#that’s like mid spring weather
radlymona · 5 months
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This take gives me +120 psychic damage
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blujayonthewing · 7 months
the steadily worsening climate change seasonal creep is having the same psychological effect on me as christmas creep, which is to say that I now have a reflexive negative emotional response to signs of spring before anything else, and then have to try and reorient when they're, like, actually seasonal
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aggressionbread · 1 year
Why are we having high summer temperatures in the first 3 days of May?
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End of Last week: a foot of snow on the ground, more in some places, after a week straight of wet winter storms. Temperatures didn't get above 45.
Last two days: temperatures in the upper 70s, windy and sunny
Tomorrow: rain and snow, 45
My joints are killing me rn. I can't handle the rapidly fluctuating temperatures and air pressures anymore 🥲
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voidimp · 2 months
waiting PATIENTLY for one of my bjd preorders to ship. patiently,
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badgertracksart · 1 year
Portfolio advice, from a lead who hires Concept Artists
(This was originally a twitter thread I wrote before the site self imolated, hense it's strange structure.) I wrote this after a weekend of portfolio reviews - 1. Like a maths exam, please please show your working. I want to see thumbs options, mid options and of course a final design.
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2. Arrange your portfolio, I don't want to bounce about between subject matter and pipeline. Your portfolio's narrative should be as strong as your work... 3. Please make worlds that excite the viewer, make them want to go in and explore them, explain to them the interesting parts of the town, or the way the character's hat unfolds. How will this draw the viewer in? 4. As I've said before the majority of your project work is explanatory not mood, make sure your portfolio contains explanatory work. Explained here -
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5. A lot of beautiful post apocolyptic paintings, , but 80% of realistic games and film, we just give the environment artists photo ref, they are capable artists in their own right. Different work in stylised where you do need to create rules for how things can be translated. 6. Production art contains call out sheets, material references and flat graphics. This doesn't have to be your final image, but it should support it.
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7. Design characters on a swatch(es) of the environment they will be viewed in. Not on white. I make swatch backgrounds from screenshots, it avoids assumptions that damage readability. 8. Reverse of this, put people in your environments, show me the scale.
9. It's not a deal breaker for a review, but if you intend to get a job, please show me your work on a screen larger than a smartphone (print outs probably the cheapest option with the best battery life). 10. Please have your contact details clearly visible, and by that I mean email address, I will not pass your social media contact on, I cannot input your form into my tracking system. EMAIL ADDRESS emblazoned and bake it in, sometimes recruiters do funky stuff to pdfs
11. Your portfolio will never feel done, not to you anyway. You will have learnt from your latest pieces and want to apply it to older work. But we know art is a journey. Send your portfolio anyway. I've been in the industry 10+ years and my portfolio is still not 'finished'. 12. If you are applying to an environment centric Concept Art position then please vary your times of day! Golden hour is cool but show me some happy sunny days, looming overcast days, what about at night? Vary your weather too! Sunny snowy day? Rainy Spring day? Stormy night?
13. If you are applying for a character centric Concept Art role then please ensure your portfolio shows a variety of body types and ethnicities. 14. Designing characters for games? Please show back views and feet (!) Many potfolios contain only front views. This is a problem because:
You haven't shown you are considering the design from all angles.
In many games rear view is the main view.
Stop cropping feet.
15. If you are entry / graduating and looking at Portfolios to compare content and standard of yr own work too, look at hired grad/junior artists as opposed to seniors Seniors and leads often have old or personal work in their portfolio which isnt representative of the day job. 16a. Show clearly the intended use case for your Concept Art. Mention the game type in the description. Are these player character designs for a 3rd person adventure game? Then more back views please. Bonus points for diagetic ways of showing health / equipment / role etc.
16b. Are these designs for an FPS? Then really the player view of the gun needs to sell the player style/ choices, in an FPS your weapons are almost your character. Are these world designs? What's the view distance? For an RTS your shapes need to read from above & a distance. 16c. The lack of clarification means I am judging the design in isolation, which both harms the design (you might be considering the backview of a char as the main adventure character.) Or an NPC, their waist up expressions may be important for conveying exposition and mechanics.
16d. Concept art is not separate from gameplay, great concept art serves the game team before it is a good illustration.
17. Play games. A variety of games. Think about them. IMO to be a good concept artist you need to understand the common language & references used by your peers. Also understand the principles and common language your audience are used to. FPS design rules are v.diff from RTS.
18. There are many skills that are needed in concept art, please show them. For example: Graphic design - logos, liveries, typographic use etc. VFX concepts - Abilities, Ambience, motion concepts. Architectural knowledge - How buildings are built! & more but I'm out of space :O
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tarttwannabe · 6 months
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on the agenda for april 01 — a new month, but hardly the time to appreciate it; my mid-terms begin tomorrow and there is still a lot left to cover. it is dreadfully hot, and feels more like midsummer than spring. i am dreaming already of colder weather. nothing on the agenda except study study study, and then after a little study break, study some more.
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japanwords · 1 month
葉月 (hazuki) "August" (archaic)
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Like many countries, Japan uses a 12-month calendar. The names are very simple. January is literally "Month one", February is "Month two", etc:
一月 = January
二月 = February
However, before the Meiji Restoration (mid-1800s) it was common to use an older 12-month system. These months’ names referenced the weather and the seasons (similar to the French Revolutionary calendar).
This old system is based on a lunar calendar with exactly 28 days in each month, beginning and ending on the new moon.
This means that the months don’t fit into a year exactly, and so the calendar gradually becomes more and more out of alignment with the seasons. This is the reason why August is referred to as the “month of leaves”. It refers to the end of summer when leaves turn colour, which is actually more likely to be September or October.
葉 = leaf
月 = month
In Japan, this change in leaf colour is revered almost as much as the appearance of cherry blossoms in spring. People go on trips into the countryside and to local parks to see the beautiful red autumn leaves and to celebrate the beginning of autumn.
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ahqkas · 1 month
if you taking request can u make sumn with mattheo and the reader is just like Rory Gilmore studying all the time and he prod of her or sumn and thank you AND IM LOVE YOUR WRITING
NOTES! fem!reader, i’ve never watched gilmore girls in my life so that’s just my interpretation of rory gilmore from what i’ve seen on tiktok 🥹
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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THE LIBRARY AT HOGWARTS HAD ALWAYS BEEN YOUR SAFE PLACE. the quiet rustle of parchment, the soft scratch of quills, and the muted footsteps of other students as they moved between aisles — these were the sounds that surrounded you as you pored over your notes, your quill gliding smoothly across the page.
you had always been studious, a trait that had earned you more than a few comparisons to the infamous ravenclaw stereotype, but you didn’t mind. knowledge was your passion, your escape, and you dove into your studies with the same enthusiasm that others reserved for quidditch or wizard chess. you enjoyed the challenge of a difficult spell, the satisfaction of mastering a complex potion, and the thrill of discovering a new piece of magical / muggle theory.
and mattheo noticed.
he had been watching you for weeks now, his dark eyes often drifting toward your usual spot in the library when he was supposed to be focusing on his own work. it had become a habit, really — one that he found both endearing and a little worrying. while others were out enjoying the spring weather, laughing with friends, or practicing on the quidditch pitch, you were here, nose buried in a book, fingers ink-stained from hours of scribbling notes.
it wasn’t that mattheo didn’t understand your drive. on the contrary, he admired it. he had seen the way your eyes lit up when you finally understood a difficult concept, the way you would smile to yourself after writing an essay you were particularly proud of. it was one of the things he loved about you — how your passion for learning was as fierce and unyielding as any fire. but he also worried about you, about how much you pushed yourself, how often you skipped meals and sacrificed your sleep or lost track of time because you were so absorbed in your studies.
today was no different. as he approached the library, he wasn’t surprised to see you sitting in your usual spot by the window, the late afternoon light casting a golden glow over your figure. you were hunched over a particularly thick textbook, your brow furrowed in concentration as you chewed absentmindedly on the end of your quill, a cozy sweater enveloping your focused figure.
mattheo leaned against a bookshelf for a moment, just watching you. there was something about the way you worked, the quiet determination that radiated from you, that filled him with an odd sense of pride. you were relentless in your pursuit of knowledge, always pushing yourself to be better, to know more. it was inspiring, really — how someone could be so dedicated, so passionate. and though he wasn’t the best with words, he wanted you to know how much he appreciated that about you.
pushing off the doorframe, mattheo made his way over to your table, the soft sound of his footsteps alerting you to his presence. you looked up, surprised, your quill pausing mid-sentence as you took in the sight of him standing there, hands in his pockets, a small, affectionate smile playing on his lips.
“hey,” you greeted softly, setting your quill down as you stretched out your fingers that have been writing for hours now. “what brings you here?”
mattheo shrugged, his eyes flicking over the array of books spread out before you. “just wanted to see how you’re doing. you’ve been at it for hours.”
a sheepish smile tugged at your lips as you glanced at the library clock, realizing he was right. “i guess i lost track of time, sorry.”
“again,” the slytherin boy added, his tone teasing but laced with genuine concern. he pulled out the chair next to you and sat down, his knee brushing against yours under the table. “you know, it’s okay to take a break sometimes. the world won’t end if you don’t finish that chapter tonight. ”
you sighed, leaning back in your chair as you looked at him. “i know, but there’s just so much to do. exams are coming up, and i want to make sure i’m ready.”
mattheo reached out, taking one of your hands in his. his thumb brushed over the ink stains on your fingers, a small smile appearing on his lips. “you’re always ready. you’ve been studying harder than anyone else i know. but you don’t have to do it all at once, okay? you’re allowed to take care of yourself too.”
“who cares if i’m pretty if i fail my finals?”
“you’re so much more than that. and you’re not going to fail, love. but you need to listen to me.”
his words, though simple, hit you with a warmth that spread through your chest. it wasn’t that you didn’t know he cared — it was in the little things he did, the way he always brought you coffee when he knew you’d been up late, or the way he would sit with you in the library even if he had no work of his own, just to keep you company. but hearing it out loud, the way he expressed his concern for you, made your heart swell.
“okay,” glancing at the stack of book in front of you that still needed attention, you hesitated for a bit. but when you saw the expression on his face, you made up your mind. “let’s take a short brake.”
“that’s my clever girl.”
you let your boyfriend lead you out of the comfort of the school library, his slender fingers sneakily intertwining with yours to keep you close to him. the cool air hit your face the moment you stepped outside, and for the first time in hours, you felt like you could breathe again. the tension in your system began to slowly disappear as you leaned closer to mattheo’s side, his warmth enveloping you in a new kind of comfort.
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rebee-sweetie · 6 months
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A/N: I’ve had this smut idea on my mind for a while and I’ve come to share! So, here’s my take on a reader with a bird-like quirk. As always MDNI! 18+
Bakugo x Bird Quirk Reader
Word count: 3.5k
You’re a Pro-Hero in your mid-20s who is good friends with Bakugo, Kiri, and Deku. Part of your quirk was inherited by your parent, the appearance of a mourning dove. Beautiful light grey wings with an underlay of white feathers. Soft eyes like a dove with a voice to match. You’ve acquired the nickname ‘Angel’ from your innocent-looking appearance, making the endearing nickname your hero name.
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The season was springtime in Japan, with light rainfall continuance. The forecast predicts the same weather day by day, rainy and gloomy. The rain would’ve been nice, the gentle patters against the glass of your condo. The dark, heavy rain clouds make for perfect napping weather. Not for you though, oh no, your quirk made spring miserable for you. Mating season was just around the corner and it was apparent. 
So, there you lay in your bed, fluffing the pillows, bunching up the blankets, and nesting your bed for the upcoming season. Drenching shirts with sweat from the heat within your body, it felt like a hazy fever you couldn’t seem to shake. Constant flush to your cheeks and a lustful glimmer to your dilated pupils. Each spring the need to find a mate becomes stronger and stronger. It screamed at you ‘Give in, Give in.’ Avian instincts were becoming more and more feral. Desire clawing from the inside out. So, you stayed inside your condo, doing your best not to succumb to your instincts and jump the bones of the first man you saw. Patrols had become far too difficult, being around the opposite sex making you lust drunk. The last patrol you had gone on was last week.
The cold rain pelting against your burning skin. Walking alongside Dynamite and Deku, patrolling the streets in the late evening. Streetlights illuminate the black asphalt and the cool mist in the air. At first, it wasn’t terrible to bear, finding things on the patrol to keep busy with. Scanning your surroundings with sharp precision. But as the evening progressed, the streets were quiet. The only sounds are the gentle splashes of rain and the howling wind tunnels in the alleyways. The quiet sounds would be broken up every once in a while, by a passing car ripping through the puddles in the street. As the mist grew thicker and the rain got heavier, so did the need for passion.
You’d find your eyes drifting shamelessly to the bulking muscles of the two men on either side of you, becoming consumed by the idea of being bred and held by thick, muscular arms. All three of you drenched head to toe in the cold, bitter rain. But all you felt was hot, your body being consumed by an unquenched fire. Thighs uncomfortably rubbing each other to find some friction to ease the need. Your brain felt like mush, hot puffs of air gently rolling from your lips. Your eyes scanned the burly blonde walking in front of you now. Bakugo had grown quite large in his adult years, his bigger figure towering over your smaller one. The same could be said for Deku, both men having filled out with muscle and scars. Swallowing thickly as your eyes moved to his solid thighs, powerful enough to crush your body in two. His ass was toned and taught, a devilish thought of squeezing it came to mind. The rain droplets trailing down his exposed shoulder blades bringing images of nails digging into the flesh. Blood rushed to your face as you imagined what he could do to you. The small voice in the back of your head no longer being so quiet, the voice becoming like nails on a chalkboard. ‘Ride him. Ride him!’ The thought of grinding your pulsing cunt into the ripped muscles of Bakugo’s thigh eating you alive. That is until two thick digits were snapping in your face. Bringing you out of your dazed fantasy to the cold, harsh reality of the situation. Both Bakugo and Deku stopped in their tracks looking straight at you. Worry plastered on Deku’s face and annoyance flashed across Dynamite’s.
“The fucks’ goin' on with you?” Dynamite’s cold tone was more bitter than the wind. You could feel your entire body quivering as you stood there, a haze still clouding your mind.
“You don’t look so good, Angel. Maybe all the rain is starting to get to you… it might be a good idea for you to head on home before you catch a cold.” As Deku spoke up you finally were able to get a grasp on your consciousness.
You shook your head quickly, a pink tint spread across your cheeks and nose. “No… I’m fine. Let’s continue, we only have a few hours left until the next patrol group comes in.”
Bakugo’s nose scrunched up to meet his furrowed brow. His eyes practically glowed a deep crimson red in the gloomy night. His heavy boots thumped hard against the pavement as he approached you.
“Okay you idiot, you’re holding back! Spit it out.”
You locked eyes with the spiky-haired man, as he stepped closer to you. His body shielded you from the rain as he loomed over your smaller figure. You had to crane your neck to keep eye contact. His eyes vibrant with a deep color. The heat radiating off his chest finding its way to your face.
“You’re off your damn game Angel.” He grabbed your cheeks pulling your face closer to his, eyes trained on your own, searching for an answer. His large gloved appendage was rough on the soft skin.
“Me? I hate the rain, it makes me fuckin’ miserable. But you? tch, you love the rain. All fuckin’ smiley n’ shit. I usually hate it, but now you acting all damn weird is pissin' me off.”
His voice, was deep and rough, as he squinted down to you. His brow cocked upward, awaiting an answer. But all you could get out were scammers, as his expensive cologne mixed with the smell of wet asphalt and filled your nose. Your eyes were pleading with his, practically begging him to drop the conversation altogether. But all he did in response was scoff, turning on his heel with his arms behind his head.
“Whatever, you damn bird, figure your fuckin’ shit out.” You silently counted your lucky stars and tried to behave the rest of the patrol. 
After that, you canceled the rest of your patrols for the next week. Faking up a cough and blaming it on the freezing, wet weather. Leading into the predicament of the present time, pretending to be sick as your desires become harder and harder to contain. Since then Bakugo has tried to reach out and get a hold of you but you let all the texts go unread and the phone calls straight to voicemail. You already knew that Katsuki wasn’t buying your sad bullshit story. He knew something was up, he was too sharp not to. You on the other hand didn’t want to mess up what was good. The friendship you had managed to build with him from your high school days felt so fragile. One wrong move would make the entire relationship crumble, at least that's how it felt. No matter how much you wanted him, you couldn’t allow everything to fall into shambles, he simply meant too much. You didn’t have a chance anyway, he’d bring random women home from bars and clubs. Each one a one-night stand and then nothing, he’d leave them high and dry. That type of pain would be unbearable, not to mention how torturous that would be during a mating season. One time simply wouldn’t be enough. You wanted him to be yours alone, whether it was your quirk talking or your deep dark feelings, you couldn’t tell anymore.
All you knew was that you needed release. Grinding your hips into the pillow, bucking your clit down to get friction. It wasn’t enough. Letting out a frustrated and uncomfortable whine, flopping face down onto the cushy mattress. Something needed to give, and it needed to give now. Shoving a hand under the waistband of the soft underwear as the fabric stuck to your wet cunt. Using the other hand pushing the fabric to the side and slip two fingers inside your plush walls. Whimpering as you began to work your hands into your sex. The rain began to downpour and the sounds pelting the window drowned out your grunts and groans. Then there were three booming knocks. Body locking up at the sound of your front door being berated. Your name echoed through the condo by a familiar voice.
“You think you can fuckin' ignore me? Don’t. take. me. lightly. Open this fuckin’ door damn it!” the last two words being emphasized by three more loud thuds.
Your eyes darted to where the noise had echoed from, your body moving on its own accord. Feet gently pattering against fluffy carpet. Slowly reaching toward the handle of the front door, panting in your lustful haze.
 ‘Just a taste… only a small taste… He’ll do quite nicely…’ the voice echoing through your ears. 
You were too far gone at this point, nothing holding back the sexual desire racing through your veins. Twisting the handle to let the hall light pour into the void that was your entryway, blinking frantically to adjust to the brightness. Then make out the man standing before you. His face was dark and fuming. Ruby eyes sparkling with the most intense color you’ve ever seen. You’d have been intimidated any other time, had you been in control. But you weren’t, eyes half-lidded with a thick hazy lust. Something he’d never seen from you. Now it was his turn to admire the view. Your hair was frantic and stuck to your forehead as sweat trickled down the sides of your face. An old oversized t-shirt and a light blue thong squeezing the skin on your hips. Plush, soft thighs exposed with your slick arousal dripping down the inner fat. Your cheeks flushed pink, panting like a feline in heat.
“Holy shit-“
You took the opportunity to roughly grab his wrist while he was taken aback. Yanking him inside into shrouded darkness as you slammed the door shut behind him. Your lips immediately crashed into his, handing flying up into his hair, scratching at his neck and scalp. The kiss became heated and more intense. When Katsuki finally came to his senses he had you pinned to the wall. Nothing needs to be said, Katsuki catching on very quickly to the situation at hand. Squeezing his rough hands into the thick skin on your ass. Groaning into your mouth as his hands sunk into the flesh. In one quick motion, the slap that landed on your ass echoed in the room, getting a gentle gasp from you and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue deep into your mouth. Fighting for dominance and domain from your own. In a matter of moments, his shoes were off, belt unbuckled, and tank top thrown into the abyss of the room, all while carrying you to your bed. Not once breaking contact. Once in the room, he threw you onto the makeshift nest you had made of your bed. A devilishly cocky smile plastered on his face.
“You know Angel, I always wondered if you had a mating season.” His eyes flickered with something you’d never seen before ruby eyes becoming more of a wine color, “Seems like you do. You’re in an awful bad way, Sweetheart.” His words lingered as his eyes shot down to look at the pooling mess between your legs.
The low husky rasp of his voice was sinful. His deep, rumbling chuckle even more so. Your pitiful state was bringing out a beast. Slowly he crawled on the bed, moving on top of your quivering body. Removing the t-shirt to reveal the ample bosom underneath. Then slide down the curves of your sides to the cotton fabric hugging your hips. His thick thumb grazed over the drenched cloth formed to your sensitive lips. Your hips jolting from the new sensation. Quickly he discarded them and slowly dragged his index through the puffy folds covered in your slick. A quiet whine fell from your lips as your legs trembled. He rubbed gently with his thumb on the bundle of nerves while sliding in two of his thick digits painfully slow. You writhed under his touch, desperate to be filled up by something, anything. A moan parting from you as you felt full. Throbbing around his fingers from absolute need. He slowly began to move and curl his thick digits from inside you, rubbing a little harder on the very swollen nub. Gasping and moaning from the pleasure consuming you. His grin only growing wickedly bigger as he used his free hand to pinch and pull at your nipples. Making your body jolt and stare at him with wide eyes from the unexpected feeling.
“Fuck- you look so pretty like this… I want to hear you beg for me, Angel. I want to see just what this sexy body of yours can do.” 
His lips moved to your other nipple, sucking on it, gently pulling on it with his teeth. His long, skilled fingers curled inside you finding that sweet spot in your velvet walls. Bucking your hips into his fingers as his pace increased but only a little. A tight knot starting to become apparent in your core.
“F-fuck… Katsuki! I- I need more! Please, faster!” 
Katsuki’s lips tugged into a smile against your flesh as he picked up the pace. Humming in satisfaction at the words. He moved his lips to your ear as his soft lips brushed at the lobe. The hot air makes the hairs on your neck stand on end.
“Tell me Angel…. Just how bad do you want me?”
Your head was swimming, so close to your impending release, heartbeat banging against your eardrums.
“Ah- Kat- Suki! I’ll die without you! P-please! Let me cum!” The words came out strained and needy. Grabbing at the tense biceps, nails digging into his flesh. 
Within an instant, the heat building in your core snapped. Eyes rolling back as an intense orgasm rolled through you. Your gummy walls clamped down around Katsuki’s fingers hard. Pulling a wolf whistle from the man looming over you.
“Fuck sweetheart, this pussy is so damn tight. I can’t wait to feel you cum on my cock.” 
But the words were drowned out by the white noise ringing in your ears, just barely coming down from the high he had sent you on. Katsuki’s cock thumping like it had its own heartbeat. Quickly undoing his pants with one hand while sucking on your sweet juices with the other. His eyes locked with yours, and his mouth made a hollow ‘pop’ sound as his fingers left the suction. As he freed himself, kicking off the pants to be lost under the bed, his veiny cock was twitching, pre was beading up on his angry head. In one quick motion, his arm was lodged under the small of your back, flipping you to be stomach. Your plump butt up in the air. His calloused hands grabbed roughly into the fat on your hips. Grinding his aching cock between your ass cheeks. You whimpered as he teased your entrance with just the tip.
“Tell me again Angel, just how bad do you want me?”
“I need you- I breathe you Katsuki- no one compares to you, please, I'm gonna die if I can't have you right now.”
That’s all it took, as you uttered the last word, he shoved his length deep inside the walls that sucked him in. A loud moan escaping you echoed throughout the room. Panting like a bitch trying to keep cool all while biting the pillow in your grasp. He couldn’t hold back anymore, slamming his hips into yours shoving your body forward with each strong thrust. He needed you just as badly as you needed him in this moment. Your hands grab at the sheets, nails ripping a hole in the soft cotton. Each thrust forces moans out, eyes unable to focus from the sheer pleasure surging through your body. You were on fire, feeling full from his length. His pelvic bone began to bruise the soft, delicate skin, from the rigorous motion. His veins rub against the spongy muscle group deep inside you. Shifting his hips to go deeper, pushing down on your back to arch you farther. The tip of his head kissing the sweet spot by your cervix, slamming into it with such force. You were seeing stars, hips bucking to meet his thrusts. His groans and grunts played like music to your ears. He hunchs over you to grab your earlobe with his sharp canines.
“Ha- your cunt is so fuckin' tight. You feel so good and you take me so well…” his raspy voice made your pussy clench evoking a moan from his beautiful lips. “If I’d have known how good you felt, I would’ve had you pinned to a bed sooner.”
His thrusting became more sporadic as he felt himself get closer to his high and you could feel your climax creeping up on you. A knot forming in your core again, this time even bigger. You were panting, moaning so loudly you would’ve felt embarrassed if you weren’t so high on pleasure. Your knees threatened to give way as they trembled. The sound of his heavy balls slapping against your sensitive clit. The sounds of sex were lewd and the smell of sweat and musk filled the room. A screaming moan ripped up from your throat as he slammed his hips into yours at the right angle. The knot in the stomach snapped once again, the orgasm more intense than the last. You could’ve sworn you saw God as your vision went white. He snaked an arm around you as your body convulsed, holding you up so you didn’t collapse onto the bed.
“That’s right baby, I’ve got you, ha- cum for me.”
Clamping down around Katsuki, milking an orgasm out of him. Hot, thin ropes of cum being fucked deep inside you. His grunting and cursing were intense as he rode out his high. Filling you to the brim with his length and seed, dripping white from your abused hole.
“Holy- holy fucking shit-“ He panted out, trying to catch his breath. “You fucking milked my damn cock. Shit.”
After a few more breathless moments, he pulled out, grabbing you falling onto the bed, and pulling you on top of his broad chest. Stroking the sweaty strands of your hair as your body shivered every so often with the weakened waves of your orgasm. You nuzzled your nose and face into his neck, finally becoming more conscious of the situation, face burning with embarrassment.
“Oh- oh my- I’m so- I’m so embarrassed…” The words came out meek and small, the way you felt in his powerful arms. “I didn’t mean to get you involved… I’m so sorry…” 
You were overwhelmed. The feeling of relief from your needs being satisfied to the feeling of shame from using one of your dearest friends in such an intimate manner.
“Haaah? You honestly think I would’ve done this if I didn’t want to? When have I ever half-assed somethin’?” He pulled you to eye level, squinting with a frown tugging on his lips. “Believe it or not Angel, I like you and I like you a lot. Don’t think I didn’t see how you were drooling over me during our last patrol.”
You squeaked at the comment, not able to keep your glaze locked as you covered your face with your hands. But he easily peeled them away.
“Is this how you are every spring? Is this where you go? You disappear for a while because you need fuckin' bred?”
Your ears burned from the lack of tact in the comment,
“Not bred! Not bred… birds don’t breed like animals… we look for mates, I don’t need a kid, I need dick. There’s a difference…”
His chuckle came out airy as his eyes softened just slightly,
“A mate eh?” A hum rumbled his Adam’s apple, as he thought for a moment,
“I could be your mate if it means I get to experience that sweet pussy some more.” Moving his large hand to stoke your cheek. A cheeky smile finally broke out on his face. “How about it Sweetheart? I’ll make it worth your while. Dick you down real good.”
You found yourself nuzzling back in this neck, feeling bashful. Running your nails along his hot and sweaty skin. Your voice a gentle whisper against his earlobe.
“I want you Katsuki, more than anything, but I don’t want you to leave me when my mating season is over. I don’t want to get hurt… So if you want this too, take me on a date.”
His stroking stopped and he tensed for a moment, processing the words. Your breath hitched awaiting his response. A pit sank to your stomach as the silence brought you unease.
“All you had to do was ask, idiot. Except this isn’t exactly how I imagined this. I was supposed to be the one asking you out.”
Pulling you closer, gently ruffling your soft feathers. A soft sigh expelled from his lungs. His heartbeat thumps slowly against your skin. Cuddling you close in the makeshift nest you had made, pressing a small kiss on the top of your head. Closing his eyes as the rain started to lighten up on the window. Lighting lit up the room and thunder crackled through the sky as it followed shortly after.
“Wear somethin’ nice Angel, ‘m takin' you out tomorrow evening.”
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sirenmoth · 9 months
Warm Winter
Werebear x Human!Reader
Synopsis: Your teddy be- i mean werebear partner doesn't like you out in the cold
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Cold weather was a given living so far out in the woods, winter was when it got bad with the mountines of snows and skin biting blizzards, below freezing temperatures and scared fresh food other than meat and canned rations. Keeping a ental note to try and make and indoor greenhouse somewhere in the cabin to grow fresh produce when the spring thaw arrives. The small cabin as big enough and sturdy enough to keep the harsh elements of a mid november snow storm out, through the wind crept in through what cracks crevices it could find, another mental notes of what needed repairs.
Your partner slept more during these months to conserve energy, curling up on a makeshift bed of fur pelts and stolen camping equipment. You, however, didn't have that biological need to sleep for months on and off, becoming restless staying in bed all day. So you built a routin for the colder months, put in place when the sun starting setting earlier over the dusted white treetops and frozen over lakes. Keeping as quiet as possible, as not to disturb the ball of nesting fur in the bedroom. You saved the outdoor activities and chores for the warmer seasons, those usually consisted of fixing and repairing the damange the winter war has done, building up the little fort the two of you call home al over again, hoping it can survive another battle against the elements.
The cabin didn't have a lot of rooms, just a bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom, not much but it's home. You always leave the bedroom for later, giving it a deep clean in the fall before your partner goes to sleep and in the spring when your partner wakes up.
The first thing you do is start a fire, the small woodburner in the living is enough to provide heat for most part in the cabin, a massive wood pile sat beside it, another one sat in the kitchen by the stove. All lovingly chopped by your partner before they decided to crash for the winter.
Next you start on the kitchen, checking the food preservatives in the pantry and marking down what was running low and what was due to be expired soon down on a clipboard they brought a year years back when you asked if they had another to keep records for food during winter, knowing your partner it was from a campsite of unsuspecting campers who didn't know or didn't care they were in a bears' territory.
Picking up a bucket and broom on your way out, wanting to dust and sweep both the living room and kitchen. Thankfully the place stayed clean throught most of the colder months due to your being the only one active. Walking over to the bathroomand putting the bucket in the tub, the sink was too shallow for it, and walking back out to pick dust the shelves and organise. A quick glance outside, the snow has picked up into a light blizzard, white specks dances around in the air in rapid movments, the landscape now a frozen white desert. It was going to be a rough night, silently you prayed the cabin could stand up against it and keep you both warm and safe.
Finding a new place at the moment is less than desirable.
Retriving the bucket from the bathroom and turing off the tap, it was barely half full but everything needs to be conserved during the winter season. A loud bang rang out throughout the cabin, startling you, nearly making you drop the bucket. The source of the noise was one of the indoor shutters that flew open from a strong gust of wind, hastily you put the bucket down and , as quickly as you could, placed it back in its place, hoping no heat escaped.
An errie quite falls over the space, listening for movement, waiting to see if the noise distrubed the snoozing mass. A low growl emitted throughout the small space, the beast was awake and fully aware of a certain human missing from the nest. The sound made you froze, stopping the sudden repairs on the window shutter.
"I'll be there in a minute." you call out, finishing securing the shutter in place and closing it, latching it shut. Turing around you come face to face with the recently awoken werebear, grumpy and tired their sleep was interupted, standing hunched over in the door frame, staring you down. "I was just cleaning, I was going to come back to bed once I'm done." You attempt to explain.
Your explaination does very little as you're lifted up into the air and over their shoulder, dragged back to the bedroom, all chores supposed to be done be damned.
A strained groan leaves your throat as you get dropped with force onto the makeshift bed, then a heavy, hulking figure practiaclly collapse on top of you as soon as you make contact with the pile of fur and equipment. Smiling, you put up a fake struggle, squirming around to try and break free. Another growl is heard, a warning to stop it, still you continue to movie, trying to find a comfy spot. A strong paw traps you, pinning you down by the waist and pulls you in, close enough to feels your bears' warmth but not enough to suffocate you in their fur.
"I had work to do. Who do you think maintains this place while you sleep?" You poke at the soft pile beside you, which grunts in response, too tired to properly respond to your sarcastic remark.
"Mhm, I love you too." another grunt in reply. Rolling over to cuddle in closer, sighing contently, pressing your face into their chest. Feeling them curl around you like a personal heater, a furnace, keeping you warm from the cold. Sleep once again entered your mind, knowing you're not going anywhere any time soon, you let it.
Hopefully you'll be able to get everything you missed done tomorrow, along with what is also planned for that day. Knowing you hace your work cut out for you. Right now you let youself be effectively trapped and pinned to the bed, you decide staying isn't so bad, beside you need rest for the double work you've got set up for tomorrow.
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quintinh43 · 6 months
a blurb/fic of Quinn and elem school teacher and them “fighting” over paying for something!
Thank you for requesting, I had so much fun writing this 🥰
It was an unnaturally hot day in mid-April in Vancouver. People were treating it as of was a summer day in July. Everyone was out in shorts and dresses, having picnics or tanning, or swimming in spring chilled water of the Pacific.
You and Quinn were no exception. The beautiful day had coordinated with one of Quinns' rest days, which had all miraculously fallen on a Saturday. Meaning you didn't have to work. All in all, it was a very happy coincidence that you and Quinn decided to take full advantage of.
Quinn had proposed going out for breakfast, which had turned into going out for brunch because Quinn kept getting distracted by how gorgeous you looked in your floral printed sundress. He had eventually just tossed you onto the couch, bunched your dress around your hips, and ate you out till you were shaking beneath him.
Brunch was amazing. Quinn took you to an outdoor rooftop restaurant that served the best waffles you had ever eaten. When you leaned across the table with a piece of waffle on your fork for Quinn to try, he grinned and winked at you as he closed his lips over the fork suggestively.
Your cheeks flush all the way down to your chest and it made Quinn's grin grow even wider. After brunch the two of you decide to walk the coastline. You hand is wrapped around Quinn's arm as the two of you walk the park, playing the game of trying to decipher the detailed life stories of strangers.
"Oh, ice cream!" You jump excitedly pointing at the ice cream stand that has a long line, "please, Quinn, can we?" You ask, eyes glittering with hope.
Quinn chuckles, "of course we can baby," he says pressing a kiss to your forehead. It's the moments like this that make him wonder why it took him so long to tell you he loved you.
You tug him over the the line, chattering excitedly about the prospective flavours. Where you were always down to try a new flavour, Quinn stuck with what he liked. He would never tell you, but one of the reasons he did it was so if you were disappointed in the flavour you got, he would trade with you because he knew you also liked his flavour.
"Ooh Quinn! I think they have raspberry white chocolate!" You grin shaking his arm eagerly.
"That what you gonna get?" He asks, unable to keep the smile off his face. Seeing you happy makes him happy. And with the combination of the sunny weather, he can't keep the smile off his face.
"I don't know yet, I'll decide when we get there. What are you getting?"
"Take a wild guess," he snorts, flicking you in the forehead.
"Meanie," you huff, bumping his chin with your head playfully.
Soon enough it's your turn to order, "I'll have a scoop of strawberry cheesecake in a waffle cone, and he'll have a scoop of cookie dough in a waffle cone as well, please."
The poor teenage girl who looks like she hates her life, scribbles down your order with a nod. You shuffle around your purse for your card, but Quinn is already slapping a twenty dollar bill on the counter.
You snatch it off the counter quickly with a glare, and slap your card in its place. Quinn grabs your card off the table and replaces it with another bill thats gone just as fast as the first one. The girl looks ready to strangle you both. Quinn pulls out another twenty, and half wrestles you out of the way while he hands it to the girl directly.
"Keep the change," he mumbles apologetically, dragging you out of line to wait for your ice cream.
"Quinn," you turn on him with a glare, "what was that for?"
Quinn plays confused, "What do you mean?"
"I was going to pay!" You huff, crossing your arms over your chest. Quinn rolls his eyes, mimicking your position.
"Babe, please, not this again." He groans
"Quinn, I asked you to get ice cream, that means I have to pay." You grumble.
"I say this with all my love babe," Quinn says squishing your cheeks between his calloused palms, "That's a stupid fucking rule. I'm your boyfriend, I'm always gonna pay."
"But I don't want-"
"I have a strawberry cheese cake, and a cookie dough in waffle cones?" The girl calls out, cutting your arguemnt short.
You smile, at her thankfully while Quinn grabs the ice cream. He hands you yours and slings his arm over your shoulders as the two of you continue your walk.
"Why does it bother you so much when I pay for things?" Quinn asks seriously, taking a lick of his ice cream.
"I'm a grown adult." You say grumpily, "I can pay for my own things."
Quinn flicks your ear, "Don't give me that bullshit. Tell me why it bothers you so much."
"I feel bad," you mumble.
"Why do you feel bad?" Quinn pushes, offering you a lick of his ice cream. You take it gratefully, offering yours in return. Quinn happily takes a lick, humming in approval.
"Dunno, I just do" You shrug, "I don't want you wasting your money on me."
Quinn looks slightly offended "Baby, its not a waste. I love paying for you. If you wouldn't kill me for it do you know how long ago I would've given you a credit card on my account?"
"Oh God, please never do that," you groan, covering your face with your free hand.
"You still haven't given me a real reason as to why you don't like it when I pay." He says again, fingers tracing comforting shapes on your collarbones.
You sigh, head dropping against his shoulder, "I don't want everyone to see me as a the girl who's with you cause of your money."
Quinn looks at you incredulously, "are you serious?"
You nod sheepishly.
"Babe, who gives a fuck what random strangers think? You're my girl, I wanna spoil you in every way possible."
"I know, I know, but for some reason, it really gets to me." You sigh.
"Well, you'd better stop letting it get to you because I'm paying for everything for the rest of our lives," Quinn says dramatically.
You snort, elbowing him in the ribs lightly, "ok, hot shot."
"Seriously baby, if that's the only reason, don't let it bother you."
"I'll try," you say, taking a bite of your cone.
"You'd better." He says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Suddenly, there's something cold sliding down your cheek. You can help but screech, jumping away from Quinn. He's laughing as you thumb a glob of cookie dough ice cream off your face.
"How dare you!" You gasp, licking the ice cream off your thumb. You dip your finger into your ice cream to retaliate, but before you can wipe it on his face, he's grabbing your wrist and sucking your ice cream coated ginger into his mouth. Your brain short-circuits, cheeks turning a brilliant shade of red.
Quinn smirks around your finger and lets it fall from his lips. "What's wrong, baby?" He teases, like he didn't just do what he did in public.
"You are so bad," you mutter, still blushing.
"Only for you baby," he grins, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, "only for you."
A blurb from this universe
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harmoonix · 1 year
𓆉Summer Astrology Observations
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🏄‍♀️ ~ I wanna be the ocean to your shore ~ 🏄‍♀️
𓆉 Cancer/Sagittarius and Libra Moons might enjoy the warm weather more than the cold one and aswell for the warm seasons than cold seasons
𓆉 Sagittarius/Leo and Aries/Pisces placements are screaming "exotic vibes" very much, many natives with those placements give a flair of exoticness and wildness in the same time, the risings can look very exotic aswell
I wanna be the ocean to your shore
Bring you comfort evermore
I wanna be the only thing you need
Be the oxygen you breathe
𓆉 Asteroid Nymphe [875] in water signs, these natives feel connected to water sources like lake,sea,ocean and can feel those places as eliberating and safe, for example you go at the beach/sea and you feel good when you go in the water/sea 💁🏻‍♀️ applying if you have this asteroid at water degrees [4°,8°,12°, 16°,20°, 24°, 28°]
𓆉 Sagittarius Venus/Venus in the 9th house can met their spouse/specific person in a foreign country or while traveling in a country is giving "I met your father while having a party in Spain"😍
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𓆉 Your 7th house sign can show the season or period when you can met potential love partners:
Aries - In April/ Mid Spring
Taurus - In May/ Late spring
Gemini - In June/Early Summer
Cancer - In July/ Mid Summer
Leo - In August/Late Summer
Virgo - In September/Late Fall [Autumn]
Libra - In October/Mid Fall
Scorpio - In November/Late Fall
Sagittarius - In December/Early Winter
Capricorn - In January/Mid Winter
Aquarius - In February/ Late Winter
Pisces - In March/Early Spring
𓆉 Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius Risings have luck finding potential love partners in summer because their 7th house sign rule the summer seasons 🥰
𓆉 Juno in Aquarius, Leo, Cancer, Capricorn can get a different spouse in a relationship, for example ying - yang or ice and fire, their spouses can be exactly the opposite of what they are and the relationship can be very unique
𓆉 Juno - Jupiter aspects will have the most optimistic and funniest relationships ever, the type of people who wanna have fun with the other one 24/7, your spouse can be the type of person like "Baby let's go to this festival will be very cool and we will have a lot of fun, wanna come?"💁🏻‍♀️😍
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𓆉 Juno - Pluto aspects will have the most transformative relationships ever, their spouse can be very spouse of them and very jealous aswell, the couple will learn from eachother and from each mistake they do 🥰
𓆉 Aquarius and Libra together with Gemini and Virgo placements can be good at writing songs/composing/lyrics, it's their talent, it's in their DNA to create and compose 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
Cause I'm no ordinary girl
I'm from the deep blue underworld
Land or sea, the world's my oyster
I'm the pearl, no ordinary girl
𓆉 Scorpio and Aries Juno can geta very passionate and sensual partner, someone who can have a lot of kinks and someone who knows how sensuality works
𓆉 MC (Midheaven) - Juno aspects, your spouse can help you in your career and can be very influential in your life, they can be very popular and it can bring them succes and with that they can help you and be an important part of your destiny 💖
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𓆉 Water Placements always wanted to live somewhere close to the ocean or sea, somewhere where they could see a perfect sunset at the beach before going home ☀️
𓆉 Ascendant in Water Degrees [4°,8°,12°, 16°,20°, 24°, 28°] makes the native to have dreamy eyes, you can lose yourself when you watch close to their eyes, they are stunningly beautiful
So come on this is my adventure
This is my fantasy
It's all about living in the ocean
Bein' wild and free
𓆉 Descendant in Water Degrees [4°,8°,12°, 16°,20°, 24°, 28°] your spouse can have traits related to your degrees for example having Cancer Degrees there your spouse can embody Cancerian traits and so on for the other degrees
𓆉 Cancer/Pisces/Scorpio/Libra and Taurus in the 7th house gives a very emotionally bounding spouse to the native, for real now your specific person can be attach to you very fast and you can create a emotional bound with them (Applied if you have Venus or Jupiter in those signs💁🏻‍♀️😍)
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𓆉 Juno in Water Degrees [4°,8°, 12°, 16°,20°, 24°, 28°] might get a very affectionate spouse in relationships, their spouse can be very caring and generous with you, is so romantic 🥹💖
𓆉 Neptune - Moon/Mercury aspects are giving mermaid vibes, their eyes are enchanting, their voices are luxurious and full of love, these placements are magical
What you give you will receive
So baby bring it all to me
And I will warm you like the sun
I always knew you were the one
𓆉 Pluto - Moon/Mercury aspects on the other side give siren vibes, they are like a dark and misterious soul, this is literally giving "Your eyes hide a lot of secrete vibe" 😍
𓆉 Neptune and Jupiter aspects always had a fairytale vibe in them, it is because is one of the mystic aspects in astrology, your spirituality is insane, you are evolving and transforming, your aura is so strong and you are protected 💖💁🏻‍♀️
𓆉 Venus and Uranus aspects might change their style a lot, they are very indecisive when it comes to they style. Because they have so many cool ideas and their head is full of these
𓆉 Ascendant - Mercury aspects tend to look younger than that they are, they have this young look on their faces and is so ✨pure✨ i think Asc - Mercury are underatted when it comes to beauty because these people look so majestic
Today 1st June is finally the official date that summer has started and is feeling so good to feel again the warm sun and the chill air in the mornings🌄 is honestly such a vibe, the ocean/sea is my home for all the summer and i missed seeing it🥹🥹 Summer for the next 3 months 😍🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
I really hope you guys enjoy the summer because is a such a lovely season, is warm is free is nostalgic in a way 💁🏻‍♀️, there are parties festivals going around a lot of fun 😊 listen music at the speakers at maximum volume all summer all day everyday while hanging with your friends and making memories together 😍🤌🏼
Have a great summer to everyone!😍
Harmoonix 💋
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writethrough · 6 months
Can I request a morpheus x reader where his s/o has curly/wavy hair? Or just reader being obsessed with touching his hair and he absolutely love it and he likes to do the same
Mid-Afternoon Dream
(Morpheus x Gender-Neutral Reader)
Synopsis: Morpheus enjoys his moment of peace with you.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 430
A/N: Thank you for being patient with me! I went with the second half of your idea since I like to try and keep Reader as up-to-interpretation as possible. I hope you enjoy!
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You were lying on your couch, music playing softly from your record player. Spring was slowly shifting into summer, enough that you had opened your windows to feel the breeze drift through your home. 
The early afternoon rays filtered in, and everything seemed brighter and newer in that way only the warm weather brought. For this moment, everything was peaceful. 
Even Morpheus couldn’t find fault in it. Not when his head rested on your chest, and you were carding through his hair to the base of his neck. Your nails gently dragging down his scalp to the ends of his strands would’ve made him shiver if he were human. 
You’ve been like this for some time now, relaxing in each other's arms. It was a rare moment for the Dream King. He couldn’t recall the last time he had felt this content. Though, it’d been happening more frequently since he’d met you. 
When he’s working, his mind often wondered to you, what you were doing, when he would see you, it’d become ever the distraction—be it a welcomed one. 
He hummed as your nails traced his neck, and you giggled lightly. He squeezed your side in return. 
Never had he thought he’d let anyone see him like this, not after all those years in that cage. But there was something in you that called him. He could let his guard down around you. And it was easier than he thought. 
You opened your arms to him and all he had to do was step closer. 
You placed a kiss on the top of his head, pulling him from his thoughts. 
“Have I put the Sandman to sleep?” you teased. 
He answered with his eyes closed. “You are the only creature capable of such a feat.” 
“You deserve some rest.” He could hear your smile, but there was seriousness, too. It made him lift to his elbow to look at you. 
You stared at one another a few moments until you reached out a hand to cup his cheek. Your thumb grazed his skin reverently, seemingly amazed that he was before you now. 
The corner of your lips ticked up as you took him in. This otherworldly being that wasn’t really a being at all. He was too perfect. It only made sense that he was a concept, one that provided all with the ability to escape, to wrap themselves in imagination, to set themselves free. 
“My Dream,” you whispered, almost like you hadn’t meant to. 
His eyes softened. His own hand reached up to caress your hair. 
“My heart.” 
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Tags: @sayumiht, @hatterripper31, @snowsatsu, @1950schick, @navs-bhat, @bookshelf-dust, @sapphireonline, @fictional-hooman, @steph-speaks, @ladyredstar1991, @secretdreamlandmentality, @ababycake, @morpheuss1mp, @boofy1998, @alice-the-nerd, @herfantasyworldd, @poemfreak306, @tronnily, @commanderfreethatdust
Let me know if you want to be added to the list!
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thetxtdevil · 3 months
Fashion Week
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Yeonjun x Reader
summary: Yeonjun goes to Paris, France for Fashion Week to look at the latest hot styles. He's also going to meet up with a super hot model.
content: smut, fashionista idol yeonjun, supermodel fem.reader, paris/fashion week setting, they've hooked up before, strip tease?, blowjob, (fem) masturbation, consumption of cum :P, fingering, condom use finally, doggy style
word count: 1.4k
The sun was bright, shining down the many fashion lovers attending Paris Fashion Week. Yeonjun was known to attend the men's portion of fashion week. He was all for the new trends and beautiful garments that matched his own beauty. Once the shows he was invited to ended he sent his asks for certain styles and quickly heads for another show specifically for women.
Luckily, the french weather had suddenly changed, sun covered by clouds making it more bearable for Yeonjun to run down the cobblestone road to a old lavish building. Walking in the garden that surround the building, the green grass became covered with paparazzi. Yeonjun takes his time to wave and pose before continuing his journey to the show.
He loved all things fashion, the many styles, colors, its a way to express yourself however, in this show he was there for a specific supermodel. Sitting down on a wire framed chair in the front row Yeonjun relaxes under the cool breeze of air conditioning. The many women strut in spring inspired attire passing by as he watches contently. Yeonjun turn his head right when the the star of the show turns the corner.
Yeonjun leans forward elbows on his knees, he was in absolute awe. You, the supermodel he's been waiting for, strutting in confidence. Wearing an intricately made haute couture dress that fit like a glove. Yeonjun watches you closely, looking at you like you’re his next meal. Trying to focus on your walk, you simply glance towards the man keeping a straight face. Walking past him, you move your finger as a wave to the man. Yeonjun sees this little action, smirking and continues to study the dress and the definition of your exposed back.
After the show, Yeonjun makes no time for more paparazzi to take pictures of him. He was determined to make it to the back stage before you leave. A little overwhelmed by the many models changing and trying to leave, a women with a clipboard and headphones walks straight up to him, “Are you Yeonjun?”
“Uhhh yes...”
“Y/n asks for you in her dressing room.”
Yeonjun tilts his head, very pleased to have an escort to your room. The man follows the assistant making his way through the crowd of models. He arrives to a door, separating you from the crowd. Yeonjun slowly twists the doorknob and walks in. A substantial difference between the outside and the room, it was quiet with faint classical music playing in the background, and big widows that arched over head. Greenery framed the glass with a distant view of the Eiffel tower, it was simply romantic.
“I didn’t think I’d see you at the show” you walk into Yeonjun’s view hugging him. Yeonjun takes his chance to feel the expensive fabric along your body. You were currently in a slip dress worn underneath the original runway dress, the man's hands lingered for a while, he missed his little love affair with the model.
Your first big modeling gig was exciting for you and that excitement increased when you met Yeonjun at a after party. Hitting it off, naturally he lead you to his hotel room and since then every time you two were in the same city you guys meet.
You both separate when you walk to the partition, hiding the vanity, taking off your earrings and placing them on the surface. Yeonjun was not too far behind you, knowing you had nothing to hide when changing.
"After this I was thinking we can go out for a walk, get cappuccinos-" you stop mid-sentence when you feel hands unclasping your necklace. A slight shiver runs down your spine feeling his fingers graze your skin. This reaction was not unnoticed by the man. Yeonjun gets closer to your back, lightly tracing your arms, placing the delicate diamond necklace into your open palm. You watch him through your vanity mirror, watching as he presses his lips to your neck but you weren't prepared with how satisfying it would feel. Eyes fluttering shut, you tilt your head to the side letting him lightly kiss more of your exposed skin.
"or we can just stay in this dressing room a little longer." you smile looking at Yeonjun's same reaction reflected on the mirror.
Turing around, you plant your lips against his plush ones. Delicate fingers stroking Yeonjun's black hair. His big hands around your waist, all this felt like heaven.
Making the kiss harsher, you push the man towards the velvet sofa in the middle of the room. Falling into the cushions with him, you start to grind against his hard on. Moans slipping from both ends you break the kiss, lifting yourself off of Yeonjun. Slipping out of your slip dress letting it fall on the ground and then slowly taking off your black sheer panties throwing them at Yeonjun all while seductively staring at him.
Yeonjun catches your flung garment, feeling them to see that they were soaked. He watches you hover over him crawling down hooking your fingers to the band of his pants, unbuttoning, and lowering both the trousers and briefs. You reach your hand down between your legs, gathering your juices to lubricate Yeonjun's stiff cock. The man drools and groans at the sight, laying his head down on the couch. Hissing once he feels your lips wrap around his girth, skillfully bobbing your head up and down. God you were so enchanting, it would be so sad to leave you in agony.
"Touch yourself" Yeonjun commands.
You look up at him through your lashes and a mouth full of dick. Yeonjun nods his head confirming what he said. Continuing your pleasurable sucking with one hand you reach to your dripping pussy gently rubbing circles on your clit. Your eyes roll moaning against Yeonjun's cock sending electric vibrations causing the man to climax. "Fuck, you're good at this." Yeonjun can't help but thrust up into your throat to finally catch to his release. You still moaning, you decided to push the beauty under you over the edge by removing your glistening hand from you to his balls. With a loud "fuck" Yeonjun's cum was running down your throat and you gulping down every last bit.
You lift yourself up kneeling in front of the man catching your breathe. You stare at his sweaty face, smiling to yourself you lean in to kiss him. "Now lets get this designer outfit off you hmm?" Slowly but surely you undress Yeonjun revealing his lovely toned body. Not able to control yourself, you drag your hands on his abs delighted by the soft skin. Yeonjun smirks at your entranced state, "Bend over and let me see your ass, love." You obey his command, you twist on your knees turning away, grabbing a throw pillow to relax your elbows on.
Yeonjun changes positions kneeling in between your legs getting a handful of your plush ass. Tilting his head to the side as he sighs at how ravenous you looked, with one hand he slides his fingers within your slit then into your hole, "damn you're wet." Face already shoved in the pillow your whines were muffled. Yeonjun's free hand scavenges in his abandoned blazer looking for a condom. The plastic materiel gets into his reach, he puts it into his mouth biting it then rips it open. You let out a bratty cry when Yeonjun removes his fingers to apply the condom. "Don't worry, love, you're going to get what you want."
You look over your shoulder with plead in your eyes. Yeonjun lays his torso on your back kissing your shoulder as he rubs his cock among your glistening folds.
"Yes god jjun just do i-"
You choke on your sentence when Yeonjun slams his dick into you, pushing your body forward into the pillow. Both of you pushed into delirium by the delicious feeling. Jolted moans escape your mouth going with the pace of Yeonjun's thrusts. You look back at him seeing his sinful concentration. "S-so good ah-" you try to praise but the feeling of his tip hitting that sweet spot had your back arching. Flames burning your core at the intense drive, walls begin to clench hard around Yeonjun. He huffs at the tightness, bending down again planting kisses and reaching around your hips to rub your clit.
Screaming and bending your back even more, pleasure was too sweet. "I-im mmm going to c-umm" you slur your words, it was out of your best effort. Yeonjun was close too, working hard through your tight walls he was determined to make you cum the same time as him. A long drawn out moan escapes your pretty pink lips, your high washes over you dripping down your thighs. Yeonjun finally cums gasping for air, pulling out to remove the uncomfortable wrapping.
With the energy you had left, you move to your side leaving room for the man to fit snug beside you. Noses touching, soft kisses, you both giggle at the euphoric moment of having sex in Paris.
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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jaxon-exe · 9 months
Just saw this point vv
That has Danny being Gotham and it has given me ideas!!
So after becoming the ghost king Danny gets a haunt. Now the thing about haunts (for this au) is that they r a reflection of its ruler. It’s basically their inter being made into a physical place.
Well that comes with a unique situation with Danny as he’s half alive. So bc of that half of his haunt is also alive (ie in the living world)
And bc time is more of a suggestion in the infinite realms, the living half of Danny’s haunt is and always has been Gotham.
This is also y Gotham is cursed. At first it was just Fenton luck but over the years power hunger ghost have cursed Danny and in turn his haunt.
Now with the background out of the way here we go
So one day it’s notice that Gotham is a bit more crazy than normal. Not only has crime and rouge activities randomly spiked but the weather is also going nuts. With random storms popping out of nowhere and even a blizzard in mid spring.
Deciding better save than sorry Batman calls in some JLD members to see if it’s magic related and it is. The JLD always knew Gotham was cursed but they can now feel a new and more powerful curse has been placed on the city. So they set about trying to get rid of it and they can’t
At this point is when they decide to pull John out of bed and get him to help to and after a bit of poking around he comes to the conclusion that the curse is anchored to something and so sets about summoning the anchor.
Yeah… non of them were expecting the king of the dead to be the anchor.
What’s worse is that Danny pops up in his spooky eldritch form and they quickly cancel the spell bc NOPE!!
So they naturally come to the conclusion that the king was the one to curse Gotham and he anchored the curse to himself so it couldn’t be easily lifted.
Meanwhile with Danny.
He’s having a rough go at it. This curse is pretty foul and he’s been stuck in his ‘spooky form’ bc his more approachable forms can’t handle it. Now Danny has been trying to get rid of all the curses on him for awhile but it was never top priority, u know with being king and all. Now tho it definitely is. However he’s in a bit of a bind bc ghost cant really remove curses and he doesn’t have the knowledge of how to do it while alive.
But those guys that summoned him definitely do and might be his best shot.
Basically from here it’s the Batfam plus JLD trying to figure out how to brake the curse on Gotham while also being jump scared by the king of the death popping out of nowhere only to be beating off with a broom back to the afterlife. Meanwhile Danny over here is just trying to figure out how to get their help even tho he looks like a nightmare personified and sounds like the screams of the damned 

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