#that's great!
ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 months
i'm not at ALL asking that we model our political campaigns any further on US politics than we do already... but there are incredibly pivotal elections in Saxony in a MONTH and the only sign of it is election posters - and the extreme right has clearly spent way more money on those than all the other parties. For every lamp post with a Green party or SPD poster, there's another lamp post with FIVE AfD posters in my neighbourhood, or one for a tiny extreme-right splinter party full of batshit insane claims like "Free State (official term for the state of Saxony) instead of caliphate". The AfD paid for huge posters all along the university campus, which is so concerning to me. Also, every month or so there's some bizarre AfD party newspaper or flyer in my mailbox. Only AfD.
On state news, it's CRICKETS. On the mdr website, there's one big header, and it's about the summer holidays.
I got my voting papers in the mail yesterday. I live in the state capital. Where are the reports? Where are the politicians? Where are the public events? Am I *that* out of touch with public life here and they're happening and I just haven't heard about it?
I honestly feel insane. Polls are saying we might get a majority for the AfD and uh. Where is everyone? Elections are in THIRTY-ONE days and nobody seems to be having a conversation about it what the fuck
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tamaruaart · 7 days
May I ask, why do you even hate feminist Greek mythology retellings so much? I think it's great female characters are getting the attention they deserve
when I say I hate feminist Greek Mythology retellings, I mean:
"I hate retellings where all the men are shallow assholes and all the women, who most of the time are assholes, are spared of any fault because 'the men made her do it, they drove her off the edge it's not her fault'. To me it's a very lame, narrow-minded and a bit bias view of Greek Mythology, especially considering the historical context and the point of moral ambiguity. Which was a pretty big thing in the stories. But people treat it like it's okay because 'The Greeks did it first by being misogynists'. You can have your own interpretations of course but in my point of view erasing the fault of these female characters and claiming to have "told THEIR stories" is wrong. Not to mention the 'feminism' is just the very modern iteration of it that's a little bit rooted in misandry.
And again, this is deemed as acceptable and progressive because 'The Greeks did it first's or something'. It's just extremely icky to me, and I'd rather not have gender politics or have the book always telling me how baaddddd these women have it I'm sure they'd be treated better if they were men. It's just extremely exhausting and annoying to read. Like- I'm sorry but at this point I don't even care give me cool goddesses and mythological creatures and sick ass warrior dudes."
I do not mean:
"I hate it when people give attention to the female characters they were terrible people. Women shouldn't be interesting characters because they weren't in the original stories all the did was annoy the men YADAYADAYADA.".
Get it right.
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True joy is when your art improves very suddenly and unexpectedly, and it’s just in time for Artfight 🥰
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I need fics centered around dick & tim like c'mon they're like,, right there!! the writers didn't give them that great dynamic for yall to simply sleep on them wtf please
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myfootyrthroat · 2 months
I don't want to be "rude to people for no reason on Grindr" but at the same time...
I am happy to chat with you, but so help me, if you just message me "Hi" every two days and that's it, you can fall in a chasm.
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musette22 · 2 years
Another quick PSA, just because it seems it's needed
This blog is very much Marvel critical (and that goes for any new content too), so if you don't like seeing that sort of thing, this might not be the blog you wanna follow. Alternatively, if you don't want to unfollow, you can filter the 'marvel critical' and 'anti marvel' tags and variations thereof. I'll always do my best to tag such content appropriately so it can be avoided, but I'm telling you now it's no use sending me messages defending Feige & co, because I'm most likely not going to agree and therefore not going to publish them. No one has to agree with me, and you're free to feel differently, and I won't try and change your mind, but my mind won't be changed either, just so you know (I've just been let down too many times)
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koobiie · 4 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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cartoonsinthemorning · 3 months
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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charlesoberonn · 3 months
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This pun is hilarious, but Victor Frankenstein would absolutely not fucking say that.
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cordspaghetti · 3 months
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really factual recounting with no embellishments whatsoever
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prismatoxic · 7 months
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dadchuck is everything to me
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dasloddl · 1 year
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ID in alt
we get it, it’s beans ON toast and ants would eat that, also we get it, ants aren’t that loyal to their queen, they kill her off if she’s out of line
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incohorace · 11 months
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what studying literature feels like
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unluckyprime · 3 months
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four trans people walk into a movie theater …
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camilleflyingrotten · 16 days
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jacobtheloofah · 19 days
never change, tumblr. never fucking change.
original post: X
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