#that’s just more where it began
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saetoru · 2 years ago
genuinely asking but why do you think riko’s death messed them up so bad? they only knew her for about 3 days but it was depicted like they knew her their entire lives. my reasoning is bc she was a kid who got murdered to be a vessel, which i understand 100%, but it still gets me scratching my head when everybody including gege makes it this huge thing in their history that literally turned geto evil. just wondering your thoughts.
it’s a lot more complex than just riko dying. it’s the trauma of watching her die when he’d just promised he’d ensure her future bc he and satoru are the strongest, and find out his best friend is “dead” and almost die himself and realize he’s not part of the strongest like he thought he was, that he can’t even ensure one kids future. and then he goes off to find a group of non sorcerers clap and celebrate over said kids death. so then ofc he starts to wonder why he risks his life, and swallows and exorcises curses, and watches the people he cares for (like haibara) die as they protect people like that. and the conversation with yuki didn’t help bc it pushed him to decide that killing non sorcerers would get rid of cursed energy that creates curses in the first place. then he watches the twins, two little kids, get abused by non sorcerers when all they were trying to do was save their town. so yeah in the end he didn’t understand the purpose of protecting the weak when they could be so ugly—and that doesn’t justify the extremes he took, ofc, but the reason he turned out the way he did was a snowball of multiple things, not just riko dying—that was more the catalyst
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laddertek · 4 months ago
etho said actually you _don't_ understand the intricacies of how tango is my boyfriend and bdubs is my ex
(and how tango and bdubs kiss too)
Scar: We went on that little adventure, you know! Etho: Yeah, yeah, we had our adventure, that's true, that's true. Scar: You disparaged your teammates. That's it, all right, no more spoilers. Etho: (laughs) Our team has -- our team has some weird dynamics this -- this season. Cleo: (overlapping) Really, Etho? Is there trouble in paradise? (pause) Who's third-wheeling with you, again? I can't remember. Etho: (laughs) Uhh. The -- Cleo: Genuinely can't remember. I know it's you and Bdubs. And...Tango? Tango. Tango. Etho: (loudly) Why -- Why is Tango the third wheel? Why -- why isn't Bdubs the third wheel? Cleo: Because it's you and Bdubs. I'm sorry. I understand how that relationship goes. Etho: (dissatisfied) Hmm.
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wombrion · 1 year ago
i was first introduced to fallin as a character through your drawings so when she wasnt a big fat girl the same height or even taller than laios i was. so incredibly mad you have. no idea.
i totally get it.. ever since the anime got out the falin cameos are like a jumpscare to me. what do you mean i created this image of her in my mind.......
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huginsmemory · 6 months ago
Reading journal 3 again is a reminder that... Well Ford is kinda an asshole towards Fiddleford. It's not just Stan. Like he's so focused on himself and his project and his ambition that anyone/thing else blurs out (him disregarding Fiddleford's nervousness around the gremloblin because he wants to sketch it, and when it goes sideways, him talking about the safety of the project parts BEFORE how Fiddleford was doing in his journal, multiple times. Priorities much?) and he's demeaning towards Fiddleford's own project (which ends up being wayyyy more important then Ford's discoveries)... Like damn Fiddleford, u left ur wife and young son for this guy?
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month ago
I think veilguard might be the one game with an unlimited sprint button that I've nevertheless spent the most time gently jogging and walking through. just to like... look at things. hang out. vibe. the environments in this game are so fucking good
#most games I'm extremely 'yeah yeah get me through here quickly or I'll die' about but this game... could simply vibe near-indefinitely#I gaze at paintings (treviso my beloved). npcs. little tableaus of set tables.#contraptions. and all sorts of things. just me and my little buddies. in the world of thedas. and this makes me happy.#I love that in weisshaupt you can see that the attack began when everyone was sitting down for dinner or some sort of late meal#and that they have dedicated places for where they process the dye that makes the characteristic warden blue#that they clearly have a very specific tradition of decoration there.#don't get me started on the grand necropolis or I won't be able to stop fjsdkh#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#in the tags. I mean if you somehow haven't found out we go to weisshaupt and have stuck by your spoiler free zone that hard#far be it for me to be the person to ruin that for you lmao#y'know... inquisition landscapes/outfit detailling etc. are also beautiful but I've always found them a bit hard to parse#there's So much going on with details and textures in a way my brain can't quite puzzle together into something cohesive#(I think it might also be down to the slightly more zoomed out perspective the camera forces you to have in that game#I've seen some more close in/over the shoulder camera mods and early builds and that works better for me)#but in veilguard they've hit the balance perfectly for me I understand what I'm looking at AND it's beautiful#guess another decade of experience with frostbite did make for that advantage at least haha
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bonefall · 11 months ago
one of the most frustrating things to me with the mapleshade/birchfall situation is its like. the only time since into the wild where the books acknowledge queens don't have to reveal the fathers of their litters. when mapleshade tells beetail (? the deputy whats-his-face) shell be raising the kittens alone, he accepts it without question. this implies her lying about birchface being the father was unnecessary, but in Bluestar’s prophecy everybody immediately assumes thrushpelt is the father the minute bluefur is known to be pregnant, and bluefur not correcting this is treated as a reasonable decision despite it being the SAME situation! it's just the authors want mapleshade to be unreasonable so this time it's bad actually.
The in-universe Queen's Rights are so poorly defined and utilized that the BB!Queen's Rights are essentially an entirely original framework. They sometimes exist in the books and sometimes don't, depending on if the writer remembers them or not.
They actually seem to not be a thing in Bluestar's Prophecy, from what I remember. Thrushpelt offers to be the pretend-father as a result.
It seems to have protected Fallowtail though, until Reedfeather decided to kidnap his kids.
Featherstorm's first litter, Raggedpelt and Scorchwind, are bullied for being fatherless and face constant speculation.
Same with Flintfang, Blackstar, and Fernshade. They're not even actually halfclan, Blackpaw holds his tongue and refuses to reveal the truth to stop bullies.
Brokenstar faces open bullying from his adopted siblings for not knowing who his mother is (but also he stops Yellowfang from telling Lizardstripe about it because he overheard a conversation where she told her friend she feels like the baby is stealing milk)
StarClan pushed for Squilf to lie to Brambleclaw for this reason, because they assumed (correctly) that having HalfClan suspicion would make it harder for The Three to be accepted into ThunderClan
So if a queen has "a right" to not reveal parents, it's not very protective. Your kids are going to face bullying and discrimination regardless of how loyal you actually are, or who the dad is.
But yeah suuuure Mapleshade was evil and horrible for not correcting Frecklewish. I can totally accept that in this completely arbitrary situation that somehow it would have turned out better if she told her No and left the whole Clan speculating.
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kingofanemptyworld · 1 month ago
that two week wait killed me man I missed my weekly anfuu fix so bad
that being said… I don’t think I’m the only person who’s been kinda. underwhelmed with the last couple chapters? ngl I was looking forward to a more open ending where it was clear andy was going to win Fuuko over a second time even without her memories. they set it up like that when using the Heart meant such a huge sacrifice, Fuuko losing the love she had for andy as well as the rest of the union members, and then it was just. undone. with a snap of soul’s fingers. soul’s another can of worms (along with ruin tbh) but my biggest gripe is anfuu, shockingly.
that’s not to say I’m not happy for them! I did almost tear up with fuuko’s last line of the chapter! I just. was expecting more, I think. and it kinda cements my thought that tozuka didn’t finish uu exactly the way he wanted to.
but ultimately this is still one of my favorite series, and I’m genuinely glad to see my beloved MC get her happy ending with andy and the union, even if they’ve all scattered back to their homes now. I’m in no way trying to dampen anyone’s enthusiasm about this chapter or the series as whole, just. y’know. that’s my two cents on all this.
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ozzyfromthecafeteria · 5 days ago
if another random stranger touches me i think i may start killing
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stardustedknuckles · 9 days ago
Oh wow. It's wild how things come full circle. When I was about ten, I somehow ended up with the second book in a trilogy. Never the first, not for another 15 years at least, but it was dense and it was thick and it came from the dollar tree.
I don't know that I would have called it good, at ten, but I remember I was determined to read it through. I have memories of reading it while following my mom through Kroger while she shopped, as I very early mastered reading and walking at the same time. Crucially, it was one of my first exposures to largely Irish but broadly northern folklore. It's where I first learned of the fey (that I recall) and the tricksy logic they employ. In many ways, this random book shaped my view of storytelling in a way I wouldn't see again for another decade when my friend left her copy of gaiman's "Stardust" at work and I read it before giving it back to her the next day.
The book was The Lady of the Sorrows, the second in the Bitterbynde trilogy by Cecilia Dart-Thornton, and a few years ago I bought the series on my Kindle and managed to read the first book for the first time. Again, I don't know if I would have called it good, but there were nuggets - sections of prose that lifted from the page, an overall sense of wildness and charm that kept me going through subjects and meandering scenes pages long that would've lost me in pretty much any other book.
I started reading it again a few nights ago, determined to see it through and finally read all three. It IS good, actually, at least to my tastes, but then I've had years and years to marinate and be oddly shaped by it in a way that leads to me feeling so at home with it now. It's a kind of high fantasy that usually puts me right to sleep. Yes it's impressive that you're telling me the dimensions of this castle and where the bricks came from, but did it have to take ten pages before the characters took another step - usually right into another broad description?
Anyway I just got to the second book and read the foreword, which starts with a quote by Tanith Lee... Tanith Lee, where had I heard that name? And recently? I had a hunch and a search confirmed it - she was one of the biggest writers Gaiman ripped off without saying a word.
So at ten years old I had my world crucially shaped in some way by a random book from the dollar store, about ten years later I read my first Gaiman book and spent years enamored with the way he told stories and personified concepts as people/demigods, and then so soon after needing to put some distance between myself and "his" works I came to realize that some of my very first memories of big, epic books came from another author enamored with Tanith Lee but who had actually deigned to mention her in her works.
Wild. I'm definitely going to read Tanith Lee next, whenever I finish the 20-year task of reading this series. I just never thought that random book I was so enamored with despite its density, with all of its lore and study of the fey and its arched manner of speech, would have ripples from ripples years and years later even beyond the lifelong affinity for the fair folk and their legends. I've played so many video games and loved objectively underwhelming media because it was rooted in this familiar kind of lore. In school I created OCs with ties to the fey, and the same in later years playing dnd. My current character is from the feywild, and it all leads back to here. In a roundabout way, this woman I had never heard of has been the source of so much of the stories I have found to be great and lasting.
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whitegownsandflowercrowns · 1 month ago
I do think all of the adults had some part to play in creating the Dance but if I had to break it down to who had the most power to prevent it it would be Jaehaerys up to and including the Great Council, Viserys up until the moment Aegon is born and Otto from then on.
#jaehaerys could have named rhaenys his heir and prevented any sort of similar succession crisis from occurring in the future#all viserys needed to do was not get remarried and not have sons#i pass it to otto after that because the second that aegon came out male he began to scheme#(granted if viserys had stayed firm in his decision to remove him as hand i do think the chances of the dance go down#but this is still mostly on otto)#alicent's culpability is mostly from raising her sons to hate and fear rhaenyra's sons#so is rhaenyra's to a lesser extent but also for leaving king's landing and having three blatantly illegitimate children#(and then two blatantly legitimate children right after that)#daemon's is just from being generally unhinged and giving the greens legitimate reasons to fear for their safety#larys is the reason otto came back as hand#mysaria did technically help orchestrate blood and cheese#all the other members of the green council willingly committed treason#i was going to say corlys and rhaenys are blameless but no they pushed laenor into marriage knowing full well he's gay#forcing rhaenyra to have the aforementioned blatantly illegitimate children#also in the alternate universe where viserys chose laena they are probably a lot more culpable for that dance#but ultimately while all of the above are a series of bad decisions that culminated there were only three that could have stopped the dance#don't set a precedent that women inherit after men.#don't remarry or have sons after you've declared your daughter your heir.#don't scheme to usurp the rightful heir.#and that is why those three have the most culpability to me#house of the dragon
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inkyminx · 2 months ago
Never thought I’d dream about the ninja going on a heist with me tagging along somehow, just minding my own business.
Like seriously, it started like a movie where all the cast are introduced in the smash bros way and I guess fighting some normal villains. Say a line mid-fight and BOOM name and intro.
THEN apparently there was a timeskip where all things were well, nothing happening with me and Kai hanging out in a coffee shop UNTIL HE GETS K!DNAPPED?
I rushed to I think the monastery to tell Lloyd about it and we all get ready to take on who tf k!dnapped fireboy in the first place. Nya, Zane and Sora were talking a lot of smack. Mostly just roasting the hell out of her brother.
Then I woke up when Cole, Lloyd and I were just about to enter the building.
What fvcking cliffhanger did I just witness?
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saltynsassy31 · 6 months ago
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Frye Fest - Final Countdown
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evilsartcorner · 1 year ago
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pestercide · 1 year ago
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twelve-kinds-of-trouble · 2 months ago
and if I said that heimerdinger’s absolute tune from episode 7 was one of the best tracks from season 2. what then ?
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dennisboobs · 2 months ago
most annoying thing about being me is that i cannot engage with like. any fanon shit about dennis because i'm constantly on some advanced derangement and the stuff i thought two years ago when i was first getting comfy in the fandom is still the way everyone else looks at dennis but i'm like. yes but its Worse than this. you're like a quarter of the way there. this isn't the interesting bit, this is a symptom of it, keep going.
#ada speaks#i tried reading fic. i got probably 5 minutes in and was like hm i dont think i can do this#it doesnt like. piss me off. it just also does not interest me in the least#that post going around the other day got me thinking too like fjsmbfkfkj#i think maybe macbrain often causes ppl to come to the wrong conclusions too but 🥴#like i see so many people apply the same logic that makes sense with mac to dennis and it's like whoa. wait a minute. huh??#we're doing the catholic guilt thing here with him...? you think he's got a complex with that?#you think den's been anything other than openly queer since the show began ?? jdehkbfjkherbfjh i dont know man. where are you getting that.#dennis' shit is so far removed from anything else i think you NEED to understand him in a vacuum before applying individual circumstances#ie. when trying to understand dennis' behaviour Around Mac i don't actually think it has much to do with mac at all#or at least nowhere near as much as ppl give him credit for lol#he's just. like that. he's behaving perfectly in line with himself just not. with anything else. its not that complicated really#i also don't think that he hates himself nearly as much as everyone seems to think#conversely. also nowhere near the narcissist everyone makes him out to be.#still cant get over the absolute deranged interaction i had on twitter a while back where it was like.#''dennis isnt legitimately interested in Anyone because he's too in love with himself.'' like hdksbkfngmdjshdkfjfndj LOVES HIMSELF??#first of all the SINNED system is right there and those steps and that GOAL Mean Something secondly fhkfnskjrjdkbsnsnfnfk#meanwhile i was talking about some fic concepts & hcs a while back with a friend and they were like youre straight up writing plural dennis#like. ah. yeah. victoria is an alter. somehow i've written this while being like. hm. what IS victoria to him.#these two are distinct people coexisting in this body and dennis still *exists* even after coming out and transitioning...?#but how can i even begin to talk about this when i don't agree that much of anything in canon points to this. it's like.#i dont think brian lefevre or hugh honey or his random personas are alters. its specifically victoria and a few other instances#and victoria isn't even. a thing. glenn just conveniently gave a 'canon' name to a thing i was Already conceptualizing but its? not canon#anyway golden god firefighter and victoria manager. hello. anyone. dennis and victoria co-fronting.#this is more about. IFS than DID but it's.#idgaf about the macden other ppl froth at the mouth over im inside dennis' brain poking around i find them fascinating but not like that#(there is something wrong with me)#genuinely wish i could enjoy the stuff in the tag and the stuff that showed up on my dashboard regularly this is a curse DBKSBFMF
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