#builderman x reader
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brain4stew · 21 days ago
I’ve got an idea about friendly killer reader… And I’m serving y’all it on a silver platter. (Based on my experience as friendly killer ofc🙂‍↕️)
(Again, I don’t know the characters exact personalities and so on, so they might, if not most likely will be OOC!!)
That being said, headcanons/something is under the cut!! ;
• You are the only killer giving the survivors a break… Even if you are corrupted… (John Doe “yourself” skin)
• Noob likes you, due to you being friendly and not killing anyone.
• Two Time is neutral about you being a friendly killer. (They kind of enjoy a chase once in a while…)
• Chance likes you for being friendly. He even asks to shoot you a couple of times. (If you say no, then he won’t shoot you, but he will shoot a wall. His fucking gun exploded on him like three times.)
• Builderman asks you to destroy his sentry and dispenser whenever you’re the killer. (Which you happily do, after everyone’s healed up.)
• Guest 1337 is still a bit skeptical about you, but likes you for being friendly. A friendly killer once in a while gives him a break he desperately wants…
• 007n7 is grateful for you being a friendly killer for once. He gets a break from having to survive his own son.
• Elliot is even more grateful! You are giving him a break from going insane, with how stressful other killers can be, towards him and the other survivors.
• Shedletsky… Strangely enough, he asks you if you can fling him with your spikes. (You do, and… You flung him across the map, and into the poisonous river, which shocked everyone and even you… You all laughed about it though, as Shedletsky sometimes couldn’t stand up afterwards, or he was stuck somewhere.)
• Dusekkar is quiet, but he’s grateful that you are friendly. He can conserve his energy for the time being, and doesn’t have to panic as much…
• Every survivor likes you for being friendly, and they REALLY want you to be in every round they’re in. But, as we know… Not everyone is happy about this.
• The other killers… Are not happy at all.
• You’re supposed to kill them! Not let them live!
• You always lie, and say; “It’s to give them a false sense of hope.”
• 1x1x1x1 is obviously the most pissed off out of the killers. You. A friendly killer? Does he need to teach you how to kill survivors again?? Or does he just let you?? It’s infuriating.
• John Doe is the 2nd pissed off killer. Sure, he kind of bites to your lie like a fish biting bait. But, he’s disappointed and angry at you. He gave you some of his corruption to kill those survivors. Not to let them live! …But then again… Giving them a false sense of hope does sound good…
• Mafioso (dude’s getting a redesign and new name soon…) is the 3rd pissed off killer. Why did you let those survivors live for?! For what purpose?!… Maybe you want him to go kill them, for the debts they may have… Fair enough… He also understands your lie, so he’s not that pissed off about it. More like upset.
• Jason isn’t as pissed off as the other killers. He understands why the others are pissed off, but also doesn’t. Back in the camp he was in, before being taken to area 51… He also gave teenagers a false sense of hope. So it doesn’t really matter to him. It means that he can possibly kill the survivors more easily.
• C00lkidd… He… Doesn’t understand at all. He’s upset, yeah, sure… But he’s also glad. You let the survivors go, even his dad! That means that you want him to have as much fun as he can!!
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dailydoseoffanfics · 25 days ago
Part 3 with the self-aware but buttt the reader saves the survivors from the killers or the opposite idk you choose ( I recommend the first one)
- bobby
All of the survivors would feel relieved in some type of ways. Like yeah, almost all of them were scared SHITLESS when each of them were the last survivor standing and they were getting chased by a killer, but if you managed to make the survivors live? Congratulations, you've earned all of these survivor's respect (I think so....personally).
Noob would be the MOST relieved. Poor guy thought that they would die fr and was secretly pleading for you to make them survive in their mind. And if Noob DID survive? Bro felt like they were gonna collapse out of relief. Oh and they look up to you. Looks like you got an admirer now! (Maybe you're not so bad after all..... Noob thinks in their mind.)
When you play more rounds after that, for a moment, you could've sworn that Noob flashed you a nervous smile at your screen....
Oh you're going to feed into Two Time's theory about you being a deity. And yeah, even if their health was below 20, Two Time doesn't give two flying fucks if they got injured, they survived, and all of this was your doing! (....Well, they might've cared a little bit earlier. You see, while Noob pleads for you, Two Time is on THEIR KNEES, HANDS CLASPED, PRAYING THAT YOU DON'T FUMBLE AND YOU MAKE THEM SURVIVE IN THEIR MIND.) So, Two Time survived, and now they're thinking that you're their guardian angel or something LMAO
When you play more rounds after that, you might see Two Time's tail wag a little, despite Two Time having the straightest face known to mankind.... (Two Time hopes that you didn't notice it.) (You did though.)
Since Chance thinks that the rounds are just taking risks and views them as challenges, I don't think they would be relieved that much. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN HE ISN'T GRATEFUL FOR IT, Chance is actually glad about it, and he thinks you got skills if you managed to make him survive. Guess he's right after all, you're not a bad person at all.
And when you play more rounds after that, the expression is hidden by Chance's sunglasses, but you feel like Chance winked at you. Smug bastard.
Elliot just feels like drowning in his bed right now. Gosh, that chase with Jason was EXHAUSTING, but thanks to you, he survived! Somewhere in his mind, his brain is trying to reason himself that you could be doing this to take advantage of his trust, but Elliot does NOT care. He wants you to play as him more now 🤑🤑🤑
Honestly, I think he would show his appreciation by waving at your screen with his silly smile whenever a new round starts, an emote that you did not click on. You think it's cute though, too bad you don't know how to show your appreciation back.
Shedletsky wishes that he can duel with you in a swordfight. (As in like just a friendly fight.) Even if you never hold an actual sword, Shedletsky wants to see what you got. Because not only do you seem like a good person, you're also seem to be skilled at surviving! Shedletsky thought he would be roasted chicken for dinner! But you made him survive! Mannnn, you're going to make Shedletsky have MORE questions about you, and like the other survivors, wants to know more about you.
I had a random thought. Y'know about how when you're with your friends and all of you guys got drinks, you guys clink each drinks together and say "cheers"? Yeah, Shedletsky would do that, but with his fried chicken instead, as he gives you a proud smile.... regardless if you have a drink beside you or not. You definitely felt yourself gaining aura points.
Builderman doesn't fear killers that much (including Shed and Guest...), but even then, he's grateful that he survived thanks to your help. Gosh, that John Doe was madder than a wet hen! NGL, I feel like bro would kinda just accept his fate, but he's shocked when he actually survive, quickly turning to gratefulness....and then skepticism. You've got skills, he'll give you for that, but that doesn't mean he still won't keep an eye on you.
Before that, Builderman doesn't really show his appreciation that much since he was pretty skeptical of you, but after you saved him....well, he's still skeptical, but he's starting to show his appreciation. He does it by giving you a grin everytime you finish a dispenser or sentry.
Guest 1337 would be pretty similar to Builderman....being shocked at first, and quickly being grateful, and now back to skepticism. But the only difference is that he's more.... welcoming, I guess? As in like, he feels more confident in your skills now.
When new rounds start, you noticed that everytime Guest looks at your screen, he's more.... soft? As in, his gaze softens everytime he looks at your screen and you even caught him giving you a warm smile once. This gesture would be present the more successful blocks, charges or punches you have. Like he's proud of you.
007n7 just wants this nightmare to end. His mood right now is like you just walked on a desert for 3 days straight with no water. Genuinely grateful for your help cuz without you, he definitely would've died by the killer. 007n7 does NOT want to experience his torso getting stabbed for the 104756th time.
So how does he show his appreciation? I feel like he would just say a quiet "thank you" when he survives. That's all i got :broken_heart:
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miko0528 · 17 days ago
a/n: i made this on my period to comfort myself heh... all (almost) forsaken x reader (who has a period i guess..) - (reader goes by they them)
Elliot!: - he panics a bit, but once he calms down when you explain whats happening and how its actually not harmful. - expect a bit more cuddles cause he is worried about you and your health - would and would feed you pizza and keep a bucket near if you ever vomited (a/n: dude this happens to me so much dawg i keep on vomitin-) - makes sure your taking care of yourself (cause you feel most down when your on ur days) - would literally take a whole week off from his job just to be with you and help you around the house
overall, a sweet boi: 10/10 Chance!: - he a bit nervous, but tries to cover their nervousness with a serious face. - if your playing in rounds, they might just stay by your side more, since you are cramping and bleeding constantly (ouch..) - if it gets worse you are staying in his cabin in bed until the round is done - Chance would literally cover you in kisses as he lays with you in bed trust me now- welp, a hot 9/10 007n7: - a dad, who has a son that went insane. - would really like to help you out. - he would've done research if you ever told him about your period. - then suddenly, KABOOM! he comes out of the store with lots of pads and medicines. - ofc, he cuddles and snuggles you :3 - and cook you fooddddddd :3 AUGH UAUGH AUGAUHA GAUAGUH I LOVE 00)7n7 LET ME HAVE HIM 100000000/10 tuah time: - confused if i would say. - if you explain more to them they would get angry. "I'll blame the spawn for this!" they would (maybe) say. - they don't know what to really do, but just cuddle you (ofc) - but they might try to give you some kind of comfort and warmth to calm down your cramps. (or some ritual to take away the cramps.) noob -SCARED builderman: - completely calm with this one, as he heard some situations like that - would make you tea and make you eat light foods, no sweets, no hot foods. (a/n: cause those foods made my cramps worse trust me buddy.) - kissing all day for comfort, yeah... shedletsky: - dawg you told him while he was eating his chicken and he got grossed out so quickly oh gosh... - but, he still takes showers with you no matter what - if ur in a round with him, this cheeky asshole would treat you like you a weak ass princess and protect you.. + he shoves chicken in ur mouth when you ain't eating because of your nausea. (you vomited) guest 1337: - dude he literally lets his guard down just to take care of you - would do anything to find the best cramp medicine for you - so gentle with you while cuddling omggg - if ur in a round with him (aagainnn) and you can't do shit cause owwiweee crampy cramp cramps, expect him to accidentally fling the killer away into the sky if the killer is targetting you. killers john doe: - confused - tries his best to not harm you with his hand when holding you - makes small purrs when trying to comfort you - cuddly boi 1x1x1x1: - ah? the embodiment of hatred? caring for you?! - lets just say: HE BEEN THROUGH IT TOO. - would try her best to kiss you and cuddle you since you're in so much pain and agony - if you two are in a round, he would leave you for last and try not to harm you in any way - watches you from the shadows when you are with your teammates and thats all ;-; *walks away as im cramping like hell rn*
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alexsorsis · 8 days ago
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I sigh. Here’s my y/n design ig
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Prompt: headcanons
Pronouns: He/Him reader
Character: Builderman(Blocktales)
Note: sorry if this is short, idk how to write him to well yet!
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Builderman I’d like to think it’s a really good boyfriend! Yeah sure! He can’t really cook, and he comes home covered in mystery dust and oddly colored stains…along side the random burn marks on his arms because he wanted to test out a creators new obby… Okay he’s a little dumb.. but that’s okay! He loves to talk to you about the new creations he’s seen, about how he can’t wait until they go public, talking about how he’ll take you! He carves little bits and pieces of wood to make you things! He also knows how to sew so, he’s your personal tailor now! (This is cuz all the og cosmetics were made by Roblox-) He’s very overprotective when it comes to you, you’re his boyfriend! No one can treat you poorly on his watch! Otherwise…(insert picture of builderman smacking someone with the banhammer here) When he first goes missing, you obviously panicking trying to to call his friends. Shedletsky, mayor thaniyel, basically anyone and everyone who you can think of… But…nothing comes up. Shedletsky tells you he’s been kidnapped! So you go off and find the ice dagger taking out a king in your wake to find your love. Then the venomshank were thaniyels own son turned against him…and then for a few months nothing…but then. Shedletsky called you about some form of lead? Maybe…maybe go check it out… It won’t end badly right? I mean. You got the ice dagger, the venomshank. The ghost walker should be easy! Nothing can go wrong. Right?
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Wow what happened there idk, anyways hope you enjoyed!!!
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alexsorsis · 13 days ago
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This was supposed to be lasts headcanons art but it’s whatever
I yearn to cuddle with my personification of hatred that is disguised as the person I’m supposed to save. (Builderman Blocktales)
🛠️♦️”BUILDERMAN” X reader- half of a Person
I’m gonna be honest I haven’t gotten past the tree mini boss in chapter 2 and I can’t find any of his dialogue so I had to screenshot his dialogue from a play through UGHH idk if this is ooc Also mentions of BUILDERMAN having horns and a tail but only for a second idk(NOT PROOFREAD I PROMISE ILL EDIT IT TOMORROW!! AND PROOFREAD IT😿❤️)
Trigger warnings-uhh idk
You lay under the red comforter of the bed,yet your head dosen’t rest atop a pillow…it rest on It’s his soft warm fluffy chest. It’s strange how your this close to him,it’s the last thing you expected but hey…who’s complaining?? Who has the right to complain when your laying in the embrace of whatever you wanna call him.
“Player? Player? Wake up!” He says in faux concern,toying with your hair as he looks down at you lying face first into his chest like a cave diver(REFERENCE) when you finally wake up he stares down at your disheveled face with his darkish-red eyes. Why can’t he just take a chill? I mean his whole thing is his imagination but using your imagination in dreams should count,right?
“Player,together me and you can make something great,something amazing!! Out of this world!! There’s no boundaries!! Think outside of the box!!” He states,starting of his speech with another empowering dab of creativity that he uses every time he feels your slacking off but dosen’t wanna say it directly to your face..”it’s kind of hard to be inspired when you just wanna sleep…you need to use your imagination!” He pokes your forehead,and his other hand has already moved to your shoulder to rub it gently,he seems like a kind man yet it feels like there are claws digging into your shoulders…either he’s gripping your shoulder like a lifeline or he has claws,never mind,that’s nonsense….10 more minutes won’t hurt…as long as “he’s” here…
YAAYYY BLOCKTALES😾😾🥹🥹 this was so fun to make i hope you like it🤪🤪
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sigilcatt · 4 months ago
HI GUYS so jm gonna be taking requests for BLOCKTALES because I love the game so much and just finished it as of writing okay thank you bye *explodes into confetti*
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battelpixel123 · 1 year ago
I like writing stuff. I used to write a lot on wattpad but now I moved here, it's more better in my opinion. Unless I'm writing a whole ass book. I'm a bit new so please be patient with me. If you are a minor, please go read my desc first. What I will write ✅: Reader x character character x character anything with a reader insert Ocs (Depends on the oc.) Poly relationships Kidfics (Platonic!!) platonic relationship fluff/comfort NSFW Headcannons (NSFW nd SFW) Angst Violence/gore Kinks (Some I will not do, like stuff with minors and p*ss/sh*t kinks.) Characters with certain kinks What I will NOT write ❌: NSFW involving minors. Fandoms I don't know (You can ask) Yandere (I can make them possessive but not in a yandere way where they kill anyone who breaths the same air as their sweetheart 💀)
Fandoms(I can do way more than just these but these are the main fandoms I'm in as of right now): Alice in borderland Squid game (PLS I LOVE SQUID GAMES) Block tales Undertale/Undertale AU's (I know this fandom is hella dead but I'm still willing to write)
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dearestzaychik · 13 days ago
Our Forsakened Destiny.
[ Forsaken x Isekai'd Reader! ]
[ Gender Neutral Reader! ]
TW : Some Cursing then and there..
WORD COUNT : 6,092K words!
NOT PROOFREAD. Please do tell me if there was any mistakes whatsoever!!.. Because I'm not proofreading a 6,092k worded chapter..
Chapter 2
Knocking can be heard at the door, as you opened your eyes to the sounds. You didn't have to reply, As the figure that was knocking at the door started talking either way.
"..Hey, Elliot here. I just wanted to let you know that soon, the rounds start again. You slept for a hefty while, but we decided to wake you up early so that you'll be able to talk to the others. As well as to talk about your Abilities and Role. We'll be waiting downstairs!- No rush for you of course, but Builderman said he hoped you get ready as soon as possible."
Elliot mentioned, before footsteps were moving away until it was no longer there. It was still dark outside, as the realm never seemed to have the concept of day. It would be hard to know what to tell what time it was, but this was probably considered morning for them. You had no time to loose, so you got up and started to get ready. Even if you felt a bit anxious at your own situation, running away from it was not the wisest answer.
Before you headed out, you looked at your Stats and Abilities once more.. and they finally have something written down on them that's for sure.
ROLE : Support.
Short-term Relief
- Bottoms Up and Cheers!
• This active ability allows the user to give out Pain Pills, making way for a new mechanic, TEMPORARY HEALTH.
If you need a quicker way to provide health, this is the quickest way you'll be able to get it for! This Survivor can share Pain Pills through out the round, and can even save a life in need if used right! It gives 65 health points that diminishes over time. Although.. One wouldn't recommend using it more than 1 time for each survivor.
If a Survivor manages to get their hands on another batch of Pain Pills after the first one.. They'll be inflicted with Nausea 2, and if they were to drink 3, Not only do they get inflicted with Nausea 4, The Health Points diminish faster as well as chipping off 5% of their actual health. This is not able to kill the Survivor, leaving them in 1% health if they were to drink a third time. At last, if the Survivor were to drink 4 or more, they will be lead to an Instant Death depending how lucky they are to live after each drink. The Cooldown is 35 seconds.
The Thrill of our Misfortune
- I don't like this chase, I'm out!
• This active ability allows the Survivor to gain access to three Adrenaline Shots, and is able to give them out or use it on themselves.
More on said, This Survivor not only carries Pain Pills, as well as 3 sets of Adrenaline Shots in which they can drop to share with other survivors or use it for themselves. The survivors are locked into an Adrenaline Rush, no longer fearing the Killer as they get a boost to get away. It can give Speed 2 for 5 seconds, as well as 45 health points that diminishes over time. Once all shots have been used, theres no other way to get these back so make sure you use it wisely. The Cooldown is 40 seconds when used, 35 seconds if dropped for another survivor.
- I don't belong here.
• This passive ability grants the Survivor Nausea 1 every 30 seconds and lasts 15 seconds when they aren't near at least 3 meters to a survivor, but gives Speed 1 for as long as they haven't encountered a Survivor nor a Killer, as well as 30 health points that diminishes over time when their alone and already injured.
This Survivor feels very uncomfortable even when not in a round, its best to provide them with Company to them to make sure they don't feel so.. out of place.
During Last Man Standing, due to the pressure this survivor is experiencing, Nausea 1 will stay for the remainder of the round, and Speed 1 will be given for only 15 seconds before the effect fades away, then 50 health points that diminishes over time will be administered to the said survivor after the effects are no longer present. Because of this, it leaves the Survivor very vulnerable when it comes to Last Man Standing.
Seems like Nausea will be your friend in the long run with the amount of Nausea status effects you can get in your kit. Your kit looked really complicated, hell you couldn't even seem to comprehend it right now to say the least. Whoever planned these abilities definitely wanted you to suffer.
None the less, there was now a Difficulty and your HP stats and stamina changed. It seemed balanced enough, but you still didn't get why you would be Difficulty 4 out of 5. Back then you were just a normal human being working a minimum wage job, nothing can be deemed special to your old life to have an entirely complicated kit like this..
Getting ready, you opted for a quick shower before changing into clothes that was exactly the same as your last pair before slipping on shoes and opening up your door, only to see a figure with a Pumpkin head opening their door at the same time as well.. Dussekar stared at you as you stared at him, having a minute of silence as both of you didn't move, before of course he took the intiative to break the silence.
"You must be the new survivor of this morning. You're presence will hopefully, be lovely."
Dusekkar stated, his legs never seem to touch the floor as he levitated off the ground. Honestly, you almost forgot he spoke in rhymes and riddles. Mentioning your presence, you remember how some survivors have different opinions of one another, as back then your friends mentioned about tensions and relationships between characters during the time you played..
"..Hello, Goodmorning."
You replied, even if it wasn't day at all outside the window, it seemed to be considered Morning for them. Dusekkar nodded in acknowledgment, holding their staff as he went ahead to the Lobby. You followed close by, fiddling with your hands. Soon enough both of you made it through the hallways, reaching the Lobby where the rest of the survivors are. Shedletsky and Builderman spotted you first, seemingly looking at something as Shedletsky raised their hand.
"Yo, Dusekkar and New comer! Over here!"
Shedletsky yelled out, signaling for both of you to come near. As you did, they seemed to have been looking at your stat and abilities. Seemingly investigating and looking at what you can do.
"It seems like they're a support."
Builderman blankly stated, looking at the stats as he seemed to have already figured out your kit faster than you did. Looking up at the message, there was something stated there.
Two Time
Pharmacist.. That might be the title your called as. It seems like there were only 7 survivors playing this round, the others that weren't mentioned seem to get a break for one round at least. Its weird how you were called Pharmacist than your actual name, but its a decent title none the less. A Pharmacist, huh. Right, that was what you wanted to be when you grew up. But you never managed to suceed in actually following that career path, with that said.. There was indeed a reason why you wanted to be a Pharmacist back then, but you can't seem to remember why. Snapping you from your thoughts, Dusekkar, Shedletsky, and Builderman were looking at you, seemingly waiting for a Reply.
Shedletsky said, tapping the table as he waited for your response. Builderman shook his head, seemingly making up a decision for you.
"..They didn't seem to hear what you asked, but its fine. They can stick with me so that we can avoid that passive of theirs."
Builderman stated, glancing at you before he looked at your abilties and stats once more. He will most likely and definitely help you during this, considering he was a support as well.
"Also, This might be for you as well. It was in front of the front door earlier."
Builderman quickly added, seemingly remembering something as he picked up a Belt that had 3 adrenaline shots, as well as a container for Big Batches of Pain Pills.
"If that's one's case, then I shall take my leave. To prepare for the next round, is my current top priority."
Dusekkar said, patting you on the head as they seemed to have acknowledged your abilities.
"This shall be your first round, So one will wish you Great Fortune during this expedition."
Dusekkar wished you Good Luck, but in a somewhat fancy way.. None the less, he meant well that's for sure. Without waiting for your reply, they levitated away seemingly off to do their own thing as they weren't up for this round.
"Dusekkar is always so conservative, but I tell you he means well!"
Shedletsky said as he glanced at the Pumpkin figure gradually faded away from View. After Dusekkar left, he looked at you with a positive smile.
"There's still time until the round starts! Why don't you get along with the other members of the team? Off you go now!"
Shedletsky said, seemingly wanting you to interact more with the others as he gave you a little nudge that you needed to walk away. Giving you a thumbs up before talking to Builderman about the upcoming round.
In the actual Lobby, most of the Survivors were there. Even some of the survivors that you didn't manage to meet yesterday were there as well, all of them minding their own business or preparing for the next round. Elliot seemed to spot you as he waved, coming up to you with a bright smile.
"Hey, Have you met Builderman and Shedletsky yet? I heard they wanted to discuss your abilities. None the less, I won't be there to support you next round sadly.. But Im sure Builderman will find a way to teach you how to be a great support for the team!"
Elliot mentioned, patting you on your shoulder as they seemed to have hoped to teach you how things worked around here. A figure behind Elliot seemed to appear, looking behind him as they had a blue shirt and green pants.
"I-is this the new survivor..?"
They said, stumbling on their own words as they looked to be a bit afraid by your presence. Elliot looked behind him before smiling again, moving aside and showing the said figure. Noob jumped at the sudden movement Elliot did, but they still managed to stand still without freaking out at least.
"Meet Noob! Don't worry, They're nice."
Elliot stated, but the second sentence seemingly more so to Noob than for you. Noob looked at Elliot and then back at you as they didn't seem to know what to reply, after all they were described as Quiet and Withdrawn even after gaining more friends from this Realm..
"..Hello, It's nice to meet you Noob."
Deciding that you should take the first move this time, They seem to flinch as you offered your hand for a hand shake. After a moment or two, they took your hand and shook it lightly. Avoiding your gaze as they looked down.
"..It's nice to meet you too."
They replied, still a bit frightened but they managed to give a small smile. You took your hand away as you can feel someone staring at you, looking behind, you can see a pale-skinned robloxian with black scene-like hair. Just blankly staring at you as you stared back at them. It was a silent showdown as none of you seemed to speak up about the awkward staring contest between you both. Before of course, Elliot stepped in once again.
"..Ahh, that person over there is just Two Time. They might come off at the wrong glance at first but their decent."
Elliot stated, mentioning how Two Time is known for being a little bit insane in the membrane.. None the less, Two Time diverted their gaze in another direction as soon as Elliot is finished, seemingly off to their own little world once more. In another corner of the room, There seemed to be a person with a blue shirt, having a burger ontop of his head. But before you can even get any interactions with him, Noob patted your shoulder as they signalled you to look up, seeing that the timer's countdown was almost over.
"T-The round is almost starting.."
Noob said, stammering between their words once more as they seemed to be preparing themselves for this round even if they looked like they didn't want to participate any longer.
"..Good luck, You two."
Elliot stated, looking at you and Noob with a look of worry. You weren't even given time to say anything as your vision faded to black.
Opening your eyes, You seemed to be in the Glass Houses map. Nobody seemed to spawn near you, so for the time being you were alone for now. What did spawn near you was a Generator, you might as well complete it to for the team and to not be completely useless.. While doing the Generator, there was seemingly a Menu you can open during the round, floating beside you as you can see the remaining time of the round as well as both your stats and your other teammates stats. This was definitely gonna be useful later on deciding who can get prioritized for temporary healing and actual healing later on.. A sudden feeling of panic eased within you, as your heart was beating louder and louder. Was this the passive ability you had? But it hasn't been 30 seconds yet, and you were just halfway done with the machine when Sudden Spikes appeared from the ground and blocked most of your exits besides the exit that you had to walk up through stairs to get out. Looking up, You could finally see the Killer as realization sets upon you.. John Doe was the killer. Probably from last round's events, the other killers were probably notified of your coming. And looking at his face, he seemed to look like he found the right survivor to toy with.. along with that, A sense of Nausea slipped within you, what a great timing of events.
"..So, This... is the New Comer."
John Doe managed to say, even though he was mostly mute in the actual game, in this reality you find yourself in he actually is able to talk but seemingly not much, showing how the Corruption affects him. Enough about needing to talk to the killer, You can do that any time. Right now, you didn't want to die. Especially the fact that you have not ever experienced death in this realm once, getting Impaled by a spike and ripped apart into two was NOT a pleasant way to die. Immediately shotting up to your feet, you quickly made your way up the stairs to the somewhat second floor of the building even with the Nausea you had during this. Looking down, you were steered away for a bit due to the height. In game, you were just playing a silly little pixel game. So the drop didn't seem much at first, but now that you're actually here.. it was steeper than expected. But John Doe was following close behind you, so you had no other choice but to Jump. Jumping off, you survived the jump successfully, but you lost balance as you landed and fell to the floor while at it. You swore you could hear John Doe's laughter up there, seemingly seeing your pathetic attempt to get away from him.
"You need to work on that landing of yours."
John Doe stated, easily following behind you as he jumped off so effortlessly and landed successfully as well. He was about to hit you with his clawed arm before..
The sound of a explosion ran out through the air, pausing John Doe's movements as both of you looked at the side, seeing Chance who had a awkward grin, holding his now destroyed gun that exploded on him instead of stunning the killer.. Well, it did seem to stun John Doe at least from the sheer stupidity of the situation, so Mission Failed Successfully?..
Seeing the Opportunity at hand, You stumbled onto your feet, before running at Chance as you handed him Pain Pills before running off in another direction. John Doe seems to have scoffed at this action, before immediately changing targets as he chased Chance, who looked to be very grateful for your ability to say the least. After you deemed you've ran far enough, you stopped to catch your breath, noticing how your body trembled just based off of how much your hands shook. Right, all that you did was something you acted upon instinct. You didn't actually expect to be able to pull that off, especially knowing how Lazy and Carefree you were back then.. Clapping can be heard, as you looked up to the source to find Shedletsky, impressed by what just happened.
"Not bad at all for someone who just got here Yesterday!"
Shedletsky stated, before he suddenly got hit by a wrench as he winced from the pain. Stumbling back to the side, he revealed Builderman who was seemingly behind him this whole time.
"Talk later, Chance needs someone to distract that thing."
Builderman stated, behind him a Dispenser that he has built for the round. Shedletsky realized this as he checked the status, with Chance only having 67 HP left, and 30 of it was his actual health. Seems like he got hit once already, and with that Shedletsky quickly left, waving a quick goodbye as you were now left alone with Builderman.
"..I didn't manage to find you before your Passive activated, so I do apologize for that."
Builderman suddenly stated, checking the status of his machines as he noticed that his Sentry was down. Before you can even say anything in reply.
"You think ya' can handle being Alone for a bit? I just need to place down a sentry for these sentinels."
Builderman stated, looking at you as he adjusted his tool belt. You could only nod in reply, he gave a small smile and started walking away.
"Your work is much appreciated."
And with that, Builderman faded out of your view. Your left alone with the dispenser.. Oh wait, someone was near the dispenser and you didn't even notice until now. Not even Builderman seemed to notice him before he left, As 007n7 was near the Dispenser getting healed. It seemed that he just got here, having serious wounds as he was probably hit pretty badly by John Doe probably when he started chasing Chance, probably Body Blockeing so that Chance wouldn't die right off the bat. You didn't need to say anything else, remembering how Meos used to yap to you about 007n7's backstory to say the least.. if you were right, this man was the Adoptive Father of c00lkidd. 007n7 seemed to notice you staring at him, before he averted his own gaze.
"I understand if you do not want to interact with me in any way, but I do hope my presence and background doesn't dissuade you from helping someone like me.. But I don't blame you if you do of course..-"
007n7 stated, still looking away as an awkward tension fell before you two. You almost forgot, Almost every survivor disliked 007n7, especially knowing his misdeeds in the past. But you yourself didn't know much about him, only knowing about him being an Exploiter back then. None the less, he seemed to be trying his best to help the team with body blocking despite the situation. You didn't really know how to reply back to 007n7, especially with this heavy tension in the air. You could only look at the man before you with sympathy, before you dropped one of your Adrenaline Shots. While at that, 007n7 looked surprised that you even gave something. He hasn't done anything good for you, has he?..
"..Thank you for your work."
You muttered out, slightly repeating what Builderman said to you. 007n7 looked surprised as he looked at you with such shock. You stood back up and left him with the Dispenser, not bothering to look back as he himself didn't reply to you. Only grabbing the Adrenaline Shot you gave him as he stayed a little longer near the dispenser to heal up.
As you roamed around, with the machines being completed and picking up a Bloxy Cola along the way.. You happened to spot Chance once more, He doesn't seemed to be getting chased anymore, meaning John Doe went after a different target as he was sitting down leaning onto the wall while flipping his coin. He seemed to have spotted you as well as you went up to him.
"..Thanks for the Pills back there, It definitely made me see another day that's for sure. You think you can spare me an Adrenaline Shot at the moment?"
Chance asked, fixing his hat as he had a new gun that was fixed as well. With that, he stood up despite his Injuries as started flipping his coin once more.
"Oh.. Sorry, I can't give one at the moment. I just gave one to 007n7, and I can't give another one for a few seconds. But I do have this.."
You replied, taking out the Bloxy Cola that was hanging off your belt as you gave it to Chance. He only nodded and took the Bloxy Cola you gave him, not bothered by the fact that your Adrenaline Shot was currently unavailable.
"Oh, That Awkward Fella? Its all good, he deserves it for sparing me a hit or two. But Two Time on the other hand... wasn't so lucky to get away."
Chance mentioned, frowning at the thought. You didn't even realize Two Time was dead, looking at the Survivor's list and Two Time was indeed in fact dead. Every other survivor took a hit besides you and Noob, who was probably hiding and doing the last machines for this round.
"..None the less, I appreciate the gesture. Don't worry that fella got transported back to the Lobby and didn't actually die but... It might take you a while to get used to it so that's just a heads up for you."
Chance said, looking at you as he grinned once more. You could only wonder something that happened earlier, and your curiosity got the better of you.
"..Why did your gun explode on you?"
You asked, before a short silence filled the air. Chance's expression went blank, probably remembering the pathetic attempt at trying to stun the killer earlier. until it was replaced with a toothy grin, as he tried forgetting that ever happened.
"That's because I load extra gunpowder in it, nothing more, nothing less.. Its all good though, so you don't have to worry."
Chance stated, trying to save himself some dignity as he continued to flip his coin infront of you, but it always seemed to land on tails. Which seemingly made him more frustrated to say the least. Who wouldn't be?
"Now why would you do that..-"
Chance paused once more from your question, thinking about it before he shrugged, flipping his coin once more as it finally started landing on heads.
"..'cause where's the fun in that?"
He said with a proud grin, before he stopped flipping his coin as he finally got 3 charges. While at that, he started walking away once more.
"I would ask for more Pain Pills, But Shed needs it more right now. I'll go ahead and find either a Medkit or Builderman's dispenser somewhere here, but its best you go to Shed's aid."
Chance said as he left, leaving you more dumbfounded than ever by his own answer. So this little shit just loads in extra gunpowder for shits and giggles.. you could only sigh at his answer, before taking the initiative and got moving once more. After all, Shedletsky and the others still need your help. but you can't help but feel a bit guilty about Two Time's case. Even if you were a support that had healing abilities, your abilities were only there to give relief momentarily. You weren't paying attention to the Survivor Status as well, so you wouldn't even know that Two Time was dead if Chance didn't point it out. You remember how the whole entire fandom hated Two Time specifically, the intense backlash they gets due to their "useless" kit made everybody dislike them. You can't help but reminiscence on the times where Peanut tried to defend Two Time's horrible kit with their own life.
As you walked further and further from the direction you were once from, you could slowly start hearing yells and chattering amongst the silent night. As you got closer and closer, you could spot spikes from the ground. Your definitely getting close. As you ran, you could see John Doe still chasing Shedletsky due to the fact he had half of his health left. With your CD finally over, you used your ability as Shedletsky gained extra health temporarily as the Pain Pills quickly kicked in. John Doe seemed to pause from this, before he slowly turned to you, seemingly fuming with rage.
"..You annoying, little BRAT."
John Doe stated, before he suddenly started chasing you. This was most definitely your queue to run as John Doe followed close by, his anger seemingly reaching its peak from you healing the survivor he was chasing after. Who wouldn't be? After all, you yourself raged when an Elliot healed a survivor you were about to kill back when you were the killer.. Okay, that really shouldn't be the focus right now. Especially considering how close John Doe really was to you and the fact your stamina was running out.
It wasn't long before you felt a sharp pain at your back, being slashed by John Doe. His slashes were absolutely painful, but you weren't dead just yet at least. You got back at your feet as you looped around John Doe, going back to where you left Shedletsky. As you went back, you can see Shedletsky and Builderman with a sentry deployed right in front of them. Before you can even seem to get to them though, Spikes appeared from the ground as not only did it hit you, but blocked the pathway to them as well. Landing onto the ground, you couldn't help but wince in pain. Before you can even try getting up, you were kicked so that you wouldn't be able to. The very person that stood before you was John Doe, who definitely had intentions of murdering you with how bad his glare burned onto you. He scoffed, his spiked arm going under your chin as he forced you to look up to his Malicious Smile.
"..You're out of Luck, you bothersome fool. I'll make sure your first death will be a painful one."
John Doe said, as he was about to strike you with his other clawed hand once more.. Hah, You really fucked up this time, didn't you? Nobody and Nothing can save you now as you closed your eyes and waited for the inevitable until...
[ The Round has Ended. ]
[ Survivors Won. ]
Seeing this New Survivor flailing around on the ground like a pathetic worm felt great. Especially after all the shit they pulled off as well. It was fun at first, but its starting to get irritating knowing this Survivor was another annoying support to say the least. But he couldn't help but Smile, seeing how frightened they really are. A taste of their own medicine, they said. This was just another victim for his own games, as he was about to strike them before..
Everything went black, he was back in the Lobby again. As he processed everything that was happening, he felt his anger rising once more. Grabbing something and throwing it across the room, that very item that was thrown being a Sword. And the person right across him was 1x1x1x1, almost getting hit by the said Sword but none the less remained Unphased as she stayed quiet. What a weirdo.
"..Seems like the new Survivor got under someone's nerves pretty quickly..."
A voice rung out from the room, with c00lkidd stating the obvious. Scoffing from his statement, glaring at the child as c00lkidd immediately put their hands up and shutted up, not wanting to make him angry even more. Jason didn't seem to be present in the main room, probably off to do their own thing. John Doe didn't have any more business done here as he went back to his room, his spiked arm dragging across the floorboards. He only managed to kill 1 survivor from the 7 survivors last round.. He'll make sure he'll wipe them all next time.
"..H0w B0th3rs0m3 1nd3ed."
1x1x1x1 stated, agreeing at John Doe's last statement as he looked up at a screen that was broadcasting the round as the screen only shown a Pain Pill left on the ground before the screen itself finally went away.
You waited for the inevitable to happen, expecting something painful yet.. nothing seemed to happen. Opening your eyes, your back to the Survivor's Lobby as you were sitting on a Table with the other remaining survivors. You actually survived that, and your injuries seemed to be gone. But where it was felt sore and a bit painful if touched to say the least, but what matters was that you survived. Your hands were shaking once more, but this time you couldn't tell if it was from fright because of the experience or if it was from the sheer happiness that you managed to actually survive. Some of the other survivors like 007n7 and Noob seemingly got up from their seats and went away, probably to have either some alone time or back to their room.. or both. Chance got up as well, walking up to Elliot and asking for a Pizza. Two Time was no where to be seen, and Shedletsky and Builderman stood up as well, but seemingly looking at you as they seemed to be relieved.
"..You did well, I'm honestly surprised how ya' managed to survive that
Builderman stated, his accent seemingly slipping in as he looked at you with a furrowed expression. Although his words were definitely sincere, his furrowed expression was practically screaming the fact that he seems to want to scold you for your reckless actions, but didn't as you were new after all, its common for this to happen..
"I wonder how Lucky this New Addition can get.. I swear, you might be even more lucky than Mr. Exploding Gun over here."
Shedletsky stated, mentioning the failed attempt of a stun from Chance as he probably was looking at each survivor status during it to find out what was happening.. Chance came back, with pizza in his hands as he scoffed, frowning as he didn't want to remember that once more.
"..That was only one time during the round...-"
The other survivors started chatting amongst themselves, With Shedletsky and Chance seemingly teasing and making fun of eachother's misses as Builderman just seemed to watch like a disappointed parent while Elliot watched as if he has seen this multiple times already. Everybody seemed to be so well connected already.. well, most of them at least. But something felt off, and you couldn't help but wonder yourself.. Will this Peace last forever? Who knew. But right now, enjoying this moment felt like the right thing to do.
Your enjoyment was definitely short-lived though, as you felt someone pull you away, unable to see who it is as they pulled you away from everybody and out the Cabin without anybody noticing. Looking behind you, you could see Two Time who stared blankly at you. You couldn't help but feel uneasy again as their stare was off-putting to say the least.
"..Oh, Hello... Do you need anything?--"
You asked, looking at them as you noticed they had a few bandages around certain parts of their body where John Doe probably slashed them at. before you can even finish your sentence though, Two Time cutted you off as they were quick with their words.
"007n7 never told you their name during the round, and I'm sure you didn't interact with him earlier.. How did you manage to know and mention his name when you spoke with Chance earlier?"
Two Time stated, mentioning the fact that you slipped up and said 007n7's name when talking to Chance earlier. They were really observant, and you felt like if you lied they wouldn't buy it. You were forced in a tough spot to say the least, this turned out far more worst than expected. Someone is already managing to figure you out and it hasn't been even a week yet. You couldn't help but feel frightened once more, a cold shiver went down your spine as your face to face with Two Time who wants answers. You know that whatever you will plan to answer, there will definitely be consequences for each one.
Major Decision Making up ahead.
Surprise! Interactive Choices appear! It seems like someone already got suspicious of you, and it was Two Time none the less. Whatever you choose WILL affect on how the story would go, so choose wisely!
@takingnap55 @vyn-nn @g4tyjust4tw0 @ilikedrinkingsoda @subspacekisser1 @m-just-call-me-that @yukinaabutlazy @ms-sh0rtcak3 @no-hearts-included @agenteighter @bombcake @jawzwix
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AAAAA... VERY SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! I've been busy since I'm currently undergoing my last few weeks of the School Year and is heavily bombarded with school work.. Next chapter might take a while to upload considering I still have to finish up every single one of my works, but none the less I'm kind of glad I got this out of the way.
The reason why Reader doesn't maintain their Injuries because of the little headcanon I have where Survivors that DO survive the round will have the luxury to not experience any wounds, while Survivors that do perish in the round are forced to deal with the wounds until all the rounds that are prepared for the day are completed. Then they can actually rest then pray to spawn that it heals up quickly before the next round of 'games.' I thought of this headcanon because I wanted a Punishment for 'failing' to survive the rounds and also because I see Spectre doing this to the Survivors to make them suffer more.. this is further more shown when Reader is faced with Two Time which they had bandages around them, as well as in Chapter 1 with Guest 1337 themselves having bandages around their body when the Reader met them after the round was over.
For this series, theres a lot soon to come! But right now, things are definitely getting more serious. There will still be some silly moments then and there, but there will be more decision making sitiations in the future! I think thats all I have to say for now. Thank you for your patience!
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nekococo-thecola · 13 days ago
Wassup, forsaken players/fans, how we feeling.
Warnings: None, lol.
(No pictures/fanarts here, I couldn't find one. WAAAAAAAA-)
• Oh, he definitely gives/offers you his chicken, you're probably the only one he actually offers chicken to. But you didn't really dig up to conclusions, you thought he was just being nice. Well, he is, but it's mostly because he likes you, more than platonic.
• When you're low on health, and Elliot (or any support people, basically.) aren't there, well, don't worry, your knight in shining armor appears! He will stun the killer, or distract them to buy you some time to escape.
• And when you're fixing the generator, he'll always watch on guard besides you, if something happens, or if a killer is near. But if you're still learning the basics, he'll always try and give you some tips, or help you fix it. (Or do it himself, only for you tho.)
• You might subtly, or rarely notice, but his gaze always softens when he looks at you. (No matter how angry, sad, happy, or nervous he is, you would still always win his heart.)
• His heart aches, and yearns for your attention, when you're blissfully chatting with someone else, and not him. Oh, how he'd do anything for your attention. (Def not jealous. he is.)
• He's prepping himself, and mentally, for his confession, and for finally asking you out. (For the best, and for the worst of his heart, just in case..)
• He didn't (and never will.) admit it, but he sometimes fantasizes about being lovers with you, or being your boyfriend, fiance, and just a bunch of stuff that always connect being beside your side.
• "Someday, maybe I will." He told himself, as he ate his chicken. As Builderman looked at him with bewilderment, as he was building sentries and dispensers. What in the world was he talking about? He thought, before he looked at Shedletsky's face, before finally realizing what he meant. .. Ohhh.. he was talking about Y/N. He finally realized, before calmly continuing building his sentries and dispensers, and Shedletsky was oblivious to Builderman realization.
• Oh, NOW he's more affectionate to you, his displays of affection will be MORE noticeable and recognizable, and his acts of kindness towards you. (Everyone knows you both are dating, but they support you both!!)
• He isn't really that jealous if the person you talk to isn't really your type, or isn't a threat to his/your relationship, but if they WERE flirting, or trying to win you over, he will discreetly fume (it wasn't even discreet anyways, only to you tho since you could tell. He. Was. MAD.) and lean towards you, and wrap an arm around your waist and glare at the person, while trying to be friendly, until they leave.
• Not much of a PDA giver. Though, he wouldn't mind being the one receiving it, (only if you both are indiscreetly being dirty to each other in public, or infront of someone. Only in private, that's, it.)
• Oh, he can NOT cook something fancy, even if his life depended on it. He can still cook, sure. But he doesn't have enough skills to make something extraordinary. (He can cook fried/canned foods, soups, and some casual food, and etc.) Just enough skills to make something vital, just in case.
• He's definitely the big spoon, though he wouldn't mind being the small spoon at all! He just prefers being the big spoon, since he could feel the warmth of your presence, and always feel like he's shielding you from anything that could hurt you in anyway, or simply because he/you both feel like you're both outside of the world. (I guess he's protective, but not THAT protective that he would simply lock you off the outside world, he thinks you deserve freedom, independence, and space. And he fully respects that, 100%.)
• Overall, he's just a big sweetie, or sweetheart <333
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brain4stew · 1 month ago
Very late Valentine’s special, but uhm, I’ll just put it here for everyone, even if my requests are closed, and I still have requests left in my inbox… + I will probably make another Valentine’s special, as I have yet another idea for it! (I think, for I already forgot it right now…)
(Again, I do not know the characters exact personalities and so on, so they might, if not most likely will be OOC!!)
That being said, the Valentine’s special is under the cut!! ;
• You’re a survivor, of course, and since Valentines just around the corner, you decided to dress up fancy for Valentines.
• (You did not expect what you saw in the rounds you were in…)
• Rounds started, and you saw… Some of the survivors with you, in what could be looked at like some, bride dress, or a grooms suit…
• You just assume everyone else decided to dress fancy for Valentines, and continues with the round.
• …Why did you just see 1x1x1x1… In a brides dress of all things… Sure, he was still ruthless and killing everyone… But, huh??
• You survived the round, but in confusion at what you just saw. You looked at what every survivor is wearing, and safe to say… You never knew you had to stifle your laughter from what you saw…
• Almost every survivor, was wearing a brides dress… Except for Elliot, Guest 1337, Noob and well… You.
• You just assume it’s what they wanted to wear for today…
• Now you are so confused, why did another round start so quickly?!
• Well… Now you just saw John Doe in a wedding dress, for some reason… Not only that, but, Two Time was being quite… Weird. Weirder than usual, they stuck around you, a lot for some reason.
• Just what is going on here…?
• The round ends, with a few of the survivors surviving. You decided to help Elliot, Builderman and Guest 1337 with healing and tending to other survivors wounds.
• Another round started right after that.
• …You’re just about to go insane. Hell, this time, you saw the unreleased killers for the next few rounds. Noli, Azure, Guest 666… Most of them also had a brides dress on…
• What in the actual fuck is going on…
• You are far too confused, that you didn’t even notice another round started. The killer this time, being Mafioso. Strangely enough, he went friendly.
• He was just… Being near you, as you were zoned out. But, he ALSO was wearing a brides dress!!
• The round ends, with more and more rounds happening a lot more than usual…
• …Valentine’s Day made you way too confused. And you decided not to play for a round, and change outfits. From a suit to a dress. (One of those dresses you wear in the summer.)
• Suddenly, every survivor had a suit on… What is going on…
• You don’t even get a chance to question everyone, before a round starts. It was 1x1x1x1 again… But this time… He wasn’t as… Ruthless. As he normally would be. He did run towards you, which scared the ever living shit out of you. But, he didn’t attack you, or anything. He just… Stood there, near you. He wasn’t in that brides dresses they either. He had a suit on this time.
• More and more rounds went on, and every killer weren’t as ruthless as they previously would be. They were all friendly, even if they ran towards you, and stood by you. (You swear you could see them blushing, even when they were in those brides dresses they had previously…)
• You were so confused, that you didn’t even notice the other survivors also being more… Observant and protective of you, for some reason… Maybe they just want to be ready to help you away from the killers, in case the killers attack you…
• Another round happened, but, you somehow fell over, or went into the ground for some reason. Which, actually alerted the whole map, for some reason…?
• Safe to say… You are never dressing up fancy for Valentine’s Day, ever again. It made you far too confused for your own liking.
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dailydoseoffanfics · 10 days ago
hiii ihaiiiii hiiihihiiiiiii your number one fan has a question 👁👁👁 could reader possibly interact with characters via theeee uhhhh the mouse arrow thingy (i forgot how its called)
its like yk how u see smth cute in a game and you just kinda pet them with that thing ^^^^^^ would characters feel that??
HIIIIIII :33333333
I think I know what you're talking about !!!!
So, personally, I don't think they will feel your cursor (bummer ik 💔) HOWEVER, THERE'S ALWAYS WISHFUL THINKING......
The thing is, the survivors won't see your cursor, but you do. The survivors are gonna wonder who is poking them, and they'll just. Agree. That it's just you being...you. (All of them secretly love it though...Like..please give them more headpats WHO SAID THAT.)
heheheuuuueheh....I can already see Noob, Elliot, Two Time, 007n7 and Chance being the most bashful about it... Noob will get all shy and hold their arm for a bit, but they're looking forward to more of your touches (touch-starved moment), Elliot's face is burning (metaphorically) and his face is like a tomato, as he bites the inside of his cheek and lets out a little giggle at you giving him a headpat with your cursor, Two Time having a loopey grin as their tail wags a...bit too fast. 007n7's another one of the touch-starved people, he likes interacting with you, as he has a small smile on his face when you boop him. Chance will scratch their neck as he tries to shield his blushing face from your view.
Shedletsky thinks this is just you being playful with him, and he's loving it. He lets out a laugh everytime you give him headpats or a boop. You're quite cheeky, aren't cha?
Man, you really do know how to amuse Builderman. He's gonna have a little smirk on his face.
Guest 1337 just finds you....endearing. He feels his worries and stress wash away just by feeling your touch.
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ohburgee · 9 days ago
(Climbs out of the window for the third time)
Ok, I actually had an idea for another request. Spouse & Killer!Reader x 007n7 scenario, except you don't remember him due to head trauma before getting forsaken, and then, have a "John Doe moment" when you meet each other and fall in love with 7n7 all over again. (Because in canon, John Doe would fall in love with Jane all over again if he met her again, LOL) (Also, you probably take care of c00lkid outside of rounds despite questioning why this kid calls you his parent)
(Throws myself out of window... For the third time)
-- Window Anon (because it's funny to me to be called that)
Oh my this is so beautiful idea scenario, and first time writing 007n7 :] Well here your requests you been waiting for thank you for your cute angst request. Sorry for sudden gone I was just got busy on my college stuffs :'> Also the italics on first one is from 7n7 and the two rest is from you.
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Another round, another fight for survival.
007n7 is exhausted from playing this deadly game, but he has no choice, he must survive and help the other survivors. As he works alongside Builderman to repair a generator, he suddenly feels a chilling sensation, as if someone is watching them. His instincts scream at him.
"Watch out!" 7n7 warns Builderman.
Just as the words leave his mouth, a blade slashes through the air. Thankfully, both of them manage to dodge just in time, dropping low to the ground. 7n7 quickly glances up and sees the attacker, it's you.
You're gripping a blade, your expression twisted with rage, eyes locked onto Builderman. You move in to strike again, but suddenly, You hesitate.
Your gaze lands on 7n7, and something inside you shifts. Memories begin to flicker in your mind, struggling to surface.
"I want you. I want to be with you."
7n7 sees you clutch your head as if in pain, confusion flashing across your face. He doesn't waste the moment. "Run!" he shouts at Builderman, and the two take off in opposite directions.
Shaking off your thoughts, you snap back to the chase, your instincts driving you forward. You pursue them across the map, weaving through obstacles. Builderman disappears into one path while 7n7 takes another, unknowingly separating himself.
7n7 pushes forward as fast as he can, but in his rush, he stumbles over scattered debris. When he looks up, he sees you sprinting toward him.
Thinking fast, he activates his cloning ability. In an instant, two identical versions of himself break off in different directions. You pause, momentarily confused, before chasing after the clone.
7n7 lets out a breath of relief, until the pain hits.
A sharp sting blooms in his shoulder, and he collapses to one knee. He grits his teeth and yanks the blade out, blood seeping through his clothes. Then, heavy footsteps approach.
7n7 exhales, closing his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable. But the final strike never comes.
Instead, he hears the sound of metal clashing against metal. His eyes snap open, you're standing in front of him, blocking Jason’s attack.
"I'm going to protect you no matter what. Even if I bleed to death, I'll protect you."
7n7 stares, wide-eyed and bewildered. You keep your stance firm, eyes locked onto Jason, ready to strike if he moves any closer.
"Go!" you yell.
He hesitates but obeys, scrambling to his feet and running. Jason watches him escape, then turns to you. "You're letting a survivor go?" he questions, unimpressed.
You quickly convince him to focus on hunting the others instead. After a tense moment, Jason relents, walking away.
When you turn back, 7n7 is still there, staring at you.
"7n7, my dear, I'll always be here with you."
He stops in his tracks, caught in your gaze.
He knows why you act this way. You always lose your memories due to the curse placed upon you when you were turned into a killer.
And yet, despite that, you never attack him.
From the moment he learned of your fate, 7n7 never once resented you. He never hated you. Because no matter what, you are still his wife, His beloved wife.
The day he lost you shattered his heart into pieces. But every round, you prove something to him. Even though you are a killer, you don't harm him. You just watch, then disappear into the darkness.
And that alone gives 7n7 hope. Hope that somewhere, deep inside, you’re still there.
Hope that you still remember him.
Hope that one day, he’ll have you back.
Bonus Scene
Outside the game, in the resting area, you are slumped over a table, head resting on your arms. Exhaustion weighs on your body from the endless chases.
Something pokes your hand. You ignore it.
Then it happens again. And again.
With a tired sigh, you crack your eyes open, only to find a small red looking child staring up at you.
"Can I sit beside you?" he asks, looking at you like a lost puppy.
You sigh again but nod.
He immediately sits beside you, his eyes never leaving you. Then, without warning, he wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly.
You gasp, sitting up in shock. "Wha—?"
You swear, this kid has been following you, clinging to you, talking only to you. He keeps insisting that you have a responsibility to take care of him.
You exhale heavily but, after a moment, place a gentle hand on his back.
His warmth seeps into you, and for the first time in a long while, a small smile tugs at your lips.
A tiny bit of comfort isn’t so bad.
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alexsorsis · 4 months ago
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I side quested a little too hard
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forsaken-x-you · 24 days ago
Going to write something for Mafioso to kickstart some life into this blog!!
Mafioso x Reader! 🖤🐇
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2 generators, 2 minutes left on the clock, 2 survivors remained.
Creeping toward a generator, you and Chance immediately began working away at it, desperate to win this round. The killer had already caught Elliott, Noob and Two Time, and you were determined to not end up like them.
On your side, you worked quickly, finishing the generator in no time. Now you just had to wait for Chance to finish up on his side, run to fix the last generator, and survive until the clock reached 0:00.
"Chance, are you done yet?" You questioned, whispering sharply. No response. You swallowed your nerves and whispered again, your breathing quickening in pace at the lack of a response. Peering over, your heart dropped.
Chance was dead.
Before you could cry out in terror, two firm hands gripped your shoulders from behind. It was the killer.
You could sense him pulling you close from behind, lowering his lips towards your ear, chuckling lowly before speaking in a victorious purr.
"Gotcha, bunny."
When it came to rounds, Mafioso always catches you last. He loves seeing you scramble around trying to survive, it's cute.
Despite the difficulty of surviving against him, there have been times where you've managed to survive. Mafioso doesn't like losing, but he can't help but feel proud of you.
^ After these rounds, he picks you up and crushes you in a tight embrace, smothering kisses all over your face while congratulating you.
^^ Not only does he do this to show his almost overbearing love for you, but it's to show everyone else who you belong to.
Sometimes he decides to take you to a secluded area just to spend time with you, not caring if he was supposed to be killing during that round. It's a shame you get caught by the survivors sometimes.
"You're so cute." He purrs, cupping your face in on hand, squishing your face with his fingers. Mafioso used his free hand to pet you, as if he were one of his rabbits.
Despite being the killer, the gangster decided to spend most of it with you, choosing kissing over killing. You weren't complaining, you liked this side of him!
You felt yourself falling against his chest, nuzzling into him. He laughed lowly, trailing a hand to your back, pulling you closer and holding you in place.
You sighed, feeling Mafioso's heartbeat through his broad chest. It was making you sleepy, making you want to fall asleep right here...right now...in his arms...-
You and your gangster jumped, alarmed. Looking around, your eyes landed on Builderman. Oh, you've been caught with the killer, how embarrassing!
Builderman's wide eyes flickered back and forth from you to Mafioso, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. Irritated, Mafioso leaned down and gave you one last kiss before shoving you off of him.
"Scram, toots, I'll catch up ya later." He growled, locking his eyes onto Builderman, who was silently praying to Spawn. Then, in an instant, a chase between the survivor and the killer ensued, leaving you behind.
The other survivors are somewhat weary of you, some outright keeping their distance. But don't mind them, they're just jealous that Mafioso loves you!
He'd do anything for you, even lending you his oversized coat if you're cold, or just fully enveloping you!
All in all, you're all his, and he's all yours!
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lynnie-s3all · 1 month ago
Forsaken Masterlists:
guys don't request for builderman idk how to do builderman (same goes with dussekar)
take note: If there's a new forsaken update regarding the new survivors and killers, I don't think I can do all of them at once unless if I know some lore of them or personality... I can do some but it will be put in the extras list.
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007n7 headcanons
My silly little rascals...
NSFW Alphabet headcanons
Elliot headcanons
Eating at a not so fancy restaurant with Elliot
Elliot smut headcanons
Sub Elliot headcanons
Elliot x split personality reader
Chance x Support reader
Chance x Gambler reader
Chance x Reader who gets ignored most of the time
Chance heads up.
Dude startled you
Father figure Shedletsky
Shedletsky x split personality reader
Two time
I'll sacrifice myself for you, dear.
Two time smut headcanons
In devotion to save my own self...
Two time x split personality reader
noob x oblivious reader
Guest 1337
Guest Romantic headcanons???
Forsaken killers x Reader who gets ignored most of the time
C00lkid x Older killer reader
C00lkid being reader's little sibling
We should play again, someday.
John Doe
Forsaken killers x Reader who gets ignored most of the time
Forsaken killers x Artist reader
Sweet line from John.
Forsaken killers x Reader who gets ignored most of the time
Forsaken killers x Artist reader
1x1x1x1 x Reader headcanons
Braiding his hair...
Forsaken killers x Reader who gets ignored most of the time
Forsaken killers x Artist reader
Mafioso Romantic headcanons
Bully survivors x weakest killer reader
Forsaken Tower Defense (killer's exclusive)
Killer Reader concept
Blind reader x 1x???
Another blind reader w champion 1x
The two royals 👑
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If you like to see my other works or OC's, go to my gallery!
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