#the 15% are my heroes
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whim-prone-pirate · 3 months ago
looooove fics where chris talks like a teenager while maintaining canon characterization❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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whoseblogisitanyways · 10 months ago
tag yourself: intrepid heroes' alter emos as ppl who went to my public high school
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gaywineauntsstuff · 3 months ago
the reason I hate the "Tim doesn't trust Dick after Damian/spyral/ric" is because they are besties your honour.
Like there's a post going around that I cannot for the life of me find that says Dick is Tims trusted adult and they are so right fr ong.
Because despite what Fanon believes Dick is a pretty chill guy and people take one look at him and go "let me unload my emotional baggage on you"
There's like a very famous panel (that im too lazy to find or remember the name of the run its in okay don't yell at me) where Tim basically goes "soooo my girlfriends pregnant" and Dick nearly falls off the roof.
Tim is calling Dick for the dumbest shit imaginable to the world ending and so are the rest of the batkids.
so I have taken the Canon that Dick knows if not all but most and generalised it to hell.
Jason has been on a team with like 80% of OG titan members
they're having gossip session
Jason in a war zone dodging bullets with his bat travel mug in his hand: And THEN! Kori and Roy shared this look and you know the look they give you when they're judging you for bat reasons and you're like tell me why you're mad I was raised by a crazy person my normal levels are skewed.
Dick in NYC with a blueberry bagel In one hand, his Turkish coffee in another, just finished meeting up with Donna who gave him THAT exact look: No REALLLLL why are they like that, just tell me which one of the creepy traits I internalised as a child is bothering you.
Jason: omg you get it anyway so I grab the bomb and start playing soccer with it because its round and im bored and starfire takes it away like idk what im doing? bro ive been bombed I know how to work with a bomb..
Dick: hmmm and then what happened
Jason: and then.....
Tim: Dickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Dick: yea Tim
Tim: Kon is being a dick
Dick: oh?
Tim: yeah and its really starting to bother me man
Dick who knows Kon is dead and Tim is either hallucinating or drugged to be more susceptible to manipulation and is already on his way: hmm tell me more babybird whys he upsetting my lil brother
Tim about to tell Dick what is a fever dream bc he contracted pneumonia and is loopy off his ass on painkillers:
steph does this more with babs in the hero scene but its just... so easy and totally gets into the habit of it after Dick is her Batman for a bit and now she uses him as her civilian life therapist
Steph on her way back from campus: and then this bitch looks me up and down and pours her coffee cup down my shirt!
Dick on his way back to blud after decking bruce in the face: hold on hold on hold on she did what??
Steph nodding vigorously even though he can't see her: pulls my whole ass sweater away from my body and pours her peats coffee down my goddamn shirt Dick.
Dick: omg she didnt
Steph still nodding: she DID and then I found out from Jonny who found out from Vivian that someone told her I made out with her boyfriend at Leos house party
Dick who has no idea who any of these people are: wait but you were at Leos for like an hour max last week. we has smoothies after.
StepH: exactly so I had proof that I wasn't there and confronted her and went like. I don't want your crusty ass alt white boy whose favourite 'indie' band is the neighbourhood. I dated Tim fucking Drake the OG crusty ass white boy and I don't do repeats
Dick choking on his coffee:
Steph: anyway we are besties now and planning on getting her boyfriend back because apparently he cheated on her with this drop dead gorgeous girl and im high key a lil complimented she thought we were the same person.
Dick who initially called for casework and is actually so happy one of the people he calls siblings is actually like living a life outside of vigilantism: tell me more
Steph: you sound a little teary
dick: don't worry about it
Damian: Richard
Dick: Damian
Damian: so I might be skipping patrol with father
Dick:? what you love patrol??
Damian: and school
Dick: Dames? what's going on:? is everything okay? you can talk to me
Damian: I am volunteering at a hospital
Dick: kid
Damian: Listen before you sAY anything I know what we do is important but I think I can help in another way and -
Dick had brown parents and was training for the olympics at 8, totally knows what its like to have insane expectations and rebel with a day job: kid kid calm down okay? you wanna be a doctor? is that it?
Damian: well? I dont really know but I just? there has to be another way to help people. besides what we do I mean-
Dick: Alfred left me Thomas waynes journals I initially thought they were to bash your fathers head in when he was being stupid but it seems the old man was looking out for us. Wanna take a stab at your other grandpas legacy when you come over next weekend. I'll tell Bruce we patrolled so you get a few more days off.
Damian: you're the best
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girlatrocity · 1 year ago
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villain kids!!
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rascak · 1 month ago
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Happy late valentines day.
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zahrising · 4 months ago
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bakugo studies
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actuallysolace · 9 months ago
POV: You’re a demigod at Camp Half-Blood in dire need of surgical operation But Do Not Fear, Will Solace Is Here
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peachversace · 4 months ago
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i need him to nut on my face
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ellewluvr · 4 months ago
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the humble midoriya sensei and his reckless hvac pro hero joyfriend
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melveres · 1 year ago
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letters from his Spellbinder
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mo-ok · 8 months ago
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☝️☝️☝️ pink 🌸🩷🧁
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clovis-enthusiast · 7 months ago
(head)canon that anytime a hermes camper finds a hypnos kid hardcore snoozin around camp, they immediately position them into the family guy death pose. do they even know what family guy is? probably not. there's just some deep, profound instinct within them that guides them to complete what must be done.
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riptunezune · 4 months ago
Headcanons of how Cabins decorating a Sleepy Hypnos child's hair
Personally I believe that each Hypnos child has soft curly hair which makes it easy for other campers from other Cabins to decorate their hair out of boredom and it slowly becomes a competition between the cabins on which cabin does it the most and which style is their favorite, etc. and here's how each cabin can tell ~this was inspired by some IG reels and a post by @/clovis-enthusiast
**Side Note: I would say some staff of CHB join in to represent some gods to avoid any potential conflicts**
Cabin 1 -Zeus: gold metallic lighting bolts
Cabin 2- Hera: peacock feathers (I like to think Argus decided to represent her cabin and protect Hera's honor in a way)
Cabin 3- Poseidon: little orange starfishes (like the ones in the Aquamarine movie-2006) and seashells
Cabin 4- Demeter: wheat and flowers (they negotiated with the Aphrodite Cabin on which flowers- the ones that represent/symbolizes any type of love or have heart shapes-i.e. heart shaped forget me not flowers are only for the cabin 10 and ofc both cabins have a list of which type their cabins can use)
Cabin 5- Ares: plastic sword toothpicks and mini metal spike balls (which the cabin later had to change them to those spiky porcupine balls for safety because Chiron said so)
Cabin 6- Athena: owl feathers, olive branch crown, maybe ripped up papers with favorite quotes from books
Cabin 7- Apollo: guitar string flowers, ripped up papers with poems/ music lyrics, music note paper clips
Cabin 8- Artemis: silver little stars (they only participate when they visit CHB)
Cabin 9- Hephaestus: nuts and bolts, flowers made out of wires
Cabin 10- Aphrodite: butterfly/flower hair clips, bow hair clips, hearts, and flowers and honestly anything that the cabin sees that's fit and pretty (the cabin was also asked to tone it down just so to keep it fun for all cabins and ofc it's no surprise that this cabin goes all out)
Cabin 11- Hermes: wind-up chatter teeth toys or those fake insects
Cabin 12- Dionysus: grapevine floral crown with little grapes
Cabin 13- Hades: tiny skeleton heads
Cabin 14-Iris: little rainbow hair clips or anything rainbow related
Cabin 15- Hypnos: probably leftover pillow feathers if they're awake long enough
Cabin 16- Nemesis: mini balance scales (the Hephaestus cabin def helped make them just to ensure safety)
Cabin 17- Nike: laurel's leaves (Apollo cabin was nice to give this one up-also yes I did look up some symbols to represent each god/goddess)
Cabin 18- Hebe: tiny clay cups/mugs of any style
Cabin 19- Tyche: mini four leave clovers/ horseshoes (as she is the goddess of fortune, luck, and prosperity)
Cabin 20- Hecate: battery operated flashlights in shapes of torches
Inspired posts:
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Links for the image ^ (just wanted to show a few examples, but just in case anyone interested)
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daisybell-on-a-carousel · 4 months ago
I may have many issues with Countdown but I can appreciate it for a few things and that includes Jason meeting murder Batman* (Earth-51 Batman)
I mean to start Jason clearly doesn't agree with the guy. He's very not into the whole "let's kill all these guys" attitude and thinks murder batman is crazy (and outright says so) But also. He puts on the suit he's given that this Batman made, he's fights with him. He mourns him. He's upset with the death. After Batman failed him on his own earth he meets one that accepts him
And augh. They haunt me. Aughh I wish I could write I wanna write and get to see a fic about them so so bad
(do Not tell me to just write it anyway please amd thank you. auuaaoighh)
Because like! The way murder batman was SO quick to start seeing Jason as his own dead Jason and start referring to him as such.
The way murder batman never got to know about Jason's Red Hooding but AUGH. Can you just IMAGINE the moral dilemma he'd have with that??! He probably would've killed a crime lord Jason before ever learning his identity, or learning it too late. Aughhhaoujgh
They had to kill off murderbatman he wouldve been too powerful otherwise. For example I think he wouldve Not been willing to let go of this living Jason
Multiverse kidnapping story where after meeting and then leaving, murder bat finds our Jason amd just. Fucking takes him and pretends it's his Jason. Augh that'd be so fun
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This page is everything ^
Theyre so so normal about eachother. I'm chewing on them like a dog with its favorite toy btw
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gemgdynamight0 · 2 months ago
Imagine after so many years of "peace", a big bad villain (kinda on afo level) appears, so NOW HPSC remembers Katsuki and contact him to team up with shoto and Tamaki (these three are the strongest heros rn imo) so they can defeat and capture the villain together silently before the public finds out (because it would ruin the facade of peace lmao)
Katsuki on the phone :"oh really? I thought I have bad attitude and I'm number 15?"
Hpsc: "NO dynamight sir-... that's not-"
Katsuki: "just contact that washing machine shit at number 8, isn't he a better hero by your standards? "
Hpsc:"no we-"
*Katsuki hangs up*
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an-exasperated-hades-kid · 1 year ago
So I've been seeing a lot of will solace hate, and I'm here to defend my son.
First of all, he's not a toxic person at all he's a human who can mess up at times and be unintentionally rude, like in that one scene boo where he says
‘Oh, please.’ Will sounded unusually angry. ‘Nobody at Camp Half-Blood ever pushed you away. You have friends – or at least people who would like to be your friend. You pushed yourself away. If you’d get your head out of that brooding cloud of yours for once –
^ that is rude but he didn't have bad intentions because according to him nico wasn't scary and the people that he hung out with - Lou Ellen and Cecil- didn't think that nico was scary either as they were both friendly towards him when they met him at the Roman camping area outside chb so while his delivery wasn't good he meant no harm and he also helped nico realize that not everyone hates him and then there are a few jokes that he made that people consider toxic or offensive but nico was never offended or sad about these jokes he only rolled his eyes and acted exasperated so he knew will meant no harm .
Will is canonically described as a laid-back and calm person, but he is also stubborn when it comes to certain things like medical related things which is understandable since he can feel everything physically wrong with a person by just touching them and is persistent that they don't die and Take care of themselves which is understandable since he saw majority of his siblings die and doesn't want more ppl to die .
Will is actually quite a complex character he's calm and laid back but he's stubborn and strict when he needs to be he's supportive and loving to nico but since he's a kid he struggles with being understanding sometimes hence why he asks persephone for advice on how to be there for nico properly showing that he's mature enough to ask for help . He's also someone represses his emotions because he thinks that as head counselor, he has to be a perfect example, and he told this apollo in the 1st toa book. He's also pretty insecure about his abilities, as shown in boo
You did,’ confirmed Nico. ‘But it was the way you did it. You made it clear that you wanted me around. You said you wanted me to come to the infirmary and help, because … because you could use a “friendly face”.’
‘It was true. And you did help.’
‘You brought me closer instead of rejecting me,’ Nico said, his voice cracking. ‘I’d never been called a friendly face. Ever. You made me rethink everything – my place in camp, my crush on Percy, my future. It took you scolding me like you were the camp director to make me realize that I was … wanted.
But with Nico … It’s hard, Persephone. I want the best for him, and he seems to disappear into his darkness, like he’s hiding in a place where he doesn’t want my light.’
‘Then why not offer him your darkness
Nico sighed in exasperation. He hated working with other people. They were always cramping his style, making him uncomfortable. And Will Solace … Nico revised his impression of the son of Apollo. He’d always thought of Will as easygoing and laid back. Apparently, he could also be stubborn and aggravating
In conclusion will isn't toxic and he isn't perfect and if I'm wrong about something please point it out cause I haven't read the books in a while and if I missed something please point it out and I'm sorry for the typos I wrote this without wearing my glasses as 3 am after studying for a test
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