#that it’s basically redoing the same song
gwyoi · 4 months
candy crush > flower rhythm = birth >>>>>>>> air
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marsbotz · 11 months
i loveeee making playlists this is a little known fact about me. my playlists r like my babies
#unfortunately i never finish them bc i csn never be fully satisfied w how the vibes and lyrics and everything match up#i do have a couple on my profile rn (LINK IN PINNED. LOL) but i have like a billionthst r like forever wips#i have twooo that r BASICALLY DONE i just need to do srt for the covers. and these are my ice emperor redo#and a jaya playlist … 🤨 but miserable version.#jaya DIVORCE playlist#that ones complex.#i struggle w making them understnadable for others lolol#my last ie one i wrote like a full google docs thing explaining each song choice in detail#but im hoping the new version is better. more understnadable#its abt my like complex interpretation of zane and vexs relationship.#the original went from like#them meeting to the intense codependency to the slow fallout and then like. zane After it all#the new one is kinda the same but shuffled round a bit. and condensed w different songs in parts#it has a LITTLE bit post vex. but doesnt dwell quite so much#immm not sure abt my jaya playlist it might need more refining.#but its like the idea of them almost feeling obligated to be together at first#and then slowly realising it wont work but its already hurt them both#but it has a good ending i think.#im kinda not sure on it but ill have to relisten. its kind of a rlly conplex thing in my mind so hard to wrap up in a playlist#other ones im working on rn are a birdrickkkk playlist. lol. and also maybe skybound??#im also hoping to be able to make more general playlists for each of the ninja that i can keep updating#my lloyd one is coming along nicely and the jay one. Has Songs in it. but the rest r like 1-2 songs each 😭 wtf#im gonna do some research. (listening to other ppls playlists and picking out the stuff i like)#im like superrrr fussy w my playlists thi LOL#liteeally i am that guy listening to playlists liek ‘he would not fucking be represented bu that’#BTW THIS IS KINDA FUNNY. is theres sooo many rick playlists w the desc liek ‘ugh i made a REAL rick playlist bc he wld NOT listen to mitski’#and like. true. but this isnt for him. ITS FOR ME#for the record. rick would listen to breakcore. thats my wisdom.#my rick playlist wld PISS those ppl off. lololllllll watever#IM OUT OF TAGS LOL ok thats my thiughts. byeeeee
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Written by Russ Ballard
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The State Birds Initiative - Introduction
Before I do ANYTHING else, and before you read anything else...let's start this with a little poll, shall we?
...Look, I'm an overly ambitious person by nature. It's a problem, I'm fully aware. So, in the midst of writing character essays, imagining my own version of the DC Cinematic Universe (I promise, I will return to the Legion of Super-Heroes series; been having writer's block, not gonna lie), and about a dozen other projects that don't include school and my job (one and the same thing, and I love both, but I'll get to that one day)...I had another thought. That I would like to present to the good people of Tumblr (and perhaps beyond).
The state birds suck.
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Most people on Tumblr don't know this about me, save for a select few that no me in real life (hey guys, 'sup), but I'm an avid birdwatcher, and am currently working in ornithology as a profession and student. As such, and as a former (and future) teacher, I have a vested passion in spreading the word. And one of the first ways most of us in the United States engage with birds, other than through the world and people around us, is through our national bird and state birds. Oh, and for anybody reading this not from the USA, don't worry, national birds are included here, too.
Now, in case you don't know for whatever reason, each one of the states in the United States has a bird meant to represent the state, designated by the government and often nominated by the state's citizens. This tradition started in 1926, with Kentucky's national bird, the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Now, most states have an official state bird, although Pennsylvania technically has a state game bird, rather than a state bird. We'll get to it. But in any case, there's a bird associated with every state.
But, uh...most of them suuuuuuuuuuuck.
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Now, for example, I'm not saying that the Northern Cardinal sucks. Far from it! I love cardinals, and honestly, who doesn't? They're handsome birds, they have a lot of character, they're recognizable in most states in the Union by most people. I love them! But, uh...cardinals are extremely overused as state birds. Kentucky chose them as their state bird first, and were followed by Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Virginia. That's ridiculous. Also, wait, really, Virginia? You saw that West Virginia had it already, and STILL went for the cardinal? What the hell?
But why? Maybe there's a good reason for all of those states to choose the cardinal, after all. Obviously, it's present in all of those states, because...well, the Northern Cardinal is basically everywhere. But other than that, why? Well, let's see.
Kentucky: Unclear, but it's likely because of its prevalence, songs, and nonmigratory behavior, at least according to some sources; there isn't a lot of evidence online as to why outside of this.
Illinois: For this one, we blame the children. Yeah, kids voted this one sd the symbol, choosing it over the bluebird, meadowlark, bobwhite, and oriole, according to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. So, yeah, probably because it's familiar and red.
Indiana: For...reasons. Yeah, even less is known about this choice. Safe to assume, though, that it's because it's familiar and red.
Ohio: Apparently, this is because it's red and has a cheerful song. 'Kay. Again, not a lot of evidence for this one, but we'll go with it.
North Carolina: This one also came down to public vote, after a campaign initiated by the North Carolina Bird Club in 1943. It won over the red-winged blackbird, wild turkey, scarlet tanager, and gray catbird. Apparently, this was the second attempt at a state bird, as the Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) had been chosen ten years earlier, but only retained the position for a week because the bird's other name is, and this is true, the tomtit. And that was apparently too lewd for the title of state bird. Jesus. We'll get back to that when I address North Carolina officially.
West Virginia: Again, chosen and voted by schoolchildren, and chosen because it's familiar, red, and has a cheerful song. 'Kay.
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Virginia: No idea. Also, don't listen to the sites that say their bird "exemplifies the quality of the state" unless they have the GODDAMN PAPERWORK to back that shit up. If I had to guess, it's possibly because the northern cardinal is one of the first birds seen in the state by settlers to the continental USA, who landed in...Virginia. So, the state's got a historical connection to the cardinal, meaning that the last state to ratify it as a state bird is the one to make the most sense to do so.
So, yeah...only one of those makes sense to me. Otherwise, it just feels...random. And by the way, many of the state birds do make some sense. Utah's choice, the California Gull (Larus californicus), has roots in a Mormon miracle, which makes perfect sense for the Mormon state. Louisiana's Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) is an iconic species to the American southeast, and a massive proportion of the species breeds in the state. Same goes for the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus), the state bird of Oklahoma. Iconic and unique grassland bird, and it breeds within the state in high quantities for the global population.
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But others? Why does New York (a state I grew up in and around) have the Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) for its state bird? Because it's blue and nice-looking? Why exactly do Wyoming, Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, and North Dakota ALL have the Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)? I love the song too, and it's an iconic grassland species, but really? All of you? And Maine? Maine...Maine. I mean, you didn't even go for a specific species and just listed "chickadee" as your state bird. Why? There is a MUCH. BETTER. OPTION. OBVIOUSLY. But...I digress.
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Seriously, what the hell? It's the only state IN THE UNION where the Atlantic puffin breeds, and it's an incredibly iconic bird! I mean, look at that thing! They're adorable, fish-eating, clumsy-flying, feathery orbs with a Froot Loops beak (for part of the year), complete with their own fucking cereal that I ate constantly as a child. And their babies are called pufflings! PUFFLINGS!!! DO YOU HEAR ME MAINE WHAT THE FU
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...OK. OK. I'm good. Look, this genuinely irritates the SHIT out of me, both as a hobbyist and as a professional. There are near 1,000 bird species that can be found in the United States, and the state birds are, honestly, some basic-ass choices that doesn't BEGIN to explore the incredible diversity of this taxon. And honestly, maybe if we changed up the state birds, we could increase awareness for these animals and their conservation stories and needs. There are so many missed opportunities here for us as educators, birders, ornithologists, backyard birdwatchers, and even Birdblr, to educate those around us who aren't as ornithologically-inclined. Imagine being able to convince a friend to go find the state bird on a trip some weekend. It could be a fun activity, and a fun way to get into birdwatching and the natural world! IT'S GOT POTENTIAL!!!
And look, I realize I'm not alone on this front. Various people have proposed changing up the state birds, including some more powerful professionals than I. If you haven't seen it yet, check out this essay series from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that came out last year, which asks whether or not eBird could be used to identify better candidates for state birds. And I'll be using it for what's coming next. Because here's the thing. I'm tired of ranting alone in the dark towards nobody while my fiancee is trying to sleep about this. I need to rant to you poor people instead. And what's more...I want people to rant with me. If they want to. So...
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I propose an initiative to create a new list of state birds for the United States of America. And I'm talkin' EVERY state, baby! Even the ones that have fitting birds, as mentioned above. We live in a GODDAMN DEMOCRACY, and I say that we put this to a vote. So, Imma make a series of polls, one for each state. And yeah, that's 50 polls. Each will have a selection of birds, including the current state bird for that state, and I'll present the options in each case. The rules and selection criteria for the birds I'll present are as follows:
The bird has to be wild and breed in the state in question. No migrants, to accidentals, no introduced species (looking at you, South Dakota), no domestic species (looking at you, Rhode Island and Delaware). They're from the state, they breed there, and they're wild. Don't have to be endemic to the state, but they need to be found there, at bare goddamn minimum.
No repeats! Every state will have a different species! No more repeats. If there are any ties for states to get a given bird, another set of polls will be made at the end to determine which state will get that bird, and the second highest bird will claim the spot for that state. I'll try to avoid that for each state, but we'll see how things go.
There has to be a reason for their selection. For each of the birds presented for each state, I'll make a solid argument for their nomination. This also goes for any birds submitted to me for suggestions (and yes, I mean to say y'all can make suggestions if you want to for each state). If you have a bird you think would be good for a state, especially if it's your state, please give me a reason. Not that it's pretty, not that you like it's song, not that it "represents the spirit of the state's people" for no easily defined reason. GIVE ME A REASON
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And for now, that's it! And hell, if this gets popular or demanded (and I'm saying this if, like, 30 people pay attention to this post), I'll also do the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories. And hell (again), I'll even consider doing other countries if that gets demanded, definitely starting with Canada and seeing how things go from there. And finally...if people want it, maybe even the Bald Eagle (Halieetus leucocephalus) will go up for debate as the USA's national bird. Although, not gonna lie, I think that we're stuck with that one. Still, there are other questions that can be brought up if this gets popular enough. For now, though, let's focus on one thing at a time.
So, hopefully you answered the poll at the top, because I am curious as to what you think about your state bird. And just to set this up, the first state on the chopping block is Delaware, which has one of the most offensive state birds, in my opinion. Because seriously. What the fuck, Delaware? What the fuck.
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See you soon, hopefully! And happy birding!
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Introduction to the State Birds Initiative
Delaware - Poll | Results Pennsylvania - Poll | Results New Jersey - Poll | Results (coming soon) Georgia - incoming!
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lovetei · 1 year
could you write obey me boys with an idol mc? like they just somehow became famous on devildom 🕺 like these kpop/jpop idols! i was thinkin abt a newjeans like concept (attention, hype boy and cookie specifically)!
Hmm, that's so cute. I wanna see the boys watching your private life through your videos!
Damn... This made me want to redo my ROYAL Universe, I put such a small effort in that I feel sorry :')
Never mind, I'll redo it later.
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Obey me universe where MC is an Idol
IDOL Universe: Introduction
Warnings: MC uses gender neutral pronouns, manipulation, slightly dark themes
Links: Masterlist
Frilly skirts and sexy tuxedo's
The one and only idol that threatened every other groups in the Devildom by simply playing their songs intro,
Dancing at the largest stage of the Devildom is basically your normal by now.
Getting invited at parties where the wealthy and the influential can only enter
Your influence spread like wild fire all across the eighth rings of hell until no one in the Devildom don't know you.
But that isn't enough,
After you conquered the lower class of demons you climbed your way up to meet the socialites
And now here you are, on one of your highly earning concerts but this one is different
There's a different face among the crowds
There's Leviathan
Sitting in front with no one beside him
That's weird, your manager told you that every ticket are sold out and the VVIP tickets are sold at the same day...
No way...
Did Leviathan bought all the VVIP tickets?!
Yes, yes he did.
He even bought a special fan meet ticket.
"Hi! Good evening!" You cheerfully greeted to your only fan that managed to afford your over the top VVIP fan meet ticket.
"Have a seat." How weird, the rumors said he's all shy and stuttery but the person you're seeing right now is no weeb, it's the grand admiral.
"Ah, yes... Thank you!" Even though nervousness is starting to cloud your senses you need to keep your idol persona or else some nasty news will dug themselves up from the graves.
"I must say your pricing is totally over the top but I expected it from an idol whose at the top of the current food chain." Wow, how blunt.
"Yup! This ticket allows my fans have more indept conversation with me!" You smiled with your usual bright grin.
"Yeah, I almost thought it's a bait for those in the noble class. You know, for them to brag about how they managed to get their hands on such ticket." He replied as he took a sip of the coffee in front of the two of you.
"I'll go straight to the catch." He voiced out as soon as the mug landed on the glass of the coffee table.
"I want you to perform for my birthday." You almost choked up on your own spit after what he said sinked in.
"Aw... I'm deeply sorry but my manager won't allow me-" Is what I'm about to say but my manager barged into the room, sweating adn excused herself saying she has something to say to me.
She went closer and whispered something to me "He's willing to pay hundred of billions Darling! Hundreds of millions!"
What? Is he some type of freak? Why would he pay hundreds of millions just to have some idol like me to dance and sing around for his birthday?
MC, Devildoms brightest star who's hiding something
MC who secretly despised all the creepy people in the fan meets
MC who washed her hand throughly until it scratches every fan meet because of the amount of disgusting people that touched them.
MC who thinks everyone, everything is there to help them get on top of everything
MC who practiced the 'genuine' smile the crowd loves so much.
MC who can cry on command that faked their cry on live stage a they accept their most recent award.
MC Devildoms brightest star
MC who's willing to be in a dating scandal with the avatar of envy if it means it'll raise their popularity and their net worth.
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yl0w · 3 months
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cover page and title reveal! both of which im going to probably redo again and again cuzz:
i have a massive perfectionism problem and i need to tell myself
"this is not going to be perfect!"
its probably going to suck ass!
more than anything, this weird comic will be a playground for me to experiment like heck. a fun place to make mistakes, and learn! the dialogue might feel cheap, the art might look scrappy, but im learning all along the way
the quality of the pages will probably fluctuate since il try my best to just. keep. drawing. and posting pages, even if i cant quite polish them
i love comics, but ive never really committed to one before. id hate to take forever to finish my first one! this is only my first, and i dont want it to be my last. :>
THAT BEING SAID: i spent a LONG time working on the lore holy shit
because i love it duh! i want to use this comic to express just how aggressively that song and fanfic captured my imagination. a love letter to edgy "grimdark" fics that i never grew out of!
what do you mean "AN RF REMIX"? this isn't a song!
this story will involve all the parts of the original that made it Rainbow Factory, but it wont be a retelling of that same story. i like to think of it as a "remix" because it takes the concept of the rainbow factory and all the cool stuff about the pegasi and spectra and spins it into a different direction (which hopefully turns out to be interesting...)
that also means that none of the events that happened in the original fanfic happens here, unless stated so in this story!
(however, i will say that this story sticks closer to the lyrics of the songs, rather than the fanfics by the original author. and none of the sequels of the original fanfic are important to the lore of this story)
basically, you probably dont need to have read the original fics to understand whats going on here :v
so yea ! !
come along while i lose my mind over rainbows and horses :DD
(aaand if youve read this far i deem you worthy of a peek at the kid who kept runnig)
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lyrics from "The Wolf" by Siamés
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tommytomatoe · 3 months
sweetheart always had a morbid curiosity about death. it was something you experienced only once, something so tailored to the individual. they were fascinated and often wondered what one thinks about in their final moments. as they laid on the ground, staring at the sky, a quick breeze came by, shaking the trees above and sending stray leaves falling by their head. they didn’t notice. birds chirped all around them, and while their songs were loud, echoing through the forest, they didn’t muffle out the frantic footsteps running in the other direction, away from them. the ground under sweetheart felt wet. a white hot pain filled their chest. their body was confused, frantically cloaking then uncloacking. both their literal and supernatural core were on fire. and while the world was spinning around them with so many sounds, a red stain slowly growing larger through their department uniform shirt, they didn’t notice any of it. their mind thought of one thing and one thing only,  their kitchen cabinets.
when milo and sweetheart first bought their house, the kitchen cabinets were the first thing they planned to fix. there was nothing inherently wrong with them, they were standard gray cabinets with brass handles, they served their purpose. but they were the same style cabinets milo and sweetheart had in their old apartment, and while it seemed like a small thing, this wasn’t an apartment anymore. it was a house. it was their house. they could do and change whatever they wanted. so instead of tackling the overgrown backyard or faulty plumbing in the guest bathroom, they settled for something more manageable, more sentimental to them as their first home project, redoing their kitchen cabinets.
milo, always the man with a plan, already made the list of supplies they’d need for their DIY cabinet renovation. most items on the list were already checked off. they had the paint and the primer and everything they needed to sand and gloss the cabinets. all they needed to do was find the time to go to the hardware store and pick out the new handles. that was the final check mark on their list. after that, they were set to paint their kitchen cabinets the color they wanted with the handles they chose. it was one step closer to making their house truly theirs. 
today was the day they were supposed to get it done. it was a beautiful, hot summer day, both milo and sweetheart were off work and planned to take full advantage of it. they had a relaxing morning, laying in bed longer than they should, playing with aggro longer than they should, bickering over whether to make breakfast or pick something up on the way into town. it was turning out to be a shockingly relaxing weekend.
as sweetheart and milo were getting ready to leave for the hardware store, both their phone’s rang. asher called milo, telling him to come over to david’s for a backyard bbq, one milo asked if david had any idea was happening. asher snickered in response which meant he did not. the department called sweetheart, telling them they needed to come in quickly and that they would be sent thirty minutes out of dahlia to be on scene for an arrest.
it didn’t surprise sweetheart to be called in today, a work life balance with the department was a fictitious thing. what did surprise them was milo’s reaction. when they fought, which was pretty rare, it could be traced back to one of two things; money or the department. he was sick of the department taking advantage of sweetheart’s good nature and passion for their job. sometimes, this frustration felt more directed at sweetheart than at the department. sweetheart knew it, they were basically a doormat for their supervisors and no more than a number to the department, but that didn't stop it from stinging when milo would point it out. much to his disdain, sweetheart changed into their uniform. they promised when this was over they’d get the cabinet handles and continue on with their weekend as planned. but milo was so fed up with everything he just huffed and grabbed his keys, muttering strings of “whatever's” and “it’s fine”. in the car on the way to the scene, sweetheart sent milo a stream of texts apologizing for ruining their weekend plans and promising to make it up to him somehow. they didn’t receive a response but saw he read the messages.
sweetheart wondered what would happen if they didn’t come in today. if they’d listened to milo and just told the department no. it was their weekend, one they wanted to spend with their partner and their friends. but because sweetheart couldn’t say no, they were instead here. alone on the ground in the woods, an hour from home, in a pool of their own blood, thinking about cabinets.
what sweetheart hated more than fighting with milo was when they left fights unresolved. when fights went unresolved, sweetheart would spend every second of every hour replaying it in their mind. they would over analyze every word, every expression, every little moment. it was just how their brain worked. going into this job was no different. their attention was on one thing and one thing only, even though they were briefed on the drive over about the case details and what to expect, its fair to say their mind was just somewhere else.
and while they were replaying milo walking out of the house as they were walking further into the woods to the location the department told them to go, all they could think of was where he was going. what he was feeling. they didn’t hear the footsteps creeping behind them. they didn’t hear the rustle of clothes. they didn’t hear the gun cock. they missed all the signs and didn’t cloak. and in the blink of an eye, they were on the ground. it all happened so fast. 
too stunned to speak, sweetheart felt their body go into overdrive. their stealth nature tried to hide them but it was too late. a puddle was growing underneath them. they didn’t scream. they were going into shock, and all they could do was think of the stupid cabinets. all they could do was think of milo, angry at them for taking this call. to think of milo, wherever he was. to think of milo, going back to an empty house. and how he’d probably be going back to an empty house everyday after today.
as the trees above began to grow blurry and the sound of the birds grew more distant, sweetheart didn’t know what hurt worse, the bullet hole in their chest or the fact that, if this is really it for them, they’d never see what would become of those cabinets. that they’d stay dull and gray, never to be changed, never to be truly theirs.
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katthyacinth · 7 months
Lured In By Her Song
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Vox is Starting to fall for the mysterious newly dead popstar reader👀
Everyone in hell adored you which was the only reason Velvet agreed to a non-soul contract, she knew she had to get you on the Vees team you were too much of a prize. She was right of course.
All the numbers off the charts views and likes and shares, sales of anything Velvet put you in sold out, and when you went on Voxs show for an interview, ratings skyrocketed. Everyone wanted the gossip about your ex-spouse who you supposedly killed and Velvet was ecstatic with the profits.
So were you. Ever since you were in the vees protection you heard virtually nothing from said ex-spouse. You eventually stopped looking around corners and slept peacefully at night. As peacefully as you could in hell. Vox had been right too having a phone in your hands, having social media brought a sort of familiar comfort. He was happy you were using it too.
Of course, all phones have GPS you knew that. What you didn't know is that the tech overlord was specifically spying on you and had modified the phone he gave you. Totally for business reasons and totally not because he was nosy and wanted to see what such a pretty little thing like you was getting up to on a regular basis.
Maybe this is what Velvet was talking about he thought. He found out she had decided to officially call your fans "sailors" since sailors get lured by a sirens song. Clever, and as the days went by he found out, true. Something enticed him with you. He wanted to know your secrets. Once again only for blackmailing purposes totally not because he was genuinely interested. You were too kind to be in hell probably second only to Princess Charlie herself. However, he knew what you did. And you had refused to sign a soul contract, you were peculiar indeed.
You awaken one particularly early hellish morning to a buzz on your phone
-Ms. You have a new scheduled shoot time on Voxs floor for the music video in 2 hours. Ok ty, I'll head over now then- -The car will be waiting for you miss
It was your new assistant the vees had hired for you, she was quite nice, although her message did make you wonder. You thought they had gotten all the shoots they needed for this week but maybe they forgot something. You shrug and head downstairs to find your driver, also courtesy of the Vees.
Meanwhile, Vox waited in the studio, he hadn't gotten much time to talk to you since you arrived, and as mentioned earlier he was intrigued. The only things he knew about you were from social media and from the interview he did when you first signed. He figured he could sit in on the shoot to make sure everything was done right and watch you all at the same time. His thoughts come to a halt when the clicking of your shoes enters the room followed by your voice. "Good morning Kitty, good morning Nex, thank you, Gigi." Vox for a moment thought he was alive because there was no way in hell (quite literally) that you were being polite to all the assistants.
You finally catch a glimpse of Vox sitting next to the camera crew on set, catching you off guard. Doesn't this man have an empire to run? He surely has better things to do than be here.
"Uh good morning Vox, sir?" you say trying to hide your confusion.
"So glad you're on time, yes some of our less-than-capable demons didn't get the shot Velv and I quite wanted last week. Don't worry we took care of them but unfortunately, that means we must reshoot it but you're more than happy to do that right?" his signature fake PR voice oozed.
You hesitantly nod. "It's not a problem at all that's what I'm here for" You give a half smile, it was way too early for this.
"That's what I like to hear, ok everyone places were redoing shots 22-30" He enthusiastically yells out, as he then places a hand on your back and leads you to the set. Being this close to him for a split second made you realize how tall he was now. You basically were trapped against him. In the brief moment before he let go pushing you in front of the lights, you could feel that he faintly buzzed as well, a warm hum was always coursing through his body that you could feel from his hand that was placed on your back
You didn't have any more time to contemplate it however as you snapped out of your thoughts.
Three, Two, One, Action!
And boy when that camera turned on. Shit you could dance, Vox thought. Calling off his morning meeting was totally worth it now as he sat watching the two hour shoot.
"Cut! That's A Wrap, For Real This Time!" Some demon behind the camera shouts.
Vox walks up to you as an assistant hands you a drink, you're still huffing and puffing from the toll dancing took on your body. "Ah sir, is there anything else you need?" you ask him still wondering why he was here in the first place.
"Just Vox is fine doll, and you have done well for the day, we don't want to overwork our little trophy star. However, with the vague terms and circumstances of your contract, I would like to have a meeting with you, for business matters." It's that heavy sweetly fake tone again.
You hesitate but then speak "Of course I understand sir"
"Vox" he corrects you then continues. "Good I'll have my assistant set a time and have them message you." He smirks and then bids his farewell zapping through the filming equipment to who knows where.
Your mind wanders to the strange circumstances of the day as your driver takes you back to your apartment. Why was Vox himself there? You were under Velvets contract why does he want a meeting? and why did you feel a strange sense of comfort when he had touched you?...
Pt 4 Pt 6
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simplydozing · 3 months
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¡𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬 𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫!
Cardinal Copia x Hispanic!Reader You teach Copia Some new moves. Word Count: 763 || Blurb/Ficlet
A/N: This Was Self-Indulgent As Hell. I Took Heavy Inspiration From Teaching My Friend The Same Dance (Half Hispanic Gang Rise Up!). Love Her, But She's Got Two Left Feet 😭 Plus, I Know For A Fact Copia/Papa/Frater Would Without A Doubt Kill This Dace, Hands Down. ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
“Try not to think about it too hard, Cope.”
You were shifting from side to side, matching the rhythm of the current song that played. Copia was trying to bounce on his feet like the way you showed him, but it looked like he was just changing which leg to stand on.
 He had heard you from a few rooms over and wanted to see what the commotion was, only to find you twirling and bouncing around with your arms out pretending to have a partner. He watched you with eyes the size of dinner plates. You moved kind of like he does on stage, but there was more to it than that.
 It looked quite fun, and you were shocked when he decided to ask you to teach him to dance.
 Yet for him to pirouette and leap like a ballerina, he was surprisingly stiff.
“Here, mira,” you walk to the other side of the room.
“Walk to me, but stay on beat,” you hold your arms out.
 He hesitates, taking a second to feel the music. His feet match up perfectly to the music when he walks.
“Good! Now backwards, bend your knees and shift your hips.”
You take him by the hands and lead him back to the other side, demonstrating what he’s supposed to be doing.
 He mirrors you, albeit a little more awkward looking. He is starting to loosen up, though.
“Now, put it all together with a few small jumps and spins in between,” you hold him by his waist and his other outstretched hand.
 You take it slow, going back and forth in a line until he copies you entirely.
 You speed it up little by little. He finds it unbelievable how quick he’s learning this, and gives a small laugh.
“I’m doing it!”
“You’re doing it!” You repeat.
 Seeing him finally get the basics of it makes you excited. You pull him closer, now being chest-to-chest. Your knee finds a spot between his legs. You can feel him tense under your touch. He swallows nervously.
“Now, ready for the fun part?”
He shakes his head but you shrug it off.
  “Just follow my lead. We’re going to go fast, okay? It’s much easier with a partner, for me anyway,” you prepare him for what’s about to go down. You decide to be generous and wait for the next song, currently tapping your foot and nodding your head to the beat of the finishing one.
 You start dancing when the next one plays. And lucky you! It’s your favorite song to dance to.
 The beat is easy to follow, but it’s still fast-paced. You both twirl around the room. He actually adjusts to it pretty well and goes along with you and the rhythm! His body meshes with yours almost flawlessly.
 Your favorite part is coming up. You slow everything down and dance in place, bracing Copia for what comes next.
“Here comes the best part!”
 You spin one more time, stopping afterward to dig your knee further between his legs when the climax of the song rises.
“Shake it, Copia!”
 You rock your leg to set the pace for him to roll his hips.
 He’ll do anything involving him swinging them. He lights up as he does so, once again to the rhythm of the song. He looks in your eyes with pride when it’s over. You beam up at him.
 You end the dance by dipping him.
 You’re both breathless.
 There’s a sense of fulfillment overfilling you. You’ve never been able to dance with someone the way you danced with Copia just now. You’ve never had a dance partner unlike him, and he’s just learning.
 In the moment, you forget all about how you’re holding him.
 He gives your arm a squeeze, bringing you back to reality.
 You clear your throat and lift him up.
 He brushes himself off and you turn the music off.
“That was…marvelous!” He wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Can I use this at my next show?”
“Ha! You can if you redo what you did but with better footwork,” you smirk and jokingly slap his chest.
 You both share a laughing fit before leaving the space.
“By the way, what do you call that?”
He started using it on stage after the encores when everything was done and the audience was clearing out. He’d even rope his ghouls into it, mainly Sodo or Phantom. They were understandably lost but somehow managed to keep up with him.
 And you better believe he asked you to teach them too.
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
modern!steve harrington + mine cause i just KNOW he’d love that song and daydream about a future with his girl listening to it 😭💜
mine (steve's version)
warnings: hurt/comfort, my fingers slipped and put angst
wc: 2.1k+
an: okay i completely goofed here and made this far angstier than you wanted, and did not realize until AFTER it was done. 😭 i'm gonna apply the same logic as miss swift does with surprise songs - since i technically messed up, if you'd like a redo with more sweetness, let me know and i've got you haha 😭 i also just processed you wanted him to listen to the song and that image broke my brain so basically what i'm saying is this one will definitely get a redo haha sorry nonnie <3
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It had all started over a stupid fight. A fight that he didn’t even recall how it had started. That’s how stupid it had been. 
Steve had been tired, coming home from a long shift at the diner. It had been a shit show for the entirety of the twelve hours that Steve had been there, instantly making him regret pulling a double to cover one of his coworkers who called claiming they had a fever, but that he’d definitely seen posting on their stories about being out for drinks very late the night before. But he wasn’t going to tell his boss that — he’d been there. One too many beers on one of his rare free nights with friends, and he too would call out, claiming something along the lines of food poisoning. 
He wasn’t fully lying. That much alcohol probably had poisoned him considering the way he felt like death the next morning.
The coworker wasn’t what had him in a sour mood, though. Nor was it the one elderly couple that had kept trying to have terribly long conversations with him when he knew he had food to run. Nor was it that obnoxiously large group of preteens that seemed to have no self awareness as they’d reeked absolute havoc on the diner for the final hour before closing. No, none of that really phased Steve anymore — he was just tired. He was tired, a bit too easily irritated, and just wanted to sleep. 
His plans for the night had been crawling into bed with you, watching some TV show or movie he wouldn’t pay attention to with his head in your lap as your fingers would scratch soothingly at his scalp. His plans for the night didn’t include this fight. If he could have stopped, God only knows he would have.
“They’re going to shut off the water, Steve,” you stress, on the verge of tears at this point. Steve didn’t know if they were from stress, exasperation with him, or if you were hurting from how flippant he’d been since he walked through the door. Regardless, it didn’t matter; seeing you misty-eyed twisted the knife in his chest all the same, “What the fuck are we going to do if they do that? This isn’t something to talk about tomorrow.”
“They’re not going to turn it off tonight!” he shouts right back at you, throwing his hands into the air in defeat, “Fuck, I- what do you want me to do about it? What can I do about it tonight?” 
You snap your mouth shut at that, lips pressed tightly to avoid any quivering. 
“I just worked twelve fucking hours, I just wanted to come home and relax, I’m not in the mood-“
“You’re never in the mood,” you flatly interrupt him, tone a stark contrast to all the overwhelming emotions prominent on your face. Your voice doesn’t even waver — he knows that whatever you’re about to say, it’s been on your mind a while, “It’s always we’ll talk about this tomorrow, or we’ll figure it out. But we never talk about it. We never figure it out, Steve. We can’t just- You don’t think I’m tired, too?” 
His heart breaks a little. You’re right. You’re standing there, still in your scrubs from your own twelve hour shift, and fuck, you’re right. 
Things hadn’t ever been easy. Back in high school, there had been the issue of Steve’s parents. After graduation, it had been the terrible decisions of what now. When you two had decided to pack up and get the Hell out of town, it had been the stress of finally dealing with all the uncertainty, all while desperately trying to keep afloat amongst stacks of bills and adult responsibilities neither of you had expected to drown in. Things had never been easy, but Steve didn’t care about easy — he just cared that you’d always been there, by his side, on his team. 
Right now, it didn’t feel like you and him versus the world. For the first time, it feels like there’s only you two in the boxing ring. 
“This isn’t a competition, we’re… we’re supposed to be on the same side.” 
There it was — your voice cracks, and the moment the first tear falls from your eyes, you’re quick to reach up and swipe it away, pretending it never happened. Pretending that one tear wasn’t ripping Steve apart from the inside out.
“It’s not a competition! But Jesus Christ, I feel like I’m suffocating-“
“I’m suffocating you?” the tears are falling more freely, and you make no move to erase them. 
That’s not what he meant. At all. He’s only making it all worse. So, so much worse.
“I-“ he starts, but he doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know how to make this better. 
He doesn’t know how to fix this.
In an instant, his hands go from threading and angrily tugging at his hair to flaring at his side as he suddenly walks sharply down the hallway. He’s making a beeline for your shared bedroom, doing the only thing he can think of to fix this for you. For tonight, at least.
You’re quick to follow, only two steps behind him, “Where are you going?”
“I’m-“ he pauses, yanking a random drawer open to the dresser, finding himself staring at a pile of your clothes rather than his own. He huffs through frustration and his own building tears, “I’m gonna stay at Eds’ tonight. Give you some space.” 
“Give me space?” you laugh back in disbelief, not daring to take any more steps closer to him, “You’re the one who’s being suffocated-“
“You’re not suffocating me,” he stops all movement, hand still on the knob of his drawer. He turns to you suddenly, a new found confidence, “That’s- That’s not what I meant, okay?” 
He can’t make this right, but he can’t leave you thinking that’s what he meant. You could never suffocate him — and even if you tried, he’d find it to be the most heavenly way to die. But you didn’t know that, not in this moment, and that was what was currently killing him.
You take a deep breath, one step forward, before asking quietly, “What did you mean, then?” 
One last chance. An opportunity to make this right.
“You could never suffocate me,” all the shouting and the frustration has vanished, only softness and hurt left in their places, “Ever. Don’t you ever think for one moment that it’s you. It’s not, okay? I love you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, you are-“ he chokes up, looking into your glossy eyes. He can still recall the way he felt all those years ago when they’d first laid eyes on him. He’s memorized the way it felt, because every time you look at him, it still manages to feel like the very first time, “You are everything to me. You’re- Fuck, honey, you’re my entire future. When I think about the future, all I think about is you.” 
You take another step forward. Steve’s own tears now track his own face, his heart racing painfully.
“I love you so fucking much, it’s crazy. And I just- I feel like I’m fucking all of this up. You deserve more than this, and I try to give it to you, but I can’t-“
“That doesn’t all fall on you, Steve,” your hands shake as you lift them, finally close enough to touch him. Each palm rests delicately on his chest and you can’t look him in the eyes, “I don’t want you for your money. Never have, never will.” 
He laughs wetly. You’ve more than proven that. When his parents cut him off completely, you hadn’t blinked an eye. 
“I want you because I love you. I’m in love with you, Steve Harrington. Okay? I’m so in love with you, I followed you across the goddamn country.” 
“Eddie and Robin did too, to be fair,” he reminds you, almost jokingly. All the tension from the fight is quickly fading. His hand drops from the drawer. 
“They did, but I guarantee I love you more than them,” you scrunch your nose, almost grimacing before adding, “No offense to them, of course.” 
“Of course,” he echoes, slowly reaching up and holding your hands that had been pressed to his chest. You don’t pull back.
“I’m just- it’s stressful. We’re both stressed. Neither of us were prepared for this,” you look him desperately in his eyes, “I meant what I said, though. This isn’t me versus you — I never want it to be us fighting each other. It’s always us versus the problem, okay?” 
He nods when you wait patiently for his response, “Okay.” 
“And I want you here,” you continue, “I want you here, in our home and in our bed. I want you here, even screaming back and forth with me, as long as you’re here. With me. Go to bed mad at me, I don’t care. Just… don’t walk away.” 
You smile through the residual tears, squeezing his hands that hold yours. 
Steve thinks about all the examples of love he’d ever been shown. His parents, in a castle of ice. The way the fights always ended in separate rooms, sometimes separate houses. His father storming out to spend the night in a hotel rather than having to be around his mother a second longer. He remembers the way that even with an abundance of money, they were never happy. They never loved each other. A marriage of convenience rather than love. Lasting only out of obligation, not dedication. 
He didn’t want that with you. He couldn’t ever imagine what the two of you have being reduced to that.
When he looks at you, all he can see is happiness. All he can feel is that love bursting from his chest. Images of the two of you by Lover’s Lake, the way the waves of the lake had sent shattered and sparkling flares of light across your cheeks as you’d laughed at him as if he was the funniest person in the entire world. All the nights spent over the phone, talking about nothing and everything, desperate to just fall asleep to the sound of each other’s voices. The ridiculous nerves he’d felt on the first date, King Steve shaking at the thought of putting his arm around you because for the first time, he was truly scared of fucking this up. 
You made him a better man. You saw everything inside of him that was broken, that he had spent so long trying to hide, and you’d simply sat down beside him with glue in hand, prepared to spend as much time as he needed to piece it all back together. 
Go to bed mad at me, I don’t care. Just… don’t walk away.
“I can’t do that, sweetheart,” he finally sighs. Your face starts to fall, but he’s quick to clarify, “I can’t go to bed mad at you. Ever. And we can fight, us versus the problem like you said, all we want but… I don’t want to go to bed mad. I don’t want… I don’t want that. Whenever my head hits that shitty pillow every night,” you both break to laugh, because God, you both really did need new pillows (and a mattress, if you were being honest), “All I want to know is that you’re mine and I’m yours. Sound fair?” 
You smile, and it’s the best thing he’s ever seen. It makes all the long shifts worth it as you nod slowly, “Sounds fair to me.” 
“Good,” he guides the two of you to the center of the room before he drops your hands from his, sighing and letting his shoulders finally drop, “Then in that case, I’m staying.” 
Even with crying tears on your cheeks, you’re still the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. You’re still the best thing Steve Harrington has ever had the privilege of calling his, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. So if we’re gonna fight — let’s fight, baby.” 
He puts his fists up comically, and you only giggle and grab at them, shaking your head.
“I think we've fought enough for one night,” you mumble, bringing one fist to your mouth, kissing each of his knuckles gently. 
Once you’ve placed your final kiss, he quickly placed the hand beneath your chin, lifting your lips to his. He kisses you in quick succession, and between each one, he repeats the sincerest I’m sorry he can muster. 
He only stops once you’re smiling too wide for him to continue. 
After his lips leave yours one last time, pulling back slowly as he savors it and you, he finally sighs, “I am curious, though — what the Hell are we going to do if they do shut off the water?” 
You shrug, “Like you said, we can talk about it tomorrow.” 
“Or we can use Eddie and Robin’s shower.” 
“Or we can use Eddie and Robin’s shower.” 
As it turns out, Steve Harrington was wrong — when it comes to you, he can always fix things. 
"brace myself for the goodbye, 'cause it's all i've ever known. then you took me by surprise, you said 'i'll never leave you alone'."
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
I'm curious as to peoples idea for what he'd do for the next power hour so
[These all being popular ideas or ppl he's mentioned]
This was all just a ploy to get you to read my info dump theory on the concept of a Chonny Jash Power Hour loser HAHAHA
Im joking tho. Not about my CJPH theory, that is very much real but I'm not forcing you to read it lol
However if you're curious, my inane rambles are further down :}
[Long Rant Post Below]
Okay so I'm gonna start with the basic idea I got it from; that being Nerd. Nerd already foreshadowed the THDPH & the WWPH [Even down to the last song for each of them] Not only that, but he references the stuff hes done in the past as well with a break/pause inbetween.
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[This is what I mean]
The first three being all stuff he already did. BDG with Pocket, Tally Hall with Vol.1 & then Cage by Tim Minchin being the start the power hours.
The next two being the power hours he would do after this song [Memento Mori & Charlie's Inferno-Will Wood & That Handsome Devil]. But those are the only songs he would reference in Nerd, leaving no more clues as to what the last one would be. The only thing left in it is the video game references & Stairway to Heaven in the ending. [Which oddly enough also fit the pattern in a way. StH being about dying and the afterlife like Memento Mori & Chonny's Inferno and the video game references being all covers he made on his old channel]
While the VG refs could be a hint at a Videogame or Toby Fox Power Hour, I think at most, if its a clue at all, hinting at the next thing he does is recovering old songs.
Next, a couple of his songs reference his past stuff. Fine, I'm Fine has a good amount of lines that vaguely refer back to songs from the before [heres a post that goes more into it that's pretty cool!!]. And more importantly Dear Machine references Pocket, Dream (Outro from Calamity) & wings of wax. Pocket being later used in Nerd & the mention of Icarus coming back in Art. Not only that, but the voice in the very end Thermodynamic Lawyer is the exact same [if not very close to] voice filter/effect he uses in Dear Machine. Even down to the British accent he does in it. [Tho it is fairly normal for a music artist to reference their older songs in their music so it could be nothing]
Speaking of Dear Machine tho, quick thing to add about it is that it shows he not against covering his own songs. While yea technically its just a different version of Ode of the Cog, DM,HtC in a way counts as a cover of OotC. Same goes for bargaining/compromise & The Ballad of Dr. Jekyll.
Another idea with a CJPH is that in the CJFS discord theres a "Question of the Day" Channel. Where, as the name says, a Mod or Helper will ask a CJ related question & everyone can give their idea/imput on it. For Day 100, as a special fun lil thing, they asked Chonny if he wanted to give a question for that day. His question being:
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And yes he does say that he doesnt plan on doing anything like that in future [if he even were to do it]. I fully believe he wasn't lying there & honestly I never saw him redoing any song ever until I had the idea of a CJPH [aside from stuff like Spring and a Storm & Storm and a Spring obviously]. But this is the best idea I could ever see him doing that. Also that question was from early August so a fair amount of time has passed. Whether thats enough time to equal "at least in the near future at all" I have no clue, but it is a thought.
One of my last points [that I remember atm lol] is on how he would end the power hours. Cos like, while yea he does whatever he wants & doesn't rlly follow what anyone says or asks [which I 100% agree with & is completely valid btw], I'd imagine he'd still want to end the PHs with a bang. Which is why I originally didnt think the recent one would be Will Wood.
He's stated a couple of time that hes one of his favorite artist & he definitely knows that a huge chunk of his fan base listen to WW as well. So why not end with that? Why not end with one of the most requested artist people wanted him to cover? Why wouldn't he end with a power hour of the artist that was his #1 on his Spotify Wrapped? What else could he do after that? Well maybe he'd go with his #2 artist? WHICH IS JUST HIMSELF BBYYYY
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Plus, the name Power Hour already comes from this:
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So it's very likely he's had himself play multiple times in a row & had a "Chonny Jash Power Hour".
Of course theories are just theories so there's always the chance I'm wrong & just insane. And again he does whatever he wants whenever he wants so who knows what it'll be. I just think id be an interesting idea for him to do.
As for how a Chonny Jash Power Hour would look? Maybe each song being a cover of a song from a past album or single? I'd imagine one from the before. & Covered in Discontent [maybe Gothic Whore?]. Like remake Pocket since its been referenced so much, tho that's still just a BDG cover so who knows. the before. would be interesting just to see how his perspective has changed since he originally wrote those songs. Gothic Whore he already has 2 songs that have a story version & a him version so I can see him doing another.
I HIGHLY doubt he'd do anything related to Vol.1 as its his completely separate thing & he doesn't rlly wanna touch any song that's TH/HMS related until whenever he feels like starting Vol.2 [which is valid lol]. If anything I could maybe see like TWWAY, Special or maybe Greener? Or go a different route with the og I'm Gonna Win or like a more outta the box one with like Just a Friend [only cos be did a 20 second "cover" of it in Mucka Blucka]. Again, I do not see him touching anything Vol.1 related but still something to entertain ig? [4th TME cover; The Chonny Electric when/j]
Tho maybe he'd just remake songs that he he fully made [like the before. or Gothic Whore], since those are more of actual Chonny Jash songs rather than the others just being covers. Would be very cool to maybe see a remake of some of his Majora's Mask song tho [no this isn't me coping over HEAL not being on spotify shush]. Or maybe he'd do songs from his old stuff like Don't Take it Personally? [also not me coping over wanting that song on Spotify too]
Idk these are just my thoughts on the idea of a CJPH [or even a Can of Soup Power Hour/j]. Either way I am gonna say idc what he'd do, BDG or Streetlight Manifesto are my other guesses, but anything he makes is always rll good & fun so I'll be interested to see whatever it is.
But ya know considering I typed all this out in the span of an hour & a half I kinda hope im not wrong PFFT
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xbomboi · 5 months
Could you possibly elaborate more on your EQ movies?? I'm really interested in this Cove Sunset... 👀
oh yeah actually i would love to talk more about that! so basically i wrote two movies intended to be the penultimate and the final installment in the Equestria Girls series since that’s definitely never going to get an official ending. i wanted to tie up loose ends…
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i made a poster for the second one of the two that i made a few years back right here. but anyway…
the first of the two is called “Royal Nightmare.” the premise is as follows: it’s now spring of the girls’ senior year, and rarity has made the decision to run for queen of the spring fling after being robbed by sunset she tried to run for princess years ago. but when rarity gets possessed by dark magic, sunset has to confront her repressed baggage from the past if she wants to save her friend before it’s too late.
basically, this one deals a lot with sunset’s past with rarity. the film has a mix of the events taking place in the present day as well as flashbacks to the past, being the girls’ freshman year. it covers stuff like sunset arriving for the first time, her meeting flash, how she rose to power, and what she did to rarity (i changed it up just a tad because the junior novelization is a Weird book). it also has a lot of focus on rarijack as well.
the other one, intended as a finale movie, is titled “Forever Friendship.” after finally graduating from canterlot high, the girls are about to move onto the next stages in each of their lives. however, sunset still has unfinished business in regards to herself. together, the girls set out on one last adventure to uncover the truth behind sunset’s family and the sunset from their world. but could this be end?
this one is basically, like, giving sunset closure. in it i explore sunset’s origin and the truth about the Other sunset shimmer. it has an entire conflict that revolves around a discussion of the moral dilemma that comes with having magic in the human world. at heart it’s about sunset finding her purpose once and for all. i can’t say much else without spoiling it.
royal nightmare is complete in THEORY but needs a lot of, like, extra fleshing out and possibly the addition of a few more scenes. also, forever friendship is now missing a song or two because i removed one scene entirely and instead repurposed the song for royal nightmare. also ALSO, they’re a bit old now and i approached them differently than i did when writing for ever after high. i wasn’t totally thinking about completely matching the tone and more about cinematics. it’s not that i bumped the ratings up, but i let dialogue be lengthy and… idk, nuanced? i guess? more so in forever friendship than royal nightmare, at least. and there’s probably an occasional typo in them both.
i would share them, but the thing that makes me hesitant is the fact that for the songs, i made an unlisted youtube playlist of myself singing them each just for people who read them to have reference when the scenes pop up. it wasn’t so embarrassing when it was just being shared between myself and my friends, but the audio is kinda bad and there’s no music it’s just me singing. i didn’t even have the same range as i wanted for some of the songs or the characters so i sound wonky in it. and i can’t redo it now because i’m older and my voice has dropped so that’s a no-go.
idk, maybe i could give in with enough convincing.
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neverlostmycrown · 3 days
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#30daysmusicchallenge2024 for Daughters of Darkness!
Day 20: A song by an artist with a voice that you love:
Lzzy Hale & Amy Lee: Break In
Break In is the seventh track from Halestorm's second studio album, The Strange Case of....
During the Carnival of Madness 2012 tour, Amy Lee joined Lzzy Hale on stage for a surprise duet on the song.
In a interview with AltPress in July 2020, Lzzy discussed the re-recording of "Break In" with Amy Lee:
"We’re gonna release [the EP] in August, and there’s a duet with Amy Lee on there. She was nice enough to do this. We recorded it as a performance in the studio. It’s a really unique way to do this. We recorded with Nick Raskulinecz [Foo Fighters, Deftones, Alice In Chains] in Nashville.
We ended up redoing a song that we recorded on our second record called “Break In.” Years and years ago, when we toured with Evanescence, Amy loved the song and would come out and sing it with me live onstage. When we decided to redo this song, I was like, “Hey, I wonder if Amy would want to do it?” And without even hesitating, she said yes. We set up this studio. Basically, it was two microphones in the same room, so there’s a lot bleed. We literally had to record at the same time, front to back, as a performance and get it right. It was such a magical moment because she has such an amazing voice, and we’ve always had this mutual respect for each other’s voices, but to actually do it in that way… It was an experience I’d never had before with any other singer, and I’m just so glad that we got it on tape.
It was magical. It was really cool because “Break In” started out as a love song. But the perspective has changed with the song by having Amy on. We had this whole discussion like, “Hey, you know, it’s not really a love song anymore. It’s more like we have each other’s backs, and we support each other. We’re friends no matter what happens in this world.” We both got really misty about that, like, “This is gonna be really cool to put out, girl. This is gonna be awesome.” We’re excited about that."
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Re-Animated is finally out, so that means it's time for PART 2 BABY
Endless Summer: Zeddison fight existential dread once again, and this time it's their own fault!
Nobody's Better Than Bucky(Im just guessing the title here Idk): How the fUCK DID BUCKY MANAGE TO TAME A WHOLE ASS PLANT MONSTER IN LIKE 5 MINUTES GODDAMN-
What Do We Do Right Now: Genuinely the funniest fucking song in the entire franchise
I Still See You: Ha ha Willa sang a love song to a cricket everybody point and laugh!!!
My Year (the Re-Animated Remix): GOD I wish we got to see the full version animated...
Repeat: Why the fuck do you people want to redo your senior year of highschool!?!?!?
Zed's Plan: This has the EXACT same energy as the montage song from South Park lmfao
Zoda: Glad to see they're fully leaning into Zed's "clearly becoming class president will let me change the towns laws" bs from the 2nd movie, makes that whole thing feel slightly less stupid
A Zombie and Her Machine: Eliza why are you like this
It's Free Period: Interior crocadile alligator core
Underwater Airplane: It's just Wynter shouting random shit into a microphone Idk what to tell you
When Worlds Collide: I have no clue what the hell she's talking about but at least the song is catchy asf!
We're Bringin' It: Bucky why are you like this
You're Dae: It's me, Bucky, yeah(I'm incredible)
Welcome to Seabrook: Don't have much to say on this tbh it's just the opening number of a school musical, it's def dethroned I'm Winning as least memorable in the series no competition-
Shrimpossible: I didn't understand most of what he was saying but goddamn if Trevor Todjman didn't put his all into that preformance
Meant to Combine: Wyatt and Eliza you cheesy motherfuck- oh shit they're vegans they don't eat cheese nvm
Be Like Me: Basic ass montage song is basic
It's Okay: Men would rather create a giant mud monster, get eaten, and hallucinate their sister singing a song to them before going to therapy smh
I'm a Box: Literally the best way they could've wrapped up that episode
Back 2 Back: I don't have anything to say about this one either tbh, but it's more memorable than the opening number to the musical!
Okay that's it. Expect a part 3 when the rest of season 1 comes out because there are supposed to be 34 fUCKING songs in this show and these are only 18 of them!?!?!?! Plus I have no idea when the rest of the season is coming out. So.
Also I'll make a Part 4 when the 4th movie comes out :)
Part 1
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dedarachnid · 1 month
I've returned from my hiatus
Sorry for all the wait lol. College and another internship got me real busy lol
But I'm back and this time, I decided to redo one of my OCs, which is Janette Joestar, a JJBA OC
Without further ado, here she is:
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The main reason for this was due to me getting back to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
I actually did a semi-remake of Janette with a certain picrew, but that is preserved for a JJBA RP I'm doing with a friend and it's mainly used as a basis for my official remake
I even remade her Stand, Bloody Mary and I'm very happy with how they both turned out
If you're curious as to how Janette and Bloody Mary came to be, and what their backstory is, I'll give you the links
Original Janette Joestar :
Original Bloody Mary:
Also, fun fact: I originally named Bloody Mary after that creepy legend, but after discovering that Lady Gaga made a song called " Bloody Mary " , I figured that would fit with Araki's motif of naming characters/Stands after songs/bands/singers lol
So yeah, Janette's backstory stays relatively the same, but there have been some changes.
For one, Dio don't have any interest in her anymore lmao
Second, Janette now has 3 children :
The first child is Arthur Eddinburgh, the son she has with her first husband, Adam Eddinburgh, who passed due to old age around the events of Battle Tendency
The second child is Naoyuki Joestar, a boy she adopted after encountering him at the airport during one of her trip to Japan visiting Holly and Jotaro
Then, the third and youngest child is Maria Hoshizora Joestar, whom she has with her current husband, a Japanese man name Taro Hoshizora
As for her design, considering how Jonathan look much more like his father, George Joestar, to the point of even having his hair color, I figured that Janette, who is Jonathan's older sister, should look more like their mother, Mary Joestar
Hell, Maria is named after her grandmother lol
As for her Stand, as stated by mini-me, her ability stays relatively the same with minor changes, which also includes her Stand Rush cry. And she is still Spice Girl and Echoes Act. 3 levels of sentience
But her stats are slightly different now :
Destructive Power - B
Range - B
Percision - A
Durability - B
Speed - B
Potential - E
She is now a slightly better mid-tier Stand lmao
So yeh, that's basically all of it
I will draw her children, including their Stands, in the future
Dunno how long that'll take but hey, I'm very determined to do this
So I'll be seeing you all next time ヾ(^-^)ノ
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I have some papa headcannons guys.
Baby's first semi-coherent thought!!! Under the break
I don't think about Primo all that much because I know like nothing about him but I like to think that before he was introduced as frontman the ghouls were passing around a rumor that he wasn't like a chill satanist (?) And he like sacrificed babies and stuff. Of course none of that was true but he was still feared until they actually met him and when he wasn't like they thought he was they were all like what the hell. Who are you
The rumors probably arose (along with this HC) from his song lyrics being significantly more Satan-centralized than Nihil's. Like idk if anybody noticed but in comparison to the other albums, Opus basically sounds like "SIX SIX SIX SATAN SATAN SATAN" and honestly I'm here for it
Bro definitely has descendants on every continent. I don't think we talk enough about how Terzo is more of a whore in theory but Secondo is a whore in practice. He's just too grumpy to talk about it but he'll sing
Also his ghouls had an obsession with slapping his bald head. Probably part of the reason he was always so grumpy
I feel like he also has asthma and snores loud af when he sleeps. Also he plays golf. My bio teacher said for Christmas he gives people golf clubs that are exactly his size even if they don't play golf so that he can just use them. Secondo would do the same thing
And since infestissumam is about the current presence of Satan I feel like he's the kind of guy to just never think about the past or future. Not in the way that he makes bad decisions (well maybe partially considering the first bullet) but he never talks about what he's going to do after retirement or the history of the ministry, he's focused on the now. Just a thought
Okay so. I have a feeling that Terzo despised his big brother. He was like "this bitch doesn't just have a stick up his ass he has the whole tree". So when the mask miscommunication happened I imagine Terzo having his face painted five minutes before the show and when he looks in the mirror to see it looks a little too much like secondo he's all like "what. I need to look cooler than him, can you redo it" and the makeup artist is like you have five minutes. It's this or nothing. So Terzo went on stage anyway and he felt like an absolute fool.
Also because of the title of his album I think about his goals for the band, and usually the thoughts come in the form of a conversation with Omega. They're just chilling one night together while Terzo is still a cardinal and Terzo just out of the blue goes "Omega. I'm going to help this band touch the heavens. We're going to be the best we've ever been when I'm Papa." And Omega is like aw you're adorable now get some sleep you need a nap. But terzo is verging on obsession with being the greatest, grandest, and most lovable and admirable papa there ever was, and he ends up achieving it with such ease that even the ghouls' jaws are on the floor.
I think sometimes maybe Copia never really wanted to be a Cardinal because of the work that comes with it. He likes to procrastinate and stuff so a governmental-esque job where he has to be motivated and actually do stuff doesnt really suit him very well. He was raised to be a member of the Clergy and didn't realize he had a choice until it was too late. But luckily, once he becomes the frontman of the band, even if it's to Nihil's chagrin, he starts to find joy in his profession with his performances and such.
Anyway that's it. Thanks bye
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