#that's probaly the case
unma · 3 months
@notwowee requested: Mettaton
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There is so much to say about this robot but let me start off with my initial thoughts on him.
For like, a good good while I wasn't sure what Mettaton's gender was? In all fairness I was raised in a hella conservative country and Undertale was the first piece of media I'd ever interacted with that even depicted queer people, so for a bit I assumed the pink meant he was probably female. That wasn't helped when I discovered that Mettaton was Blooky's cousin with the locked pink house.
Luckily for me he was discussed enough that I eventually realized my mistake before I ever had to admit it. That would have been emabrassing.
Anyway I absolutely adored this robot and his style, his quizzes were cool and he had the most charming attitude that made me smile whenever he was there (not to mention the quizzes were funny, too). Don't get me started on the musical. Or when he hits you with the puzzle you've almost certainly forgotten the rules for. Hotland is very well done, even if some people dislike having to deal with Alphys's messages there (personally I thought those were neat).
Despite all this I have to admit that I initially thought he was a lot more shallow than expected. I didn't realize he was the type of person to actually care about his love ones, and I probably would've believed anyone who told me he treated Alphys like shit (okay maybe I'd have been a little skeptical, but you get the point).
Nowadays, I'm honestly pretty fond of his relationship with Alphys, as he's probably the one person she relied on the most during her various fuck ups. Also, his... his worries about Alphys in the ending where he becomes king... ah, that still makes me tear up a little. You can tell he cares and regrets not being a better friend to her.
This is only partly related but I dislike Papyton. For no reason, really, I just don't like it, and I disliked having to see it so often (until I learnt filters existed, anyway). I couldn't tell you why; the ship's perfectly fine. Yet if I see a fic with it I click out. Oh well, maybe I'll get over it one day.
I could totally see a world in which I become as attached to Mettaton as I am to Cagliostro from GBF. I'm not trans by any stretch (perhaps I'm non-binary, given I don't actually care much about my own gender in the slightest, but for now I'll stick with cis+ until I actually feel like I should consider it more) but I do have admiration for characters like them who strive to be their best selves in terms of appearance and are absolutely confident in it. I suppose if I was born a girl, I'd be more attached to Mettaton than Cagliostro, but eh. Who knows.
Mettaton's importance (or rather, lack of) in the genocide run is saddening, though I have come to terms with it because in terms of the game's writing it's a pretty damn good decision. I do love that he got fangames giving him an actual battle though, it's lovely to see him actually get that chance to fight back.
I feel the need to restate once more that I adore his relationship with Alphys, and seeing works explore that relationship is always great. I think Mettaton is one of the least fan-explored of the game's main cast, so it'd be wonderful to see more works. It's a shame I'm too busy thinking about Sans, Frisk and Chara to do that myself, though.
One more thing: Until I wrote this post, I always wondered why Mettaton didn't just fight the human in his indestructible body instead, especially in the genocide route. I mean, it's obviously because his other forms are the ones actually designed for human eradication, of course, but I also like to think it's because he likes those forms a lot more than his box form, as he sees them as a proper expression of who he truly is. I just think that's neat. Sure, he's indestructible when stuck in the closet, hiding who he truly is, but it's restricting, and wouldn't you prefer to simply be you? Even if it could mean you could get hurt? I think that question is somewhat inseparable from Mettaton's character as a whole, as his overly confident and theatrical personality could perhaps be one answer to that. It's fine if you get hurt a little, because in the end you'll be much happier for it.
#undertale#mettaton#unma rambles#the void asks back#long post#this is the kinda post I'd look back on in like 5 years and be like “you clueless egg”#but I doubt it#don't think I'm trans because I've thought about it for a long ass time and that just doesn't fit me#for various reasons (mainly periods and breasts tbh those seem like a pain to deal with) I wouldn't want to be a woman#but I don't give a shit about being a man either#there's a genderbend manga where the mc doesn't care about being turned into a girl that I read at some point#lemme find the name rq#found it#it's “Mendokusagari Danshi ga Asa Okitara Onnanoko ni Natteita Hanashi”#aka “A Lazy Guy Woke Up as a Girl One Morning”#and I think if I were to be turned into a girl I'd react about the same way the mc did (I wouldn't give a shit lol)#who knows what that says about me#perhaps what I'm describing would make me fall under the nb category#but I don't care enough about labels to think about it much#maybe when I have more energy and time to spare for such trains of thoughts#damn that was a long ass ramble in the tags#anyway fun fact:#on the topic of Hotland Muffet was one of the hardest bosses for me to fight#the other being Papyrus#both of them took me way too long to beat#(it took me a bit to beat Undyne but that was because I didn't realize I could run away for a bit)#Omega Flowey I first-tried on my first playthrough#and Asgore just wasn't that hard in comparison#perhaps I just got gud over the course of the playthrough#that's probaly the case
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William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1862
Orestes Pursued by the Furies
Orestes is an interesting figure, he killed his mother as revenge for his father (who she killed) but in anger at the matricide the Furies pursued him relentlessly and drove him mad. The morally challenging revenge and subsequent break from reality made me think of goncharov, and his own female furies in pursuit of their own view of justice.
Information about information
Just to be clear, goncharov isnt a real film, its a joke from tumblr, it doesnt exist. Since this is the informative part i thought id better point that out. The Orestes stuff is from an old drama but a real, existing one.
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trashfangirlsworld · 7 months
Briefly back to give an update: I'm not doing well. I've never dealt with having one of my biggest comforts be ripped away like this, I also struggle a lot with not knowing things for certain, so the fact that there's a good chance we may never know for sure is also fucking me up, which I feel really bad for, because no one is owed anything by her. This is probably one of the most fragile I've been my entire life, and I can't help but pray for a miracle.
I'm gonna keep being offline and try to watch some qsmp to cheer me up, but idk what's gonna happen
Sorry if I word some things wrong, I'm not in a good state of mind rn
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franavu · 6 days
While the Archheart's plan seems completely in character for a chaotic god who just wants out of their current situation (kudos to Abubakar), it's also an absolutely terrible idea. Let's say the absolutely best case scenario is going to happen. In that best case:
Imogen and/or Fearne can control Predathos enough that they're not completely erased (this would be the least important part in the grand scheme of things.)
When Predathos is syphoned from the moon it only takes the energy and doesn't cause the moon to crack/explode/implode, causing it to rain chunks of moon down on Exandria.
All the gods actually leave. This is not a certainty as per Taliesin the Wildmother has invested so much of herself in the world that she likely can't leave. I would imagine that that means that the Lawbearer is sticking around as well. Not to mention what would happen to the Chained Oblivion, it's not the same as the other gods, and as far as I know it only showed up sometime during the schism. (Is it even prey for Predathos? Is it of the same species? Would there be a Chained Oblivion Predathos Kaiju battle, with Exandria as the battleground? Who knows?)
On the way out the lower and higher planes get locked down so there is no extraplanar invasion. (The biggest worry would be demons/devils but I can imagine planetars etc. can make a problem of themselves if they see a good cause)
On the way out Predathos doesn't decide to snack on lesser divine beings/things (Uk'otoa, parts of the Luxon, etc) leaving its mutating properties behind. (see the Savalir wood)
The bloody bridge gets dissolved and doesn't tear Exandria's magic apart.
Now, in the absolute best case scenario, none of the above is going to be a problem. Regardless, what is going to be a problem:
Divine magic is going to be weakened at the least. The number of divine healers is going to tank, and while there are lesser beings that can grant divine magic, and it is possible, but difficult, to wield it without any (see Calamity). That's going to take a while to sort out, and in the meantime there's going to be a lot less healing.
A lot of things that got out during the Solstice are still out, like the Phoenix thing that is similar to Uk'otoa (which is probably out again as well) and they are a lot more difficult to seal without divine aid.
There is also still a significant invasion force of Ruidians that are going to be a problem, not to mention the Ruby Vanguard
With the gods gone, a lot of semi-divine powers, whether good or bad, are going to be empowered through new followers and/or warlock pacts, without anyone to keep them in line (again, see Artagan or Uk'otoa)
Vasselheim, the oldest city in the world, is going to have massive issues of at least morale, and is likely not going to be in a state to do anything outside of its own borders.
Other political entities are also going to be looking inwards, consolidating their own resources, and shedding their pereferies. I'd say that, for example, the Dwendalian Empire is likely going to shrink. Countries that are less effected by the loss of the gods, may very well go to war. Places that have been protected by the gods are going to lose that protection, Niirdal-Poc and the other cities which were protected by the Wildmother are probaly going to be run over by the Iron Authority.
Outside of actual war, demagogues, warlords, cult leaders, etc. are going to spring up in the chaos, with various degrees of violence.
And finally there is the biggest problem, wizards. Since long before the Calamity the holy grail of magic was ascension to godhood, and now the thrones are empty. A whole bunch of wizards are going to try for them, and in the best case scenario they fail and only take a chunk of empty countryside with them. In the worst case they succeed, seeing that wizards who's ambition is godhood absolutely should not have it. And now there is no divine gate or other deities to curtail them. So there'll soon be a new, worse pantheon.
So the Archheart is right, there will be a new balance, but as that usually goes, the new balance is going to be built on a pile of corpses, and is likely going to be worse than the previous one.
But hey,
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ebbyhell · 3 months
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So i been busy with work and personal stuff, so i have not yet UPDATED That Lucifer doc we shall not speak the name of, i did ask an friend of mine about this legally (Yes they work on Korea) and they said that text while appearing very straghtfored is actually very blurred due the context of PB actions.
First about sharing the previous story events since PB already shared the story with us for free before and then only after put in paywall an person who share they (in case if they paid) cannot be legally held acountable cause (there is no infrigiment of protection rights since the story was acessibale before to public and the person has purchase legalily), what PB CAN DO is try to report the account but CAN NOT SEND AN SUE INVOICE (if their legal team does that is will be very shaddy).
Second the Special pass characthers, they tend to be on an more hard line since their story acess is not free to the public yet (the fact the only manner of access is real money that plays an major in it) so they not acesseble to the public yet, so he recomend holding on that ones (the case would still very blurry in court so PB should be aware of that)
Third PB can sue IF THEY DO NOT MAKE ACESSABLE TO FREE POR GENERAL PLAYERS TO GET, So characthers that can be get with solomon keys, solomon seals even go into an blury line, the reason been this are stuff the normal players can get if they do montaly task so if they wish to sue they have to prove the player obtained in ilegal or monatary means (Very hard on court). So they probaly report the account and try to get shut down insted (not an very good look to an company even an small one).
Fourth with all that said even if they now inform of they terms of notice, they as an company need to be aware that
No charcthers stories that were posted before can abied to this due to the company not giving notice when they relase, so the company is held responsiable and not the buyer/individual (The company commited an careless action of informing their terms of service and can not sue the person due to their own neglict),
2. They can not simple go sending sue to everybody due to this especial cases that require an lawyer to look at (i know turns out the legal world is way more complex than just sending an sue), they also need to be aware in even an 99% chance of lawful stealing of their content they may only be able to sue 2% (even if they manage to prove everybody hacked to obten content they still have more laws to look at).
3. trying to sue someboy that shared an story of an card obtened by Solomons sels wil be very hard since the seals can be abtained by doing general taks and not only by buying, the rights of protections will also not help because even if they did not post on tehy public accounts the fact the person OBTNED ON THE OWN GAME IN N MANNER WERE THE PUBLIC CAN OBTAIN, makes so they did not commit an crime (unless the person share for profit or cause direct warm to PB sales what is very difficult to prove it, PB can not just show this annoucement as terms of service as an sue warrent deal, only as an warning there before can not sue only repport the account, welcome to copyright laws the laws more blurry than an fucking mist seriuous just google when was the last update).
With all been send the conclusion was CAN THEY SAY THEY WILL SUE? YES, BUT CAN THEY ACTUALLY DO IT? HARDLY, if you have doubt you see what happening to other companies that tried to do that with the copyrigt laws you see most of their sues end on settled or loss for the company (excet if you are shady Nintendo then is like very shady sue). They will probaly report the account and try to get they blocked (Shitty look if they do it but leagaly allowed).
What alll that been said i wait till the new King Event to see what they do. (got so see if gonna need to lawyer or to do something different to post the content).
Sorry if it was to much, English not my first language.
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confusedemiposts · 8 months
hi! could you write something with a reader that's working at ada and they are always cheerful and happy and get along with dazai well, but one time they get sent to a mission (i just started the anime so i dont really know how things go, sorry!) and get badly injured so they are not as cheerful as before and dazai and others help them get better? it's my first time sending a request so sorry if I didn't explain well! feel free to change it up a bit! feel free to ignore this! take care!
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ᰔᩚ Get well soon!
Summery: You've been healed up by Yosano but you still feel troubled from your recent assignment and the ada members are here to comfort you
Contains: Dazai, Ranpo, Kunikida, Atsushi, Yosano X Reader
Tags: platonic but can be seen as romantic, reader has an ability but not specified, fluff, not proofread, grammar mistakes, oc probaly
Format: short Headcannons
Notes: I feel that some are too short than others and probaly out of character, I'm not good at writing words of comfort so yeah
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
You come back from Yosano's clinic all healed up and fresh
No evidence of the broken bones and cuts you had gained from your first ever dangerous assignment
You may have been patched up physically but emotionally you were still wrecked
Just staring quietly at your empty report as the scene of the fight kept replying in your head over and over again
You kept wondering "why didn't I use my ability properly?"
You were too busy to notice someone staring right at you
Dazai would instantly notice the change in your behavior
how you've become more quiet
not a single word coming out of your mouth as you looked lost in thought
he'd try to comfort you to the best of his abilities but comforting others isn't his forte
He would try to comfort you in a rather silly way
Telling you a silly joke or pulling an innocent prank involving flowers or something that you like
Doing some overly dramatic scheme just to see you smile :(
He doesn't know how to bring comfort in any other way
He would let you talk out your feelings but if you're expecting some comforting words, you will not get any
Because he doesn't know how to
But you will get a hug in the comfortable silence
Obviously he would know you we're clearly bothered by your recent assignment
Coming back with a practically broken body and nearly failing the case that could've cause devastation to others had turned you extremely quiet
He's more actions than words
Will share only a little bit of his sweets
he'll share as much as you want
he'll tell you that you did a good job and that you're still one of the best out there
nothing was your fault
expect the best hugs and him staying by your side as long as you need
When you return from your case and are properly healed there will be a scolding
but in a comforting way?
it comes from a place of heart
He understands this pain
would like to address your feelings
unlike Ranpo its words rather than actions
"one moment of weakness dosent define you. Mistakes will happen"
"We all stumble and fall down from time to time but it is these stumbles and falls which make us who we are"
"its not the end of the world"
trust him
he would know
the one who brought you back from nearly being dead
You're feeling woozy on the bed of the clinic after
Physically you were fine but you still felt disturbed
Staring at the white ceiling of the room as replays of the same moment stay in your head
Yosano was in the room, hearing how silent the room instead of the usual chatter she would know that you were troubled
she would be the one to break the silence
Words of comfort and good advice
takes you out to go get your favorite food together
He is extremely worried about you
Checking up on you to see how you're doing
Seeing how upset you are makes him worry
“Hey, hey.. It’s okay… You didn’t know what was going to happen and it was your first case… Please don’t blame yourself..”
The best person who brings comfort
I don't know how to write that
He'd try to cheer you up any way he can
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
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nightdncer · 4 months
“jealous over what ?”
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✦ synopsis : wearing someone else’s clothing on purpose to make your boyfriend jealous !
✦ characters : Kamo Choso, Okkotsu Yuta, Suguru Geto
✦ warnings : fluff, crack, fem!reader, fem!reader x character, slight angst + smut, A/N notes, improper grammar, curses, pet names
✦ A/N : I’m trying a new format of writing , so get used to it ^^ (I got tired writing)
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦
“hey, Y/N, over here.” he calls out to you, waving his hand in the air just in case if you didn’t notice him. You look at him, while sue comes out of your mouth. you instantly ran up to him, hugging him around the waist tight, oh, so tight, he probaly couldn’t breathe.
“looks like someone missed me.” he commented, as e hugs your short body back. “𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵.. 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨’𝘴 𝘰𝘧𝘧.” he thinks to himself as he feels the fabric of your sweater. he glances down to see if it has your name on it. it had… Yuji’s?!
you look up at him and quietly giggles at seeing him slightly jealous from you wearing his own half, younger brother sweater! “is something wrong, Cho?” you ask him, trying to keep a straight face. whenever you do pranks like these, you can’t contain it and burst out laughing. but someone, you’re able to stay calm.
he didn’t respond.
maybe you took this prank 𝘵𝘰𝘰 far. “babe,” you coo in his ear. you’ll know it’ll work, since he was usually submissive and submit to you whenever you coo in his ear. “what’s wrong?” you ask him once again.
his cheeks becomes slightly flustered. “you’re… you’re wearing Yuji’s hoodie. I don’t mean to sound possessive..” he replies slowly, his cheeks becoming more red.
you pat both of his cheeks and giggles. “I know. I didn’t bring a jacket, so I asked Yuji for one.” you lie. it wasn’t really though. you didn’t bring one and it was freezing cold, so you went to borrow Yuji. but, you also did do this to make your boyfriend jealous.
A/N: he’ll never know. and if he did, it wouldn’t go out so well ;)
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you just came back home from a mission, bruises and scars all around your arms, some in your legs. once Okkotsu heard the door opened to you and his shared dorm, he ran up to you and hugged you. it wasn’t so tight.
“I’m glad you’re back, Y/N.” he says, patting your head. he instantly notices that you were injured. “dear…” he says, as he forces you to sit down beside of him on the couch. “let me see.” he coos, as you take off your jacket. he hasn’t notices yet, not suspecting anything.
“𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦?!” you think to yourself. usually, Okkotsu would notice if your scent was off or if you were wearing something that wasn’t his or yours. but this time it was both. you stole Inumaki’s jacket to piss him off since he stole your food, but somewhat to make your boyfriend jealous.
he notices that your jacket was off. it was… an unusual texture. it was one off your least favorite, and it doesn’t seem like something he’s bought for you. “who’s jacket is this, darling.” he asks, wrapping bandages around your arm.
you looked up it, he’s finally notice.
“Inumaki’s. I stole it from him.” you replied. Okkotsu facial expression seems to be confused, but finally knows why since you were complaining about it the other day. “oh.” he blankly says. “well,” he takes off the jacket to get a better look at your arm. “you look better in any of my clothings.” he finished his sentence.
you giggles softly and ruffled his hair with your free arm.
“of course.” you reply.
*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦
“so, how was shopping with Shoko?” he asks, opening the door for you. “good.” you replied, as Suguru kneels down your untie and take off your shoe. “you don’t have to do that, y‘know?” you commented. “I do.” he replies teasingly, just to make you flustered. and it works.
“hm..” he hums to himself, noticing that something was off with you. you acted the same as always,but something was off with your clothing. he looks up while he unties one of your shoe, seeing that your jacket was weird.
it was green and puffy, almost likes Satoru’s jacket.
“is that Satoru’s jacket, babe?” he asks you. you looked at him and nodded, knowing if you said “𝘯𝘰,” he would instantly tell that you were lying.
“why’re you wearing his jacket?” he asks, his tone slightly jealous. but his facial expression was definitely envious, jealous, oh, so jealous! you looked to the side. one reason was because it was cold outside, and the other was to make Suguru envious, which happened.
you looked back at him, as he stands up, towering over you. it was quite obvious why since he was 6’3. “I didn’t bring a jacket and it was cold outside. I think Satoru could tell, so he threw me his jacket.” you replied.
he then hugged you tightly, making your stomach met his shoulder and quickly just slapped your ass. you softly squealed when that happened. “you know you could’ve texted me for a jacket, yeah?” he asks, sitting you down on the couch with him beside of you. you nodded, as you laid your head against his lap.
“take it off.” he commands.
you seemed stunned when he commanded that so quickly. usually, he’ll take it off for you, but it seems like you’ve done this too much. you take off the jacket by yourself, and laid it on the couch beside of you.
“you fuckin’ done this way too much, brat.” he coos, wrapping his hand around your neck. “you know what’s gonna happen next, yea?” he whispers in your ear.
you nodded, knowing that you’ll probably not gonna be able to walk soon.
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lemon-natalia · 7 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 27
‘pure humbuggery’ sound the alarm bells, palamedes is using british-isms, in this book thats a sure sign someone’s gonna die
ooohh it literally only just occurred to me as Harrow was talking about ‘lyctoral power’ that its very likely all of the facility stuff, the key challenges themselves etc. were probaly all set up by previous Lyctors 🤦
i mean given the one clue they were given was about locked doors, Harrow’s whole ‘secret door’ theory actually makes a lot of sense
i won’t lie, i still don’t really understand all of the thanergy stuff, so the beginning of this chapter was a little hard to parse. i don't think its because of bad writing or anything, i'm just not really into magic systems or understanding how they work honestly
i mean the five deadlocks on the door make some sense, but given Jeannemary got killed in a sealed room unfortunately i doubt they’re gonna do the Sixth much good now
ok someone, possibly the same someone involved with the constructs is actively trying to stop them from accessing another door. the question is whether it’s another member of the Houses wanting to prevent competition, or something that only just occurred to me is that some outside/other force is trying to stop all of them. which given the fact that the big amalgamate monster things were made by someone apparently very necromantically powerful … are the lyctors somehow involved in all of the deaths? maybe they don’t want to give up their positions, we only have the emperor’s word for it that they do after all
listen i don't think this is actually the case, its against the singular rule and there's probably some kind of magic stopping it, but it would be funny if someone just like, picked the lock on any of these doors. just speed-run the entire thing without any necromancy
wow Palamedes isn’t wrong the both of them are getting wayyy too comfortable using the whole energy transfer thing 
i’m not so sure coronabeth is the one to really watch out for - she seems more confident/outgoing than ianthe, but ianthe is clearly comfortable keeping things from her 
aaaand things are really kicking off between Harrow and Gideon. there’s unresolved issues for days here, it was only really a matter of time before their tentative alliance started disintegrating honestly
there’s a Lot to unpack here about their fight… on one hand, Harrow is clearly a lot more jealous than she wants to admit and making a real dick move to keep Gideon away from Dulcinea, no matter how far they’ve come Harrow still seems to be in that mindset of being in control of/feeling superior to Gideon as she was back on the Ninth. 
but on the other hand, Gideon is very clearly projecting her own feelings of guilt about Jeannemary and everything else onto Harrow. plus Dulcinea has proven herself to be more clever and shady than she initally appears already, i don’t think Harrow’s wrong to still be wary of her. there’s just, y'know, an infinite number of ways she could have handled it better
‘Jeannemary the Fourth was ten times the cavalier I am’ i’m SOBBING
ohhhh and now they’re back at where they were at the start … Gideon saying she hates Harrow, Harrow saying she doesn’t think about Gideon. except now after everything they’ve been through, and how much they clearly do care, it hurts so much worse. Tamsyn Muir you’re driving me crazy
‘Gideon decided there and then her betrayal’ what an absolute banger of a line to end the chapter with
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separatedleoau · 2 years
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OK the thing with this is I don't see One talking about it or bringing it up in any way. He is very good at hiding it, he has been doing it for years, it takes the AU gang seeing it to realize something was up.
Everything regarding his scars would play out the same way than in the AU aka if they ask about any, it would be about the most visible ones, being the ones on his back and he would talk big shit about them
Any other scar wouldn't rise that much of a question as they are not as big or impressive, and knowing about his usual lifestyle and how their usual lifestyle is they would see them as normal, just the result of training and fighting mutants (in One's case yōkai that had oppossed to Draxum or to him on his little missions)
So how I think things would play out is they would all just be talking, probaly like at the table post meal and Draxum wouldn't stop staring at One. It wasn't weird for him to do that, after all he had been curios of what Leo would have turned out if he had been raised by him.
And he had been happy on the most part, the boy was disciplined, he was a good fighter, more than leo was at his age, he listens to Draxum and obeys without hessitation. He was as self confident as their Leo, thought it came across as arrogance more times as it did with Leo.
He was an excelent strategist when fighting, outsmarting alsmost everyone in the room at least once on the many times a battle had broken out. His skills with the blade were magnificent, more so that Leo's at his age, almost matching him right now, even with two years and an apocalypse under his belt.
With both Leos being quick-witted, smart and cleaver and ridiculously skilled with their katanas, the only reason One was currently being considered more dangerous and deadly than his two year old conterpart was his firey temper and murderus intentions. The child craved violence.
Donnie found that amussing.
It was a good thing the other teens had two years of experience over him, and that they had Splinter to knock him over in no more than two moves if things started to get out of hand. Draxum could also just tell him to stop and he will, but he had a job and couldn't be here all the time.
But the Baron wouldn't stop staring at him, One had caught him many times, out of the corner of his eye. It was starting to make him uncomfortable, Draxum was narrowing his eyes, looking at him in a way One felt he was seeing right trough him.
Is not untill Draxum called his name that One actually turned to look at him head on. Draxum had a pensive look on his eyes and gave himself a moment to think before speaking.
"Do you have any of my seeds with you?"
One stared at him for a moment with a confused expression, then the reality of the situation he was in hits him, of course Draxum doesn't know, this wasn't his Draxum.
"Oh, yeah" The boy stood up and reached for his bag holding out for everyone to see a handful of seeds. "Boss gave them to me, I always carry some" One said as a matter of hand, "I almost never use them, I don't need them, but is fun to use" he said a small smile, looking at the handfull of seeds the same way he looked at the small bomb Donnie tried to give him the other day, before Raph came to 'ruin the fun'.
"Use?" Draxum repeated, "you know how to morph them?"
A cocky grin shinned across One's face in an instant. He tossed one of the seeds to his left hand and sqeezed it as he took a battle pose. Vines exploded out between his fingers quickly wrapping themselves around One's gloved arm. The vines created an arm almost twice its original size, an elbow filled with dangerous spikes with the biggest one being so big it almost reached his shoulder. His hand had now three long, sharp fingers that were best described as claws.
It looked quite similar to Draxum's enhaced arms.
a low chour of "whoa!" filled the table, everyone looking with wide eyes at this boy who aparently had yet another weapon on himself.
"You could have thought us to do that the whole time?!" Mikey yelled
"I didn't even think someone else could learn to do this too" Draxum admited, leaning forwards to look One's hand better, "Impressive" he muttered
One's face lighted up.
Leo rolled his eyes, yes yes, very impressive. but the kid kept lighting up like an exited puppy evey time he recived any validation from Draxum, was his own carving for attention so bad? had it been that bad back then? was he so obvious? did it also show so easy, so transparent on his own face?
He hoped not
"Neither did my Draxum," One said nonchalant, "I kept insisting he teach me when I was a kid. He never thought I would actually be able to do it but I eventually picked it up" He closed his hand again and focused, the weird mass that formed his enhanced arm started to shift, slitering back into his fist. When he opened his hand it had turned back into a seed.
Draxum hummed and took the seed between his fingers, inspecting it closely. what he was looking for, only he knew. One saved the rest of the seeds back in his pouch and stood stright, his hands behind his back, an expectant smile on his face as he looked at Draxum. He looked like Mikey when he gave someone a drawing and was waiting for the review.
"Not bad," Draxum finaly said, "not bad at all"
One really did his best to hide it, but he was beaming. His chest puffed up, and his smile grew slightly bigger, though it was enough to push his cheeks more, making his face look a bit rounder. Leo wasn't the only one to notice, he heard Mikey and Raph at his side trying to hide a squeel. Leo threw them a nasty look.
It was a little heartbraking to see that the only times One seemed genuinly happy was when Draxum gave him any kind of approval. That and when Donnie showed him his newest tech.
But Draxum raised his eyes at the kid and they had a critical look on them again. He gave him back the seed and waved his hand to dismiss the kid. One bowed slightly was about to return to his chair when Draxum stopped him
One looked back at him with a curious look, but the Baron said nothing for a while, just looking at him, he then frowned.
"Those are not the only ones you carry, are they?"
"W-w-what?" One stamered, seemenly confused, "y-ye, I mean, no. I just have those" though from his tone now it was more clear that he was hidding something, and while he often did a great job at that, only Leo being the one who could look through his bullshit, now it was plain obvious for everyone.
"You are lying to me" Draxum said, now in an authoritative tone that made One tense up.
He chuckled, a grin spreading across his face, his body relaxing in a second and taking a more casual pose with a hand on his hip, he crocked his head a little to the side "Oh please, why would I?" he laughed but it was a laught Leo knew, he was about to call him on his bullshit but Draxum beated him to it
"Number One" it was all it took.
Silence fell into the room at Draxum's authoritative voice, at his stance as he slowly stood up, towering over them. Luckly, everyone was looking at him, meaning they missed the flash of fear crosing One's face, they missed the tiny half a stepp he took back. By the time eyes started to shift from Draxum to him, he had already composed himself. a serious expression with a slight frown that would give him a Raph Chasm (TM) sooner than latter.
"You know I can feel them, right?" the Baron asked and the frown disapeared on One's face, his eyes opening slightly. His shoulders tensed up, his arms stright down, ending in tight fists. He stopped looking at Draxum, his eyes in a fixed point in front of him tought they didnt seem to be focusing on anything in particular.
For the first time since the younger red eared slider had showed up he had gone silent. a motified expression plastered on his face.
"One, you dont have to-" Splinter started but was cut off
"No" Draxum said, "where are you hiding it?"
"Draxum, leave the boy alone-"
"There is something different about this one," he said and turned back at the younger slider, "give it to me"
One didn't answer, he didnt move. He was frozen in place. But he was listening, he was thinking, his eyes moving side to side as he mentally saw his options, as he thought of a course of action. but he was slow, too slow, he wasn't landing anywhere.
"One?" Draxum repeated and this time it made the kid flinch, his head ducking a little.
After a beat he reached up with his hands, he said nothing, his lips sealed shut as he took his blue scar pullung the loop around his neck apart, his other hand gripped the dark hood from its back and pulled it off his shoulders.
Mikey left out a loud gasp, April almost yelled, but the one who was louder was Leo, standing up too quick and knowing back his chair. He said nothing, his mouth opened and closed but no word came out, he wasnted to say something, anything. he wanted to scream, to Draxum, to One, just in general. but he could do nothing but stare at the horrible scars going in a circle over One's shoulders. he was paralyzed as much as him.
One was staring down at the floor, an emotionless mask on that seemed to want to fall down. His chest moved up and down with deep, heavy breathes, and Leo started to wonder if he was fighting trough a panic attack, tough this would be the first one he sees coming from the boy.
"Where?" Draxum asked carefully and Leo shoot him a murderous look
One raised a shaky hand to his shoulder, his fingers sliding to his back, slipping under the lip of his shell. He still said nothing.
But Leo had found his voice
"You did this to him!?" he yelled at Draxum
"Dont be ridiculous" the goat yōkai said, of course it hadn't been him. It had been the other Draxum. and it had been on the time before his little "character arc"
It didn't quit the fact that this was fucked up. That One could have been any of them if they had fallen in the misfortune of being raised by Draxum. This could have been Leo's fate, this could have been any of his brothers...
He yelled again, words that didnt register to One.
He was staring at the ground. it was all he could do. He didn't register the screaming match that started over the table, he didn't see who was holding back who or who knoked the things off the table as they tried to climb over it and reach the other side.
One brain didn't even register Draxum's words, he was talking, he was screaming too. He was saying something and all One could do was hope those words weren't directed at him because his voice came in muffled. He felt like he was underwater, he could hear them but he couldnt listen to anything they said, they voices distant.
He couldn't breathe.
One gasped, blinking a few times. His eyes focused and quickly took a look to his surroundings. He was no longer standing aside the table, he still could hear screams, he hasn't gone too far.
"One?" Mikey asked, he had a hand on his shell, had he pushed him away from the table? his other hand reached for One's wrist, graping it soft, but firmly
One stepped away, janking away his hand, he didnt even look at him, he started walking away. Where? he had no idea, just... away form there
I got carried away with this but yeah, something like that.
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poorchoicesarebettr · 8 months
I'm really tired of people shitting on vivziepop for stuff literally every other (adult) animation creators/studios do
-Taking SA/R*PE Seriously, then joking about it
This is already on twitter so it's probaly on here, but Sir Pent does get jokingly g*ng-b***ed is Ep 6, while the show handles Valentino vs Angel dust
Other shows do this, Popular ones too
For example, family guy has done jokes smiliar to this before too and Ive seen no one mention it. In one episode, the plot is trying to protect Quagmire's sister from her abusive boyfriend. The show then constantly makes domestic abuse jokes.
Here's the sister abuse that's taken seriously (the shot at the end isnt part of it, but this was the best clip I could find):
Then here's a joke family guy makes about domestic abuse, TW: screaming and implied hitting:
-Drawing nearly all her characters skinny
It's a sad realty, but it's true. Even in movies all actors are skinny or fit and it hurts, but it's life sadly. Same with video games and character customization, limited to skinny. It's just society.
-All the characters are gay!!
Look up She-ra and the princesses of power sexualites, look up Steven Universe, this is not the first time 80-90% of the cast has been LBGTQ in a show
-I'm very tired trying get this off my chest so I can sleep, so I might be adding more tomorrow in case anyone wants to check back in
P.s. this is merely defending vivziepop as a show creator, not her as a person or her past
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
hitting the end of month rush
Anyone willing to pay £5-10 and give me an AU suggestion I can draw in return?? Specific scene, idea, or completly detached from AUs and just go full on canon if you like!
They'd be linework probaly with a little gradiant shading or something, but like, canon, Roman stuff, Witcher stuff, Demon hunter, BNHA, Pirates, anything we've covered, and you just think 'oh man I wanna see them do this thing!' can be normal or NSFW, i am chill either way, like the spicy stuff, get into it, i dont care just gotta pay billsssss RIP
Any help is amazing! heres a ko-fi link just in case its lost to the abyss on this hellsite, but honestly thanks for all the comments and support this month, genuinly considering a cheap cheap patreon for this content now, theres a lot of you enjoying it, and i draw so much of it and am struggling to monetise what i do. maybe it'd help get me by each month, idk.
Still trying to be a buisness major with no training :')
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batbirdies · 2 months
Thank you @coyote-nebula and @selkienight60 for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
610,258 - the fact that it's over half a million but I've only written 22 fics is... telling lmao.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently and for the forseeable future, just Batfam, but I have written for the Hobbit fandom and Marvel in the past. And I think Harry Potter way back in my OC days.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Clearly Calm and Keeping Terrorized in which Jason has a ROUGH time with PTSD and the timing is right to do some relationship healing with the fam. The Penny Drops the Penny Dreads in which Jason is a 12 year old Robin new to the manor and struggling to deal with some unresolved trauma thats not so far behind him. I'll Come Our Right On the Other Side in which Bruce is in therapy and trying to work on his relationships with his kids Overcoming Our Antecedents in which Jason is deaged to the day before he ran away to Ethiopia and Bruce gets to try again Live While I Breathe in which Bruce is badly triggered by an explosion, deals with it badly, is yelled at by Stephanie Brown to get his shit together, and has a a slow internal battle that ends in the decision to go to therapy.
5. do you respond to comments?
Not very often :( I used to reply to all my comments but it just started to be a source of anxiety and to feel overwhelming so i decided to stop unless something just really inspires a response or asks a direct question I can easily answer.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I struggled to think of one for this because I just don't write angsty endings. HOWEVER I do have one from 2014 when I was in the marvel fandom. Seams in which Bucky internalizes the fear surrounding his metal arm. (it's only 500ish words)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would say most of my fics have postive endings if not outright "happy". But I would saaaaay probably Overcoming Our Antecedents?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally I get rude comments, usually complaining about how a certain character is unfairly treated by the narrative. Which always makes me a little insane lol. I try to just delete them.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't. Never been interested. Probably actively uninsterested lol.
10. do you write crossovers?
I don't, and probaly the same as above lol.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Mengru on AO3 translated multiple of my fics into Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Recently with Coyote_Nebula. Tip for a Successful Interview: Lie (down)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I really don't care about romantic ships, if I'm willing to read a fic that centers around it it's up there lol. But I dearly love platonic ships. Having said that I am terrible at choosing favorites of things. My reading and writing history probably supports Bruce &Jason as my fav platonic relationship but lately I'm also loving Bruce & Clark friendship.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
A Bad Case of the Good 'Ol Days I still really like whats there but the rest of the fic is a mystery to me at this point. I've plotted it like three times at least but it never feels right.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think Dialogue and complicated emotions. I have also been told that I'm good at evoking anxiety in readers lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am VERBOSE I'm very bad at being concise which is clearly reflected in my stack of long ass fics lol. I think I've improved but its definitely still my biggest weakness. I also struggle with any kind of complicated plot. I have a WIP currently that has a deeper plot and it panics me lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it depends what you're going for. If you want the audience to understand what's being said, you should provide a ready translation that doesn't involve jumping to the end notes and then having to find your way back to the place you were previously reading. Its just really disruptive to the reading experience for me. I have seen people do really cool formatting on AO3 where you can hover over text and see a pre-input translation. Its very cool on desktop but I'm not sure if it works on Mobile. My go to is pretty much always just to state that someone is speaking in a different language and tell the audience what they said. Sometimes I'll italicize it only so the reader doesn't forget that the words are not meant to be in English.
Of course sometimes you don't want the audience to know what is being said and that can be fun, however you do risk some of your readers speaking the language and getting hints other people don't lol. Or google translating it for themselves. So up to the author if they're cool with that or not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly am not sure. I think I wrote fic for most of the cartoons I watched as a ten year old lol, but I didn't know what fandom was then. Harry Potter if we're getting official.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Still CCAKT at this point I think, but once Penny Drops is finally FINALLY completed it might give it a run for its money.
Sorry I don't have the bandwidth to think of anyone to tag right now, it took me three days to finish filling this out despite the entertainment value 😅 but thanks for the tags and I hope anyone who wants to will do it too, feel free to tag me when you post it if you do :)
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cadychaos · 1 year
ok so tinaaos updated and i’m not even in the fandom of dsmp anymore but i was like “maybe i should reread this fic! the plot is good and i’m bored.” AND HOLY. SHIT. I AND FORGOTTEN SO MANY THINGS???? and reading every chapter back to back made me able to put stuff together bettrr even if i had already read them (albeit months apart) BUT ANYWAY I WAKTED TO TALK SOME THERIOYS OUT! that i. have talked to myself inside my head about mutiple times… ANYWAY :D
spoilers for tinaaos all the way up to chapter 43 or whatever agead (i say as i know DAMN WELL!!! i cant rember chapter 42 cause i ahvent reread it yet- anyway)
FIRST OF ALL ! what’s been on my mind the most! tommy’s powers which i’m ? sure have been discussed to NO END BUT ! whatever
his powers are such a mystery ??? like he can do almsot anyhting do to energy manipulation leading to basically controlling everything ? but like how techno had stated his powers are closely tied to his emotions. and how tommy has stated them feeling like more of a buzz and an extension of himself or something along those lines— (that’s two hyphens btw) point is his power is diffrent than what other people (literally just. niki.) explain how their powers feel.
one top of that he has stated before after techno said “imagine having your powers behind a dam for 16 years” (not a qoute literally my memroy most likley wrong) tommy mumbles “more like 10”, now that might be just be late power devolpment that most likely happens since kids get tested 2 throughout their life. but there might be something more? i feel like somewhere there is why tommy killed his parents— though probaly on accident. his powers have been stated to like ? protect him . my theroy is he was getting strangled or soemthing, his powers act up and boom dead parents. though i don’t think that was the first time his powers had been seen since in the more acts of spite a story of him and eryn he seems to have already had them? anywya just seems like something important to note! aso noting he is scared of blood tests maybe that has to deal with all this.
next thing still on his powers (stay with me here i have been binge reading this since the latest chapter and have been brainrotting what his powers are). when techno and niki have their talk about the power suppressers, techno talks about his powers awfully simialr to how tommy explains his! which is intresting (aka a constant buzz). now when i first read this i thought maybe he was just? talking to niki secretly about tommys powers? like if that makes since. but i feel like this may not 100% be the case .
now i have one last thing to mention before moving on to other things— i’m like pretty sure tommys powers start getting upgraded AFTER the warehouse, what could he have been exposed to there? blue. what can blue do? idk man power stuff but if you get blued by 2 diffrent things you get hybrid charcteristics, which tommy does lack! but maybe proably the first stuff that tommy SMASHED! could have effected his powers? AND ON THAT TOPIC ! i think his childhood has something a lot more to do with blue— he states he wasn’t experimented on with it but i feel like blue might be soemthing related to his powers? i feel like it definitely upgraded them at the warehouse and after the power suppression cuffs cut them off , whcih btw why i think his powers have soemthting to do with blue ! maybe soemthing about cancletion or could simply be ? just too much in his system? AGTER TWO WERKS??? anyways i don’t think he will lose his powers for good cuase his powers could be expanded on so much more and i feel like the author wouldn’t just get rid of them? though is so power to them let them girlboss
OK FIANLLY ONTO SOMETHING ELSE :D another topic of intrest for me! buisness bay mainly deo and tommy cause HOLY SHIT. from the little (very. little) interactions we have seen about them I LOVE THEIR DYNAMICS ?! though . mayeb i won’t. i don’t know i’m just so intrested in their charcters . i’m guessing we WILL see deo at some point (maybe we already have) or not literslly the authors desicion. but i feel like we probaly will! but i’m excited to see what tommy’s reaction would be if we finally get to see him— simialr to purpled and punz ? (which i don’t . think is going spectacular cause punz is a bitch boy <3) or like tommy does as he does ? i feel like we might have gotten a hint about him? now this is me GRASPING at straws but when tommy talks about him (not outloud) bunch’s on his seventeenth birthday (before the big boom) it mentions the bushs or something shaking??? it’s soemthing i took notice of first and second time reading through? it just seems odd and i feel like it may be related to deo ? Or maybe a wild goose chase!!!!!
now there is so so so so much more i can talk about (like golden boys, they are everything especially more on purpled cause bestie why do you have marks on your neck TAHT TEO PEOPLE HAVE NOTICED ?!??!(( also just noticing i never even mentioned aimsy BUT STUF!!! I WANT TO READ MORE!!!)) but i forgot everything i kept in my head :D i also. have close to nobody to talk about this to so it’s not written down.. and i can’t really expand on my ideas… this is just my brian running crazy. and i thought my brain would have to go crazy till i rmebered tumblr exists and i could write much words on here. but i think i wrote to much words D: anyway will probaly tlak more about this or maybe not just hope you all enjoy my rambles
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lady-eris · 2 years
Cześć honey! Could you write a Zarbon x fem reader please? headcanon or one shot? Too little time is given to this hot boy. / Sorry for my English, it's not my first language
don't apologise! and i hope you don't mind but I'm gonna go with one shot XD mostly case i found them easier to do^^ also you're right, not enough time is given to my man, so in compensation, i shall create content with him.
Zarbon stood inside the stuff room, looking with distaste at all the other members in here. well almost all of them. Some he didn't mind, others though were damn right annoying, he wondered how they even managed to survive so long here. Zarbon played with his arm warmers twisting them slightly. He just wanted to get back to his woman, his lover, and the only one, who he thought was on par with him, honestly a small bit of him believed she was perhaps even better then him, especially in terms of beauty. they're was just something about them.
Originally, the two had crossed path's before, and the only reason Zarbon had took any interest on them was because they had been paired on a few missions together. On the first one he had been annoyed, surely no one could match his perfection right? He was wrong. On the second Mission, he was glad that it was someone who wasn't completely idiotic, someone who cold match them. By the third mission they had stopped being acquaintances, and it was around that time where there relationship began to blossom, into a friendship one. it had taken a long time, for the two to begin to get romantically involved. But it was obvious Zarbon had fallen first, he was too afraid to admit it though, afraid that she would reject him, and leave him heart broken. it was unusual for him. he had everything, the gorgeous looks, the monstrous power that he could protect them with yet he didn't seem to have her heart.
that had been the downfall of there relationship, or as others would call it the rising tension. Zarbon had began to get jealous around those around her. it was honestly ridiculous now that he thought back on it, but he couldn't stand the idea of those around touching someone so beautiful as them, He wanted to be the one to hug them, to hold her in his arms, and feel there heart beat in a soothing rhythm as he drifted off to sleep. if it weren't for them, confronting him it probaly would of downfalled from there on.
"-And you are all dismissed"
Finally this meeting was over. He turnt around being one of the first to leave the room. it wasn't worth any more of his time afterall. He opened the door, letting it slam shut, as he walked effortly down the hall. He paused as he turned a corner notcing a farmiliar (h/c) woman. He grinned.
"My, My. isn't it the second most beautiful person in the world"
He wrapped a arm around her pulling her close, before kissing her on the lips. It felt like an eternity whenever he was away from her.
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britishsquidward · 2 years
Karen should probaly install their Anti Demon Defense Matrix just in case the Ouija thing goes wrong...
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
He'll never get it right
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tutchando74 · 1 year
New teaser for episode 5 of Murder Drones
Another teaser, and probally the strangest so far. It looks like a butler drone, probally N, is holding a broken mirror. Maybe this was when the fall of the mansion started. This makes me think of the possibility that disassembly drones are actually some type of virus that infected the drones, but that is just false. There's something written in the wall, it's backwards because of mirror shit, but inverting gives something arround "murder drones" or something, it's hard to tell what is written there, but it looks like it's blood, maybe it could be just oil and the light is making it look like blood, I don't know. In the case it is just oil, it's probaly a disassembly drone doing it's job, or could be a human punishing a worker and warning the others, wich I don't believe it is. If it's blood them things are going down hill very fast, I had the idea that disassembly can't hurt humans, but I might be wrong. Murder case is also a thing, but I highly doubt it. It could also be a rebelion, workers don't to serve for their entire life. Also I though that murder drones would just be the name of the series, what the fuck does that mean, is this how were goona call the ones with solvers? Or someone is calling them murderes?
Well, in the end it's a very intriguin teaser and I'm excited for this episode, it will reveal a lot of things, probally, hopefully.
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