rawr-mortgage · 3 years
Hear me out...
Ace is bi. That's it. That's the post.
Lol no joke tho, Ace radiates massive bi energy for me. I know it's been stated in the game that he's had at least one girlfriend in the past, but in the perfect little version of twst that lives inside my head, he's also had a couple boyfriends throughout high school.
See, i don't really get how NRC is supposed to be a college but the characters' ages are still of high school students. To my knowledge, Japan's curriculum is relatively similar to a majority of the world, the same K-12 format where there's middle school, then high school and by the end you're supposed to be around 18 years-old when you graduate.
So by that logic, the first years should all be around eighteen with virtually no one being younger than seventeen because who tf would make their kid start school at the age of four? In MY ideal version of twst, this is exactly the case and Ace is just the right age to have at least five failed relationships under his belt without his age during the time span of his romantic conquests being kind of questionable.
This post may seem like just a string of headcanons for me to ramble about how entirely sold i am on the idea of Bi!Ace... and yea, that's exactly how shit turned out :3
Ace is bi and no, i do not accept criticism. In addition to that, he's also just a cocky little shit that strives to impress the people around him, even if he secretly thinks there's nothing really remotely impressive or remarkable about him as a person.
He's the type who won't hesitate to strike up a conversation with anyone who catches his eye and while he wouldn't consider himself a pro at flirting by any means, he has a natural boyish charm and the personality of an unapologetic dork, able to crack jokes that range from surprisingly clever to downright cheesy, you'd be hard-pressed not to laugh even once if he sets himself to the challenge.
Remember how I said that he's cocky but at the same time, doesn't think much of himself or his abilities? Kind of a contradiction, yea? Let me elaborate.
He's very blunt. And just a no-nonsense, straightforward kind of person in general when he isn't trying his best to charm and woo people who strike his interest. Boi has no filter and just says the shit that comes to his mind without worrying about the potential consequences of his brazenness. This type of behavior is very off-putting to most people and best believe he's been called out on it more times than he cares to remember. Exactly because of this is why people often label him as a “cocky” bastard, which is perfectly understandable.
Tho, he's not really bothered by the appeal of others for him to put a little more effort into being “kinder”. In his eyes, he's just being himself. He doesn't understand the point of sugarcoating. They say it's meant to make harsh things more digestible for others, but he thinks that's just a roundabout phrase for someone being fake and dishonest. Big “tell it how you see it” advocate. If the pill's too hard to swallow, that's not his problem.
However, brazenness doesn't really equal cockiness, right? Sure, he's rough around the edges and can come off as a bitchy mean girl even if that isn't really his intention, but none of those constitute to him having an overinflated sense of self. He's confident, yes, but he's not arrogant.
His perception of himself is actually quite down-to-earth. He's of the personal belief that there's nothing really interesting or particularly note-worthy about his character, and in no way does he think of himself amazing in any aspect. This feeling was only fortified after he got admitted to NRC. Being surrounded by such natural talents and geniuses, Ace has never been more aware of how mediocre he is compared to other individuals in the grand scheme of things.
And honestly, he isn't bothered by it in the least. He likes being “normal”. He likes being unburdened by great expectations stacked against his shoulders by the people in his life whose opinions he might value more than his own happiness. He likes having enough legroom to fool around every other weekend with his friends, play his stress away with basketball, celebrate even getting just a barely passing score on a pop quiz with cheap booze he and his dorm mates smuggled onto campus; basically, just being able to live his life and enjoy his youth.
Ace doesn't think he's remarkable and he's okay with that. He's content and secure in who he is and he doesn't feel any need to strive for something greater just to experience a fleeting sense of fulfilment.
You go, my dude.
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Notes: Just to clarify, these are mostly just my personal headcanons for Ace's character and a little bit of Twisted Wonderland as a whole with regards to NCR and its students. I base my headcanons on actual canon material tbh so I hope no one would view my interpretation of Ace as completely outrageous or whatnot lol.
My personal take on Ace can be further explored in the playlist i made for him. And surprise, surprise, this is where the shameless plug makes itself known lmao.
Character playlists are a form of fantasy fuel for me. I like the idea of being able to embody the essence of a character in a song or a playlist. And music in general is just therapeutic for me. So... if you're interested, give it a listen sometimes. (the playlist has songs from HSM. don't @ me, he's technically a disney character and it just fits :P)
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