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street-corner-felines · 8 months ago
Zero Day Director commentary - With actor Andre Keuck
#movies#film#cinema#Damn I wish Cal was here#Andre and Ben are really interesting to listen to#This movie is one of those movies where it needs like 3 commentaries#It needs one with just Ben Coccio by himself#then one with Cal and Andre by themselves#then another with all 3 of them#Not all movies do that but I love when studios/filmmakers have multiple commentaries to create a sense of thorough intimacy#due to the nature of how commentaries are set up they can be quite restrictive/pressing/limited with no pauses or rewinds.#so I find cast/crew don't have enough time or able to present how they would like to if they could edit/rewind or pause for fluent presenta#So I love when they have director commentaries and actor commentaries or composer commentaries#Platoon's dvd extras are so dope they got multiple commentaries and one with military adviser Dale Dye who was a RL vietnam vet#Or Hostel's commentaries where one is just Eli Roth and another is Tarantino and Eli Roth with Scott Spiegal#idk if Zero Day ever got a blu-ray release but I think it should but the DV technology of the camera is kinda at it's limit of resolution#but an AI upscaling with 20 years later retrospective with Ben Cal and Andre would be sooo dope along with updated commentaries#Every few years I always rewatch Zero Day so that time has come that last few days lol#Ever since Columbine as a lil kid I have always been into spree-murders and active shooter incidents#I remember reading a peer-reviewed paper called Pseudo-Commandos#And Eric and Dylan and Andre and Cal would be dubbed Pseudo-Commandos where they dress up in a semi-military fashion#and have a delusion of superiority mixed with perceived sense of persecution whether it's true or not#it went into the Postal shooter from the 80s as well and what he went through along#plus I read another book called Going Postal which also went into postal shootings along with school shootings#I want to make a film about spree murders or an active shooter/s but I remember just getting so tired of the subject matter#because every 3 weeks there was some new shooter in the headlines and I found myself not wanting to be exploitative#When I write/direct my film I'd like it to address and study the character of such an individual but not try to be too political#or exploitative and focus on the ambiguities that are left behind when someone does this#as a society I noticed we stopped asking the questions on why and stopped having constructive conversations#it feels like as a coping mechanism we've started treating them like tornados or natural disasters
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
That is racist of Dheginsea. Othering the children who aren’t responsible for their parents choices and demonizing them so they have no place to go, and so those children end up with resentment to the Laguz for the way they’re othered and treat. Not to mention it wouldn’t stop Laguz from willingly being with a Beorc despite the consequences, which further leads to both sides hating the other. Of course the narrative of how both sides wrote history to say they alone are descended from the Zunanma rather than admit both are closely related sub species itself furthers the othering as well, as it means there’s no reason to view the other species as deserving to exist when they’re the Goddess chosen people.
I think Dheginsea at least meant well, but he never truly considered the idea that his actions to preserve his species at the cost of a new species(as that’s what the Branded are) caused the same problems he feared for an even smaller minority.
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No pbs anon!
That's why I really really really hate the Tellius situation, it's a "divide by 0" equation where no matter what, some people will be screwed at the end.
And that's the issue!
Of course protecting a minority from being persecuted is an obvious step on a path to protect everyone - but it's the ultimate railroad dilemna where you have to choose who is going to be rolled over.
Sadly I've tried to find the chapter from which the Misaha quotes were ripped off on SF but it's not from the endgame?
It's those lines :
"Misaha: All of the apostles have borne this brand. It is our greatest secret. The senators must never know. Because of this brand, I thought that I had been born of some great sin. It plagued me always. Guilt tore at me every day as I hid my mark from my people, deceiving them constantly about my true nature. Lehran: Oh, child...how can I apologize to you? Misaha: And yet, now that I’ve met you, I understand. There is no shame in my heritage. None at all. I will not live in hiding. I will reveal to the world that I am one of the Branded. They must see there is no shame in who I am."
Misaha thinks she was born from a "great" sin because of her brand, most likely hearing the stories of Deghinsea about brandeds being "parentless" children and "sins against the goddess".
But why is Lehran apologising here?
Is he apologising because he participated in that lie, or more twisted- Lehran apologises because if Misaha has a brand and cannot pass as a beorc in Begnion, it's because of "him" for not being a beorc? Is Lehran actually apologising for being born a laguz?? For befriending Altina and getting their first kid?
Granted, when Lehran has his breakdown because of chaotic energies before making the decision to erase both Laguz and Beorcs, it goes like this :
Dheginsea: “You, who have lost your birthright?”
Misaha: “And yet, now that I’ve met you, I understand. There is no shame in my heritage. None at all.”
Ashera: “In deference to you, I will place my faith in your kind one last time.”
Altina: “You… are the gentlest soul of them all, my sweet Lehran…”
Lehran: “Why? Why did I lose my power? Why? Why was my tribe stolen? Why, why, why?”
More than 800 years later, Lehran is still "not over with" losing his powers. Lehran who is kind and gentle, but who wants to help - loses his birthright, he cannot fulfill his promise to Ashera anymore - thus cannot help - his descendant is proud to be, well, his descendant - but he cannot help/save her (as if he had the possibility anyways!) because he lost his powers - and Deghinsea who inadvertently (I think Deg had no malicious intent here) reminds him that he is powerless...
Imo, it encapsulates everything - there is nothing wrong about Laguz and Beorc accepting each other, but why the fuck Laguz lose their powers? ?
As for the lie in itself and crossbreeding...
What do you mean by "weren't taught properly"?
That's precisely the point of that lie, the truth, if taught to the world, would be unearable for both Laguz and, to a lesser extent, Beorcs. Like, telling the truth to Laguz? "Don't fuck Beorcs or you will end up losing your abilities forever" ? But for Beorcs it's just "you're free to fuck Laguz, you'll create another being with superpowers and cripple the laguz that way!"
(also, I think it is most likely taught around, there's the joke UST between Elincia and Tibarn, and Bastian cockblocks Tibarn because they remember this tale?)
Yes, each side think they are the ones who descend from the Zunama - instead of learning the truth of how they "both" descend from the Zunama, but if both sides try to return to, idk, Zunama roots and the original "we were both one" myth, well, one side loses all of its powers, while the other get away scot-free.
So, are they that "closely related" as sub-species as they are supposed to be, in one species "dies" when it breeds with the other? We know they are, as they both descend from the same "ancestor/species", but the result of the two breeding says the inverse.
Of course the lie wouldn't stop Laguz and Beorcs who like each other a lot to live together and get kids, but the Branded's sheer existence, regardless of Deghinsea's words and edicts, is something of an anathema to Laguz, as we see with Vika and Miccy's base convo :
Micaiah: You always run away from me… Did I do something to offend you? Vika: No, I’m so sorry. I can’t explain why this happens. I get so jumpy around you. There’s just… something about you. Micaiah: Oh… Vika: Oh, but please don’t be sad! It’s not you. It’s me. I get… confused… sometimes. I really admire you, and then I get a bizarre feeling, and… Micaiah: It’s all right. Sorry to bother you. Vika: …No. Wait. Micaiah: Hm? Vika: I want to overcome this. I don’t like that I feel I must avoid you for some inexplicable reason.
Why Laguz, in general, feel Branded are people "they must avoid"?
Is it because to Laguz, even subconsciously, a branded's existence means one of them "died"? Or in a more metaphysical sense, because Brandeds herald the end of the Laguz race (because if more brandeds are born, it means more laguz "die" ?)
Misaha didn't only want to end injustices and racism against the Branded, she wanted to stop racism in Begnion against Laguz (thus by proxy, against Brandeds).
In conclusion, Deginshea's lie created discriminations against Brandeds, but I think it's more nuanced than a general "to protect one race he put another under the bus".
When Soren goes :
Hate… That I could understand. This was denial. They made me feel like I wasn’t supposed to exist at all. That my simply being alive was an affront to the world.
It's painful to read, because no one should ever think they shouldn't have been born, or their mere existence is "an affront to the world".
Tibarn puts it this way, talking about "an old song" :
It is said that the goddesses forbid laguz and beorc to procreate. If a couple breaks the taboo, the punishment is dealt to the laguz parent. She or he loses the power of the laguz and becomes something that does not belong to either species.
Deghinsea created the "taboo" and the decree, but he wasn't the one who created the "punishment".
Heck, the punishment is the reason why the "taboo" was created, to reduce the number of "punished" people, but also, and maybe, to find a reason why those "punishments" are given?
The sitation becomes unbearable : we have people who are shunned hated and at times even killed for "existing", and we have people who "die"/lose their abilities/are "punished" automatically when the first people mentionned start to exist (iirc Almedha lost her powers when she became pregnant).
For what it's worth, per Nasir, both Beorcs and Laguz came to accept the concept of Deginshea's decree :
Nasir: Even so, the taboo was broken several times over the next few decades. Usually no child was conceived, but when there was, it was swiftly covered up. The parents soon learned what it meant to bear a child who possessed both laguz and beorc blood. After they learned of the consequences, none of these parents ever rejected the edict forbidding it.
Of course comes the obvious question of did anyone even thought about asking a Branded their opinion on that decree ? Miccy is part of that conversation too, and reacts when "honor killings" of brandeds are mentionned.
But afaik, we don't have Miccy's pov about that edict - after this conversation - and the game sure as hell doesn't want her to talk to Lehran (all of his convos are reserved for Sanaki!) - whose fault is it that Lehran lost his powers, thus direct line to the goddess, thus will to live? Hers because she was born (or her ancestor's)? His, for loving Altina? Whose fault is it that Brandeds are shunned? Deghinsea, who made that decree, or Laguz in general who can sense what they are and see through them the extinction of their race, or an unfair "punishment" from whoever ?
As always, with complicated questions, Ike is nowhere to be seen, but even without Ike, what would be the best solution?
Of course, stop persecuting and denying the existence of Brandeds would be a good start.
And then?
When Laguz and Beorcs will argue againt about something stupid, reject coexistence because, to Beorcs, Laguz are beings that "stop existing" as soon as they shag? And to Laguz, who will feel cosmically "cheated" because they are the only ones who receive "punishment" from miscegenation, to the point of thinking maybe Beorcs are really the superior race?
It's why Lehran's tale is so sad, he wanted coexistence but was punished for it by his very own world - why did he lose his powers?
What kind of solution can be found in a world that pushes for equality between races, but also reveals when they coexist, only one race is "punished"?
That's why I mentioned the divide by 0 equation -
The Tellius equation has no solutions.
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haasegawa · 2 years ago
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pynkhues · 5 months ago
Hi!! This is so random but I am having my 1st ever team meeting today and I’m soo soo anxious. Would love some words of encouragement and advice if you don’t mind ♥️♥️
Hi! Ah! How exciting for you, anon! Team meetings can be a lot of things, but at their best they can be great for communication and relationship-building, particularly when you're starting out at a new job or with a new team. I don't know if I have any advice exactly, but just going in ready to listen and be engaged with the discussion (and being engaged doesn't have to mean verbally contributing, it can and does mean hearing and responding to other people's contributions) is always a good place to start.
Oh! And if there are people you don't know in the meeting, introduce yourself! It sounds like such a simple thing, but you'd be surprised how many people might suddenly appear in team meetings and others don't know who they are, particularly in larger organisations. Taking the time to introduce yourself not only is polite, but can also provide the space for others to introduce themselves and talk to you which can help you to build up work relationships, both in a professional sense, and in terms of making some work friends. :-)
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bitterkarella · 1 year ago
Midnight Pals: I Want to Believe
Stephen King: hey did you hear that thomas wrote an x files episode? Barker: what? which one? King: oh i think King: i think it was called King: 'thomas ligotti is from outer space' or something Barker: Barker: yeah i don't think it was called that
King: i heard you wrote an x files episode Thomas Ligotti: hm King: you know, i once wrote an x files episode myself Ligotti: hm King: it was about an evil doll Ligotti: did the evil doll represent the existential void of an indifferent universe King: King: uh no King: it was the regular kind
Ligotti: they never actually made my episode Ligotti: they said it was too depressing Barker: damn! whoa! Barker: you? depressing? Barker: get outta town! Poe: clive Barker: i'm just as shocked as you are!
Barker: so thomas this depressing x-files thing you did Ligotti: hm Barker: did it have mannequins Poe: clive Ligotti: yes Barker: whoa! really defying stereotypes today huh tom?
Barker: wait wait Barker: i'm on a role Barker: i'm about to use my AWESOME PSYCHIC POWERS to make another prediction Barker: was there a ventriloquist dummy in it? Ligotti: yes Barker: whoa! 2 for 2! Koontz: are you really psychic? Poe: no dean Barker: yes dean Barker: yes i am
Barker: damn thomas i am totally SHOCKED that you'd write about ventriloquist dummies Barker: i am just so COMPLETELY SURPRISED because that's Barker: like Barker: SO out of character for you Jon Padgett: s-shut up Padgett: leave him alone Padgett: just shut up!
Ligotti: a ventriloquist dummy is a cosmic doppelganger, real and yet not real, a mocking caricature of the spark of life, a reminder of the cruel joke the universe played on mankind that is sentience RL Stine: yeah and also Stine: what if one had a knife?
Ligotti: so mulder and scully face the truth that we are all just in a cosmically indifferent universe, specks upon the tides of fate, subject to unknowable forces beyond human ken that our blinkered minds cannot ever hope to fathom Ligotti: the truth is NOT out there
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educatedsimps · 9 months ago
Can I pls request a boyfriend hc for Mattsun? 🥺🤲 one where it’s longterm like, highschool to waaaay into adulthood type of longterm.
≪ back to fics masterlist
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mastukawa issei x f!reader
a/n: when i tell you i squealed reading this request ✋😭 THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING ANON! AND YES BAE I’M WRITING THIS just a word of warning tho, i’ve never written for mattsun before so i had to do a little research, hope i didn’t mess up his character 🤧 anyway i hope u like this! and thanku for reading :)
cw: i may or may not have gotten carried away, f!reader, timeskip spoilers, established rls, tooth-rotting fluff
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how you got together:
probably met him in your first year of high school, and got together after becoming really close friends
you made friends with hanamaki first because you were classmates, then one day he invited you to study together with his friends and that's when he introduced you to mattsun
you realised you shared a lot of classes with mattsun and you just clicked once you started talking
of course, you got acquainted with oikawa and iwaizumi as well
you had a group chat with makki and mattsun, and the latter often texted you after school and after practice
you had similar interests and music tastes and stuff (and of course enjoyed teasing oikawa together)
you and mattsun also started studying together (probably tutored each other in some subjects too)
the both of you started catching feelings as you grew closer and by the time you were halfway through your second year, the two of you had FATTEST crushes on each other bUT NEITHER OF YOU DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT AHJKDHSK i swear it pissed your friends off so much
anyway, makki and oikawa made a bet with mattsun in year 2, in which mattsun would have to confess to you if they didn't make it to nationals that year
iwaizumi told them to cut it out (they didn't listen)
oikawa knew mattsun wouldn't want to jeopardise his friendship with you by confessing, so he used that as an incentive for mattsun to train more LOL oikawa's actually evil
but they lost to shiratorizawa anyway so mattsun had to confess to you
he went to your class during lunch the very next day with a small bouquet of flowers and a note
he wanted to just leave it on your table and leave before anyone saw him, but you just HAD to walk in right at that moment
"what's that?" "...it's for makki" "then why is it on my table, issei?" "...because makki likes to sit at your table" "but makki's not even in this class"
anyway he ended up with the girl of his dreams that day and now he's secretly glad seijoh lost that game lol
you graduated together after dating for 1.5 years, and took a really beautiful grad photo together (he had the absolute biggest smile on his face, even makki had never seen him smile that wide before)
there was one photo with his friends in the background cheering as he bashfully gave you a kiss on your cheek (YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE MY HEART IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE)
you also had a ton of photos photobombed by oikawa and makki in the background - and a few more taken when iwaizumi was dragging them out of the frame by their ears
dates with him:
he brought you out to dinner for your first date
he listened to oikawa's advice to take you to dinner because "girl's like the classics" and since oikawa was the only one in the team who had had a girlfriend before, mattsun decided that maybe he had a point
iwaizumi reminded him that oikawa got dumped his girlfriend but anyway-
it was a decent, slightly fancy restaurant in the city area and yes, he insisted on paying (he's been spoiling you from the very start)
he also got all dressed up for it - and i mean, suit, pants, flowers and everything
he was blushing the whole time
after that, you guys started going on different types of dates, depending on whether you're more of an extrovert or an introvert
dates include going on picnics, going to the arcade, movies, night markets and festivals, aquarium, museum, etc.
def a ton of home dates too - ordering food and doing skincare together or just cuddling
as broke highschool kids, you probably went to less expensive places, except for the occasional event, eg. after major exams, on you birthdays, your anniversary, after winning a game, etc.
lots of cheap after-school lunch dates though
milestones together:
you were each other's firsts, so you both lowkey didn't know what you were doing but you learned together
probably had your first major argument/conflict/disagreement after about half a year of dating? but you learned to resolve it in a healthy way pretty quickly
if you're not a confrontational person, then mattsun was probably the one who initiated the conversation after the argument
he probably cycled to your house in the evening just to apologise to you and talked things out
he can be a little blunt sometimes so resolving conflicts with him are usually very direct
after that, you slowly learned from each other's habits and signs and rarely get into heated arguments anymore because you know how to resolve conflicts peacefully through ✨communication✨
it was a pretty important milestone when you first met each other's families/parents, which was about a few months after dating
your parents knew you guys were friends first but had never met him until you started dating
he's a pretty nonchalant guy but meeting your parents for the first time was probably one of the most nerve-wracking moments in his life (i think it's a universal experience)
they love him tho
if you have any really young siblings or cousins, they'd probably use him as a free climbing activity
he has an older sister and a younger brother and they absolutely ADORE you
like from the moment issei introduced you to them, they were like "ISSEI WE WANT THIS ONE"
moving in together during or after college
you guys were one of the cutest campus couples like your relationship was the PEAK of all college relationships
like EVERYBODY wanted a relationship like yours and mattsun's
the little things:
he looks like his love language is gift-giving, followed by quality time but that's just my opinion
so you can expect lots of little gifts from him
he also always initiates a lot of dates because he wants to spend time with you
walks you home every chance he gets
in high school he'd pick flowers from the school garden and give them to you, he'd either visit your classroom during break or give it to you when he sees you in the hallway or even between classes
probably pissed off the school gardener once for picking too many flowers but they became good friends and now mattsun always gets fresh flowers for you
idk why but this man gives "he'd get you flowers every time he passes by a flower shop bc 'why not'" vibes
mattsun would 100% match outfits with you on a date "just for the aesthetic"
mattsun in a black turtle neck, jacket, a thin silver chain, more flowers, and a fancy restaurant for a date
he'd probably make a spotify playlist for you, either of songs that remind him of you or of songs that are special to both of you
he would carry your bag for you when you go out, even if you insist that it's not heavy, doesn't matter how feminine it is, he'd gladly carry it on one side while holding your hand on the other side
you send tiktoks to each other every day (and by that i mean A LOT of tiktoks) and he watches every single one that you send him and he always replies to them. either with an emoji or a short reply, he just wants you to know he enjoys your tiktoks
will send you every "send this to the prettiest girl you know" tiktok he comes across (which is also very often)
takes candid photos of you when you're not paying attention, probably has one as his lockscreen too
post-timeskip hcs:
you're close to the seijoh 4 and hang out with them almost every time they meet up
and since you're mattsun's +1 who's been around them since high school, you're invested in the other guys' love lives too
sometimes you and mattsun try to set them up with people for your own entertainment to help them out a lil
you and mattsun are like a package deal, if you're invited to something, he's coming with and vice versa
you and mattsun would probably ditch an event together once you're tired or sick of it
you probably saved all the dried petals from all the flowers he's given to you over the years and got your wedding guests to throw them as you walked down the aisle together (you saw someone do this on tiktok and when you told him after the ceremony he actually cried)
if you guys own a car, you would probably take turns driving the car every day and drop off / pick up the other from work
if you don't then you'd meet at a bus or train station nearby and head home together every day
the two of you would 100% take naps on the bus or train together with earphones in
since he works in a funeral home, i feel like he'd have tons of flowers at his workplace, so sometimes he'll take a few home for you
either that or he knows the best flower shops in town and he'll often pick up a bouquet on the way home
also tells you stories from his work
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a/n: ok i'm out of brain juice for this one but i hope you liked it! i hope i didn't write him too ooc too 😭
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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mollymason-abdl · 3 months ago
Would you like to spend a few days under intensive care? To be left immobilized in a bed under total control? To be left there and subjected to strict control of services with set schedules.
You would not have access to the schedules, you would not know what time it is, or when the next service would be. Three or four feeding times a day, one time for a bath, four times for diaper changes. When it is time, they come and feed you without asking your permission (sometimes a laxative ). When it is time for a bath, they come and bathe you without asking your permission.
You have no option to leave, so you end up messing yourself, without knowing what time they will change you or how long you will be like that. You feel humiliated and helpless, and when it is schedule time, they come without permission, they turn you over, and you feel how they open your diaper, and how they wash you "without your permission", and then they put you back in place until the next change, and you feel humiliated and dominated.
The lack of agency in this is really attractive to me! I’ve often thought (well masturbated and thought about hahah) sitting down and forming a weekend contract so we can go over boundaries, definates no’s and such and indulge in a weekend just like this! I used to be into intox play a lot more than I am these days but I recognize it’s often the cause of additional anxiety for me so it’s not the best at current for me. Instead in all about the idea of anesthesia play (which in a RL situation is a bit more unrealistic hahaha) but still a super hot fantasy. Putting 100% control in another persons hands is def something I’d love to explore more within!!
Ask me things!!
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slightly-gay-pogohammer · 2 months ago
on the subject of eating things in video games, what's a video game food you really wish you could try? i'd LOVE to eat some of those tasty little fruits from Crash Bandicoot, or perhaps eat some of the food from Breath of the Wild!
alternative options:
those big mushrooms in botw. like literally all of them look delicious to me
any pokemon berry.
the animal crossing pears. "Theyre just pears" no they look much better than rl ones. also a slice of acnh birthday cake
the professor layton teas. All of them.
and I need to try the rayman plum juice. Like its likely only plum wine but doesnt that sound delicious???
very specific: the fruit sora eats in wonderland in kh1 that makes him small
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delta-gambit-au · 9 months ago
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“We were a good team. They knew the best strategies and they listened to my ideas with an open mind. It was the recipe for their success, earning a nice promotion within the company and making me proud. Being the talk of our co-workers was the cherry on top.” — Spam
It takes effort to create something that was never seen before. It takes guts to keep pushing forward with that never before seen idea that is not aligned with any of the current trending standards. You know that people will not take it seriously, but that shouldn’t deter you from delivering more and more of it. In time everything will click into place, and you will be glad that you haven't stopped when you started to hesitate along the way. It’s daunting, and at the same time, discouraging. But moving forward is the only way, the only path. I think the Addisons of my AU has shown me a lot of that, that ideas can’t bloom if they aren’t sown before, even if they look ugly and dull at first. To keep nurturing them alone is very hard, but one day the effort will pay off and no regrets will come to bite you back.
Anyway, the backstory of Spamton and his Addison co-workers has a very storied past. Slowly I’m gleaning some of what he was, how he got to know his friends, why the White Addisons are a dying breed and why he was forced to change his name and his own archetype to stick it to the system. You might be surprised of all the stuff Spam needed to do in order to survive, but for now, concept arts of ideas and research is all what I have to share about that.
I’m weaving a very deep story behind the origins of Spam and the forces controlling the market of Cyber World and the life of the Cyberians, and why the law forbids any direct contact with Lightners (that was before Kris and friends dropped by). Spam here is just a number, subject #451, one of many. All look the same. All do the same. All have no interests beyond the success of the company in which they grew up to become another white-collared walking utility. Everything would change when he receives an invitation to a cyber-grill to meet with one of the marketing groups he was assigned to. It was the beginning of change, and the start of his voluntary corruption. That's as much as I can say 👀 Oh, also I found out while sprucing their profiles that Sears and Spam share the same birthday day, 3rd of May, though Sears is 5 years older than Spam as they were born in 1973 😅They are the oldest of the Addison group, and that makes them the butt of jokes sometimes.
I need to explore some art-style in order to give substance to this part of the plot and tweak its world-building, which will be unlockable flashbacks in the visual-novel. There's also a new character villain I'm trying to breath life to who appears during the epilogue of the first season. I hope people will like to see a new villain Darkner. He's also another walking DAEMON like Spwatchton but this one works for the LOCAL-SYS whereas Spwatchton is one of the undercover rebels.
Sorry if my content is coming out slow or half-baked. I'm still concept-arting and being nagged at the same time by RL more often than not. Yesterday I had yet another doctor appointment to go to and this week should be my ophthalmologist...
I also... joined the Art Fight of this year... My first time doing this. Though I'm not sure if I'll be able to be very active, I'm going to fill everything with Addisons and other Darkners from my AU to force myself to make their character profiles and see if anybody would do fanart of them (who doesn't like to get fanarts of their OCs? 😅)
As of other updates, we are expecting a final interview with a good company next week that seemed pretty interested in us as we fit their profile well. Fingis crossed! 🤞
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tsarisfanfiction · 24 days ago
Truth Comes Out of His Well (Chapter 24)
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family Characters: Lee Fletcher, Kronos, Apollo, Apollo Cabin (and many more) RL has delayed this week’s podfic as well, unfortunately. I’ll update this and the previous affected chapters when they’re out! << Chapter 23
“Kayla really likes Michael, doesn’t she?” Lee commented as he watched them fly away.  Beside him, Clarisse snorted.
“She’s his fucking shadow,” she said.  “Don’t ask me what she sees in him but she latched on the day she arrived and he hasn’t run her off yet.”
That meant that Michael liked her, too, Lee surmised.  Good.
“You’ve got a new shadow, too,” Clarisse added, and Lee winced.
“I know,” he sighed.  “His mom got killed when he was taken, and then everything that happened since… I’m going to have to bug Chiron to set up therapy for him.”
“Not just him,” Clarisse said, and even without looking at her, Lee could feel her eyes on the side of his head.  Lee deflated.
“I need to get through this war before I start thinking about that,” he admitted.  “It’s been a rough year.”
She snorted.  “That’s a fucking understatement,” she said.  “Just call it a fucking shit year.”  Lee grimaced, but couldn’t argue the sentiment.
“So, what’s the story with Chris?” he asked, changing the subject.  “He seems to have his sanity back.”
“In more ways than one,” Clarisse grumbled, but it was fond.  “Short answer is Mr D.  He didn’t say why he did it, but he came back just after the battle and decided to snap his fingers and fix his mind.”  It almost seemed unfair, that they’d spent so long working with Chris, healing his physical body and doing everything they could possibly think of to heal his mind, only for a god to swan in and fix it all with a snap of his fingers.
But that was the power of the gods, and Mr D had never been Lee’s favourite god – of course not, that was and would always be Apollo – but he had always been reasonable enough about blocking Lee’s power so he didn’t get a migraine every time the god spoke, and despite his grumbles and general dismissiveness, camp always felt safer when the god was around.
It certainly helped boost their morale, too, if a god was willing to heal one of their own.
“And he’s not gone back to Kronos,” Lee observed.
Clarisse shook his head.  “He still doesn’t like the gods,” she said.  “Hermes finally fucking claimed him, but he doesn’t give a shit, now.  Too little, too late.  But Kronos sent him on a suicide mission, and we saved him.  The gods don’t have Chris’ loyalty, and they probably never will, but the people he attributes to saving him?  They do.”
“You do,” Lee translated, and she gave him a sideways glance, like she thought he was stupid.
“I’m not the one that saved him,” she said.  “I pulled him out of that hell, but I’m not a healer, Lee.  I don’t fix shit.”
“Pulling him out of that hell sounds like saving him to me,” Lee pointed out.  She shrugged.
“Whatever.  We’re dating now, anyway.”
Good news was something that had been sorely lacking from Lee’s life recently, even the positive things coming with a tinge of negativity – siblings still alive, but badly injured, or traumatised, or both.
This was different.  This wasn’t to do with the war, didn’t have a sting in the tail to leave a bad taste as it sank in.  Lee smiled, and it felt genuine.  “I’m glad for you,” he said, and he whole-heartedly meant it.
Clarisse scoffed, but her cheeks went a little pink.  “It’s not a big deal,” she said, but it had the prickle of a small lie in it.  Lee didn’t mind; those were the lies he was always happy to let slide, small white things that didn’t hurt anyone.  If Clarisse wanted to pretend she didn’t think it was something to shout from the rooftops, then Lee wouldn’t push her about it.
“It doesn’t have to be,” he said, instead.  “I’m still happy to hear about it.”
Her face went a little redder again, and she picked up her spear from where Chris had left it.
“Sit down before you fall down,” she ordered.  “Keep the bastard company or something, and yell if you’re attacked.”  She plucked a knife from her belt and put it on the asphalt, next to where Michael was laying.
His brother had yet to stir, and Lee knew that theoretically he’d taken a serious injury and would remain unconscious for some time, but that didn’t make him any happier to see it.
Clarisse tapped her foot impatiently, and Lee sank to the ground next to the knife, his fingers finding Michael’s wrist and feeling the steady rhythmic thud of his pulse through it, assuring him that his brother was still alive, even if he looked far too still and pale.
He mostly watched Clarisse as she stalked around, patrolling the area as though she was on watch – she clearly was – and periodically bending down to pick something or other up from the ground.
Once, she came back towards him, a bow in her hands.  Sturdier than it looked, it was still intact despite being thrown across the bridge when its owner was hit, and Lee knew that Michael would hate the knowledge that Clarisse, of all people, had retrieved it for him.
Whatever was going on with their latest argument was something Lee wasn’t going to touch if he didn’t have to.  It seemed complicated, with the other campers seemingly involved, and Clarisse staying out of a war because of it, only to come when Lee told her Michael was down.  Now she was retrieving his weapons – not just his bow, but she also had a cluster of arrows stuck through her belt, most of them crooked and of no immediate use, but still possible to repair, or reuse the heads if nothing else.
For a melee warrior who personally hated ranged weapons, especially bows, Clarisse knew more about them and their ammunition than she usually let on.  Lee suspected that was because of her long-time rivalry with Michael, who of course used almost nothing except bows.
It didn’t take Chris long to return, the distance from the bridge to the Plaza Hotel seemingly not all that long, especially by flying chariot.  Lee dragged himself to his feet again as it came into land, the pegasi throwing their heads in protest – whether that was because of the short journey, or because they were fed up and wanted a rest, Lee didn’t know.  He’d never been fantastic with the pegasi.
That had been Silena’s wheelhouse, when Percy wasn’t around to apparently speak Horse.  Lee didn’t plan on asking Silena for help with anything again.
“One chariot load of Apollo kids safely delivered,” Chris reported, jumping down.  Clarisse finished her latest loop of their area and walked towards them, leaving them a cluster around the still-unconscious Michael.  “One more to go.”
Lee moved to pick up his brother, aware that his arms were shaking a little but Michael didn’t weigh much and-
Clarisse shoulder-checked him out of the way and he almost stumbled.  “I’ve got him,” she said.  “You’ll drop him.”
There were many things Lee never expected to see in his life.  Clarisse la Rue dropping to one knee next to Michael Yew and slowly pulling him into her arms, clearly mindful of his broken ribs, was one of them.
Not that Lee didn’t appreciate it, but it felt bizarre, like he hadn’t just escaped from Kronos, but also left that entire universe and ended up in a parallel one as Clarisse stood back up, Michael in her arms as though the two of them didn’t go for the metaphorical – and sometimes literal – throat whenever they were in each other’s vicinity.
Maybe Lee did want the details on what exactly was going on with their latest argument, after all.
She carried Michael to the chariot and set him down on the floor of it, gently enough that the broken ribs wouldn’t re-puncture his lungs, before disembarking again to collect his bow, her knife from where Lee had left it, and more of the gathered, potentially salvageable, arrows.
Next to him, Chris gave him a small nudge.  “You’re coming too,” he said.  “Your siblings are waiting rather impatiently, last I saw.”
“How are they?” Lee asked, and the older demigod shrugged.
“How is anyone right now?” he returned.  “Tris and Kayla are particularly impatient for you and Michael, respectively, but none of them are going to settle until you’re both back with them.  Even Will’s still awake, although he looks like he should have gone to sleep ages ago.”
Lee wished he was surprised, but it was just like Will to exhibit his stubbornness when it didn’t benefit his health at all – even if he did understand the desire behind it.  He sighed.
“I should have expected that,” he said, finally taking a step towards the chariot.  He stumbled, this time badly enough for his balance to vanish on him as his foot stubbed against some uneven debris from the bridge’s destruction, and braced himself for the painful fall.
Arms caught him, warm and strong and supportive, but not restraining.  He gasped, blinking at the ground below him, which had suddenly stopped coming closer.
“Easy, there,” Chris said.  “I’ve got you.”
Slowly, Lee pulled his head up to look at the other boy.  Chris was looking at him in open concern, and his arms didn’t make any move to release him; that was probably a good thing, given he was holding up most of Lee’s weight.  Lee tried to force himself upright again, and while Chris let him, he still didn’t let go of him, either.  Instead, he supported him, still bracing Lee’s weight.
“Would it be better if I carried you, too?” Chris asked, sending a glance down at Lee’s feet, but Lee shook his head.
“I can walk,” he insisted.  He wanted to walk, even if his feet were sore and his ankles were starting to complain at the amount of standing and walking and motorbike-riding he’d asked of them in the past few hours.  Chris sighed.
“Okay,” he said, “but at least let me help you.  You’re dead on your feet.”  He gently pulled one of Lee’s arms across his shoulders, his spare hand wrapping around his waist.
Lee recognised the compromise for what it was and gingerly let Chris take more of his weight again, leaning on him perhaps more heavily than he’d planned to.  Maybe it was because he’d lost a lot of weight, but Chris didn’t show any sign of struggling.
“Thanks,” he murmured.  Chris’ grip on his wrist squeezed lightly, fingers just about reaching Lee’s pulse point.
“Don’t mention it,” he said as they started to make their way slowly towards where Clarisse waited for them inside the chariot, still impossibly standing next to Michael without trying to kill him.  “Besides, this is the least I can do for you.  Clarisse told me how hard you worked to try and heal me.”
Lee faltered, missing a step and swaying slightly as he remembered what Clarisse had said, about Chris’ loyalty and the people he thought he owed.  Chris paused, steadying him with gentle but firm hands.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more,” Lee said once his feet were tentatively under him again.  Chris shook his head.
“Don’t be,” he said.  “You did plenty.  If it wasn’t for you, I’d have died of my injuries long before Mr D. came back to heal my mind.”
“Someone else could-”
“But they didn’t,” Chris interrupted him.  “It was you , Lee, and I’m so glad you’re not actually dead, because that means I can actually thank you for it.”
Lee gave a small smile.  “I’m glad your mind is back,” he said, sincerely.  “I also hear congratulations are in order.”
Chris chuckled.  “I should never have left her in the first place,” he said.  “I’m lucky she wanted anything to do with me ever again after that.”
“I understand why you left,” Lee admitted.  “While I was there, I saw several demigods, and I didn’t understand most of their reasons.  I still don’t understand Luke’s, and I definitely don’t understand Silena’s.  But I understand yours.”
“Even if you don’t agree?” Chris asked, a little ruefully.  “I mean, in hindsight it seems pretty stupid to me.  Maybe the gods are assholes and my dad forgot I existed even though I lived in his cabin for years, or just ignored me until he got scared and gave me a pity claim too late, but Kronos isn’t going to be any better.  I should have stuck with the people, instead.”
“You came back,” Lee said.  “If there’s one thing I can agree with, it’s that.  You didn’t leave again, when you had the chance.”
“I learned my lesson,” Chris shrugged.  “A bit late, but I learned it.”
“But not too late,” Clarisse said, reaching out a hand from where she was stood in the chariot.  “Get in.”
Lee probably didn’t need the help up, into the chariot, but an offer of assistance from Clarisse was rare enough to mean something, so not for the first time that morning, he accepted her hand and let her pull him up.  This time, Chris also supported him from behind, nudging him in gently.
“Sit,” Clarisse ordered, pointing to the floor next to Michael.  “Your job is to make sure he doesn’t fall out.”  He wouldn’t, not with Chris and Clarisse both standing between him and the back of the chariot, but Lee wasn’t going to argue.
It was easier to sit than stand, anyway, and if his fingers once again sought his brother’s pulse, then no-one was calling him out on it.
Clarisse took the reins, and Chris stood at her shoulder, although he kept glancing down at Lee and Michael, as though to reassure himself that they were both there.  A single snap of the reins and a barked word had the pegasi leaping into the air, leaving the broken and burning bridge behind them, and Lee’s grip on Michael’s wrist tightened as they kept going up, not because he feared his brother falling out, but because he was the easiest thing to hold onto.
The flight didn’t take long.  Lee knew it wasn’t too far, it couldn’t have been, based on how little time it had taken Chris to take his siblings and come back, but as Clarisse directed the pegasi to start flying lower again, his stomach rose up towards his throat, and not just because of the change in altitude.
Presumably, there would be more than just his siblings there.  There would probably be most of the demigods, if the news of a ceasefire had reached them all, and Lee didn’t know who knew he was still alive.  He didn’t know what reception he’d get, either.
He didn’t want to face the Hephaestus cabin, not with Beckendorf’s final moments seared into his memory, and the knowledge that Kronos had known Silena had been lying because of him.  He didn’t want to face the Aphrodite cabin, either, knowing that they probably didn’t yet know about their sister, their leader, and really not wanting to be the one to tell them, either.  Facing the Hermes cabin would be difficult, with the last year watching Kronos operate in Luke’s body, and he’d never seen Pollux without Castor nearby before, either.
It had been a year, and things changed in a year – even a normal year, let alone the final year of an escalating war.  Lee returning at the dawn of the end of the war, when everything was at its most volatile, wouldn’t let him readjust in peace.
He’d never been scared of camp before, not even when he was not quite seven and still grieving and being introduced to an entire cabin of strangers and told they were his older siblings.  But as the chariot circled in to land, Lee realised that maybe he was a bit afraid.
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satureja13 · 8 months ago
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The Boys are on their way back from their - more or less successful - trip to the Southern Islands. They'd found the Demon and got back Jack's heart. Greg will have to replace it in his weird Frankenstein Dungeon, so they'd put it in a bucket for the time being. Jack doesn't bother, though. He will delay this 'open heart surgery' as long as possible - stop the ingame time by just not logging in. For the moment he has no use for this heart of his, that only brought him pain. First with Kiyoshi and now with Lou. Of course they also took Skully with them. He's perching on the barrels and entertains them with his wisdom nonsense. And there is the sword Jihovere pulled out of the stone statue of her King.
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Even though Jihovere didn't get her feelings back from the Demon - Leander said this is something she has to achieve herself (but he has no idea how-to either...) - she's relieved that she brought back the Heir - her King.
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Princess Jihovere not only freed the King out of that statue - she also brought him back into the hearts of their subjects. She posted every stage of their adventure on her Social Bunny and her followers are spreading the word. Leander had been right. Instead of running away and giving the haters fuel for their spiteful comments - standing proud and fearless to what you are and who you love was the wiser thing to do and changed the minds of most of their people.
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They were celebrating their brave and loyal Princess all over the land. The King promised to marry her as soon as they returned to the Castle. So the Queen and Greg could finally return back to their Queendom and live openly together. Caleb and Lou might move there too. And even though the statue looked nothing like Vlad (only Leander claimed it would ^^') - to protect the Heir whereever he hid, she somehow felt it only could have been him and wasn't that surprised.
Jihovere looked lovingly over at her friends. From somewhere she heard someone singing. Maybe Skully? (Since he doesn't move his mouth while speaking ^^') It's strange that she's not seasick for once... The Princess sighed. Maybe it's time to log out. Jack is running on borrowed time without his heart and it's better to not log in anytime soon to give him some time to process that he will never be able to go back to Lou again and heal. And Jihovere won't marry the King until she got her feelings back. Ji Ho must find a way in RL then. Probably with their promising Tantra practice - and Vlad.
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Ji Ho tried to log out and already felt the disconnection from Jihovere. But somehow he still was ingame - as a watcher ö.Ö' He saw Jihovere jump into the ocean. The others yelling after her... Sai: "Omg Jihovere! What are you doing?! Jack! She swims right in front of the bow! Steer hard starboard!" Jack: "I can't! It's locked!"
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Jihovere was too fast to be in danger anyway. She swam to a cliff that had just risen out of the ocean...
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After she climbed up, she blew her conge...
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And a storm rose! The small ship with her friends on board was heading right towards the cliff!
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Saiwa: "Jack! What are you doing!? We're going to hit the cliff!" Jack, already gritting his teeth from exhaustion: "I told you - I can't! Better come and help me move that steering wheel! And Skully - stop singing!" Skully: "It's not me!" But Sai and Jeb couldn't move either. It was just as if they'd been glued with their feet to the planks!
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The ship was still relentlessly drawn towards that cliff. Lightning struck. Saiwa: "We're doomed! Ji Ho! Stop it!" Sai screamed: "Out! OUT!!!" But Tiny Can didn't listen either - or couldn't.
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Ji Ho tried everything to log out - in vain. This was all too much. He wasn't able to tell anymore what was real and what not. His friends are in mortal danger. Jihovere collapsed - and finally, finally Ji Ho opened the Pandora's Box with all the feelings he'd locked away to survive the horrors of his childhood - the only thing that came to his twisting mind to end all this. Since it already stopped the game last time - when the Demon gave Jihovere a glimpse of her feelings.
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The game stopped - and Ji Ho's world went black.
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'No more will my green sea Go turn a deeper blue I could not foresee this thing Happening to you
If I look hard enough Into the setting sun My love will laugh with me Before the morning comes
I see a red door And I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black'
Paint it Black - The Rolling Stones
Lou called Jack! But Jack didn't answer ö.ö
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And Francine called her grandson Jeb - to order him to the duelling grounds...
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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nuri148 · 1 month ago
I have found the AOT fandom to be weirdly filled with anti shippers. Lots of people there who genuinely believe that what you write about in fiction depicts your real-life values. It’s particularly weird because AOT is a tragedy filled with lots of dark tropes. I imagine you’re often a victim to these anti shippers, since you’re a rivamika shipper. What are your thoughts on the subject?
Hello Anon! You are right that it is indeed ironic how a manganime that so good exemplifies how nothing is black and white in the world has gathered so many binary-minded followers, who aren't just incapable of considering nuance, but also too quick to jump to the wrong conclusions and are way, way too quick and self appointed to judge the moral standing of random strangers in the web.
Thankfully for me though, I've kept myself clear from their line of fire so far. I believe there are several factors that contribute to that.
I came to the AoT fandom late—in 2021, and didn't open a Tumblr account until 2022. By then, I'd been lurking in several websites long enough to see that there were a number of people with no reading comprehension or common sense screaming incest and/or pedophilia or simply whining bc other people have a different OTP from them.
By the time I started looking for fics and a fandom space, I was already a rm shipper, and so were the first people I connected with here. So they schooled me too. And mind you, for all the purity-culture-rotten antis out there, we're a really chill, down-to-earth bunch. I was lucky to find such nice fellow fans & shippers from early on. So when I ran into the not-so-nice once, I was prepared.
There's also the fact that I avoid confrontation like the plague and I come here to have fun, not to fight with anyone. If I see or get a comment of the "they're cousins" or "yuck age gap" persuation, and I think the author is ignorant rather than abduces, I might link them to my post on Levi's age or one of @onigiri-dorkk's explanation of the Ackerman's family tree hoping they might read them and reflect, but I'm not out to convince anyone of anything.
Last but not least, I'm turning 50 this year. I've a husband, a job, a mortgage, so to put it simply: I'm too old for this shit.
If they come to my inbox with actual hate, I mostly block and don't even grace them with an answer. I'm happy to say, it hasn't happened often.
Everybody's free to hate any ship, but don't give me factually wrong excuses to hate it, and don't accuse anyone of rl shit based on what they ship. Especially when the ship's members are entirely fictional characters.
Oh, and it goes without saying, same as you you chatter with your fellow shippers about your OTP, if you want to share the hate for your NOTP, do it with like-minded haters, like a normal person, instead of going to random people' ask boxes 's blogs to spew your vitriol.
Thank you for your ask!
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invivoinsomnium · 2 months ago
honestly, i'm curious as to what the origins of your dark medfet and birth/breeding fetishes are. it's been really interesting to finally see a person who has the exact interests I've had for over a decade (though, I tend to enjoy more eldritch horror monster/sac/egg related births, and I'm aware of your indifference to it. i just find the creepiness of something inhuman like that to be alluring).
I've been keeping watch of your blog for a while, and I simply get curious about how this started for you and if it's any similar to my own experiences with these fetishes. did it start with a specific film? franchise? TV show or series? novels? do tell.
thanks for feeding the silent lot of us with this obscure fetish grouping.
Hello Anon, I don't mind a good Eldritch Horror, I find they can be pretty interesting.
I'll be honest with you, it's hard for me to pinpoint exactly when this started, I remember watching the very first Alien movie and not being interested in the bursting scene but when it came to Aliens 3 and Ripley being pregnant well that's a whole different thing. Past me was fascinated by her performing the scan and seeing this alien inside of her, past me was also hoping for a birth and not the chest bursting that we got. That being said, I also remember watching Species and being fascinated when Sil confirmed her own pregnancy, I could take or leave the beginning, though spoiler, I have seen all of the Species movies and I still wish they'd do something more with the pregnancy and birth, but that's my personal preference. I believe it was after the first Species movie that I really got interested in the subject matter. I started looking into various films that revolved around pregnancy but specifically had a birth scene in them, I also looked into books, interested to see how authors wrote the scenes. Admittedly, I have found some good, dark/horror pregnancy books and no they don't contain romance. Personally, I have no desire to be pregnant myself in RL but fantasy is a whole other thing entirely.
Hope this answers your question, sorry its not an in depth exciting breakdown but its been so long that its hard to pinpoint the exact cause.
In apology enjoy the gif that lives rent free in my head at the moment...technically its a scene but I'm not risking positing it so you can have it in gif form.
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Hey, what do you think about the mental health of Obi-Wan, Anakin and the others? Are they okay? Are they struggling with something? What's your opinion about it? Only if you feel okay to talk about this of course!
Dear Ano
Thank you for the question, although I am not sure that I am qualified to give a suitable answer. However, I would like to try anyway.
I have read countless fic that deal/work with their mental state to a greater or lesser degree, and I have to say that the general trend is that, no, they are not okay, far from it. Canon is very cruel and unfair to our favorite characters, unless you are a certain Sith master. The tragedy of SW is that there rarely, if ever, is a real happy ending for anyone, despite it being a space fairytale.
So to return to their mental health and start with the obvious character, Anakin.
Anakin grew up as a slave, always subservient to others and with no hope of ever becoming the master of his own destiny, yet that is exactly what he dreams of, freedom and power.
A friend and fellow fic writer recently described his basic character in a few words in one of her fics.
"With an upbringing that left him no control over the injustice he'd often witness, Anakin aspired to be the hero. He aspired to be the savior. He wanted to save others from hardship, because he understood firsthand what it was like to face them." @barmadumet in chapter 14 of A Strange Kind of Love
And then he is given the opportunity to gain power but with the price of once again being subject to the authority of others.
Anakin is a complex character we can take in many different directions from this point of the story. His character is affected (as is true in RL) by what he is exposed to, the choices he and others make and the development of the story. We know what happens to Anakin, and it's tragic to see how his otherwise promising opportunity to become the hero instead ends with him falling and condemning himself to a painful existence in slavery under one of the cruelest characters created.
Anakin is not okay and is always struggling with something. This is what makes him a great character, there is always plenty to work with whenever we enter his story to save/fix or to harm/destroy.
This brings us to Obi-Wan. Dear Obi-Wan, who loves strongly and more deeply than anyone else, but isn't willing to show it (even though he often does) and is bound by duty. He's not okay, but he does his best and refuses to give up. The stubborn man keeps going no matter what, not even death and worse can stop him. He's not okay, mostly because his fate is tied to the Skywalkers. I love his character, I want to save him, and that often means saving everyone else too, because he would never be so selfish to save only himself… sacrificing himself, now that is an entirely different story.
(This is also what makes it so fascinating to write him as a Sith, to twist his character out of shape, creating some truly evil from genuine good)
All the others, the many wonderful characters who all have their own destinies intertwined with these two, well they are not okay, they all have their own faults, flaws, good traits and challenges. I love them all and saving them (or making everything worse) is a time consuming but rewarding and entertaining occupation.
I have no idea if this was the answer you were looking for dear Ano, but hope you enjoy it. Thank you so much for asking.
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clouseplayssims · 3 months ago
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Sorry for the TS4 photo, but in RL I am planning an upgrade to my gaming setup - say hello to my adventurer's study!
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It's subject to change based on what I can DIY or source, but I found two shelving units that show promise!
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p-redux · 1 year ago
Inbox Summary 9/29/2023
Hi peeps, so I'm going to try something new. For some of your Asks in my Inbox, instead of answering them individually, I'm going to do a combined summary post of all of them.
I'm doing this because a lot of the questions are about past stuff I've already answered. I don't have time to keep answering the same questions (Search is your friend, my friends), I don't want to take up space on my blog to answer stuff that has already been answered, and the main thing is, I'm TIRED.
I'm in one of my fandom "meh" moods. I get into fandom funks every once in a while, where I'm over it, and don't feel like posting. BUT, I love you guys, and I know the next big scoop is just around the corner. Every time, I say to myself, I'm just going to fandom retire, Cait gets engaged, Sam is seen with a new woman, Cait gets married, Sam is seen with a new woman, I get the scoop AHEAD of time that Cait is pregnant (remember when I posted MONTHS before that someone from Outlander was pregnant? and 'lo and behold, that August, Cait announced she'd had her son), Sam is seen with a new woman, Cait has her baby, etc, etc. So, I don't give up...because I know there's more stuff coming, and also, like I said, I really enjoy my Team here.
So, what I'm going to do is either on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays, depending on how busy I am, I'm going to do a weekly summary of answers to some of my Inbox questions. They will be short answers. And for further details, you guys can just Search my blog or Search Google.
I'll still answer some questions individually, but it will depend on the subject, and how busy I am in RL. Please keep sending me questions and DM's. I'll answer them. Some won't be answered as in depth as others, that's all.
So, here we go for this week's round up...in no particular order:
Susie Evans is in Austin with friends.
Sam is still in the UK. Cait is in Paris.
Sam is expected in New York next week, for the Keepers of the Quaich event ON Cait's birthday, October 4. For those gnashing "why do you think Cait wouldn't go to New York to spend her birthday with Sam?! She could?! They're friends?!" Um, yes, they're friends...but REALITY CHECK: Cait is married to Tony McGill and has a toddler son with him. Logic dictates that Cait and family aren't going to schlep from Europe to New York to be with Sam, who is simply her friend and costar, and NOTHING MORE. Cait will spend her birthday with her husband and son, and she has a TON of friends, she's not going to fly to NY expressly for Sam. Plus, he's BUSY on her birthday, remember? He's going to be at that Keepers of the Quaich event.
No, Sam and Sophie Skelton never dated. Sam never posts who he dates (except when he went Instagram official with Mackenzie Mauzy, but that was after 2 years of a committed relationship), and he posted pics with Sophie on a motorcycle at his Glasgow home. If they were secretly dating, he would have been much more secretive about it. I mean, I hope Sam is into some kink, but da/daughter ain't one of them. Who's your daddy? hahaha.
By now, we all know Sam's ex, Abbie Salt is fighting some type of cancer. Yes, she hasn't posted in a while. I'm worried about her too. But her sister, Charlotte Salt, has posted, and she posts on her professional design IG accounts as well. If Abbie had taken a turn for the worse, I don't think her sister would be posting. I hope Abbie makes a full recovery, wish her all the best.
Yes, I know, Sam's ex, Anna Modler is pregnant and having a baby girl.
Thanks for letting me know that two other of Sam's exes, Hannah James and Mackenzie Mauzy recently started following birthing, doula, and parenting accounts on IG. Looks like their next adventure is motherhood. Also wish them all the best.
The podcast with that IG influencer that was supposedly going to have some Sam content, as far as I know, there hasn't been any Sam mention. So, that was all smoke and mirrors, trying to get some free advertisement. Nothing to see there.
The two blonde, blue-eyed Scottish IG influencers supposedly being linked with Sam. I see no evidence of that. Again, seems to be just smoke and mirrors, and names dropped in my Inbox to see if I would post them or not. Nothing to see there.
Asking for a cheat sheet of the women Sam has dated and what do certain initials mean. I've done plenty of posts summarizing the women Sam has dated. Please Search my blog or Search Google. As for initials, I don't use initials, I post full names. So, if you see a woman's initials, match them to the full names I've posted.
Cait's dad's funeral. And do I have questions about Sam being there? Um, that's all Extreme Shipper bullshit, lies, spin, deception, and now they've sold it as shipper canon. NO, I don't have any questions because WHO was at Cait's father's funeral is VERY clear. Again, Search what I've posted. There are pic, video of Cait sitting next to her mother, and the "Sam is sitting next to Cait but he's wearing a wig" is her brother. NOT Sam. Tony is sitting in the rows behind, holding baby BalfeMcGill, as are other spouses. NO ONE from Outlander went to Cait's dad's funeral. Please THINK. Cait has a big family and she has a TON of friends, some she has known for YEARS. If anyone was going to go all the way to Ireland for her father's funeral, it would be her immediate and LARGE extended family, all the family's friends in Ireland, and then Cait's close friends. Sam and Outlander people aren't even in the first few rungs of WHO would get invited to the funeral. And yes, that includes, Sam Heughan. Besides, Sam was in Las Vegas during the funeral, and there are lots of posts showing that.
I know the TRUTH about Cait and Sam never dating, and Cait being with Tony since 2014. I know this thru verifiable and identifiable sources who directly and personally know Cait, Sam, and Tony. So, there are NO questions for me, because I've known the TRUTH for 9 years. It's that simple.
As, for my little frothy pet troll who sends me weekly rants about Sam. You can keep going, but all I do is laugh and laugh at how pathetic you are. What you write doesn't upset me because I'm not personally invested in Sam. I'm really not. I post about him because I get info about him, and people are interested in it. But I don't care one way or the other. My IP tracker tells me where the basement is from where you gnash and froth so desperately. So, go ahead, make my day, but I'm NEVER going to post what you send me. You'll never get that satisfaction. Never. Try me.
Okay, peeps, that's it for the summary. I may do more on Sunday. And like I said, I'll still answer individual questions, depending on what they are. If you ever want to know something from the past, please just Search my blog. If you can't find it there, then go to Google and Search p-redux and names or words you're looking for, and all my past posts will pop up.
Thanks for reading!
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