#that’s not strictly relevant but I’m putting it here anyway
queerplatonic narvin/leela/romana. That is all
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hii i recently started reading your work, cyanide narwhal, and am honestly really hooked! i love your characterization so much and find the story you built around the lore really, really interesting!
i’m not deeply familiar with the intricacies of the lore in genshin impact, but i’ve been fascinated by it for a while—and reading your story made me realize how much depth i was missing out on…is there any sources or ways you can reccomend as a primer/introductory to genshin lore? i really want to learn more and understand the theories better! thank youuu
aaa thank you! and this is actually a really interesting question
obviously my first thought was just play the world quests and pay attention, but not only is the info in the world quests sometimes incomplete, but i understand perfectly that some people just skimmed the dialogue at best and now cannot replay them but the fact of the matter is that the best way to get into some parts of the lore is via the world quests
still, there's plenty of people on youtube who do timeline and lore recaps without theories - as in, just telling you the lore that one can learn from the quests in a more streamlined manner. they're always a great choice!
there's also the artifact and material lore, which does usually contain a lot of info, but is usually kinda cryptic. the good thing about those is that you're not locked out of reading them, so as long as you have the necesary pieces, you can just go into the in-game archives and read up there. as with the world quests, though, there's also plenty of people on youtube doing full analyses on the lore of those
i think once you have a rough idea of some of the relevant names and lorebits, that while daunting at first, the wiki's timeline page is rather helpful when it comes to trying to get the bigger picture of when exactly everything happened in relation to other things. reading the little annotations and notes they put on where they got their info and when they've had to make extra calculations for some things' placements also goes a long way.
once you've started to understand more of the out-of-the-way lore, going to theorists is also a great way to catch the more interesting ways this game is built. as in- real-world references and inspirations.
because telling you 'oh you can find it on youtube' still sort of leaves you having to figure out how to even look for it, here's a little list of the youtubers whose videos i've watched at least once for these things. not a comprehensive list of course, but from there some of them shout each other out and you can navigate the recommended section for more videos, so!
as with all things lore-related in this game, keep in mind when the videos were made in relation to the game's patch version. the ones that are more just strict lore read-throughs are less vulnerable to later patches sort of- changing some of the context? (looking at you remuria) but still. and obviously theory videos are even more dependant on that. so:
for lore analysis (most of these are strictly just the lore with little speculation, but there's probably some extrapolation here anyway): - Ashikai has a great beginner's guide series on region lore, but it only covers up to sumeru so far. still, might be a great place to start! there's also some quest recaps and lore details here and here - Francis Lee Arthur has a great series of very concise videos of world quest recaps, though they sadly don't have mondstadt and liyue quests, and only a handful of inazuma quests. still, they're great videos, and there's a ton of sumeru and fontaine quests (and one chenyu vale quest i think) - SiliconOneFour has a bunch of videos on artifact and weapon lore, and some recent ones on stuff like the remuria timeline, mondstadt's aristocracy, the history of the temple of silence, etc - KlemenTime has a bunch of videos on pieces of lore that aren't really laid out explicitly on world quests, but that you sort of learn through exploration? idk how to describe it. they also have artifact lore, and while not in the playlist, if you go to their profile they also have some more borad sumeru and natlan timeline videos - Minsleif has archon quest and world quest recaps, along with other lorebits. there's also their massive 1-min reel lorebit video collection on much shorter things
for theories (some of these have a mix of lore+theory videos so i'm putting them here bc i wanted ot keep the 'just the facts' videos to the section above): - Ashikai is my favorite theory nerd in the community so forgive the bias, but there's the incredible project:teyvat series and the world structure series, which are two massive theories about the way teyvat as a world functions. i think you might want to save these ones for after you've familiarized yourself with the lore. other than that, there's plenty of other theories to sift through (though bear in mind these are ALL the theories, so there's project:teyvat and world structure stuff here? but the titles will help you know which they are if you want to save them for later) - The Laughing Man has a ton of videos on lore and theory/speculation on like- a ton of stuff, along with character analyses - roozevelt has a bunch of videos on lore and theories, mostly revolving around the traveler and khaenri'ah, but there's plenty of other stuff there also - My Name For Now has a very interesting massive khaenri'ah theory, theories on the descenders, on the elemental system, and a bunch of other lore theory videos - Minsleif does have theories also (but i personally can't remeber if i've ever watched one. still, they're there if you want to check them out!) - Wei has theory videos that look like shitposts and sometimes feel like shitposts, but god, there's some interesting stuff there. i wouldn't know how to even describe it though, most of it is traveler related but still (also this is a general theories playlist, but like all their theories are from genshin with the exception of one jjk theory so like- i mean yeah, just letting you know why that's there lmao)
And here's the wiki's timeline page
so uhhhh yeah! hope you have fun if you decide to watch any of the videos from anyone there. of course there's probably a lot of other theorists and recap channels, but these are the ones i've watched at least once, so, pick and choose which ones you like best. have fun!
TL;DR: you can still access a bunch of lore in-game via the artifacts, weapons, and weapon materials, and any world quests you might not have played yet. but since i recognize that's a daunting task and the info is scattered and incomplete and confusing, watching video recaps might be the way to go. Ashikai's beginners guides are great introductions and refreshers, and there's plenty of videos to catch up on world quests or to have someone explain artifact and weapon lore to you
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voloswag · 2 years
some worldbuilding snippets continuing off the last post im sorry this barely even feels like a pokemon blog anymore but here I am. for every word I add to this post I am having to remind myself that cringe is dead, cringe is dead, I am actually sooooo sexy and powerful for putting my silly brain creations out for the world to see! and volo is there so it’s still relevant anyway, it’s fiiiine
but anyway yes. some worldbuilding, specifically about the ‘deities’ of the setting (which isn’t strictly the ironsworn setting cus I’m also throwing in tons of salvaged bits of my old dead headworld)
cue incoherent ramblings after the cut!
this setting’s equivalent to gods would be the celestial bodies, which from strongest to weakest are suns > moons > stars. real world astronomy has no power here, don’t worry about it
every celestial body is/was a very powerful living, sentient being with a life cycle and everything. the planet the characters live on is a horrific mishmash of ‘stars’ that have been so tightly jam packed and fused together by the moons that over time the biggest, oldest of these stars have lost their consciousness and become nothing more than forces of nature; the earth, the ocean, the air/atmosphere... yknow, the basic elements
however there is One ye olden god that is very desperately clinging to what trace of individuality and consciousness it has left, and as it weaves in and out of consciousness it can influence the dreams of its descendants and it is trying to manipulate them into doing its bidding with the end goal of gaining a new body, as right now it’s basically just....... haunting the blood of its descendants. all of their blood. it’s in there snoozing!
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girl-hwat · 4 years
ya know what i think the difference for me is?
i resonate with c!quackitys motivations when it comes to his progression as a character. his evil actions are reactions to the evil done to him, the helplessness he has endured over and over, the abandonment, and what he has watched happen to the people and land around him as a result of those with power.
yes, his arc is a negative one. his character is choosing to grow bloody and ruthless and manipulative in the pursuit (and recently acquisition of) power. power over people who’ve hurt him. power over his direction in life. power over the things he cares about. i’m not denying it. i’m not saying there won’t or shouldn’t be repercussions. honestly i’m excited to see the angst and conflict when consequences do catch up with him, and how far he will have gone by that point.
but c!dream...
c!dream reacted to people on the server, manipulative and destructive and murderous and vindictive and sadistic, with nothing like that to back him up. he did it because he liked to, because they were annoyances to him, because they got in the way of his fun, his control.
he targeted l’manberg because they asked for something from him, they asked for freedom from him. so he demolished them over and over and over. c!tommy had the balls to try and stand up to him, take back something he stole, so he isolated him and mentally tortured him. he laughed after murdering him in order to prove a point.
“did they think it was cool?”
narratively speaking, i do not feel morally compromised by watching c!quackity torture him for information on the revive book. c!dream set this up that way, and it bit him in the ass. am i supposed to feel bad?
if he had a book to give, if he hadn’t tried to outplay everyone founded in the idea that he was still too scary and powerful and untouchable for anyone to demand anything from him, this wouldn’t be happening to him. he is tasting a fraction of the hurt he has mass produced across the server.
i’m a lil pissed at people all, he doesn’t deserve that. bitch these are the consequences of his own damn actions. yes, what c!quackity is doing isn’t “morally correct,” but enjoying his actions narratively is not a double standard. c!dream did what he did for fun. c!quackity is kicking an abuser to the curb for the dumbass’s own tricks to his benefit.
and i’m not gonna pretend to be mad. i’m enjoying myself.
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hyetiny · 3 years
c// fem!reader, sex worker hongjoong, detective reader, mentions of murder and crime, bratty hongjoong, joong small cock <3, humiliation kink, oral (f receiving), degradation (use of slut), dumbification, yay for protected sex
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you weren’t at all fond of the dingy, dim hotel you found yourself in front of - it smelled of damp decay, and had only one flickering light in front of the entrance. nonetheless, it was essential to be here for the case.
you never enjoyed working homicides, having to look into the depraved faces of killers as they more often than not showed no remorse. with a sigh and a silent prayer, you walk into the motel.
when you show him your badge, the person working the register wordlessly handed you a key with “room 117″ messily scribbled onto it. the climb up four flights of stairs isn’t fun, but finally you unlock the door hastily, wanting to get this over and done with.
as expected, there on the bed is a rather stunning young man. he has sharp yet youthful features, heavy makeup and is only wearing a robe. it’s obvious he has nothing on underneath it. you don’t miss the “do me” eyes that cross his eyes when you enter the room - it’s all an act, you think.
“you can put the money on the table.” he says after a short silence.
“100 for the hour?” he nods. you rummage around your pocket, putting said amount on the table next to you. if you landed a conviction, you’d be getting the money back anyway.
“you can keep your robe on.” you say, getting seated on the bed a safe distance away from him.
a smirk crosses his face. “oh, you want to play with me a little bit first?” his voice changes drastically - it’s more seductive.
you shake your head. “that’s not why i’m here. last night a man was killed, and if my sources are correct, you’re the last person he saw.”
the man pauses, looking at you as though waiting for you to continue.
“i need to you to tell me everything that happened last night.” you state.
he pauses again. “alright.”
“your full name, please?”
“kim hongjoong.”
“okay hongjoong, so what happened when you met up with mr lee last night?”
hongjoong sighs. “well he paid for three hours. he was married, so he paid me extra to stay quiet about it. he was actually really good at sex, he had me in at least five different positions and his cock was massi-”
“relevant details only, please.” you shudder. 
hongjoong rolls his eyes. “anyway, he told me he had somewhere to be after, so he wanted to relieve some stress before he went.” you jot down the important detail. 
“did he tell you where?”
“he said it was an important meeting at a club down the street.”
you nod. “thank you, hongjoong. we’ll be in contact if we need anything else.”
you start to get up, but he clears his throat. “you paid for the full hour. why don’t you use up the time instead of wasting your money?” 
you raise an eyebrow. naturally you assumed that he would want to keep the hour for himself. 
“i haven’t had any clients today so i’m feeling a little... pent up.” he continues. “and you look like you could use some stress relief.”
it catches you off guard. you curse yourself for thinking about it - he was right, you did technically have the next hour to do whatever you wanted until you had to get back.
without a word, you begin to unbutton your button up shirt.
“this is strictly casework, got it?” he nods, grinning like a child who just got a jar of candy.
“i’ll make it well worth your time, detective”. he whispers into your ear before nipping on it, catching you off guard.
you weren’t fond of his cocky attitude - it spurred a desire within you to put him in his place. 
“off.” you say, pulling at the fabric holding his robe together. he obeys, revealing the expanse of his tan skin, taking notice of every little mole, every little birthmark, every small scar that decorates his skin. but of course, what catches your attention is his hard cock, smaller than average and flushed pink at the tip.
“is this supposed to make me feel good?” you ask, wrapping a hand around the short length. to your amusement, your hand comes up more than is necessary when you jerk him off. it only adds to the humiliation.
“don’t judge before you try it, sweetheart.” he says, not affected by the snide comment at all. “besides, it’s not the only thing i can use to make you feel good.”
at this point you’re only stripped of your shirt, while hongjoong is stark naked. although he lets out pleasured moans, he pulls your hand off his cock and implores you to lay down. he scooches down on the bed, laying down on his tummy and to your surprise, hooks his hands around your panties underneath your pencil skirt. you gasp in surprise, feeling exposed now that he could see your wet pussy.
“hm, you’re a lot of talk for someone who’s already so wet for me.” he giggles. as though to accentuate his point, he runs a finger up your folds and brings it up to his lips.
“oh, you taste divine.” he whispers. “you’ll let me be greedy, right?”
with that, he pulls your skirt up your thighs and wastes no time in licking a stripe up your core, earning a loud moan. his lips suction around your clit, his tongue peeking out to repeatedly stimulate the bud. a finger comes up to tease your entrance.
“f-fuck, hongjoong-” you cry out, already feeling close to your high. “s-stop or i’ll-”
he takes mercy on you, pulling off when your legs start to shake around his head. 
“i should have gotten you to sit on my face, you have the sweetest pussy i’ve ever tasted.” he says. you roll your eyes, thinking he must say that to every single person he eats out.
looking at the ticking clock on the wall, you look him straight in the eye. “you have thirty minutes to fuck me until i forget my own name.”
it clearly affects him, because he gulps and nods. he rummages around the bedside table, pulling out a box of condoms and shaking the box until one falls out - clearly the last one in the box. he wastes no time in quickly putting it on before lining himself up with your entrance.
“any day now would be good.” you say angrily. it doesn’t slip your notice that he pushes into your core with more force than necessary.
“fuck, such a tight pussy. no one’s fucked you properly in a while, huh?” he growls into your ear. he’s right - you shouldn’t have judged him, because his cock still manages to fill you up perfectly. it only gets better when his hand meets your clit, and he immediately sets an aggressive pace, ramming into you and perfectly hitting your g-spot with the way his cock curves into it.
“holy shit, fuck joong!” a garbled mess of curses and hongjoong’s name is the only thing you can manage to get out as he only speeds up, letting out pretty, low moans of his own and speaking nothing but pure filth into you ear.
“gosh, you’re such a slut aren’t you? needing a good fuck while you’re on the job?” in your fucked out state of mind, you don’t bother to remember the fact that he was the one who asked for sex. instead you just blindly nod, agreeing with everything he says.
“oh, look at you going all dumb for me. are you gonna cum, my dumb little detective?” you nod again, your moans only getting higher the closer you get to your orgasm.
“i-i’m-” it’s the only warning he gets when your pussy spasms around him, your hips grinding against his harsh pace as you reach your high. it’s enough to spur his orgasm as well, a groan leaving his lips as he empties into the condom.
you both take a minute to catch your breaths before he pulls out, taking off the condom, tying it and throwing it in the bin.
“so, do you feel any better?” he asks when you come back from using the bathroom.
“much better.” you smile, getting dressed and making your way to the door. “thanks, hongjoong.”
“hey.” he speaks up. “take the money back.”
you turn to face him, and shake your head. “think of it as a generous tip.”
a cute pout graces his lips. “i usually have to fake my moans and pretend to enjoy it, but you were really something else.” he says.
“in that case, we can meet up again to compensate.” you say with a smile, which he returns.
“i’d like that.” he replies. “i’ll see you around then, y/n.” and with that you leave, weak in the knees and your head filled with thoughts of the pretty blonde boy.
tag list:
@seongsangsgf @mingi-ivity @shinyddeonghwa @galaxteez @bobateastay @ddeonghwva @spacepiratehongjoong @multidreams-and-desires @a-soft-hornytiny @serialee @yunhospuppy
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Hi! It's an au twilight question.
What if Edward and Bella did the nasty in early New moon. Then the party happens and the Cullens leave. Bella discovers she's pregnant with Renesmee. What do you think what would happen?
A very interesting question, anon. One that will go very interesting places, I'm sure.
That said, as usual, because I'm a completionist, we have to go through the "why no canon?" routine. Bear with me, I simply must.
Why Didn't Edward and Bella Do the Nasty Pre-Breaking Dawn?
For all that Edward is, for all his... questionable morals and sexual fixations, he does have a moral code he strictly holds himself to.
Edward is adamantly against having sex with Bella in terror of the very real possibility that he will murder her in the act. He's very clear about this, he didn't think he could do it, at all, and only his sheer desperation that Bella never be turned, his desire to marry Bella, as well as Alice's thumbs up convinced him to do it.
If Bella was a reasonable person then she would have agreed as well. Sex with Edward, while she's human, is a bad idea. However, Bella never really seems to clue in on what vampires even are so I think the Man of Steel on Woman of Kleenex aspect is lost on her.
Had Alice not given the green light, I imagine Edward would have gone back to the drawing board and ended up either here or here. Bella turning is the worst possible outcome and Edward will risk almost anything, even Bella's death, to see it avoided.
But that doesn't mean it's an action he takes lightly.
He suggests pimping Bella out to Jake before he suggests sleeping with her himself. For Edward, this is a last resort.
More, Edward is a man of his time.
Edward was from an upper class family and, more to the point, still holds himself to the standards of the society he knew when human (much to Bella's amusement).
Edward wistfully talks about courting Bella, how he would have courted her had he been a true man in the time period he was familiar with, and why marriage to him is so very important.
That Edward doesn't seek out the approval of Charlie, Bella's father, is a hilarious aside to me. Edward's all about chivalry until all those old society standards get in his way.
What do you mean a gentleman doesn't sneak into a lady's apartments in the middle of the night to watch her slumber unawares?!
Regardless, marriage is extremely important to Edward, especially in the context of sex.
Edward will absolutely not have sex with a woman who is not first his wife. He also will not marry a girl that society defines as underage, he will wait until Bella's legal and probably until she finishes her primary schooling.
This means Edward was never likely to have sex with her before graduation and certainly not before her eighteenth birthday.
Which, at the earliest, puts her past the New Moon birthday bash.
Edward and Bella Do the Do Anyway
But let's pretend they do it anyway.
I'd say the most likely scenario is after the birthday disaster. This is it, Edward knows he is leaving Bella forever, if he is truly noble then he will never see her again.
Certainly, he will never interact with her nor hold her in his arms. To Edward, this is essentially his last true night on Earth.
So rather than pull a partial D.E.N.N.I.S. system, Edward pulls the full D.E.N.N.I.S. system, he initiates the "I" he was previously missing, "Inspire Hope". Or, in this case, get laid for the first and only time in his life.
He sneaks in through her window. They make beautiful, passionate, tepid love so Edward does not crush her in the act, and as she sleeps blissfully in the aftermath he sneaks back out the window to never be seen again.
(It takes Bella a week to admit that Edward just hit and run. The Cullens aren't coming back.)
However, because Edward didn't actually point blank tell her what was happening, rather than hit her New Moon stage of depression, Bella's instead in denial.
The Cullens are coming back. What, Carlisle has a new job? No, that can't be right, they're coming back. Alice would never leave her without a word. Edward would never leave her without a word.
Jessica pats Bella on the back consolingly and is secretly glad that it's not her. She might have been dumped by Edward Cullen, but at least he didn't humiliate her the way he did Bella Swan.
Leaving without a single word, yikes.
Two weeks go by then Bella gets the flu.
In a single day, she's unable to keep down anything. Huh, that's weird. Very quickly, Bella has her tampon epiphany. Bella is not a virgin, she had sex with Edward, she's late, and she appears to have a baby bump.
Bella is carrying Edward's child.
There is no question of aborting the child. This is Edward's child, the only piece she has left of him, even without Renesmee's gift it's ride or die. Bella is delivering this child even if it kills her.
However, she has some immediate issues.
First, she's visibly pregnant, it's been only two weeks. That's not supposed to happen. More, Charlie is bound to notice sooner rather than later, Bella would like to avoid that, the stigma of teen pregnancy, as well as the inhuman complications that are sure to come along.
Second, there's inhuman complications. Bella can't just go to an OBGYN, not even a town over. She's carrying something half human, a doctor will poke around and find that out, and then Bella's blowing the secret.
Bella knows vaguely of the Volturi at this point, but not the severity of the law, it's more that she promised Edward she would never tell a soul.
Plus, a human doctor wouldn't be able to help anyway.
That leaves vampires.
Bella tries to call/email the Cullens. However, thanks to Edward, all their numbers are disconnected and all their emails no longer exist. Her "Alice, help, I'm pregannant" messages are sent to a void.
(Alice, meanwhile, thinks she's finally successful in blocking visions of Bella. At least Edward will be off her back. Without the cliff diving and Jake, Alice does not assume Bella has died/committed suicide.)
A brief internet survey also yields Bella no results, but it does get her a lot of vampire porn. Thanks internet.
Bella... starts to get worried.
She's getting more and more pregnant in a matter of days, Charlie is starting to notice that she can't keep anything down, and the Cullens aren't taking her phone calls.
Then, Bella has it, she remembers that weird baroque painting Carlisle had of him and those Italian vampire dudes: the Volturi. Conveniently named after the city they live in, Volterra, Italy.
Bella debates her options.
Edward told her that these are the guys who make sure that humans who know the secret disappear. Well, Bella is a human who knows the secret, that's bad. Also bad is that they eat people, Bella is a person.
On the other hand, Edward implied these guys are civilized and friends of Carlisle. That's... good? Bella isn't sure she's on good terms with the Cullens, given the whole abrupt leaving thing, but maybe they don't have to know that.
Bella debates with herself, tries to look up the Denali, and only finds the National Park. She has no idea where these guys even live, or what they even look like besides "blonde hot vampire", and she's short on time. Plus, they are close with the Cullens, so the Cullens probably did tell them "Ew, Bella, No Gross, Do Not Want".
Because the Cullens all hate her now.
Bella has some money saved up, and this is probably a one way trip, and if she doesn't go then... well, it's not looking good. Bella musters up her courage, tells Charlie some outrageous fib to explain why she's disappearing off the face of the planet, and books a flight to Rome, then Pisa, then a bus ride to Volterra.
Bella subsists completely on blue gateorade, this doesn't go well, and she vomits blue in the parking lot.
Regardless, she makes it, huzzah she is in Volterra. It's sunny out and there are no vampires. Bella wanders around the city and looks for the most vampire building she can find.
Luckily, she happens to be right, and it's the very central castle. Well done, Bella.
Bella walks in and spots a vampire. She also spots a receptionist, Bella is very confused. Never the less, Bella says the magic words, "I'm a... friend of Carlisle Cullen?"
Even though Bella doesn't have Aro's name (or any of the other Volturi for that matter), Carlisle's name does the trick. Anyone who works for Aro knows that name.
Color Aro intrigued, he will meet this pregnant woman! (Caius, meanwhile, votes that they eat her immediately out of spite.)
Well, Aro touches her hand and lo and behold she's scarily gifted. And she knows Carlisle, what a great day to be Aro.
Aro explains that everything's totally fine with her knowing the secret, it just means they have to turn her eventually, after she gives birth of course.
Bella stares at him numbly and wonders why Edward made this such a big deal if it was that easy.
Aro insists Bella start from the beginning, as in the very beginning of her life. This is weird, but Bella complies.
An hour later they get to the interesting part: Bella meets Carlisle (and Edward Cullen, Aro guesses). Aro gets to hear the whole, sordid, ridiculous tale of Bella and Edward's romance including the part where he fucked her and ran off into the night.
Aro is stunned.
He first apologizes for the Cullens behavior, they should absolutely not have abandoned her, and not turning her was completely irresponsible (what the hell was Carlisle thinking?)
He then gives the bad news, he... has never heard of anything like this.
You see, normal vampires don't have sex with humans. It isn't done.
Also, there's this thing called Immortal Children (Edward tell you about that, no? Well, he probably thought it wasn't relevant). That thing your carrying might not be a child capable of growth but an insatiable monster.
Or it could be the alien from Aliens.
There's no way to tell, really.
Aro promises Bella his protection and a period of observation for the child. Bella's not sure she likes that observation part, but this seems like a pretty sweet deal otherwise.
As for what to do, well, Aro has to call in the foremost vampire medical expert. Sorry, Bella, but there's only one man for the job.
Aro sends out Demetri to find Carlisle.
Demetri shows up on Carlisle's doorstep, "Carlisle, old friend, Aro has need of you. Your son knocked up a human girl."
Carlisle blinks, blinks again, then does a thousand yard stare. My God.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Edward is already on Victoria's tail. Carlisle tries to call him, to no avail, Edward isn't taking his phone calls.
Alice and Jasper are already on their trip to hunt down Alice's past. Plus, given the Volturi, they'd be unlikely to come anyway. Carlisle sends them a message.
Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett travel to Volterra to clean up Edward's mess.
And sure enough, there's Bella, very pregnant with a child that is very much not human. Carlisle dies inside, Rosalie's on a warpath that Edward would abandon his pregnant girlfriend to the point where the only place she could turn was human drinking vampires.
Rosalie takes it upon herself to leave Edward the world's angriest voice messages until he returns her phone calls.
Aro's delighted to see Carlisle again. Even if he does have a wife now. Also, Aro claims finders keepers for Bella, Carlisle's not happy about this and less happy that Aro points out that if Edward cared so much he wouldn't be absent right now, would he?
They figure out the blood drinking thing, Carlisle desperately raids a hospital to prevent Bella from being fed the leftovers of the Volturi victims. This likely doesn't work out for him.
At the last possible moment, Edward finally picks up his phone. He learns that all he's tried to accomplish failed spectacularly. Bella is pregnant with his demon child, is literally drinking blood, and is in Vampire HQ with the leader insisting she will be turned immediately after the C-section.
Edward races to Volterra and strides into the room demanding Bella be aborted and remain human.
Aro stares.
Carlisle awkwardly explains that Bella's too far along, it's too late now even if they wanted to, more she adamantly doesn't want to abort and never did.
As for Bella being human... Bella pipes in that she's cool on becoming the vampire part. Aro's a great guy. She then races to embrace Edward, he's come back, after all this time. And he's going to be a father, isn't that wonderful?
Edward loses his mind.
And because this is Edward, I have no idea what he'll do, only it'll be utter madness. This is my best guess.
To be a little more serious, he probably tries to abort the child anyway, he mercy kills Bella and the child, or Renesmee manages to get through to him.
Given canon, it's likely the latter. Bella is convinced that her and Edward's relationship is perfect.
Aro has no idea what to think of any of this.
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whetstonefires · 3 years
The sad Jason art you reblogged, the original artist is a rampant JayTim shipper fyi 🤢
Okay, listen. I cannot figure out why you would send this. What purpose is this supposed to serve? Who are you helping? What is the desired result?
Like, sure I don’t enjoy that ship and I really wish it were less prominent, because it makes so many potentially interesting fics unreadable for me, but it’s far and away the most innocuous of the intra-family ships.
(Followed by either of them with Cass ig since Steph doesn’t strictly count. Or Duke, but like DC deeply failed to integrate him into the family network. Actually is anyone writing Duke/Tim, there’s space to do some fun work there with the idealization-of-and-identification-with-Robin-as-wearable-identity.)
It’s not like anyone is being depicted Committing Sex Crime here, or like there’s an existing familial dynamic to be getting corrupted. Or even a firmly ingrained power dynamic. They’re about three years apart in age and didn’t even meet until their late teens? I don’t like the adopted sibling incest angle even in that context, but I can’t pretend that part is actually inherently hurting either of them, except by complicating things with their support systems and intensifying the baggage.
The reason I find the ship so intolerable is they have so much baggage between them, adopted family very much included, even before you start on shit they’ve actually done to each other, that to jump straight into the premise you have to go either wildly AU or wildly ooc (very frequently both) to sell them having a remotely sane or healthy romance, let alone at all a normal one.
The AU version tends to make them hopelessly boring by flattening every existing element of complexity to avoid Problems and the ooc option both boring and vaguely revolting to my personal sensibilities, because I have issues about people’s characters being warped around the demands of romantic relationships, and especially about the result being treated as positive. Those things on top of the sibling thing is a definite hard no.
...I feel like the only way to get me actually interested in a JayTim premise would actually be to lean in to all that shared baggage and dysfunction, and depict the relationship as a downhill tumble of mutual projection and trying to process their own Robin-related-identity-smear issues and overlapping parent issues using one another, ‘self-recognition through the other (derogatory)’ angry makeouts, and all that unhealthy stuff, made even more fucked up by their canonical existing tangled respect for and resentment of one another.
All that, if well executed, could be really intriguing! And could even potentially sell me on the ‘ship as ultimately positive in the end, because the narrative would at that point have put in the work to make the relationship a vehicle for character development.
As far as I know, though, that is not what the shipping community for these two is looking for at all, ever. And I'm not going to subject myself to a million versions because one of them might be tolerable.
So, I know this is something I dislike! On every level! I avoid it! I have, in fact, ended acquaintanceships with people because they could not consistently remember to respect clearly delineated boundaries about it, because they’d internalized the ship as a baseline norm of batfam fandom. Don’t like that.
But like. What possible purpose could it serve to warn me that someone whose reposted-and-reunited art I reblogged ships this thing? What is that adding to the world? Is this supposed to be helpful to me in some way?
I’m not entering into a longterm or intimate relationship with this person whose name I don’t recall. I’m not interacting with them. I didn’t even reblog a post original to them or directly from their blog. The JayTim ship is not relevant to the art in question, which was a depiction of Jason speaking to Bruce (not pictured).
Even if the artist were a JayBruce shipper and there was some relevance, I’m not clear on what you think you would be accomplishing by informing me there might be secret bad subtext to an art I reblogged!
Like. State your goals here, don’t just end your statement with a 'mouthful of vomit' emoji, which incidentally is somewhat more triggering for some issues I’ve been working on than the JayTim ship itself, because guess what people are complicated.
Is your goal to get me to comb through my blog to remove the post? To go memorize the url so I know to avoid this person in the future? To blacklist them???
What even is rampant in this context anyway. Just. Lacking in restraint? The boundary-disrespecting issue I mentioned before? Just...doing it a lot? Do you mean it in the heraldic sense of ‘standing up on their hindquarters for dramatic effect?’
Be specific. Explain why you are inflicting this subject on me in the correct presumption it’s a subject I like to avoid. Why does that make sense?
I’m not interested in being roped into whatever weird playground politics drama this is, okay? Jeez louise.
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edda-grenade · 3 years
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Solas receives an unexpected gift, and Adaar gets an unexpected offer.
#feral verse, 1600 words. on AO3.
Solas didn’t know why he had not left.
It was a frivolous distraction from his duty at best, a willful betrayal of his people at worst. To waste his time playing teacher, playing at Wisdom, for some half-grown dragon spawn. What did it matter that she soaked up any knowledge he shared like a sponge? What did it matter, that she dug for even more with a hunger that had his heart feel like it was bleeding to witness it? What did it matter, that he had to struggle to keep ahead of her, all his knowledge and experience and power hamstrung by what the Veil had done to the world? That the thrill of success was all the sweeter for knowing he had something new to share with her? What would any of it matter in the end, when it—
“Feral little forest man!”
—it was not Adaar’s voice. Neither the voice of one of her parents. Wary yet curious despite himself, Solas followed the call through the trees, silently bristling at the moniker. It was aggravating enough that Adaar’s parents were so fond of it, for it to have spread to someone else…
It was one of the Dalish. An older woman, with a sharp, lined face, the mark of Mythal on her forehead. The skin of Solas’s face felt raw, as if from sunburn, at the sight. Adaar had introduced them at some point, he remembered—Ashuon was her name. She either didn’t remember his, or chose not to use it. More likely the latter, he decided at the hard expression that took hold of her features when she caught sight of him as he emerged from the foliage.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“I’ve brought you some clothes,” she said, and lifted a bundle of cloth.
Solas frowned. “I have clothes.”
“Ah yes, that one cloak you possess.” She eyed it critically, and Solas’s frown deepened. He was aware the garment was not in the best of conditions, but considering it had survived his long sleep, he refused to give it up.
“Either way,” she continued, “these are mostly trousers, and an undercoat for layering. Fall will be cold enough, let alone the winter, and I don’t actually want you to freeze to death once the weather turns.”
“Why are you doing this?” he asked slowly. “We did not… part on the best of terms.”
“You mean you’re a self-righteous blighter who thinks he knows everything? Don’t worry, this isn’t for your sake. Adaar asked me to, and the poor girl deserves better than having to deal with your thighs all the time.”
Solas blinked, perplexed by the non-sequitur. “What on earth is wrong with my legs?”
Ashuon rolled her eyes. “Nothing.” She pushed the bundle of cloth at him, and he reluctantly accepted it, before it could fall to the ground. “Might not be relevant anyway, depending on how she decides.”
“She—where is Adaar?” Her absence was puzzling, if not slightly worrying. For her to ask for material favors, especially from Clan Lavellan, on his behalf was already… He preferred not to linger on that particular thought for too long. But why would she ask for the clothes to be delivered as well? They met nearly every day, even if only briefly—it would be an easy task to bring them herself.
Ashuon placed her hands on her hips, her stance confrontational. “Do you have any idea how powerful that girl is?” she said. “If she were an elf, any clan would be lucky to have her.”
Solas swallowed down the bitter retort that brimmed on his tongue. No clan he had encountered so far would even know what to do with someone so ruthlessly curious, as mired in their stubborn beliefs as they were.
“Where is she?” he asked again.
“Talking to our Keeper.”
“About what?”
“Deshanna is willing to teach Adaar magic, permanently, as long as she cuts you loose.”
Solas’s breath caught. There it was—an egress. Whatever weakness, compulsion, misplaced sympathy—whatever it was that kept him fixed to this place, to Adaar, to everything she called home… what would it matter, when she sent him away herself?
He should be elated. His stomach should not sink like a stone at the thought. A wave of cold swept through him—
With a burst of magic, Adaar appeared between them. “Oh, good, you haven’t tried to murder each other—” She stumbled a little, panting, then straightened up.
“Hey,” she said, with a sheepish smile.
“Did you sprint the entire way here?” Ashuon asked, bemused.
“Sort of. I stepped through the Fade. Well, with the Fade. A lot.”
Solas almost dropped the cloth bundle as he tried to reach out for her face, before he caught himself. Her skin seemed flushed, and her pupils were blown wide. “You must be careful not to overexert yourself in this manner,” he said. “If you collapse from exhaustion somewhere dangerous…” He had managed that himself quite a few times, after he had woken up. Magic that had been as easy as breathing before the Veil had drained him to the point of fainting.
“I’m fine, I’m mostly dizzy from the speed. Did you—” She turned to Ashuon, glanced at her empty hands, then at Solas— “Ah, you did. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome, dima’len.”
The hard expression that had never quite left Ashuon’s face while Solas had spoken to her melted into an old fondness, now that Adaar was the focus of her attention. Quietly, Solas turned away and took a few steps towards the trees so he might give them at least the illusion of privacy, but he heard their hushed conversation nonetheless.
“I—um.” The shifting of feet. “I think Deshanna’s angry with me, now?”
“It’ll pass. We’re just worried about you, dima’len.”
“I know, I know. It’s—thank you. But you really don’t have to be. I know what I’m doing.”
A low chuckle. “Creators, I hope you’re right.”
“…Will we see you again next year?”
“Of course. I—Adaar!”
The exclamation drew Solas’s gaze. Adaar had swept Ashuon up into an embrace that lifted the old elf clean off of her feet. She laughed, the lines around her eyes crinkling, and patted Adaar’s shoulders. Solas forced himself to avert his gaze again. His chest ached strangely, as though there wasn’t enough space within for his lungs and heart.
Murmurs of dareth shiral were exchanged, and finally Ashuon departed, but not without a final demand to “Layer up, forest man!” shouted in his direction. Solas scowled, but he did hold onto the clothes.
Adaar ambled closer, then, watching him. The silence stretched.
“Thank you,” Solas said quietly. “You did not have to do this.”
She shrugged, but her smile remained. “It’s not that big a deal. You needed some more clothes, and I could afford to spend a few days helping out with aravel repairs. They’ll fit, I hope. We can make some alterations if not—”
“Did you not take their Keeper’s offer?”
Adaar grew quiet. She crossed her arms and leaned against a nearby tree, with an abruptness that had the young trunk shaking. Her mouth twisted, teeth digging into her lower lip, before she spoke: “Ashuon told you, huh?”
“I didn’t take it, yeah.”
Something lurched painfully in Solas’s chest, and his fingers curled tight into the cloth bundle.
“Why not?”
Adaar stared at him.
“Are you serious?” she burst out at last. Solas nodded, his throat tight. He may have sounded more incredulous than he intended—but still, the question was more than justified…
“Because I’ve learned more from you in a few months than I have in years? Because I enjoy being around you, when you’re not actively being a prick? And because I’m not that fucking naive, and I know these lands can be terrible to people like us?”
His pulse pounded in his ears, as if from far away. “‘People like us?’” he echoed tonelessly.
“Mages. Vashoth. Elves.” She gestured haphazardly as she spoke. “Maybe you’re just keeping quiet about it—but from where I’m standing it really doesn’t look like you’ve got people who will keep you safe. Or do you?”
She was right. She had no idea how right she was.
“The disadvantage of a solitary life, albeit a manageable one,” he said, keeping his voice flat. His heartbeat was still thundering, and refused to calm. Adaar let out a sharp, brittle laugh.
“It shouldn’t have to be like that,” she muttered. “And I’m not doing that to you. I mean. Unless you—if you wanted to—to go—”
What was he doing? To be handed a graceful exit on a silver platter, and cast it aside near instantly…
There were—reasons. She was right. He was far more vulnerable on his own, and he knew well the atrocities inflicted on elves and mages alike in this world. Even if neither term strictly applied to him, to anyone living in this world it was what they would see in him. And further…
“I do not wish to, as you put it, ‘go’,” he said, choosing his words with cautious deliberation. “I enjoy our arrangement of learning. It is an unexpected… challenge.”
The relief on Adaar’s face morphed into an expression he was coming to know quite well from her, a strange mixture of amusement and mischief.
“You almost sound like my parents, back when I used to figure out new ways to get up on the roof. And refused to come down.”
“A welcome challenge,” he amended, softly. How her smile widened in reply…
None of this would matter, in the end, he told himself. But neither would lingering a few weeks more.
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years
It Happened On Sakaar Pt. 2
Mando x F!Reader; Loki x F!Reader
Rating: M; 18+ Only
Warnings: swearing, grieving, angst, slow burn, mentions of violence (smut in later chapters)
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: The bounty hunter’s most recent puck sends him across the Galaxy to an unfamiliar and artificial planet named Sakaar- literally the galaxy’s trash can. Sakaar is a bizarre planet, but so is his most recent bounty. Din is chasing a man he only knows as The God of Mischief. The reader lives on Sakaar as a scrapper, a similar trade to that of a bounty hunter and has a tangled history with the man Mando is looking for. Will the unlikely duo team up to capture the mischievous Asgardian or will the reader fall victim to Loki’s promises?
I made a Google form to be added to my taglists, so if you want to be added, the link is in my bio. I’ll only be adding people to the list if they requested to be added by filling out the form! This way all of the requests are just in one place so I don’t miss requests! Thank you!!! 
This is unedited and if I missed anything that I should include as a warning please let me know! Thank you y’all!
Part One
Tags and Requests are OPEN
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You had just gotten paid another hefty sum for brining a new fighter to the Grandmaster, not as good as the supposed Lord of Thunder Scrapper 142 caught but still nonetheless, he was pleased and you were more than satisfied with your payment.  You were at a bar, feeling pretty good about yourself. You deserved it and you wanted to treat yourself to a drink. You sat on one of the barstools, nursing a drink and did your best to ignore the gladiators behind the barrier nearby. You weren’t looking forward to this upcoming fight, but then again, you didn’t particularly care about them in the first place anyways.  Scrapper 142 joined you, opting for a bottle instead of a glass.
 You understood her. It was an unspoken feeling you knew she also understood. You were similar people, and on this planet to escape your past. She had been here much longer than yourself, and you observe that nothing can penetrate her hard shell. She was invincible, and you envied her ability to keep her emotions at bay. Well, except for the drinking, but you still admired her.  At some point she went over to the barrier and actually spoke to one of the gladiators. It was odd, but you didn’t question it. When she got up, you bid your goodbyes and headed to get ready for the fight. You knew you wouldn’t see her at the arena, but you know she wouldn’t take it personally that you left without a goodbye.
Walking down the hallway towards the entrance, an arm grabbed your bicep and pulled you down an empty hallway. Without hesitation, you pulled your blaster with your free hand and pushed it to the temple of whoever grabbed you. When it made a clinking noise, you sighed, knowing exactly who it was.  “Mando,” you say curtly, yanking your arm free and turning to face him.  
“I need you to tell me about the God of Mischief,” he states plainly. 
“I thought you were a good bounty hunter,” you roll your eyes. 
“I didn’t get any information, I’m working with nothing,” he explains. You stare up at the visor, like somehow, you’d be able to study his eyes. You can feel them staring back at you though. 
“How is this my problem?” You scoff and he sighs, clearly getting frustrated.
 “You’re the only person I know on this planet that can help me,” he tries to insist, “I’ll split the reward, please.” 
“I’ll tell you what I know,” you say defeated. You felt bad for the man, and you knew it must’ve been hard for him to come to you. “But I’m not helping you hunt him down. I don’t want to be close to this.”
 “Deal,” he says, and offers out his gloved hand for you to shake.  
“We can’t talk here,” you state, “the fight is going to start soon and I need to be in attendance for a work thing.” 
“A work thing?” he taunts. You chuckle.
“Unless you want to join me,” you offer, “If you can get a babysitter.”
 “Fine,” he says, following your lead. You walk in silence to the stands, and you find your regular seat, and he takes the one next to you. You chuckle at how out of place he looks, too bulky from the armor to fit comfortably.  
“Do you always need to wear all this?” you ask him, gesturing to the armor.
 “Yes, it’s part of my code,” he replies, looking down at the arena. “Now, the bounty.” 
“He’s one of the two princes from my home planet,” you explain. “He’s actually a god, with powers.”  
“Yeah, astral projection, shape-shifting, hypnosis, telekinesis, teleportation…” 
“Are you serious?” 
 “Yeah,” you say with a chuckle at the shock in his voice.
“How the hell are you supposed to catch someone like that?” he sighs, leaning back in his seat more. 
“Outsmart him. Take advantage of the fact he probably has no idea you’re here or that anyone would be after him.” 
“Would anyone be after him?”
“Oh gods, he’s made enemies all over the galaxy,” you retort, “I have no idea how to determine who sent you. He has a laundry list of enemies.” 
“Of course,” he grumbles.  “Just in recent years, he sabotaged his own brother’s coronation by allowing the Frost Giants to attack Asgard- our planet. Then, skipping a lot of other chaos, he led an alien attack on Earth. He was supposed to face lifetime imprisonment in the Asgardian dungeons, but he was freed to help fight when Dark Elves attacked Asgard, and he faked his death. This brings us up to speed to when I left three years ago. With everyone thinking he was dead, he returned to Asgard and removed his father, Odin, from the throne and had been ruling Asgard disguised as Odin. He was doing so for several years, before Thor- that’s his brother; Thor came back and exposed him. So that’s when I left, so if he’s done something else since, I don’t know.”
“That was the summary?”  
“That was the very abridged version,” you chuckle, “but that’s sort of the relevant bit.”
“Why did you leave?” he asks curiously, “it seems like him being exposed by Thor was a good thing but you left.” 
“Because I mourned him for years,” you say spitefully. “Told me himself while disguised as Odin that Loki was dead. Lied right to me, deceived me and the entire kingdom. We built fucking statues in his honor like idiots…” 
“You loved him,” he states simply, preventing you from spiraling. You appreciated his ability to simplify the situation. It was grounding.  
“Yes,” you say simply. 
“And you’ve been here for three years and he only just shows up now?” 
“Asshole,” he mutters, making you laugh.  
“Indeed,” you agree.  
“You deserve better,” he affirms. 
“Then a wanted war criminal? I would hope so,” you jest.  
“No, I mean, yes, but you seem- just, never mind.”  
“Do you still have feelings for him?” he asks, after a short, uncomfortable silence.  
“I don’t think I could even if I wanted to,” you answer honestly.  
“I understand,” he says, but he sounds like he’s far away, lost in his own thoughts.  You both fall into a more comfortable silence, when the giant hologram of the Grandmaster emerges introducing the event and the fighters. You aren’t really paying attention; you have heard it all before. The Champion will come out, the crowd will go crazy, and he’ll just defeat whatever poor soul they put up against him. However, you are snapped out of your thoughts when you hear a familiar voice yell.  
“Thor?” you say in disbelief, standing up from your seat to get a closer look. His hair was shorter but without a doubt it was him. “Shit, what happened to him?”
 “Thor, like Loki’s brother?” Mando asks, staring down at the fight, both of you at the end of your seats. You look over across the stadium, and you see a familiar figure in the Grandmaster’s private box.  
“That weasel,” you say, narrowing your eyes, to try to get a better look. It’s him. Without a doubt, it’s Loki sitting on the large couch next to the Grandmaster. “He’s right there,” you point, and Mando follows your gaze.  
“He’s watching while they send his brother to slaughter,” Mando observes and you nod. 
“I thought I couldn’t be more disgusted,” you scoff. You wanted to be surprised but how could you be? This was Loki. Gods, you had been so blind for so long. 
“What can we do?” Mando asks, already trying to look around for the exit. There are way too many people. 
“Thor has powers like Loki- not the same ones, but he’s also a god,” you say, partly to explain but also in an attempt to calm your own nerves. “He can win this.” You hear Thor proclaim that he knows the Champion and that they are friends from work, and you cover your face with your hands from the secondhand embarrassment. You silently plead for Thor to stop trying to talk and just fight his way out. Mando hesitantly wraps an arm around you. He’s stiff and awkward but you appreciate it regardless. It was comforting. “I can’t watch,” you say, hiding your face in his shoulder.  
Mando had never experienced something like this, ever. He hadn’t touched someone for this long in a very, very long time. He knew the circumstances were terrible and his heart was breaking for you. But selfishly, he basked in the feeling of intimacy, even if it was strictly platonic. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if it was platonic, because that implies a friendship. His mind was racing and he tried to ignore the warm feeling spreading throughout his body at the contact. He doesn’t dare move; he was enjoying the feeling too much.  Mando was rendered speechless as he watched the man literally conjure lightning from nothing. The fight was unlike anything he had ever seen. Of course, he’d been all over the galaxy and has seen wonders, including the little baby back in his room, but never has he seen so much power yielded all at once. He gulped, thinking about what he would be up against trying to bring in Loki. Without a doubt, he’d need to use the carbonite chamber on the Crest- but would that even hold a being of this much power? He didn’t have much else of a choice.  
The crowd erupts, booing as the Grandmaster rigs the fight in the Champion’s favor, and Mando rolls his eyes under his helmet. Of course, he thinks. However, he can tell the man is still alive and is relieved to tell you, especially since you didn’t dare look at the spectacle- too afraid to watch the fate of your friend unfold.  “He made it,” Mando said gently, nudging you and you finally turned your head back to the arena. They brought out a stretcher and the floating device brought his body off of the ground. He was breathing. “We can find out where they took him soon,” he says reassuringly. He felt compelled to help you find Thor, not just because of his own needs, but he genuinely wanted to return the favor for the intel you provided- at no charge at that.  The crowds clear out in a somewhat orderly fashion, but then take to the streets to celebrate the Grandmaster’s Champion. 
You are furious that Loki would sit by and watch as Thor was sent out on that field. You had no doubt in your mind that he knew that was happening but didn’t stop it. You knew him too well to think otherwise. Part of you a very long time ago had a hope the two could actually work as a team, and you had seen Thor try- you realize that now. However, at the time, you always defended Loki. You remain seated, even after the whole section of seats has long since been cleared. You felt numb and disgusted.  
“Any way I can help you, I’ll do it,” you say finally, your eyes fixated on the crater that was formed by the fight. You were rigid, very much pissed. You had wasted a large portion of your first year here hoping he’d come after you, and as much as you’d say you wouldn’t have taken him back, you know that you three years ago would have fallen back into his arms in a heartbeat if he had tried to come find you. Skurge knew where you had been sent. Loki could have easily gotten that information and followed you if he had wanted to. He obviously didn’t. And you have already wasted more energy than you should’ve in your lifetime by his side, defending him, mourning him, loving him. You were done. If there was any doubt of that in your mind before, the display before you tonight solidified your feelings. 
You wanted to see him get what he deserved. 
“I need you to get close to him again,” Mando says hesitantly, and you can hear the reluctance. He knows he’s asking way too much from you, but he’s desperate. It’s the only way he can think of to out smart him. He cringes, not wanting to subject you to this character again, but he feels as though he doesn’t have a choice.  You were right that Mando needed to take advantage of Loki not knowing he was here. He could operate behind the scenes while you distracted him. It was a flimsy plan at best and he was sure you would say no. He wouldn’t blame you. He saw the hurt and pain on your face, just out for the world to see. You were usually much better at hiding it, he had observed, but the events of today undeniably bothered you greatly. He felt relieved to have his helmet on. He couldn’t imagine the discipline of controlling your expressions. It was something he never needed to master, and he admired your ability to do it.  
“I’ll do it,” you sniff looking back at him. Your eyes were glossed over with tears that you were not letting fall and you still held yourself with your head high. You were trying your best to not let your emotions spill over, and he marveled at your strength.   
“You sure.” 
“Positive. I can do it. Besides, I don’t know how you’d do it without me.” 
“You’re right,” he chuckles. 
“I always am,” you joke. You wipe your eyes and stand up, both of you heading out of the stadium. “It’s probably better if we try to find Thor tomorrow,” you conclude noticing how dark it is now. Mando nods in agreement.  
“Are they immortal?” he asks hesitantly, wanting to talk to you longer.  
“No but we live a long time,” you say with a sigh, “Very slow aging process as well.” 
“How old are they?” he asks, “I mean- do you not age either?” 
“Loki and I are similar in age, Thor is older,” you explain. “I mean, I don’t know an exact age in years, but at least a thousand? Thor probably about five hundred years older or so if I had to guess.”  
“Are- are you serious?” he asks in disbelief.  
“I’m an old maid,” you chuckle.  
“You look younger than me,” he says, still in shock. 
“Asgardians have a five-thousand-year lifespan roughly,” you giggle, finding it amusing you’ve made the bounty hunter speechless. “I know I look pretty good for my age,” you joke.  
“Yeah,” he says in agreement, and he doesn’t miss the way it makes you smile. There’s a tension between the two of you that becomes glaringly more obvious, and you both chose to try your best to ignore it.  
“So, what are you?” you ask. “You and your son- what species?” 
“I’m human,” he says quickly, embarrassed at what you thought he must look like under the helmet. “He’s adopted,” he explains, and you laugh at how flustered he sounds through the modulator.  
“Are you from Earth?” 
“No, I was born on Aq Vetina,” he explains and you nod. 
“I’ve never heard of Earth.” “I thought Earth was the only place humans dwelled,” you say intrigued, “Interesting.” 
“Are you royalty?” he asks, trying to change the subject from his backstory. 
“Almost was,” you admit, “but no. I was in the Einherjar army, warriors who protected the throne.” 
“Almost?” he asks, not wanting to pry but his curiosity of wanting to get to know more about you getting the better of him.  
“Loki and I at one point were engaged,” you say, facing the ground.  
“I’m sorry,” he says quickly, “I shouldn’t be asking.” 
“No, it’s okay,” you say reassuringly, “It’s nice to talk about it after all these years. I’m enjoying having someone who’s willing to listen.” He wondered if that would be something he would want as well.  “Then he faked his death, and well,” you joke, “I would say that is the most unique way I’ve heard of to break off an engagement.” 
“I don’t think that was because of you…” 
“Oh, I know,” you reassure him, “But it clearly showed me how little he actually cared for me.” 
“He’s a fool,” he said quickly.  
“I’m afraid I’m the one who deserves that title,” you jest, trying to make the atmosphere less depressing.  
“I don’t think so,” he counters, but doesn’t expand on his statement. You nod as a silent thank you. “I need to get back to the kid,” he says, “Should I meet you tomorrow?” 
“Where are you staying?” You say, “I’ll come to you. I’m too close to the Grandmaster, and then by extension Loki- me going to you keeps you off the radar longer.” 
He gives you the name of where he’s staying and his room, actually trusting you with it. You immediately know where he is staying and you assure him you won’t have any trouble finding him. You insist you want to go find Thor alone and he respects your request. You promise to go to him after. You part ways, and you return to your apartment and him to his room. 
With the secured behind him, he picks up the child and checks on him. He felt guilty for having left him so long, but the kid had only just woken up when Mando arrived back at the room. The child was babbling and happy, and Mando fed him. His mind is still racing with thoughts of you, and how much you’ve been though.  
It almost angers him, the way that you’ve been treated and discarded. Like you were just a pawn in a chess game. The pain and sadness behind your eyes said more to him than your words had, even though he hung on to every syllable. He feels ridiculous, but part of him thinks about how he can be the one to change it. He can be the one to give you justice, by catching the man as he was sent here to do. And maybe somewhere also in the back of his mind he thinks about being the one who can truly make you happy.  
The rapport between the two of you was so seamless. He never had such an easy time talking to someone before. It’s like you just showed up out of nowhere and fell into his life and he wants you to stay in it. He thinks about if you both are successful, he somehow by some miracle is able to catch this guy, would he just part ways with you and never see you again? He hates the idea already. He knows how irrational he is being, but he allows himself to indulge in the idea of sharing things with you the same way you opened up about your past to him. He thinks about your words about how good it felt to have someone to listen, and he thinks about the urge he has to tell you everything. He thinks about finishing this job and getting off this wasteland planet and taking you away with him. He knows it would never happen. You are the closest thing he could ever encounter to a deity, and there’s no reason for you to want him.  
With the child tired out yet again, Mando closes his pod when the baby is asleep and he is now free to take off his helmet. There’s a mirror on the wall and he looks at his reflection. He sees the signs of aging on his face, something you won’t experience until long after his lifetime. You’re the most beautiful being he’s ever encountered and here he is thinking you would return the affection he has begun to feel towards you. He doesn’t believe you’re someone who cares too much about appearances, but you are used to walking among ethereal beings. He knew he would not be good enough. Maybe he had been alone too long and his mind is playing tricks on him, but he can’t forget the way he made you smile. He clung onto it and took pride in it, desperately wanting to be the cause of your smile again. 
@msclifford @doctoreuphoria @gloryekaterina @sassy-kassaay​
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unforth · 3 years
A Non-Definitive and Certainly Incomplete List of the Differences Between the Qianqiu/Thousand Autumns Danmei Novel and the Donghua
@blacktigersprings commented on one of my Thousand Autumn Liveblog posts, asking about the differences between the donghua thus far, compared to the book - they'd seen the 16 episodes, but hadn't read it yet. After I wrote down what I could remember I was like...ya know what, I should just make all this into a post.
This is non-exhaustive. I am a tired person with a bad memory and a lot going on, so I am sure I forgot things. I'm gonna ping @baoshan-sanren since they're the main person I know who is in Thousand Autumns fandom also, and I'm willing to guarantee they will think of things I didn't, and also probably be able to correct me if I mixed anything up. I'll try to edit this based on new info, if I have the time, and I might post it as meta on AO3? I did that with my list of differences between CQL and MDZS and people found it helpful so...yeah. I'll add a link if a do.
Note that all posts like this rely to some extent on interpretation; what I write reflects my interpretation and understanding of events (...to the extent I remember them...) and others may have read/watched the same sequences and reached different conclusions. I've made specific notes where I think I'm raising a point that's more subjective than others.
This contains spoilers for all 16 episodes of the donghua, and for the equivalent parts of the novel. I did my best not to put in novel spoilers for past when the donghua ends, but there are allusions to subsequent events.
Anyway - vaguely in chronological order of when they happen?
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Overall, the basic premises of the donghua and the novel are pretty different. In the donghua, there are several primary conflicts - the intrusion of the Beimi/Tujue, the competition over access to the Solarity, the competition between different sects' top masters, and the search for that ring that Yan Wushi has. In the novel, these are all things that exist, but they're not the primary plot, and they're all at least somewhat difference. While the novel has multiple plotlines that focus on different things, looking at it as a whole, the main plot is a political one about control of the Empire, and how different sects are pulled into that conflict as a result of how the Emperor relates to Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist sects. Which tradition each sect follows is much more important and relevant in the novel. The Beimi/Tujue plot is still relevant and involved, but it's just one thread in the political milieu. The Solarity, which has different and long name in the novel that I never remember - it's like, "the complete works of (some master who's name isn't in my brain" - is in six volumes, and it's definitely still important, but it's importance kinda fades as the novel progresses (though it's still a main piece at the point where the donghua leaves off). The ring is basically non-existent in the novel - instead of it being in Yan Wushi's possession, it's in the possession of the woman who's birthday party Shen Qiao goes to (...Madam Su? Might be her name? I'm sorry, I'm not great with names, and I usually rely on fandom wikis but this one is sparse) - in the novel, she was a disciple of Hulugu, and then she stole the ring and returned to the Empire. That other Beimi/Tujue disciple (...Dong something??) takes it back and returns with it to his clan, if I recall correctly, so it can be used to unify those clans to make war against the Empire.
In the donghua, Yan Wushi is just...generally portrayed as pretty nice, and the YanShen vibes start pretty early - there's an early sign of playful flirting from Yan Wushi that actually seems sincere? At least it did to me. As a result, the YanShen vibes feel a lot stronger than they do in the novel at a similar point in the narrative. In the novel...I'd personally say Yan Wushi has zero interest, romantically or sexually, until well after where the donghua left off, and their relationship isn't canon until nearly the very end, and is always left more implied than...outright. I would personally say that in the novel, Shen Qiao has some feels for Yan Wushi pre-Sang Jingxing, but Yan Wushi doesn't reciprocate (except maybe at a deep level he refuses to acknowledge). It's not until he's healing post-almost-dying (as in, during the time immediately after when the donghua leaves off - I'm trying to be vague to avoid giving spoilers to people who haven't read it) that there start to be some real clear signs that Yan Wushi may have caught some feels, and even then it's complicated. They're complicated. They're also complicated. It's part of what I love about them, lol.
In the donghua, the fight between Shen Qiao and Kunye is shown "on screen" instead of only being described afterwards, and it's revealed almost right away that Shen Qiao was poisoned. Also, a lot of people help Kunye and they all fight Shen Qiao together. In the novel, this fight is off-screen. It's strictly a one-on-one battle between Shen Qiao and Kunye, and the reader doesn't learn that Shen Qiao lost due to poisoning until Shen Qiao goes to Mount Xuandu to confront Yu Ai.
In both the donghua and the novel, when Yan Wushi is trying to turn Shen Qiao evil, he sets up a mission for Shen Qiao and Yu Shengyan, The object of this mission is to kill a family that serves the Hehuan Sect. Shen Qiao refuses to participate, and helps them escape. In the donghua, they don't actually escape, and the "they serve Hehuan" thing turns out to be a ruse; they actually serve Yan Wushi. In the novel, they're actually Hehuan spies, and Shen Qiao still helps them, and they actually escape.
(RAPE MENTION TRIGGER WARNING) In the donghua, Chen Gong betrays Shen Qiao when that jerk noble whose name I can't remember right now (and it's not in the wiki, god the wiki is so slim, I wish I had time to help with that) hunts him for sport, and he doesn't want to die. In the novel, Chen Gong betrays Shen Qiao when that same jerk noble, who as a reputation for using pretty boys as sex slaves, tries to kidnap Chen Gong as a sex slave, and Chen Gong is like, "no no you don't want to fuck me, I know someone WAY prettier for you to rape." (The fall out remains the same in both - Shen Qiao beats up the guy, nothing bad happens to him, and he and Chen Gong part ways).
In the donghua, Shen Qiao goes to confront Yu Ai at Mount Xuandu by like. Literally walking up to the front gate. And then all the disciples for some reason get mad that Yan Wushi comes, even though he...also walked up to their front gate. Why do they even have a gate??? In the novel, Shen Qiao uses a super sneaky back way, only known to disciples, and so it actually makes some kind of sense when Yu Ai et al are like SHEN QIAO WHY ARE YOU SHOWING THE EVIL GUY OUR BACK DOOR?
(NOTE this one relies more on subtext and thus is very open to interpretation. What's written here reflects my personal interpretation, and others may disagree). In the donghua, when Yan Wushi hands Shen Qiao over to Sang Jingxing, they have a chat that heavily implies that Yan Wushi is kinda-sorta-not-so-secretly thinking that Shen Qiao could win a fight (and is probably expecting Shen Qiao to do so by using the demonic core that has been implanted in him). Sang Jingxing also says things that indicate that he thinks that Yan Wushi is setting a trap for him. In the novel, while it's never all that clear what Yan Wushi's motivations are, it becomes pretty clear by the point of the Sang Jingxing fight that Yan Wushi was serious when he said he didn't care about Shen Qiao, didn't consider him worthy, and doesn't care what happens to him. He definitely handed over Shen Qiao with every intention of Shen Qiao getting tortured and raped, and had no interest in saving him. Shen Qiao only becomes interesting to Yan Wushi afterwards. Yan Wushi is never only playing one game, so he may have thought that being pushed into a corner would force Shen Qiao to use the demonic core, but it also seemed to me like he genuinely didn't care - he'd gotten bored, and was done playing with the "new toy" that was Shen Qiao.
In the donghua, there is a shot of someone - the clothing is pretty unmistakably Yan Wushi's purple robe of ultimate purpleness - pulling Shen Qiao out of a river after he plunges to his almost-demise in the fight with Sang Jingxing. In the novel, Yan Wushi doesn't pull Shen Qiao out of the water, after Shen Qiao destroys his meridians in the fight against Sang Jingxing. Instead, Shen Qiao collapses in the mountains, where he is found by Shiwu and brought back to the monastery for treatment.
In the donghua, Yan Wushi is fighting the four masters who have it in for him, and before the end of the fight, Shen Qiao arrives and tries to help him; he fights the four masters solo to try to keep Yan Wushi from using his powers and harming himself, and when he's about to lose, Yan Wushi...uses his powers and harms himself. In the novel, Shen Qiao doesn't arrive until after Yan Wushi has been defeated; he finds Yan Wushi almost dead and brings him to a small village nearby, where he stays with a nice girl and her...grandfather, iirc...and tries to keep them safe while nursing Yan Wushi back to health.
In the donghua, it's kinda implied that Shen Qiao goes to rescue Yan Wushi because, like...he likes him? There's not really a reason given, just that he wants to, or maybe to keep the ring from going to the Beimi/Tujue? In the novel it's pretty explicit that Shen Qiao goes to save Yan Wushi because he believes Yan Wushi's position in the Empire is critical to the stability of the world - and he wants the world stable, so that there won't be more refugees, starvation, etc. That he also may like Yan Wushi is the case but is almost incidental; Shen Qiao is focused on doing the most good for the most people, and that means saving Yan Wushi, because Yan Wushi is critical to the Empire, and the Empire is critical to the common people. (this is a major part of the political themes that are more prominent in the book than in the donghua).
I can't actually remember when Bian Yanmei was introduced in the novel? But I was pretty sure it was around when Yan Wushi sends Shen Qiao to that birthday banquet? Anyway, Bian Yanmei isn't in the donghua at all thus far; in the donghua, Yan Wushi's only apparent disciple is Yu Shengyan.
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Twi’lek Skin Color Genetics
Hello naughty children, a few weeks ago I spent five hours or so hashing out how Twi’lek skin color works genetically, and now I’m here to make that everyone’s problem. This is going to be a very long post, so I do apologize for that, feel free to hit J on desktop to skip. But it’s interesting, and it’s actually worked for every canon Twi’lek family I’ve tried it for so far (not that there are many to try), so here we go!
And yes, I made APA citations for this. Because I’m a nerd.
How Does Twi’lek Skin Pigmentation Work, Anyway?
Because it’s not as simple as humans. After all, Twi’leks come in a huge range of colors. The first challenge I had to deal with was figuring out how exactly Twi’lek skin coloration works in terms of pigmentation, before I could even start to figure out the genetics behind that.
See, in Earth mammals, most if not all pigmentation comes from melanin. Melanin comes in two forms, eumelanin (black/dark brown) and pheomelanin (reddish), and between the two of them in various concentrations melanin can produce colors ranging between black, brown, gray, red, yellow, and tan (Douma 2008).
Problem: Twi’leks, obviously, come in a lot more colors than that. See, mammals don’t generally produce blue or green pigments. However, you know what does produce green and blue colors? Reptiles and amphibians.
(No, I’m not suggesting Twi’leks are reptiles or amphibians, put that pitchfork down. They can hybridize with Humans, I think it’s pretty solidly canon that they’re mammals.)
So how do reptiles and amphibians produce blue and green colors? Well, instead of their coloration being based solely on melanin like us, many reptiles and amphibians have cells called chromatophores, cells containing certain types of pigments. Chromatophores generally come in three layers, from top to bottom: xanthophores, which contain yellow pigments called pteridines, iridophores, which don’t contain a true pigment but instead contain platelets which reflect mostly bluish light through physical structure and thus act as a blue “pigment,” and melanophores, which produce melanin. The topmost layer can also contain erythrophores, which contain reddish-orange/orange pigments called carotenoids (aka the reason you’re always told that if you eat enough carrots you can turn orange). Between differing amounts of each of these cells and their respective pigments, the three layers of chromatophores can produce a wide array of colors (Douma 2008).
Wide enough to cover all known wild type (naturally occurring, without mutation or intentional genetic manipulation via breeding) Twi’lek skin colors? Let’s find out.
Thanks to Wookieepedia, we do have a list of canon colors Twi’leks can come in, although I take issue with some of them (Twi’lek 2020).
Known wild-type colors: blue, green, tan/pale, orange, pink, purple, teal, yellow Known mutations: Albinism, leucism, red (erythrism?), vitiligo
Cosdra seems to have vitiligo, but it might be paint - it’s hard to tell (Cosdra 2019). Technically, since pink/red eyes do exist as a wild type in Twi’leks, it’s possible Bib Fortuna isn’t actually albino and just happens to have white skin and red eyes, but given how rare white skin seems to be and how he’s portrayed, I’m assuming him to be albino (Bib Fortuna 2020). Leucism, partial loss of pigmentation that most often results in white skin/hair/fur and dark eyes, is also a guess, technically speaking. We see what appears to be leucism in Lyn Me, with “true white” skin and dark eyes, but it’s not confirmed officially; however, due to how rare white skin seems to be, I am comfortable assuming Lyn Me to be an example of a leucistic Twi’lek (if she isn’t, she may instead be an EnEnii genotype with very little melanin production, as discussed later) (Lyn Me 2020).
Wookieepedia claims Twi’leks can have black skin, but it doesn’t have a citation, and I took the time to click through the entire list of canon Twi’lek characters and didn’t find a single black-skinned Twi’lek (”true black,” not dark-skinned). If a Legends character exists with “true black” skin, I feel comfortable assuming that to be an example of a melanism mutation or something similar, rather than a wild type color morph, due to its rarity.
Red being labeled a mutation is interesting, and I believe it’s technically Legends instead of strictly canon material, but I also didn’t find any counterexamples in canon, which leads me to believe it may as well be considered canon (Lethan 2020). I’ll talk more about the “true red” color mutation later in this post.
For now, we have a list of wild type skin colors. Can chromatophores, with variation between the various pigment cells, account for all the different colors Twi’lek skin can take on?
The answer is yes.
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I didn’t take the time to chart out a hypothetical melanophore variation chart, since in most phenotypes how much of each type of melanin is present merely affects the saturation and brightness of the dominant color. Anyway, I imagine melanophore genetics would be more similar to human skin color genetics to begin with.
But Dragon, I hear you ask, I don’t see teal on this chart! Patience. We’re getting there. Because in order to talk about teal skin color, we have to talk about the actual genetics - teal comes from two incompletely dominant alleles being expressed together, rather than being a trait with its own allele.
So let’s get into the genetics, then!
The Genetics Behind It All
I’m going to put the Punnett square hell I went through beneath a cut at the bottom of this post for anyone who’s interested in seeing my evidence for this conclusion, and for everyone else I’m just going to put my conclusions.
I’ve assigned each allele an abbreviation, although they don’t display properly on Tumblr because I don’t know how to do subscript and superscript or if Tumblr supports that in the first place:
Ex: Xanthophores (yellow pigment) present. Ee: Erythrophores (reddish-orange/orange pigment) present. En: Neither xanthophores nor erythrophores present/both nonfunctional.
I: Iridophores (blue “pigment”) present. i: Iridophores not present/nonfunctional.
For the purposes of figuring out this system, I actually used a hybrid family, the Lawquanes.
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Wait, hold on, why a hybrid family? Well, first off because they’re the ones who started all this, because someone pointed out how the hell did a pink mom and Human dad end up with a teal-and-tan child and an orangey-tan child? So I wanted to answer that question in a way that also fit any other canon Twi’lek families.
However, using this family had another advantage, as I quickly realized: because Cut Lawquane, the father of the children, is Human, we know his genotype for the purposes of the relevant first two layers of chromatophores: he doesn’t have them. He’s homozygous for both non-expression traits: EnEnii. That simplified figuring out the genotypes of the children and his wife a ton - in fact, I’m not sure it would have been possible to extrapolate those answers, if not for the fact that we know his genotype for these traits 100% for certain.
So without putting you through the whole process, this is what I came to:
Suu Lawquane (mother): EeExIi (pink phenotype) Cut Lawquane (father): EnEnii (tan/melanin-only phenotype) Shaeeah Lawquane (daughter): ExEnIi (teal phenotype*) Jek Lawquane (son): EeEnii (orange/tan phenotype**)
* I’m not dealing with the patching Shaeeah has going on because I’m assuming that’s an effect of hybridization on her phenotype, since we haven’t seen markings like that on any canon full-blood Twi’leks. I’m assuming teal to be her “base” phenotype as far as Twi’lek genes go, since teal obviously isn’t a color we see in Humans. ** I’m genuinely not sure whether to call that skin color orange or tan, nor do I know whether Ee or En is dominant or if they even have a simple dominance relationship - more on that in a moment - so I’m leaving that be. The point stands.
So these are the rules of dominance we end up with:
1. I (iridophores present) is dominant over i (no iridophores present/functional). Evidence: Suu Lawquane must be heterozygous Ii in order to have produced both a teal (I phenotype) and tan/orange (i phenotype) child with her homozygous ii husband. Furthermore, Shaeeah would be yellowish-tan if i were dominant over I, since she must be heterozygous due to having a homozygous ii father and yet displaying the I trait as her phenotype.
2. Ex and En are incompletely dominant with each other. Evidence: this is how you get teal children, a mix between blue (EnEn) and green (ExEx). An EeEx x EnEn pairing is capable of producing an ExEn child (Shaeeah), which tracks with this logic.
3. Ee (erythrophores present) is dominant over Ex (xanthophores present). Evidence: Suu Lawquane must be heterozygous EeEx in order to have produced both a teal (ExEn phenotype) and an orange/tan (Ee and/or En phenotype) child with an EnEn husband while still displaying the Ee phenotype (pink) herself. Since she displays a strong Ee phenotype and must also have an Ex allele, the Ee allele must therefore be dominant over the Ex allele.
These rules can be applied to other Twi’lek families, as well - for instance, the Syndullas (not counting Jacen Syndulla, both because he wouldn’t be an interesting addition due to his Twi’lek influence being Also A Green Phenotype and because I will never forgive Rebels for that horrible boring hybrid design) work out to:
Cham Syndulla: EeExii (orange phenotype) Tislera Syndulla: ExExIi or ExExII (green phenotype, not enough data to prove conclusively whether she’s heterozygous Ii or homozygous II) Hera Syndulla: ExExIi (green phenotype)
Because En and Ex are incompletely dominant, neither Tislera nor Hera can be ExEn, and they must be homozygous ExEx because Ee is dominant over Ex. Because Ee is dominant over Ex and his daughter must be homozygous Ex, Cham must therefore be EeEx, showing the Ee phenotype but carrying the recessive Ex allele which he passed on to his daughter.
There is one small problem: We still don’t know for sure the relationship between Ee and En. I just don’t have enough data to figure it out. I went through the entire list of canon Twi’lek characters on Wookieepedia and didn’t find a single family with the right color combinations and enough data to figure it out. I even went through some Clone Wars crowd shots in hopes of finding some, only to discover that apparently the Clone Wars series doesn’t really use child models in their crowd shots, only adults. Maybe someday I’ll go through the entire list of Legends Twi’lek characters in hopes of finding a family with the right genetics to solidify my guesses, but for now, all I have to go on is how common various phenotypes are. Which isn’t perfect, because how common a trait is doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with whether it’s dominant or recessive if it’s an advantageous trait, but it’s all we have. My current hypothesis is that En is dominant over Ee, because blue and tan are both more common phenotypes than purple and orange, but that wouldn’t hold up to the standards of biology by any stretch of the imagination. I simply don’t have enough data to give you a better answer, unfortunately. Maybe some of the new media coming out, like the High Republic series, will give me that - I don’t know. They might not even have a simple dominance relationship; they might be incompletely dominant with each other like Ex and En are, producing bluish-purple, though I find this unlikely given the phenotypes we’ve seen in Star Wars media thus far.
So Why is Red Skin a Mutation?
It’s an oddly specific thing to be labeled a mutation, because you’d think it would just be a variation of the Ee-i phenotype, which normally produces orange or reddish-orange. In order for this to make sense, we have to assume one of two scenarios:
a) Erythrophores in Twi’leks are typically more orange than red, or b) The melanin produced in orange Twi’leks (the Ee-i phenotype) prevents a “true red” from showing as the final skin tone.
In the first option:
1) True red is produced by an erythrophore mutation that causes the carotenoids produced to be more red than normal.
In the second option:
2) True red is produced by a lack of melanin, leaving the final visual color completely dependent on the red/reddish-orange carotenoids rather than mellowing it to orange, or 3) True red is produced by a mutation in the melanophores that cause them to produce only a very red pheomelanin with no eumelanin to balance it out.
Alternatively to both of these:
4) True red is produced by a mutation in the xanthophores in a Twi’lek lacking iridophores (the Ex-i phenotype), causing them to produce a true red pigmentation rather than the yellow pteridines they would normally produce.
Even in Legends, as far as I could find, we don’t have any families of Lethan Twi’leks (Twi’leks with the true red mutation), so I have no evidence to support any of these possibilities (Lethan 2020). However, in any of these cases, the mutation would be rare, not only because the genetic mutation itself is rare, but also because it must occur simultaneously with a specific set of other conditions to produce the true red coloration: 1) and 2) must occur in conjunction with the Ee-i phenotype (and in the case of 1, presumably with melanin that’s light enough to not obscure the true red coloration), 3) must occur either with the Ee-i or En-i phenotype, and 4) must occur in conjunction with the Ex-i phenotype. Since I is dominant over i and seems to be the more common trait, that helps explain why the true red mutation(s) is/are so rare.
Bonus: Why Do Twi’leks Come In So Many Colors, Anyway?
(This section is entirely conjecture and headcanon on my part.)
Because, really, most species tend to consolidate until they’re almost identical color-wise, because the environment tends to select for a given color scheme. However, there are instances in which this is not the case. Personally, my headcanon explanation for this is that Twi’leks as a species tend to have a preference for the unique - if you’re the only person in a group with your skin color (or some other notable physical characteristic), you’re more likely to be found attractive than if you’re in a group of people with the same skin color (or other physical characteristic). This is a form of negative frequency-dependent selection, in which the fitness of a given trait or genotype decreases as it becomes more common (Frequency-Dependent Selection 2020). Negative frequency-dependent selection is itself a form of balancing selection, which serves to actively maintain multiple alleles in a population rather than selecting preferentially for one trait (Balancing Selection 2020).
(What’s the evolutionary advantage behind finding the unique attractive? Who knows. But the point is, it is feasible, and negative frequency-dependent selection is something we see out in the real world.)
In Conclusion
In conclusion, it turns out there actually is a system that works consistently to predict the genotypes and phenotypes of Twi’lek families, with the small exception of not having enough data to determine the dominance relationship in one out of the four allele pair relationships yet. If you know of a canon or Legends Twi’lek family, feel free to try to apply this! If it doesn’t seem to work, feel free to poke me about it, and I’ll see if I can make it work - if I can’t, I’ll have to take another look at the system. (Heck, apply it to your own OCs and see if it works, if you want - or use it to predict offspring traits of various pairings, if you like.) I learned a good bit about chromatophores and pigmentation in animal biology while doing this, and I hope you enjoyed the ride and maybe learned something too. Reblogs are always appreciated if you enjoyed yourself, found this interesting, or learned something! Thank you for reading! (And don’t forget, if you’re interested in reading about the process of how I figured all this out, the screenshots of that are below the cut!)
Bib Fortuna. (2020, April 4). In Wookieepedia: the Star Wars Wiki. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Bib_Fortuna.
Balancing Selection. (2020, April 18). In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balancing_selection.
Cosdra. (2019, September 9). In Wookieepedia: the Star Wars Wiki. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cosdra.
Douma, M., curator. (2008). Biological Pigments. In Cause of Color. Retrieved 30 March 2020 from http://www.webexhibits.org/causesofcolor/7I.html.
Frequency-Dependent Selection. (2020, April 15). In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency-dependent_selection.
Lethan. (2020, April 13). In Wookieepedia: the Star Wars Wiki. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lethan
Lyn Me. (2020, April 4). In Wookieepedia: the Star Wars Wiki. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lyn_Me.
Twi'lek. (2020, April 20). In Wookieepedia: the Star Wars Wiki. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Twi%27lek.
Bonus: The Process
Because y’all deserve to see my screaming in full. This was a five-hour process, do remember. Everything from hereonout has been just copy-pasted from the Discord server where I liveblogged the process of figuring this system out. Some things I said at various points were wrong, because that’s how the process works. Please note that I was also using different notation for the top-layer alleles at this point: E instead of Ee, X instead of Ex, and e instead of En. This did get confusing at one point because I forgot that it was X (Ex) and e (En) that had the more complicated dominance relationship and not E (Ee) and e (En), which was my fault.
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tf2workbench · 3 years
The robots won’t know what hit them
Mann vs. Machine, TF2′s horde-based game mode, can be both fiendishly hard and a whole lot of fun. With powerful upgrades available, most classes can take on new dimensions and support their team even more effectively.
That being said, MvM has a very strictly defined meta. What do I mean by that?
Well, the “metagame” is basically the popular consensus of what items/strategies/classes are best to use - and, by extension, which are not good. It’s called the “metagame” because it’s dependent on the mechanics of the game itself, but is basically formed by people thinking about and discussing how to play it.
Regular, player-on-player TF2 is designed so that all weapons and classes, ideally, have a place in the meta. There’s rarely a clear “best” loadout. MvM, however, is not designed at all like PvP gameplay; for starters, there’s a lot more enemies than there are players. This naturally means that some classes, and a lot of their weapons, fall by the wayside.
The Upgrade Station is one way of working to bring these classes/weapons back into the fold, allowing players to have fun in many different ways. For example, the Gas Passer can be upgraded to explode upon ignition, giving it serious damage output that the original weapon doesn’t have.
With this post, I intend to go over some of the least-used weapons (not classes; that’s another post entirely) in MvM, then propose potential upgrades that might give them some relevance. I say might; balance in MvM, especially given the unique upgrade system, is tricky at best without playtesting, and many of these will likely end up underpowered. I do want to give them variety, though, and at least let them have their own niche. Enjoy!
Direct Hit
The Direct Hit, as a weapon for precision assassinations, does pretty poorly against a horde of robots. You can get Rocket Specialist, which marginally increases its blast radius, but that’s not incredibly helpful next to the other launchers. With that in mind, I want to propose an upgrade: +1 shot restored on kill $200 Three levels
In addition, I want to cheapen the “+25% damage” upgrade from $400 to $300 for this specific weapon, and allow the Direct Hit to get the fourth level (it can currently only get three). This gives it a noticeable edge on low-cash missions and stops it from losing out to a fully-boosted stock rocket.
Axtinguisher The Pyro doesn’t really have a preferred melee weapon in MvM; it’s usually the Homewrecker or Powerjack. The Axtinguisher tends to see even less action because it’s a precise tool, not suited for a bunch of mechanical menaces. But what if... +2 seconds of critboost on kill $350 Two levels
So far only available to the Spy and Demoman, I think this would work wonders with the Axtinguisher. Note that the critboost is for all weapons, allowing you to roast robots with a critical flamethrower.
Tomislav In MvM, the Heavy assumes the role of a mobile sentry, plopping himself down and shooting until he’s dead or out of bullets. The Tomislav is distinctly unsuited to this role, since you rarely need to spin up and the fire rate penalty reduces DPS. A big change is in order. +15% movement speed while firing $300 Two levels
If you’re willing to pay for it (especially given upgrades like Rage and Destroy Projectiles), you can become much more mobile, able to avoid danger and reposition without stopping your onslaught of bullets. You can’t match the raw damage of the Brass Beast, but you have a certain amount of flexibility that it lacks. I do wonder: is this worth it? DPS tends to be everything in MvM, and many Heavies may never have to move anyway.
Short Circuit Due to the increased fire rate and shield, plus how easy giant robots are to hit, the Wrangler reigns supreme in MvM. But the Short Circuit deserves a chance too - it’s the only gamemode where shutting down enemy projectiles doesn’t make anyone angry, after all. For that purpose: -10 metal cost $150 Three levels
Allowing you to work wonders against, say, giant spamming Demomen. It does end up being a bit situational, though, since it has next-to-no utility against bullet-users. It might also prove too powerful in some situations, letting your sentry take down bosses like Major Crits while remaining virtually unscratched. Maybe I should just leave this one alone...
These are pretty big changes, and I acknowledge that they probably fall all over the spectrum of under- or over-powered. In honesty, this post is more for entertainment than anything; it would take much, much more work than I’m putting in here to make all weapons viable in MvM. Heck, it’s hard enough in the base game.
Doesn’t mean I won’t try, though. Did you enjoy this? What thoughts do you have about upgrades? Do you even play MvM?
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Selfish Vs Unselfish
Jesus. Yeah I have nothing to comment here, I’m going to read this later when I haven’t just woken up.
You know the drill. Put it under ‘Read More’. A matter of perspective it can be, but there can be an objective truth to sort that out. Let me e x p a n d on this matter using Homestuck and some philosophy. And for those who missed the last ask on Active/Passive divide, please do remember that these labels are on a continuum, not strictly boxed categories. “UNSELFISH” or UNSELFISH - The passive classes lean more to this. How? By being group-oriented. Like support classes in RPGs, their asset comes mainly from a drive to benefit others. Roxy is one of the best examples of this. While she was passive-aggressive in her pursuit of romance, she is ultimately willing to put her self aside and bettering herself if that meant making sure the group stays together. She does this by, to quote Dirk, never turning the tables to make a talk about her when she knows her friend needs something.
TG: i was gonna say why i finally quit drinkin TG: i mean if you want to know GG: Yes. GG: Actually, once you did stop, it made me finally realize it was a problem for you for a long time. GG: And I didn’t say anything at the time, but it made me wonder if I wasn’t doing the right thing before. GG: By failing to point out you might have a problem? Or just going along with it and participating in lively banter any time you clearly had too much to drink? GG: Was I just being a bad friend? TG: nah it wasnt your responsibility to fix my shit TG: and anyway i think i made it hard for anyone to come at me like it was a real problem TG: i was always joking around so much and havin a good time like kind of overzealously so TG: that i probably just made people feel like a shitty wet blanket for even mentioning it
She wants to be of use to her group. However, the downside to this is that, as passively Roxy can be, she often needs them as well.
TG: and now dirk knows that too and for some reason letting him down feels like the worst part?? TG: which is equally lame and weak cuz i should care for my own sake not for how it makes a dude see me but it still just really bothers me ???
TG: i didnt want her to meet a sloppy embarrassing mess of a daughter
TG: even if she did like to drink at some point it was kind of a childish idea that doing so myself would make me closer to her or help us bond or whatever TG: anyway i think i might of overestimated her drinkin habits
How would you know if a class is truly passive when a character just been a really selfish a-hole through the story? It’s how they mainly rely on others as well. Let’s use Aranea as the main example of a selfish passive Sylph of Light that tries to emulate a Thief. Aranea says that Sylph is a healer type of class that involves boosting others, even excessively. However, while she claims that she merely wants to help and shepard the Alpha timeline by taking control of it, Meenah says otherwise. What Aranea has been doing is a self-aggrandizing act to get into the spotlight and not sit on the sidelines anymore, much like her fellow Serket. Like Kanaya, she is meddlesome. She asserts that what she does is for the good of all, even if that means doing something others would object to. They don’t want that. But, she does it anyway.
At first, she complies when the recipient refuses, but when it eventually comes to her ultimate takeover plan, everyone else comes second. She may believe that she’s just granting their wishes, but her underlying motive is ultimately selfish- albeit by excessively “helping” others for her own cause. Aranea failed to learn what Mindfang did:
“8ut as I sit here deciding what to do with the damna8le little sphere, I understand my error. It was not in failing to chart a course through future events to turn my fortune’s tide, even so many sweeps from now. It was in 8elieving the future was mind to know, and fortune mine to control.”
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Now let’s use Rufioh and compare him to Roxy. Both of them are Rogues. Both of them are group-oriented characters that act selfishly from time-to-time. The difference is that Rufioh is more selfish. He’s extremely affable to the point of being a doormat to please others all while trying to be polite about romantic advances despite being a flirt himself. He’s reluctant to voice his own reason that he wants to leave his matespritship with Horuss. Sounds familiar? He’s the Jake of the love triangle. Rufioh cheated on Damara and never takes responsibility from it, focusing on Damara being a crazed scorned girl.
Passive players that fail to balance supporting others and fulfilling their own desires often end up being thrown in a loop. Forcing your solution solution on others for 'their own good’ is selfish. Your concern on how others perceive you may be sprouted from your own insecurity. Whenever you make a donation to the less fortunate, how can you be certain it’s not without the purpose of staving off guilt, doing it because it simply aligns with your moral code, or because it feels good? 
AG: I decided not to, 8ecause I didn’t want to 8e the one to make you sad about it.
AG: Was that selfish of me? I dunno.
It’s a gem to see volunteers whose instincts are to help people to make life more bearable, mind you. But they’re also doing that because they want to see them better and it’s often their own desire to do so and fulfill that dream.
-I’ve rambled on this a bit. Here’s a recap:
*Unenlightened Selfishness is… pretty much the archetypal self-centeredness that makes people jerks. It’s whenever you do something for yourself with little to no regard to other people’s desires. It’s the greedy shark hoarding all the treasure. It’s when you try to justify your actions with a perspective of “everyone else is selfish, so I’m entitled to be an asshole to everyone too”.
*Enlightened Selfishness or Enlightened Self-Interest is the opposite. It’s when you respect that everyone has their own wants and needs by compromising and coinciding them with your own. It’s like a deal. It’s the Golden Rule. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. It’s when you do things for other people for the good you’ll get from it, even when the payment is simple politeness and being generally nice. Society expects each individual to benefit the community in turn by working. We work with the expectation that others work for us. Unlike the first, this form of self-interest benefits both parties. Another term is Selfish Altruism.
We see an exercise of selfishness burning brightly through Vriska’s arc.
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(VRISKA): I’m not a loser though! (VRISKA): I LIKE who I’ve 8ecome. (VRISKA): I actually feel happy and good a8out my life for the first time in… may8e forever?? (VRISKA): Like, ACTUALLY good a8out my life in a way that feels real, instead of forced. Don’t you realize that’s what it was like for us? VRISKA: You don’t have a life! VRISKA: You’re DEAD, remem8er? VRISKA: I’m the one with the life! VRISKA: And I fully intend to use it in a relevant and constructive way to help 8ring an end to all the horri8le shit that’s 8een going on for way too long. VRISKA: Remem8er when you used to care a8out that sort of thing? VRISKA: No, o8viously not. VRISKA: All you care a8out now is 8ullshit hipstery fashion trends, feeling “happy”, and… whatever the fuck it is you’re doing here? VRISKA: Frolicking with some horses in an ugly field or some shit. VRISKA: Just a8solutely disgraceful. VRISKA: How could I have 8ecome so selfish??
Vriska is accusing (Vriska) for being selfish despite being selfish herself. Remember her popular hero quote?
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VRISKA: I only ever wanted to do the right thing no matter how it made people judge me, and I don’t need a magic ring to do that. VRISKA: You don’t have to 8e alive to make yourself relevant. VRISKA: And you don’t have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero. VRISKA: You just have to know who you are and stay true to that. VRISKA: So I’m going to keep fighting for people the only way I ever knew how.
VRISKA: 8y 8eing me.
And a few panels after that, she does this.
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Sure, her resurrection got everyone’s attention, but also annoyance. A lot of their personal problems aren’t truly solved, just put on a temporary chokehold by someone with a stubborn, assertive personality. She’s taking charge so that her team won’t be in poor condition for the big fight, but also to, well, be in the spotlight. She doesn’t care how others think of her, she just wants to help… but also because it makes her important, even if that means overpowering her friends, including her moirail Terezi. Vriska’s the active counterpart to Roxy in both class and aspect. A positive part of this is that it’s easier for Vriska and other folks like her to be self-driven.
What am I getting at? It’s a matter of intention. Are they doing it to mainly benefit others? Or are they acting to benefit themselves? Even if it’s grey, there’s often a tint or shade that’s lighter or darker that makes someone lean somewhere. It doesn’t matter how they see themselves and how they perceive their own actions, it’s their motivation that defines the line. Accidents don’t count. It’s the will. Looking at one’s intention is a way to objectively sift through the blurriness of it their actions, even when said intention is subconscious. You can also simply take the Active/Passive divide on strictly class roles in terms of RPG abilities alone if you’re not keen on the personalities of the bunch.
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In Which Introductions Are Made (Or Rather, Are Not)
Fandom: Doctor Who Rating: General Word Count: 1204
Summary: “Doctor, funny thing happened just now. What appears to be an Earth penguin just showed up in my console room, and insulted me right to my face?" Clara has lived a long time, and seen a wide array of Things, but a penguin in the console room has to be a new one. Where did it come from? Why is it here? How can it be talking to her? And possibly most important of all, what does she have to do to be rid of it?
So I’m planning on doing a whole series of these eventually, showing the scenarios in which Clara is introduced to various other characters from the Whoniverse. They’re all technically a part of my Movie Night AU, but some are probably more “relevant” than others. I’ve been reading Frobisher’s comics lately and he wouldn’t leave me well enough alone, so he has the honour of being the first I suppose.
Read on AO3 or under the cut.
Clara couldn’t possibly have been seeing what she thought she was seeing. It was simply impossible. Maybe she was imagining things. Maybe her brain was finally starting to fail her after who knows how long piloting a TARDIS. She’d seen a lot of things in her day, sure, but this one she just wasn’t ready for. She shook her head, blinked, rubbed her eyes, but unfortunately for her there continued to be what looked like an Earth penguin in her console room.
“Can I... help you?” She spoke hesitantly, questions flying through her head all jockeying to be released at once. She wasn’t anywhere near Earth, was this an alien penguin? Why was it on her ship? How did it get into her console room? What did it think it was doing?
The penguin, if indeed it was a penguin, looked up from where it had been poking around. It seemed to be giving her as much scrutiny as she was giving it. She was beginning to question what she had expected to happen by questioning it, when finally, it opened it’s beak and out tumbled something Clara was ready to call ‘speech’, although not speech that she was ready to accept.
“Well,” said the penguin, in a way that pleasant conversations so rarely start out, “you see, nobody came to serve me at the bar up front, so I took it upon myself to find someone I could speak to. Got a bit distracted by all the machinery here. It looks quite a bit different from the last one I was in, but I’d wager this was a TARDIS. You’re not another Time Lord, are you?”
Clara blinked again, not even sure where to begin addressing the intruder examining her console. She held up a finger and said, somewhat distractedly, “Could you actually hold that thought a second?” She slowly pulled out her phone, dialing the Doctor. She wasn’t surprised when it went to voicemail, had in fact been more or less composing her message in her head as it had rung. “Doctor, funny thing happened just now. What appears to be an Earth penguin just showed up in my console room, and insulted me right to my face? Asked if I were ‘another’ Time Lord? Yeah, call me back!”
She turned her attention back to her unwelcome visitor, and sighed. She wasn’t in the mood for this. “First of all, it’s a diner , not a bar . Second of all, it’s closed . And third of all-” her brain hit a block. ‘Third of all, why’re you a penguin ? Third of all, how are you talking? Third of all, what makes you the expert on Time Lords and TARDISes?’ “Third of all,” she settled on, moving towards the penguin, “get out of my console room!” Unsure of what else to do, she made a shooing motion with her hands, trying to direct the bird back out to the front room.
“You’re a little tightly wound, aren’t you?” replied the penguin, continuing to wander everywhere but the direction Clara wanted. “Got a margarita dispenser hidden back here or something? You could probably use one for yourself too. Oh, this looks new, the Doc never had one of those. What's it for?”
Clara made a flying leap towards the penguin, tackling him to the ground before he could touch... whatever it was he was about to touch. There were things in here even she didn’t know the function of. “That’s it. This ship has a very strict ‘no birds allowed’ policy, and you’ve just overstayed your welcome.” As she was speaking she felt herself crash against the ground. Looking around in confusion, she saw a snake slither out from underneath her. The snake continued on towards the door leading back to the diner section before turning back into a penguin.
“I gotta tell you, Miss, the hospitality around here is a little lacking.” He waddled his way out of the console room and pulled himself onto a bar stool in the diner section. “But I can be a forgiving guy,” he called back to her. Clara scrambled to follow his voice, closing and locking the door to the console room as she went. “I heard this place has the best somethings in the local space-time area, you know that? What was it again? Best drinks? Best pies? Best movies? No, probably not that one. Anyway, like I said, I can be a forgiving guy. Show me your best and I’ll forgive the rude service, huh?”
What the mouthy (beaky?) bird was ignoring as he babbled was the way he was being manhandled out of his seat by the tiny diner proprietor. She pulled and prodded him until she managed to throw him over her shoulder. He made little by way of protest as she carried him towards the ship’s front doors, which opened for her as she approached. She put her whole body into tossing the penguin out, but no sooner had she turned him loose then she felt something slam against her shoulder and clatter to the ground. Lying at her feet was a boomerang she had never seen before. As she bent down to examine it more closely, it reverted back to penguin form. “Ah, what a classic,” he said as he brushed himself off. “You’ve got some spunk, I’ll give you that. Give me a warning next time you want to do that, I can make myself smaller for you!”
Clara turned away. She was at a loss as to how she was supposed to be handling this situation, but she could only assume it would be best not to give the penguin any more of her attention than strictly necessary at this point.
She picked up her phone again, intending to give the Doctor another try. After all, clearly this was a friend of theirs, or at least somebody they knew. Hopefully the TARDIS would be able to help route the call appropriately through their timeline to a version of them that would recognize the nuisance. Unfortunately for Clara, instead of the screen lighting up at the touch of a button, her phone was instead blowing her a raspberry. Having caught on to what was happening, at least to a certain extent, she simply placed the no-longer-a-penguin onto the nearest table and reached back into her pocket, not taking her eyes off the decoy as she did so. Once her actual phone was securely in her hand, she turned away again.
She could almost cry from relief when a familiar voice answered the call this time. She launched right into things, forgoing the usual pleasantries. “Doctor, please tell me the shape shifting penguin in my TARDIS is yours, and more importantly, come and get it!”
“Ooh, Frobisher! Been a while since I saw him. Hi Frobisher!” the Doctor called happily into the phone, clearly ignoring the fact that he shouldn’t be able to hear her.
“Hold on, who? Did you say Frobisher?”
“Sorry Clara, I’ve really got to go. Quite busy! Have fun with Frobisher though!”
“Doctor! Come and get him!” Clara heard the telltale beep letting her know she’d already been hung up on. “DOCTOR!” she screamed into the dead air.
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heyheshi · 4 years
"Baby, we're going to have our own family!"
2.9k words
written and uploaded: July 13, 2020
🦋 - fluff
🌙 - angst...?
Please like and reblog! Also please don’t post my writings anywhere!
Also this was supposed to be really short, like just about 700 words but I couldn’t help it!
Part 1
Part 2
"H, are you sure you want to go to the doctors with me?", you asked your husband for the third time in the last 30 minutes.
"Baby stop doing that!", furrowing his eyebrows as he looks at you accusingly - talking about how you're asking him that question again and about your food as you toy it around your plate using your fork.
Earlier after he woke up, Harry made sure that your day starts off as great as possible. He's so giddy. He knows that this day is going to be wonderful. He can just feel it - and so he made sure to wake you up with his kisses and a huge variety of healthy breakfast.
By "huge variety of healthy breakfast", that meant different slices of fresh fruits and organic vegetables, whole-wheat bread, cereals, yogurt, scrambled eggs, bacon (your absolute favorite and he cannot forget to add that), freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh cow milk, and mixed nuts.
He really went all the way with your meal and you're really thankful for that. 2 months ago, you would think that the two of you can't finish all of this food in just one sitting but how wrong could you be? Harry ate a lot but you're kind of having almost the same portion as him, not that he minds, he wants to keep you as healthy as possible for the baby on the way even though you told him that you're not certain about it just yet.
He made sure to talk to the hotel's head chef just to prepare your breakfast and strictly said "just the best and freshest once for my wife and make sure not to add any preservatives, just all-natural", and that's how you got here.
He even insisted on not ordering a coffee for you. You LOVE your morning coffee but H said that it's not good for your heart - which is true. You think he's being kind of dramatic and overprotective but you like it a lot.
It seems like everything he does is way too great; hormones. But it's not like you're gonna admit it to him anyway, it'll boost his ego more, your husband is narcissistic.
"Babe, babeeee, baby??!", you came back into reality. You didn't even notice that Harry has been snapping his fingers in front of your eyes.
"Sorry, just got ca-"
"Too caught up in my handsome looks, huh?", your husband winks at you, he always teases you!
You just rolled your eyes at his antics, "course not!", you said defensively. "Was just thinking! Plus, I wasn't even staring at you!"
"Yeah sure lovie. What's on that pretty little head of yours, hmm?", he leaned his elbows on the table and put his head on his hand.
"Just thinking 'bout how you took my morning coffee away and thinking 'bout what my lunch's gonna be."
"Stop bein' grumpy", he just chuckled at your answer, knowing your sarcasm really well, "just finish your breakfast so we can leave. Already called the clinic for our appointment. It's at 10 a.m., I don't wanna be late.", he just continued eating his part but you're the exact opposite - you froze.
"You what?"
"What? Said finish your food... and that I booked our appointment...?", he asked uncertainty. He's really confused right now and you are too! You're not even sure why you're confused, you just are. Maybe over the fact that H is so excited about this and you might not even be pregnant.
Of course, you're happy with how he's acting. You're just worried that this might just be a false alarm and it will crush him so much.
"Why did you?", you looked down at your plate then quickly stuffing your mouth with the rest of your food while Harry answered.
"Just wanna be the best dad and husband you could ever ask for", he sounds sad, he really thought that you would be happy, you already talked about going to the doctors last night anyways!
"Okay.", you shortly replied and stood up to your seat rounding the table. Harry felt his chest tightening - too much - he thought, until he felt your arms around his neck from behind and tucking your face on his neck. He quickly interlaced your fingers with his.
"I love you", you quietly whispered to his right ear. "You don't know how much this means to me, you're already the best, gunna be the best dad.", you pressed a kiss on his neck. "I just don't want you to get hurt if I'm not pregnant.", your voice seemed to get quieter with each word.
Harry just stood up from his seat and faced you, "whatever happens, we're going to be okay, alright? If we're not pregnant then it's fine, I'm not going to lie and say that I won't be affected by it because I know I will be, but let's always keep in mind that God already has better plans for us, okay?", he leaned in to kiss your forehead.
You just squeezed your face in his shirt, "I'm scared of another heartbreak. I really want this with you.", you said and Harry felt his shirt getting damp.
"Nothing's going to change. I'll still love you more than ever and will always be here to take care of you", he's now whispering while wiping your tears. Everything about this is so intimate. "I love you too, so much Y/N", with that, more tears fall as you kissed him like your life depends on it.
"Patient 104, the doctor is ready to see you.", you heard the nurse called your number.
With shaking limbs, you managed to stand up and walk to the doctor's office while Harry assisted you.
"Mister and missus Styles! It's so nice to meet you in person! I'm Doctor Amelia Welsh, just Doc Amy", your doctor looks friendly and it eased you a bit.
"Harry", your husband shook the doctor's hand then slowly turned to you, "and this is my wife, Y/N.", you smiled as you shook her hand.
"Such a lovely couple! Anyway, you called last night, right Harry?", Doctor Amy asked as she sat on her spinning chair while you and Harry take a seat on the opposite side of her table.
"I did, yes. We wanted to have a check-up on my wife", your husband did all the talking, you know he can sense your nervousness.
You're eyes slowly observed the clinic. It almost looked identical to yours, with the office table on the middle and a medical bed on the far left side of the office and a rack full of different medical supplies, the only difference is that your clinic has so many baby pictures and toys for your patients to play around with.
"Okay, so what seems to be the problem? I already got a hold of your medical records, Mrs. Styles, or should I call you Doctor Styles too?", Doctor Amy joked and it made you chuckle a bit.
"I'm a patient right now so I'll just stick with Mrs. Styles", you felt Harry squeezed your hand that he's holding and you smiled to yourself. He always loves it when you claim your self as "Mrs. Styles". He said it makes him all warm and fuzzy and makes him just wanna love on you all day, every day.
"Why don't you tell me what's wrong."
"Ummm okay, so I've been eating a lot - more than usual, it can be because of stress since I'm a stress - eater...", you took a deep breath and look at Harry then back at her, "also I've been feeling nauseated and often having sickness, but in the afternoon not morning so I thought it might be my eyesight."
"Hmm okay please continue", the Doctor continues jotting down on her note pad at a fast pace, you understand it tho, you do the same stuff every day.
"I'm more often bloated than not but this one's different, my abdomen looks bigger than usual..."
"When was the last time you had your period? I know your period is irregular but I still need to know", the doctor pulled her glasses down on the bridge of her nose.
"I think it was November...", you're really not sure, you gave up on tracking your period when it downed to you that your period is never gonna be regular at all.
"Last time you had sexual intercourse?", your face feels hot but you know that these kind of questions are relevant, on your side you can see Harry's ears become reddish.
As if your husband can sense that you're not going to answer that question, he stepped up even though he's shy about it, "last night."
It's not that the two of you are embarrassed about your sex life, it's the opposite actually, you just want to keep it private.
Doctor Welsh just smiled at both of your embarrassment, "well how long had you been feeling this? Did you took a pregnancy test?", she looked back down and continued scribbling.
"Just this January, I never really paid much attention, and I did, a couple of weeks ago, 12 positives and 3 negatives."
"Okay well, why don't we take a look? You can change into this gown and lay in there", she said giving you the gown and pointing at the bed on her clinic, "I'll be back in a few."
You looked at Harry and as if he can hear the voices inside your head, he pulled you into him and kissed your cheek, "we'll be alright", he smiled at you but you can tell that he's really nervous too.
You both are, this is the break it or make it time of your lives. You're not sure if you're ready for it but you shook your thoughts out of your mind and changed into the gown and went to the bed, Harry hot on your heels, quickly took a seat beside the bed and held your right hand.
"I love you", he whispered, he thinks he's as nervous as the first time he auditioned on the X-Factor, when he asked you to become his girlfriend, or when he asked you to become his wife, all combined.
"I love you too", you kissed his knuckles as he smiled at you.
It didn't take long for the doctor to come back.
"Ready?", she asked and you nodded. She set the machine up and made sure you're comfortable before putting the gel on your tummy.
Nobody dared to make a sound and you never dare to look anywhere besides Harry's eyes as he presses his lips on your palm.
"Okay...", you hear the doctor mumbled that made you whip your head up to her.
You looked at the monitor and saw it, there's a heartbeat. You knew what exactly it was but your husband doesn't since he never accompanied someone to an ultrasound appointment before.
And then the silent room heard it, the heartbeat.
"Wa- was that...", Harry slowly looked at you with red eyes.
"Yes", you whispered while nodding your head.
This is it.
"Oh wait", the doctor said suddenly, you froze, this can't be happening! There's nothing wrong with anything! Everything is fine!
You never dared to look at the monitor and Harry too, much too scared of hearing the next words that will come out of the doctor's mouth.
You're finally pregnant and you're going to love your child with everything you have and you just hope there's nothing wrong with your baby.
"What was it?", Harry asked in a croaked voice, still not looking up.
"Well, I'm seeing... not one, but two heartbeats!"
Both of your heads snapped back at the monitor and there you see it! From a different angle are two little heartbeats, two blips, two fetuses, two babies in the future!
You almost felt your heart stop from so much happiness!
"Congrats you're having twins! You're about 8 weeks pregnant!", Doctor Amy rejoiced but you still cannot move, neither can Harry until...
"I- oh my God! Is this real?! Is this really happening?! Oh God Oh God Oh God!", Harry jumped from his seat covering his face with his hands.
"Baby, we're going to have our own family!", H crouched down next to your bed while slowly kissing your nose and that's when it finally sunk in! You're pregnant! And with twins! This is more than you could ever ask for!
You're nodding your head repeatedly with tears running to your cheeks rapidly while Harry tried to catch everything.
"Happy, I'm so so happy, H."
"Me too my love, me too... twins?! I- thank you so much baby, you're so wonderful to me and I-", you didn't let him finish talking as you kissed him, not caring if the doctor is still in the room.
After you pulled away, you only smiled at him and pecked his lips once again. Harry helped you clean up the gel on your tummy and go back to your seat earlier, the doctor is already there typing on her computer.
"Congratulations again! Twins are hefty but I'm sure you can both handle it!", you thanked her and proceeded to talk about the pregnancy.
"I'm assuming you already know what to expect, what to do, and not to do, and what to eat mostly, yes? Hopefully, you didn't consume any alcoholic drinks during the last at least 10 weeks and no birth control at all", Amy asked.
"We do know, yes. And no, I didn't drink, and no, none at all.", you're smiling so big, mirroring H.
"Well then, there's really not much to discuss other than your next ultrasound. You two would be great parents! Do you have any questions?"
"Not for now, I think...", and Harry agrees with you.
"If you do then don't think twice of calling me. I'll print the pictures and have my assistant help you with the next appointment if you need to be transferred to another country then let her know, I'll have her recommend you on my pals", the doctor smiled and almost left the room but...
"Can you make it 5 copies?", H asked suddenly.
The doctor looked back and laughed, "of course, you'll just gonna need to pay extra on your way out", she replied.
"That's won't be a problem, just make it 5 please!", Harry looks and sounds like a child asking for another cookie.
"It's settled!", with that, the doctor finally left the room.
The silence is really comfortable as you change back into your normal clothes.
"H, why 5 copies? We don't need that much!", you laughed as you slowly approached your husband to leave the room.
He only smiled and simply answered, "one for you, one for me, one for your parents, one for mines, then one for their album - I'm getting it enlarged and framed."
You just melted as his answer so you just hugged him tight, “I’m having your baby, and it is your business”, you joked and he laughed, exchanging "I love you's".
You're back at the car now, looking at the ultrasound pictures. You can see on your peripheral vision how big Harry is grinning.
He faced you and lifted up your shirt, the car still in the parking lot of the hospital. Thank God you managed to be discreet as possible, not seeing any paps insight.
"Hello bundles!", he greeted your tummy with a kiss.
"See, I know you're both there, daddy can sense it. Can't wait to hold you both and protect you from the world", he looked up at you. "Please don't give mummy a hard time, especially now that there's two of you and daddy's gonna be away a lot, but I promise to be there while you two bake in there as much as possible!", he kissed your tummy once more and pulled down your shirt.
You can't help but grin at him, "bundles? And bake?", you asked your husband while laughing, your shoulders shaking from how many laughs you're producing.
"Bundles, they're two, that's what you call it baby! Like the buy one take one thing on the store, bundles! And bake cause they're a bun in the oven, your tummy's the oven and they're the buns! Bundle buns!", he looks so excited while explaining his shenanigans to you.
You face palmed yourself but can't help but to fall in love with him more, if that's possible.
"Know what baby? Let's just get lunch, yeah?", he only nod but he didn't find your response offensive.
You secretly loved his terms "bundles" and "bake", it makes your heart warm.
"What're you all craving, tell daddy!", you slapped his arms at his double meaning!
You answered either way, "we want pasta, daddy!", then winked at him.
"If pasta is what my babies want then pasta is what we'll get!", his hands found your lap to hold your hand but yours isn't there.
He then looked at you holding your tummy with a fond smile on your face and he joined your hands with his, both of you caressing your babies.
"32 weeks baby, 32 weeks.", you said to H and he smiled at you, looking back on the road.
"I'm already thinking of getting us a customized Gucci family clothes for when they arrive!", H cheekily said to you but you know he's not kidding so you just agreed along with him.
You know you're gonna love this pregnancy already. Not only you got one, but two babies! You're more blessed than ever! Plus, you're sure that Harry's going to be giving you everything you crave for! Midnight ice cream sessions, here we come!
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officialleotolstoy · 4 years
Oh Dolokhov Brainrot We’re Really In It Now, aka Dolokhov playlist annotations!
A note on the cover photo: I don’t really like this one but I got tired of looking at men on Pinterest so I gave up. The window symbolizes the rum window and the smoking symbolizes uhhhhh habitual bad life choices idk
Drinking game take a shot every time I say “it’s about the vibes”
Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
“I break it just because I can”
This is THEE ‘I am going to cause problems on purpose’ song and that is like his entire narrative purpose!! Argue with me about this one I dare you
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty - Panic! At The Disco
“If you wanna start a fight you better throw the first punch, make it a good one”
Partially its just vibes, I won’t lie. But also the consistent spoiling for a fight is very in character
Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC
“I’m like evil, I get under your skin”
It’s got I Am Morally Repulsive But Also I’ll Steal Your Girl energy which really hits all of Dolokhov’s character traits. And of course the added bonus of gun imagery.
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
“It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this”
I added it strictly for vibes, but then I realized the quoted lyric is very much him @ the Kuragins if you take the reading that he refuses to admit he actually like them but grows genuinely fond of them over time even though he initially got to know them with a lot of ulterior motives.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
“Mama, I just killed a man”
The amount of songs that are on these playlists just for what are essentially your mom jokes since Dolokhov loves his mom so much is a little pathetic. But I’m not wrong! I can’t really put it into words but something about this song has Dolokhov energy.
Feel It Still - Portugal the Man
“Give in to that easy living, goodbye to your hopes and dreams”
A good deal of what I find interesting about Dolokhov is the internal conflict he has of knowing he’s become rather wicked and problematic but also not really trying very hard to change and almost enjoying it so a lot of the songs on here are about that, including this one. The “I’m a rebel just for kicks now” also very much screams Causing Problems On Purpose.
The Bidding - Tally Hall
“I like to take advantage of the bourgeoisie”
His whole role in volume one and two is to take advantage of the bourgeoisie! This song also oozes confidence and a sense of superiority that comes from being better than the sellouts in high society, Dolokhov’s not like other girls uwu (he really is, but I don’t think he would admit that).
Say Amen (Saturday Night) - Panic! At The Disco
“I could be better but baby it’s Saturday night”
Embracing his own wickedness! The idea that he knows he could be better than he is but he doesn’t want to take that opportunity...yeah vibes
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy
“I became such a strange shape from trying to fit in”
This is the epitome of the “woe is me I need to be purified” phase he goes through when he’s into Sonya. Also “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color” reminds me of Comet Dolokhov’s stupid eyeliner <3
Some Nights - fun.
“So what is this? I sold my soul for this?”
There’s a long stretch of this playlist that just boils down to “Woe is me I need to be purified” crisis hours, because Dolokhov’s oscillation between embracing his own cruelty and trying to be a good person is super interesting to me. This song captures the idea that he’s still having fun and there’s some good there, but he’s also aware that he’s losing himself a bit
Roaring 20s - Panic! At The Disco
“I don’t even know me”
“Woe is me i need to be purified” crisis AGAIN. This song gets more to the annoyance with society as a whole and feeling kind of lost in it
Send Them Off! - Bastille
“Help me exorcise my mind”
“Please purify me 16 year old girl! I’m 27 this isnt creepy at all ahahahha”. I do despise Sonyakhov but this has the vibes of a man feeling his own evil and wanting a woman to fix it. Not a great look.
Easy Days (Demo) - Bastille
“I don’t wanna fall back again, back into the easy days”
Near the end of the “woe is me I need to be purified” phase when he’s kind of drifting back to his old ways and he’s like wait no- wait- and then he does anyway because he’s horrible. I also really like the acknowledgment that his horribleness is easy and pleasant for him, and he has to fight against that (and he loses that fight HDJAJJD).
Undisclosed Desires - Muse
“You trick your lovers that you’re wicked and divine”
This is a Dolokhov/Nikolai song I do not take constructive criticism. Undisclosed desires...not being straight...lots to think about! It feels almost like a corruption arc? Nikolai isn’t corrupted nor does their...fling (?) last very long but Nikolai is obviously enamored with Dolokhov despite him being The Worst so I think this fits. I don’t have enough songs for a Nikolai/Dolokhov playlist so I just add those songs to both of their individual playlists
Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
“Thanks for the memories even though they weren’t so great”
Also mostly a Nikolai/Dolokhov song. This man has never ended a relationship on good terms, huh. Also. Sighs heavily. “He tastes like you only sweeter” never fails to make me laugh when I think about it in the context of Dolokhov post-duel being like oh?? You’re just a stupid WOMAN Hélène your brother and/or Nikolai is hotter than you :/ which is not exactly what I think happened but it makes me laugh to consider. Dolokhov ur bitterrrrr
Dangerous - Royal Deluxe
“I’ll be the last man standing here, I’m not going anywhere”
I feel like this has the vibes of his cruelty, especially in that bit after the Kuragins have died when he and Petya infiltrate the French army.
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
“There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man”
He will hurt you and kill you so violently :) It’s about the vibes.
White Wedding Pt. 1 - Billy Idol
“It’s a nice day to start again”
In the exact inverse to his “woe is me I need to be purified” phase, he’s like ok yes i will pick up bad habits again and enjoy them because frick you! I read once that this song is about a relapse into drugs, but I’m making it analogous to his relapse into Terrible Person Behavior after Sonya’s rejection. Also the repetition of the phrase little sister does something for my brain idk, after we know he loves his mom and sister it just fits.
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
“I’m on the highway to hell and I’m goin down”
Like White Wedding, it screams acceptance of his problematicness. He knows he’s cruel and evil and he revels in it. This is the phase we see him in most I think.
Back in Black - AC/DC
“It’s been too long, I’m glad to be back”
I think this plays every time he gets reinstated to an army position he lost by being reckless earlier. Just kidding sort of but listen to this song and tell me it doesn’t have Dolokhov vibes. If you do, you’re wrong <3
Poet - Bastille
“I have written you down now, you will live forever”
This is just here cause he ghostwrote Anatole’s love letters and I think it’s funny. It’s MY playlist and I get to choose the barely relevant Bastille songs
St. Jude - Florence + The Machine
“Maybe I’ve always been more comfortable in chaos”
This one’s more scattered lyrics than an overall vibe. “Each side is a loser so who cares who fired the gun” has duel energy also.
Hey Look Ma, I Made It - Panic! At The Disco
Confession: I hate this song. However, it’s about the about the MOM R U PROUD OF ME vibes (she is. Should she be? Probably not).
Rich Kids - Bea Miller
“It’s never enough for the stuck up types”
The not coming from wealth and having to almost scam your way into being part of the aristocratic scene is very Dolokhov. Also in my mind the rich kid he’s roasting is specifically Nikolai.
Money, Money, Money - ABBA
“It’s a rich man’s world”
I’m not SAYING the wealthy man they talk about is Anatole but - [i am shot]. Scheming and clawing your way up to wealth is Dolokhovcore.
This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
I literally have no justification for this other than that i think modern AU Dolokhov would vibe with it. Look at the amount of eyeliner he wears in Comet and tell me he didn’t have an emo band phase. You can’t.
Trouble’s Coming - Royal Blood
This is not about the words at all, it’s more about the vibes. It just sounds Dolokhovish to me, don’t ask me to explain.
Sleep Alone - Two Door Cinema Club
“They’re just ghosts and they can’t hurt him if he can’t see them”
This gives me post-Kuragins’ death vibes, and I can’t pin down exactly why? I think it’s the idea of being very alone and closed off.
Golden Days - Panic! At The Disco
I can’t put a specific lyric to it but it’s the vibes of looking back on your hedonistic youths with nostalgia and rose-colored glasses. Post-Kuragins’ death vibes again.
Go Get Your Gun - The Dear Hunter
“One foot in the grave, the other one’s kickin’ its way right down to hell”
All we see of him after the Kuragins’ death is just him being particularly cruel and reckless, almost careless. This feels like it encapsulates that energy.
The Fallen - Franz Ferdinand
“They say you’re a troubled boy just because you like to destroy”
I’m aware that a good portion of this song is about a Christ figure but I’m going to respectfully ask you to ignore that bit and just focus on all the Sketchy Things the guy does instead. Thank you. He does in fact like to destroy things! Señor Cause Problems On Purpose back at it again at krispy kreme, huh.
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