#that cutest pajamas omg
kitniavchyt · 1 year
We not gonna talk about this two rabbits, right?
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Цих двох кроликів ми, звісно, обговорювати не збираємось?
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rosenclaws · 9 days
i just know leopold would take such good care of a sick reader…….
Remedy || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
warnings: fluff!! leo being the cutest, love confession <33
a/n: anon you are so fucking right Leopold would be the best person to take care of you and you should say it. ALSO OMG HES SO SOFT IN THIS MOVIE I CANT TAKE ITTTTT
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You were absolutely miserable. From the moment you woke up you could tell everything was wrong. Your body ached, your head hurt, nose stuffed. There's no doubt that you were sick. Well that's too bad because you couldn't afford to be sick right now.
Work had been an absolute hell hole and you had mountains of tasks on your to do list. It takes every bit of energy you have to get out of bed. You throw on whatever work clothes are closest and head to your kitchen. As the coffee brews you lay your forehead on the counter, hoping the cool marble will somehow get rid of your fever.
"Good morning!" You recognize Leopold's voice from the window. You groan in response, hoping he gets the message. You look up and see him watching you with concern.
"You look ill." He reaches to touch your forehead but you gently shove his hand away.
"I'm fine." You mumble as you pour yourself a cup of coffee. He places his hand on your forehead and shakes his head.
"You are most certainly not fine, you're hot to the touch." You sigh and place your cup on the counter, searching your drawers for wherever your medicine was.
"No I'm fine. I can't get sick right now so I'm going to down as much Dayquil as I can and go to work." Leopold reaches out and grabs your wrist.
"Darling, you are not going to work today." He says softly.
It breaks his heart to see you so ill and refusing to let yourself rest. Not on his watch. It's his duty to take care of you, whether you want it or not.
"Leo I'm-" Your cut short by a wave of lightheadedness. Your eyes widen as you stumble slightly. Leopold catches you before you can fall.
"Okay fine maybe I am sick." He smiles softly as he gently guides you back to your bedroom.
"I will phone your work, you get back into bed." Being the gentleman he is he closes the door to let you get undressed.
You quickly strip off your clothes and get back into your pajamas. Your bed has never felt more comfortable in your life. You fight the covers, not sure if you want them or if it's too hot. So you settle on half on half off. You can hear Leo in your kitchen.
How lucky can you be you think. To have someone as amazing as Leopold in your life. Your relationship with him is newer. A couple months but it's been a dream. He's sweet and kind and ridiculously handsome. You know it's new but you think you might be falling in love.
"Darling are you dressed?" He calls through the door.
"Yeah" You say weakly as you snuggle into the pillow.
The door opens and he frowns at the miserable look on your face. He has a glass of water in his hands and Tylenol in the other. You smile, hoping it wasn't too hard for him to find it.
"Everything hurts." You say with a pout. He lifts the glass of water to your lips and helps you take the pain meds. His hand cups your cheek and he leans down to kiss your forehead. He soothingly runs his hand along your arm.
"I am here for whatever you need." You close your eyes, just wanting to sleep for a little longer.
"Sleep well." You hear him say before darkness takes over.
You don't know how much time has past by the time you wake up again. You still feel sick but the sleep helped. You feel around for your lamp and turn it on, the light making you wince. A delicious smell catches your attention as you get out of bed. Wrapping a blanket around you, you slowly make your way to the kitchen. You're met with the sight of Leopold in an apron. Fresh groceries sitting on your counter as he focuses all his attention to pot on the stove.
"Smells great," Your voice cracks and you grimace, maybe you should have drank some water before trying to speak.
"Hello darling," He walks over and kisses your cheek.
Like he could read your mind he offers you a glass of water and tells you to go lay down. You don't listen however as you want to watch him cook. Leopold has always had a passion for food and he let it be known whenever he was in the kitchen. It doesn't take long for him to be done and he shoos you away to the couch.
"It's my mothers recipe," He says as he places a bowl of soup in front of you.
There's a soft look in his eyes, you don't know much about his parents, he doesn't talk about them much. You do know that they passed a long time ago.
"She loved to cook, even though we had staff she always found herself making and creating new recipes." She must be where he got his appreciation of food.
"Whenever I got sick she would make me this and it would heal me right up." He carefully feeds you a spoonful, even blowing on it for you. Your eyes widen as the delicious liquid meets your lips.
"Oh my god this is the best thing I've ever tasted." He laughs as you reach for the spoon.
"This is what food can be when you use fresh ingredients darling, not frozen TV dinners." He always got on your case about those but they're quick and easy so it's fine.
"Well if you want to cook then I'll start buying."
You finish your soup quickly, already starting to feel better. You rest your head in Leopold's chest as some TV show plays in the background.
"Will you stay here tonight? Think it'll help me feel better." You ask with a whisper. He wraps his arms around you, his hands gently rubbing your shoulder.
"Of course I can." He rests his chin on the top of your head, letting the TV play as he feels you growing sleepier by the second.
"Leo can I tell you something." Your eyes are fighting sleep and his warm embrace isn't helping.
"I think I love you." You can feel him tense only for a moment before his heart starts to beat faster.
He smiles, a warm feeling bursting from his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, gently lulling you back to sleep. You've never felt so cared for, so loved, so at peace than with him. You yawn and snuggle closer to him. He leans in close and whispers in your ear, letting his soft words bring you to sleep.
"I cannot begin to describe how much I love you my darling. Now sleep, I will be here in the morning."
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k-rising · 1 year
Hi! How do you think the members (NCT 127) will react if their s.o. suddenly send them mid conversation a « I miss you » text ???
he will get all flustered and will blush right away. he would probably stay still not knowing what to do GIDNGKDK.
flirty mode activated. this man will tease the hell out of you and will send you things like "aww you miss me that much?" "be a good girl/boy and wait for your daddy" GIWNGIE THIS DUDE ISTG. he just loves how needy you can get for him.
another one that will get blushed right away. he will literally stop doing what he was doing and will drive where you are asap. he can't resist you.
he's a mix of johnny and taeyong. he will stop doing what he was doing and while he is driving where you are, he will tease the hell out of you sending you flirty messages. "you miss me, uh?" "I'm sorry... but I'm so busy today that I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to see you, baby :(" and then boom, he's waiting outside of your house 🧍.
this dude will also tease you, but not in a flirty way tho. doyoung will say things like "I don't 😝" or "you miss me now? well, you weren't missing me that one time when you decided to hang out with your friends rather than hang out with me." he's so spiteful and dramatic asfjrkn.
he would do the same thing as doyoung: tease you and pretend that he doesn't miss you, but then he will be outside of your house with a bouquet of flowers and a pair of pajamas in order to spend the night with you <3
he's so unpredictable, I swear... I think he's a mix of everyone I already mentioned: one day he will tease you and pretend that he doesn't miss you, and other days he will tease you in a flirty way. but one thing is sure: he will always be ready for you to tell him to come over and spend time with you; he just loves when you beg for his attention.
the cutest of all imo. he will get all blushed at first and he can react in two different ways: he can either stop doing what he was doing and go to where you are asap OR, if he's busy asf as always, he will send you cute messages throughout the day. "I miss you too, baby. you have no idea :(", "I miss your touch, your kisses, your beautiful smile, your laugh...", "if I was there with you, I will play with your hair and tell you how much I love you." I'M SUDDENLY SO SOFT RN OMG
just like jungwoo: one day he will tease you and pretend that he doesn't miss you and other days he will tease you in a flirty way. but one thing is sure: he will always be ready for you to tell him to come over and spend time with you; he just loves when you beg for his attention, but, let's be honest here, he's crazy for you as well <3
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rambosgirl · 4 months
Heyy so I have never done a request (so idk if this is how you do it ☠️☠️) but could you write a Rambo x Reader during first blood where he’s running from the cops and he sees a small cabin and the reader opens the door just wearing the cutest pajamas and has them doe eyes just looking like a little Sylvanian family bunny and takes care of him like stiches him up and feeds him… this was so long omg sorry. OFC IF YOU DONT WANT TO NO WORRIES!! Just thought I’d ask xx
ofc I actually really like writing requests, and I love this idea! hope you like it :D The dividers are by @saradika-graphics
ALSO, the suturing probably isn't the most accurate, I did research and used common sense but don't take it as absolute fact, I am not a doctor 0-0 (one true thing is you DO want to start in the middle of the wound when suturing, and she gives him interrupted sutures, which is one of the most durable)
Sanctuary in the Storm -
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The situation John found himself in was escalating. He was injured from the quarry/helicopter/jumping off a cliff into a tree incident from earlier that day. The cops had to back off for now, but John knew they would come again to hunt him down.
He needed a place to hide.
He was used to hiding in the Vietnamese jungle from his training and war, so really anywhere would do where he could stitch himself up. He wandered the forest for some time, the air getting colder and harsher against his skin with every passing minute.
There seemed to be no solid places to cover him. This forest wasn't as thick as the jungles he was used to. Just as he was about to settle for a small group of trees, he looked to the side and saw smoke.
He debated whether it was safe to follow it or not, eventually deciding it was better than nothing. If he really needed to, he could defend himself just fine, he thought as he started in the direction of the smoke.
Upon getting closer to his destination, he discovered the smoke was not from a fire, but from a chimney of a small cabin. It was a nice, peaceful area, less dense and more flat forest area with a small creek babbling through the land. If his situation were different, John thought, it would be nice to live in a place like this.
For now though, he just hoped that whoever this land belonged to was nice enough to let him in.
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You stood in your kitchen, dancing to your favorite music. You had the fire in the fireplace and had just put cookies in the oven. You were wearing your pajamas and ready to have a relaxing evening with your book, cozy blankets, and cookies.
Just as you sang the last lyric, you heard a knock sound in the room. You turned off your music and made your way to the front door, opening it hesitantly, revealing a large, disheveled-looking man looking at you with big brown eyes and a large knife at his side.
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When the door opened in front of John, the last thing he expected to see was a woman in the doorway looking up at him with bewilderment in her doe eyes. She was in her pajamas, with what he guessed was flour on her sleeves.
In any other circumstance, he would've thought more about her appearance and how peculiar it was, but he was actively bleeding.
He had covered his upper arm with a cloth to clot the blood, but it re-opened as time passed. The scrap of fabric could only do so much.
"Can I come in?"
Her eyes drifted to his covered injury, then back to his eyes before moving to the side to let him in
"Yes, yes of course," you started "What happened to you?"
He stayed silent for a moment, debating what to say.
"I got chased," he murmured. You looked at him, surprised.
"I can help you with that, it looks like it needs some care," you told him. He looked back at you for a moment before deciding to let you help with a subtle nod. Trusting others didn't come easy to him, not that he even trusted you yet, but he didn't see how refusing your help when you gave him a safe place would benefit him in any way. Plus, the blood was starting to drip down his arm.
With that settled, you led him to your sink to clean the wound to the best of your ability. With how far it was on his arm, you had to awkwardly the cup warm, soapy water with your hands to bring it up to it, trying not to spill on the floor. The cut was deeper than you thought. When that was done, you grabbed a clean towel and put pressure on the cleaned wound.
"It looks like it needs stitches," you noted, looking up at him for a response.
"I got a kit, jus' didn't have the time," came his soft reply. You nodded, then led him to your dining table, still holding tight to his injured arm. You sat down as he took said kit out of his pocket. In it was a bunch of survivalist supplies, including a needle and medical thread.
You threaded the needle, then took the towel off, and more blood began to flow. After a quick internal reminder to be brave, you positioned the needle in the center of the wound.
Throughout the whole process, he stayed still like a statue, not even flinching when you started another loop. You repeated the steps in your head: into the skin, to the other side, back again, then knotting it, then repeat again and again until you finished the last one.
You released a breath you didn't know you were holding when you finished knotting the last one.
"Thank you," John spoke in a low tone. He was more than capable of doing all this on his own, but it just felt nice having you do it. Having you care for him in a way very few people were willing to do.
"You're w-" the kitchen timer went off before you could finish your sentiment, startling you.
You walked over to your oven, checking the cookies. Noting they were done, you took them out and put two of them on two napkins. One for you, and one for your guest.
You turned back towards him, still sitting at the table.
"This is what you need to feel better," you remarked as you set them down. "We still need to bandage that," you added, gesturing to his arm.
He nodded, then hesitantly reached for the cookie while you started down the hall to get bandages from your first-aid kit.
You got back with the bandages and antiseptic ointment, immediately getting back to work on his arm, wrapping it not too loose, not too tight. He relaxed a bit but stayed on high alert. Picking up on this, you reassured him "You know, you don't have to be so tense," you said softly, "it's safe here." You tied off the last part of the bandage.
John watched you work, a mixture of gratitude and wariness in his eyes. "Not many places are," he replied quietly
You nodded. You got the feeling trust wasn't something he gave easily. "Well, if you need to rest or eat more, you're welcome to stay for a while."
He looked at you, a hint of something softer breaking through his hardened exterior. "Thanks," he said simply. He flexed his arm, testing the bandage. He thought about staying but quickly pushed the thought out of his mind. If the police found him, he didn't want her to get caught up in that mess. The less she was involved, the less she had the chance to get hurt. "but I should leave."
"Are you sure? I heard there's a storm coming," you said. John confirmed his statement with a nod. You felt a bit dejected, but hopeful to see him again. "Okay."
He grabbed his survival kit from the table and made his way to the door. He turned to you, his eyes soft.
"Thank you," he whispered
"Take care of yourself," you replied softly.
You watched him disappear into the night, the door closing softly behind him. The cabin felt emptier without him, but you were glad to have helped, even for a brief moment. As you returned to your cozy setup by the fireplace, you couldn't help but hope that he found the peace he deserved, wherever his journey took him next.
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spideysbtch · 1 month
S̺͆E͜͡R͜͡O̺͆ B̺͆O̺͆Y̺͆F͜͡R͜͡I͜͡E͜͡N̺͆D͜͡ H̺͆E͜͡A̺͆D͜͡C͜͡A̺͆N̺͆N̺͆O̺͆N̺͆S̺͆
{F͜͡L̺͆U͜͡F͜͡F͜͡ E͜͡D͜͡I͜͡T̺͆T̺͆I͜͡O̺͆N̺͆}
• He loves giving you hugs especially when you're focused on something not paying him any attention
• His love NEVER runs dry he always tells you how pretty and amazing you are and that he's so lucky to have you in his life
• Matching pajamas? Most definitely all the time you guys wear the cutest matching pj's
• He lets you do skincare on him because he finds it so attractive when you're so carefully putting on face masks
• LOVES and i mean LOVES to show you off whether its his friends or in public he is never ashamed to be with you
• (kinda ties in with the last one) but he always makes sure to treat you the same, not once has he ever switched up to be cool in front of his friends
• when him and the bakusquad go out anywhere, he brings you with him (only if you want to no peer pressure)
• When the Bakusquad were out doing their nightly walk around the city of course he brought you, and whenever he felt you were getting tired he picked you up and carried you the rest of the way (you definitely fell asleep)
• other than matching pajamas you both also matched a lot of your outfits
• even tho sero doesn't cook a lot he made sure he knew how, so when you felt too tired to make dinner he did, or when you were sick he made all your meals
• in his free time sero plays video games ( mainly with kaminari and kirishima) so when he knew he was gonna be there for a while he asks you to sit on his lap while he plays which you found funny because most of the time you can hear bakugou raging and kirishima trying to calm him down
• cuddles. (Nothing else needs to be said)
• rooftop views 😍 sero always took you to sit on top of the roof and omg was it peaceful there (add a couple of blunts to the mix and you were sold)
• calls you mamas everyday in front of anyone thats just what he calls u (lets not act like you haven't called him papa or papi)
• passenger princess ( lemme say it louder for the people in the back) PASSENGER PRINCESS
• sugar daddy one night and cuddly boyfriend the other ( i dont make the rules)
• spoils you rotten. (Enough said)
Heyyy its me (obviously) but if you have any ideas or request lmk! Feel free to ask
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barely-coherent · 1 year
I'm having baby fever so here
(Obligatory sex and gender are not the same thing, okay thanks)
Girl dad 100%
And be would spoil her so much
Are you kidding?
Diavolo would also be obsessed with her
"Lord Diavolo, can I please have my daughter back?"
"But she's so precious!!"
Anyway, she grows up thinking Diavolo is her uncle
Probably calls him "Uncle Dia"
First of all, Tumblr give us yellow text, dammit
Also a girl dad
He just screams girl dad to me
He would be the most emotional out of the dads if I'm being honest
He would probably start sobbing on their first day of school
He would almost definitely ask some of his crows to keep an eye on her
Y'know what, she brings one of his crows for show and tell
"This is my dad's bird and he brings me things sometimes."
Boy dad
They play video games together
Levi would absolutely not tolerate any girls going through that "Omg, Jean Kirstein is my son and my husband"
He would immediately be like "Him? Oh my god, disowned."
I'm joking, I love Jean, I just had that phase and I cringe at it
They would do duo cosplays
Like Aiz//awa and Shin//sou oh my god
He could go either way
Actually, he has twins
One girl, one boy
He gave them cat pajamas
He also reads them bedtimes stories
He has like a million books, there's a couple kids books somewhere
If there aren't, it gave him an excuse for more books
Oh my god, he would read while rocking a baby to sleep
Again, he feels like a girl dad
You know that guy at your school that everyone wanted to date?
Yeah, that's his son
Or like the girl that even the straight girls would entertain the thought of?
You know where this is going
But his daughter would be the cutest little girl, dear lord
"We should do a face mask!"
"Asmo, she's gonna eat the face mask. Kids put everything in their mouths."
He pouts for a bit but it's okay
He loves using the really soft scented baby lotion and shampoo
He's obsessed with how soft their skin is
Girl dad
Like his daughter comes home all sad
"What's wrong?"
"These girls were calling me fat"
The next day and like
"Those girls apologized!"
"How strange!"
Please tell him to stop threatening children
He doesn't really strike me as either...
So either, just like Satan
But they would nap together 100%
And he's actually pretty okay
I feel like be would actually be a really good dad
"I had a nightmare"
"Go back to sleep, I'll protect you from nightmares."
And he does!
I feel like he can do like dream magic
Makes sure they only have good dreams
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
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me and you from the night before
a morning with the ladies/sleeping with them❕🩶
enjoys my fellow single fucks🩶
carol danvers
carol doesn't accept it but she snores. she wakes up at the ass crack of dawn but is a heavy ass sleeper. she'll put her full body weight on you. she'll hold you close and lay on your boobies/chest. she'll drool on them too. you'll wake up when you feel the bed dip or the warmth of her body gone. but if you don't wake up with her or be there before you're fully conscious, she'll make sure to leave note. but if she sleeps in she'll let out the cutest a and mildly loud snores. she'll be getting that good sleep. her pajama pants will be on her calves and her hair will b a mess. but she'll always look stunning. if you try to leave before her, she'll let out a little 'noooo' and try to keep you on the bed. but sleepy carol will melt with the sweetest little facial kisses.
sharon carter
sharon freaking squeezes you to death while sleeping. you're her teddy bear. for her i feel like she be big spoon but she won't deny being little spoon. she also hold you by the waist and you wrap your arms around her neck. you will literally be tangled in your sleep. and if she gets up before you she'll have hot coffee (or tea) ready. and you guys definitely cool breakfast together. but when she doesn't have anything to do that morning she'll sleep in as long as she wants, and you better stay with her. she gets whiney if you try to leave her on a lazy saturday morning. and she's a calm sleeper, she'll pull you closer occasionally and mutter 'i love you' while unconscious. she doesn't know that but you're okay with it.
darcy lewis
it's very clear that darcy's the biggest cuddle bug ever. she'll wrap her arms and legs around you as if she was going to get blown away if she didn't. she'll nuzzle her head into your neck. omg since she can't see when she wakes up she'll be all dramatic, like she'll rub her hands all over your face and say "where are your lips babe?" and you just laugh and kiss her all over her face. she stares at you and slightly squints if your saying something while having your small morning or late night conversation. i feel like she's a blanket hog too. and she also sleeps on top of you. she's your blanket. she also demands you carry her anywhere when she wakes up. and she'll demand coffee, but sweetly. many kisses
you have no idea when but nebula is always up before you. and she's staring at you. like directly into your soul. she also strokes your hair and just stares at you lovingly while you sleep. but when you're both knocked out she always has an arm around your waist. she'll make sure it's her "real" arm and not the metal one. while sleep though she's very at peace. some times when she can't sleep she'll hold you realy close and wrap your arms around her so you can hold her. she'll knock out if your rub her head softly.
maria hill
big spoon little spoon position 100%. a rather calm sleep but when she's especially tired she'll snore. if she moves in her sleep you'll move with her, bc she's holding you so tight. omg and she always wakes up before you and leaves you a cup of water on your bed side stand so you can drink it first thing in the morning. when she doesn't need to get up early she'll wake you up with kisses so you two can have a date day. she'll love to take a steaming shower with you in the morning. she's also loves when you run your hands through her hair while you try to calm her down after a mission or nightmare
kate bishops
i feel like kate starfishes in bed. like you two sleep all over the bed but are still touching in some kinda of way. blanket thief fs. she also rolls in her sleep and will end up on top of you. her hair gets messy while she sleeps and you two wear matching pajamas. lucky sleeps with you two adding to the tangled mess on the bed. when it gets hot it's tank tops and shorts and a bunch of fans. even luckyy gets hot. sometimes both of them kick you. and when luckys on top of either of you that person cannot move no matter what. and the other person just gets up and laughs while going to prepare lunch, bc you guys sleep in. but in the mornings kate gets up very hesitantly and a little grumpy.
a/n wrote this after getting up at 2pm🩶
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ricewater26 · 8 months
Nick Sturniolo Best Friend Head Canons
Definitely spills the juiciest tea with you. Motherfucker this motherfucker that and a bunch of references to random shit to describe the person he's talking about
Man goes CRAZY for your birthday. Like he's planning a big party, he's buying the cake, helping you find the birthday outfit. Just hyping you up the whole day, he wants it to be perfect for you.
If you're having a bad day, he's trying his best to make you smile. Wether that's being dramatic or turning on your favorite show (even if he wants to watch RuPaul's Drag Race), he's got you covered.
You're spending the night at their house? Obviously, you stay in Nick's room, and lets just say, you're not getting an OUNCE of sleep. You guys are up all night playing fortnight, jamming out to music, or making each other laugh over stupid shit, but you are NOT sleeping.
Y'all play Just Dance every once and while for funsies.
Matching Pajamas. No further explanation needed.
Nick's definitely going to look after you like a sister. If it's cold outside, he's not letting you go without a jacket. If you've barely eaten, he's asking Matt to take everyone out to eat. If he feels like you've had too much to drink at a party, he's making sure your safe. He cares about your well being so much.
Any time you tell this man good news, I feel like he has the cutest reactions. Definitely has the hugest smile on his face and doing a little happy dance in his chair
If he happens to start talking about you in one of their videos this man has a LIST of things he wants to say about you. Things he loves about you and random fun facts combined:
"She has the tiniest little snore, like imagine a smurf snoring, that's what she sounds like"
"OMG and she'd die for Stranger Things. If you think your a die hard fan, she'd make you feel like a FOOL whose never even heard of the fucking show in a Trivia match. "
" She's so easy to talk to about literally ANYTHING. I feel like I could tell her I wanted to transform into one of the fucking Paw Patrol dogs and she'd be like "AS YOU SHOULD".
" I know I've been talking about her a lot, but seriously, words can't even describe how much I love and appreciate her. Y/N IF YOUR WATCHING THIS I LOVE YOUUU."
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sunshinesteviee · 2 years
Please please please can you write a blurb based on this. It is the most cutest thing I’ve ever fucking seen
babes. thank you so much for sending me this bc omg. my heart melted. so sorry it took a while for me to get to, i hope you like it!! wc: 731; f!reader, dad!steve
Spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove and garlic bread in the oven, you tiptoed out of the kitchen, concerned about the relative quiet of your house. When you’d gotten home, it was abundantly clear that your little boy was going to need a bath before dinner, as he was covered in dirt from playing outside, and markers from coloring. Steve had volunteered immediately, scooping Wyatt up into his arms and whisking him away to the bathroom. 
While you’d started on dinner, the house was filled with a myriad of noises — lots of excited shrieks, giggling (from both of your boys), the sound of the bath running, and splashing water. And now, it was suspiciously quiet. Figuring the food would be okay for a few minutes, you made your way down the hall to the bathroom to see what they were up to. 
What you found, though, absolutely melted your heart. Before you could see them; you could hear them. Steve was humming My Girl by The Temptations. It was one of his favorite songs, and he always sang it to you. The song almost always made you tear up, but what came next took you out. 
Steve started singing, a soft sound over the splashing of water in the tub, “I guess you’d say, what can make me feel this way? Mama!”
Your baby’s voice echoed his, “Mama!”
You peeked around the corner of the bathroom, to find your husband kneeling on the floor in front of the bathtub, hands covered in shampoo and in his mini-me’s hair as he sat in the tub, splashing at the water carefully. Neither of them noticed you, so you watched for a bit longer as Steve kept singing the song, but replacing all of the lyrics with ‘mama.’ Wyatt kept repeating after him, adding in his own little ‘oooh’s every once in a while. 
Tears welled in your eyes as you watched quietly, holding your hand over your mouth. You watched until Steve started rinsing Wyatt off, ready to pull him out of the bath, and then quickly walked back to the kitchen. Your hands wiped over your cheeks, brushing away the tears that had started to fall. There was no doubt that Steve loved you, but seeing him with your son, quite literally singing your praises, made you feel loved more deeply than you had ever felt before. 
You busied yourself with finishing dinner — and trying not to cry — but knew you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from squeezing the life out of Steve when he came back into the kitchen. And it was only a few minutes later when your boys came into the kitchen, Wyatt perched on Steve’s hip with fluffy wet hair, a clean face, and a pair of pajamas. You only noticed when he shouted your name, “Mama!”
Tears welled in your eyes yet again as you turned around, holding your arms out to your little boy, “Hi, my love! Are you all cleaned up?”
Wyatt babbled something unintelligible as Steve passed him to you, his small arms wrapping around your neck in a hug. “Nice and clean, huh!”
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed in concern as he noticed your eyes sparkling with tears, and he tilted his head to the side in a silent question, You okay? 
You nodded and held your free arm out, motioning for him to come closer. Steve didn’t hesitate, wrapping you and your little boy up in a hug. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head and hugged you as tightly as he could. You didn’t care that Steve’s shirt — wet from being splashed at — was now soaking into yours, or that your garlic bread might get a little too toasty in the oven. All you cared about was your boys in your arms. 
You ducked your head, pressing a soft kiss to Wyatt’s forehead, “I love you, bub.” Your head tilted up, lips pressing to Steve’s jaw as you murmured, “And you. Love you so much.”
“Pretty sure we love you more,” Steve scoffed playfully, nose nudging into yours until you tilted your head back for a proper peck on the lips. “We’re the luckiest boys in the world, aren’t we, little man?”
Wyatt gave you a gummy smile, not totally understanding what was going on as he shouted his reply, “Mama!”
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jukipptx · 1 year
not smut, but suggestive??? just so you know 😉😘 this one is so me coded, it’s almost smut but as if your best friend was narrating to you her first experience ever??? ok here i go 🥶🥶🥶
ok so you’ve been dating renjun for almost a year now, it’s been like 9 months, so renjun was starting to get desperate to the point of crying, but he would neeeever tell you because he was afraid that you would be scared and run away and never talk to him ever again. but you oooobviously noticed, he was a man at the end of the day 🙄🙄🙄 so you could not only tell, but you could sometimes feel 😵‍💫 his desperation. you could tell on the way his kisses became more passionate, the way he was using his tongue 😋 the way he would hold the back of your neck with such need, the way he would pull you to his lap and 😵‍💫 move under you 😵‍💫 his breathing got all troubled and stuff, he even moaned on your lips once. it was so obvious renjun omg!!!! so at this point you were only waiting for him to break. you were sure he would sooner rather than later, but he just didn’t. he was strong for sure!!! so you started to take the matter into your own hands.
you invited him over to “watch a movie” laaaaate at night, you put on your shortest thinnest pajama shorts and some perfume before he arrived, looking the cutest he’s ever looked. you almost felt guilty because he looked so cozy and ready to sleep. when he arrived you were already waiting for him on the sofa with the popcorn, a blanket and everything, so you just signaled for him to sit next to you. he took off his shoes at the door and started waddling towards you 😭😭😭 (renjun i’m so sorry, i know you’re trying to act all cute and innocent, but)
“come sit baby.” you patted on the place next to you. and he did, he threw himself and rested his head on your shoulder. you wasted no time though…
“what are we watch-“ you kissed him to cut him off. he opened his eyes suuuuuper big, but eventually kissed you back. he also noticed that you were kissing him deeper that usual. “baby” he mumbled in between kisses. “baby, baby, stop.” he pushed you lightly, but you were not stopping. you wrapped your arms around his neck and started to slowly get on top of him. you pulled his hair slightly because you knew that would be enough to get him going. he sighed on your mouth and you couldn’t help but smile. “stop!!!!” he broke the kiss and threw his head back. he put the back of his hand in his forehead as if checking if he had a fever 🙄🙄🙄 and then fanned himself with his hand. “baby, you need to stop, i’m going crazy” he held onto your shoulders and shook you a little.
“you can go crazy.” You started kissing again and he moaned into your mouth. he held onto your waist, it seemed like he was about to give up, but there was still a little bit of shame inside him. he broke the kiss again and held your face with both of his hands.
“are you sure?” he whispered almost. his eyes still innocent but with so much desperation on them already.
you didn’t answer, you just shifted on top of him, trying to get comfortable, but that made his eyes twitch and close and he gulped and had to take a deep shaky breath. he was getting so horny omg 😫😫😫🙈🙈🙈 he held onto your waist to stop your movement.
“stop playing with me and answer. it’s not funny” he was trying to get so serious, but he couldn’t. you could see his chest rise and fall rapidly. his cheeks were this pretty shade of pink, his lips were all swollen and wet, and his hair was so messy already 😭
you didn’t answer, you just started kissing him again. he couldn’t stop gasping and trembling. gave him a little peck on the lips, then one on his jaw, just to tease him, then on his earlobe, and that’s when he couldn’t hold it anymore.
“i’ll take that one as a yes.” first thing he did was he removed your claw clip from your hair, then he took your face in his hands, this time more harshly, running them through your hair afterwards, and started kissing and biting and licking your mouth 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 he went to your neck next, but he regretted that so much because that’s when he actually went crazy omg 😳 it didn’t feel uncomfortable to you, it felt sooooo good, but the kisses on your neck made you shift and move and squirm on top of him, which you know… it gave him some sort of friction which he definitely needed. he was moaning more than you, and you thought “hmmm weird, i’m the one being kissed” but the evident bulge on his pants gave you the answer slalandmsoaoandbd 😫🥲🥶🥶🥶
so you stopped moving for the sake of innocence and love and respect, but you were surprised when he held onto your waist and moved upwards himself.
“don’t stop please” he whispered in your ear, he was almost whining. “you did this on purpose, didn’t you?” he was pulling on the waistband of your tiny shorts, desperately trying to put his hand inside. you took his hand and brought his fingers to your mouth because you kneeeeww what was about to happen so yeah. he threw his head back once again and closed his eyes tightly. you brought his head back just to make him watch you lick his lips. he then, in between gasps and shaky breaths, kissed your cheek so adorably???? like why???? you chuckled and then you let go of his fingers.
you got close to his ear, shifted once again on top of him making him groan, loudly this time because he couldn’t hold it in. “yeah, I did it in purpose.” he just gave you a cheeky smile before you know, going absolutely crazy maniac sexy starved frustrated mode.
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batbabydamian · 7 months
🕊️/ awww, that super sons wip is probably the cutest. i just think about how when they were young damian wore jon’s clothes and they were too big for him. now if he wore that same pajama set, damian can be like “hey, it fits me now,”
ugh, itd just be nostalgic and cute. anyway, i’m always happy to see them together
tyy glad you enjoyed the wip!! ^^
and omg Damian at 14yo finally fitting Jon’s 10yo pajamas LOL so proud of his growth!! 😭
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likesunsetorange · 8 months
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OMG YES I SAW!!!! that’s literally so her i love it so much this mirror palais collection is so bodyguard au mikasa!!! and lia really blesses us with mikasa in the cutest outfits, i always look forward to her art when she posts 😭🩷
i'm sorry this took so long to reply to but i really wanted to write something for this, so i hope you enjoy!!! :)
also slight nsfw warning? lol!
While they weren’t necessarily sharing a mutual dislike for one another anymore, they weren’t necessarily friends either. But Eren also wouldn’t say they weren’t not friends either—it was complicated, but it wasn’t—he was her bodyguard whom she happened to live with, but there was something a bit more there—or at least he thought.
In the weeks since they had come to a truce of the sorts, they had developed a routine of the sorts. He would accompany her on her daily errands (as he was supposed to), but she welcomed his company rather than Mikasa feeling as if Eren was an unwanted presence. It was almost as if they were spending time together rather than Eren doing his job. Even when she spent hours trying on clothes, or trying to choose between (what Eren deemed was the same) lace ribbons, he found himself with the faintest hint of a smile on his face. Once they were back at her house, they would disperse amongst themselves until later in the evening when they would often cook together or watch whatever movie Mikasa picked for them.
The peace within the house was nice, and he found himself appreciating the little things a bit more. When she wasn’t busy throwing insults at him or criticizing every little thing he did, she was actually quite sweet. It was ironic to Eren how a lot of her personality was reminiscent of that first initial encounter—before she drugged him—leading Eren to believe maybe all of it hadn't been as much of an act as he had initially thought.
Today, much like any other day, after a day of various errands and a shower, Eren found himself preoccupied in the kitchen, but rather than cooking dinner like he usually would, he made himself a bowl of cereal, much to what he would assume would be Mikasa’s displeasure. Mikasa had him running around the entirety of the city, somehow managing to go through multiple burroughs (which he didn't even think was possible in NYC) for all of her menial errands, and he couldn't be bothered to make anything, so cereal would have to do.
He had made it through his second bowl of cereal when he heard Mikasa's voice on the phone, approaching. Her figure came into view, her hair damp and clinging to her back and her bangs pinned out of her face with little heart clips. She was wearing one of the many pair of pajamas she owned, today, these ones pink with little red hearts.
There weren't many things Eren allowed himself to indulge in when it came to Mikasa—he tried to keep those thoughts few and far between. But there was one thing that would plague his mind from time to time, no matter how hard he tried. It came in bouts of small moments when he was reminded that at the end of the day, he was a man living with an objectively attractive female who paid no mind to his presence, prancing around her house like she still lived alone.
It came in the form of Mikasa and her abundance of exquisitely crafted satin and silk pajamas—something that to the normal person, was seemingly harmless. Initially, it was. Eren found himself a bit endeared by her seemingly neverending collection, almost looking forward to which pair she'd wear every night—some patterned, some solid, some adorned with little embellishments or details of different fabrics.
But then, for reasons unbeknownst to him, the seemingly cute matching button-up shirts and pants turned into tiny shorts and slip shirts. So the thoughts that Eren tried not to allow cross his mind, ran rampant. When her clothes highlighted the curves of her body, accentuating every dip and crevice, leaving little to his imagination, and the dusking of her nipples against the smooth satin (since Mikasa refused to turn off the AC despite always being cold), it was hard for Eren to think anything but unholy things.
His mind ventured to places of how her skin would feel against his, if her sweet demeanor was applicable elsewhere, and if her smart mouth was good for other things too. And surely Mikasa, who at one point Eren had been sure was Satan incarnate, wasn't all that innocent either—with her sultry looks and sly touches—which only fueled his thoughts further. But Eren allowed these to only exist in his brain in brief glimpses, and would quickly tuck them back into the deepest crevices of his brain where they belonged—for the sake of his sanity and his pride. He would resume his gaze from her very nicely crafted body to her equally pretty face, pretending that he hadn't just imagined multiple ways he wanted to fuck her.
When Mikasa's gaze finally met Eren's he made it a point to keep his eyes on her face, which is exactly how he noticed her face turn from her usual blank expression to a pout as she hung up the phone to whoever she was talking to.
"Are you... eating cereal?" She asked as she walked toward him.
Eren raised a brow quizzically, "Yes, is that an issue?"
"Oh," she huffed, her pout only intensifiying. "Well, what am I gonna eat? You already ate—we normally make something together."
Eren shrugged nonchalantly, knowing she could order takeout like usual when she didn't feel like making something. But it was obvious what the actual problem was—Eren was a bit too oblivious to realize—she just wanted to spend time with Eren.
Eren knew he would probably make her something, always giving in to her, but now that they were a bit more amicable, he enjoyed his fair share of riling her up to compensate for the months of borderline verbal abuse she put him through.
"Last time I checked, I was your bodyguard, not your personal chef," he replied blankly, but the faintest hint of a smile gave way to his teasing.
"You know, sometimes I think I liked it better when you didn't talk to me," her voice dripping with the attitude that Eren had been accustomed to at one point. She glared at him as she walked past him towads the fridge, Eren stopping her before she could make it all the way.
He tugged lightly on the bottom of her shirt, Mikasa swatting as his hand in response. "Mikasa, I was kidding. What did you want?"
"I don't want anything—I can make it myself," she responded, crossing her arms. She glared down at where he sat on her bar stool, Eren trying to maintain his gaze at her face and not her body, which he was at eye level with. He found himself particularly enamored with these little heart pajamas—finding them endearing, but also for the little slivers of skin they showed—but not only could he give Mikasa the satisfaction in knowing that, he couldn't allow it for his own pride.
"Why are you like this? You're a brat sometimes, you know that?"
"And you're annoying," she bit back, but despite her snarky remarks, she seemingly admit defeat, taking a seat, nonetheless.
Eren released a pained sigh as he stood up, knowing he only contributed to her behavior, being the one to constantly indulge in her. He took off his sweatshirt, leaving him in just his t-shirt , not wanting to get it dirty. He almost threw it into the chair before he had half the mind to shove it over Mikasa's head, Mikasa face shocked as he helped her put it on (not bothering to care whether she had wanted to or not), his sweatshirt almost swallowing her tiny frame whole.
"Here, I can see you shivering," he said dully, though he knew it was only an excuse for his own sanity's sake.
"Oh, thanks," she replied, her cheeks flushing the tiniest tinge of pink. "And thanks for making me something to eat, Eren," she added a few moments later as Eren turned on the stove.
"Yea, yea. It's my job, right?" A smile on his face as he rolled his eyes playfully.
And as he sat there a while later, watching Mikasa happily eat the grilled cheese he made her, a smile on her face, while adorned in one of his random sweatshirts, he realized he had royally fucked himself. If he thought seeing her in her clothes did something to him, seeing her in his clothes—combined with her long inky hair splayed across her shoulders, a rare sight to see; the same doe-eyed face that had got him that night just months ago; and her rare but sickeningly sweet personality, that made his heart do a double take—was only so much worse.
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obsessedbunnygirl · 4 months
Yandere 2024 Regina George x shy innocent fem reader headcanons part 1
Warnings : obsession, yandere content, probably kinda ooc Regina, stalking, voyeurism?, possessive Regina
Let me know if I missed anything that should be added to the warnings list please!
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- Meeting Regina George was the best thing to ever happen to you. That’s what she tells you anyway, so it must be true, because why would she ever lie to you?
- It happened one day at lunch, as you were walking past the plastics’ table to get to your table with the other art kids.
- Let me set the scene for you; you, a shy, inexperienced little thing, happened to be Karen’s English tutor, so when Karen noticed you walking past, she clapped her hands excitedly, getting Regina and Gretchen’s attention.
- "OMG! It’s Y/N!!! Hi Y/N!!!!" Karen squealed with a big smile on her gorgeous face. You couldn’t help but smile shyly back at her, unknowingly catching the attention of the blonde next to her. "Guys, this is my tutor!!! Isn’t she just the cutest????"
- You blushed and said "Hi Karen. How are you doing today?" Karen went on to tell you about her day, and also introduce you to her friends. (As if you didn’t already know who they were)
- Regina couldn’t get over how cute your little face looked flushed pink like that. You were clearly really pretty, but there was more to it. She needed to know more about you, and she certainly needed to see that pretty blush of yours again asap, but caused by her this time.
- Regina found your Instagram quickly when she got home from school, but sadly it was private. There go her plans of insta-stalking you all night! Whatever. She has better things to do anyway.
- Better things like getting your address and phone number from Karen, who was oblivious as always to Regina’s motivations. Regina hopes that you’re less blindly submissive than Karen, because acquiring you won’t be quite so fun if you’re that easy to manipulate. This girl wants a little chase.
- Regina doesn’t go to your house to stalk- no, observe you until the next night, when your parents are out of the house. She watches through her binoculars as you read your pathetic little romance book on your couch with your cup of tea. She knows what flavour you’re having too. Peppermint tea with a ton of sugar. (As if you’re not already sweet enough as it is!) Regina longs for the day that she’ll be able to finally taste that sickly peppermint sugar water in your mouth while she’s exploring it with her tongue, kissing you until you’re both completely breathless.
- After you’ve finished your tea, you do your nighttime skincare routine, brush your teeth, and put your pajamas on. Regina stares intensely as you get changed. Such a pretty thing you are. She can’t let you go to waste.
- Regina always gets what she wants, and right now, she wants you, and she will have you, whether you like it or not.
- You don’t know it yet, but you’ll soon find out that you’re hers and hers alone.
- She smiles as you go to sleep for the night. Hers. All hers.
A/N : Thank you so much for reading this!!! I love reading yandere stuff on here, so I thought I should try to create my own. I don’t condone any of these behaviours in real life however. It’s just fiction, and it’s meant to remain fictional. If content like this triggers you, please don’t read it. I don’t mean to upset you and I’m really sorry if I do.
Lots of love,
Bunnygirl 😘
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dmwrites · 2 years
“Ohhh my god, you know what we haven’t done in forever?” Gem suddenly gasped, scaring Impulse and Pearl, who had been peacefully eating their breakfasts.
“What’s that, Gem?” Impulse asked kindly.
“GIRLS NIGHT!!!” Gem screeched, grabbing Pearl by the arm and shaking her. Pearl muttered several violent threats, as she was still half asleep and very much not a morning person, but Gem ignored her. “Ohhhhh my god that could be so much fun! Makeup and secrets and karaoke!”
“You should!” Impulse smiled warmly at her over his newspaper. “Do you want me to get you two some snacks or anything?”
“Oh, Impulse, didn’t you know?” Gem asked. “You are an honorary girlie… you’re doing Girl’s Night with us!”
Gem insisted that Pearl and Impulse meet at her castle later in the day, so she had time to prepare. Impulse didn’t really understand how much there was to prepare, but it wasn’t until he got to the castle did he understand.
Gem’s dedication to Girl’s Night was quite impressive. Gem had matching monogrammed pajamas for each of them. She had set out a buffet of snacks and drinks in one room of her castle. One room was entirely dedicated to pillows and blankets. And she had an itemized list of activities for the girlies to do.
—— pillow fight!——
“Okay, Impulse, please select your pillow weapons and armor.” Gem said.
“Pillow armor?” Impulse questioned, walking into the pillow and blanket room.
“Yeah, when Gem says pillow fight, she means we’re gonna hunt each other down.” Pearl replied, tying a pillow around her chest and picking up a long body pillow. “I usually win, by the way.”
And yes, indeed, Pearl did in fact win, in a dramatic conclusion where she chased Impulse and Gem down the entire length of Gem’s castle and tackled them to the ground. Impulse understood the need for the pillow armor.
“Okay, age old question, Impy.” Both girls looked at him expectantly, wine glasses I hand. “Which is the cutest block in Minecraft?”
“Bdubs.” Impulse said dreamily.
“Well I like birch, and not because- wait what?” Gem asked.
“Minecraft block, Impulse.” Pearl whispered.
Impulse turned bright red. “Oh! Yeah, uh, quartz. Quartz is a cute block.”
Pearl and Gem screamed in laughter, clutching each other as to not fall over in hysterics.
——truth or dare!——
“Okay, truth or dare, Gem?”
Gem giggled. “Omg, okay, dare!”
Pearl laughed very ominously. “Okay, I dare you to find Xisuma’s bedroom and shout ‘fuck’ at the top of your lungs at the foot of his bed.”
“Oh my god, Pearl, do you want her to die? It’s like the middle of the night.” Impulse gasped, a hand over his mouth.
Gem also had a hand over her mouth, but lowered it to give them both a stoic look. “I will do it, for it is Girl’s Night, and I honor the Girl’s Night truth or dare code.”
They found Xisuma asleep in his mega base, surrounded by bones. Impulse and Pearl stood at the doorway of his room, ready to run. Gem snuck up until she was standing at Xisuma’s bed, and took a deep breath.
“ah!” Xisuma jumped out of bed, or tried to, but instead got twisted in his blankets and fell into a pile of bones by his bed.
“RUN!” Impulse shouted, and all three scattered, giggling wildly.
They all woke up the next morning hungover and with a very grumpy Xisuma standing over them, arms crossed. And although they tried their best, they couldn’t girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep their way out of this one.
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andvys · 11 months
IKYLLATK Pt.18 ok,
-Y/N believes Steve and Nancy break up is a rumor???
- "Apparently, you and Eddie had been seen making out in his band" UGH, I wish that was true!
- "Apparently, you and Eddie have been in a secret relationship since August, last year" THE DREAM
-"Apparently you cheated on the king with the freak" Y/N wouldn't do that, but ok, they're delusional
- "Apparently you and Eddie are in love, and secretly married" bc of the rings ofc it makes sense, but they're not, unfortunately :(
- Ugly people making Y/N sick and insecure! I hate them!
-Aw! Poor Y/N, she feels really insecure, I hate that bc Y/N is pretty!
-Eddie telling Y/N she looks beautiful it's too cute 🩷
- "Give me a uniform and I'm in" He's so funny!
-"Your butt would look cute in a cheer skirt" I agree!
- "Not as cute as yours" UHHH! THEY'RE IN LOVE!
- "Let's live in our world for a little longer" YES SIR!
- -"I notice everything about you, sweetheart" OF COURSE HE DOES!
- "Your eating habits, your struggles, he notices it all" Aw, he's worried!
- "That bitch threw gun in my hair" WE HATE TERESA!
- "He had never been more miserable than he is right now" That's how Y/N felt when he left her!
- "There you are, pressing yourself against Eddie as you play with his hair, looking happier than ever" cause she is?
- "Eddie, who wraps an arm around your waist and looks down at you like you are the most precious thing in this world" it's kinda sad that Y/N doesn't feel good nor confident with herself, but everyone that loves her can see how pretty and incredible she is
- "Principal Higgins asked for a picture of you and Y/N" WHAT THE HELL? That's suspicious
- Ok, them both being captains, makes sense now!
- People talking about Y/N and Steve , they truly like to gossip!
- "He watches you" MY BOY IS THE CUTEST!
- "He doesn't know how to keep going when everyday feels like hell" Y/N had to keep going after he left her, and I think it was more painful bc she was convinced Steve was the love of her life, and after some time he realized that she's the one, but was still with Nancy?
- Y/N wearing the locket and the ring? As I said, Steddie planned it!
-"You wanted to go to college for me?" AHHH
- "I'll be your regular" She's so Sweet! OMG!
-I was wondering if everyone was watching them, they did. They do like gossip!
- "You look beautiful" Steve and Eddie told her that she looked beautiful! I wish this would end up as an Steddie x reader, so so bad!
- "Chrissy rolls her eyes" YES!
- "He doesn't deserve you" THAT'S TRUE!
- Jealous Eddie? My boy is cute!!
"You hate being stuck in public places" Everytime I read a new chapter of Tattoo kiss , I realize that Y/N and I are too similar!
- "I'm not cheating" but she did cheat!
- "Why he didn't call you the way he called her after he broke up with you" I would also want to know
- Eds a fan of Garfield? The cutest boy, ever!
- "He does have Garfield pajamas" It's giving slumber party at the trailer or Y/N's house, but idk if that happened! If it did happened then I don't remember!
- Nancy heard Y/N crying? Was it when Barb and her talked in the bathroom?
- "All because of him" And Nancy?
- Y/N could make everyone in that school fall for her!
- "The one where you and Eddie are dating" GIRL, I WISH!
-Y/N, you love Eddie accept it please!
Another good chapter! I liked the Eddie x Reader parts! They were cute and funny!
(P.s, can u please tell me the tea about Eddie's book?)
Hi!!! Thank you for sharing your favorite scenes with me🥰 (and for the commentaries, they're always so entertaining to read!)
Nancy heard her cry but not in the same scene where she talked badly about her! She heard her weeks later!
She will actually be a regular at scoops ahoy -- she will love Steve's cute sailor uniform hehe
I'm happy you liked this chapter!!! Thank you for reading and for this ask! 💕💕
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onlyseokmins · 1 year
putting on my cutest pajamas to see you <3 what fics are you reading these days my love or books
U are *the* cutest for sure omg! ❤️ Haha so as far as an actual book, I've started the house by the cerulean sea (loving the main character he's so squishy) and am currently reading the manhwa saving my sweetheart rn for the second time until I potentially get bored of it again sjsjskkwlq
💤 Sleepover Weekend
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