#the 'oh SHIT we dont have power!!!! everyone we do NOT have power!!!! this is a GRADE A EMERGENCY'
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glimpsesofeuterpe · 8 months ago
oh no i remembered about it and now i feel petty x))
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orcelito · 2 years ago
Apparently today is an unlucky day for me! And I only woke up 2.5 hours ago
Went to class like a good student. But when I got there I found out that class was canceled today. Which he put on the website, but I didn't get an email for it :)
So I went home. I was putting my shit down... and then the power went out.
So now I have no electricity or wifi. Which I hope gets resolved soon. Bc no wifi would really mess with my plans to get this fucking one-shot out.
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mekatrio · 1 year ago
ive already made this post beforeeee but still its kinda crazy how at no point (I THINK) does anyone ask seto "hey can you use your fucking MIND-READING powers to check what our enemy is planning to do?", cuz like even if seto would be like "ohhhh i cant control my powers that well so i cant do that 😅" they could at least show that they Considered using seto's powers, but No..... they never even show that!! likeeeeee
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sparring-spirals · 6 months ago
someone more well caught up with the campaign can correct me if im wrong. But based on the impression I've gotten, i love the like. Spectrum of "accidentally oncall" we have, with how the Mighty Nein are accidentally unknown go-to's for various powerful people to get tasks done, while Bell's Hells are accidentally primary sources and lynchpins for various powers to understand and coordinate events.
Like the Mighty Nein are. they're assholes, if you talk to them and they dont really like you. you'll know it and it will kind of suck. But for the most part people don't have to interact directly with them. It's almost weird how much they don't have to??? Like shit just gets. Done. And you find out later like OH its the same. weirdos. No idea who they are but you're told its the same group. What do they even look like. There are so many weird stories at least half of them NEED to be fake. Or people just assume incorrect attribution bc it cant ALL be the same group. What do you mean they saved a world and an island and? Turtles were involved? Sea serpents? what.
For anyone who knows even slightly better/has slightly better connections (but doesn't know them personally) They're just like a weird form of an urban legend where its like. elite strike team. silent and effective. (in the background we see them falling out of the sky into the ocean onto one another). But for the most part its really peak. Knows a guy who knows a guy. If someone HAPPENS to be present they might be squinting into the chaos like. That girl choked me with a stick once? Isnt that other one a professor. Wha- okay. They're gone again. Silent. effective. You have a really hard time tracking them down even if you want to. (If they want to find you though, you can't escape them).
And then with Bell's Hells. (At least when I last checked in). It goes more like. Hey some weirdos have critical knowledge for us. And it's just. an Absolute Halloween themed clown car of events that rolls up. There's a talking dead rat. Weird old gnome griping about wood. They keep flirting with everyone. Including someone that looks very evil. A busty faun just took your wallet. You're pretty sure this group threw a bunch of bees in someone's face in a street race and crashed a skyship and were absolute NIGHTMARE CUSTOMERS at various establishments. They're the ones with critical knowledge. They are communicating it SO, INCREDIBLY INEFFECTIVELY. They were on the moon? They have a person FROM the moon? They keep trying to be friendly with you. You don't want them to be. Another critical thing happens. They're the only one with knowledge. Again. The dead rat keeps flirting with you. You're getting voices in your head. More developments in the critical scenario. They're still the primary source on this potentially Exandria-shattering event. They're still spending an inexplicable amount of time talking about the hotness of various people inbetween dispensing information that literally no one else has been able to glean. You know who they are. You kind of wish you didn't. You are Going To See Them Again. (threat)
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bonchobrick · 2 years ago
Dead on Main au where Jason is of course Danny’s Fright Knight and like all knights do he has a weapon—except it’s his gun.
The batfam + justice league + everyone (except ghosts duh) don’t know that his normal average everyday gun is actually like a super powerful spiritual soul shooter that is, yaknow, capable of blasting someone into an alternate dimension where their greatest fears become real.
So imagine there’s like a big battle where a ghastly ghoul reigns terror on Gotham. The world sends their best hero’s—wizards and occultists are notably high highest in demand—to stop the ghost but, nothing works. All of the weapons and spells and chants fail.
As the fights worsens and the heros scream for people to flee suddenly--
Loud squeaking footsteps echo across the ground. Jason yawns strolling into the battle zone in a ghostbusters t-shirt plaid pants bunny slippers--he strolls up in pajamas--as if annoyed at being woken up and cocks his fucking normal 'i could buy you at walmart' gun at the ghost.
His brothers screech at him yelling ”Are you insane” and to "get the hell out of here" in fear and panic because their idiot brother is trying to kill a real life ghost with a damn gun.
But then Jason shoots the ghost and it works.
The ghost fizzles down with a cry into just a little blob.
The young man then spends 30 minutes lecturing the spirit saying things like “you’re glad I’m not calling the big guy” and “you know our highness would not be happy learning what you’ve been doing” before taking out a thermos of all things and sucking the ghost into it.
Jason then sighs and walks away as if he hadn’t just defeated a hell raising ghost with a gun people can buy off a corner pawn store and a soup container.
Immediately the bat family swarms him with questions
Dick grabs him by his shoulders tense with worry, “Are you okay?”
“Um yeah—“ Jason tries to reply squirming in his hold
Damian cuts him off, “How the hell did your gun a physical weapon hurt that ghastly demonic spirit!”
“Uh that ghost is actually pretty chill you guys just pissed him off." Jason replies plain
They stare at him with a look saying 'you did not call a ghost that has been decimating gotham chill' probably because he did just that.
Tim is the first to break out of the disbelief stupor as he very inteligently says, "What?"
Jason responds easily with a confused quirk in his brow, "Second, my gun affects entities of all sorts, perks to my job and all that."
"How did being a vigilante and also probably crime boss give you a gun that could do that?" Dick asks
Jason sends him a look saying "are you an idiot" as he replies, "Yea, sure, kicking petty thieves and druggies got me my all powerful spirit weapon--No you dumbass, it's from being the bodyguard of the King of the Infinite Realms! How the hell did you guys not think of that!”
Tim breathes in, then breathes out, then breathes in again and screams, "Why the HELL WOULD WE THINK OF THAT JAY?!"
"The--" Batman, suddenly beside them, chokes, "Bodyguard of T-the what."
Jason blinks at his family then his eyes widen, "Oh shit."
"What?!" His family screech in panic
"Oh fuck," Jason says with a growing hysteric smile, "Danny's gonna have a big ol' fucking laugh with this."
"Brother who is Danny!" Damian demands for an answer
Jason coughs into his palm, "Oh yeah you guys really dont dont know. So I may have forgotten to explain some... things."
Bruce levels him with a stare that says "you think?"
Jason chuckles nervously, "So y'know how I'm half dead?"
Damian very eloquently responds for the suddenly dying screaming combusting members of his family, "...sure."
"Well I met the King of the afterlife which is like the Ruler of Everything and he was really cute--" Jason says distant in his own world
"Theres a afterlife?" Superman asks casually appearing beside the emotionally wrecked family
"Yea its pretty cool. So I start flirting a bit with the guy and we hit it off, I now im his zombie ghost knight boyfriend lover for all time. Oh and i got this sickass gun." Jason says with a happy grin
"That is a pretty sick gun." John Constantine nods
"I know right?" Jason chirps
"You wouldn't mind if I inspected--" John reaches his hand
Jason slaps it away, "Not a chance you soul whore. Y'know your basically the tax evasionist of the Ghost Zone right?"
John only sighs and leaves
"But yea so I'm like the ghost world equivalent to married with the king and became his knight and thats how I was able to stop that ghost guy." Jason reiterates as if explaining a simple question, "Y'guys get that?"
Tim is on the ground trying to decide whether; sobbing hysterically, interogating jason to find out all the things he doesn't want to know or sleeping would be a better use of his time.
Dick has decided to blame himself and has started to draft a reddit post in the middle of the street starting with "I (23 m) have a younger brother (19 m), who I used to resent but really regret now, he died and came back and doesn't even tell me about what goes on in his life anymore. How do I fix our--"
Damian is just staring at the gun and... Jason pushes it deeper in his holster and shifts to the side, better to be safe than sorry with this thieving shit.
As Jason adjusts his weaponry he hears Bruce sob in the background, "He didn't even invite me to the wedding! Am I that horrible of a father!"
Wonder Woman pats his shoulder reasuringly whilst the rest of the League seem to be trying to calm him down
Jason looks around tiredly at the mess he had created and decides fuck it
"Alright I'm heading out for the night, you guys get home safe!" He yells and without caring to listen to anyone and everyone voicing their confusion he zips open a green portal and stumbles in
He crashes down on an unbelievably comfortable bed
Danny blinks blearily before sending the young man a sleepy smile, "Hey Jay, what kept you up so long?"
Jason slipping under the blankets with a yawn says, "You would not believe the night I just had."
Edit: UMM HII The fic is out now here!! you guys are awesome I'll post the new chapter 2 in a hot sec after editting ^^
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months ago
Topic: Genshin impact.
au: Sagau.
idea: So what if you had the powers of every character you played as in every game you played and then get isekaid into genshin impact with imposter au. I imagine it goes smth like
Zhongli: “I will have order!”
reader, Who played Roblox as someone who lagged the game (explanation: I’m pretty sure ping is also how time works in games. If you can control the flow of ping you can control the flow of time in games.): “ZA WARUDO!”
Heyyy!! Thanks for waiting for the reply/response from my slow ass :0
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So they did clarify what they meant/expand so imma just copy paste that here!
“k now I remember. So basically imma write it here since it’s easier: Basically you don’t have to (but you can) transform into the character that has those set of powers but if you do those powers are enhanced.”
Sun: Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Light Imposter AU (as in, NOT Yandere/Dark), mild crossover elements bc Shapeshifter Shenanigans™️
Stars: bro idek
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, genshin typical mild violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so fair warning,, ive never seen jojo bizarre, but i appreciate i come off well-read/watched? LMAO
so im just gonna kinda,, guess? like just cycle thru diff. random media, and im hoping both me and you reading this will have a fun time (as this is a little challenge, but i like it so ill give it a shot, dont kno if its a good one but- 😅)
so to set the scene, of how u got to this point, ykno of running like ur life (maybe?) depends on u running around different teyvat countries,
u thought it was weird everyone knew a little too much about you?? (ofc theyve heard u during gaming, they know u the same way we all know Markiplier, get it?)
then a bunch of NPCs/Vision users/Archons?? were REALLY invested in talking to you, which freaked u out even more
and by the time you saw Zhongli, yknow, just the oldest god in game, making a fast-walk towards you, ykno the retired god who didnt move an inch when an old water god attacked Liyue for a test, is now hurrying to you???
ur logically get so fucking scared sm shits abt to go down, u just start running
it isnt until ur reaching for a ledge and some webbing shoots out of ur arm (from a glitchy little spot on ur arm, where it could be coming out of ur skin, but sometimes its a blue and red bracelet)
it latched onto the nearest building, and thats how u find out u can grapple ur way, literally Spiderman style, out of the harbor
and bro, idk if it would be fun, or confusing and stressful, or maybe both?? to just find out u can use any video game power from any game youve played before as you go running from countries bc for some freaky reason they know too much abt you/are pursuing you-
dUDE- they had small statues of you in like every little section of their cities
u head to Mondstadt and as Venti comes screaming and flying at you (in excitement, but ur freaked), u go to hold a hand up and suddenly ur holding a heavy stone tablet that unleashes some holographic yellow chains that freeze him in place-?? why is this familiar-
oh my god u have the sheikah slate from Breath of the Wild,
and as ur booking it out of there, u manage to get ahold of a sword, and u know exactly how to use it to knock back favonius knights trying to stop you (they are concerned for their god who is just unleashing random powers on ppl, pls let Grandmaster Jean just talk to you Your Majesty-!!)
by the time you teleport ur way to Inazuma, (bc u still have this worlds access to ur player/traveler’s powers), ur trying to find a nice place to stay for a little bit
at least in that sweet spot of the Raiden not noticing/finding you, while things cool down on the main continent, before moving on,
and u get some tools to help fashion just a little shelter, bc u dont have any money/mora rn, and ur able to literally build a house???
a mailbox pops up and thanks you for renting with Tom Nook???? As in Animal Crossing-
and rlly if the BOTW/slate thing didnt clue u into video game powers, then this definitely would tbh lmao
right as u see Yae Miko circling ur house, with an armful of books? ..is she planning to thru them at you??, u get the hell out of dodge before her favorite god can follow along
(she knows ur prefrences in books and got authors/trends to start so youd have plenty to read, and she was making sure it was ur house before politely dropping them off! how was she to know thatd spook their favorite God, Ei?!)
u get to Sumeru and think ur safe, hiding in an abandoned forest watcher outpost (1 person treehouse rlly) when Nahida shows up in ur dreams,
and u just,
walk out of the dream, into reality, and possess a nearby ruin guard so u can sleep in peace, bc she cant access a robot,
that one baffled u as you re-possessed ur own body before realizing-
Five Nights at Freddy’s. 💀
U cant do that forever, so u try Fontaine, hoping Neuvillette/Furina wont rlly give af abt you, plus theyre the latest region, so maybe they have the least exposure to whatever the other archons didnt like abt you??
u get there and are immediately summoned to court, and right as the mekas show up to escort you, jfc they have a mecha army
(meanwhile, theyre thinking, yknow. high profile guest/our god of gods. ofc we need state of the art mekas to escort them, its only polite-)
meanwhile ur cape has now become wings, and a mask covers ur face as you glide and fly ur way over the city in an attempt to get to where u assume Snezhnaya is
it doesnt occur to you the game until ur running out of stamnia and catch ur reflection in the waters of fontaine, Sky: Children of the Light
u hope the Tsaritsa’s dislike for other gods/Celestia doesnt extend to ur otherworldly presence so ur just hoping for the best atp tbh
tbh youd forget what all powers you have, and the absolute chaos ur causing urself as u try to desperately rememeber what games youve played thru ur entire life is NOT helping to reduce confusion when u randomly wake up with elf ears (legend of zelda/botw) or get dragged into another ruin machine when u fall asleep/faint/do smth u guess mimics death lmao- (fnaf) 💀
(meanwhile the Tsaritsa does get wind ur coming this way, and just, makes the people have a parade/festival to celebrate you coming,
she did also have to get Pierro/Captaino to physically restrain some of them from going ahead to meet/escort you to the palace, she’d heard how the others scared u off, and was, ironically, hoping the warm welcome would clear things up)
well that was, something. 😃🫠
sorry lil car, that was such a fun idea idk if i did it justice!! i thought itd be too op to include every media youve consumed ever, so i kept it to video games, (which, could u cheat the system if youve played smash bros??)
i hope it was at least a decent read, and sorry im half asleep so i was not v funny this time around, but, again, hope u got smth out of it 😭
on another note, im having my wisdom teeth surgery this friday, send whatever u got my way, prayers, blessings, good vibes, ill take anything im nervous 🙃
have a good week guys!
Safe Travels Lil Car,
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blackknight-kai · 5 months ago
We need an S/O who’s just an enabler for Wukong; like someone who’s totally ride or die.
Oh we’re going to heckle the locals yaoguai? They’re down.
Beat up whoever we please? Yessir.
Be the celestials’ biggest pain in the ass? Hell yea.
[But there’s also that sweet potential angst there, your husband/best friend reincarnates to this totally different guy and you have no clue what to do with yourself.]
Yes, I love this! I’d be that person LOL. Like “oh you wanna go beat the shit out of some people? Cool get after it dude! Fuck ‘em up!”
But for real, I think Wukong having that would be amazing, not for everyone else of course but for him? Great. He’d be living his best life and his ego would be HUUUUUUUGE. This chaotic asshole would love having a partner in crime/someone to support him in his mischievous endeavors.
He’d be so happy too. Coming home after doing whatever it is and excitedly telling you all about it. He’d strut around preening like a peacock. At no point would he ever feel like he was without or that he was lacking in his relationship. If people try to bring him down? Yeah not gonna work because you had his back and he trusts you.
Seeing him so happy and confident would be the highlight of your day. He’s just so LOUD. You could never ignore him. You love your monkey way too much!
So when you see his reincarnation be the total opposite of everything he normally is really screws with your head. Sure he looks like Wukong, fights like him, and is goal oriented like him.
But hes quiet. Genuinely doesnt speak which is a huge contrast to the mouthy Great Sage you knew. Reserved. Hyper Focused. And honestly very closed off.
A bit cold too. You’d been so used to Wukongs warm loving self that this is just��difficult.
Destined One is hard to read. You dont see anything of the Wukong you knew in him for the longest time. It hurts. At first you wonder if you should just….part from him. Go your separate way and let him go on his path. It doesnt sit right with you though to do that. As painful as it is to be near someone who reminds you of the lover you’d lost so long ago. But you are determined to help him and determined to be there for him. Ride or die for life right?
One thing you realize though after spending time with him is that yeah, hes different but also, not that different. He’s still cheeky in his own way and mischievous. Just a bit more subtle about it. Clever. As you get to know him and he learns to trust you he starts showing his true colors. Cracks grins and smirks, the first time you caught his lip twitching you thought you were hallucinating. His tail swishes and flicks with his amusement and you can gauge his mood by how deep the frown on his face or how tense his shoulders and tail are. He plays familiar pranks, sometimes with new twists on them. Being a prankster definitely is in his genetics.
Instead of talking he uses grunts and sounds, you learn what each means over time. His eyes also speak volumes now that you’ve grown to know him. They always reveal his true feelings and damn do they always look at you with that familiar warmth you’d come to associate with Wukong. As he gains more power he also gains confidence. His walk had always shown confidence but now he moves with a surety that starts to match Wukongs. He’s coming into himself and you find yourself becoming just as enamored with him the more you learn about him. The day he gives you a handsome smile is a day you will remember because your heart skipped several beats.
You grow closer with him and realize just how similar he and Wukong are, the difference is that Wukong had many years on this monkey to build himself up. It’s only a matter of time for the Destined One to do the same. He even enjoys being close to you and often finds reasons to be near you/touching you. His tail is wrapped around you sometimes in that familiar way Wukong used to do, it makes your heart full and also ache. Sometimes he just does things, acts certain ways that are so reminiscent of Wukong. While other times he does something completely different and new. It keeps you guessing.
When he speaks for the first time it about knocks you over. His voice is the same……your chest pinches hard both with happiness and sadness because damn did you miss his voice. But also, you’re falling in love with the way HE now talks.
You dont push for more from him, unsure for the first time in your life. Because should you? What if he really IS someone totally different but has similar traits? What if he just needs to grow into ‘Wukong’ more? What if hes the same but doesnt feel the same for you?
So many questions run through your head.
But one thing is certain, be it Wukong or Destined One you will support the ever living shit out of whatever he wants to do. Regardless of where your ‘relationship’ stands because you love ‘them’ equally.
And when he finally regains Wukongs memories?
Well…..I’ll leave that brain nugget up to you reader 😊
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hel1nn · 5 months ago
And suddenly everything changed ೀ⋆。
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Ch.1 ⋆。˚୨ the first time i met you ୧˚。⋆ ch.2 ♡
𐔌 . ⋮ satoru gojo x fem zenin!reader .ᐟ ֹ ₊ ꒱
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ : Listen to kingston while reading ⭑.ᐟ
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ : fluffyy | 18+ smut mdni | eventual smut | arranged marriage | reader is 22 and gojo is 25 | reader had a lonely life untill satoru came | abuse (gojo did nothing here.) | trauma | sprinkles of angsts | jealousy | flashbakes | soft!satoru | soft!reader | loss of virginity | self harm | first time falling in love | reader has two sisters. | Reader belongs to zenin clan. | Idiots to lovers | reader doesn't find satoru annoying since she was alone her whole life. | Insecurities | 𖦹ׂ ₊˚⊹⋆
౨ৎ Summery : spending your whole life with feeling of being useless and a waste of space,even worse that your two sisters had cursed energy but you didn't, made you wanted to kill yourself so many times but it stopped when a marriage proposal was sented to gojo clan about marrying you or one of your two sisters. Your sisters were so powerful and beauty with brain so why did satoru gojo choosed you? Moodboard | series masterlist
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You looked around, everyone around you wore black clothes,a body was laying Infront of you, covered in a white blanket. Your mom. You already asked everyone why she wasn't moving,but everyone brushed you off or didn't even replied. Little did you know your life would be completely turn into some kind of hell. The more you grow up the more. At the age of 13 there were cut marks on your writs or arms or legs,all the sadness and anger you took out on yourself. Everything became even worse that you didn't have any cursed techniques or cursed energy but your sisters did. They stopped your study after first year of your highschool. They thought it wasn't important for an another shame of zenin clan. You felt like a dead body whis heart was still beating. Your mother was the only person who loved you and no one but she was taken away from you too. Useless child. Waste of space. You dont deserve to be a zenin. And more. Even your dad hated you too. When he got remarried you remember how your step mom used to beat the shit out of you because of little things. You were tired of everything
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Your father had told you to meet him in his room. You thought he'd scold you again for something you did or he will give you a lecture about how shitty you are. Little Did you know it wasn't. You enter his room,taking a seat Infront of him across the coffee table. "What do you want" you spoke,you dad's face turned slightly disgusted "do you have any manners about how to talk to your own dad?" He grumbles but you kept quiet,but you had to speak. "Can we just talk about what's important.."
"we sent a marriage proposal to gojo clan"
Oh,you slightly tense up. "And?"
"don't you dare to act like a brat. I'll just go straight to the point. We sent a marriage proposal to gojo clan for you and your sisters. They just had to choose one of you." Your father had nothing more than disgust on his face.
He did all of this without a single opinion of yours,your throat ran dry.. you don't have to worry. No one would choose someone like you. That's what you thought.
"and they choosed you." Your father said.
You felt words dry inside you.. how could they choose someone like you. Your no one. But they did.
"stop overreacting,we already had said yes. And the date is December 30. There will be a meeting tomorrow."
You got no choice anyway, getting married would be better than living in a clan of jerks.
"and who I'm going to marry?"
"tch.." you heard your father. This long and he didn't even bothered to tell you the name of the man your supposed to marry. "satoru gojo"
You tense up, panicked slightly
"yes,your going to marry satoru gojo. I don't know why did he picked you.."
You dad mumbles in annoyance. You have heard about gojo so much. That he's the strongest, he's got the looks of an angel, everyone likes him, he's this he's that and more,but you had never seen him,never bothered to. Because you used to think a person like him wouldn't even bothered to know who're you. You just gave a nod to your father, already leaving the room. You were somehow anxious scared. You lock yourself up in your room for the day.
Maids were busy to doll you up for satoru,you said nothing. Letting them have their way with you. He was strongest sorcerer of today and you.. you were just you. Barely Existing. One of the maid scolds you for moving while she was applying lipstick on you. You just gave a apologetic smile and nothing more. You sit still. After all of the makeup and clothes you were finally ready,to meet the man your supposed to marry. You were just looking at yourself in the mirror and the silence suddenly gets broke by your step mom
"can't believe he choosed you" you hear her mumble,you just look at her. A stoic face of yours.
"why are you getting annoyed? It's not like he'll choose a fatty like you" you spoke in annoyance, already leaving the room. You never acted like this but today your mood wasn't calm as always. Your step mother glares at you, shouting something you didn't bothered to hear. You enter the meeting room,your father and everyone was already there,your sisters. You older sister wasn't a big fan of yours and she didn't really cared about what you do but your younger sister was way more worse than a bitch. Always ruining your day before it could even start. You walk to the couch and sit down there,a coffee table and another sofa across you where gojo is supposed to sit. You wait and wait.
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3h already has passed away and you were so done with this,maybe he won't come to meet you. Your no one to him anyway. Every elders in the room were annoyed now. Talking about how he wouldn't come to see an useless person like you,this marriage might be cancelled and more. Your insecurities grew even more. Another day another insecurity. You slump down slightly,head looking down at your lap. A frown on your face. Why do you always end up being a shame? You gulp,you eyes slightly getting blurry-
The door of the room slams open,a man with white hair comes in looking around. White bandage wrapped around his eyes, covering the blue ones you have heard of. Everyone was staring at him,your father perked up, already walking up to satoru "i hope you you didn't have any trouble coming here,take a seat across her plea-
"i don't listen to old farts and you should know that.." your father smile is tight lipped, eyebrows twitching. Satoru walks up to the couch and sits beside you,he was literally opposite of your expectations. Your eyes wide in surprise as you stare at him. You expected him to be like other but then well... he's the opposite.
Satorus head slightly tilted to the side as he observes you, scanning from head to toe. You gulp nervously. "Is that the girl i am going to marry" a cocky smile appears on his lips you look at him dumbfounded "y-yes" you mumble. He chuckles. Patting your head "you look like a statue..or a doll..maybee.." you frown slightly,he was way too much different..he goofy grin on his face. Your younger sister suddenly speaks, interrupting satoru
"you know mr gojo this is not really nice of you.. it'll be okay if you-"
"you look like brat" gojo cheekly laughs,a small one. Your sister's face scrunch in anger
"hey now your crossing the limits who do you-'
"oh nowadays kids are soo disrespectful awh" satoru sticks his tongue out, shrugging. You dumbly watch the drama as they continue to argue. Your step mom start to speak too
"you know your speaking too much with my daughter mr-"
"she's not your daughter and she's the one who started this" satoru shakes his head in disapproval. Before your mom could speak again you're father spoke up
"everyone you know we should give some time for y/n and gojo to have a conversation." You father forces a smile and drags your lil sister and step mom out of the room,you older sister following them with a ywan. In a minute the door was closed and you and satoru were left alone. You slump down with a sigh, feeling like you could breath then you remembered your not alone, straightening yourself as you flash him a small smile.
"tsk they're annoying" you just give him a small chuckle. Not knowing what to say
"why are you this quiet.." satoru trails off..you slightly tense up.
"actually.." sensing your discomfort he stopped you
"it's okay you don't have to tell..but.."
"but.." you stupidly continue with him and-
"why there's scars on your wrists" satoru asks. The smile falls off your face,you gulp..what were you going to answer?
"you did it don't you" he shakes his head with a bored pout.
"can we not.."
"okay i won't." Satoru laughed softly,brushing a strand of your hair, tucking it behind your ear. Your face slightly heats up,you look away blushing. Satoru just stared at you. Looking at your eyes, noticing the long lashes. Trailing to your nose and then your lips,a slight pout on them. You noticed it, looking at him slightly confused "is something on my face.."
"no" satoru just laughed softly. You wanted to ask him why did he agreed to this marriage. Is there something special in you. And so many. You just nod. The conversation was flowing. Him asking you questions and you. Somehow you don't know you felt slightly open to him. He was being kind to you. Talking about his interest in Digimon,and movies how he loved to teach his students. And more..satoru said he loves sweets. Especially mochi and kikufuku. You told him about your small interests, staying up at night to watch the night sky, reading books , watching tv when no one was around. You loved watching cartoons. You were slightly shy about it but satorus interest grew more. From how he's called the strongest ay first made you think he'll be like one of the strict asses but he was still just a man. Oh. Hours goes by and satoru finally had to go. He left you for today but left a wramth inside your chest. The whole night you don't sleep. Instead you stared at the night sky thinking about satoru. The was just as bright as a moon. One in a million..
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A/N ₊˚ʚ 🌱 : English isn't my first language sorry if i did any mistakes. + I tried my best and I'm not an professional writer:)
Taglist : @chilichopsticks @milolop @kuroosvow @bypanana @hoseokslefteyebrow @sorcerersseestars @ssetsuka @megumisthirdog @certainduckanchor and idk why i can't tag @deliciouslydeliciouspenguin :(
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months ago
Fanfic Recs?
LETS GO I'VE BEEN WANTING AN EXCUSE TO DO ONE OF THESE! Official Bird approved fanfic rec list lets go !!
Grabbing fistfuls from things tagged as my favorite, I have some more but take just these for now
don't trust them, brother (oh, but look at me now) by SilverUtahraptor
Izuna opens his eyes to find himself in an abandoned street littered with bodies bearing the uchiwa on their back. He shouldn't have eyes at all. He should be dying. [Uchiha Izuna time-travels to the canon era... to land right at the tail end of the Uchiha Massacre.]
61k words, Izuna/Kakashi (eventually)
This fic. THIS FIC. This was one of my first introductions to Izuna as a fleshed out character and shit man, it's great. If I could pick any one fic to magically make complete, it'd probably be this fic.
My Brother's Wife by Wisia
An AU where Izuna and Tobirama marries for peace, and there is the tradition of marrying your brother's wife if your brother dies.
16k words, Izuna/Tobirama, Madara/Tobirama
SO fun SO many layers to it, I had so much fucking fun with this series. I love complex emotions I love layers to motivations and feelings!!!
F.U.B.A.R. by Messier_47
They made Tobirama the Senju Clan Head. ...omg they made Tobirama the Senju Clan Head. *** This is the story where Tobirama is made Clan Head, fucks shit up. We find out more about what goes on between the clans during the Warring Clan Era, shit still gets fucked up. Power dynamics change, history as you know it will be erased, and you got another thing coming if you think that Senju-fucking-Tobirama will stand back now that he's given center stage. It all goes F.U.B.A.R. from here on out.
338k words, madara/tobirama
THE TOBIRAMA DOES POLITICS FIC OF ALL TIME. THIS FIC IS SO FUCKING GOOD IT'S REDICULOUS. YOU WILL READ THIS FIC AND ASSUME YOU ARE ON THE SAME / A SIMILAR PAGE AS TOBIRAMA AND THAT YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON BUT YOU DO NOT. THERE ARE PLOTS WITHIN PLOTS THAT EVEN YOU AS THE READER WILL MISS UNTIL IT'S SPELLED OUT TO U. AMAZING. INCREDIBLE. Tobirama is SO fucking fun to watch do shit in this, everyone is so compelling as characters, it's such a fun read that I've recommended it to friends who dont even know naruto. 10/10, definitely in the running for one of THE fics most ever. What a ride, man
Homemade Dynamite by Mixelation
“I mean,” Deidara growls, “you’re you from the future.” “Of course I am,” Itachi says, like Deidara is a bit slow. “And I’m me from the future,” Deidara continues, feeling a bit hysterical. Whatever Itachi did with the chakra nexus on the forbidden island, it ended with both of them traveling through time. “What the F––,” Deidara yells, and then tries to punch Itachi in the face again. OR: Deidara unwillingly signs up for Itachi's personal time-travel fix-it fic.
85k words, Itachi/Deidara
This fic is just straight up fucking incredible, it's so funny and so dramatic and so compelling and so fun. It got me onboard the Itachi/Deidara ship train so hard and I got so mad afterwords when I couldn't find other fics similar to it. This fic is just so, so good. Itachi and Deidara are both fucking maniacs and they have such incredible chemistry together. Honestly, every character introduced just has the most incredible, fun characterizations. I was never bored for a single moment this fic. HIGHLY recommend
By the Punch Bowl by Mixelation
“Are you single?” Gaara asks. He’s not sure how he’s meant to do this. “Oh, I see,” the man says after a pause. “I’ve read about this. You’re asking me out, and I should answer based on my interest rather than my actual relationship status.” Good, he’s making this easy, Gaara thinks. OR: Gaara asks Sai out.
2k words, Gaara/Sai
Comedy gold unlike any other, this is just a straight up good, silly time
denizens of the sands of time by CherShare
Happy accidents were less rare than they used to be, even if they still had a trend of making things worse before they got better. Gaara would take what he could get.
42k words, Gaara/Tobirama/Izuna
I LOVE THIS FIC ITS SO GOOD!! Gaara has such an interesting dynamic and chemistry with both Tobirama and Izuna, and the world around them is absolutely delightful. I'm such a big fan of Izuna's characterization in this specifically, and Shukaku is also such a highlight. The most crackship ot3 ever, it got me so on board
honey honey honey by latecambrian
“You’re a fucking idiot,” Kankuro hisses. “Literally a dumbass. Stay awake, I’m serious.” “You’re really hot, I noticed it before but I pretended I didn’t,” Kiba tells him seriously, head leaning back against the pillows. He frowns. “Don’t tell my mom I said that. It’s disrespectful.” the only thing really poisonous in the shinobi world is that emotional intimacy only comes out after life-threatening injuries
4.7k words, Kiba/Kankuro
This fic changed my life. I didn't really know much ab Kiba or Kanuro as characters before reading this, and wasn't too invested in what I did know. But like. This fic. This fic got me onboard the train so fucking hard. Fuck. Fuck. I've read this fic like 8 times now, it's just straight fun, so fucking funny and so fucking cute. It made me fall in love with Kiba/Kankuro and sent me spiraling for a week straight ab them
and so the moon wept by OHai_Here
Hatake Kakashi is fourteen, high off the grief of losing every single person important to him and his life in shambles. Kakashi wakes up. He’s on the ground, pushing himself up on an elbow, it’s shaking, shaking and there’s a cry of, “Kakashi!” that’s too too familiar and too too painful. Ah, this dream again. Just like every time he’s seen it both awake and asleep, he does what he always tries to. He pushes Obito away from him, as it always should have been and - Pain. OR: Kakashi finds himself in Obito's place; a stone coffin. There is no miraculous rescue, he's no Uchiha after all, and the only one he can rely on is himself.
102k words, obito/kakashi, sakumo/orochimaru
THIS FIC IS SO FUCKING GOOD AND MAKES ME SO FUCKING MAD. 10/10 FIC ON SO MANY LEVELS, THE BUILD UP TO KAKASHI COMING HOME WAS IMPECCABLE, BY THE TIME HE FINALLY GETS THERE I WAS LEGIT SHAKING. The multiple POV's feed into every craving I've ever had to know what's going on in the minds around Kakashi. And like. The ending. The ending. Listen all I'll say is after the final chapter I saw Ohai getting sent threats in their inbox and like. deserved. incredible ending, I felt like I was gonna throw up (positive)
Asymptotes by Anxiety_Pickle
Kakashi witnesses the destruction of the Uchiha clan and in the ashes of what once was remembers his responsibility to himself, and to Obito. “I’m not considered an Uchiha,” He reasons, “But I am… Obito’s next of kin, and therefore I have a responsibility to his family.” The Hokage takes a long drag of his pipe. The smoke diffuses around the room and hangs in the air in poisonous circles, before he resigns himself to the fact. “You’re sure you want to take the responsibility?” “Yes, sir.” "Then I won't stop you." He replies. "As of tomorrow, you have permission to move Sasuke from the compound at your disgression." Kakashi thanks him and leaves before he can second guess his decision.
27k words
Kakashi adopts Sasuke and eventually defects from the village w him to sound. This fic made me feel things I did not know I could, I was bouncing off the fucking walls over it, fuck. Great read, can't recommend enough for anyone who likes Kakashi & Sasuke
gossip girl by latecambrian
sasuke has been gone too long and needs to catch up on the tea, so he kidnaps the person least likely to beg him to come back “Suigetsu, enough,” Sasuke glares at ‘Suigetsu’ behind him. “I don’t think I’ll need to use genjutsu, though. My questions are simple.” “I’m seriously not gonna talk,” Shikamaru tells him. “So just get your brain torture over with.” “Is Kakashi-sensei gay?” Sasuke asks bluntly. It’s quiet for a blissful second. Even Shikamaru’s brain stops.
6.5k words, sasuke/naruto, kakashi/gai
Pure crack and fucking beautiful, I t
The Orphan Games by Anxiety_Pickle
“Naruto is not my friend.” He says, disgusted. “I don’t have friends. They’re… acquaintances. I have nothing to say to them.” He pauses. “Did you get in a fight?” These problems that Itachi is making up in his head are way too normal. “No. They banned me from participating in the orphan games. We’re not speaking.” Everyone stops, intrigued. Even Hidan. Mouthful of tinsel and all. Itachi says delicately, “the what?”
5k words, sasuke/naruto
I know I said gossip girl was pure crack and fucking beautiful but shit man this one is just as good. Absolutely fucking hysterical, I can NOT keep a straight face when I read this, it's just insane-- it's part of a series and the one before this is just as good too. Probably in the running for one of my favorite Akatsuki fics ever, everyone is so fucking charming and so fucking insane
Plasticity by Mixelation
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes the immortal leader of a cult tries to summon the god of death and gets you instead. ‘Not dying’ just got a lot more complicated than ‘follow chemlab safety instructions.’ A tongue-in-cheek, Akatsuki-centric SI/OC.
185k words
I'm not usually one for SI/OC fics, but guys. Guys. Guys. Holy shit you guys. This fic. This fic is something. It is SOMETHING. Tori has enchanted me. Her slow but steady descent into absolute morally reprehensible insanity has stolen my heart and mind. This fic, from start to finish, is nothing but pure entertainment of the highest degree. Every character written is so fucking fun, and I do truly think it's possibly my straight up favorite Akatsuki fic overall. They are so well written and so fun to watch. There are portions of this fic that feels like the worlds most fucked up funniest office comedy gone wrong. I love it. I can not get enough.
Also: Orochimaru.
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weebsinstash · 2 months ago
I'm drinking my yandere Justice League juice again because I keep thinking of all sorts of multiverse/timetravel plotlines because the superhero genre is genuinely so full of fun and weird and dramatic and sad opportunities
You accidentally get sent into another dimension and meet another Justice League who helps you return home! .... except you don't exist in their universe and now they really miss you and they keep coming back to your home dimension to visit and eventually try to take you away entirely, even willing to square up with "your" versions of themselves to do it
Reader who figured out by themselves how to escape a timeline where you were actually treated fairly poorly by the Justice League and they come after you because "oh, we promise we'll be different this time, and also we totally won't be extremely possessive because you have the power to leave us now, uhhhh dont you want to restore the balance, what if this uhhhhhh ruins the timeline, we better take you home"
Do we have any Re Zero fans in here. Have any of you seen where it's revealed every time Subaru dies, he's actually somehow joining a brand new universe/taking over another version of himself, or a new universe is being created, and that the universe he died in is just, forever like that now, it doesn't just blip away, everyone he was with or saw him die is now dealing with the after effects?
We could go two ways here: Reader dies a hero and the Justice League goes insane with grief and guilt that you sacrificed yourself or that they couldn't save you, OR, Reader just straight fucking kills themselves after a series of like manhwa-levels of betrayals and dickery from the League, maybe they even kicked you out or shunned you after some sort of mistake, and they're desperate to make things up to you when they find out you're still out there
Like, the trauma they experience when you die and they find out you're still alive and they COME TO GET YOU??? The JEALOUSY that you're WITH THEM but not with THEM? And then you just fucking say, "no thanks I want to stay here, I like my new life here"???
The GASLIGHTING. The MANIPULATION. It's all the more juicy when you think of the different depictions of time travel and multiverse shit because, sometimes time travel is depicted as super rigid, like if you fuck up the past you return to a completely different future, and sometimes it's depicted almost like string theory where any divergence is just a brand new dimension to hop between, so like... I dunno if I explained that well enough but, your former JL genuinely convinced something could happen but also trying to manipulate you by saying you not returning to their timeline could have terrible consequences, meanwhile here's like, New Flash, "technically if they killed themselves in your timeline wouldn't it, I dunno, break reality or something if you brought them back anyways" and your new Justice League, uh, definitely isn't willing to give you back either, especially if they mistreated you
New JL is convinced Old JL was abusive and doesn't appreciate you. Old JL thinks New JL are exploitative manipulative creeps who are taking advantage of you during a vulnerable time. Neither side thinks the other deserves you.
Also consider??? Platonic yandere JL vs romantic/sexual yandere JL???? Because that could be wild either way too? Like, the perspective is nuanced from both angles. Old JL being the platonic ones and thinking, you know, kind of what I just said about thinking New JL are creeps but like, ESPECIALLY thinking they're creeps, like manipulative EVIL perverts because what the fuck do you mean you 'took our friend' after they had this traumatic death and you all want to sleep with them and keep them in your new timeline, the fuck??? Give them back??? Or, the reverse, where New JL is like, "oh my fucking god what is wrong with you guys?? Reader is so cute and funny and nice and you're all so creepy, how could you ever want to sleep with this little cinnamon roll you perverted fiends, tf, no wonder they left you??? And now you're chasing them??? You guys are like demonic??? It's giving prison??? It's giving UNDER the prison???"
You've got one yandere Batman over here borderline Jojo posing, "Reader may not be from our timeline originally, but that doesn't mean they're not allowed the choice to make this their new home, you dastardly knight of darkness!" and meanwhile the other yandere Batman who is dressed entirely in black and not a speck of color on him is glowering silently and trying to formulate how to break every bone in his alternate's body in the most painful but nonlethal way possible
Both J'onn's becoming immediately shaken up as they read the minds of their opposition and their other self and realizing just how crazy they all are but especially what they think of you, memories of you, what they want to do to you--
Platonic Superman is doing his best to be nice, "I don't know who you think you are, but you're not welcome here and you need to leave" and the romantic Superman just fully unabashedly, "I'm the man who's going to marry them" and here's platonic Supes recalling how you've had dinner with him and his wife at his home and he's let you hold his infant child and now he's imagining you getting snatched away and goodness forbid impregnated by this 'clearly evil' version of himself and a little voice inside of Clark goes, "oh, I know who you are now :) you're the man I'm about to punch straight back through the multiverse"
Reader finding out both dimensions of Justice Leaguers are crazy and having to flee to a THIRD dimension and that's either another "friends to captors" situation or you just accidentally wind up in like, one of the many many evil timelines. Oh wow you thought dealing with Batman was bad? Imagine dealing with an Owlman who takes all of Bruce's typical traits and enhances the worst aspects of them to 100. Depictions of Owlman range from "this psychotic kid is the one who arranged the death of his parents to steal their fortune and he's sadistic and mean" to "this version of Bruce is SO literally-thinking autistic that he thinks only the 'original' dimension that all other dimensions stem from is all that matters and that none of the choices anyone makes or the things that happen in every other dimension even matters so why not just like, find Universe Zero and destroy it which would just staight up fucking kill all life ever, because what's the point in any of us being alive lol"
O-oh no, pleeeease don't kidnap me or goad me into sexually charged fights, evil alternate universe lesbian versions of Wonder Woman and Catwomn and Black Canary 👀 I'm so sensitive and fragile and delicate 🥺 I bruise like a little peach you know 👀 pwease dont pin me down and mess up your lipstick all over my face neck and collarbones, that would just be MISERABLE 🥴
Somewhere in a conference room in the Watchtower there's like a hidden meeting discussing who gets custody of you this upcoming weekend. Are you getting swept up in a throuple with John and Shayeera? Are you suffering through the company of a version of Batman who's a miserable alcoholic Thomas Wayne who has trauma bonded onto you and sees you like a surrogate child that his PTSD convinces could be killed at any moment? Are you gonna 'get a ride in the Flash Mobile'? Does a very loud and bombastic version of Aquaman want to teach you to be a better swimmer? They could argue on a schedule for hours until they all finally agree on some sort of spread sheet, but, let's face it: they won't be able to patiently share you forever :) the question eventually becomes, "who will be the first one to snap and betray all the others and take you for themselves?" who knows, maybe it would even BE The Question!
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currentfandomkick · 7 months ago
Re-Making Ghost King function
Ghost King is a lot of OP!Danny and skipping other avenues to explore how that could work, so i have IdeasTM to add weight to the role and make it Worse For Ghost King or add costs to acting outside of the role.
Adding possible story ideas to each example i give, and up for grabs just tag me if you do anything :D
Ghost king is a curse and death sentence.
It drains your core and keeps you from your obsession. It is the realm’s denizens deciding ‘fuck this guy in particular’. The draining of the king’s core causes them to go insane (known problem) and the energy goes to sustaining a number of youngers and newly forming ghosts in the Ghost Nurseries.
Yes, Danny’s main area of the Ghost Zone is included in Nursery where ghosts of similar species and backgrounds intermingle with parents of neverborns, form firghts and later move deeper into realms, unless their obsession includes the living. Then they tend to gravitate to portal rich areas, and areas that spawn in their preferred time and regions of living world.
This means Danny? Is possibly going to deal with going insane if he’s crowned, especially as Pariah is around still. Realms are convening on if Danny’s a bigger threat than Pariah after defeating him. Go nuts on court and legal arguments between various ghosts. JLD may be called in by [character] to find a way to save Danny from this BS, while Danny is staging another prison break and probably forming another army on his side that he does not lead and like him enough to keep around but do not agree with him in terms of leadership. So his new friends are kidnapping him for his own good, while a trial is held over if a halfa can be given the cursed role of ghost king, and if Danny should be cursed to future madness
Go nuts on political drama, jail break fun and Danny debating if this makes him a McGuffin, and why his life is Like This
Team ups everywhere
Ghost king is the loosely diplomat between the Infinite Realms. And other realms sometimes.
Pariah decided war was the best way to get everyone to shut up and unite and maybe not make all their issues his problem for five minutes.
Danny is now expected to handle this as physically beating opponents to establish credentials is vital
Danny is shit at remembering his powers. Or how to switch between them outside his main ones…
Cue danny finding mentors to help and runs into hero of your choice for help (yes this means Batman isn’t the best to handle this, if he’s around have him shuffle Danny to another team or frequent meetings with a lot of heroes)
Feel free to unleash him onto Hero Team of Choice and make him their problem as ‘oh its me or the guy who’s main response is world domination! My mirror likes traveling and a few of my friends are activists. I dont want Conqueror McGee in charge of this stuff. I’m just here as the muscle/backup, and engineer. And space stuff. I am not the negotiator, i am the negotiator’s bodyguard.’
Danny is here to play Guard the Diplomat and act like he is not, in fact, the diplomat Legally.
Heroes? Doing their best to train danny up, likely bonding with him and his crew (tagalongs of your choice. But please let Val be there too, and calling Danny out on ‘crap tactics’ in a teasing manner.)
Ghost King is Extremely Limited in living world regardless of previous powers
Ghost Kings only have their full powers in the realms of the dead, and said powers vary by monarch and region they are present in
Yes this helps explain Danny’s weekly new powers if we include Clocky as a previous king who saw Dan become king and thought early intervention on powers might prevent Dan. Did not work as intended.
In the living realm danny acts more as a medium and can answer questions about the dead, but cannot use his powers anywhere but Amity as Amity is a Veil City (city that exists in both the IR and Living Realm) but is anchored more on living side… outside of the city wandering about as it pleases
Danny is mostly human in human word besides having an encyclopedic knowledge about the dead, burial sites, which death realm one resides in or returned from, ect.,
In the infinite Realms he is eldritch though. As a treat.
Danny is not able to be summoned unless he’s in the infinite realms. Pariah is the backup summon though. And he’s bitchy about it.
High crack, comedy and angst potential
Summons can be anyone, and danny is Done with Cultists and makes a point to tell them to fuck off with the power crap. He will take questions about the dead, and only if he gets a burger shake.
As King Phantom he’s basically a Glorified Realms Secretary in his opinion. He makes Pariah the King when he wants to be bitchy to people, and vice versa.
No rule against Pariah and Danny in a weird joint custody of the title as ‘i beat you, i won’ vs ‘you only meet the credentials half the time. We work in shifts’
Ghost King with Serious Limitations the way most monarchs have.
King Phantom cannot help you with… finding your missing friend. Danny Fenton can.
Fenton gets no access to his powers when going against what Phantom is allowed to do. Including his healing factor!
Much whump and angst potential
So many scenarios to put this in, especially if you have another person pissed at danny for not doing more with his own powers and get reality checked with danny seriously injured for Not Following the Ghost King Restrictions
Fenton making tech to help where he cant is highly applicable
I say engineer Danny working with Hero Of Choice as Gadget Guy and finding out powers afterwards and former hero status could be fun too!
And there’s all i got ATM, if anyone has other ideas to make Ghost King less OP or have other angles, let me know so we can circulate other ways this can work.
Tag whoever may be interested or have other ideas to rework the ghost king concept
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adventurouslesly · 2 months ago
Clashing together
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Logan Howlett x fem reader
Warning: little bit of violence,smut,and nightmares
Word count:4K
Summary: you found Logan after being the first experiment for adamantium and escaping and Logan challenged you to see what you are made of
This is also my first time writing a Logan fic so I hope I do him some justice!!! Also this is my first detailed smut so hopefully it’s good.
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You’re a new mutant same as Wolverine Stryker kept you hidden after he used you as guinea pig to see if the adamantium would work on Logan but once Logan got the adamantium he was lucky ran away from the shit hole instead of claws coming between your knuckles it’s your nails.
One day you were able to escape and after years of being alone Charles Xavier found you and brought you back to the x mansion he gave you a tour around and you see all the different mutant who are mostly kids and teens even though you may seem young you are much older then everyone.
You meet with the older people Storm,Scott,and Jean at the moment Logan wasn’t present he was doing something so you thought maybe later you’ll see him.
It was night you settled in your room and looked around it had en-suite bathroom which is pretty nice,a desk by the room, queen bed, and a window that looks out the beautiful garden.
You decide to go to the kitchen which was dark but you didn’t seem to mind you look out the window not noticing the man in the corner who’s sitting down drinking whiskey.
The man looks at you. “Who the hell are you?” He said harshly you turn your head from the slight jumpscare from his voice. “I would ask the same thing.” you cross your arms.
The man raised his eyebrows as if he’s shock at your response and gets up. “Funny everyone knows who I am but I’m Logan known as Wolverine too I’m gonna ask who you are again?” he starts circling around you looking at you up and down.
You gave him a surpise look. “Oh so you’re the Wolverine I just didn’t know what you looked like but I’m y/n.” Logan smirks “The one and only wolverine you’re looking at kid.” This was the perfect moment to tell him he’s not the only one.
Logan still circling. “So y/n what kind of power do you have? Hopefully it’s interesting.”Logan questioned you “I’m exactly like you but my claws comes out of my nails” you said.
Logan stops in his track his back in front of you and turns his head to look at you. “Your nails?” As he try to process the information you gave him. “You got adamantium claws like me?” He turns around to face you. “Let me see.” Logan said.
You put your hands in front of him and your nails grew. “I do got adamantium like you.” his eyes widen as he sees your claws extended. “Stryker kept me hidden cause he wanted to test me first for when they experimented on you which obviously worked and you escaped.” you explained and retract your claws.
Logan nods and think for awhile his fist clenched. “Was there more like us?” As he intensely stare at you. “There was after it was successful to me and they tested it on more people to make sure but we all planned to escape weeks after you did but I was the only one who lived and I was hiding for while till Charles found me somehow.” you said coldly Logans jaw clenched.
His face is filled with anger. “the others didn’t survive.” he repeats. “This is what we gonna do we’re gonna stick together In case Stryker comes after us and have each other back.” said Logan.
You extend your hand. “we’re a team then.” Logan extend his hands out too “We’re a team.” then shakes your hand and lets go. “Anyone who messes with us they dont know who they’re messing with it’ll be too late when they realized they fucked up!” you nod in agreement in Logan’s rant.
Then you guys stand there in silence for a bit since obviously the wolverine isn’t much a big talker and there’s you who kinda the same but you’re a quiet person. “So uh have you got a tour around the place?” Logan said “Professor showed me a little bit till he introduced me to jean,scott, and storm they ended showing me more of the place.” you explained.
Logan nods. “Right…well I think you should head to bed since I bet with you being new and all they will get you to training.” Logan said he’s probably right they’re probably gonna see what you’re capable of with your claws. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow." you said as you walk away.
Logan follows you. “I can actually lead you to your room it’s no problem.” Logan said you guys walk in silence there was a few kids up and Logan warns them they should be asleep to wake up for school tomorrow.
As you get your room you turn to look at Logan. “Goodnight Logan.” you smile. “Night bub.” then he walks away you open your room and close it and lay in yout bed wondering what’s the next day will be like.
The next morning Logan goes to professor office but he was talking to a student he waits patiently and looks out the window and see you exploring the garden he wanted to know more about you but wants to keep a safe distance between you guys.
As professor finish his conversation with the student and they leave he looks at Logan. “I seen you met y/n already." Logan turns to look at professor. “Why wasn’t I informed about them?” Logan questioned.
Professor sighed. “You weren’t here when she arrived you were on the small mission I sent you.” professor said logan crossed his arm. “You could’ve told me when I got back and checked in.” Logan said.
Professor smiled. “Cause I knew eventually you guys would’ve bumped into each other.” Logan rolled his eyes. “Of course." Logan mumbled and looks out the window and see you gone.
Professor noticed how Logan looks out the window. “I sent storm and jean to train her you could join.” Logan chuckles. “You think I would go easy on the kid just cause we have the same mutant power?” Professor laughed a little too. “I would be foolish to think you would."
Logan then change the conversation if he needs to do anything around the mansion once the Professor told him he has nothing yet Logan leaves Professor office.
As logan walks around the hall he decides to go to the training room once he got there he leans against the doorframe with arm crossed watching you with storm and jean giving you physical task with your claws and without them.
After a while Logan leaves you noticed he left even though you were busy training and didn’t make eye contact with Logan you smelt he was there since he’s the only person who smelt like cigar,cinnamon probably from his whiskey,and wood there is a forest area in the yard so assuming he probably goes there to relax then you wonder if he remembers you guys got the same sense too if he was trying to sneakily watch you.
Couple weeks later you were still in mansion you and Logan barely talk besides “Morning.” “Night.” ,small talk, and a grunt sound as he head nods when you see each others in the hall it doesnt surprise you since you herd he doesnt let people in much of his life.
It was around the afternoon that storm and jean was supposed to train you but they had an emergency mission and Scott was with the professor which lead to Logan this should be interesting…
You walk to Logans room and knock on his door after a minute of you standing there you press your ear on the door. “Logan?” You hear nothing then you decide maybe he’s in the kitchen so you walk over there.
Logan was drinking whiskey alone in his thought till you walked in he nods at you as he drinks. “I need you to train me.” you said right away Logan sets the whiskey down he scoffs. “Where’s Storm and Jean why aren’t they helping you?” Logan said clearly not wanting to help.
You knew it was bad idea to ask but you wanted to continue your training schedule. “They went to a mission.” you said. “What about laser boy?” Logan gruffly questioned and picks up his drink. “He’s with professor and the kids.” you said Logan settle down his drink.
Logan studies you. “Alright let’s do this kid.” he finally said you were shocked you thought you needed to argue with him some more to agree! “Ok well go easy on me since you’re more stronger then me.” you say.
Logan grins and starts to circle around you. “Where would the fun be if I took it easy on you I want to see what you got.” he then lunges forward swiping at you with his claw you luckily dodge them well then it looks like you’re doing your training in the kitchen.
Logan grins some more. “Thats what im talking about!” you then swipe at Logans arm but he manages to block your claws with his claws making a clashing sound like if you guys are fighting with swords then he headbutts you.
You stumble back. “I thought you were fast.” Logan teases you,you rub your temple. “Oh it’s on!” you said Logan smirks with amusement. “Come on show me what you got y/n!” Logan challenges you.
You then run up to Logan managing to tackling and pinning him down,Logan looks at you with widen eyes. “I’m surpise you took me down not many can do that.” Logan chuckles you shrug. “Maybe im just lucky.” as you’re still on top of him.
Logan grins mischievously. “Lucky huh? We should test that theory out more let’s go another round.” Logan challenges you again. “I would definitely be down.” you challenge back.
You get off of Logan and gets up and gets to the other side of the kitchen while Logan doing the same both waiting to see who makes the first move with claws out you decide to go first and try to swipe at his legs.
But Logan was faster he jumps up from your swipe and landing on his feet. “You got to do better than that!” He then swipes on your side and you wince from his attack even though you got quick healing it still hurts.
Logan nods. “Forgot you got that too might have to try harder.” he lunges forward you tried to block but you managed a little but he still rip part of your shirt with his claws man no wonder he doesnt train anyone he’s ruthless!
Logan was staring at part of y/n skin where the shirt was ripped showing the color of her bra he wasn’t sure if the whiskey was making him feel like this or the fight is intense with you two just as he was distracted you claw his face.
Logan thoughts suddenly abruptly stops when he felt the sting on his face. “I see how it is no mercy.” Logan runs up to her but she manage to be quick and kick him making him crash on the ground you smirk.
Logan grunts as he crashes on the floor hitting his head on the counter and sits up rubbing his head. “Good thing I can heal quick since that headache was no joke when I hit my head on that counter well played.” Logan says with a look of admiration which is rare.
As Logan gets up he looks at you. “Rematch?” You nod your head while catching your breath. “I think that’s enough.” Logan looks at you disappointed. “Aw come on I was getting warmed up!”
You think about it you really don’t have anything to do so might as well take up his offer. “Fine I’ll do it” Logan grins. “Let’s go then” before you can process anything he suddenly lunges at you his arms wrapped around your waist as he lifts you off the ground. “What you gonna do now?!” Logan challenges you.
You jab your elbow against his stomach hard Logan grunts in pain you were able to squirm away from his grip being loose and you go back to your fighting stance. “You fight dirty.” as Logan clutches his stomach.
You chuckles. “I see why you want to keep going it’s fun.” you smirk Logan looks at you dangerously. “You’re having fun now? Let’s see how you handle this!” He charges at you clawing your leg. “Fuck!” You yelled.
As Logan sees you winced from the pain he took the perfect opportunity to grab your arm and throw you on the ground and is on top of you pinning you down and you try to flip him.
Even though you got super strength too he’s more heavier. ”You’re not wiggling out of this one.” Logan smirks knew what he’s doing then he stabs you leg and you snarl and digs your nails on his muscles.
Logan winces as your nails digs in and takes his claws out of you and he looks down at you his pupils dilated. “Oh you really done it” he presses his body against you he suddenly leans down burring his face in your neck licking your neck.
You try to squirm from denying the lustful feeling you were getting since you met the man not even for 3 months! “You do this with every women you train with? get a couple jab in and sleep with them?”
Logan chuckles against your neck he knows what you’re trying to do trying to deny the feeling between you and him. “I never do this to anyone well besides storm but it’s been two years since me and her slept with each other after a middle of training but I’m not focus on her only on you like how wet you are I can smell it.” Logan says bluntly.
You freeze process the things he said about him and storm and made a mental note to ask about that later but also forgot he has keen sense like you of course he can smell the arousal on you. “Admit you like it cause your body says otherwise you can’t deny it darling.” he then continues to giving your neck attention and sliding his hand on your hip.
Logan then grinds his body against you and your breath hitches. “You know this is one hell of foreplay we’re doing.” you can feel the body heat from each other Logan grins. “It sure is what can I say it’s intoxicating the way we clash and the adrenaline.” playfully bites your neck.
You feel his hands going underneath your shirt roaming around feeling his fingertip brushing by your bra. “wait Logan.” you said hesitantly Logan pulls back looking at you. “Let’s not do anything here in the kitchen floor just in case someone walks in we can do it in your room.”
Luckily Logan didn’t argued he picked you up easily in his arms and took you to his room settling you down on the bed and locks the door goes back to kissing you. “This needs to go.” Logan mumbles as he pulls off your shirt off and unhooks your bra leaving your bare on top.
Logan licks his lip at the sight and starts kissing you and making his way down to your nipples sucking and swirling around it and pressing his body against yours. “Tell me baby you want this.” Logan said as he switches to the other nipples and grinds on you again.
You moan softly and nods your head. “Mmhm.” Logan stops swirling his tongue around your nipple and looks at you. “Use your word darling I really want to hear you want this.” Even though Logan knows the answer from the heavy breathing and the smell of you being turned on.
you look at Logan. “I want this I want you to make me feel so good.” Logan grins at the word giving your nipple one last suck before kissing down your stomach stopping by your sweatpants.
Logan pulls down your sweatpants as you lift up for him and see the damp spot on your underwear. “Shit already so wet for me.” Logan bites his lips at the sight and rubs his hand on the wet spot. “Logan.” you whimper as he teases you.
Logan smirks “Sound so pretty when you’re whimpering I wonder what you sound like when I really make you feel good with my cock.” he then pulls down you underwear leaving you completely bare you can see how Logan looks at you hungrily.
Logan then strips off his shirt and his pants and boxers revealing his throbbing cock with precum already dripping down. “Fuck you’re huge.” looks at him surprise. “Glad you think so darling.” he gets between your thighs and drags his fingers between your inner thighs making you have goosebumps.
Logan sees as you spread your legs. “I’m gonna prepare you before you take my cock.” before you could say anything he slips a fingers inside you making you gasp. “You feel so good with my fingers can’t wait till i feel you with my cock.” he starts a slow pace then he slowly goes faster and adds another finger.
as he fingers you you feel Logan thumb drawing circle around your clit going to the rhythm of him fingering you. “Oh god Logan!” you moaned out.“I think you’re ready for me.” Logan huffs out and takes his fingers out of you and taste you in his mouth.
You can feel Logan’s cock twitch against your thigh as he tastes you. “Fuck that was hot” you said Logan chuckles and goes back to pressing his body against yours kissing you roughly so you can taste yourself and breaks the kiss. “I hope you’re ready for my cock sweetheart.” you feel his tip rubbing against yours pussy lips. “I want it inside me Logan.” you grind against his cock.
That’s all Logan needed to hear he slowly puts his cock inside your pussy making both of you moan from the feeling Logan eyes roll back from the tightness and wetness around it.
He slowly thurst into you. “You’re taking me so well with your tight pussy fuck.” Logan pants he fills you up completely making you moan and Logan growls from how good this all feels and how good you look writhing underneath him and your pussy wrapped around your cock.
You wanted to feel him more you wrap your legs around him so he can go deeper. “Logan faster I want more.” Logan chuckles as your request. “You’re asking for it.” he then starts pounding into you like a wild animal you can hear the skin slapping against skin flesh sound hitting around the room.
Suddenly Logan stops his cock still buried inside you,you guys are both panting his locked on you looking at you like you guys were perfect to each other like this he rubs his thumb on your bottom lips looking at then his other hand cupping your face and he looks back to you and you were also looking Into his hazel eyes and lips after it seems like forever that you two were drinking into each other features he goes back to thrusting inside you
He can feel you getting close after he keeps senseless fucking you. “Gonna cum on my cock? Do it cum all over my cock.” As he keeps thrusting inside you he reaches between and plays with your clit faster. “Fuck I’m gonna-“ you cums on Logan’s cock he felt your pussy spasm on his cock making him cum too inside you.
He buries his head inside your neck as he painted your walls white after a while of you guys catching your breath he slowly takes his cock out your pussy and he sees his seed leaking out on your thigh as he rolls over you and lays next to you.
You look down and see the same thing. “I think I have a perfect way for you to clean this up.” you smirk. “Oh yeah? What is it?” Logan curiously ask. “By sitting on your face that’s how you can help clean it up.” you said boldly.
Logan then grabs your thigh immediately and pulls you onto his face you sink into his face and he swiped his tongue into your fold. “Logan fuck!” you tug on his hair he wraps his hairy arm around your thigh to keep you steady.
He mumbles as he eats you out. “You taste so good fucking hell.” you roll your eyes in pleasure as he’s eating you like a starving man licking every inch of you even slips his tongue further inside you. “You feel so good!” you manage to say.
You feel his nose brushing against your clit and also feel his beard nuzzle against your thigh and you start to grind on his face. “Mm fuck yeah use me baby!” Logan grunts occasionally you see Logan’s eyes closed to savor the feeling.
You feel yourself getting close and starts to ride his face more. “Come on be a good girl and cum all over my face!” just by those words you scream Logan’s name and cum on his face.
For a few second you sat on Logan’s face catching your breath then you flop down next to him and see him coated in your slick even seeing how his beard was dripping down with your cum it looked so damn good and he wipes his face with his fingers and taste you again in his mouth. “You feel and taste so good” he smirks as he looks at you and then away.
It was silence you didn’t know what to say so you start getting up and Logan grabs your arm. “Where you going?” You look at Logan. “Going back to my room since I don’t want to get up early to sneak back before anyone sees.” you explained he then pulls you in. “Stay with me tonight please? I promise I’ll behave for a little.” he wraps his arm around you.
You liked how he felt around you and you sighed. “Fine I’ll stay but let me shower and put on something comfy.” as you looked at him. “Fine I’ll let you go for now.” Logan dramaticlly says.
You get up and he smacks your bare ass you squeals then changes back to your clothes and goes to your room to shower and change and comes back to Logan’s room and see him in sweatpants and him being shirtless.
You went back to cuddling with Logan in bed as Logan rest his hands on to your hip. “Can we just sleep? You made me all tired out.” You say as you rub your hand on his hairy chest Logan chuckles. “We sure can sweetheart” he nuzzles against your neck you then you were fast asleep.
It was midnight Logan woke up to the sound of whimpering he sits up quick and see you thrashing around and you were sweating a lot. “No stop I don’t want to do this anymore!” you mumble Logan been through this road hell still is with having nightmares.
He wonders what type of nightmares you’re having since you both have different experiences he starts to shake you. “Darling you’re having a nightmare.” that just made it worse. “No stop!” You screamed.
He grabs you but your claws nails came out to scratch him obviously it hurts him a little he shakes you more eventually you wake up you’re panting and breathing heavily as it takes you a while to adjust what’s going on.
You look at Logan and looks at arm and see the scratch you made on him and looks at your nails and retracts them. “Lo-“ Logan interrupted you. “I’m fine and you know it, it’s gonna be gone in a few minutes.” he assures you.
You nod your head and hugs him and burst out crying he doesn’t try to tell you to get off he rubs your back soothing you letting you take your take to calm down.
You sniff and pulls away. “I remember everything they did to me…” you weren’t looking at Logan just at the wall. “Like what?” Logan curiously asked and you take a shudder breath. “Like how they burned me alive,drown me, forced me into a room where they could bomb the place just to see how indestructible I am.” Logan growled after you told him what they did to you. “Stryker and their fucking minion.” you swallowed hard. “At times I didn’t cooperate they hurt my family in front of me so it’s probably my fault they’re dead since I escaped.” tears starts to build up.
Logan grabs your chin to forcefully looks at him and lets go. “It’s not your fault those assholes tortured you it may seem harsh but at least you didn’t watch them die.” Logan was right you would’ve killed everyone there who tortured your family if you saw them being killed in front of you. “I’m kinda lucky that all I remember from being there is getting the adamantium being put in then I fought some people and escaped.” Logan said as those memories are in his nightmares.
You didn’t say anything for while till you decided to speak up again. “Were you serious about us sticking together?” As you look at him. “I always take my words seriously especially how I’m being here for you right now.” he affectionally squeezed your thigh.
You hug him. “Thank you Logan for calming me down.” Logan kisses your forehead. “Anything for you.” he then lays both of you down to cuddle again It was the comforting silence Logan running his fingers on your skin and you look at Logan. “Since I told you something personal mind telling me about you and Ororo situation?” Logan then chuckles as he reminiscing the past of him and storm before telling you.
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I hope you guys liked it not sure if I’ll do a part 2 but if you have some idea comment it down below and I’ll figure something out 👀
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hexhomos · 7 months ago
Can I ask...what actually happens with Viktor in S2?? I keep hearing people being really vague about it being Bad but I haven't seen the leaks and now cannot find out anything that isn't just someone saying they won't say anything;; I just want to temper my expectations bc I was only excited for S2 for his storyline (+ Jayce interactions) and I'm getting the impression they don't do.....much?? with it?
spoiling stuff for real under the cut
As of ep5, Viktor:
-Doesn't have his mask or armor
-Has no outspoken ideological drive
-Has never once expressed interest in the traditional venues of transhumanism ocurring all around him
-Never made blitzcrank, never did shit ONSCREEN
-The only tangible reference we get to the machine herald is this shot of cards back on s1:
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I genuinely dont know if he has even 5 full minutes of actual footage across all of these episodes lmfao...
His contributions to the story are, in sequence:
-stuck in stasis. jayce waits by his bedside for over an episode
-emerges from coma, immediately rebuffs all of jayce’s warm affectionate advances to the point its a little comical. looks like a dried grape, barely any bigger. declares that he's mad over not being left to DIE; he has to go away now. he hears... her voice! oh! that girl who spoke one time in s1 and that he ignored in every scene!
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-left the lab buttnaked and barefoot with a blanket jayce wrapped around him to explore the streets on zaun. a bunch of sick homeless guys (who are, of course, shimmer addicts, see my note about war on terror) think he must be augmented so they want to kill him for scraps and parts. But they dont know that viktor is jesus now. he turns his stigmata palm to that guy who sold out caitlyn in s1 and proceeds to magically cure the lepers.
-this is his last scene for a little while. we Hear Of Him when one of the disabled councilors is looking for ways to deal with his pain from the accident. arcane loves looking over the shoulder of the rich and powerful like they are the main drivers and movers of the story
-like an hour of footage later, jayce reemerges (from a nexus-type of situation) and he finds one of Viktor’s servants -- its that councilor guy-- doing something unspecified. He's surprised to see jayce and tells him that he may speak to viktor; viktor says he misses him and wants to see him and basically "my bad man i was tripping when i said that shit to you the writers needed some lazy disagreement point," but he sounds really cult-leader sleazy and jayce is really mad over being left behind. Jayce is having some flashbacks to void monsters in the other side and tells servant guy he's not allowed to let him go. Servant councilor guy says well too bad! Im going! So jayce pulverizes him with his hammer. based jayce. he looks like brown bearded dante from devil may cry
That's the ep5 clifhanger. i think you can tell how i feel.
My predictions are as follows: jayce tracks him down to his lair and we get a showdown that is a vague reference to their original character bios battle; the one where viktor sics a bunch of brainwashed people on him and the building falls over everyone from the impact. It's possible that viktor is still not wearing his armor, and in this altercation jayce beats him up so bad or dismembers him enough that in act 3 he will have built one. That feels insulting to me but they legitimately have been very lazy.
oh and jayce also has a magical stigmata now. i hope they get to scissor those things together
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 2 years ago
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In this house we believe in MASTER KOHGA SUPREMACY!!!!!!!! 🍌
I know this might look like "oh haha Veronica likes another fictional guy go figure 🙄" but NO. You dont understand. this goes so fucking deep, I LOVE this man. When his ass showed up on screen I SCREAMED. Literally no different from a girl at a Harry styles concert or something, except in this case it's me in my living room, and a fat old dude (who is VERY silly mind you) from a video game. We're almost encroaching self ship territory, but thankfully link is here, and to quote our lord and savior austin powers, he’s the town bicycle and EVERYONES had a ride. I can live vicariously through him. Let me tell you a little about my master kohga journey (totk spoilers)
So way back when I first played this game in 2017 or something, I really liked him, and when he fell down that hole I was CONVINCED he wasn't dead. I had a theory that link would go down in the hole in the sequel and kohga would be there, stuck. I remember I told this theory to someone and they actually LAUGHED!! well GUESS WHOS LAUGHING NOW BITCH!!!!!! MY FUCKIGN BOYFRIEND IS ALIVE!!!!! My theory was basically right, I just didn't know about the depths at all obviously. I came across kohga at the temple and I shit you not I was SCREAMING like an insane person. Like actual cringe fangirl shit in my living room. I was SO happy, that actually made my whole day and the days afterward. I'd just be sitting there and my brain would go "DUDE master kohga though" and then I would go ":)" I'm gonna go meet him in the gerudo depths and i’m excited to see him again :) This is what I have been doing between commissions. This is what keeps me sane somehow. Pear shaped king 😔💞 I hope you like my design for him sans the mask. He is so tricky to draw so idk if I'm gonna draw more of him BUT, just know that I WILL be thinking about him
(Also WHAT is with me liking characters who like bananas??? Why is this a reoccurring theme???)
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kacievvbbbb · 4 months ago
Okay my thoughts on Arcane cour 2;
Fuck you! You didnt have to rip my heart out and then stomp on it that was a little excessive dont you think?!?!?!
Arcane knows how to do build up so fucking well I love it
No but seriously god. Just what. I love seeing the little hints int he opening start to unravel and reveal themselves
Vander oh god no oh god 😭
Fucking love sevika
Where did my boy ekko go kind of curious where he fits into everything
I lowkey fuck with Jayce's new look and boy I told you to stop touching that shit now look what you've gone and done.
Forces beyond their power are literally pushing them towards war (obviously most of it is exactly in the piltovers power) but just the timing of shit be crazy. They are an unstoppable object on a lighting fast collision with an immovable wall and the course is rigged against them.
God the fucking animation in this i fucking cant
I still dont understand the Jayce hate like I dont necessarily like him but I dont see what makes him so bad. Like something very fucked up was happened to him and I didn't rust want was happening to viktor either. But god my boy done come back and fucked it all up for everyone.
I really like Ambessa's right hand sad to see him go
ISHA no no noooooo we had our difference but god why do you keep testing your strongest soldier 😭. (te sequence of her memories with Jinx and the song choice where immaculate)
Vander ph god no oh god
the music this season has been so good my god
I'm scared they arent going to be able to wrap this up neatly I just feel like with how many doors they closed we need at least 2 more course or another season. Like it feels too soon to be going into the final arc (or atleast some stories feel like they havent yet reached maturity like the black rose sub plot,and Mel and Jason's arc while others are ready for their finale like the Ambessa - Caitlyn plotline and Vi&Jinx) but here's to hopping for a nice round up.
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Bear with me in this one, Jimmy is probably the best of the worst (hc)NPD representations if you get what I mean. As someone who has struggled with toxic impulsions in the past wishing to do damage, his writing was a big realization and reason to try and do better, just how the writer intended it to be. He sadly portrays stereotypes in that case however pwNPD can still relate to those stereotypes and thats alright. Many of his actions basically scream a desire of approval, the need to be captain and have his crew congratulate him, being useful or do anything to convince himself he's not the problem but everyone else is. In reality he can't even acknowledge his current position and the luck to be there, always wanting something better as he fails to realize that good things come with consequences. Accompanied by his paranoia, he finds his past a weakness when pointed out and considers certain interactions as attacks against him, lashing out in response. Lastly, Curly is definitely his equal person that he envies but at the same time feels is the only one worth his time and only person that could understand him.
Note: I dont expect him to win nor do I excuse him obviously, however I hope the above gives some consideration in the voting since there's so much to talk about in his personality.
Serial Designation J
J MY NARC QUEEN 💛💛💛 EFFECTIVE DRONES WERE CLONED MORE!!!!!!! J looks down at those who she sees as being not as skilled as her. For example, when one of her coworkers expresses doubt or remorse, she doesn't hesitate to attempt to eliminate him. She also gets a kick out of power and control, opting to monologue dramatically instead of just going in for the kill on one of her targets (which screws her over but we don't talk about it). Similarly, she's willing to forgo her morals in the name of being on the more powerful/"winning" side, or to secure her own safety at the cost of others. Oh, and no matter how many times she gets knocked down, she comes back and talks shit anyway. Which as a narc is very me-coded.
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