#that not only doesn't make logical sense but also feels quite fake
haru-naechi · 1 year
Second Rant: The Villainess/Mob/Side Character/ Random Girl Who Wakes up in a Novel She Read
Whoopie! Reincarnated to a novel/game, an interesting concept really. Seeing how there is already a pre-determined story to follow, I do wonder how they'll go about this.
*Several reads later*
Oh boy. They can't really think of anything else can't they?
Okay so, one thing I really really like genuinely hate about these stories is how the mc always acts so dumb. Like, girl, come on, I think for the past few years you've been in this world you ought to think that things develop.. idk NaTurAlly? Why do you keep saying that "things are changing" like no shit things are changing, you've changed and that's practically gonna cause a ripple effect on everything.
Oh, oh, and I hate it when ml is like obv showing feeeeelingsss but mc is just: (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠). "No OmG tHaTs NoT PosSIblE, cu'Z he'S supPosEd to FalL foR ThE OrigINaL FL!"
Fuck it even when the ml admits his feelings the girl is just like "no".
It's frustrating to me because authors tend to develop these ladies as quick thinkers and determined, always trying to find ways to avoid death flags set to them. But then they do those aforementioned things and it kinda makes you think how shallow they are. It's like they don't see the relationships they build as real ones and are all just superficial for specific reasons.
I understand the concern when you feel like you're trying to fight against fate but most of these stories don't even actually have that. Things do change and usually nothing terrible happens, but mc acts like there will be even though the author clearly only puts "horrible" things as plot advancers and nothing too serious.
Also, for those mc that woke up in their new body with a shit reputation paired with what everyone knows has a shit personality, why is everyone just okay with her changing all of the sudden — like its just plain stupid. If I knew someone who is evil suddenly becomes good overnight, I would not only be sceptical but also assume that she's possessed (seeing how magic always exists in these worlds i don't that's too far from the realm of possibility right?). This one honestly is what bugs me the most.
Suspicion is removed cu'z mc does something heroic or wonderful (blegh), but that kinda undermines the suffering other people have gone through with the original character. Some authors have even shown fully blown flashbacks where the original character is violent, verbally abusive and typical in every possible way. And these people just, flips a damn switch and say "Oh! She's changed!" Which boggles my mind every time I read something like that.
Which puts me to my next complaint. There is no real villain or even when there is they aren't really appealing. The problems set by the "original" story already gets destroyed like a couple chapters in, so what next? There are quite a lot of stories that just turn the OG Female Lead into whatever the villainess is supposed to be like: delusional, fake, etc. Which to me is, fine, but if you're gonna turn someone else in that world into a villain for the sake of having a bad guy, then why not put the stakes higher? Or at least give them more of a reason than just them feeling entitled to have the boyz. They don't have any substance to them and are bland af. Its a story vying for a downfall you already know will come.
Overall these ladies think too much and too little at the same time. Istg their dialogue can be summarized into "That didn't happen" "This didn't happen in the original.." "Is there a bug in the game..?" or "Why are things not going as the orignal!?"
It burns my brain trying to see through their eyes and understand their logic, until you realize they don't have common sense at all. They are geniuses only when they need to be, but is dumb af everywhere else.
Also, as much as I love puffy, frilly dresses I'm tired of mc changing the og characters seemingly sexiness into this cutesy vibe doesn't sit well with me. They're obviously trying to put this as more of a visual dichotomy between the original character and the current mc, but its not much of a statement. (But honestly this just may be me because I want more sexy mc you know?)
Trust me when I say this post barely covers half of what I truly feel about these stories and this is just the general gist of it. Also couldn't be bothered to add specific titles like the last rant.
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hello, Rainbowsky! You have recently talked about not believing candy until it's verified. I am curious - are there any truly verified candies in the fandom? 🤔
This is in reference to a previous post.
Hi Anon! 😊
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
I just want to clarify that isn't quite what I said. What I said was:
... there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to question the veracity of candies or wanting to validate information. There's nothing wrong with thinking critically and trying to develop a greater degree of certainty or understanding around things. It is natural to not want to believe something until you have more information about it, and some people need more evidence than other people do before they accept an idea.
I am the sort of person who doesn't usually find candy sweet unless I feel there is evidence that it might be real.
... no matter how true or real something might feel to me, it is always just CPN until it is fully verified.
The core message I was trying to convey is that people should not treat candies as verified that are not verified, and people should not take my opinions as fact.
I was trying to illustrate the importance of remembering that CPN is CPN.
I often see turtles taking things literally, and ignoring the CPN label, and taking certain things as facts that are not facts. This is how the fandom becomes littered with misconceptions and misinterpretations, and how there ends up being so many opinions being treated as canon, and real.
This is why, for example, there are so many turtles who genuinely believe in the incredibly toxic notion that GG and DD are extremely jealous and possessive. Because people write fanfiction and fake rumors and hot takes about their behavior and others take it as fact and it gets spread around and becomes the widespread popular belief about them.
Not only is this type of thing inaccurate, it's downright harmful for these kinds of ideas to be spread about them. Not just harmful to GG and DD, but also to fans who develop the unhealthy idea that jealousy is romance. It puts people at risk of being abused. I talked about this in more detail a while back.
As far as verification is concerned, it's not that I don't believe candies that aren't verified, it is that I need more evidence than a lot of other people seem to need in order to be able to find a candy exciting. I need to feel that there is a likelihood that it is real. If I feel that a candy is unlikely to be true, I usually cannot find it sweet. Although there are some exceptions.
That is not the same as needing things to be verified. There are a lot of candies I enjoy that are total CPN, and anyway, our interpretation is always CPN.
And yes, some candies have been verified to some degree. The 49 fake candies being one of the biggest examples. When I first heard about them, I thought the claims about what happened on set were completely ridiculous. I ended up being proved wrong when the BTS footage came out.
Just because something has been claimed and some aspect of it has been proved true, that does not make the interpretation of it validated in any way. It is still CPN.
For example, while the rumor that GG called DD Venus in the Bazaar photo shoot ended up being true, our belief about why he did so is complete and total CPN.
One huge logical pitfall that I see a lot of fans falling into is the idea that because one thing has been proved true, that must lend more credibility to things that haven't yet been proved true.
I think we really need to be careful about drawing those kinds of conclusions. It might sound like it makes sense, but it is a huge logical leap to claim that something is more likely to be true just because other strange things have been proved true.
It becomes a huge slippery slope. It gets to the point where you can theorize about just about anything and make it sound possible, no matter how ridiculous. Always try to keep in mind how dangerous that can be. We should be careful to remember that these are real people whose lives and careers are to some degree impacted by our behavior.
We should try to show some restraint in this regard and remember that CPN is still and always just CPN, including the conclusions that we draw from what we see.
I posted a while back about some of the popular CPN that I don't believe.
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slightlymore · 2 years
oh wow that chan astrological analysis is so in-depth 🙃 do you think you can you also do one for doyoung? please 🥺 i heard his chart is a bit polarizing...
actually its interesting you ask because on paper they have similar signs (air energy, aqua, scorpio, gemini etc) yet irl they can't be more different
let's see why
first of all aquarius sun (and most air signs) is generally considered to be a fuckboy placement (and the nct aqua line supports this i said what i said lmfao) yet if you ask any person they would not put doyoung into the fuckboy category.
again, gemini moon? sly witty fuckboy
scorpio rising? double fuckboy
pisces venus? that man has 45 partners
then why does doyoung looks and feels like a decent committed person who barely fucks and has never seen a boob? (exageration shhh) is he that fake and we can't see it? or is something else going on?
signs and houses
so of course aqua doesn't only mean fuckboy. aqua is ruled by uranus modernly but also saturn traditionally (who also rules capricorn). aqua is a very independent sign, very open minded, and also it is fixed (together with scorpio, leo, and taurus). very intelligent, logical, analytical and somehow even cold. they go hard on themselves and others too. they might appear as if they don't care about your feelings or that feelings are superfluous and sometimes (although we know what a softie doyoung is) he does appear very analytical and cold. this is also why an aqua can traditionally play multiple people at once and fuck around but doyoung's aqua sun is in 4th house which is the cancer house. 4th house is all about home, tradition, softness, motherhood, femininity and emotions. cancer is also ruled by the moon which is all about feelings and the inside world. this gives doyoung's aqua edges a very soft feeling. he does appear like a milf mom most of the time thus making him quite emotional and less likely to behave like an aqua fuckboy. he has the power and skills to do so but he knows he shouldn't
gemini is also infamously known for the fuckboy qualities, the rizz, the social aspect, the center of attention, but also for the incredible intelligence. doyoung's gemini moon makes his inner world very rich with ideas and new ways of living life. his aqua sun, although in the home-rooted 4th energy, with the addition of the gemini moon makes him hate being restricted (to a place or a relationship) which is why many gemini feel a sense of boredom in a relationship and want something new. yet, doyoung loves very deeply because his gemini moon is in 8th house, the scorpio. we all know how intense scorpio is and again, just the way his airy sun is influenced by the water of the cancer, his airy moon is influenced by the water of the scorpio.
doyoung is a deeply emotional person and his air quality somehow makes him cringe at his own depth, but also his water quality makes him appalled at the airy energy. he can't fully be a fuckboy and he can't fully be a good boy. this probably creates a lot of friction inside of himself and it might translate into his relationships. he might not find the right person to be with because he craves an emotional depth that not many can give him but at the same time he might run away when things get too serious because of the aqua/gemini energy.
when it comes to why he is attractive so far, doyoung is peak broody man who is cold and even kinda rude only to have a very soft and tender heart which is pretty popular in fiction etc. this is also what makes him my fave enemies to lovers trope character. also he might be the ideal type so far for people who have a saviour complex and want to "save" him by loving him a lot (which can turn a bit toxic) also very popular in fiction
his mercury is capricorn which is very interesting. capricorn is an earth cardinal sign, very manly, very serious etc, cap is usually considered the father in astrology. so doyoung's way of communication might come across as the one of a father. together with his sun in 4th (cancer which is the mother of astrology) he can come across as the parental figure many people like and seek in a partner. contrarily, it can turn off the people who enjoy a very easygoing and danger-seeking partner (thinking of fire and air). sometimes he can be too direct and again analytical. but we also know he's capable of incredibly sweet and loving words, that's because his mercury is in 3rd house, the original natural mercury house ruled by gemini. 3rd house makes you the perfect speaker, with incredible writing and speaking abilities (we also know he's a great mc) and huge amount of wits. he knows what to say, how to say and when to say it. in romance doyoung is very good at romantic little words, dirty talk, and overall rizzing you up with a good conversation. he is also very good at manipulating (which is also why again gemini are infamous for). but his cap mercury balances it out once again making him realize deeply how hurtful that could be for someone. also, cap is ruled by saturn which is a very blocking energy. doyoung is very capable of dirty talk and being a fuckboy but again it would make him cringe a lot and feel guilty
pisces venus is a very very soft placement. but pisces is also a mutable sign (like gemini) which also has the vibe of loving hard and a lot then getting bored. pisces venus is also very good at romance. it knows how to romance you well and is highly intuitive. they give a lot but they also need it back. pisces venus can be quite emotionally demanding, and paired with his moon in 8th he might come across as intense and make you feel as if you're not enough or not doing enough romantically as he is. very very sensitive placement, it makes a "cold" man like doyoung very attractive when he lets this side of him show, especially for people who like a sensitive man his pisces venus is in 5th house which is the sex and crushes house (if you've read the chan one he has most of his planets in it making him the rizz king). again doyoung is 10000% capable of making everyone crazy with his mere presence and fuck 3 people every night (and maybe he does), but it being pisces makes him again sensitive to others' feelings way too much. paired with his other placements who evoque a need of commitment, doyoung probably has the best sex in a serious loving relationship and considers casual sex as a body need he might not need that much. he even might get fully horny only when he is in love. this house paired with this other placement though also makes him a great performer and stage person. very good actor. again, doyoung attracts many people because of this energy and sometimes he might even give in when he's in his airy energy and slutty eras, but ends up feeling hollow after a bit of fun and he craves deeper connections instead. this is why he might push people away and not give in to the mindless flirting energy his air placements might push him into. at the same time, ignoring this fun side of himself can make him miserable and bored with life. it's a full-on fight inside of himself
aqua mars seals the deal on his chart. again, like his sun, he craves freedom, unusual life styles, unusual partners, some crazy ass sex, even dangerous sex (unprotected, public etc) BUT it is in 4th house, the cancer one, so again, it adds to the venus energy of the fight between safety and committed and the screw everything im having an orgy tonight. this might lead to some destructive behaviours and going too much on the extremes: either 0 sex for months, or 3 orgies in one night and regretting it, which is of course very unhealthy. adding this to the why he is so attractive to some, aqua mars makes him look like the cold dom many people think he is - emotionless, kinda sadistic etc (which he might be but it's only one side and he's definetly merging it with his loving soft sexual side)
speaking of destructive behaviours, scorpio rising makes him ruled by mars traditionally but pluto in modern times. both planets are very intense and very manly. this is a very intense placement and it recalls his moon in 8th house. he feels deeply, acts deeply, likes and enjoys deep stuff. scorpio rising with his air energy and the pisces venus makes him highly intuitive. he knows how people feel, he understands every pov, and he might even have occult powers such as predicting the future, reading tarot etc (both because of pattern recognition since he's so sensitive and smart, but also because of actual occult predisposition, depends on what you believe in). when it comes to why he's attractive, scorpio rising is very alluring, it's sexy, decadent, erotic. if you fuck him you'd feel like merging souls and that's something many find very attractive. also scorpio rising makes him very hard to pin down, and if you take into consideration the fact he's basically many people in one body because of the air/water dichotomy he really appears very mysterious and dark. doyoung would make a perfect dark sensual main character who's cold and witty and maybe evil then you discover he's been hurt and he's a softy in some romance book. the ruler of scorpio pluto is in sag, which adds to the whole need for freedom. he want to go away from home, to be free, to try new different things, to date from different cultures, but he also wants tradition and he has a deep need for comfort
other considerations
pluto in sag also gives him a very good leader energy, he's good at leading and paired with his colder placements and his airy highly intelligent brain but also his sweet empathetic nature, he makes a perfect leader (and parent). pluto is also in 2nd house which makes him very attracted to money and he is very good at handling it. he's very responsible and it's very attractive to people who enjoy the cold rich who's secretly a softie ceo trope
his midheaven in virgo which usually comes out on the job, makes him very responsible and organized. he's very practical, doesn't let useless feelings go in the way of what he must do wich also adds to his image of very independent and responsible man that many like. mercury the ruler of his mc being in 3rd adds to the energy of him desiring to travel and meet people from different cultures both for pleasure and because of his job, which might again go against his need to also have roots (he wants to see everything and sleep in his room both at the same time basically)
his moon in 8th adds to the energy of him being very good with money. he's attractive because he has rich boy energy but you also know he doesn't splurge or spend it aimlessly
saturn in 5th house makes him again very wary of having fun and have casual relationships and sex because saturn blocks that energy. there might be many reasons to it, as mentioned it can be his double need to have freedom but also roots, but it can also be the sense of responsibility that weights him. doyoung is not reckless and would never do anything to taint his reputation or image or even health (body and mind). so even if his chart is highly sexual and erotic, he might even go at lengths of consciously hiding this side of himself as to not attract that kind of attention and end up being involved with people he doesn't want to be involved with
his uranus is in 4th house with his sun and mars. again, this is the home and mother house and it might be an overall indication that he has deep mommy issues which also explains his desire to have roots and be in a idealistic romantic relationship while also hating everything about the house ideology and wanting something completely different and not traditional, mainly because of the pain the home/mother might have brought him. this is enhanced by his lilith in cancer meaning the main source of his pain is the mother, family, the home, his homeland, the traditions etc. he really wants to break free of these elements but he also craves them because they bring him comfort so he really doesn't know where to find that sweet middle point
chiron in libra and 12th house is also a very hard placement revolving around relationships. it's a very pessimistic placement which might give people the idea that love is unattainable and unrealistic because of how deeply they love and are somehow not loved back as much. this is also why people with this placement might push people away a lot and this could be another reason why doyoung can't have casual relationships thus making him not go on the fuckboy player route his chart wants him to go on
sun conjunct mars is also a confirmation of his multifaceted personality, these people have a lot of energy then suddenly a lack of energy altogether, adding to the whole i want to do things but i also want to be in my room cateogry
moon square venus is another hard chart side because doyoung might have issues understanding his feelings and emotions and for a person like him with intense and huge feelings, not understanding them might drive him crazy. he might turn his feelings off completely because of it making him lean in the airy heartless and cold energy
moon opposition jupiter also makes him peak introvert, which is very contrasting with his gemini and 3rd/5th house vibes. again, multifaceted and onion person, very attractive to people who like a man like that
moon square saturn again phew, deep deep need for comfort and safety. his mercury in 3rd and pisces in venus makes him want to scream his feelings from the top of a mountain but it's completely blocked and he can't do it. acting or being on stage can be a way to get off the intense emotions he feels inside in a safe controlled environment
venus conjuction saturn also adds to his difficulty to trust his feelings and engage in deep relationships (which he very much craves)
his rising square the sun gives him a lowkey fake public image which adds to the whole cold vibe he might push to hide the tender soft core inside of himself. he might also hate when people claim to know him or understand him because he feels like so many different people in one that to him no one can fully see all of them
why some people might not like him
doyoung might appear boring when you initially look at him even if he's very airy. with this blog ive had countless of people come at me saying wow before reading your considerations of him i didn't notice how attractive and hot doyoung is. it can be because he's pretty serious and not that flashy (he has no fire in his chart) and he might not be the one for people who really like people with raw intense sexual energy. doyoung is often described as a docile nerd who's not shy because he's shy but because he's just not that sexual overall. which is far from true. doyoung needs to feel fully comfortable to get there and he needs to be in a good mindset (the way he's casually erotic and posting slut pics on ig all of a sudden)
some people might not like him because he's too parent-like which might come off as nagging or being full of rules or the friend who tells you to not do this and that because it's dangerous etc.
finally some people might not like him because he's very sensitive and deep if they're people who often roll their eyes at this behaviour and want everyone to have fun and stop taking everything so seriously
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autistic-sidestep · 1 year
From the sidestep asks: 21, 27 and 34 for sura?
under a cut to save everyones dashboards (sura uses he/she/they/it)
21. what is their philosophy? fake it til you make it. if you pretend well enough, you can fool everyone else. (jury's still out if sura will ever be able to convince itself that it's a human/person and not just a really good impersonation of one.)
27. what qualities might someone appreciate about them? what would drive someone away? thoughtfulness. sura's REALLY bad at admitting things or showing affection outright, so he often does it indirectly, making observations or acts of service. like doing things w/o prompting and passing it off like it's not a big deal/just makes the most logical sense (see: mending their crew's clothing when they get damaged on the job/making suggestions about chen's new arm, etc.). they like knowing what makes people tick and having that proven right.
however, they also want that to be a one way thing; they can do the perceiving, but someone perceiving them? illegal. blocked. they also do a lot of lying and evasion to push people away (part of the self-destruction - cut them off so it hurts less for all the parties involved). there's a reason why sura stays away from ortega, cos they're acutely aware of how well ricardo can read them (+ the secret crush. tho it's rather hard to disentangle the resentment with if it's attraction or just nostalgic fondness that won't leave). sura can't retaliate the same way cos of the static, so they feel at a disadvantage.
chen is still a danger, but at least he's not immune to their telepathy. things aren't quite so loaded with him. chen's bullheadedness also means that sura's usual method of arguing and getting contrarian doesn't work on him. they're both very used to the same arguments and the counters from pre-hb, and now... they're both just too tired to keep doing it.
ig sura's also pretty loyal once they've made a strong enough connection too. she protects his team and trusts them to do the same in return.
34. are they nostalgic for their sidestep days or eager to move on?
very complicated. past-self rivalry equals any feelings of nostalgia getting quashed by frustration at his past-self being too naive/trusting. that's what got them into this mess in the first place. sura's sidestep self is always the benchmark ortega keeps comparing them to (like the present self is a ghost, and ortega's only seeing the negative space/absence of the old sura). the suranga that wore the sidestep suit, as far as they're concerned, died. and all of his principles went with him. sidestep almost feels like someone else. and it’s not like their current self will ever measure up to the sidestep that ortega remembers. it doesn't WANT to be that person anymore. in some ways, it Can't!
(this is also why a worst-case scenario would be ortega thinking it's a regene copy. lol, whoops, this just affirms all sura's suspicions that he only wants the wide-eyed idealistic sura before the trauma and the bitterness that followed him around like a puppy.)
they don't want to be in ortega's shadow, or be a sidekick, that's largely why they took up the mob boss role - so that they could prove to themself that they're better than him. and chen too, ig.
Something something some twisted logic that destroying the museum exhibit = finally proving she's better than her past self/getting closure? (spoiler alert it was not lol.) sura liked helping people as sidestep. and on occasion they still do it, just more selectively, re: rescuing the civilians at carter's place w/ chen. (50+ villainy/ruthlessness score aside... i think they might chalk those instances up as flukes, but that's just a lie to convince themself they're not still a bleeding heart.)
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formulaonedirection · 3 years
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Sober, Melodrama (2017)
Top 5 Lorde songs I associate with Daniel: 3/5
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other-peoples-coats · 3 years
📓 👀
(for the daydream plot ask meme) TIMETRAVEL, BUT MAKE IT COMPLICATED. Ok, so. Several council members are yeeted back in time at the moment of their deaths, mentally — ie. die, and then wake up back in the past, not body doubles or anything. Mace, Plo Shaak and Kit, all of whom wake up in the halls of healing and proceed to Freak Out very quietly, because, like, what the fuck but also oh my god the sith. They work out that the others are also time travelers, and then proceed to conspiracy theory very quietly attempt to fix, y'know, the whole sith plot attempting to genocide them out of existence.
Mace survived longest — I refuse to believe he died when he got shoved out the window, he was kicking about in the rebellion era for a little while with a cybernetic hand and is very thankful and a little weirded out to have both hands back now — so he's kind of their point man, when it comes to 'oh we need to fix that too, turns out it was part of The Sith Plot.'
This is complicated, somewhat, by the fact that Mace just took Obi-wan on as a padawan. He didn't mean to! he fucked up!! he's not sure what they did but Qui-gon — instead of taking obi-wan as his padawan, as they're all pretty sure happened in the original timeline — was wildly cruel to initiate kenobi, basically accused him of being half a second from a fall, and then made him cry. Which: yikes what the fuck how did they screw up the timeline that bad.
None of them really knew obi-wan until he was, y'know, Adult; prior to that he was qui-gon's padawan, and also, it was like fourty fucking years ago for them. They collectively remember…uh, obi-wan had some fucked missions as a padawan? maybe he went to agricorps on a mission? no one is quite sure, because, like, it was a weird thing that mostly resolved itself, whatever the fuck it was. He grows up to be Obi-wan Kenobi, though, so it's not like they could let him go to the fucking agricorps. Best case, general kenobi doesn't exist and the war goes badly — if they can't prevent the war —, worst case, general kenobi does exist, but like. evil.
Unbeknownst to them, obi-wan was also shot back in time at the moment of his death. And then, because that boy has never met a problem he didn't attempt to solve all on his own, decided he was just going to fake his death and go into the galaxy to, y'know, deal with the sith plot all on his own. He's been alone for twenty fucking years after the genocide of his people. He can handle being alone but knowing they're alive.
He's not about to raise suspicions, though, so he accepts when mace offers to be his master instead of what happened the first time around, with bandomeer and the suicide offer etc — he feels a little bad, because he's 100% going to fake his death at the first opportunity, bc, y'know, sith plot to end, but mace is a busy man who's on the fucking council, probably he's not even going to mind too much, really. Qui-gon certainly wouldn't have.
Thus ensues two sets of time travelers being like who the fuck is doing that as team council and obi-wan make changes to the sith plot. Mace would be tearing his hair out if he had hair; not only is the butterfly effect apparently way more complicated than logically makes sense — they fucked up the death stick trade on ryloth, and now somehow three outer rim planets are in revolt???? (it was obi-wan) — but also his new padawan keeps nearly getting killed.
Obi-wan, on the other hand, is losing his damn mind. On the one hand, goddamn, mace is the absolute bastion of kindness and steadfastness and everything he always was! he didn't know that mace and shaak and plo and kit were friends, but it's so nice to see them, and he missed them, and for all his appointment to the council was kind of tainted by the war it was a community of friends who he missed dearly.
On the other hand, please, he is trying to fake his death. Please be less attentive. Please stop rescuing him from seemingly deadly situations. He's fine he just needs to be a little fake dead, and also stop the sith, and also not let anyone realise that he is a sixty year old in a thirteen year old's body.
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I wanna talk about how Félix figuring out that Gabriel is ShadowMoth in "Gabriel Agreste" isn't actually as impressive of a detective work as we initially thought. Because Félix seems to be well aware that he (and Adrien as "Félix" strongly implies in hindsight) is a Sentimonster, so Gabriel being ShadowMoth who is the person now in possession of the peacock miraculous while also having been partners with Mayura pre s4 as Félix finds out at the very least in this episode through Alyas video, is not far fetched at all. I would even say it's quite logical:
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Who is more likely to use the peacock miraculous then your own shady ass family when you know you and your cousin were CREATED with that miraculous power?
Mayura wasn't present in "Félix" and concidering that Félix lives in London I think it's fair to assume that for a character, in their second episode of being anywhere close to around the main conflict of the show, it is fair to have them gain such knowledge ON SCREEN. Then quickly afterwards Félix happens to see the camouflaged Miraculous beneath Gabriel's tie and suddenly Félix suspecting Gabriel to be ShadowMoth actually makes too much sense
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Also, Félix is shown to only actually show interest to things related to the peacock miraculous (which is also the only one that really sticks out in the picture above). The rings, ShadowMoth (not Hawkmoth), SentiGabe, Emilie and in one of the leaks for an upcoming episode we see Félix will steal the fake peacock miraculous as Adrien that Gabriel layed out as a trap for him
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And this may be my subjective feelings on Félix now, but until I actually see it on screen I'm not convinced Félix is gonna take the fake butterfly too. I honestly don't think Félix gives much of a crap about that and is just after everything peacock related for honestly understandable reasons:
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Look Félix is a Sentimonster and seems to be well WELL aware of that, it's absolutely fine that this is then the only Miraculous this character is narratively fixated on and it also explains why Félix had no problem working with Hawkmoth in "Félix" to get the rings from Gabriel - Félix doesn't care for Hawkmoth or the butterfly miraculous, he's only here for the Peacock Miraculous related stuff (Félix is in this regard actually once again the perfect parallel to Adrien in "The Collector" who was convinced his father actually could be Hawkmoth because of his strong gut feeling towards his father (whereas Félix is provided with all the information and clues to find it out on a material level but things escalated into the dangerous mess now because Félix lacks the crucial understanding of Gabriel as a PERSON that Adrien has) and the suspicious butterflies in their home validate whatever little legit proof he gets (the collector and Chat Blanc). But this is a huge topic for another day. I guess I'm putting this on the long list of essay posts I want to write/finish, huh? x3)
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skybristle · 3 years
as promised, a more in depth lorepost regarding my fake event story in regards to this post [go look it has tk drip]
once again copy/pasted shit from discord, under the cut! no tws this time m pretty sure but putting it under a cut because its LONG and it would be very mean of me to clog ppl's dashes. rbs appreciated as always!! i love talking to ppl abt my ideas, feel free to contribute or send asks my way!
okay okay so basically the concept of this is like. operation timeguard costumes get an event because the lore was SO COOL and for WHAT. plus i have timekeeper mental illness and they gave me their interaction and did NOTHING WITH IT so fuck it im doing it MYSELF rougefort finds out their heirloom got auctioned to an unknown bidder and is like Hey! What The Fuck! and is desprately trying to steal timepeices to see if it's the right one. But uh. stealing timepeices is really fucking hard! mainly because tbd enforcers p much immediately get on their ass and its a lot harder to get away from someone with literal fucking time travel on their side. so they're stuck on a roof and cornered and like Awww fuck. but then time freezes around them, a rift opens framed with oversized golden scissors, and a cookie pops out of it and props themself up on their scissors in a gay little pose tk basically goes "i'm timekeeper cookie, and i see a quite entertaining future with you,,, but you won't get very far locked in the tbd slammer. so, would you like to strike a deal? you play your little games and i,,, help you along. the tbd's easy to play with when i'm a time god" and rougefort doesnt Really have a choice??? tk is kinda manipulative and an asshole but like hey what do you expect its tk} also tk is the one who gives them their airship AND their pursuit of lost time drip. for the former it's just because literally the ONLY other place we see airships in crob is in her fucking,,,, trailer animation and the latter,,,,,,,, Uhhh fuck you queue a BUNCH of fuckery with rougefort making mysterious getaways that don't make sense logically. they start hoarding timepeices mainly because. can't really RETURN them when you're a wanted criminal AND they can't really get rid of them because 'oo shiny' and also yaknow they're extremely powerful and could destroy the world in the wrong hands tldr tk sends rougefort off on a wild goose chase and makes good on her promise to help them, being incredibly vague to croissant abt it and not really helping at all to find rougefort and their mysterious accomplice. croissant chalks this up to tk being an asshole and liking to watch this unfold and doesn't think the DIRECTOR OF THE TBD is the fucking accomplice as soon as walnut finds out the phantom bleu has switched modus operendi shes like. "girl WHAT" and immediately heads over to the tbd because,,,,,, she's like 12 and this is WAY out of her league and it's the TBD's job to deal with time criminals. but it isn't like her to completely leave the case to them croissant takes the case [given how high profile it is] and i dont have as much on this but i just. Think that her and walnut would make a silly little team. i can't describe it but. Cool older sister energy. win! croissant peices together all sorts of weird evidence but is kinda,,, in denial it could be tk?? considering they literally JUST agreed on a rule that wouldn't let tk do this shit anymore [technically, she just said 'not to hurt people' but thought that was a good blanket. this is tk we're talking about. It Wasn't]. it could really be anyone with time travel,,, or anyone else at the tbd. the thought unsettles her and drives her to GETTING THEIR ASS eventually they finally get rougefort cornered in a clock tower [note: rougefort ONLY makes their getaways in secluded spots after evading authorities long enough. timekeeper doesn't wanna ruin the game by having their cover blown] and croissant starts hissing about what'll happen to them if they don't hand up the timepeices and tell them the accomplice, making all sorts of wild threats about what the director will do to whoever betrayed them in their ranks before a rift opens over their heads, framed by familiar golden scissors "oh, croissant. i'm rather not in the mood for self-mutilation. it appears i've been caught. it was fun while it lasted!" and with that, she leaves a dumbstruck [and very sick of tk's shit] croissant and walnut alone as she pulls rougefort away into timespace's safety insert a monolouge here i haven't
thought out fully yet, but it ends by tk basically saying she had the heirloom the entire time, handing it to rougefort [who's. Too shocked to strangle her ass for all of this when SHE WAS THE FUCKING BIDDER ALL ALONG], telling them to use it wisely lest they end up on the bad end of the tbd, and proceeds to return to her office to take their crimes off the record, only to be met with a very, VERY pissed croissant sitting in her office, ranting her head off and tk simply says "well, nobody got hurt, did they?" and, i mean. she's right, and croissant just slumps over defeated that's it!! my silly fake event. i can talk abt it more in depth if you ask specific questions probably but like heres the runover / stuff i remember from my brain
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samsspambox · 2 years
greetings, sam! if i may, i’d like to ask a question regarding a possibility you suggested in the tags of @/surely-galena’s post regarding giann not having a sprite
it was suggested that giann’s lack of a sprite may allude to him having lost his memory and you had raised the possibility of giann wanting to lose his memory. i’m curious as to why you had thought so 👀
although it’s perfectly understandable if you do not wish to answer as it has been some time since the theory was posted!
have a pleasant day ahead!
: ⚜️
good morrow fleur-de-lis nonnie!! that's a fancy emoji u got there jksbdcbjks you're always welcome to ask questions here! and i'm not about to pass up a chance to put my theory-approved tinfoil hat on!
you're right, i did suggest that giann could've wanted his memory erased! now, here's the thing: i guess i can say this is a theory within a theory. this is kinda relating to my giann is a filthy mastermind theory in which giann fakes his own kidnapping in order to hide from... someone idk. but his best chance at survival is hiding.
now, we know dr. richter is capable of hypnosis. this practice can suggest the mind to do different things, it's how some people are able to quit smoking, break phobias, or just change their behavior. (consult ur doctor to see if hypnosis is right for u lmaooo that's my legal disclaimer here). in popular media, at least, hypnosis fucks with your memory. if we take the bit in the giann is a mastermind theory, the one where he's hiding in plain sight at the giannovyn mental research center, then it makes sense for him to get his memory wiped. he's out of the playing field, might as well make sure that he stays out until vyn is ready to bring him back into play (as per a mutual agreement. you can't hypnotize someone into doing something they don't wanna do.)
alas, as you've said, it's been a while since this theory was posted. what are my thoughts now? well, it's not looking pretty, people. so: giann is one of the only people without a sprite that is important to the story. take marius' personal story 4: the main perpetrator of the impersonation was someone who's sprite was introduced that same chapter. giann was introduced in a flashback via marius' rrg card. so, following this logic: i don't think giann is going to get a sprite. i feel like he's dead. galena does a really good job as breaking down why she thinks giann is dead in the post you linked (and i shall also link here) and after a good chunk of the year and how i see the story progression going, i stand firmly with galena on this one.
theres also a thing i've been thinking about related to this and ironically, the fic i'm writing. galena, in her post, talks about how memory is an important part of the game, and also links this post by zak about memory. why is this important specifically? because of the effects of the nxx drug/flora x/X03A. i have a running theory on luke being affected by the drug which then leads to his illness, and in his anni card it states that it's neurological. it checks with how the drug itself works: "It affects the brain in many different ways. In children still developing it causes delays in growth. In adults, it makes them unstable, prone to depression or other mental ails." (that's,,, a quote for the fic i'm writing LMAOO) so who's to say the drug doesn't cause memory loss? what if giann is afflicted with the same stuff luke has, only it's worse on him? that the reason he doesn't have a sprite is because he lost himself?
*shrug* there's a lot of things that it could be. the theory holds up if you look at it through that lens, but i'm more inclined to say that they offed giann. after all, that makes for more conflict in the nxx and sometimes conflict drives the story. it all depends on your point of view.
thank you so much for this question fleur nonnie! i hope you stick around!!!
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lurking96 · 3 years
What is your opinion about the Bakugou vs Uraraka fight in the sports festival. I really don't understand the praise this fight gets. This seems to be the fight where narrative shifts when it comes to Bakugou's character and literally feels shoehorned by the author to make Bakugou be painted as a feminist and a missunderstood characrter and hype him so much and to me it feels like it is downplaying Uraraka's merits and her resolve and making the fight all about Bakugou. I also feel the way Bakugou's respects for Uraraka is hyped by the author in the Ultra books/archives to me seems to downplay the level of respect Izuku had for her before the fight/during the fight/even after the fight. imo Izuku's respect for Uraraka as a fighter and as a person is way bigger than what Bakugou has for her.
Bakugou tells Uraraka to quit , Considering Bakugou's stats like being good in close combat, good reflex and good reaction and great in air mobility, he had many options to easily win the fight. We even see that in his fight with Izuku where he uses his explosions to move in the air easily. Yet here all he did was just stand there, went overboard with his explosions on her and was dragging the fight to hurt and destroy her instead of using the options to simply win like using his combat skills to push or thow her out of the ring.
When Pros question hiss way of fighting , Aizawa berates the pros and declares that Bakugou saw her strength and is keeping her at bay. the way the fight potrayed and Aizawa's declaration doesn't make any sense. We don't even see any inner thoughts or monologue from Bakugou about this to prove that. I feel the pros were in the right to question the way Bakugou fought. Uraraka comes up with a good plan on her own and Bakugou uses a huge explosion out of nowhere and comes out unscathed and finally decides to move his butt to attack her. Also notice here he says "time to get serious" meaning he never was serious all this time and he never saw her strength which again contradicts Aizawa's declaration.
Even after the fight he asks izuku if ihe gave her the plan which again is disrespect towards Uraraka. Its only after his ted talk with Izuku he comes to know that It was Uraraka's own strategy. And then the whole "what part of her was frail" comment doesn't seem that much convincing to me.
Uraraka VS. Bakugou. In my opinion it was very shoehorned in. We got some fake feminist reading of Bakugou out of it which is just not true. I think the fight shows something else than might have been. More under the cut as i ranted a bit.
We are very much aware that before UA Izuku didnt have any friend. Your bully is not your “Friend”. He was not popular and people weren’t around him. Bakugou also kinda acts like he owns Izuku. He can’t fathom a world where the nerd isn’t under his thumb. Part of Abuse is to isolate their victim. Call them crazy towards others. Cut them off from former friends and family. While Izukus quirklessness has stopped him from getting friends Bakugou might also have acted towards it. Might have beaten up people that got close to him or gave them warnings. It paints the fight in a different light. Uraraka was the first friend he got. Bakugou saw this and he probably did not want this. He could have beaten her quicker. But he wanted to set an example. Midoriya was watching from the first row. He couldnt stop the fight. It was a beatdown to show what happens if he befriends people. It also did not help that Bakugou saw Uraraka as an Izuku proxy. He did believe after all that the plan she used was all Izukus doing. To him he had also a free chance to beat Izuku up with this fight. This fight and how Aizawa talks is again an example of Horis “Tell don’t show”. We are told differently to what we see happens. Aizawa gets used as this logical, rational teacher which words must be true. The Pro heroes that complain are us the audience. Basically the scene saying. “Bakugou is doing great. Don’t insult him.” It makes things feel empty however. They lack substance. If we hear other characters tell how much bakugou changed but in the scenes he is still acts his old self. It just makes what they tell us be lies. It is not good writing. A waste of panels really. Around the sports festival we see the narrative shift. Bakugou gets more prominent. Gets less painted as bad by the narrative. Even though he does say and act pretty much similar to before. But characters start to pull excuses for him out of thin air. Back to the fight. Bakugou basically pulls out a bigger explosion without his support gear and just destroys Urarakas thought out plan. She used her smarts while bakugou just used a bigger explosion out of nothing. Here is the thing. We can debate long on how she would have won or that even if her plan worked she wouldnt have won. If hori wanted her to win he could have written it without much plothole. But here is the thing. She should have won and it should have been made clear that she did it by herself. This would have actually started character developement. Bakugou would have lost to someone he doesn’t see as a threat. Loose to someone without a more fighting type quirk than his.Basically a dark horse type victory. He might have slowly started to realise that he is not the best. That just because someone has a non fight quirk doesnt make them weak. Him getting booed by the audience might add to it too. People seeing him as villain. The whole kidnapping later on might work into it. Might make him look at why people believe him to be one. He might still have been a main target. Might have thrown a big tantrum after the fight that still makes the LOV notice him. Overall it might have been a start to develope him into a better character unlike the lip service of character change we got now.
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mfpeace · 3 years
@justbeingedgy @weird-colombian-gurl You asked me to elaborate on the "Ches already has a kid" theory in the notes of that one mf analysis post (which I really liked, go check it out!!), so that's why I'm making this one, cuz notes are a bit too restricting for what I want to talk about!
Though next time think twice before asking me to talk about something I'm interested in, because you never know when you're gonna wake up lovecraftian horrors!! :DDD you'll see what i mean when you press read more :))
So, I'll say it right now - this post is largely inspired by the second story highlight of this Instagram user (sorry, I don't know their name, only that their Instagram handle is dee_girl_metalfamilyfan), it's in Russian though, so keep that in mind
Alright, so I'll break this theory into two parts: the first one will be all about Ches, and the second will be about his potential child (spoiler: you might've seen her!)
Without any further ado, let's get to the Ches part:
1. The creators said that they're gonna explore Ches' character in the second season. Obviously, it doesn't mean anything on it's own, but just wait.
Dima: Let's talk about the second season a little. Of course, the seconds season will show development of the old characters, as well as new ones. That's in short. As you see, Ches looks a bit different here.
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Alina: Yeah, we'll show a bit more about Ches at the ages of 18 to 20. His past. We'll reveal a bit more about his complex character, as much as it's possible.
(The source of the translation) Also I think they also said at one point that adult Ches will get some character development too? But that's probably a given, considering that we wouldn't see his youth if it wouldn't have affected him in the present, flashbacks without any relevance to the overall story don't sound so good
2. Not sure about this one (we don't know how much in character it was) but I can't not mention it.
Alina: Actually there was this one fanfic that I really liked. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was about Ches having a daughter, which is a cool topic. It was relatively in character and truly interesting. It’s great when people focus not just on sexual relationships of the characters, but also try to look at their development. That was a really interesting one. That’s it.
(UnityCon '19)
3. This one's a pretty big one, in my opinion. So, this is what they said on ArtWave '19:
Dima: Ches also has flaws.
Alina: [to Dima] Don’t spoil stuff.
Dima: His flaw is that he's very... irresponsible, let’s say.
So, maybe, just maybe, Ches does have a child but he, you know... left them? As the Instagram highlight from the beginning say: "he might be irresponsible enough to leave his child, and he's probably irresponsible enough not to use any contraception" (rephrased, not the exact quote)
4. Alright, so, the only mention of this one I can think of right now is the aforementioned Instagram highlight. The Metalfamilyfan says:
I contacted Korg/Корж, (admin of @ metal_yama [and I believe one of the organizers of the Metal Family Meetup in Moscow]) and she asked Alina on one of the meetups: "if Ches were to be a father, what kind of father would he be?"
And she said: "The kind of that would say "kid, look at that birdie over there!" an then he would run away"
Someone's words are not the perfect source, but they did tag Metal Yama and from what I know they didn't disagree with what the author of the page said. if anyone has anything to say about this (disprove or definitely prove what I said) feel free to do so in a reblog, notes, DMs, send me an anonymous ask, or in any other way you feel comfortable with
5. Ches has literally been through the same thing, and we know how important the theme of the cycle of abuse is in Metal Family (or, in this case, the cycle of neglect? Abandonment? Idk)
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You managed to hide your PREGNANCY from me! AND you've been hiding the child from me for a whole year!
YES, because you would've insisted on aborting him!
6. Here we can see Ches with a blonde girl. Nothing too special, probably just a one time hook up. He doesn't seem to be interested in her, and she seems to be annoyed with him.
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But wait...
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What is this?
Like, it doesn't even matter if there's actually a punk/rock/whatever band named MOM or not, I just think it's pretty weird to put it in this particular drawing of Ches and this random woman who is implied to have slept with him. It's not integral to Ches' character as, for example, Korol i Shut is. It's just... there. For some reason.
Alright, now, finally let's get to the second part of the theory: who is, exactly, his child?
The short answer is, according to this theory, her:
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First, let me list every single instance of her appearing in canon (and by canon I mean everything made by the creators. Even with this definition of canon it's not much, I promise): The screenshot you can see above on the left (it's a screenshot from the second season and it appeared here), an instagram story posted by Alina (above, right), and two drawing with a lot of characters where you can spot the girl which I'm gonna call her PinkHair or PH for short, I'll mention them later I feel like I should mention this, comparing the sources of the images and the dates when they were posted, it's safe to assume that the screenshot in the classroom has the latest and final version of her design. The red hair most likely doesn't mean anything
1. Alright. So. we've seen Dee and PinkHair in a classroom together, so they're most likely related in some way, or at least they know each other. Their exact relationship doesn't matter here, because all that matters here is that they're related story-wise
Let's look at the first image. This is the banner of the main Metal Family channel. Ches is near Heavy (they get along quite well and I'm sure Heavy aspires to be like Ches in many ways), Dee (we can see his classmates/friends near him, they're all about his age), and we can see people related to Glam on the left side of the image (including Ches!), and Vicky's - on the right side (notice how the hell sign is also there)
Now, I'm not absolutely sure about this one, but it's still kind of weird - look at the image on the right (it's from ArtWave 2021 btw) - wouldn't it make more sense to put PinkHair near Dee? Also, Curiously enough, not only is she not close to Dee on this image, but she's also standing next to Ches.
Though this whole thing could be explained by art theory (too many small things in one corner of your drawing isn't great composition wise lol sorry PH) but I still can't quite skip this point
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2. Remember the "MOM" lady? Fun fact, she has the exact same pearl earring that PinkHair has on the screenshot.
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3. I'll put all similarities with her supposed parents in this point: Mother: * She's also pretty uh.. glam? for the lack of a better word? Or feminine in a traditional sense, yeah I think that's a better way to put it. Like colors they prefer to wear for example, and jewelry. Characters like that aren't common in Metal Family * She's gotta be a blonde. I can't imagine her being anything but blonde. If she manages to maintain that hair color as a brunette I'm just straight up assuming her character arc is gonna be killing God because these kind of people are capable of anything. I fear them with every fiber of my being. * I can't say for sure because of the shading, but it seems like they both have gray eyes, and she also has darker skin compared to most MF characters. Though, it's likely that Mom just applied a lot of fake tan Ches: * We know that Ches for sure has darker skin * AND grey eyes * There's also some possible personality similarities but I'm not sure if you can compare a child to a parent they've never really known in this way
That's about it, I suppose, I hope there isn't that many grammar mistakes and logically unfinished parts and whatnot in this post I forgot to edit lol x) I'm not sure how to end this post other than to remind you guys that almost all the points in this posts are inspired by the "тупая теория" highlight on the dee_girl_metalfamilyfan's Instagram page, so go check them out and subscribe, they post Dee x The Quest Girl fanart and and always credit the artists. Without them this post would be much, much shorter.
Thanks for reading this post, please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this post <3
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terubakudan · 3 years
This may be an old article from 3 years ago, but these cultural aspects/observations still apply even today. And though this is strictly a Chinese perspective, a lot of these everyday life bits are observed in Overseas Chinese communities in countries such as The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. as well as countries heavily influenced by Chinese culture like Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.
I've always liked learning about other cultures and making comparisons between how things are done East vs West. Which probably stems from growing up with two cultures and Mom raising me on American movies xD
So the irony is if you asked me how many Chinese, Taiwanese, or Hong Kong actors I know, chances are I know as much as you do xD Like Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, and that's about it. But if you asked me about Western (specifically American and British) actors, then I have a useless brain dump of movie trivia and who was with who in what movie xD
Hmmm, both Taiwan and the Philippines are two distinct cultures but both look up to a certain country and are fascinated by that. In Taiwan's case, Japan and the US for the Philippines. In both cases, this is due to being under the rule of those countries in their history. Taiwan being under Japan for 50 years, and the Philippines being under Spain for 300+ years, followed by periods of American and Japanese rule. To put it simply though:
Taiwan is "mini-Japan with a very Chinese culture".
The Philippines is "former colony of Spain with lots of American influences".
But unlike the author, I've never set foot in any Western country, so my understandings are strictly what I've observed in media, which while it can be accurate, doesn't compare to actually experiencing the culture.
Some further elaboration on most points:
#1 We quite literally use chopsticks for everything. We use it to pick rice, viands, vegetables, fruit, smaller desserts, almost all the food you can think of.
But where do you put your chopsticks when you're not using them? Just put them on top of your bowl or flat on your plate. But do not ever stick them vertically. It's taboo, since it looks like incense sticks, which we use to pray for those who have passed, like our ancestors or during funerary services.
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#3 The majority of Asia is obsessed with fair/white skin. In my time at the Philippines, I grew up watching all these Dove Whitening commercials and my classmates often commented on how fair my skin was, how they envied it etc. In Taiwan, girls often say they don't want to 變黑 (biàn hēi) 'become dark'. Japan and Korea too are not innocent of this either (if their beauty/skin products weren't a dead giveaway).
People here at Taiwan often mistake me for being from Hong Kong or Japan (as long as I don't speak Mandarin with my heavy accent xD). A Taiwanese classmate of mine joked that she often gets mistaken for being from Southeast Asia due to having a darker complexion. And while I laughed it off with her at that time, looking back, I now realize she was lowkey being racist. xD
And believe me Filipinas have mentioned literally being told 'your skin is so dark' here in Taiwan, or being given backhanded compliments like 'you're pretty despite having dark skin' and...*facepalms*
My point is, beauty is not exclusive to skin color. People who still think that are assholes.
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#5 Not to say we don't have salt and pepper, but yes soy sauce and vinegar are the classic condiments you see on the table, be it at home or at a restaurant.
And if I may add, Taiwanese love their pepper. xD If you ever get to eat at a night market or a smaller "Mom n' Pop-style" restaurant here, some dishes/soups tend to add quite an excessive amount of pepper. Not like anthills, but quite liberally and way more than average. Enough that you see traces of pepper at the bottom of the food paper bag or swirling in your soup. xD
#6 I know this all too well from personal experience. In my years of studying at Taiwan, I always had roommates. 3 in my first school (I graduated high school in the Philippines pre K-12 so I had to make up 2 years of Senior High), followed by 2 in college, with the exception of 1 in freshman year.
My college did offer single person dorms but at around 9000 NTD ($324) per month compared to around 6000 NTD ($216) per semester. Because I wanted to save, the choice was obvious for me xD. But ah, this doesn't mean I don't value personal space, in fact I love having the room to myself, and since both my roomies would go home to their families every weekend, weekends were bliss for me xD
And you don't have to be friends with your roommates (that's an added bonus however), you just have to get along with them. I was quite lucky to have really great roommates all throughout my schooling years.
#9 In the Philippines, we do. Owing mostly to American influences and maybe being predominantly Catholic? xD
#10 *sigh* Chinese parents and parents from similar Asian cultures tend to put too much emphasis on grades, so much that kids could get sent to cram school as early as elementary. This is because what school you get into could literally affect your future job opportunities, and while that's not exclusive to any particular country/culture, I feel it's especially pronounced here in Asia. I'm really lucky my own parents weren't that strict about it. However, if your parents don't point the mistakes out to you, chances are you'll do it yourself, if you're an Asian kid like me anyway. xD It just becomes a habit.
#11 My family is an exception to this. xD We do say 'I love you' directly, but complete with the 'ah eat well ok?', 'don't scrimp on food', 'sleep well' and similar indirect words/actions of affection. We were doing 'Conceal, Don't Feel' before it became popular. xD
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#13 I'm kind of confused about this but this has sort have changed over the years in which eye-contact is now more encouraged. But don't stare, especially at elders and authority figures. Sometimes it's just shyness though. xD And I've observed this with my own Taiwanese friend, especially when I'm complaining or ranting to her about something. xD I'm a person who likes to express my opinions strongly, which tends to scare/alienate some of the locals here, as doing so is kind of frowned upon. Thankfully, she does listen and offers her take on things.
#14 Ah this. xD In the Philippines, this is a common greeting known as beso-beso, and I freaked out too when an auntie did that to me. xD Needless to say, Mom lectured me later on what that was. ^^"
#16 Along with #3 another crazy beauty standard. In my view, people always look better with a little meat on them and when they're not horribly thin. Asia still has a loonng way to go with accepting different types of bodies if you ask me. This combined with modern beauty standards has made the pressure for women especially to 'look beautiful' higher than ever.
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I know many people love them but please, starving yourself or glorifying eating disorders is never OK just to get this kind of 'ideal' body. I'm not part of the Kpop fandom, but even I think when idols get bullied just for gaining the least bit of weight among other insensitive comments, that's really going too far.
#17 'If you want to make friends, go eat.' <- I couldn't agree more. In the Philippines we have a greeting: 'Kumain ka na ba?' (Have you eaten?) . Similarly in Taiwan, we have 吃飯了沒? (chī fàn le méi), both of these can mean that in the literal sense but are often used as greetings instead. By then which invitation to having lunch/dinner together may or may not follow. Food really is a way for us to socialize and to catch up with what's going on in each other's lives. Not to say we don't have regular outings like going out to the mall, going shopping, etc. but eating together is a huge part of our culture, be it with family or friends.
And while I'm at it, some memes that are way too accurate good to pass up xD
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Parents, uncles, aunties alike will fight over the bill xD
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You just space out until your name is called xD
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My parents are guilty of the last one. Logic how? xD
#18 True. xD I like giving compliments out to people but I have a hard time accepting them myself, though I've learnt how to accept them much more now than before. We're kind of raised to constantly downplay ourselves so we often say things like 'ah no no' or 'I'm really not that good'. The downside of this of course is that it can come off as somewhat fake. xD
Again from personal experience, that same classmate who made the lowkey racist remark, she was good, she was on the debate team, was a honor student, knew how to mingle with people, but she downplayed herself way too much, while praising me but I honestly thought that she never really meant it from how she treated me. She wanted to keep me around her yet make backhanded compliments at me and she didn't want me socializing with my other classmate who is now my friend. *sigh* It was only after discussing this with one of my roomies did I realize how this 'excessive downplaying' might come off to people like me who more or less grew up with a more 'Westernized' mindset. I'm not saying brag about your achievements but don't be overly humble about them either, which can also be a turn off.
#20 We do tend to be a lot more realistic on how we view things, neither entirely optimistic nor pessimistic. We try to think of things practically and often analyze things on pure logic. A downside of this however, is that Chinese people can be overly practical. Taiwanese for instance don't like to 'find inconveniences' and generally keep to themselves, meaning, they won't help you in your hour of need even when they do have the capabilities. Sounds really harsh I know, but in my 6 years of living in Taiwan, while this doesn't apply to all the people, a lot of them really do only find/talk to you when they need something.
So for some people saying Taiwanese are 'friendly', that's BS xD If you ask me, Filipinos are infinitely more friendly, and again while not all, generally make more of an effort to help you when you need it. I really felt more of a real sense of community during my years growing up in the Philippines compared to Taiwan.
#21 Children do tend to stay with their parents well into college and adulthood, since Chinese families are indeed very family-oriented, in a lot of cases, grandparents often live under the same roof as us as well! And it really does save a lot of money. I see there's a real stigma in the US when it comes to "living with your parents", but that's starting to change especially because of Covid and having more and more people move back in with their parents.
Housing unfortunately is pretty much hella expensive no matter where you go, and Taiwan is no exception. Steep housing prices and the very high cost of raising a child (schooling + buxiban fees, etc.) contribute to a very low birth rate and thus an aging population like Japan. It's not uncommon to see both parents working in Taiwan.
#23 I'm an overthinker myself, but I totally agree with the author that the best is to strike a good balance between these two. Which I guess is why I love drawing or any other related creative attempts, it helps me be more spontaneous or well, creative! I like to remain intellectually or artistically inspired.
#24 Is French high school really like that? xD My friend did watch SKAM France and more or less got a culture shock from what was depicted on the show. I can confirm however that most high schools both in the Philippines and Taiwan require students to wear a uniform, only in college is everybody free to wear casual/civilian clothes.
#26 Ah this is part of our Asian gift-giving etiquette xD We always open gifts later after the event/meeting and in private. Never open them in front of the person who gave it to you or in front of others. This is to prevent any 'shame/embarrassment' that may result both to yourself and to the gift giver. I know this may come off as something weird since some people may want a more honest response or immediate feedback when it comes to gift-giving, but that's just how it is in our culture. You're always free to ask us though (in private) if we liked the gift or not ^^"
#28 I want to say the same goes to drinking, partying, and drugs however xD Those are things which are still frowned upon in our culture. And to be honest, whenever I see those in movies, it does kind of turn me off xD It doesn't mean that we're "uncool" or "boring", we just think that there are much better or healthier ways of "having fun".
#31 Is this true in France?! Man I would kind of prefer that instead of people being on their phones all the time xD This kind of goes with #20 in that Chinese are overly practical or logical, and don't read fiction as much as nonfiction. My Taiwanese friend is an exception though, she's a bibliophile who loves the feel of paper books compared to e-books, and it's a trait of her that I like a lot. Both the Philippines and Taiwan however have a huge fanbase when it comes to manga and anime though.
I'm all for reading outside of "designated reading" at schools especially. Reading fiction improves your vocabulary too, and can be quite fun! It helps you imagine and really invest in a world/story, and if you ask me something that I feel Westerners are better at, they're more in touch with their emotions and creativity, and are thus much more able to write compelling or original stories. Believe me, I've seen a fair amount of Chinese movies that rip off Western movie plotlines xD
#33 Nothing much to add on here..except that since I'm a "weird" person, Mom often jokes that she got the wrong baby from the hospital. xD
#35 True. While I agree with the care and concern that your fellow community can give you, the downside of this is we tend to only hang out with our own people, e.g Chinese with Chinese, Taiwanese with Taiwanese, etc. I've seen too that it's especially hard to make friends in Japan and Korea as a foreigner. Not only is there the language barrier, but the differences in culture too. In a way, Asians can be pretty close-minded on getting to know other cultures or actually making friends with people from other countries. I know this all too well being half-Taiwanese/half-Filipino, being neither "Filipino" enough nor "Taiwanese" enough. xD It's more of people here being too used to what they're comfortable with.
#36 Oh this is something I feel that Chinese students and other students from similar cultures should really improve on. xD How will people respect you if you don't speak your mind?
I felt bad especially for my Spanish teacher in college, granted it was an introductory course (Spanish I and II) but the amount of times that our teacher had to prompt a student to recite/speak even with clear hints already made her (and me too) extremely frustrated. The thing is, these are college students, I personally feel they don't have any reason to be so shy of speaking and technically by not doing so they're slowing the pace of the class too much and a lot of time is wasted.
Unfortunately you can't always be very vocal with your thoughts and opinions in most Asian cultures. I would say strive for that, but at the same time, play your cards well, especially if you're in a workplace setting.
If you made it to the end, thank you for reading and here's a cookie! 🍪 I'm not perfect and there's bound to be something I missed so please let me know if you spotted anything wrong. Feedback/questions are very much welcome and please feel free to share about your country/culture's differences or similarities!
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rawr-mortgage · 3 years
Hear me out...
Ace is bi. That's it. That's the post.
Lol no joke tho, Ace radiates massive bi energy for me. I know it's been stated in the game that he's had at least one girlfriend in the past, but in the perfect little version of twst that lives inside my head, he's also had a couple boyfriends throughout high school.
See, i don't really get how NRC is supposed to be a college but the characters' ages are still of high school students. To my knowledge, Japan's curriculum is relatively similar to a majority of the world, the same K-12 format where there's middle school, then high school and by the end you're supposed to be around 18 years-old when you graduate.
So by that logic, the first years should all be around eighteen with virtually no one being younger than seventeen because who tf would make their kid start school at the age of four? In MY ideal version of twst, this is exactly the case and Ace is just the right age to have at least five failed relationships under his belt without his age during the time span of his romantic conquests being kind of questionable.
This post may seem like just a string of headcanons for me to ramble about how entirely sold i am on the idea of Bi!Ace... and yea, that's exactly how shit turned out :3
Ace is bi and no, i do not accept criticism. In addition to that, he's also just a cocky little shit that strives to impress the people around him, even if he secretly thinks there's nothing really remotely impressive or remarkable about him as a person.
He's the type who won't hesitate to strike up a conversation with anyone who catches his eye and while he wouldn't consider himself a pro at flirting by any means, he has a natural boyish charm and the personality of an unapologetic dork, able to crack jokes that range from surprisingly clever to downright cheesy, you'd be hard-pressed not to laugh even once if he sets himself to the challenge.
Remember how I said that he's cocky but at the same time, doesn't think much of himself or his abilities? Kind of a contradiction, yea? Let me elaborate.
He's very blunt. And just a no-nonsense, straightforward kind of person in general when he isn't trying his best to charm and woo people who strike his interest. Boi has no filter and just says the shit that comes to his mind without worrying about the potential consequences of his brazenness. This type of behavior is very off-putting to most people and best believe he's been called out on it more times than he cares to remember. Exactly because of this is why people often label him as a “cocky” bastard, which is perfectly understandable.
Tho, he's not really bothered by the appeal of others for him to put a little more effort into being “kinder”. In his eyes, he's just being himself. He doesn't understand the point of sugarcoating. They say it's meant to make harsh things more digestible for others, but he thinks that's just a roundabout phrase for someone being fake and dishonest. Big “tell it how you see it” advocate. If the pill's too hard to swallow, that's not his problem.
However, brazenness doesn't really equal cockiness, right? Sure, he's rough around the edges and can come off as a bitchy mean girl even if that isn't really his intention, but none of those constitute to him having an overinflated sense of self. He's confident, yes, but he's not arrogant.
His perception of himself is actually quite down-to-earth. He's of the personal belief that there's nothing really interesting or particularly note-worthy about his character, and in no way does he think of himself amazing in any aspect. This feeling was only fortified after he got admitted to NRC. Being surrounded by such natural talents and geniuses, Ace has never been more aware of how mediocre he is compared to other individuals in the grand scheme of things.
And honestly, he isn't bothered by it in the least. He likes being “normal”. He likes being unburdened by great expectations stacked against his shoulders by the people in his life whose opinions he might value more than his own happiness. He likes having enough legroom to fool around every other weekend with his friends, play his stress away with basketball, celebrate even getting just a barely passing score on a pop quiz with cheap booze he and his dorm mates smuggled onto campus; basically, just being able to live his life and enjoy his youth.
Ace doesn't think he's remarkable and he's okay with that. He's content and secure in who he is and he doesn't feel any need to strive for something greater just to experience a fleeting sense of fulfilment.
You go, my dude.
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Notes: Just to clarify, these are mostly just my personal headcanons for Ace's character and a little bit of Twisted Wonderland as a whole with regards to NCR and its students. I base my headcanons on actual canon material tbh so I hope no one would view my interpretation of Ace as completely outrageous or whatnot lol.
My personal take on Ace can be further explored in the playlist i made for him. And surprise, surprise, this is where the shameless plug makes itself known lmao.
Character playlists are a form of fantasy fuel for me. I like the idea of being able to embody the essence of a character in a song or a playlist. And music in general is just therapeutic for me. So... if you're interested, give it a listen sometimes. (the playlist has songs from HSM. don't @ me, he's technically a disney character and it just fits :P)
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oodlyenough · 3 years
arcane indulgence: viktor
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: Not sure about fave so I'll do first thing I particularly noticed, beside being designed for me in a lab somewhere, which was that I found him quite funny. Roasting Jayce while he stands on the edge of this third storey ledge, lol
least favorite thing about them: I guess this is more of a hypothetical at this point but I am sort of, uh, crossing my fingers about what they do with him in s2 and hoping it makes sense and feels like organic development from s1 and isn't just "Well here's where he's at in League" stapled on. A lot of fandom seems to just kind of like, accepted he's going to turn into his League self and I feel like if that's where Arcane is going they have not done the groundwork well at all...
favorite line: This isn't my bedroom 🤔🤔🤔
brOTP: Viktor only has one friend and I want them to fuck
OTP: Jayce! The range... the drama... you can put them in almost any stage of relationship from sickening honeymoon to bitter divorce and make it work. In any case they're gonna be obsessed with each other for the rest of their lives what's better than that
nOTP: Uh any variation that puts him with Mel tbh. I like Mel, I like Viktor, do not want them remotely affiliated romantically except in whatever weird bisexual drama they have going on in canon. They have one conversation where they're ideologically opposed and she cuts him out of the conversation by standing to talk over his head, Mel like the rest of Piltover is barely aware of Viktor's existence in the first place, also I read him as gay lmao... Just uh, no thanks.
random headcanon: I don't know why this question always stumps me even for characters I'm actively writing fic about lol. Oh, I guess one is like, I know it's "twitter canon" that he like ??? scammed his way into the Academy by just showing up until Heimerdinger noticed him?? but I find that uh. contradictory to what we hear him say in the show about no one believing in him and also to logic, and twitter canon is fake, so whatever. Anyway so I just assume he won some kind of Hunger Games scholarship for kids who can read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too.
unpopular opinion: feel like I'm taking crazy pills every time I read some meta or fic or whatever centering around Viktor's "social anxiety" and how he doesn't know how to talk to or relate to people... Aside from tbh projecting ableist assumptions onto him, I think people assume act 1 Viktor is the anomaly and depressed act 2-3 Viktor is his default personality, but I feel like it's certainly the opposite. Act 2-3 takes place over a couple of days that are probably the worst of his (and everyone else's lmao) life, flirty snarky act 1 Viktor is surely like... closer to who he is in a normal scenario.
song i associate with them: Because I was just talking about it with @stardust-musings, Touch by Sleeping At Last! Lmao and also I Bet You Think About Me by Taylor Swift because it makes me laugh, queen of acrimonious break up songs
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windandwater · 2 years
for some reason I become outgoing when I travel idk. my dad’s the same way. I think it’s just nice to meet people you’re never going to see again. hear new stories. part ways. less pressure.
some interactions
American couple next to me in a cafe trying to figure out how to tip--you literally can’t in some restaurants here and I said something like “yep, being from the US makes you allergic to not tipping” and we chatted. it’s just. true though? you can know all day that they make a living wage, they can make it impossible to tip in their system and you’re like “but...I have to.”
we said something like this to the servers in Greece and explained why and they were so astonished by how fucked up America is. we’re like “WE KNOW. WE KNOW.”
kid in the restaurant had a “lockdown leavers 2021″ hoodie and I was at first like “uhhhh” so I googled it and it (I didn’t want to judge if it was something nice) and turns out it means he graduated in 2021! so I congratulated him and got the biggest smile. I’ve never congratulated someone for graduating and I always thought it must be weird to be told that but I feel like it’s justified in right now.
ate in the park and when I was done I sucked just a little bit on the lime that came with my fruit to get some of the bread taste out of my mouth (ineffective) (sour things are nothing to me, though I prefer lemon) and I looked up and a dude definitely watched me do it. I hope I was his unhinged person of the day. because that whole day was a series of absolutely bonkers humans for me.
in the aquarium I once again had the answers for everyone wondering what that fish was. I got really excited upon seeing a boxfish and thank GOD I had a joke ready for “it gets stressed and blows up like a pufferfish and releases poison” because it is apparently wild when you tell people they’re one of your favs and follow it up with that. (note: “if I got stressed and did that...” lands here.)
aquarium is near Big Ben/parliament which means I got to see it which means I crossed Tourist Bridge (real name? no) and there were people doing that cup & ball game where there are 3 cups and you have to find the ball??? I couldn’t believe that still happens and one guy walking past goes “they still do that in 2022??? what is this 1900??” me: RIGHT??? because. what.
guy near houses of parliament had a little stand proclaiming that you should resist wearing a face covering on public transit. I have only been wearing my mask indoors (I am one of 3 people in the city doing this) but I saw this and immediately put on my mask. he did not try to give me a leaflet.
some more observations
update on the walking situation: confirmed that there is no god here. I’ve also now seen the rules change (signs saying “keep left” or “keep right” in various walkway hallways) within stations. I’m trying not to let it make me crazy. it’s almost working.
(GUYS PICK A SIDE IT MAKES THINGS EASIER JESUS CHRIST) (I’m a New Yorker I know about foot traffic!!! please!!)
it's one thing to know logically that British authors based their stories off of things in their real lives and the fact that the whole country sounds and looks like a storybook is a function of that, not the fact that it's a fake place with fake place names. it's quite another to be casually minding your business and see a kid on his way to fucking Hogwarts.
(look, I know. I know. but bad people can write books that have a impact greater than themselves and no I'm not giving her any more money but it doesn't change the fact that her book taught me that love is the greatest force in the world and also to eat the rich and I won't apologize for that or pretend that otherwise just because she didn't understand her own fucking work or because the internet is incapable of anything but black and white thinking)
this is the only city I’ve ever been to that has a sense of humor about itself. some of the phrasing on signs is just...funny. American signs are never funny. once during the pandemic the park near my apartment did a series of joke signs all over it and we could not figure out whether it was a prank or real (it was real, I’m still shook about it)
several official examples but my favorite that made me stop dead in the zoo of protestors/tourists/cops was the big banner from the people protesting the Tory government that included the line “Metropolitan please STOP STEALING OUR BANNERS”
also hilarious: big group of protestors holding signs protesting Boris Johnson, I guess they’d been there a long time b/c they were kind of just casually chatting. British girl behind me says to her friend “imagine having time to stand around holding placards” ... the US would never
we take ourselves so god damn seriously and they just don’t. not even the people with the “SELF-SERVING LIARS ARE DESTROYING OUR NATION (PLEASE STOP STEALING OUR BANNERS)” banners. not the people walking past them. not fucking anyone.
when there were regular ISIS protests going on outside the jails in NY I was like “right on, comrade” I would’ve glared daggers at and anyone deriding them. they weren’t chatting casually and no one walking past was roasting them. and the Johnson shit is just as serious!! this country is out of its mind!!! or maybe we are!!
I know the issues with the cops here but. I got stuck behind a couple and you know every time that happens in the US I automatically look for their guns? and my whole body is tense the entire time they’re in my vicinity. it is. a feeling to do that and see only handcuffs and a baton. and I know, I truly know, the damage they’ve still done, and my skin was crawling when a lady asked them for a picture, but my god.
public gardens originally for royalty now open to the public are always going to set my teeth on edge. they’re beautiful. the ones that used to be people’s private grounds for their own private bullshit are. listen. eat the fucking rich.
in Central London the trains come every 2 minutes?!??!?!?!
if you run to catch the train in NY I am right behind you limping like a motherfucker on my swollen ass ankle. I’m never running to catch shit here.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Yandere ocs
So I figured I should show them off..and make stories for them cause this idea won't escape my mind no matter what. Please be gentle on them
All artwork is made on picrew I don't own any of it
As far as they go I'm accepting request, questions for the characters to answer and just questions about them and if you just wanna talk to them you can via ask
Warning: contains both sfw and nsfw headcanons..also these boys are yanderes so they are kinda toxic
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Gentle giant
I'm not kidding he's 6'3"
Half japanese half american
Is a college student studying to be a doctor
Just the sweetest sweetheart
He comes across as ditzy though
He is the mom of any friend group
Will spoil his darling with affection and love
Best hubby vibes for sure
Works himself to death to provide for you both
Will give you all the headpats
"you're so sweet, a perfect angel"
Got his scar from his childhood
Loves sweets
Likes to make you lunch shaped as animals
Wholesome boy
Will never hurt you
Can be strict about self care
But completely forgets about his own self-care
Works so hard to please you
Makes sure you are never sad or anything
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As far as his yandere side
He isn't the type to get violent but is definitely the emotional manipulation type
Will make his darling seem absolutely insane
"sweetie, you shouldn't leave be logical here"
He will make his darling question their own decision making
In his eyes you are too fragile for the outside world
Listen to him, he is only trying to protect you
Doesn't like it when you fight him
Prefers a sweet darling but if you are a hothead he'll love you just as much...though your fighting and struggling will be a challenge
Will drug you if that's what it takes to keep you calm
"Just listen to me, okay? Why would you ever need to think or make your own choices when you have me?"
Definitely has a low sex drive more of a cuddler
But when he wants it he's such a gentleman about it
Will seduce you with a nice meal first before asking to make love
He will never force you to though cause he knows what that feels like
Can spend hours kissing you
Definitely has a kink for purity
If you act super innocent he just can't help but pull you into his lap and love up on you
Doesn't do any feral sex unless you've pushed him past his breaking point.
Is a switch so if you want to top him he'll allow it but he is far more comfortable being the dom
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Hikaru, 21
Young and famous model
Full japanese
Comes from a family full of actors
Flamboyant as hell will actually crossdress if he wants to cause fuck gender roles
Monster Dick energy
He comes across as loud and hyper
Seems super sweet and bubbly
Loves to dress up his darling in cute clothes and spoil them when they are well behaved
"look at my adorable baby! Oh you're such a cutie!"
Is a strawberry milk boba drinker(*cough* like me *cough*)
Will take you on shopping dates if you are good
Is the type to flaunt his credit cards
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Is actually a degrading king
He isn't the nicest yandere
Will kill an entire army if he has to
Will degrade the absolute hell out of his darling to break your self esteem and self worth
"baby, who else will want you? Honestly darling do you think anyone else actually cares about someone as worthless as you?"
Kinky as fuck
Has a bad temper
Don't piss him off or he will hurt you
"why would you ever need to leave! The only one who cares about you is me! Everyone else will just use you and throw you away!"
Is the type to try and make his darling as clingy as possible
Wants a housewife type darling no matter the gender
Wants to come home to an obedient lover ready to give him a kiss, dinner, and a BJ
Always wants to love up on you and have you in his arms
Will be grouchy if he sees you getting too confident in your looks
He fears that if you have too much self confidence you're going to leave him
"what are you wearing? It's absolutely hideous. Hmm? I bought that? Huh you must have looked cute in it then but right now you kinda look like a pig"
All in all he's a brat
If you try and dom him he will absolutely fight back and it will lead to some feral sex
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Axis, 18
100% blind
full japanese
Despite not being able to see he doesn't need a cane or anything
Though he likes it when you offer to hold his hand in public
Works at home as an artist
Is really good at it and had some of his work in museums
Like spicy foods
Like super dumb
"hey, babe is tomato sauce a smoothie? Or maybe it's like jelly..but made out of like tomatoes"
Is basically a puppy
Can't keep his hands off you
Is always kissing and loving you
Praise giving king
Has hightened senses so he definitely remembers your smell and how you walk
Always has to be with you
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Never leave
He can't handle it
Is the exact opposite of hikaru
Makes it seem like he will actually die without you
"don't leave! Please! I'm helpless without you! [Y/n]! Don't leave me by myself!"
Will make you quit your job
Will make you move in with him
Acts pathetic when you even mention leaving
Hugs your leg and sobs hard
Has fake fallen many times to get you to think he truly is helpless without you
Will have a screaming tantrum if you walk out the door
Just painful screams and sobs while he claws his own face and body out of absolute insanity
Will keep doing that until you come back to him
"s-see, I'm helpless without you. I'll die without you, I need you so please..stay with me forever"
As far as sex..
He is definitely cries during it
Loves you so much that he is just sobbing while fucking you cause you feel so good and he loves you and-
Is like a dog in heat
Loves just feeling all over your body
Sex with him usually lasts many rounds and involves him humping you to death while he sobs and drools all over you
Will sub for you if you want him to
Will honestly do anything you want as long as you are touching him
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Prince, 24
Horny 24/7
Full Korean but moved to Japan shortly after birth
Gained his name out of a magazine..thanks mom and dad
Works as a bartender
Usually a one night stand kind of guy but with you it's different
Loves sloppy kisses and cuddles
Bad boy
Aka he pretends to be a bad boy but is actually a softie who loves dogs and long walks on the beach
Goofy as hell
Loves to make you laugh
He isn't used to having a real relationship so be easy on him
Doesn't like restricting you and lets you do basically anything you want
Of course you belong to him though so no doing crazy things
Like to take you to work with him and gives you free drinks
Definitely has a fan girl club
The word sex escapes his mouth every three seconds
Sex with him is usually amazing
He's knows exactly what he's doing
As long as you love him it's all good
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The moment you try to break up with him or distance yourself he loses it
"huh? Huh huh huh huh?! You're kidding yeah?! Stop joking around"
Gets hella paranoid and locks you in his house while pacing around not sure what to do
Will kill for you like absolutely will slaughter someone if they get too close to you
He changes so dramatically it's hard to see him as the same laid back flirty guy
He gets tense and panicked
"you can't leave okay?! Don't even try to ask!"
Will start to calm down if he sees you are accepting your fate
Thinks sex will solve his problems
"you just need to see how much of a man I am yeah?! Then you'll stay right?! Of course you will!"
Spirals out of control
You belong to him in his eyes so you can't ever leave
Clearly has abandonment issues
Will try to do whatever he can to make you happy though
Want it and he will get it
just stay with him and he will be okay
Will try and do whatever he can to make you just as obsessed with him as he is for you
Clearly doesn't have experience in loving someone
He's not used to wanting someone to stay with him so he takes drastic measures to assure you never leave
Even tries getting you pregnant or making you disabled to make you make no choice but to stay
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Yuki, 21
Not picking favorites buuut-
Sleepy boy
Oddly enough is super athletic and strong..despite not working out
Half japanese half american
Responds with sounds or very few words
Forked tongue- not given to him by choice
Owns a tattoo and piercing shop
Despite this he doesn't own any tattoos
Loves to put his head on your lap or stomach
Prefers chubbier lovers but honestly will love you regardless
Will sleep the entire day without eating if you let him
Doesn't like speaking but if he has to he will
Hates any sort of loud noise, has sensitive senses
Is pretty lazy but if he has to do it he will.. though he will make random grunts and grumbles the entire time while pouting
More of a cat than a person
Quite moody
Only you're allowed to touch him
Anyone else who does he'll glare at and act cold towards
Likes to hug you from behind and lean against you no matter your height
If you're shorter than him expect him to put his chin on your head
If you are taller he's nuzzling his face in your back and taking in your smell
Can't cook to save his life
Almost burnt the house down cause he fell asleep while cooking
It's fine cause he eats microwave dinners and snacks from the convience store
Low sex drive
The king of sleepy sex
Usually all sex with him is slow,teasing and just filled with sleepy praise and compliments
Unless he's jealous or stressed then it's just rough fucking
Doesn't really act like a yandere at all.. buuut-
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Honestly thought you two were dating this whole time
What do you mean you two aren't a couple
No no sweetheart you two were dating the moment he laid eyes on you
If you try to break this fantasy he will shut it down
"we're dating."
Try and say no and he will not be able to handle it
All his delusions keep him from breaking down but if you absolutely say that you two aren't dating he will snap
"stop talking, we are dating. So stop lying"
Doesn't like the thought of kidnapping but he will do it if he must
Will even work from home if he has to
He isn't really a violent type so he won't kill for you but he will absolutely spread lies and use blackmail to get what he wants
All your friends and family think that you eloped with him and never want to see them again
It's better for you both if you just play along with his games
Will definitely tattoo his name on you
He won't ever gag you cause he likes to hear your voice but if you try to scream he honestly won't know what to do
The loudness makes him tear up and he just covers your mouth with your hands begging you to stop
"It hurt. Too Loud. Please."
He just wants to love you he doesn't see what he's doing wrong
He just wants to be with you forever so be good and don't fight him
Is definitely the stalker and stealing clothes type
Will make a nest of all your things that smell like you and he'll just lay in it being in absolute peace
Has scared any and all potential lovers away
Mostly through blackmail
He is easily jealous but pretends not to be
As soon as you walk into the house he is there to smell you to see if you smell different
If you do you are taking a shower with him immediately
If not then yay cool cuddles and kisses
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