#that elf is a narc
theanoninyourinbox · 9 months
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happy new year have muppet doodles
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
If Harry ever dies all three of them will treat Harry’s arm as a trophy and start giving speeches like they just won an Oscar
Harry: so this is the afterlife huh. I wonder where my fam-
James full on sprinting at him: He’s here!
Harry: aww he’s going to hug me isn’t he *gets snatched by the arm and dragged to a little red carpet stage set up where james is clutching Harry’s arm to his chest like a trophy with the soul mark facing out*
James: thank you! Thank you! I just want to thank prof Minnie for giving me so many detentions! Mrs. Norris for getting me caught so many times! My amazing wife for being a total narc! And my DEER friends for spending hours upon hours planning the best way to make the great hall into a beach during sixth year!
Harry: what the fuck
This is even funnier because I was thinking about this one being MOD Harry to give Harry immortality which opens the possibility of them doing this every time Harry dies
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grimeclown · 4 months
Not entertaining questions about whether making a joke about incest is a bannable offense (it's not) because it's beside the point and charlotte wasn't banned for it. Not going to entertain questions about the ethics of posting full on real life nudes just straight up penetration on main without tagging it because that's also not what charlotte was banned for and it's beside the point.
What charlotte was banned for was making jokes about elf girl armpits and feminizing spit or whatever and someone decided that posting these things without feeling the need to tag them constituted targeted sexual harassment. And someone on staff agreed with them. And if you think this is just and good then you're at best a fucking narc and at worst an enemy of free expression lol
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noxwithoutstars · 2 years
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✧。:*▹ Alderelfang
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✧ Alderelfang is an Aldernic term for when has, or wishes to have, half elf ears, claws, and fangs.
✧ Requested by @partygoermack
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[ ID: A digital watercolor wash of reds, oranges, purples, and peaches on a dark indigo background. Words are in turquiose: “DNI: Racist, Prolife/anti-abortion, transmed, anti-BLM, homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, exclusionist, anti-MOGAI/xenos/neos, anti-anti, anti-decolonization, anti-lesboy/turigirl, anti-otherkin, TERF/radfem, believes ‘narc uhbuse’ is real.” End ID. ]
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time for a new pinned post >:)
DNI and intros to my headmates under the cut!
I'm Istasha, a shapeshifting void-creature and the host of a monoconscious median system called The Exodus Fleet. I'm 21 years old (same as the body) and all of us either share that age or are adults without a defined age. My pronouns are she/it and I'm female, just not in an (entirely) human way. We're autistic and have ADHD and BPD, which is also where our nonhumanity comes from (mostly from the BPD tho). We are not at all spiritual or religious, but support any and all belief systems!
Who you might meet here:
me (lol)
Frank - he/him, hellhound
Wave - they/he, water dragon/dinosaur
Sun/Sundrop/Sunny - he/it, jester angel
Opportunity - she/her, Mars Rover
Kali - she/her, human
Kade - she/fae, forest elf
Beast - it/its, canine monster
Autumn Trees - he/him, frisian horse
Ghost - she/it, ghost dog
Ember - she/it, cyborg dragon
NME - he/it/code, AI in a synthetic wyvern body
Selkie - she/her, spirit fox
Sissix - she/xir, alien
Ohan - he/they (they in a plural sense), alien
Kairo - they/them, anthro feline
supportive of inherently harmful paraphilias (not limited to "the big three"), doesn't matter if you're pro- or anti-contact ("supportive" means in this case any action that tries to normalize or encourage these paraphilias. I DO know that not all zoophiles/pedophiles/etc are abusive but the second you try to normalize your paraphilic DISORDER (yes there is a difference), I'm done with you)
demonize ANY disorder or mental illness, including all personality disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, etc. Also "narc abuse" isn't real, you're just ableist :) self-proclaimed "Empaths" are on thin ice
try to bring shipcourse to this blog in any form
anti-alterhuman, -otherkin, -therian, etc.
kinnie/kin for fun
racist, homophobic, antisemitic, ableist, etc.
against any and all good-faith sexualities and gender identities
people who try to force spiritual explanations for any of our experiences on us
transX/transid/radqueer (this does NOT include people with BIID, transspecies folks and people who identify as transage due to being plural or certain kintypes)
p-shifters (does NOT include endels and other nonhumans who are physically-identifying due to delusions)
additionally, if you piss me off in whichever way, you'll be blocked.
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milkbleb · 2 years
When I first saw the elf on the shelf I thought it was cute because it was framed in the context of you setting up silly scenes of the elf getting into tiny shenanigans for your kids to find when they woke up. Super disappointed to find out he’s just a gay little narc
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timeclonemike · 7 months
You've heard of
ELF on the SHELF
Now get ready for
Santa's A Narc and Being On The Naughty List Is More Fun
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dark-elf-writes · 9 months
Oh my god the neighbor’s are once again playing music so loud that I can hear all of it and I’m going to lose my mind.
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bameme · 10 months
"You've heard of elf on the shelf -"
Against my will, every single time it happens.
In this house we hate little magic narcs.
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nananarc · 3 years
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Grey Warden Commander Nianna
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Painting Process under the cut:
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noxwithoutstars · 2 years
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✧。:*▹ Alderdiveal/Divealmelic
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✧ Alderdiveal/Divealmelic is an Aldermelic identity for when one wishes to have, or has, angel wings, elf ears, and an extremely bright halo.
✧ Requested by anon
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[ ID: A digital watercolor wash of reds, oranges, purples, and peaches on a dark indigo background. Words are in turquiose: “DNI: Racist, Prolife/anti-abortion, transmed, anti-BLM, homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, exclusionist, anti-MOGAI/xenos/neos, anti-anti, anti-decolonization, anti-lesboy/turigirl, anti-otherkin, TERF/radfem, believes ‘narc uhbuse’ is real.” End ID. ]
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sage-nebula · 3 years
I love Wynne but ngl her attitude toward the mages being imprisoned by the Chantry has me a little . . . annoyed. Like I just found her in Awakening and she’s like “there’s a group of mages who want to break out of Chantry control” and when I was like “good” she was like, “We can’t be free, they’ll never allow it!”
like, obviously . . . slavers never “allow” their slaves to go free. That’s what makes them slavers. And while I’m not entirely sure the mages are exactly slaves here, they are prisoners of the Chantry and they don’t deserve to be, just because the Chantry is like “they’re the reason we have darkspawn.” First off, where’s your proof, and second, not ALL mages are the reason you have darkspawn. You can’t punish them all for the crimes of a few smh. But more to the point like . . . even if I, personally, didn’t believe that you can’t just wait around for oppressors to agree to stop oppressing you, my Warden is a Dalish elf. I just imagine her looking at Wynne and being like, “Do you think my people waited for the humans to allow us to be free? No. We fought, and fought, and kept fighting. And we always will, for our freedom.” And Wynne’s just like “we’ll have to agree to disagree” but I’m like, this is not something you agree to disagree about smh!!
Anyway, Warden Lyra of the Dalish elves is going to always stand on the side of freedom and freeing the oppressed from their oppressors, because that’s just how the Dalish do. Also she’s going to continue being a rogue even if that means that all the city guard believe that all the Wardens are criminals (Lyra: “Not all Wardens, just me”) and all the smugglers think she’s a narc (Lyra: “was just trying to earn some coin smh”).
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sassyfrassboss · 3 years
Sassy, you think H is also a narcissist? The consensus amongst royal bloggers is that he’s solely a victim of a narc not one himself. I’d love to hear your insight if you believe he’s a narc just like his wife
I think he definitely had Narc traits throughout childhood and young adulthood but Meghan brought out his full blown Narc. I used to think that she was the one running the show 100% but was quickly disabused of that around AUS Tour 2018.
I think Harry has always thrown tantrums and used threats to get his way since he was a child. I believe that exceptions had to be made by William and others to make Harry happy. While I don't believe he was a full blown Narc until about 2018, I definitely feel he had many Narc like tendencies up till that point. William and ELF probably kept Harry in check but Meghan came along and released the Narc Kraken.
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Pinned post revamp!
We're the Mechanisms System! We're a traumagenic monoconscious system. We suspect OSDD-1b
We're explicitly endo-safe, so please DNI if you support fakeclaiming, harassing, or mocking endogenic systems.
We have NPD w/ ASPD traits. If you support "narc abuse" terminology fuck off. Or any cluster B abuse for that matter
Pro informed self dx, pro psych + prison abolition, anarchist, anti fascist, etc
Headmate intros under the cut, as well as terms and pronouns we use both collectively and individually!
Collective pronouns: it/he/they
Terms we're comfortable with: system (and all variations such as collective, group, etc), headmate, systemmate/member, alter, plural, multiple
Terms we don't use: facets, parts
Elliott- he/fae || no known role || fae || transmasc, gnc, cottagecore art boy. absolute ray of sunshine.
Elrían/Trace- they/it || host || elf || the "default setting" (affectionate). Vin's partner. (NOT TRANS RACE. TRACE IS STRAIGHT UP JUST MY NAME.)
Corvid- he/xe || protector || human || punk, anarchist, one of the two NPD symptom holders, often angry. favorite color is purple
Gavin- he/him || caretaker || introject/fictive, demon || Elrían's bf. rarely fronts, if ever. deals more with things on the inside.
Cr- he/they/xe || none(?) || human || pirate. mischievous and adventurous, a bit of a troublemaker
Glitch- it/its || none || robot/android || calm, analytical, curious. rarely fronts.
Riley/Riles- they/them || syskid/little || human || rarely fronts, easily overwhelmed. they wont be interacting here.
Dormant but we don't wanna delete their intros
Sarin- they/them(?) || who knows || human(?) || the other NPD symptom holder, arrogant af
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dramioneasks · 4 years
Christmas Fics (2020) (Part 2):
12 Days to You by Christabelle23 - M, WIP - On December 13th Draco received a mystery package. As the days passed he continued to get more gifts but still had no idea who they were from. Whoever it was knew him well which was very apparent based on the gifts he received. When all was said and done would Draco be excited by who had sent the gifts? And what would happen then?
Hello, Mr Grinch by Ash Juillet - T, one-shot - Hermione is a caroller, and Draco hides in his house by turning off the lights, but she knows he's there.
Herbology Class Will Never Be the Same by spacewanderer2016 - M, one-shot - Draco is fleeing his vile date. Hermione is fleeing her incorrigible best friends. A Yule Ball oneshot in time for Christmas. Dramione, M.
Merry Mark, Ministry Narc by Mel88 - T, one-shot - To foster feelings of warmth and goodwill, overzealous Administrative Assistant Carol introduces the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to the newest Christmas craze: Elf on the Shelf. However, not everyone is equally enamored with their new office mate. A Dramione sequel to my 2016 Advent fic, Caroled.
Trying To Be Better by Skye_Light - T, one-shot - After the war has ended, Hermione is desperate to go back to who she was, before her life got turned upside down, by returning to school without Ron and Hary. But accepting the Head Girl position puts her in even closer proximity to Draco Malfoy than she had already gotten herself in. With Christmas just around the corner, she is confronted with more than she was expecting to deal with in her final year at Hogwarts. But comfort is to come from one of the most unsuspecting sources.
It Began With Owl Orders by DameChiplin - T, WIP - In this You’ve Got Mail inspired Christmas fic, Hermione Granger has taken over Flourish and Blotts after the war. An unlikely owl order turns into a year long correspondence. The problem is, Hermione’s pretty sure she hates who she thinks it is.
seasonal pining by librain - G, one-shot - Maple and cinnamon, like the sweets his mother would owl him throughout his younger years at Hogwarts. Leather, like a new pair of Quidditch gloves. And pine trees.Sort of.
Trapped Under the Mistletoe by silent_pen - G, one-shot - Three glasses of spiked eggnog, two helpless and lovestruck fools and one deviant master plan...Written for the DFFR 2.0 Drabble Days prompt: Trapped Together
A Stake of Holly Through His Heart by LovesBitca8 - E, one-shot - The one thing Draco Malfoy hated more than Christmas was snow. Snow had a habit of ruining your plans, causing delays, and generally making you damp. But this Christmas Day blesses him with his third and fourth least favorite things as well: crying girls and Hermione Granger. || 13 GOING ON 30 AU x A CHRISTMAS CAROL
Lumos Like Me by Rosaroma - T, one-shot - Hermione is being overlooked. Draco is living a similar life and the two collide.
Peppermint Martinis and Hangover Potions by articcat621 - T, one-shot - The Christmas party brings two unsuspecting people together.
Begin Again by cabeswaterblakes - G, one-shot - After a long week at work, all Draco wants is a peaceful night at home before the holidays take over, but his son has other plans that involve decoration assistance in the form of Hermione Granger.
Christmas Confessions by olivejuice28 - T, one-shot - Draco allows the spirit of the holidays to push him out of his comfort zone.
Les Pèlerins by PacificRimbaud - M, one-shot - Les pèlerins: pilgrims; travelers on a journey to a holy place. Hermione Granger refused to believe in fate. She’d had enough of destiny and prophecies to last a lifetime. But try as she may, she felt, sometimes, that an invisible golden thread stretched out and away from her. All she could do was follow it.
The New Old-Fashioned Way by earlgreyhot - T, one-shot - Bringing home a Christmas tree is the least of Draco and Hermione's problems, not when they can't agree on how to decorate it.
His Majesty's Wish by Invisible_Sarah - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is a nanny. Hermione Granger is divorced. Hugo watches way too much historical dramas. Classical mistletoe. Oneshot.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Fun fact! I got into an argument with my older sibling and blanked on any gender neutral insults so I called them a “fugly mother fucking wet sock” because anyone can be ugly, anyone can fuck a mother, and anyone can be a wet sock of a human being.
This is a gift and I adore it.
One time someone told me I gave off the vibe of someone that reminded the teacher there was homework and I’ve never been more devastated tbh.
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