#that's a real address
tevruden · 4 months
No, seriously tho.
What ACTUALLY stops me from sending notice to any company who's providing service to me saying:
Hi! We're updating the Terms of Service. Any future updates to the terms of service must be sent by mail to Tevruden Dawnspear PO Box 6093 Round Rock, TX 78680 Along with a picture of my OC. References have been provided. If you would like to opt out of this change, please send a letter to the above address within 30 days. No other forms of notification are accepted. Thank you.
If they can do that, and this is a contract, so can I.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Hello Madam. Sorry Madam.
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catlaila · 1 month
deeply afraid to inform you all that the venn diagram for gravity falls and the magnus archives fans is a circle
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simaraknows · 3 months
i see your "'does he want to lick my boots or chop off my hands' is a Nicki reference" and raise you "what if Armand's relationship with sex is so fucked that his two modi are total submission and 'don't touch me or I'll chop off your hands' and Louis is still clowning on his trauma" in this essay I will
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cicadatree · 4 months
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sunstone by @leafyliz
DA: 3267-7035-4995
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anxiety-elemental-kay · 2 months
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How I was introduced to the concept of being nonbinary in the early 2010s.
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is-the-fire-real · 7 months
Another bit on the pro-Pal fandom, this one axiomatic
Being a good person is not the same thing as pretending as though you believe you are a good person.
Being a good person takes work. You have to do stuff. Doing stuff is hard. Doing good stuff is harder, because you have to put thought into determining what you think is good beforehand. That requires self-reflection, honesty, a willingness to challenge oneself, and taking in information from other people to verify that your concept of "good" is, well, good.
The nice part is that once you evaluate what is good and start doing good things, it becomes easier. You gain inner calm, peace, and even joy.
("Good" is not always the same as "necessary". Necessary work can be a slog, or it can be horrific. But there can still be a calming satisfaction at the core, the security that this is necessary and therefore worthwhile.)
Pretending to believe you are a good person takes less immediate work. You don't have to do anything that positively impacts the real world, and you don't have to do any of that annoying, time-consuming self examination. But in the long run, it's more exhausting. By far.
You are insecure about whether or not you are a good person. You're pretending to believe you are good. You can't feel secure in something you pretend to believe. That insecurity gnaws at you, especially when you engage in bad behavior--harassment, doxxing, posting gore, swarming tags, encouraging and promoting suicide among your fellow "activists", telling your opponents to kill themselves, stalking, spamming unrelated content with literal Nazi propaganda.
None of those are good things good people do. And you understand that. You would think someone was bad if they did those things to you. The cognitive dissonance between who you want to be and who you really are, as determined by your actions, is scary. It's painful. It rears up every time someone you have labeled a Zio colonizer scumbag asks you to please just stop and you remember a time when you begged someone--an abuser, a troll online, a 4channer, your parents--to just stop please just leave me alone.
That must feel terrifying, and again, it makes you insecure. It makes you question if you're doing the right thing.
So you do the work to pretend to believe you are good. And that's far more work than goes into being good.
You recruit others, and all of you agree that you will pretend together. Tabletop gaming has taught us how powerful this imaginative play can be. You all reassure each other that you are good and you are right. But since you're all lying to each other, that means you must spend more, and more, and more time every day telling each other that you are good, chasing that high, that feeling that you are a good person and your actions are justified.
You tell each other that your "opponents" in this "battle" are not people, so anything you say or do to and about them is okay. You look at lists of "dehumanizing tactics" and instead of internalizing what those lists are teaching you, you go: "Ah, so if I don't use the word 'vermin', anything I say should be fine!" And then you say it.
You do not smile over good news. You only smile when one of your opponents logs off Tumblr because you made the site unusable and unsafe for them. (The expression you make there isn't really a smile, but we'll call it that, since the corners of your mouth do turn upward.) You tell yourself you're just attacking Zionists and pretend you do not see how you're really going after Jews.
No self-examination; that would mean admitting that you're lying to yourself and others. Instead, you traumatize and exhaust yourself until you're psychologically incapable of self-examination. You watch snuff films. You stare at mangled bodies until you're weeping and physically ill (certainly, you're too ill to check whether the video is real, or if it was taken from this conflict).
You force your beliefs into your fandom spaces so that others, the bad people, cannot escape their complicity in genocide.
But more importantly, you do that so you can't escape.
You cannot engage in any fandom but the pro-Pal fandom because that takes imaginative energy away from your biggest pretense--that you're a good person.
You are NOT hurting people because you are striking a blow for Palestinians. You are hurting people, including yourself, because you do not want to do the work of becoming a good person. You are afraid that self examination, at this point, will reveal to you that you are exactly the sort of person you believe you are fighting.
That fear, that insecurity, that dread, that restless sense that if you ever rest or stop or think for just a moment, you'll discover something awful? That's your conscience.
I do not ask you to change your mind about your political opponents. Your defenses are already on your lips and in your mind; a thousand How Dare Yous for me hinting that you look at other people as people. What I will ask you is to consider this.
I came to young adulthood just as Bush was elected, and the Iraq War post-9/11 was the first war I really followed as an adult. I did what you're doing now. I forced myself to look at photographs of destroyed bodies. I looked at photographs of torture perpetrated by US soldiers. I blogged about it obsessively.
I told myself that I was Doing My Part to end the war. But really, it's that the anxiety of being an American during the war made me insecure over whether or not I was responsible for all of this, and therefore, a bad person. If I pretended my looking at snuff photos was activism, and that it was good, then I could pretend to believe I was good and shout "Not in my name" at protests. I could deny my responsibility.
What I really did was traumatize myself. It's been almost twenty years. I can still see some of those torture pictures in my head. In the end, that is the extent of the impact of my online activism. The blogs are all long deleted, and nobody remembers them.
Only my trauma remains.
I do not want this for you. I want you to be wiser. There is still time. You can stop.
Stop hurting yourself and other people. Do the hard work. Examine yourself and your actions. Consider what your own heart is trying to tell you whenever you start to get the shakes and your throat gets tight. Do not take that feeling out on random people online because they have a Magen David in their pfp.
Once you have done the hard work, it gets easier. You will be able to advocate and work for whatever causes you believe in because you know they are good, not because you're joining your friends in cosplaying goodness. You will still be traumatized, and you will still be sad, and you'll definitely still get angry. You will have to face how you've acted exactly like your own past abusers, and that's a real tough row to hoe.
But at the end, you will be able to advocate and work because you want to, instead of feeling as though you must in order to keep up the masquerade.
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pancakeke · 8 months
how to avoid getting scammed/phished: cultivate a mindset that everyone should leave you the hell alone
dont answer phone calls
dont read text messages
dont check your emails
throw mail into a box and leave it there
someone trying to contact you? fuck em
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angelsdean · 4 months
ok but the way jack is immediately like "don't tell sam" abt the cookie crunch like yes it's a funny moment but thinking abt it for one second longer it's like ohhh so sam is annoying abt Everyone's eating habits, not just dean's? insufferable man. to quote dean: these are your issues, quit dumping them on [others]
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sergle · 11 months
(re: sssniperwolf and jacksfilms) It's laughable that she escalated it that hard. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure stalking him like that is illegal and it's terrifying regardless, but Jack said in a stream (can't remember which one) that he wasn't about bringing up past controversies of hers or cancelling. And now she shows up outside his house (wtf!!!). Like he was willing to only call her out for stealing and freebooting but she's gone and stalked him and Jack doesn't seem like the type of guy to take that shit. Actual WTF moment from her part. wild
omg long post below bc apparently I have opinions: YES!! THAT'S WHAT'S SO INCREDIBLE ABOUT THIS... Jack has been genuinely diligent about keeping things on-topic in his streams, and hasn't brought up any of her other Stuff, or anything Personal. Despite the fact that she kickstarted the whole thing by making it INCREDIBLY personal and attacking his physical appearance... His goal has been to call out and bring attention to content theft, and he's stuck with it. Dude's also cared about this for years, and she's not the first content thief he's criticized. He just hates the way that freebooting has become so accepted-- to the point where youtube praised her for "coming up with such creative video ideas"? Hey! Ew! Dude wasn't trying to get her cancelled though, there was no smear campaign of her character. He's been rallying to get her to CREDIT the creators that she relies on for all of her content. It would set a precedent for all other "react" channels on the platform for one of the biggest channels on youtube to actually give credit where credit is due. Or, god forbid, get permission first? It's not hard. It's already done the job of making some other people who do "react content" self-analyze whether or not their content is transformative, and to maybe care about crediting the creators they rely on for their genre to work. There is a way to make this kind of video that isn't so slimy. And making fun of her lackluster-at-best reactions is so far from even being a big deal. Bc she literally does just sit there and say nothing. Plus, his goal has a clear End built into it: if she started shouting out the creators she takes content from, and put links directly to their pages in her video descriptions, the job would be done! That's what he's asking her to do. Real bare minimum stuff. It legit would have been easy to steer away from the content theft and to also talk about her history of lying to her audience! her ghosting a dying kid with cancer who was a big fan of hers! the fact that she's been arrested for armed robbery! her history of transphobia! He would also get more clicks that way, which is what she claims is his sole goal- to get more clicks. I'll bring it up though! She's been a terrible person the whole time, and has kept a steady course of manipulating her audience of young children and/or, let's be completely honest, simps- into thinking that she's a Wholesome creator. (And now, into thinking she's an innocent victim.) All of the actual effort put in by her has gone toward optics, not the content she puts out. A carefully constructed online persona, for one, but also literal appearances. Jack totally can't say this, bc she already went off the handle and said the only reason he doesn't like her is bc he Hates To See A Woman Be Successful. But I can! That was a cheap shot for her to use that argument when, for once, it's not applicable! Much the opposite, even! Dudes online wouldn't go to bat for her if she didn't look the way she does. And it weakens any case she'd have against him by making baseless claims like that. She banks hugely on being an attractive woman to get her clicks/following. A massive amount of effort is put into her appearance. The makeup, the lip fillers, putting her hair in little pigtails, the chokers and tube tops, the big non-prescription Nerd Glasses, the thumbnails where she has her mouth open in That Expression?
I don't even have to say anything. But making a weird facial expression and putting your hair in pigtails aren't moral failings. Showing up at someone's real life home (whose address you shouldn't even have access to), filming the front of their house at night, doxxing them to your audience of millions of people? Because you were mad at them online? That is fully scary! Yeah girl I'm pretty sure that Jack can press charges! There is absolutely no way to take the moral highground now that she's literally stalked him, and doxxed his home. She tried to goad him and Erin (Jack's wife) out of the house, also, which creeps me out even more-- because what was she planning to do? The fact that she's been arrested for violent crime before does pop into my mind! lmao! Jack was streaming a game at the time that she was outside his home, and these clips of him, his friends, and Erin reacting in real time to what is genuinely a scary situation have been taken down in case he needs to use them in legal action. Shit is legitimately serious!
#sergle answers#long post#LONGEST POST ON EARTH I'M SO SORRY#saying all this out loud only takes a few minutes but typing it... girl this is a BOOK#clearly I have thoughts on this Online Drama but also this isn't online!#these are people who exist in real life. and compromising a person's safety bc he criticized you for stealing tiktoks#is a real life thing. this isn't confined to online spaces! you can turn off your computer to get away from An Argument#but someone going to your house?? that's absolutely terrifying#and all of this is just because he's been telling her to credit the creators. it could have been resolved so simply.#I hope he takes legal action against her bc he genuinely has grounds to do so.#and I can't imagine how terrified and upset I would be if someone was outside my door. filming my house for their audience.#also the 'what if the roles were reversed' argument is rarely made in good faith... but she's already brought up the topic.#this would be getting even more coverage and the optics would be Even Creepier if a strange man with millions of followers showed up#at the home of a woman- just bc she criticized his videos- filming her home address for all to see and trying to get her to come outside.#It's just as creepy that sssniperwolf did this as it would be coming from ANYONE else#it's been downplayed bc her being a little skinny woman means that A Man shouldn't be threatened by her#which. even if she wasn't going to Do anything. any one of her rabidly loyal online followers MIGHT. she's not the only one who could go to#his house now! anyone could show up.#sergle.txt#Jacksfilms#Sssniperwolf
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neishroom · 9 months
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first harvest fest after rocky and harvey passed away... + family updates
chrono | previous | next
shoutout to my pookies for sending me their sims!
shani by @simsadilla + lalita by @planetpxls
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coveredinsun · 7 months
legolas sneaks gimli into elf heaven and it's the most lit thing to happen to elf heaven in an eternity. but at the end of the day gimli still dies (i mean he's a dwarf in elf heaven) (sorry about that but like go figure) so when he does kick the bucket he just goes to regular dwarf heaven. and there he's like, “oh hey thorin oakenshield my dad's boss! how ya been!" and they dap each other up. and thorin is like, "well i'm glad you asked because it's actually pretty fucked up. Well not dwarf heaven this shit is sweet. i mean it's fucked up that my fucking situationship is stuck in hobbit heaven." and gimli is like, "damn sorry to hear that My dad's boss thorin oakenshield. that's terrible." and thorin shrugs like, "it is what it is. the almost 200 years i've been here have been fun at least. what about you bro? how have you been?"
to that gimli is all like, "me? oh well you know. saw some horrors, fought some horrors, defeated some horrors. i actually just saw my husband like 15 minutes ago before i got here." and then thorin is all like "how nice! i'm glad your husband will be here eventually :)" and gimli is like, "yeah, EVENTUALLY, but he’s gonna get an eternity long lecture from mahal and i'll wager 500 million dwarf bucks that he won't waste a SECOND before complaining about it." and thorin is like, “what do you mean eternity long lecture.” so gimli makes a 0.0 face and is like, "ohhhhhh. my bad bro. i didn't realize you probably wouldn't have heard about everything. on account of you being here in dwarf heaven and all. tell you what though, i was all the rage in elf heaven."
then there's a long pause. slow blinking for a solid 30 seconds. and then thorin, with a gleam in his eye, is like, “………………elf heaven you say?"
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(My grandma went out shopping and then remembered she had a Brick TM at home and bestowed it onto me…)
It’s so thick and gorgeous and I can’t wait to read it! The translation is Norman Denny, for those wondering.
Also, I’m a first time Brick-reader. I have seen the musical and 2012 movie. But, I have also heard about the infamous Battle of Waterloo tangents and the Parisian sewer system tangents…
Wish me luck and good luck to the fellow Brick-readers 🙏🙏
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Weiss + Understanding her friends
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biblicalhorror · 2 months
Here's my thing. If you have lost all faith in the democratic party and do not want to vote for their candidate, I get it. I really do. But you have to have some kind of plan. Not voting at all isn't going to make any kind of statement to the people in power. It's not an effective boycott because it's not disrupting anything. It's not making your voice heard, like voting uncommitted was in the primary.
Do you live in a blue state? Great! Which 3rd party candidate are you organizing for? Jill Stein? Cornell West? Claudia De La Cruz? Pick one and start organizing for them. If you can get at least 5% of the country (which means about 807,000 of your fellow like-minded leftists in blue areas) on board with one specific candidate, that candidate receives a boost in federal campaign funding in the next election cycle. Choose someone who is willing to use their platform in the next 10 years to promote ranked-choice voting on the federal level so that we don't keep having this same discussion every fucking election cycle.
Speaking of which, voting in your local and state elections is key to getting those initiatives on the ballot in the first place! Do your research on local candidates. Go to town hall meetings. Volunteer at a phone bank. Start getting people into positions of power who are willing to fight to get your long-term goals met.
I truly do empathize with people who cannot bring themselves to vote for someone who has been complicit in genocide and feel as though their vote does nothing for democrats anyway. But guys, we have to stop being so short-sighted and defeatist about this. Abstaining completely from the electoral system does nothing to bring attention to the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. If you can't vote for Kamala, figure out who you WILL vote for, and start getting other people on board. Because voting third-party also does nothing if they get 0.3% of the vote nationally. We need to start being smart about using the momentum that leftist politics have gained in the younger population in recent years.
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claired3lune · 8 months
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When I saw Rust Crick by @faeryac, I just new that I needed to visit it! As a Midwesterner myself, I definitely felt right at home on this island! All the little details are so perfect and the way everything was decorated was just so… *mwah*. Also I'm very obsessed with Boomer's house- it reminds me of The X-Files! ❤️
💭- DA-7167-8664-4413
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