#that just made it way harder to find the next ability
dravidious · 4 months
You're good and cool and epicc
Finally started playing Pseudoregalia today, and got stuck for like an hour backtracking through the same areas over and over because I only had 1 ability, which was just enough to get into lots of places that had lots of dead ends that require other abilities. The perils of open-ended world design
#asks#“you can go anywhere you want! you're free to explore!”#yeah but if you don't go exactly where the devs expected you to go then you just get stuck and have no idea how to proceed#also the game is really mean sometimes!#it'll lead you on like “yeah you can make this jump into this new area with just the slide jump”#but then it's all “no that path requires the wall jump. no that one needs the high jump. no that one needs wall running.”#like why bother making areas accessible when there's NOTHING TO DO?!#that just made it way harder to find the next ability#even worse: the MAP is an unlockable ability#and if you happen to make a wrong turn then you'll just never unlock it and it'll be EVEN HARDER to find more abilities#also another mean thing! the game has consumable keys zelda-style#but combine that with the open-ended world design and suddenly you have a lot of choice about where to use your keys#sounds cool? sounds interesting? it might be! except when the game makes a TRAP LOCKED DOOR#i wasted a key on a locked door that was just a shortcut to an area that i could already reach#and then i couldn't access any of the locked doors that actually MATTER#i honestly thought that i might have softlocked myself because i was going EVERYWHERE and couldn't find ANYTHING#eventually i FINALLY found the map ability and that allowed me to see which areas i hadn't been to yet#that let me find the high jump and from there i was finally able to make progress#ended up wasting another key on a door that just had a cosmetic costume but whatever
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wanders-in-wonderland · 9 months
Treatment Plan
Last night was supposed to be harmless New Year’s Eve fun, partying with friends, dancing with strangers, and maybe finding someone to ring in the new year with. I remember dancing and taking shots with a really hot guy at some club where we'd shared a new year kiss. There's nothing else in my memory and I don’t remember when I passed out but I wake up alone in a medical examination room, naked, gagged, and strapped down to a bed with my arms above my head and legs spread wide.
The door opens and four men walk in. The first one I recognize is the hot guy I'd made out with. Except now, he has the look of a doctor, dressed in a white coat, wearing a stethoscope and holding a clipboard. The other three men are wearing nurses scrubs and not a single one acknowledges me as they step into the room and close the door behind them.
The doctor glances down at his clipboard and looks at me, smirking slightly. “It says here you’ve been admitted due to your issues with obedience and self-control. I promise we deliver the best results here, so you, darling, will be in tip-top shape in no time,” his voice is tinged with mockery and I try to shake my head and explain that this is all a mistake, that I have no idea what is going on, and I’m not supposed to be here.
“Day one of this treatment regimen helps us establish a baseline of what we’re working with and involves some sensory deprivation just to enhance the effectiveness but I promise, you’ll enjoy it,” he purrs, coming to stand next to my head before sliding a piece of fabric over my eyes. I struggle uselessly against the bindings, trying to dislodge the blindfold but it’s too secure to move. I feel hands hold my head in place before someone else slides headphones over my ears and suddenly, I’m blind and deaf to the world.
There is nothing to prepare me for what comes next, and no way that I can have any ability to sense what they plan to do to me. I can feel tears pricking at my eyes, absorbing into the blindfold when suddenly, I feel fingers trail along my ribs.
I let out a muted whimper, my body instinctively lurching in response. The feeling is so overwhelming and I’m absolutely senseless and helpless. The fingers linger around my hips and dig in gently, making me jerk uselessly in my bindings. It’s almost too much for my body to handle, the unknown touches, the horrible anticipation and suspense of not knowing anything at all.
Without warning, the fingers dig harder into my ribs, tickling me harshly and mercilessly. I wail behind the gag and thrash desperately, begging for it to stop to no avail. The fingers don’t let up and my entire world has narrowed to the unbearable sensations those fingers are drawing out of my bound body. There’s nothing I can do except endure it.
My wails have died down to little mindless whimpers as the tickling continues to ravage my ribs and hips when I feel the fingers pull away finally. I gasp for air, hoping that this torture is finally going to be over. Suddenly, I feel fingers brush against my underarms and I scream so hard my throat feels raw. I’m yanking and pulling at the straps holding me down but I’m bound too tightly. Tears are flowing freely into the blindfold as my body jerks. The fingers dig devastatingly into my underarms and I’m inconsolable. The tickling feels like electricity going straight into my nerves and it makes my mind hazy.
There’s no mercy and no stopping. The fingers find every vulnerable spot on my body and there’s nothing to stop the wretched tickling that’s making me want to curl into myself and disappear. There’s no acclimation to the feeling or becoming desensitized to it all. Every single movement feels like my body is dancing on a live wire and I have no choice but to experience every devastating feeling.
Another set of fingers finds their way to my hard nipples and I can barely draw in enough air to scream as the stimulation adds to the overwhelming feelings crashing through my body. Flicks against my nipples make me squirm and moan.
Then, my world lights up behind my blindfold when I feel fingers on my clit.
The combination of tickling at every sensitive spot on my body and the focus on my clit shatters me. Every single nerve is pulled open and vulnerable to unforgiving, relentless stimulation and I know I’m dripping wet onto the bed under me. It’s all too much for my brain to process. Every force on my body pushes me closer and closer to an orgasm and it’s unbearable.
A sudden flash of pain hits my clit as someone’s fingers sharply pinch my throbbing button and I wail as my orgasm barrels through my body. None of the stimulation lets up and the fingers on my clit continue to force waves of pleasure through my body while fingers everywhere else drive my orgasm even higher. I’m delirious and barely coherent between all of the different assaults of stimulation that wrack my body.
I feel the fingers on my clit pull away and I’m gasping and shaking. The tickling at my ribs and underarms doesn’t relent and I can barely catch my breath enough to sustain my sobs. Fingers brush against my inner thighs and I can’t help but whine, hearing only my wild heartbeat thudding in my ears.
Suddenly, there’s a vibrator slammed against my clit and my mind breaks. There are too many things going on but my whole being is driven to focus on the horrible vibrator pillaging my clit with no mercy. My next orgasm shoots through me with no warning, no build up, no gentle waves of pleasure. Just pure ecstasy shooting deep through my body, so hard that I can feel it in my bones and it renders me completely broken.
I have no concept of time or place as the torture continues. My body moves on its own accord as it struggles and trembles, futilely trying to avoid every touch. It could have been ten minutes or ten hours when everything finally fades away and all of the hands touching me are gone. I lie there, limp, unmoving, unthinking, barely conscious. It takes me an immeasurable amount of time to catch my breath, my body still feeling phantom aftershocks of pleasure and torment. I vaguely register the feeling of someone pulling the headphones off of my head and I’m able to hear again.
“Oh darling,” his voice is the first thing I recognize, “I suppose I forgot to mention, this treatment regimen has ten levels. And we can’t move on from level one until you learn to control your body and keep still during your treatments. Clearly we’re not going to get there today, but perhaps you’ll do better tomorrow. Otherwise, you’re in for a very long stay here…”
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astraystayyh · 1 year
In my dreams
Seungmin x reader. (fake) enemies to lovers. my interpretation of in my dreams by tearliner, love X stereo.
Seungmin has never liked you. You never understood why, but you were slowly coming to terms with it. However, you gradually come to learn that there is more to his feelings than what meets the eye.
skz song series
cw: reader has anxiety and deals with lots of self-doubt and insecurities.
a.n: the end of our skz song series!! and a pretty personal final fic, this one is based on my own experience with anxiety, so it might differ for everyone :) thank you for reading as always <3
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You watch, a soft smile on your face as two little girls play with one another in the playground. It reminds you of simpler times, when you could just walk up to another human and become friends with them instantly.
But reality is much more challenging, especially for someone like you, constantly plagued by their anxious thoughts.
Anxiety didn't tiptoe into your life, one drop at a time so you'd get accustomed to its overwhelming presence. Instead, you woke up one day and it barged into you, through cracks and dents you didn't even know existed in your being, and then it made itself a permanent home within the confines of your heart.
You never truly learned how to live with this parasite feeding off your soul, draining you completely until you became a mere shell of who you once were. You never fully adjusted to the invisible hands choking you from within, to the voice nagging you in the back of your mind, telling you that something horrible was bound to happen.
Because nothing ever went wrong, day after day, nothing bad happened. And yet, the feeling of dread persisted and lingered until you started to believe that the problem was you.
And once you opened the door to self-doubt, you could never fully close it again.
You're too overwhelmed, too nervous, too much of everything bad. Your conversations are scrutinized, down to every syllable you uttered, to the way you smiled and how you laughed. The interactions might differ but the regret that haunts you after is the same.
So, you diluted your being, in an effort to be more acceptable, easier in the lives of the people around you. You believed that if you pleased everyone you ever encoutered then at the end you must satisfy yourself too.
You sigh softly, drumming your fingers along your knee. You’re starting a new year in college tomorrow. Your first one wasn't exceptional by any means. Aileen, the girl who sat beside you from time to time was nice, and you grabbed coffee sometimes as you prepared for your exams together. But she had other friends, ones she's much closer to, ones she invited to her birthday party, ones who she didn't simply fill her free time with.
You shake your head, putting a stop to the thoughts in your head before they get too much once again, pushing you over an edge you don't want to be in right now. 
You'll try harder this year. You'll be okay, for once.
Your professor Lee is scribbling something on the large whiteboard, as he waits for the class to fill up. Someone sits next to you, and the smell of their cologne wafts to your nose- hints of vanilla and wood seemingly calming down your nerves. You quickly take a glance at them, to find a guy with long brown hair and freckles dusting his cheeks. He's taking out his notepad from his bag, and you smile at the chick keychain he has on it. He catches you looking and you quickly avert your gaze, heat creeping up your cheeks. 
"Hi, I'm Felix," he greets enthusiastically, and you turn your head slowly to be met with his wide grin. It softens his features, making his eyes turn into moon crescents. You envy his ability to smile without overthinking how he looks. 
"Yn," you introduce back, and he nods, the grin still etched on his face. "You were in my Economics class last year, no?" he asks and you tilt your head to the side, as you mull over his question.
"I was but I don't remember seeing you," you admit sheepishly and he waves a hand in the air, not bothered the least by your words. 
"It's okay, I just remembered your presentation on Inflation. I finally understood why we can't just print more money," he admits with a chuckle, and you giggle against your will. 
"I don't blame you, it sounds like an easy solution," you agree, and his eyes widen. 
"Right! when I tell my friends they just stare at me in disappointment."
You laugh at his adorable pout, an unfamiliar warmth stirring within your chest. He's nice. 
"I'm glad I helped you then, I was so nervous presenting it," you clear your throat as he smiles impressively at you. "Really? I couldn’t tell at all." 
Mr. Lee calls for your attention and you both turn your heads back to the board. You couldn’t really focus, Felix’s words echoing in your head like a broken mantra- he couldn’t tell you were nervous. A sudden relief dawns on you at the possibility that, maybe, not everyone is aware of the neverending storm raging within you, threatening to drown you at any giving moment.
"Movie night at my dorm?" Felix proposes as he packs up his bag, your two hours long class finally done.
"Will Seungmin be there?" you ask, a slight edge to your voice and Felix pauses, shaking his head at you.
"Yn, you're overreacting. I promise he doesn't hate you."
"Have you ever seen him smiling at me?" you ask, arching your eyebrow expectantly at him. He stays silent and you wiggle your finger in the air. "Exactly! Please tell me he won't be there."
"About that... He's helping me bake the cookies," Felix smiles sheepishly and you groan, falling dramatically on your seat.
"I’m not coming."
"But the cookies," Felix pouts, and the promise of the chewy baked goods is so enticing it makes you second-guess your decision.
"The cookies...," you whine, and Felix giggles grabbing your hand to pull you up.
"I’ll see you at 5?"
"Yes," you concede, a small smile on your lips. You wait until Felix bids you goodbye for it to finally slip from your face.
Seungmin has never liked you, from the moment Felix introduced you to him. You still remember it clear as day, the way his eyes slightly widened when they fell on you, before narrowing down. How he didn't utter a single word when Felix left you both alone to get your drinks. Your panic grew as an uncomfortable silence reigned on the both of you, and you racked your brain for something to say to cut through that eerie quiet.  
"Seungmin, right?" you asked, a bit too cheerfully, and you winced inwardly at your tone. He didn't reply, only humming back. It was so faint you wouldn't have caught it had you not been staring at him intently.
"What's your major?" Your voice cracked.
"Computer science." He replied curtly, and you waited patiently, expecting him to return the question. He didn't. And you shifted awkwardly from one foot to another. Maybe he just didn't do well with strangers. Maybe he wasn't a chatty person, to complement Felix's extroverted nature.
But you were wrong. You watched in complete astonishment as he teased Felix relentlessly, a wide smile on his face. It made his eyes soften, a newfound fondness itching itself on his expressions. He laughed and he joked and you felt yourself shrink more and more, this way he wouldn't notice you anymore, wouldn't glare at you as if you did something horribly wrong to him.
Felix tried to include you as best as he could in their conversation, but you tuned it out. It was hard to focus on their talk when there was a tumultuous one ongoing in your mind. Seungmin's behavior just further cemented every horrible idea you held about yourself. There is something wrong about you, and he can see it. You may have fooled Felix but you didn't fool Seungmin. If you were him you wouldn't talk to you either.
Every encounter with Seungmin since then left you feeling fifteen years old again, in a classroom full of unkind eyes zeroed on you. You tried to talk about his interests, to string along a normal conversation, one that would reassure that your first encounter was a wrongful impression.
But he did not like talking to you, only offering short replies in response. It’s as if his tongue was tied in your response, and in return it only magnified the knot in your stomach. You went through every conversation with him a million times in your head, trying to pinpoint what exactly went wrong. What warranted him to be so silent in your presence, and yours only, as if you weren’t worthy of a simple conversation. And the answer always tied back to you.
So, you’ve been avoiding him like the plague for the past month, sparing him the chore that is existing near you. It was particularly hard since Felix was his best friend and roommate, and surprisingly he actually enjoyed spending time with you. Still, you couldn’t help but think that it was only a matter of time before Felix started to hate you too.  
"You're moving too much," Seungmin chastises and you freeze in your place at his words. You are sitting on the couch of Felix’s dorm later on that day, a horror movie playing in the small TV before you. Felix decided to lay on the floor, buried in a pool of yellow blankets, and a long pillow that weirdly had the picture of one of their friends printed on it. "It's my safety net," he explained and you didn't question him any further.
For some reason, Seungmin decided to sit next to you, instead of the opposing couch. Granted, he can see the TV more clearly from here, still this is the first time he willingly went somewhere near you, let alone talked to you.
You decide to ignore him, too focused on predicting the next jump scare, your feet tapping the floor furiously. But still, it happens so abruptly, eliciting a startled gasp from you, anf you clutch the edge of the couch even tighter.  
"Close your eyes," Seungmin speaks suddenly and you raise an eyebrow at him, confused. 
"There is a jump scare coming soon," he clears his throat, "just... close your eyes if you don't want to see it." 
You comply without much thought and soon enough, you can hear a shrill scream coming from the screen. He was right. 
"It passed," he says softly, and you tentatively open your eyes once again. There is a foreign expression on Seungmin's face, one you haven't seen before, but it passes as quickly as it came, like a dream slipping between your fingers as soon as you wake up. 
"How did you know?" you ask, hugging your knees tightly to your chest. 
"I already watched this movie."
"Really? Why are you watching it again?"
"Because. I had nothing better to do," he says, almost defensively, his hand now covering his mouth as if he had to physically stop the words from spilling out. 
You don't reply, turning back to look at the screen. Seungmin doesn't tell you when a jump scare is coming next, he simply taps your arm, and you close your eyes on cue. 
His hand brushing against your bare skin feels weird, not uncomfortable by any means, but it still is a foreign sensation. You didn't know he had such soft hands, and you always imagined them to be cold. But they are warm, and you wonder what other things about Seungmin you've been wrong about.
"I'm so tired," Felix groans, laying his head on your shoulder and you giggle, patting his head in mock sympathy. It's been three months since the start of your year, which means that the assignments are starting to pile up on you all.
"Me too," you sigh, and Seungmin stays silent next to you. Felix dragged you both to this coffeeshop, a little outing to recharge his spirit, as he texted you. You're slowly getting used to Seungmin's brooding presence. He talks to you a little more, even cracking a few jokes here and there. But you’re still wary of him. You keep your guard up just in case he forcefully brings a mirror to your face once again, reminding you of everything you despise about yourself.
"I'll go order, it's my treat. Pick a place for us?" Felix says and you nod, walking ahead of Seungmin towards a table near the back.
You sit down first, and Seungmin follows second, sitting right across from you. You quickly bring out your phone, scrolling mindlessly through the apps to distract yourself from the man in front of you.
"You have a presentation tomorrow, right?" Seungmin speaks up, startling you, and you slowly put your phone down.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Felix told me that it makes up 25% of your grade. Are you nervous?"
"A little," you admit, even though ‘a little’ didn't even begin to cover it.
"Don't be. You'll do well," he says, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. You almost feel as if you've imagined it before it dissipates.
"Thank you," you nod, as Felix brings the tray down your table.
"Is this for me?" you ask tentatively, pointing to the strawberry milkshake, a sore thumb sticking out between the iced americano, and the hazelnut Frappuccino, Seungmin’s and Felix’s respective go to orders.
"They got the order wrong. I got you an iced matcha," Felix pouts, double checking his receipt.
"It's okay," you smile slightly. There was nothing you despised more than having to change up your order.
"You don't want to drink this," Seungmin says, staring at you expectantly and you wave your hand in the air dismissively. "I don't mind."
Seungmin stands up, grabbing the drink from your hand before taking the receipt from the table. He goes to the counter and you watch in astonishment as he comes back, a green drink in hand this time.
"Here," he hands you your cup, before grabbing his own and sipping from it. Your drink is cold, but the warm tingles spreading through your being at his sweet gesture outweigh any other feeling.
Talking in front of 267 people never gets easier.
You memorized your presentation; you rehearsed it so much you could probably recite it with your eyes closed. Yet, the nerves still found a way to weave themselves inside you. Your hands were shaking, so much you couldn't even stare at the notes you prepared. Your palms were sweaty, blood rushing rapidly to your ears, tuning out your voice as you spoke.
You can’t even recall what you said exactly, it’s as if your body had a mind of its own, your mouth moving itself without you commanding it. You aren’t sure how it was, but someone smiled at you reassuringly from the first row, and the professor clapped, so you assume you did okay.
The class finally ends, your nerves slowly dissipating and leaving in their trail an excruciating exhaustion. You rub your eyes tiredly, as you slowly walk out of the door, before stopping in your tracks when you notice Seungmin leaning against the wall, hands buried in his varsity jacket.
His eyes are closed, a pair of earphones dangling across his chest. But then, as if he feels you looking at him, he opens his eyes, locking his gaze on you. You stay put in your place as he walks to you, his bag loosely hanging from his shoulder. He hooks his thumb underneath the strap, keeping it in place
"How was it?" he questions, and it takes you a few seconds to register what he was asking about. Your presentation. Was he waiting for you?
"I think I did well?" you reply, but it comes out more of a question to which he giggles softly.
"Are you asking me?" he teases and you roll your eyes playfully. "I did well," you repeat and he smiles, nodding a bit. "I’m sure you did. Here." He opens his bag, taking out your favorite chocolate bar from it- it had bits of caramelized pistachio and almonds in it. Seungmin doesn’t like it, he prefers plain milk chocolate, as Felix told you one day.
"Eat this, I ended up buying two by mistake, I still have an extra one at the dorm." You grab it from his hands, and he quickly leaves before you could properly thank him.
You always dread the days you'd wake up with a heavy weight crushing your chest.
You try to distract yourself, try to focus in class and take notes. You try to laugh at Felix's jokes and savor the brownies he just brought you. But you can't. It feels as if you're a cup filled to the brim, each passing second bringing you closer to when that fateful drop would finally make you overflow. And you could do nothing but watch yourself unravel.
Seungmin's eyes never leave you, and it only makes your anxiety spike. It feels as if he's peering inside your soul, witnessing how a cord ties itself around your throat, making it impossible for you to breathe. You can't speak anymore, every word you say threatening to make tears spill out of your eyes. You aren't sure you can make them stop if they ever start falling.
Nothing happened, nothing's happening, you try to remind yourself. But you are scratching your hand incessantly, and you feel an overwhelming need to flee. To run away, somewhere where only you would witness the display of your broken soul. So you sputter a meek excuse, and then you stand up and head to your dorm.
It's raining outside, and you don't have an umbrella. But you are grateful for it, since the rain mingles with your salty tears, shielding them from the curious eyes of the people passing by. You need to get home, you need to hide somewhere and you need to remember how to breathe-
"Yn," a hand grabs your forearm and you startle, instinctively taking two hurried steps back. It's Seungmin. He removed his blue hoodie and he's now placing it over both of your heads.
"What are you doing? You'll get sick," he sounds mad, and you can't take his disappointed tone anymore.
"I'm having a bad day and I don't need you to make it worse," you say, startling yourself with the raw emotion in your voice.
He physically recoils from your words, his arms faltering as he gazes at you, a wounded look in his eyes. "I make your days worse?" he asks quietly and his voice sounds so small, you can't help the regret that courses through you.
"Come on, Seungmin," you chuckle warily, "don't you hate me?"
"Hate is a strong word, okay. You dislike me."
"I don't. Why would you think that?"
"Because you never wanted to talk to me, from the moment we met. And it wouldn't matter if you were this way with everyone, but it's only me. And you make me feel so small each time I'm around you," you ramble angrily, as Seungmin's eyes widen with each passing second.
"Yn, yn, I don't- I didn't know you felt this way, but I don't hate you. I truly don't, I promise you," he's panicking, voice growing higher with each word, and you feel a sudden embarrassment flood your being for lashing out at him.
You don't know what to say and he sighs, looking up at the cloudy sky before meeting your eyes once again.
"This is embarrassing, God, um..." he places his hoodie on top of your head before running a hand through his face. "I don't talk to you because you make me nervous." 
"I do?"
"Yes. A lot," he chuckles, a pink hue tinting his cheeks. "I just... I find you very interesting, and funny, and I like watching you, not in a creepy way, my God what am I saying," he whines, hiding his face in his hands and you can't help the giggle that escapes your mouth.
"Don't laugh," he pouts and you nod, willing the smile to disappear from your face. 
"I like watching you exist. Just laugh and smile and talk. You look very pretty doing it. I just don't know how to deal with it. That's on me."
This time the smile is effectively gone from your face. The weight of his confession distracting you from the turmoil of emotions that swirled within you.
"I'm sorry, for making you feel that way. I never meant to. For what it's worth, you make me feel like a small kid again, as if I'm having a crush for the first time." 
A fresh wave of tears brims in your waterline, and Seungmin's eyes soften at the sight.
"Please don't cry," he says, gently wiping the rain droplets from your cheeks. "I don't hate you, I think I like you too much and that's the problem." 
I'm sorry I misjudged you, until you wiped my tears off away
"Okay," you say quietly, your mind not yet registering what he said, too busy focusing on his hands on your face. You can't believe you've ever felt invisible because of Seungmin, when he's looking at you like you're the most precious being in the world. 
"You had a bad day?" he asks, his knuckles brushing against your cheek tenderly, and you nod, silently. 
"Would you like a hug?" he asks, and you nod again. A hug sounded nice. 
He steps forward, wrapping his arms around you. His t-shirt is cold, clinging to his now wet skin. But a surprising warmth emanates from his chest, shielding you from the pouring rain- it travels from his body to yours, as if it's a familiar path, one it underwent a million times before. His hand finds your back, and he pats it gently, following a soothing rhythm, one you try to sync your breathing to. "You did well," he whispers, "you always do well," and his words feel like a patch of shade on a scorching day.
You exhale softly, tightening your arms around his waist. You think you can stay here, for a while. You could rest in Seungmin, now and tomorrow, and maybe for the following months. If he still likes you this much. 
"I'm ready," Seungmin says, his soft hair tickling your bare skin. He's laying on top of your stomach, black tie undone, a piece of crumpled paper in his hands. You can tell he's nervous, with the way he looks up at the ceiling, avoiding your gaze. You lean down, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of his head. He closes his eyes, his hold on the yellowed paper slightly faltering.
"I'm all ears," you whisper, and he smiles softly at you, before looking at his written vows- the ones you decided to read to each other after your wedding ceremony, just the two of you, in your personal bubble. It feels much more intimate this way, they are words meant for you only to hear, after all.
"My love," he starts, and he can already feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He blinks repeatedly, in a desperate attempt to keep them at bay. "If I'm reading this it means I finally married you, which is probably the best thing I've ever done in my life." You giggle and he can't help but smile at the sound of your laugh.
"I am writing these vows one year into our relationship, I haven't proposed yet, but I just know you're the one I want to marry. And I suppose I don't want to forget everything I want to say to you, when that day comes." His words make your breath hitch in your throat as realization dawns on you- he wrote this three years ago, and he kept it safe, till this day.
"I still remember when I saw you for the first time. I couldn't talk because you looked so pretty, and you were smiling at Felix and I felt an overwhelming need to be the one you were smiling at. I think you cast a spell on me because I couldn't even ask you about your major back, I couldn't believe how awestruck I was. But you already know this, don't you?" He looks up at you, pressing a quick kiss to your stomach and you smile widely. You still remember when Seungmin recounted the first time you met, from his perspective. Rosy cheeks and fumbling words as he explained how much he felt for you in that instant, and how little he could express it.
"But there are still things I haven't told you," he clears his throat. "Like how Felix told me what horror movie he was planning to watch with you, and I looked it up the night before, to memorize all the jump scares just in case you were afraid. And you were, and I'm glad I did. I don't even like horror movies, but it was worth watching it three times in a row, just for you."
"Also, how I had to run out of my class to yours, so I'd catch you after the end of your presentation. I bought that chocolate only for you. I kept a stack of fifteen bars hidden in my desk, just in case you were feeling down, and you ended up needing it. I kept asking Felix about everything you liked, and disliked, and he was probably sick of me at that time," he chuckles, as memories of begging his roommate for any bit of information about you flooded his mind.
"I don't know how far into the future it'll be when I'll finally read this to you. I don't know how I'll be, or where I'll be, but as long as you're with me then I must be okay. I used to overthink everything, plan every part of my life so it'd run smoothly. That is until you came into my life, so suddenly, and you flipped it upside down. I didn't care to plan my life anymore, all that mattered is that it revolved around you," he pauses, sucking in a deep breath.
"I knew I wanted to marry you when you took me stargazing. You talked about the stars and galaxies so excitedly. And then you brought up Saturn; how it was unique among the planets, adorned with thousands of ringlets. And I remember thinking that you're my saturn, you're the dazzling planet that everyone admires and I'm the ring spinning around you, the one you're keeping afloat. And as long as you're here, I have a purpose and I'm okay. So please..." his voice wavers, as silent tears slip out of his eyes.
"Don't leave me. I know we're married now, but still, don't leave me. I love you. I feel like I've loved you in different lifetimes, in different earths and timelines. Everything can come crashing down around us, but one thing that'll forever remain the same is my love for you. I was made to love you, after all. My eyes were made to look at you, and my hands to graze your cheeks. And my heart... My heart was made to beat for you. And I love you. I feel like I don't say it enough but I truly love you. As long as I'm breathing then I'm yours."
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kanekisfavoritegf · 3 months
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PERFECT LOVER: The Life of Nanami Kento the 35 Year Old Virgin
SYNOPSIS: Kento Nanami, a 35-year-old introvert with a tendency to avoid social interactions, has made a conscious decision to steer clear of romantic entanglements. However, everything changes when he meets a new colleague at his birthday party, (Satoru's Idea). From the moment they meet, he is mesmerized, finding himself increasingly unable to resist her magnetic presence. Like taking a bite of forbidden fruit, he becomes ensnared by the allure, delving into a realm of infatuation and finding himself unable to break free. As he delves deeper into this newfound connection, Nanami begins to realize that he craves more than just a fleeting experience and yearns for more than just a fleeting taste of what she embodies.
Table of Contents
The lights somehow made you glow in Kento Nanmi's eyes. Or maybe it was just you, and your effortless ability to draw everyone's eyes on you. You stood atop a table dancing with Satoru wildly, arms flailing and your body rolling along to the rhythmic pounding of the bass. Pink and blue lights stuck to you and everyone in the nightclub's eyes.
"Stare any harder, Kento; lasers might shoot from your eyes," Suguru smirked as he spoke.
"I don't know what you mean, Suguru," Kento said curtly before taking a swig of his drink.
"Don't worry, I won't tell."
"There is nothing to tell."
"Do you want me to schedule a date with you and Yuki?" 
"Yuki?" Kento coughed a drop of his drink catching in his throat.
"Your eyes have been locked on her since she got on the table with her friend." The blonde man almost laughed in his face from pure shock.
"Who wouldn't stare with her atrocious dancing, almost like a headless chicken. Either way, stop trying to set me up; I've sworn off dating, remember?"
"How could we ever forget." Satoru chimed in, sliding next to Suguru, sweat making his blue work shirt cling to his body tightly, "One bad kiss in University and suddenly, any romantic opportunity was thrown out the window with you."
That was the washed-down version of what happened to Kento, but his work colleagues didn't need to know about how he basically got verbally beaten by a girl cause he wasn't ready to lose his V-Card in a one-night stand.
"Oh, all he needs to do is put himself out there more," Yuki said, forcing herself into this embarrassingly uncomfortable conversation. "You are gonna die a virgin if you keep this up."
"Better to die a virgin than known as a whore."
"Hey! I am not a whore." Satoru exclaimed. 
"Yet somehow you knew Kento was talking about you." Yuki quipped back.
"Where is…" Suguru’s voice trailed off when he realized he had forgotten your name.
“Y/N?” Kento helped Suguru find the name.
"Yes," the long-haired man snapped his fingers, "Where is Y/N? She is going to miss the cake."
"Cake?" Kento grumbled. "You didn't say there was going to be cake, Satoru. You promised there wouldn't be cake."
"Okay, I lied." Satoru tried to conceal a smile
Kento raised to his feet, ready to leave before the birthday parade showed up with cake, probably with something stupid on its icing, and a club screaming happy birthday drunkenly. "But think of it like a welcome cake, too. For Y/N, Yuki wanted her to get to know all of us before her first day in the department on Monday. And you two haven't spoken to her since she first introduced herself." Satoru pointed at Suguru and Kento.
"You are the one who stole her away to do the “Six Devil Shots” and then to the dance floor," Suguru said.
"Or you too could have come and danced with us." You cut in, a cake and candles in hand. "I stole this out of the kitchen."
"You said you were going to the bathroom." Yuki laughed.
"I did, and then I stole the cake."
"Unbelievable," Satoru said. "It was supposed to be a big thing for Nanami." Satoru pouted slightly at the prospects of not being able to embarrass his coworker. 
"Well, Mr. Nanami doesn't seem like the type to enjoy drunk people sing-screaming at him, much less their attention solely on him." You slid your way onto Nanami's side, placing the cake in front of him and the three and five candles in its center. "You have a lighter, right?" You whispered into Kento's ear. He only nodded, letting out a nervous breath before pulling it out and handing it to you.
The group sang Happy Birthday as loudly as they could over the blasting music that played behind them. Giving up after the first verse, Kento blew out his candles.
Thirty-five years old as of today, and he was no better than a teenage boy, semi-hard because you whispered in his ear and stole a cake so he could avoid attention. Sometimes, Nanami felt he was missing out on what Yuki, Satoru, and Suguru had. Some imaginary certificate to adulthood, the type that could only be won through cashing in his V-Card, but then again, would losing it to a stranger make him catch up with others his age? He knew he wasn’t the only virgin at his age, but in situations where a pretty girl flirts with him, and he wants to flirt back, something always manages to catch his tongue. The voice in the back of his head probably reminds him that she wants something from him that Kento knows he won’t be able to give her. So he doesn’t flirt anymore. And as fast as the hard-on came, it was gone, along with any idea of ever entertaining the idea that you would ever want him.
Just because a woman is nice to you doesn't mean you get hard. Kento reprimanded himself in his head.
"Okay, enjoy the cake; I'm heading home now," Kento shouted over the music. "I have to catch the last train."
Yuki and Gojo booed them loudly while Geto threw him a look that screamed, "You are going to leave me with these idiots?"
"So do I." You said, "Mind walking with me?" you said, realizing what time it was.
Kento wanted so badly to say, "Yes, I mind. The whole reason I am taking the train and not a taxi later is to avoid you." but he didn't. He only shook his head and grabbed his coat.
"I'll send you the money for my bill when I get home, Satoru," you said, grabbing your coat. 
"Don't worry about it," Kento said as he placed down a wad of cash before putting a hand over your shoulder, hovering slightly, "You ready?"
You only nodded, ignoring the head in your voice that swooned a little at the simple act of covering your bill. You were tipsy; that's why your delusions ran a little wild.
You made a mental note to never do shots with Satoru again as you slowly made your way through the dancing crowd and out of the nightclub, Kento's hand still on your shoulder.
The night air was surprisingly calm for the summer, making you shiver a little as you turned into Kento, keeping his body close to yours under the stars and in a quiet street.
“How was your birthday?” You asked, wanting to break the silence that seemed to fall upon the two of you.
“It was good.” He said curtly, “I don’t really have experience with celebrations to do with me.”
“You don’t celebrate your birthday?” You asked, even though it wasn’t all that surprising.
“What counts as celebrating?” 
“Hmmm, something fun, I guess.” You shrugged.
“Well, it’s my first time going to a nightclub to celebrate.” A small smile decorated his face, “I usually cook a nice dinner for myself or go to a fancy restaurant that I have been saving up on.”
“What about everyone else?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, you are telling me this is the first time Satoru has dragged you out for your birthday?”
“The first time since University, yes.” Kento didn’t elaborate, and you didn’t pry, letting a comfortable silence fall upon you two. As you turned the corner, you guys made your way to the train tracks, empty and void of any life other than the three people on the other side of the tracks. 
Just like before, the train ride was quiet. A few people were on the train, but you managed to snag seats together. You don’t know when it happened, but you let yourself drift to sleep, leaving Kento alone to his thoughts.
Each lurch of the cart when the train stopped and started made you curl into the man even more until your body leaned against him completely. 
It was only when his stop approached that Kento realized he didn’t know where you lived or whether you missed your stop. A slight panic filled him, and he shook a fully asleep you back to consciousness. 
“Y/N. Y/N.” He half whispered into your ear. Only to be met with soft groans. He shook you a little harder this time, and that’s when your eyes fluttered open. Still half asleep, though, you barely comprehend what he was saying, mindlessly grabbing his hand and following him as he stepped off the train.
Alcohol was still dancing in your brain; you nodded your head in agreement and followed him to his apartment…
Nanami knew he wouldn’t last long, but as he sunk into you, the idea of even holding in the waves of pleasure that drowned him was impossible.
TAG LIST: @marikuchanxo @sukunasstomachtongue @getosgirlfailure @allysunny @tojicvmslut @typefeisu @aiyaaayei @villsophie @sillysillygoofygoose @jinleft @rivversin @haikioo @destinyblue-jjk @ramonathinks @actuallysaiyan @actuallysaiyan @melisuh123
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reverieblondie · 4 months
i would like to hear your take on how the romanceable male companions would react to a teifling partner doing things like purring when around him, or wrapping their tail around his ankle when close to him.
Thank you so much for this request! Sorry it took a bit to get this out! I love teiflings so it only makes sense that I do this prompt at some point! This one may be a tad shorter than my usually ones, last bullet point is NSFW as always. Hope you enjoy!
Karlach and Shadowheart with teifling s/o
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You both had been drinking and chatting late at night by the fire. You were feeling the drinks more than he was. The night has been the definition of perfection, you and Wyll swapping stories, maybe a few long glances…some lingering touches… As the night is getting later and the tiredness tries to consume you, but you're enjoying this so much…you don't want it to end… Wyll is getting done telling you another one of his valent stories, and that's when sleep decides to take you. Letting out a chuckle, you can't help but settle your tired head on his shoulder. Wyll feels his heartbeat race and confidence build from the liquid courage; it's the perfect opportunity to put himself out there, to make his feelings known. As he is about to ask if he can kiss you, he feels and hears a soft rumbling. Looking down at you, he sees you fast asleep, a smile on your lips, purring as you drift along to whatever is in your dream. Wyll adjusts slowly for you both to sit in a more comfortable position, your head resting on his chest with his arm wrapped around you, carefully brushing his fingertips along your arm, wanting not to disturb you. It truly was the perfect night. 
You're not one for dancing… but you are a fan of Wyll, so when he asked you to dance, you said yes without a second thought. Wyll led you through the dance to the best of his ability; he even managed to smile through you accidentally stepping on his foot multiple times. Slowly, you two managed to find your rhythm with each other. You started to feel more and more relaxed as the dance went on…till you started to hear groans and muttered, 'Excuse me,' That's when you noticed your damn tail was getting in the way as you swayed to the music, causing you to end up smacking it's against other couples on the floor. You quickly apologize and wrap your tail around your leg to continue your dance with Wyll. You look at Wyll, who is glaring at the person daring to say anything to you when his face looks surprised as he looks at you with a blush rising to his cheeks. You're confused until you feel it; in embarrassment, you wrapped your tail around the wrong leg…it was now tightly wound around Wylls. Completely mortified, you apologize and undo your appendage, but before you can, Wyll is pressing you closer, whispering in your ear, "Please.. don't move it…I enjoy feeling so close to you…" Biting your lip, trying not to scream in excitement, you keep your tail around his leg for the rest of the night per his request. 
You wanted to be careful…but you're finding it hard…Wyll just keeps bouncing you harder, making you take his cock deeper. The ridges slide perfectly against your aching walls, and you feel made for each other. Wyll smiles at your face so beautifully contoured as you get closer and closer to the edge of your next orgasm. Your sharp nails digging into his broad shoulders, so close to drawing blood. Wyll starts lifting your ass higher, his strength making it easy for him as he buckles his hips faster into you at a mind-shattering pace. You've already made a mess of his lap, but he's eager for more, and now your nails are fully dug into his shoulders… you're whimpering out an apology, but he keeps going harder. He acts like an angelic prince in the streets, but in the sheets, he fucks like a devil…
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Gale is always an attentive partner and is always filled with surprises. Since you met him on your journey, he has been interested in learning more about you and your people. It was flattering; even though he was human, his eyes never looked at you with judgment or fear like others. Gale wanted to understand you, to be more connected to you. You couldn't imagine feeling more connected to your partner, but it's just like Gale to strive for more, ambition and all that… So the day he came up to you with a wide smile, you knew he had a surprise for you. Your tail sways excitedly, seeing the mischief in his eyes, "Is there a reason you are smiling so wide?" Gale grins before he speaks. His accent is perfectly deep, and his lips sound like pure velvet. He had been studying how to speak infernal with you, and from how he was expertly nailing the dialect, you remember that his tongue is… well practiced in more ways than one; of course, he would learn a language quickly. The way the slight growl rumbles in his chest makes you purr without you even noticing. Satisfied with himself, Gale kisses your cheek and then walks away to his study. Wizards…always so cocky…
Gale had asked you to play a game of lance board with him; the loser has to make dinner…and you are not very good at lance board despite all your best efforts to get better. You couldn't beat the damn prodigy you so happen to be dating. Now here you are, Gale, very clearly kicking your ass as you try to rack your brain for a plan, but despite your best efforts, you keep drawing a blank. Eyebrows furrowed, sharp teeth biting your bottom lip, Gale thinks he could sit here forever watching you so lost in concentration; despite your best efforts, you still haven't beaten him. Gale could offer you advice, but he would miss seeing your cute face curled in concentration like this. As he bites his tongue, resisting the urge to help you, he feels something curling around his ankle. Looking down, he sees you're so lost in thought you're unconsciously clinging to him. Gale feels his heart squeeze as he falls even more in love with you. The night ends with Gale cooking your favorite over the stove; he might have thrown the game…, but though he lost, he still feels like the winner as you do your goofy victory dance, then wrap him in a huge hug. Maybe he should lose at lanceboard more often? 
His pace is relentless…you blame the lack of companionship in the flesh for some time. Sure astral projection is fun, but there's something about a cock being slammed into you repeatedly that just can't be beaten… Gale keeps whispering praises under his breath then you feel his scratchy beard on your sensitive vestigial wings, soft lips kissing and sucking softly as his hips keep slapping into you over and over. You're getting overly sensitive by the minute. You try moving to adjust, but it's useless as Gale's hands hold onto you tighter. A loud moan leaves you as you feel a mage hand teasing your sex as his lips stay to your back; okay…maybe some projections are okay.  
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You have just finished your bath in the river, and now it is time to brush out your unruly hair. As you're about to tackle the challenge, you hear your tent's flap opening; turning around, you see Astarion with an unusually timid smile. "Already time for a feeding Star?" Astarion chuckles before responding, "No, no, darling, I just…um…could I help you with that?" He points to your comb. First, you're confused because he's usually not the selfless helping type, but you could always use the help with your hair. "Be gentle," you warn with a smirk, holding the comb out towards him. Astarion takes it and starts working on your hair; at first, it hurts slightly as he tugs through the knots, but he quickly changes methods by running the comb and his cool fingers through your hair in sections. Soon, you found he was brushing through your hair smoothly, done with the job but continuing the sweet, calming gesture. You lose yourself in it; then, a pur starts in your throat. As soon as you hear it, you try to stop feeling embarrassed, but Astarion, instead of teasing you, just whispers in your ear, "Just enjoy it darling…let yourself relax…" With that, you purr as the blush fills your cheeks, and Astarion continues brushing. You are smiling at the sound. 
You were having the time of your life at the tavern, feeling so lucky to be around your amazing friends without a single care. You had one too many and were currently enthralled by a story Astarion was telling you. You enjoyed being around Astarion, and it wasn't just because he was easy on the eyes, either. Astarion is smart and funny. Plus, you found he cared about you from how he talked to you when he didn't think the others were listening. He is so wonderful, and right now, in your tipsy state, all you want to do is express how much you appreciate him. So once he finishes his story, and you both share a laugh, you take a moment before you wrap your tail around his ankle; Astarion looks at you confused, and that's when you say what's been on your mind all night. "I appreciate you s-so much Star, I hope you know what you mean to me." Astarion looks at you, shocked for a moment, before he smiles and pats your hazy head, "I know darling…thank you." he pauses for a moment before he finally confesses what's been on his mind all night, "You mean a lot to me too…" 
Astarion has always had the problem of keeping his mouth off you…but today, it seems downright impossible. After feeding from you, his lingering didn't stop. Astarion kept his hands on your body, exploring every curve and bump with his fingertips. His lips and fangs trace over your neck as your body presses itself closer to him. Astarions hands start slowly teasing your aching sex as his tongue traces over your ridges. He's mumbling endlessly about your smell and your addictive taste. Right now, he's full, but maybe he will fuck you until he builds up an appetite.
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You have felt sore lately, and no matter how much you try to ease your body, you can't get this soreness to leave. After trying everything you could think of, you decided it was time to visit your favorite druid for healing. After meeting in Halsins tent, he examines you before explaining that he doesn't have a spell to heal your soreness, but you can try a massage. He offers assistance, and you would be a fool to pass up. Now, with your top off, lying face down in his fur-covered bedroll, his massive hands are working his magic to relieve your knots. The experience is so blissful you start to purr. As soon as you start, you stop apologizing, but Halsin chuckles, saying he likes it, "sounds pretty when you're enjoying yourself." his hands rub down your lower back, applying more pressure, making you bite back and moan. "I hope I get to hear more of it sometime."
Of course, you and your companions have been invited to another grand party in the city; everyone was excited to attend, and even Halsin was excited to participate despite him not being a fan of the city. "A chance to spend more time with you? I would be a fool to refuse." his words stirred your heart; Halsin always said sweet things to you like that. You knew he liked you, and you, of course, liked him too, but Halsin was waiting for you to get over your shyness and take your relationship to the next level…but of course, your nerves kept getting in the way of what could be a blooming romance. Tonight, you plan to change all that! It had been so good that you two had been laughing and flirting all night, and now it was time to initiate some physical contact…maybe something small… like a simple handhold. As you stand next to him, his hand at his side, it's the perfect opportunity…you go to reach for it, but then the slight adjusting of his stance makes you quickly retreat… then closing your eyes, you move your tail to barely be wrapped around his ankle. You wait a long moment before opening your eyes, your face feeling like its on fire. Then you look up at Halsin, his hazel eyes on you with the sweetest smile. You coil your tail a little tighter and step closer…
Halsin watches with practical stars in his eyes. You're gasping moans as you throw your head back with every roll of your hips on his massive cock. So deep…so filling…so perfect. "Cum." you mutter in your lust. Halsin can't seem to register your words from the utter bliss he feels from your walls, constricting his cock so perfectly. You grab his face, your eyes filled with burning lust as you repeat your demand, "Fill me up…cum in me, Halsin." Gods, how could he ever deny you? With a bruising grip on your hips and a rumbling growl from his chest, you feel that hot seed splashing against your walls. His cock throbs as he coats your insides with his seed. Fuck… he's perfect, your excellent mate trying so hard to make you full…before you can think, you're leaning down, plunging your sharp teeth into his shoulder. The indents from your mating mark will last days, and he can't wait to show off proudly.
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While you are not properly dating, you two are always ending up in rather intimate situations. Like now, you two are sitting together on the couch next to the fireplace, sharing a book (you had insisted you two share). Your head on his chest as you absentmindedly play with the ends of his hair. At the same time, he tries to keep steady hands as you two read in silence. It's all so intimate and comforting that he can't help it when his body lets out a pur, closing his eyes and leaning into you more. Right as he realizes how intimate that is and how this is the first time he has cuddled you back and, worse, purred in front of you, he gets embarrassed. Rolan is ready to apologize, but before he can grab him, press his head to your chest and let him listen to your purring chest. Rolans pur starts back up, and he nuzzles and wraps his arms around you; you hug him back burying your nose in his soft hair and taking in his scent; you two forget your book, opting for the purring cuddle session instead. One of you may need to ask the other out already. 
Rolan hates the busy morning markets, but when you asked him to join you, he found that he just couldn't tell you no. Cal and Lia tell him you seem to be his only weakness; imagine if you two dated…Rolan shakes away the daydream of being completely whipped partner for you. As you two walk through the crowded market, he can't help but smile as you seem so excited by everything. After everything you two have been through, he's happy to see you enjoying yourself, and he plans to buy you at least one thing you pick out as a surprise. So, as he is picking up the pouch you have been admiring, he turns to you to find you gone. Rolan immediately goes into panic mode, calling your name and looking through the crowd for you when he feels something winding around his tail; turning around, he sees you smiling with two meat skewers and an apology from your perfect lips. Rolan can't help himself from grabbing you in a tight embrace, telling you not to scare him like that again. The meat skewers almost drop from your hands from his sudden hug, but you don't care; you wrap your arms around him and whisper a thousand apologies. For the rest of the morning, you two enjoy eating your food, looking at the different pop-up shops, your tails perfectly intertwined… it's almost like you two are a couple already…
It was inevitable that this would happen… it's just in your nature for this to happen…you and Rolan had been so careful, but today, your instincts got the better of you two… Rolan's sweaty body glistened as he kept ramming his cock in deeper and deeper, the feeling of his tail wrapped around yours…his musk blending with the mouth-watering scent of sex, sending you over the edge. When you feel the swelling at the base of his cock. You're supposed to let him pull out and let it coat your stomach…, but today, you kept your legs locked and wrapped around his waist as he lost himself rutting into you. Rolan arches your hips up as he continues to growl, his thrust getting sloppier and shallower as his cock swells, so determined to breed you. The stretch is so sweetly painful and right as he locks his cum spurts out, coating your burning hot walls with the soothing seed. Rolans, still steadying his breaths, he stays buried in you. He smiles shyly, apologizing for losing control and locking you two together. You pull him down to press his full weight on you, not caring how long you two will remain stuck together; you love being with him.
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They wouldn't stop their teasing… sense the moment you meet them, Haarlep was determined to hear you purr. They stated it was their hobby to make powerful creatures purr for them. They must have heard a lot about you from Raphael's irritated ramblings of you. However, there is a complement to you from them calling you strong. As you were sitting waiting to conduct business with the master of the house, Haarlep was practically in your lap, cooing and begging to hear that sweet pur. Finally, you had enough and figured to do it quickly and be done with the embarrassing noise. Haarlep leans in their head so close to your chest when they hear the soft thrumming; Harrlep eyes get wide, and so does their smile. From all the purs they have listened to, yours was…so beautiful…As you sit, your face is a bright shade of blush. You try to avoid eye contact when you hear a chuckling and loud laughter. Feeling self-conscious, you push the incubus away, but before they can fall away from you, they catch themselves by your wrist. Their eyes are of a predator…but there is something else in them. "No more purring for you." you pout, which causes Haarlep to laugh more before sitting back at your side telling you not to be so sensitive to some teasing, "besides, if you don't purr at request, I'm sure I can find ways to rip that sweet sound from your throat." you do your best to ignore the taunts that make your stomach do flips; completely unaware of the fact that Haarlep would be tagging along with you a lot more after your bloody meeting with Raphael. Incubuses need to feed, and you were just too delicious to ignore. 
You were passed out, and Haarlep was not too happy about it. They watched you with their tail thumping against the bed in irritation. Haarlep hoped you would come back home and want to play; they had been thinking of new ways to get you to purr. You just had to come back home and go straight asleep…how dull…Haarlep watches as your face scrunches up, soft sounds groaning from your lips as you curl further into yourself. A nightmare, huh? Strange…should they leave you? Comfort you? Haarlep thinks about it for a long moment, their orange eyes studying your trembling form… Usually, they just fuck anyone that even seems the slights bit down, it seems to help, but they don't think that would be appreciated for this situation…Haarlep, cares for you? They don't want to lose you or watch you suffer, but feelings from the heart are not something they are used to feeling… it's against their nature. As Haarlep continues to watch you, your closed eyes start to swell up with tears. All they can think of is to reach out and softly rub your head carefully so as not to nudge the base of your horns too much. That's when Haarlep feels something slightly around their ankle; looking down, they see your adorable tail wrapped around them. Haarlep looks at your face, clearly more relaxed now. Haarlep pulls you in closer with a chuckle, holding you close to their warmth. You will never have nightmares with Haarlep around…they won't allow it…they care for you too much? At least, that's how they feel. Is this love? 
That tail…Haarlep can't get enough of it… you're so sensitive at the base…your whole body trembling as they lick the underside of it, Haarleps two fingers moving in and out of your tight ass. Fingers fill you up, and you're hardly able to keep yourself standing. Right as you're about to reach your orgasm, Haarleps another hand cruelly yanks on your tail, the pain pulling you from your pleasure for a mere moment as they continue to edge you. Tears run down your cheeks as you cry to cum your tail curling around their arm, Haarleps tail intertwined with yours as their forked tongue licks your tail's ridges before they move down to bite your ass, making you squeeze their fingers more. Haarlep will let you cum…when they're done playing.
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caws5749 · 2 months
Useless in A Good Way
A/N: oh, another fic where she writes a pregnant reader… YES IM SORRY but I’ve dreamt of being pregnant since I was little and it’s my biggest dream so here we go again 😭I’m working on requests as well but this just popped into my head. I felt very... out of practice with the last few pieces but writing this... I feel good again.
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You laughed lightly, shaking your head at some inappropriate joke Tony made after Clint won the round of whatever card game they were playing. Natasha’s hand rested on your thigh, squeezing accidentally while she laughed. The music played in the background, barely heard over the nearly hundred voices that filled the main room of the compound for the latest party Tony had deemed necessary.
You turned your head towards your wife to admire her for a moment. Nat caught your eye, sending you an admiring smile that she reserved only for you.
“You look radiant,” she murmured, leaning in closer to press a chaste kiss to your lips. You blushed, loving the red that still tainted your cheeks after four years of marriage.
"You look like home," you replied quietly, just barely loud enough for her- and Steve (curse that super soldier's hearing)- to hear.
She really did look like home. Her dress was long sleeve and snug, ending just below her knees and made of the softest cashmere. It was cozy and warm and loving, just like her, just like home.
The smile she let show threatened to overtake her lips, so she ducked her head as she always did. Perhaps even more so, considering the amount of alcohol she'd ingested.
You were the only one not drinking, which probably had something to do with the fact that you were seven months pregnant... with twins. You felt like you could hardly move and you the thought of two more months made you simultaneously groan and smile. Not to mention, you hadn't used your powers in a few months; the pregnancy hormones had affected your abilities in a questionable way, and the last time you had tried to let the familiar cool water flow from your hands, nothing had happened. It simply seemed that they had.. petered out. And you were warned by Dr. Cho to avoid trying to use them too much anyway.
"I should probably go check on the intelligence report," you said, sighing. Given that you were the only completely sober being present, it was your task to check on the latest intelligence report currently running after some curious and daunting messages of late.
Natasha nearly pouted, before standing and gripping your forearms with the gentle strength that only your wife could perfect. You groaned, all of your muscles giving maximum effort to stand from a seated position, your large abdomen giving you little room to move.
"God, I have two more months of that," you muttered.
"And it's only going to get harder," Clint chimed in, chuckling sympathetically. You sent him a mock glare.
"I'll go with you," Nat stated, a hand falling to your back. She hardly let you go anywhere alone, not that you minded. Living in the Avengers compound was one of the safest places there was, but it also was a target.
"Sit, I'll go," Steve said, "I've got to check on Bucky anyway."
"Finally, Natasha, it is your turn to lose so one money," Tony grinned, shuffling the deck of cards. Your wife retook her seat, rolling her eyes.
Steve met you next to the couch, offering an arm, which you took gladly. The team had been nothing but supportive after finding out about the pregnancy. They were all in agreement regarding your safety and protection. It was automatic at this point for them to watch over you, something that warmed your heart daily.
"How is Bucky?" you questioned.
"He misses being able to walk," Steve chuckled. "That's what he gets for fighting on a torn knee."
"It's been a week since surgery, right?"
He nodded. "And another week before he'll be able to get up and walk on it."
You hummed sympathetically. It was what all of you hated the most- feeling useless, being unable to be an Avenger. You had grown quite accustomed to the feeling.
Your friend, reached out with his other hand to open the door for you, following you inside the intelligence room, curious what the report would say too.
You studied the screen and briefly leafed through some papers, stopping at another odd message printed. Your brow furrowed.
"What is it?" Steve asked.
"It's a date. Today," you answered, looking up to read his expression.
You'd seen the confusion and slight nervousness in his face before glass shattered in the not-so-far distance. Steve looked at you, panicked.
"We need to get you to the bunker."
"We don't even know what's-"
"It doesn't matter," he interrupted. Shouting then could be heard, growing closer in a split second. "Now."
You moved as quickly as you could, exiting only after Steve cleared the hallway. The two of you moved with expertise, albeit a bit slower than normal, towards the stairs. He helped you down the stairs, hurrying you along without rushing you. When you turned down the hallway that held the bunker, several beings masked in dark leather suits and glowing face shields awaited you.
"Stay back," Steve commanded, not even waiting for a response before running toward them at full speed. He pulled a knife from his pocket and set to work. You felt utterly useless, powerless, as you watched them swarm him. A few tried to sneak past to you, but he wouldn't let them come even close. You stood, anxious, barely breathing. Two swift hits to the stomach and knees had Steve knocked on the ground, stumbling for his footing. On instinct, you stepped forward, hands out in front of you.
You had no thoughts as you summoned the familiar tingle of your powers, forgetting completely that they may not even work for you. When coolness flowed through your fingertips, you only then realized you hadn't been able to do that for a while, and you probably shouldn't be doing it now.
But it didn't matter, there were enemies at hand, and you were an Avenger.
So you let a wave hit the men with everything you had. It was nowhere what you had attempted to do, but it worked nonetheless. It gave Steve the opportunity he needed to jump up and take them out quickly.
He took the remaining problems out with ease and then ran back to you.
"Are you hurt?"
"No, you?"
"You shouldn't have used your powers," he said aloud, more a fact and realization at what you had done rather than a scolding.
"I know."
"Bunker," he stated, gently pushing you towards the door. "Stay inside until you get the 'all clear."
You nodded, finding the hidden keypad and locking yourself inside.
When Steve returned back up to the party, he found several similar bodies strewn about and a few slightly out of breath Avengers.
"Y/N?" Natasha demanded.
"In the bunker, safe and unharmed."
She nodded, a thanks to her good friend.
"Anybody know what the hell is going on?" Clint asked, setting his bow and arrow down.
"Just today's date written down in a message, we just saw it in the report but couldn't piece anything together," Steve answered.
Natasha heard that and knew there was nothing to answer for now, so she started towards the hallway.
"Nat, she used her powers."
Your wife turned on her heel at that, whipping in the soldier's direction faster than lightning.
"Call Cho," was all she said.
"Natasha is entering," JARVIS announced, causing you to sit upright, eyes glued to the door.
"Oh, thank god," your wife muttered, seeing you sitting unscathed. "Are you alright?" She rushed over to you, kneeling in front of you, eyes scanning your form, hand coming to rest against your cheek after she found nothing.
"I'm fine. Are you?" You turned to plant a kiss to her palm.
"Fine. You used your powers."
"Well, somewhat. They didn't work exactly right," you responded, frowning.
"What happened?"
You told her how you had saved Steve, well only by giving him a slight edge.
"What's wrong?" Natasha asked gently, picking up on your rather displeased tone.
"I feel useless," you whispered, tears pooling in your eyes as you shifted your gaze downward. Gentle fingers tugged your chin upwards until you were forced to meet those familiar emerald eyes.
"You are growing two human beings. That is not useless. I know you aren't avenging right now, but you did just save Steve, even if your powers were limited. Just because you can't do what you normally used to doesn't mean you aren't doing other things that aren't just as amazing, baby."
The corners of your lips twitched upwards, your mood already lifting.
"That's my girl. Now let's go upstairs, Cho is going to check you out."
"Natasha, I'm-"
"I don't care if you're fine," she tutted. "I'm not taking any chances."
With that, she kissed you softly and helped you upright.
"And you know what she said?" Steve asked, a hand placed over his heart as he sat next to Bucky in bed. "You look like home." He sighed softly, as he thought of his two friends who were so beyond perfect for one another.
"How is that supposed to make my knee better?"
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the-blind-bard · 7 months
Parasite Shigaraki x Reader
| Part 2 | Part 3 (Soon) | Masterlist |
Synopsis: [Strangers/Lovers, Smut, Loser!Obsessive! Shigaraki] - |Shigaraki x Reader| Your family called your quirk "parasite", able to feed off of someone's quirk and make it temporarily your own. Luckily, the only other person on the subway happens to have the most powerful quirk you've ever seen and zero experience with women.
Content: MDNI, eventual smut, reader has a quirk, submissive Shigaraki, fem reader, prob other stuff but that's all i can think of
Your eyes burned.
Tired and weighty, your eyes were exhausted from your shift at work. You winced when stepping onto the familiar public transport system with its flickering, yellow light and stench of stale cigarettes and musk. 
Working as late as you do, there are usually only ever two or four others riding the subway with you. 
Most were either just as tired as you, working late and reveling in the joys of selling your health for capital gain, or they were harder-fallen victims of the fucked system just trying to grab a sheltered sleep. 
People abandoned. Deemed worthless rubble of society with quirks that weren’t suited for practicality or glamour. Just aimlessly riding round and round and round-
There was only one other passenger tonight.
This guy was slouched over, posture shitty and seemingly contributing to the slightly musky scent of the subway. 
You guessed that by a couple of odd-end stains on his ratty, black hoodie that shielded his face from view, aside from some loose, blue hairs.
Your decision on where to sit was made instinctively. 
The closer, the better.
For the sake of your quirk.
Your family had always called your quirk “parasite”. 
You embraced the title, albeit with a touch of bitter sarcasm. 
But they were right. 
You were born a parasite. 
Your quirk fed off of the born abilities of others.
Allowing you, with just a touch, to take someone’s quirk from them. You ripped away the abilities that they had known their entire lives and rendered them quirkless until you disengaged physical contact. 
The drawbacks? Aside from having to be close enough to touch them, your quirk also wouldn’t let you use someone’s quirk against them. Anything else was fair game. 
It was a bit cruel. 
Such a useful quirk, but only as useful as the people around you. 
You knew what it felt like to be quirkless, since that’s how most of your time was spent. You didn’t even usually bother telling people you had a quirk, sick of inflating other’s god complex by making them think you’d depend on them. 
It wasn’t a secret, but it wasn’t something you just gave away. That’s why you always silently smirked when people gave you odd looks at night for sitting directly next to them on the subway. 
It was safer for you to be able to grab them quickly and rip their own abilities from their bodies rather than you be sitting on the other side of the subway and finding out how dangerous they are.
You sat down right next to the blue-haired guy, rubbing some of the weariness off of your face and shooting him a polite smile. 
Your quirk made you bold in your adult years. Whenever you realized how dependent people were on their quirks alone, you felt secure in your abilities to throw off any danger coming your way by rendering them useless.
The guy’s body had frozen entirely when you sat next to him, thumbs halting on the mobile game he was playing seconds ago. 
You’d never seen someone hold a phone quite like that.
You watched, interested, as his hands flexed around the device, outstretched pinkies twitching in what was likely annoyance that you sat next to him with every other seat being open. 
You glanced down at his phone screen. You didn’t mean to, but your eyes were drawn there by the way his pinkies oddly hovered, catching your attention. 
Your eyes gleamed with a small burst of energy, as your guard was let slightly down. 
Any guy sitting on the subway playing Minecraft mobile in the dead of night surely couldn’t be that bad. 
You felt obligated to do something about his reaction, feeling kinda bad for disturbing him. Then again, it was kinda cute how jumpy he was. Seems like people don’t elect to sit next to him often.
Maybe it was the way he was so spooked by the mere action of you sitting next to him or maybe you would later blame it on you seeing the comforting, colorful blocks of that nostalgic game, but you tried to think of a way to comfort the man when you realized he was still frozen like a flighty, feral cat. 
“It’s more useful to trap the animals and start a farm.” You noticed his little character was facing only two sheep, holding a little block of TNT. “Then you’ll have a whole herd of sheep to blow up instead of just two. Taking out two sheep? Doesn’t do much. Take out a herd? They’ll remember that.”
You chuckled lightly, just trying to be pseudo-philosophical about Minecraft sheep while also slipping in some of your signature bitter pessimism.
Little did you know, those words would replay in his mind for years to come. Those words would consume him on silent nights, driving him to plot and destroy. Destroy the herd. Destroy the sheep. Make them remem-
“Whatever.” He put his phone away with a scoff, irritated that his game was interrupted. 
He looked up, giving you a full view of his face. Something about him was endearing to you, even if the scratch marks around his neck looked painful. 
Without his game, he just sat there, peripheral view gliding over to you.
He momentarily thought about dusting you for being so fucking annoying, but he couldn’t ignore the stuttering of his pulse or the sweat that collected on his palms when the smell of your perfume slightly covered up the dingy state of the subway. 
His throat felt impossibly tight and his neck itched uncomfortably. Were you making fun of him? Fucking bitch. You think you can just sit next to him as a joke, smelling nice and smiling so prettily at him? 
Girls never sat by Tomura Shigaraki.
You shrugged your shoulders at his silence, indifferent to him shutting down your Minecraft philosophy. What a shame, you would have loved to watch him play for a while to take your mind off of the subway ride. 
You reached in your bag and took out a book you had picked up recently. It was some pompous piece of classic literature that you didn’t really care for but liked to be informed about. 
After all, how can you tell your coworker how fucking dumb and up-his-own-ass he is unless you read what he’s talking about? 
Yeah, this was a spite read. 
You sat there reading for only about ten minutes or so, ignoring the red eyes that were trying to pretend like they weren’t watching you intently. 
Sure, he was kinda weird, but, honestly, you thought that maybe he was worried you were the creep. 
Yeah, you probably would keep an eye on him too if he sat next to you on an empty subway and started on a rant about society in relation to video game sheep…
You would reflect on your horribly embarrassing actions later and remember to leave poor, anxious boys alone when they’re trying to game in peace on the subway. 
The subway lurched particularly hard as it came to a stop. 
You had tried to catch it, but a quiet gasp came from your lips as your body jerked and the book flew from your hands that were gripped too loosely around it. 
He wasn’t thinking. 
He was a fucking idiot.
You might- in his mind- be making fun of him and you might just be some side-quest bitch annoying him on his way back to the hideout, but at this moment, Shigaraki was thinking about how good you smelled and how soft your fingers looked against the pages of that stupid book.
 He thought he was so slick, staring at the way your hands ran over the page, him wondering what would it be like if a girl ran her hands over him like that. What would a girl feel like? What would you feel like?
He hoped you didn’t notice that he leaned in slightly to smell you better. He decided he liked your perfume. A lot.
He was growing tense with the excitement of being so close to a pretty girl that apparently liked video games and also apparently seemed to be somewhat of a pessimistic asshole like him. 
One that chose to sit next to him and talk to him. 
He felt like a dating sim where a new character just unexpectedly got unlocked, introducing the MC’s love interest. This had to be a part of the main plot for him.
So, like an awkward, horny idiot, he reached out to stop her book from hitting the rank subway floor. He thought she was going to smile brightly and talk to him again, thanking him and blushing. 
Instead, his eyes were wide as he remembered who he is- 
what he is.
He’s a fucking monster, not some handsome dating sim MC. 
Your book was ash, falling through his fingers. 
You weren’t tired anymore.
Your lips parted in surprise which enraged Shigaraki as he assumed it to be fear. 
Shigaraki’s expression looked indifferent, but you could kinda detect the shameful flush of red creeping up his neck before he brought up a hand to incessantly scratch the skin. 
You gave him the courtesy of looking away as blood collected under his nails. Was that a drawback of his quirk or was he just that embarrassed? 
Regardless, what a spectacular quirk. Your brain felt like it was suddenly submerged in ice water, a cool clarity of all the things you could do with someone like this by your side. 
The access to power you’d have.
Alone, you’re no one. With him, you could both have everything.
You gave him a sympathetic smile, about to acknowledge how you know it was just an accident and how he meant to do something good, but right as those words went to leave your lips, a group of three obnoxious men boarded the subway.
They were all laughter and stumbles, not caring who heard their obnoxious banter. 
Your eyes left the boy next to you and went straight to one of the men. Particularly, to the one that just whistled at you. 
They all muttered amongst themselves, glassy eyes searching your face and figure, picking apart your appearance’s worth to their disgusting desires. 
It would be so easy. 
If you always had someone like the anxious boy with his beautiful quirk next to you, it could all be so easy.
“Hey babe,” the tallest one of the bunch said as he was carried on by his friend’s laughter, “why don’t you come sit over here and let us give you the subway ride of your life? Might not wanna get off though.” 
His friends cackled, a loud and disgusting sound. 
Your brows pinched in irritation, but you smiled. Something empty. Not like the sweet and earnest ones you had given minutes ago to the itching boy next to you.
“Don’t know, your friends seem to be riding your cock hard enough as it is.”
The boy next to you loosened his stiff shoulders for the first time since you got on the subway, lightly exhaling a breath and restraining laughter. 
Your smirk grew, grateful you also had an audience to urge you on. Glad he seemed responsive to what you said.
However, the guys across from you didn’t find it as funny, standing over and pointing a finger towards you. 
“You bitch, I’ll kick your fucking jaw off. Stupid slut.”
You watched as the man approached. Was he alluding to a kicking quirk? 
No matter if you were right or not, you didn’t want to find out. He had pure hatred in his eyes at you embarrassing him publicly, and he came right at you to do something about it.
You didn’t see the blue-haired boy’s hand get ready to reach out towards the man. Instead, you felt his startled shock and felt him try to jerk away from your grasp as you grabbed his hand.
You’d have to apologize to Minecraft boy later.
You felt it as soon as your soft skin made contact with his rough, cracked hands. 
It was like a drug had hit your system all at once, rushing to your fingers and making them unmatchable weapons of destruction. 
You reached out and touched the fucker standing across from you, watching as he decayed.
It was breathtaking. One minute solid, the next…reduced to dust.
Silence. The only sound was the rumbling of the subway as it neared the next stop.
The other two men looked at where their friend had been in fear. It was like the world stood still for just a second.
But not for long as the men started clambering to the exit in anticipation of the next stop where they practically flung themselves out of the subway. 
Next to you, the boy physically shook. 
Fuck. You were hoping you hadn’t fucked up too badly. This couldn’t be the last time you see him. The last time you get to use that quirk.
You gave him a sad smile, hand rising to his cheek, lightly caressing it. You felt a pang in your heart as he leaned further into it, his breath hitching in his throat.
You spoke gently to him. 
“Hey now, it’s okay…I’m sorry I didn’t ask before I did that. I didn’t think I really had the time to explain. I’m (Y/n) by the way.” 
You tried to comfort him, hoping he wouldn’t bolt out the door. You really didn’t give a fuck about killing some random dickhead, but this sweet boy seemed so shaken up, you needed to calm him down. You needed to make sure you didn’t scare him off.
You needed to feel the power of his quirk again.
In his seat, Tomura shook but it wasn’t the nerves you suspected. He was nervous for far more carnal reasons. 
No, his breath was coming out in labored pants, him practically vibrating at the lingering ghosts of your touch. 
Not only had you touched his hands and not decayed before his eyes, but then you dared to kill that man in front of everyone without flinching.
It’s like you were his personal fallen angel.
And the hand that had lightly held his cheek with it’s soothing and stern hold? He was instantly addicted to this new feeling, wanting your hands to never leave his skin again. 
His face was flush and his pants shouldn’t feel as tight as they did. He felt like he was suffocating under a fire. Fuck, he might even cum in his pants if you got any closer.
He thought you were fucking perfect. A custom character made just for his two-player mode. 
“Shigaraki Tomura.”
You smiled, glad to see he was still willing to talk to you.
“It’s nice to meet you, Shigaraki.”
Red eyes stared into yours, wide and filled with ravenous wonder.
“Who are you?”
You laughed, “(L/N) (Y/N)-”
Shigaraki shook his head, hands clumsily reaching out for yours, shaking like his life depended on holding your hand in his own again.
His grip on you was impossibly tight, stinging your own skin as his nails dug into the living flesh. His hold was harsh and unfamiliar.
He wasn’t used to using his hands without the intention to destroy. 
“No. Who the fuck are you? Why doesn’t this do anything to you?”
You shook out of his grip, entwining your fingers between his. 
You ran your thumb over his hand while both of yours were locked, you enjoying the simmering power under your fingertips. 
“Oh trust me,” you leaned in closer to him to whisper into his ear, enjoying how you can hear every labored breath of his from being so close. You could even feel the tremble of his body. “It does something to me.”
A little noise bubbled up from his throat and his face flushed with the prettiest red you had seen aside from his own eyes.
You let go of his hands only for him to involuntarily whine and squirm at the feeling of you reaching into his pocket. 
Grabbing his phone, you couldn’t help but be fond of how sweet Tomura seemed. With just a touch of your hand, he melted, and with just a touch of his, you destroyed.
 It felt almost fated.
“Unlock it.”
Usually, Tomura wouldn’t hesitate to bite back if someone dared to give orders to him like that, but he didn’t feel like himself. No, this was different from when Dabi was being an asshole or some pro-hero fuck tried to tell him what to do.
This made his stomach churn in the most wonderful way. 
He wanted you. He could be good for you. Only for you.
You gave the phone to him, his pinky already stretched outwards by reflex. It was a little sad to you how careful he had to be. 
“My number’s in your phone. Text me. I’ll tell you all about my quirk next time.”
Your number? This couldn’t be real. He was sure he was bound to wake up to an embarrassing mess of sticky sheets any minute now. 
You smile at him and grab your bag, preparing to get off at your stop. 
God, you hoped he would text you. You weren’t looking forward to having to investigate all the possible stops on this route to find him if he didn’t message you.
You would find him.
Neither of you were aware of the other’s intention, but you wanted to absolutely ruin him by making him yours in every possible meaning of the word.
Meanwhile, he considered you to already be his.
But you knew one thing for sure, Tomura Shigaraki has not seen the last of you. 
Pt 2
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lexabitxh · 7 months
D.W | Feelings
summary: dean winchester confesses his feelings towards y/n.
perspective: third person
word count: 1811
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Dean had fallen madly in love with Y/n ever since he laid eyes on her. She was beautiful, not like the girls in the magazines. She was beautiful for the way she thought, for the way she spoke, and her ability to help those around her.
No, she wasn’t just beautiful as something temporary as her looks, but beautiful deep down in her soul.
She was his reason for why he kept pushing in life. She made his darkest days cheerful and full of light. She had changed his life completely.
The way she looked at him with that smile made him feel butterflies in his stomach. It was an odd sensation, but comforting in ways that couldn’t allow him to sleep at night.
However, he wasn’t one to express his feelings. It wasn’t easy to admit he loved her, but he knew those feelings he felt were true. He wanted to tell her, but the fear of rejection held him back.
So, Dean keep things mutual between the both for as long as he could, but each day it became harder to not wonder what it would be like to date her. Especially when there would times where he’d flirt with her and she’d flirt back. Did she mean it or was she just playing along?
Sometimes he’d envy Sam for how close the two were. She’d always go to Sam rather than him for help or for anything in general. He tried not to hate Sam for it, but he just wished to be in his place. To be the one he she’d run to for comfort.
He wishes he could be the one that kept her awake at nights and in despair, to be her cry, to be the one who she woke up excited for. But that fear always held him back from confessing his feelings.
It wasn’t until he finally had enough.
Sam and Y/n had been on the couch watching movies for hours with half a bucket of popcorn between them, and the other half all over them. “Sam! Stop throwing the popcorn!” She laughed, trying to sound upset but couldn’t.
“C’mon, this is more fun than actually eating it” he said, throwing a handful at her. Before she could say anything, Dean had came back from his trip. She looked towards his direction, sending him a smile only to not receive one back.
“Hey, Dean. Is everything okay?” She questioned, looking up at him as Sam had turned the volume down. “Yeah… just been thinking a lot while I was out” he said as he looked between the two.
Sam immediately got the hint and got up. “I’ll go make us some more popcorn.”
Y/n watched as Sam grabbed the container and awkwardly walked away, leaving the two alone. Once he was gone, she patted the empty spot, inviting him to take a seat besides her.
“What’s in your mind?” She asked.
Dean walked from behind the couch and around, sitting next to her. Being so close to her made him nervous- he couldn’t function. He kept quiet for a bit, trying to find the words he had been rehearsing over and over and over again, but it’s as if the words he’s been memorizing had slipped away.
“I just wanted to, um, talk to you about something” he swallowed nervously. He was starting to become flustered. The palm of his hands becoming sweaty and his heart pounding out off his chest. Being around her made him act like a fool.
Suddenly, Y/n felt a nervous. She had no idea if she has done something to upset him. Having a one-on-one conversation always made her uneasy and uncomfortable. She felt like she was in trouble.
“What is it?” She asked concerned. Dean took in a deep breath, trying so hard to just put his feelings out there. Y/n took notice of his struggle and took ahold of his hand. “Dean, you can tell me anything. What’s going on?”
Dean glance down at her hand resting above his. Her hand much smaller as it felt soft and warm. He felt a tingly sensation form inside his chest as she made it much more difficult to act upon.
“It’s about you.”
“What about me?”
Y/n had a million different thoughts running through her mind. He probably noticed the scratch I left on baby… or the tiny stain in the backseat. She became anxious.
“Is it about, baby? Cause I swear it wasn’t me! It’s Sam’s fault!” she blurted out, throwing Sam under the bus rather than taking the blame.
“What? No!” He said, only to wonder what trouble they might have caused. “What about baby?” He questioned, but she simply shook her head. “Nothing. Forget about it. What were you going to tell me?” She asked, hoping that he’d forget all about the impala and move on.
Dean shook the thought away before refocusing on the main reason why he wanted to speak to her. “Right” he mumbled.
“Do you remember how we met?” He said smiling softly. Y/n smiled at the memory. “You were running from the police and I helped hid you from them” she laughed a little.
“We sorta became partners in crime ever since” she smiled. That smile. It was that smile that made Dean weak to his knees. “Like Bonnie & Clyde. Except we hunt monsters” he said with a light chuckle.
“Exactly” she laughed, “You were an absolute mess that day, and yet somehow, you convinced me to help you” she said. “And two years later, here I am with you idiots” she teased.
“I happens to be adorable. I’ll try not to take offense to it” he laughed softly before he getting all serious again. “Meeting you has been one of the best things that has happened to us” he said.
Y/n smiled as she felt the same away about them. They’ve gave her a purpose in life and adventures she never imagined before. “Awe, someone’s getting soft” she teased.
Dean shook his head, “just let me finish” he said. He took ahold of her hand this time and looked deeply into her eyes. “You changed my life, Y/n. You changed me. And for the past two years, I’ve been in love with you” he said, finally being able to put his feelings out into the air.
He felt relieved being able to admit his feelings. A weight lifted off his shoulders as he didn’t have to hide them anymore.
Y/n froze to the sudden news. She never would have imagined Dean Winchester to be in love with a girl like her. She loved Dean. She always has. But Dean slept with multiple girls and so she never envision herself having a real relationship with him.
“Y/n… say something.” Dean grew anxious with every second gone by. “I- for two years?” Y/n was still taken aback by the fact he loved her for two freaking years.
“It was the first time I saw you that I discovered what love at first sight was” he confessed. “You made me feel things I never felt before, things I never imagined feeling” he added.
“And seeing you with Sam made me jealous cause I want to be the one to hold you, to make you smile, to make you laugh…” he continued. “But I understand if you like Sam. I just wanted to let you know how I felt because I can’t carry this feeling inside me any longer.”
Y/n stared up at him in complete awe. The way he had let his guard down to confess his love for her. How his cheeks grew red with embarrassment. The way he became all shy and timid. She has never seen Dean act so… so in love.
“S-Sam? You think I have a thing for, Sam?!” She laughed. “D-do you not?” She shook her head, “no dumbass, I don’t like Sam in that particular way” she paused, “I like you.” She placed her hand on his cheek.
As she caressed it, he simply melted into her touch. “I’ve always liked you, Dean. The moment you stumbled into my life with trouble, I knew that the universe had written you for me.” Her words caused his heart to race, a smile forming on his lips.
“You’re the one who keeps me up at night. The one who makes me smile and giggle like crazy. You drive me crazy, Dean Winchester” she told him.
“I just- I never wanted to tell you because I knew you weren’t one to settle down with anyone. So, I kept my feelings hidden. Though it didn’t took long for Sam to notice and tease me about it.” She sighed.
“Sam knew?!” Dean said baffled at the thought why his brother never told him. Could have saved him all the trouble. Y/n nodded, “I sorta made him promise not to tell a living soul” she said giggled.
“So does this means what I think it means?” He asked. “Well, are you going to take me out on an official date?” She questioned as she gently pushed some of his hair back.
Dean smiled like an idiot. “You could ask me to swim across the ocean and I’ll do it just for you” he said while gently cupping her face.
“If a date makes you happy, then a date it is” he slowly leaned closer to her face. “I’d give you the world and more” he said as his lips hover above hers.
“Dean Winchester being so sweet? Who would’ve thought I’d be the reason” Y/n teased as she placed her lips on his, smiling in-between the shared kiss. Dean smiled back, kissing her softly and slowly. He had dreams of this moment and finally it was happening. It was magical and anything he never imagined before.
As they pulled away, they both stared at each other like complete idiot. “Finally!” said Sam as he entered the room. “About damn time. I was getting tired hearing you both yap about each other” he said as he took a seat on the singular couch.
“Now if you excuse me, I got a movie to finish” he said while throwing some popcorn towards them before taking a handful into his mouth. “Bitch” said Dean as he placed his arm around Y/n’s shoulders.
“Jerk.” Sam replied with a mouthful while turning the volume up and resuming to watch the movie.
Dean simple smiled to himself as he had everything he’s ever wanted in life. He had his brother by his side and the girl of his dreams wrapped around him. He couldn’t be happier than in that moment.
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utterlyotterlyx · 6 months
These Hallowed Halls
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Cassian x Fem!Reader
Based on this ask x
Summary - You had begged Cassian not to leave you again, you had begged him to stay, and you had fallen apart when he had left without saying goodbye.
Warnings - swearing, ANGST, depression, weight loss, fluff, Cassian being a raging prick, Azriel being a softie, mentions of blood
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The Mother was certainly mocking you.
Rain smacked against the stone balcony beyond the glass doors which were rattling in the wild wind, harmonising with your own sadness as you stood in the centre of your room, finding little to no comfort in front of the fire you were usually curled in front of.
Grey skies loomed overhead. It was rare for such a storm to descend upon Velaris, so rare that most didn't know what to do when it arrived. Most opted to stay in doors and wait it out, wait until starlight flooded the streets in welcome and fae journeyed on in their lives.
Cassian stood before you, dishevelled and tired, deep sunken patches under his one shade darker than usual eyes, his lips curled into a snarl, body lax and weary. The Illyrian ran his hands over his face, grazing his fingertips over his growing beard, and he rolled his shoulders and his wings with them before he looked to you and sighed, "Don't make this harder than it needs to be, Y/N."
You had been joined at the hip, had a relationship that no one could ever understand, not even Rhys or Az could figure it out. Cassian was your lighthouse in an ocean of fog, he had the ability to be your happiness or shatter your soul, and you clung to every piece of affection and attention that he gave to you. When he was gone, you felt as though you were on fire, like every single one of your nerve ends were being cauterised and there was no anaesthesia.
Brown waves fell from his loosely wrapped bun, drifting over his face which was illuminated by that golden glow emitting from the fireplace. Cassian had come to you right after he reported to Rhys like he always did, but instead of hugging you tightly and cracking open a bottle of wine to tell you his next enthralling tale, he stood before you to tell you he was leaving again with a cold and distant accent taking over his entire body.
"But, you've only just gotten back," you told him, fiddling with the cuffs of his jumper that you had stolen, just needing to be surrounded by him for one moment, it drowned your body since Cassian was a large framed male, and you adored his jumpers, they made you feel precious.
"I know that," he bit, his muscles tensing in a different order every few seconds.
He was exhausted, you knew that, it rolled off him in waves, no, tsunamis, and you wanted nothing more than to run your hand through his unbound hair and tell him it was okay. But you had missed him, too much.
The fire crackled at the head of your bedroom, a blanket lay strewn over the arm of the sofa from when you had flung it off of your body the moment his scent filled your lungs from down the hallway.
"Do you have to go? I've missed you Cass, it's been horrible without you," you pleaded, each one of your words made him feel heavy.
Cassian adored you, you were his shadow, clinging to him for comfort, he always found you in his clothes, he always found you waiting for him whenever he returned home to give him what he needed. Whether that be someone to laugh with or someone to hold until he fell asleep.
You were his person. In the most platonic way possible. Cassian couldn't say that about anyone else but you.
"Rhys had ordered it. So yes. I have to go," his words were harsh and laced with venom, a pure annoyance that radiated from him as he rolled his neck, unmoving from his place in front of you.
You were confused, he hadn't even smiled at you when he had entered your room, he hadn't hugged you or asked how you had been, he hadn't offered to tell you a story or let you know what he needed to feel better. The Cassian in front of you wasn't the Cassian you recognised.
It was the first time you felt small in front of him, the first time where his gaze made you cower and feel uneasy, "I can speak to him if you'd like? He might let you have some rest at least-"
"Fuck, Y/N. Will you just stop?!" Cassian shouted at you, the sound of his voice made you flinch backward as he took a step toward you, "I don't need you to do anything for me. I don't need you to stroke my hair or fight my corner, I don't need you to talk to Rhys for me like your words will make any difference in what my High Lord requires me to do. I don't need you suffocating me and wearing my fucking clothes. I don't need you, Y/N."
Water blurred your vision as his words sliced through you, deadly enough to make you feel as though you were dying, "I'm sorry, I was just trying-"
"Stop trying. Just stop. I am the General of the Night Court's armies, it is my duty to go where I am needed and I'm very sorry to say that it's not with you Y/N. Others need me more than you. Stop fucking clinging to me and find something else to obsess over."
Cassian was panting and breathless, fury blazed in his rich hazel orbs and you let out a pained sob, wrapping your arms around yourself and stepping backward again until your legs hit the back of the sofa, you rested your weight against it and let out a shaky breath.
You didn't dare look up when you heard Cassian shuffle, his feet scuffing against the floor breaking the silence that had consumed you. You had expected him to realise what he had said, you had expected him to rush to your side and apologise. But no. Cassian dragged his feet behind him and opened your bedroom door, allowing a gust a cold air to circle the once warm room before slamming it behind him, slamming it so hard that the canvases on your walls rattled at the force.
Sleep that night had not consumed you like it usually did, the ghost of Cassian's touch lingered on your skin and you cried until your throat was raw and head was pounding. You cried until the words he spat at your drowned you into the abyss.
The morning had come around quickly and you had groaned whilst getting out of bed, the little sleep you had gotten clear on your face and body, your tear stained cheeks were puffy and red, and your hair was a mess from your hands clawing through it, begging for some pressure to take your pain away.
You had to find him. You had to see him. You had to say goodbye.
But when you had entered his room without knocking, you gasped, his bed was askew, the scent of him lingered in the air, but he wasn't there. Cassian had left. His bedroom a haphazard sign that he had left in a hurry and as soon as he had woken up.
You hadn't realised that you had fallen to your knees sobbing until cedar and night-kissed mountains flooded you, Az's arms wrapped around you and he held you close, hushing you and whispered to you that everything was going to be fine. Rhys had appeared next, frowning at you with sad eyes before cradling you carefully to his chest, stroking your hair as he carried you back to your room and fitted your sheets over your frame. Rhys continued to hold you until your mind was weak enough to allow him in to put you to sleep.
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They had tried everything to coax you out of bed the weeks following Cassian's abrupt exit, Amren had offered to take you to the library countless times, promising to buy you every book that you wanted. Mor had tried to get you to go to Rita's, to drink and dance the pain away. Azriel's shadows peppered kisses over your face and had done their best to curl around the edge of your sheet to pull them down, to which you had whimpered and pulled them back up to your neck. Rhys had even offered to take you dress shopping, he told you that if an expensive garment was going to make you smile then he would spend his entire fortune on it.
Nothing made you want to move.
Your soul felt empty, every fibre of your body felt dead and cold, like the crisp forest in the middle of a harsh winter. Nothing made you want to live your life. Cassian's words to you played over and over in your mind, maybe you were too much, maybe after all your years together in your family had made you too comfortable.
It took everything within you to not ask for one of his jumpers, he had made it clear that he didn't want you to be like that anymore. He didn't want you.
Your body felt heavy, the weight of your despair crushing your limbs into dust. You felt the weight dropping off of you, you felt your stomach cry for nourishment but didn't wish to satisfy it, you didn't want anything, anyone, but him.
"Please get up, Y/N. It's been three weeks, you've hardly eaten. We're worried about you," Azriel had settled into the space behind you and smothered you with his heat, he noticed how cold you were, how tired and lost your eyes were, how you wore an expression of pure heartbreak and loneliness on your beautiful face.
Azriel sighed at your weak grunt, pulling you back into his chest and doing his best to make you feel loved and cherished. He couldn't admit it but he had heard the words Cassian had so carelessly thrown at you that night, and it took everything within him to not burst through your door and pummel his brother into the ground, even his shadows wanted a piece of the General, how dare he say those things to you.
The Shadowsinger couldn't even put into words the relationship between you and Cassian. You had never been lovers, but you had never been just friends. Friends didn't peck each others temples or stroke each others hair. Friends didn't wait up for the other to return home and then scurry into one of their bedrooms to hold one another and talk. Friends didn't act like you and Cassian, two kindred spirits of chemically perfect harmonisation.
Azriel missed your smile, he missed the way that they all lit up when you laughed, or entered the room, or even looked at them. You made life feel lighter, you made life feel balanced. But now, now it felt disjointed, and they all felt it.
When you didn't move, or even tear your gaze away from the world beyond your window, he sighed and left the room with a soft click of the door. Cassian wasn't due to return for another couple of weeks, and Azriel feared so badly that the damage would be too severe for even Cassian to repair.
The days ticked on, days where you didn't eat or bathe, days where you only left your bed to use the bathroom before finding another nightgown to wear, days where your only sustenance were a few almonds and some water. Mor had gasped when she had seen your body through the crack in your door, the grey tinged sickly paled skin, the outline of your ribs, the deep hued sacks under your eyes; it was too much for her to witness, and she had to take herself into her own room and cry for you.
Azriel had knelt in front of you two weeks later, tears in his eyes, and you felt his sadness rippling off of him as his face entered your weak vision, it was the first time you had really looked at any of them since that day. He had taken your limp hand in his own, he had allowed his shadows to slither up your limb and coax you gently into smiling softly at him, "Please get up, Y/N. Please. I'll do anything you want. I can't watch you kill yourself anymore. We love you, we love you so much. Please."
You had squeezed his hand as hard as you could, which to him was nothing, and shifted in your bed, wincing as you pushed your legs over the side of the mattress. Azriel was beside you in a second, crouching in front of you and helping you to your feet, "I want to feel the sun," you voice was hoarse, Azriel was surprised that you still knew how to talk, "Take me to summer."
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Cassian had sped home as fast as he could once his job was finished. The feeling of leaving you had broken him more each time he had thought about it, that pained look on your face had haunted his dreams. He never should have said those things to you, he never should have left you, he should have told Rhys to go and fuck himself instead of what he really did.
You had cowered like a wounded animal in front of him whilst every word cut you like a knife, if it were a knife you'd surely be dead.
He had to get back to you.
Cassian had landed on the lawn of the River House and he felt the atmosphere shift, what was once light and warm was now cold and ominous. The house held no joy, your laugh did not stalk the halls, it just felt lonely, abandoned. Just like you.
The door had flown open and Mor had stalked from the hearth, eyes blazing with hatred, pale and tired, and she wasted no time in bounding right up to him and planting her fist right in the centre of his face. Cassian lurched to the side at the impact, cradling his busted nose in his hand, "You prick," she seethed, Amren and Rhys had flown out of the house after her but were to late to stop her from jabbing Cassian right in the nose, "Today was the first time she's even spoke after what you did," her finger was in his face, her eyes were wild and frantic, "How could you do that to her? She's your person, she's your best friend and you did that?"
Rhys grabbed her wrist before she could land another blow, Amren had swooped in and guided Mor back into the house, not before growling at the male in front of her, leaving Cassian and Rhys out on the lawn, the latter of which was glowering at his brother.
"Count yourself lucky that she got to you first," Rhys was dead behind the eyes, Cassian had never seen a void like it, he looked to the house, hoping that the foundations would peel apart so that he could see you, Rhys scoffed, "Azriel has taken her to Summer. She needed the sun, she hasn't been out in it for four weeks."
"Four weeks?" Rhys hummed, his power throbbing around him, "Rhys I fucked up, I need to see her."
"I'm sure you can wait, like she waited for you. I hope you're proud of yourself brother, I really do."
Rhys turned on his heels and disappeared into the depths of the home, leaving Cassian stood in the grass cursing himself for ever taking his anger out on you.
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Rhys had called to Azriel, had told him that Cassian was at the River House and that he should take you to the House of Wind instead. Azriel had obliged without question, not wanting to put himself in the situation where he would harm a member of his family.
You had figured it out, the reason why your residence had been moved so abruptly, and it shattered you. Your afternoon in the sun had been lovely, you felt the sun seeping into your pores, you felt the waves kissing your feet, you felt the sand between your toes, and you felt safe pacing beside Azriel who only spoke when you did.
Soon enough, you had found yourself in the deep tub of you House of Wind bedroom, you had always loved the view there, you could see the valley of gold at the foot of the mountains, you could hear the childish laughter drift upward from the streets, and you could see the starlight cascade across the sky.
Oils and warmth washed your grime and paleness away, the heat giving a new lease of life to your skin. You were sure that you still looked awful, that much was obvious from the longing stares your family had bestowed upon you over the past few weeks.
The tub rippled as you stood from it, you dried yourself off and pulled one of Azriel's jumpers over your figure as well as a pair of lax cotton pants that hung from your hips. Azriel had done his best to make your room feel cosy, he lit the fire with his own hands and refused to cower away, he wouldn't cower away from it for you, he had brought you tea and fluffed your pillows, but you still ached, you still yearned for something else.
Loud voices echoed from the hallway, the padding of feet drew closer and you frowned softly at the noises floating to your ears. The door of your bedroom flew open and you found Cassian stood before you, nose smeared with poorly wiped blood, he looked frantic and boiling with worry and fear, and his face contorted when he saw you.
Rhys had entered after him, he had surveyed you carefully, noticing the towel you must have been drying your hair with now a pile of cotton on the floor, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I can make him leave."
It was like your soul was burning with that aching fire, only this time it wasn't painful, your soul was singing a symphony of emotion, "No," you said weakly, your eyes moved to Rhys and you nodded, he told you he was only a shout away if you needed him and then left.
Cassian drank you in, the lifeless eyes and limp hair, the greyish hue to your skin, the dark bags under your eyes, he noted the way the clothes you wore hung from your frame and the way your cheeks sunk into the bone, and he broke, "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I never should have said those things to you, I don't know what I was thinking," Tears streamed down his cheeks and it hurt you to see him that way, "You're not clingy or obsessed, I know you were trying to look out for me. You always look out for me."
"I love every single thing about you. I love the way my jumpers drown you and coat you in my scent, I love it when you wait for me to come home, I love the way fire spreads through me whenever you touch me. I love everything that you are. I'm so sorry that I've done this to you. You deserve the world and everything good in it, you deserve so much better than me," his words were floating between broken sobs, he tried to move to you and visibly winced when you took a step back, "You are my everything. You are the one who completes me, you are the one I search for whenever I enter a room, you are the only one who I feel safe with."
"My home is wherever you are, you are my home and I know I've fucked up and I understand if you never want to speak to me again. I just need you to know that I'm sorry. If I have to leave Velaris for you to feel safe then I will, I-"
"Why would you do that?" you voice called to him, you took a single step forward and examined him, he was distraught, "I went to find you that morning, to apologise for being so suffocating," you cringed at the word, at how it had made you feel when he had thrown it at you, "But you were gone."
Cassian took a step closer to you, "I knew what I'd done, I saw what I'd done to you and I couldn't see you look at me like that again. I wanted to protect you from me, I needed to get you away from me."
You wrapped your arms around your frame and found his eyes, his beautiful pools of rippling sadness screaming for you, "I don't need protecting from you, Cass. I just need you," you tucked a strand of your wet hair behind your ear and continued, "I don't know why I cling to you, it hurts to be away from you, I feel like my body is dying when you leave me. It feels like my soul is being ripped from my body and I can't breathe when you're gone. I'm nothing without you. I can't live without you."
Cassian had closed the gap between you, his hands finding a place on your hip and under your chin and he tilted your head upward, his eyes searched your face, delving into the deepest depths of your thrumming soul and his eyes widened, "Y/N," his voice was a whisper, his thumb glided across your cheek and you found yourself leaning into the touch, soaking up the affection like a sponge in the ocean.
Bottom lip wobbling, he took your face in his hands, "I think I know why you've been feeling like that."
Cassian's breath fanned across your face and you inhaled deeply, you felt your soul melting, all of the sadness now a painful memory, you felt hot white starlight and the shifting of those golden threads, webbing your essence together until it jolted into place. The snap. Cassian continued to hold you in his arms and your fingers brushed against his jaw, "We're mates," it was a fact, and he nodded.
"We're mates," a tear slid down his cheek, and you knew he felt all of your pain in that moment, "I promise that I will take care of that heart of gold for the rest of my days. I promise to love you endlessly until you tell me to stop," he rested his forehead against yours, "I knew it was you, I knew it was us."
"Meant to be," Cassian huffed out a gentle sigh and brushed his nose against your own before dipping his lips to meet yours.
It was better than you could have ever imagined, you felt your souls merging together into one, you felt the world grow lighter and your heart grow fuller, you felt your scent combining into something that could drown continents. You felt him.
And as long as you both lived, there would never be a day where either of you felt unloved.
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Authors Note
Love these requests, they make me so happy x
@jenniferpendragon @acourtof-wingspan
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nethhiri · 1 month
Kid and killer with someone who is a literal mouse/rat ? ate the mouse zoan fruit unknowingly thinking I’d be a cooler ability
I hope you don't mind if I turned this into a little drabble bc it inspired me. It was such a cute idea.
(Okay this got out of hand... I am incapable of telling a succinct story)
The Only Free Cheese Is in the Mousetrap
You had to admit, when you first ate the Mouse-Mouse fruit, you thought it was going to be something a little bit cooler. Mice were small and lame. No one would blink twice at a silly little mouse. As it turned out, that was your advantage.
You had been trying to hitch a ride through the Grand Line and you had been successful for the most part, hiding in the storage of random ships, eating whatever you could find. You didn't need much as an innocent little mouse. This ship, however, had no food in storage. There were only weapons and prisoners. If you got caught on this ship, the consequences would surely be dire.
The mistake was made when you decided to venture around the ship in search of food. You happened to find yourself in the workshop of the notorious K.I.D., Eustass 'Captain' Kid that is. Unfortunately you were a very unique, bright white mouse. It didn't leave you much in the way of camouflage, unless there was a bowl of flour somewhere. Even more unfortunate was that Kid was a very observant man and spotted you instantly.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A wee mouse?" Kid crouched in front of you.
You had been so sure he was going to crush you under his foot.
"Yer not even scared, eh?"
In truth, you were terrified, in the third, secret state of fight or flight: freeze.
"Wait here, mousey."
Kid returned to his bench, where there was a mostly empty plate, save for some crumbs. He collected them in his hands and returned to the interesting white mouse, sprinkling them on the floor.
"Here ya go."
He returned to his work, glancing up at you every so often to watch you nibble on the crumbs.
The next evening, you returned. He wasn't going to squish you and he even fed you. If he continued, you could just do this and survive until the next stop in port. You were pleasantly surprised to find that he had already set out some cubes of cheese.
"There ya go, mousey. I got the good stuff from Killer's stash."
That made your tiny mouse ears flick forward. So there's better food somewhere on the ship.
It turned out, you didn't have to search for it. Kid brought it to you. Over the next evenings, Kid left grapes, cheese, bread, bananas, and a bunch of other little tidbits. After about a week, there was a tiny metal table and chair set out with the food on top. You played along and sat in the chair for him, which mad him extremely happy. He moved it slightly closer to his bench every night until it was on the top of his desk. If someone had told you that you would be eating cubes of cheese, sitting on the desk of Eustass 'Captain' Kid, you would have laughed in their faces, but here you were doing just that.
This evolved even further until you were being carried around in a pocket on the inside of his coat. It was a little warm, but it offered protection. Every so often, he would sneak a crumb into the pocket for you.
"Boss, why are you feeding your coat?" Heat had been watching him put crumbs in his pocket over the course of dinner.
"No I'm not!" Kid said defensively, not answering the question correctly.
Killer reached out to pull open his coat, but Kid snatched it closer to him. Killer tugged on it harder.
"Stop it! Yer gonna hurt Mousey!"
"Mousey?" Killer let go of Kid's coat.
Kid hmphed.
Begrudgingly, Kid opened his coat.
"I don't see anything," Wire quipped.
Kid's face had a light dusting of pink. He whispered into his coat, "Come on out." Nothing happened. "It's okay."
You didn't expect to be revealed to anyone and you were reluctant to come out. Kid had kept you safe this far, though. You poked your snout out of the pocket and sniffed. There were quite a lot of people in the room. Your round, soft ears followed until your whole head was peering out of the pocket's edge. You were met with a chorus of adoring squeals from the girls and even some of the guys in the crew. Kid scratched between your ears, which you were ashamed to say, felt amazing and a squeak slipped out of your mouse mouth.
Heat covered his face. "So cute." Heat reached out to scratch your head.
"Don't ya touch my Mousey." Kid possessively closed his coat.
Heat's face got even sadder than it normally was.
"Just keep that thing out of my kitchen," Killer said. "They're full of germs."
Kid muttered down into the pocket. "Don't listen to him, Mousey. He's just jealous."
The next few days, since you weren't really a secret anymore, you spent sitting on Kid's shoulder. Killer had just as much disdain for you as he did initially, much to Kid's dismay. He really wanted his first mate to think you were as cool as Kid thought. Even the tiny leather jacket he made you didn't convince the blonde.
Kid fed you well, but you were still intrigued by this secret food stash that supposedly existed. There wasn't much entertainment as a mouse on a ship and you were getting bored. So at night, you had been searching the ship for this treasure. The kitchen was the most obvious, yet the scariest place to hunt. Certainly if there was hidden food, it would be there, however, Killer was extremely territorial and observant. It would be dangerous to search that particular area. Tonight was the night you would risk it.
It was easy enough to slip under the kitchen door. Finding the good treats was harder, but your well-equipped nose was able to sniff them out. The problem came when your tiny mouse hands were unable to figure out how to open the secret paneling that the food was hidden behind. You could turn into your human form, risky as it was. It would be nice to stretch it out. You had been a mouse for several weeks.
Taking your human form, you poked around the paneling until it revealed its contents. There was a variety of fancy or high quality specialty foods, including cheeses and preserved meats. You found a knife and cut small pieces from a few things you were interested in. Then you put everything back in its approximate original position. You climbed onto the counter and reverted back into a mouse, stuffing the tiny pieces of food you had curated into your cheeks.
The following day, as Killer went about his business, he noticed a set of bare footprints on the floor. There was a light dusting of flour from the day before when he made pasta from scratch. He hadn't noticed it before now. What was strange was that the footprints were only in one spot, like a person materialized and dematerialized there. It was also strange that someone who wasn't Kid was barefoot in the kitchen, and these footprints were about half the size of his. He somewhat brushed it off, that is, until he noticed the other footprints on the counter, the much tinier, much mousier footprints.
You had been spending most of your time in the walls of the ship, when you weren't being carried around in Kid's pocket. Today was no exception. You spent some of your time exploring listening in on others' conversations. Peering through the cracks of the wood, you decided to eavesdrop on Kid. Killer had come to talk to him and you were curious about what the captain and first-mate talked about. It was a good thing you did, since you were the subject matter.
"Kid, there's something up with your mouse."
His head snapped up from what he was doing. "What? Did something happen to them?"
"The 'mouse' is fine." Killer made air-quotes as he spoke.
"What do ya mean 'mouse'?" Kid copied his air-quotes.
"I mean I don't think it's just a mouse." Killer explained. "There are footprints in my kitchen that go from human to mouse." Killer wasn't stupid. He could put the pieces together.
"So ya think Mousey is a person?"
"I do."
"Prove it."
Shit. He was on to you. You didn't even notice the footprints you left behind. Should you even show up to eat? Or would it be more suspicious if you didn't? You ended up waiting until Kid left for the night before skittering out to grab your little crumbs and retreating into the wall.
You made yourself relatively scarce for the next few days, meaning you spent more time spying on the crew, for entertainment purposes only. One particular conversation caught your attention. You only caught portions of it, but it was clearly a mutinous theme. It ended shortly after you caught on to it, however, so you didn't get any details. Technically, it wasn't your problem. This wasn't your crew and you weren't planning on sticking around. It ate at you though. It felt wrong not to repay Kid for keeping you safe. Maybe you could return the favor.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary after that. Maybe they had given up on their plans. Until one evening in particular, someone new had delivered Kid's dinner to his workshop. He didn't always eat in there but he did more and more after he started feeding you. There was something off about the smell of the food. It wasn't right. Before Kid could eat any, you scrambled up to the table and bit his hand as he reached for the fork.
"Mousey! What the fuck?! That hurt." Kid bopped your head with a finger. "No biting."
As he reached for the fork again you knocked it onto the floor.
"Don't piss me off, Mouse."
He wasn't going to take the hint. He leaned over to pick up the fork, which is when you took the opportunity to push the plate onto the floor.
You knew he wasn't going to be happy, in spite of that, you couldn't watch him eat poisoned food. You tried to run away afterward, knowing this. However, you were slow compared to him and his powers quickly put a tiny metal cage around you.
"Ya act like this after all I've done for ya?! Bad mouse!" He picked up the miniature jail cell and gave it a shake, causing you to tumble around inside, with squeaks of discomfort.
Kid stomped off with you in tow and threw you to Killer once he found the first mate.
"Take this little shit to the brig."
Killer gave him a questioning look behind his mask. "You want me to put the mouse in a cell?"
"Well, I ain't gonna kill it. I'm not a monster."
Kid relayed all your crimes to the blonde. It was funny, how Killer felt a little bit bad for you, even though he had never shown you favor prior to that. You bounced with every step he took down to the brig.
"Oh, Mousey. You fucked up." Killer was to keep you here until they docked somewhere to let you go.
No, you fucked up. Neither of them were familiar with mouse physiology it seemed. The bars on your prison were way too far apart. As soon as Killer left, you squeezed out of the cage and made a beeline back to Kid's workshop.
It was vacant at the moment. You hurried to the desk and found a writing instrument. It was tough in your diminutive body, but you left a message for the captain:
You hoped he took it seriously. Then you scurried your furry body back to your cell before anyone noticed, not that they would.
Unfortunately, Kid thought it was a prank. You tried another note on his desk. You tried to leave him a note on his mirror in lipstick. At this point, Kid considered that there was a ghost on board. Clearly this method wasn't working. Once it became obvious, you started venturing out of the cage when you knew there wasn't anyone scheduled to come down there to feed or check on you. The next best thing to try was going back to spying and figuring out who exactly was involved.
Now, what you would do when you figured it out? That was decided for you. It wasn't what you intended. But what were you supposed to do? One of the men spotted you. And he backed you into a corner. And he was going to step on you. Your only choice was to transform. And when he pulled a knife? Well, of course you had to disarm him. And now that he had seen you and knew you heard his plot, you couldn't just leave a loose end like that. So you had no choice but to cut his throat. You left the knife in his hand. Not very believable but there were footsteps in the hall and you had to get out of there.
Not long after that, Killer came down to your cell and squatted down, lifting your prison until you were eye level.
"I know it was you."
You licked your paw and groomed your ear, very cutely, you might add.
"You can't fool me. You really need to learn to cover your tracks."
You scratched the back of your other ear with your hind leg.
Killer let out a frustrated growl and dropped your cage. He stomped out of the brig.
How is he so observant! You really should have remembered about the tracks, especially since that's how he noticed the first time. Now what? Either their plan would be foiled by losing a member or they would escalate, thinking they had been found out. You knew there were others, and you had to find out who they were, and quickly.
Your investigative antics became riskier. You went into cabins and dug through drawers. You followed people around using the walls. You were getting closer. Until one day, you found two more people chatting. They were definitely up to no good. The more you listened the more alarmed you were. They were going to make an attempt on Kid's life again tomorrow.
There was no way you could take them both on. The only reason you won against the other guy was because you took him by surprise. You couldn't send a message to Kid either. That hadn't worked. If you tried to tell him as a human, he wouldn't trust that. The only person that knew your secret, or at least was fairly confident in his assumptions, was Killer. Maybe you could risk telling him. Maybe he would believe you. It was doubtful.
When you scampered back to your cage, you came to an abrupt stop. Killer was there waiting for you. You gulped. You were frozen. You were caught.
"Where have you been, mouse?"
The jig was most certainly up. He snatched you in his fist faster than you thought possible. You squeaked, trying to gain a little sympathy as a cute creature. Maybe it would make him believe you were a regular mouse. Then you bit him. He didn't even flinch. He was smart. He was trying to force you to reveal yourself, squeezing you gradually tighter and tighter.
You were forced into your human form to avoid being crushed, even then, his grip on your throat was immovable. You could sense his smugness in being right. He wasn't even surprised. You were grateful that however this fruit worked, you got to keep your clothes on when you transformed.
"Stop! Please!" You scratched at his hands.
Killer slammed you against the wall. "You killed one of my crew! You're going to pay for it."
"M-mu-tiny," you rasped out. The edges of your vision were going black.
Killer loosened his grip. "What did you say?"
"There's gonna be a mutiny."
Killer pushed you against the wall harder. "So you're a murderer and you've turned our own crew against us?"
"N-no. Please. L-et me go." You gasped for air. "I'll ex-plain."
Killer was decent enough to hear you out, and was shocked by the accusations. You couldn't help him further though. You hadn't heard their names and the way you described them was vague. It left Killer in a tough place. He didn't trust you, yet if you were telling the truth and his captain was in danger, he had to.
"I-I have an idea."
Killer didn't like your idea. Yet, it was better than anything he could think of, so he went along with it. And that was how you found yourself sitting on the inside of the Massacre Soldier's helmet, hanging onto his hair the next day. You could see out of the eyeholes better than you expected. Killer was strategically staring at each individual member and you were to whisper in his ear when you saw the people who were plotting.
As you spotted them, you hurriedly signaled to Killer that they were the culprits. As they had no proof, Killer was simply going to talk to them. But, as one does when being approached by a brick house of a man like Massacre Soldier, they got scared. This was not their plan, but they were so nervous, especially after one of them was killed, that they thought they had been found out. They both jumped Killer, and in the process of him defending himself, you slipped out of his mask and fell onto the deck.
You shook it off and your eyes searched for Kid, who was so distracted by the seemingly random scuffle, that he wasn't watching his own back, where a third, unexpected assailant was waiting. You ran as fast as your short legs would carry you. He spotted you instantly.
"Mousey? How'd you-"
Kid was taken aback by watching you run straight through his legs, and as he turned, seeing you transmute your form into that of a human. A human who was wrestling a gun out of someone's hand. Someone who was obviously trying to point said gun at him.
Regrettably, Kid was just a touch too shocked to react in time. His devil fruit activated to take the gun, but only after a shot was fired. He felt nothing. You, on the other hand, dropped to your knees and doubled over, clutching your midsection.
Was this how you imagined yourself being celestially discharged from this life? No. Did you have regrets? Probably. But saving Eustass Kid wasn't one of them. After all, what other mouse could say they saved a notorious pirate captain? Maybe your devil fruit wasn't that lame in the end.
Kid thought about you a lot. They didn't have a trained doctor on board. They had to leave you at an island that had, thankfully, been in close range for you to be treated. He shouldn't be sad; his plan was to drop you off at the next island. Still, it felt wrong not to say goodbye or at least thank you.
Killer was grateful to you for saving his captain, even after being 'imprisoned' and roughed up by them. Even though you owed them no loyalty, you were more loyal than crewmates they had on board for months.
Several weeks passed. Kid happened to look up to see the NewsCoo delivery bird. The bird landed with a newspaper, some new wanted posters, and a small package. Curious, Kid picked it up and shook it next to his ear. Weird, what kind of gift made squeaks. Kid tore it open to find a dazed, white mouse.
"Oh fuck! Mousey! Sorry!"
You stumbled around in his hand, dizzy.
He hugged his hand to his chest and gave you a giant kiss on the head, staining your white fur red. In his excitement, he forgot you were a person. Upon remembering, he had a pink dusting to his cheeks and set you down.
You transformed into a human in front of him.
"Why did ya come in the mail?!"
"Cheaper fare than a boat," you grinned.
Kid all but threw you over his shoulder. "Killer! Look what we got in the mail!"
Killer stifled a laugh as he noticed a big red imprint of lips on your forehead. Kid went just as red as the mark when he noticed that it transferred to your human appearance. And neither one of those assholes told you it was there either.
Kid dropped the "y" from the end of your name from then on, but slipped up on occasion, still referring to you as Mousey. He still asked you to join him for dinner sometimes, too, as a person though, not a mouse; he didn't give you crumbs either. He liked your company.
Killer was impressed by your knowledge of cheeses and asked you to come shopping with him on islands for provisions. You also had a knack for picking the ripest fruits. He usually asked you to personally deliver Kid's meals, you know, to avoid another poisoning.
And some would even go as far as to say they saw a white critter scurrying under Kid or Killer's doors in the late hours of the night or scurrying out early in the morning.
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hardlyinteresting · 8 days
To Have and To Hold
Jake Seresin x Reader
Jake comes home
Warnings: The reader is referred to as she/her, with no physical description, (please let me know if you'd like me to tag anything please), I grew up in an Army household so some of my Navy knowledge may be slightly off base (no pun intended) Word count: 1.8K
The floorboards creak with the weight of his footsteps still. there's a strange comfort in the sounds of this old house settling; the hum of the refrigerator downstairs, the quiet slide of his socks across wood floors. If he listens carefully, he can hear the whistle of the wind blowing past the window he meant to reseal all those months ago. The reminder of another missed task weighs heavy in his heart; a failure to provide a safe, warm home. It's the little things that matter most, his mama's voice reminds him, but it's the little things he so often misses-- always overlooked with the prayer that he won't be made a liar when he says he'll do it later. 
Time plays him for a fool. At 35 he rushes to make sure he meets the milestones he set out for himself, steadfast and resilient in his resolve to do more-- to be more. He breaks records, and sets precedents. But, he struggles to relax. Breathing doesn't come easy to him when it's not through his aviator's mask. In for seven, out for five. He counts the seconds of his inhales and exhales grounding himself in the moment. 
He does his best to hold tight to the moments he has here, But still, it never seems to be enough. like sand through an hourglass it all seems to slip away from him; these new found days of domestic bliss escape through his fingers like the memories of his childhood back in Texas. He wonders if one day he might be afforded the chance to pick up all the pieces and fit them together in some semblance of a “normal” life. He worries about his time away from home, what he's missed, and worse yet what he stands to miss if this life is taken from him too soon. 
Tonight marks the end of a six month separation, and tomorrow morning the count down to his next inevitable departure will begin. Always running out of time. It never used to bother him, it exhilarated him even, time blasting by in a blink of an eye. Back when he was younger, back when he had nothing to lose, and no idea what he stood to gain by sticking around. Now he worries about the quality of the lock on the front door, he thinks about restaining the floor downstairs and fixing up the kitchen. Domestic life snuck up on him. Slowly but surely his house became a home. Sun-baked bricks and weather-worn siding, with a shade of green paint he's been told matches his eyes. Four walls and roof that keep the outside world at bay. 
Down the hall in their bedroom, he Expects to find his wife sleeping, waiting in dreams for him to come home to her. It's the part of his job he struggles with the most now. It's so hard to leave this life they've built now that part of him is forever tethered to the earth. 
“I worry sometimes that I'm holding you back,” she confessed one night, “your job is hard enough as it is…I don't want to make it harder for you”. He hadn't been able to find the words to tell her how wrong she was.How could he describe the ways she had changed him? 
The need to return home to her never leaves him stunted in the sky, it fuels him. Long gone are the days where he fought just to be seen; she sees him. He's quick up there, tens of thousands of feet above the ground, he's calm and he's brilliant. His colleagues can call him cocky all they want, but his confidence is founded on his proven ability, and sometimes it's necessary to show off a little bit even if it's just so he can have another story to tell his sweetheart when he gets home. He imagines himself writing her name in the sky, carving her likeness in the clouds, a blazing trail racing home to her. 
So many of his earlier years had been spent playing the field too afraid to commit, too afraid to be loved. Adaptability, while necessary for his job, had never been his strong suit. A tiny part of him deep in the back of his mind always left the hair at the back of his neck on end when faced with change.
He had struggled in school, not academically, but socially and learned to over compensate to make up for his discomfort. The navy had given him the structure he had craved, a way to make his bed and fold his clothes, instructions that weren't open to interpretation. Living on his own allowed him to follow the same schedule and practices as he did on base.  In a split second, his life on the line, he never hesitates, but sustained change to his daily life left him nauseated. Welcoming another person into his life, and into his home had pushed him past the edges of where he believed his comfort laid, but forced him to confide in a support system outside of routine. 
Over the course of a few weeks her belongings joined his, sprinkled through out the house like a treasures to be found. Without a word she had taken care to intermix her books with the few of his own on the shelf, sorting them by alphabetical order just as he'd been doing for years. His anxiety slowly waned as his darling girl continued to prove she understood him better than anyone else ever had. 
“Do you prefer flying at dusk or dawn?” She had asked a few weeks after she moved in. curled up on their sofa, her head tucked under his chin, college football playing on the tv, she traced invisible shapes across his chest. “I don't have a preference, sweetheart. I just like flying,” his response felt half-baked, but it was the honest-to-good truth. 
“But if you had to pick?” she persisted. He weighed his answer before giving it to her, “if I had to pick, it would be dusk. There’s a moment, if you're up at the right time where you can see the night sky blending into the sunset…the sky is a gray-blue and you can see the sun at the horizon and the little pinpricks of stars”. 
“It sounds beautiful,” her smile was soft and genuine when she cupped his cheek to make sure he was looking at her. A habit of hers, not letting him hide away from the softer parts of himself, she seemed to so easily pull out. “It is”.
That weekend he’d spent 72 hours on base and returned home on Monday evening to the faintest smell of fresh paint. In the low evening light, it took him a moment to figure it out, standing puzzled in the middle of the living room, still dressed in his service khakis trying to identify the source of the smell. “You’re home!” she’d grinned coming down the stairs, her jeans and t-shirt splattered with gray. It’s then he noticed with his darling girl looking so proud of herself, the walls of the living room coated in a soft heather blue-grey, no longer just a coat of contractor-grade white reflecting the shade of twilight through the windows. Flicking on the light he watched her grow nervous as he felt his brow furrow processing the unexpected change. “Do you like it?” she asked. 
“It’s perfect, baby,” he promised pulling her close and kissing her thoroughly, “It’s beautiful”. 
A few months later he came home from work to find his shower gel and shampoo had both been replaced by a new set. Confused and with no other option, he chose to use them, deciding he liked the smell of eucalyptus and mint much more than he'd liked sport: for men anyway. 
“Baby, what happened to my shower gel?” 
“You were complaining about how dry your skin has been”.
“Hmm,” the consideration to change his routine to better himself hadn't occurred to him before she moved in. 
More recently he'd come home from a night out with the squadron, and woken up under a Forest green duvet, a jarring difference to the burgundy plaid cover he'd owned for years. Momentary panic filled his chest. Like a sharp, sudden plunge into cold water he'd gasped his eyes scanning the room to confirm his location. The familiar scent of her perfume, the sound of the ocean breeze, assured him he was in fact in their room. In the dark when he'd come home, colour of the duvet hadn't been noticeable and he found himself mildly embarrassed by how badly it startled him. Her hand reaching out for him, stretching across the sheets to touch him lured him back to a flat position letting her snuggle herself right up against his side. It was then he noticed that the weight of the blanket was the same as before, and it was just as plush as it had always been. Her on going respect for his comfort continued to leave him floored. A memory of her texting him to ask his favourite colour (green) filled his mind and left him drifting back to sleep with a smile on his face. 
Secretly, he'd begun to look forward to the tiny changes she brought into his life and into the house. The littlest reminders of their strengthening bond, their lives stitching together in more tangible and visible ways. The Navy had taught him to think literally, latteral thinking developed and honed to reach conclusions and make decisions quickly and effectively, but the metaphor of their lives blending like the presence of her belongings along side his own, and freshly painted walls is not lost on him. 
Tonight the house is quiet as it often is when he returns so late. He knows if she knew what day he was set to come back home she would've done her best to stay awake for him, dozing off on the sofa with the living room curtains wide open, hoping to catch the sight of his headlights pulling into the driveway. It's thoughts of her safe and waiting for him that have pulled him through this latest deployment, so he does his best not to disturb her sleep as he makes his way to her. Like a silent sirens call an unspeakable force drags him through the house. His boots are left by the door, laces tucked in. His bag is heavy in his hand, more than just its physical weight tugging at him, and he's glad to be able to put it down by the bedroom door. 
“Welcome home,” she whispers stirring from her sleep as he slips beneath the sheets, freshly showered. 
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atzloverr · 11 days
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Bite me - Vampire bf!Seonghwa x reader
part 2
warnings: nsfw, vampire themes, period sex, blood drinking, smut, afab!reader, Seonghwa is pussy drunk again lol
Seonghwa woke up to the sound of his own growls, his breath hitching as he drew his own blood by clenching his fist so hard. His eyes darted around the room, trying to find the culprit for this feeling that could only be described as need. Either that or just hunger.
This type of hunger would only ever haunt him if he hadn’t fed for a long period of time, but ever since he had your blood, he had started drinking again, so it didn’t make sense.
The only thoughts on his mind were those of you. He couldn’t tell you why, but this hunger was linked to you in some unspeakable way. He inhaled deeply and had to hold back a moan at the intense smell invading his nostrils.
Your boyfriend’s eyes flew over to your sleeping form. You were stirring in your sleep uncomfortably, probably being slowly awoken by the man next to you squirming around in panic. But that wasn’t the only thing making your face contort in discomfort.
You were in pain.
Seonghwa’s breaths were soon growly and deep, something that would scare the shit out of anyone else. It was a primal strategy to keep other predators away.
Your eyes opened slowly, and you immediately sensed that something was off.
“My love,” your soft voice sounded out, snapping Seonghwa out of his trance-like state. His eyes met yours, and you saw them shift in a beautiful shade of red.
“What’s going on?” you asked, sitting down in front of him. Your hand met his, and you noticed the way he shivered.
Your boyfriend didn’t answer, but instead buried his head in your neck, inhaling deeply. You couldn’t help but tense up at the sensation.
It had only been a week since you practically force-fed him your blood, so your wound was not completely healed yet.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Seonghwa admitted, small droplets of water forming in his eyes. His feelings of panic had quickly gotten dulled by your soothing presence. His instincts told him that you were his mate, and that you needed to be protected, no matter what. He had no idea why this feeling came to him so suddenly.
You glanced at the clock on the wall. It was five in the morning. You sighed and helped Seonghwa lie down next to you. He kept his head in the crook of your neck, with his arms wrapped tightly around you.
Suddenly, a small whimper of pain left your lips. Seonghwa immediately backed away from you slightly, meeting your gaze as your body curled up on itself.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, putting a hand on your stomach. “I’m on my period.”
Seonghwa blinked.
You didn’t miss the way he started thinking deeply, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink in the process.
“What?” you asked anxiously.
“Darling,” Seonghwa started. You tilted your head. “I think I know why I’m like this.”
You were now lying down, with Seonghwa sitting on the bed a little too far away from you for your liking, but he insisted it was for the best.
“So what you’re saying is…” you began, slowly putting the pieces together. “Since you’ve tasted my blood once, the ‘blood of your mate’… your instincts have formed a connection to my blood, which makes it harder for you to resist it?” you questioned, your head almost aching from the confusion.
Seonghwa had tried his best to explain what he thought was going on, but his constant thirst for your blood made it extremely hard to focus. He decided to just hold his breath to his best ability.
“Yes, that’s it,” he affirmed. When he found out about your cramps, your boyfriend had immediately ran to give you a heat pad to put on your stomach. He insisted he would cuddle you, if it weren’t for his instincts constantly telling him to drain you dry.
“And what do you suppose we do about that? Are you going to leave me alone until my period has ended?” you proposed, trying your best to ignore the cramps attacking you ever so often.
“Oh no no no, hell no!” Seonghwa shook his head in disagreement. “That would probably make my instincts even worse,” he explained. “Leaving you alone, bleeding and in pain, would be the worst thing,” he told you. “Besides, I would never let you go through this without my help baby.”
You shrugged him off slightly. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” you tried, but you knew he wasn’t playing. “Don’t give me that.”
“Okay so, what do you propose then? I can’t have you holding your breath around me like this,” you begged.
Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows in thought, when you suddenly got an idea. You were about to say it, but immediately stopped yourself.
“What?” Seonghwa asked. Your eyes widened slightly. “What?” you echoed. “You were about to say something?” Seonghwa insisted. Damn that man and his attention to detail.
“Oh no, it was nothing,” you tried to shrug it off, but you only earned a disappointed sigh. You knew he wouldn’t give up until you told him.
“Okay, I just thought that…” you started, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “M-maybe you could..,” you swallowed. Seonghwa gave you that big eyed look he knew made you weak.
“What did you say?” Seonghwa almost coughed out in shock. You nervously played with the hem of your sweater. “You know what I said! I know you have excellent hearing!”
Seonghwa looked down at the mattress in disbelief. “You want me to drink from you again? Seriously?” he asked. You suddenly felt a wave of shame wash over you.
“I mean, if you don’t want to you don’t have to—“
“Of course I want to!” he looked you deep in the eye. You were shocked at his sudden admission. “But don’t you remember last time?”
Your head lowered. “I was so scared, my love. I was scared for your life! I can’t put you through that again! And I- I don’t think I can even go through that again…” His voice was laced with shame and fear.
“You had been starving for weeks,” you argued.
“You fainted.”
“You won’t lose control like that again.”
“How do you know that?”
You swallowed before Seonghwa opened his mouth again.
“I can’t bite you again. I won’t do it.”
You suddenly felt a lightbulb appear in your head.
“Who says you have to bite me?”
“Well, I’m already bleeding, aren’t I?” you explained. “Can’t you just… you know…” you suddenly felt the shyness take over you once again.
Seonghwa felt his instincts screaming at him. Do it, now! While simultaneously feeling the bulge in his pants already starting to grow. With him having started to feed again, his energy levels had risen like never before. That included his sexual energy.
You noticed the way his breath got caught in his throat, but felt satisfied to not earn that immediate ‘no’ you were expecting.
Seonghwa swallowed.
“On one condition.”
You felt yourself already become satisfied with his answer, liking that you had convinced him to let himself feed when he needed it.
“Alright, what is it?” you asked. “You have to take the silver knife.”
Your eyes widened in shock, but just as you were about to shake your head no, you thought about it for a second.
“What do you want me to do with it?” you tested, squinting your eyes in suspicion. Seonghwa let out a hearty laugh at your cute expression. “If you notice that I’m starting to lose control in any way, don’t hesitate to use it on me.”
The silver knife was the only weapon able to make a vampire weak, able to sever its life. You were shocked to see that Seonghwa had one in his possession, seeing as the silver handle made his skin burn at the lightest touch. He told you that it was only right for a vampire with a human lover to own one. He knew that if he wanted to make the relationship fair, he needed to let you hold this power over him as well.
The power to kill.
You considered his request. You yourself were convinced that he wouldn’t lose control, and as hard at it would be to use the knife in that situation, you were determined, and would be able to handle it.
“Okay, deal.”
You heard the loud slurping, growling and moaning from under the sheets, the towel under your getting wrinkled by Seonghwa’s hands harshly gripping them. You couldn’t stop a whimper from escaping you as your boyfriend’s long tongue finding your entrance.
When you had agreed to Seonghwa’s conditions, it was like something came over him, and suddenly he only had one goal. To get in between your legs.
At an inhuman speed, he got a towel to place under your pelvis, as well as the silver knife, wrapped in a blue cloth.
He placed the blue cloth beside you, without even uttering a single word, and you felt shy when he ripped off your pants, leaving you in only your panties and a tank top.
“Do you have a tampon in?” he asked, his voice sounding foreign to you. Deeper. Richer.
“I- No,” you answered, squirming slightly. You had never done this when on your period, and even though you came up with the idea, you weren’t sure how this would feel.
But here you were, with a pussy drunk vampire treating you like his last meal. You couldn’t help but tremble at the overstimulation, having already orgasmed multiple times without a break, but alas, you really wanted Seonghwa to feel good.
You could tell how much he enjoyed it, his eyes rolled back in bliss, while he moaned loudly. You felt his sharp fangs graze you, and couldn’t help but gasp and retreat slightly. As much as you were keen with this, you weren’t sure you wanted him to bite you down there.
“Hwa—“ you whimpered out, moving his head up slightly. He almost hissed at you, his eyes red and wide with anger. You couldn’t help but gasp in fear, causing his eyes to immediately turn apologetic and sad.
“No, I- I’m sorry baby,” he breathed out, trying to gather his words. You smiled, seeing that he was still himself.
His face was covered in your blood, his tongue licking the red liquid coating his lips. “I swear I won’t hurt you, do you want me to stop?” he asked, clearly still struggling to speak, his instincts probably still screaming at him.
“No Y- you can keep going…” you admitted shamefully. You had to admit it felt kind of good to be distracted from your cramps, and you wanted to make sure Seonghwa could feel normal again.
Your boyfriend hummed in agreement, slowly lowering his head back to your heat, still giving you a chance to change your mind.
A deep moan escaped him as he felt your taste once again, more blood having flown out of you in this short period of time. He slowly lapped his tongue up and down, making sure to be gentle this time, not even wanting to think about getting carried away.
And so he kept licking you slowly for hours on end, keeping your hand in his and constantly checking up on you. He was satisfied to see you getting sleepy, considering he woke you up in the early morning. He knew you needed sleep, so when he heard your heartbeat slow down as your breathing changed, he retracted from you, getting up to dress you again.
His instincts had now calmed down, and he could think more rationally. He wrapped the silver knife in the cloth, being careful not to touch it. As he came back to your sleeping form, he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around you.
Words couldn’t describe his love for you. You were so patient. So understanding. He felt a smile coat his lips as you snuggled into him in your sleep.
“My beautiful girl.”
heyyy idk what this is really, but since many people liked the last one I decided to make a little sequence lollll. Hope you enjoyed! Requests are open!
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writeriguess · 23 days
Five Hargreeves x female reader fic where he has a crush on her and tries to win her over.
Five Hargreeves was a genius, a time traveler, and a survivor of the apocalypse. He was also, despite his best efforts to ignore it, hopelessly infatuated with you.
You were a part of the Umbrella Academy, brought in by their eccentric father to fill in the gaps. With your sharp mind and ability to manipulate probability, you were a force to be reckoned with. But it wasn’t just your powers that caught Five’s attention; it was your wit, your laugh, the way you never backed down from a challenge—even from him.
At first, Five tried to brush it off as a fleeting attraction, something trivial in the grand scheme of things. He had more important matters to focus on: saving the world, for instance. But the more time he spent around you, the harder it became to deny his feelings. The way your eyes sparkled when you talked about something you were passionate about, the way you handled every situation with a calmness that contrasted with his intensity—it was all too much for him to ignore.
But Five was nothing if not stubborn. He wasn’t going to sit around and pine like some lovesick teenager. No, if he wanted something, he was going to get it. And right now, he wanted you.
The first step was figuring out how to approach you. Five wasn’t exactly known for his charm; he was more likely to correct someone’s grammar than to flirt. But for you, he was willing to try.
He started small. Offering to help you with missions, even if he didn’t need to be there. Bringing you coffee in the mornings, just the way you liked it. You’d raise an eyebrow at him, suspicious but amused, and he’d shrug it off with a nonchalant comment.
“Just thought you could use it,” he’d say, trying to hide the nervous edge in his voice.
You’d smile, thank him, and go back to whatever you were doing. But Five noticed the way your gaze lingered on him a little longer, the way your expression softened ever so slightly. It was enough to make him think that maybe, just maybe, you were starting to notice him too.
The next phase of his plan involved more direct efforts. He asked you to join him for lunch, claiming that he needed to discuss strategy for the next mission. You agreed, not thinking much of it—after all, it wasn’t unusual for Five to want to go over the details again.
But lunch turned into a daily ritual, one that Five looked forward to more than he cared to admit. He loved the way you bantered with him, matching his wit effortlessly. He found himself laughing more than he had in years, and the sound of your laughter was something he wanted to hear every day.
One afternoon, while the two of you were sitting in your usual spot, you gave him a curious look.
“You know, for someone who’s always so busy saving the world, you seem to have a lot of time to spend with me,” you teased.
Five smirked, though he felt a pang of nervousness. “Maybe I just find your company tolerable.”
“Just tolerable?” you echoed, raising an eyebrow.
He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. “Maybe a little more than that.”
Your smile widened, and for a moment, Five felt like he could breathe a little easier. But then you said something that made his heart skip a beat.
“Good. Because I like spending time with you too.”
Encouraged by your words, Five decided it was time to up his game. He started going out of his way to impress you—whether it was by taking down enemies with effortless precision during missions or by showing off his extensive knowledge of the universe’s mysteries.
He even took a rare evening off, dressing up and inviting you to dinner at a fancy restaurant. You looked stunning, and for a moment, Five was at a loss for words. He wasn’t used to feeling this way, so unsure of himself. But when you smiled at him, all the anxiety melted away.
Dinner was perfect. The food was delicious, the conversation flowed naturally, and Five couldn’t remember the last time he felt so at ease. You shared stories, laughed over inside jokes, and for the first time in a long while, Five allowed himself to just be.
As the evening came to an end, Five walked you back to the Academy. The two of you stopped at your door, the air between you charged with a tension that neither of you wanted to break.
“Five,” you began, your voice soft, “I’ve really enjoyed tonight. I… I like this side of you.”
He took a deep breath, knowing that this was his chance. “I’ve been trying to show you that for a while now,” he admitted, his voice uncharacteristically vulnerable. “Because… well, I like you. More than I should.”
You looked up at him, your expression tender. “I know. I like you too.”
Five blinked, caught off guard by your straightforwardness. “You do?”
You chuckled, stepping closer to him. “Yeah. I was wondering how long it would take for you to say something.”
He huffed, a smile tugging at his lips. “I guess I’m a little out of practice.”
“Well, you’re doing just fine,” you assured him.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. Then, acting on impulse, Five closed the distance between you, cupping your face in his hands and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was soft, tentative, but full of emotion. When you kissed him back, it was like a wave of relief washing over him.
When you finally pulled away, Five rested his forehead against yours, his heart pounding in his chest. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he murmured.
You smiled, brushing a thumb across his cheek. “I think I have some idea.”
Five grinned, a real, genuine smile. For once, he wasn’t thinking about the future or the past—he was just here, in this moment, with you. And for now, that was enough.
From that day forward, things changed between the two of you. There was no more tiptoeing around your feelings, no more second-guessing. Five was yours, and you were his. It was a new kind of partnership, one built on trust, respect, and a deep, undeniable connection.
And as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Five found himself looking forward to the future for the first time in a long while—because he knew that no matter what came next, he’d have you by his side.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Down the Rabbit Hole (Price!Werewolf x Bunny!FReader)
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A/N: this is LONG LONG. BRUH. this was supposed to be 2 parts but i didn't want to split it idea is from : @fnny-bnny
Need werewolf price to drag a floppy-eared bunny reader back to their nest immediately. readers ears and prices teeth and maw dripping with his saliva to scent them both. need him to wrap his body around reader and growl at anyone who comes too close
Warnings: NSWF, 18+ CONTENT
John Price walked amongst the soldiers, heading to the barracks of the task force 141. His senses picked up on the various smells around him, the evening coming to an end. The building was empty at this late hour. Walking into the common room he smiled. 
"What are my pups doing?" He asked with a smile. 
Soap sat on ghost's lap, happily typing on his phone. 
"We're not pups anymore." Gaz recalled with a grin. 
Price smiled at him. Yes. When he had found his pack, they weren't pups already. But something inside him would always see them as his little pups. 
When they had met, various years ago, he was surprised to find that one by one, they were exactly like him. Wolf hybrids. People would call them werewolves. The world knew about hybrids, but it was something rare. Lots of people decided to ignore it and hybrids would keep to themselves. Of course, it was easy to distinguish each other in the middle of 'normal' people. In the military, it wasn't uncommon to find hybrids. Their strength, their abilities made them the perfect warriors. 
Soap nuzzled in Ghost's neck, the man growling softly. 
"Have you finished your report?" Gaz asked. 
"No. Not yet. Just passed by to check on you before heading back. Making sure you're all behaving." Price said with a teasing wink. 
"You're always staying late, old man. You should take some rest." Soap teased. 
"Be careful, this old man could tackle you." Price added. 
"Leave my mate alone. He's an idiot but he's my idiot." Ghost said, hand slipping through Soap mohawk, fisting there to make the Scot look at him. 
Price shook his head, heading towards the door. The report on the last mission seemed to be endless to him. How do you carefully explain the things that hybrids could do on the field? Kate was aware, of course, she was a hybrid too. She was used to taking care of the hybrids in the military. Often she found herself having to change Price's reports to avoid any fallbacks.
Price sighed once he was outside. The sun had set a while ago, the lights of the base being the only thing lighting up the grounds. He grabbed one of his cigars, ready to light up the tip when something… a scent, ticked his attention. It was sweet, soft. Tempting. He frowned. It was unusual. Especially on base. He decided to check, using his nose to track the object of his current attention. 
He walked towards a warehouse probably empty at this hour. The scent grew stronger, laced with something different. Fear. A low growl erupted from his throat as he hurried. Was it young soldiers messing with each other again? At this hour? He'd make sure to make them regret. 
Making a sharp turn around a corner, he froze confused. A young lady was sitting down in a little ball, next to some gear boxes. 
"Young lady-" 
You looked up, eyes wide in fear. You could smell it yourself, the strong smell of him. A predator. You tried your best to keep your ears from showing but the more he stared at you, the harder it was to keep control. 
He stepped forward, breaking the last piece of control you had, two fluffy ears erupting from your head. You raised your hands to grab them, like it would help. 
He looked shocked. Truly. But you were too scared to move. 
Price wasn't expecting this. You. Finding you like this. He wasn't expecting the two white fluffy things above your head. And surely, he wasn't fucking expecting the way the beast inside him reacted to how cute you were. Soft little thing. He wanted to just pounce on you and hold you in his arms. He cleared his throat. 
"Are you alright?" He asked in the softest voice he could. 
You seemed to take a deep breath before nodding slightly. 
Her voice. Shit. Another growl of the beast inside made his eyebrows twitch slightly. 
"I'm sorry… the other.. recruits… hybrids?" 
He nodded, beckoning her to continue. 
"They.. enjoy… hunting me. I'm not really a fighter… I was trying to hide.." you explained. 
Price sighed. He was aware of some of the things that could happen when bored recruits got together. 
"Hey… it's alright. Come here, I'll take you back." He tried, extending his hand. 
"I.. sir.. I don't want to go back there.. please. T..they scare me on purpose… and they pull on my ears…" you whined. 
Something in Price was let loose. He didn't realize his eyes flashed yellow until he saw you recoil. He cleared his throat again, gaining back composure. 
"I.. sorry. I'm not angry at you. It's.. the way these idiots act." He reassured. 
What could he do? He could call Laswell. Perhaps they could switch barracks for you. 
"I'm gonna call Laswell. Come here. Don't stay on the ground, it's cold and dirty. " He said with a soft smile. 
You seemed to think for a second before standing up slowly. You stepped into view, light showing your form more precisely. You still held your ears down, holding them tight. Price smiled. 
"You can let go. I won't touch them." He teased. 
You bit your lip, softly letting go, the cute ears flopping up. 
"Come on, let's go." He said, motioning towards the entrance. 
You turned around under Price's gaze as you walked to where you sat to grab something. He wasn't paying attention. He was lost in the sight of what seemed to be a little tail underneath your cargo pants. When you spun back towards him he looked away, embarrassed. You didn't seem to notice as you walked back to him. 
"I'll take you somewhere safe until I can get a hold of Laswell. Is that alright?" 
You nodded, ears flopping around. God was it adorable. He motioned you to walk as his arm remained behind your back, not touching you, but keeping you near, just in case. 
He did the only thing he thought was best. Take you back to his nest. When he had stepped inside with you next to him, he had fallen back into the reality of things when his three pups stared at him. 
You had immediately frozen, taking a step closer to Price. He had felt the urge to wrap his arms around you again but restrained himself. 
"I thought you were going to finish a report. You come back with a bunny?" Ghost asked in a mocking tone. 
Soap chuckled, gaz trying to hide his smile. 
"Come on. I have to call Laswell, I need you guys to be nice." Price warned. 
"What happened?" Gaz asked. 
"Some rogue little pups." Price answered in a darker tone. 
The team quickly understood, soap smiled, patting the couch next to him. You looked up at Price, biting your lip again. His eyes flashed to your lips before softly nodding with a reassuring smile. You slowly walked to the couch, feeling slightly less stressed. 
You shared a last look with Price before he took his phone, walking away. 
That night, Laswell didn't pick up. Price was starting to get frustrated. He couldn't bring you back there until he caught those idiots. He sighed again, rubbing the back of his neck. Walking back inside, he looked around the room. Tails and ears were out. The boys had mimicked you, letting a hint of their forms out. He found himself looking at you, the sound of your laugh captivating him. 
"Captain." Gaz called, bringing the rest of the room's attention to him. 
"Laswell doesn't answer." He said.
You looked disappointed. 
"Does… it mean i have to go back?" You asked. 
Silence fell in the room. 
"You can stay here!" Soap said happily. 
"Sergeant…" Price started. 
"It's only for one night." Gaz added. 
"She'll be safer here with us. We can free a room for her." Ghost finished. 
Price shook his head as he chuckled. 
"I.. I don't want to bother…" you countered. 
"You don't bother bunny!" Soap added cheerfully. 
You shook your head, amused at such an obvious nickname. 
"You can stay. I'll free up my room for you." Price interrupted. The boys stared up at him, sending all kinds of knowing looks as you simply smiled up at him. 
He had made sure his room was comfortable and safe for you. He had given you a shirt of his for you to sleep in. The whole situation was off. He kept reminding himself that he should keep a distance but the beast kept pushing him to do more. Bring you some water. Making sure you weren't cold. Looking a bit too much at your thighs. 
"You alright then?" He asked one last time. 
You sat on his bed, his shirt too big for your frame, looking up at him, your ears falling back, your eyes filled with exhaustion. 
"Yes sir.. Thank you." You answered. 
He smiled again, nodding before exiting the room, the scent of you surrounding his brain and senses. 
After your first encounter with the team, Laswell had decided to move you closer to their barracks. Your previous location was temporary anyway. To your surprise the team was thrilled to know you were moved closer. By closer, Laswell had meant the same building. You felt safer as well, the boys greeting you every time they saw you. 
Price smiled at you in the hallways, making your heart skip a beat. Because yes. The bunny in you had found something in him. Something that made you feel safe, calm, free to be yourself. You felt dumb with your silly little crush. There was no way he would ever be interested in you. It didn't stop you, and your deepest instincts to be attracted to his frame, his hidden beast enticing yours to get closer. Your mind, your rational side just kept reminding you that this man could not be interested in you. 
For Price, he found himself in a sticky situation. You had slept in his bed that night and he had slept on the couch. Laswell had taken over the case the morning after, relieving him. His day had gone about as normal, he had finally finished his report and finished his duties. The real challenge. Was to go to sleep in his bed. He had walked into the shared rooms of his pack under the teasing and playful gaze of the team. He ignored it, until finally he understood the glances, the chuckles. His room. His sheets. His pillow. Everything smelt like you. He had groaned, laying in his bed, surrounded by you. All you. The beast inside kept clawing and raging. Things he hadn't heard it say in years screaming in his mind. 
Go get her. Our bunny. Pet her fur, her cute tail. She smells so good. 
Price had felt the frustration and anger rising. He hadn't slept. He had tried to view and review the situation and how it turned to shit so easily. He had seen you a total of a few hours. How could he be so enticed by you? What was it that he stared a tiny bit longer than he should in the hallways? The days passed and it's like your smell had simply decided to haunt him. 
"What's wrong Price? You're cranky. Not sleeping enough?" Laswell had commented during a meeting, the boys chuckling under their breath. 
A few days after, he sat in the common room, night had fallen. He was lost in thoughts again, eyebrows furrowed. 
"Price?" Gaz called. 
"Yes? Sorry… I was lost in thoughts." Price said, smiling to hide his frustration.
"Got your head stuck on a bunny?" Soap teased. 
Price looked away, rubbing the back of his head. 
"Yeah… maybe." He let out honestly. 
"You imprinted?" Gaz asked. 
"I'm too old for that." Price answered in a chuckle. 
"I don't think so. I'm sure you can still find a mate, she seems like a nice girl." Soap added. 
"You think she would want me? An old man like me?" Price said, a little disappointment in the back of his tone. 
"Never say never." Ghost said. 
Price shook his head, standing up and heading for the door. 
"Where are you going?" Soap asked. 
"At this hour?" Ghost asked. 
"I don't think I need permission" 
Walking out, Price decided that the fresh air of the night would help. He was cranky. He hadn't slept properly in days. Claiming you… what an idea. To even think you'd accept to be courted and be his. 
Do it you coward.
Price straightened his neck, telling his beast to simply shut up. Stepping into the night, he closed his eyes, ready to light up his cigar. For the second time this month, your smell hit his nose. This time he didn't hesitate. Taking his cigar away from his lips he immediately tracked you down, finding you as quick as possible. Half running through the grounds, he felt closer and closer to you. Until his eyes noticed you. Trapped against a wall, a man keeping you there, in between his arms. 
Tear him apart. She's ours. 
His beast growled loudly in him. His jealousy spiked dangerously. 
"If she wants someone else it's none of our business…" he whispered to himself. 
He was ready to turn around when a little whimper stopped him. A cry. You were crying. His eyes flashed. This time the growl was from him, loudly echoing. The man's head snapped towards him but it was too late, Price had closed the space in a flash, grabbing the man by the neck before throwing him to the ground. 
"C.. captain!" The man cried. 
"Captain.." you mewled. 
The more he heard your voice, the whimpers the mewls, the wilder his beast clawed out. 
"Explain yourself, recruit." Price let out, voice darker and raspier than usual. 
He was starting to realize how dangerously close to turning he was. 
"S..sorry! I.. I didn't know she was yours sir! I didn't smell the claim!" The man apologized. 
Price froze. There was no claim. He tensed up, trying to calm down. He had no claim on her. Fuck. 
A touch. A soft hand on his forearm, making his head snap to you. Your glossy eyes looking up at him, biting your lip. Your ears flushed back. 
"Get lost." Price threatened without looking at the man. The poor thing scrambled up before hurrying away. 
"P..price…" you whined. 
He was panting, eyes never leaving you as you stepped closer to him. He wasn't gone. He simply had a hard time staying there. Your other hand rose to his chest, a growl meeting your movement. His hand met your waist, passing his arms around to pull you harshly flushed against him. You gasped, the feeling of his nails softly scratching you. 
"Price…" you called again softly. 
His second hand flew up to tangle in your hair, close to your ears. Foreheads touching. 
"Price…" you called again in a whisper. 
He took a deep breath, your scent filling his senses. It was almost instant, the way his beast growled in him before finally calming down. 
After a few seconds he realized the position he was in, holding you close to him. You sniffled, making him tense. Did he make you cry too? He separated enough to look at you. You looked up at him with your pretty eyes, a little smile on your lips. 
"Are…you alright?" He asked, testing the waters. 
"I am. Thank you." You answered. 
"Good…" he started. "I.. I'm sorry." He said, getting ready to let go. 
He was going to let you go. You should want him to. But the animal inside you refused. Your hands fisted in his shirt as you whined, nuzzling your face there. He froze, probably shocked, before reaching again to wrap you in his arms. You should stop. You should step away. You were making him uncomfortable… right? But you couldn't. You were intoxicated by it. By this. He growled softly. 
"We should separate.." he said. 
You felt a cold shower run through you. He was uncomfortable. You quickly stepped back, pulling away from his reach. 
You looked up at him, his eyes still yellow, looking at you intensely. You didn't know what to do. The wind made you shiver. He caught the movement immediately. 
"Listen. I need to ask you. Right now. Do you allow me to court you?" 
You froze. What…? He… he was asking? To court you? You looked up at him, eyes wide, ears slightly perking up. 
"You.. you want to court me?" 
"Please.. spare me the embarrassment love… just tell me no.. so I.. can move away and calm the beast…" 
You blinked.
"B..but… I don't want to say no?" You said, confused. 
Price looked shocked. He stared at your small frame in front him. He could probably easily break you. You wanted him to court you. You were accepting. 
"You.. want me to?" He asked again, just to be clear. 
"Yes. I do." 
"Are you sure..?" He asked again. 
"Yes. I am." 
"Absolutely sure-" 
"Yes!" You said, letting a little chuckle out. 
"I'm dying to hold you again." He said honestly. 
You smiled, skipping to him again, wrapping your arms around his chest. He groaned, closing his eyes and holding you back. You nestled into his chest, feeling it vibrate under a growl. Your bunny jumped happily inside you. You were so happy. He wanted you. He wanted to court you! 
Something felt off though. 
"Price.. are you alright?" You asked, looking up at him. His eyes were still yellow. He hadn't gained back control? 
"I… yeah… I haven't been sleeping well… I guess it's making it hard to calm down." He said with a smile. 
"Not sleeping well? Why?" You questioned. 
He looked away for a second. 
"My bedsheets smell like you." 
"Oh.." you let out. "I'm sorry-" 
"No. No. I just wanted to go to your room and bring you to my bed… to sleep next to me." He said, looking slightly annoyed by his words. You smiled at him. Perhaps it wasn't the best choice, the best decision, but you wanted to. 
"Let's go then.." 
He looked shocked. Completely taken aback. 
"I.. I mean… just sleep!" You caught yourself. "I.. I don't mind sleeping next to you…" you answered with a blush. 
"I won't ask twice." He warned. 
You thought for a second. You didn't want to leave his arms. You wanted to go to his bed and sleep next to him. 
Lifting you up in his arms, he headed straight for his dorm. You giggled in his arms, making him crack a smile. His beast was nauseatingly beaming at the situation. Of course, he wouldn't let him go too far, but he had to be honest, he was happy too. Walking up the stairs, he let you open the door while he kicked it close. Coming into view in the common room, you froze in his arms. 
"We just can't let you out. You keep bringing back the bunny." Soap joked. 
Price rolled his eyes ignoring them, heading for his room. 
"Hey hey hey!" The boys called worriedly. 
"It's fine!" You called back. 
Price felt proud of the boys's reactions, but also incredibly happy of the trust you put in him. 
He closed the door behind him before softly dropping you on the bed. 
"Are you sure you're comfortable? I won't overstep…" he questioned, worried.
"Yes… I trust you. Can… Can I get your shirt back?" You asked with a blush. 
He chuckled before nodding. He grabbed a t-shirt, handing it to you as you held it. 
"I'll let you change. Alright?" He said. 
You nodded. He stopped out of the room, falling face to face with the team. 
"So… going for a walk huh?" Gaz teased. 
Price shook his head. 
"I.. kinda lost it… some guy was trapping her…" he tried, feeling the anger rise again. 
"Price. You're craving her." Ghost stated. 
Soap smiled. 
"I… maybe. I don't want to scare her." He said. It could easily start being scary. 
After so long. He had gained experience. Strength. He was powerful. Very little hybrids would dare to go against him. He worried he might hurt you. He'd never forgive himself. But for now. You had accepted. You let him court you and he decided he won't let this chance go away.
"If you need help, we're here." Gaz proposed. 
He knew they would. They weren't as strong or tough. But all three could keep him in check if one day he'd lose it.
Price nodded before he heard your voice whisper his name. That's all he needed. A whisper of his name. He bid goodnight to the boys, stepping back inside of his room. 
You sat on his bed, just like last time, in his shirt. He felt himself wanting to get in bed with you. Right away. 
"I'm going to change too, alright?" He said. 
You nodded blushing. 
"I'll turn away.." you said, shocking him again. 
You did as you said, turning your back to him. He was going to change. Yes. Put some sweatpants to sleep in, nevermind the shirt. But right now it's the view of your little tail that was captivating him. You probably found it strange that he didn't move because you called him. 
"Yeah.. sorry." He caught himself. 
He hurried to get dressed, before finally letting himself fall to his knees on the bed, right behind you. You turned to him, eyes looking at his chest before blushing. 
"Are you alright? We don't have to love, I can sleep on the couch." 
You opened your arms inviting him in. He held you, making you lay down. You snuggled closer to him as he put the blanket over the both of you. 
"Good night price.." 
"John.." he corrected softly. 
You smiled into his chest. 
"Good night John.." 
"Good night.." 
This time he chuckled. 
"Good night Y/N."
It has been four months. You happily walked in the hallways thinking about the last four months. You and John had gotten closer and closer. He had taken you on dates, dinners and movie nights. You still slept in the same bed, unless he had to go on field or you had to travel to other bases. 
Nothing else had happened. Price wanted to take things slow. You accepted of course. But you could see and feel his need. The way he'd look at you hungry when you changed. The way you woke up with him trying to keep your ass away from his erection. 
He was possessive. Very. The recruit who had trapped you, found himself on another base in no less than 24 hours. He'd look at any guy or hybrid who walked a bit too close to you with heavy warnings. He hadn't claimed you. Not yet. He wanted to wait for you to be sure. You were completely head over heels with him. He had let his tail and ears out once during a full moon, though the man seemed to have amazing control over his transformation. It wasn't the same for the boys who still had a few things to learn. Ghost especially, but soap knew how to deal with him, spending the whole night near the big wolf. 
You have noticed one thing about Price. He loved your tail. You'd lay on your stomach reading a report while he sat on the chair next to the bed, report in hand as well. You looked over at him to see him lost gazing at your tail. You smirked to yourself, making it wiggle. His eyes had widden, smile forming on his lips but his eyes never leaving the fluffy tail. You wiggled it again, his eyes flashing yellow, sending a delightful shiver down your spine. Would he pounce on you? If you wiggled it again? Just once more… 
"Price!" Soap called in the other room. 
Price immediately fell back into reality, blinking away his wolf eyes as he looked at you. He quickly understood your little game as he found you looking at him, a little naughty look on your face. He had smirked back, standing up to kiss you. 
"You little minx…" he had whispered against your lips. 
You giggled as he stood, walking to the door.
Since you had noted this, you enjoyed teasing him. And the more you teased the less the poor man could control himself. 
Little kisses often turned to heated make out sessions, high growls and little bites making you moan. 
"Shit…" he cursed, pulling you closer if it was even possible. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck, you smiled against his lips. His large hands on your back and in your hair. You could feel how hard he was through his pants, feeling him twitch every time you moaned. 
"Darling… love…" he called softly. 
You hummed against his lips. Feeling him lift you up against the wall, another low growl, much more distinct making his chest vibrate. Your legs had wrapped around his waist, letting one of his hands roam around your thighs. 
"J..John…" you whined. 
The hallway filled dangerously of moans and grunts, in the middle of the afternoon, anyone could walk in on you. But shit… something was coming over you. He suddenly stopped, letting his forehead touch yours. 
"Tell me to stop… we… not here… fuck…" he huffed. 
He was dangerously close to letting himself turn. He bucked his hips again making you bite your lip to stiffen a moan. 
"A.. alright… stop…" you let out. 
He took a deep breath, slowly coming down from his high, slowly letting you down. You looked up at him, worried. He kept his eyes closed, focusing. 
"Are you alright John?" 
The beast was getting hard to keep in check. It was more than taunting now. It turned in its corner, pulling on the chains Price took so long to build. 
Mark her. Claim her. 
No. Not yet. Not in this state, not in the middle of a fucking hallway. He slowly opened up his eyes to your worried expression. That seemed to instantly calm him and the beast down. If there was one thing that his beast didn't want, was for you to be scared. 
"I'm fine… I'm sorry love…I -" 
"Hey… I'm fine… I'm worried about you, that's all" you said, putting your hands on his face. 
He sighed. 
"It's just… been a while. Darling, you need to tell me to stop if you feel even slightly uncomfortable…" he warned. 
"I know. You know I will." You reassured with a smile.
This should have been the first sign. The warning. Price had even told the team of his little control problem to make sure they kept him in check. Because they also noticed. The way his eyes would turn without him noticing when you passed by in the hall. The way he'd growl when you were in his arms. 
By the time the current problem showed up, it was too late. The current problem was a lone wolf. A new sergeant on base, a wolf hybrid who didn't seem to care about the team. A wolf that seemed to have taken his interest in you. First it was Soap who noticed. The way he had offered you his hand to get down from the humvee, and the way it made him grin. The way he seemed to keep his eyes on you as you walked away. 
Then Gaz took notice too. The way he tried to stay with you after training to 'make sure your training was completed' because, of course, he'd always find something wrong. And Soap and Gaz had started to meddle. Because they could see you get uncomfortable. They'd pull you closer to them, they'd take you away from his training to theirs. 
Things started getting out of hand so quickly. Especially when he, Ryan, realized the boys were trying to keep you away from him. He had confronted Soap, in an empty training ground only lit up by the moon, as you stood behind Gaz. The low growls behind their words, the eyes turning and the obvious scent was making you shake. When Ryan stepped closer menacingly, you only had time to blink before Ghost rushed behind Soap howling and growling, fully turned. It was the first time you had seen it. The fur, the claws, the teeth… how big and tall they were. Soap tried to pull back Ghost and Gaz stepped closer to the scene. You had immediately texted Laswell. 
It took two minutes for her to arrive on scene. She immediately separated the boys. Unfortunately… She had called Price as well. His stance, his presence screamed leadership. The team backed away, Ghost keeping Soap in his arms as he stood behind him, now back in his human form. Soap looked sheepishly happy about his boyfriend's protectiveness. You remained back next to Gaz. You watched as everyone was scolded. Laswell forced everyone to go their separate ways as Price immediately reached for your hand to bring you closer to him, to walk you back to the barracks with the team.
When the door of his bedroom had closed, his eyes immediately turned. He had pulled you to him, into a feverish kiss. Lips and teeth were bruising and biting. 
"J..John…" you mewled. 
"Why… why didn't you tell me?" He growled. 
The kisses dropped to your cheeks, your jaw, your neck where you both froze. 
"I didn't want to worry you… you know I'm yours… the boys were keeping me safe…" you tried. 
He was panting, fury coursing through him. You could see and feel it. You took his hand pulling him to the bed with you. He stopped, eyes widening. 
It was firm. Giving no room for discussion. You were, however, determined to bring him to bed with you so you could calm him down. You stepped back closer to him, nuzzling in his neck, hands gripping his shirt. He grunted, feeling himself slowly melt. You tried again to pull him to bed, letting yourself fall back on the mattress. He let himself hover over you as you wrapped his face in your hands, kissing him. 
"Y/N… baby…" he warned. 
You giggled. You turned around, crawling your way up in the bed. He growled loudly, grabbing your ankles to pull you back to him, making you giggle again. 
"Mine." He growled. 
You felt yourself shiver. Something in you felt that he was different. Almost like Ghost in the training grounds. The way he said it, it was more than just your John. 
"Yes… all yours.." you cooed. 
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him as you tangled together on top of the bed. And it was exactly like this that you fell asleep. In each other's arms.
The next few days were tense. Soap had to stay in the dorms with Ghost for two days as the lieutenant had become dangerously over protective. Laswell had removed you from any mission with Ryan to make sure that Price would be kept in check. You made sure to skip your way to his office during your breaks to sit on his lap and cuddle him, feeling him relax under your touch. You'd eat lunch with him in his office, and when Laswell would agree you'd work on your reports in there as well. Price would be thrilled, having you near him made it easier for him to focus on his own work. His beast was peaceful when it could see you at all times. 
Unfortunately. Some things couldn't be avoided. The last report on your desk required you to meet with the Sergeant to finish it up. You wanted to wrap it up as quickly as possible. Gaz and the boys were aware and we're supposed to come by to get you back to the barracks. You sat in front of the sergeant as you both reviewed the file and reports of the team. 
"Tell me. Why hasn't he claimed you yet?" 
You froze. You cleared your throat, resuming your work. 
"I don't really want to talk about it." You answered firmly. He chuckled, a rumble mixing in. You felt your hair stand on end at the sound. 
"Do you want some coffee?" He asked. 
You shook your head, thanking him. He stood, walking around the room to get a mug of coffee. You lost yourself in the report, reading the comments again. 
A little breath next to your ear made your heart drop. 
"You smell really good, little one." 
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. You were frozen in place. You saw his hands start to drop to the table on each side of you and you panicked. You jumped up, trying to escape, only to be pushed down on the table, wrists behind your back. In the panic and fear, your ears and tail had popped out. 
"Shit… that's adorable. Look at that little tail." 
You squirmed trying to free yourself. 
"We're gonna have so much fun… I'm going to make you mine." 
"No!" You yelped. 
He chuckled darkly. 
"I'm gonna mark you darling." 
Now you were just fighting your way out. No. No. All you had in mind was John. Him. Only him. He was the only one you wanted to mark you. Your blood ran cold when you felt his weight on you, his breath on your neck. Time stood still, you felt like the seconds stretched. You yelled. You did. You yelled for John. You didn't know why, or how. But the second after, Ryan was thrown across the room. You immediately rushed away from the table, falling to the ground behind some desk. A growl echoed through the room, making you shake. Whatever or whoever it was, the whole base heard it. You didn't dare to look, there was an obvious fight. You worried that it was Gaz before, suddenly you heard his voice. 
Price..? John?! 
The sound of broken furniture and growling was deafening. You peeked to your right, the sight of Gaz turning and Soap and Ghost running into view, Laswell right behind. Soap stopped Ghost from turning, avoiding more chaos. 
"PRICE, STOP!" Soap yelled. 
You were hyperventilating now, the panic of everyone with the sound of fighting was making your ears ring. 
"YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" Laswell roared, turning into the lioness. 
What..? Kill? No… 
You jumped up, the scene before you shocking. You didn't let it keep your attention however, turning to look at Price. The brown fur was stunning. That was your first thought. It's exactly what caught your attention. Not the claws, the teeth, the growls, his strength or the blood.
"Y/N GET AWAY!" Soap roared. 
It's exactly what caught his attention. Price turned to you, eyes focusing on your frame. The beast was out, and now you were his prey. Your ears fell back, your tail wiggling. You were supposed to be scared. But you knew he wouldn't hurt you. Him? Never. He stepped towards you. Gaz made a move to step between you two but you stopped him. 
"No! It's fine!" You called. 
He moved forwards again as you also decided to step to him. He closed the space in a flash, picking you. You had wrapped your arms around his big neck, hiding your face in his fur. You felt him move. Fast. But you didn't open your eyes. You heard the team scream for him, but you didn't care. You were with him, in his arms. The cold wind against you only informed you that you were both outside now. But it didn't matter. 
It didn't take long to reach your destination. The smell made you instantly relax when you realized you were back at the barracks. Inside of the living room he had dropped you down as you had stumbled to remain on your feet. You looked at the big wolf in front of you, his ears capturing sounds, before feeling him reach for you again. He dragged you to his room, pulling you to bed with him, wrapping himself around your body. You felt the wetness of his saliva on your soft ears, feeling yourself coated, surrounded by his smell. You knew what he was doing. Making sure you smelt like him. And only him. 
The sound of voices and footsteps made you look up only to feel his grip on your tighten. The door opened to a very worried Gaz and Soap. John growled loudly. The boys took a step back. Ghost appeared right behind. 
"Guys I'm fine…" you tried. 
"Price… let her go-" Soap tried. 
Price growled even louder making Ghost step closer to soap. Shit. If Ghost turned to protect soap, and price was focused on your protection the situation might explode again. 
"Please… I'm fine. Go." You tried again. 
The boys remained silent, looking at each other. You could hear the low rumble of John, growling softly. Gaz ended up nodding. 
"We'll evacuate the building. Please be careful." Soap added. 
You nodded with a smile. They turned to walk away. John didn't relax until he heard them close the front door and walk away. You nuzzled him, a soft whine echoing from him. 
You felt his large hand roaming your thighs, his nails softly scratching. His wet tongue licked at your neck making you shiver, your heartbeat picking up. He wanted to mark you.  You felt it. He wanted to claim you. The thought made you warm. Your whole body reacted to it. The bunny inside you was practically begging for it. Could you take it… handle it? 
You nuzzled again against his next before turning to his dropping a little kiss on his nose, the top of his maw, making him whine again. He shifted, now on top of you, your legs barely straddling his big frame. He scratched at your uniform, pulling and tearing holes in it. He was holding back. He wanted to tear them to shreds but he was holding back. You grabbed him by the neck, fisting your hands into the fur there, making him look at you. His beautiful eyes were locked on you. 
"Shhh… it's ok John… I'm right here." 
A longue lick on your shoulder made you gasp. You were hot. Feeling your pulse in between your thighs, the wetness becoming dangerously visible. He smelled it. He growled at it. Now claws tearing at the sheets on either side of you. 
"J-John… please…" oh no. You were getting lost in it too. 
Poor mattress. The sheer force of his grip would tear it apart. It made you slightly anxious. He was going to tear you apart. But the way you needed to clench your thighs together, hoping to get the slightest friction was too noticeable. You wanted to be claimed. Marked. But he held back. He slowly straightened himself, pulling away from you. He was trying to pull away from you. It was insane. Maddening. But now you craved it. 
You whined, rolling over to your stomach, pulling down your pants slightly, just to free your tail. Your fluffy little tail. You felt the little droplets of saliva on it, his tongue licking at the fur before softly nibbling, making you relax, a soft moan escaping. 
He understood. You were offering yourself to him. Willingly. But he needed to be sure. One of his big arms slivered under your tummy, picking your ass up to his crotch where you could feel his desire. 
"Say it. I won't unless you say it." His voice was laced with a wolfy growl and deeper tone, making your pussy clench around nothing. 
"Please…" you whined. 
"No. Say it." He warned. 
"Please… please take me.. mark me. Claim me!" You whimpered, wiggling your hips against him. 
Your poor uniform was torn, completely shredded and discarded somewhere in the room. His fur wasn't as soft as yours but enjoyed the feeling of it on your skin anyhow. His big hands molded your ass, squeezing and massaging it, his claws leaving little imprints. You'd be covered in scratches and marks by morning. Separating a bit, you felt his breath on your folds, making you gasp, eyes widening before the feeling of his large tongue licking at your wetness made you moan. 
You couldn't stop closing your eyes at his torture. Tongue lapping at your count, from your clit to your entrance, sending wave after wave of heat to your stomach. You couldn't stop grabbing the sheets, moans and whines escaping your lips and echoing in the room. You wanted to be embarrassed, hiding your face in a pillow. Even if the building was evacuated, the pack could probably hear you from outside. As if John heard your thoughts, he growled from behind you, vibration through your pussy making your eyes roll back. 
"Let them hear you. Who you belong to." 
You barely had time to register when the pillow was taken from your arms to be thrown across the room, the rest of them following, leaving nothing to hide your moans in. He immediately went back to your needy cunt, greedily lapping again. It was too much already but he wanted more. You knew it. He was preparing you for him. His tongue pushed slightly past your entrance, making you squeeze your eyes shut. 
"F-fuck! John~" 
The more you moaned, the less control he had. His tongue played and toyed with you, making you almost cum before stopping entirely. 
"Please…" you mewled. 
He chuckled against your folds, tongue never stopping. 
"Please what?" He asked, giving you barely a second of rest. 
Words? It was hard to form them. Hard to say anything. 
"Please… cum… I wanna… please…" you tried. 
He liked and lapped again, this time building your high without teasing you. You felt your legs shake, your body just over the edge, just there, almost tipping. 
"Oh.. FUCK" 
It crumbled, the tower of your orgasm completely washing over you. A long, loud moan, his name completely lost in a mix of whine, moans and whimpers. 
He kept licking, eating up your wetness, growling against your skin. When he finally stopped, he towered over you, licking up your back, up to your neck. 
"Good girl. You taste so fucking good…" 
You tried to catch your breath, your head lightly buzzing. It wasn't normal. But it was probably due to the heat of the moment, the vulnerability of feeling like you're about to be claimed. 
"Relax darling." He said, hips meeting yours. 
You could feel it against you, coating himself in your juices, he was big. 
"It's… too big… it won't fit…" you let out, anxiety gaining back control over your pleasure. 
"It'll fit. I promise. I'll be gentle." He whispered against your ear. "Just tell me when you're ready. Let me make you feel good." 
His hand traveled down your stomach to your clit, rubbing soft circles there, making you melt under his touch again. You wanted to. You really wanted to. Fuck you needed it. 
"Please… take me…" you whispered.
He growled softly, never stopping his soft caresses on your clit. His tip at your entrance made you tense. 
"Hey… focus on my voice. My fur against your skin…" he growled in your ear. You did as you were told, closing your eyes, focusing on his touch. 
His hips bucked softly, tips dipping in your hole slowly. You gasped, feeling the stretch and burning sensation mixing with the pleasure of your clit being rubbed. He pushed slowly, your walls trying to make space for his cock as best as they could. He was big, but even through the slight pain, the shiver of pleasure down your spine seemed to largely overpower it. 
Moaning, whining, your legs instinctively opening wider and your hips angling themselves to take him fully. When he bottomed out, you thought you could see stars already. It was the mating of course. The overly, addicting need of mating. 
He remained still, fighting against himself and the way his hips bucked slightly into you. He was panting, hard, saliva dripping on your shoulder blades, your neck… he was containing himself, little whines escaping him, like it pained him. You wanted to scream out of love for this man. Even lost in the mating frenzy, he still battled against himself to be gentle, soft. 
It took a long minute for you to adjust before you wiggled your hips, his own instantly pushing into yours, tip hitting your cervix almost bruisingly. 
"Can.. can I..?" 
"Yes! Please yes…" you hurried. 
He slowly pulled out, the friction and burn making you shiver again. His hips slammed into your, faltering in his restrain. The moans erupting from you was enough for him to feel slightly more comfortable in his movements. His pace was soft at first. He knew he was big. It was easy to hurt you, and he didn't want that. He was going to let you adjust as much as he could. When he finally felt you were pulsating around him, almost sucking him in, he growled loudly. 
You tried to grab onto something, anything. He was practically ramming into you, his hips slamming roughly, one of his hands grabbing at your breast, squeezing your nipples in between his fingers, trying to avoid hurting you with his claws. You felt your second orgasm build up way too fast. You tried to whine to warn him, but he knew it already. 
"Go on. Let it go. Cum for me bunny." 
You did, tears burning at the corner of your eyes. It was terrifying to feel another orgasm right around the corner. He adjusted himself, one large hand holding your hips, the other braving himself on the wall above the bed frame, claws and grip marking the stone. You'd be sore in the morning, without a doubt. Your abused cunt kept tightening around him, his thickness only helping him hit the right spot. 
"Fuck… can't.. gonna.. fuck~" you couldn't say anything coherent anymore. 
He whined slightly when he felt you clench around him again, third orgasm hitting you. You were sobbing, oversensitive and overstimulated. He dropped his arm in front of your face. 
"Bite." He ordered. 
You obeyed, his pace completely maddening now, making the bed shake. He growled, his fur standing on end from the feeling or your soft bite. 
Pretty little thing. She can barely bite us. 
He snarled at his beast. He was right. Fucking adorable. 
"You're mine. All mine." 
You sobbed again, his other arms wrapping under your waist again to easily hold you up and slam you unto him, pounding your drenched pussy to no end. You could feel another blindingly hard orgasm arriving, this time his hips faltering. 
"You want my claim… tell me. Tell em. Scream it." 
"Want your claim… please… immyours.." you cried, tears flooding your cheeks. 
"Good girl. Cum with me." 
You barely registered your orgasm. His powerful bite at the crook of your neck, blood dripping down onto the bed overtaking your senses. It was slightly painful, but the feverish heat in your body, and the way it only tripled the sensation of your orgasm made it worth it. The feeling of being filled up, his cum overloading and dripping down onto the mattress as he kept grinding his hips unto your. It was too much, your ears buzzed and your vision blurred. 
"Breathe. Breathe…" he instructed, his own voice restrained. 
He licked softly at the bite mark on your shoulder, cleaning up the blood and helping it heal. Your legs were shaking. He wrapped his arms around you, picking you up. You moaned, his cock still buried deep in you all the while. He laid you both down on the side, grabbing some kind of blanket to drape over the both of you.
"Relax… we're going to remain like this a little while…" he chuckled, John's voice back to normal. 
You hummed inching closer to him, making him choke on air. 
"Baby, don't rile me up again please… you need to rest." He warned. 
You smiled, closing your eyes as he wrapped himself around your body. 
"Rest. I'm right here… You did so good, baby. So good." He praised in the fog of your consciousness. 
It wasn't long until you fell asleep, his body tightly around you, his tongue licking and nibbling at your ears. 
He had woken twice again during the night. His cock twitching inside you, taking you and marking you twice more. On your thigh and on your hip. You were exhausted when your eyes fluttered open that morning. He had taken his normal form, sleeping soundly next to you. You smiled to yourself, watching his chest rise softly. 
Soft voices, whispers could be heard from the living room. They kept getting closer to the door before stepping back again. You smirked to yourself. They wanted to check if you were ok. You stood up slowly, trying not to wake John up. Your feet touched the floor, your whole body was sore and aching. You tried to stand but your knees gave out, making you sit back down on the floor. A chuckle was heard behind you as you turned your head. John sat up on the bed, looking down at you with loving eyes. 
You blushed embarrassingly. He had fucked the ability to walk out of you. 
"You shouldn't stand. A claim is quite hard. It takes a whole lot of energy sweetheart." He explained with a smirk. 
You pouted. He shook his head, rising up to walk around the bed to you. He picked you up, sitting you back up on the bed. You took your opportunity to kiss him deeply. He smirked against your lips before whispers were heard again. He sighed. 
"They're worried…" you said, smiling softly. 
He nodded, dropping a kiss on top of your head before stepping away to put some joggings on. You tried to stand again. He rushed to your side as you wobbled. 
"I'm ok, I'm ok." You chuckled. 
"Let me help you dress. We show them you're ok and you get back to bed love." He instructed. 
You smiled, putting your hands on his chest, looking up at him as you flushed your body against his. From how he towered you he could see your tail that you happily wiggled for him. His eyes turned yellow once more and you giggled. 
"Help me get dressed then." You teased. 
He groaned, smirk on his lips, but helped you anyhow. 
When you opened the door, the boys were standing on the other side eyes wide as they watched the both of you.  You smiled up at them, easing their worries. 
"Oh god you're ok!" Soap sighed. 
You giggled. "I'm fine" 
He stepped closer to hug you before Ghost grabbed unto him, eyeing Price. 
"It's fine." Price said. 
"Of course it is." Gaz said. "Pay attention, We can smell his claim on her from miles away. We clearly heard it last night." He teased. 
You blushed heavily, hiding your face in your hands. The boys chuckled softly, Price wrapping his arms around you. 
"Mine…" he grumbled against your neck. 
"Yeah yeah… we got it old man" soap said, rolling his eyes. 
"Congratulations. Nice for the both of you." Ghost said, nodding towards the both of you. 
"Now make a lot of pups!" Soap teased. 
You blushed again, hiding your face in John's chest, earning another fit of laughter from them. 
"We have all the time in the world for that. Now scurry off. Let me enjoy my mate while we're still in the moment." Price warned. 
They shook their heads throwing other taunts and teases before walking away. 
"Come on baby. Let's get back to bed…" 
You smiled. 
"Let's go…" 
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wcbblife · 5 months
could you do paige with either a black gf or a volleyball player gf hcs??
Paige x Volleyball player!gf HCs
a/n: I've had this idea in the drafts for quite a bit of time. So glad you sparked my mind to finally finish it
Bit of background about you two ig:
What first stood out to Paige about you was the ability to absolutely spike the ball with an insane amount of power. The first time she saw you play she was with KK because they were both oh so bored on their free day. Next thing she knew you were elevating off the floor and slamming your palm against the ball with an insane amount of strength. They both let out a synched “DAMN” as the ball quickly made its way down to the floor with a resounding bang. One after the other, she was literally left with her jaw on the floor at how good you were and how you were able to carry the team to a flawless victory.
She definitely went home and searched all of your highlights, slowly being more and more captivated by how high you could jump and how fast you could react to get some saves. After that, she would literally make up the stupidest excuses to just see you absolutely dominate on the court.
Noticing her growing attendance, fans began to joke around on the internet (with pics and vids). You take notice of this. Especially on how she cheered extra hard whenever you helped on scoring a point.
Funny enough I think you two would meet in the library. She would pass you and the look on her face is hilarious (something between a mix of amazement, shock, and something else). She tries to stop the absolute sound of excitement that she wants to let out.
"Dude, you’re an awesome player.” She says, smiling super bright.
"Well if it isn’t my biggest fan” You tease. “But are you serious? You’re the cool one here.”
You both continue to absolutely geek out about one another and compliment the other's play style. It’s then that you find out that she absolutely loves when you spike.
You both get closer after one particular game where your famous strong spikes literally sealed the deal for the team to win. After a particularly impressive spike she literally jumped while screaming as loud as she could and you couldn't even deny that trying to ignore a tall blonde jumping erratically up and down was getting harder after each game. So you just turned towards her and pointed to mess with her. It worked though cuz Paige went absolutely crazy.
After that, you two started talking some more and you even started showing your face to some of her basketball games. And she asked you out after one of her hard games, caught up in the high of the game. You two immediately become the school's hottest topic after it.
Some actually normal HCs:
She absolutely is your biggest fan. No one ever cheers louder for you than Paige Bueckers.
Is eager to learn how to set for you so that she can help you with your spikes. Like seeing it first hand because it makes her feel so starstruck seeing it first hand.
Absolutely loves to play beach volleyball with you. Idk why she just seems like it.
Lovesssss to see you in your uniform. Especially with those shorts. Makes her go crazy.
Goes nuts when you react fast and save the ball. "YEAH BABY! YOU SHOW EM HOW ITS DONE!"
Will 100% challenge you to a 1v1 but immediately regret it as she watches you jump to slam the ball. “Chill! You're gonna kill me if you do that.”
She loves to learn and break down each set with you. Especially if you tell her it helps you better your game. And vise versa. You love to watch her games and hear her break down her own playing.
Outside of sports and school, Paige will literally show you off to everyone (like imagine a family Christmas party and she's literally holding someone hostage while showing them you play. “Isn't she awesome? I mean just look at her!").
Acts like a concerned mother whenever you fall one too many times in a game while diving to save the ball from touching the ground.
Loves it when you wink or smile in her direction while you're playing. It actually drives her a little crazy.
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deathbxnny · 3 months
Hello there! I hope that you are having a good day! Can i request a toji fushiguro like reader (Who doesn't have a vision by they are extremely powerful and have a high battle iq) with Arlecchino, Ganyu and Xianyu? (Romantic hcs, genderneutral)
Thank you for the interesting request, Anon, and I hope you'll like this!!<3
Content: Romantic relationships, reader has no vision, mention of battles/violence, slight angst, reader is a human, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not proofread))
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Arlecchino is very impressed by your strength despite never outwardly expressing it. She always respected you for your present abilities and even more so for the fact that you didn't need an external source of power like a vision to become what you were today. Your presence next to her therefore always made her feel alot stronger.
She definitely requests you to train her children and speaks very highly of you to them in her own nonchalant way, something that often flusters you to the young ones' amusement. She also trusts you with them, knowing you'd keep them safe if they can't manage to do it themselves.
She enjoys partaking in duels with you whenever you two have the time for it. Arlecchino secretly enjoys seeing the progress you made, a deep sense of pride hidden behind her rather expressionless face when you beat her.
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Xianyun is used to having people around her being alot stronger than circumstances should let them be (like Shenhe), which is why she treats you as an equal. You may not have the abilities that she possesses as an adepti, but your extremely high battle IQ often times leaves her alot more impressed than she'd like to admit.
She often asks your opinion on different projects, mainly as she finds herself nervous at the prospect of you not finding them as genius or amazing as she thinks they are. She also, albeit rarely, asks for help when she's stuck on a step on her creation process and doesn't know how to proceed.
Despite never admitting to it, she does enjoy watching you fight and train. The mortality that makes you yourself fades away in those moments, which makes it hard to believe that you were a human to begin with. It makes her admire you alot, something that Shenhe definitely exposes her for to you bluntly much to her embarrassment and your amusement.
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Ganyu is extremely amazed by you and your abilities, especially when she sees you help plan everything out at Keqing or Ningguang's side. She, therefore, finds herself just zoning out whilst she watches you talk. She definitely got teased for that later, too.
With that said, you often help her with her own duties and refuse to let her overwork herself. Ganyu tries to keep you from doing so since she feels like you already do so much for everyone whilst she doesn't, but you never take no for an answer. Something she deep down does appreciate greatly during much harder days.
Your unrelenting strength, despite having no vision, makes her both astonished and insecure in a way. She often wonders why she can't be as great with not only her vision but also status as a adepti, but this usually fades away with your reassurance and protection. She's awfully proud to have you as her partner, even if she's too shy to ever tell you so herself.
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