#that can disable someone in a multitude of ways
solisaureus · 4 months
mithrun is really interesting and compelling to me from a disability perspective. rarely have i seen the disabling effects of trauma and depression so well represented in a fictional allegory
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inkovert · 2 years
I'm thinking of starting a "what do you want people to know about _____" ask series (? game?). To help with doing research about experiences real people go through via real accounts rather than whatever tidbits I stumble upon on google or reddit.
An example would be: what do you want people to know about figuring out you're bi? (this is a rather mild example...some of the ones I will ask about will be a little more intense and will be tagged with appropriate tws) and you can pop into my inbox (anonymously ofc, or not if you feel comfortable) and share an answer from your personal experience.
Would people be interested in participating in this? Like this post if so.
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anistarrose · 5 months
I think when a lot of queer people who aspire to marriage, and remember (rightly) fighting for the right to marriage, see queer people who don't want marriage, talking about not entering or even reforming or abolishing marriage, there's an assumption I can't fault anyone for having — because it's an assumption borne of trauma — that queers who aren't big on marriage are inadvertently or purposefully going to either foolishly deprive themselves of rights, or dangerously deprive everyone of the rights associated with marriage. But that's markedly untrue. We only want rights to stop being locked behind marriages. We want an end to discrimination against the unmarried.
We want a multitude of rights for polyamorous relationships. We want ways to fully recognize and extend rights to non-romantic and/or non-sexual unions, including but not limited to QPRs, in a setting distinct from the one that (modern) history has spent so long conflating with romance and sex in a way that makes many of us so deeply uncomfortable. And many of us are also disabled queers who are furious about marriage stripping the disabled of all benefits.
We want options to co-parent, and retain legal rights to see children, that extends to more than two people, and by necessity, to non-biological parents (which, by the way, hasn't always automatically followed from same-gender marriage equality even in places where said equality nominally exists. Our struggles are not as different as you think). We would like for (found or biological) family members and siblings to co-habitate as equal members of a household, perhaps even with pooled finances or engaging in aforementioned co-parenting, without anyone trying to fit the dynamic into a "marriage-shaped box" and assume it's incestuous. We want options to leave either marriages, or alternative agreements, that are less onerous than divorce proceedings have historically been.
I can't speak for every person who does not want to marry, but on average, spurning marriage is not a choice we make lightly. We are deeply, deeply aware of the benefits that only marriage can currently provide. And we do not take that information lightly. We demand better.
Now, talking about the benefits of marriage in respective countries' current legal frameworks, so that all people can make choices from an informed place, is all well and good — but is not an appropriate response to someone saying they are uncomfortable with marriage. There are people for whom entering a marriage, with all its associated norms, expectations, and baggage, would feel like a betrayal of one's self and authenticity that would shake them to their core — and every day, I struggle to unpack if I'm one of them or not. If I want to marry for tax benefits, or not. If that's worth the risk of losing disability benefits, in the (very plausible) possibility that I have to apply for them later in life. If that's worth the emotional burden of having to explain over and over, to both well-meaning and deeply conservative family members, that this relationship is not one of romance or sex. (Because, god, trying just to explain aromanticism or asexuality in a world that broadly thinks they're "fake" is emotional labor enough.)
Marriage is a fundamental alteration to who I am, to what rights an ableist government grants me, and to how I am perceived. I don't criticize the institution just because I enjoy a "free spirit" aesthetic or think the wedding industry is annoying, or whatever.
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Feel free to ignore this, but I'm a disabled writer who tends to focus on representation in my works, and I came across your posts about having npd while doing research for a side character in a story of mine. I really appreciate you taking the time to write out a description of npd that shows the roots of the issues and the way they affect the people who have it rather than how outsiders perceive it. I just wanted to ask if there were any traits of npd that you personally would like to see in npd representation/ if you have any thoughts on how you'd like to see characters with npd represented in media? I know at current there's basically no positive npd rep, which sucks for sure, but in a hypothetical situation where there was a character with npd who wasn't villianized for it, what sort of aspects of npd would be comforting for you to see reflected in a story?
Once again, feel free to ignore this ask if I'm overstepping at all, and I hope you have a wonderful day <3
Hi!! �� Apologies for the late reply, I wasn't on tumblr for a few days, then my alter was out for the next couple days and I wanted to be the one to respond-
I really appreciate that you're taking the time to research and create thoughtful representation, and I'm glad my posts could offer some help with that!
My first two thoughts are:
Characters whose symptoms present differently than the common portrayal of NPD
It's super common for people to not recognize NPD because they have this very limited view of what it is and how it can present - so it would be nice to see representation that shows variety in the way it can manifest.
For example, it's actually very common for someone with the disorder to primarily "lash in" rather than "lash out", but I never see that represented (intentionally, at least).
There's also a very limited perception of narcissistic characters being blatantly arrogant, grandiose, braggy, selfish, power-hungry, etc. But really, there's an unlimited number of ways someone can present outwardly, because the only thing that's crucial to the diagnosis is the internal experience - how if affects the person who has it. How they appear outwardly to others can vary wildly.
(I'll admit, some of these "stereotypical NPD" characters feel very relatable due to shared symptoms and vibes and power fantasies. To the extent that I have one of them as my pfp on some accounts lol. But if you met me IRL, my vibes are just "confident and bubbly, polite, quiet and distant, fashion-oriented, straight A student, cutesy, braggy, adventurous", and I always make the effort to be kind to people even though I can be somewhat distant and goal-oriented.)
It's also common to think of someone "flying into a rage" when they feel criticized - but anger (whether external or internal) isn't an inherent part of it. The issue is that someone perceives criticism as a threat, so their fight/flight/freeze/fawn response kicks in, and there's a large multitude of ways that can show up.
(Personally, I go into either fight or fawn mode. But the vast majority of the anger I've felt has been entirely self-directed, manifesting in the form of self-criticism, self-hatred, self-destruction, overworking, eating disorders, etc. I will occasionally feel outwards anger, but when I do, I give myself time and space to process it by myself so that I don't upset anyone. And even for those who feel external anger much more often than I do, it doesn't mean they'll express it in an aggressive or harmful way.)
tldr; I'd love to see a variety of outwards presentations, with the NPD being shown via their internal experience, rather than only displayed through stereotypical external behaviors.
2. Humanization for characters with NPD who make mistakes
People with NPD are human just like everyone else, which means that mistakes happen. Everyone accidentally fucks up, hurts someone, lacks self-awareness in certain areas, etc.
The level and type of interpersonal struggles, and the reasons behind these struggles, are all across the board. That's understood with any other disorder (or any sort of identity), but there's so much extra baggage and stigma applied when NPD is involved for some reason.
So for characters with NPD with higher interpersonal conflict, I'd want them to be humanized in the same way that anyone else with any other identity would be humanized. And I'd also want it shown that characters who don't have NPD can have high interpersonal conflict as well, that it's not limited to this disorder.
"what sort of aspects of npd would be comforting for you to see reflected in a story?"
In terms of specific aspects-
Personally, I'd love to see a character who like... tries to be perfect. Is externally very put-together in some way - maybe they're very kind and soft-spoken and sweet, or they're silly and happy and energetic, or they're quiet and serious and protective, or calm and mysterious and self-assured, doesn't matter. But everything seems okay on the surface.
But internally, they put so much pressure on themself. They hold themself to impossible standards, and feel like they HAVE to be seen a certain way and never show weakness. They have to handle everything perfectly. Just... so many symptoms and struggles that are hurting them internally, and overtime it ends up bubbling out in small ways, or like. Tbh I'd love it if someone would just... notice.
Notice the perfect bubbly happy straight-A student who's always kind and never shares their own opinions. Notice the quiet, highly-skilled protector of the group who somehow always knows the right thing to say and the right way to act.
And give them permission to be imperfect. To be human. Show them that they aren't their reputation or their skills or how impressive they are, they're so much more than that.
They can see the pain they're in, and instead of treating them as this untouchable perfect being, they treat them in a human way.
The super bubbly character seems completely unaffected by recent tragedy? Okay. Their friend doesn't ignore that. They don't push and prod, but they don't ignore it. They sit with them, spend time with them, hold them, they know it affected them.
I'm imagining a scene where the character w/NPD fucks up somehow, and they seem fine, but someone close to them suddenly Realizes and they just. Go to find them. And they're just having a massive breakdown, but the moment they see their friend, they quickly try and shove everything under the surface and act cool and unaffected and "normal", but their friend goes over and just holds them and. Ungh. 10/10
Couple months ago I did actually see an episode of a show like that, and both times I watched it, I bawled my fuckin eyes out lol.
Different people may have different answers in terms of what they'd feel most comforted by, but for me personally, I'd love this so much, because this is how I present and I desperately want to be Seen and Loved and have someone see my self-worth as being inherent and not tied into how "perfect" I am.
Closing thoughts:
Personally, there's not much that I'd feel offended by. To be honest, in addition to characters who fit the above points (various presentations, average-level interpersonal conflict, etc.), I also write characters who have that "stereotypical" presentation. I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as it's not done maliciously, especially if there's other types of characters shown. (Similar to having both gay villains and gay protagonists or side characters, y'know)
The only thing I'd dislike / that would hurt my feelings is like... seeing a character be heavily demonized for their traits*, or the only characters with NPD being horribly abusive, or the usage of stigmatizing language (aka, if the character is spoken about the way buzzfeed articles speak about us).
*aka, demonized for the symptoms. Totally fine if someone does something shitty and it's pointed out as being shitty / if people dislike them for that lol.
Hopefully this isn't getting too long, but to give an example of what I mean, something I saw that did hurt my feelings was like-
There was an episode of a show where a character got super braggy and confident, and was relishing in the praise and admiration she was getting. Hinging her self-worth on that recognition and success. And her friends got annoyed and pissed off, simply because she was braggy. There were a couple of things here and there she did that were kind of insensitive, but that was never really pointed out or seen as the main issue, it was only her bragging that was being demonized for some reason.
And then her friends all ganged up behind her back and did something to intentionally trigger a crash and make her feel insecure and terrible about herself, all to "knock her down a peg". And the narrative framed that as being justified, framed her friends as being correct in this situation. They never once showed concern for her mental health or the fact that she was hinging her self-worth on other people's opinions of her, they tore her down for her bragging instead of either a) supporting and uplifting her, or b) showing concern for unhealthy mindsets, and they never even tried to approach her or communicate with her about the things she was doing that actually were insensitive.
Hopefully that wasn't too much of a tangent lol, but that's the type of thing I mean by "being demonized for their traits". Hate when all a character is doing is bragging and feeling good about themself and the narrative frames them in an extremely negative light for it :(
Okay I will wrap up the post here as it's already pretty long, but hopefully this helped a bit!! Thank you for the question, and good luck with your writing! ^^
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Shiro from Voltron for the character ask game
To spare my poor followers' dashboards a massive wall of text, my answers will be found behind the cut. Let's regroup there, shall we?
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I love Shiro because he demonstrates so perfectly that a person's trauma does not have to define them. No matter what kind of Hell they've been subjected to, they always have the option to remain gentle, compassionate, and kind. Even when they're afraid. Even when they believe themselves to be "broken", or monstrous because of what they had to do to survive.
One can rise above attempts to break them, and be so much more than the people who mistreated them tried to force them to be.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His personality. Even when he isn't being everything that epitomizes a true hero- brave, selfless, strong-willed, empathetic, always looking after others and willing to risk his life for them at the drop of a hat- he's so much fun to watch. From his moments of tired, resigned irritation and bemusement with others' antics,
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to his quiet fascination with Altean technology and concepts, like water pouches and their time measurement system,
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to the moments where he's just a great big dorky sweetheart.
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People who think he's "boring" because he's a workaholic soldier who isn't as inclined to shenanigans and over the top reactions as his younger comrades aren't paying attention. He's an extremely dynamic, multi-faceted character just begging to be explored by someone who loves him and all of his depth and multitudes.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
How he's handled by the team of inept showrunners who helmed this messy disaster of a cartoon.
He has no real support system, something I can only imagine is due to him being the commanding officer to a group of teenagers he can't truly confide in, and the intention to have him fill a Doomed Mentor role, despite him being inadvertently written as The Chosen One. His biological family is virtually non-existent. The only other proper adult he could look to for advice is the designated comic relief. There were opportunities for him to be taken in by the Holts, given their mutual fondness for each other, or even Allura and Coran. Allura and Shiro seemed to have developed an even stronger bond (offscreen, of course) after she saved his life.
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(I have a theory that Allura's quintessence alchemy altered Shiro's DNA, which is why his new arm could only be safely powered by the Balmeran crystal from Allura's tiara, and the Atlas, similarly powered by Altean magic, responds to Shiro and Shiro alone, establishing a mental link with him the same way Allura had with the Castle of Lions. But, that's for another unhinged essay.)
And, when Coran confronts Iverson about strapping Shiro to a table in the pilot, he refers to Shiro as "our Shiro".
But, neither of these avenues were ever explored, as Shiro was "retired" and relegated to side-character status, leaving him isolated from everyone, including his best friend who loveshim.
The ableism surrounding his disability is disgusting. He's a forced amputee twice over. He spends most of an entire season standing mute on the sidelines without a right arm, and there's absolutely no acknowledgement of his missing limb, that his best friend is the reason why it's gone, or inquiries into how being rendered effectively "useless" after coming back from the dead is affecting Shiro's already poor mental health.
(Does Shiro sleep? Does he have pajamas he can even change into, or is he supposed to wear the Black Paladin armor the entire trip back to Earth? Is he able to shower with that stump, or does it pose an electrocution hazard if it comes into contact with water? Is there anything available for him to do so he isn't standing silently around, losing his mind?)
His best friend's mother tells him to stay out of a fight, and he meekly accepts the order, never making another attempt to be anything other than a helpless bystander until he's been outfitted with a new arm that he, once again, has no say in the design of. An arm that is bulky and over-sized, impractical, likely extremely uncomfortable, and sickeningly mirrors his abuser's.
The same abuser who filled his head with taunts about his previous prosthetic being the "strongest part" of him, and the same abuser who tortured him and is implied to have raped him.
An ally tells him that he would be stronger with "two robotic arms", almost mocking the fact that Shiro's right arm was deliberately taken from him to be replaced by a weapon. And, this is never called out or questioned.
A punch that he lands on his abuser with his organic fist only incites a mocking sneer before Shiro is flung across the body of the ship that they're fighting on like a ragdoll.
After being made to feel washed-up and old at twenty-six, Shiro participates in an arm-wrestling tournament that he wins-- using the ill-proportioned prosthetic modeled after his abuser's.
I don't know if there was no one on the staff who was aware of the vile implications in this handling of a disabled character, but when one considers the similar grotesque handling of intense trauma and passive suicidal ideation... It doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture of the ideas and beliefs that went into the writing on this show.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
This is so silly and indulgent, but... What immediately comes to mind is, instead of him dying in the second season's finale and spending four entire seasons helplessly roaming and languishing on the Astral Plane, I would have him magically transported to the beach episode of a slice of life anime.
He would get to play volleyball with and be fawned over by a bunch of pretty, shirtless men with glistening, sun-kissed skin. As he deserves. ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)
5. What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
"Lazarus Drug", by Meg Washington. Longtime followers of my silly little blog might be aware of my love for Bluey, which is how I was introduced to this gorgeous piece of music. It was used to masterful effect in the twenty-eight minute special episode, The Sign.
When I was struggling to come up with a title for my Shiro-centric character study/fix-it fic, "Lazarus Drug" proved to be a lifesaver.
"And when I hear you calling, Like you were always there, I rise until I'm hanging in the Middle of the air
And when I hear you calling, I split like I'm a snake With golden light like fingers And, then I start to break
Into a billion pieces Oh, I shatter into constellations Like I've never been more here Like I completely disappear
I'm nothingness, but shining And everywhere at once I'm everything and everyone Who is or ever was."
6. What’s something you have in common with this character?
Less than stellar mental health as a result of trauma.
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
There are so many jaw-droppingly stunning and breathtaking pieces of Shiro fan art out there. I also greatly appreciate fanfics, meta, and analyses that take all of his trauma and his disability, and how they would realistically impact his daily life, into account.
Christening him "The Unkillable Gay", and "Gay God", is also pretty darned fantastic.
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Dark Shiro, Shiro-bashing (usually in tandem with Allura-bashing), sidelining him due to ageism, ignoring his canon sexuality to give Keith reason to angst over Shiro not accepting him in K/L fics, minimizing Shiro's role in Keith's life to focus on their preferred ship, having Shiro adopt or be biologically related to Keith, especially if Adam is co-parenting and Keith has more of a bond with him than Shiro (it's pretty obvious why certain shippers do this), depicting him as high-libido and sexually aggressive/an Alpha/dominant/top, even more so when he gets off on being called "daddy", expressing a belief that he should have stayed dead in service of Keith's character, treating him and his clone as the same person... Just to name a few.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I don't see why not.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I'd love to think that we could be. But, realistically, I'd be too nervous to ever approach him and strike up a conversation. >////<'
11. Would you date this character?
Though he is undeniably gorgeous, we are romantically incompatible, I'm afraid.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Shiro moved to the United States with his grandfather in late childhood, between the ages of eight and ten. That's why he speaks perfect English with no trace of an accent.
13. What’s an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Classic Hollywood pilot aesthetic; aviation jacket with (faux) fur lining, patches on the sleeve, and a tight t-shirt or tank top underneath, sometimes with aviator sunglasses folded over the collar or worn over his eyes, military dog tags around his neck, the sort of clingy, curve-flattering pants that he canonically favors, and knee-high combat boots. Scarf is optional.
I also love a soft formal look on him. Crisp dress shirt and tie with a vest over top, perfectly tailored slacks, and shiny black loafers.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
I'm going to go with Shiro/Keith, though I very much have a fondness for Shiro/Hunk, as well.
Keith's devotion to Shiro is exactly the level of devotion that Shiro deserves, though Keith could stand to tone the intensity of it down just a tad. His willingness to throw his life away for Shiro would be a massive source of anxiety for Shiro, and something they'd have to discuss, among many other topics, before entering a serious romantic relationship.
And, Hunk is such a sweetheart, he'd spoil and pamper Shiro in all of the best ways. When he's of legal consenting age, of course.
16. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
Romantic Shiro/Pidge, and Shiro/Sendak. An adult gay man and a female child, and a trauma survivor and his personal tormentor is a great big "no thanks" for me.
17. What’s a ship for this character you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite that you’re fine with?
Shiro/Lance, and Shiro/Matt. I prefer Shiro and Matt as friends, and overexposure to Lance thanks to a hyper-zealous fanbase has done a fairly good job of putting me off of him. Which sucks, because I genuinely like him just fine in the show, itself. I don't mind either ship, and have read fic for them. They're just not prospects for Shiro that I ever seriously entertain.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I love Shiro and Pidge's relationship in the early episodes. The way he is so gentle, encouraging, and protective with her, basically becoming a second older brother, and how she comes to trust and rely on him as a confidante, enough that she personally seeks him out to tell him that she plans to leave the team to search for her father and brother, knowing he will understand, stole my heart almost immediately, and stole it hard.
It's incredibly disheartening that, after his resurrection, we only get tidbits and table scraps of that relationship.
Why did Shiro start riding with her in the Green Lion on the journey back to Earth? Who knows? The writers certainly weren't going to tell us, because Shiro was so thoroughly a side-character, by that point, he and Pidge- if I'm recalling correctly- only talked to each other onscreen one time.
Never forget what they took from us.
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(Also ignore that they forgot to draw Shiro's scar.)
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don’t like?
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No offense to Mr. Set-Dressing, but there is nothing that points to these characters having any sort of even platonic relationship, let alone the kind of chemistry that would lead to a marriage a few years down the line. They never address each other by name, or at all, when they're not exchanging commands in the heat of battle. "Curtis" has more personal interaction with Acxa. And, I swear Shiro only looks away from the console on the Atlas's bridge to physically acknowledge this man once.
The animators certainly did poor "Curtis" no favors, either, by making him look like a sad, pathetic older man who couldn't lift or dip his strapping younger groom on their wedding day.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I adore the idea of Shiro and Allura as best friends, and would have loved to have seen some genuine interaction between the Real Shiro and Matt, after Shiro attacked Matt to save his life. Alas...
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
I've only very recently started writing for Shiro, and don't see myself doing much more than the aforementioned character study/fix-it fic. That said, I love getting into his head to really flesh him out, his psychology, his illness, his failed relationship, his experience in captivity, and using the members of his found family as conduits for him to realize just how special and good to his core he truly is. Like what should have happened in canon.
I don't like writing about him suffering, but part of recovering from trauma is processing it. And, processing often involves reliving the traumatic event as you walk a trusted friend, loved one, or mental health professional through it in the hopes that they will then offer you the greatly needed comfort and support and skills to cope that you didn't have, at the time it occurred.
22. If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don’t like?
I love in-character portrayals of Shiro in Hurt/Comfort settings that address the sheer magnitude of his trauma, and emphasize how unfailingly brave, strong, compassionate, and altruistic in spite of it all that he has always been and always will be.
I'm not a fan of him being treated like he's "oblivious", or "emotionally constipated" for not immediately acting on an Anguished Declaration of Love that Keith gave to "Kuron", and prefaced with, "You're my brother".
And, I've covered before, in detail, how much it irks and baffles me when Lance fans give Lance traits distinct and exclusive to Shiro in an effort to try to turn him into Shiro, instead of accepting him as he is.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Tough call, since there are so many, but, I do think this one is the winner:
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I love that, despite his strong jaw, his features are so gentle and soft, and the silver hair truly lends him an ethereal quality. That arm is ghastly, but it doesn't detract from just how pretty Shiro is, and how much that Admiral coat flatters him.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I don't participate in the fandom at all, but I've carried a torch for Leonardo from the 2003 incarnation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles since the show was still actively airing and in production. There are so many similarities between Shiro and 2003 Leo that one could almost say there's a specific type of character that I'm drawn to like gravity hurtling a ship into a planet with a crash-landing imminent and the projected number of casualties astronomical.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
My first impression of Shiro, when I watched the pilot and second episode back in 2016, was that he was my favorite character of the lot. I was drawn to him for all of the reasons stated above. But, once I became aware of the online fandom drama, I backed off, only watching three more episodes (A Little Adventure and Lions' Pride I and II) in 2018 for Shiro/Keith shipping reasons before becoming a lurker on the peripheral, exploring fanmade content without engaging with the show, itself. It wasn't until earlier this year that I finally grit my teeth, braced myself, and committed to watching at least the seasons where the Real Shiro is featured in full.
I both immensely regret that decision for the sheer levels of frustration, fury, and deeply-rooted sadness at all of the wasted potential that I opened myself up to, and don't regret it at all. Because, I sincerely love Shiro and wish with all of my heart that he, and especially Allura and Coran and even Hunk, were handled by infinitely better writers in an infinitely better show.
Thank you so very, very much for asking! ❤
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su-revived · 6 months
Recently, our team has been harassed by someone demanding accessibility for the blind. While we do try to make our comic accessible with reasonable image descriptions, and ask the advice of actual seeing impaired people we in the team know in person, the person who harassed us has been asking for further and further detail and expertise out of us than is reasonable, and unsurprisingly admitted outright to not have a sight impairment disability themself, but were instead white-knighting for an assumed outside group. Therefore, we would like to make the following clear:
Image descriptions are meant to be short and concise. They need to only contain important details and no superfluous information, else the description becomes cluttered and getting to another post is next to impossible.
We do have people on our team who know actual sight impaired people in real life, who are regularly asked for their advice as to how to best go about image descriptions.
A multitude of our members are disabled in a number of ways, and thus accessibility has always been a goal.
While we make art and create comics, it is neither our job nor our expertise to accommodate everyone. We can only spend the time that we have outside of our actual, real-life jobs to do this comic. We are doing this for fun and for free, not for pay, and those of us who are being paid to do this are only being paid to be extra hands to do the artwork itself atop an actual job. We do not have time, nor money, nor expertise to accommodate everyone. The only "disability expert" we have on staff is ArguablySo, and that "expertise" is in brains and speech, not blindness, nor is Argie qualified to create accommodations of any kind but we will do our best to try regardless.
The consistency with which this person has been correcting our work has bordered on harassment. They have been asking us for detailed image descriptions that go against every guide to image description writing that we can find, and every word of our actually visually impaired friends that we have heard out.
In the future, anyone may request an accommodation from us, and generally, we will do our best to accommodate you. Just remember that we have every right to say "No."
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subsystems · 1 year
Disclaimer: This is my own musings about plurality. I talk about my personal experience with unification (final fusion) too. Don't read if that upsets you for some reason.
Something I haven't really talked about is my relationship with the idea of plurality. I saw someone talking about how they feel simultaneously plural and not plural, and I find that really relatable.
I used to despise being called plural. It brought me so much shame. Made me feel like this one single symptom of my disability was being cherrypicked and pinned onto me as a label. I felt like my vast and varied experience with DID was minimized for something much more palatable and "fun" to others. It was almost like the full DID was being pushed aside. Like being told "yes, you should continue to hide that and you should continue to be ashamed of it."
I also felt like plurality still applied to me, though. Yes, the blanket definition of plurality does fit me. I am a person who has multiple parts, a plurality of perspectives, I am "more than one." That fits...but that's not all?
I think another thing is that, when I got diagnosed, I didn't even feel plural even though I knew the term technically fit me. I hardly ever felt a presence of parts even though they were there. We hardly talked, hardly wanted to acknowledge each other, even though the evidence was there. For me, it was like being forcibly dragged in and out of existence. Someone else would replace me but I wouldn't know that, wouldn't remember. So, what do you mean that there are systems who never feel lonely or out of control because they're always co-conscious, voluntarily switching, and chatting inside? What do you mean that's even possible? Was I the only one living my own life in slivers and pieces? Was I the only one experiencing the unbearable loneliness that is my DID?
Yeah, I am "more than one" but...
It was complicated. There's probably old posts on my blog where I talk about how I'm not plural even though I have DID. And probably other posts where I'm calling myself plural as if my teeth are clenched. Like it's painful but necessary.
Sometimes I revisit those old feelings, but for the most part I feel at peace with the concept of plurality now. As a young trauma survivor, it was hard to separate the concept itself from the online culture surrounding it. But, ultimately, the way other people experience their plurality doesn't invalidate me. The concept itself doesn't minimize or shame me. It's just a word for an experience, in the same way that dissociation and flashbacks are words for experiences. The way these things are treated and talked about are ripe for criticism, not the experiences themselves. It's nice to have words for them.
And there's no universal way of "being more than one" because it ranges on a spectrum of experiences. Much in the same way dissociation can be mild or extreme, be it brought on by trauma, mental disorders, religious practices, drugs, or other things. Who fucking cares.
But when I think about it...when did I start actually feeling plural despite always fitting the concept? Out of anything, I think unification (final fusion) was actually what helped me finally feel my own plurality. Isn't that interesting?
Unification was when we finally felt each other. I feel the entire multitude because I am it. We're all together, all at once, at all moments. We're constantly in communication. There's no blocks, no separations, no barriers. I'm all of us and we're all of me: a big bundle of parts, connected together like a constellation.
That feels more like plurality than anything I ever felt before.
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boreal-sea · 8 months
How do we get people we actually like into government?
This is a multi-stage problem that comes in 3 parts:
Immediate concerns for the election of 2024
Near-future concerns after the 2024 election
Far-future concerns after certain goals are achieved
Immediate Concerns: Re-elect Biden and Democrats in your state on the national and local levels:
You might not like Biden or the Democrats, but if you want REAL election reform, we NEED them, because Republicans are against election reform in every way.
Near Future Concerns: Election reform in your local area:
Vote in local elections! I told you to do this up in step 1, but I'm going to reiterate it again because towns run elections all the damn time. Local elections are a great way to build power from the bottom-up. These people are closer to you than the president or your congressperson; they know you and your town. Vote for school board, vote for mayor, vote for the chief of police, vote for council members. You're going to need them on your side for the following goals.
Lobby for ranked-choice voting (RCV) in your town or city. This is one of the biggest reforms we need. With ranked-choice voting, we can fix a lot of problems. Ranked-choice voting means we'll be able to vote in third party candidates and actually have them win elections. It is happening! You'll notice on the map I linked that states like Florida have banned RCV. That's because Republicans know they'll lose if it becomes the law in their area. So if you have Republicans in charge of your town or city, this is going to be an uphill battle - which is why step 1 was to vote local.
Lobby for more polling locations. Many Republicans have had voting locations taken down, making it harder for people to vote in a multitude of ways (longer distance to get to a polling location, more people per location causing longer lines which makes it harder for people with an hourly wage to take off time to vote etc).
Vote for voter-ID reforms: Republican-lead states have incredibly strict ID laws you can help strike down. Vote them out, and then vote out their laws.
Lobby for incarcerated/convict voting. Being convicted of a crime and even being in jail shouldn't strip you of your right to vote especially in a country that disproportionately arrests and convicts people of color.
Vote to expand by-mail voting and other voting methods that make it easier for working people, disabled people, and other marginalized folks vote so their voice is heard.
On election day, VOLUNTEER. Drive people to the polls. Be a poll watcher - Republicans love to volunteer for this because it allows them to intimidate marginalized people out of voting. Your presence could make someone feel safe. You could get someone to the poll who might not have been able to make it otherwise.
Far-Future Goals: Lobby to eliminate the Electoral College
Once we have ranked-choice voting and we've been able to vote far-left candidates into office and we no longer have Republicans in control of everything, then we can do the hardest part: a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate the Electoral College. This absolutely positively cannot happen with Republicans in power. It requires 2/3rds of all US states or 2/3rds of the House and the Senate to even get and Amendment proposed. Then, 3/4 of all the state legislatures must ratify it.
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Please help my family
I'm a young autistic and queer mom and my family has been severely struggling for a long time. My boyfriend, the father of our two toddlers, has stage 3 stomach cancer and together we also take care of his disabled mother who has Alzheimer's, diabetes, and a multitude of other conditions.
We desperately need a car so that we can not only get back and forth from work and grab groceries, but also so we can transport our family to and from the doctors appointments we have coming up. We've been trying to make do getting groceries and to work, which is 7 miles away, on a bicycle but my bf was hit by a car on it recently and our bike is destroyed.
Winter is pretty much here and we need a safe way to get our family around to where we need to go. The cheapest possible car anywhere around us is $1000. We've been sent $53/1000 so far and we're very thankful but we really need help.
Please, anything you can send helps so much and reblogs are extremely appreciated so that hopefully someone who can help might see this.
V*nmo: jayep7
C*$happ: jayep7
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fayeandknight · 8 months
I'm still working through the near miss from agility practice. It's been taking a big toll on me and as much as I am loath to admit it - it's because of my disability.
My rambling is going under the cut but that's what this post is. Me trying to sort through why it's shaken me so badly.
There's a few factors all stemming from the same source so I'm going to try to parse them out.
First is the fact that my disability sometimes causes me to lose the ability to move independently and/or speak. I'm lucky that the incident only caused me to be unable to speak. If I'd been unable to move I strongly believe that other dog would have seriously hurt Forte. And it's frightening to know that I can't count on myself to always have the ability to advocate for mine and his safety. It makes me feel incredibly helpless and frustrated in a useless way.
The second is that it dead on hits the mindset I deeply struggle with. This persistent and deep seeded belief that the world is dangerous and I must always keep my head on a swivel and my guard up. That when shit goes down, no one will help me. Logically I know that's not true. I've had plenty of good interactions with others and the vast majority of people are not out to get me. And I have had scenarios where things go sideways and someone does step in to help. But a situation like this preys on my fears that help cannot be counted on. It sends me into a tailspin of feeling like the world is dangerous and the only way to remain safe is to retreat entirely.
The last is that Forte is my big investment into combating that feeling of needing to hide from the world. He's tasks are centered around helping me safely navigate those moments where my disability renders me helpless. So on top of the normal devastation anyone would feel if something bad happened to their beloved dog - I would be losing a big part of my ability to be out in the world at all.
The whole thing sucks and I hate that I'm often pulled to conclusions by twisted reasoning based on fear. But I also can't deny that there is a real basis for said fears when things like this happen. I don't want to give up agility. Both Forte and I enjoy it so much for a multitude of reasons. But part of my brain is screaming that I'm being reckless and shortsighted if I continue. That everything he and I have worked so hard for will end up ruined.
To be clear, I don't think anyone acted maliciously towards me. I think that because the dog was quiet in it's aggression that no one, the handler included, was paying attention. But lack of malicious intent doesn't change that the consequences of my being unable to advocate for myself/dog would have far reaching consequences.
Can I really keep taking the risk in pursuit of something that is, at the end of the day, just for fun? Am I letting my trauma wired brain steer me into a small, isolated life if I quit based on this incident?
I really don't know. And it sucks.
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puppys-tiny-space · 1 year
What is ageregression?
In this post I will be explaining what ageregression is, why it helps, who recommends it and in which ways it migth occur as a symptom. TW for talk of trauma, abuse, neglect and kink.
1. What is ageregression?
Ageregression is a coping mechanism or symptom usually connected to mental health issues, brain injury or dementia. It simply means that an individual acts like a younger age, usually the person reverts back to this child/childlike mindset, sometimes even on cognitive levels, cussing them to lose control over certain body functions. This can present in multiple ways, for an example in speech difference, using a pacifier, playing with toys, using/needing to use diapers or training pants etc. The amount of time reverted can be any age younger then hier biologcal one but is often 0-13.
2. What causes someone to ageregress?
Ageregression can be cause by a multitude of things, when used as a coping mechanism it is often used by individuals with childhood trauma such as abuse, neglect, sexual abuse etc. Those individuals can use it as a means to relieve their childhood in a happier way or to recreate a time in which they felt safer. Ageregression can also be caused by mental health disorders like (c-)ptsd, bpd, bipolar, anxiety, depression and DID. There are also certain other neurological reasons to experince ageregression like dementia and long term effects of neurological injuries. Disabled people migth also regress to relive an accomidaten childhood.
3. Who recommends agere, how is it used?
A majority of mental health professionals reccomend regression as a means to self regulate, even for those without "typical" childhoods to suggest it. It is a common symptom of a multitude of preexisting mental health struggled and embracing it can often immensely help patients struggling with it naturally. Ageregression is often used as a coping mechanism from patients on their own but in some cases is also used within a therapeutic setting to work with a patients inner child or as a form of hypnotherapy.
4. Is ageregression the same as ageplay?
No it is not! From the outside it migth seem that way and while they do have a few similarites but ageregression is not sexual! Due to it often being a way to cope with trauma individuals may struggle with unwanted intrusive thougths when regressed but those are not a reflection of the persons desires! Ageplay is a kink with power dynamics and power exchange, while soem do use it as a coping mechanism it is not the same as ageregression and should be kept seperate from each other at all times! An ageplay er is not literally reffering back to a child/childlike mindset when engaging in sexual acts, they are simply pretending! Never ever try to be sexual with a regressor, they are most likely in the mindset of an actual kid!
5. How can I help someone who regresses?
If you know someone who regresses or want to try it yourself the best you can do is talk with them! See how they want to be treated and how they want you to treat the topic, they migth appreciate being able to share that part of them with someone but it could also be that they do not wish to and want to keep it private. Some regressors have a person in their life to help care for then when regressed, that person is usually called a caregiver and acts as a sort of parental role when the person is within that headspace, it can be anyone from a friend, romantic partner or even relative. If the person trust you and you would feel like you mfoth benefit from caring for someone you can suggest taking over that role from them! No matter what you do never shame then for it or sexualize them, try to understand them and why they chose to heal this way.
6. My child regresses, what do I do?
First like I mentioned above, do not shame them! Do not get angry and ground yourself before talking to them, your past behaviour migth be reason they regress and it migth not be. Calmly talk to them about it, you can ask them why they regress and if you should have done things differently whne they were younger, do not yell ro tell them to grow up! Simply listen and offer support however that migth look like, it could be simply letting them be!
7. What do all the terms mean?
Agere = Ageregression
Regressor/little = someone who regresses
CG = someone caring for a regressed person
Agedre = agedreaming or half regression
Age range = the ages someone regresses to
Headspace = someone's regression
paci = a pacifier
sibby = another regressor someone has a close, sibling like, relationship to
This post is meant as a tool to explain regression to those outside of the community including friends, parents, romantic partners and anyone you want to educate about it! It is quiet surface level in some parts so if you tell sowmeoem ans they have more questions you feel overwhelmed to answer feel free to dm me.
Tumblr media
This post is a bit different to my usual things, I hope you like it!
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aspd-culture · 11 months
Hey, sorry but we just wanted to let you know your claims on systems has been proved untrue by multitudes of research over the years. there are many DID systems that experience differences in neurological & physical disability depending on whom is in front, which includes physical disability such as blindness, mobility issues, and more. We don't know if you're a singlet or not, but please do your research and consider how different alters may have "access" to different areas of your hypothetical "hardware". This is a documented phenomenon.
So let's go over the blindness thing, actually.
The system you're referring to from the German study who had blind/non-blind alters was *not* actually blind in any regard. Instead, as a trauma response (likely to being forced to view something they couldn't handle as a child), the part of the brain that took in visual information turned off when that alter was out. The alter could see, but the brain was not storing any visual input which was processed as the alter being "blind".
That is not a blind body or neurological blindness that could then see with another alter out, it was a abled body and brain that appeared disabled when another alter was out. As I said in the post you're reponding to, a user on a computer can choose not to use certain software, but they cannot run any program the hardware doesn't support. If that system had a neurological disorder that causes blindness, no alter would be able to see. But they CAN take functioning equipment and choose not to use it.
Neurological disorders cannot turn off because another alter is out. That is factually impossible, and you need to do proper research before you try and tell someone who has both done research and communicated with various professionals before you try and come on here and correct us.
We all use the same brain, so if part of that brain doesn't function normally, it won't change just because someone else is out. I get that it's tough for other systems (hoping you're a system - I am dxed with DID myself - but if you're a singlet, learn to be quiet on things you know nothing about thanks) to see their alters, knowing we're all very different people, as using the same brain but that IS what is happening. Being able to use it differently doesn't change the way it's wired nor does it change it's limitations.
The same occurs with physical limitations. The body is abled, but the alter has limitations that have been added. At the end of the day, no alter can gain mobility, but just as you could willingly limp if you wanted to even if you weren't injured, so too can an alter. It's just that in the case of the alter, they aren't aware they aren't actually physically disabled. They aren't intending to fake the mobility issuea but those mobility issues aren't genuine. They are something that, for whatever trauma related reason, the brain felt would have helped or saved the child, or they are an intake of something that happened to the system (for example if an alter was created to deal with a broken leg, they may continue to use it as though it is broken even though in all reality, it isn't).
Tldr, alters can add limitations to an abled body or mind but they cannot remove limitations from a disabled body or mind and that is well researched and also obvious.
Plain text below the cut:
So let's go over the blindness thing, actually.
The system you're referring to from the German study who had blind/non-blind alters was *not* actually blind in any regard. Instead, as a trauma response (likely to being forced to view something they couldn't handle as a child), the part of the brain that took in visual information turned off when that alter was out. The alter could see, but the brain was not storing any visual input which was processed as the alter being "blind".
That is not a blind body or neurological blindness that could then see with another alter out, it was a abled body and brain that appeared disabled when another alter was out. As I said in the post you're reponding to, a user on a computer can choose not to use certain software, but they cannot run any program the hardware doesn't support. If that system had a neurological disorder that causes blindness, no alter would be able to see. But they CAN take functioning equipment and choose not to use it.
Neurological disorders cannot turn off because another alter is out. That is factually impossible, and you need to do proper research before you try and tell someone who has both done research and communicated with various professionals before you try and come on here and correct us.
We all use the same brain, so if part of that brain doesn't function normally, it won't change just because someone else is out. I get that it's tough for other systems (hoping you're a system - I am dxed with DID myself - but if you're a singlet, learn to be quiet on things you know nothing about thanks) to see their alters, knowing we're all very different people, as using the same brain but that IS what is happening. Being able to use it differently doesn't change the way it's wired nor does it change it's limitations.
The same occurs with physical limitations. The body is abled, but the alter has limitations that have been added. At the end of the day, no alter can gain mobility, but just as you could willingly limp if you wanted to even if you weren't injured, so too can an alter. It's just that in the case of the alter, they aren't aware they aren't actually physically disabled. They aren't intending to fake the mobility issuea but those mobility issues aren't genuine. They are something that, for whatever trauma related reason, the brain felt would have helped or saved the child, or they are an intake of something that happened to the system (for example if an alter was created to deal with a broken leg, they may continue to use it as though it is broken even though in all reality, it isn't).
Tldr, alters can add limitations to an abled body or mind but they cannot remove limitations from a disabled body or mind and that is well researched and also obvious.
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drawlypsy · 8 months
I'm sorry
I realize I'm not good at remembering things or people. I struggle to maintain connections for a multitude of reasons, but it's not anything I mean to do.
Part of me thinks it's because of my physical disability, but another part of me believes I'm just a really shitty friend. I swear I look up one day and realize I'm sitting alone, hunched over my work in my own little world. Like an empty lunchroom when you thought you were sitting with friends. This is why people leave, I think. Or maybe it's because I'm not enough. I don't know how to be in a relationship without bleeding through it. I know I can be obnoxious. A one-track mind. Obsessive and downright autistic. I don't feel valuable as a person unless I'm leaning on someone else creatively, however, and that just hurts to know.
I will never be good in my own right.
I don't usually like these little tumblr confessions, but it's cathartic in a way to voice your emotions where others can witness. Like laying down the public record, concrete and weighty in the eyes of others. Proof I can look back at when I'm done crying my eyes out at 1 AM.
I need to get over it. I need to be better. I need to be brave.
For anyone out there that feels the same, I'm sorry. See you on the other side of this.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Aoko x Alice but neither of them know what they're doing and it's really messy and awkward but still sweet
Kara no Kyoukai
something with Kirie Fujou, either with her using her powers on someone, or something about her disabilities
Smut, Shiki pegging her loving malewife Mikiya. It's so good that mikiya cries
Incest tw, I need some respectful, reciprocated Kohaku/Hisui. I generally see it as Hisui being more forceful when it comes to engaging/starting, but leaving it to Kohaku to take the lead once they actually get intimate - of course, if the filler has a different take on the dynamic, I'd love to see that too! The main requirement here is fluff.
Fate/Stay Night
Smut, dubcon, Rin decides to end her rivalry with Luvia by having sex with her. Dubcon that quickly becomes consensual due to Rin's tongue game
Rin/Luvia, body swap
Smut, Artoria watching Lancelot and Guinevere have sex.
Kirei giving a present to Gilgamesh, trying to justify doing something that is good for another person.
I'd like to see Medea on a date, can be with Kuzuki, or Jason, or Master, or anyone really, i just kinda want to see her having fun and experiencing some of the youth she lost
medea and kuzuki crossdressing. not forcefem just a man wearing a pretty outfit his wife picked out for him because he loves her
Smut, Artoria Bimbofication followed by her getting gangbanged
I come humbly asking for Saber to be hairy as FUCK.
Smut, ok but the idea of having Gilgamesh having the random dream of the Artorias loving him so much that it becomes a artoriasome.
This world needs more trans Shirou being doted on ny the other members of the Emiya house, be that in a fluffy or smutty way. Bonus points for including Saber!
Smut, Shirou/Issei public sex, I wanna see Issei try and stay quiet
Shirou has a wet dream and accidentally projects Kanshou and Bakuya as very cute girls
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
I know that Bazett had Cu for maybe a week or more, but I want just them get together for one night outing and have them act like a normal couple just before the holy grail war. I want it to be very sweet and hopeful. It doesn't have to end in sex. I wish there was more stuff cubaz stuff out there. ;3;
Fed up of "Jeanne" refusing to remember who she really is on her own, Gilles Prelati's Spellbook to see if he can find a spell that will make her "remember". Aka - Gilles de Rais brainwashes Artoria into thinking she's his heavily idealised perception of Jeanne de Arc
Hakuno is summoned in chaldea and they have a tea party with Alice.
Force masc Semiramis, either with Amakusa or another Apocrypha character.
Fate/Grand Order
Smut, Tiamat wants more children, and thus is the duty of the master of Chaldea to fulfill her wishes by doing marathon mana transfer until they pass out
NTR, Yu paisen and Gudako have a (accidental) romantic date after all the crypters flake at their reunion post lostbelts
Smut, Tiamat/Raikou competing to see whos the better momther, only to end up screwing each others brains out and ending up dating.
Smut, Gilles de Ray, having sex with this man until he passes out
i want to see gudao/ko rayshift to emiyas gohan and make friends maybe they deserve to go on a 1 week vacation (real not clickbait)
tiamat turns BB into a lahmu after finding out what she tried to pull during summer 3.
Since we know that Baobhan Sith and Ritsuka have movie nights every once in a while i would like some fluff between them in one of those nights
Gudao walks onto Medea and Jason having sex, a multitude of excuses coming from the both of them soon after.
Smut, Siegfried fucking Kriemhild until she passes out
Tiamat interactions with Morgan & her knights . first off , Morgan should get the shovel talk from tiamat.
Smut, Itty Bitty Titty Committee hot springs meeting! Complete with hands on testing to make sure the current members can stay. (To clarify I do mean the adult women who are flat chested, like Shuten, Helena, Altera, and so on)
Chen Gong meeting Castoria, and she seems to really like him, and everyone is worried how she’ll react when he has to sacrifice her for the first time. Only for it to turn out that Castoria is massive masochist and she begged Chen for the opportunity.
Smut, Nightingale giving Gudao a very extensive and sensual prostate exam in her Trick or Treatment outfit.
Avicebron/Medea. I think of them either exploring their shared passion for creating or their tragic lives. Maybe both. Maybe these should also kiss.
Smut, Anyone willing to shove a cock up Gudako's ass? Consentual, dubcon & noncon are ok, but I insist she gets pleasure out of it.
Gudao telling dad jokes to Fuuma after he starts dating Danzo.
Grunhilde, pissed that Bloodaxe still hasn't convinced Guda to summon her, kindly through force makes Eric ask Medea(or Circe but I find it funnier Medea) to use her body for a short while. Medea agrees and they go on a date where Jason sees them and then shenanigans ensue. I would also like to add this is not a Jason/Medea fic but if whoever decides to do it goes in that way I have no reason to object.
Smut, Chiron getting fucked by redhare and/or Xiang Yu
Smut, Futa Tiamat fucking Gudao with spoiling and aftercare.
I am mad to say nobody has suggested this, but I wanna see Hijikata finding out about Okita’s tuberculosis one day when he repeatedly hears her cough daily and she’s all like, “WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN-“ cue Angry Pickle Man trying to help Okita despite the fact she is insisting she is fine.
I guess something where castoria realizes she’s in love (can be with gudao, oberon, or somebody else). the only problem? It seems that there’s a time loop. So now she has to find a way to break out of it and confess.
nobu decides to prank gudao with a trap, and she fails miserably because her girlfriend okita got in the way and accidentally activated the trap. so now she finds a way to fix her bullshittery
(rarepair hell) Something with Salieri and Kijyo Koyo, either fluff (him listening her play the Koto) or Smut (third asc on third asc)
Maybe something with ritsuka actually being selfish for once and taking up hajime saitous offer to run away with him? Or any servant really, he was just the first to pop to mind.
I’ve recently gotten into Mash/Tonelico (thanks to a certain unnamed writer) but I’m also into Guda/Morgan because of the whole “I’m your wife” thing. So in essence what I’m saying is: Mash: This is my girlfriend Tonelico and her spouse Guda.
Kinda of a Crackship, but i think King Hassan and Tiamat would make a cute pair
Tiamat's having a 24 hour session of her spoiling her children.
Kintoki gets trapped between Ibuki's and Shuten's fight for who gets to "play" with him
an epilogue were all the crypters and Olga are alive and they just hang out with Guda like normal friends
Xiang Yu breaks down in a way that he can't fix on his own. With no way out, he asks his wife to please help him out. As smutty or not as smutty as you would like
Smut, futa Koyanskaya forcefems Gudao, fucks him, rims him, edges him, and fucks his weak human cockhole with her superior knotted cock
Sieg and Castoria ending up dating because they spend so much time farming together, and everyone else being shocked/surprised
Smut, I would love a fight to death turns into breaking the bedroom sex (battlefield?) between Alter Ego Bazett and Alter Cu Chulainn. I want them both to wake up the next morning limping away while swearing that they will fight again, but then they just have sex again.
Ritsuka has a Big Massive Trauma moment and it's going badly. Morgan, a noted veteran of having Big Massive Trauma sees this, doesn't feel anything, doesn't like that she doesn't feel anything, and then goes to help Ritsuka intimately. And when I saw intimately I don't necessarily mean they fuck (Though they could), but I want the raw emotion shit. I want Ritsuka to cry and scream into Morgan, I want them to aggressively cuddle, I want Morgan to give the bone-crushing hug she never had.
Back during the FGO universe's holy grail war, Marisbury needs to give Solomon a good old mana transfer
BB gets bimbofied & made to dress like gudao by the koyan twins.
Ereshkigal/Guda (either gender,) aftermath of sex pollen. So your buddy got hit by the curse of Fuck Or Die, and you fucked it out of their system. Great! How do you handle the aftermath? You just fucked your bff (and/or crush) how do you deal with the awkwardness? do you talk about it? do you just kinda ignore it? i wanna know!! (you can write the sex pollen too if you want but i mostly want the aftermath)
There was a wacky theory Miss Crane is Demon Pillar Naberius. Would think it would be neat if there was a fic that explored that idea.
Smut, Nymphomaniac Ibuki, Barghest and Kukulkan plowing Gudako into a mindless puddle? Dicks and excessive amounts of cum are optional.
Smut, Gudako and Yu Paisen worshiping Xiang Yu's horse cock because there is no way a single person can satisfy him
Bradamante being bimboified by Merlin
Kadoc witnessing an event. can be a real event thats happened since or make one up tbh. (bonus content: kirschtaria gets to be there for the event too. how is he alive/in chaldea? u decide! i just think he'd get way too into it and have fun.)
nobu makes a bomb that self-destructs when she flexes how AWESOME it is. now she’s on the run because everybody is gonna get her. Even her master, but Gudao is… well, at the least to say, ‘loving’ to help her… mana transfer seduction.
lb5.5 kintoki/guda... platonic or romantic and even nsfw is fine!! id like for them to get along tho!
i feel the need to karmically balance out some of this guts rearranging. crackfic of shuten opening the world's most ethically dubious surgical clinic in chaldea
Smut, Caeneus x Gudako/Reader, Caeneus fucks me senseless with his horse cock
Smut, Ibuki/Raikou fucking
master of chaldea becomes a beast
FGO Bee Movie parody, starring Oberon as the titular bee.
Local funny vamp Arcueid Brunestud and World's Most Annoying Man Gojo Satoru team up to affectionately annoy the hell out of both Tohno Shiki and Ryougi Shiki
Through a comedy of errors shiki ryougi and shiki tohno meet and come to believe the other shiki is the split personality they had kicking around their skull escaped and somehow having obtained a body
crossover in which fate/stay night illya adopts(kidnaps? stalks?) john wick as father figure pre-fsn because he kind of reminds her of kiritsugu
Any fandom
Smut, Hoi, Could I request some Grand Order Futa Somnophelia? Dont mind whos involved!
Suicide tw, Kinda fucked up, but i want to see a character having a mental breakdown and killing themselves
Smut, Anything where someone has a non-human cock. Artoria with a dragon cock, Tamamo fox knot, Shuten with a big blunt demon cock, anyone you can find an excuse to give a horse cock with a horse cock. Something like that
Can I have some furries? Can I PLEASE get some furries? Werewolf aus or dragon saber or anything you want just furry these bitches up pls thks
hnnngggrr Force-feminization is cool and all, but force-masculinization is comparatively rare. I'd love to see a fic involving some. Levels of explicitness, actual forcefulness, and characters all up to writer's discretion, but bonus points if involving characters who already have an unconventional relationship with their genders in any way.
creative uses for mystic eyes
I just want some fluff with rare pairs and crackships
Kohaku or someone else messing around with the carnival phantasm "true self" tea to different results than happened in the show
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cleromancy · 1 year
without being an expert on how theyre mishandling barbara Gordon these days (understatement) but *having* heard that like "yeah shes still disabled, sometimes she even has a cane or chair in her inaccessible-ass hideout!" ... so fucking frustrating
bc like making the choice to make barbaras disability invisible, to make her use mobility aids less often instead of that being her default... not only is that still erasure it fundamentally changes the relationship the character has *to* her disability
and considering how interesting it had been for barbara and cass to navigate being two undeniably disabled heroes with massively different disabilities and the tension that sometimes brought to their relationship...
and its so so so frustrating bc ppl use it as like a gotcha. like oh actually not everyone who uses mobility aids uses them all the time. like yes bitch i know that. but some people do. and youre just playing dumb so you dont have to acknowledge that the reason for this change was so barbara could be regressed into dick graysons ~hot fun same aged girlfriend~ who can kick her leg over her head. (hmmm i wonder why perpetually cheerful yvonne craig look alike batgirl is the only way barbara can be a hot and fun love interest and mean older scully haircut librarian chair user barbara somehow isnt!) (except i dont wonder i know why.) (and barbara being *just* a love interest would still be The Worst to be clear but you know what im fucking saying) (god im so annoyed i just remembered seeing fucking someone in nightwing call *batgirl* "girl nightwing" as if nightwing isnt fucking boy batgirl if anything?? im going to kill tom taylor with my own two hands) (also just fucking remembered he wrote a callback to barbara becoming a licensed attorney and then immediately ruined it by having dick be like yeah me too ..... worst. fuckingggggg worst)
also really frustrating bc like... Did yall know once upon a time dickbabs was actually interesting and compelling. i wouldnt ever say i really ~ship it for a multitude of reasons but their relationship actually brought out interesting things in both characters in part *because of* their extremely different ways of navigating the world, both physically and emotionally
anyway. we all know this this isnt new shit. i could go on but im done for now. whotever.
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Hi! I love your blog! If it's okay, I'd like to request a bit of advice.
I have a physical disability (born legally blind due to albinism). I had spent a lot of time "masking" my blindness since I was 8 or so. I stopped using my cane in public, only used a screen reader when I had  earbuds, read braille in private, etc. I suppose in retrospect it was me trying to play into respectability politics, so I would stop getting the "how many fingers?" routine. It feels even more reinforced that the field I'm studying is considered too dangerous for someone with low vision.
As an adult, I want to let go of that shame and integrate properly with this incredible community. Yet, I feel like a fraud just by interacting. I know that my disability affects me in a multitude of ways that makes me qualified to be here, but I struggle to shake the feeling that others have it worse than me. I am privileged enough to be able to mask myself at all. Short version is: how do I know that I'm enough to be here? If I am enough, how can I get over this imposter syndrome and support my fellow disabled people?
Thank you for reading this, regardless of if you respond or not. Sincerely, I hope you have a good day! :D
First off, I invite any of my followers to comment or reblog this with their own input, especially those who are blind or low vision, since I am not. But I will do my best to answer based on what I know and believe, and what has helped me with my own imposter syndrome.
While it is obviously a privilege to be able to pass as abled, anyone with an invisible disability will tell you that it is sometimes as much a curse as it is a blessing. I'd be willing to bet you could think of some examples from your life that exemplify that too.
In fact, I'd go as far as to say that not being able to mask is also a privilege in some contexts. Being so visibly disabled that society no longer expects you to pretend like you are abled is a privilege, and not one that you enjoy, by the sound of it.
And that's the thing about privilege; too often, I think it's easy to get caught up in conversations about privileged groups and start to think that those are groups of people: the privileged and the not privileged. But it doesn't work like that. Literally every person on the planet is part of at least one privileged group and not part of at least one other privileged group.
You asked if you were enough to be "here," but where is "here"? I think defining that might help you zero in on exactly what arguments you are compiling against yourself, and more easily allow you to counter them.
For example, is "here" the disabled community? If so, I think it would be useful to remind yourself that everyone is part of some privileged groups and not part of others. Do others have it worse than you in some ways? Absolutely. But they might also have advantages that you do not enjoy. At the end of the day, the community isn't so much a place you need to earn a spot in as it is a collaborative effort to pool resources and find solace in the fact that we are not alone in our struggles.
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