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notreyev · 5 months ago
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how do we feel about jupeter werewolf x vampire halloween costumes
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bl00dy-entity · 6 months ago
sigh, i give a lot of unhinged thoughts all the time so here's a more wholesome one.
Janus and Virgil cuddling in Virgil's room, Over The Garden Wall type music playing softly from a record player. Virgil dozing off while Janus hums along to the song and runs the tips of his fingers up and down Virgil's arm. Everyone in the house can hear the music faintly but they do not interrupt and find the music coaxing them to sleep as well.
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spoopy-nevermore-dump · 11 months ago
A little drabble for @kazooaa 's fic Keep Your Eyes on Me
The pain was unbearable, but it was peaceful. Lenore played there on the ground, motionless, lazily looking for something familiar. Then she saw it.
The stars.
She watched them shimmer in the abyss. That inky ooze that coated their everything and left it so there was nothing but the light that remained in their bodies to light up the darkness that surrounded them. It was almost futile, the sky could never be lit up by one alone.
That brighter future could only be created when together with another.
The stars stood there, mocking her in her lifeless form. She wondered if Annabel would enjoy the stars.
Even if they couldn't reach them together.
Lenore longed for the warmth of Annabels' embrace.
But stars were always far apart.
The pain of the asphalt scratching it's way into her skin could never compare to the pain she felt for that distance brought between them.
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nekrotiize · 2 months ago
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maythray · 2 months ago
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burningsolarsystem · 6 months ago
Some people might get mad at me for saying this, but I wish I could make my headmates more distinct.
I say this for many reasons. One, it gets very difficult to function when I'm in this constant blurry form. To add onto that, my personality fluxes so much that doing anything is a coin flip and I'm unsure of anything at any given time. And sometimes the change gives me whiplash. Cause I can go from happy and loving life to ready to tear someone's head off. Or from doing something to completely over it. Not to mention the amount of times I catch myself off guard with the way I talk or text because it is completely different than normal.
It is also difficult to do things when its a struggle to communicate with them or to even know who is influencing me.
Not to mention, everyone, from what I can tell, agrees that Leo becoming host would be much better for us. But we can't because they aren't distinct enough to front, let alone switch hosts.
-Sorry if this was hard to read or doesn't make sense, I'm currently blurry af.
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lewinthelighton · 3 months ago
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"I'm a mollusk?"
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llolianarchives · 2 years ago
Such a pretty house, such a lovely garden
In which, years and years later, Malleus finds himself in Ramshackle Dorm... or at least what remains of it.
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Nocturnal fae do not submit to the night. They inhabit it, wield it, bend it, serve it. Such is the same for the Lord of the Valley himself. Yet on this blessed evening, he is far, far away from his crowned domain. (His cold, marbled throne stands vacant of a ruler. The kingdom will last a few hours in his absence, as it always has, in their hours of dormancy or plentiful slumber.) Instead, he walks in the past.
The charm of ruins has always been their history. Amongst the derelict cracks and the ivy that calls them home, lurks the existence of what was before: a place so full of life now barely existing as a structure's rotting corpse. 
To imagine: Once upon a time, these walls had been a vibrant color, decorated with fixtures like paintings and portraits. The wooden floorboards that creak upon his feet had been danced on merrily, ran on by bustling children, broken and repaired, polished and carpeted. 
This room had been a dining table, where the family would gather, eat, and say their grace. The children would throw peas and their mother would grow upset. Here is where they would play. Here is where they would bathe. Here is where they would sleep. Here is where they slept forever. 
Sometimes, it was not a mansion that he visited, but a court, or a church, or a tomb. Yet the ending stays the same. All of this– everything, it would leave, and the structure would remain as a museum of memories.
The thought had once brought Malleus  comfort. It was a ghostly reassurance, to know that his people were not the only ones left behind by history's false records, abandoned in the dust to lick their wounds, to isolate, to mourn and remember. It was solace found in loss. It was a companion found in loneliness. It was, to him, a form of consolation. 
Now, he fails to think the same. 
For as he wanders the hollow corridors of Ramshackle's building, it is not comfort that he feels, but hurt.
It is nothing, he thinks.
Ramshackle Dormitory is nothing without its residents. Bare of life, light, and laughter, it is nothing but a derelict building on the verge of collapsing, worn so much worse than it was before with no residing ghosts to keep it upright. It is nothing like the ruins Malleus so adores for ruins are comfort and history. Ramshackle is nothing but hurt and memories. 
He can't help but wonder why he teleported here, of all places.
Perhaps the nostalgia was too much to bear.
Perhaps he wanted to hurt.
Perhaps he simply missed those moments, bitter of their departure. 
The kitchens are lacking their stock-filled pantries with no tower of tuna for an exuberant direbeast. No flame for baking pies, made from the fruits of labor; Only shattered wood, collapsed countertops, and filthy animal trails.
The lounge is not a place where one finds comfort. It is a room with gaping holes from which the wind creeps in. There are no laughs here, no idle chatting, no dancing, singing, playing. Haphazardly strewn about are torn-open couches and fallen paintings. 
Their garden of life has rotten. The rows of foliage and canopies and crates of nature's bearings — all are reduced to nothing, to dirt, to soil, to rotting. The rose seeds he had given them wither in lack of care. The blueberries for cobbler, the yams for sweets, the flowers, the bees, all that time they'd spent farming-
It is lost now.
Deep beneath the squirming of his guts and the thorns that squeeze his chest, Malleus knows. He knows what is lost, and what is lost can seldom ever be recovered. Yet Lilia had taught him when he felt all too the same. When the happenings of STYX had left Ramshackle in a similar state. When the stars aligned. When he first felt hurt. Fae can do nothing for history but remember. And Malleus remembers. Will always remember.
Time is a spindle that halts for no one. The loom of fate will take its shape. The seasons will pass and gardens will wilt. Malleus will reminisce of all that was before: the lull of midnight walks, his human's gentle voice, newly budding plants, and songs of their world. But come what may, and what else is there to be taken away for Ramshackle Dorm will always be a home, to Yuu, to him, and now, to memories.
He vanishes in a flicker of green lights. 
. . .
“In my world, gargoyles and grotesques are related to religion,” his human friend told him, lost in their conversation of archaic structures and statues. It began when Malleus brought up the topic of their Ramshackle Dorm harboring gargoyles, and found that Yuu was ever eager to learn more of the concept. Majestic – they had called the beasts of stone. “They're built on the pillars of churches and cathedrals with the purpose of warding off evil and frightening away harm.”
The aura of night always seemed especially tame in their exchanges, as if a magical veil cast upon them both to preserve the moment, unharmed. (That veil was so delicate. He was a fool to believe otherwise.)
Malleus had responded in turn, with a tilt of his voice and a fondness reserved only for the child of man before him. He asked questions threaded from their statement. Yuu supplied information of their own.
They had raised their finger to beckon his attention once more, garnering focus for their additional words. 
“But not only are they protectors of the building itself – to keep water from damaging the structures, they're also the protectors of the people.”
The evening breeze carried away what few leaves it had gathered from the pavement, and the prefect turned to face him with a familiar sort of softness in their eyes.
Yuu smiled. 
“I suppose that makes you mine and this dorm's gargoyle, doesn't it?”
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ciderjacks · 8 months ago
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imthebentley · 1 year ago
Roll call! Which of my girlies also blasts Queen and thinks about fresh tarmac to stave of their existential crisises!
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mspeevee · 4 months ago
why is there a melt darkness quest in vault
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aufgrundlagedeinerlikes · 1 month ago
i did not know doctors can send medication to you through mail
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ithinktoomuchaboutcats · 2 months ago
I just realized that if I have my hair down ppl just think I’m wearing airpods
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rae-unbeloved · 11 months ago
Yall ever wanna just dump a truck ton of cheese onto spaghetti but you're mum is stopping you from doing that so you dont waste cheese and ends up putting on not nearly enough but its fine because you dont even really like thay cheese anyways but you also do?
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utatane-piko-official · 2 years ago
sure have been gone a long time huh. got a virus I think. Woah when did all these other vocaloids get here??
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slothgender · 9 months ago
exceeded post limit on my rp hub lmaooo
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