#that’s MY kid now Geppetto
avtvmnalvibes · 2 years
I am 20 minutes into the new Pinocchio movie. I almost cried in the first 10 minutes and I am now experiencing extreme maternal instincts toward Pinocchio
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grandcovenant · 9 months
carlo's inherent tragedy as a character means that if he hadn't died young he would've gone through something worse. the horrifying realization that he inherited his father's personality <3
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lopposting · 8 months
I think I did it.
I think I cracked Lies of P.
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(me rn)
i keep going back and forth on carlo's death.
i know i was adamant before, on him dying from the petrification disease. i think logically he would have to have had it because of ergo.
but here's another weird point about his death,
i just realized why we intrinsically think he was killed.
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Carlo is wearing his school uniform when his stalker finds him, and on the floor at that. That's quite odd. Maybe not being on the floor, but the uniform. Why the uniform?
"He didn't even come to your graduation?"
For the son of an aristocratic family, would this be the image of a deathly ill son in care? Did Geppetto know? Wouldn't he be in palliative care, as Lady Antonia could afford?
Why wear the uniform after graduating?
"Oh, she's here! Grab her!"
"...Gemini, get rid of them! I'm off!"
Was his death literally right after his graduation, on the same day?
And also, Gemini is a little lamp guy. (She doesn't look to be carrying the lamp.) Why does she tell him to take care of the boys? What can he even do? Tell them off?
Here's another funny thing... We NEVER see Carlo outside of his school uniform. (at least, in the "past", "real" Carlo time line).
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And as we know, the school uniform has a prominent Sailor collar, the type that is associated with nautical outfits [down to the three stripes, supposedly called a "naval collar"]. The Graduation pendant that he gives to Romeo is of an anchor. [I know that these are all artifacts of the charity house. but they are nonetheless associated in tangent with Carlo]
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When we find Carlo's painting, it's right next to this one of a ship. [also, two bottles on the counter, perhaps representing the "two lives" of Carlo and Pino]
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also... when Carlo's memories materialize... it's in the sand. Only on the seaside.
Remember, Romeo seems to be associated with a fire element, and Pino with water, the same seems to go with Carlo. The original novel of Pinocchio itself seems to have a strange fixation on the ocean.
And now, might I present to you:
The DLC images are also of a ship and some kind of water turbine.
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Director Choi (in pre-release interview): "I'll put it this way: there are more stories I want to tell in Lies of P, so I hope [it] does well."
Also: "There sure are stories we could not introduce in the game" (talking about the story being adapted into another form)
[basically, that there was more to the story than what was really present in the final game.] I'll leave all this to your consideration without adding my own just yet. (I'll add it in a reblog on my own blog without tagging it) Just kidding I want to keep wasting everyone's time
Perhaps after the events of the game,
This is some sort of effort by Pino to either learn more about the deceased Carlo or try to remember his "previous life" as Carlo, by taking to the sea.
Maybe even after the game, Pino will STILL attempt to "awaken" as him so to speak [:(].
[Maybe he actually will.]
Again, Carlo is strongly associated with nautical elements. Again, he is never seen outside of a sailor suit, basically. Also, when we gain the memories of Carlo, they materialize on the sand, at the seaside. Remember, he DIED in the sailor outfit
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Maybe we are to take the "sand memories" more "literally" as they are in the sand?
Did Carlo drown and his body wash ashore, which is why these memories materialize in the sand? Why is he so associated with ships?
Pino is also depicted in the water, remember, including what looks to be concept art that was used for the OST? Maybe it isn't "just" a motif? [even simple things like his "official" coat and his eyes being blue, blue blood's tailcoat, and him being associated with the colour blue in general]
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Which is why Pino is pictured in the water, since he was "born" from Carlo's death... He was birthed in the water the same way Carlo died in it?
[more notes in reblog]
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 3 months
A Cautionary Tale: Saint-14's Blunder
"Some still speak of the day, in hushed tones in the shadows corners of the tower, that Saint-14 fucked up.
The guardians know better than to speak the words too loudly for the great warlock Osiris is able to be anywhere and everywhere at once, but they have to warn the new lights of this cautionary tale.
You see Saint-14 and Osiris have faced unspeakable odds and still come back to each other with their bond stronger than ever. Their story is one of love conquering even time itself. So what could break such a perfect couple? What could bring the greatest love of the ages to a shaky edge?
It was not the hive, fallen, nor even the terrible vex. No my sweet blueberries, It was a bird.
Don't laugh, it's not a joke. Look to your elders and see their expressions little lights. Birds are no laughing matter in the tower. You have seen Saint's flock of pigeons, haven't you? Heard the tender way he calls Osiris his phoenix?
But this bird was neither of these. No, this bird was a Crow. A scrappy little Crow with a broken wing that Osiris found lost and abandoned by its flock. He was very protective of his little Crow. So protective that when Saint upset the little bird, even by accident, Osiris fell into a fit of rage even at his most trusted partner.
He yelled so loud you could hear it on the other side of the city. He snarled and hissed like a mother cat protecting her kits- honestly if you were there it was kinda sweet but you didn't hear that from me- anyway! The point was, Saint-14 was brought to his knees, pleading for forgiveness and repenting his mistake.
What? What did he do? I told you, he made Crow sad. Oh, how? Well Crow had this frankly stupid haircut and Crow overheard Saint joking about it to Geppetto. Oh, no I didn't mean an actual bird. I was being dramatic. Saint-14 and Osiris adopted the Vanguard Crow ages ago back when he was all sad and broody. Anyway, the lesson to be learned here kids, is to never insult Crow where Osiris can find out and he will find out no matter where you are. You should never-"
Osiris crossed his arms raising an eyebrow at the ghost bobbing on a plain tower shell surrounded by new lights and when one of the young hunters turned and yelped it caused the group to scatter like cats from a cucumber.
"Sagira, you can't keep doing this or none of the new lights will ever look at me without jumping." He tsked at her and she giggled as she moved to hover over his shoulder.
"Don't lie, you love watching them cower. Plus, it's funny to see how they all look at Crow after. He has no idea why he has an army of tiny guardian ducklings trailing him." She said dawning her usual shell with a flash of light now she wasn't trying to secretly spread rumors through the tower.
"At least you stopped telling them all I was in my boxers when I yelled at Saint. They really don't need to know those sort of things." He sighed as they headed toward the hanger.
"It was hilarious! You telling off Saint for making fun of Crow's terrible haircut while wearing nothing but your boxers and slippers and sleep robe! I can't believe Crow was brave enough to wake you up to make sad eyes at you over Saint mocking him. This is why he's my favorite." She chirped and Osiris rolled his eyes.
"I thought he was your favorite because he and Glint saved you from the traveler and helped you regain your memories so we could be reunited?" He hummed and she bobbed.
"You can have more than one reason for someone to be your favorite Osiris. After all, I'm sure there's many reasons I'm your favorite." She teased and Osiris frowned.
"When did I say you're my favorite? Did I not tell you of my close bond to the pooka I adopted?" He asked and grinned as she started ranting about how much better she was than some over-empathetic flying fish.
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yrluvjane · 1 year
|𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐝|
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— James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: The night of Voldemort's attack on the Potters.
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Rain hammered with furious strikes, coating the ground with dirty muddy water. Thunder and lightning illuminated the sky and threatened those below them with painful death.
Uncontrollable power and fear infected the air of Godrics Hollow. Though they could not see it, the residents of the streets felt it.
But even with these conditions, it didn't stop the youngsters from wandering the streets for treats and tricking their neighbours.
James Potter sat with his son Harry, who had his hands pressed against the cold window. His breath fogged the glass as he gaped and traced the drops of rain.
"Hey buddy," James said as he held his three-year-old son and placed him on his shoulder, rubbing his back soothingly.
Harry shivered and then sneezed from the cold. "Why don't we go sit with mommy where it's warm, mmmh?" He said as the young boy shook his head up and down.
James chuckled with Harry clapping his small hands they made their way to the couch facing the fireplace.
There sat his wife with a children's book and their daughter in her arms. "Love," James called. He kissed her temple and sat next to her, warmth draping over him like a blanket while Harry sneezed once more at the change in temperature and made grabby hands at his mum.
"Hi," She replied, kissing James cheek before readjusting her seat and handing their daughter to James and taking Harry in her arms; leaning back on her husband's shoulder.
"It's little past your bedtime, rebelling tonight, are we?" She teased, booping his nose as little Harry giggled.
"Stowy," Harry said as he wiggled in his mother's grasp for a more comfortable position.
"A story. What do you think James, should we entertain our little audience?" She asked as her husband put an arm around her shoulder and tickled Harry's neck while placing a kiss on his daughter's head.
"Why not?" James said as Harry laughed uncontrollably, trying to remove his dad's fingers from the back of his ears.
A roar of lightning rang, causing both their kids' faces to scrunch up a sign that they were about to cry, James and his wife immediately began to comfort the little kids by soothingly rubbing their back. "It's okay, baby. It's okay. We're right here." James's voice came as a soft whisper as he rocked their daughter and gently patted her back.
His wife, on the other hand, was pushing Harry's black curls back and rubbing her nose with his. "Who's my little prince charming?" She cooed, peppering his face in kisses as Harry giggled, trying to push his mum's face away. "Mama," he whined, "tick-ow."
"Tickles?" James repeated amused, happy that his daughter's sniffles have ceased and the little raven haired girl was now soundlessly laying on his chest and playing with his fingers.
Harry nodded. "Stowy, now?"
"What type of story would you like, Harry?"
"That one!" He said excitedly, pointing at a small discarded muggle fairytale book as his parents chuckled. The little girl on James's chest faced to where her brother was pointing and made little grabbing gestures before sucking on her thumb.
"Okay." Mum said as she raised her wand, and the lights dimmed, allowing the dark room to light up with her magic as the book levitated from the ground. Harry happily began to clap while his sister started shifting in her place to try and catch the book.
Just as the book opened, Harry’s eyes widened, and he yelled that he needed to get his teddy from his bed; earning a light scolding from his mother for shouting and scaring his sister.
Once he returned and settled down, small illusions began to form around them, displaying a vivid scene of a man carving in his workshop. "Long ago in Italy, there lived on old clock-maker named Geppetto; when he worked, Geppetto felt happy."
"But when he rested, a sad feeling came over him. “Ah!” he would think. “All my life and no child to call my own!” So, one day, Geppetto carved a puppet from wood in the shape of a boy."
"Pineappwe!" Harry exclaimed as James barked out laugh whilst his wife groaned, no matter how much his wife tried to get Harry to understand Pinocchio and pineapples were two different things, Harry insisted on them being the same.
"It's Pinocchio, Harry."
"Pineappwe" protested the younger Potter with a mischievous grin, which he most definitely got from his father.
"If his highness says it's pineapple, then it's pineapple." James said, his laugh dying out. "Don't encourage him." His wife pressed pointedly. "You know muggles like to say that that the firstborn child always takes after their mum." James commented.
"Really, is that why he has your face?" His wife retorted with a scoff. "Oh c'mon, you too are insistent on having your way."
"I'm not, if anyone is persistent it's you."
"Yes, you do, but it's okay because I love you." James kissed her cheek as she faced him with amused brows and parted lips. "I'm sorry, who keeps spoiling the kids with unnecessary toys and gifts?"
"Those aren't 'unnecessary'! They're educational!" James defends facing his son, "Right, Prongslet?"
Harry, who was too busy flipping the pages on the forgotten book, nodded absentmindedly.
"And I quite remember you and Lily rambling about some Halter Beanstien and I very much remember Remus saying that he said 'Play is the highest source of research' and I am very sure you said that he was kne of the smartest people in history."
"Do you mean Albert Einstein?" His wife asked as she broke into laughter. "Don't laugh at me. It's not my fault that muggle names are strange."
"Right cause 'Albus Dumbledore' is such a normal name."
"You know, I spoil you as much as I do them. Maybe even more." James says, stroking his wife's hands, his thumb circling the simple looking yet priceless silver band with diamonds engraved in it. He leaned down and placed a small peck at each of her fingers before facing her again.
"If anyone spoils anyone, it's me spoiling you." His love states quietly not disturb their daughter, who was now falling a sleep. "Oh, do you?" James asks, intrigued as she inches her face close to his and placing a soft kiss to his lips, which seems enough to have him dizzy. "Mmmh, spoiling you with my kisses."
Another kiss.
"And delicious cooking."
Another kiss and James is very much dizzy and hot.
"And my daily complements that feed that monstrous ego of yours." She says with a final kiss and pulls back, revealing her cheeky smirk.
"Did you really have to ruin the moment? And B, I do not have a 'monstrous' ego."
"James, my love, you have a life-size cut out of yourself in our son's bedroom."
"It was a present from Padfoot, and Harry loves it!" James whispers harshly at his wife's amused and narrowed eyes, "Does he though?"
"You're jealous of the kids' love for me, it's obvious they love me more." James states proudly, looking at both his kids who were both snoring peacefully.
"I think it's time we get your sight checked out," His wife says as she picks up Harry and gets up. "You're obviously missing something."
It's James turn to scoff as he places a gentle hand under his daughter's tiny legs and one on her back; following the woman up the stairs and into the kids' bedrooms.
After his son's been tucked in his bed and his daughter in her crib, and after three minutes of giving everyone their respective kisses and good-night's, both Lord and Lady Potter are laying down peacefully on their bed, their arms, lovingly wrapped around each other.
His wife's hand intertwined with his. His glasses were off, and all he could see were blurred colours. His fingers drew lazy alphabets and shapes on her hand.
A small lamp filled the room in a dimmed yellow glow that James was still unsure of how it worked but learned to not question muggle objects after waking up in the middle of the night for a snack only to find the refrigerator grumbling at him. And another lessoned learned was to not ask his partner cause she had spent a good week laughing at him every time she saw his face. Which made James pissed cause his wife was laughing at him when he was being threatened by her things.
It was little moments like this that James and her cherished, thousands of words dancing in between spoken only by little actions like looking into each other eyes, little touches of reassurance, watching the kids while they slept. These little moments were what reminded the couple what they were fighting for.
However, all good things must come to an end, James quickly dropped his wife's hand, sat up straight, and hurriedly slotted on his glasses. "James?" His wife's worried voice came as she stood and grabbed her wand. "He's here!" James exclaimed, a furious expression on his face despite the small crack in his voice.
His wife stared at him in shock, lips trembling in fear before darting out of the room. She quickly rushed into her daughters room, grabbed the sleeping babe, and headed to her sons room. "Harry, wake up!"
The three year-old only stirred in his sleep, mumbling to himself. She gasped and let a small yelp when she felt the ward shake, knowing they wouldn't hold for long. She quickly grabbed Harry by the waist and ran to the guest room. There lied a large cabinet, decorated in delicate little carvings.
"Harry, sweetie, you need to wake up now."
She quickly opening the doors to the cabinet with magic and placed the kids in it, she summoned a large stack of pre-written letter and placed it with them. At this Harry's eyes began to flutter open, "Mama?"
"Hey, Haz." She whispered softly, her eyes burned as hot tears rolled down her cheek. "Why mama cwy?" He asked, his eyes wide as he tried to reach for her only for her to push him back and take in a shaky breath. "Harry, me and dad love you and your sister so so m-much! And one day we need you to tell your sister that."
"We wove you and Daddy too." He stated with unsure eyes as his little brows furrowed.
"We know darling, but now I'm sending you to Uncle Padfoot, okay? These are letters me and your dad wrote for you and your sister to read when you're all big and strong." She said, wiping her tears hastily. Her voice broke as she saw Harry begin to cry as though he was understanding the situation.
"I have to go now, but remember that we love you so much, say hi to Uncle Padfoot and Moony for us, okay." She grabbed Harry's head and placed a wet kiss on his forehead and one on her daughters, who was, thankfully, still asleep.
"Mama! MAMA!" Harry screamed as she shut the door to the cabinet with shaking hands and began whispering the incantation required. She could hear James yelling for her as he ran up the stairs, rushing from door to door.
Once done, she opened the doors to the cabinet and made sure it was empty. She gasped as James ran in his eyes darting to the cabinet. "You have to go with them! We've talked about this!" James yelled loudly, running his fingers through his hair. He ran over to his wife and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her violently. "This isn't a joke!"
"I know that, James! How can you you say that?!" She yelled back, The feeling of the wards James placed crumbling by the force of the dark lord's magic was like a painful pinch on her back. "Please, I beg of you." The proud Ex-Gryffindor was nothing if not confident, and seeing him scared and truly worried sparked a strong, anxious feeling of fear that caused an involuntary sob to bubble out.
She didn't want them to die, not today, and not like this. And seeing her broken state, James hugged her. The loud blasts and threats from the dark lord made him wince and tighten his hold on her, knowing this was most likely the last time he'll ever see her.
This was it. They both thought.
"Incendio" His wife whispered and James watched in horror as a blast of fire erupted from her wand and hit the vanishing cabinet, a fire bloomed and began eating at the wood and in that moment the house shook signalling the Dark Lord's broken through.
"He'll know. He'll know where they are, James. W-we have to..." She took a deep breath and pulled away, "I know." James finished they both stood in front of each other and raised their wands, the end of it touching each other's temples.
The sound of heavy steps on the stairs taunted them, "You can no longer run or hide, Potters!" His voice so hollow and demanding, "I will take what I came for! AND NONE OF YOU CAN STOP ME!" The threat was enough to wake them up. Determination sparked in them as Voldemort blasted the door to one of the bedrooms.
A small, hypnotic, whispy, bluish white light began to form at the end of their wands. What looked like a thin string began to unthread and slowly evaporate into the air. "I love you now and later." James whispered as small tears rolled down his cheek, and a tiny bittersweet smile played on his lips.
"Now and later." Lady Potter repeated as she reached for his hand and squeezed it in reassurance, but at that moment, their pain dispersed and was soon replaced with relaxation as their saddened expressions morphed into one of confusion,
the sound of another blast made them turn towards the door. The two strangers looked at each other in shock and raised their joined hands, dropping their wands. The small wooden sticks clattered as they fell to the ground, and the smell of burning wood finally began to intoxicate the air.
"Who are you?" The bespectacled man asked before she could answer an explosion so powerful caused both of them to be thrown towards the wall. The fire began to spread across the room, claiming a small carpet as its first victim as the dark lord entered.
His blood-like red eyes wandered to where the couple lay on the ground before darting all over the room looking for the children. This was the last room in the house, and there was no sign of the young heirs.
At his anger, his magic crackled around him, he could hear faint sirens of the muggle response team and the yells and shouts of the neighbours. He marched to the couple, his eyes twitching in fury as he stared at their motionless bodies and where their hands lay loosely on top of each other.
The logical part of him knew that he shouldn't kill them, that he should take them and torture them for information of their kids' whereabouts but his emotions drowned that part of him, he raised at his hand at where their hand's rested and sneered at the display of their love even when they were about to die and uttered two words that would change the story of The Potters forever.
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Chapter two: The Day it Dawned
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Tagging: @sssstarstruck @cloudroomblog
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shinjisdone · 7 months
Dearest Shinji,
I don't think i have the access to your DMs so allow me to just write it through here.
One of my headcanons for Yandere! Carlo is he will let you do as he please or just let you do on your own business. . but he needed to be there and watch over you to make sure you're not straying away from him or else if you did, he will come and look for you non-stop.
In addition, he will not hurt you if you disobey him but if you fight back--he might put you in a right place and 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡 you in his own way. Again, this type of punishment cannot harm you but it is truly something that he wanted to see and make him entertained.
🦋 Let those thoughts run wild.
Hi, tiramisu, thanks for the headcanon!
And yes, aaaaaah I have a similiar opinion of Yandere Carlo, especially after the Real Boy ending!
Carlo letting you do as you please is something he can be okay with but I think he would definitely demand from time to time that you do as he pleases. Play the games with him that he wants to play, go along with what he wants and dance to his rythm as he leads. He's definitely childish but selfish in a way while also being clingy. You are his family, his one true friend to stay in the hotel with him so how can you even think of leaving him alone?
In my headcanon with a Yandere Real Boy ending!Carlo, he has his old memories when he was alive back from P's Ergo but also got Pinocchio's twisted love for you with it.
Carlo always loved you, he was just a distressed and lonely as child to teenager and young adult who also had a lot of resentment for his father and didn't know where to direct it, so as a kid he often teased you. Nevertheless, he never wanted to hurt you but this reborn Carlo is different.
Geppetto adjusted him into the small good boy he always wanted so this Carlo now adores his father, never lies and obeys his every word. But in turn he is back to his childish self that now is selfish with your attention and affection.
Geppetto made the abandoned hotel his home so now Carlo will make it your very own paradise. Where you can play all day, eat all the candy you want and never have to go to school or be anywhere else or interact with anyone else. Follow Carlo's rules and you'll be fine.
And punishments that do not hurt but entertain him? Yes - exactly that is Yandere Carlo 100%. He loves you and wants you to be like he wants but there is still this side of him that likes to push you, tease you. Make fun of you for being a stupid girl or for not being as fast as he is or strong as he is (all which he gained from Pinocchio) or how all the puppets in the Hotel listen to HIM and not you (Geppetto made sure).
Its a sick combination of P's loyality, clinginess and love as well as Carlo's selfish, bratty side and his love for you he used to have as a human. All he needs is his family :)
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queenangst · 2 years
imagine if lou failed that charisma saving throw… in a different game, a helpless pinocchio could do nothing but watch the stepmother devour his father.
the fact that, until the reveal, he saw her as his mom?? his complicated, weird mom with a past (“all moms have pasts”)??? hurts. what gets me is that, between looking at the monster that ruined his happy ending and the entity holding his father hostage, he turned to the latter “in the childlike way that Pinocchio is young” because she was his maternal figure.
i did have this thought during the episode though, what i'm worried is going to happen is now that pinocchio is presumably free from stepmother's control that she'll just devour or kill geppetto... since pinocchio is no longer useful to her, geppetto isn't useful to her either - since he's always been a tool to keep pinocchio compliant. and since someone brought it up to me, i think geppetto is still alive up to this point, considering it was his blood that boosted pinocchio's powers in episode 4, and she's had no reason to kill him... but now she may not have a reason to keep him alive.
and yeah every episode as we see more and more of pinocchio interacting with stepmother or talking about her my heart really breaks. imo i've been interpreting pinocchio as accepting of his situation because he knows he has to, bc stepmother is 'taking care' of geppetto. some people have said pinocchio is a bit naive or trusting towards stepmother, but i dont think so... i think he just knows his own position with her. you can really see it in e4 when they're talking post-death that... in my opinion, pinocchio is acutely aware of his position and how little power and agency he had at that point. and this episode, when he was talking to miss muffet - he described how it was all or nothing. all responsibility. that how he sees his own story is that he needed to (and was forced to) grow up and that he can't be a little kid and have fun. combined with the times of shadow and how it was so important that pinocchio needed to be able to lie, that he would break off his own nose... is just really awful and telling. and when stepmother gave him pinocchi-crow, partly as a familiar and partly so she could watch him, he admittedly hated it.
but also, he's never had a maternal figure before. he called her mom. he consistently downplayed and left out information about her to his friends (partly, i think, to protect them/to keep his business to himself with geppetto, and partly for her sake, too). i don't think pinocchio loves her, not the way he loves his father. but as he said, she's helped him and given him gifts. she has looked after him to an extent. obviously from the outside this is abuse and manipulation, and pinocchio is aware of some of that, but i think he does care for her in some way.
and ultimately he is a kid. he's just a boy. a boy on strings.
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drdavidhuxley · 10 months
Because I recently went to see WDAS' most recent film, Wish, and because it's their centennial, and because I'm currently listening to a mega-draft podcast of the films, here are my Top Ten Walt Disney Animation Studios films (not my list of personal favorites, the top ten films I would say are the top ten best of the canon):
Beauty and the Beast (1991) - an assuredly told version of the story, an outstanding score, stellar cast and voice work paired with great animation, a highlight of the medium of animation
Pinocchio (1940) - this was their second one out of the gate! i mean there's so much to admire: the shot of jiminy's perspective as he hops to geppetto's shop, the overhead shot of the town, the horror of lampwick turning into a donkey, the monstro chase, everything with figaro and cleo!!!
Sleeping Beauty (1959) - they set out to create a literal moving work of art and they did it. the tchaikovsky score and gorgeous painted backgrounds, PLUS you got The Golden Girls raising a child in the woods, "And now you shall deal with me O Prince, and all the powers of Hell!" FUCK.
101 Dalmatians (1961) - I watched this in its entirety for the first time as an adult after previously only seeing part of it once or twice and I never knew how fucking tight of a film this is. So tightly told. And it looks exciting and charming. A real gem from the studio.
Cinderella (1950) - the part when the grand duke is talking to the king about how the prince would react if the girl of his dreams showed up to the ball and they show the prince reacting to cindy walking into the ballroom, good shit. the message of "a dream is a wish your heart makes" gets a bad rap, but it's a pretty song and sentiment. also this movie has one of my favorite animated scenes where lady tremaine wakes up the stepsisters to tell them about the slipper and cinderella slowly realizes she danced with the prince the night before and she has this dreamy look on her face and then lady tremaine figures what's up and they pull in on her glowing green eyes and it's over for her. also I think this is one of the most gorgeous and elegant animated films. cinderelly, cinderelly!
The Little Mermaid (1989) - this probably wouldn't be on my list a few years ago, but with the live action adaptation this year and its entry into the National Film Registry, I've been reconsidering this movie and it's such a joyous and ✨ magical ✨ animated work with an emotional center that connects with so many who watch it. the YEARNING. ashman understood it. also, glen keane's (i believe he animated this part?) animation on the part of your world reprise is glorious with that fucking hair, pat carroll and the design of ursula, a heavenly match. and menken's delightful score. it's so good.
Aladdin (1992) - this is actually my number one personal fave, it's the VHS tape I watched the most growing up, but I think this is a good placement for it. It's beautiful to look at, it's a full-fledged animated comedy, it's the last of howard ashman's contributions, "friend like me" is one of the best animated sequences ever, aladdin was my first animated crush, i still stan jasmine, it spawned a pretty terrific spinoff series, jonathan freeman's cackle is the best villain cackle, and of course, robin. also, ron clements and john musker are kings.
Lilo & Stitch (2002) - the more time passes, the more I think this film proves itself to be a grand achievement in the canon. the amount of sentiment is just right, stitch is an entertaining creation and his connection with lilo is relatable, i mean the ending scene always gets me with the "it's broken but still good", also the fact that not another film in the canon looks like this one makes it stand out. and the ending shot of stitch's picture attached to the weathered family photo, ugh. it's also a love letter to "weird little kids". i love it.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) - i mean, yeah. it's scary, it's silly, the queen's transformation into the hag still rules. "one song" is an underrated song.
The Emperor’s New Groove (2000) - this movie is legendary. the story of how it came to be is insane. i read that there is actually no completed screenplay of the movie??? that's how much they had to scramble to put this together? i would also put this on a list of great comedy films. eartha kitt, eartha kitt. i don't know what things would look like if we actually got kingdom of the sun, but we are so lucky to have this hilarious movie.
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my-shining-sun · 2 years
list of things about this movie that i can’t get out of my head or scream enough about to my partner:
please look at carlo’s little scooter!! because it gets put away up in the attic after he dies :’)
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carlo is a bright young artist who really likes filling in the sky! that, or his favourite colour is blue. you can see at least four of his pieces in his shared bedroom with geppetto. three of them are pinned to his wall (the last being on geppetto’s), one of which depicts a smiling sun identical to the smiling suns that become pinocchio’s signature. it’s still there, years later, right where pinocchio would be able to see it as he turns over in his bed on his first night alive.
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there’s this little hop-skip-step carlo does that is just. such little kid movement. it only happens two times (once as he’s being gifted his schoolbook and another time as he’s entering the church) but it’s so consistent in how they animate it?? god. i love stop-motion!!
the way carlo’s pinecone flies out of the church and is the only thing that survives its bombing (intact) is visually echoed later by pinocchio, when he flies out of the fascist youth camp and is the only person we see that survives that bombing (intact)
LOOK AT SEBASTIAN’S CUTE WALNUT SHELL BED. now look at the framed picture by his lantern because it gets replaced in the epilogue with a lovingly crafted portrait of his joyfully smiling/laughing family...all of which is in pinocchio’s heart...[weeps]
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haha, you know what else geppetto couldn’t stand to tuck away for years in his heartache despite his home being so barren of a child’s frivolity compared to how it looked in the film’s beginning? carlo’s scarf (and we know it’s his because it’s. literally the same prop)
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during the i came to church scene, where the townsfolk are spitting their scorn at pinocchio after he tells his first lie, you can hear geppetto defending him as he pulls him into his side: “no no no, no, he’s harmless!”
geppetto never stopped being a parent and it’s made so clear in the little instinctive motions and things he does. the way he answers pinocchio’s questions despite being so very overwhelmed; the way his entire being softens when he sees pinocchio curled up in the storage space; the way he makes to catch him and eventually does catch him when he staggers over his own feet; and more...it doesn’t make him a real parent, not in the way pinocchio has always been a real boy, but the care and love and innate inclination for it never left...he just needed to break in those shoes again
you ever think about how much cleaning geppetto (with pinocchio’s help, i’m sure) would’ve had to do on that first night? childproofing by way of finally throwing out those empty bottles, of actually tidying up and putting away the breakables (and mementos)
the fact that nearly all the songs in this film were also leitmotifs except ciao papa, because the composer explicitly wanted to leave that melody untouched and especial. just for pinocchio and geppetto. i’m going to riot
spazzatura being so casually tactile with geppetto even after only meeting him for the second time will forever live in my head rent-free...they’ll be patting or touching or holding onto that old man (THEY GAVE HIM A LITTLE KISS ON THE HEAD!!) and that old man will just let them! what the hell! my fucking heart!! it’s probably smth carried over from being all over volpe but it’s just. so sweet to see with geppetto instead [sobs]
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every single time geppetto runs his thumb over pinocchio’s cheek or the back of his head, i burst into tears (even when i don’t have tears to burst into)
the storybook we see pinocchio handle in the epilogue is the same one geppetto used to read to carlo and. the way everything is set as we see him open it. he absolutely reads these stories aloud to his papa and spazzatura and sebastian by the hearth...and his signature is so beloved that it’s even framed and placed smackdab in the middle atop the fireplace! the centrepiece!! i canNOT deal with this movie AUGHH
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pinocchio gives tulips to everyone! including carlo <3
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serafiel-jacobs · 11 months
Unfair world
A new chapter of my Lies of p Fanfic series (´ ω `♡)
“No Pinocchio I’m not buying you that horse”
Pinocchio was looking at him with pleading eyes, he even grabbed his father’s clothes.
“But father they are gonna kill him just because he broke one leg, that’s not fair!”
Geppetto was starting to regret taking him to the annual animal fair, Pinocchio was a very empathetic, very sensitive boy, he couldn’t see him sad like that, he hoped that this moment wouldn’t ruin the rest of the day.
“Look, son, horses are very hard creatures to take care of and well, you see…” Oh Lord, he didn’t want to explain this. “If a horse breaks its leg, then he cannot walk anymore, but, I’m sure that he is gonna be happy here on the last few days he has left”
Oh no, that came out wrong.
Tears were starting to form in Pinocchio’s eyes.
It’s okay Geppetto just do damage control.
“Pinocchio that horse cannot walk anymore, they are in a lot of pain, and the pain will only get worse, and horses are not like us or other animals that can have limbs replaced, and then they are sad, and it’s not fair for them to live sad and in pain right?”
He understood now, understood because it reminded him of Sophia.
“I understand…” but it wasn’t fair, why does that have to happen to horses? It’s awful.
“Hey, buddy you haven’t seen the bunnies, how about we check them out?” Gemini clever as always just knew how to try and cheer him up.
Pinocchio perked up a bit, he really wanted to see the cute little bunnies, so many stories in the books he reads have them, and he was eager to finally see some in person, well he is not a human person but that’s how the saying goes.
Sometimes talking to Pinocchio was like talking with a little kid, Pinocchio always listened to Gemini went it came to fun things, things that would cheer him up, but he wasn’t much of a listener when it came to his advice, eighty percent of the time, he would just do what he wanted anyways, well it eased Gemini’s mind that he hasn’t gotten any trouble. But he still had the bad habit of shaking his cage every time he got mad at him.
Pinocchio was picking up the bunnies and petting them, he had to be careful and mind his strength, it was something that stressed him sometimes, his body was harder, more stiff, and he worried that if he applied too much pressure he could end up hurting others, he had performed Herculean feats of strength, his father made sure to make him out of the most durable, strongest materials.
Geppetto watched his son, he was so happy, he had never seen him so happy before, taking him was the right decision, he always tends to find his own fun wandering around with Gemini, but this was an actual event, made to entertain others, he was having fun as well.
He had only been to the fair once before, he took Carlo to see it, when he was twelve years old, his wife… had recently died, and he wanted to cheer him up, at least a little bit, they had a good time, it was one of his most precious memories with him. It was also one of the few times he ever took him somewhere where they bonded just the two of them.
He had heard before that when you have two children, the first one is the one you learn the most, unfortunately being the one you make more mistakes with, and with the second one, you already had more experience and knew when not to screw up. Geppetto doesn’t think that’s a hundred percent true, but it does have some truth to it.
“I can’t make the same mistakes again,” Geppetto thought to himself, he would make sure to spend more time with him, to be there for him, he now works less, and his work life won’t consume him again, but he still put effort in his craft, after all working less doesn’t mean working worse.
They looked around more, Gemini had never seen so many people in one place, he felt a bit disoriented, it really didn’t help when he got stuck tied to Pinocchio’s belt, seeing just people walk around, Pinocchio had to lift him up to make him see the animals, but he can’t carry him on his arms all the time.
“Father look!” Pinocchio pointed at a big sign, it was the newest attraction, a traveling circus had come by and joined alongside the fair, it was marketed heavily to the public, at the very end of the fair was a huge tent, that held elephants inside.
Pinocchio was speechless, “They are so big, they are huge!” he couldn’t believe animals could be so big, he had seen big creatures before obviously, but petrification disease monsters don’t really count on his eyes.
They were big, but gentle creatures, they stretched their trucks for the guests to touch them, such noble creatures.
There was a small elephant on the corner, away from the visitors, it looked scared, as Pinocchio stepped closer, the little elephant sneezed, revealing a huge pair of ears, bigger than its own body, he smiled.
“Hello, what’s your name, little guy?
“That’s Dumbo” said a man in extravagant circus attire. “He is just a dumb elephant, clumsy too, he is just a mess, he can’t perform like the others, and his mother, she got violent, we keep her away so she can’t harm others”.
“Well that’s very rude,” Gemini thought and he always wanted to say it, but it was best not to stir the pot.
Pinocchio ignored the rude man and extended his hand towards the little guy, carefully and wary, Dumbo got closer to him, Pinocchio touched his head, and Dumbo took a few steps back, but Dumbo got closer again, and let himself be petted, the small animal flapped its ears, happy to have someone recognize and cherish him.
They left the elephant tent and continued to look around for the rest of the day, once the moon was seen in the sky, it was time to call it a day, before heading to the exit, something caught Pinocchio’s eyes, he walked to see the elephants being lead to their respective cages, a cage was far away from the others, it was fully blocked, the cage was closed and it only had two small windows open with bars, the door was shut with a wooden lock, signs were around it.
“Mad Elephant” “Danger” “Keep out”
Pinocchio saw Dumbo again, going towards the cage, when he arrived, a trunk came from one of the free spaces of the window bars, picking up the small elephant, it rocked him back and forward, he could see tears in the poor creature’s eyes.
“That must be his mom” Gemini Chirped.
Pinocchio looked away, he held Geppetto’s hand as they walked to the exit, but before going outside Pinocchio couldn’t hold his frustrations anymore.
“That’s so unfair!” He told his father, “That poor elephant was nice, why do they keep her in that cage? And why are they so mean to her baby?! It’s small and misses his mom and doesn’t know any better”.
“Pinocchio…” Gemini didn’t know what to tell him.
Geppetto sighed, it was going to be hard to try and explain this because he was right, it was unfair and cruel to do that.
“Son, it is bad and unfair, animals shouldn’t be treated like that, but there is nothing we can do, unfortunately, they are the elephant's owners, and so they treat them like they want, even if it’s not okay”.
“But why? I don’t understand why nothing can be done about it”
“Pinocchio sometimes the world isn’t fair”
“Why can’t the world be fair?”
Geppetto didn’t know what to say, the world can be very unfair, he knew it, he experienced it, he lost his wife, he lost Carlo; when the whole disaster happened all those people that died, that got sick, it wasn’t fair to them.
“It’s just… how things are sometimes, it’s awful but, it’s something we have to accept, sometimes, there are moments when you can help others in bad situations, but also sometimes there is nothing you can do to help”.
Pinocchio was frustrated, but what else could he say? It was true… there was nothing he could do to fix this. And he did really have a good time for the rest of the day, he can’t let this and what happened with the horse ruin the good day he spent with his father and Gemini.
“It’s okay I get it.” He got closer to his father and held his hand again. “And thank you for bringing me here”
Before they left, they stopped by a shopping stand, Geppetto bought Pinocchio a small plush of an elephant, something good to try and remember this day by.
Weeks later in the newspaper, an interesting headline appeared “Dumbo the great flying elephant!” With a picture of the small elephant in the sky, alongside his mother.
Pinocchio smiled, and for the rest of the day, he kept that smile.
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naivesilver · 1 year
wish I could send you a good ask about an AU of an AU but every single scenario I think of keeps ending up super sad for one reason or another. I'll keep working on that. For now, as a more generic ask, some headcanons about thousand problems AU where the curse doesn't happen? (aka. wish realm!AU) If you fancy it?
DO I FANCY IT, SHE ASKS of course I fancy it!!!!!!! My babies all grown up and Emma flabbergasted!!!!!!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗
So, to make things clear: the premise is akin to that of the Wish Realm, canon Emma gets stuck there and Regina goes to rescue her, except this time it's not just Pinocchio but the whole gang as adults with *gasp* A JOB? Let's see...
Lampwick survived his ordeals and somehow reconnected with Pinocchio when they were younger, and then after Geppetto died like in canon WR he convinced Pinocchio to travel the land (by boat, if I have my way and he is still raised by dwarves after a fashion) and along the way they picked up the rest of the group where they were scattered around various kingdoms;
technically they're merchants (Eugene is their budget man) but they also end up doing increasingly odder stuff wherever they go. Pierrot is still convinced he can crack it as a renowned musician and will play his lute for money (or to woo people). Twinkle has a sword. Don't question it, she's security detail;
Twinkle btw was raised in Agrabah because Sylvester and Igor thought it would be the safest place and Igor still had family there. She therefore is fluent in multiple languages and dresses more in Eastern fashion, with airy, flowing clothes, bright tones and sometimes headpieces;
while they were swinging by her parts Pierrot def tried to propose marriage to the lady Olympia but rumour has it she has refused EVERY suitor since her teenage years (also her dad isn't impressed by Pierrot's ownings) (also also while they were fucking that up Olympia's sister Coppelia pledged herself to Eugene and still sends him invaluable tips about trading. She's already planning the wedding and he's smitten);
when plot begins they've just docked back home which is why Emma (whose WR memories KNOW Pinocchio has returned) still suggests they go to him for help. IRL!Robin is still alive so Regina is not trying to drag Wish!Robin along but he still goes with them because he's looking for his young son who disappeared earlier (Lampwick found him. He really said IS NOBODY GONNA CLAIM THIS and rescued this lost child without waiting for an answer);
when reunions ensue Regina is STUNNED because these bitches aren't KIDS anymore, Roland has gained four new uncles and an auntie (Robin and Lampwick had a very disgruntled conversation but the baby was eating honey sweets the whole time he doesn't give a shit), and they all had to make a hasty escape by sea because technically it still looks like they're helping the Evil Queen do shit. Emma lowkey just wants to go home;
(shut up it said 5+ headcanons I can do what I want) Leona isn't dead btw she's super old and just never remarried (: they meet her when they swing by her village port, they think she's quite nice because when they help her carry the product home she tends to offer them fresh pastries;
Daria can be a fairytale lawyer if she wants to. Gatekeep gaslight girlboss. Mignon can be Pierrot's travelling bard rival for the same reason. Hansel and Gretel possibly never came out of that forest. Grace is...getting by (she hasn't seen her dad in decades) (she's older than he was when he left) (sometimes she wonders if he's even alive anymore)
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I REALLY want to just kind of post the whole draft thingy all at once but I also want to revise it but I also keep getting sidetracked so HERE’S THE DRAFT!!! Pretty much completely unedited! It’s just me rambling about stuff!
So he’s an orphan, because the entire point of him and his sister reaching the train had been to escape from their parents. Fortunately — and unfortunately — the platform is crowded, and busy, bustling with going here and there, trying to make it to the next train, pushing past people who’ve just arrived, shouting to each other, shouting at each other, pushing, shoving, jostling, and all in all, sweeping the poor boy up in the chaos, dragging him along with the human current. He hasn’t got a clue where he’s going. He’s too short to see over the tops of people’s heads.
But after several more moments of claustrophobic, confused movement, the current parts, abruptly dispersing around the boy and leaving him standing, on his own once again, in the middle of a crooked, winding street.
Suitcase clutched in one hand, he stares up at the signpost on the curb, trying to see where he is.
South Avenue, at the intersection of it, fourth, and third. The buildings seemed to loom over the street, giving a nasty, menacing air to the twisted roads, the cloudy, gray sky adding a sinister tone to the whole scene’s atmosphere.
“Hey. Kid.”
The boy turns around, and manages to spot the pair of policemen approaching him, their faces glaring at him from under their hats. His eyes widen, fear flickering in the green and brown irises. But before the cops can even get close enough to grab him, the kid turns, spinning on his heel with the speed of a child who’d been accustomed to making quick escapes, typically from the wraths of a pair of unhappy parents, and streaks down the street, suitcase held tightly against his chest.
The sound of the quickened footsteps behind him does not deter him, doesn’t make him stop. The boy’s head of ginger hair bobs and weaves as he ducks and zips past pedestrians and shopkeepers, narrowly missing a fire hydrant and almost getting tangled up in the leash of a dog being walked by an old woman with a floral-patterned sun hat, who gives a surprised “oh!!” as he passes her by, the policemen following closely behind.
It isn’t long before his escape attempt is foiled, however.
BUT! Even though the cops are threatening to shove him into the orphanage, he manages to avoid being sent there, because while they’re trying to drag him away, this shopkeeper sees him and goes "that's my boy! Sonny, come here! Thank god you two found him, I've been worried sick!" And so the man took him in.
The man's a watchmaker and clockmaker.
Of course.
Jervis basically apprentices under him, the man teaches him and reads to him and everything.
Favorite book, Alice in wonderland, (starts off innocent and all that, y’know)
Man looks like Geppetto or whatever his name is
Man eventually dies of old age, jervis can't inherit the shop cause of legal reasons regarding the man's will, but fortunately he's now old enough to find a job for himself.
He keeps the Alice in wonderland book, as a memento, and... tucked inside..... or perhaps in the spine of the book.... there's a single small pocketwatch, on a chain.
Made for Tetch.
With a beautifully engraved little hat on the outside, and jervis's initials on the inside.
One last little gift from the old man.
Jervis obviously keeps the book, and the watch, and reads it every night before he goes to sleep, never going ANYWHERE without either the book or the watch, because of both sentimentality and fear of either of them being stolen.
He has to rent a motel room for a couple of nights. And then gets chased out by the manager, cause he can't afford it for more than a few nights.
Then he stumbles upon a casino/bar thingy.
Decides he might as well try his luck there, and see if they're hiring.
Some guy there (it's not joker don't worry it's just a random citizen) who's drunk and sees that he has a pocketwatch is like "Ey!!! You got one of those hypno-shizzle things??!" Which puts jervis on edge, cause this place isn't exactly the sort of place you'd go to AVOID criminals who want to steal your fantastic-condition antique book and/or pocketwatch-
"Lemme see!!!! Do the thing!!!!!"
And he has NO idea what the guy's talking about, at first, but then he realizes the guy wants him to "do the thing" that he's seen people do on tv-
With the swinging-a-thing-side-to-side thing.
Y’know………, hypnosis.
*wink wink hint hint winkity wink wink williffifillink-* /goofy
So, EXTREMELY embarrassed,
uncomfortable, and nervous about how many drunk people are suddenly watching him out of the corners of their eyes, he picks the pocketwatch up by the chain, opens it - for effect, and slowly "does the thing", feeling EXTREMELY silly but trying not to show it as he tries to gently swing the pocketwatch back and forth.
Trying to remember what the people on television used to do, he summons up the most dramatic, hypnosis- voice he can possibly manage, again trying not to feel TOO self-conscious....
…and goes through the basic instructions, passing off the man's startlingly prompt obedience of the instructions as just the man mocking him-
Until he says to do something absolutely
INSANE, that NO one would EVER do willingly, and watches in astonishment as the man starts to do exactly that-!
He stops the man, of course, after that moment of shock and realization, but the entire bar is now his audience.
They're absolutely INCREDULOUS, and so is he.
So, of course, he does the whole "uhhh ahahaha yeah I meant to do that" thing- and bows a little, as the room erupts into drunken applause
As time passes, he basically becomes a professional hypnotist, though he only
"performs" for that one bar.
..At first.
Then one day, a regular at the bar tells him she's found him a gig- at the local hotel and casino: The Colosseum.
(I Will FLIP out if that's The name of a canon place in the original Gotham universe 1)
Nervously, and with a bit of reluctance, he goes, and completely KILLS it. (Not literally, don't worry. Not yet- /hi)
And from there, he gets more gigs. Gradually going higher and higher up on the venue
"food chain".
It's a major confidence booster. And a bit of inspiration hits him when someone mentions the book he carries around, plus the hat engraved on his watch, saying that it's "like the mad hatter, innit?"
Cue costume wardrobe change.
But into a COOL version of the mad hatter outfit, y'know- not like he's been pulled straight out of the 1970s/60s animated movie-
Cause the crowds would HATE that
They'd be like "ew who's this weird guy"
At least, in his mind, they would. They probably would love it even MORE, but. Self-confidence is still not his strong suit- /Ih
The crowd goes absolutely WILD when he shows up onstage with the moniker "the mad hatter” and a colorful-yet- fitting costume.
Now, it might seem like this is a bit over-the-top-hat for a man who's a professional HYPNOTIST.
But, see... that thing he told the man to do?
I don't believe I properly explained just WHAT he said.
What he told the man to do… was something along the lines of "stand on your head, start reciting the first poem you think of, and start floating in thin air."
Sort of sarcastically. Cause, of course, he thought the man would just drop the act, laugh, and be like "ahhhh, that was a good one-" and then they could maybe have a normal conversation and the man would leave him alone after that.
The man, however, walked into the center of the room.
Managed to stand on his head ENTIRELY unaided, despite being clearly VERY drunk.
Began reciting the first poem that came to mind.
And began.
Only rising very slowly at first, but after a few moments, he was about a foot off the floor, still reciting the poem.
At which point, of course, Tetch was like "oh, SHOOT" and snapped him out of it.
Eventually, he finally gets hired, and starts doing touring shows with this company called the miss fits
(Was the first thing that popped into my head)
The two of which are kind of shit to him
(Oh yeah the company's led by these two nasty bitches)
(Gina and Kat)
They keep trying to get him to do stuff he
REALLY doesn't want to do
Which results in him basically just hating himself and feeling generally really miserable
So eventually he snaps at them, right after their show in Gotham.
They'd just performed for mr Wayne at his office building.
(Of course-)
But after the performance and his big argument with the managers, who actually throw him out…
He's got nothing.
They legally own all of his profits.
he's broke, again. Pretty much homeless, feeling like a wreck. And the self-hatred is feeling VERY strong.
He hasn't even been able to change out of his show costume.
The only things he took with him were the book and pocketwatch.
And his suitcase.
So he's just on the street corner, crying, feeling like everyone's staring at him as the cars pass, like they're weirded out by the costume that everyone used to love.
Grossed out by the sobbing, by the fact that he's stranded on the corner. He must look like some disheveled madman.
The poor guy feels like he's all out of options.
And then somebody's voice comes from behind him, in the alleyway.
"Helloooo... Pray tell, are you the mad hatter…?"
(Ah crap forgot to tag @tiredconcepts )
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grim-faux · 2 years
everyone was goin "oh, Geppetto is old man. How does he have a 10 y/o kid?"
Lemme introduce you to the idea of... fostering a kid? Or adopted Carlo? Pick your piece.
Geppetto: "This is my child now. I will raise him like my own son and give him the world. I will teach him wood carving like a good Christian boy, and he will be a model citizen."
Fuking war planes: "I see you down there, wee mortal dad."
This was a lot less fucked up in my inner monologue.
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lopposting · 26 days
Some more thoughts + notes on the datamine document!!
[second part of this post ?]
thanks again to user @ ividyon for the document.
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Judging by these lines, again, I think it's a cut story thread that P has to ask Venigni to repair him, thus revealing himself as a puppet to Venigni, but it also suggests that Venigni knew about Carlo
rough alt translation:
제페토 씨에겐 들었어. 팔을 다치신 탓에 내게 네 P기관 정비를 요청하시더군. 사실 네가 인형인 줄은 알고 있었어. 제페토 씨의 친구라면 그 사건에 대해 알 수 밖에 없거든… 슬픈 일이지만 내일의 희망에 집중해야지. I heard from Mr. Geppetto. Because of the arm injury, [he] requested to repair your P-Organ. The truth is, I already knew you were a puppet. If you're a friend of Geppetto's, one couldn't help but hear about what happened... It was a sad thing but I[one must] had to focus on the hope of tomorrow.
It implies Venigni is saying he knew we were a puppet because as a friend of Geppetto, he would've known about the death of Carlo. In the released game, he seems to be an older colleague and doesn't mention it at all, and I wonder if he even knew Geppetto had a son
About what we think happened to Carlo, and Venigni using the phrase "the case"("Any friend of Mr. Geppetto's has no choice but to know about the case"): the word he uses here 사건, which can mean something like a situation, a case, or an incident. It's also the word used by korean law enforcement to refer to a criminal "case". In this case though, I think it's closer to Venigni just referring to "what happened", as in Carlo's death.
Yet another version of this:
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Honestly, I knew you were a puppet, but I didn't expect you to lie. It's creepy that Mr. Geppetto lifted his great promise
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On Geppetto actually talking about Carlo to P:
It's my impression that in the released game, Geppetto never expected P to find out about Carlo because that would probably tip him off to what he was planning (P would probably refuse to hand over the heart?)
Also, Geppetto saying that Carlo was "intelligent" - I wonder if Carlo being a smart kid had something to do with Sophia calling us "Clever one" when we wake up?
REALLY interesting exchange with Geppetto
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the exchange:
【그나저나... 내 예상보다 빠르게 깨어났더구나. 누군가 도와준 사람이 있니?】 【누군가 도와준 사람이 있니?】 소피아가 나를 깨웠다 혼자 열차 안에서 깨어났다
【By the way.. You woke up faster than I expected. 】 【Was there anyone that helped you? 】 Sophia woke me up I woke up on the train by myself
(note: If you tell Geppetto that someone named Sophia woke you up) 소피아라… 그렇구나. 그녀에겐 나중에 감사해야겠구나. Sophia... I should thank her later.
That sounds rather ominous to me. (it also doesn't have an english correspondent from what I see?)
and then what I think is IF you answer that you woke up by yourself- (emphasis mine)
널 깨워준 덕에 신시가지의 학살을 멈출 수 있었단다. 네가 자랑스럽구나. 말해줘서 고맙구나. 난 네가 자칫 잘못되었을까봐 두려웠단다 나에게만큼은 언제나 진실된 아이로 있어다오, 아들아. 널 되살리기 위해 수많은 희생을 치러야 했건만… 다시 어려운 부탁을 하게 되어 미안하구나.
Because of you waking up you were able to stop the massacre. I'm proud [of you]. I'm grateful you told me. I was worried that you might have gone wrong. To me, you'll always be my true child, son. I made so many sacrifices to revive you... I'm sorry to ask such difficult requests again.
It's occurring to me now that I think (나에게만큼은 언제나 진실된 아이로 있어다오, 아들아) can either be read as "Always be true to me, son" OR "To me you'll always be my true son" [as in, he's assuring the new puppet "Carlo" that he's still his son !?]
Again, I wonder if this dialogue is conditional, though. As in, he says "Sophia? I should thank her later..." if we tell the truth about Sophia, And if P tells him he "woke up by myself" we get the latter dialogue (Geppetto immediately accepts him as his son).
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shojo · 2 years
Pinocchio is... confusing.
Let me first start off by saying I didn’t hate it. No seriously. Pinocchio’s design was lovely and showed they cared about staying true to the original character model. Same for Jiminy Cricket and Geppetto and oh my god Tom Hanks needs to be arrested for hogging all the charm in the universe because he, as my mother so aptly put it, is the new Dick Van Dyke and can do no wrong. He is perfect. It’s just a same he’s in such an imperfect film. 
And I’m gonna ignore the easy things to pick on about this movie like all the really really dumb modern jokes, and the awful CGI of Figaro, and the fact that Monstro has tentacles now because that’s a thing. No, I want to critique the wasted potential this movie gave us and then did absolutely nothing with. 
Geppetto is looking at a little boy’s photo while carving Pinocchio. Who is this boy? Did Geppetto have a son at one point? Is that his inspiration for making a wooden boy in the first place? The movie poses and then answers none of these questions. 
Then Geppetto says how his clocks are his life’s work and can never sell them. He also mentions how he hasn’t left his house in a long time. Why? Why does he make clocks and not sell them? How does he make a living? Why has he not left his house? Does it have something to do with that boy in the photo frame? Did that boy like clocks? Did his possible wife who gave birth to said boy love clocks? The movie poses and then answers none of these questions. 
Then we meet this young girl who works as a puppeteer for Stromboli who has a brace/cast on her leg that forms a connection with Pinocchio. How did she come to work for Stromboli? What happened to her leg? What’s her backstory? Stromboli gets arrested and now she’s in charge. How?? How is she able to run this business by herself? Is she able to? I thought she wanted to be a ballerina? How can she stand on pointe in a cast like that?? What happens to her afterward? The movie poses and then answers none of these questions. 
WHAT’S THE POINT OF SHOWING US ALL THESE SHINY CHEKHOV’S GUNS AND NOT FIRING A SINGLE ONE, ZEMECKIS?? I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS. And that’s my biggest gripe with this movie by far. You somehow added an extra HOUR to the run time of this movie and somehow showed us less than the original. 
Like I said, I didn’t hate it. If it makes people go back to appreciate the original a bit more and introduces kids to this beloved character than so bit it. I’d put it on the same tier as the Lady and the Tramp remake: I’m glad I watched it, it was fine, I’d probably never watch it again. 5/10, at least the cast was good. 
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songsfordustmites · 2 years
okay... del toro's pinocchio. I have many conflicting feelings about it. all of my initial thoughts underneath the read more if anyone wants to read it. I typed out a lot.
if I didnt care about the original story then I would give it a 8.7/10, but I do care about it immensely so I would give it maybe a 6.2/10. I felt the cricket was insufferable here. pinocchio should have killed him like in the original story. I did like the music. when pinocchio started singing I rolled my eyes but then it got good.
this adaptation is missing a bunch of characters, but the story is really different. they still get swallowed by pescecane (thank you for not making it a whale!) but that basically is it. his nose works a lot different here. I kinda didnt like the story until pinocchio dies for the first time which was around thirty or forty minutes into the film. I dislike geppetto having a son beforehand. I understand that it gives pinocchio this expectation that he cant ever reach and really creates this tension between geppetto and pinocchio but I felt it was unnecessary. I think pinocchio being an awful son is good enough.
they completely got rid of mangiafuoco and replaced him with volpe...which means there was no gatto too if volpe is a different character now. idk. can I really compare the stories if they aren't even the same but use the same characters?
things that I liked about it: the setting. I think having it set in fascist italy was quite interesting. I also like how pinocchio does not become a real boy in the end. I feel it fits so well with how much they changed the story. pinocchio couldn't become exactly like carlo so of course he stayed as a puppet! I think that was cool. I think it gives a completely different meaning than the original story. I also really love pinocchio's design in the film. okay maybe I have more positive things to say about this film than I thought.
I also really loved when pinocchio first comes alive and he doesnt know how to really walk yet. I also loved what they did with the black rabbits. I got so excited when they appeared on screen. ALSO I loved when they gave him his legs back. instead of him getting whole new legs, geppetto made some legs and feet for him and just tied them onto the legs that got burned. I thought that was a great idea! I just really enjoyed how they did pinocchio in general.
one complaint which isnt specific to this film, but it's all of the different accents. I see this in a lot of english films that take place in countries where english isnt the main language, but the accents are all different. some characters have english accents, some have italian accents. I wish they all had italian accents. I kinda wish I watched this in italian instead of english anyways.
also lucignolo 😔 my wonderful lucignolo. they didnt do much with him. so sad.
I was watching the behind the scenes extra thing while typing this and so now I know why there is no mangiafuoco. I understand them wanting a main antagonist in the film, but pinocchio doesnt really have a main antagonist. mangiafuoco is only in the story for a few pages and literally spares pinocchio's life, volpe and gatto spend more time with pinocchio but they're not there throughout the original story, pescecane is there for like three pages (mentioned earlier in the story but once pinocchio enters pescecane, he leaves quite quickly)..umm there is more I could say. there is the fisherman who tried to eat pinocchio and also the carabinieri. I'm trying to think of more antagonists. there is l'omino who brings all of the kids to paese dei balocchi and then there is the farmer who stole pinocchio to use him as his watchdog and umm there's more, but I am trying to explain that there isn't one main antagonist in the story. pinocchio meets so many characters.
there is a lot more than i can say. i might write out a more serious review later on if i remember to do such a thing. after watching the behind the scenes thing it makes me like the film a lot more. maybe increase it to a 7.6/10 for a guy who cares about the original story.
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