#that pic from the live action has my whole heart
aeon-uriel · 2 months
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they love using each other as pillow. or bed.
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
stray kids soulmate aus | b. chan <3
a/n: i was knocked out by a migraine for days and the main motivation for me to get better was so i could write this au :,-) i love sweet chan and this prompt in particular has been a favorite of mine my whole life !!! i hope you enjoy it <33 pics not mine~
content: fluff, soulmate au | wc: 1.8k | warnings: none really! some mentions of food | pairing: soulmate!chan x gn!reader | requests: open
♡ chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin ♡
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soulmates meet in dreams every night, but your paths won’t cross in waking life until the time is right.
whenever chan had a rough day, he would crave sleep more desperately than on his worst insomniac nights. today was one of those days. he couldn’t say that it was a bad day, but they were nearing the end of the tour, so his emotions and physical exhaustion were running high. he rushed through his nighttime routine, aching to fall asleep and see your face. he knew that, even if it were brief, being with you would keep him from completely falling apart.
“it’s about time you showed up!” you teased, grinning at chan when he walked into the living room you two designed.
“i’m really sorry, y/n,” chan sighed, falling onto the sofa, “these last few shows have messed with my sleep schedule more than i expected. i feel so bad that i haven’t been around as much.”
your heart broke when you saw his frown, “chan, i’m not mad. please don’t feel bad. i just miss hanging out with you, and this is the only place i can do it. i’m grateful for any time we get together during your busy schedule!”
“y/n…” chan’s frown turned into an adorable pout, “that makes me feel even more guilty. you can’t be so nice and understanding!”
you laughed when he put his head in his hands. you wrapped him into a hug, appreciating the giggles that escaped his lips at the close contact. 
“i miss you more,” chan mumbled against your clothing.
you shook your head, which, surprisingly, chan noticed, “don’t disagree with me! it’s true!”
chan smiled widely when he saw you laughing. he paused to enjoy the sound of your laughter. then, once your laughs quieted, he held both of your hands in his.
“i promise that i’ll rest a ton once i’m back from tour, okay? i’ll be on break for a while, so i’ll make sure i am at your beck and call every time you sleep. i’ll do everything i can to make it up to you, to make up for the lost time. i swear.”
the combination of his grasp and sincere gaze was almost overwhelming. chan always made promises with his full heart, and you knew that to be especially true right now. 
“i believe you,” you smiled, which prompted chan’s shoulders to relax, “thank you, chan. you don’t have to make it up to me. but you do need to get some more rest. i don’t want to have to scold you to take care of yourself the first time we meet!”
“you’re going to anyway, no matter what i do,” chan teased, laughing hysterically at your glare.  
you moved the conversation into lighter topics, soaking up his presence. though the visit was once again fleeting, you two enjoyed your time together. it was always healing to be with chan. whether you spent your dreams seeing the world or relaxing in a familiar space, you woke up feeling rested, all thanks to spending the night with your other half.
after chan returned from tour, both of you happily settled into your normal routine. he kept his promise of resting more, much to your delight. rather than having to rush conversations, you could enjoy each other’s company throughout the night, only parting when your alarm went off in the morning. it was easy, natural. of course, there were days when the sunlight hit your eyes and left you feeling empty because that action alone separated you from your person. most days though, you beamed with gratitude because chan was recovering from his strenuous tour and returning to the happy-go-lucky man you knew him to be. 
last night’s dream was particularly wonderful. you and chan strolled around your favorite neighborhood while he told you all his favorite stories from tour. your heart always soared when you listened to the way he talked about seeing stays and joked about the antics he and the boys got up to while traveling. truly, the best part of it all was seeing him happy. the sparkle in his eyes and the upbeat tone of his voice were like a rush of sugar, the sweetest thing in the world. you confessed this to chan when a comfortable silence fell over you, and the last thing you heard before waking up was the sound of him giggling, highlighted by chan’s blushing skin.
perhaps it was chan’s sweetness that had you craving a treat as soon as you opened your eyes. stretching and soaking in the peacefulness of the late morning, you decided to go to your favorite bakery. it was the weekend, after all, and you wanted to do everything you could to maintain the happy mood chan put you in. after getting ready, you made your way to the bakery. the familiar route allowed your mind to wander, unsurprisingly to thoughts of your sweet soulmate.
the first dream you shared with chan was when you were six years old. you swung back and forth on the swingset in a quiet playground, covered nicely by the shade of a large tree. from beside you, a voice you had never heard before asked can i swing here too? you looked over, curious and unalarmed. when you saw the boy with curly brown hair smile shyly at you, you felt the tiniest of butterflies flutter in your stomach. you nodded, introducing yourself when he sat down on the swing next to you, i’m y/n. what’s your name? he grew more confident after hearing your voice, grinning charmingly as he said, i’m chan. it’s nice to meet you, y/n. you two watched the clouds float by, calling out the shapes you saw. in your childhood innocence and bravery, you suddenly asked, are you my soulmate? even as an adult, you could never forget the way chan’s ears turned bright red. how heartwarming it was for him to blush at the word “soulmate!” you didn’t need to hear him say yes, because the pink on his cheeks and the hopefulness in his eyes told you everything you needed to know. you wondered, heart pounding in your chest, if he’d look at you like that the first time he saw you in the real world.
the sound of the bakery door’s bell ringing snapped you out of your reverie. you inhaled the decadent smells of the shop, fresh baked warmth fit for a saturday. your lovestruck thoughts of chan could wait. you had business to attend to. 
you greeted the employees, browsing the items on display. you took your time, selected your treats, and paid at the register. the place wasn’t too full, so you figured you could take a seat at a table near the window to appreciate the cozy ambience for a bit. you scanned for the closest empty table, nearly falling over when you locked eyes with someone.
well, not just someone. chan.
your mouth opened, but you couldn’t produce anything more than a few stammering syllables. chan’s eyes were wide with shock, quickly twinkling with happiness. soon, he started laughing. the sound bubbled out of him as though he were a child set free in a candy store, delighted beyond belief. you started laughing too. before people started to stare, chan waved you over to his table, pulling out a seat just for you.
“fancy seeing you here,” chan giggled through the cheesy line.
you rolled your eyes, smile never leaving your face, “don’t get me wrong. it is absolutely the best surprise in the world to see you here right now. but how does drinking a large coffee count as resting?”
chan lifted the coffee cup between you two, “oh this? i only got this because i couldn’t find a nap buddy anywhere. it looks like my luck might have changed though.”
he winked, making you blush and giggle like a teenager. not wanting to let him have all the fun, you grinned and replied, “i guess my first official duty as your soulmate is getting you to take a nap, isn’t it?”
now it was chan’s turn to blush. your body flooded with fondness, seeing the way his ears turned bright red at the word soulmate as it had when he first heard you say it. chan accepted your order when they called out your name, excitedly commenting on how good your taste was. the pep in his step was visible, though anyone who saw you would say that your pace matched his exactly. you two practically skipped the whole way back to your place, conversation flowing as though seeing each other was your plan all along. 
“can we take a second to talk about how crazy this is? that we finally met? after all these years, we’ve been only a handful of miles away from each other, and we met today?”
chan’s expression was full of glee and disbelief, and you agreed with his sentiment fully, “they really aren’t lying when they say you won’t meet until the time is right,” you paused, reminding yourself that this moment was real, “i do think it’s ridiculous we’ve practically been neighbors this whole time though. no wonder it always felt strange when you were on tour.”
chan pouted, “don’t remind me…that’ll make me feel even worse about leaving…” then, a smile replaced his pout, “at least now we know that every time i come back from traveling, i’ll be coming home to you!”
you returned his smile, only looking away to unlock your door. you slipped off your shoes and made room for chan to come inside. while you’ve dreamt of chan your whole life, nothing was more surreal than seeing him in your home. he looked so much like he belonged there, as though he had been inhabiting the space for as long as you. yet you stood there, staring, unable to believe that your dream had finally come true.
“what are you staring at, mon rêve?” chan asked, smiling sweetly.
“it’s just…” you walked across the room, meeting him halfway, “i can’t believe you’re here.”
chan hummed in agreement. without another word, he intertwined your hands, looking at you intently. you led him to your favorite nap spot, adjusting it so everything was just right. instinctively, your bodies molded together, finding comfort in the shared embrace. mere seconds after thank you left chan’s lips, you both slipped into sleep, breaths falling into your natural harmony.
you weren’t sure how much time had passed when you opened your eyes. it was strange, almost unnerving, to wake up from a dream that did not include chan. before the panic or sadness could settle in, you looked over to the man in your arms. you stared in awe at his lips curling up ever so slightly, his hair in disarray, and his chest rising to the beat of the precious heart you belonged to. every little detail of chan was at your fingertips, and it was more beautiful than any dream you had ever had.
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just-avocado · 7 months
So I stayed up until like four last night writing down the lyrics for the Circe Saga because it’s incredible and Spotify didn’t have lyrics yet but since tumblr doesn’t want me to post pics rn for some reason I’ll just try again later and instead talk about the songs!!! :D
Puppeteer- The intro instrumental lives in my head to rent and so does Eurylochus’s rap part, I need to know what he was going to tell Odysseus he sounded so vulnerable- I swear this guy is climbing up my favorite characters list, I do find it interesting how he wanted to leave the crew behind with Circe when later in Mutiny he confronted Odysseus for “trading the lives of his crew” in order to get home so hopefully that means he had a change and heart and wasn’t just being a hypocrite, I also love how the Circe Saga as a whole but especially Puppeteer and There Are Other Ways really highlight how terrible Odysseus feels about everything he’s done, everyone he’s failed or killed since leaving home, I need to know how he goes from hating himself to embracing all he’s done
Uhh favorite lines!
“Look at all we’ve lost and all we’ve learned, Every single cost is so much more than what we’ve earned” SING IT Eurylochus
Wouldn’t You Like- HEHEHEH I absolutely adore the synthwave-y aspects of the song I’m a huge lover of synthwave vibes as of recent, I would genuinely vibe to the instrumental all day long, Mr. Jalapeño release the instrumental versions pLplzplz 🙏, I’m sure we all know by know that Troy is the real Hermes there’s no other way he can bring THAT much charisma to the role, I’ve seen charisma before but never like that oh my god, I also love his unhinged laugh so much idk how he does it but I want to learn, also when I was writing the lyrics I had to stop for a sec and be like “is this song just Hermes giving his great grandson drugs ooor-“ because that’s 100% something he would do
Favorite lines…
Just the entire “Here in the root of this flower, There lies such a power, To take her on” segment of the song it’s just 👌
Also the part where he’s going OOOhoOhohAhahdph while the ensemble sings his verses his voice is so BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL oh my GOD
“Don’t thank me friend! You very well may die” I chuckled so loud lmao
And his little “Good luck 😉” he’s so silly he knows shit is going to go down
Done For- okay was the lyric for this song always “I just ate a flower, one that claims your power” cuz I could have sworn it was drains your power but I might just be crazy, also chimera supremacy I love that Jorge was able to find a way to implement it, Jorge and Talya’s voices sound so great together I need more 😭, I also love that this song starts to hint at more depth behind Circe’s actions idk who out here thinks she’s a meh one-note/one-off villain but she’s not!! I’ll make a 50 page PowerPoint on this don’t test me!!
Fav lines…
“You’ve lost.” Okay Odysseus 🤡
“My nymphs are like my daughters, I protect them at all costs, The last time we let strangers live, We faced a heavy loss.” This!! This is what I’m saying she feels like she has no choice other than to hurt people so that the people she loves will stay safe, she’s literally Odysseus further down the line! it’s so fascinating to see a character like this facing off against the main protagonist bc at this point in the story we don’t know what kind of person he will become yet and yet Jorge shows us with Circe Ahdldhnsbdk
There Are Other Ways- Okay I’ll be honest, this song was the last one on my radar not bc I didn’t like it but because I was just looking forward to others so much more and it was also the one I intentionally heard less clips of because I wanted at least one song that I didn’t already know half of the lyrics to 💀 ANYWAY THIS ONE IS THE BEST SONG IN THE CIRCE SAGA CHANGE MY MIND (I’m so sorry Troy I love your voice but this song is simply better) Dude the lyrics go soso hard in this one, I’m such a sucker for one character having like a big emotional moment while another is like singing/backing them up in the background and there’s so much of that here, and the call backs? Both to earlier songs in the saga AND Just A Man, my favorite song Just A Man? Every call back to that song is just so RAW I LOVE IT, I don’t know a ton about Greek mythology outside of Epic so I dont know if Circe and Posideon have this past beef or something but I do find it interesting that it’s only after he is mentioned that Circe decides to help Odysseus but I also think it’s larger due to how he reminds her of herself with how he misses Penelope, UM THE BEAT DROP after the underworld is mentioned for the first time??? CHILLS SHIVERS EVERYTHING dude I love how the entire atmosphere changes so much because yes this could be Odysseus’ only change to make it home safely but it’s also so much more dangerous than the shitty situation they’re already in so there’s not even time for relief or a breath of air like he’s IN it now there’s no going back
Best lyrics omfg…
“There are other roads to the soul~” Talya, Tayla. This is why some of us can’t sing, the universe needs balance and you are the only explanation for that
“Want to save your men from the fire? Show me that you’re willing to burn” 😐 AAAAAH
“But there’s no puppet here” get it puppeteer? Puppet here? I thought it was clever lol
“Back at home, my wife awaits for me, She’s my everything, My Penelope” The yearning in his voice made me feel things
“So I beg you Circe, Grant us mercy, And let us puppets leeeeave~” We have literally never seen Odysseus use this sort of tactic before to get his way but I genuinely think he’s being genuine here, no play, he only wants to see his wife and son again, he’s so close to giving up hope, he’s losing his spirit, he’s searching for any sliver of help even from a women who wants him dead
“I know of a brilliant prophet… Problem is that prophets dead.” Again the cord or piano key I think it was was so AH SO GOOD AH I am foaming at the mouth for when we start getting teasers for the Underworld Saga
“Maybe showing one act of kindness, Leads to kinder souls down the road” someone make an au where Polities and Circe become besties she needs a friend like him but don’t we all, but seriously THIS is what I’m saying!! She is future Odysseus! Only difference being is that she’s so tired of hurting people at this point she decides to take a chance and give help rather than pain in the hopes that it will somehow contribute to a kinder world
“Maybe one day the world, Will need a puppeteer no more” this is her plea for help, she yearns for the day where she won’t need to be a monster in order to protect her nymphs, for Odysseus his plea was for him and his men to leave, they both showed such vulnerability in this song in different ways its ART ITS ART *gun shot*
“I have been in love once before” She even had her own Penelope guys, this is the true reason why she decided to help Odysseus methinks
Okay uhhh I think that’s it ^_^ Circe Saga rules, it might be my fav saga I’ll decide soon
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qserasera · 1 year
my dream svsss live action cast
Part 1
this really started out as a jokey post because it had clicked in my mind who the absolutely Perfect actor for shang qinghua would be but then i was all🤔🤔who else would i put in a svsss live action if i had a choice??
most actors are from dramas i’ve already seen or at least have heard of....pics mostly from screencaps or dramalist
Original Shen Qingqiu - Wang Duo
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LISTEn. LISTEN TO ME.... i am gently holding ur shoulders as i say this!! (accept no substitutes!!! which is deeply ironic considering what does happen to sqq in-story but :’‘))
elegant, coolly calculating and vicious, prideful with these glass shards moments of vulnerability...what can't this man do??
Luo Binghe - (Older version) Chen Zheyuan
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i never did watch him in handsome siblings, but i did enjoy the way he played his character in Mr. Bad....i like how...hmm easy he finds it to fluidly change between these expressions of slightly wicked/sly and definitely more innocent and vulnerable, which could be fun for older/sorta of toasted marshmallow blackened luo binghe...the younger 14-yr old white lotus!lbh would likely be played by a different actor but i have no strong opinions on that
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honorable mention for another lbh choice that was considered - Richard Yi from the webdrama series ‘has xianzun been whitewashed yet today?’ (ie in the meaning of cleaning up his bad reputation)
(while it Was pretty tempting to put down someone like luo yunxi for lbh i ended up not doing that---he does possess the requisite levels of dramatic evil presence and feral fury and resentment, i think he might lack a little bit hmmmm that kind of softer, more youthful side that lbh would still show maybe)
Shang Qinghua - Tian Yu
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...hey like. his whole acting in joy of life....Is he Not the Perfect choice????
the entire smiley while seemingly being obsequious and awkwardly uncool (obsessed w/ money all the time, his top fighting skill being RUNNING AWAY with his qigong), while ALSO having these good moments of adaptable cunning under a supposedly harmless exterior...... o w o
Mobei-jun - Nicky Wu
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idk what to say for this one (◕ᴗ◕✿) (◕ᴗ◕✿) scarlet heart/bbjx was Both deeply formative and also hecked up my brain chemistry a Ton, but if u need a character who is the strong Silent type but also exudes killing intent/pressure and a regal aura...i think he could pull it off for sure
Part 2 for this post for my headcanon casting of other characters would be incoming at some point. PART 2 OF HEADCANON SVSSS CAST HERE.
do feel free to interact with this post in the replies though
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your-divine-ribs · 1 month
I’m With the Band Part 24
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Words: 2.7k
I’m With the Band Masterlist Main Masterlist
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Shit happens...
That's what I usually say when things go sour... whether it's my fault or not. Hearts get broken, people get hurt, lives get irrevocably changed by others' actions every single day... for the better and the worst. It's just a fact of life.
I never normally dwell on the complicated stuff, the messy stuff like feelings and letting people down and taking responsibility for my wrongdoings. It's so much easier to just look the other way.
But as I stand there in the hotel room staring at the doorway which Sam's just bolted through I'm struck with a hollow, sinking feeling gnawing in my gut which I know isn't going to just fade away if I flop back into bed and try and shut out the world by closing my eyes and trying to sleep.
I've fucked up and I've fucked up bad... and for once I actually feel terrible about it. I can't just leave things the way they are. I won't settle until I've at least tried to make amends.
I dive straight for the door, hoping to catch Sam before he leaves and I see him up ahead in the kitchen area filling a glass with cold water which he promptly starts to gulp. He's leaning forward against the counter top, one hand gripping the edge. His whole body looks stiff and full of tension. Not like last night when he was pressing up against me carefree, laughing and dancing. Not like this morning when his strong arms were wrapped around me as he pulled me close and caressed me tenderly.
"Sam?" My voice is small, but it still sounds loud in the quiet space, like it's echoing off the walls. I keep my distance, hovering uncertainly at the edge of the kitchen area.
"Save it Arabella, I don't wanna hear it."
He doesn't look around, he just stares straight ahead at the wall, even when he places the empty glass back in the sink. I can see his jaw tighten, his profile set in a mask of angry shock.
"I didn't mean for this to happen, I swear," I say, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice that's threatening to break into a sob. "I don't know what happened but I didn't put your photo online. It wasn't me!"
Sam turns to face me then, his eyes wide and disbelieving. "It wasn't you? Well who was it then? Some random person snuck into the hotel room last night and took piccies of me whilst I was sleeping did they?" He laughs bitterly. "Oh, and I suppose you just happily posed for them too seeing as you're in the other photo!"
Crap... this is even worse than I thought. Portia has obviously posted both photos, meaning that not only has Sam's naked pic gone viral but the whole world knows who he hooked up with last night. I'm not exactly a socialite but with the circles that I move in back home I'm sure word will spread around fast. Everyone will be clamouring to find out the juicy gossip. And as if on cue I hear my phone ringing again from the bedroom. I ignore it, finally stepping towards Sam, horrified when he recoils from me.
I stop abruptly, searching for words that will somehow make this better, but I'm not sure if any will. Maybe it will help if I try to explain my motives last night, even as questionable as they are in the inebriated state that I was in.
"Look Sam... please let me explain. I really didn't mean for this to happen, honestly. I was stupid and I was drunk, I wasn't thinking properly. It was just a silly, spur of the moment impulse thing... you looked so good lying there I just wanted to capture the moment..."
Sam scoffs at me, cutting me off. "Yeah, and get your fifteen minutes of fame whilst you were at it. That's what all of this is about isn't it?"
"No, no it's not!" I cry, loud enough to wake everyone else in the suite but not caring now. The way Sam's looking at me is crushing me. I feel tears prick in my eyes but I blink them away. He's sure to think they're just crocodile tears. "I didn't post the photos online, I swear! I would never do that! I only sent them to a friend... my best friend, Portia from back home. She must have posted them. That must be what happened. I can call her... I can ask her to take them down!"
Sam's quiet for a moment, he just looks at me with so much hurt and distaste in his eyes. When he speaks his voice is quiet, soft but cutting in the most brutal way. "You just don't get it do ya? I don't give a shit about how the photos ended up online. It's the fact that you shared them. It was supposed to be a private moment between me and you." He indicates the two of us with a flick of his hand. "How'd you feel if I'd snapped photos of you last night and sent them to Dean, huh?"
"I... errr... I... errr," I flounder, considering saying that it wouldn't bother me but actually knowing full well that I'd hate it.
"You don't have to answer, because I wouldn't do it," Sam says bluntly. "I wouldn't dream of fucking doing it. You know why?"
He's asking but I know he doesn't want an answer to this question either. He's going to tell me himself in no uncertain terms. And he does, as he's backing out of the kitchen area, eyes still fixed on mine.
"Because I respect you Arabella, I fucking respect you, that's why." He shakes his head, looks down and turns for the door, stopping just before he opens it. "Or rather I did."
And then he's gone, leaving me alone once again with my shame and guilt.
The tears come then, little sobs that I try to stifle at first but then I can't. I turn away from the kitchen area, not sure where I'm going but ending up walking out on to the decking, stopping in my tracks when I realise that I'm not alone. I wouldn't have imagined that anyone else would be up this early after a heavy night of drinking. The bright rays of the early morning sun are only just peeping over the cityscape.
"Van! What're you doing up? You been out here all night or something?"
Van's sitting exactly where I left him last night when I went back to bed. The only difference is he's wearing a t-shirt and a pair of trackie bottoms. He squints up at me against the glare, a hand coming up to shield his eyes, a cigarette in the other.
"Nah, course not. Couldn't sleep, that's all. Can never sleep much in hotels... mind you I don't get much at home either. Find it hard to switch off." He stops to take a drag, his eyes narrowing even further and I don't think it's the sun this time. I glance away, surreptitiously dabbing at a stray tear that's started to roll down my cheek. "You're not crying are you?"
He sits forward in the seat, face set in concern.
"No... no... it's just..." I trail off, unsure what to say. Now my hook-up with Sam's gone viral there doesn't seem like much point in trying to hide it. In fact I'm surprised Van hasn't mentioned it. I'd have thought that he'd be giving me a hard time about it as soon as he caught sight of me. I lied to him and Johnny after all and that wasn't even my worst misdemeanour of the night.
"It's Sam isn't it?" Van says quickly. "I know he stopped over last night and something's happened. I heard raised voices just now inside, it sounded pretty heated." He frowns as he reaches over to stub his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray. "What happened? He'd better not be fucking you around."
His voice drops low with a kind of warning that would make me laugh if my situation wasn't so dire.
"You mean you don't know?" I ask, incredulous, glancing towards his phone which lies face down on the table. "You not checked your Twitter feed yet this morning?"
Van shrugs. "Think my phone's died. Not that that would make a difference. I'm not a slave to social media like you lot. I actually think it's pretty toxic." He cracks a grin then. "Besides, every time I reply to a tweet on the band socials I get in trouble for it. Too inappropriate apparently."
His smile fades quickly when he sees my troubled expression remaining and he holds out a hand, patting the seat next to him simultaneously. "What's happened Bella? C'mon, come and sit with me. Tell me what's wrong."
I'm surprised by the softness in his voice and the concern in his eyes. I'd have thought that he'd be aggrieved by the knowledge that I spent the night with Sam, his jealous streak rearing its head after it was so apparent last night. In contrast he only seems to be worried about me and it's such a relief that I sit down straight away, nestling into his side as he drapes an arm over my shoulder.
"C'mon love, you can tell me. What's he done? What's he done to you?"
Now I know why Van's being so soft. He thinks Sam's upset me, that he's the one in the wrong. It couldn't be further from the truth. I look down at my lap where my fingers are twisting nervously around each other. What will he think of me when he finds out what I've done? What will all the lads think of me? I was so keen on them seeing me as the fun-loving, good-time girl without a care in the world that I always strive to be, but all of a sudden keeping up appearances doesn't seem important anymore.
"I know ya think I'm just a loud-mouthed pain in the arse but I can be a good listener too." Van squeezes my shoulder, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on my skin.
"It's... not Sam... it's... it's me," I murmur, keeping my head down. "I've done something. It's Sam that's mad at me... not the other way round."
Van sounds shocked. "What did you do?"
I swallow deeply, the guilt of upsetting Sam settling like heavy rocks in the pit of my belly. I wonder how many times I'll have to repeat this story over and over, watching people's appalled reactions.
"I took some photos of Sam and me... together... last night… when he was asleep... and he was… naked..."
I drag the words out, feeling guilty all over again as I see Sam's hurt expression in my mind. The whole story comes out, slowly at first as I carefully watch Van, waiting for his face to crease in anger like Sam's did. It doesn't. He just looks stunned, then he cringes in obvious second-hand embarrassment for Sam as I finish up.
"So that's it," I say meekly, shaking my head. "Sam thinks I did all of this on purpose just so I could get a few likes on Instagram, and I didn't, I swear! That wasn't my intention at all!"
I wince when Van's eyebrows raise up in question. "So what were your intentions then?"
And that's the million dollar question.
I never intended my tryst with Sam to become the latest hot topic in the turbulent waters of fandom social media, but I wasn't exactly thinking much about his feelings when I'd been triumphant in seducing him back to my hotel room and then bragging about my fling to Portia. The thing is, the boys I usually entertain are only interested in the superficial stuff and never emotional attachments, and that's always suited me just fine. They'd always brag about their conquests like they were some kind of status symbol and I would just tut and roll my eyes in disgust. Now the realisation that I'm in fact no better than them makes me feel deeply uncomfortable.
"I mean, yeah... I guess I was kinda showing off," I admit quietly, but then I add quickly "but only to Portia. The pictures were only meant for her, not the whole world. How was I supposed to know she was gonna post them online?" I can feel another sob building up but I try to swallow it down. "I'm officially an A class bitch and Sam Fender fucking hates me!"
I don't usually let things affect me like this, I've perfected the cool and aloof exterior that I maintain at all times. It's slipping now though. Van's hand moves down my back, soothing touches meant to reassure.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you really Bella, he's just a private guy, that's all. Look... it's probably blowing up right now but give it a few days and things'll quieten down. That's the thing with socials, today's news'll be tomorrow's history. Everything'll be fine, you'll see."
"I'm not so sure," I sigh, watching him rise up, letting him take my hand as he reaches for it, pulling me up on to my feet. I wished I shared his optimism. "He was mad... really mad. I fucked up badly. I mean, how would you feel if someone did that to you?"
"You're really asking me that?" Van's lips curl into a cheeky smile. "You're really gonna ask the guy who leaked his own nudes?"
What on earth is he talking about?
"You did what?" I ask as he tugs gently on my hands, urging me to follow him as he edges back towards the suite. "And where are we going?"
He just grins, insistently pulling me forwards. "That's a story for another day. Right now you're going back to bed. C'mon love, it's too early to be up. Things won't seem so bad when you've had a bit more sleep. And the lads aren't gonna surface for at least another couple of hours. Probably midday knowing Larry!"
"But... but what about you? You said you couldn't sleep. What are you gonna do?"
I'm inside now, still being towed along. Past Van's room and another couple of closed doors which I'm sure Larry and Johnny are sleeping soundly behind. At least I didn't wake them when I was exchanging harsh words with Sam.
"Dunno," Van shrugs thoughtfully, finally letting go of my hand as I lean up against the doorframe of my room. "Might get stoned... might write a tune... write all my best stuff when everyone else is sleeping!"
He steps back but pauses, watching me carefully as I glance back into my room at the bed. I'm not relishing the idea of more sleep right now. I'm picturing me and Sam entwined there not more than twenty minutes ago. I'm pretty sure sleep won't come easily with my mind in turmoil the way it is, fretting over what's happened and what the fallout will be. I look back at Van and I can tell he senses my hesitance.
"Errr... Bella, ya know... you can... errr... always come back to my room... if ya don't wanna be alone right now..."
He speaks hesitantly, almost shyly, and I even fancy that I see a hint of a blush on his cheeks. Surely not? It's most unlike Van and I don't think I've ever seen a more adorable sight.
Fuck... I really am going soft...
"You just don't quit do you?" I ask teasingly, folding my arms across my chest.
"I didn't mean for that!" He says defensively. "I just meant to hang out until the others wake up!"
I smirk at him. "Well... this is a first! Van McCann inviting a girl back to his hotel room with the intention of not having sex! If I know you I'd say that's pretty much unheard of... am I right?"
He softens then when he realises that I'm teasing him, a smile forming which grows even more when I push off from the doorframe and step back into the hallway.
"Well... maybe there's a lot about me that you don't know yet then... that's all I'm saying."
"Oh really?"
"Yes... really," he smiles, his hand slipping over mine as he turns to walk back the way we came, urging me to follow him.
And I do...
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outeremissary · 1 year
Top 5 angel or angel-adjacent characters?
OKAY so this was delayed by my computer restarting against my will and destroying the draft. It's okay :') I feel like my list is probably going to be lamer than expected anyway, haha. I suspect this will be a very lame list as well... the shameful fact is for all the time I spend looking at illustrations with angelic motifs, I don't spend much time with angelic characters in stories.
Tristian (Pathfinder: Kingmaker)
This game has some kind of malign influence on my life.
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2. Gabriel (Constantine)
I don't think Constantine is a good movie and I did not enjoy rewatching it as an adult. It turns out the reason I remembered it as being a bit befuddling when watched as a child (I think I caught the back half on tv once?) is because it's just not very good. But do you know what was even better than the pristine memory burned into my mind? Gabriel. Gabriel. Gabriel is so unspeakably perfect on screen. So soft and imposing. So lethal and forceful. Beautiful when in that prim and proper suit, and a vision as a white clad warrior! That twisted philosophy of making humanity "worthy" of love... this had some kind of profound impact on my developing brain, I fear. As a side note, I think there aren't a whole lot of feathery wings that look good in live action stuff, but Gabriel's are actually pretty solid! It probably helps that they're not onscreen much, and not generally static when they are.
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3. Angel of Death (Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
I'll be real with you, I remember borderline nothing about Hellboy II, which I last watched when I was 9. But do you know what I remember? The Angel of Death. I remember the Angel of Death so vividly that when my ex had proposed we watch Hellboy I got Really Excited about seeing the Angel of Death and finally getting some context on that vague memory. And do you know what happened? The Angel of Death isn't in the first movie! Betrayed! Bamboozled! And for the rest of the night my ex kept calling me an angelfucker because I was so vocally disappointed.
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4. Satan (Devilman)
I'll be real with you, I absolutely saw Crybaby before any other Devilman related thing and this is ummm. Not insignificantly influenced by my feelings about long haired Satan. Anyway. I love a good Satan. Everyone loves a good Satan. I love the deep commitment Satan has to his/their chosen people (the demons) and how desperately he/they works to preserve them. I'm also a huge sucker for a good pyrrhic victory, so what I'm really hooked on is the sincere, pure affection that Satan then develops for one special human who refuses to be taken in and sheltered and protected and saved from the annihilation of humanity. The ultimate symbol of Satan's victory is the destruction of that precious connection, and that's all it takes to make it all feel like it was for nothing. What a pure heart! And then there's all the time loop stuff as well, which is Spicy
Anyway, all Satans are valid but I'm only including one pic, so enjoy long haired Satan.
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5. The Wood Sprite (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio)
This is mostly an aesthetic pick... the truth is that as a character I liked Death better. But like. What an aesthetic. Is it cheating to pick two del Toro designs? I resisted the temptation to add Death as well!
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Still, it feels a more substantial choice is needed. Thus, I cheat:
5. 82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Subdue Evil (Kill Six Billion Demons)
White Chain is a fantastic character with a substantial character arc dripping with ye olde trans allegory (we love a good trans angel in this house). She struggles throughout the series with the conflict between what she understands to be her duty as an angel upholding cosmic law and her compassion for mortals and desire to protect them. Already an outcast among her peers, she fears further alienation. Her form has also been becoming steadily more human-like: messy, complicated proof of connection she's desperate to deny and her superiors wish to stamp out. Her struggle to grow into her own identity is one of my favorite side character arcs in the comic.
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4. Satan (Devilman)
I'll be real with you, I absolutely saw Crybaby before any other Devilman related thing and this is ummm. Not insignificantly influenced by my feelings about long haired Satan. Anyway. I love a good Satan. Everyone loves a good Satan. I love the deep commitment Satan has to his/their chosen people (the demons) and how desperately he/they works to preserve them. I'm also a huge sucker for a good pyrrhic victory, so what I'm really hooked on is the sincere, pure affection that Satan then develops for one special human who refuses to be taken in and sheltered and protected and saved from the annihilation of humanity. The ultimate symbol of Satan's victory is the destruction of that precious connection, and that's all it takes to make it all feel like it was for nothing. What a pure heart! And then there's all the time loop stuff as well. Who doesn't love being eternally trapped in a purgatory of realizing one's mistakes just a little too late to avert them.
Anyway, all Satans are valid but I'm only including one pic, so enjoy long haired Satan.
Honorary mention purely so I can add pictures of her: Eniale
Comedy isn't really my favorite genre, so I didn't expect much of Eniale & Dewiela. But the characters certainly have a lot of charm, and Kamome Shirahama's breathtaking art does a lot to make every moment feel special in a very light hearted series. I have a very strong fondness for Eniale. She's just a little goofball. She's a terrible angel and doesn't work even half as hard as her demonic counterpart (and self-consciously notes that she's far less powerful). She means so well, but she's shallow, airheaded, and selfish, and just tends to cause as many problems as she solves. Despite that, she's incredibly sincere and passionate when it counts. I really love that. She's just a goofy lil scamp! She's a goofy lil scamp and she makes me smile. Also here are some pictures of her.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Tragedy struck when the naval yacht Iolaire struck a reef on approaching Stornoway Harbour in the early hours of New Years Day 1919.
It has been described as the blackest day in the history of the Western Isles when more than 200 servicemen returning from the First World War died as their ship went down in sight of Stornoway harbour. Despite being Britain’s worst maritime disaster since the Titanic, the loss of the Iolaire remains little known beyond the isles.
The disaster occurred at 1.55am on 1st January 1919, when 205 Lewis and Harris men drowned as the HMY Iolaire sank in heavy seas. They had survived the war and were returning home for the New Year celebrations when the ship struck the rocks at Holm, 20 yards from the shore.
A report in the Stornoway Gazette recorded the impact of the tragedy:
No one now alive in Lewis can ever forget the 1st January 1919, and future generations will speak of it as the blackest day in the history of the island, for on it 200 of our bravest and best perished on the very threshold of their homes under the most tragic circumstances.  The terrible disaster at Holm on New Year’s morning has plunged every house and every heart in Lewis into grief unutterable.  Language cannot express the anguish, the desolation, the despair which this awful catastrophe has inflicted.  One thinks of the wide circle of blood relations affected by the loss of even one of the gallant lads, and imagination sees those circles multiplied by the number of the dead, overlapping and overlapping each other till the whole island – every hearth and home it is shrouded in deepest gloom.
Messages of sympathy were received from far and wide, including from the King and Queen and from Lord Leverhulme, who had purchased the island of Lewis the previous year. He also led calls for a disaster fund to be set up and fund raising events were initiated.   The Cinematograph Exhibitors’ Associations of Edinburgh and Glasgow arranged to take collections in all picture houses under their control for a week. A fundraising concert was arranged in the Usher Hall in Edinburgh on 14 February 1919, at which Scott Skinner, the acclaimed  fiddler and composer and many others performed.
A naval inquiry held at the time was not made public until 1970. It had concluded that no blame could be attributed to anybody as the ship’s log had been lost and all of the officers had perished.
The subject of my previous post, Iain Crichton Smith’s penned a poignant poem The Iolaire, about the tragedy, Peter May touched upon the tragedy in hius novel, The Chessmen, part of the Lewis Trilogy.
No other area of the country saw such a high percentage of its young, male, fight and die in the war.
Local man John Finlay Macleod’s actions were crucial in saving 40 lives. Macleod saw the crash from the shore, grabbed a rope, and jumped in the water to set up a rescue line. The other 39 survivors either swam to shore or were rescued from the wreck, meaning that the rescue line was responsible for more than half of the rescues that night.
The pics are of the memorials to this tragedy, the original obelisk dates to 1960 and is joined by a nearby cairn. For the centenary of the sinking, the Outer Hebridean arts institution An Lanntair commissioned a group of artists including Arthur Watson, Marian Levan, and Will Maclean to create an additional sculpture to be incorporated into the memorial. Recognizing John Finlay Macleod, the bronze showcases a coiled rope and was unveiled by Prince Charles in January 2019.
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sirravenous2 · 1 year
My whole life has been a rollercoaster.
I've fought through the very physical as well as degrading mental abuse from childhood. That experience turned to evil vengeful hateful actions during my 20's. Always hiding my depression.
Then being betrayed by the one person I thought wouldn't do me harm.
People trying to exploit me when down.
My love blinded me.
I thought my life would never got better.
I completely had given up on love.
Fuck, I couldn't trust anyone, especially with all these online fakes a hundred a day.
Wrong guy, I smell scammers from half way around the world!
At this point I no longer believe that anyone could accept the love I gave, honest, loyal, communicating, passionate nurturing love.
And I can't see anyone that could literally legitimately love me back loyally & being truly honest & open.
And if I did try the girls must of thought they were far too damaged, they didn't deserve wholesome pure love or the famous bullshit;
I must be too good to be true!
Deep down I hoped some one would come along & show me the true meaning of what a committed relationship was.
We could share notes, effort & iron things out...ll
Love we both are missing.
I'd be singing in the shower again, content finally.
I just wish too much in a world full of damaged people quick to compare a great guy or girl to their last piece of shit narcissist or abusive cunt, or a thief of time, money, ability to trust, etc...
Is it possible that an actual truly good person could maybe, just maybe have their own little fairytale; if people could let go of past idiots or gold diggers or shit humans?
Should one just wait for it till it's too late, or your tomorrow didn't come?
Fuck... I don't know.
I've been close, but no cigar.
I'm still waiting, searching, not like I used to.
Because shit, I've walked the soles from my feet trying to hopefully find my person, that one & only.
And with a heart that bleeds, it's fractured & still pained...
My mind nowadays relentlessly guarding the last pieces of the only heart I have, pushing more people away because through experience being single my 1st thought about each new person is: Bitch is fake, A dude from Nigeria/Ghana who knows..with some stolen pics of some poor girl who has no clue a Motherfucker is pretending he's her. (I'm never fooled, all fakes have suck ass grammar).
If I approach any woman to learn who they are, and to see if they are my compliment, not my completion.
It'll turn out I'm not their compliment because they want more than me, more like material things or monetary gain not love & romance happily ever after!
With this world going government ape shit with control actually being the 1% or ELITES, YOU ALL NEEDN'T BE WORRIED ABOUT MONEY & THINGS!
More like who will be by your side when majority of population are just things controlled, used or disposed of like trash?
Time counts, time never stops & what passes is forever gone, no money can buy time back, you cannot bargain or borrow time.
No money will purchase happiness or love.
And NOBODY is promised tomorrow!
So no rush to love out of fear!
Yet I weigh on each hand what's worse?
Dying alone still waiting on an imaginary perfect person?
Or, not dying but aging till the heart slows too much & the search ends & nobody their to even know you're dead?
As the sunsets in our eyes that final time, you turn to look beside you:
I want to see in someone eyes that's right there saying my last I love you, & go in peace because our lives were full.
After all what becomes of that real lover, the soulmate that never had deviant motives or hidden agenda?
They never had silence, gave all of themselves, always loyal, affectionate with passion & compassion and was always honest, never abandoned you?
That's loving.
Real living!
A heart beating slower saddened wasting what somebody missed because of pride, shy, comparison of that past experience keeping them there, pushing others away as if that last narcissistic guy still has control or became magically this new legitimate person?
And then twin flames who missed connection..
Sadly both alone, apart, yet still simultaneously hearts stop beating.
It's over.
Your mind is a good thing but we should always trust our heart & gut more and our mind plays tricks!
Just hear me out...
Don't let the last fuck up person or your mind seal your heart.
And never having the chance to have your last beat be with the one you belong with.
Nobody is promised a tomorrow.
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mayullla · 2 years
I have another idea for the orphanage au! What if reader has a love but since the 40+ kids arrived you had less and less time together and just interact through text. You used to have long midnight chats but slowly but surely you lover text you less and less and only chat good morning or good nights you didn't really notice the change bcs all day you are tired taking care of the kids. One day while going out buy some stuff with some of the kids for Idk grocery shopping until you found your lover cheating right infront of your eyes. You stood there frozen ,the kids immediately are on high alert trying to find what cause you this reaction when they look at what you saw. Their lover cheating. The kids knows about your lover bcs one of the kids asked about why you often look sleep deprived when you revealed that you were chatting with your lover all night and you even showed them a pic of you and your lover. The kids were of course burning with jealousy asking themselves 'what part of them that is so good to the point you love them'. After you saw your lover cheating you immediately went up to your lover confronted about it. The lover was suprised. "Why did you cheat on me?!I thought you loved me?!" You asked. The lover replied "I did but when you start being busy I was bored and found a better person who can actually spend some time with me and now I'm busy with my lover too". (The victim blaming oop). After that you slapped your lover and went back to the kids. The kids saw everything and they were FURIOUS 'how dare they blame YOU for their cheating?!?!' You had tears in your eyes but you held it in bcs there are kids. After that whole fiasco you brought them back to the orphanage and acted as if everything is okay but the kids knew you better than you do. They noticed something is wrong with you. Your smile looks a bit forced and your eyes are glossy when get asked you just replied "really? Huh maybe there was some dust in my eye" acting dumb. That night you went into your bed early and went to your bedroom. You lock the door and cry your hearts out into your pillow bcs you didn't want the kids to hear you but several kids like kazuha and kids that sleep near you can hear you and quickly woke up everyone. The kids who witnessed everything told everyone what happened today and after hearing you cry and the bastards actions they made a plan to make your ex regret for what they did to you. When you were fast asleep after the crying session they opened your phone to find out here your ex lives. That night they scared the living daylights and humiliated them. Fast forward several day later you found your phone filled with apologies from your ex. At that moment you were already a bit over them so you just replied "I don't care about it anymore" and block them. The kids were wondering who were you texting and replied "oh just a nobody" you smiled to comfort them and they smiled too bcs they knew that it was your ex and now you think of them as a nobody.
WHHEEEZEEE I CANT- Rip that dude but like what can you do no~? heh
After that, it was celebrated with ice cream with all the kids!
[ - Orphanage Au is here - ]
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Fic Rec Love List 💕
Here's the final list of all the fic that was recced for my 1,111 Followers Celebration.  In the end you lovely folks recommended 80 fantastic stories/series and a whole lotta love was spread!  Thank you so much to everyone who participated!!  <3
Here’s a breakdown of fics recced by character:
Frankie Morales (Triple Frontier) - 25
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) - 22
Marcus Pike (The Mentalist) - 7
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman: TGC) - 6
Javier Peña (Narcos) - 6
Ezra (Prospect) - 6
Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier) - 6
Max Phillips (Bloodsucking Bastards) - 2
Dave York (The Equalizer 2) - 2
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall) - 1
Javi G (TUWoMT) - 1
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes) - 1
(Yes, that adds up to more than 80 because threesome fics count for multiple characters)
Read on for the Fic Recs (& Love)!
List Navigation Notes:
Fics are listed Alphabetically by Movie/Series Title then Character then Story Title (Characters with only 1-2 stories are grouped together at the end)
Ratings used are standard from AO3: General audiences - Teen & up - Mature - Explicit
Gorgeous Headers by @sirtadcooper:  Din, Ezra, Frankie, Javi, Marcus P, Pedro, Whiskey
Fic rec love submissions can be found under the 'fic rec love ask' tag
Links have been misbehaving on desktop--If none of the links are working, try opening in dashboard mode (click the eye-shaped button in the far top right)
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Kingsman: TGC - Agent Whiskey
Cowboy Like Me  [ao3] by @danidrabbles​​​​​ [Whiskey x f!reader, slight AU, 11.2k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary: Set in an alternate universe, one year after the events of K:TGC, where Jack Daniels (aka Agent Whiskey) is a disgraced Statesman operative waiting to be reinstated. You’re a Statesman agent who has recently transferred to Statesman’s Kentucky department, where Jack is assigned as your new partner. Soon, you’re thrust into the world of art theft, cyber espionage, diamond heists and assassination plots in assignments that take you all over the world, test your skills and make you face your demons while also discovering just how much the lines of your professional partnership can blur…
Recced by @clan-djarin​:  FUN! this fic has a seriously interesting and well done look into Whiskey’s choices at the end of Kingsman 2. Dani is a lovely storyteller. There’s a deep and thoughtful connection between Whiskey and reader that I love, while it also shows their skills as they work for Statesman. 💖 It is glorious!!
Hotel Hobbies [ao3] by @loversandantiheroes [Whiskey x f!reader, 23k, E like whoa, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  He’s an insufferable, obnoxious blowhard. Which would be fine if he wasn’t also - some-fucking-how - hotter than a fucking wildfire. And to make matters worse, now you’ve invited him up to your hotel room.
Recced by @astroboots​:  The one, the only, the godly masterpiece! Reader meets a brash Whiskey at a hotel bar for a one night stand that will subvert every expectation you’ve ever had of the concept of fanfic. You and I have screamed about this ad infinitum about how this puts the artform of writing itself into shame. IT IS THAT GOOD. Whiskey at its finest, with nuanced characterisation that not even professional screenwriters paid millions of dollars can achieve. Every word is careful, considered perfection. It’s hot as 🤬 my 🐱 has 💀 ascended to 😇 been reincarnated then died all over again every time a new chapter is added/when I reread it.
In the Dead of Night Series [ao3] by @castleamc​ [Whiskey x f!reader series, 11.5k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  You and Jack have been together since you early days in college, late night adventures, moving in together, and through his restless nights. But are you both ready to endure what comes after? Will he still be your riding companion through your sleepless nights?
Recced by @littlefrescita​:   For anyone with insomnia.🦉
Of Gorgons and Gardens  by  @concussed-to-pieces [Din x f!reader x Ezra -- listed under Din below]
Stars Hit the Ceiling [ao3] by @jazzelsaur​​​​ [Frankie x f!reader x Whiskey threesome, 7.2k, E, smutty oneshot]
Author’s Summary:   Frankie wakes from a nightmare. Sometimes he needs you and Jack to help ground him in reality. Basically, it’s porn with the tiniest crumb of plot, mostly to establish the sense of a lived-in relationship where everyone is comfortable. Come one, come all, get your classic wake from a nightmare and fuck it away trope, here!
Recced by @astroboots:  FUCK ME! How many times do I need to recommend one of the best threesome fics I’ve ever read. 10 times? 100 THOUSAND TIMES?! Never enough. Pussy and heart melted and destroyed with this one. It’s so fucking hot and so emotional and the fucking characterisation, the chemistry and the fucking dynamics. I am but a melted puddle after reading this and everyone needs to read this pussy destroying threesome.
The Traveler [ao3] by @silksaddle​​ [wild west!au, Whiskey x f!reader, 41k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary: In 1907, a mysterious traveler settles into the boarding house you help the widowed Mrs. Adler run, inspiring newfound and daring behaviour in yourself with his wit, whip, and charm.
Recced by @highsviolets:  Claire has created a fic of epic proportions — not only are her chapters beautifully crafted, jam-packed with enough detail to make you feel as though you’re in the Wild West, but they’re also brimming with bright romance to make you swoon and Jack Daniels’ antics. The kisses are sweet, the smut is scorching, Whiskey is a scoundrel — what more can you ask for? Besides being written by an even lovelier human 💗
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the Mandalorian - Din Djarin
All That Glitters by @bestinbeskar​​ [Din x mandalorian f!reader, 11.3k, in progress]
Author’s Summary: Din Djarin, known as the legendary bounty hunter to most, to the covert he’s the expert marksman and quiet guard to the creed. He has long been alone in the covert, having yet to find a riduur to raise warriors with. Until something glittering catches his eye. A female Mandalorian cloaked in gold. Who just so happens to be the daughter of the Armorer. Known as the lioness for her fierce love and protection of the foundlings. Has the Mandalorian met his match?
Recced by @bestinbeskar​:  My first Mando fic and I'm very proud of it
Boxer!Din Series [ao3] by @djarinsbeskar​ [dom boxer!Din x masseuse f!reader, modern AU, 9.3k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:   Din isn't happy when the massage therapist he's been going to see as part of his physio for a torn hamstring is invited to the boxing club to give another boxer a pre-fight massage...
Recced by @bestinbeskar:   It has that *chefs kiss* smut with a dominant Din that I just can't get enough of
The Children of Mandalore [ao3] by @novemberrain221​​​ [Din x Fennec Shand, 61k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  The trip to Tython didn't exactly go as planned and Din is left fighting for his life and joining allies to get back his son and quite possibly his home world.
Recced by Anonymous:  Such an odd couple but I love it!
Cover Me [ao3] by @letterfromvienna​ [Din x f!reader, 105k, E, ongoing]
Author’s Summary: Smart people don’t get stranded on an ice planet in subzero temperatures with a faceless bounty hunter and his wrinkly green kid. And yet, here you are. Freezing your ass off on Maldo Kreis, of all fucking places, with a sentient hunk of metal and a little green baby for company. You’re not scared, but you’re definitely not a genius. And to top it all off, you’re cold. Or: You have something the Mandalorian wants. The Mandalorian has something you need. What could go wrong?
Recced by @leonieb​:  A beautiful Din x Reader multichapter epic. Vienna has such an astute skill at writing characters and dialogues and this work is just an absolute beauty in every written word.
Deepwater Series by @javisjeanjacket [sea god Din x reader fic, 8k+extras, T, in progress]
Recced by @darnitdraco:  This series is like. Covering yourself in love. The love the reader and din feel for each other is so strong I feel it in my bones when I read this ok yall. Oh and Hailee made this Din tatted as well so *chefs kiss*
Everything & More [ao3] by @dincrypt​ [sugar daddy Din x f!reader, 88k, M, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:  Life in the city is tough for a girl on her own. A fact you’re well aware of, living your days around work and survival on one of the most expensive planets in the galaxy. But when a mysterious and alluring stranger shows up and offers a way out, you finally have a path to something more. Something that will bring as much pleasure as it does mystery.
Recced by @bestinbeskar:  A beautiful Sugar Daddy!Din world that just gives you all those butterflies in the stomach kind of feels with enough suspense and innuendos to keep you coming back.
Eyes Closed, Comm Open by @oonajaeadira​ [Din x f!reader, 0.5k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary: Din communes with your heart.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  soft and fluffy where Din is listening to your heartbeat over the comm while you sleep
In the Dark [ao3] by @coreychick​ [Din x f!reader, 92k, E, ongoing]
Author’s Summary: The Mandalorian Bounty Hunter has unintentionally rescued you from raiders- at least that's what you thought. Now he's agreed to escort you back to civilization. You've got secrets you need to keep and he seems to be carrying one of his own. After a major betrayal, is he your enemy or your lover?
Recced by @coreychick​:  I love worldbuilding, creating adventure, action, and a touch of mystery. Can’t forget a dash of love scenes. It doesn’t have a lot of notes, but the ones I get all seem to enjoy it.
It’s All About What You Want [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​ [Din x F!reader A/B/O fic, 21k, E, complete]
Author Summary:  Omega!Reader starts to feel differently about her Alpha employer, Mando, during a stopover on a planet with an unusual social hierarchy.
Recced by Anonymous:  the best a/b/o I ever read. It has a cute idiots to lovers plot, but it’s my favorite because it subverts the usual a/b/o trope in an unexpected way. Best of all the panty destroying heat sex scene maintains consent - and is sexy enough that I need new underwear afterwards!
Highway Man [ao3] by @ollypopp​ [Biker!Din x f!reader modern AU, E, 80k + extras, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  A Biker AU || The Mandalorians are a well-known biker gang whose reach spreads around the world. They are as mysterious as they are dangerous and anyone with common sense knows not to cross them. When a Mandalorian bounty hunter arrives on your doorstep demanding payments from your brother, it is only the beginning of a chain of events that uproot your life.
Recced by @skyshipper:  That series is SO incredible and it is extremely clever how she carefully weaves a lot of Mandalorian traditions into a modern setting. Amazing smut too (my brain still hasn’t recovered from a gun kink section 🥴). Honestly the way she adapted Din and other familiar characters to a modern setting in such a unique way is what really blew me away. Please check it out if you haven’t already. Super talented writer and amazing story! 💕
Lacuna [ao3] by @yoditorian [Din x gn!reader, 30k+, M, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Lacuna- an unfilled space; a gap. “Have you ever removed your helmet?” “No.” He grits out. “Has it ever been removed by others?” “Never.” He’s lying.
Recced by Anonymous:  honestly, i think about that fic every day because i love how effortlessly it fits in with the existing canon while also filling in much of Din's life before s1 - it's spectacular - and it's a story that deserves so much love.
Latch [ao3] by @pentechnics​​ [firefighter!Din x f!reader, modern au, 12.6k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  When the famous Bookmark bookstore — your beloved place of employment, affectionately called the Mark — goes up in flames, you get trapped inside. When you're moments away from your last breath, a firefighter comes to your rescue, and something about you makes him want to hold on. Now you're working at a café and bakery right by the fire station while you and your former coworkers try to raise the funds to rebuild the beloved bookstore before the city takes over the plot in 2 months' time. And you start to get a regular customer. Something about those brown eyes draws you in. You want to know him more. And unbeknownst to you, he feels the same.
Recced by @bestinbeskar:   It has Firefighter!Din meeting a sweet Baker Reader and it is like a warm hug. Shy Din is so sweet and I can't wait for more of the series to come out.
Of Gorgons and Gardens [ao3] by @concussed-to-pieces​​​​ [Din x f!reader x Ezra, sex pollen, 83k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary: Your Mandalorian employer accepts a bounty for a new target.
Recced by @immortalstarme​:  There is Soooo much to love about this set of stories.🤩 I think my favorite thing overall is the relationship between Mando, Ezra, and the reader. It’s just a good, healthy relationship (by the end), full of playful banter, reassurances when one of them was down, and hot, passionate, absolutely romantic smut. 🥰🥵 (And Ezra’s nickname for Mando - ‘Steerforth’ is so cool!!😎) The action is great, the attention to details are immaculate, and all the scenes dealing with the Mandalorian culture are particular favorites.
Space Cowboys ‘Verse by @pumpkin-stars​ [Din x gn!reader; Din x gn!reader x Ezra threesome, E,12.8k, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  ongoing series, (mostly) canon compliant to star wars and prospect.
Recced by @astroboots:  AHEM AHEM! I want to show some love for [this] series. BECAUSE Holy shit did you read the pairing involved?! This is a beautifully written universe that has me in absolute awe of Erika’s talent. It’s emotional, hot and the characterisation is so on point and the world is so rich and tasty I cannot stop thinking about it
Stitches [ao3] by @djarinsbeskar​ [Din x f!reader, 140k, E, epic ongoing series]
Author’s Summary: What is a former combat medic to do when an injured Mandalorian stumbles across her clinic one night on Klatooine?
Recced by @heavenseed76​​:  It’s phenomenal. I go back to it again and again.
Recced by @bestinbeskar:  It has some of my favorite smut scenes, and the character writing of Din and the reader is amazing.
Take me to Church [ch1] [mlist] by @frannyzooey [old west AU, Din x f!reader with Din x reader x ofc action, long, E, completed epic fic, ongoing universe]
Author’s Summary:  Set in a brothel in the late 1800’s in the Wild West; you’ve only been working there for a month when Din Djarin shows up. A bounty hunter who makes stops into town between jobs, he is known at the inn for his generous appetite and demanding preferences. Asking for you one night, he is pleased to learn you are well suited for him: your sweet nature soothing to his gruff temperament and surprising him with your ability to handle his rougher tastes. Demanding that you be made available to him every time he is in town, neither one of you is ready for where this request leads.
Recced by @astroboots:  So this is a very popular fic I’m recommending and it is its godgiven right that it’s popular. What can I say about it?! The worldbuilding is fantastic, every detail rendered into perfection. The characters feel fully alive. There is so much love, heartbreak and everything in between all at once, and the smut is goddamned perfection that I constantly walk around in a daydream hornily thinking about. This is the one fic I always go back to reread when I’m not feeling on the top of my game, it’s a world I return to again and again that brings me such comfort. It is the one fic I read that made me go holy crap reader insert fics are a fucking art form, this is no damned joke. It’s the fic that made me go from lurker to an active shouter and screamer, creating my tumblr for the sole purpose of screeching at Kelli how amazing her writing is and I have never truly looked back since. On the off-chance that any of your readers haven’t read it… They fucking damned should.
Unfettered by @the-scandalorian​ [Din x f!reader, sex pollen, 7.4k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  When Mando is drugged on a job, he begs you to restrain him because he knows he won’t be able to keep his hands off you.
Recced by @coreychick:  I’m new to her blog so I haven't read her longer writings yet, but I just finished reading one of her one-shots called Unfettered that knocked my socks off. Really good writing, and I will definitely be going back to read her other stuff.
Vencuyanir [ao3] by @oloreaa​​ [Din x ofc canon plus epic, 186k, T, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:  vencuyanir [ven-COO-yah-neer]: sustain, keep alive, preserve;  About to be taken away from Arvala-7, Elana only has two objectives: keeping Bean alive and getting away from the Mandalorian
Recced by Anonymous:  one of my favourite Mando fics, it adds so much to the series and is the true example of 'slow burn enemies to friends to lovers', you come out of this fic disappointed that Elana is not a real character in the show, and the character development of everyone is excellent and very realistic
Wait For Me [ao3] by @yoditorian​ [Din x gn!reader, Haunted!Din, 1k, M, oneshot sequel]
Author’s Summary: This is just a little something that came to me because I was thinking about haunted Din again.
Recced by Anonymous:  warning for major character death mention and things that typically come with haunted!Din. It’s the sequel to their fic “(Kiss Me) You Will Go” (which I also highly recommend reading but it is very heavy on the angst and features the major character death mentioned above so ymmv) but it can be read on it’s own. “Wait for Me” is also angsty but in a more bittersweet kind of way. An exploration of grief. The emotions of it blew me away the first time I read it and it really stuck with me.
Waterpark Din [ao3] by @starlightmornings​ [Din x f!reader, crack!AU, 10.7k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Din’s a chaotic mess of a man who’s doing his best to raise his adopted son. He’s a little rough around the edges, and he doesn’t give a shit what ANYONE thinks. Follow him and his other crack!AU pals through a series of increasingly ridiculous events, as they all find their way in this crazy world. And maybe, just maybe, there’s someone out there for Din after all.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  ...because I just love pure chaos. It was a TRIP! I literally had no idea what the hell was going on the first time because I was so new I didn’t know what a ‘crack fic’ was, LOL
Would You Let Me [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars [tattooed Din x f!reader, 2.8k E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Din has a few tattoos and he doesn't realize how enamoured you are with them :)
Recced by @mourningbirds1:  I feel so much love in my heart for [Keeper] and her beautiful stories. I turn to them when I feel vulnerable, when I yearn for softness and tenderness and need a writer who will be gentle with my heart. Deeply comforting and insanely hot and I wish I could live inside [it] ❤️
You Were My Dream (And You Were Mine) [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​ [Din x f! reader, slight AU, 10k, E, long oneshot]
Author’s Summary: Din Djarin trusts no one. Well except for you. But you don’t know that. You have no idea how he truly feels about you.
Recced by @astroboots:   One of the most perfect, ephemeral stories of Din out there. It is so beautiful and emotional, I teared up at least four times throughout when I read it and I swoon at the way that she writes a kiss. No one writes a kiss quite like her; the sheer romance that is infused in the simple act of two lips meeting through her words is such a dream.
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The Mentalist - Marcus Pike
An Acquired Taste [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​ [Marcus P x f!reader lactation kink fic, 3.7k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Marcus discovers a new kink
Recced by @astroboots:  Reader is pregnant and Marcus struggles to come to terms with his own desire for his wife who is lactating…. Nastiness ensues. [A] fic that had one of the nastiest kinks that I never thought I’d be into, but that’s how good [the] author is, that not only did I read it but I loved it, salivated and daydream about it constantly. It’s a fucking curse and a magic trick how she does it, she must obviously be a witch, and I am making my case for a witch hunt as we speak.
Just Say Yes [ao3] by @heatherbel​​​ [Marcus P x f!reader vacation meet cute, 7.5k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Love hasn’t been kind to Special Agent Marcus Pike. After his divorce he thought he’d finally found true love, only for his fiance to dump him over the phone for another man. Now, he already has a new start - a new job in Washington DC, but what he really needs is a holiday. And maybe, just maybe, it’s about time for his luck to change.
Recced by Anonymous:   a meet cute about falling in love with marcus while on vacation in italy. it's hot and sweet and just brilliant all around. heather gives marcus the ending he deserves. there are two sequels also - say you want me and say you love me.
Paradisum by @juletheghoul [Father Marcus x f!reader, Catholic priest AU, 9.1k, E, in progress]
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  Something a little spicier: a Marcus Pike AU where he’s a Catholic priest
Read You Like a Book  [ao3] by @the-ginger-hedge-witch​ [Marcus x ofc!reader, 89k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  When Marcus Pike is called to Chicago for a short-term assignment, he never expects to meet someone who makes him want to stay forever. Is this Marcus’s chance at home?
Recced by Anonymous:  A fantastic case!fic about Marcus falling for a photographer named Anne while on assignment in Chicago. Like Marcus himself, this story is sweet + soft and mysterious + sexy by turns.
The "Stressed" Series [ao3] by @generallybrontidefeelings​ [professor!Marcus x grad student f!reader AU,15k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Marcus Pike is an associate faculty member at your forensics college. You ask him to be your second reader for your thesis, even though you have a huge crush on him. Nothing is better than something, right? By the time you pass your exam, you're so pent up you could scream.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  Marcus Pike is the graduate advisor for a female anthropology student, and after her graduation she finally admits her feelings to him. The hook is that she is so tired of making her own decisions, she just wants Marcus to take over, and boy howdy, does he!!! It’s really 5-star filth, just amazing, including one chapter where he ties her up and reads love poetry. 🥵
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day by @yespolkadotkitty​​​​ [Marcus P x f!reader,, 1.7k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  No one should have to propose three times.
Recced by Anonymous:  the loveliest proposal fic you could ever want. once again exactly what marcus deserves.
A Warm Welcome Home [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​​ [Marcus P x F!reader, 11k, E, twoshot]
Author Summary:  Marcus is back after a couple weeks away while working a hard case. His wife (& toddler) welcome him home.
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty:  Possibly my favourite EVER Marcus Pike fic. I so enjoyed screaming about it with you, my God. I reread it often. <3
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Narcos - Javier Pena
Better Love Series [ao3] by @disgruntledspacedad​ [Javi x ofc!reader, 225k, E, ongoing series--mind the warnings!!]
Author’s Summary:  He’s a DEA Agent. You work for the CIA. You’re an unstoppable force. He’s an immovable object. A collision between you is inevitable. The fallout will be monumental. Slices of life from your adventures with Peña in Colombia.
Recced by Anonymous:  Dark but so damn worth it. Better character development than all 3 seasons of Narcos. This is THE Javi series.
Heat  [ao3] by @furious-rogue-stuff​ [Javi x f!reader, 78k,
Author’s Summary:  You’re not interested. At least that’s what you keep telling yourself while Agent Javier Peña works to entice you. Can you withstand his seduction? Or will the heated desire attracting you two win out?
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  Javier Pena x female IT specialist at the DEA. She knows she should avoid him, but oh, it’s impossible. The story is intriguing, the characters are drawn so well, the smut is first-rate, and frankly it’s a crime that there are so few people on the tag list! It’s my dream to get the tag list maxed out! This series deserves it!!
scenes from a marriage [ao3] by @pedropascaldice​​ [Javi x nameless ofc, 45k+, E, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:  javier peña is a dea agent naively navigating his way through life in colombia. as if life is not complicated or risky enough while he partakes in the search for the infamous pablo escobar, javier has decidedly fallen in love. these are the scenes from his marriage, full of trials and tribulations, set in colombia, circa 1979–1993.
Recced by @astroboots:  One of the most amazing Javi series out there that is being slept upon. Each chapter is poetic genius, it’s a beautiful surreal daydream with such perfect and heartachingly beautiful characterisation of Javi and the pain of trying to do better by Colombia but also a devastating picture of how one person can never do everything. It’s a beautiful analysis and depiction of the hardships and beauty of married life, and it’s just pure simple perfection
A Walk in the Woods [ao3] by @mourningbirds1​​ [lumberjack!Javi x F!reader, 5.9k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  You are walking in the woods when you see a handsome man chopping down a tree.
Recced by @astroboots:  One of the most talented writers on here. Javi as a lumberjack?!?!? Yes, and thank you and I want to live in this dreamy world and never leave. The prose is god-tier and there are so many lines that I still sit and daydream and think about even though I’ve read this near 50 times and have it memorised in my brain. It haunts me in horny, it’s so beautiful.
Waterfall Inquiry [ao3] by @highsviolets​ [Javi x analyst f!reader, 21k + extras, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Words should not make you feel so much.  But when Javier Peña meets you, a fresh-faced intelligence officer, words take on a whole new meaning.
Recced by @clan-djarin:   Flowing poetry and deep emotions, character study, smutty smutty times. Reading this fic feels meditative to me, like I’m free and I can just enjoy the words of my dear Cris. It’s beautiful, and I love the peeks into Javier’s mind. Cris’ intelligence and her understanding of him SHINES. This fic is truly soulful and loved.
What Used To Be Sin [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​ [Javi x f!reader, 4.7k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:   Some kinda light at the end, Stoned, forgetful and then Drinking what used to be sin Touching the edge of her skinIt's the feeling I get My palms with sweat Like some kind of daydream, I'll never forget Why does it begin By touching the edge of her skin
Recced by @mourningbirds1:  I feel so much love in my heart for [Keeper] and her beautiful stories. I turn to them when I feel vulnerable, when I yearn for softness and tenderness and need a writer who will be gentle with my heart. Deeply comforting and insanely hot and I wish I could live inside [it] ❤️
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Prospect - Ezra
deeds of green thrilling light [ao3] by @highsviolets​​ [voice actor Ezra x gn!reader, 2.4k, E, oneshot w sequel]
Author’s Summary:  ezra entices you to take a break during a long night of recording.
Recced by @astroboots:  highsviolets aka the filthiest of the ethereal fairies, who owns my fucking heart and 🐱 This does not get nearly enough love as it should, it should be sung at the masses at church for how beautiful, godly and perfect it is. It is soft, it’s sweet, it’s smutty and it’s such a goddamned treat.  Ezra is a voice actor and reader is a sound technician and Cris and Ezra’s voice is a match made in heaven. It’s so dreamy and beautiful, and I come back to this little world she’s built over and over again and want to live there and take up squatter’s right and never leave even as the police come to evict me (kicking and screaming). She also wrote this filthy continuation: Rushing Decadence where Ezra gets pegged, and I swear to god my damned soul left my fucking body and has never returned.
Forget Me Not by @krissology​ [Ezra x f!reader soulmate AU, Permanent Hiatus]
Author’s Summary:  On Permanent Hiatus. Relevant Asks: [1] [2] [3]
Recced by @heavenseed76​:  If you haven’t read it, are you really a fan?
Recced by @coreychick:  Beautifully written. She really capture’s Ezra’s voice which is no easy feat.
A Girl Walks Into A Bookshop by @oonajaeadira​ [Ezra x F!reader, 27k, T (thru ch 6), in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Set a couple of years after the events of the film. Ezra owns a bookshop. You walk in.
Recced by @insomniamamma​:  This is an Ezra x f!reader slow burn, six chapters so far, set after Ezra's time on The Green Moon. He owns a bookshop and runs it with Cee. This is one of my favorite Ezra x reader fics out there. Adira's world building is immaculate. Every bit of this feels absolutely true to the Prospect universe, a world that feels lived in and warm. And the emotions? This fic is like being wrapped up in a warm, lingering hug. Also I love her for including Cee. She gives Ez and Cee a really fun, warm dynamic and it is wonderful.
A Law Divine [ao3] by @yoditorian​​ [Ezra x gn!reader, 12.9k, M, complete]
Author’s Summary:  You've never thought much of soulmates, it all seems about as real as the boogeyman or the agency giving you a fair cut on digs. Until you meet Ezra.
Recced by Anonymous:  Ezra x gn!reader, soulmate/red string of fate AU. I love soulmate AUs and this is definitely one of my favorite Ezra fics. The writing is superb and the world building is so beautifully realized and immersive. A lovely combo of warmth and sweetness and angst that grabs you by the heart.
Lotus-Eaten Postcard by @corvueros​​ [Ezra x f!reader, E, 17.7k, long oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Postcards left on your doorstep catapult you into a chase lightyears across the galaxy in search of something more precious than the ore you mine for.
Recced by Anonymous:  long but I swear every word is perfect, her worldbuilding and the scorching hot and incredibly well done smut at the end is just on point and you can't stop thinking of it for literal DAYS, her Ezra is absolutely on point and I have reread it at least five times now
Recced by @astroboots:  Reader is the former companion/partner and lover of Ezra who receives a series of postcards from our favourite space cowboy before she finally decides to go out into the vast unknown to find him. It’s hands down the best Ezra I’ve ever read. END OF. It is one of those absolute top to bottom masterpieces that is perfect within every inch of its life that has you breathless because you don’t know what hit you. The characterisation is perfect not just for Ezra but also for reader who has such a strong personality you can truly see her going toe to toe with the man. It has such a sense of space adventure. And holy fucking Christ can Meg write good filthy fire hot smut 🔥 forget forest fire this is a space galaxy fire. The first time I read it I was so taken aback by how good it was I couldn’t form thoughts and then I just stared in front of the screen for what must’ve been an hour and I was seething with envy that one could write a story like this!
Space Cowboys ‘Verse by @pumpkin-stars  [Din x gn!reader x Ezra series  -- listed under Din above!]
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Triple Frontier - Frankie Morales
The Alewife  by  @wardenparker​ [Frankie x f!reader & other TF boy pairings, soulmate!au -- listed under Triple Frontier - Misc below]
Afternoon Matinee [ao3]  by  @frannyzooey​ [Frankie x f!reader, 1.7k, E, oneshot in ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:   Frankie wants to take a nap.
Recced by @clan-djarin:   I think this is my favourite of the Box Set ‘verse, and possibly the first one I read! I don’t know— it really gets me going. It’s as soft as it is sexy. There’s so much from Kelli that I love, yet this one sticks with me like glue. I wanted to show this shorter piece some attention because it is just that good domestic loving from Frankie that Kelli is so amazing at writing.
Between the Raindrops [ao3] by @jazzelsaur​​ [divorced!Frankie x widowed!ofc-reader, 21k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie’s life is coming apart at the seams, when Ellie, a widow facing her own share of struggles, moves in next door. Together they find friendship, healing, and something more. A neighbors to friends (to idiots) to lovers story.
Recced by @astroboots:  I am here to peddle beautiful angst in the form of one humble series... A recently divorced Frankie finds friendship (and love!?) with his widowed neighbour. Dear god the way Jazz writes angst and the process of grief is a thing to behold. It’s so painstakingly real and it hits and hurts me right in the meow meow and I love her for it so much.
Blanket ‘verse [Heat Wave] [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​, @astroboots​ [Frankie x f!reader x Benny, E, oneshot in an ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Being the only female on a Delta Force team is tough, but having teammates–and best friends–like Frankie Morales and Benny Miller makes things a little easier.  What isn’t easy is hiding the fact that you’re in love with Frankie. (Little do you know, he’s hiding some feelings of his own.)
Recced by Anonymous:  I am absolutely obsessed with Heat Wave. Your characterisation of Benny and Frankie are just so spot on and I constantly daydream of it and am in NEED of more.  You’re such a talented author and I don’t know how you do it blends such details that makes me feel I am in the moment and experiencing the very same emotions in real time that the characters go through.  Everytime you call Benny Pretty my soul and 😽died! It ascended to heaven and never came back, and what the hell am I supposed to do now? Put up posters in my local neighbourhood with a Lost my Kitten poster?!!?!?
Recced by @jazzelsaur:  I LOVE your Blanket'verse. You have such a great characterization of Benny that I really adore and I think you just write him (and Frankie!) so well.
El Chico Del Apt 512 [ao3] by @castleamc​ [neighbor!Frankie x f!reader, 18k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  You find yourself in front of your crush’s door, el chico del apartmento 512 who’s all you think about day and night.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  A sweet, slow-burn romantic Frankie Morales series based on the Selena song (and as every Texan knows, Selena is always near and dear to our hearts!) Just sweet and soft and lovely!
Recced by @littlefrescita:  It's based off Selena Quintanilla's song and Frankie Morales is the cute neighbor.
Francisco Morales Falls in Love with a Ghost Series: [Apparition] [KMVtM] [ao3] by @alwaysbethewest​ [Frankie x ghost f!reader, 2.9k, E, oneshots in an ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  francisco morales falls in love with a ghost
Recced by Anonymous:  A Frankie falls in love with a ghost AU that’s ingenious and unique. The dream-sex sequence is damn sexy.
Golden, Like Daylight [ao3] by @wyn-n-tonic [Frankie x ofc, 17k+, M, complete]
Recced by @darnitdraco​:  I could literally talk this series up so much. It’s a Frankie fic with an OC that I literally want to love and be loved by. I think I’ve read at least a part of this series every week because it makes me feel good inside.>
G.O.M.E.R.  [ao3] by @disgruntledspacedad​ [Frankie x f!reader meet cute, 2.4k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Injured, designated driver Frankie brings his drunk friends into your emergency room.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment: a Frankie Morales x female ER physician meet-cute. So lovely!
High Hope by @littleferal [Frankie x F reader emotional hurt/comfort, 5k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Because Frankie understands. So have some angsty smut with the softest man Francisco Morales.
Recced by @astroboots:  Frankie comforts reader who’s having an emotional low. This is the ultimate comfort pic that feels like an emotional bandaid made out of words. I come back to it whenever I hit a low spot or spiral and it lifts me back up every time. Not to mention… it’s so. fucking. sexy. hot. smutty. and fuck me I get so horny and emotional every time. Lissi is an incredibly talented writer with some of the most on point characterisations and most amazing headcanons and I’d really recommend everyone to give her gorgeous master list a go.
Home [series] [ao3] by @absurdthirst​​​​ [Frankie x f!reader x Santi, 16k, E, complete fic in an open-ended series]
Author’s Summary: You, Frankie and Santi are all in a relationship together. Living and loving together while keeping it a secret from the Army. When you get out, you think everything will just be the best its ever been. But then Santi disappears to Brazil without an explanation and breaks yours and Frankie’s hearts. Only to return three years later with a plan for a dangerous job, get Lorea and steal his money.
Recced by @immortalstarme:   There is so much to love about this story - from the action, to the angst, and the very hot smut, there is no shortage of things to love. She even included the Triple Frontier film to up the ante and tension on Frankie/Reader/Pope’s relationship. Every time I go back and read Home, I get warm, fuzzy, happy feelings and a smile on my face. 😊 Definitely a good comfort/pick-me up kind of fic. ❤️
Homecoming ‘verse [ao3] by @astroboots [Frankie x f!reader wife x Santi, 16k, E, complete, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Home is something Santiago Garcia left behind a long time ago. But on a short visit to his hometown, he rediscovers that home is not a place, it’s the people you love.
Recced by Anonymous:  scorching and sublime, and i can't wait to see how she'll develop it further. no one does characterisation, emotional depth and relationships quite like cici.
Into the Woods [0] [1] [2] [ci] [2.5] [+] [ao3] by @thosewickedlovelies​​ [Frankie x gn!reader, 12.6k+, G, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  You and Frankie keep running into each other in the woods. That's it, that's the plot.
Recced by Anonymous:  It’s a Frankie Morales x gn!reader series, where Frankie is one of those guys on Instagram who posts videos of themselves cooking outdoors, but it’s also so much more than that? It’s got fluff (and a fluffy dog)! Mutual pining! Beautiful immersive writing that feels like a warm comforting hug and makes me yearn for days!? If you’ve ever daydreamed about hanging out with Frankie and his cute dog in the middle of the forest while he cooks for you over an open fire, this is the fic for you. I absolutely adore it 💕
The Last of Us by @seasonschange-butpeopledont [Frankie x reader, Santi x reader, zombies -- listed under TF Misc below]
Lucky in Love by @just-here-for-the-moment​​ [Frankie x f!reader, 9.1k, E, long oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Lucky is far more comfortable in combat fatigues than all dolled up in cocktail dress. Fish has always held a soft spot for the TF Medic. Two Idiots in Love.
Recced by @javierpinme​:   It is a soft filth friends-to-lovers story of Frankie Morales and “Lucky” the combat medic. A lot of feelings come out at Santi’s engagement party and it was an absolute joy to read. It had me yearning the whole ride and the ending had me smiling so wide my cheeks hurt! It was 9,100+ words of me wishing I was Lucky!!
lullaby by @silksaddle​ [Frankie x F!reader soft smut, 2.2k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  two love birds fucking to sleep.
Recced by @astroboots:  This is so soft and loving and domestic with our favourite boy Frankie — and of course because it’s my titty clutching horny yeehonk fiend - hot as the blazing lava found in Mount doom.
Midnight Cravings & Other Starry-Eyed Confessions [ao3] by  @keeper0fthestars​​​ [Frankie x f!reader, 3k, E, fluffy oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie trusts you enough to let his guard down, to be vulnerable with you. Love languages and the messy emotions that go along with that, fluff, cheesy self-indulgence.
Recced by @astroboots:  Our beloved C, owner of my heart and soul writes some of the most emotionally affecting stories out there. Her Din is pitch perfect, as is her Javi, and Ezra, but my personal favourite is one anxious pilot husband. I will always and forever keep screaming to everyone about Midnight Cravings because it had such an effect on me on so many levels. It’s a series of soft, dreamlike vignettes of what life would be like with your boyfriend Francisco Morales. The midnight ice cream sessions, having your pussy eaten out at the back of his truck, the good and the bad, but always in its own imperfect way, the love he has for you and you for him. It made me truly fall in love with the character, it made me understand his appeal but also feel like I truly understood and saw the character for what he is, loveable flaws and all.
Moving Day [ao3] by @adverbedly​​​​​ [Frankie x f!reader x Santi threesome, 7k, E, oneshot in ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about moving. It’s sweaty, it’s stressful, it’s tiring. If you’re lucky, you can afford to hire movers. If you’re really lucky, you have friends to help shoulder the burden, to tote boxes from home to truck to home again in exchange for nothing more than beer and food. You happen to be extremely lucky—you have a crew of strapping not-quite-young men who not only would but had taken bullets for you, and you had them on standby. Without hesitation, they had descended on your shitty downtown apartment at oh-seven-hundred on little more than the promise of thick black coffee to help you move everything to a quiet bungalow just inside the city limits.
Recced by Anonymous:   My favourite fic OF ALL TIME. Not a 'small' fic, but Holy exploding puthies, Batman! does it deserve all 1k+ notes. The dynamic and banter between the guys is on point and it's hot like the surface of the goddamn sun, as you like to say. Required reading for the Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac fandoms.
My Side of the Fence [ao3] by @missminkylove​​ [neighbor!Frankie x f!reader, 6.6k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary: When you move in next door to help take care of your ailing aunt, you and Frankie form a budding friendship as you live out your lives on opposite sides of the fence line, that maybe could be something more.
Recced by Anonymous:  I fell in love with it instantly and couldn’t stop thinking about it. Her writing is so vivid and lovely and thoughtful, you just get pulled right into the world she’s creating. Just the one chapter so far and I can already tell is going to be really really amazing.
Needy Frankie by @loversandantiheroes​ [Frankie x f!reader, 1.5k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  unbeta’d and unedited Needy!Frankie smut, f!receiving oral, with a side of frankie x floor (I kid, mostly)
Recced by @astroboots:  One of my favourite authors, in any fandom, in any genre, whether fanfic or published or in any other form. [This] was the first thing I read and I still daze out thinking about how good it is I’m a daily basis. Desperate Frankie, needing to make sense of the world and the only way he can do that is crowding you on your hallway floor, eating out your pussy until he cums in his pants? Godly perfection.but beyond smut, the devastating characterisation and writing. How this sent me on a path of no return yearning for one anxious pilot husband and I’ve never looked back. This is the reason I am the woman I am today. Dear lord PERFECTION
Photograph by @queridopascal​​​ [Frankie x gn!reader** fluff, 1k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  as you remove it from his head, you notice something tucked into the internal rim, where the fabric touches his forehead...
Recced by Anonymous:  a very fluffy short Frankie Morales fic based on a TikTok and it's literally my comfort fic, I come back to read it every time I feel down ❤️
Stars Hit the Ceiling  by  @jazzelsaur​ [Frankie x f!reader x Whiskey -- listed under Whiskey above]
Tell Tale Heart [ao3] by @astroboots​ [Frankie x f!reader wife, 15k, E, long oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie failed a standard drug test, lost his pilot licence and disappeared for a month to Colombia while under suspension, and even though you decided to stay with him, you find yourself unable to forgive him.
Recced by Anonymous:  one of the first frankie fics i read and one of the best explorations of how things can change in a marriage.  no one does characterisation, emotional depth and relationships quite like cici.
‘tis the damn season [ao3] by @miceandpens​​​ [Frankie x F!reader fic, 12k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  At one point in your lives, you knew Frankie better than anyone else on earth. When did that change?
Recced by @astroboots:  A beautiful take on childhood friends to lovers trope, and who better to do it with than our beloved Frankie. Mice writes with beautiful talent, pacing and plotting. It feels like a fairytale mixed with a beautiful holiday romcom
Versus [ao3] by @astroboots​​​​ [Frankie x f!reader ex-wife, Frankie vs Dave York thriller, 28k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Dave York and Francisco Morales are more similar than either would like to admit. Both served their country as elite members of a military system that abandoned them as soon as they were no longer useful. Their paths cross when one of Dave’s assignments hits too close to home. With his already-broken family at risk, Frankie must tap into a part of himself he hoped never to need again in order to protect the ex-wife he never got over: you.
Recced by @clan-djarin:  MOTHER OF GOD CiCi knocks this out of the park every time. I don’t know how she does it. I’m not an angst person but that fic sucked me right in like a vacuum and I fear I may break something if Frankie and reader don’t have a proper fuck. It reads like a bestselling thriller novel.
Waiting [ao3] by @pumpkin-stars​​​ [Frankie x gn!reader fic, 1.4k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  It's the last night before Frankie's last deployment. He doesn't want to break your heart, so you prove he doesn't have to.
Recced by @astroboots:  Erika must be sick of me pimping this to everyone but this is one of the best characterisations of Frankie I have ever read. It’s written with an uncanny insight of what makes Frankie tick, but also what it means to be a soldier, the inability to form attachments, and worse what it means for those left behind if you do form attachments and the sacrifices one has to make for love if you truly cares for your partner.
You're a Saint by @quica-quica-quica [Frankie x f!reader, 1.1k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  One Man. Two kids. The supermarket.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  super soft/domestic Frankie being adorable.
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Triple Frontier - Misc/Multi
The Alewife  by  @wardenparker​​​​​ [Frankie x f!reader & other TF boy pairings, soulmate!au, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:  In a world where every soul has a perfect mate, Frankie Morales has seen no evidence that his even exists. Soulmates gain each other’s permanent body markings - scar and tattoos - and while all of Frankie’s ink and battle wounds have transferred over to his soulmate’s skin, he’s never found a single mark on his body that he didn’t make himself. Until now.
Recced by @thosewickedlovelies:  It's a triple frontier soul mate au that's v in-depth and creative, and although it starts as frankie x reader, we also get insight into all the boys and their oc soulmates' relationships. It's very sexy and funny and emotional and detailed and everyone should read it 💟
The Last of Us [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v] [ao3] by @seasonschange-butpeopledont​​​ [Frankie x reader, Santi x reader, zombies!au, 9k, T, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Months after the outbreak, a scavenging run in the city goes wrong.
Recced by @darnitdraco:  Kennedy has combined two things that I love so much and mushed them together. It’s got a bit of a will they make it?/ how do they get out of this one? Kinda vibe and I can’t wait for the next part to come out
The Price of Souls [ao3] by @ladytrashbird​​ [haunted!TF AU w/ some Molly x Benny, 11k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summmary:  A haunted!Triple Frontier story, told in perspectives. The boys find that Lorea's money comes with haunted strings attached. It's a pity they don't realize it before they turn the money over to Molly.
Recced by Anonymous:  it's a haunted!money au for triple frontier that's creepy, engrossing, and just plain brilliant. some benny/molly action but it looks at all the guys in the aftermath of the movie.
Recced by @astroboots:  I see that some GENIUS has already beaten me to this one. But hey the more the merrier and enough praise can never be given for this. Just Oh god the sheer genius. The masterful prose, the uncanny characterisation of each of the character, the haunting atmosphere and the I-do-not-dare-to-turn-off-the-lights-at-night-moments of this fic. This is an absolute masterpiece that you should not sleep on (LITERALLY). Cannot recommend it enough.
Triple Frontier - Santiago Garcia
Alarums and Excursions by @writefightandflightclub​​​ [Santi x f!reader, 6k, M, angsty oneshot--mind the warnings]
Author’s Summary: You are a member of Santi’s squad alongside: William “Ironhead” Miller; Francisco “Catfish” Morales; and, Tom “Redfly” Davis. You and Santi are old friends, but you recently blurred the lines between friends and lovers.
Recced by @astroboots:  Alarums and Excursion is that strange but perfect balance of perfectly heartbreaking but also such amazing comfort fic even though your heart ends by being put through a damned spike.
Home by @absurdthirst [Frankie x f!reader x Santi -- listed under Frankie above ]
Homecoming ‘verse by @astroboots [Frankie x f!reader x Santi -- listed under Frankie above ]
The Last of Us by @seasonschange-butpeopledont [Frankie x reader, Santi x reader, zombies -- listed under TF Misc above]
Moving Day by @adverbedly [Frankie x f!reader x Santi -- listed under Frankie above ]
Ride or Die by @writefightandflightclub​​​ [Santi x f teammate!reader, 9.3k, E, angsty oneshot]
Author’s Summary: You are a member of Santi’s squad alongside: William “Ironhead” Miller; Francisco “Catfish” Morales; and, Tom “Redfly” Davis. You and Santi are old friends, but you recently blurred the lines between friends and lovers.
Recced by @astroboots:  Ride or Die is Santi at his most appealing but also his most self destructive. It is an absolutely amazing character study that is smutty, hot, emotional, angry and heartbreaking all at once. This author writes that boy like no other, the sheer depth she bestows on him, the nuance, the conflicting emotions of how this man is so loyal and so caring and yet so self destructive all at once is pure genius.
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Bloodsucking Bastards - Max Phillips
Bonded Series by @mandocrasis​​​​ [Max x paranormal investigator named f!reader/ofc, 11k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:   Prudence travels the country investigating paranormal claims and reports. When you get a call about a possible vampire you don’t hesitate to check it out. What you don’t anticipate are things going sideways and getting yourself bound to the vampire for the foreseeable future. If you’re lucky, you’ll make it out of this ordeal alive.
Recced by @castleamc:   She's one of first authors I've ever had to pleasure of knowing that when I first started writing she gave me an immense amount of support, joy, and never let me feel alone here. 🥺
Frat Lestat Series: [p1] [mlist] [ao3] by @brandyllyn​​​ [Max x f!reader, 31k, E, several completed fics in an ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Max has a proposition for you.
Recced by Anonymous:  Frat Lestat is horrible, hateful and hilarious. Her Max characterisation is spot-on but still worth reading. Love it!
The Equalizer 2 - Dave York
Notes on Tutoring [ao3] by @honestly-shite​​ [Dave x younger fem!reader, music college AU, 70.8k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Mr York becomes your new classical guitar tutor in your final year at music college. A dark, mysterious man, you struggle to get a read on him but that doesn’t stop you from finding many ways to push his buttons. You manage to infuriate him with your stubbornness and forced complacency but there is definitely something else too. There’s a pull that you feel whenever he is near. You wonder if he feels it too.
Recced by @mandocrasis​: Absolutely to die for. 💕 This AU is what dragged me into Dave York - Maia weaves so much mystery and intrigue into this story, building up tension and pining like no other. It's told from the Reader's perspective but it's easy to tell how deeply she understands Dave York's character, rough and soft edges alike. I get so genuinely excited whenever I see an update for this fic pop up. If you like AUs and have even a passing interest in Dave York... this is the fic to read. It really has it all and the best part is that it's not even over yet 💕💕
Versus by @astroboots​ [Frankie Morales vs Dave York thriller -- listed under Frankie above]
The Great Wall - Pero Tovar
Fighting Blind [ao3] by @yespolkadotkitty​ [Tovar x OFC time travel fic, 32k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Curator Jade is hurtled back in time by a mysterious axe.
Recced by @fan-of-encouragement:  30k+ words of Pero Tovar/OFC involving time travel, a badass female lead, and a beautifully bittersweet love story that ends tragically, or does it? And why I love it? For such a short fic, the romance doesn't feel rushed, even though that's part of the plot. The first time I read it, I was on the Edge of my Seat wanting to know what's next, and when I say the bit with the lanterns had me super emotional and yearning, you'll know when you get there! Also, there's all sorts of little details about life back then that she remembered to write in, and I love it all. And the smut is super hot.
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - Javi G.
Javi G Oneshots: [Care] [Gleam] [Reverberate] [Take] by @javier-pena​ [Javi x f!reader, 11k total, E, oneshots]
Author’s Summary:  see author masterlist
Recced by @clan-djarin:  Astrid created such a dreamy universe here— reading these feels like I’m comfortably settled into a vacation in Italy. Everything is so soft and idyllic, but the smut is sweat-inducing. I just wish this Javi G could be my husband; Astrid has written up the PERFECT MAN. Gleam knocks the panties right off your body 👀
We Can Be Heroes - Marcus Moreno
An Ordinary Man [ao3] by @missminkylove​​ [Marcus M x f!reader,, 29k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary: After a few chance encounters with Marcus Moreno at work, you and he begin to grow closer, as a nefarious plot unfolds among the Heroics.
Recced by Anonymous:  Without a doubt one of my absolute favorite Marcus M fics. Like I fell in love with it instantly and couldn’t stop thinking about it. Her writing is so vivid and lovely and thoughtful, you just get pulled right into the world she’s creating
323 notes · View notes
ahxiang · 3 years
hi tea!! ive been 👀 at reset lately do u feel like telling me a bit about it? like i know it's about a time loop but it seems a bit long to be going over and over for 15 eps 😅
cata, beloved!! that is exactly what i thought when i first started it! i was like "how are they gonna stretch a time loop over an entire series??" and then a few eps in i 180'd and thought "how have ppl been able to fit time loops into only one ep/movie??" it seems like it'd be annoyingly repetitive, but surprisingly it isn’t! the individual loops tend to last a while and the plot is pretty different in each one. because of the decisions the main characters make and their goal of ending the loop by doing things differently, it doesn’t seem like watching the same thing over again, even when there are details or motions you know in advance. it keeps you on your toes each loop and helps with that redundancy.
the way it is edited also helps. for loops that are a lot shorter and can be redundant, the show presents them to us in intriguing manners that personally kept up my (generally very bad) attention. and this goes for more than just the repetition! i love the cinematography and editing of reset, it heightens the mystery elements and knows just how long to focus on one scene/storyline to keep the audience engaged but not bored. through a technical lens, i honestly think the series is a work of art and has been made by people who are v good at their jobs.
now, the shining factor of the drama is truly the stories it tells and the heart it has. the time loop plot is fun and exciting and mysterious and all that, but, like the lovely sofia @ahxu-laowen said, “apart from the very intriguing plot, this story is about kindness and empathy”. the language arts nerd in me is popping out here but every character is a round character and almost all of them are dynamic. we get to see so much more than just the protags and their adventures with the time loop. we get to peer into the lives of the people around them, those who generally would be tertiary characters instead become deuteragonists that the series makes us care about and empathize with. and the magic of this is especially present in the main character shi qing, who is kind to all of them and listens to (or investigates into) their stories. without giving anything away, even the antagonist is round and dynamic, and i think it serves to give us a fantastically fleshed out story. it's so much more than just a time loop.
and of course, while not the main focus and definitely more subtle, the romance is just *chef’s kiss*. i know you watched happiness, so i'd say its romance is very similar to that of reset. i've said this so many times to so many people, but i am just the biggest sucker for that whole "we've been through so much together/only trust each other" dynamic. i mean, (to paraphrase @bittergloss) the intimacy of being trapped somewhere that only they know the truth about even though they exist with everyone else?? having to fight and struggle to survive and get out while only having each other to lean on??? staying by each other's side bc goddamn it they've gotten this far together and going on any other way is just wrong???? that shit does things to me 😭😭😭 so yeah, if you liked that about happiness i think you'll enjoy it in reset as well.
and just some closing remarks on the comparison of reset to happiness bc they're very similar in my mind (though that may just be bc i hyperfixated on them back to back absdjsk). they've both got the same balance of plot/action to personal relationships and the plots are v similar from a danger/urgency standpoint. idk, i just think they have v similar vibes and i enjoyed both immensely!
aaaanywayyyyy, sorry for the essay, i love reset sm and i have a lot to say, lmao. i hope that was helpful and that you decide to watch!! if it helps, my mom doesn't really watch tv and drops things sooo fast, but she loves reset! like, she's obsessed now, absjdkfl. and you picked the perfect time to start it bc it's fully subbed as of literally right now! anyway, yeah, hope you enjoy and you are so welcome to come scream about it with me if you decide to watch!
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oneofthosesimps · 3 years
Freak like Me
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pairing: levi x fem!reader I nsfw
word count: 6230
summary: as soon as the reader enters levi's life, something changes in him. reader's madness spills over and he slowly changes
warnings: mention of blood (not yours), rough sex, dirtytalk, daddy kink, swearing, dom x dom, fight scene
authors note: although i wanted to write shorter stories again, this one somehow got longer again. i tried my hand at an action scene, but i still have to practice a lot. somehow i had strong harley x joker vibes and they had to come out, sorry.
all credits to the artist of this pic:
Lensar on DeviantArt
Your gaze falls into the depths of the forest before you close your eyes. Bright rays of sunlight fall through the branches above you and warm your face. You hear birds chirping around you, the crackling of the wood beneath you, the rustling of leaves swirling in a gust of wind. You breathe deeply as your open hair blows back. You hear your heart beating quietly in your chest as the silence embraces you like an old friend. What does freedom mean? What does life mean? You are sure that this is pretty close to the source. The people behind the wall, who go about their lives every day hoping to see the next day, would never get to see this world. Especially not the people you left behind in the underground.
A grin plays around your lips as you hear the hissing far off in the distance. The trees groan behind you under the force with which the hooks bore into their bark. That took a long time, you think to yourself, as ropes speed past you. You hear the chatter and shouts of your comrades in fragments, shattering the silence around you. Blurred faces shoot past you one after the other.
You spread your arms and stretch them away from you. One last deep breath fills your lungs before you hold your breath. Slowly your body falls backwards before you lose your footing beneath you and plunge headlong into the depths. The air hisses loudly past your ears, your body spins around itself. You are weightless, the green blurs around you before your whole body is pressed full force into your harness and you are yanked back up. You hear the gas sweep around you as you fly through the air, trailing the others. Your hooks bore further away into the trunk of a thick, old tree. You take momentum, flying high into the treetops, letting the ropes come back to you. Unsecured, you fall through space. Your body does a backward roll, allowing you to observe the forest floor for a brief moment. The moss nestles around the roots of the trees, single brown leaves cover the forest path, bodies move forward beneath you, you can still see a squirrel quickly making its way to safety before your body returns to its normal position and you dig your hooks into a tree again. You zip between the trees, your cape flying behind you, your face brushing some branches that bore into your tender skin. You hear the pop of a cannon being fired and see red smoke in the sky northwest of you.
Immediately you change direction, sprinting forward, leaving behind other cadets who still haven't processed what is happening. Arriving in a clearing, you find your place on a thick branch high above. Further in the distance, you see the shaking of trees, the earth shaking slightly, making the grass dance on the ground. You hear heavy footsteps, still moving slowly.
The branch below you moves and you look to your right. Silver eyes stare at you from beneath tousled black hair, eyeing your small body.
"You really do have to keep pushing forward." You hear more bodies land on the trees behind you and the wood weighs down slightly. The rest of your squad waits for instruction from your captain.
"I guess this is why I'll never get my own Squad, sir."
You turn your gaze back to the direction the titan is coming at you from and grin.
"What do you think, fifteen seconds?"
"Mmm, more like ten," Levi guesses, and the tremor intensifies. A huge hand grips around a tree trunk, pulling out from between the trees, and big eyes stare at you. Nearly ten-metres high, abnormal.
"Let's see what you can do then, humanity's strongest soldier." He snorts and rolls his eyes before his whole body moves forward with a jerk. He pulls his swords from their holsters and places them close to his body. With an ease and without the titan even noticing him, he cuts a chunk out of his neck. Before Levi even gets back beside you, the giant falls to the ground and starts to steam.
That wasn't even seven. He crosses his arms in front of his chest, the blood on his face slowly disappears and he looks at you. A small smirk curls his lips, "Brat."
You snort and slam your fist against his shoulder.
That's the word everyone would use to describe your relationship.
The first time Levi laid his eyes on you, when he saw you among all the new, shitty cadets, his foot hit your stomach area shortly after. You lacked respect and you lacked punctuality and discipline too. Another pile of shit he had to deal with - or work on until it headed home in tears.
The day after that, he hit your face with his fist. Kneeling on the floor in front of him, panting, you looked up at him. Wiping blood from your lips, you grinned at him and looked at him with wide eyes, your pupils exploding. "That's all you got, sir." Just as he was about to grit his teeth and lunge with his foot to beat the living daylights out of you, Hange stopped him. He tore himself away from her and knelt down to you, looking at you with dead eyes, "I'm going to make your fucking life a living hell." Your tongue licked over your lower lip, wiping away the remaining blood and your grin widened, "Try me."
He kept his word, always picking you out, giving you more tasks, making you run round after round, cleaning the whole headquarters, beating up your little body several times, but to his displeasure you did it all flawlessly. Yes, you lacked respect and also punctuality and discipline, but your performance was amazing, almost close to his. And when he finally saw the potential in you that Erwin had been talking about all along, it suddenly stopped - he left you alone, saw you with different eyes. Something changed in him, as if a plug had been pulled. You watched each other across the field during training, in mess hall at dinner, every spare minute your eyes spent on each other and gradually butterflies crept into the pit of your stomach. And you had the feeling that behind the cold silver there was something deep and dark that you wanted to bring to the surface. Your exchanges were still kept to a minimum, however, until there was another bang.
"That's the stupidest plan I've heard in a long time," you snort, raising an eyebrow.
"Excuse me, brat?" You roll your eyes and stare at him just as coldly as it hits you. The temperature in the room drops noticeably and the others at the table hold their breath. No one dares to say anything. No one would dare say anything. The moonlight from outside shines in, the candles in the room flicker slightly and trace sharp edges on your faces.
"That's the stupidest plan I've heard in a long time," you repeat louder, "Better, sir?"
Levi's eyes blaze and he stares at you. His eyebrows draw together, the corners of his mouth drop. You see Armin open his mouth speechlessly to your right.
Your hairs stand up, the electricity rises and you bite your lower lip, grinning.
"You doubt my plan?" says Levi low and monotone. Jean's hand lands on your shoulder and he grips it, pressing you into your seat to save you from your own stupidity, but it wasn't you who was stupid, it was the whole plan Levi had just explained to you.
"Not only do I doubt it, but I also have a better one," your grin widens as Levi's liquid silver darkens. "Let me fight on the front lines. Mikasa is good, but I'm better".
"For that, you're an incorrigible little bitch who won't listen to my orders".
"Yes, because my plans usually make more sense".
"You're not ready for that. Your cluelessness only makes you run from one titan to another. That statement alone shows me how small your brain is if you're not even aware of it and now shut your mouth."
Jean's grip tightens, but you just push his hand away from you. After your next blink, your heart jumps a tiny bit as you see Levi's annoyed face. He is always good at holding back his anger and it never shows. In fact, he almost never shows any emotion, but you see right through him. He has it bubbling up inside him. Never contradicts him and if he does, the person suffers a thousand deaths afterwards. But between you it is somehow different, tingling. It gives you the greatest pleasure to see him like this and you know, deep inside him, a voice is telling him that he enjoys it too. Others would describe you as crazy and full of the courage to live, but that's what makes it all so appealing.
"Maybe we can find a compromise?" suggests Armin and you see the sweat on his brow as he almost shits himself at the words. You roll your eyes and look back at Levi.
"I thought you wanted to make my life hell. So that's a good start," you remind him of the first words he ever said to you.
"Your plans are bullshit. If I let you keep fighting up front, you'll probably get yourself killed by your insanity, " he growls, almost at his limit. But only almost.
You lean over slightly, look at him, smile slightly, grin, bite your lip again, breathe, "I have a feeling you like this madness, Levi."
He tenses slightly, draws his eyebrows together again as his name passes your lips. Connie coughs and tries to draw attention to himself, but everyone ignores him. It seems like everyone is in a state of shock because you simply addressed him by his first name. Everyone watches spellbound as you literally eye-fuck each other. Do they like the show? Almost at his limit.
"Tch, what did you just call me, brat?" his voice gets louder and his hands form into fists. You lean back in your chair again and look at him, bored.
"Oh, I didn't know you had such bad hearing. Don't you like Levi? That's your name, isn't it? Do you prefer Sir? Or Captain? Or maybe," your eyes looked up at him, burning into him, "Daddy?" At his limit. Pathetic.
A deep dark sound comes from his throat and the others hold their breath again. His whole posture grows stronger and wider. You see the muscles working under his clothes, see veins popping on his hand and you feel butterflies in your stomach. His eyes are black. You all sit like that for a few seconds. You watch his gestures and his face change emotions. Without warning, his right hand hits the table flat, "Fuck off."
The sound cuts through the silence and the weaklings among you flinch. Confused, no one moves, while your eyes do not leave each other's. Armin is about to open his mouth and Jean is about to put his hand on your shoulder again when Levi stands up with a jerk, his chair tipping backwards and hitting the wooden floor with a thud.
"I said fuck off," he roars, looking around with a death glare.
Chairs squeak, footsteps run across the wooden floor, making it creak.
"What have you done now?" whispers Jean in your ear and you give him a look before he walks behind the others and the door closes.
The scene stops again and you stare at Levi. Both hands flat on the table in front of him, leaning on his arms and looking down, he stands there. You can no longer see his eyes as his long black strands fall into his face, but you notice his tense jaw. Your heart leaps again. He was so handsome. Especially when he was angry. Finally, you break the silence.
"Great, now you've scared everyone," you sigh and roll your eyes.
"What are you doing?", Levi hisses back at you, spitting venom and bile, finally raising his head. His eyes blaze again and your core drips.
"I don't know what you mean."
"You know your place, so start acting like it, you piece of shit."
"I wish my place was naked in front of you." Before Levi has taken in what you've said, you stand up, pushing the chair back a little as you do so, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go to sleep too. The day was exhausting and I need to rest to be fit for the expedition. So, I can sit my ass off nicely in midfield."
You turn away from him and your heart slips slightly into your pants. Never turn your back on the enemy. "But of course, it makes much more sense for Mikasa to fight in front and me in the back. Makes sense."
You can take two steps as his hand wraps firmly around your wrist. He squeezes too tightly, hurting you, and you grin again.
"Repeat what you said." His voice is so low it sends a shiver down your spine. Your expression changes and, playfully annoyed, you turn to face him.
"Do you mean the part where I explained that I was going to sit my ass off." He growls and you almost groan. The tension was heavy and hot.
"Stop playing games. My patience is running out."
You lick your lower lip again, wetting it before biting down on it. "I know this isn't about the fucking mission," Levi looks at your mouth. You take a step closer to him, looking up at him from below. "I wish my place was naked in front of you, Daddy," you breathe.
In that split second, his lips land on yours. Two forces of nature collide and you almost topple backwards. His arm wraps tightly around your waist, pulling you against him, and you finally moan. He bites your lower lip hard and you open your mouth in pain. He takes the opportunity to dig his tongue deep between your lips. He presses himself against your body and you slam into the wall behind you. A pain runs through your head as your tongues circle each other, fighting to see who has the upper hand. Your hands go into his hair, reaching deep into his mane, and you pull his head closer to you. Big hands grip your waist and he lifts you up with ease so you can wrap your legs around him. His hands travel under your thighs, squeezing the flesh before he drills them into the fat of your ass. Your teeth collide as you drill your tongue deeper into his mouth, exploring his mouth cavity. He releases the kiss and a thread of spit connects you. You lay your head back and lick over your swollen, sore lips as he places his mouth on your vein, kissing your pulse before licking along it.
"Took you long enough to finally decide to fuck me."
"Shut your mouth, brat," he breathes against your neck before biting into it and sucking on it.
"I swear, if you leave hickeys ..." you groan.
"What then? Are you going to hit me with your little fists?"
"You mean like you did to me all those times? Nah, I'm not an asshole like you. But you probably secretly get off on it."
He bites your neck, just above your pulse, and your head slams back against the wall behind you, making you see stars. He smirks as his nails dig into you and you claw into his shirt. Your panties are completely wet and your juice leaks out of you incessantly. You moan loudly as his teeth dig deeper into your flesh. This was far too good to be true. Your left hand goes into his hair again, you pull at the strands and tear him away from you. He makes a face and you press your lips to his again, biting his lower lip until you taste blood. He gasps and pushes your head away from him, "You're crazy."
You grin broadly at him. "We've been over this," you lick his lower lip apologetically, "and I can see you like it." His gaze is on your face as you wrap your arms around him. "You like crazy, you will stick your dick in crazy." A dark sound escapes him and your nails run over his neck. "You can't even argue with me, you want to fuck this crazy bitch so badly."
His lips land on yours again and you grin against him before moaning into his mouth as he presses you tighter against the wall. His hands leave your ass, skimming up the sides of your waist before moving forward to your chest. Two of his fingers find their way along between the buttons, stroking the sensitive skin. Your belly grows warm with the butterflies inside him. You wrap your legs tighter around his waist and run your hand under the fabric of his shirt at the nape of his neck, running it over the muscles of his shoulders and it shakes you with pleasure.
His strong hands grip the fabric of your blouse and without warning, he rips the front apart, sending the buttons flying across the room. You bite your lip as his arms fall around your waist to hold you in place. "You shouldn't have taken your anger out on my blouse," you moan as he kisses the bulge above your right collarbone and licks along it.
"Would you rather I took it out on you?" he murmurs as he bites into that thin skin too, sucking on it and sure to leave a hickey.
"Yes, I don't know you any different."
He continues to lick forward, kissing the ridge at the end of your neck, licking over a mole at the beginning of the mound of your breast. His right hand comes away from your waist, grips your left breast and kneads it. You claw into his shoulders, leaving marks as he pushes the cup off it and you feel his hand skin on skin. Almost painfully, he rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger and you push your back through, coming to meet him.
"Mmm, you like that?" he murmurs and you can hear his grin.
"I never thought you'd be this good at it," you mock, before you make a grimace and groan. Pain runs through you as he bites down on your nipple and then his lips wrap around it and he sucks on it. The sensation extends to your fingertips and your toes, coursing through your whole body. You close your eyes, savouring and moaning his name as he bites into it again. He sucks harder on it, lifting his head slightly and releasing it with a plop. He circles your nipple with his tongue and licks it slowly and pleasurably. The knot in your stomach tightens and your head is fogged.
"More," you moan into the room. You tug at the piece of fabric covering him and press your core tighter against him.
"Don't be so impatient, idiot."
"I'm not impatient, you're just slow."
He pulls your whole body down a bit, pressing his bulge into your centre. You curse because the fabric between you is annoying and rub against him greedily.
"Slowly then?" he purrs against your ear and comes towards you, rubbing against you too, "I'll keep that in mind." He grips you again and lifts you away from the wall. You let yourself fall against him and moan against his neck, licking it as you continue to try and build pressure.
Shortly after, your bottom touches the table and he releases your weight. You seize the opportunity and do the same to him, yanking him out of his shirt.
"Tch, but I'm venting my anger," he leans over you, capturing your lips again. Immediately your tongues meet. Greedily your fingers touch his body, stroking his soft skin beneath your fingers, feeling individual scars over, which you let your thumb wander. You caress each and every muscle and gape at his well-built body. He surpasses every single one of your fantasies that you imagined while he was training or just cleaning. You follow his muscles down to the V of his pelvis and a deep moan comes over him as you undo the buckle of his belt. His hands also find their way to your trousers, undoing them, and he releases the kiss. He goes to the floor, kneels in front of the table where you are still sitting and looks up at you. Slowly he takes off your boots without taking his eyes off you. You watch him spellbound, a grin falling on your lips again. He pulls at your trouser legs and you lift your bottom, helping a little so that he can brush the fabric off your legs.
His hands run over your feet and you shake yourself slightly before he kisses them.
"Mmm," you moan, "I could see you like this more often, Captain." You bite your lower lip as his hands slide along your legs. Again, and again his lip or tongue hits your skin, caressing it and you are sure you would leave a stain on the neatly cleaned table. At the latest, when his lips lick the insides of your thighs, your hands clasp the edge of the table. You groan and your right hand goes into his hair, claws into it. His hands settle on your legs, pushing them apart, and his warm breath touches your core. He looks at the dark fabric separating his face from your lower lips and licks his lips. How will you taste? There is a distinct stain, your juice colours the fabric a shade blacker and his hard cock presses against his still closed trousers. He draws in the air around him and he groans. You smell so incredibly good, how much he'd like to taste you. How much he would like to fuck you.
When you notice his fingers gently stroking your pussy and he grips the fabric to pull it aside, you moan again and pull on his head.
Painfully he is pulled back and you close your legs.
"What are you doing, idiot?" he gasps in annoyance, his face contorting at the sting.
"I don't feel like playing this time," you murmur, grinning. "My patience is wearing thin," you repeat his words from earlier, "I don't feel like waiting anymore."
You press your toes against his chest and push him backwards. He is slightly off balance, staggers and falls into the chair behind him.
"Unzip your pants already", you stand up and your hands each rest on the back of the chair next to his head, your breasts dangling in his face, "Go ahead".
Completely caught off guard, he undoes the button and then the zip. You grin again and lean forward towards him. Your lips meet his jaw, kissing along it to his ear and you put your mouth to the shell of his ear, "And now you take out your big cock."
He growls slightly and does as you command. Your gaze falls briefly on his hard erection and a shiver comes over you, your butterflies dancing inside you.
"That's much better, isn't it, Daddy?" you see his Adam's apple dangle as he swallows hard and you look into his eyes. You place one leg on each side of his body. Your hands slide from the back of the chair to his shoulders and you claw into them. Still covered with a piece of cloth, you rub your cunt over his hard cock, which presses against it. You moan and he does the same, putting his hands on your waist and squeezing. His eyes close and he puts his head back in his neck, "Do it already."
"Anything my daddy wants," your hand grips the thin fabric and pulls it aside. Drops of your juice hit him, mixing with his precum and you rub it along your slit before gripping his shaft and sliding his thick tip inside you.
Never would you have expected him to be so big. Your walls press tightly against him as he slides inch by inch into you. Your eyebrows draw together because it feels so good. Levi gasps slightly beneath you as you swallow him slowly.
"You're huge," you sigh contentedly as he's fully inside you, and you twitch your walls, his fingers buried deep in the flesh of your waist. His jaw seems tense, but his eyes look at you half-closed. His irises are no longer visible. "God, so fucking huge. We should have done this so much sooner. I think it's tearing me apart," you grin wide and happy as you feel a slight burn.
"If I had known how good you looked doing that, I would have fucked you sooner."
"Yeah, would you have?" you look deep into his eyes as you move upwards, his cock sliding completely out of you and you lower yourself back down onto him, "Do you like the way I ride your cock?" Your movements slowly quicken and you hear the smacking of your cunt as it swallows his cock again and again.
"Do you like the way your thick cock keeps digging deep into me?" He growls out and starts to come towards you. His hips thrust upwards, hitting you hard. As he does, you don't part your gaze for a second and it feels like you can glimpse his soul.
"Do you like the way my cunt milks you?" Levi digs one hand into the fat of your ass, pulling on it and baring his teeth. You dig your nails into his back as he changes the angle and bumps against your G-spot. The sounds of his balls hitting your ass and the mixing of your fluids grow louder. You become incredibly hot and start to sweat.
"Do you like the way I moan your name?" you add a long Levi at the last word and he stares at you like you're a goddess. His goddess.
"Fuck, you're so hot," he murmurs in a dry, heavy voice.
"That you ever thought otherwise hurts my heart." You ram your fingernails deeper into his back and pull at the skin, leaving deep marks.
"I'll never think anything else again," he groans up at you. By now you are no longer riding him. Instead, he holds you in place above him, your feet no longer even touching the ground, and he thrusts into you with a brutality that leaves you breathless. The knot in your stomach gets tighter and tighter and you bite his shoulder to stifle a scream. He fucks you like a madman, pressing his body hard against yours and enjoying the feel of your hard nipples against his chest. He tries to get even deeper, to push against your cervix, but the position is too shitty for that.
"That won't do," he groans, suddenly lifting you up. With his pants at his ankles and you in his arms, he walks back to the table, lays you down on it ungently and buries himself in you again. He grips your legs with his hands, rests them on his shoulders and increases his speed further. He fucks you into the hard wood of the table and puts his head back, moaning your name loudly. He comes so far inside you, you feel pain deep inside you. Such good pain.
"God, your cunt is so tight. I never want to feel anything else ever again." You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Your breath has long left your lungs and your brain can't make anything up. Your little body is concentrating solely on how his fat cock is being pushed into you, how he is tearing your little hole in two and how incredible this feeling is. Because of this, you just mumble something to yourself, which makes him grin, "Suddenly I guess your mouth isn't so big anymore." Again, you try to say something, but it is in vain. Your head is full of fog and all you can think about is how he should thrust harder, even deeper, which is no longer possible, and how he should take you. You want him to ruin you, for everything and everyone. Every night he should do this to you so that you can never stand or sit again. You just want to be his little plaything.
"Good to know I can shut you up like this." His cock hits your G-spot hard and makes you see stars. You moan loudly and reach for something to claw into, but there's nothing. "Alright, I guess silent isn't quite the right word".
He's fucking you so well and you glare at him as he stares at you and you bite your lip, your breathing becoming more uncontrolled and you nod slightly at him to signal how close you are. He grins and you push your back through as he thrusts into you one last time and you explode, screaming his name and losing your grip on the earth.
That was probably the beginning of your death - and probably that of every other - but who knows for sure. The two of you were quite a force on your own, but as a duo you were invincible. Soon, word got out about what had happened. You could have tried to deny it, but it wasn't difficult to guess, since you were ever the only person allowed to disobey Levi and get away alive. Moreover, your loud moans could be heard throughout the building. Everyone should know that you now belong to each other. Your madness spilled over onto him. You had nothing left to lose - except each other and you swore you would only leave this hell together.
"Listen up, shitheads," Levi turns his attention to the people behind you and you follow his gaze, "we're going to do another round and secure the perimeter before we set up camp here for the night."
"Yes, sir," everyone but you shouts in unison and salutes. You roll your eyes.
Your gaze, on the other hand, averts and you direct it to the trees around you. The birdsong has died down and the wind has receded. The branch beneath you sways slightly again as Armin lands on it and turns to talk to Levi. You ignore them both and continue to look around. No wind, but the leaves sway back and forth. You close your eyes and concentrate. Far in the distance you can hear a river making its way through the ground. There is a faint smell of wet moss and it is all so peaceful. Far away you hear the tapping of a woodpecker looking for its food before it suddenly stops. You tear your eyes open and clutch the handles of your equipment. A moment later you see the bird fluttering overhead with a loud bird song. Your eyes fall on Levi and over Armin's shoulder he looks at you. He raises an eyebrow before your typical grin falls to your lips and his expression slips.
You shoot your hooks, which bore into a tree and you fly away. Behind you, you hear the shouting of others and more gas being consumed as you make your way through the forest. You build up speed and zoom past the many trees. You race in the direction from which you just heard the woodpecker. You hear a stomping sound that gets louder and louder the closer you get to it, before you see two huge figures running past you on your left. You didn't expect two, but that only means one more point on your kill scale. Your hands grip the handles of your 3DMG tighter and adrenaline rushes through your bloodstream. You draw in a deep breath through your nose as you suddenly change direction and race towards them. In the distance, you catch sight of your squad and see Levi racing ahead of them after you. He is stronger than you, but you are faster. He has left the squad behind with ease and does not look happy. His rage-filled face makes you feel like you're on fire and a shiver runs down your spine.
"Sorry," you shout loudly to them as you fly through the air and your hook bores into a titan's shoulder. You hear Levi yell your name, but you ignore him. Unfortunately, this distracts the two titans and they notice you. They stop and look around before spotting Levi.
The smaller titan is just under eight metres tall, the other about two metres taller, both of course abnormal. You whirl around the larger one and draw your swords, placing them against your small body, ready for battle. You hiss at his neck, but while he has not yet set his sights on you, the smaller one turns his attention to you and looks at you with wide eyes. He reaches out his hand to you. You curse loudly and drill your hook into a tree above you to get away from him quickly. It is just enough that when he closes his hand, you are not caught in it. Instead, your sole touches his huge finger and you push off against him in addition to putting more land between him and you. On the other side of the field, you see Levi whirling through the air, attracting the little titan's attention. He puts up his swords ready to fight, but you are quicker, get in his way and cut the titan's neck with a smooth slice. The first titan goes down, begins to steam and you are left with the larger one. As you fly through the air, you drill your hooks into his arm and pull yourself towards him. Just before you get on top of him you change direction and fly towards his shoulder. The titan looks around and tries to spot you again, but you are too fast. The next time your hooks hit a tree in the distance. You fly towards his neck, your swords just setting when your ropes suddenly loosen. The titan has lashed out, ripping them out of the tree. You tear open your eyes, more adrenaline finding its way into your bloodstream, your heart pounding against your chest. For the moment, your course is not altered, so your cut glides through him perfectly and he falls slowly to the ground. But you fall with him. You try to drill your hooks back into a tree, but apparently, he has damaged your equipment, so nothing happens. Panic shoots into your head as you get closer and closer to the ground. You close your eyes and brace yourself for impact before you hit the ground. Your air is ripped from your lungs, your body aches under the contact and the wind flies around your ears. You cling to the body against you and rest your head against its neck. Black tea and lemon. As soon as your feet touch ground, he sets you down and pushes you off him. You stagger back and see the faces of the rest of your comrades, who look at you in horror.
"What was that about, you retard?!" snarls Levi at you, and you see his tense jaw and the deep creases on his forehead, his lips pressed hatefully into a line, as he presses his eyebrows together.
"I don't know what you're upset about. I had the situation under control." You pat the dirt off your clothes, hoping he doesn't see your slightly wobbly legs. You take a deep breath and look up at him. That was more action than you planned. To be honest, the situation got out of hand, but you would never admit that - especially not in front of Levi.
"Under control?! You call that under control! You disobeyed my order!" he yells at the whole forest and you see Krista wince.
"I killed them, what more do you want? If you hadn't come, I would have finished faster."
"He almost killed you!"
"Right, almost," you grin at him and undo the straps of your equipment, letting it fall to the floor. It is no longer of any use and simply means more burden that you would have to carry around with you. You kick it lightly and it rattles. Everyone seems shocked, and Levi clenches his hands into fists. You bite your lower lip, "You were there, weren't you?"
"Yeah, but I'm not always, maron!"
"Yeah, and I'm good at taking care of myself in those moments," you stride towards him and place your hands on his tense chest, "Daddy."
You wink at him and the others almost skin it at your words. Eren is probably already thinking about running away before Levi takes his anger out on him. You stroke his shirt and he stares at you. His anger is immeasurable, but you can see something else mingling in his gaze and he relaxes slightly.
"You'll pay for that later," he murmurs and you lick your lips.
"I expected nothing less."
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have Present mic, Aizawa, and all might where they learn their young student is fatherless? Like... their father walked out/went to prison when they were young. I'm sorry if this is time consuming, but I can't stop sobbing over my father.
I'm the situation baby but remember it wasn't your fault
I changed it up a little bit with Mics- I hope you don't mind
Present Mic:
• from the getgo something was wrong
• The moment you walked into class he could tell
• You looked like shit
• Dark bags under your eyes, hair messily brushed, just to get it out if your face, and your eyes were a light red.
• You didn't look particularly happy to be there either
• something turns in his stomach, a gut feeling that something really had went down
• And he hated seeing his students upset
• but he was relatively close to you to begin with, his felt different
• He felt like he had to do something
• Everyone settled into their seats as the bull rung but his eyes remained on you
• You honestly didn't pay attention during the lesson
• He could tell as much
• class finishes and the bell rings but you sit still, and it's not until most of the students have trickled out of the room do you start packing up
• He walks over and kneels in front of the desk "You okay there? You don't look so good," he looks concerned and his heart drops when he sees your lip start to quiver
• It takes you 0.27 seconds to break and you're frantically wiping your eyes as sobs wrack your body
• He's got his arms wrapped around you in seconds and you're leaning into his shoulder.
• He isn't sure exactly how long you're crying for but eventually you calm down enough to get out a coherent sentence
• "My-My dad was arrested Friday night. He won't tell me why- he won't let anyone else tell me why and I don't know what else to do," you cry, "I miss him so much and its only been a few days- I don't- I don't have anyone else, Mr. Hazashi,"
• And you're crying again.
• He has you take the rest of the day off, in fact he takes the day with you
• He calls in a sub (you don't know what strings he had to pull for that but you don't ask, at this point you don't care) and you two dip
• He takes you to get food, real food, that'll make you feel better
• He knows that'll help a little
• and after that he takes you to get something sweet- that tends to help mood and blood pressure and anxiety
• So he does his best with you
• He nutures you the best way he knows how
• if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING this man has you covered
• He does his best to step up in any way he can
• first off he extends his assignment deadlines and cancels two tests. Who needs them anyway.
• And you eat lunch in his classroom because he can well tell you don't want to talk to anyone else right now
• He closes it off (seemingly) so in reality its just you and him
• He'll probably tell Aizawa too but on the downlow (just so he knows)
• When holidays roll around, the dorms close.
• In this case- he let's you stay with him. He has an extra bedroom. He doesn't want you to stay in an empty house.
• You also get his phone number (which you gladly use) for anything really
• Bored? He'll deliver some shitty puns.
• Confused about homework? Text him.
• having a mental breakdown? He's got you covered.
• You got memes? Please for the love of God send them to him.
• The dynamic eventually shifts to a VERY father daughter relationship.
• He knows he'll never replace your dad. He understands that wholeheartedly, but he wants you to have someone
• He actually gets a letter from your dad, thanking him for taking care of you
• but he really doesn't mind
• He had a feeling that there was something going on at home. Or rather, a lack of something.
• He's dealt with it in the oast- with himself and with past students and current ones
• Shinsou
• I mean, aside from that fact whenever parents were mentioned, you'd either stiffen up or wrinkle your nose
• You didn't really like the subject of parents
• There was an essay prompt about parents (nothing too personal) nd you ended up writing it on the extinction of dinosaurs and why God fucked up instead
"It'd be absolutely stellar to see huge lizards roaming the earth and occasionally stepping on people, you know? Jurassic park was onto something."
• Man's couldn't even fail you on it because it was written v well
• Anyway, he doesn't pry too much. He just silently figures it out by process if elimination and pattern.
• He doesn't really care too much
• In the sense if it doesn't define you and he doesn't help you because he pities you
• he helps you because he seems potential
• He takes you under his wing with shinsou
• Yall spend a whole summer training
• And that's when it all came out
• It was an accident really.
• Shinsou was tired, exhausted really
• and when people get tired- that tired- sometimes they spout random shot they wouldn't usually say
• and thats what he did
• he went on about his home life
• and if he could, you could too right?? You could trust them.
• "My dad walked out when I was a kid. Little, like 3. I have a few pictures of him holding me, but I guess it wasn't enough. I don't have any desire to meet him. Not anymore. But it left me feeling like I did something wrong? I guess? Which I suppose is why I train. Because then I feel strong. Which is a good difference from how it usually feels."
• He knew it.
• He called it.
• He was right again.
• He reassures you that you are good enough, strong enough, and his decision to leave had nothing to do with you
• and when he saw you give him a soft smile, he warmed.
• I mean really, it only goes up from there
• he'll deny it, or grumble under his breath, but he seems you two as his own
• Like these aren't my kids but they are my kids
• When dorms close on holiday yall get to stay because that's where he lives too
• Like if you chose too
• he's not gonna force you to stay but if you don't want to go home, you don't have too
• He has that power
• He will buy you food
• all you gotta do is ask
• and he'll roll his eyes and grumble something he doesn't really mean, just secretly happy that you feel comfortable enough around him to ask for something
• lmao family group chat
S: 'Hey Mr. Aizawa I found this cat. Hold on lemme send a pic'
A: 'Dont need a pic. Bring him home'
Y: 'What if he's ugly??'
A: 'gremlin. Bring him home.'
Y: 'Hey I saw this tweet that said 'kids be like watch this and do a half roundhouse spin kick clap and waste my fucking time' and it make me think of you.'
S: @ mr. Aizawa when he has to watch deku do sumn
Y: Lmaoooo like when he threw the baseball
A: Me watching you too try to figure out how to beat me in training
Y: Yikes bro
S: That was a rough one
• Does he regret giving you and shinsou his number??
• Maybe
• Not really
• Lmao super secret lunch movie days
• Every week on wendesday yall watch a movie. Usually it takes 2 or 3 days to watch the movie since lunch is only 70 minutes
• @ you accidently calling him dad one day and shinsou snickering but it stuck
• dadzawa lmaoo
• Man's has 2 underlings.
• You and Deku.
• Picked you up when he started teaching at UA
• Ion know let's say one day you popped off bc he said some dumb shit and you were like no sir that's clearly wrong
• schooled him in his own damn subject
• the other kids were like 😳
• what the fuck
• Anyway
• He see's you have potential
• And though he's not the best teacher, you seem to respond better to the way HE was taught
• So tbh its easier to teach you
• 'okay, now I want you to beat the shot out if that wall,'
'Okay lmao bet'
• Midoriya is like, hey mayhaps we should analyze the situation
• N ur like noe
• You just don't give a fuck
• about anything really
• other than moving up the ranks
• But even then- its not a super super big deal, you're just gonna do your best but you aren't gonna stress
• However he noticed a pattern w you (even before Midoryia brought it up to him)
• You don't let anyone in
• Midoryia knows a bit more than the other students but that's really only because he's always with you
• a good majority of the week he's w you
• but its not really a deep connection
• you don't rely on either of them
• You do your best to do things on your own.
• He knows midoryias life story
• he knows why he acts the way he does
• but he doesn't know why you do
• he has a gut feeling it could be the same as midoryia
• I mean he already had one kid who's dad dipped
• he'll surely be able to figure out you too??
• So he makes himself a promise that he'll figure it out and he'll become someone you trust
• And he does just that
• When you tell him about your nightmare of a family history he's like mm, makes sense
• but he's happy that you trust him!!!
• He's a BIG suckered for movie nights
• he's got popcorn, snacks, candy, chocolate, soda- he's prepared
• list of movies lined out all ready
• I lowkey feel like he'd be into lord of the rings or fast n furious
• fast n furious at LEAST
• He's really into American action movies
• and he has no problem sharing those movies with you
• he doesn't have a whole ton of money, like he's not rich, but if you or midoryia need something he's definitely there to get it for you
• even if ur like fam no you don't need too
• he'll buy yell food a lot
• a l o t
• and cards
• when you and midoryia get him a father's day card he thinks he's gonna cry
• You guys also have a group chat
• 'da faemilee'
• Y: "Hey dad do you have milk?"
A: "???? Do I have milk????"
Y: "ya I'm looking in your fridge n ion see any???"
A: "How'd you even get in????"
Y: "Izuku."
I: "lmaoo"
Y: Izuku you dumb bitch I left for ONE day
Y: And you got into a fight with Bakugou
I: He wanted to throw hands. I just did what you would do.
A: He's got you there
A: What do you guys want for dinner
I: Sushi
Y: Chicfila
Y: Izu square up
I: K
Y: Izu is fighting kacchow again
A: Beat his ass young midoriya
Y: Lmaoooooo
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Hawk X Reader
Warnings: The heat is real! Requested to be a little heated!
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You're apart of Cobra Kai, but it's just not the Karate that you focus on but more so of someone by the crazy name of Hawk. You always got so flustered and nervous around his it isn't even funny.
Hawk always teased you and playfully made fun of you but never enough to hurt you, because that would be the last thing Eli would want to do.
Every night Johnny, your sensei would let you stay behind past hours and practice leaving you to lock up and return his keys since you lived in the same apartment complex as him.
  Today was like any other day, another boring day of school. Soon that was over and you along with your cobra Kai friends sitting around in the dojo.
Hawk walks in the room and it's like everything goes in slo-mo for you, his gi so delicately placed on his body that you would have more than loved to rip off of him but that's a story for another day.
Hearts fill your eyes as your cheeks heat up and your heart skips a beat, hawk smirks as he notices all your attention on him.
"Take a picture- it'll last longer princess~" He smirks as he takes a seat, sitting criss cross in front of you.
You blush but grab your phone from your duffel bag anyways, turning it on the camera and snapping a pic of him catching him off guard. He smirks once again as he lets out a chuckle "what? It was a free invitation" You smirk slightly gaining confidence.
Eli hums "I guess it was" he thinks about it before nodding, agreeing with your statement.
"Everyone Quiet!" You hear Johnny yell out causing everyone to go silent.
"Get in your standing positions!" He yells as we all get into our positions.
For the rest of practice you stole side glances at hawk, admiring his posture and concentrated look.
While you weren't looking hawk would steal glances at you every once in while- well more like every five minutes.
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't head over heels for you; ever since he was his old Eli he was very fond of you but never had the guts to speak to you let alone tell you his feelings nor ask you out.
  Soon Johnny decided on allowing the students to fight each other, first he started with Miguel and Tory, then Mitch and Chris, lastly he picked you and.... Hawk.
  Your eyes slightly widened a little as Eli smirked, walking confidently in the middle as do you but more hesitantly.
  "I'll go easy on you princess" He grins cheekily.
  You smile shyly until you hear a 'fight!' From Johnny, giving you the right away.
  Right away Hawk try's to sweep your leg to make you fall but instead you block him, grabbing his leg and flipping him over causing him to fall on his back.
  Your eyes widen at you sudden action, surprised at your movements. "Well done Y/n. Point!" Johnny encourages as Hawk gets back into his stance with that same smirk.
  You let Eli strike first again as he throws a punch your way to which you quickly dodge and spin around spiking him in his stomach with a kick.
  "You're fast-" Hawk starts before grabbing flipping your arm over and pinning you to the ground "but not fast enough" he smirks.
  "Point Hawk!" Miguel says holding up the blue flag "winner!" He finishes.
  You and hawk continue to stare at each other as he still has you pinned down "are you guys going to move or make babies on my mat?" Johnny asks sarcastically causing everyone to let out a couple chuckles while you and hawk scurry up.
  "Uh sorry sensei" Hawk apologizes.
  A moment after that Johnny decided to end practice, he pulled you into his office "okay, here you are- I got you a spare key for the dojo" He hands it over to you.
"Thank you" You smile politely, Johnny nods his head in return.
Johnny leads everyone out as you head home, you figured you take a short nap before going back later to the dojo and practicing.
The time went by pretty fast and before you know it your nap was over and you were already opening up the dojo.
You went to unlock it with the key until you noticed it was already unlocked, you slowly opened the door taking a step in, already hearing someone punch a punching bag.
Slowly creeping around the corner to the back you see the person with their back turned towards yours but you notice that red Mohawk anywhere.
He was shirtless, sweat dripping down his body, a determined look on his face. With each punch on the punching bag he flex’s his back muscles showing off his eagle tattoo even though nobody’s there, that he’s aware of.
You couldn’t help but stare at his built features I mean something so fine should be illegal in this case. Hawk started slowing down on his punches, almost aware that someone was watching him.
He took a couple breaths before resting his shoulders and turning around to grab his water bottle until he spots you, his features turned shocked for a second until his confident smirk falls on his plump lips.
He slowly walks to you and grabs his water bottle that was next to you on the shelf before opening it and bringing it to his lips, maintaining eye contact with you and started drinking it.
Allowing some of the water to run down from his lips past his chin and running down his chest, you watch as this happened extremely flustered as you look back up making eye contact once again.
Your breath catches in your throat as he discards of the empty water bottle and walks closer to you, never breaking eye contact.
"You know princess it’s rude to stare, but then again I don’t mind" Hawk says lowly as he traps you up against the wall.
"I-I-" You tried to get out but it was nearly impossible seeing as you didn’t know what to say.
"Shhh princess..." He hushes as he presses a finger up against your cheek closely running it down to your lips, playing with your bottom lip.
"You know I always wondered what your lips would feel like against mine" He inches closer to you.
"How soft your lips would feel, what you would taste like..." He hums as he finally presses his lips against yours, capturing yours into a blissfully mind blowing kiss.
Hawk slowly creeps his hands behind your thighs "jump" he mumbles against you lips as you obey jumping into his hold.
You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer, his lips continue to move eagerly against yours in a fast motion almost afraid that you would disappear in his arms if he let go.
He pushes your back up against the wall pressing his chest against yours, now smushing his whole body into yours.
"So soft...." he mumbles against your lips, addicted to not only the softness of your lips and the taste of you.
"I want you.... all of you" You whisper against his lips as he lets you take some dominance.
"Then take me..."
There’s something so powerful about Hawk being submissive! Anyways thank you @gpiggy98 for requesting!
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kakubun · 3 years
stongest duo celebrating your birtthday
a/n: extremely self indulgent because my family didn't celebrate my birthday💔💔
warnings: big manga spoilers!!
(this is a whole goddamn au where geto didn't have his villain arc)
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backstory on y/n's part
after gojo defeated toji, the death of riko effected geto so much, he tried finding many ways to distract himself
after the day of yuki giving her opinions to geto, he felt like he couldn't sleep a wink with how the gal's speech is gluing itself messily to his mind but he tried to pay no heed to it
with a mission of exorcising a few curses, he didn't let words linger into his head and focused on his task
but he stopped in his tracks when he saw a child squatting near a bed of flowers sobbing heavily on their lap
geto crouched down, asking what was wrong with the mess of the child with the pain in their eyes as they struggle to explain what the situation was
"my f-friends are t-trapped, please follow-" he didn't waste his time and immediately scurry with the child whose fast on their feet
there it was, two girls bruised and dirtied while sobbing in each others' shoulders behind bars which made geto's heart dropped
"hey! you can't just-" the elderly had no chance to speak when geto snapped at them, telling what kind of actions and motives would lead to locking up two poor girls
whatever excuse was denied as geto scared them off with his own curses and tried freeing the children who shook when the lock of the prison collapsed on the ground
he tried to comfort them, letting a little curse zap from his finger to try to entertain them a little and nanako seemed to tap on mimiko's shoulder to also try to comfort her sister as they crawl over to him
soon, geto finds out that your name is y/n and that your parents were really nowhere to be seen, that's why you were left with the twins except you couldn't do anything when they were locked up
geto kind of chuckled to himself walking home with all of you, kinda like being a dad with 3 kids
immediately shoko tended to everyones' wounds and geto watched while the children stared back at him, he waved back telling that it'll be okay
"sugu-" gojo froze when he sees 3 kids being treated and he also had two kids tagging along and geto nodded, willing to explain so he stepped out the room with gojo for a second
you tugged on his shirt, looking up at him, scared to be left alone but he reassures that he's just gone for a second to talk with the creep with the white hair (gojo: i can hear you-)
shoko didn't say much, just tried to rub your head and smiled when you nodded at her as a thank you
a little interruption wouldn't hurt since idk how to countinue this but soon geto tried teaching you how to defend yourself with your cursed technique both gojo and him found out
(you can skip this bit but y/n has a technique to make dead live again and non-living things live, this was especially adorable when geto found out the small paper cranes that flew over his head were controlled by you while you try to make more origamis when you saw that big smile on his face)
also where he teaches nanako and mimiko how to use their cursed technique, gojo would mess around with you while you try to fight him but question marks appear around your head when you couldn't touch him
on with the birthday~~
"suguru, i just found out that these children that we adopted has no birthdays!! minus megumi and tsumiki, they're whatever-" geto also gasp in realization and their brains begun to work
"how about today??" "- great idea!!"
well uh having to tell principal yaga wasn't that hard which they were kinda grateful that he wasn't stoic and grumpy at them this time
a birthday gift from yaga made both of the two idiots pause and it was one of his dolls, being a puppet for sometime to entertain the kids during the party
"it's not a cctv right-" "-idk satoru it might be"
they both started setting up banners and gojo ushered megumi and tsumiki to put birthday hats on and wait to suprise them
with megumi unamused and tsumiki humming to suprise everyone, the cake set on the table nearly fell when you walked in
"oH shit-"
"happY BIRTHDAY!" you did not listen when they told you to wait in the room with the twins (you were hungry, you weren't to blame) but with the half baked suprise and not synced happy birthdays, it made you smile and call loudly for the others to come to the room
both their hearts melted when you placed birthday hats on the twins and eventhough it was slightly tilted, they weren't complaining
gojo wanted to be extra and pull out extra cameras to take a pic of everything but you stepped in sooo phone selfies it is
snapping hundreds of pictures of you shoving cake in geto's mouth, mimiko lending a spoon to tsumiki and megumi and nanako patting the doll that yaga gave them, it was perfect chaos
best birthday yet♡♡
"so how was it, y/n?" both the twins sleeping in their room when you held onto geto and gojo's hands while you three walked outside under the moonlit night filled with pretty stars, if only nanako and mimiko weren't heavy and fast sleepers, they would love this sight.
humming, the child bumped her head on both their arms and giggled. "i'm very happy with my two dads, of course it was the best birthday party ever :DD" you melted them and they're sinking away, you've done it.
the night ended with laughs of unison, if possible echoing throughout the school, this was the best time you've ever had in your life and you wish it's alway like this.
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bake me pls this fic is making me feel so empty, i just want two chaotic father figures named gojo satoru and geto suguru
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spacewizardtrek · 4 years
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WARNING: This post will ruin you. Like Medusa; look at your peril.
But here is is. It’s the one you’ve all been waiting for.
Kirk bod appreciation #7: The RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL FACE. A highly technical and academic review.
This is a rather nebulous one. And not, on the face of it (pardon the pun) very philosophical, as it’s essentially about Kirk being stupidly pretty. This post probably will (it will) descend into just screaming and sobbing, but there will be, I promise, *some* meaningful insight into the meaning of ‘beauty’ and textual analysis of its role herein.
Beauty is subjective. But look at him. It’s not just being aesthetic, but it’s the *way* he’s aesthetic. Here I might repeat myself a bit, but stay with me. I may have mentioned before once hearing him described as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is PRETTY. He is indeed often conveyed in the way the women stereotypically (not necessarily rightly) are on screen: perfect, smooth skin; soft, big eyes; luscious lips (his body is sensually curvaceous and furthermore it’s emphasised). He’s not androgynous though. He’s masculine. And yet I still sense what was meant in describing him as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is a rather uncommon form of gender fuckery. He is a form of stereotype-subversion not commonly acknowledged. He seems to be everything at once, ALL THE GENDER; combines whichever traits he desires from those categories, and yet is undeniably a man and masculine whatever the ingredients. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, one might wonder. The fact of the matter is, that it IS. And it teaches us something.
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The FUCK. nO. You are not allowed to be that pretty, and you are NOT allowed to look at her like that. We’re trying to have a SENSIBLE DISCUSSION here.
Sorry, that was a non-sequitur / nothing to do with what we learn by Kirk’s embodiment; I was just ambushed by my own gif. Only the control of a Vulcan. ONLY that could possibly withstand this onslaught. And even that won’t hold up forever AS WE WELL KNOW
This is going well, as you can tell.
OK. So, it’s claimed he has Eyes and Stupidly Long Weakness-Inducing Eyelashes. You know, from all that fanfic that goes on about ‘big, sparkling eyes’ and him fanning his ‘long, copper eyelashes’. I mean, yeah right, tropey mc tropeface -
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There are some moments where he just BLINKS and, how to describe it...how does a BLINK have that effect. It’s NOT ALLOWED.
...I’m sorry. It IS allowed. All of it. I am not shaming you your beauty. Never change, Jim. Never.
OK. I’m ok. 3 pics down, we can get through this -
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Oh you are joking. Stop.
I don’t understand how anyone can be so beautiful. Life is a lie. Reality is fake -
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- you did NOT just turn your big anime eyes on Spock. You do know this is why he ran away to PURGE ALL HIS EMOTIONS?
And for that matter, you know when Kirk looks his most beautiful? Literally WHEN HE’S LOOKING AT SPOCK. Spock talks some bollocks and Kirk just sparkles like a fucking angel:
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Unbelievable. But utterly undeniable.
Sigh. Moving on.
Oh - someone once suggested I talk about The Lips. Lips are so wonderful aren’t they. So many wonderful things they can do.
And Kirk’s. They’re there in every picture: perfect, rosy, soft and madness-inducing. My advice is just...don’t think about them. But since I’ve been asked to draw attention to them, well, you’ve just sealed your fate. Scroll down at your peril.
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I am pulling NO punches.
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I’ve seen this great meme going around:
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Excuse me though....CUTE?
That’s the understatement of the 23rd century.
Try impossibly beautiful, mind and body: heart of solid gold, soul deep in love with you. Those eyes and all their passion burned into your memories a thousand times over, along with - maybe, suggestibly, idk I’m extrapolating from all the goddamn tension - even the one unforgettable time he laid between lily-white sheets and gave himself to you; every gift of the mind, body and soul - and your ostensibly-forced Vulcan conditioning, that completely ignored how incompatible one part of you was with it, caused so much dissonance that you thought the only possible course of action for you both to survive was to BREAK UP, tear yourself from this beauty and love and sweetness to PURGE ALL EMOTIONS because nothing, nothing equipped you for this; you were set up specifically to fail, and fail hard in the face of transcendental love and beauty by those who rejected such things and didn’t understand you and could never imagine this for you and who instead of helping your beautiful neurodivergent brain flourish taught you to repress and caused you pain and shame and Gol was so hard and Kirk was so sad, so very sad and depressed and hurt and yet he couldn’t stop loving you with a bond so strong he called to you across the stars and Gol was all for naught yet you still didn’t know how to live like this, it was torture, torture until the mind meld with the living machine flashed your BIOS and you knew, love.exe was suddenly running with no errors and he came after you and held you and you held hands and, and -
just...give me a moment
The pain?? The angst?? The two logical entities seeking contact, love, THIS SIMPLE FEELING? That fucking moment when spock walks on the bridge and the only way he can control himself is to be SUPER Vulcan, while his love gazes at him with those EYES, fucking huge and glittering and hurt and loving?? Is it so much a mystery what memories these two are carrying, what’s behind the searing tension???????
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Love him. Love him Spock. Take him in your arms and love him. He’s for you. All for you. Fucking hell guys. The fuck. This movie.
ok I can do this
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those damn eyes I swear
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It’s obviously not all just superficial physical beauty. What IS beauty? Narratively we do sometimes find this ‘prettiness’ enhanced and emphasized like the old vaseline lens to set the tone of a scene (he’s vulnerable and delicate, or someone’s indeed in love with him so we see their ‘lens’ on him); but it is somewhat intangible and nebulous and changeable. I don’t think aesthetic beauty, if one deems it so, on its own, would be enough for the likes of Spock (indeed, no woman could charm him thusly); it's about something deeper. It’s about who he is. Who he is inside: the beautiful AND the imperfect. How his good and bad - how his ‘all’ -  chimes with Spock’s 'all’. The Enemy Within deals with this, and shows how Spock loves all of Kirk, wants him complete, with both his light and shadow. The beauty of all of us is this totality and variance, not one intangible quality.
I’ll bet Spock’s parents knew immediately. Can you imagine Sarek trying to be a total bitch over Kirk, having heard the rumours and just wanting to have one more thing to reject Spock over, immediately projecting onto Kirk as some blow-up pretty-boy and how Incredibly More Disappointing My Son Is for being Obviously In Love With Stupid Illogical Human Doll Face Bubble Butt Bimbo Captain, and Amanda’s like, stfu, let me remind you Kirk is actually a Fucking Amazing Highly Decorated Starship Captain who Saves Your Life and don’t you DARE resent him just because he’s got tits/ass/tum/lips that won’t quit and is obviously the freakin’ sun Spock orbits. Mr ‘I married a human but that was special because it was logical’ or some bullshit. How is Kirk an illogical choice? I mean literally, Spock is a Science Genius™ on the federation’s FLAGSHIP whose well-matched Genius Captain™ understands him, accepts him, brings the best out of him, helps him fulfil his whole potential and is in love with him in the deepest and purest way and will be his bonded soulmate for ALL OF TIME and that fucking sour-faced bih at the start of that ep, ffs.
Of course Amanda stays in touch with Kirk, adores the fuck out of him, sends him old Vulcan lit on t’hy’la bonds (yes sarek, a T’HY’LA bond, so revered freakin’ poets write about it) etc because frankly her son could do FAR FUCKING WORSE.
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Don’t...just don’t slip the bod into the equation, the face is enough for one post. We’re all in therapy for this already, let’s not relapse.
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Oh, what’s the use. I’m gonna die. This is it. This is like the Monty Python joke that is so funny it kills you. This man is lethal. I need to stop this thread and purge all my emotions
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That’s it. I’m dead. You’re dead. We’re all dead.
I hope, however, seeing this post was worth it. See you at Gol everyone.
The Forbidden Texts, DO NOT READ:
Kirk bod appreciation #6: The Curves. The Front. The...chest. AND THE AMAZING GREEN WRAP
Kirk bod appreciation #5: The Paws
Kirk bod appreciation #4: The Curves. The Back. Poetry in motion.  
Kirk bod appreciation #3: Season 3 (Part 1)
Kirk bod appreciation #2b: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #2a: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #1: The Tum
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