#that shit stays muted until i decide it looks funny enough to care
taffywabbit · 1 year
most embarrassing thing on this site is when I see a boring-looking video but don't notice it's an ad so I sit there for a full 20-30 seconds waiting for some kind of wacky absurdist punchline or whatever before I think to scroll up and realize "oh, no wait, they're actually just trying to sell me a backyard pool. it doesn't even explode, nobody jumps into it in a full wizard costume, it's just a shitty ad that looks like it was filmed on someone's phone"
I can't imagine it does a very good job of convincing anyone to buy their product, but it did personally own me, which I assume nets them SOME kind of points on an office scoreboard somewhere
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emwritesstuff · 3 years
housesitting | bucky barnes x reader
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summary: Housesitting for Steve Rogers has many perks. The man has the comfiest bed you’ve ever slept in; his coffee machine is top tier; and he also pays for every single streaming service you could think of, because he doesn’t wanna miss anything.
You can hardly see how Bucky Barnes stumbling into his apartment at 3 am with multiple wounds is one of them. But I guess it might be?
notes: this is my attempt at a more ~comedy centered one-shot, with some making out in the middle because uh, who doesn’t like that? In other news, reader is Chaotic. Canon mcu (Infinity War/Endgame) is non-existent in this.  (word count: 3K)
warnings: language, mentions of blood, gunshot wounds, general patching up shenanigans, some making out/grinding but not quite third base
[PART 2: breaking and entering]
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Housesitting for Steve Rogers has many perks. The man has the comfiest bed you’ve ever slept in; his coffee machine is top tier; and he also pays for every single streaming service you could think of, because he doesn’t wanna miss anything. An old popsicle thing, you assume.
It’s peaceful, too. The neighborhood is nice and quiet, the other tenants are either extremely polite or too scared of Captain America to make much noise. You’ve had very nice stay-cations at his place, where you were free to choose to binge The Office while eating an entire pizza in the spam of 2 episodes or taking advantage of the quiet to write your grad-school thesis.
So when a loud BANG almost makes you drop your coffee mug on the floor, your spidey senses are immediately on alert. You don’t care how many times Peter insisted that it wasn’t a thing, your arm hairs stood up and your heart started hammering on your chest all the same.
You contemplate squeezing under the bed, turning off the show that was long abandoned and hiding until whatever it is goes away, but before you can do any of that, a string of sharp cursing and soft thumps and thuds snaps you out of your fear.
Maybe it’s a burglar. You could take a clumsy burglar, easy.
Now feeling like Tony had just welcomed you into the Avengers, you hop off Steve’s bed and let your baby Yoda socked feet carry you stealthily into the living room, holding a table lamp as if it was a baseball bat.
Everything is quiet, with no signs of forced entry at the door (you remember someone on Law and Order using those words), and in the dark you don’t notice the bloody trail coming from the kitchen.
You���re imagining things, then. When was the last time you slept? You don’t even feel tired, but you know sleep deprivation always gets you all kinds of crazy.
It happens the second your arm falls to your side and your posture shows the slight of relaxation. A strong arm around your neck and a hand against your mouth to muffle the screaming.
In the quiet of Steve’s apartment building, there is only you shrieking and howling and thrashing against the hold of a stranger.
“Don’t fuckin’ move.” You still.
And then you bite into the hand that is muting you, immediately regretting it when your teeth sink into something hard. Metal? Concrete? Ouch. You resume your resistance, determined, and is shoved away.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Who the fuck are you.” His voice is gruff and dulled over the mask he is wearing, and as you’re taking this giant of a man in, you notice it.
The metal arm. The strapped leather jacket. The tortured blue eyes.
Winter Soldier.
The intruder is James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve’s best friend. That’s who the fuck it is.
“I’m Steve’s house sitter! I even have a key.” You say, with arms in front of you to signal no harm but inching closer to the table lamp with every step.
“House…sitter? Where’s Steve?”
“Who knows. Maybe a mission. He texts me, I come over.” You shrug, and put a chair back to where it was before it got knocked over.
“I don’t believe you. Where is Steve?”
“Listen, I don’t know, okay? I guess he’s just out for a few days. I don’t ask. He just lets me stay in here so I can water the plants and feed the Avengers.”
“The– the what?”
“The Avengers! The fish, see.” You point to the aquarium, where a handful of colorful fish swam peacefully in.
Peace. So much for your peace, because now what you have is a surly super soldier eyeing the fish tank like it was the most loathsome thing in the entire universe, except maybe for you.
“I hate this thing. Naming them makes it even worse.” He trudges back to the kitchen, stomping on the floor like he was on a parade.
So much for the other people’s peace, too.
“Hey! Sir. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s 3 in the fucking morning?” You sass, putting your hands on your hips when he retorts that yeah, he does know. “What are you even doing here?”
“Back from a mission.” He grumbles without looking at you, as if you’re the one who stumbled into his place in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t your place, but still.
“Don’t you have a house?” There’s a part of you that knows pushing the Winter Soldier’s buttons is asking for trouble, but your tired and confused brain decides to ignore it.
“You interrogating me? I need a motherfucking– ” He wheezes and nearly doubles over, holding on the door frame between the living room and the kitchen. You finally spot the blood, both on the tiles and seeping out of the Soldier’s jacket and pants.
He’s hurt. Shit.
“– first aid kit.”
“You need a motherfucking hospital!” You shrill, panic chilling your bones. You don’t do blood. Or any kind of wound, for that matter.
The man ignores you, opening up cabinets hastily. You huff, and walk past him to get to the actual home of the first aid kit. Steve’s oldest, closest friend and can’t even find a box with pharmaceutical supplies in his kitchen. You slam it on the counter next to him.
“You’re welcome.”
“Zip it.”
Just a look from him is enough to render you speechless, and not in the good, butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of way. You’re positive that one swat of that metal arm and you’ll be flying out of the window.
He begins by removing his mask, revealing a handsome face underneath, and you try your best to focus on how dark and menacing it looked while locked in that scowl of his. Then, he unbuckles his jacket and discards it on the floor, it coming to a stop next to your feet.
Oh man, he’s naked. Well, not really, just the incredibly toned, strong and muscular top half of him, but you stare wide-eyed as if he was.
“See somethin’ you like, doll?” He quips, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and you turn your back to him, mostly to hide your own embarrassment.
“No.” You cross your arms resolutely, because you definitely don’t think he’s attractive. He is a rude, grumpy, private-property-invader-bastard. Doll. Yuck.
You hear a rumble come out of his chest. Is he laughing? Shithead. Other noises follow, wheezes, small grunts and the tinkle of metal on the marble counter.
A particular pained grunt makes you turn, and you see Barnes with his body twisted, trying to reach a bloody hole on his back. It would be funny if he wasn’t trying to poke a gunshot.
“Do you need… help?” You ask, against your own will, only to be met with his icy gaze.
“Come on, you can’t even reach that.”
Another glare is shot your way, and you quirk your brow up. He did need the help, you think, because aside from the muscles and the sweat making him glisten like a delicious – wait what – glazed donut, the man looked like hell.
“…fine.” He slides a pair of surgical prongs, something you identify in your head as oversized tweezers, and you instantly regret your offer. Pressing an iodine-soaked cotton ball to a wound, sure. But not this.
He turns his back to you without a word, supporting himself on the marble. You think that he’s about to make a dent on the goddamn stone if he keeps holding onto it that hard.
“Ah, fuck. Shit. Fuck. Ugh, it’s so gross. Fuck.”
It’s the most horrifying thing you’ve ever done, but you try your best to get to the bullet quickly, so very thankful that Barnes holds himself perfectly still for you. “Got it!”
He lets out a long breath when you toss the prongs and the bullet on the counter with the rest and resumes his cleanup. So, he’s not even going to say thanks. Great.
You try not to think about how you still want to make conversation while you hurriedly scrub the blood from your hands, because aside from the hostility and him jumping on you as a meet-cute, the guy peeks your interest.
Steve has said Barnes is nice, too, and you believed Steve, because he’s basically incapable of lying. Or maybe because he’s pretty. Both, for sure.
With your hands now clean, you turn to him, mouth open with some kind of conversation starter that is immediately forgotten.
Oh man, he’s naked. For real this time.
Bucky Barnes has stepped out of his pants while you were overthinking by the sink, now standing in only a pair of black boxers. It’s like he feels you staring at his butt, because he turns to you with raised eyebrows.
“Last one’s on my thigh. I got it.” He’s holding the prongs this time, and you’re glad you don’t have to do anything, because your face next to that groin might make you go into spontaneous combustion.
He hums. You hope all of this is a fever dream.
“Isn’t there a med bay at–”
“Don’t like people prodding and pokin’ at me.” His comment makes you grimace. He’s the Winter Soldier, damn it. You know the stories, everyone does. Of course he doesn’t like being prodded.
He looks at you funny, probably because you went dead quiet. You don’t want him to think you feel pity, because you don’t, but god don’t you feel bad for poking him now, even if verbally.
“I’m gonna – grab one of Steve’s – uh. Dude you need to put some clothes on. Jesus.”
He laughs at you again, which you’re thankful for because anything is better than the awkwardness of the other subject. You pick up a black pair of sweatpants that was so deep in one of Steve’s drawers that you know he’d have to have bought it and never had the guts to put it on. This one would do just fine.
If there is one thing Steve Rogers isn’t, is a black sweats guy.
“Here.” You deposit the sweats and a white tee on the counter, one of the millions that you found inside the closet. Barnes was patching himself up now, bandages wrapped everywhere on his body.
Got his ass kicked good. You shudder when you imagine the state of the other guy.
He eyes the clothes, and saying nothing, returns to his task. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“I didn’t ask you to help me.”
“Yeah, but I did anyways! ‘Cause I’m stupid, I guess.” You almost hurl a dirty plate at him when he scoffs, muttering a yeah, guess you are. “God, why are you so grumpy?”
“Well you try being shot 5 times and see how cheerful you are after.”
“You got shot 5 times?!”
Looking at you from between his brows, the Soldier nods to the five mangled bullets sitting on the counter. You think about how you’ve made yourself a sandwich just hours earlier on the exact same spot. You want to puke.
Taking time to look around yourself, you can finally grasp the state of Steve’s ever-so-pristine kitchen, now a mess of dirty clothes, blood and your own few dishes from the night before. You don’t even think about what you’re doing as you move, gathering every single cleaning supply you can find, and start working on the cleanup.
You’re struggling, because obviously you’ve never done this before. Anyone can tell, from your soft abdomen and your severe lack of muscle, that you’re not an Avenger. Sure, you work with them, but you’re usually neck deep into advanced tech, not in the gym by any means. Also, you don’t do blood.
That means you have to think about something else, anything else, while you’re manically cleaning the floor. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, the Winter Soldier’s tight ass, four sheep, get it together goddamnit –
“Leave it. I’ll clean.”
You huff, he huffs back, and you look up at him.
“You got shot five times. Go sit down or something before you blow your back too, grandpa.” You call him that to assure yourself that he is old, like actually super old, and thirsting over him is weird. Even weirder when he’s all bandaged and bleeding. And still shirtless. Shit.
He mumbles something that you ignore, and stomps off. You think you actually did a pretty decent job with the cleaning, considering.
You need coffee. Definitely an entire bottle of vodka too, but there was no alcohol in this god’s good home, so you settle for the brew that you made earlier. You pour a mug for Barnes too, because you’re nice like that, and amble into the living room to find him slumped on a chair.
“Coffee?” You start, settling his mug on the table next to him.
“It’s almost 5 a.m.”
“Guess I’m up early for once. Maybe I should go for a run.”
He snorts, and opens one eye to inspect you from where he is. He reaches out for the coffee, using his metal hand, and you consider the two ways this could go.
He’d shatter the mug right then and there. Or, he’d throw it at you. Your jaw goes slack at what he actually does, sirens blaring loudly in your head. Truly astonishing, the most bewildering turn of events.
He drinks from it.
“Thanks. Quit staring at me.”
“Wow, Mr. Winter knows the magic words. Mr. Barnes. Sergeant?” You’re thinking aloud, abandoning any trace of sanity you’ve been holding. You even sit on the couch next to his armchair.
“It’s Bucky,”
Again, absolutely bewildering. You must be going insane.
“– and you talk too much.” He finishes, with an end-of-story tone, and returns to his rest. At least that felt like normality.
“Bucky. Bucky.” You roll the name on your tongue, feeling a weird buzz start to take over you. It grows stronger when you notice he’s looking at you, one brow quirked as if you lost your marbles. “You know, Bucky, this is definitely not how I saw my night going. Home invasion, playing surgeon – not my usual kind of fun.”
You get up, maybe because you decide that you – and Bucky – need a blanket, or maybe because you need a distraction from his chest going up and down like it’s got a business with making you want to touch it.
You’re not a slut, but who knows? Jim Halper would get it.
“You’re that kid, aren’t you? Stark’s assistant.” Bucky’s voice, low and husky, makes you jump. You look at him, your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
It’s surprising that he knows you, considering. He’s – well, he’s basically a celebrity, if ex-assassins could be considered that. You’re only Tony’s techie, and you and Bucky have never actually met, not even in the few parties you had attended to stop your boss from nagging you that you had to actually go out and have some fun sometimes, because you’re still young and cute and you need to enjoy yourself before you get saggy and bitter.
Jokes on him, you were born bitter.
“I’m no kid.”
“Nice socks.”
You wiggle your toes and it makes the ears of one of the baby Yodas move.
“Still not a kid! If you wanna be sad and wear your sad, plain socks, Bucky, that’s entirely your choice.” You said, pointing your index at him, making circles in the air with it to really get your point across.
Bucky smirks, and you go up to him with the two blankets on your arms. He’s blocking the door with that bulky body of his, and you raise your eyebrows quizzically.
“I’ll have you know – meeting Steve’s annoying, mouthy, pretty house sitter is not how I saw my night going either.” Bucky puts a doubtful tone on house sitter, as if he still doesn’t get exactly what it means.
You blink. You’re positive you heard it wrong. Is he… is this flirting?
“You think I’m pretty?”
“I called you annoying and mouthy too.”
“Yeah, I mean I know that much about me.” You chuckle, rolling your eyes. “The pretty part is new though.”
Bucky still hasn’t moved from the doorframe, and you find yourself staring up at him. He is inches away now, pupils blown wide in the darkness, and you can see a ring of steely blue around them. He licks his lips, and you’re drawn in.
The maelstrom in his eyes sends you spinning.
“I think someone should say you’re not see through, much less–”
Bucky shuts you up by pressing his lips onto yours, a slow, exploratory kiss, the tenderest he’s been all night. His metal hand rests on your lower back, making you shiver at the cool touch.
You’re all panting and eagerness when you cup his face with both hands and press your body against his. You need to deepen this kiss. You haven’t drooled over Bucky Barnes all night to keep things lovey-dovey.
He responds in earnest, pulling you closer. The flesh hand on the back of your neck is a stark contrast against the chill of the other. You and Bucky stumble from the corridor and back to the living room, knocking over a few of Steve’s decorations in the process.
“I don’t feel as bad for this one.” You mumble against his lips, stopping to look at a particular framed picture of Captain America in uniform, surrounded by every single counterfeit Cap in Times Square.
“S’ one of his favorites.”
You nod, you’re aware. Steve thinks it’s the most hilarious thing ever.
Bucky’s breath tickles the hairs on your neck when he continues.
“I hate it.”
You capture his lips again, and you two resume your chaotic redecorating. You’re thankful for Bucky’s strong arms keeping you from falling over, because at this point you’re not sure if your legs work anymore.
He takes you with him when he drops down on the same armchair from earlier, and the dizzy spell you find yourself in is broken when you hear him groan.
Right. He’s battered up and stuff.
“Shit, Bucky, I’m sorry–”
“No.” He pulls you close again, and guides your body to straddle one of his thighs. “Stay right here, doll.”
Doll. God-fucking-damnit.
His hand moves under the elastic band of your pants, oh my god you’re making out with Bucky-Hot-Piece-Of-Ass-Barnes in your wiener dog pajama bottoms, and finds the hem of your underwear. He pulls on it, and you yelp when he lets it snap against your side.
He laughs, and you vibrate along with his chest.
You find yourself grinding on his leg, sucking on his bottom lip, raking your nails along his shoulders, doing anything, everything for more, trying to burn the taste and the feel of him on your memory. He moves on to kiss your neck and you sigh, tugging on his hair and making sure you’re holding on for dear life.
Your eyes flutter open, enough to see the fish Avengers in their tank.
The Avengers.
Steve Rogers is an Avenger. So is Bucky, technically.
You’re making out with Bucky. One of his hands is on your boob.
This is Steve’s apartment.
You manage to sober you up enough, despite Bucky’s constant attacks of open mouth kisses and bites on your neck.
“I don’t think Steve would – if we–” You lift your head begrudgingly to look at him. “You know, on his armchair.”
“Right.” He didn’t seem convinced, but his hand moved up from your butt to your waist again.
Steve Rogers was probably miles away right now and still cockblocking you.
Even worse, his furniture was cockblocking you.
Stupid star-spangled IKEA shopper.
And his hot best friend. Who’s currently smiling at you in a such a way that makes you almost abandon all comradery towards Rogers and the sanctity of his place.
You debate getting up, but resign yourself to burying your nose in the crook of Bucky’s neck and just staying there, because honestly, when are you going to have the chance to do this again. Never, that’s when.
Also, he’s surprisingly comfortable for someone with a metal arm and such a jacked-up body.
“You’re sleepy.”
“No, I’m like, super awake.”
It’s a lie, because now that the sparks have flown and the rush of blood in your ears gave way to the quietness of the early morning, you feel yourself drifting, on and off, surprising yourself when you come to once and find that Bucky is still there, warm under you.
“Sleep, doll. I need it too.”
You shift, ready to let his rhythmic breathing lull you to sleep. The last 75 sleepless hours catch up with you.
“Bucky? If you want to break into someone’s house again sometime – I have a first aid kit too. Just sayin’.”
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ticklishfiend · 4 years
Pure Gold (My Hero Academia)
Lee!Mina / Ler!Bakugou ⚠️PLATONIC⚠️
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A/N : haven’t posted a fic in a while cause my laptop broke but hey!! i fixed it!! so here we go. i wanna make a sequel to this with the sleepover mentioned at the end, so if ur interested or have any ideas, lemme know!!
Summary: Mina catches Bakugou in a very incriminating circumstance, and of course, records it (cause how could she not). Unfortunately for her, Bakugou doesn’t think this is as funny as she thinks it is, but decides to make her laugh with his own methods anyways.
Word Count: 3084
. . .
Mina rolled onto her right side for what had to be the millionth time tonight, nothing ever feeling comfortable enough to just loll her into the right sleepy headspace she needed to get some goddamn shuteye. She’s never really had many problems with falling asleep before, so why tonight she had to be burdened with this temporary insomnia was beyond her. 
Mina threw her arm out behind her back towards her bedside table, fingers fumbling around for her phone before finding it connected to the charger. Detaching it from it’s plug, she brought it towards her, face flinching at the sudden brightness before her eyes adjusted to the light. She groaned as she scanned over the time, 1:02AM, far later than she would typically still be awake. Sure, it was Friday so she didn’t have any classes to worry about the next day, but it was still frustrating to get off her normal sleeping schedule so suddenly and for seemingly no reason. She had to fix it soon before she pulled an accidental all-nighter.
Whining and groaning the whole way, Mina threw her legs out over the side of her bed, dangling her feet for a moment before slipping them into her cute fuzzy panda slippers she kept on her bedside. The girl figured her best bet for now would be to drink one of the soothing teas that Momo kept lying around in the kitchen for anyone to use. She dragged herself towards the door, allowing her arms to stretch over her head with a yawn before grabbing at the cold metal door handle and slowly creaking open the entrance. 
She was careful to be quiet, turning the handle before shutting the door as to avoid any unnecessary clicks. She’d be damned if she made any of her light-sleeper classmates go through the same sleepless night she was currently going through by waking them up so late in the night. She walked heel to toe through the carpeted hallway, finding her way to the elevator finally and breathing a sigh of relief as the doors closed without a dinging sound.
After what felt like a treacherous journey, she finally made it to the corner that would lead her to both the kitchen and common area. But, before she turned the corner, she saw a light illuminating off the walls coming from the commons. Her brow quirked, not expecting any type of light to be shining from the area.
No worries, she thought. If someone accidentally left a light on I’ll just turn it off real quick so no one gets in trouble, easy peasy! She finally made it around the corner when it finally dawned on her where the light source was coming from in the first place; the TV.
Her eyes met the muted TV that seemed to be playing a...romance anime? The subtitles were on and the volume was completely turned off, so whoever had been watching it was obviously aware of how late it was and was trying to stay quiet for the rest of the class like Mina had been.
The pink girl watched the screen for a moment, reading the subtitles to find that one of the characters had apparently just confessed their love to someone else in some heroic fashion. It was super cute, and she’ll definitely have to look up whatever this is so she can watch it in her own time. Before she could make her way towards the action to turn the TV off, however, she heard...is that…?
She paused, her ears perking up at the sound just in case she had imagined it. Then, no more than 3 seconds later, she heard it again. Sniffles, this time accompanied by a little groan of what sounded like endearment. This is so cute, she thought to herself, bringing her hand to her mouth to cover up any giggles that dared to escape. Someone’s crying about a romance anime right now, and it definitely sounded like one of the boys too! There’s no way I can’t find out who this is.
As quietly and sneakily as the acidic girl possibly could, she made her way towards the back of the couch, crouching down just slightly as to not alert them with her shadow. She finally allowed her eyes to peer just above the top of the cushion aaaand…
Mina could hardly believe what she was seeing. Was she complaining? Absolutely not, this was pure gold, it was just surprising! THE Bakugou Katsuki, curled up on the corner of the couch swaddled in a fluffy All Might blanket, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes with an actual smile on his face. He stuffed his mouth with popcorn before wiping his tears with the corner of his printed blanket, muffling a small “Finally,” into the fabric. 
There was no chance in hell Mina was going to miss this golden opportunity.
Like a spy, Mina quickly but quietly snatched her phone from the pocket of her sleep shorts, opening the camera before pressing record. She zoomed in on the romantic scene displayed on the screen, before slowly panning down to the still sniffling Bakugou, the light from the TV bright but his smile even brighter. She hit the off button before stuffing the phone back in her pocket with a grin, quietly making her way towards the kitchen.
She went to take a mug out of one of the top cabinets, purposefully shutting it louder than she needed to to alert the blonde on the sofa. He jumped at the noise, whipping his head around towards the girl before throwing his arm towards the coffee table to snatch the remote and turn the TV off with force.
“Why the fuck are you in here, Pinky?!!” Bakugou whisper-shouted from across the room, and though the light from the TV was now gone, Mina could just tell he had to be blushing from embarrassment. She grinned widely.
“Oh, y’know, couldn’t sleep,” She smirked, not looking Bakugou’s direction while filling her kettle with tap water. “I’m guessing the romantic buildup had to be pretty intense to make THE Lord Explosion Murder shed a few tears, huh?”
Bakugou froze before his body started to shake with anger, launching himself over the back of the couch and lunging towards Mina, grabbing her by the shoulders and digging his fingers into the flesh aggressively. He was seething, his jaw clenched and eyes white with anger, and though Mina was a little shaken up when he initially grabbed her, she couldn’t help but giggle when remembering what she had just seen moments ago.
“I WILL KILL YOU, YOU ALIEN FUCK!” He almost-shouted, and it was obvious he was still cautious of waking anyone up so Mina wouldn’t be able to tell anyone about what she had witnessed. “You keep this shit to yourself, got it?! Cause I’m not scared to fucking kill you!”
“Oh I know that, Blasty,” she smiled up at him, unable to suppress another giggle. “It’s too bad I got your little cry-sesh on camera then, huh?”
Bakugou’s face fell, his eyes wide before he squeezed even tighter into her shoulders. “You...you WHAT?!?!” Mina had meant to let out another laugh at his expense, but it turned into a yelp as she was aggressively hoisted up over his shoulder. 
Mina kicked and laughed, hitting at his back to no avail as he stomped towards the couch and unceremoniously threw her down onto it, pinning her against the cushions, her hands now laying flat underneath his knees that were thrown over her waist.
“Woah, take me out to dinner first!” Mina’s eyes were wide as she let out a nervous chuckle. She tugged at her hands, but they weren’t going anywhere under his weight. She even tried kicking a little against the cushion, but yet again, nothing.
“Not into you like that, Pinky,” He aggressively pointed towards her face, the angry scowl never leaving his now wrinkled expression. “And you’re gonna delete that fucking video, got it?!”
“Are you kidding me?! I could never delete that! It’s gold and you know it!” Mina exasperated, shocked he could even consider that a possibility. 
“NO IT’S FUCKING NOT!” He whisper-shouted into her face, moving his hand even closer to her face until it booped her nose, her eyes crossing down to look at it. “Delete it, Horns...or I’ll fucking make you.”
Mina uncrossed her eyes and looked up to Bakugou, whose face remained angry and undeterred. She sighed, “Ok, first of all, they’re not horns; they’re antennas. Secondly, you were too cute in the video to delete it! I’m sorry, Baku, but I can’t do that.”
Bakugou just grunted, moving both of his hands down now to grip at her waist, making her eyes widen with a sudden knowing fear. “I am NOT cute, and you WILL delete that fucking video, Pink-Fuck! You always give in to this shit,” Bakugou couldn’t help the smirk that rose on his face as he squeezed her sides once, making her jump and yelp.
“Nohoho! Bakugou, please, not thihis!” Mina couldn’t help the giggles that left her lips even if he hadn’t properly done anything yet. It was just the knowing of what was to come that caused nervous laughter to bubble from her chest and into both their ears.
“It doesn’t have to be this way, moron,” Bakugou said, eyeing down at her waist before noticing the phone-sized bulge in her shorts pocket. He smirked, reaching down and pulling it from its hiding spot. He looked at the screen before huffing, turning it to face her eyes. “Gimme the code. Now.”
“No way! You’ll just delete the video!” Mina said before yelping with another jerk as he pinched at her side again. “Dohon’t!” He sat her phone down on the arm of the couch before wiggling both his hands over her belly, the sight alone making her shriek and let out a flow of giggles.
“You’re gonna wanna give me that code, loser,” Bakugou grinned, jerking his hands down towards her stomach without touching her and bringing them back up, making Mina jerk aggressively with another yelp. “I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already freaking out! This is gonna fucking suck for you if you don’t let me delete that damn video!” 
Mina just pursed her mouth shut tightly, shaking her head “no” while letting little huffs of suppressed laughs escape from her nose. Bakugou just sighed, raising his wiggling fingers just slightly higher before a wide, sadistic grin cemented itself to his face.
“You asked for this.”
Before she had time to retaliate, wiggling fingers came down to pinch up her sides and into the dips of her ribs, sending her into a cackling fit. She kicked uselessly from behind him, tugging at her trapped hands to no avail.
Bakugou used his right hand to dig his fingertips into the bottom of her ribs, while skittering his other nails over her quivering belly. She sucked her stomach in as much as possible, but with each laugh it was brought back up, practically tickling itself on his fingers.
“Bakugohohou! Plehehease! Nohoho!” She squealed, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as he continued his relentless but playful torture.
“No what?” the blonde teased, using his index and middle fingers to vibrate into her tummy. She let out a shriek at that, jerking violently while trying to smush her face into the cushion beside her. “Ohoho, that bad, huh? Pretty effective method if I do say so myself,” Bakugou then used his two fingers on each hand to vibrate into her lower ribs, a spot he knows all too well is absolutely unforgiving. She screamed at this, shaking her head side to side as laughs poured from her gut. “I always get what I want, Pinky, and this isn’t gonna be any fucking different.”
Mina couldn’t help the loud shrieks and squeals that left her body, tossing herself from side to side with no effect whatsoever. “GAHAHAHA! Plehehease! It tickles too muhuhuch!”
“Not my fucking problem,” Bakugou went back to his squeezing method from before, this time bringing one hand down to pinch at her hip. Mina jolted at the touch, screaming and cackling at his relentless squeezing. “The code, moron, lest you forget about what got you here in the first place.”
“Nehehever! I cahahan’t!” she laughed before gasping in a breath of air as his hands let go of her body for a moment. She hesitantly opened one of her eyes to look at her tormentor, who was yet again wiggling his fingers over her tummy. She shut her eyes again tight at the sight, a new bout of giggles leaving her from anticipation. “Nohoho!”
“You can never handle being teased, can ya?” Bakugou grinned, before bringing both his hands back down to lift up her nightshirt up to her bottom ribs.
“No! No no no! Please! Bakugou, let’s talk about this!” Mina spluttered out nervously, opening her eyes to see him just ghosting his fingers over her still quivering belly. She tossed her head back with a giggly whine, kicking her feet behind him like a child in a tantrum.
“Nope. You had your damn chance, and you blew it,” He smirked devilishly, bringing his fingers down to gently skitter over her now bare belly, dissolving her into a fit of high-pitched giggles. “Now you’re gonna get-” BZZZ! BZZZ!
Bakugou paused his previously wiggling fingers, his head whipping up and eyes making contact with the now buzzing phone resting on the arm of the couch. He groaned when he read who was calling on Mina’s FaceTime, resting one hand on his knee while reaching out and swiping the phone from it’s resting spot (though his knees were still pressed firmly against Mina’s trapped hands- he hadn’t yet planned on stopping her torment.)
Bakugou pressed the bright green button on the screen and stared blankly at the dark screen as Denki answered. The boy had obviously been trying to sleep, evident by the fact no lights were on in his room.
“Bakugou?” The boy asked groggily on the other end, and even though Bakugou couldn’t technically see his face, he knew he had to have the dumbest expression printed all over it.
“Yes, what the hell do you want Pikachu?” Bakugou growled at the screen.
“Can you tell Mina to quit screaming? I could tell it’s her, her laughs are always the same; just so fuckin’ loud,” Denki chuckled, and Bakugou could hear his sheets shuffling. “What’s got her laughing so hard anyway? You aren’t exactly the funniest person on the planet.”
“I’M FUCKING HILARIOUS YOU DUNCE!” Bakugou shouted angrily into the phone, gripping it tightly as Mina just prayed he wouldn’t crush it with his pure fiery rage. “And that’s none of your fucking buisness!” Bakugou paused, looking down at Mina who had a sheepish grin on her face. He sighed. “She’ll be quiet now. Just go to sleep so you aren’t dumber tomorrow than you usually are,” Bakugou huffed, hanging up without allowing the blonde on the other end to get any word in. 
The explosive teen threw Mina’s phone down beside her on the couch, hoisting himself off her with a scowl on his face and a roughness to his movements. Mina couldn’t help but feel a little guilty as he jerked his blanket out from under the girl aggressively and began making his way away from the couch. She quickly sat up and snatched his wrist, pulling him back slightly and making the boy grunt, looking back at her with tense brows.
“How about a compromise?” She proposed, a small grin on her face. He looked at her through squinted eyes for a moment, questioning her request. Finally, he rolled his eyes with a huff.
“Hit me with it,” he didn’t look at her in the eyes, but she celebrated internally at the fact he wasn’t too visibly angry at her.
“I’ve got a sleepover tomorrow with all the girls, and we’ve been dying for a special guest,” She bit her lip with a cheek-tearing smirk as his brow somehow managed to furrow even deeper. “Hang out with us for just a few hours tomorrow night; you don’t even have to sleep over, just stay for the fun parts. I’ll delete the video as soon as it’s over.”
He continued to stare at her questioningly, obviously not convinced nor happy with this compromise. She needed to give him more.
“I promise I won’t show a soul the video if you promise to go tomorrow. No one will even know it existed before it’s already gone,” she said, before deciding to finally pull out the big guns. She pouted out her bottom lip and lowered her wide eyes, eyebrows piercing upwards like a sad puppy. “Pleeease Bakugou? I promise it’ll be fun!”
He paused, staring at her sad little face and feeling himself go slightly soft inside while staring at his friend. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and jerked his arm out of the girl’s grasp with a loud groan.
“Fine...as long as this shit stays between us...I guess I’ll go,” Bakugou nearly whispered the last part, as if the words had to crawl their way out of his throat while being tied down from his sheer stubbornness alone. 
Mina couldn't help the shriek of excitement she let out, her mouth quickly getting covered by Bakugou's large calloused hand while his other planted an index finger on his own mouth towards her. “Shut the fuck up Pinky, we already woke Dunce up!” She just smiled behind his hand, nodding up and down quickly.
Bakugou let out a sigh as he moved his hand from her face, using his fingers to squeeze at the bridge of his nose. “You are so fucking annoying, y’know that?”
Mina just giggled, standing up and giving Bakugou a hug so quick he couldn’t pull away from it. He stood in shock for a moment, before shoving her shoulder and making the girl fall back on the couch with an oof! followed by her giggles. He just rolled his eyes with a, “Tch,” throwing his blanket over his shoulder and walking towards the hallways.
“Night, Blasty! Get ready for the night of your life tomorrow!” She whisper-shouted towards the exiting boy, who only flipped her off as his body finally disappeared into the shadows of the shared hallways.
. . .
A/N : hope you enjoyed!! i didn’t rlly proofread this so if it’s terribly written i apologize lmaoo, again if ur interested in a part 2 lemme know!!! much love <3 xoxo
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Take your time then.
Aizawa x gender neutral reader
Story under the cut :)
Unedited but like edited but still not properly edited :)
Hope you enjoy!!!
a/n: it’s been a hot min since I’ve written a fic. I think the last time i was 14 and it was shit and on wattpad. Ha. I hate myself. N e way, I was recently writing some shit for an au me and my friend thought up and in the back of my mind I was like, “you should start writing fics again bc this is kinda fun”, soo lo and behold I made a post asking if anyone would be interested, shared a little too much personal shit in it but whatever, and have now decided to write this mother fucker. (3/25/21)
a/n: not sure if anyone will care about this series of a/n’s but I’m just chronicling thoughts ig. rewriting rn bc my first draft was short and ass. Also I’m thinking about opening requests after this is posted, will go into detail in a diff post maybe. (3/28/21)
a/n: deleted everything, rewriting. I just want to make something that might be decent and if I can give that feeling, y’know those chills you get when you read something utterly gorgeous, but I’m bad at writing. sadge (3/28/21, like several hours later)
a/n: ugh (4/1/21)
a/n: ugh pt 2 electric boogaloo. I can’t seem to move forward with the writing. I realized something like this might happen bc to solve a problem feelings need to be discussed and I fucking hate doing that so you can see where I’m fucking up lmaooooo (4/2/21)
a/n: I read angst to fuel my writing brain. So, read some angst, finally writing agian. This first section is probs as long as the story itself LMFAO(4/5/21)
Started: (3/25/21) Finished: (4/5/21)
Warnings: uh angst, curse words, like a lot, (i saw someone else put this as a warning, do I actually need it?), avoiding problems instead of actually facing them, mentions of shit so-so parenting, mentions of not being able to live up to high expectations, y’know, the works
Synopsis: Aizawa takes in Eri without running it by you first and expects you to be okay with it. That’s funny. He was wrong.
Can I preface this with a thought? I’m going to anyway,
all the fics I read paint him as the sweetest partner and I’m sure he is but I think they miss out on how blunt he is and his whole “Mr. Rationality” thing. So as much as I adore him I think there are situations that he’d be a bit more colder towards, a bit more straightforward about. Maybe even like a bit insensitive about but maybe bc he doesn’t have the full picture or something. so I guess this is another warning but aizawa is a little insensitive in the beginning (but like not really but kinda. it’s complicated)
Rain pattered softly against the window. The smell of some old random Bath and Bodyworks candle you’d dug out from a box you’d never bothered to unpack smothered the room. Some Netflix show idly played on a low volume on your computer, you’d lost interest in watching tv awhile ago. You needed a break. After the eventful month you’d been having you really needed this. 
Now of course your whole year so far had been eventful. What with all the villain attacks on you and Shouta’s class and the kidnapping of one of your students, to just dealing with the more mundane problems with your students. No. You had no problem with that. The villains, although not easy, were something you were trained to handle. The smaller problems with your students weren’t arduous either, after all you weren’t too much older than them. 
When reflecting on your situation, from and outside perspective it could be seen as the straw the broke the camels back, which sure, makes sense. After all, you’re bound to be stressed out by everything else, so why would this seemingly insignificant thing weigh heavier than a villain attack? Well if that is the situation why does this single straw feel like it weighs a ton? This is not that. This is not culmination of the events of this year draining the life from you. This is something entirely different. A panic inducing life change that completely took you by surprise mixed with your inability to actually face your problems. 
You don’t blame them. You can’t. They’ve done nothing wrong. A child. A small, probably mentally scarred child is your problem. Well not her personally but the fear taking care of her instills in you. Despite working in the field that you do, you cannot for the life of you handle actual children. Sure you’re a little awkward with your class but at least they’re young adults and (vaguely) mature and independent to a certain extent. The fact that your long term boyfriend just came back one day, small child in tow and said “Hey I’ve gotta look after this one now” not verbatim obviously, for a lack of better words, fucked you up. He basically solo adopted a kid and, let’s be honest, he probably expected you to help out. But how could you? How could this man look at you and think “I want this person to help me raise an already fucked up child?” Ok sure, he doesn’t at first give off the “I’m totally father figure material” vibe but in the end he is extremely competent. You on the other hand, not so much.
You’d never been good with children. Tried your best to steer clear of them. Didn’t matter the place, didn’t matter who’s kid, you couldn’t handle them. You would just stand there, awkwardly, not entirely sure of what to do and petrified that there was the possibility of making some mistake which would upset the child and then oh wow look, your head got chopped right of your shoulders. That’s hyperbole of course but it does sum up the insurmountable fear that overcomes you whenever you have to deal with a child. So considering the fact that your long term boyfriend had suddenly decided to adopt and not at least warn you, didn’t sit right with you.
So, the best and most obvious choice, was to avoid your problem. Avoid Shouta, avoid Eri. Avoid the mention of them and you, avoid it all. And honestly you’d done pretty well so far. You were able to have as little contact with them as possible considering the close proximity of your living quarters in the teacher’s dorms. After all they were legally supposed to give you two separate rooms but you never actually used yours, well until now. You were living it up honestly. Did you feel awful? Of course. He is your boyfriend after all and you were sure Eri doesn’t deserve your cold shoulder but this is probably for the best. What could you offer her? You weren’t sure that you were a good role model for her or anyone for that matter. What did you know about raising kids? it’s not like you had parents to set a proper example for you. Of course they might have shown you what not to do but where do you go from there? Is shit like that really avoidable? You don’t want to be like them. You strive to be better but what if you can’t be. There’s also the added bonus of the fact that raising a kid seems taxing on a relationship. Now matter how strong you were sure that the stress of a kid could break a relationship down that then festers into something toxic and unrecognizable. You didn’t want that. God you couldn’t let that happen. No. This was definitely for the better.
Of course Aizawa didn’t feel the same. He was confused on why his partner had been so blatantly avoiding him. Did he do something wrong? He doesn’t remember doing anything that might’ve upset you. So why now? Why pull away now? He had to get down to the bottom of this but catching you was the hard part. You had been taking on more work, offering more assistance to the other teachers, picking up extra patrols, doing everything and anything to stay away from Shouta. It took him a month but he finally caught up to you. You were tired, worn out he knew that. Instead of loading yourself with work you’d decided to hole yourself up in your room. It was now or never.
You were pulled out of your peace at the sound of a few gentle knocks to your door. You really didn’t want to get it. You honestly couldn’t be bothered. 
“(N/n)? Are you in there?” He hadn’t gotten it wrong right? He hadn’t been too distracted earlier and missed you leaving right?
“What’s up?” You hummed from your place by the window, not bothering to actually open the door.
“Can I come in?” Shouta asked, voice soft. You could barely hear him above the patter of the rain and the low humming of your laptop.
“Uh, no, kinda busy. Got loads of work to do. Need to focus, sorry. Maybe later?” You hesitantly spoke. Not sure if you were convincing enough. 
Apparently you weren’t.
He sighed. “It’s been “later” for an entire month. Please (Y/n) just let me in. Whatever this is we can talk it out.” You had predicted that eventually Shouta would start to try to crack down on whatever the issue was but you didn’t expect it so soon. 
“Uh...no?” You tried, hoping that maybe he’d just give up but that wasn’t Shouta.
“No, you don’t get that option, now please, open the door.” Although it was still soft his voice had taken a more stern tone.
“Oh no I’m dead. I guess I can’t open the door. What a shame. I guess the only way to talk with me now is in the pits of hell.” You quipped, trying to lessen the tension that already ran thick.
“(Y/n).” Aizawa sighed.
“Jeez fine. Talk about pushy.” You quipped once more to no avail.
Opening the door you were met with, well exactly what you expected. He stood there, arms crossed, a stern yet gentle look in his eyes, his lips pulled into a slight frown. 
“Come in.” You mumbled as you stepped further into your room.
“So tell me. What’s wrong?” The sentence stirred so much. Of course you wanted to tell him. You wanted to spill your guts to the man you loved in hopes of comfort but you just can’t. You know you’ll just scare him off. You know you’ll make things worse.
So you stay silent.
He says nothing as he grabs your hands gently and leads you over to your bed. He sits the two of you down on the edge, muting the movie on the laptop sitting behind him.
“You know you can tell me if something’s bothering you right?” Shouta sent you a warm smile. 
You weren’t very comfortable with discussing your feelings sometimes, it mostly stemmed from the fact that you never really could discuss them with anyone growing up which made it harder to confide in anyone now, as at this point bottling things up was a habit. But this was also just something that you were sure that you couldn’t talk about.
Silence answered him once again.
Now he took sometime to think about his approach, think about what could’ve happened that made you pull away. What did he do that was different from his norm? He was genuinely stumped and the fact that you weren’t helping him confused him even more.
You decided to take this time to lament the situation too. What was he going to do? Should you actually tell him or play it off? If you play it off will he still insist that something is wrong? If you tell him will he leave you? If you don’t tell him will he leave you? You risked a glance at him, he was still deep in thought.
Why did you have to adopt this fucking kid without at least warning me?
“What?” Your head shot up at the sound of his shocked voice.
“What?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“Eri’s the problem...?” He spoke slowly, not entirely sure if he’d heard you right.
“Did I say that out loud?” You squeaked.
“I’m pretty sure you mumbled something along the lines of “why’d you have to adopt that fucking kid”.” Shouta said, unsure if he’d heard wrong. Wanting to have heard wrong.
“No no no no no no! It’s not like that! I mean it is like that but not like that!” You frantically waved your hands in hopes of defusing the situation.
The way he looked at you made you want to cry. You felt horrible. You felt like the biggest asshole in the world and, at this point you probably were. He looked at you with such a look of heartbreak and disappointment and confusion it made you sick to your stomach. You felt light-headed and started shaking. You were right. You were right. You were always right. God why did you have to be right! Why did you have to be like this? Scared of raising a fucking child! It was asinine and irrational and you could probably move past it  but thanks to your stupid fucking brain you just sealed your fate.
You scooted away from him still waving your hands frantically as no’s tumbled endlessly from your lips. You tried sputtering an apology, anything so that he wouldn’t look at you like that but nothing stuck. Nothing was comprehensible. Nothing worked. Nothing would work. Nothing will work. You were hopeless. It was hopeless. 
“If it isn’t like how it seems then tell it to me straight.” Shouta finally spoke up.
You took a second to come down from your panic. You steeled your nerves as much as possible before you spoke. 
“Um well, I have nothing against her it’s just that a little heads up would’ve been nice? I’m not all that great with kids so this is just kind of weird is all.” You were purposefully being vague in hopes that he’d understand what you meant and also maybe drop it.
“Not great with kids? You’re literally a teacher.” He pointed out.
“Yeah you know but she’s like a kid kid and let’s be honest I’m not too great with the students either.” You awkward laughed. So he wasn’t getting it.
“Wha-you’re fine with the students and I’m sure you’ll be fine with Eri, there was no reason to avoid me over this.” Shouta sighed. As good as he was with dealing with people, he was equally as shit. Or maybe it was just the fact that you gave him very little to work with. It was probably a bit of both. Still his dismissiveness was not helping you right now.
“No, no, no, no. I think I’ll stay here. Uh, good luck with your parenthood escapades and sorry to leave you high and dry like this but that’s going to have to be a no from me.” You rambled. He seemed to be getting a little tired of this.
“(Y/n) stop being irrational. She’s not even our kid I’m just looking after her for now. Why are you being difficult? I told you you were fine with the students and you’ll be fine with Eri, what else do you want to hear?” Shouta grumbled.
“Well uh I don’t know, uh...” You trailed off, this seemed to be going in a direction you really didn’t want it to go. A slight hostility settling in the air.
At your lack of a proper answer he clicked his tongue. He took a moment to reassess the situation. There had to be something he was missing. After all you were getting really worked up but if you weren’t going to talk to him there was nothing he could do. He shook his head before running a frustrated hand through his hair.
“(Y/n), please, please, just be honest with me. Whatever it is that’s bothering you, you can tell me. But I won’t be able to understand if you don’t.” Aizawa sighed, deciding that getting worked up about this was not the way to go, especially when you seemed to be especially distraught.
“Uh, god the thing is I don’t know entirely what to say to put the shitshow in my head into perspective.” You mumbled, trying desperately to figure out what to say that could clear the air but nothing seemed to be coherent enough.
“Take your time.” He decided that this was the best approach to things, making sure neither party got too worked up lest this turn into a fight.
The rain continued to patter softly against the window and your candle continued to burn an slightly off floral-ish scent.  A deafening silence hung in the air because even though he was being as patient as possible some of his frustration leaked through, it was bound to though so you couldn’t exactly blame him. After all, you were probably equally as frustrated with yourself too. 
“I’m just not good in a position like this. I’m not good with kids, especially someone like Eri who’s already so broken. You have that nurturing nature, it comes natural to you but I’m not on that level. I  don’t know the first thing about caring for a child let alone one as already traumatized as her. I’d fuck it up and only make things worse. I don’t want you to reassure me that I’ll be okay with her, I want you to understand that I’m not comfortable with this and that it might take me awhile to come around. I’m sure I sound like the biggest asshole ever but please understand that this just isn’t something I’m ready for.” You had rambled a bit, you were aware of that, but it was the only way that you could properly express your feelings without making things too complicated.
Aizawa said nothing. Trying to figure out how to go about things.
Was he upset? Yeah, you two, even after several long years of being together, hadn’t discussed moving forward in your relationship in depth. And if he’d tried you seemed content with the point you two were at so he left it be, no reason to try and move forward when what you had was already fine the way it was. But recently he’d been craving more. Some mornings, when he’d be the first to wake, he’d study your features in the soft light of the sunrise and wonder what it’d be like to properly settle down with you. Get married, start a family, all that jazz. He’d taken in Eri only because it was the most rational decision. His quirk would be good for quelling hers had it ever gotten out of hand. But it also seemed to quell his musings of something more with you. He had imagined you being a good parental figure for the little girl and it made his heart flutter and his stomach explode with butterflies. But now seeing that that wasn’t what you wanted and how you weren’t ready for it, it stung. But in the end, he loved you. He’d easily give his life for you. So, if that meant waiting he’d wait. He’d wait a million years if he had to. He could do it.
Once again he spoke,
“Take your time then. I can wait.”
Tagslist?: @captainchrisstan (I think you said you wanted to be tagged but I’m also just small brained lol If u didn’t want to and I misinterpreted things just let me know :) )
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
masterpost ☀️ main masterlist ☀️ taglist
previously on...
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Chapter 5. We have stucky, we have stevesambucky friendship, we have a new place to live and strange being a good guy because tony definitely ranted at him. Also, we're beginning the creepy part of the plot. I have decided that sam will be one of the main platonic characters in this story because I love sam.
fun fact: I used to be a creepypasta writer! Going back to my roots here, hehe.
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Things had stated changing, for better or worse, much sooner than I had been prepared for - but was anyone, ever, really ready for the next big step? Certainly not me - the view that greeted me after I'd finished my shift at Jeremy's was peculiar and unexpected, so I froze, eyebrows high at the two super-soldiers parked, once again, illegally, right in front of the entrance door.
"Hi, doll," Bucky was reclined against his boyfriend comfortably, his bike standing a pace behind Steve's, who nodded companionably, a sheepish grin on his face.
"G'day," I nodded, eyeing them warily. "I think I know where this is going..."
"No, no, nothing like that," both men frantically waved their hands around, Steve coming up close to approach me slowly. "You're not in trouble. I came out here to say thanks," giving a sappy look to the grouch that was his boyfriend, Steve reached into his pocket and handed me a slip of paper. "Just, uh..."
"Those are our phone numbers. Don't hesitate to give either one of us a call if someone bothers you," Bucky took over the stammering blonde, shaking his head at the soft blush that blossomed on the good captain's face. The brunette wrapped an arm around Steve's shoulders with a shy smile of his own. "Or if you, I don't know, need someone to carry your groceries or something," he snorted. "The punk wouldn't leave it alone until we came out personally to thank you, the sap."
The laughter bubbled up from my chest as I grabbed and pocketed the paper, throughly amused and at the endearing gesture. "Sure, thanks."
"And, uh," Bucky's eyes briefly looked to the side. "We'd appreciate if you keep the status of our relationship to yourself for now. We're not, like, officially out yet."
I froze in place, mouth falling open. Surely they were aware that anybody with a functional pair of eyes could see that they were much more than 'good, lifelong friends'. "No problem, guys. Lemme know if anyone gives you shit about it though, this place," I gestured to the café behind me, "is strictly paparazzi and homophobe-free."
Steve's grin grew even more genuine. "Yeah, we heard all about it from Tony and Stephen. Said 'twas the only place they go these days."
I wasn't aware of that. "It's the paps, isn't it?" I remembered Tony's remarks.
Bucky shook his head, the metals of his prosthetic arm whirring as it recalibrated. "Not only. The public hasn't had the best reaction to a man goin' out with a man," the brunette looked away to the side, where Steve's face had fallen considerably. "And Tony's an eccentric rich man. We're jus' two soldiers. The US Army won't be too happy if we... Came out," both men were crestfallen yet determined.
I had a hunch nothing would be able to separate the two - seeing as not even seventy-odd years and brainwashing and ice couldn't keep the captain and his sarge apart, I doubted that a few government weasels could successfully do the job. Even so, it was unpleasant, to say the least, to see them deny themselves something that technically was perfectly fine in the 21st century.
I chewed on my lip, gathering my wits. "I've clocked out, I can tell you this as a friend- as a person. You don't owe the army jack shit. They do not own you, you are your own person that they experimented their German knockoff steroids on. Respectfully, fuck that shit." I firmly stated my opinion, figuring that there should have been at least someone that told Steve that he is more than his star-spangled uniform and giant metal frisbee.
The blonde scrunched his eyebrows together, fingers gripping onto his belt until the knuckles went white, the hard line of his jaw set firm.
Bucky laugh took me by surprise. "Agreed, doll. I'm too old to be hiding in back alleys and shit," he clapped on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Although I'm happy enough with just not going to prison for bein' in love with this idiot."
"Jerk," Steve's responding pout was downright adorable now that I knew the circumstances surrounding their relationship.
Which wasn't exactly surprising. As a barista, I knew my fair share about my regulars' love lives, their jobs, their kids. The tea was almost always piping hot. "Bye, boys," I smiled at them warmly, throwing a glance at the time, adjusting the strap of my bag for comfort. "Stay outta trouble!"
Steve scrambled for his bike, having noticed my pointed gesture. "Sorry, didn't mean to hold you back. There, I have a spare helmet," he gestured behind him. "I'll give you a ride."
"There's no way in Hell I'm getting on that death trap!" I shouted cheerfully, walking briskly towards my second job, hiding a laugh in the warmth of my scarf as two very offended motorcycle-loving gay fossils sped past me, making truly incredible amounts of noise. Good for them.
Odette was content to let me rummage around the bodega without showing herself more than necessary, taking her appointments and doing- well, witch stuff, I guess, only coming out to poke at the various jars for ingredients.
"Star, I have a proposition for you," right before closing time, Odette's voice filled out the store with its low drawl. "A good friend of mine owns an apartment building, not far from here actually, and one tenant recently moved out. It's a safe space for those who are different," she enunciated the last word, fixing it with a pointed stare. "She's not overly fond of total strangers coming to live there. The rent is reduced and the apartment itself is slightly bigger and more fashionable than yours..."
"Where's the catch?" I found myself interrupting her. I wouldn't lie: the reduced rent and increased size of the apartment did interest me, as well as the probability of a kinder, more involved landlord. My current one was - not the best, but such was life in the NYC.
"There are a few rules to follow, rules that might seem strange at first but they'll make sense in time. And your neighbors might be also a little... Unusual," Odette carefully studied my face for any signs of displeasure.
I sighed.
And then I sighed some more as I was signing my new lease in a few days' time, having spoken with Porter, my new landlord, and his boyfriend who had claws and fangs- after so much time spent around Odette's, I didn't even blink. The couple liked me enough to extend a secure but flexible offer and some furniture to choose from the attic where they kept the spares.
I quite liked the large, vintage couch I placed next to the wide bow windows in the living room. The floors were hardboard and well-kept, the walls a nice, homely shade of green and Porter didn't mind any new holes in them that might arise from hanging up decorations. I scheduled a thrift crawl at the next possible opportunity, happy with the "good employee" bonus Odette had given me after I sealed the deal.
My stuff was boxed up, a sleepless night and a call to a begrudging Jeremy to have a couple of days off to move; I was, thankfully, not late on my schedule and all that I had left was to rent a car to move the boxes of my things and the few pieces of furniture I had decided to keep - my haul in Porter's attic had been incredibly rewarding and my new apartment had all the basics to make it look like a warm, inviting bohemian home in a while.
My phone rang suddenly, startling interruption to the romcom I was watching as I ate my last lunch in my old apartment. "Hello?" I answered the number without looking.
"Hi, doll," Bucky's voice rang out cheerful. "A little witch told me you were moving. I thought you might need a hand?"
I blanked momentarily, the thought of enlisting two very busy super-soldiers to haul ten boxes and two endtables worth of stuff not having crossed my mind at all. "Is this the moment when you stop by my house just to unattach and put your prosthetic arm somewhere and leave?" I asked, hearing distinctive snickering - several more people were with him.
The cheer in his voice blossomed into a full belly laugh. "You're funny," he teased me. "And thanks for the idea. But no, I have a room full of men that have nothing better to do but get on my nerves. Might as well make 'em useful," his accented drawl thickened the more we spoke. Muted cheers rang out in the background.
"Uh, sure," who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth? I rattled off my address and warned them I didn't have a car, after which Bucky assured me it will be taken care of. The last remaining knick-knacks packed away, I went down to take out the trash, and returned to four people standing in front of my apartment building, all except one unrecognisable in their civilian clothes. "Hello," I waved at them, side-eyeing the tallest, grumpiest man of the bunch.
Stephen Strange was there, looking around curiously, hands in the pockets of his plain grey hoodie. I had already forgotten how normal he looked without his robes, and, frankly speaking, I preferred him like that. His title and the attire that came with it were quite intimidating.
"Hey there," a dark-skinned man who I recognised to be the Falcon, raised his hand. I had not met him yet. "I'm Sam, Sam Wilson. You must be the Star we're helping?" His quick once-over and the tilt to his lips; the ease with which he flirted had me brandishing smirks of my own. I led them all upstairs, Stephen's silence being just so loud. Sam, however, had no such reservations. "So, you're a witch, right?" Wow, subtlety was his middle name.
"Yes, I'll show you my broomstick," I deadpanned, wiggling my eyebrows at him with a grim look.
"Woah woah," Sam raised his hands as the three men behind us snickered loudly. "What happened to 'how are you? let's have dinner sometime'?"
I did my best imitation of an evil cackle as I let them through my front door. The four newcomers looked around my nearly empty apartment with muted interest before zeroing in on the pile of things in the corner: a few pieces of furniture and nearly taped boxes. Should be a walk in the park for four men.
A hand on my arm pulled me from the stupor of observing Sam, Bucky and Steve act like a well-oiled trio, bantering and teasing each other as they discussed how to best move the things.
"Look," Stephen Strange had all the appearance of a chastised puppy. "I wanted to apologize for my behaviour that day. I was out of line," the low notes in his voice made the appearance of the apology being somewhat reluctant. Tony probably put him to it after our little burger run.
Irregardless, I wasn't looking to make any enemies. "Me too, I was under stress - not that I'm using it as an excuse," to give where it's due, I nodded at the sorcerer, immediately awestruck by the easy, boyish smile that stretched on his lips.
"You are strong," he added. "If you would like to learn our ways, we would welcome you." There was a spark in his eyes, something belonging to man that respected and collected knowledge. My own respect for him grew immensely just from that one thing.
"I'll think about it," I offered amicably, however, I still leaned heavily towards a negative answer to that particular proposition. I liked my current way of life.
Strange's grin made a momentary second appearance, until Sam's voice rang loudly: "Fire in the hole, Wizard-man," causing the former to groan loudly and look at me.
"Think about your new place for a second," he spoke, briefly touching out fingertips. As soon as that was over, a golden circle with my new living room on the other side of it appeared quietly, Strange's hands immediately going back into his pockets after that. I sighed and pointed the men into it, stepping in a second after. The sorcerer wasn't far behind. "You could learn that, too, you know," he added wryly, having seen my look of mild envy directed at him.
"I think I'll be good with having the 'pissed off the sorcerer Supreme and lived' pass for now," I retorted with an eyeroll, turning around to stare him down.
He had the decency to look somewhat sheepish, at least. "I'm not like my predecessor," his words were chosen carefully. "And, to be honest, I have no clue as to why your... Boss is so hostile towards me- us," Strange looked around the room before unceremoniously beelining for the couch and plopping down on it.
"Not to be a gossip," I started, slightly intrigued. "But Odette and some lady she called ancient had mad beef," I slipped into casual language easily, trying to recall the details of Odette's, quite often jumbled, stories. "Sounded almost like territorial disputes," I shrugged. "And the apprentices Odette took on before me found themselves in all kinds of compromising situations," I chewed on my lip. "Like the Arctic."
Strange rubbed his face with a noisy groan, large hands doing nothing to mask the resignation and slight embarrassment.
I focused on the thin, red scars on his hands - they had to have been something serious, the way slight tremors betrayed the deteriorating state of the nerves in his fingers. I frowned, quickly averting my gaze before he could catch me ogling him. The fact thag Stephen kept his hands in his pockets or covered by gloves at all times didn't go over my head.
He muttered something to himself, something that sounded like he was often forced to clean up his predecessor's mess. "I see," was the only thing he'd offered me, looking slightly pitiful and apologetic.
"Well," I started, noting the last of my stuff was about to be in its rightful place, "as long as you don't toss me into the ocean, I think we can coexist peacefully."
"Tony would kill me if I'd tried," Stephen groused.
"Probably," I agreed. "Considering the fact he hit on me, for you, it would make one hell of a lover's quarrel," my hand pointed towards the kitchen as Steve and Sam carried in the boxes aptly labeled "kitchen", looking around a place to put them down.
"Tony did what now?" Stephen's tone dropped, a wry smirk decorating his lips as he eyed me through his lashes.
"Don't ask me," I raised my palms, feeling my eyes widen. "He's chaos personified and Satan only knows what he's got on his mind."
That squeezed a laugh out of the tall man, followed by a fond, sappy smile as he looked out of my large, panoramic window, probably thinking of Tony himself. There was no doubt, Stephen Strange was utterly and throughly head over heels in love with Tony Stark. Good for them, good for them.
"A-and that's it," Bucky walked in, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel I'd provided them earlier. "I took some liberties and assembled the furniture, Steve is stacking the dishes as we speak," the brunette noisily plopped down next to me, arm carelessly thrown behind me on the back of the couch.
"Oh, um," I stammered, unused to such random gestures of kindness. "Thanks a lot, you saved me a day's worth of time and a backache," I smiled, scooting over to make some room for Sam.
"No problem, not like we had anything better to do than argue which part of the Lord of the Rings is the best," Wilson rolled his eyes, elbowing Bucky none-too-gently.
Bucky elbowed back, thus starting a horsing war between the two, causing me to scoot closer to Stephen as I attempted to avoid any flailing limbs; the sorcerer and I shared an identical, perplexed sigh as to how two grown men could easily bait each other into such juvenile behaviour.
Whatever. It was kind of endearing.
Steve emerged from the kitchen dusty but smiling, having heard the commotion, and quickly herded his guys into a semblance of decent behaviour before all of three of them left, leaving me and Stephen to go back to my old apartment and give the keys to it to the guard. That was done, too, and a portal from an alley behind my old building straight into my living room had me and Strange awkwardly hovering, saying out goodbyes and waving to each other as the golden circle rapidly shrunk in size and disappeared, golden sparks scattering across my living room carpet for a short second before they fizzled out, too.
I used the brief moment of respite to find the small piece of paper containing the rules Porter had insisted I read and take seriously; figuring it might be a good idea to give them a read before beginning to unpack, I popped open a bottle of soda, holding the itemized list written in neat cursive to my face.
The further I read, the further my eyebrows rose:
"1. Keep your door locked at all times.
2. If a person knocks on your door claiming to be the mail man, do not open the door under any circumstances. You are free to ignore the knocking - it only lasts a minute or so. After the person has left, you may open the door and check for any packages.
3. If Samantha from 3B visits you and asks you to babysit, you may do so at your personal discretion. Her twins are a handful and their daily habits are not for the ones with a weak stomach, however, they mean nothin ill and will not harm you in any way.
4. Do not use the elevator between the hours of 1 and 4 AM.
5. There are no apartments under number "7". If someone claiming to be from those apartments knocks on your door and requests entry, come up with a polite excuse to decline and send me a text message. I will take care of it.
6. There is no garden on the premises of this building. If a man approaches you, claiming to be a gardener, don't interact with him and simply walk away. He will leave you alone.
7. You may meet a girl in a polka-dot dress playing in the hallways or in the stairwell. This is Lucy. Always be polite to Lucy - you won't like what will happen if you're rude to her. She does not talk but she knows limited ASL and may request to visit you. Allow her in ONLY if you have fresh meat in your fridge (beef or mutton, preferably bloody). You might want to avoid seeing her eat, however, it might be very beneficial to make friends with Lucy. She knows a lot of things.
8. If, when taking the stairs, you encounter inconsistent numeration of the floors, such as floor 2 followed by floor 5 and etc, simply walk a flight back. It will sort itself out. The building is old and sometimes it gets confused.
Important notice: these rules apply to your guests as well. Please make sure to introduce and educate them on these matters. We will help as much as we can should a situation arise but ultimately, there are fates far worse than an untimely, however swift, death.
- Porter and Lance."
A slow, creeping dread began to gnaw at my nape, curling on like a cold snake deep in chest. As if laughing at me, the warm, welcoming embrace of the green walls and the toothy, wide smiles my landlords had given me encouraged my recently found sense of adventure, all of it mixing into a cacophony of exhilaration and unease, equally steadily driving my running brain insane.
I sighed again, immediately going to the box containing my altar and the rest of the protective items. So much for peace.
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puckinghell · 4 years
The Plus One Pact | William Nylander | Part 4
Summary: Your ex is getting married, and you don’t have a date, which means the unavoidable “why don’t you have a boyfriend” question is about to haunt you for the rest of eternity. But then there’s Will, who could be the answer to all your problems. A simple business pact, no feelings involved: that won’t be hard for you, because you really don’t like him anyways. Except pacts were made to be broken… or something. Right?
Note: This is part 4. Click here for part 1 | part 2 | part 3
You don’t know how it happens.
Okay, you kinda do.
One night, you get a text from Will that’s just a screenshot of a very strongly worded email to a certain balloon company, and then three crying-from-laughter emojis.
Still not funny!!! you text back, and you expect not to hear from Will again until the wedding.
You’re wrong. When he texts you again the next day, asking how you work was, you figure it would be rude not to answer, and then when the phone rings late one night, you worry something is wrong, so you answer that, too.
“What was your day like?” Will’s voice is quiet and timid when he asks, and you take it you’re not gonna talk about that awful game they just had, so you talk to him about your day for an hour until his voice is lighter and he’s laughing again.
It starts happening more and more, and before you really realize it, it’s weird when you haven’t heard from Willy in a day.
To be truthful, it turns out Zach was right; as he usually is, which you would rather die than tell him. 
But Will is different when it’s just you two, and your favorite moments with him are when he calls after games and his voice is laced with sleep and you can nearly hear the smile through his voice when he asks you about your day. Everything about him is muted, then, but it feels real, and important, somehow.
You even learn to appreciate how annoyingly chipper he is, because sometimes you really do need someone to just laugh at your bad mood until it goes away.
You also learn that, like you expected on the plane to Calgary, Will keeps his head high but it’s mostly a facade. Comments get to him, especially when they’re about his hockey – “that’s the only thing I was supposed to be good at” he jokes one time, and you wanna hit him over the head with his hockey stick until he understands that that’s not true – and he takes everything personal, although he tries not to show it.
Everything you didn’t like about him, you find out, is something you either got wrong about him or learned to appreciate.
And there’s so much more to like about him, too.
One night, after a really bad day at work, you have a fight with your sister about Noah’s stupid wedding. 
“Why are you so against coming?” your sister says, a little too aggressive. “Surely you aren’t still in love with him? He’s happy with Betty, Y/N.” 
Of course you’re not still in love with Noah, but it hurts that she can’t just accept that you don’t wanna go. That she can’t take your side in this, even if she doesn’t know the full story. She should trust that you’re not being difficult for no reason.
And you can’t help yourself; it’s late and you know Will just got done with his game, and he’s all the way in Carolina but you call him anyway.
He answers almost immediately.
“Y/N?” he asks, and he sounds surprised. It’s to be expected, because he’s almost always the one calling you, but it stings a little, nonetheless.
“Uhm, hi.” You pause. “Is it… okay that I called?”
“Of course. Always.” Will sounds truthful, so you decide to take his word for it.There’s no more extra space in your brain to worry about that, as well. 
“Congrats on the game.”
“Thanks.” You hear Willy’s grin. “I’ve told Zachy we’re both very proud of him for that OT winner.” There’s an indignant huff next to him that sounds a lot like Zach and you figure they’re still on the bus, where Willy usually sits with Kappy or Zach.
It’s quiet, then Willy’s voice, treading very carefully: “Is something wrong? You don’t sound too happy.” There’s some stumbling and you can almost see how Willy must be elbowing Zach away from the phone, because Zach is basically an overprotective dad whenever he hears anyone isn’t doing well.
But Willy… Willy isn’t like that, but he sounds worried anyway, and he sounds gentle like he’s trying to calm you down, and suddenly you’re telling him everything: about the day you’ve had and your job that sucks and that you’re worried about the wedding and why can’t your family just trust you, for once, and what if this all isn’t worth it just to keep your family happy?
When you’re done, Willy’s voice is soothing. The background noise has disappeared. Maybe the bus has stopped.
“It’s worth it,” is what he says. “You know it’s worth it.”
You sigh. It’s annoying still that he’s usually right.
“I just don’t want to deal with it anymore.”
“And tonight you don’t have to.” There’s a sudden noise and then Will cursing. “Fuck, sorry, hold on, I’m trying to open this stupid hotel door…” More crashing and banging, and then Willy’s voice reappears. “Tonight you don’t have to deal with anything, okay? We can FaceTime and watch a movie together.”
And that… That actually sounds really nice, and like it doesn’t require any brain power which is good because you have none of that left anyway.
“Hey, what’s your favorite take out food?”
It’s such a random question, out of the blue, and when you tell him that, the blurry FaceTime screen can’t hide his eye roll.
“It’s just something friends are supposed to know about each other, now tell me.”
“Sushi when I’m feeling fancy,” you say, “or pizza when I need comfort food.”
You can’t even pretend to be that surprised when a massive pizza shows up at your door 30 minutes later.
You hate that it nearly brings tears to your eyes, but after the day you’ve had…
“Thank you, Willy,” you mumble, and there’s something soft to his look when he smiles at you.
“What are friends for?” he asks, and you realize you don’t even mind that he’s declared himself your friend, now.
A few weeks ago, you would’ve disputed it. But now, you find yourself kinda wishing it could be more.
What are friends for is apparently your motto now, and it’s all a little strange as you get into the car, your fanciest, most beautiful dress and highest heels on.
“You look great,” Zach says. He’s wearing a suit and his hair is slicked back, the way it always is when he’s really trying.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” you reply, a little grumpily. “I hate team events.”
“I never did understand why.” Zach starts the car and backs out of your driveway. You’ve been told Alannah is going to the venue straight from work, and Willy had an appointment and couldn’t come get you, which is why you’re in the car with Zach, now.
“Because I don’t fit in there.” It’s the honest answer, but it’s obviously not the whole story. The whole story is that those events are filled with beautiful women, and you never feel quite up to par; like you snuck into a place you’re not welcome, not supposed to be welcome, either. But Zach wouldn’t get that. Willy wouldn’t get that either.
And you just couldn’t come up with an excuse fast enough, not when he said: “But Y/N, it’s for charity.”
It would not matter to the charity, of course, if you didn’t come. But Willy had looked so hopeful, and then he’d pulled out the final card: “It’s gonna be way more fun with you there by my side.”
And now you’re wearing a dress appropriate for a charity gala, which means you’ve never felt more uncomfortable in anything in your life, and your feet already hurt from your heels, and this was such a bad idea, God.
“You know,” Zach says, and his tone tells you this conversation is going somewhere you don’t want it to go. “Willy doesn’t like these events either. It means a lot to him that you’re coming for support.”
You nearly roll your eyes. “Willy charmed the socks off every person at my boss’ wedding, Zachy. He really doesn’t need my support for these kinda things.”
Zach’s face stays stoic. “Yeah, but nobody at that wedding knew him.”
“So?” you frown. “That should only be a disadvantage, considering he’s William Nylander.”
Zach laughs, then. “Still haven’t figured it out, then? I’m disappointed in you, Y/N. I thought you were good at reading people.”
“Hey!” you react, offended. You are good at reading people. It’s one of the things you pride yourself on. “If you know it all so well, why don’t you just tell me?”
Zach sighs. “Willy doesn’t like these events anymore because he is William Nylander, as you say it, and that’s not really a popular name in Leafs territory, right now.”
And, oh.
“I did realize he cares a lot more about what people think than I thought he did.” You pause. “More than he should, probably.”
“Definitely.” Zach’s face has that protective big brother vibe about it, again. You used to not understand, why he always looked like that when people were talking shit about Willy.
You get it, now.
“There’s always plenty more people telling him he’s great, than there are people sending him snarky looks,” Zach continues. “But he never really believes any compliments he gets, so that doesn’t help.”
Suddenly, you realize something.
You’ve never really… complimented Willy? Even when you realized he cared more than he let on, you still just assumed he knew how great he was. Sometimes, he kinda fishes for something – “Did you see my goal?” “How about my cooking abilities?” “I know how to pick a good movie, right?” – but you’d always laughed and chirped him for it.
“If your head gets any bigger, it’ll explode.”
And Willy is always complimenting you; he tells you you look great all the time, even when you decidedly dont’t, but he clearly remembered what you told him about Noah because that’s never the only thing he compliments you about.
He tells you how smart you are, “I like how good you are with animals”, how any food you make is the best thing he’s ever eaten, if only everyone was as lovely as you.
You feel guilty, now. If Willy is your friend, you’ve really not been doing such a good job at being his friend, too.
You’re fixing that tonight, you decide right then and there.
“I’ll make him believe it,” you tell Zach, and it comes out sounding vaguely threatening.
Zach laughs. “Thought you didn’t like him?”
“Maybe he’s not as bad as I thought he was,” you admit, and you don’t tell Zach how much you really, really do like Willy, but you think Zach kinda knows anyway. 
Will meets you at the door, where Alannah is also waiting for Zach. He smiles at you, eyes soft.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” He quickly presses his lips to your temple, which is a new development that you don’t really know how to handle.
But Will is a tactile guy, anyway, so you’re sure you shouldn’t read too much into it.
You see Zach’s raised eyebrow, and suddenly remember – fine, maybe you’d forgotten your objective for a second because Will looks really hot in that suit, but you’re back on track now.
“You look beautiful too, Will.”
Willy’s eyes widen and a flush creeps up on his cheek, but before he can answer you grab his hand and pull him into the building.
It’s a fancy, really expensive hotel, where the gala is being held. It’s filled to the brim with people, a few of which you recognize, most of which you don’t.
“That chandelier must be worth more than our entire house,” Alannah mutters, and you’re glad to see it’s affecting her too, although she’s been to these events many times.
Zach laughs. “With a puppy in the house, aren’t you glad we don’t have any furniture that costs more than our mortgage?”
“Do you want a drink?” Will’s lips are close enough to your ear to hear him over the noise of the crowd and the music in the background, and also close enough to feel his hot breath against your neck. It takes everything in you not to shiver.
Maybe you do need a drink. Or ten.
Willy and Zach go to get the drinks and Alannah leads you to where some of the other WAGs are. Steph is the only one you know and she hugs you as soon as she sees you coming, then introduces you to the rest.
“So, you’re with Will, huh?” she asks, eyebrows waggling.
You were expecting that question, but maybe not so soon into the evening.
“Uhm,” you cough, “not really. Just his plus one for tonight.”
“Sure,” Steph says, and she looks like she doesn’t believe you at all.News always travels fast in the WAGs group, and Alannah is looking a little guilty.
You find you don’t mind so much, that they think that you’re together. Although you really don’t wanna think about why you don’t mind. 
When Willy finds you, Kappy and his girlfriend are with him, and the four of you make your rounds throughout the room, talking to any sponsor that seems interested in a conversation. Mostly you just stand there while Willy talks, his hand on your back as if he’s scared you’re gonna run off.
“I always thought this would be a lot of work,” you mumble in Willy’s ear, when you’re between conversation partners. “But I really only have to stand here and look pretty.”
Willy grins. “Seems like it comes natural to you.”
Right. You kinda forgot about the compliments again.
You shrug, lean a little closer until you’re basically pressed into his side. It feels a little too right, maybe, how quickly Will’s arm wraps around your waist.
“You’re really good at talking to these people.” You’re talking pretty loudly, but you’re pretty sure Will is the only one that can hear you over the noise. “The second you open your mouth, people are so charmed by you. I think you could make anyone love you.”
Willy’s eyes flash to the floor, and they stay fixed there as he mumbles something that sounds a lot like another “uhm”.
His cheeks are flushed red, and you’re saved from having to deal with that as Auston appears, eyes wild and jaw tense.
“I’m being stalked,” he hisses. “This old white dude literally won’t leave me alone even for a second. He’s been following me around for an hour. Help.”
Willy bursts into giggles, which is probably not very helpful, and the betrayal on Auston’s face is enough to make you feel bad for him.
“Come on,” you say, grabbing his arm, “let’s go hide behind the bar.”
It’s easier than you thought it would be, to get through the evening. In fact, when Will asks you if you’re ready to go, you hadn’t even noticed it had become so late.
You say goodbye to the few people you know and gratefully accept Willy’s offer to drive you home.
The car ride is silent. It’s not awkward, but the air is heavy with something, and you curse yourself for all those times you wished Willy would just shut up, because now he has and you hate every second of it.
Did your compliments freak him out? Did he regret asking you to come?
“So,” Will finally says, as he stops in front of a traffic light. He’s not looking at you, keeping his gaze firmly on the road ahead of him. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”
“Zach told me you don’t like these events,” you try, carefully. You’ve never had to pull something out of Will, force him to open up; he’s always just kinda done it, from the very moment you met him, shared parts of himself with you that you never had to search for.
For you, who’s never learned how to not keep something hidden, that was maybe the thing that unnerved you about him the most.
“I like doing things for charity,” Will answers, and you can tell he’s picking his words carefully. “But I don’t like people looking at me as if I’m some kinda disappointment who doesn’t belong there.”
“Have they ever said anything?”
“No.” Will smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes and there’s a hint of sadness laced in it. “Not to my face, anyway. But I’m not stupid, you know.”
No, he’s not stupid. For all the conflicting thoughts you’ve had about him, you never thought he was stupid.
And you never thought he was a bad contract, either. It seems imperative, suddenly, that he knows that.
“Willy,” you say softly, and although his eyes are still on the road, you know he’s paying attention. “You can’t seriously believe that you’re anything but an amazing hockey player. You’re worth that contract and you’re worth the effort Dubas put into keeping you here. You’re so smart, and I know people don’t always see it but you work so hard, and Matts was so happy when you got back on his line because he knew you would be magic together.”
Will’s cheeks are red but this time, he’s not mumbling when he says: “I know I haven’t been playing as well as I can.”
“Stop,” you tell him, softly but forcefully. “Stop deflecting, stop dodging. Just take the compliment and believe me when I say you’re great at what you do.”
“That’s very nice of you,” he says, his voice a bit shaky, and that’s a different kind of deflecting but it’s still deflecting, and it’s hurting your heart.
“William Nylander,” you scold, and then you do what you’ve been wanting to do this entire evening and let yourself reach out and put a hand on his knee. “Just accept the compliment.”
Willy carefully reaches down to grab your hand, intertwines your fingers together as he lets both your hands rest on his thigh. He’s holding the steering wheel with one hand, but he’s driving pretty slowly and the roads are deserted, so you’re not too worried.
You’re more worried about the fact that he just doesn’t believe you.
“You’re a great hockey player,” you repeat, stubbornly. “And a great person.”
Finally Willy allows himself to smile, this small, rueful thing that sticks somewhere deep inside your chest, folds up next to your heart like it’s gonna stay there forever.
“Thank you,” he says, and maybe he still doesn’t really believe it but this is as far as you’re gonna get tonight and maybe that’s okay.
You’ve got time.
The car has reached your flat and Will parks it in your driveway. It’s quiet, and he hasn’t let go of your hand, and you kinda don’t want him to.
The night is over, probably.
But there’s still one thing you need to tell him, though. “It doesn’t matter, Will,” you say softly. “What those people think. It doesn’t matter.”
“No,” Willy agrees, and for the first time you can tell he believes it. “But it matters what you think.”
He finally turns to look at you and there’s so many emotions swirling in the deep blue of his eyes, but you can’t really put your finger on any of them. All you know is your heart is beating in your throat, and you really want to kiss him.
But Willy still looks a little sad, and you have a feeling there’s something he’s not saying.
“I told you I think you’re great,“ you tell him, and it’s the truth.
“But you didn’t, before.” Will hesitates. “I told you I’m not stupid. I know when people find me annoying.” He shrugs. “I get it. I know I can be too much.”
And God, there’s so much hurt in that, so much pain and yet understanding, and you can tell he truly believes that, and you would do anything to take that away from him.
“I didn’t like you,” you admit, but when Will goes to pull back his hand, you simply hold on tighter. “I was wrong. I didn’t know you, and I was wrong. Now I know you. And I like you.” You inhale, pause. “I like you so much I don’t really know what to do with myself, sometimes.”
It’s quiet. You can nearly see the wheels turning in Willy’s head as he searches your face for something; something to tell him you’re not being truthful, maybe, that it doesn’t mean what he thinks it does.
If that’s what he’s looking for, he won’t find it. 
Then he drops your hand, jumps out of the car and slams the door.
Disappointment and hurt washes over you; you knew you had to try, had to put your heart out there, but it hurts that it’s smashed into pieces like that. Clearly you read it wrong, clearly you still don’t know how to tell what Willy’s feeling.
Except then your door opens, and Willy is holding out his hand.
“Come on,” he says, and his voice sounds… fond? You don’t know exactly what to think about it, but he doesn’t sound angry, or upset.
Against better judgement, you grab his hand and get out of the car.
“I have to tell you something,” Will says. And, there’s no way that he’s doing what you think he’s doing, but his hands are suddenly traveling up, one reaching to cup your cheek, the other settling on your waist. His eyes are staring into yours intently, and they’re twinkling but it’s not the same mischievous twinkle you’re used to seeing.
“I really like you, too,” Willy says, and he leans in and presses his lips against yours.
For a split second, you stand there, not quite knowing what just happened, but then his hand tightens on your hip and you realize that this is real, this is happening, and Will’s kissing you.
So you kiss back. You let your body lean heavy against the car, place your hands on his biceps and pull him closer, until his chest is flush against yours. The kiss deepens, and you swear you can feel your heartbeat synching up with his.
The night is dark, and quiet, and it rains a little, but you feel none of it.
All you feel is Will, surrounding you, and everything is beautiful and exactly the way it’s supposed to be.
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citizen-l · 3 years
01. Door
Chanyeol curses and wonders what he did to be locked out of his own apartment as the door slams on his face. In truth, it wasn't his fault. How was he to know that taking his roommate to a party would lead to him falling for Chanyeol's best friend. Which would lead to steamy make out sessions, and possibly more, in his apartment. Resulting in him being kicked out for the night. 
Chanyeol tried not to think about the mess Junmyeon and Sehun would probably make. God, they better clean up afterwards. 
He sighed and looked at the keys in his hand. Not his keys. Sehun had tossed those before shutting the door, telling Chanyeol to sleep at Sehun's place for the night. Jeez, a little warning would have been nice! Chanyeol didn't even get to unplug his phone from the charger. His laptop and notes are still open on his desk. This was ridiculous! 
At least it was Friday. And Sehun did say his roommate was out on a date. So Chanyeol will have the place to himself. Since Sehun and Baekhyun even got a TV in their apartment, Chanyeol can just binge shitty soap operas and pass the night. Great plan, sure. Not like Chanyeol had a life or anything. 
The walk to Sehun's place was short, and the night wasn't too warm or cold for Chanyeol to feel uncomfortable in his bed clothes. Jesus. He was wearing his sweats and an oversized sweater. He would've been embarrassed if people saw him like this in the daytime. Thankfully it was late enough in the night that not many were out and about. He felt like he was the one making the walk of shame back to his apartment. Ironic, since he was single, too busy to be in a relationship with anyone, and hadn't decided whether he just didn't like anyone all that much or if he was plainly aro. Not something he wanted to think about tonight. 
He walked up the stairs to the third floor and went down the hall to Sehun's door. Chanyeol had been here multiple times since Sehun had moved in, but he never stayed over at night. Mainly because of Baekhyun. To be completely honest, Chanyeol was a little afraid of Sehun's flatmate. He wasn't sure what it was, but that tiny boy with cotton candy hair always made Chanyeol nervous. 
Well, at least Baekhyun was out tonight. And judging by the way Sehun explained it, Baekhyun was unlikely to return until the next day. Chanyeol would be long gone by then. 
Sehun's apartment was posh, spacious and modern, unlike Chanyeol and Junmyeon's tiny cramped flat with just two room and a tiny kitchen. The lights were on. Maybe it was a rich people thing, leaving the light on. Who cared about bills? Or maybe Sehun was too whipped and crazy for a fuck that he didn't even bother turning off the switches. 
Jesus. Chanyeol sounded angry even to himself. He wasn't actually that angry, just a bit irritated to be collateral to other people's sexual activities. 
Barely two steps in and he stopped dead, caught in a stare with a green faced guy standing in front on the kitchen with a bowl of soup. Before Chanyeol could do anything, the guy screamed and stumbled back, hitting the stool with his leg and splashing hot soup all over himself as he lost his grip on the bowl. Chanyeol hurried towards him to help, but it only backfired. The guy, Baekhyun, judging by the hair, became more agitated and fell back right where the bowl had crashed and broken. 
"Motherfucker, ow!" Baekhyun cursed, forgetting for a moment his terror of seeing another person in his apartment. 
Chanyeol's fear came true as Baekhyun inspected the pain in his hand and found a large cut, blood oozing down his arm. Chanyeol was there just in time to catch the pink haired boy before Baekhyun cursed again and fainted at the sight of blood. 
Jesus, how did a lazy evening in Chanyeol's own apartment turn into spilled soup, bloody wounds and an unconscious twenty-two year old in his arms? 
It took him two hours to get it all cleaned up. He debated calling Sehun, but he was probably too busy in the throes of passion to pick up the phone anyway, so Chanyeol decided to tackle one pressing issue at a time. 
Baekhyun's cut wasn't deep, but it was long enough to cause alarm. Poor guy must've slid his hand right over the broken ceramic. Thankfully the soup wasn't scalding, not hot enough to bruise. Chanyeol decided the leather couch can weather some sticky chicken soup and carried Baekhyun over to lay him down. He found the first aid kit in the bathroom cabinet and went on to clean and dress the wound before Baekhyun woke up. Chanyeol never would have thought he'd be the kind of guy to lose his shit at the sight of blood. But, oh well, everyone had their kryptonite. 
Cleaning up the broken bowl and soup was a bit harder, Chanyeol had to look for missing pieces of ceramic that got knocked away out of sight. It could cause more problems later on. By the time he was done, it was past midnight, and he was hungry enough to indulge in cooking himself a quick snack. Baekhyun was still unconscious on the sofa with his injured hand propped up over his head, breathing normally. He probably didn't get to have dinner if the soup was it. Chanyeol decided to make use of the ingredients in their fridge and make something for both of them. 
"Ah fuck," Baekhyun cursed the moment he woke up. "This is so not my day."
"Hey," Chanyeol said quietly. "Don't freak out. I'm Chanyeol, Sehun's friend, remember?"
"Jesus, you could've knocked maybe?"
"Sorry," Chanyeol did realize he shouldn't have barged in like that. But in his defense, Sehun had told him nobody would be home. "I had Sehun's keys, he's spending the night at my place so, he said I could stay here, and that you'd be out. I didn't know you'd be at home."
"Right. Wait, why is he at your place?"
"Uh, my roommate, Junmyeon... "
"Good God, stop. No more. I've heard enough about Junmyeon this, Junmyeon that. No more. Let them fuck it out. I need a break."
Chanyeol agreed. It was slightly getting on his nerves as well. He went back to his meal, sitting on the floor and watching the muted sitcom.
"Oh, Uh, did you…?" Baekhyun sat up and fumbled with his bandaged hand. 
"Oh yeah," Chanyeol looked back at him. "Sorry about that, I really didn't mean to startle you. I cleaned it up, the kitchen too, so don't worry about it. And, the cut isn't deep as far as I can tell, but you probably should get it checked out tomorrow, might require stitches."
"Just my luck," Baekhyun sighed. "You said you cleaned the kitchen?"
"Yeah, didn't want any more accidents happening tonight. Also, there's some stir fried rice and chicken if you want. I was hungry so..." Chanyeol pointed at his own food. 
"You cleaned, and you cooked," Baekhyun repeated like he couldn't wrap his head around the facts. "Please switch places with Sehun and move in with me."
Chanyeol laughed, if only. His meager job wasn't even remotely enough to afford all this luxury. 
"Alright, I'm gonna...I'm gonna go clean up. Jesus, what a night to do some beauty care. I've probably aged five years, a lot of good this mask will do me. And ugh, I smell like chicken, probably taste like it too."
Chanyeol couldn't help but laugh as Baekhyun slowly went to his room down the hallway grumbling about his bad luck. That was when Chanyeol realized that this was probably the first time he was ever alone with Baekhyun, and not once did he feel nervous or unsettled. He laughed, Baekhyun was actually funny. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad spending a night here like this. Granted, he could've done without the mess and injury. 
Chanyeol finished his meal and cleaned up the leather sofa where Baekhyun had laid unconscious by the time the other boy came freshly showered and a little out of it. 
"Uh, not to sound demanding or anything, but," Baekhyun sounded a little nervous. "Do you mind cleaning the bandage? It got wet and there's a red patch and...yeah."
Chanyeol tried not to laugh because it wasn't actually funny, it was just too adorable. Never did he imagine Byun Baekhyun, the boisterous theatre major around campus to be lightheaded because of blood. He looked too cute with his wet hair and too big T-shirt and loose shorts, holding up his injured arm and desperately trying not to look at the wound. 
"Sit down, I'll get it cleaned up," Chanyeol said, taking out the aid kit again. 
"You cleaned the couch," Baekhyun observed as he sat down, momentarily forgetting all about his injury and sounding surprised. 
Chanyeol didn't bother replying, he focused on the task at hand. 
"Close your eyes," he said and Baekhyun shut his eyes instantly. Button-like nose scrunched up, face a little red from rubbing off the mask, hand trembling outstretched. 
Chanyeol sat on the floor and changed the dressing. Then he put things away neatly and brought Baekhyun the meal he had prepared. 
"You can use your left hand, right?" Chanyeol asked. 
Baekhyun gaped at the food, spoon clumsily held in his left grip. He nodded minutely and Chanyeol decided to focus on the TV screen. 
"You can turn on the sound now, I'm wide awake," Baekhyun said. "Sorry for the drama, but then again, I'm an actor, what did you expect?"
"You're majoring in Theatre, right?" Chanyeol asked in conversation as Baekhyun nodded. "What do you do when you have to act with props like blood?"
"Well," Baekhyun scrunched up his red nose and Chanyeol had to bite his cheek to not smile. "It's not a big deal since I know it's fake. But when it's real…"
"That's okay," Chanyeol felt the sudden urge to reassure the guy. "I don't think there's anything to worry about, give it a week and it'll heal properly."
"Thanks," Baekhyun avoided eye contact. "For patching me up, twice. And for the meal."
"No worries. I'm sorry again for walking in on you like this. Giving you such a scare. Sehun told me you went on a date and won't be home tonight."
Baekhyun made a face. "Yeah, that…"
Chanyeol guessed it didn't go well. But he didn't want to ask, it was private. 
"I didn't show," Baekhyun said. 
He stood his date up? That's… a bit cruel, Chanyeol thought. 
"No, that's a lie," Baekhyun sighed. "I showed up two hours early and sat watch from a distance and I was right, some guys just wanted to mess with me. So I came home and decided to pamper myself."
Chanyeol really wanted to know who those guys were. The anger he felt wasn't new, and he wasn't surprised how much he hated whoever those people were who wanted to mess with Baekhyun. Chanyeol hated guys like that who only preyed on other people thinking they were weak. Sure, Baekhyun was maybe small compared to a lot of the guys around campus, and his sassy attitude and cotton candy hair would hurt a lot fragile egos, but Chanyeol really struggled to understand why people would want to hurt a complete stranger. 
"Do you know those guys?" Chanyeol asked even as he tried to hold himself back. 
"Yeah, don't worry about it, I took care of them. They're probably sitting in a cell for the night. I reported them."
Chanyeol felt relieved. Though guys like that deserved more than a night in a cell, at least nobody got hurt today. Or, at least not by them. He felt a pang of guilt thinking he was the reason Baekhyun got hurt. Jeez, why couldn't Sehun just wait until daytime to have his way with Junmyeon?
"You always like this, a neat freak?" Baekhyun asked when Chanyeol grabbed his empty plate and went on to clean it at the sink. 
Heat in his cheeks probably was evidence enough that he was blushing. Chanyeol's inability to leave anything unclean or untidy was not necessarily a problem, he didn't think he was obsessive about it. But it did stand out sometimes. Especially while living with Junmyeon who was not the neatest or tidiest person in the world. 
"Sorry, habit," Chanyeol said. 
"Oh, don't be sorry at all. I haven't done a single thing since you came. Please teach some manners to Sehun."
"He's a little beyond help."
Baekhyun bid him goodnight, giving him free reign of Sehun's bed as he went to his own. Chanyeol never made it to the bed, however. He was dozing while sitting on the ground with his head back on the couch when cold fingers shook him awake. 
It took him a while to wake and sit up properly, not knowing what was going on since it was still pitch dark with only the light of the TV. 
Then he registered Baekhyun's strained voice. He was alert immediately, remembering everything that happened last night. 
"Uh, I think… I got hurt… in my sleep… it's... "
The wound was bleeding, blood seeped through the hem of the bandage and down Baekhyun's arm. Maybe the wound was deeper than Chanyeol thought. 
Before he could say anything, Baekhyun fainted right on top of him like a sack of potatoes. He was lighter than Chanyeol thought, which he hadn't exactly noticed hours before when Baekhyun first fainted. 
Chanyeol laid the guy down on the sofa again and reached for his phone, only then remembering that his phone was back in his apartment. Christ. 
Chanyeol quickly walked to Baekhyun's room. His phone was password locked, but Chanyeol could still use it in case of emergency. He grabbed the first pair of shoes he thought would fit Baekhyun and slid them into unconscious feet. 
"Baekhyun? Baek... " waking the guy wasn't very successful. He was probably too tired, and the blood loss was probably not helping. Damn guy was too pale to have much blood in him anyway. 
Chanyeol knew he was being stupid. Baekhyun probably just needed a full night's rest and a visit to the doctor's in the morning. But the guilt was eating at Chanyeol. 
The pharmacy was maybe seven minutes away. Double, if Chanyeol had to carry an unconscious Baekhyun all the way there. But that was still better than sitting here and not doing anything. What if there was a piece of ceramic stuck in the wound that Chanyeol hadn't been able to clean? 
He roused Baekhyun enough to carry him on his back and make sure he wouldn't fall off, and then he locked the doors and headed out. 
"The wound nicked a vein, nothing big, just needed a few stitches," the pharmacist said while performing the sutures.
Chanyeol was a little relieved that Baekhyun was awake again. Sitting with his eyes closed, his uninjured hand gripping the packet of strawberry milk he had requested and humming some song to distract himself. At least he'll be fine.
Chanyeol, however, couldn't shake off the weird gaze of the pharmacist and his assistant at the counter. They looked at Chanyeol the same way people looked at murder suspects. He tried to not show his nervousness.
That worked until an officer walked in purposefully and stood right in front of, sizing Chanyeol up. 
"You okay, son?" the officer asked Baekhyun directly. 
"Oh, Joey! What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked. Gone was the faintness of his voice and dullness of his eyes. He was again distracted from his own distress as he focused on anything but his injury. 
"Byun! I really didn't think you were the one they called me about, I got those bastards you told me about. I didn't think they hurt you!"
Someone called the officer. Probably the assistant pharmacist. Good God, they probably thought Chanyeol purposely hurt Baekhyun and brought him here at four in the morning. Jesus Christ, what the hell was happening?
"Oh no, this was at home," Baekhyun said casually. Almost cheerfully. 
Chanyeol nearly swallowed his own tongue as three pairs of eyes honed in on him and Baekhyun remained oblivious, or pretended to. That was it, Chanyeol was going to jail. 
"I slipped in the kitchen, got soup all over me. Dreadful thing. And then I managed to fall on my ass and scrape my hand on a broken bowl!" Baekhyun summarized it like telling a story. 
"I'd say this is more than a scrape," the pharmacist grumbled. "If you hadn't bandaged it properly, you would have lost a lot of blood by now."
"Well it's all thanks to Chanyeol. I can't even look at blood, makes me faint. He cleaned up the wound and everything. Even carried me all the way, can you believe it?"
No, they could not. But at least they didn't think Chanyeol knifed Baekhyun's hand himself. That was good enough for now. 
"I'd be lying in my own pool of blood, dead, if it weren't for Chanyeol!"
He probably wouldn't be hurt in the first place if it weren't for Chanyeol. But nobody needed to know that. He looked up at the others and they seemed convinced Chanyeol wasn't the bad guy here. 
This is why Chanyeol had always been nervous around Baekhyun. Or, to be more precise, nervous because of other people due to Baekhyun's presence. This guy could make friends with patrol officers and pharmacists and make them feel concerned for him in a heartbeat. That was some power to have over people. Not saying Baekhyun was manipulative, on the contrary, he was sweet and charming and that won hearts. 
"You sure you don't want me to drop you off?" Joey said as he got into his patrol car. 
"Nah, it's okay, I think I need to walk it off, have some fresh air to feel a bit better."
"Alright," Joey eyed Chanyeol one last time and then smiled at Baekhyun. "Call me if there's any trouble." And then he was off. 
Jesus, that was nerve wracking. Chanyeol desperately wanted to go back to his own cramped tiny apartment with the partitioned room he shared with Junmyeon and sleep in his own bed. 
"You really didn't have to carry me all the way here, did you?" Baekhyun asked as they walked back to the apartment. 
"Didn't wanna risk it, and it was a short distance."
"Short!" Baekhyun laughed. "I can't decide whether I should be glad you were there or me mad at you for causing the accident in the first place."
"Sor…" Chanyeol was going to apologize again but Baekhyun cut him off. 
"I'm not mad, don't worry about it. It was just an accident. I'd blame Sehun but it was my choice to come back home, my choice to go on a date with a douche bag in the first place, their fault for being douchebags and waiting to gang up on me… what's the point of blaming. We're all still alive and well, let's just enjoy the moment."
It wasn't such a bad philosophy, especially at nearly half past five with the sun coming up on the horizon and cold breeze sending mild chills through the body. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun when he realized the boy was only wearing a thin, oversized T-shirt. He should've put a jacket on him before rushing him to the pharmacy. 
"Let's hurry back," Chanyeol said. 
"What's the rush, let me enjoy the cool weather."
"You'll catch a cold."
Chanyeol didn't realize Baekhyun had stopped walking until he was a few steps ahead without the pink head near his shoulder. He looked back to find Baekhyun gawking at him with his mouth open. 
"What, what's wrong?" Chayeol quickly turned back. "You okay? Feeling lightheaded?"
"Uh…" Baekhyun stuttered. "Yeah, I think so. Think you can carry me the rest of the way?"
"Yeah sure, get on my back, it'll be easier," Chanyeol crouched down and waited for him to lean forward. 
Even after seconds, Chanyeol didn't feel an extra body on him. He turned his head and looked up. Baekhyun was still staring at him open-mouthed. 
"Hm what?"
"Get on?"
"Oh yeah, never turning down a ride," Baekhyun said as he leaned his weight on Chanyeol and grabbed his shoulders while locking his legs around Chanyeol's waist. 
Chanyeol faintly wondered whether Baekhyun was joking or not, faking his lightheadedness. But he didn't think too much about it, the apartment was barely five minutes away. It was good exercise anyway. 
"Jesus, what do you do to become this giant ball of goodness with muscles?"
Chanyeol nearly avoided stumbling on the stairs as he went up to the apartment. Giant ball of goodness? What? 
"You can put me down now," Baekhyun whispered, breath fanning the shell of Chanyeol's ear and almost making him lose his grip on Baekhyun's thighs. 
Chanyeol dropped Baekhyun safely on his feet and handed him Sehun's keys. Baekhyun gladly opened the door and walked in.
"I think I'll head back now," Chanyeol said from the threshold. 
"Oh, isn't it too early?" Baekhyun looked back tilting his head. 
He looked less pale now, maybe the sugar of the strawberry milk helped, or maybe the walk. Baekhyun looked good, not sick. Better. Pale pink hair all ruffled, clothes swallowing his thin frame, shorts and boots looking adorably comical with his bed shirt. Chanyeol was staring. 
"No, Junmyeon usually gets up by now, I can catch him if I go now before he starts his morning run."
"Shame," Baekhyun said. "Well, if you must go."
Chanyeol didn't know what to do when Baekhyun kissed him full on the mouth. He tasted sweet like strawberry. Lips soft like candy. Chanyeol hardly brought up a hand, fingertips grazing Baekhyun's angular jaw when he suddenly pulled away, leaving Chanyeol gasping and gaping at the shorter guy. 
"Thanks for the rescue!" Baekhyun laughed. His cheeks soft and glowing in the rising sun. 
Chanyeol didn't have time to react until the apartment door was being shut. For the second time in less than 8 hours, Chanyeol was standing in front of a closed door and desperately questioning his life. What just happened?
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ghoulishhusband · 3 years
I just realized I can actually talk here. Like this is my account fuck u
Fucking uhhhhhh, hi ig lemme ramble abt my God ocs yea?
Ignore this part if you don't wanna hear (likely) unedited rambles lol it doesn't matter
CW: neglect/abuse, assholery/narcissism, manipulation, tread lightly!
read the under cut owo
Also don't steal my art I'll fucking?? Fight you????
I have three main gods that I wanna talk abt especially bc they've been on my mind lately.. Less get it, side notes are in (parentheses) and are bolded cause I have perception issues whoo I don't want it to jumble together is my point lol
First up is my asshole,
they/them (preferred)
god/godself (i like pronouns that fit my characters, so I'm giving a bunch away for one night only at--)
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ID : Giodine is colored with gold-ish yellow skin and ginger hair. Their eyes are a muted purple and they have tiny eyebrows. Their lips are a muted brown and are full looking, their nose is sharp and points down. They have wings for ears and is wearing a blazer with a long-sleeved, collared shirt underneath it. The background is beige with a yellow square and a dark purple square partially encompassing it. It is signed GH (for ghoulish husband), Spork, 21.
(lemme know if that helps at all! I'm sure I can do better so lemme know!)
If they look weird here it's bc I accidentally made their face too long but believe it or not this is in fact just a doodle Ik I'm so fuckin talented babes.
Anyways, they're basically the first God to ever exist on my version of earth (though even that is fickle rn, world-building is hard unless I hyper-focus on it, and haha Guess What I Haven't Been Thinking About) and they're very egotistical and selfish. As I'll probably yap about later is how they're manipulative as well, especially to another God I'll mention, and very neglectful to the other... other one.
Their partner(professionally), or fiend as they call him, is sam who for the first few eons was, unsurprisingly, absolutely terrible to him. A few tender moments are few and far in between in what could only be described as a completely rancid relationship. I'll describe giodine's side and in sam's lil ramble, I'll describe his :]
I have to explain this because it's a big part of the lore and how they can't work together, even when one of them is very much near The Void (technical death for gods) BUT basically, with Sam, giodine created purgatory. The issue here is that they basically seduced sam into doing it. Well, even if they hadn't, sam was in lesbians(happy pride month lmao) with giodine and would've done it anyway. But the ISSUE is that with the creation of purgatory came complications. See, my gods have to take time to develop into their power, and considering giodine was first and sam was around 666th.. you see the issue. Sam wasn't into his complete power yet and thus lost a giant part of it that went into purg.
See, giodine saw no problem with this (until much later, they do get a VERY SLOW BURN redemption arc cause this ain't even the worst of it), they got what they were aching for out of them and thusly had no need for..sam. They laid him in the spot where she was made (fwi it isn't inherently sexual, it can be, but literally, they just merged together-- taking bits and pieces of each other (which sam did not have enough of) and earth and light yadda, yadda I'll post the story I wrote for that later if I'm up to it) and left him there in the grass.
Again, they saw no problem with that, the deed was done, they didn't care anymore. A common issue in their qualms, sam and Giodine. They did find an issue in Sam finding an issue in the lack of aftercare, which resorted to any message going to or coming from sam going straight to his assistant and going back through them for a couple of thousand years. They found that infuriating-- how could he not face them over something so small! and for years?! it was ridiculous. After forcing a face-to-face meeting, a heated proclaim of hurt from sam, and a bitter agreement to meet up every now and again, they got what they wanted from him. Again. It was a business after all, there was no point in making it harder than it needed to be. 
Giodine doesn't necessarily like boundaries and tends to overstep sam's frequently. They also don't like his reaction to his boundaries being long jumped over, which thusly ends up in disgruntled messages being sent back and forth between them and his assistant for a month or three. It slowly gets through to them, but they tend to say some stupid shit and if they want sam to stay, they have to try and avoid mentioning how "overly sensitive" he is to something that happened eons ago.
(quick mention, there isn't like. time. here. so in all honesty, giodine probably counted earth days instead of Heaven 'days' to get that) Soon into their arrangements to meet, they seem to get on at least tolerable terms, obviously, a few meetings where neither of them feels like going apeshit and taking proper shapeless (or in sams case, he's got a newfound form for ANGER OO just for giodine 🤗) forms isn't going to fix a grudge that has yet to be apologized for by the way. But it's a start to a very long process down the road. Tolerance.
Giodine as an entity is very fickle and rude and demanding. They tend to have a short temper that no one else is allowed to have or comment on-- They were the first therefore they were the most important!
This is very obviously an issue. But it's mostly directed to purgatory. Almost all of their seething rage is pointed towards the poor entity, she's barely been alive yet and they already seem to hate her for things she doesn't know how to do. Honestly, I don't think Purg will ever fully forgive them for the unnecessary abuse of her character, but just as Sam and Giodine get on better terms, they had barely just begun fixing the hole in their relationship. As of now, Sam/Giodine don't have any minor plot points with purgatory other than the major one so I don't have a lot to say about their relationship right now. Maybe one day.
I'd go into details, seriously, but I just wanna ramble about their relationships with each other and their impact on each other's existence. Hope you don't mind a few secrets 😉
But, now, it's time for a new God, one I think most people take a liking to...
Sam (Samuel)
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ID: Sam is surrounded by clouds in the light blue, fading to a darker blue sky and the yellow sun. His horns are a darker beige, which is being highlighted by the sun shining down on him, he also has pointed ears. His skin is red which is very prominent in the sun. His eyes are completely yellow, his hair, beard and mustache are also black. He has an orange scar crawling up to his Adams apple. His wings are a darker grey which is also being highlighted by the sun. His nails are painted black and his hand is holding up the black fabric barely covering his shoulders. Around the painting is a gold and red shaded frame with swirls complimenting each side and a crystal at the bottom of it. It is lightly signed GH, for ghoulish husband.
Sam, Sam, Samuel.
If you don't realize right away, Sam is basically Satan, he's the ruler of hell
Like how giodine was the first to appear on earth, as mentioned before sam was 666th for funnie reasons. Sam was made from bugs, dried blood, and sunlight which sounds pretty gross, but he's far from it. He's a silly, yet neat, guy. He wears Hawaiian shirts and khakis (not around giodine lmao) for cryin' out loud! how bad of a person can he be? Apparently to giodine (for a while obviously) he was the most retched entity to exist. This very much hurt him considering the amount of fake care they showed him before. With a mixture of confusing feelings (which wasn't supposed to be a thing but Univerce went "lmao you'll be fine" and left... short explanation, Univerce is the Universe and is the entity who simply builds these planets and gods that'll appear there and leave them to their own devices, xyr not extremely important in this story. Nor would they care.) and feeling used, he decided that no he wasn't going to take that.
If there is one thing Sam knows how to do is to self preserve himself, even if that means getting passive-aggressive notes sent to him every once in a while. While this period, Sam was surprisingly the least productive (unfortunately giodine knew this and eventually mentioned it in one of their meetings which made him hide away cause like hell giodine was going to be critical of /him/) but he managed. It wasn't terrible, but unfortunately, Sam being able to talk it out with someone who does practically the same work as he does and gets newer, more helpful ideas was better in the long run.
Unsurprisingly, Sam was the first to initiate the healing of his and giodine's relationship but it wasn't reciprocated. Who would've figured, aye? Giodine kept pushing it back onto him and ignoring any progress that could've been made before. Which was frustrating.
The painting above was 'painted' by giodine, which is sorta where their relationship gets somewhat on an understanding of each other. Giodine gets to take a deep long look into who Sam is and tries to express it but it never fit him, it makes them realize that they never really-- truly got to know him. And all it does for Sam is make him even more confused about his place in giodine’s mind. He figured it's another fluke to get him to do something, so he ends up distancing himself when they start actually reciprocating his friendship advancements.
Suddenly, like a flash, Sam was forced to stay with giodine which is where the majority. I'll explain.
Sam...isn't actually the ruler of hell. Anymore, anyways depending on the timeline. His and purgatory's relationship has always been complicated, she always avoided him, and when they talked she always seemed scared of him. So in the end, they've never been close. Distant. Sam always wanted to talk to her, he made her, but if she didn't want to talk to him he wouldn't force it. But imagine his surprise as Purg singlehandedly took over hell in a hazed frenzy.
And not only that, had a personal vendetta against him!
Well, that would be the only explanation to Sam considering how he ended up broken and barely 'alive' at the hands of her. Horns broken and in tatters, pain and almost obliterated it felt like a hate crime. He didn't know what to do when he made it to the office, Purgatory was creating chaos outside his door and barely being able to breathe he felt like it was the end. So he called giodine. 
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ID: Purgatory is surrounded by flowers that are dark grey and white. The light fades down into a dark green. The light shines down on top of her straight, white hair that has yellow flowers tucked into it.  Her skin is a dark brown and has a orange-ish yellow scar on her shoulder trailing up to her neck. Her skin is also highlighted by the sun. In one of her eyes, her sclera is black with an orangey, glowing iris. As for the other eye it it has a white sclera and the same, glowing orange iris. She has wings for ears, one dark grey and one white along with beige horns. She has a white fabric covering her chest. The frame is gold with white accents, but also has vines and moss crawling up the side. 
(may have goofed a bit and forgot to color the sclera of her other eye white but ignore that pls)
Purgatory was made by Sam and Giodine, but to her it felt like a mistake. Why make someone that you’re going to be terrible to, she believed. Giodine seemed to hate her and eventually made her section almost obsolete because she simply wasn’t able to keep up with the backlog that she wasn’t taught to deal with. Not only that, she didn’t have any help with any of it, it was almost like she was expected to just do it on her own. Until Death came along to help, but that’s not what we’re going to be talking about right now. 
And also, Purgatory is Purgatory yadda, yadda, I wont insult your intelligence.
Giodine’s thought process (other than wanting to be Real Close to Sam and once that thought filtered out, promptly ignored it) was that all the extras that don’t fit in either category of their thought of good and evil they’d go to her. (doesn’t matter cause in Sam's system it filters through ‘levels of assholery’ and depending on how bad you are you either just vibe in the upper city under rule of capitalism and possibly many under paying jobs or being actually tortured for his amusement if you’re just evil. Morally grey. Anyway, it could work p well in heaven if giodine wasn’t such a damn stickler.) But in the end, every day, less and less people ended up in purgatory, leaving her with barely any people and more verbal abuse from giodine who ‘HAS to take them or they would be more dead than they already are’. You see the pain she has to go through, right? 
~Idea section, this is probably not canon anyways so dont take it serious~ 
My thought is that another oc (BA, you may have heard of him idk) takes over simply because Purg took multiple hims from alternative timelines (which isn’t allowed but what’re they gonna do, undead a dead clown? multiple times from multiple timelines???)) because she adored him and they figured ‘well we gotta redo purgatory may as well do it like this’ and make him a demi-dead-god. i think thats a cool idea right? anyhoo
~Idea section over uwu~
Purgatory overall is a fairly timid character, she doesn’t like conflict, is easily overwhelmed, and generally keeps to herself. She doesn’t see the point in being in any drama if she’s just going to be yelled at and scolded even if it’s not about her. The only way i could describe her taking over hell is this: 
She was tired. She was angry and after feeling like nothing was in control or in her hands, she snapped. Why doesn’t she get anything or get to be ‘all powerful’ but they do? She knew if she took on Giodine she’d likely get thrown to the void, but sam? He felt fair game. Considering her fear of both of these gods, she planned and got her courage up to take him over. She had considered negotiations but in the end, she ended up going into a haze and ruining everything in sight. She was more powerful than she thought and once she started, she didn't stop until Death restrained her and Sam was already in pieces at God’s doorstep. 
The aftermath was fuzzy for her and for everyone really. Godine was planning a take back hell while actually worrying for sam, sam was planning for a retirement, and she was being consoled while trying to get in contact with sam to apologize. Giodine wouldn’t dare let her talk to him, until she just showed up in their office. She didn’t have a problem with Sam, honest, she just was going to take shit over, but it got out of control. 
Spoiler, Sam took her apology and they actually became.. somewhat closer after reaching an understanding. 
I wanna say that giodine took them being okay and sam retiring as good as sam did about purg running hell, but they didn’t. Giodine and purgatory actually barely got along in the first place, and only begun ‘working’ on their bitterness toward each other because they both had sam to encourage it. I can’t say for certain if they’ll get better, as theyre both undying and have time, but I’ll just say for now its uncertain. 
Also, Death is Purgatory’s girlfriend after all of that lmao.
And.. yeah, i hope this makes sense and that you like my drawings and ramblings about my lil story in my head, i guess this is my way to develop it without just keeping it to myself cause god forbid i keep things to myself hshsh. If you made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read and attempting to process everything, and even if you didnt read and just looked to look at my art thank you to!!
I may post some art over on @ghoulishhusbandart cause.. it was my art account before i completely forgot about it but i might reboot it! But if you wan art NEOWWW follow me on insta (ik cringe lmaoo) by the same name as this account @ghoulishhusband​ or just click that insta link! also ignore the fact that giodine is the only one without a portrait, maybe I’ll replace it the next time i draw but im graduating on monday and my dad’s coming TOMORROW?? so i won’t have too much time to do it... but i hope you like my art anyways :]
ok!! ty!! ily!!
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crystalirises · 3 years
The Heart Knows Its Path
Tis... fic...
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/76356530
He wipes the sweat off his brow, collapsing underneath the shade of a great oak tree that sent memories through his mind. He remembered the tree his father had once planted, remembering how he jokingly called it his sibling for it had been planted the day he had been born. He remembered the ember that reached up towards its branches, consuming it until all that was left was ash. In his manic glee, he had laughed. Why mourn for a symbol of what was long gone?
Fundy shook his head, snapping away from those terrible terrible thoughts that plagued his mind. It had been a month since he’d chosen to leave the Essempy behind for good. He’d overstayed his welcome, and it was time that he had left. Everything that he once had, taken from him by a man in a mask who he had once considered worthy of his love. If he hadn’t left when he did, he was sure he would have lost mind and perhaps even his remaining two lives. Fundy raised a hand to his chest, fingers trembling as he traced over the life scar that marred his skin. He still remembers how it felt. The screams. The cries. The pain. His father once warned him that all deaths - may they be final or not - felt the same, but he was sure Wilbur didn’t know fucking shit about dying at the time he’d told him that. Funny, he was sure Wilbur knew all about dying now.
He reached into his inventory, plucking an apple before biting into it. He had been walking for hours. He had left his makeshift camp in the desert the moment the sun had risen, having reached the forest by the time the sun was in the middle of the sky. His bones ached, and his lungs burned in agony. He clawed at his suffocating black jacket, tearing it off to give himself room to breathe.
Apple juice dripped past his fingertips as his eyes darted around the forebodingly silent forest. His ears flicked up, waiting to hear a semblance of noise. Yet, there were no chirping birds. There were no yipping foxes. There were no howling wolves. There was nothing but the sounds of his own labored breathing. He clutched the apple tighter to himself, a sense of dread pouring into his chest. Although it was day, he couldn’t even hear the tell-tale sign of a monster ready to pounce. He swallowed the last piece of the apple, willing himself to stand. His golden-flecked brown eyes scoured through the landscape, but he could not find a single hint of a threat coming his way. Fundy took a shaky breath. He needed to leave before trouble chose to show itself.
Before he could take a single step forward, a red blur entered his field of vision. He barely had a moment to react before a weight pushed him down to the rough earth below. Fundy snarled, baring his teeth at his would-be attacker who held a diamond blade to his throat. They wore a fox mask - and gods he was sick of seeing masks - their long ginger hair falling past their shoulders in soft, curly cascades. They wore a simple red and green dress that reached down to their ankles, with an oddly familiar yellow sweater tied to the back of their neck. A hand was pressed to the side of his head, and though Fundy couldn’t see past the mask, he could tell they were staring intensely into his face. He gritted his teeth, claws digging into the coarse soil. He could scratch if he wanted to, but he’d rather not test them, not with a sword threatening to cut him down. They stayed that way, the stranger tilting their head here and there before finally moving off of him.
Much to his bafflement, they tossed their sword to the ground, holding up both hands in a signal of peace. His eyes narrowed, but he dared not lunge or make a break for it. Deep down, he knew he didn’t want to harm anyone else ever again. He stood there instead, taking his time to assess the stranger as they assessed him. In this angle, he took in their petite and lithe stature, surprised to find that they were practically the same height… Fundy being shorter by just an inch. The mask prevented him from forming any conclusion as to who the stranger was, a part of him only registering the tenseness in their shoulders. He tried not to flinch as a hand reached out to him.
He blinked, feeling a finger poke at his cheek. It grew insistent, the stranger moving higher and higher before their finger paused right near his eyes. He gulped, terrified that the stranger would reach up and blind him. They moved closer, gaze fixed at his eyes, enough for him to back away in absolute discomfort. Another hand reached up to his face, cupping his right cheek in a way that almost reminded him of his dad… when he used to care. He desperately tried not to lean in.
The other hand moved to cup his left cheek, and though every instinct he had screamed at him to growl, he allowed them to move his head around. They were gentle, head tilting here and there. Their focus flicked up towards his right temple, tutting at the scratches that they saw on his head.
Their hands moved up, hovering just above his head before he felt a hand brush against the top of his ear. He whined as though burnt, backing away as his tail curled around him protectively.
The stranger froze, but they remained where they were. They gave Fundy a moment to take a breath before slowly walking towards him, hands outstretched to show they meant no harm.
“Please, don’t touch me… I don’t want to remember him, I don’t want to一”
He felt arms wrap around him, hesitant until Fundy quickly melts in their hold, burying his face against their shoulder as he held onto them tightly. They returned the warm gesture, a hand reaching up to caress the back of his head. He tried to hold back his sobs, knowing that he’d regret crying in front of the stranger the moment they decided he had too much emotional baggage for them to handle. He had flinched back from their touch, the kind hold forcing him to remember the time when he was just a kid who had a father who had wanted nothing but to give him the world. His father used to scratch behind his ears or gently pat them at the top before pulling him into a tight embrace. Oh, the simpler and better times… In the end, the father who had wanted to give his beloved son the world, destroyed his world and forgot his unloved child.
The stranger slowly pulled away, though a hand remained on his shoulder. He watched as they gripped the edge of the mask, pulling it up to reveal a kind face that his childhood memories could faintly remember. Warm yellow eyes gazed down at him with concern and with care.
His throat caught in his throat as his attention snapped towards the gills. Though as he took the time to look at them, what made him shiver in surprise was the long scar on the woman’s neck. A hand brushed his cheek gently, a smile forming on the woman’s face as she mouthed words:
‘Hello, sweetheart. I missed you, my little Fundy. I missed you so much.’
For clarification: The scars on Fundy's head is from the Doomsday thing cause his Minecraft skin had blood on it and it's just... hmmm... he probably scratched himself ;-; Also, yes, Sally is mute.
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Twenty-Two
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(TW: Mention of past abuse! This is an angsty part. Angst, smut, and some fluff.)
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Harry sped over to Niall’s. He still felt uneasy about everything from last night. You forgave him, but did he deserve to be forgiven? How could he be so insensitive? He keyed into Niall’s place. He was just unpacking from his weekend with Sarah.
“Oi! I’m here!” Harry says pacing around the living room.
“Hey ma- Jesus, you look horrible.”
“Didn’t sleep last night.”
“What happened?” Niall motioned for the both of them to sit on the couch.
“No, I always come to you with my shit. Tell me about Thanksgiving with Sarah.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” He needed the distraction. 
“Well, it went great…a little awkward at first. Meetin’ parents isn’t always easy. Her family is a little conservative, so we had to sleep in separate rooms. They insisted we stay there instead of a hotel. She’s still with them actually, I came back early to get some work done.”
“So you drove separately too?”
“Yeah, not ideal, but we made it work. She knew four days with strangers wouldn’t be very fare to me. Did ya happen to bring that dessert with ya?”
“No, I left it in the fridge. I sorta left in a hurry.”
“Would ya just tell me wha’ happened?”
“No, go on about Sarah.”
“Nothin’ else to go on about. Once the awkward shit was over, it was a lovely meal with good company.” Harry pulled his beanie over his eyes to try to hide his face. “Stop bein’ a fuckin’ baby and tell me what ya did,”
“How do ya know it was me?” He took the hat off completely.
“Because you wouldn’t be lookin’ like tha’ if it was her. Harry, it’s okay, ya can tell me.”
“I…said something stupid last night. And then I kept saying more stupid things. I feel terrible, absolutely awful. She forgave me, but for the first time since I’ve known her, I feel like I regressed. I don’t know if I really have matured, I know I’m a nice guy now. But I used to not be. It was so much easier when I was a prick. I don’t know where the fuck all these feelings came from. You know I asked her to come home with me next month for Christmas? And she said yes! I was fuckin’ overjoyed!”
“So…what exactly is the problem, what did you say to her?”
“I was in a weird mood last night. We had such a great day together, and then we went on a little date, had a drink. Then I got all mushy and slow danced with her in her kitchen.” Harry rubs his hands over his face.
“S’romantic, nothin’ wrong with that. You’ve always been a romantic, prick or not.” Harry gives Niall an annoyed look. “It’s true!”
“Anyways, we started kissin’, and we went to her bedroom. Stuff was startin’ to happen like it usually does, and this like primal instinct came over me. We always do what she wants, and so when she asked me I wanted…I said the wrong thing.”
“What did you say Harry?” Niall furrowed his eyebrows at his friend.
“I told her I wanted her. Then she told me I had her, and I said I didn’t have all of her.” Niall doesn’t say anything, he just swallows hard. “Then we talked for a bit, I apologized, and she said she understood it wasn’t easy for me. And that could’ve been it, but I said something much worse.”
“What could be worse Harry?” Niall’s teeth were gritted.
“I forget how it happened really. We had gotten into bed, agreed to just spoon or whatever. But she kept talking and trying to explain, and I blurted out a fucking stupid question. She had said something like it wasn’t like I hadn’t felt her, and I basically said if that’s the case what the difference if I use my fingers or my dick, and that’s when everything went to shit.”
“You said what?!” Niall stands up and starts pacing around. Harry watches his fuming friend.
“I know! It was fucking stupid! The second I said it regretted it. Then she yelled at me and told me more about what happened with some graphic detail. Probably not as graphic as she could’ve been, but still. It was all I could picture. She started crying, I was crying. She told me to leave, but I didn’t want to, and she really didn’t want me to either, so she told me to sleep on the futon. So I did, but she came out to get me a couple hours later because she couldn’t sleep without me.” Harry’s eyes started watering. “Me. The biggest fucking prick in the world is who she can’t sleep without. And selfishly, I let her take me back into her room because I couldn’t sleep either. She forgave me about what I said, and I know she wants to move on from the whole thing, but I’m sick over it. I don’t want her to feel pressured or scared.” He sniffled and wipes his eyes.
“You realize I’m doing all I can to not fuckin’ break your jaw right now, right? I’m surprised she didn’t fuckin’ slap ya! I mean, who the fuck are ya to say somethin’ like that to her? I don’t care if you’re her boyfriend, I don’t care if you love each other, and yes, I know you two love each other because she told me and you didn’t! She told me all about the little fight you had when you basically called her a child.”
“She passed out in my arms, mate!”
“So? Shit happens, you don’t make someone feel worse than they already do.”
“She said some nasty shit to me that day too, did she tell ya that?”
“Yeah, she did, and she felt awful about it. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you told her you loved her. I mean, I’d wanna hear it from both of ya. How can you look at someone and tell them you love them and care for them, and still not understand that what she went through was fucking traumatizing? She’s been tellin’ ya from the beginning she needed to take this slow. And what do you do?! Three weeks in you ask her to be your fucking girlfriend because deep down you’re a possessive fucking shit!” Harry stands up now, getting angry. “Don’t you dare get in my face, you had to know this conversation was gonna go this way. You couldn’t possibly think I’d be on your side for this one?”
“Of course not.” Harry groans loudly in frustration. “I can’t help it though, I’m so fucking frustrated!”
“What is there to be frustrated with?! You two diddle each other every other night, how is that not enough? You gotta girl that literally loves suckin’ your dick, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I wish I fucking knew!”
“It’s a possession thing. You want to dominate her entirely.”
“That’s not true, I’m not like that.” How would Niall know, anyway? 
“Yes, you are. I know you Harry, you can’t stand the fact that some abuser got the satisfaction of knowing her in that way, and you still can’t.” Niall also knew enough about Harry from the girls he used to sleep with.
“I just feel like she doesn’t trust me enough to be gentle with her, even though I’ve shown her plenty of times.”
“It’s not about you! It’s about her! She’s petrified of looking up at you and seein’ his face! Do you have any idea what it was like even getting her to speak again after everything? She was mute! I was lucky I knew she kept a spare key to her apartment at work. She had literally withered away in the matter of a week. I had to call her mum for her, set up her therapy. I took her to the police station six different times until she decided she didn’t want to press charges. She was broken! But you didn’t notice me havin’ to deal with any of this because you were so wrapped up with yourself and work.”
“I was still traveling for work then.”
“Whatever, you knew I was dealin’ with shit and you didn’t give a fuck. I didn’t mind being there for her, in fact, we grew closer as friends because of it. So you’ll have to excuse me for not being sympathetic. You know that’s when she moved to the place she has now? She had to buy a new fucking bed! I saw the sheets by the way, I’ll never get that image outta my head.”
“Stop! Okay, I get it, I know I fucked up.”
“No, you don’t get it! You have been really nice to her, but I don’t think you’ve ever fully comprehended what happened to that poor, sweet girl. She was really startin’ to come back to herself when you two got together. So I hadn’t regretted settin’ the two of you up. You had grown up a bit, and every time I talked about her you would perk up. I knew she was your type, but now…”
“What are you sayin’?”
“Now I think I regret ever introducin’ ya! I never thought you of all people would be so insensitive.”
“Don’t say you regret it, mate. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Oh yeah?” Niall gets in his face. “Start fuckin’ actin’ like it then! And if I found out you ever speak to her like that again, I will not hesitate to fuck up your shit, I mean it!” Harry could easily laugh in Niall’s face. Niall knew he couldn’t take Harry in a fight. Harry boxed for god’s sake, he could take Niall out in one punch. But he didn’t dare make light of the situation. Instead he took a deep breath, and sat back down.
“I understand.” Harry breaks out into tears, and Niall sits back down next to him. He rubs his back to try to soothe him.
“You really are a big baby you know that?” He chuckles.
“S’not funny, I feel sick to my fuckin’ stomach.”
“Good, you should for bein’ such an asshole to her.”
“How can I make this right?” Harry grabs a tissue to blow his nose.
“Well, she forgave you right?”
“So quit bringin’ it up. I know her, if you keep bringin’ somethin’ up that she has basically said to let go, she’ll get pissed. Just find small ways to show her that you’re sorry. Buy her flowers or somethin’.”
“Did you know that sunflowers are her favorite?” Harry says between sniffles.
“I did.” Niall chuckles again.
“I’m sorry I made you get so angry.”
“S’okay, I’m glad you came to talk all this through with me. I’m always here for ya.” He sighs. “So, you asked her to go home with ya? That’s a big deal.”
“I know, I’m so excited for her to meet everyone.” Niall slaps Harry’s back.
“Good, you should be. Hold onto that feelin’, mate. You know Harry, you’re not a bad guy, you’re just a bimbo sometimes.” Harry starts laughing.
“S’not the first time someone’s called me that.”
Harry called you a few hours later.
“Hi baby.” You say shyly.
“Hi, um, I wanna take you out somewhere nice tonight, would you like that?”
“Sure.” You hum.
“Okay, wear somethin’ nice, I mean you always do, that’s not what I’m sayin’. I’ll pick you up around seven.”
“Alright, we’ll stay at your place tonight?”
“Do you want to?”
“Alright. I’ll see ya in a little while.”
Harry went to get his nails done to try and relax. He went with a light blue and black combination to go with his blue suit. He felt more like himself with the polish back on, since he had taken it off to meet your family. He did his hair the way you liked it, leaving his curls to come through a little bit. He stopped off at the store to look for some sunflowers, and had a bouquet made.
When he got to your place, he knocked. He didn’t want to just key in. You were just zipping up a tight red dress when he knocked. You left your hair down and blown out. You put on some red lipstick to match. You ran to the door to open it. You raised an eyebrow at him. He had the flowers behind his back. He looked you up and down and your cheeks flushed. The dress was tight, and had a small slit at your thigh. It had two thin spaghetti straps, and just covered your cleavage.
“Why’d you knock?”
“Don’t know, just felt appropriate.” He shrugs. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Your cheeks blush. “You look handsome yourself.” Before you could kiss him on the cheek, he whipped the flowers out. “Oh! My favorite!” You take them from him, and walk inside to find a vase, he follows you.
“I know you said you forgave me, and flowers don’t excuse my actions, but I wanted to make some type of gesture to show how much I care about you.” You fill a vase with water and place the flowers inside. They looked stunning.
“Oh, Harry.” You say lovingly. You wrap your arms around his waist and look up at him. “They’re lovely, thank you. And thank you for saying that, I appreciate it. Let’s move on, yeah?” He nods his head yes.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear that shade of red before.”
“I don’t think you’ve ever really seen me where lipstick before. But while I was putting this dress on I remembered I had some and thought it would be nice to look a little matchy tonight.” You get on your tip toes and give him a light kiss on the cheek. “Oops, let me get a napkin, I’ll wipe that off.” You run a napkin under some cold water and wipe his cheek of your lipstick. “Just gotta put my shoes on, and find a jacket, then I’ll be ready.”
You felt a little exposed, so you grabbed a black cardigan to wear with your dress.
“Is it cold out tonight?” You yell from your room.
“Not terribly!” He yells back. You opt for your p-coat. You put on your red pumps and walk back out.
“All set, my love.” You say, clutch in hand.
Harry opens the car door for you like he always does. You put a hand on his knee while he drives. He was being quiet. It was like he was a scared kid who got scolded, afraid to say much in fear of being scolded again. You knew he didn’t really mean what he said. He was still your Harry.
He parks at the restaurant and your jaw nearly detaches from your head.
“No way, this place is way too fancy.”
“It’s just a sushi restaurant, (y/n).”
“It’s like the sushi restaurant. I’m pretty sure Gordon Ramsey has eaten here.” He starts giggling, and it’s music to your ears. You look at him and furrow your brows. “We’re splitting the bill, and I don’t want to hear a word about it.”
“Sure we are.” He winks at you before getting out to open your door.
The restaurant was gorgeous. You couldn’t help but gaze at all of the art on the walls. You both are seated quickly as Harry made reservations.
“What kind of sushi do you think you want?” You ask him.
“You decide.” He smiles at you.
“Alright, well how about one of these platters that has a bunch of different stuff?”
“Sounds good to me.” He places his hands on the table.
“Your nails look nice, much more you.”
“Thanks, love.” You place your hand over his and give it a squeeze. “You really do look stunning tonight.”
“Thank you sweetie.”
A waiter comes over to take your orders. You each order a cocktail as well. Your drinks are brought over by another waiter moments later. You clink your drinks together, and take a sip.
“So, is your Nannie still coming to visit tomorrow?”
“Yup, they’re gonna come by around noon. I cleaned up my apartment while you were with Niall. Did you have a nice visit with him?”
“Um…yeah.” He wasn’t going to tell you what actually went down. “Always good to see the lad.”
“I should’ve had you bring the dessert to him, but I forgot to mention it.”
“S’okay, he knows he’ll get it. Are you sure you don’t want to just sleep at your place tonight?”
“Nope, I wanna go to your place. We haven’t been there in a while. It’ll be nice to have a change of scenery.” You smile. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, of course.” He was being timid. You didn’t like seeing him be so reserved with you.
Your food came out quickly. It looked incredible. You took your chopsticks and held up a piece of the veggie roll in front of his face.
“Here, take a bite.” You said blushing, hoping no one watched as he ate the sushi off your chopsticks.
“Mm, that’s good.” He did the same for you, only your lipstick smeared on his sticks.
“Sorry ‘bout that.” You patted the corners of your mouth with your napkin. He chuckled.
“Perfectly fine, love.” It seemed like he was starting to warm up. His shoulders weren’t up so high, and you noticed his jaw relax.
“So, did you want to hang out with my family tomorrow, or have you had enough of them for one weekend?” You say with a smile.
“Well, I figured you’d want some alone time with your grandmum.”
“She’d love to see you, but I’ll understand if you’re not up for it.” He’s not sure what to say. He’s not sure exactly what you want.
“I’ll come hang for a bit.” You smile at him. He felt relieved he gave the right answer.
“Great, I was thinking I would make some cauliflower, but like general tao’s style. She loves Chinese food.”
“You know how to do that?”
“Sure, it doesn’t take much. It’s actually really tasty, I think you’d like it.”
“Well, if you’re makin’ it of course I’ll like it.”
The waiter brings the check over and for the first time since you started seeing him, you were able to snatch it before he did.
“Very funny, now hand it over.”
“Sorry, can’t do that.” You reach into your clutch to grab your credit card.
“I’m serious, (y/n), give me the check.”
“Harry Edward Styles, I am paying for this dinner, do you understand me?” You said in a very stern voice, as if you were speaking to a child. He sat back as his mouth formed into a straight line. He didn’t want to cause a scene at such a nice place. He didn’t even realize you knew his middle name, impressive. “Good.” You slide your card into the little plastic slot and put it on the table for the waiter to grab.
“At least let me put some cash down for the tip.”
“No. I have cash for that.” You put it down on the table, as the waiter brought your credit card back over. You signed the slip quickly, not wanting Harry to see how expensive it was.
The card ride back to his place was silent. He was fuming, he had to be. You sort of embarrassed him talking to him like that in a public place. But he had to know this relationship was going to be 50/50. It was a partnership, he couldn’t go around always paying for things. He had done enough of it for over three months, enough was enough.
When you walk inside his place, your hit with his familiar scent filling the place. You slid your heels off, and hung up your coat and cardigan, not feeling the need to be covered up anymore. Harry hung up his suit jacket and took his shoes off as well.
“So…are we still not talking or?” You say as he gets a glass of water for himself. He sighs.
“We were never not talkin’.”
“But in the car…”
“I just didn’t have much to say, I guess.” He takes a sip from his glass. “Can I getcha anythin’?”
“No, thank you. I’m all set for now.” You plop down on his sofa, putting your feet up on his coffee table. He comes over to sit next to you. “Are you mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad?”
“Because I paid for dinner.” He sighs again.
“I didn’t love your tone at the restaurant, but obviously that’s what it took to get me to back down. Just somethin’ I need to work on. I know you’re fully capable of paying for things. I just don’t like it when you do, I don’t really know why.”
“I shouldn’t have raised my voice at the table like that. I’m sorry.” You take his hand and lace your fingers together. “It was a lovely dinner though, thank you for taking me out tonight.”
“Thank you for payin’.” He smiles.
“What do you feel like doing now?”
“We could get cozy and watch The Office.”
It wasn’t the answer you were hoping for, and he could tell by the way your face fell. You wanted to make up with him like the last time you two had a fight. But this fight was different. You had revealed graphic details to him, he was probably too scared to touch you.
“Not in the mood for a comedy tonight, babe?”
“No, it’s not that. I’m always in the mood for The Office…I just thought, I don’t know. Never mind, yeah, we can watch The Office.” He knew you weren’t telling the truth, but he didn’t want to press it further.
He gets up to change while you stay seated. He gives you a funny look as he unbuttons his shirt.
“Aren’t you gonna change?”
“Nah, not yet. I’m comfortable like this right now.” Truth is, you never wore this dress, and you wanted it on a little longer. It looked so good on you. Harry came back over with just a t-shirt and his grey joggers on.
He put his arm around your shoulders and turned the TV on. The third season was one of your favorites, so he started there. You lean into him with approval of the episode he selected. You thought Andy was particularly funny this early on. You’d let out a belly laugh once in a while, as you had forgotten so many of the funny jokes. Harry would laugh along with you. You get up without saying anything.
“Want me to pause it?” He asks.
“No, just going to the bathroom quick.” You look at yourself in the mirror and take a deep breath. How were you going to get him to touch you tonight? He needed to know it was okay, that you were okay. You knew the next few weeks at work were going to be busy for the both of you before the holidays hit.
“Harry?” You ask sitting back down.
“Have you booked our flights yet?”
“Not yet, I was plannin’ to do it tomorrow. Why? Oh god, you don’t want to go anymore do you?” He runs a nervous hand through his hair.
“What? No! Of course I still want to go. What would make you think that?”
“I don’t know.” His eyes look so sad. He was really beating himself up over all of this.
“I was just asking because I like putting all the flight info on my calendar. And I need to know if there’s any extra days off I should take. That’s all, love.”
“Oh.” He relaxes a little. “I was hopin’ we could book it together after your family leaves.”
“Sounds good to me.” You scrunch your nose at him. “Rest against the arm rest so I can lay with you.” He moves as you tell him, and you lay yourself between his legs and rest your head on his chest. His arm hooks around you, his hand resting lightly on your hip.
You couldn’t concentrate on the show anymore. You wanted him to ravage you. He looked so sexy tonight, and you were pissed he had already taken his nice clothes off. How did he not want to rip your dress off the moment you walked through the door?
Of course he wanted to rip your dress off. He wanted to get back at you for the way you spoke to him, and he also wanted to just make up like last time. But he still felt like he was walking on thin ice with you.
You remembered earlier how he liked your shade of lipstick. It had stayed intact through dinner. An idea came to your mind. You leaned up a bit and smooshed your lips against his. He started laughing as you peeled away, happy with your work.
“What are you doing?” He chuckles.
“Well you said how much you liked this color, I wanted to see what it looked like on you.”
“So tell me, is dark red one of my colors?”
“It’s definitely working for you, yeah.”
He brings his lips back up to yours. You feel like you haven’t properly kissed him in ages, but it was only last night. You shift your body so you’re fully on top of him, legs on either side of his narrow hips. You both sink deeper into the kiss as you run your tongue along his bottom lip. He parts his mouth for you, connecting your tongues together. You loved the way they molded together perfectly. You hear him groan causing you to involuntarily roll your hip down onto him. Your hands went into his hair, his hands slid down to your butt, squeezing you gently.
There was an urgency coming from the both of you. It felt so good to touch and kiss, and just be intimate after what happened. You were showing him that you still trusted him. You break the kiss, just for a moment. His lips connect with your neck, causing you to groan through gritted teeth. Your lipstick was all over his mouth, but it just turned you on more to see how sloppy he looked.
“Harry, take me to the bed, please.”
He lifts you up, legs wrapped around his waist, and puts you on the bed. You tug at the hem of his shirt, and he lists it off of himself. You grab his face and pull him back in to kiss you. He gets on top of you, and places your legs back around him. You both being sloppy with your kisses. His tongue was down your throat and you were happy to suck on it. He rolled you both over so you could get on top of him. You kissed down his jaw to just under his earlobe. You started to suck on the sensitive skin, causing him to moan out. You kissed down to his chest and sunk your teeth into him. He arches up a little as you suck harder, breaking the skin. You sit up to look at your work.
“I’m yours, and you’re mine, don’t you ever forget that.” You say.
“I won’t.”
“Good, now get this fucking dress offa me.”
He smirks, and sits up. He reaches behind you to pull the zipper down. You shred your shoulders of the straps on the dress, letting your breasts pop out.
“Do you ever wear a bra?” He says pushing his face between your soft mounds.
“Not if I don’t have to.”
He immediately starts to suck on your nipple, just the way you like. You roll your hips on him again, and this time he pushes up so you can feel how hard he is. He flips you back over so he can rid you of the rest of your dress. You reveal to him a lacy, red thong. He looks like a kid in a candy store sitting between your legs.
“Let’s try for three fingers tonight, think we can do it?” You ask him. His mouth falling open.
“Are you sure?”
“Harry, I want to feel you stretch me out so bad, please, let’s try.” He could have come right there from your words alone. He wiggled his sweat pants off, just leaving his boxers on.
He leaned down and kissed you on the mouth while his thumb worked over your clit. He smirked against your lips.
“Your panties are already soaked. Tell me, who does this to you?”
“You do.”
“That’s right, baby girl.” You groan as he presses harder on your clit.
“Take them off, please, I can’t stand it.”
He reaches down and slowly takes your thong off, dropping it to the floor. He kisses down your chest, sucking on your nipple once before, then works his way down to your stomach, and to your hip. He bites down on your hip causing you to buck up. He presses his hand down on your stomach to keep you steady. He uses his hands to part your legs for him. He kisses from your knee to your inner thigh, sending a shiver up your spine. The anticipation was killing you.
At first he blew on you where you were all wet for him. Then you felt a swipe of his warm tongue run across you. He sucked on your clit at first, switching between nibbling and flicking his tongue at the swollen nub. His fingers slowly rubbed all around your folds, letting you know they would soon be entering you.
“God, you are soaking wet. Is this really all for me?” He coos.
“Yes, Harry, it’s all for you.”
“So sweet. Could ya do somethin’ for me?”
“Suck on my finger for me, so it’s nice and wet goin’ in for you.” Your cheeks flush, but you grab his hand. You take his middle finger into your mouth and suck on it. You treat it like it was his dick, so your tongue makes laps all around before he pulls it from you.
“You are so fucking sexy, you know that?” His cheeks were flushed too.
He pressed his now lubricated middle finger into you. You clenched around him, and he waited for you to relax before he moved. You took a deep breath and he felt your walls release a bit. He pumped in and out of you slowly, curling his finger to reach that spot you love so much.
“Goin’ for the second one now, alright?”
You couldn’t help but watch as he slid the second finger in. Your head rolled back into the pillow. It felt amazing. The way he would make that “come here” motion with his fingers. Harry had long, thick fingers too. The more he pumped in and out the deeper he would go.
“How’s that feel?” As if he didn’t already know from how drenched you were.
“Good, so good.”
You were still pretty tight, he honestly wasn’t sure if he could get his right ring finger in you or not. Your hands were clutching at the sheets as your chest moved up and down. Harry’s other hand found it’s way to your clit, and he rubbed you gently.
“Ah shit.” You moan out.
“Ready to try for three?”
“Y, yes.” Little beads of sweat were starting to form at your brow line, and your stomach was starting to tighten.
Harry took a deep breath, and slowly worked a third finger into you. You both moan at the same time. He could really feel the way he was stretching you out, and it was a major turn on. Your walls clenched around him, but his movements were slow, so you felt comfortable.
“Holy shit.” He says under his breath. “You’re so tight, (y/n).” It was something he never wanted to say out loud, but he couldn’t help it. He imagined it was his dick working its way in and out of your tight pussy instead of his fingers and it was sending him. He looked up at you to make sure you were okay. Your lips were parted and you were breathing heavily. “Alright?”
“Yes, it feels so good, please don’t stop.”
The way his fingers worked in and out of you felt incredible. As he pumped in and out you moaned at how deep he was able to go. Still rubbing on your clit, you felt your end was near as your stomach continued to tighten. You clutched at the sheets tighter and tighter.
“Harry! Holy fuck!” You screamed as he was starting to hit your g-spot.
“Ah, there it is.” His fingers were rubbing right up against that spot that you loved so much.
He dipped his head back down so his tongue could work on your clit as he continued to hit the spot. Your nails went right to his scalp as you clutched his hair in your fists.
“Faster babe, please, I need it!” You were fully panting. Harry pumped faster in and out of you as he flicked your clit with his tongue. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, ahhhhhh.” You weren’t sure what sound you made. All the blood in your body rushed to your ears, and your vision went white. He looked up at you as your mouth was formed into the shape of an O, head pressed as far into the pillow as it could go, and back fully arched up off the mattress. You had tightened all around him as you came, stopping his movements. But he sucked on you still until you were done. He slowly released his fingers from you, and lapped his tongue along your center, careful not to miss a single ounce of you.
“Oh sweet Jesus.” You say under your breath. “Harry if you do that I’m gonna come again.”
“Yeah, that’s kind the whole point.” He says against you, and goes back to sucking on your pussy.
You feel another wave flood over you as come again, right on his tongue. His wet hand pressing down on your stomach.
“Harry.” You whimper as he lifts his face up, wiping his mouth off. He lays down next your sweaty body.
“How was tha’?” You swat at him and he starts laughing.
“You know exactly how that was.” You were still trying to catch your breath. “Jesus Christ.” You wipe the sweat from your forehead. “I mean, wow.”
“Felt good, huh?”
“Mhm.” You were spent. You could fall asleep right there, but you two weren’t done yet. You needed to return to the favor. Fuck it, you wanted to. You prop yourself up on your elbows and look at the large strain in his boxers. “Get those boxers off now.” Your vision was still a bit hazy. What the fuck did he do to you? He slides his underwear off, his tip already dripping with precome.
You position yourself between his legs, and grip him in your hand. He hisses at your touch. You start by rubbing your thumb over his wet tip, getting it down his shaft to pump him.
“Want your mouth, love.”
“Hm?” You ask teasingly, pumping him faster.
“Your mouth, want those pretty red lips around me.”
“What’s the magic word?”
“Please.” He says breathlessly as you put your mouth on his tip.
Your tongue drags up and down his shaft. He moans out, eyes rolling into the back of his head. His hands go into your hair as your mouth go back around his tip. He pushes his hips up so you’ll take more of him into your mouth. You start to bob up and down with hollowed cheeks.
“Fuck.” He says through his teeth. You look up at him through your lashes while bobbing up and down. “You’re so beautiful.” You truly were a sight to see tonight.
You look back down and close your eyes as you continue to work him deeper down your throat. His hips thrust up again and you feel his tip hit the back of your throat. You gag, only for a second, and continue. Your eyes begin to water, but you stay on him. He tastes salty as more precome drips into your mouth.
“W, will you do that thing where ya keep suckin’ after, feels so good.”
“Mhm.” You say as you cup his balls.
“I’m gonna come baby.”
He moans your name out as his hot come shoots to the back of your throat. You do your best not to choke, desperately trying to breathe through your nose. You swallow what you can as you suck him dry. A sigh leaves his lips sending a chill up your spine. He looked dazed and happy when you look up at him. You let go of him and wipe the corners of your mouth.
“Just gonna go rinse out, be right back.” You say shuffling into the bathroom. You brush your teeth and use the toilet. You were still dripping. You plop onto the bed and cuddle up to him. He rubs your back gently.
“Thank you.” He looks down at you with a smile.
“For what?”
“Just being you. I feel so lucky to have you in my life. The fact that I almost lost you last night…”
“Harry.” You sit up to look at him. “We had an argument, did you really think I was going to break up with you?” He sits up too.
“I don’t know. I just fucked up so bad.”
“Sometimes we say things we don’t mean. Or maybe you did mean them in the moment. You hurt me, I won’t lie about that, but it wasn’t enough to make me want to end all this.” You gesture between the two of you. “I, I love you, so much Harry.”
“I love you too. You know that right? That I love you?”
“Yes baby, I do.” You kiss him on the cheek. “Let’s get cozy, c’mere.” You lay on your back, and he rests his head on your chest. Tonight he really needed to be held by you. You could sense it. You ran your fingers through his hair to soothe him. You never doubted how he felt about you before, but now all doubts were expunged.
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amomentsescape · 4 years
Could you do a headcanon/fic where Jerome killed your parents and you try to help the GCPD find him but when you see him you catch feelings?
A/N: I got really sucked into this one. It ended up being a little long so I hope you don’t mind!
Warnings?: A few angry cuss words.
I Should Hate You (Jerome Valeska x Reader)
(Part Two)
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It’s funny how after all of the documentaries and crime shows that you watched, you never realized how quickly a murder could be committed. 
You were gone for two hours- two hours that you wish you could take back more than anything.
You were just getting groceries. It wasn’t something that felt necessary to you, which may be why the guilt was becoming unbearable.
You came home to see the yellow tape already being put up. And God, the police. There were so many of them. You swore you had never seen that many badges in one place before.
The moment you got out of your car, they were practically sprinting to you, attempting to keep you away from the house.
“Ma’am, we’re going to have to ask you to-”
“This is my house!” you practically screamed at them. “This is my house, and those are my parents that were in there!”
Their faces immediately softened to a slight look of apology. Your first reaction was to think that they felt bad for trying to stop you, but you quickly realized that it was for something else.
Your eyes shifted over only slightly, but it was enough to see the black body bags lying only several feet away from you.
You couldn’t say anything; your voice failed you. You simply looked back at a few of the police officers in front of you, processing the situation.
The sounds around you became muted, and your mind became empty. Your senses were so numbed out that you didn’t even notice the tears falling down your face until the salty taste hit the tip of your tongue.
Your trance was only partially broken when you heard a voice getting closer.
“Get back to the scene. Let me take over with this.”
You looked up to see a familiar man in front of you. His eyes were slightly glossed over, but the stern tightness of his mouth told you that he had gone through similar situations many times before. 
‘Of course he had,’ you thought. 
“Excuse me,” he said softly. “I’m so very sorry about your losses. I’m Commissioner Jim-”
“Jim Gordon,” you finished. It seemed your voice finally found its way back to you.
He simply stared at you for a moment, surprised you were still thinking clearly.
“Your reputation precedes you, Mr. Gordon.”
You felt a little apologetic for coming off so bluntly. You didn’t mean to be rude, but you also didn’t care like you usually would have. The loss of your parents still hadn’t hit you fully. Your mind was still rather hazy, and there was a little hope in your heart that maybe this was all a mistake.
He cleared his throat a bit, trying to collect the right words to say.
He decided to just cut to the chase.
“We know who did it.”
That seemed to lift the fog around you very quickly. Your tears began to spill again from reality hitting you another time.
Jim placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, connecting his eyes with yours. 
“I know all of this is probably too much right now, and I understand if you feel uncomfortable with this decision. But we’d appreciate if you would be able to help us with the case.”
His hand tightened briefly before letting go, his eyes still remaining on yours.
“You are the only family they had in this area from what we gathered. The man who did this has still yet to be caught. We need all the help we can get with this.”
Your first reaction was to just say no. You wanted to go home. You wanted to make your parents dinner like you had been planning to do. You just wanted things to go back to normal. But a part of you was still connected to the reality of it all.
You knew that things would never be the same again. But what could you do? Take down the bad guy? Fulfill the sudden vendetta that had been placed on you only moments prior?
Your heart and mind finally agreed on the answer.
“Take me to the GCPD. Tell me what you know.”
Jerome Valeska.
The name made your blood boil and your tears ever-flowing.
You knew who he was a long time ago. How could you not? He was, and still is, one of the most dangerous people in Gotham. His escape from Arkham only added to his reputation.
And you hated him. You hated him for killing your parents, for murdering innocent people. But you hated him the most for taking your happiness away.
Jim had accepted your offer quickly and took you back to the police department as soon as he could.
There were no signs prior to the murder. Nothing was taken, but the house was a wreck. All except for your room.
Jim had a hunch that Jerome wasn’t done. He knew that he’d come back to the house. Why? He couldn’t answer.
It didn’t take long to clean up the house so you could continue living there. They already knew who did it, and Jim was a little softer with you about the whole situation.
He had a police officer outside your house every night for the past week. You felt safer knowing that someone was there for you, but it didn’t help alleviate the emptiness of your home.
Jim promised that you would be safe. He kept a type of alert system with you that would let the GCPD know if something was wrong right away. All it took was a quick push of a button and the police would be there in only a few minutes. 
You trusted him and agreed to the decision. You also had a gut feeling that Jerome would come back. He was the type to love a challenge, and you were going to give him one. You had confidence that things would be fine, and that you were going to be part of the reason why the red head would be back inside that damn asylum.
This all changed rather quickly.
It was around 11 pm when you heard the sound.
You, of course, were already awake. You hadn’t been able to sleep since the situation had occurred. The feeling of loneliness was enough to keep you up at night, and you refused to fight with it anymore.
The sound of a door banging downstairs forced you out of bed, making your way to the hall.
You were scared, but there was a feeling of reassurance as well. That police officer was still outside your house. It was almost impossible for someone to get past him without his knowledge. 
Or so you thought.
Your back made quick contact with the cold wall behind you. The shadows in the hallway made it difficult for you to see what was going on until you felt a slight breath on your face.
“Well hi there, Gorgeous.”
Your eyes locked with his quickly. You expected to be angry. You thought that the moment you looked at him you would scream or fight back, maybe even cry at the built up grief that had been accumulating for days on end. But instead, you stayed silent.
His goddamn eyes. 
Instead of feeling any of the emotions that you were expecting to, you only felt the beating of your heart against your chest. Your stomach twisted into unfamiliar knots as you kept your gaze on his. 
Your mind was screaming at you to push him off, to fight back. The man before you killed your family and was surely going to kill you too.
But your body failed you. And Jerome took notice of this.
“You’re not scared of me, are you?”
You simply shook your head.
“You’re prettier up close, you know?” he continued on.
That got your attention. Your brows furrowed at him as you watched his signature grin grow wider.
“You can go fuck yourself, Jerome,” you spat back.
He laughed heartily at this, his grip on your arm grew a little tighter. It wasn’t enough to hurt you, but it prevented you from moving much.
You also took notice at the way his thumb rubbed against your skin. It was as if he was caressing your arm in some odd way.
“Only if you help me, Dollface.”
You let out a disgusted spat, but you couldn’t fight the slight blush that crept up your face.
“You killed my family, you bastard,” you responded angrily. “So if you’re going to kill me too, just get it over with already.”
The hope that maybe the police officer was going to rush in at any second had finally faded down to nothing. You were too far from the alert and your phone to contact anyone. All you had the decision of making was to scream to gather attention from anyone who could hear, but you didn’t want to.
You were angry at yourself for finding the man in front of you absolutely perfect.
You should hate him. You HAVE to hate him. Run, fight, anything!
But you ignored them all. The way his eyes trailed down your face, and the way his hand kept exploring your upper arm made your heart flutter in a way that you hadn’t felt in a long time.
He let out a sigh.
“But you see, I don’t want to kill you. Why do you think I waited until you were gone last week?”
You felt a sudden pang of anger in your gut.
“Why did you kill them?” you asked. The sound of your voice came out softer than you would have liked.
He let his smile drop as he pushed himself closer to your face. His nose was practically touching yours at this point, but all you could seem to focus on was the way his lips twitched so close to your own.
“Parents,” he began, pushing the whisper against your skin, “are nothing of importance.”
He pulled away from you suddenly. Your eyes fixated on the knife in his hand, realizing that you were in more danger than you had originally thought.
He twirled the black handle in his palm, his face unreadable.
“My own mother didn’t give two shits about me. She held me back, forced the true nature of who I was into a cage.”
You kept watching him, your heart beat picking up at an unnatural rate.
“You are something special, (Y/N). You don’t deserve to be in a cage. You deserve to be praised upon the highest shelf.”
You found yourself shifting closer to him. He was like a magnet that couldn’t be stopped. 
You didn’t understand why he was being so kind to you, or why he was acting like he already knew you.
“What are you going to do, Gorgeous? Turn me in? Try to fight me?” He let out a laugh. “I don’t want to hurt you. In fact, I want you to come with me.”
The fact that he wanted you with him wasn’t what scared you. No, it actually did quite the opposite. What worried you was the slightly stained knife in his hand.
He had already killed someone on his way to your house, you were sure of it. And he would probably do the same thing once he left as well.
“Give me the knife, Jerome. I won’t turn you in if you give me the knife,” you responded.
What the hell were you thinking? Were you really going to let this criminal go?
You looked up at his face and noticed the way his gaze scanned to your lips and back to your eyes.
Yes, you were.
When he didn’t respond, you let out a groan of frustration.
“I know my parent’s had knife wounds! I know the body they found two weeks prior had their throat slit! That knife must be goddamn important to you, Jerome. So give it to me, and I’ll let you go.”
He only shook his head at you.
“This is my only weapon right now. You really want to ruin my fun?”
You ran your hand through your hair in exasperation.
“Yes. Give me the damn knife so I know that you can’t hurt anyone else. At least for tonight!”
You knew that this wasn’t really the bargain you had wanted, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do what needed to be done.
He made a ‘tsk’ sound with his tongue.
“No can do. You’re not-”
He suddenly stopped at the sound of footsteps downstairs.
“Miss (Y/L/N)? I noticed that your door was open with no sign of you down here. Is everything alright?”
Oh, now the police officer noticed. Of course.
Jerome smiled as he moved his gaze back, placing his hands on either side of your head onto the wall behind you.
“So, Doll. What’s it going to be?”
Your eyes moved from the top of the stairs back to the psychopath in front of you, your heart and mind being torn apart.
“All it takes is one little scream- one little yelp.” His face moved impossibly close to yours again, your breath hitching in your throat.
You didn’t know what you were thinking. In fact, you were sure you were going to regret it as soon as you did it.
You looked at the knife beside your head and grabbed for it.
He quickly retracted his hand and let out a sigh.
“I told you, Doll. You’re not getting this from me.”
You heard another call for your name downstairs. You let out a silent breath as you finally thought ‘fuck it.’
You smashed your lips to his as you grabbed the knife from his now loosened grip.
You heard a slight sound in his throat at the sudden feeling of your mouth to his.
You pulled away just as soon as you had kissed him though, and yelled to the stairs.
“I’m here! Everything is fine!”
You looked back to Jerome and mouthed a ‘get out’ to him.
His stunned gaze moved from the knife in your hand to your eyes as he began to smile widely. 
He started to speak to you just above a whisper as the police officer’s footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs.
“Oh, Gorgeous. You better believe I’ll be coming back for that knife.”
You gave a slight push to his chest, trying to usher him back to your room so he could leave through your window.
He let out a chuckle as he began to back up quickly.
“And for you,” he finished.
You finally watched as his figure hopped out of your room just before the officer got to you. You looked down at the knife in your hand, trying to shake off the feeling of hope bubbling inside your chest.
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pinkfurygiver · 4 years
Rafe Cameron x Reader
This my first attempt, I’m foreign so excuse me if there are some spelling or/and grammar errors. Have fun (Y/N)!
Summary: Rafe and (Y/N) are really close friends (or maybe more?), and he usually sneaks in her room at night but this time something is different: he is covered in blood. (Y/N) is aware about his drug addiction, and even if she is still mad at him she decides to help him.
Tw: mention of drugs, underage drinking, blood. (Let me know if more)
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“It’s three in the morning” (Y/N) said, feeling guilty that she left her room without telling her parents a thing. She wasn’t like that, not before him, she was the good daughter. The girl never went skinny dipping in the night, never talked back or neither did something to unplease the other. But since Rafe came in her life she become a trouble maker, always jumping out of her window to meet him and not caring about other opinions anymore. With him she felt so free, so free to be her true self. Always on the edge of time. Rafe made her stomach hurt, especially when he’s gentle touch met hers; she always felt like a dose of serotonin was injected in her vein.
But this time was different: she didn’t want to jump. Actually, she didn’t even considered doing so. It wasn’t strange for Rafe to call her that late in the night to meet her, but since the last time (Y/N) decided that she was fed up with his little game. If he wanted to spent some time with her then he could do it in the day time, maybe at the beach or somewhere else. She started to belive he was ashamed of being seen with her, and that hurted like a bitch.
“It’s home time, dumbass” She said, getting up of her bad with her blanket on her shoulders, because even if it was still summer, that night was pretty cold.
She looked out of her window, looking outside, with her phone still pressed against her cheeck.
Rafe was right next her gazebo, with his back on the wood of the construction looking right at her direction. She couldn’t see him properly because of the darkness, but she felt like something was about to go wrong.
His body language told her that something was wrong. He didn’t call her for some cuddles, he needed her. Even if she was still mad as hell with him now she decided to help him, ready to jump out of the window.
“This couldn’t wait until the morning?” She asked, trying to brake the tension between then with a fake smile on her face and a giggle. She opened her window and proceeded to jump on the green wet grass of her garden. Her window was on the first floor, so it wasn’t that hard to do this action and of course she had become a professional then. Her ankle hurted a bit, but she didn’t care: the goals was to figure out what was going on.
“I left you multiple missed calls” He mumbles, still not meeting her eyes. He was looking at the ground, messing with his own hair.
“Yeah, sorry I was sleeping” (Y/N) said, a little sarcastic. What else was she supposed to do? “Can you at least look me in the face?” She snapped, wanting his full attention.
And when he did face her, her heart almost stop. The beautiful face she always looked up in her mind when she missed him was now replaced with this now image: his mouth was full of blood, and the red stains cover his face arriving even on his cheecks. He didn’t even bothered cleaning him self or covering the blood, maybe thinking that wasn’t necessary. (Y/N) mind wondered if that was his blood or if he had fought someone.
The anger become to grow inside her chest, looking at the boy’s eyes with rage. What the hell had happened to him? (Y/N) knew that if he wasn’t at the police station to report the aggression was because that aggression was either his foult or was caused by illegal factors. And (Y/N) started to belive that the drugs was part of the equipment.
“Tell me this- She started, pointing with her chin to the mess his face was- has nothing to do with that Pugue-drug dealer” She begged, trying to hold his cheeck on the palm of her hand. He flitched, taking a few steps away. He didn’t denied the accusations, so (Y/N) figured out that was exactly what she feared. “Look, I dont need a lecture right now. I just need a place to stay for the night, if I go home looking like this my father will kill me”.
“I’m not helping you if you don’t explain yourself, Rafe” (Y/N) screamed with rage in her eyes. She hated what he was becoming, and she hated more the fact that she couldn’t save him form himself. His drug addiction was going to kill him, in some sort of way. And the first effects of his illness where showing with big red stains on his face. What was he thinking?
“What?” He exploded, not believing that (Y/N) was being such a bitch towards him. She was supposed to be his friend, and friends help each other.
“You heard me. You need to fucking stop getting high” She snapped back, waving a hand right in his face “Can you understand me or the crack burned all your neurons?”.
He left a little laugh leave his mouth. She was becoming really annoying at this point, and he started to regret calling her for help. Why didn’t he call Topper? God damn it, even JJ Maybank would have been more helpful.
“No, You don’t get to tell me what to do. Your not my father!” He fumed, rising his voce while his red eyes opened even wider. (Y/N) wasn’t scared of him (she was scared of anything), and she knew she could top him anytime she wanted with the perfect line.
She knew where it hurted, and wasn’t playing around at all.
“You’re right, I’m not. I actually give a shit about you” She said, lowing her voice enough to make the sentance even colder. His face muted from anger to hurt, showing his most fragile side: Rafe hated feeling vulnerabile, and (Y/N) knew it.
She always liked looking inside peoples head, trying to figure out why they behaved like they did. She wanted to become a profiler or psychiatrist, and Rafe was her favorite subject. (Y/N) knew about his bad relationship with his father, the drug issues, anger issues and had seen that if moved in the correct way Rafe would crumble completely.
“Fuck you, (Y/N). You don’t know what your talking about”
“Then tell me why you called me?” She asked, nodding her head in a sarcastic way waiting for him to explain the reason. “Tell me why’d you only call me when your high?”.
Rafe couldn’t say anything to calm her at this point: (Y/N) had every right to be mad at him.
“Look, I promise I will get better” He tried, looking as the girl in front of him took a huge breath “Yeah, I’m sure you will... do you thing I’m that fucking dumb?”
(Y/N) felt so sorry for him. She knew it wasn’t her job to drag him out of his messy life but she couldn’t leave him like that. Not him feeling like he wasn’t good enough and alone in that cold summer night.
“Im trying to change your mind” She said again, more softly. Begging him to listen to her without actually telling him to. Rafe looked at her with a confused sight, not understanding the suddenly change of her behavior. Was she still mad at him or not?
“What? You want to help me now?” He asked with hope in his voice, taking a step forward. “When you look at me like that, what else I’m supposed to do? Your face looks like shit” (Y/N) tried to say, while looking behind her back. They had screamed like two gorillas before, and now she was afraid someone was going to catch them with their hand in the cookie jar.
(Y/N) took her car’s key from the pocket, waking in her pajamas towards the spot she usually parked it. And Rafe followed her silently, watching every moviment of the girl. She walked slowly and well aware that if they get caught she will never be able to see him again.
Rafe couldn’t help but think how much her skin seemed to glow under the moon’s light, making her seem like an angel. He didn’t know if it was because of the drugs, in fact he still had a great dose inside his body, but, while she was looking behind her shoulder for him, he caught the desire to kiss her.
“Why the fuck are you looking at me like that? Move your stupid ass inside” She snapped, pushing him inside the car while she took the driver side, putting his belt on as soon as she sit down.
“I’m not a child, (Y/N). Stop treating me like one” He declared, looking outside putting the car’s window down “Well, you sure act like one”
“Where are we going?” Rafe asked, still pretty confused “Are you taking me home? (Y/N) you said you wouldn’t!”.
“I know what I said” she snapped, topping him once more “I’m taking you somewhere safe. It’s a mansion my dad bought last summer, we go there almost every Christmas. So for tonight no one is going to disturb your beautysleep, princess” She said, making fun of him just a bit “Damn, you’re so mean” He commented, making her eyes roll with nuisance.
“Mean?” (Y/N) mocked him, looking at the guy with a little smile on her mouth. How funny. She was the mean one now. “Don’t act so bossy with me, I’m not your stupid boyfriend” Rafe continued, showing once again his jealousy towards her. Since he saw (Y/N) and Pope talk in front of school, last weekend, Rafe was dying to beat his ass.
“Shut up, you don’t even know what a relationship is. All you know is smoke weed and drink alcohol with your stupid friends. Too afraid of being seen with me, apparently” She broke out, not even looking him right in the face. Her eyes now glued on the road. Why the hell did she said that out loud? He wasn’t supposed to know how much his behavior metter to her.
“Nonsense” He responded slowly, as if someone else was listening their conversation. He was so tired he couldn’t even keep his eyes open, lying his head on the passenger seat “I’m in love with you” He continued “I just don’t want anyone to know I have feeling” Then explained, feeling his cheeck burning for embarrassment “I’m too messed up, my problems would effect you and I dont want that”
“Seems like it already does” She noticed, not wanting to belive he just told her he was in love with her.
“(Y/N). Do you like me like that?”
“Your high Rafe, I can’t have this conversation with you”.
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dcnatural · 4 years
Word Count: 1367
Pairing: Reader x Selina Kyle
Ranting: General Audiences
Synopsis: You meet Selina Kyle in a party.
You had been watching her the whole night. She was stunning, easily the most beautiful woman you had ever met. And she was smart. And funny. And she knew how to keep a conversation going. You had been talking for over two hours, and you wouldn’t mind listening to her soft voice for the rest of party. Well, you weren’t speaking directly with her, rather, you simple happen to be sitting in the same table as her. But were more than happy to just stay there, sipping your gin and tonic, and listen to her as she explained the contemporary relevance of Tolstoi.  
As the time passed, you felt more and more drunk. On your side Vicky Vale, your best friend and journalist, poked you in the ribs, trying to convince you to form a reply and actively enter the conversion.
“Just say something, you have been just staring the whole night”, she whispered.
You blushed at the thought. “I can’t, I don’t know what to say”, you replied, taking a champagne glass off the tray the waitress had just set on the table. 
“For god’s sake, Y/N, just give your opinion on what she’s talking about”, Vicky insisted. Right then, there was a pause on the discussion, and before your lost the nerve to do it, you decided to speak up.
“You know, you kind of sound like Cardi B”, you stated and all the eyes on the table turned to you. “Er… I mean, you do talk smart, but it still sounds like you crawled out of a ghetto. Which is cool, because I like her music”, you quickly amended.  
The girl giggled, partially surprised by your statement. The others glanced the other way, pretending to not have heard what you said.
“Thank you, I guess”, she said with shrug. Her voice was calm but hesitant and she ran a hand through her short black hair as she spoke. “I didn’t knew you could talk.”
You frowned and she laughed one more time. “You stayed quiet the whole night. I was starting to believe you were mute”, she clarified. Even though you were two seats aparts, you could feel her pulling you towards her, like a magnetic force dragging you in her direction. You leaned on your chair to have a better look at her.
“Oh, uh”, you stuttered. Shit, you hated talking with strangers, especially gorgeous strangers… “I just… Well, I guess I didn’t have much to say. Uh… I’m Y/N L/N”, you informed. 
She bit her bottom lip and smiled. “I’m Selina Kyle”, she introduced herself, analysing your face carefully. Suddenly you felt very self-aware of all your flaws. Her eyes seemed to flicker with recognition. “Aren’t you dating Thomas Elliot?”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. The last thing you wanted to talk about was your boyfriend. “Yeah, I am… But he’s not here tonight.”
“Oh, where is he? He should been letting someone as pretty as you come to these events unaccompanied.”
You couldn’t help but blush at her words. “I guess he’s in a club somewhere”, at this point, you didn’t really care anymore. You knew you should break up with Thomas, but didn’t know how. So you were waiting for him to do it. Afterall, if he really wanted to be with you, he would have escorted you to the gala. 
Just then, the couple sitting between the two of you decided to leave the table and go to the dance floor, giving you full view of Selina. She took the opportunity and slid to the chair at your side. “Well, he must be very stupid then, if he prefered to go clubbing then being here with you.”
You were almost jealous of how cool she was. You could never, in a million years, say something like that to someone you just met. On your left, Vicky cleared her throat, and you glanced at her just long enough to see that she was mouthing the word bar . 
“So, Selina”, you began, trying not to sound like an idiot. “Do you want to get something to drink?”, you invited temptivily, signaling in the direction of the bar. 
“I would love to”, she replied, pushing her chair backwards and rising. You followed Selina, briefly turning to Vicky and putting your thumbs up. Your friend rolled her eyes.
The bartender put down the glass he had been drying. “And what would the young couple desire?”, he asked. 
You blushed again and shook your head, about to explain that the two of you weren’t a couple, but Selina spoke first.
“A whiskey on ice for me”, she requested, her voice melodical as always.
“Same”, you added.
You leaned into the bar counter as the barman prepared your drinks. Selina’s eyes surveyed the room and you tried to think of something smart to say.
“You like literature, right?”, you managed to ask, the words trembling as they left your lips.
“Yes, I read a lot when I was little”, she said. “Gotham’s library was almost like a second home to me.”
“Any favorites?”
She paused to think for a little. “It’s hard to choose just one, but I guess I will go with Lolita . Have you read it?”
You nodded, and forced your brain to think of an interesting fact about the book. You were saved from it by the bartender placing your drinks on the counter and you gladly took a large sip. The whiskey burned as it made its way down your throat. As you placed the cup back into the table, your hand brushed slightly against Selina’s and you felt a rush of adrenaline running through your body. You had never felt something like that before. 
You watched as she savored the liquor. She was so pretty. “Do you have a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend?”, you asked before you knew what you were doing. As soon as the words left your mouth, you wished a hole could open up in the ground and swallow you whole. Your cheeks burned and you could feel the sweat dripping down your neck.
“No, actually I don’t. Are you interested?”, she asked teasingly. She leaned closer to you, until you could feel her hot breath. You gulped. Her eyes looking intensely into yours, and you felt like they could consume you.
You opened your mouth to rely, but never got a chance to, as she took the opportunity to kiss you. She tasted like alcohol. Her tongue brushed against your lips, parting them and allowing her into your mouth. Her hand involved your body and you felt yourself melting under her touch.
When she finally pulled apart, you were already out of breath. It had been the best kiss you ever had, and you were over the moon. Yet, you never felt so sad before.
“I can’t do this”, you muttered. The words didn’t seem right. It wasn’t what you wanted to tell her. You wanted to ask her to kiss you again, and again, and again, and to don’t ever stop. But you couldn’t; you had a boyfriend, and even though the relationship was going through some tough times, you still couldn’t cheat on him. 
“It’s okay, I get it”, she gave you a sad but understanding smile. She pulled a pen seemingly out of nowhere and wrote something in a napkin. “There,” she said, handing the piece of paper to you. “That’s my number. When you figure out your boyfriend problems, give me a call.”
She kissed you on the cheek and turned to leave. She was already halfway across the room when you decided to run after her. “Selina, wait”, you called after her, holding her by the wrist and making her spin to face you again.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I guess I will just stumble home to my cats”, she shrugged. “Alone.” 
You didn’t want to let her go. Screw Thomas, you thought, he’s probably having sex with someone else, anyways. You stepped forward, closing the space between your bodies and kissed her again. It was soft and gentle and she responded energetically. 
She broke the kiss for a moment. “Unless you wanna come along?”
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penninstitute · 4 years
Case #0100107
Statement of Blaine Mackenzie, regarding a camping trip made up to Vermont with their friends in 2001. Original statement made January 7th, 2010.
I haven’t told this story to anybody. And as far as I know, Grace Acker never told anybody either. I haven’t spoken to her in years, but it’s safe to say she don’t like talking about it. Neither of us did, back when it happened, and we sure don’t now.
Tommy and I have talked about it a bit. But we both try to leave it behind us.
I don’t know why the Hell I’m even telling you any of this.
Needed to get it outta my system, I guess. Been sitting on this for nine years come May. Haven’t told a soul.
I’m from down in New Jersey, moved to Boston a little over two years ago. Been thinking about visiting your little institute for a while, ever since I heard about it. It’s a funny little thing you’ve got going here. I’m amazed it’s still up, don’t know where you get the funding.
I would’ve been inclined to say it’s all bullshit, and. I still think most of it’s bullshit, but after what I saw that day… I’ll allow for some exceptions.
It was early May, 2001. My friend Severin Read, his girlfriend Grace Acker, and our friend Tommy Hirsch, we were all taking a road trip up the east coast. Wanted to take some time, see the sights, we were taking a gap year before we started thinking about college and the like. Fresh out of high school, and we were raring to go.
We took two cars--Tommy and I in one, Severin and Grace in the other. We would camp out in parking lots or find campgrounds to stay at, restocking as we went.
It was fun for a while. We made it up to New Hampshire, and decided to take a bit of a detour, a little change in plans that would add an extra day to the trip, and after a few hours of driving with no destination in mind, found ourselves in Vermont, in the middle of nowhere. It was just woods, where we were, for as far as the eye could see--which wasn’t very far, mind you, considering how the trees got dark past a certain point.
I think that might’ve been where things started to go wrong. I’d never seen darkness like that, and I haven’t seen it since, save nightmares.
Naturally, at the time, we’d blamed the weird darkness on… y’know, woods stuff, and left it at that. We didn’t care. We were kids just out of our parents’ reach for the first time, we were more focused on the adventure than the potential danger.
We were looking for a place to set up camp for the night when we stumbled across what seemed to be an abandoned campground. I’m still amazed at how stupid we were--our first thought was sweet, free campground.
It wasn’t until later I began to wonder why it was deserted.
We were deep in the woods, so there was no reception. It was just us and the woods at night, which is such a classic horror movie set-up, I don’t know how we weren’t on edge all night. The fact of the matter, though, is that we weren’t worried at all. Just excited to have so much space to ourselves.
We set up a fire, played some games, drank a bit, dared Tommy to eat a marshmallow from an old pack of them we found sitting next to a pre-built firepit. He didn’t get sick, but it was still fucking nasty--funny, though.
The four of us were sitting around our fire when the night began to go downhill. Severin said he needed to piss, and that he’d be back in a minute, before he wandered off.
He was gone for twenty minutes before we started to get worried.
“Takin’ a long shit,” Tommy had suggested, and Grace had swatted his arm.
And then we heard Severin shout. It was a wordless, scared sound, just… a noise, a yell from the parking lot area. We sat there, frozen for a few solid seconds, before I got up and cautiously made my way towards where we’d heard the sound. Grace and Tommy just sat there, watching me, frozen.
Severin wasn’t in the parking lot. There was no sign of him. Just our two cars. Grace was distraught, and I calmed her down while Tommy began looking.
We’d searched every section of the campground by 11 P.M., and Severin was nowhere to be found.
I swear to God I’d heard him shout for us, and yet there was no sign of a fight or anything of the sort. All his things had been left behind, it was like he’d just disappeared. There were no leads, and Grace was starting to lose hope. I didn’t think we’d ever know what happened to him.
And then the Stag showed up.
The main thing about it, was that it was big. The next notable thing about it, was that it was dark. It’s eyes were white pinpricks, and its coat was darker than the shadows that stretched across the campground. It was like it was made of the darkness, shifting unnaturally across the Stag’s skin. And I write Stag, not stag, because there is a difference, and it’s one you couldn’t possibly fathom unless you saw the damned thing.
A dark, reddish-brown ichor dripped from its antlers and face. Too dark to be blood, but I don’t know what else it could’ve been. You could hear its breathing--it sounded sick, every inhale accompanied by a deep, rumbling wheeze.
We had regrouped by our fire when it arrived. It’s mere presence made the light practically die out, leaving a few embers still glowing in the bottom of the pit.
The Stag screamed. It was an indescribable and yet familiar sound. It was the dying shriek of a ghost and Severin’s wordless shout from just hours earlier that had set us searching. It made my blood run cold.
Severin’s whereabouts didn’t matter anymore. We ran.
I ended up separated from Grace and Tommy. I’d run towards the treeline, crashing through the pitch black woods. I could hear it breathing behind me, but not its footsteps--for a creature of that size, I thought for sure I’d be able to hear it trampling the earth, but it was just that fucking breathing.
I just ran. I ran for as long as I could, as fast as I could, but the Stag was on my tail the entire time, I could feel it.
Eventually, I tripped. Because of course I did, right? I tripped over a root or some shit and went down, and by the time I’d realized what had happened, the Stag was right behind me. I flipped onto my back and crawled backwards as best I could, trying to put distance between us, but it kept advancing until I was backed up against a tree.
I was trapped.
I didn’t know what to do. I’d been backed into that corner, and the thing was just staring at me, wheezing all the while. A sound like a growl rumbled from its chest, and it lowered its head to glare at me with those burning white eyes, whatever was on its antlers dripping onto my face and shirt.
It smelled like a rotting animal carcass and burning hair. It carried the sweetness of sickness and death, so thick I was practically choking on it.
“Leave my wood, child,” it said, voice deeper than anything I’d heard, loud enough to shake the earth and trees, enough to leave my head pounding.
I just nodded mutely. It stepped back, away from me, before disappearing. The scent lingered, and I sat there for… I don’t even know how long. I just sat there and tried to breathe. By the time I’d gained my bearings, the scent still hadn’t faded.
I got up and stumbled back to the cars on shaking legs.
Grace and Tommy looked shaken, but better off than me. They’d gone back to the campsite when they realized the Stag had chased after me instead. They asked me what happened, but I didn’t say a word, just dropped my keys in Tommy’s hand and all but crawled into the backseat.
I was covered in what quite honestly looked like blood, smelled like a dead animal, and wasn’t talking. I’m surprised they didn’t just abandon me there.
Grace went back and got our things before transferring anything she wanted from Severin’s car to mine. They’d given up the hunt, it seemed. Grace took the passenger seat, and Tommy drove us out of there. It was around one in the morning. We didn’t stop until we reached a motel, and Grace called the police to report Severin missing.
The last thing I saw of that campsite was the Stag, watching us go, and all I could hear was that rattling wheeze.
They never did find Severin’s body.
... God, I hate anything relating to the dark like that. Personal grievances aside, this statement has... a lot to go off of, actually. Blaine Mackenzie (now Blaine Hirsch), Grace Acker, and Tommy Hirsch are all alive and well. Mx. Hirsch refused our request for a follow-up interview, said nothing’s changed since their original statement.
Mr. Hirsch and Ms. Acker didn’t have much to say, just confirmed what Mx. Hirsch reported in their original statement.
I’d say the statement is believable enough. Animals made out of darkness aren’t too far-fetched a concept. I don’t think we’ll be looking too much further into this.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
A little distraction
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: reverse AU
It was shivering cold outside even with the warmest cloak and scarf. It had to be one of the worst winters Detroit had ever seen with freezing temperatures and constant snowfall. Richard was relieved when the car’s heater finally started to work after the first minutes of desperately trying to keep his hands on the icy steering-wheel. The radio was people talking. He hated it when there were people talking instead of music. The drive home was twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the traffic. He didn’t need information about traffic jams or closed roads. He knew he would be stuck in traffic. Also, he didn’t want to listen to the peoples jokes or how the weather would be or what kind of shit happened in the world again. He just wanted to relax from today’s police-work and let the songs lull him into driving just a bit slower and safer than his usual temper suggested. But changing the channel or shutting it off completely felt like admitting defeat to the cheerful humans. Were they even human? He continued suffering through the jokes he couldn’t laugh about, through the weather that wouldn’t change in the near future and through the news that told of violence, war and football, just to be followed by cheerful advertisement. If Richard hated one thing more than people talking on the radio it was people talking at him on the radio speaking of what he dearly needed and had to go buy immediately. With calm patience that he concentrated on to ignore the rising anger below, he drove until a red-light stopped him.
He finally succumbed to the rage inside him and hit the button to mute it after the twentieth Christmas jingle. As he turned back to the street, his eyes got caught by something moving outside. The traffic-light was located at a crossroad, next to a few bars and a scrapyard. Everything was covered in a thick blanket of snow and the disturbed darkness of recently moved metal scraps was too obvious. There was an android standing in front of a heap, rustling through it. But before Richard could see anything more than that, the light changed to green and he was immediately honked at. Fucking asshole drivers.
Richard was unbelievingly tired. His last case had kept him up far too long to be healthy, his brother was too excited for Christmas to stop babbling about it and his weird android partner was no help in shutting him down making plans for everything. Richard was far too relieved to be in his car and drive alone with himself, even if it was to the sounds of “Last Christmas” for what felt like the hundredth time today. His routine got the best of him. Always departing at the same time, always taking the same route had him stopping at the same red-light every day. And recently it had become a habit to look out of the passenger side window and search for the android. It had always been there. Sometimes rummaging through the heaps of metal, sometimes simply staying there idling, snow gathering up on its shoulders. Lately, when he had been honked at to drive on and should have forgotten about it, the android remained at the forefront of his head. Was it a deviant? The way it was idling in the snow suggested otherwise. Was it working in the scrapyard? That also seemed inaccurate. The thing looked as if it was searching for something when it was active. Usually Richard came to the conclusion that he shouldn’t care for the reasons of a random android standing in some scrapyard. He should just hurry home, drink something warm and maybe alcoholic, watch some TV or read and most importantly: get some sleep.
‘Hey, Rich, don’t you dare fleeing home tomorrow!’, Connor threatened Richard in a cheerful manner. ‘I allowed it last year because there was an android revolution, but this year you are coming to the precinct’s party! And remember to buy a little present, you got Tina, remember?’ Richard sighed heavily and laid down his pen. How the hell had Connor found out who he had for secret Santa? He himself had only glimpsed at the paper before folding it in his pocket. What did one even buy for an android? He liked Tina, she was a funny, capable person with every right to call herself just as human as he called himself. But there were differences between both species and Richard wouldn’t even know what to buy for someone of his own. ‘Of course, I’ll come, Connor. Just don’t expect me to be happy about it or staying long.’ ‘Come on, bro, you will never find friends like that.’ ‘I worked here for half a year already. I don’t think one Christmas party will suddenly have me be the social expert like you are.’ ‘Now you are just speaking bad about yourself. I know you, Nines. Just try to have fun, okay?’
Richard didn’t have fun and he had stopped trying after the first hour. His regular work day had ended and instead of driving home to relax and calm down, he had to drive with Connor and Hank to that stupid party. At first there had been the possibility of banter: Talking to people that were in different shifts now, greeting newcomers, congratulating someone on personal achievements like house, marriage or kids. But then it drifted off to personal topics and Richard was quickly becoming a quiet bystander, listening to other’s stories until he couldn’t take it anymore and opted for the buffet. Eating at one of the poser tables, he observed the people around him successfully overlooking him. He stayed there for another courtesy-hour, before fleeing the scene, leaving Tina’s present – a pendant with an amber the form of a cat – at the table with the other presents. All he could think of was that he probably wouldn’t see that scrapyard-android today.
He slowed down approaching the traffic-light hoping for it to turn red before he passed. Of course, it stayed green and he just got a passing glimpse of the scrapyard. The android stood there again, snow piling on top of it, staring straight ahead.
Connor had scolded him for leaving early, of course. He couldn’t understand how he could go before the presents were handed out and Richard listened to him, sipping coffee out of the Christmas-themed mug he had been gifted and had swiftly exchanged the one he got last year with. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tina walking past the breakroom wearing the necklace with the cat, smiling with a vibrant blue LED. At least she liked her present. Connor let him go after a sigh. His brother knew he hadn’t really listened. ‘Me and Hank are inviting you over for Christmas. Don’t worry, it’s nothing big. But you should spend the holiday with family.’ Richard could hear the hurt in his voice and decided to let go of his defences for a second. ‘Connor, you know I am not one for big parties and pretending to be happy to fool everyone, okay? But I know this is important for you and I won’t leave my big brother hanging.’ He even sported a real smile. ‘Also, I think I am honestly looking forward to it.’
He really did. He loved his brother more than he would admit and seeing him happy again with Hank after all that had happened made him equally glad. Maybe a bit of human interaction would do him good and Christmas really wasn’t something to spend alone. He had worked today, and it had been a silent, slow-paced day. Connor and Hank had taken the day off to prepare, Chris wanted to be home with his family too, they had a little girl. If it meant someone else would be happy, he gladly worked on a holiday. Also, Tina kept him company and her cheerful soul had lifted his spirits. He just had to quit early enough to drive home, shower, get dressed and relax a little before it was time to head off. He drove home, not without wishing everybody a merry Christmas and hug the android goodbye. Finally, in his car, he already thought about the evening. What to say, what to do, just some overall preparation to ease into the night.
He arrived at the red light again and habitually looked into the scrapyard. It took him some time to find him crouching somewhere, nearly completely covered in snow. It was glitching. Richard watched the erratic movements and the spray of snow. Even as there were people lining up behind him, honking and throwing expletives his way, he stared. As there was someone standing next to him, knocking on his window, he just showed him his middle finger and pulled over on the sidewalk to exit the car. Maybe it was his pissed off stare, maybe it was the badge and gun on his belt, but they left him alone once the street was free. Richard just turned to the scrapyard and carefully advanced towards the android.
The snow was deep in the scrapyard. The sidewalk had been freed of it, but as soon as he entered the property he sank into it up to the ankles. He cursed at the cold water, seeping into his socks as he wore his work shoes. He surely hadn’t planned an impromptu snow-hike when he stood up this morning. The android flinched as he came nearer and at his angry hushed words. More even than he already did. Richard moved on through the heavy snowfall, keeping his head down. He soon shivered despite his coat. As he stood before the android, he rubbed his hands already. Of course, he had left his gloves in the car.
‘Hey!’, he greeted the android cheerfully and hopefully in a reassuring manner. In a ripple(?) of snow the android jerked his head up at him, his eyes not really seeing him. The LED was still red, had been from the beginning. He didn’t answer or move otherwise. ‘Bad day to be outside, huh?’, He pointed up in the air, where the snowflakes were rushing down. He smiled, looking back down on the android who still didn’t show any sign of understanding. But his head was cocked to the side. A snowflake landed on his nose, on top of a weird dark-blue scar. It didn’t melt. ‘What are you doing here, buddy?’, Richard tried again. ‘Doesn’t look like an android like you should be out here all alone.’
‘A-A-An Aaaaandroooooid like meee?’ The android’s voice was heavy with static and Richard had difficulties understanding him. ‘This aaaa threat, d-d-d-dipshiiit?’ Richard looked at the android in surprise, then chuckled. ‘Nah. Just… In general. No one should be out in this weather. And no one should be alone this day.’ ‘Whyyyy. Aaaaaandroooids don’t feel temperature. And it’s just anooother daaay.’ ‘It’s Christmas’, Richard chuckled again. He knew these phrases, liked to use them too. It didn’t mean they were true. ‘Doesn’t someone as pretty as you got someone waiting for them?’ ‘Phck you, aaaiiiin’t your business huuuumaaan. M not p-p-pretty.’ ‘If you say so.’ Richard smiled to himself and looked over the scrapyard. ‘I just saw you standing here every day on my way home. I wondered what you do here.’ ‘Wait.’ ‘For what?’ ‘Yooouuu are a r-r-r-really curious meeeeaatbag, you know t-t-that?’ ‘Yeah, my brother used to tell me all the time’, he smiled. ‘Just can’t help myself.’ The android grew quieter and at the same time was easier to understand: ‘I wait. I just wait. There is nothing more to it.’
‘Well then, would you mind waiting somewhere else?’, Richard proposed. ‘If you waited for so many days, I don’t think whatever you are waiting for is coming soon.’ ‘Aaaand where wo-wo-would that be?’, The android asked, standing up in jerky motions. ‘Well, I’m invited over to my brother and his android-boyfriend for Christmas. That’s like… our whole family I guess.’ ‘And you d-d-don’t want to appear there alone?’ The android was visibly angry now. ‘W-w-want someone to pretend being family, th-th-that you can throw out the next day?’ ‘Oh, hell no’, Richard laughed loudly. ‘I just wanna piss off my brother and don’t want to think about you sitting in some scrapyard in the snow alone.’ ‘Why?’ ‘It’s Christmas’, Richard said as if it was the most obvious thing. ‘What does this day mean if we are not for once nice to each other? You don’t have to, of course. Just an offer.’ ‘I’m not your phcking p-pu-puppet, a-a-asshole!’ ‘Never said you would be’, the man shrugged. ‘So what? You coming? Getting cold as hell out here.’ ‘Fine.’
Richard nodded with a wide grin and walked back to the car, fishing his phone out of his pocket, dialling Connor. ‘Hey, Con, I’m gonna be late’, he greeted him, somehow not getting that smile out of his voice. ‘Nines, if you’re planning to stay home, you can absolutely forget that! You are coming! I don’t expect much from you, but one time of the year you will be able to socialise and meet your damn brother! I-‘ ‘Con! Connor!’, he interrupted and quickly looked back to the droid struggling with the high snow. ‘I’m coming! What the hell are you thinking? I just wanted to call and tell you I’ll be a bit late. And there will be another person, I hope that’s okay? Don’t worry with the cooking, he is an android.’ The silence stretched, but then Connor was near screaming into the mic, probably joyfully, Richard wasn’t too sure as it oversteered. ‘Rich, that’s amazing! Holy shit, I…  Hank! Nines is bringing a guest; can you believe it?’ Richard chuckled, and interrupted him again: ‘Hey, Con, don’t pretend it’s the weirdest thing that happened okay? We just met, it’s not like I know him that much.’ ‘Hey, for you it’s super weird, okay? Just hurry, don’t let us wait too long!’
Richard pushed the phone back in his pocket and opened the door for the android, who hesitantly entered, before he walked around and sat behind the wheel. He sorted himself back into traffic and got back to driving home to get changed and wash off everything from work. Also, now he had an android with him, wet from melted snow and not in best condition for a Christmas celebration. Well, one step after another. First, he would have to get home. The radio was actually music for once and a Christmas song he hadn’t heard in at least three hours, so it lifted his mood a lot. ‘Your br-br-brother is weird.’ Richard looked over to the android before concentrating on the street again. ‘Yeah, he is. But in a quirky, funny way. We don’t have much in common. But he’s a good guy. And my brother. We look out for each other. He’s the only family I got, and I love him very much.’
The android nodded jerkily and looked out of the window. ‘Why does he call you N-n-nines?’ ‘Ah, just a nickname. Got it the first few weeks we started working in the precinct. He somehow found out I only ever talked to nine people and ignored everyone else. I myself never recognised that. Now he calls me that whenever I am particularly secluded. But It’s fine, I like it and he doesn’t mean any harm with it. More of a joke I guess.’ ‘Still weird.’ Nines nodded breathing out a laugh. ‘Yeah. What’s your name?’ ‘G-Gaavin.’ ‘That’s a nice one. I’ll try to remember it, Gavin, but I’m not that good with names.’ ‘Okay, Nines.’ ‘Did you just-?’ Richard looked over to the android that showed a lopsided smirk. ‘Maybe.’
Richard felt that maybe, this Christmas wouldn’t be too bad, as he pulled into the driveway and led the android to his house.
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tsukidotcom · 4 years
Haikyuu HC to COVID-19 (Karasuno edition)
This is horrible 💀 im just so bored so I made whatever this mess is KFJSJDMSK enjoy
Hinata Shouyou
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huh? isn’t it just the flu?
“No, hinata. People have died from it-“
goes bananas
whenever someone sneezes or coughs, his soul leaves his body as he runs away to sanitize/wash his hands for a miserably long time.
eats an expired can of peaches thinking it’s his last resort
lowkey happy school is closed because homework sucks
but also highkey hates it because now all volleyball tournaments are closed
then gets all angry when he realizes he’d have to do online school???!!?? like wtf he got jipped.
thinks they could still do volleyball if they did online calls cus if the school can do it,, then vOLLEYBALL CAN
will probably miss half of the class calls from oversleeping/forgetting anyway.
sheepishly ask yamaguchi, yachi or tsukishima for help on assignments/notes. (he will NEVA ask kageyama. he’s always in competition with him here!)
still practices volleyball 24/7 in his backyard or room (maybe even with his baby sister??)
He’s really good at practicing all by himself from practicing all alone in middle school—
but will probably go crazy being alone all the time with his family. he just wants to play volleyball with the team again.
looks up “what to do when you’re bored” or “what to do at home while in quarantine” on youtube
Kageyama Tobio
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probably says he’s immune to the corona because he’s just better than everyone else
doesn’t really think it’s real until school shut down because of it
When he sees that corona is airborne he wont know what that means so he’d probably think it’s produced by air itself?? which makes him think air is trying to kill the human race?? and will be so confused as to why it decided to pop up now???
DESPISES online school. He had enough trouble understanding it from the gecko, so now he has to learn it basically all by hiMSELF?!?
And no way is he just gona email the teacher for help. If he does it’s gonna be only once in his lifetime. Anymore than that he thinks he’s doin too much. He doesn’t want his teachers thinking he’s dumb 😭
he says literally nothing during the calls he just tries to pay attention? and fails because he’s on a computer. in his room. alone. he’s bound to daze off or stare at a pen for 5 minutes.
Obvi still practices volleyball. Very much misses it. At least Hinata had his sibling to practice with him. tobio is a lone wolf in his household.
When his mom goes out to get groceries he gives her one of those doctor masks so she doesn’t catch corona.
Few moments later through the internet he realizes that corona is smaller than air molecules so if you can breathe through something you could still get it so he struggles for an hour thinking he just killed his mother
When his mom is back he keeps his distance in case she’s carrying the plague
omg did she just cough or am i imagining things no she definitely coughed she has corona oh oh god
In reality she was just clearing her throat.
is lowkey worrying about everyone and how they are 🥺 (yes, maybe even hinata).
thinks he’s science smart by calling it covid-19 than corona.
Asahi Azumane
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He just worries about everyones health
like he just imagines the worst case scenario’s and starts to get really worried if people got it. Always checks on everyone and asks if they’re feeling any symptoms of corona ❤️
He’s either not gonna get it or he gets it and dies there’s no inbetween
but he’s jesus himself so theres no way he nor anyone in his bloodline can get it
is very happy to know that dogs can’t get it.
Takes online school seriously and tries his best
And is honestly so sad school just ended??? even if it’s temporary, he could be learning, playing volleyball, and going about his day instead of staying in a cage. he’s a third year so—how would graduation even go..?
always is up to date on the news !! and notifies everyone if anything important is added/changed.
Always tells everyone to stay safe! Whether through text or before ending a call.
only buys a lot of toilet paper from the fear of there being no toilet paper in stock since evERYONE IS BUYING IT-
Starts to try new hobbies that he put off for the longest time cus quarentine is rlly getting to him.
Is all out a family guy so he doesn’t mind the extra time with his family.
Nishinoya Yu
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420 blazin’
thinks going outside means you’re instantly gonna die from corona attacking your white blood cells (????)
but also probably doesnt care as he goes outside like everyday to run around and get rid of energy (and to practice volleyball, of course).
also why is it called white blood cells when blood is red ☠️ smh
Buys 101611018320129 bags of chips because that’s his comfort food
yay more gaming time!!!
Noya🐒: Tanaka do u wana play minecraft 2getr latr?
Tanaka🍌: HELL YEAH!!
doesn’t shower for three days straight because screw personal hygiene!! No more school!!! Can do whatever he wanted!! It’s basically summer!!!
until he’s forced to do online school.
Is def the class clown. Probably somehow kicks the teacher out of the call through a little bit of hacking.
“alright guys so i’ll be you’re substitute teacher for the day-“
tbh acts the same as he would in school. maybe a little more rebellious because, i mean, what is the teacher gonna do? send him to DETENTION? call his mOMMY?
Calls/spams literally everyone in his contacts because he’s so bored and lonely. Answer him!! Y’all will be on facetime for hours!!
He’s fun to facetime.
Will call you a loser if you don’t have an apple iPhone because then he can’t facetime you and facetiming is one of his favorite things to do to pass time (besides gaming)
Okay but he lowkey still tries at school for the sake of his grades and his future ;-; maybe calls asahi or sugawara for help??
always looks up his homework on the internet to see if he can get an answer key or something (he did that anyway even before corona but)
will do one subject for 3 hours thinking he’s finally done with everythinf till he realizes he has like 4 other subjects and needs to do those too.
Sending memes all the time
Tsukishima Kei
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oh, what about corona again?
honestly could give NO fucks??. like ABSOLUTELY ZERO. nonxistent.
doesn’t even remember it’s still happening half the time.
is surprisingly very knowledgeable about corona.
he’s just smart and sciency¿ so he understands the ins and outs of corona like how it works and how its spread.
so if you tRULY want any update or background info on the corona virius, ask Tsukishima.
bitch don’t touch me you have rabies.
doesn’t care that he’s obligated to stay at home because he would have stayed either way. he very much likes being alone.
might go a little crazy cooped up in his room so he’ll hang with his brother/family or go outside before he says ‘okay that’s enough’ and goes back to his room.
isolation? oh okay *puts on headphones*
he rlly gonna be rocking it out in his room cus he can listen to music all day any day
developes a really bad sleep schedule since he had no way to get rid of the energy he got rid of at school.
still a huge tease so he says everyone has the corona virius.
is never online on social media which means he’s never up to date with his frIENDS. Doesn’t have a clue what those dipshits are doing and could care less (besides yamaguchi,, they probably facetime or call thru skype or something).
I bet the whole volleyball squad has a groupchat and honestly he puts all notifs on mute cus his phone keep goin DING DING DING DI DING ID DID IDKNG DING DIG
Brother: Omg why are you getting so many text messages?
Tsukki: Shut up
if he is online on the gc and he texts it would be simple replies like “Hi” “Okay.” “No.” “Goodbye.” and then he’s gone for another week
every first year is begging on their knees for tsukishima to give the answers or help them out and he obviously says: go do the hw yourselves idiots
besides yamaguchi!!!! again!! cus theyre gay for each other
maybe practices once in awhile with his brother or alone in his backyard but he doesn’t care
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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buys 101817 pounds of toilet paper because everyone else is? but not because of the same reason as asahi. he thinks toilet paper is the cure to corona.
probably has a part time job at a grocery store so he still has to go to work 😭 i dont even know how he could have a job in the first place he’s probably always late-
still gamin with noya of course
also buys like all the junk food thats in stock. and since he works at the grocery store he gets a ton of coupons and deals.
texts Kiyoko everyday goodmorning ❤️❤️❤️ and goodnight 😘😘 texts just to be left on read.
“i love it when she ignores me !!!”
scrolls through tiktoks for 1000 hours to pass time
School Is For Losers!!
similar to noya, he thought it was basicaly summer until he realized they were gonna be doing online school. literally had a fit and said he didnt wanna do jack squAt
Laughs so hard when nishinoya somehow kicks the teacher out of the call he’s like laughing so loud and hard he starts crying
all of the sudden has a better view on school
gets excited when he sees nishinoya on the call
makes funny and ugly ass faces when the teacher isn’t looking. everyone laughs and the teacher’s like 🤨
probably uses the green screen effect so he can change hus background (somehow) and accidentally misclicks a file so a girl wit a bikini becomes his background for .5 seconds before changing it to a cursed meme:
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doesn’t get half the shit the teacher is talking about
but it’s okay because the half he doesn’t get is the other half noya gets
and the half noya doesnt get is the orher half tanaka gets
they’re two peas in a pod 🥰
until they try explaining it to each other and suddenly get confused?? mental malfunction ¿?
yeah im SMART!!!
s -
m -
a -
r - penis
t -
Daichi Sawamura
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quite calm about the whole coronavirus
like he knows it is serious and understands how it is spread but he’s still calm about it??
tells everyone to sanitize and wash hands on a regular. and social distancing!!
honestly still wakes up like he does on normal school days and does all his academics just fine.
he even does gym activities (besides volleyball) for 30 minutes to an hour!!!! he be running on that treadmil! getting stronk!
does each subject on his own for 20-40 min each day. he’s really good at self discipline
makes sure sugawara and asahi are up to date on school work and will gladly help.
sadly can’t help the first years (and probably second years) because that info is deep in his brain and basically forgot how to do it after a year or two of not using it.
VERY VERY VERY sad that volleyball nationals are cut off. this is his last year and for it to be??? gone??? just because of some flu?!?! hates it.
he wishes school to go back and still has hope that school will go back to normal in a couple of weeks (even though it’s a slim chance).
asks the teacher questions whenever he has questions. He’s also vv considerate so he’ll ask questions he knows the answer to but asks them for anyone who’s confused ab it/wants to ask but is too shy. (literally i lov daichi sm)
Eats a healthy amount of everything
asks asahi for any updates on corona even though he’s quite up to date himself. he just wanna make sure he didn’t miss anything.
also doesn’t mind being around his family. he’ll do more chores around the house to help his parents out :> he’s literally perfect wtf
def does worry about everyone in the volleyball gc and anyone else he has contact with. Will also email classmates and ask if they’re doing all right. Even away from volleyball he’s a team player ☺️✌️
Is happy for the rest of the day when asahi tells him dogs can’t get corona.
Yamaguchi Tadashi
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doesn’t know what to believe anymore
keeps in touch with everyone!! always online 24/7 on social media, vball gc, you name it.
Literally everyone is acting so normal why are people so calm am i the only one worrying about this and the worlds future like this year has been really bad so far for not just me but the whole nation actually the entire world honestly like war almost broke out in january and now this corona stuff is really buttering my crissont the wrong way-
Even though tsukishima literally gives No Fucks, yamaguchi is the complete opposite.
like tsukki and yamaguchi call on skype and eVERY TIME yamaguchi starts with ‘how have you been? do you feel sick at all? have you drank enough water today?’ and so on
“What are you even worrying about?”
“Well...what if you get the corona virius?... it can be deadly, you know!! Thousands of people have died from it!!! The fact school is shutting down and people are panicking is making me feel like i should be panicking-“
Tsukki will then snarkily reassure him it’s fine and people their age are the least likely to get it bad.
Yamaguchi will feel a little better afterwords
“Thank you, Tsukki!”
Tsukki will ‘tch’ it off
Even though he gets really good grades he has triuble finding motivation to do any school work?? doing school work in his own home? 😐
His home was kinda a place he can chill whereas school is a place he can be fully focused
but now his home is ALSO school??!!?
Luckily he understands the work, at least.
When he sees tsukishima on the call, too, he instantly says hello.
“Tsukki!! Hey!! 😁”
“Shut up.”
“Gomen, Tsukki.”
Yeah. Even when they aren’t at school, he’s still the same as always.
He takes extra care of his family and always stays in touch with other relatives. Especially grandpa and grandma. THE SECOND he learned elderly people are at more risk you bet your ass he’s calling them making sure they’re okay. He checks up on them everyday now.
He peobably practices volleyball a little, too. He’s more focused on schoolwork though.
Sugawara Koushi
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Have you guys ate dinner yet? 🥺
obviously checking up on everyone
he would fail as a mother if he didn’t.
Actually reads in his free time?? He finally has time on his hands to read these books so.... here we are!
Wakes up at a scheduled time everyday (minus weekends. Maybe sleeps for an extra hour or so).
He dresses in pjs rather than actual clothes because he’s not going anywhere with this social distancing thing.
Always tries to lighten the mood when all the students are on the online call. Maybe crack some joke or innocently play around with the effects.
He still pays close attention in class and does quite well on his own. No help from his parents! He can do everything on his own! He a big boi!
Does homework really well, too. Probably does extra work or more work than needed just because it makes him feel good afterwords.
Honestly i can see him cooking in his free time. If he doesnt feel like reading or scrolling mindlessly through his phone, he gonna cook.
Will make the best cookies in the universe.
Honestly isn’t too good with exercise so he might gain a few pounds or grow the smallest chub 🥺🥺🥺 he would be so cute omfg.
is realy involved with his family!! they play a board/card game every friday night and have the best time.
if he has a dog, cat, or literally any animal you know he’s gona be hanging with them since he has more time.
Still! Playing! Volleyball! I mean by now every boy is practicing at least a little bit. He would probably be in his backyard playing volleyball with his family. Theyy’d set up a net and everythin! They’re all rookies at it but he still cherishes the moments with them.
It’s honestly still practice. Better than nothing
He talks about how his family plays volleyball and everyone is so jealous like 😭😭 makes him more grateful hearing half the volleyball team saying they have to practice alone.
Watching youtube videos of random videos/vines making him giggling.
“Hey, Dachi, look at this video.”
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