#that is coincidentally when I got my favourite character
hahaheart1 · 2 years
Finished reading all of Made In Abyss
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exopelagic · 2 months
#I DIDNT TALK TO ANYONE ABOUT IT BUT STILL. SOMEONE SHOULDVE WARNED ME BEFORE I GOT COMPLETELY INVESTED#I know next to nothing abt dimension 20 I’m pretty sure I just saw a post abt burrows end specifically MONTHS ago and was like 👀👀👀#opened a tab with the first episode to watch later and promptly forgot about it#until last night! having a bad night and was like hrm what if I just watch smth#and I’ve been reading watership down recently!! finally got my own copy bc it was my favourite book when I was like NINE#so I am fully primed to fall in love with a story abt little animals rn and man#I am OBSESSED with this and also realising yeah I’m at a point where I could get very into tabletop rpgs now#what if. what if I just get dropout. what if I just do that. would that not be fun. I would like to see the stoats do stuff#i am so in love with Ava and her player and I understand so much more about brennan lee mulligan now. and VIOLA#viola may be my favourite character I’m obsessed with how she interacts with other characters.m#i NEED to know what’s up with thorn’s cult thing. and also thorn. what is going on there#hrrgrhehh the thing that’s holding me back is I’m allergic to subscriptions#impermanence. even though I know it’s fairly unlikely I’ll wanna watch it again any time soon I don’t like the idea that I’d have to like#in a couple years pay for it again or not be able to bc I can’t afford it even though I already paid for it once#I’m a books + cartridge games guy and it shows.#okay. I will chew on this. the price is not unreasonable and I have coincidentally also been looking at make some noise clips#it does not help that I basically never watch things but my favourite podcast is also ending within the next month (2 episodes left)#and this IS primarily audio so I could cook + watch mayhaps. and I’ve heard good things abt all other d20.#they have a 20% off first year deal on. annual would make me less stressed long term if I end up liking this bc cheaper + choice premade#and would also mean I can do it now and not feel bad abt wasting the first month bc I won’t be able to watch much for a few weeks#fuck it I’m allowed to make frivolous purchases sometimes I will simply swallow the subscription distaste#more stoats >:)#that aside all the players are incredible I’m pretty sure when this is done I’ll wanna watch other seasons just to see what else they do#okay go do the thing I believe in you you can spend money sometimes#luke.txt#update I downloaded the app. I am putting off the decision for another day now bc it’s 1:21am and I have not been thinking clearly <3
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naminoor · 2 months
Bro i just finished reading the Odyssey and i swear Telemachus and Peisistratus r quite literally my favourite characters.
Like Nestor went: “Ah hello son of Odysseus, this is my !SINGLE! And !VERY STRONG AND HANDSOME! Son that is coincidentally !AROUND THE SAME AGE AS YOU! And you shall SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS HIM and he will ACCOMPANY YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY!”
And also in Sparta where Telemachus had to wake up Peisistratus and just kicked him? And Peisistratus was like ‘bro go to bed it is like 3AM’.
Also Telemachus called Peistratus ‘light of my heart’
And Peistratus asked Menelaus about his brother bc he never knew him.
And when Telemachus had to like go back to Ithaka he asked Peisitratus for help since Nestor would try to find a way to make Tele stay and Peisitraus was like:’i got u dont worry!’
They r such underrated characters (which is wild considering Telemachus is quite literally odysseus’ son) .
I am also obsessed with EPIC the musical and i know Peisistratus is probably not gonna appear and that makes me sad bc i like him so much (still very excited for the wisdom saga though bc Telemachus)
Anyways that was my rant, one last message before i go:
Telemachus and Peisistratus were gay as hell
Bye bye :D
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olderthannetfic · 13 days
Sending this to you specifically because I feel like you're the only normal brained person about this series.
I read Captive Prince a couple of years ago and liked it fine, as someone who doesn't have a strong preference for or against m/m and therefore isn't well-versed enough in its clichés to notice whether it reads like something full of cliché fanfic tropes. I really liked the use of language, some of the historical/political stuff, some of the ways that the characters are made complicated or unreliable.
The problem is, I've since coincidentally read most of the books that were Pacat's inspiration and. Well. Like 80-90% of the stuff in there has direct parallels in one of those. I'm not sure if there are more than three original thoughts in there.
I am not joking, if you read 1. The Lymond Chronicles and House of Niccolò by Dorothy Dunnett; 2. The Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling and 3. The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, you will find that some of the scenes were ripped off beat for beat, many jokes were taken and just lazily reworded, a lot of the character beats and arcs are at best a mashup of 2 or maximum 3 things from those books with the serial numbers filed off really poorly. There's a scene where some characters discover a suicide victim whose structure and descriptions are completely ripped off from another series, except Pacat fails to see what made the original scene so impactful. A lot of the pretty use of language is also directly copied from those, including some really really specific descriptors. It's so blatant!
And I don't see how people are okay with this! I know people who are fans of several of these works and they're totally cool with it! And honestly if it were some rando's unpublished original project I'd be cool with it too, but as a published beloved worldwide phenomenon with rabid fans? C'mon.
And another thing is, all of the other series mentioned above are balls to the wall insane. She just... she just made it bland. She took off most of the edge and reshuffled the elements into a fairly straightforward MLM love story with some light kink thrown in. It's not a BAD series, but I feel like I'm disappointed that someone read all my favourite books and THAT was their takeaway?
I started reading, got to the name of the series and burst out laughing.
And, wow, you brought up something totally new that I hadn't thought about! I'm impressed. Genuinely. Usually, I rant about all the reasons I hate the series while debunking the standard anti talking points.
I've read the Vampire Chronicles, but that was in the 90s and I read Captive Prince in like 2016 or after. I had zero recollection of common points. I haven't read The Lymond Chronicles despite years of hurt/comfort fans bugging me to do so, and I think I got like a chapter into the Nightrunner series before getting distracted...
The reason I found Captive Prince annoying and derivative is that it also reads exactly like the original m/m that was available when it was first being written, most notably the work of P.L. Nunn who was extremely famous for horny fan art but who also wrote some original m/m fantasy novels. The scene where they finally bone reminds me heavily of the one from... uh... what's the P.L. Nunn one where the prince creeps on that archer dude and he gets raped because of course and then the prince has to be ~patient~ and it's peak boring 2000s rape recovery tropes?
The rape backstory is not only lifted from Fushigi Yuugi (the author's fandom at the time) but is shared with basically 100% of original m/m from that era. It's sometimes the uncle, sometimes the stepfather. One single time that I can think of, it was the foster brother, but mostly it's that "funny uncle" type. Unless it's gang rape from a bad Gundam Wing fic. That was also everywhere.
Once somebody told me the author had previously shipped Tamahome/Nakago, I realized that they'd taken what would be a kind of unusual anime ship and made it a thousand times more boring by dumbing down the scary, tall general with the tragic backstory into an uke-appropriate waif.
So I guess what I'm saying is that there may be some inspiration you aren't familiar with, but it's the same story as what you said above: this is the blander remix.
As for why people are okay with this... honestly, most of the people who really adore the series whom I've talked to point to how it encapsulates the exact tropes and tone they loved in anime fic circa 2000.
As a fellow weeb, I loathed the tone of said anime fic circa 2000 and could not wait for tastes to change, so Captive Prince is a hideous blast from an unlamented past for me.
I think most people who love the series aren't familiar with its inspirations. Those that are may have consumed them quite a while ago and don't realize quite how direct the parallels are. Or, for the inspirations that aren't overtly canon m/m, the lure of it being Exactly Right may overshadow other things.
(They also mostly haven't read 90s fantasy doorstops that actually contain political intrigue, tactics and strategy. Captive Prince is a piss poor entry into this genre and should be recced for m/m, not this other stuff people constantly think is in there. None of these characters can reason their way out of a paper bag.)
More than any of that, there's a lot of love left over from when the series was a serialized original story on Livejournal in an era when we had vanishingly few original m/m works, especially long ones in a fantasy alternate world.
I think that is what gets it a pass when a new m/m novel presented as "m/m romance" or posted on one of the webnovel sites would be mocked for unoriginality. Many Captive Prince fans aren't (or weren't when they read it) all that familiar with the smorgasbord of original m/m available today. Many are unfamiliar with anime fanfic circa 2000, so this feels adjacent to the fic they've read but a little fresher... instead of like the week-old sardine tin I found it to be.
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paulrobinsonshotel · 1 year
I love RTD's writing, and it was his era that made me fall in love with the show as a kid. When it was announced he was coming back, my reaction was nothing short of ecstasy.
When the rumours began to swirl that we'd be getting a Tennant-centric special with the Doctor regenerating BACK into him, I was very much "please no", but also thinking "surely, RTD wouldn't actually do this. There's NO WAY he'd actually do this".
Then Ncuti Gatwa was announced, amazing, wonderful. He'll be fantastic, no doubt about it.
Then we got the Tennant and Tate 60th announcement. At that point, the cracks began to show. Yes, my favourite companion and one of my favourite Doctors. I was excited, but I was waiting for more. We've already seen David Tennant's Doctor and Donna Noble written by Russell T Davies, and it was great. But for an anniversary special, the things that bring different eras of the show together in celebration of its history... pretty underwhelming.
Then the thing I was dreading most, the Doctor regenerating back into Tennant - something that had been the refuge of obsessives making badly edited fan videos from 2010 onwards - actually happened. And not only that, but he regenerated straight out of Whittaker's outfit into a Tennant-esque one. Ostensibly because RTD didn't want the image of Tennant in Whittaker's outfit to be used to whip up anti-drag or transphobic hate. Despite the fact that 1) Whittaker went out of her way to make her outfit gender neutral, so that all fans would be able to dress up as her Doctor and feel included and 2) surely it's more important to broadcast the message that anyone of any gender can wear any clothes they want, and there's nothing wrong with it?
The initial Tennant/Tate announcement was in May 2022. My initial dissatisfaction was met with responses like "The episodes are ages away, just wait and see". We're fifteen months on, and no further returning characters have been announced. As far as we know, these specials will still be primarily focused on Tennant, Tate and Donna's supporting cast (that said, the one thing in all this I'm happy about is seeing Bernard Cribbins again).
Of course, that doesn't mean there's been no announcements about the episodes at all. Segun Akinola's decided to leave, so we're getting a new composer. That's exciting, I wonder who it'll be? Oh, brilliant, it's Murray Gold. Again. In RTD's own words, "is anyone surprised?". Surprised? No. But fair to say my enthusiasm went from very low to absolute zero.
Gold is great as what he does, but we just had Akinola, an incredibly skilled composer who poured his heart and soul into the show, but was never given a chance by a chunk of the fandom because he tried something different to Gold or just because they didn't like the Chibnall era as a whole. So RTD could've brought in some new talent, with a completely fresh take, but instead chose to bring back yet another person from his era, who did 10 seasons on the show, and the one person the fandom needs to move the fuck on from the most.
So that's a special meant to celebrate 60 years of the show, but specifically focused on one era of it? Coincidentally, the era of the guy writing it?
And for those who dismiss any criticism of this being RTD centric with "But Beep the Meep/The Toymaker!!!", ask yourselves this: If Chibnall stayed on and did the 60th as nothing but a Thirteen and Yaz story, but with Beep/Toymaker, or if Moffat come back and done the same with his characters, would there be anything other than across the board outrage? Classic villains do not an anniversary special make, since we've had them in every season since the revival.
I'm sure the episodes will be genuinely good, and I'll certainly be watching. Any DW is better than no DW, but of all the things they could've done for an anniversary special, this is practically an insult to the show's history.
I'll be patiently waiting for Ncuti Gatwa's era, which looks genuinely new and exciting.
Rant over.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
everyone but her pt.29
Summary: Wednesday's ex makes an appearance and you're not happy about it. Neither is the voice in your head. And things only go downhill from there.
Word Count: 4.8k Warnings: swearing, murder, hallucinations, injuries, police Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (everyone but her Masterlist)
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“Joel?” You asked.
“I haven’t seen you in ages,” Joel said, his eyes still glued to Wednesday. Why was he looking at her like that?
“Since that second summer at Camp Chippewa,” Wednesday said with the slightest tilt of her head. Why was she looking at him like that?
“Camp what?” You asked. Everyone seemed to be trying to follow the conversation same as you; it didn’t make you feel any better.
Your migraine got worse.
“You staged a getaway again, same as the first summer,” Joel continued.
“What is going on?” You asked.
“Come join us,” Wednesday said as she moved aside.
“What the fuck?” You whispered to yourself as you watched him sit right by your girlfriend. Why was he so eager? What the hell was he doing?
He made her tilt her head, the voice in your head growled, loud and booming. It almost felt like it was rattling your brain inside your skull before pulverising it with a meat tenderiser. Even though it worsened the migraine, you knew the voice was right. This Joel character, whoever the hell he was, had made Wednesday do the equivalent of a smile. You could barely even do that.
You watched - and seethed - as Joel and Wednesday started talking as if they had known each other for centuries. She doesn’t talk to you like that, the voice said when Wednesday started rambling about whatever thing she had learned in her Lit class that, coincidentally, he was also taking. They were bonding.
Get angry, the voice said when Wednesday very nearly smirked at something he said. She didn't, but she nearly did, and that was bad enough. Images flashed in your mind, images of your hands around his neck. It would be simple, you only had to reach over the table. You just looked back down at your food and stabbed your spoon through your rice.
"Seems Wednesday finally has a friend," Divina said from her spot beside you.
"Yeah," you mumbled.
His pulse weakening beneath your fingers as you squeezed harder-
-you blinked to clear the image away. You didn’t need to kill him, especially if he was a friend of Wednesday’s. She didn’t have many friends, you needed to calm down and let her live. Wednesday Addams had no keeper, and even if she did it certainly wouldn’t be you.
“How do you two know each other again?”Ash asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. You stabbed the spoon into your food once again; you weren’t hungry anymore.
“My Aunt Debbie deceived my parents into forcing Pugsley and me to attend a summer camp a few years ago,” Wednesday said with another tilt of her head. You roughly grabbed your coffee, suppressing your cough when the liquid was still just a bit too hot when it hit your throat.
“You have an Aunt Debbie?” Bianca asked.
“Picture a grown Enid, but more homicide and mania,” you said with a shrug. Not that you had met her yet, but you had heard stories. After all, she had married Wednesday’s favourite Uncle.
“We were always in trouble for not being like everyone else,” Joel said. He needed to quit looking at Wednesday before you ripped his eyes out of his skull.
“What rebels,” you mimicked, ignoring the look Yoko sent your way. “Practically anarchists.”
“Wednesday was my first kiss, actually.”
You choked on the coffee you had just attempted to drink. She was what? With wide eyes, you looked up to see Wednesday looking at you with a passive face, aside from the slightly lowered brows. Oh she was not giving you that look, not when you were just told Mr. Happy Go Lucky over there had kissed her.
“Oh shit,” Yoko whispered.
Even with your eyes glued to Joel, you could feel everyone else’s eyes on you. Watching you, waiting to see if you would snap. Is that what your life had turned into? One where everyone was just waiting to see what would be the straw to break the camel’s back? Worried that just one wrong thing would cause you to break and lose your temper? 
They should be worried, the voice in your head taunted. You’re a loose canon. 
No you weren’t. 
A liability. 
A death wish.
“So you two were together?” Ajax asked, his eyes still closed from the hangover no doubt plaguing his body.
“As well as two children can be,” Wednesday said.
“For about a year and a half or so,” Joel said with a nod. He wasn’t even giving you the respect of looking at you.
A death wish.
“We were, what, 12? 13?” Joel asked as he looked at Wednesday with the beginning of a smile.
Tick tick tick.
“I believe so,” Wednesday said with a slight nod.
“Shit,” Yoko mumbled again.
You’re gonna snap.
“And you actually, like, had a good time?” Kent asked Wednesday.
Tick tick tick.
“I would say it was rather enjoyable, yes,” Wednesday answered.
You slammed your hands on the table and stood up quickly. The ringing in your ears grew with each second that seemed to crawl by at an agonising pace. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get a full breath. It felt like you were trying to breathe underwater, each breath heavier and more painful than the last. You were acutely aware of everyone’s eyes on you as the hair on the back of your neck stood up.
Defend what’s yours.
“Hey,” Divina said softly. You couldn’t help but flinch when her hand rested on your forearm. She can go too. “You okay?”
“I’m gonna head out,” you managed to choke out past the lump in your throat.
“Are you feeling ill?” Wednesday asked.
Finally she was looking at you with something other than indifference. Outwardly it would almost seem angry, but you could see the lack of a glare in her eyes. She wasn’t looking up at you, but looking at you with the slightest downturn of her lips. You knew what care looked like on her, and for the first time all day, it was what she was showing you.
“I have a pocket pharmacy,” Joel said quickly, “did you need something specific?”
Kill them all.
“I’m good,” you said harshly. Break his spirit. “I’ll see you guys at the dorm.”
“Did you-”
-you didn’t wait to hear what Yoko was going to say before leaving the booth and heading out of the little restaurant. You gave a tense goodbye wave to Chung on the way out the door. The migraine continued to pound against the inside of your skull, worsening when the sunlight hit your eyes.
Go back in there and show him who’s the boss.
“Shut up,” you said through clenched teeth as you started walking aimlessly down the street.
The voice continued to rage inside your head, mixing between threats and images that, try as you might, you couldn’t shake off. The sound of Joel’s gasps for air or the feel of him desperately trying to claw your hands off. It was too much, you didn’t want to hurt him.
Yes you do.
“I don’t,” you said aloud again, ignoring the look a random woman gave you as you walked past her.
Your feet carried you until you reached the taller buildings in town; the high rises that truly weren’t very high. With only a quick glance around, you stepped into one of the alleys and stopped midway. Your fingers shook as you slid your shirt off and unbuckled the harness, exhaling through your nose at the sudden lack of pressure against your back.
Stop running away.
There was a slight pressure in your back as your wings expanded before you pushed yourself off the ground, propelling straight into the sky until you could land on the top of the highest building. It was a nice place, plenty secluded and you had even managed to sneak a few things up there. There was only one door and it was always locked, so you could keep your things nice and secret.
Breathing continued to be a struggle as your feet touched the rooftop and your wings folded back securely in place. The tips of a few feathers brushed against your arm and you frowned for a moment. It was about time for a dust bath; they were feeling a little unkempt. A problem for another time, of course.
You walked around the rooftop, pacing back and forth in front of one of the walls that was covered in the reflective glass. Sometimes, during the summer, it nearly turns you into a roasted chicken. But now, during the middle of winter, it was a nice change of pace and-
-a familiar head of unruly curls reflected off the glass.
Your body turned so quickly you nearly slipped on the slick gravel. It felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest when you saw him in the glass, looking at you with such pity you wanted to scream. Tears didn’t bother welling up in your eyes, instead just pouring over until you could feel them nearly freezing on your cheeks from the temperature outside.
“What have you done?” Nicky asked with a tilt of his head and a frown.
You shook your head frantically. You hadn’t done anything, that’s why you were up there. So you wouldn't do anything!
He’s right, the voice said.
“I’m so disappointed,” he said.
The glass shattered before he could open his mouth again, the sharp sound causing you to flinch and squeeze your eyes shut. A pain radiated through your hand. For a fleeting second the migraine vanished before coming back with a vengeance. You choked back a cry before opening your eyes.
Nicky was gone.
The panel of glass was in shards on the ground, now nothing more than a metal backing. Something warm dripped from your hand. You let your head fall and saw the red dripping down your fingers to the gravel below. It was almost hypnotising. Beautiful even.
He’s disappointed in you.
“Stop,” you mumbled as you lifted your hands to cover your ears.
He knows what you did.
“Please stop.” The lump in your throat grew with the tears that continued to fall onto the gravel, mixing with the droplets of blood.
He would hate you.
You tried to say something but the words got caught, coming out as nothing more than a strangled sob as you fell to your knees. The gravel dug through your pants and into your skin, but all you could feel was the weight of Nicky’s disappointment weighing heavy on your shoulders.
It was unclear how long you sat up there on the roof, covering your ears and crying, the cold winter air burning your lungs with each shaky gasp. You were barely even aware of the air getting more crisp, stinging your cheeks and nearly freezing the tears to your skin.
At one point you just let your hands drop and rest on your thighs. Your left hand was caked in dried blood that cracked when it moved. It didn’t hurt anymore, not really. It just rested on your leg as you stared at the gravel, focusing on the singular black pebble you had found in your daze.
You didn’t even flinch at the voice behind you; truthfully you weren’t even surprised she had managed to get through the locked door. It was on par for her, that was for sure. Had she brought her new toy with her? Was he going to follow her every move as if his life depended on it?
You do the same.
Yeah. Yeah you did.
“Mi amore,” Wednesday said in a voice so soft you felt a fresh wave of tears fall.
A pair of soft hands held your face firmly before you actually saw Wednesday in front of you. Her eyes were wide and looking over every inch of you. She would hate what she saw, you knew that much. You looked pitiful and weak and broken and that wasn’t acceptable.
Joel isn’t broken.
“You’re freezing,” Wednesday said in that painfully soft voice that you were growing to hate.
She uses it because you’re weak.
“Enid made stew,” she said as if she wasn’t watching you kneel on the precipice of a breakdown. “It should help warm you up.”
She straightened in front of you without letting go of your face. The slightest pull indicated she wanted you to follow, but you just couldn’t get up. Nicky’s face was stuck in your mind, that look of disappointment haunting you. It left your head reeling and had your mouth filling with saliva; you felt like you were going to be sick.
“Cara mia?”
Don’t, you thought, don’t call me that. Her eyes were gentle, and all she had to do was tilt her head before you choked out a sob. As uncharacteristic of her as it was, her hands left your face to wrap around your shoulders, pulling you forward until your head rested on her stomach and you had her unspoken permission to cry.
You’re weak.
That simple fact made you cry harder into Wednesday’s stomach, your hands lifting to grab her jacket so tightly you felt the skin split on your knuckles once again. It was right; you were weak. You couldn’t even handle her seeing an old friend again without completely losing every bit of sanity you had left. How were you going to do anything for her if you couldn’t even do that?
And the fact that she still held you tight while you cried? Showed such a shameless display of weakness and vulnerability when you knew she hated such things in people? Especially such visible displays of those emotions. And yet there you were, crying into her clothes with blood on your hand because you couldn’t stand looking at a fucking piece of glass.
“Would you find comfort in talking about it?” Wednesday asked when you finally settled into little more than the occasional sniffle.
Would you? Possibly. But how could you admit anything that had been going on in your mind? The voices, the jealousy, the insecurity. Nicky. There was no way to talk about any of it without coming across as crazy, and you weren’t crazy. Or maybe you were, you weren’t so sure anymore.
The migraine got worse.
“No,” you said with a long exhale through your nose before pulling back. “No I wouldn’t.”
“Very well,” she said.
She stilled for a moment, and you wondered if she was going to berate you. Tell you to straighten up, keep going, move on. That’s what your dad would have said. It’s what your mom would have said too. Her family was unusual with emotions, maybe she was going to tell you the same thing.
But then you felt her lips press to the top of your head, lingering for far longer than necessary, and it was your turn to freeze. When she pulled away, her gaze had softened and you were looking at your Wednesday. Your Wednesday, who secretly enjoyed receiving affection and even found pleasure in giving it back.
“If you would wish to talk about it, you may,” she said with a tilt of her head. “I would appreciate forewarning so I may prepare,” she blinked once, “but you may.”
You looked up at her. Well, you tried; truthfully she wasn’t much taller than you even when you were on your knees. Just the sight of her was enough to have your heart trying to jump out of your throat; even at night, in the current situation, she looked stunning. No contrast at all to the dark sky above her, simply blending in with the natural beauty surrounding her.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked.
“No,” she said quickly.
“What?” You asked with furrowed brows. “Why not?”
“We are on a freezing rooftop in the middle of winter,” she said, “you can kiss me at home.”
“Bet you kissed Joel in the middle of winter,” you grumbled as Wednesday steadied herself to help you to your feet.
“Not on a freezing rooftop.”
“So you did kiss him in the middle of winter,” you said quickly.
You were upset. Drastically upset, and nothing was going to change it. But the tension of the situation was getting to be far too much, and you were far too tired to keep up with it. Nicky’s face faded into the back of your mind and, though he was still there, he didn’t seem quite as disappointed. At least not at the moment. You could work with that.
“Is Joel the reason you stormed out of the restaurant?” She asked with her own raised brow. “Because if so, it’s rather immature.”
If anyone else had been around, they would have thought she was treating you like an imbecile. And she was! But the slight tilt of her head and the smallest tug at the corner of her lips was a dead giveaway. No one else would have noticed except possibly Enid - and the rest of the Addamses of course - but you did. It eased that ache that had settled in the hollow of your throat just enough to be tolerable.
“I’m not scared of some nerdy kid,” you grumbled even as you reached over and pulled Wednesday to the ledge of the rooftop. She was going to hate you in a moment. “I’d beat him to a pulp.”
“Do not fly me down to the ground,” Wednesday warned you with her genuine, murderous glare. It was lovely.
“Payback for kissing someone before me,” you said with a cheeky grin as you held her close to your chest and tipped backwards over the ledge.
She didn’t scream, which was an improvement from the past few times you had forced her to fly with you. But she most certainly gripped you with nails that could sever a jugular, and the sting of them digging into your skin was rather delicious. There was no doubt when you landed that you would have crescent shaped wounds on your back. It was okay though; it was hot.
“You’re a menace to society,” Wednesday said as she attempted to fix her now-windswept hair.
“But I’m your menace to society,” you said with a shrug.
She simply grabbed your hand, intertwined your fingers, and started pulling you to the dorm.
It was a quiet walk, and most of yours and Wednesday’s walks tended to be. And as much as you wished for her to talk, to say something to keep you out of your head, you kept your own mouth shut. After all, you certainly had nothing to say, so how were you going to expect her to keep up the entire conversation on her own? It was Wednesday Addams, not Enid; it simply wasn’t realistic.
“So,” you started. “You and Joel, huh?”
“Do not start,” she said with a quick shake of her head.
“You know about Ash,” you grumbled, “why can’t I know about him?”
“Because I wasn’t the one who looked like they would murder the other one.”
“You know I have issues,” you said with a huff. “Besides, I didn’t do anything!”
“I will not be the cause of a murder,” Wednesday said as she squared her shoulders. “At least not this one.”
“Don’t worry, darling, we’ll find you someone worthy of your murderous hands,” you said.
“You’re being ridiculous,” she huffed, but nonetheless stepped closer to you until her arm was pressed against yours.
“But like, back to you and Joel.”
“Do not-”
“-hey kid.”
Both you and Wednesday slowed to a stop before turning around to see who had called out. A police officer was quickly approaching. Your eyes instantly fell on the way his hand was resting on his gun. It was too dark outside for anyone to come by and see what was happening, if anyone came by at all. As discreetly as possible, you pulled Wednesday slightly behind you until you were between her and the cop.
“Miss Smith?” He asked, his eyes on you.
“I go by Johnson,” you said quickly, your eyes darting between his gun and his face.
“I have orders to bring you in for some questioning,” he continued as if you hadn’t just corrected him.
“About what?” You asked. Behind you, Wednesday squeezed your hand.
“You were at the Pi Beta Phi party last night, correct?” He asked.
“Yeah?” You said slowly; an uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. “Why?”
“Two young men were found murdered this morning,” he said with a raised brow. His hand tightened around the gun. “Witnesses say you got into an altercation with them during the party.”
“Shit,” you sighed.
“I need you to come with me for questioning,” he said with a shrug.
“Am I under arrest?”
“Not at this time,” he answered a little too quickly.
You turned your head just enough to look at Wednesday, who was glaring at the cop without the least bit of shame. In other circumstances you would have admired it, joined in, even. But now? No, she needed to behave and you very much needed to get him away from her. There was no way he was going to treat a Latina properly, with or without witnesses.
“Call Señor Moreno,” you said as you stepped back, “and I’ll see you at the dorm.”
Wednesday gave you a singular nod before letting go of your hand so you could finally walk off with the officer. She looked furious, but more importantly she looked scared. It always appeared differently on Wednesday; she straightened her shoulders and held her chin higher than usual. You didn’t blame her, you were scared too. But you hoped she would just head home and wait for you.
The police officer opened the back door of the cruiser and helped you in; it was far too tight of a space for you and your unharnessed wings, but you supposed you could make do. He didn’t say a word as he got into the driver’s seat and sped off. You barely had time to see Wednesday through the window as you passed, heading straight for the police station.
You thought back to the previous night on the drive. They had been pricks, and you didn’t even feel the least bit sorry that they were dead. But you hadn’t done it and everyone knew it. You had been with someone the entire night aside from maybe five or 10 minutes, and how could you have killed two people in that time? At a party? It wasn’t possible.
They’re targeting you, the voice in your head said tauntingly. They know you have a record. True, but it hadn’t been you. Everyone knew it, and the police would know it soon enough too. They were just going to ask their questions, realise you were innocent, and let you go back home as if nothing had ever happened.
The sounds of the station were enough to have your skin crawling when you finally arrived; your last experience hadn’t been a pleasant one. You could almost even feel the sharp sting of Erin’s fist again. But you stood tall and followed the officer, letting him lead you to a small interrogation room that was too tight and had your head reeling.
“Have a seat, kid,” he said before pulling his own chair up. You sat quickly.
“Gonna read me my Miranda Rights?” You asked before he could even get settled.
“You’re not under arrest,” he said with a shrug, “you’re free to go at any time.”
“If you end up arresting me without reading me my rights, you’ll lose a case.” You sat back and crossed your arms over your chest. Cool it, you thought to yourself, you’re sounding too defensive.
Don’t cool it, the voice argued back, make it worse.
“I can tell this isn’t your first rodeo,” the officer said as he mirrored your position.
“It’s not,” you said; you readjusted your jaw and broke eye contact first. “Please ask your questions so I can go home.”
“Did you have an altercation last night with Mr. Burton and Mr. Holland?” He asked, getting right into it.
“I got into a fight with two frat boys last night, yeah,” you nodded. “But I didn’t stop to ask their names.”
“What was the fight about?”
“They were being homophobic pricks to my friends,” you said. “As well as throwing around a few choice insults about Outcasts.”
“So you started the fight?” He wrote something down on a piece of paper. You did your best not to look.
“They started the fight when they called my friends faggots,” you corrected. “I only retaliated physically after they threw an insult at me as well.”
“But you started the physical altercation?” He asked as he looked up at you.
Lie, the voice in your head said. It’s a trap. But you didn’t want to lie; if you could tell the truth and prove that you hadn’t done anything, then they would let you go. That was how it was supposed to work, right? Innocent until proven guilty? You hadn’t done anything wrong and you knew it, you weren’t going to let them just take you down a second time.
“I threw the first punch, that’s correct,” you said with a nod, immediately clenching your jaw to try and ease the anxiety bubbling up in your chest.
“And what injuries did you inflict on them?” He pushed.
“I cold cocked one of them, headbutted the other,” you started with a sigh, thinking back to what had happened. What had you done to them? “A few more punches.” Oh yeah. “And I kicked one of them in the balls.” You had to fight not to smile at the memory.
“You kicked him in the testicles?” The officer confirmed with an uneasy face.
“Yes sir,” you said simply, “pretty hard, actually.”
He squirmed in his seat and exhaled harshly through his nose.
“Can someone corroborate that story?” He asked.
He doesn’t believe you.
“A lot of someones,” you said quickly. “We all live in the same dorm, I can give you their names.”
The officer nodded and started jotting on his piece of paper. At the go ahead, you gave him the names of everyone you thought wouldn’t be targeted by the police; you made sure not to mention Wednesday, Bianca, or Yoko. If anything were to go downhill, they would be the first to be brought in for questioning. No, you would rather die than have the cops after them.
“And do you have an alibi for the entire night?” He asked after getting everyone’s names and numbers.
“Those same people,” you said with a gesture of your head toward the sheet of paper. “I was with at least one of them all night.”
“And after the party?” He asked.
“We all left at the same time and went home,” you said. “And I slept with my girlfriend all night.”
“And all of these people will tell me the same thing?” He said with a raised brow; he still didn’t believe you. “That you were with them at the party and after?”
“Yes,” you said with the utmost confidence you could manage to convey. “Because it’s the truth.”
The officer sat back in his chair again and stared at you. He’s testing you. You knew that, you could tell, but he wasn’t going to win. You had nothing to hide. There was nothing they were going to find, and you were going to go home and go to sleep with Wednesday, just like every other night. They weren’t going to trick you like they had after Nicky.
“That’s all the questions I’ve got for you tonight,” he finally said, causing your shoulders to visibly fall. “If I have any more I’ll give you a call.”
“Yes sir,” you said with a nod as you stood up from your seat. The officer did the same. “Thank you.”
“Hey kid,” he said before you could start walking down the hall; you stopped and looked him in the eyes. “For the record, I don’t think you did it.”
“You don’t?” You asked incredulously.
He’s lying.
“I knew those boys,” he said with a shrug, “they were always causing trouble.” You nodded once in acknowledgement. “Go on home, it’s late.”
“Yes sir,” you said softly. “Thank you.”
He nodded at you and gave you a polite smile before gesturing forward, following you through the hallway until you were at the reception. You gave an awkward smile and wave as you exited the station and inhaled the crisp winter air. It stung, but at least it wasn’t suffocating.
He was lying, the voice said, he believes it’s you.
“Shut up,” you mumbled to yourself as you made your way down the street, heading directly to the dorms.
You very much needed a long night’s rest. Wednesday had better give you that kiss.
Taglist: @extinctspino @basichextechml @cfvgbhndun-new-blog @jinxscatbomb @awolfcsworld @suzhiman @gengen64 @eclipsesmoonshine14 @alexkolax @thenextdawn @cacciatricediartemide @cozwaenot @the-night-owl-blr @natashasapphic @elliesbabygirl @alilbitlesbian @irish-piece-of-trash @rainbow-love4ever @audigay @bakugounuggets @myfturn @rockwyn @bigbadsofty07 @andsoigotabutterfly @smromanoff @notheoneforlove @karsonromanoff
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artzytrash · 1 month
Just woke up and need to get out all my thoughts on the Backyard Sports trailer before I go to work
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First of all. THAT'S MY BOY!!! MY SON!! I popped off so hard when I saw him. I LOVE that they aren't trying to "modernise" the game by any means (cus that worked so well for them last time /s) and are retaining the early 2000s feel that makes the OG games so beloved
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KENNY!! MY OTHER SON!! I love that they used his hair and eyes from the atari design. Probably the best thing they could have done with him.
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KIESHA!!! She's so silly. This might be nitpicky but I'm a lil unsure about them making her hair more pointy than round if that makes sense. But it's not a huge deal she still looks great!
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The inclusion of the old character sprites was really cute, good way of showing some characters that didn't appear physically. (Ernie was also in that one promo image but still) (I wish Sally could have appeared in the trailer as herself but I'll take this)
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Favourite screenshots from the trailer. They're stanced tf up. The silly goobers.
Look I'm not saying this is my doing by any means, but it's pretty coincidental that, like immediately after I join the fandom, it gets a revival. And since I've joined I've been imaging what it would be like if they made another game in the series. Has Apollo given me the gift of the prophecy? /j
I'm very excited for this omg. I got hyperfixated on the series from watching one of my favourite streamers (Therm) play it and never actually played the games myself (I can't emulate the old ones currently cus I don't have a working PC), so I'm excited to be able to play them. I am actually looking at getting a PC very soon so maybe I'll actually play a bit of Baseball 97' or 2001 before then.
Also the music from the trailer is gonna be stuck in my head all day now I know it.
Last thing, I WILL be making art to celebrate the occasion, but I'm gonna be pretty busy this week with work, so it might take me a few days. I can probably find some doodles to post in the meantime, and I'm still working on a ton of aged up AU designs so expect more of them soon.
OK I'm done yapping now BYE
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midstofroses · 8 months
Love Me Like That
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❝𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆— 𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆.❞
Pairing: Jeong Yuno-Jaehyun (nct) x (fem!oc) Original Character
» Genre: one-shot, soft-angst, underlying suggestive– reader discretion advised ▪︎ ex to lovers » Disclaimer! This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or even other fictional stories is purely coincidental
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Sienna stepped into the room, the aroma of pizza lingering in the air. "You're just in time. Did you bring the pizza?" Her friend– Nabi asked, revealing the items she had bought. "Yeah, and got some chicken too," she smiled excitedly.
Their living room was transformed into a haven for a movie marathon, a night to savour their well-deserved chill and create fond memories. Nabi's eyes sparkled with excitement as she accepted the food. "Well, then you should go clean yourself and come back here so we can start our movie night."
"I'll be quick," Sienna chimed.
After a brisk wash, the refreshing feeling enveloped her. A slight relief washed over her, even though her raging hormones from that time of the month still caused her physical discomfort.
While picking up her pyjamas, she noticed a mountain of clean clothes at the edge of her bed. Sighing, she decided to restore order before rejoining her friends. Sienna's frustration grew when the drawer refused to close. It wasn't as if she had bought new clothes for her drawer to betray her.
After several failed attempts, she couldn't contain her anger and punched the drawer in frustration.
"I missed him," she mumbled, catching her breath. The reason for her inconvenience dawned on her – her clothes weren't folded the way they used to be when he was around. How foolish of her.
Leaving her dark room, Sienna went to the kitchen where Kai noticed her friend's slightly bruised hand. "Oh? What happened to your hand?" she asked in confusion.
"Oh, it's nothing. I just need to run water on it," Sienna replied, brushing off the concern.
"Make sure you put ointment and bandage it after cooling it off," Kai advised.
"Yeah, will do," Sienna responded, putting on a brave smile beneath her troubled emotions.
"Oh, by the way, Jaehyun came by this afternoon looking for you," Nabi announced, interrupting the moment. Kai recalled the earlier encounter, suspecting a disagreement.
"Did you guys fight?" Kai asked, and Sienna's expression grew timid. She didn't want to discuss him; it was giving her a headache.
"He brought red velvet cupcakes," Nabi added, trying to lighten the mood. Sienna glanced at the coffee table, spotting the cupcakes – a favourite treat of theirs.
"You mentioned it's your first day of 'red days.' I guess having Jaehyun be part of your monthly flow app is so useful," Nabi giggled, proud of the gesture despite the situation.
"Heh, I guess so," Sienna chirped, trying to keep the conversation light while tending to her hand. "Why does he always have great timing?" she pondered, glancing at her phone with unread messages from Yuno piling up.
As they settled into their movie night, Kai brought up the topic of sharing expenses in a relationship. The conversation flowed, intertwining with the movie's background noise.
"I totally agree with you gals, but if the guy made you feel uncomfortable throughout the date, I'd rather pay my half and be done with it," Sienna commented, sharing her perspective.
Kai expanded on the aftermath, "So he wouldn't have the chance to point stupid things. Such as he paid the whole time, but he would act like a sad boy or an ass since the date didn't end well, right?"
"Exactly! Ugh, that's the feeling I hate," Sienna raged, hugging a pillow. After her emotional outburst, she finally indulged in the red velvet cupcake she had been craving.
As the night deepened, the snow outside intensified, creating a cosy atmosphere in their little bubble of friendship. "But if you think about it like this, he wasted your valuable time." Kai offered a new perspective. “So you at least did not waste your own money”
"But that's not what she came for in the first place," Nabi pointed out, settling the situation. “Besides we all know we can earn more money than to live like that.” 
"I'd still rather drown myself than give him the privilege to think he spoiled me with his own money," Sienna expressed her feelings, hormones adding a touch of intensity.
The three friends continued their night, sharing deep conversations and appreciating each other's presence. Unbeknownst to them, Sienna was truly grateful, even amid the challenges she hid behind her facade.
As the last days of spring dwindled, Yuno felt a magnetic pull towards the enchanting nights, eager to grasp the remnants of the season before the relentless heat of summer took over. The crisp wind, a balm for his cluttered mind, whispered promises of clarity.
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"This feels nice," he murmured, eyes fixed on the captivating night unfolding in the park by the river. Soft lights adorned the streets, and cherry blossoms, in their final dance, swirled around, accompanied by the gentle melody emanating from his headphones.
On a whim, Yuno invited Johnny for a spontaneous bike ride, half-expecting a decline. Much to his surprise, his best friend agreed, and they found themselves in a nearby park, a place etched with memories of their shared adventures.
Yuno, seeking an escape from the confines of home and work, embraced the freedom of riding through the city. The wind carried untold stories, and the cityscape unfolded its secrets.
"Hey, there's no one in the court," Johnny observed, diverting Jaehyun's attention. "Wanna play?" Jaehyun suggested.
"Yeah, it's been a while. It's going to be fun," Johnny agreed, infusing the atmosphere with infectious enthusiasm. After a few spirited rounds, they decided to take a breather, relishing the camaraderie that defined their friendship.
Perched on a bench around the court, they savoured water and ice cream. Johnny playfully teased, "Jae, not to sound like a jealous second babe, but don't you usually ask Sienna for these?" Laughter bubbled up, but beneath the banter, Jaehyun grappled with emotions threatening to surface.
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The dark room lit up with the moonlight and the desk lamp near her, Yuno smiled seeing Sienna was waiting at his place.
He closed their proximity by hugging her. Yuno always takes this kind of opportunity whenever she waits for him to come home after a long day from work. He feels relieved from his stress even with just one hug from his favourite person. 
After letting him hug her, Yuno stared at her with curiosity “You’d spend the night here?” 
Sienna gulped avoiding his gaze. "You went over my head and paid for my University fees without telling me." Her voice was monotone, standing up from where they were sitting. 
"Oh, I guess it's too late for a surprise now." He looks up at her, smiling giddily. But, he recognizes her demeanour changes negatively, making his face drop in worry. 
“Let me remind you, I'm not a girl who you could just simply pay for, Yuno.” She scoffs painfully. “If you think your grand gesture was cute, well news flash I’m disappointed.” Sienna attempts to calm her voice down, “You didn’t even bother to have this conversation with me!” But alas her blood boils with her tears slowly falling from her eyesight becoming an ocean of pain. 
Yuno stood up straight. “It’s just money, Sienna.” He chortles, brushing his hair out of his face.“I don't want you to be stressed because of money.” Yuno huffs out, confused by her action. “I could always make more money for me– for us.” Yet he strives to get close to her, cupping her face with his hands softly caressing her stained cheeks. “And I can help you with that, can’t you see it? I want to support you so you can reach your goal!” His voice and face emitted torment, he hated how this situation occurred. 
Her birthday was coming up, and all he wanted was to do something that alleviated her burden. 
She removes his hands from her face aggressively, moving away from him. 
“You think my family and I can’t handle our shit?” she sarcastically laughed, trying to stop her sobbing, though it was difficult to execute. Anxiously she bit her bottom lip harder.
He could sense her walls starting to appear once again, his nightmare slowly coming to life.  
“Sure I'm struggling, my family is struggling.” The young lady asserts, “But I've experienced far much worse than this bullshit and we’ve survived.'' Sienna picked up a pillow and slammed it on the coach. “Why can’t you believe in me?!” With every word she screams out, the pillow gets slammed on the coach. Relinquishing her anger through the use of this method. She stopped her antics, breathing heavily. Sienna peer dead in the eyes of him. “I just needed more time to accomplish things, not all plans can sail smoothly.” Her voice cracked, eyes were gradually forming to puff. 
“Sienna, I know how much you want to study again, despite not having it as your first choice with this course.” His body quivered, tears heavily forming as he scanned her figure.“Whenever I see how you recall your memories with your friends or when you help them study, you always have that spark.” He carries on describing his affection towards Sienna and how he witnessed her in the past years of their relationship. “I just want to bring that spark back.” He’s not the type who would just sit down on purpose. If he indeed has the means to help her out, even just a little he would do it in a heartbeat. 
Life is hard and he desires to be a partner where she can lean onto him safely. 
Yuno wanted to come closer to her, yet she immediately flinched and it broke his heart into pieces seeing her first instinct was to run away from him. 
“Jeong Yuno, You’re not getting the point here.” Sienna sniffles as she shakes her head while gazing down on the floor. “We’re over.” she declares, with his furrowed brows “No.” He sternly demands.
She sneered, “After all of this, I'll do the grand gesture to finally break this relationship off.” With her last remark, her body evacuated from his place. 
Yuno followed her out but she was too fast and he was too slow to handle the situation, he got lost finding her.
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Jaehyun just bared his soul to Johnny, revealing the painful truth of his recent breakup with Sienna, a wound haunting him for three months. It marked a vulnerable moment for Jaehyun, who, until now, had grappled with the harsh reality and denial.
Unbeknownst to Jaehyun, Johnny already knew the heart-wrenching details. A week earlier, Kai, Johnny's girlfriend, had shared the relationship's demise with him. Though Kai hadn't intended to spill the beans, the weight of the secret pushed Johnny to convince her to share the truth.
The revelation left Johnny stunned.  Sienna was dead serious with Kai, She didn’t want to entertain questions about them so only a few people got to know the real state of their relationship. Johnny unwittingly became one of those few.
Now, faced with Jaehyun's raw emotions, Johnny wrestled with the delicate balance between concern for his friend and utmost respect for their privacy. He had upheld his end of the bargain, bearing the weight of their shared secret. As a pillar of support, Johnny stood ready to help Jaehyun navigate the emotional turmoil, recognizing Yuno's need for that gentle push.
"How did you cope up?" Johnny delicately probed, shattering the unspoken barriers.
"After that night, every week I'd visit their house, hoping to find her. Eventually, I had to stop when a big project came my way. But I kept leaving messages, calls, even emails," Jaehyun confessed, his unwavering dedication to Sienna palpable. Two years into working with an architecture company, Sienna had been his anchor.
"Sometimes I'd order stuff to be delivered to their home. But after two months, I received a message from her. One message that I thought was my chance to come back into her life, and then I saw it." Jaehyun sighed deeply, the raw pain reflected in his eyes. "She sent: 'It's about time you stop this, don't tire yourself out."
That broke Yuno once again. It snapped his brain, and I focused on work, endless work, stuck at his place, never having an inch to socialize.
Earlier that morning, Jaehyun had grappled with anxiety before a crucial presentation. He dialled Sienna's number, seeking support, but as he hesitated his thumb hovered, preparing to drop the call. To his surprise, her mom picked up, offering words of encouragement and cheering him on.
"She hasn't told them," Johnny stated bluntly.
"No, and obviously I didn't have the heart to either," Jaehyun admitted, the weight of his emotions palpable. The conversation with Sienna's mom provided a brief respite, helping him get through the day and close a deal with clients.
"You're so down bad for Sienna," Johnny remarked, understanding the depth of his friend's emotions. As Jaehyun struggled to contain his feelings, Johnny encouraged him to let them out.
As if on cue, Jaehyun lets himself slowly reveal the emotions that’s been wanting to gush through his walls.
Well, to be fair, this wasn’t his first time crying. He sure had those little episodes in the craziest random time of the day where Yuno would have a mini breakdown remembering his situation with her.
Believe it or not, there was a particular night when he devestatedly couldn't sleep. He tried everything.
First, Yuno got himself up for a quick jog for him to wear out and took a warm shower, though it only made him feel more alive. So he resumed by drinking some wine as he watched a movie, played soothing music, and even read a book. But, it all went down the drain due to his brain failing to focus.
His last resort was masturbating. With no brainer, of course, he would think of her. Although, the fact that he remembers their moments together, he instead ended up crying that night and which made him fall asleep.
It was not the expected way, but it worked.
"I know I fucked up," Jaehyun confessed, tears flowing freely. "But how exactly? To the point she ended up breaking up with me?" The wounds deepened as he confronted the reality of his mistakes.
Johnny, offering comfort, reassured Jaehyun that Sienna's situation was tough. However, he pointed out that Jaehyun's well-intentioned actions were not executed correctly.
"Always remember this, Yuno. As much as you want to help people, you also have to remember where they're standing from. A good honest deed has a chance to appear as insensitive and patronizing," Johnny advised, hitting the core of the issue.
In the real world, complexities surpassed those of fairy tales and movies. Jaehyun realized he should have communicated with Sienna before assuming he could magically alleviate her problems.
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Entering the diner, the music from the speakers greeted her. Setting the vibe already makes her feel at ease with the atmosphere where she’s hanging out tonight. Her gaze stopped wondering as she saw Kyujin and Minghao already sitting. Meanwhile, Seokmin was standing up talking on his phone. He has the right hunch that his friend has work left to discuss. 
They greeted her as she put herself comfortably on her seat. She’s with one of her old university buddies. Due to her problem, she couldn’t keep up with her batch graduating on time. Nonetheless, they kept strong connections with each other even if they are now working and she’s back with her University life. 
“Seokmin should have left his phone on aeroplane mode,'' Kyujin remarked as she shook her head from side to side. Minghao nodded, however, he pressed the thought  “Well to be fair, it might be an emergency with work that he needs to mend.” 
“At least he is paid though.” Sienna chimed smiling, Her friends knew for over those two years of her not attending university she was working on her corporate days before and tended to overtime as well. It’s not so different with her university work taking her life after hours, the only thing she was not paid to do overtime may it be her university and unfortunately her corporate days. 
“Sorry about that, but no worries it won’t bother our dinner.” he smiled at them, “Give me your phone” Kyujin, as the mom of this group Seokmin simply followed her. “There.” his phone successfully turned out to be in aeroplane mode.
Sienna snorted, Seokmin was astounded by what her friend doing “I said I’m sorry” He pouted “Fine keep it on aeroplane mode. If there’s anything I’ll handle it tomorrow.” he said proudly, “Yeah, handle it on your working hours.'' Minghao, who is also a big advocate of work and life balance, reminded him as he patted his friend's hand. 
As the night settles with them, Seokmin opens the topic “Nabi is out right with Jaemin’s family?” On the table while they started to eat their order. 
The girl next to her nodded as she ate the cheezy fries ``Yeah and Kai, She has this workshop she needs to attend." She starts to explain her housemate's situation "So basically both of them will not be back until next week.'' 
With the new information, Kyujin excitedly clapped. “Well then, you have no excuses not to come. It’ll be fun. Besides, Mingyu deserves to have some OG guests.” Kyujin is always amazing at pursuing people and Sienna is always weak for her friend.
“Didn’t you say you wanted to drink this week, take this chance with us. It has free drinks and food anyway.” Comically his brows go up and down. “And you know what free food and drinks taste like.” He ends his last speech of temptation.
“A hit or miss.” She put her tongue out as she deadpans her friend.
Minghao laughed at the banter between Sienna and Seokmin. “We’re aware that you're not reliving the song ‘Stuck with U’ by Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber for letting yourself feel stuffed for a whole month in your apartment. ” He finally joined, even has the gut to make a joke out of her situation pulling a quote-unquote with his hand gestures. However, they were right Sienna when given a chance to stay at her comfort home would make the most out of it. 
Although now she's on a dinner date with them; After a month of hibernation, she just now greeted the outside world properly. “It's not my fault that my subjects are eating me up. Besides, earlier I had to attend University onsite so plus points to that and now I’m already with you guys, here eating dinner.” Sienna puckered her lips, still up for this debate despite being conquered by those trio.
Seokmin snorted at Sienna’s last comment “Yeah, right!” letting his hand grab her head and squeeze it as if he was a crane and she’s a toy. 
“Sizt no!” Kyujin pouted and shook her head daintily. “How about this since you’re already out of your cocoon, just try to spend some of the days this week outside.” she negotiates with the girl who does not care one bit about Seokmin’s antics as she’s busy munching her ice cream. 
“Exactly, just end your week with good vibes, you’re no guard dog.” Minghao with his witty brain could not let her go, when those three come together it’s like Sienna is fighting against the world. 
She sighs in front of them, letting her head roll over to her left side finally expressing her being defeated. 
As if an accomplished couple made their child have nowhere to go but listen to them, Kyujin and Minghao high-fived each other and held their hands shakingly. It’s their mini-victory move. “If you guys keep being cute, I feel like ants would eat us up.” She joked. 
Seokmin looked at the girl next to her cheekily “Oh Sienna, Sienna, Sienna” repeating her name in a sing-song tone, whilst shaking his head playfully. “You just miss someone.” 
Minghao covered his mouth, acting surprised. “Offt Seokmin dropping the bomb.” Kyujin teased the fire, showing her actions with her hands dropping. 
It’s been 8 months since the breakup. 
Sienna squinted her eyes as if throwing daggers at him. “Oh, shut up.” She smacked his left shoulder. 
Leaving them chuckling at their antics.
Quickly changing the subject, Sienna sits properly. “Fine, this Saturday I’ll attend Mingyu’s place.” Rolling her eyes dramatically “The booze should be great, or I'm out.” 
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Despite a busy schedule, Yuno got dragged out for a coffee successfully by his work partner Jungkook before they would drive to meet their client onsite. 
Yuno’s eyes glanced at the interior of the cafe, and he stopped when he saw a familiar physique after a long time. It was Sienna focused on her laptop, wearing her signature hoodie with her glasses.
He and Jungkook sat near the cafe counter waiting for their order. The guy simply watched her and couldn't help but still have a longing feeling of adoration.
Of course, she’s not alone, she’s with two people that look like her classmates. 
He smiled at his thoughts thinking she also might get dragged outside as well, which she truly needs. Sienna always tends to trap herself in her room, especially on a weekend; little sunlight isn’t enough for her.
Sensing that one of her classmates was about to look around, he avoided his stare at her and exactly with that their little buzzer turned on letting them know that their orders were complete to go. 
On the other hand Sienna did mini stretches to her arms as Her eyes slowly looked outside the cafe and saw a familiar back, she steadily recognized when the view of the man got a good side view. “Oh it's Yuno...” she whispered, then it truly sank at her making her eyes widen, almost choking herself while she drank her matcha frappe. 
“Omygod— Sienna!” Both of her friends reacted frantic, Giving her all the tissues they have to her. 
"You good now? What happened?” Jungwoo queried and looked to where she was staring earlier, but failed to recognize what made their friend go nuts. 
Sienna shakes her head “Oh no it’s nothing..” she tries to cover her tracks, could not even think of a proper excuse. 
Seungkwan oozes suspicion with the younger girl but lets her know that it’s fine to not be forced to tell.  
“I have this event I need to attend.” Jungwoo didn't prolong the weird air, taking the chance to express his dread. 
Sienna laughed at the poor puppy. “Isn’t your parents' fundraising event?” Seungkwan recalled their conversation back then. “That's tough. Knowing your parents, they would want it to be perfect.” Sienna bluntly says. “Exactly, it’s going to be a pain in the neck.” Jungwoo rolled his eyes with exaggeration.
She isn’t well into those kinds of grand parties either. It only reminds her back then when she felt she was out of the picture whenever with Yuno.
The only thing she cares about is to support Yuno in whatever journey he has to accomplish, that's why she lets him take her in these events. 
Nonetheless, some of the invitees couldn't be bothered hiding their expressions.
It continued until she ended up walking on eggshells while attending these events. She's well aware those people were irrelevant, and Sienna needed to be stronger.
However, with the compilation of Backhanded comments she receives:
"Well in your generation, love matters more." 
"Oh darling, you'll have your time." 
With those gazes, she could just disappear into thin air as if she were prey. 
Little by little it consumed her. 
Sienna’s train of thought snapped immediately.
"Earth to Sienna." 
Seungkwan patted the girl's shoulder, bringing her back to their conversation.
"Sorry, what?" 
Jungwoo pouted more than he could do and continued to ask them. "Are you guys free to be my dates this Saturday?" Hoping that they would agree to be together with his misery just to make something out of it and not worry about socializing much in the event. 
"Pass." Seungkwan quickly replied while shaking his head left and right to his friend, "I got other things to assemble from our course organization seminar."
Sienna couldn't help but chuckle at Jungwoo's reaction when he started begging with his actions through his hands. "Sorry, but I have a party to attend as well." Pursing her lips tightly. 
Seungkwan grabbed Sienna's left arm, wanting her to mimic the way he waved goodbye towards Jungwoo, "Be strong, Soldier." She played along with the guy next to her and both shared the same smiles with their two cents. 
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Sienna dressed up a bit, well it’s a party, after all. Her cute black mini dress complimented her heel loafers. She’s not going to lie it’s been a while for her to dress up, and it feels good. 
As she stepped into the dimly lit venue, bathed in hues of purple and blue lights, a familiar voice cut through the atmosphere. "Sienna!" Kyujin’s excitement radiated as she embraced her. "Are the other two here already?" she inquired after the warm hug.
"Yup, we can huddle over there, it's much more comfortable." 
Navigating their way to the living room, Sienna spotted Minghao and Seokmin, who were already in high spirits, sitting side by side with welcoming smiles.
"For a minute I thought you backed out." Minghao teased, earning a giggle from Kyujin.
Minghao's knack for reading people was, as always, on point. Sienna was hesitating for a moment at the entrance, with her heart pounding with uncertainty. The decision to attend this gathering had been a last-minute contemplation. She knew a few faces in the crowd, but it was the ghost of him that lingered in her thoughts. Earlier that day, an unexpected wave of nostalgia engulfed her, triggering what she reluctantly dubbed a "Relapse." She found herself tumbling down a rabbit hole of old photos and videos, relics of a time when they were entwined in each other's lives.
As she stood there, the weight of unanswered questions pressed upon her. Were the people around her aware of the demise of their once-shared world? A shiver of anxiety ran down her spine at the mere thought of being questioned about a love that now existed only in fragments of the past.
Eight months had passed, yet the grip he held on her heart remained unyielding. The invisible threads of their history continued to bind her, leaving Sienna entangled in a web of longing and unresolved emotions.
"Aye, don't be like that," she chuckled, waving her hand dismissively. "I even brought snacks." Seokmin, ever observant, noticed the packaging. "Oh! I guess the lady at that sweet shop was your mom then."
Sienna looked curious to him wanting him to continue. "Your mom was carrying  a navy blue handbag right?" Sienna vividly remembers making her head nod. 
Seokmin already felt proud with his keen eyes, no wonder the lady was familiar to him. 
"I was in front of the store parking lot and got a glimpse of your mom Entering the store." He pointed out the sweet shop's name. 
Her mom visited her earlier to personally break the news that her mom's land had already been sold with a very great offer. She expressed how she was so thankful that they waited and did not rush the selling of their property which led them to accumulate a huge deal. 
In celebration, her mom remembers her daughter tends to like honey biscuits as the reason why she was at a sweet shop. Little did her mom know that the reason why she liked them was because Jaehyun influenced her since it was his childhood favourite sweets. 
That was the trigger for her to this party since she had the feeling she would just dwell on her emotions at home alone. Distraction is highly needed.
After a couple of hours, Jaehyun arrived at the scene of the party. Mingyu greeted the guy and pointed to where Sienna was located. 
Earlier, Mingyu had noticed Sienna alone in the corner of his sofa, engaging in a conversation with herself. Even to the untrained eye, it was apparent she had indulged a bit too much in the festivities. Her body tends to flop side to side with her head spinning lightly. 
The three musketeers that she was with beginning at the party left earlier, and because of still not wanting her to leave early she stayed besides she put an excuse that some of the people she knew here she wanted to catch up. 
Out of concern, he immediately contacted Yuno. Mingyu is one of those people who are not updated with the situation of the two people. 
Yuno swiftly appeared in front of the lady, whose now trying her best to stay awake by softly slapping her cheeks and opening her eyes wide. In response, Jaehyun sighed and approached her, wrapping his flannel around her—his way of acknowledging how chilly she could get.
“You’re drunk, let’s go home.” 
Sienna, with a pout, insisted, "I'm not drunk, just tipsy... I can still take it." She reached for her cup, but Jaehyun lightly caught her hand. "Sienna, please..." he pleaded. Reluctantly, she let go of the cup, covering her face with her hands. "Ugh, you're so boring; I don't want to go home yet." Despite her wobbly stance, a stark contrast to her claim of sobriety, she stood up.
Giggling, she attempted to stare at Jaehyun. Her brain, clouded by sweet toxins, transformed her surroundings into a hazy spectacle. Jaehyun, seizing the opportunity, gently gripped her figure securely and let her follow his body towards the exit. “You can get whiny when you're drunk.” 
She bit her bottom lip, staring at him as her eyebrows furrowed. “N-No, I'm not” she chirped yet Jaehyun could still hear her as how close their bodies were now, he was left only to chuckle at her attitude. 
Jaehyun was wearing his beanie and glasses, matching them up with the dim party lights, as to why Sienna has slow recognition due to her alcohol influence. However, her sixth sense just lets her guard down due to familiarity. 
Pulling up to the car, Sienna settled herself comfortably in the front passenger seat. Jaehyun reached for the blanket tucked at the back and gently draped it over her figure.
“Can we open the window?” Sienna peered outside, where the street lights cast a soft glow. Jaehyun obliged, clicking the switch to let in the cool night air.
“Better?” He questioned, as he eased the car into motion.
She closed her eyes, letting the refreshing breeze envelop her. After stealing a glance at Jaehyun, she responded with a serene, "Yeah."
Fully aware now that she was in the company of Yuno, Sienna marvelled at how her instincts had effortlessly guided her away from the crowd and toward him.
“Is anybody at your home right now?" Hearing him, Sienna shakes her head slowly, her eyes remaining closed to contain the lingering dizziness.
"Both of them are out of town." 
Jaehyun hummed in agreement, his thoughtful expression barely visible in the dimly lit car. "I can't leave you alone at your house. You should rest at my place instead, He declared that if there's an argument needed to be brought up it would be useless.
With Sienna's mind in its current state, his decisiveness didn't bother her. It was a welcome assurance amid the swirl of emotions she grappled with.
They both slowly entered Yuno’s place, easily passing by the lounge area to his private room. Letting the lady sit as he turned on the lamp next to his bed. 
He took some cotton pads and makeup remover. It's been a while since he opened this particular side of his nightstand, back then it was her side of the bed anyway. 
His hands gingerly swipe the damped cotton throughout her face, she looks entrapped by his aura, The way his eyes twitched and and his bottom lip bitting due to his hyperfocus, it might not be obvious but with her hazy view she could see behind his glasses are eyebags that has been a bit more obvious. With this situation, it brings back memories as if it were only yesterday. 
"They're all clean." he huffs proudly as he returns the essentials to its container, "Let me get you some water." Before he could even get up, Sienna stole a kiss from him, jaehyun was caught off guard he flinched and stared at her flushed self. His eyes roamed from her sombre eyes gradually to her lips, breathing against each other– the air thick with anticipation.
Leisurely discarding his glasses, he leaned toward her. Eventually, his instincts couldn't resist the magnetic pull of the moment, and he found himself reciprocating the kiss. His dominant hand found the nape of her neck, while the left rested on her waist tightly.
Amidst the fog of sweet alcohol lingering from her system invading his space of mind. the kiss deepened, and their bodies drew dangerously closer within seconds.
With that snap of realization, Yuno stopped the act, dazed by her. 
He would do anything for her, he constantly yearned for her even after all that happened. Yet, he refused to take advantage of her vulnerability. As he struggled to formulate the words he needed to convey, he grappled with the elusive thoughts.
He wanted to reassure her, to make her understand. But his brain seemed to be on strike, rendering him helpless.
Cold sweats build up over him, He suddenly feels like a teen boy who's in front of his huge crush.
"Sienna, I—" His words were abruptly cut short as she averted her eyes, rising slowly. As she hastened away, he found himself perplexed by the startling shift, his body instinctively following her.
Realizing the toilet room lights were open, he moved fast behind her. Already hiding how flustered he is.
Efficiently gathering her hair into a ponytail as she faced the toilet— letting out the toxins from her system. he offered a comforting rub on her back. His eyes fell on the drawer beneath the counter, remembering the hair ties she had left behind. He snatched one and secured her hair.
Perhaps, it had always been the right choice not to clean out the stuff she kept in his place.
"Take it easy," he hummed, attempting to access a smaller drawer, anticipating a towel within. All the while, he continued to rub her back, providing solace amid the discomfort.
With the final flush from the toilet, she ceased her ordeal. Jaehyun proactively used the towel to dab at her mouth. "Feeling better?" he asked, focused on the task.
She nodded, touching his hands and prompting him to halt. "I'm sorry.." she sighed, closing her eyes and braving the persistent dizziness. His gaze softened, taking in her dishevelled appearance, the messy ponytail he had made, her droopy eyes, and her flushed figure.
“Let’s go to bed—” he cleared his throat “Let’s take you to bed, you need to rest up hmm?.” 
Her body went near him, and put her head on his chest “Don’t leave….” He looked down, already feeling his shirt getting drenched.
She is already crying. 
He patted her head. "I won't," he assured, breathing heavily. "I won't leave you alone… so let’s go to bed." With a controlled but strained voice, he subdued the surging emotions.
Carrying her to bed, he tucked her in gently. Although he yearned to lie beside her, this wasn't the moment. He settled beside the bed on his rug, holding her hand, watching over her. As he hummed softly, he moved strands of hair away from her face, his quiet presence coaxing a serene expression onto her face.
Even in mere proximity, he found solace.
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The sunlight tiptoed into the room, gently rousing Sienna from her deep slumber. A momentary panic seized her when her eyes landed on a head resting at the edge of the bed. Quickly regaining composure, she realized Yuno was sleeping on the floor beside her. His head lay on the mattress, while his body occupied the floor.
Her heartbeat slowed, confusion swirling in her mind as she tried to make sense of the situation. Battling a hangover headache, she opened her eyes gently, fixating on the man's face. It had been too long since she allowed herself to bask in the sight of him, and the ache of missing him resurfaced.
Almost by instinct, her hand lightly caressed his bangs, now dyed in a darker shade. Moving to his eyebrows and eyes, the familiarity felt both comforting and oddly unfamiliar after all this time.
His eyes twitched slightly, signalling his impending awakening. As her brain flashed fragments of memories from the previous night, embarrassment coursed through her.
Jaehyun's eyes fluttered open, meeting hers. Sensing her staring fixed on his lips, he gently grabbed her hand, preventing her from retracting her actions. "You're awake," she timidly said, attempting to downplay the significance of her actions.
She didn't get an immediate response, but now it was Yuno's turn to observe her. Despite having done the same the night before, this morning ritual fed his yearning for the simple moments they used to share.
"Do-Don't just stare at me like that," she uttered, biting her bottom lip.
"I'm sorry," he muttered. After a comfortable silence, she replied, "Don't bother, it's not like it's a big thing," avoiding his piercing stare, her cheeks flushing with warmth.
He shook his head slowly. "I have a lot to say sorry for."
Puzzled, her mind hinted at their last fight, the night they broke up. "I understand. It's not my decision to make."
"I should have talked with you before acting out my will with this, especially when it’s strongly sensitive for you… “ His voice became small but he needs to take accountability.
“I was selfish. I figured since I have the privilege to save up, all I could think was part of my savings was all about you."
"I should have known better."
Sienna always loved how pure this guy can get. She recognized the sincerity of his intentions.  “I was too defensive and insecure to begin with every time I could see how people view us. I love how they take pride in you for what you do, but when I’m in the picture with you I could feel they always have this impression in our relationship that I’m not enough for you."
"I felt embarrassed, my inferiority complex burst." her eyes welled with emotion.
"You know I struggled to ask for help, and I always tried to conquer that, but when our last fight happened, it got me overwhelmed. It was an extreme gesture, and it felt like you were forcing me to be someone I'm not prepared to be." With his sincerity, she felt attacked and unsafe at that time. She was clouded by her negative thoughts and forgot she had him all this time – he was there to pick her up when she was feeling blue.
Yuno softened his gaze at her, “I’m sorry. I was so blinded and didn’t reassure you enough about our relationship, that it got to your thoughts. I don’t care about them, and I know it will be tough for you to immediately not care. So I’ll do my best to be there for you– reminding you to think of me and only me when you doubt, and I will never get tired of making you feel secure.”
She nodded and continued, "I’m fully aware that I have a lot on my plate, especially back then, working to support my family and myself." Her voice cracked as she struggled to compose herself. "And it's just so embarrassing how I know you so well. You’ve always wanted to help me— you’ve always been there, whether I’m struggling financially or whatever situation I'm facing. I just couldn’t take the bullet of reality that I needed to accept. “ 
Her eyes continued to sting. With every word she spilt, tears flowed down her cheeks.
He was the sunshine she couldn't handle.
"But I broke it. I promised you a slow and steady relationship."
Sienna looked at him stunned, he remembers. 
“See you’re a guy who has a light that shouldn't be tainted.” she blurted out, sniffing. 
Jaehyun shook his head slowly. Vividly his dimples, and a reassured smile carved his lips. “Sienna when I’m with you. I’m only a normal guy, a guy who loves you deeply, who wants to be with you.” He caressed her cheeks, gingerly wiping away the tears that streamed from her eyes. 
Heart fluttering, realising once again that's she is truly in love with this person.
"I'll do better to make myself be deserving of you; I'll work hard.” She firmly stated, Her innocent orbs now filled with passion. “You did receive the money earlier, right?” After meeting her mom, Sienna transferred the money he paid for her university fees. 
"You're more than enough, and I will always support you." Jaehyun held her hand tightly, bringing it close to his mouth. “And then, for the meantime, I’ll keep the money in my savings. That will be for us in the future.” He planted a soft kiss on her hand as if sealing a promise of his commitment.
“Besides, all I ever want is for you to spend your time with me – grow old together.” He whispered, his eyes reflecting a future filled with shared unwavering love. With those words, he painted a canvas of a lifetime. Sienna's heart swelled with a mix of emotions, and as they embraced, they both knew that their love story was not just a chapter but a timeless journey of growing old together.
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I hope you guys enjoyed it!꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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OKAY SO HI! Hope I’m not bothering and hope your day is going/went well! 💕
Just wanna say love your work so much! The texts are hilarious and your works are *chefs kiss* If they get turned into a movie I’m watching it everyday!
Also I’m just randomly wondering since Y/n and her 8 boyfies decided to somewhat stay in Namhae in “the essence of youth is summers with you” so they’re bound to bump into Johnny at occasionally, how would johnny react to his ex suddenly having 8 boyfriends at once? 😭
Like since he’s a douchesnozle i would think he’d stir some shit up, and how would the boys respond as well lol. Idk cause I’m imagining it and like I can see the boys just end up beating him up lol and idk why I find that funny hehe
Mkay that’s all! Keep up the wonderful work! I’ll definitely read what you release next!!! 💕💕
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omg please this made me smile so hard and it is so nice to dive back into the teoyiswy au, because i did not realise just how much i've missed writing about my hot surfer bois 🥹🫶
c/w: unedited 0.8k, half fic half train of thought, explicit profanity, insults, toxic ex
okay first off yall not going to believe me but johnny originally had a redeeming arc planned LMAO his character was meant to be one of those people who become blinded by their desire for the other person and end up making the wrong decisions, and it isn't until after losing that person do they realise their mistakes. so johnny was meant to be redeemed, you guys were meant to apologise to one another, and then get closure on okay-ish terms.
buuuuuut if we're going down the route of johnny stays a douchesnozle, then i think it would be hilarious if he tries to break you up with your boyfies. it goes down like this: johnny runs into you on a date with san at the cafe you've been going with him since you two were twelve, and san is sharing a strawberry dacquoise and a grapefruit ade with you. johnny scoffs at the sight of him feeding you with the fork and is like, "i fuckin' knew it."
you don't notice your ex because your back is facing him, but san definitely does. the next bite he pretends to give you, san moves the fork out of the way at the last second and pecks you on the lips instead. you squeal and ask him, "what was that for?" and san simply replies, "just cause i can," and cause johnny can't. hah.
the boys one; johnny zero.
johnny stalks off grumpy, and lo and behold two days later he runs into you again at the mart filling a whole bag of ice cream to buy (not with your money, of course). but what the fuck? you're with hongjoong, and he's got you all wrapped up with your back against his chest as you both pick out the ice cream from the freezer. you spot the last of the magnum ice cream sandwiches, which you know is yeosang's favourite, so you lean into the freezer to dig it out.
hongjoong steadies your waist when he happens to look up and make eye contact with your ex, and if you notice your boyfriend's hands holding you a little firmer, you don't realise that it's because he is feeling a little possessive. hongjoong makes a show to nuzzle into your neck with fond endearment when you stand back up and present the wrapped ice cream to him, because you're his now, not johnny's.
the boys two; johnny still zero.
it continues like that. johnny keeps running into you around namhae–at the beach, at different cafes, on the streets. he keeps himself hidden, but he sees you with a different boyfriend each time. coincidentally, the boys always manage to spot him, probably because they are always on alert whenever you are out with them. and it always goes down the same. you obliviously glow under their public displays of affection in the form of hugs, kisses, smiles and interlocked hands, whilst your ex fumes away in his anger.
until he cannot take it anymore. it's summer and you're out with all of them at the beach, one of those rare days when you are able to spend time with the eight of your boyfriends together. it's nostalgic lying on the towel with yeosang tracing patterns on your skin, watching your boys toss each other into the water, surfboards long forgotten on the sand near you. a shadow falls over you and yeosang, and when you look up, you're shocked to see that it is your ex.
"johnny," you stutter, because why is he here in front of you? you scramble to your feet, as does yeosang, and he pulls you behind him as he stands in front.
"what the fuck do you want?" the voice doesn't come from him, though. it's san, and the rest of your boys have already made their way back to shore to stand protectively around you the moment they realised who was approaching you.
your ex scoffs with disbelief, "you know this slut is cheating on you all, right? she's cheating on every single one of you behind your very backs and you still want her?"
hongjoong growls dangerously, "you want to say that one more fucking time?"
"yeah," johnny challenges, "she's a fucking slut."
"and you're a fucking idiot because she's dating all of us. she's our girlfriend, and if you fucking dare come close to her or any of us ever again, it won't just be your pea-sized ego that is bruised–it'll be your whole fucking face."
so basically johnny makes a clown out of himself trying to expose you for cheating, only to be told that lol jokes on him you're dating them all and a million times happier than you ever were with him. hongjoong and wooyoung are extremely close to knocking your ex's teeth out, but a single glance from you and your boys have heeled. johnny never bothers you or the boys ever again and you all live happily ever after.
the boys eight; johnny minus eight.
the end :D
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luvfae · 1 year
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summary: no 33, first date. from my scenario prompt list.
fandom: daisy jones & the six
parings: eddie roundtree x f reader, karen sirko x friend reader
warnings: swearing, alcohol use, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering
a/n: rising from the dead because there’s a serious daisy jones & the six smut shortage. i’m here to solve all your problems, send in requests you can see which characters i write for here
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“He’s a nice guy, Y/N,” your friend, Karen Sirko, said to you, a smile on her face. “I promise.”
You gave Karen a blank look. “Last time you said that to me the man ended up crying mid date because I was wearing the same perfume as his ex,” you said, arms crossing over your chest.
Karen laughed. “But this time I mean it,” Karen said. “He’s in my band, Y/N. Just trust me.”
“Whatever,” you sighed, opening the car door and stepping out. You were wearing your favourite outfit, your hair done nicely, thanks to Karen. “If this goes bad you owe me a drink.”
Karen rolled her eyes. “Have fun!” She yelled before driving off, leaving you no choice but to go inside this restaurant and find your date.
Karen hadn’t told you much, all you know is he’s got blond hair, he’s the bass player in the band Karen’s apart of, his name is Eddie and apparently, he’s a really good guy.
You looked around, there was people everywhere. Most people were in groups of two’s, three’s or even more. There was an exception of two people who were sat alone, one was a red haired boy who was half way through his meal and the other a blond boy, tapping his foot as he waited.
Obviously it wasn’t the red haired boy. You took a deep breath and walked over to the blond boy, praying to God this was Eddie and not some random guy.
“Eddie?” You asked, grabbing his attention, his eyes shot up to meet yours and you swear you died and went to heaven.
“You must be Y/N,” Eddie said, standing up, his chair scraping against the floorboards as he moved to give you a hug. “Karen has told me so much about you. She didn’t mention how beautiful you are though.”
You smiled bashfully, rolling your eyes as you took your seat across from him. “Thank you,” you said.
A few drinks and a meal later, you and Eddie were laughing with one another and getting to know each other. You had told him how you and Karen met and he had told you how he had joined the band. You and Eddie had really hit it off and for once Karen’s blind dating idea was actually working out.
Eddie paid the bill and shortly after you both stood up. “I had a lot of fun,” you smiled at him. Eddie took your hand as you walked out of the restaurant and onto the chilly night air of Los Angeles. “We should do this again sometime soon.”
“Who said the date was over?” Eddie asked with a chuckle. By now you were both drunk, and normally when you got drunk you liked to end the night in your own bed at home, but you just couldn’t leave Eddie’s side. You didn’t want too leave his side. “Wanna come back to my place? Have a few drinks and watch a movie?” He asked.
You smiled, “sure.”
Eddie waved down a cab and soon enough the pair of you were back at his house, which coincidentally was also where Karen lived. You had only been there once, briefly, when Karen was the only one home. You and Eddie were sat on his bed, watching a movie, except the movie had long been forgotten about because his lips were on yours and somehow you had ended up in his lap.
Your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, undoing all of them and pushing it off of his shoulders. Your clothes came next, Eddie undressing every article of clothing on your body in less than a minute, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. He kicked his jeans off and you pushed him back, flat against the mattress.
“Is this what you were expecting to come out of tonight?” Eddie asked, breathless as your lips trailed along his jawline and neck.
“I thought i’d end up going home tonight and never contacting you again,” you replied, pressing your lips against his once more.
You felt his fingers slip under the hem of your panties. You gasped as his fingertips brushed against your clit, slowly making his way towards your entrance.
“Is that good?” He asked, pushing two digits inside of you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
“Yes,” you managed to whimper out as his fingers grazed the deepest parts of you. Pressure was building and you could feel your orgasm already approaching, but you weren’t ready yet, you wanted more.
You pushed his boxers down, his dick popping free from the fabric. You slipped away from his fingers and looked him in the eye as you aligned yourself with him. Eddie’s hands landed on your hips, guiding you down onto him.
His fingers clamped around the skin of your hips, Eddie’s fingers turning white from the grip he had on you. “Fuck,” you whispered, legs shaking as he filled you thick.
You moved your hips back and forth over and over again, gaining momentum with each move. Eddie was starstruck, too busy listening to the pretty sounds coming out of your mouth to even make a noise.
You switched from back and forth movements to bouncing up and down, skin slapping against skin until your calves started to burn and your vision started to blur. Eddie shoved his hand over your mouth, keeping you quiet.
“You’re being so loud, sweetheart,” He whispered. “You’re gonna wake the whole house up.”
You looked down at him, crying into the palm of his hand as your orgasm washed over you, growing so tired and weak that you collapsed onto his chest, whimpering into Eddie’s ear.
“Aw, are you all fucked out, huh?” He teased, you nodded your head, eyes fluttering shut. “Well I haven’t came yet so…” Eddie’s hips snapped up into yours, making you yelp. “You’re gonna have to keep it up for a little while longer.”
Eddie fucked himself into you, hitting angles that he wasn’t before. You kept your lips on his neck, sucking bruises into his skin to keep the sinful noises that desperately wanted to escape your lips in.
“Good girl,” he whispered, hands tangling through your hair.
You moved your mouth towards his ear. “Thank you,” you whispered, tears brimming your eyes. You were so sensitive but so needy at the same time. You didn’t want it to stop but you needed it to before it became overwhelming.
You pressed your lips against his, shoving your tongue inside of his mouth, moving your hips in time with his and it didn’t take long for Eddie’s movements to falter and his hips to start stuttering and you felt him finish inside of you.
There was not much talking after that, in fact you didn’t even get dressed, didn’t even move. The pair of you woke up the next morning fully naked, on top of each other, stone cold sober.
After the initial shock, you got up, changed back into your clothes from last night. “I really have to go,” you said with a smile as Eddie tried to convince you to stay.
“Well come back later,” Eddie begged. “Please?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine,” you said before shoving your feet into your shoes. “I’ll come back later on tonight.”
Eddie smiled, triumphantly and you blew him a kiss as you walked out his bedroom door, hoping to sneak out of the house before anyone woke up. But right as you rounded the corner into the kitchen you came face to face with Karen.
Karen’s eyes widened upon seeing you, makeup smudged around your face, your hair ruined. She nearly choked on her coffee.
“I’m assuming it went well?” Karen asked with a smirk.
“Yeah…” You cleared your throat, your skin heating up. “It went great.”
“I told you so,” Karen laughed.
“Now leave me alone, i’m doing my walk of shame,” you said, pushing the front door open. “But i’ll be back tonight!” You yelled, waving goodbye to her.
Karen laughed, shaking her head.
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 2) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: Oh wow, thank you so much for all the love for the first chapter!!! It means a lot. Also, i have another fic called Happy (Sad) New Year if you’re interested in seeing. And another thing is that I might update this series weekly.
Summary: You might have a crush on Tommy’s cute tall friend with the glasses.
Pairing(s): CC!Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader, CC!Wilbur Soot x actor!reader.
Warning(s): None.
italics: streams
my masterlist :))
After your Twitter interaction with TommyInnit, The same thing happened again, funnily enough, was with a friend of Tommy’s and fellow streamer. You recognized him from the first vlog you’ve watched of Tommy’s, the cute tall one with the glasses. Wilbur Soot was his name or at least that was what people called him. Again, your fans tagged you in various posts, moments caught from his stream. In one of those clips, he jokingly banged his fist on his desk.
“That was suppose to be me, chat! I like them first! It’s not fair. Tommy keeps rubbing it on my face.”
There was another one where he talked about when he first liked you.
“I found this soundtrack, right, chat. And it was from this movie. I searched it up, watched it and just immediately it became one of my favourite films. They played one of the characters in it and I found out they wrote a song from the soundtrack that coincidentally is my favourite.”
The thing that got you though was when he complimented your singing and writing in the song that you wrote. You remembered being scared shitless for that particular role for two reasons. One, you never sang in front of that many people before and it made you nervous. Two, although you loved writing songs—you have a journal filled with unfinished songs—you didn’t think you had the ability to write one that was vital to your character’s arc.
“They have a very good voice in my opinion, no, a great voice actually. And that specific song was quite relatable for me—I’m pouring my heart out here, chat, and here you are calling me a simp. Fine, go ahead, call me a simp. I don’t care. Maybe I am a simp. What about it, chat?”
You thought it was really sweet how he thinks of you and you couldn’t help the slight fluttering in your heart and the butterflies in your stomach when his fans tell him that he has a crush. Also his cute smile didn’t help at all with the sensation growing inside you. Honestly, you could just watch a video of him smiling over and over again.
For days, you keep thinking about him which was frustrating and exciting in some way. You felt like a teenager again, crushing on a boy that smiled at you in passing. You haven’t told anyone about it, knowing that everyone was going to tease you if they knew and would try to convince you to reach out to him. You wanted to, badly even, but life in the spotlight has its ups and downs. You don’t want the paparazzi to be crowding and violating this man’s private life just for the sole reason of trying to find out who you might be dating next.
You were scrolling down YouTube again, filling the time as you sat down in the hair and makeup trailer, when you came across a band. From experience, artists you found on YouTube most of the time was your cup of tea so you clicked on the video titled ‘Taunt’ by Lovejoy. The already enjoyable song got more enjoyable when you saw the familiar face that had been invading your mind. You eyes grew wide, your head no longer bopping, and finally that feeling in your heart returned.
“Don’t smile too much. I’m doing your powder.” One of the makeup artist spoke, moving a brush across your cheeks.
“Oh shit, sorry Sloane.” Yet, you smiled again as the video plays out.
Sloane smirked, looking at your phone screen. “Know one of ‘em? Is that why you’re smiling all of the sudden?”
“I know that tone.” You glared at the older woman beside you. “And yes, I do know one of them if you must know.”
“Which one?”
“The one with the glasses and the hat. The tall one.”
Sloane leaned closer. “He’s cute.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I can see why you’re into him.”
“I did not say that I like him.”
“You didn’t have to.” Sloane pointed the brush she was holding at your face. “Your smile already did.”
When you realized Wilbur Soot have a band, the obvious choice was to go on a rabbit hole of listening to their entire discography. It took a few listens but their songs grew on you and eventually made their way into your various playlists—some grew annoyed listening to you repeating their songs. Now that you found a perfect opportunity to try and talk to Wilbur, the only thing that’s left was the execution. You didn’t want to make it too obvious that you’re trying to reach this guy. You could only imagine the article they would write about and you didn’t need to be ask about “a mystery guy” when doing press junkets later on.
“What are you scared of? You’re just posting about this band that you like. You’ve done it a million times.” You said, trying to calm yourself.
With one last inhale and exhale, you began typing. Your heart beating vigorously with each letter that you pressed. It was incredibly ridiculous how nervous you were. You kind of wished someone was there to give you some emotional support but alas you were alone in your trailer.
“Okay, that’s good enough, I think. Not too long, not too short. All that’s left to do is post it.”
Your thumb hovered over the button, still contemplating whether or not this was the right choice. Maybe you should’ve chosen the lowkey route. Just slide into his DM’s like many of your friends did. What if he doesn’t see it? What if he doesn’t interact with it the way his friend Tommy did? What if he turns out to be an absolute dick? The possibilities were endless.
When the waiting and the doing absolutely nothing began eating you out, you decided it’s now or never.
“Fuck it.” You closed your eyes, pressed the button and the deed was done.
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maxanor · 4 months
Watched up until ep 9 so here are more of my abbreviated thoughts, don't want to make this ask too long but many thoughts head never empty about this show and my babygirls.
Ep 5: god what an episode, the official and final break up of my best girls. The scene where Alicent walks into the banquet in that green dress: lifechanging, actual chills, that scene is sooo good and other people don't seem to care about it as much as I do from what I saw online but like that scene is insane, I want to live inside of it; the meaning of the colours, the declaration of war, THE MUSIC (!!)
Ep 6: the shift to the older actors oooh we're here, they're both so excellent and just the tension in this episode, like that's sexual the small council scene uuhm Alicent babes look away and Rhaenyra stop touching that ball there is a touch starved lesbian across from you have some decorum (also Alicent was at her most bitchy (affectionate) this episode and I kind of lived for it)
Ep 7: THE episode. Now why did I have to see that Dae/myra sex scene?? Controversial opinion: the knife scene was more sexual than the Dae/myra sex scene, something something stabbing as a metaphor for gay sex, stabbing your homoerotic situationship after breaking up 10 years ago something something. WHERE IS DUTY WHERE IS SACRIFICE - Olivia that entire scene, yeah I was captivated (also Otto being proud, oh the toxic generational abuse continues yes tragedy)
Ep 8: Viserys losing an eye after not giving a shit Aemond lost an eye and not doing anything, oh I call that poetic justice. Rhaenicent making soft eyes at each other oh the gays are at it again, who let them out? The children continuing their fighting because of the damage their mothers already did, oh the generational conflict continues, cannot bury the hatchet when you have sown hate for years
Ep 9: no one seems to agree online from what I saw, but honestly maybe one of my favourite episodes of the season, maybe that is because I adore Alicent and this episode was all about her in my opinion. The scene between Rhaenys and Alicent, loved that, they could not have played that scene any gayer but maybe that's just me. Otto calling Alicent out about her feelings surrounding Rhaenyra, like at this point the closet is glass sweetie. "Childhood companion", the subtext is there if they ever make it maintext I will sob.
Question: I know the actors have discussed the queer subtext but have any of the writers or directors ever hinted at it as well? It can't be all coincidental right?
Anyways this got way way too long, my bad🩵 going to watch ep 10 soon, wish me luck🫡
making popcorn to answer this ask mwahahaha 🍿
ep5 – god this episode is heartbreaking, emily carey's acting is just incredible i love her so much!! this was actually the first episode i watched live and i know people were freaking out about it, but it does seem to get overlooked in light of everything that comes next
ep6 – EMMA AND OLIVIA 🫶 both their introductions are incredible and i'm forever thankful they were cast <3 the small council scene is insane 😵‍💫
ep7 – soooo true this is THEEE episode!!! although ofc every time i think of this episode i redact the dae/myra sex scene bc poor rhaenyra has been thru so much she doesnt need that as well!! also your opinion is not controversial, rhaenicent absolutely have more chemistry, both emma and olivia's performances in that scene are insane god i love them (bonus: the script from the scene)
ep8 – i loveeeee this episode sooo much, their children are so poisoned against each other but alicent and rhaenyra cannot help but want to mend their relationship like they yearn for each other so deeply they'll never be free!!!! also aemond is my best friend in this episode i love him <3
ep9 – i love this episode too!!! i don't necessarily subscribe to any "team" but the targtowers are just much more interesting than all of the team black characters (excluding rhaenyra) and i love seeing the inner-workings of the green council. also aegon's coronation scene is so incredible oh tgc the actor you are!!! and "you imbecile" being unscripted like oh that shit is insane 😵‍💫
to answer your question about the writers/directors supporting rhaenicent, yes they do! i'll put some quotes under the cut <3
"they are good friends with this potential romantic entanglement from earlier on that has always been a big thing for that, that i thought it was an essential component  of why they are such close friends. it seems like it’s a kind of unrequited love…rhaenyra has this deep longing for her best friend" – miguel sapochnik (co-showrunner involved in s1, he's not going to be involved in s2 due to some internal drama lmao)
"the underlying theme is that rhaenyra is actually in love with alicent. with milly as young rhaenyra, it was very much about seeing how she experiences this constant series of small rejections from alicent" – miguel sapochnik
"alicent is feeling very alone. so when rhaenyra enters, that’s what she wants. she wants the love in her life, and it’s a bit of a love story in a way, of these two women" – geeta patel (directed 1x08)
"[rhaenyra and alicent] are in my mind a divorced couple. they were in love as friends, and now they are apart" – geeta patel
"these two young women who were friends as girls, who grew up deeply loving each other...and then how they were forced into this situation by the pressures put on them by the aristocracy and by the patriarchy, by these ancient political constructs around them" – ryan condal (main showrunner)
"there is an element of queerness to it, whether you see it that way or as just the unbelievably passionate friendships that women have with each other at that age. i think understanding that element of it sort of informs the entire rest of their relationship...at the core of it, they knew each other as children, and they loved each other and that doesn't go away" – sara hess (executive producer/writer/lesbian)
"despite everything that happened, there is a deep connection and ultimately you can’t erase the fact that you loved and cared for someone. it can get twisted, but it cannot be deleted" – clare kilner (directed 1x04, 1x05, and 1x09)
"i saw the love and romance of these two girls, which makes it all the more tragic when they become estranged" – greg yaitanes (director of 1x02)
honestly there are more and this isnt even getting into everything emma, olivia, emily, and milly have said but 🤗 rhaenicent is canon change my mind!!!!
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Hi, dear Blue, I saw your post and Rushed over! Coincidentally I reread the first three chapters of the CEO series before work today because it is a masterpiece! So I have fresh thoughts on them rn. Hope this helps motivate you even a little🥰💜
Chapter 1: Complaint
Ah the first part of what has become an Absolute Masterpiece!
From the first chapter I was hooked, obsessed, and addicted. This particular part was what really got me excited for the series-
“Did you get hurt, angel?” Jimin says softly. Tears definitely start to well up in your eyes as you look towards him. Taehyung let’s go of your chin to caress your cheek as a tear drops and he wipes it away. Namjoon’s eyes darken, they know for absolute fact you could do no wrong but unless they wanted HR to come visit they needed to resolve this in house. He knew that bitch was lying through her teeth about their favourite girl, but they needed you to tell them what actually happened so they could get rid of her without any mess. “We can’t help you baby girl if you don’t tell us,” he says, hoping it would elicit something out of you.“You guys are the problem,” you say through a sob, and your arms come to cover your face as more tears shed down your face. Their hearts sink at your words, Taehyung frowns at you, his dark eyes disappearing to look at you with sadness.
I've reread this one more times than I care to admit lol including thrice just today. One thing I noticed immediately and really loved was that you were careful to mention everyone, even if they didn't get a ton of dialogue you made sure to mention their thoughts or actions.
Chapter 2: Mediation
Aka Jimin's chapter. You know an author understands how to write Jimin when I can literally hear Filter in my mind while reading his parts. Our Blue is truly amazing🤩💜💜💜
All of the boys feel thoughtfully written as well. Jin who's calm and gentle but we all know he's just as if not more dangerous than the rest, Joon is the epitome of calm before the storm as well as the storm itself, you do NOT want to be on his bad side, Yoongi ever done with everyone's sh*t and probably wants to fire the rest of the building on the daily, except for Y/N of course who brings out his secret not so little soft side and the cutestgummy smile known to man, our Sunshine Hobi whose dark side is just as scary as his bright side is cheerful,,,, mad Hobi is honestly so attractive though,,,, and I love watching the Maknaes be petty towards Suran (or anyone really lol) and protective and clingy with Y/N🥰😂
Chapter 3: Resolution
The Dinner Date! It was such a cute chapter, short and sweet and has me grinning like a schoolgirl with a crush everytime I read it. Once again you go above and beyond making sure all the boys get a fair amount of attention while still making Y/N feel like the main character. I love being able to watch the character grow and really related with the anxious self thought in the first part of the chapter. Oh to have seven boyfriends to boost my self-worth at any time😍 Y/N is definitely living the dream right now.
P.S. Sorry this ended up so long hehe my bad.
Why are you apologising 😭 this was exactly what I needed 💜🥺 I have a really hard time balancing the characters and the storylines but at the heart of all my stories I think the characters are central and I forget that sometimes 🙃 I also always forget about chapter 2 and 3 🤣 and then when I reread to check continuity I’m like … I wrote this? When? 🤦🏽‍♀️
Lovely you are literally such an angel, and I’m keeping you forever; genuinely if you leave me I’ll riot and go on strike 😤 no pressure 😁
I’m so determined to finish the next chapter today, I’ve got one more scene to write and then it needs editing
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hapfairy · 3 months
Hi, I saw your post about wishing you got more asks like Neil Gaiman does so here's a writing question. I know that to be a better writer you have to also read a lot, but the more I read the more I encounter great ideas that have been done perfectly already, and it negatively affects my motivation. (recently I've been working on scene between two characters, and a certain line from a different story kept coming back to me... I found it very hard to keep trying to write something different when my mind is convinced the perfect line has already been written by somebody else). Is this something you've ever struggled with? How can a writer stay creative and original, while also engaging with their community and other writers' work?
Well this is a great question, thank you for asking! The thing that really helped me with this is I worked on accepting myself as a writer (mostly... imposter syndrome is real, haha) and a unique person. I used to get really upset because I'd read The Graveyard Book and then think well that's it, there's the perfect book, I can't improve on that. Or I'd read the blurb of a book in a shop and despair because it sounded exactly like the story I was working on, and thought I'd have to throw mine away because it was too similar and because they were a big award winning author and mine would never be that good. But the thing is: there is only one You. Only you have your experiences and your way of writing and your influences and your way of viewing the world. Two different people could be given the same plot outline and write it completely differently. I ended up writing my own series set in a graveyard and it's very different to The Graveyard Book. And when it comes to readers, most people just enjoy getting more of what they like. It's especially true for young readers. I remember crying after reading a series that came out just before mine and spotting loads of coincidental similarities, and thinking theirs was so much better (and fearing everyone would be mad at me and think I'd copied them). And yes, that series sells a lot and has a huge amount of fans - but mine also does well and thankfully no-one has ever shouted at me about it. It's like that comic where someone thinks "my cake looks rubbish next to theirs" and then a new person comes along and is like "hell yeah, two cakes!". Maybe the other person's cake is perfect, but that doesn't mean you can't make something good and different and interesting too. I used to worry more about copying other writers also. I felt like my work often just read like an imitation of Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett - not least because I was constantly reading their books. It helped when I started reading more widely and writing out of my comfort zone. There is a quote that goes something like "only by stealing from everything can you be truly original". Like if you look at Terry Pratchett, so much of his work is referential or parody or inspired by his own favourite authors or by real history. If everything has already been done better, then it's okay if your brain borrows things from other places - you just have to give it a lot of different things to borrow from, and piece it together in a new way. I would be lying if I said I didn't still sometimes feel worried about this or demotivated by it, but I've also learned how normal it is. So I would say next time you feel that way, it's probably good to remind yourself that your favourite authors almost certainly felt the same at one point. And then they wrote a book anyway.
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cyphyree · 8 months
Giorno 2, 3, 9,and 15
Hell yeah, the lil guy himself!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love how the narrator states that Giorno's heart became a righteous one, but whatever that means is incredibly subjective. Sure, I like to think that he tries his best to do good, but we hardly get to really see what his goals really are. Can we trust that he actually wants to ban the drug trade aimed at vulnerable people, or did he say so because he's deduced that he could manipulate Bucciaratti that way? That's something I've seen being debated a lot, especially since the manga didn't have that anime scene where The Gangster is specifically against drug trading with children (therefore implying that Giorno adopted the same belief). He also just has no qualms about killing an enemy before he's met them properly (like Sale), because hey this is the mafia, they're going to kill you if you don't kill them first. Even in the enemy rush that's Stardust Crusaders, most enemies just have to get bonked hard enough to take a nap.
But listen, maybe it's because I'm biased or whatever, but even from a more objective lens, Giorno seems to care deeply even if he can't show it. I keep thinking specifically about the part where he talks to Bucciaratti in the car to Rome, and how distraught he seems. You can argue that his pride was hurt because GE failed and he was about to lose a strong ally, and I mean maybe that's part of it. But it's during the solitary and quiet moments that we see Giorno as himself a little bit more, and coincidentally those are my favourite canon moments of him.
He also just let cats walk all over him at the docks and doesn't bother to do anything about it. So there's that.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
We could've gotten a cool 1 v 1 battle between pre-GER Giorno and Daivolo, BUT WE DIDN'T and I'm so sad about it. His dad got to destroy half of Cairo with Jotaro, this just isn't fair. I want to see what a life-bringer vs time-skip fight looks like. Maybe Giorno's doing that to distract Diavolo while everyone else was chasing after Chariot Requiem, you know?
What if Diavolo thinks he can stand-rush Giorno's vine shield during the time skip, but when time resumed he gets pummeled via attack reflection.
What if Giorno distracted Diavolo with a giant tree growing, which Diavolo dodges via time skip, only to get skunk-sprayed in the face.
What if he slips on a banana that turns into a gun.
We were robbed of self-proclaimed time lord mafia boss getting decked by a 15-year-old flower boy in the most looney tune ways possible.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Eh......... I feel like that's more up to him. I'd probably be nervous because I don't like to bother people in general, but I think we'd mostly likely keep to ourselves most of the time anyway. Maybe share infodumps sometimes, I don't know.
It might just be a security concern if I keep bumping into enemy stand users and gang members though.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I don't have one, to be honest. I like the symbolic duality that he and Fugo has, but I've never felt super strongly about Giorno being attracted to anyone romantically.
I do think he has very deep bonds with his friends though. I just like the idea of him trying to maintain relationships with what's left of the team. It would be hard because of power imbalances, the journey's aftermath, and the consequences of Giorno's actions. Maybe he grows up never being close to anyone, platonically or otherwise. But there's still the possibility that, after years of ostracization and neglect, maybe he'll finally have a family.
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boogeyalltheway · 9 months
guys. i think we should talk about the Presentable Liberty and Expotable Money character lore.
Theres two endings to Presentable Liberty: one where you leave your room to find out your prison cell was the elevator the whole time (Mr Money moneysaving tactics tm), and one where you don't. the leave ending is obviously sadder, but the stay ending give you so much more info? Like, Mr Money explains his whole plan to you (classic villain, very chefs kiss). of course, I think it can be said both games are about loneliness? yes?
Prisoner was trapped there because they're one of the few who's IMMUNE TO THE VIRUS, that's why Mr Money says "you're worth every penny". He fed them and a few others one of the only working versions of the antidote, which means there's more ppl like them (potential to explore aftermath of the game). I feel like ppl dont know about this? and he was all planning on harvesting their organs and all that for money, which he does, but yknow. we can pretend. one can explore whether or not all the prisoners were in the same building, whether you meet prisoners on the outside, or you could talk about the fact that a lot of the Happy Buddies were being fired because the prisoners were killing themselves and all that. Trapped lonely.
Salvadore's cool, the Prisoner and him were friends before, that seems like an obvious place to arrive. Loneliness of freedom? Room to explore backstory for him and the Prisoner. I got a headcannon: he picked his name for himself because he wanted to sound cooler. Seems par for the course for him, and that would be a cool little detail. I'd love to explore his relationship with the prisoner, and if any of you watched Sanders Sides, he gives BIG Roman energy.
Charlotte has "pick your poison" type loneliness. It somehow seems like both of them are very good at loneliness, however you wanna interpret that. She also gives "person who loves the colour purple".
Mr Smiley's my favourite, but that's only because there's so much about him. He was hired to be the prisoner's happy buddy, Mr Money was holding his two daughters hostage to keep him working, turns out they died ages ago, you wonder what his life and work day was like, and with all the lore, you wonder what kind of person he was. The fact that his name is Mr Smiley is just salt in the wound.
prequel to Presentabe Liberty.
Youre Mr Money's organ supplier. so. immediately, added layer of depth. you, Mr Money, and Madame Sinclaire, whos a baddie, we love her. I like how it explores the opposite side of the fight, the moneys side. I believe its about one's obsession with earning money, and in fact about how when you're anxious about money, no amount seems enough and you use everything you can to try to get more. the "I need to keep earning more money or it'll all disappear if I look away" mentality. (If you haven't read the short story Johnny Mnemonic, it feels like that is what this game is based off of, or maybe theyre just coincidentally thematically similar in which case read it anyways,)
I feel Madame Sinclaire was one possible future for Mr Supplier where she also used to be hyperfixated on money but was able to turn away from that, while Mr Money is the opposite possible future. you earn money even when you don't click, and i'm not sure but can someone comfirm whether or not the clicking is slowing down your money production? THAT would be a great element of the game to further represent the money-obsession theme I theorize. its also your choice whether or not to send your cat on more trips, and in the end, one can argue its Mr Supplier's fault his cat got killed. One could also argue Madame Sinclaire somehow knew the cat was theirs and killed it to prove a point.
Also just a side note, it seems that the organ failure was an accident that Mr Money didn't expect, but he managed to make it work in his favour still. somehow. perhaps he wasnt concerned because of his secret weapon, the Prisoner.
I do think I will need to watch or play Menagerie: Archive if this obsession continues, I hear theyre in the same universe.
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