—I really like talking about VNs and I want to share unheard of and underrepresented developers to others! I’ve become bored of making generic marketing articles but I’ve found joy in making posts in collaboration with other devs or sharing other VNs.
2024 is a bit of a scary year and has me rather nervous, but I hope we’ll all make it through it. I want to finish some of the stuff I’ve began and I want to share more lesser known visual novels.
I hope this year will be better for us all. Until next time!
— Arimia
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