#that and belfry conversations :)
a-s-levynn · 2 years
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Update on the Belfry-cat
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disniq · 2 years
If anybody else (like me) was worried about Ace in Gotham Knights, he's fine!! He's with Alfred's daughter
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Bonus, Bruce is dead and they're still ragging on his naming conventions lol;
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arobinwithoutbatman · 3 months
"Y'know, there's only one thing worse than it raining cats and dogs." Dick is lying on the couch, feet hanging off one of the arms, and grinning like he knows what he's going to say next is going to get something thrown at him.
"Hailing taxis."
"I mean, yeah, taxis never listen. I swear, all the drivers are-"
He paused... blinked... thought about the wording... and then giggled.
"Why are you like this?" He might not do the puns as often but he does indulge once in a while and Dick was a master at the arr.
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luxaofhesperides · 2 years
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he's so lame <3
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avenging-gemini · 2 years
Lmao, I don’t know how I feel about that. Revealing who they are to Montoya? Her reaction to each of them was severely underwhelming.
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
I was just playing gotham knights again and noticed some passive dialog regarding Babs having a back brace, which is at least acknowledging that there was damage done, but I'm a little sad for the loss of some really cool disability representation. What are your feelings on her (and on a similar note Batman's) miraculous recovery from paralysis in DC?
I think Gotham Knights handled her disability fairly well, considering this is a universe where magic, nanobots, and puddles of evil green goo that can heal the dead exist. All things considered, it would have been very easy for them to either erase it entirely or just handwave and say, "She worked really hard and got better," as previous iterations of the canon have done.
Because she did work hard and get better, but the hard work is ongoing because they depict her issues as chronic.
She's got a limp (it's the most obvious in her Talon suit with no cape in the way), which means she can't rely on speed or high kicks like the others can (I mean, she can kick, but it's her slowest motion, and until you max out her suit, it's the most liable to get her thrown to the ground), so she falls back on precision and her tech.
Jason punches for maximum pain, Dick moves with dizzying speed, and Tim's gonna sneak up on you and drop you like a rock, but Babs is going for the pressure points with ruthless precision. Not to mention her drones.
The conversation with Tim, realizing she might need help boosting her suit to compensate for her pain/strength issues, is a nice little way of making the player aware that she's got these ongoing problems because, honestly, a casual observer could mistake her back brace for athleisure wear if they didn't recognize the shape of it. It's also a good way of throwing in some exposition about how she's still going to physical rehab and that her PT would like her to "wean off" her back brace, but because her PT doesn't know her actual job as a vigilante, Barbara admits she can't and is essentially finding ways to manage her own care and create her own accommodations. Accommodations which they are all shown to be willing to help with.
It's a nice little touch when superhero narratives tend to revolve around self-sacrifice to the point of self-destruction. Alfred giving Dick into trouble for pushing himself too far and hiding injuries is a nice touch, too, even if it's like trying to bail water on the Titanic with a teacup.
I also like that not only do you see her wheelchair lurking around the Belfry—along with the disability adaptations they put in place, like the ramps, the wheelchair elevator, and the desks that move up and down to wheelchair height—but that she also still uses her chair from time to time.
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[ID a screenshot from Gotham Knights showing the Belfry. Light streams in through a giant clockface, showcasing a bank of computer screens. In front of the screen, Barbara Gordon is using her wheelchair as Dick Grayson stands behind her, probably making a bad pun.]
Whether she's using it because she's tired or simply because it's more comfortable than the computer chair is never revealed. Nor is it brought up or commented on. It's just something that's normal for Barbara to do, and I like that. I like that it's normal. It's not a part of herself she's trying to erase. She works with it, not against it.
Is it perfect? No. Do they outright erase her disability like so many of the comics are guilty of? Also, no. I'd argue that, in fact, they kept her disability. They just changed the nature of it.
Barbara now has a dynamic disability, one which fluctuates and requires different management based on her day-to-day (or night) activity. She's in active treatment for it and will be for the rest of her life. Are some of the physical feats she achieves realistic for someone with an injury of her nature? Not really, but again, this is a world where nobody stays dead, and there are zombie assassins coming out of the walls. I'll take the attention to detail and care they put into her story any day over the "Willpower Fixed My Spine" narrative we could have gotten.
As for Bruce getting healed by magic, again, it's Batman. Comic book logic is wibbly-wobbly at the best of times, and realistically speaking, they couldn't leave Batman paralyzed. His whole deal revolves around being stealthy and punching the shit out of people. He wouldn't be Batman anymore, and frankly, I don't trust the comic writers as far as I could throw them to handle that right.
By contrast, the Gotham Knights writers handled Barbara with much more care and nuance than I ever expected. And I'm thankful for that.
*I also like that both Dick and Barbara are often shown wearing joint braces. Dick's are especially reminiscent of the way gymnasts and people with hypermobility tape their joints to reduce pain and prevent injuries. It's a nice little touch. They're not invincible. Their bodies hurt. They're just like me but with money and much bigger problems like giant killer robots and zombie assassins.
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chiyana · 3 months
Gotham Knights isn't the best game, but it does have some pretty hilarious conversation bits.
Tim: So if there are different kinds of Talons, there must be different ways to make them, right? Dick: I feel like this is bad for your development. Tim: Think of the possibilities! Dick: Tim. Do not make a Talon in the Belfry. Tim: I wouldn't do that! Tim: Tim: Maybe just to get a look at the production. A small Talon. For research purposes! Dick: Timothy Jackson Drake, Do Not.
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shadowphoenixrider · 29 days
The Talk
(It's been a while, but Gambit and Rogue can no longer keep pussy-footing around the small elephant in the room called Shadow. Time has come for them to talk about it and what this means for each other. Enjoy the angst, people. It's gonna be a bit rough.)
Gambit found Rogue standing in the mansion's belfry, her back to him as she gazed down onto the grounds below.
"You wanted to speak to me, chère?" He asked.
"So, you and Shadow, huh?" Rogue spoke.
Gambit winced, rubbing the back of his neck. He'd expected this talk to happen at some point, but it didn't mean he was any more ready for it.
"Rogue, I..."
She sighed, shoulders slumping.
"Don't, Remy. Even before you started leavin' marks on each other, I saw you two together. I've seen the way you look at her." She folded her arms. "I'll be honest, I had a feelin' there was something between you two the moment ya brought her here."
"We jus' friends wit benefits, Rogue." Gambit said, his hand still rubbing over his neck, thumb grazing over where the bruise had been. "Dat's all, it don't be-"
"That's a lie an' we both know it, sugah." Rogue shot him a glare over her shoulder.
Gambit opened his mouth, but his protests didn't come, wedged tightly in his chest with his feelings. His shoulders slumped, glancing away.
"Know me too well, chère." He sighed. "Been tryin' keep it casual, but it..." He gestured uselessly. "I'm sorry."
Rogue's hands tightened their grip on her arms, bracing herself against his words. His heart seized painfully, and he found himself reaching for her. "Rogue..."
"Don't." Her voice was soft, but heavy with unshed tears. She shook her head. "Don't..."
His hand hovered over her shoulder for a moment, before he took the chance, settling it over her jacket. It hurt to see her flinch.
"I'm sorry, Rogue. Even if we not together, I never meant to hurt ya," he said softly. "Never."
"I know, Remy." Her gloved hand reached up to cover his, turning toward him. "But..." It took her a moment, as if the words themselves were bitter to the taste: "But I'm happy for you. Shadow can give ya what I can't."
A protest rose in his chest again, but it fizzled out before it reached his throat. He would have insisted before that he didn't need it, that he was just fine as they were, with the careful barriers between him and her just so they could hold hands or rest their heads on each other's shoulders. He'd not lied to her.
Yet Gambit couldn't deny the joy, the feeling of completeness whenever he could touch Shadow, or when she touched him without hesitation. How she'd ruffle his hair, touch his forehead, cup his cheeks. Nausea churned in the pit of his stomach knowing Rogue could do none of that, could experience none of the simplest of pleasures.
It felt so wrong. Yet he selfishly wanted it so much. He'd missed it.
He wanted so badly to reassure her that it was fine really, it wasn't a big deal.
They both knew that it was. It was one of the reasons their nascent relationship had stopped growing, after all.
"Remy..." Rogue spoke softly. "I want the best for you. If Shadow makes you happy, then go be with her."
Gambit swallowed hard.
"I...I can't."
Rogue's brows furrowed.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't be wit her, Rogue. She...I don't wan' to complicate things for her. We just meant to be casual, I can't-"
The glare Rogue gave him could have cut through glass.
"Did ya ask her, sugah?" She asked, her tone the cool calm before the incoming storm.
"No, Gambit jus'-"
"No?!" She rounded on him, fire burning behind her green eyes. Gambit took a step back, holding his hands up placatingly.
"Heard her say it talkin' to Beast!" He spoke hurriedly. "Dat she didn't wanna complicate things 'tween us if somethin' went wrong! Dat she weren't lookin' for anythin' more den casual!"
Rogue forced herself to take a breath, calming herself.
"Remy, hearin' somethin' said to someone else don't prove nothin'. Who knows how much of the conversation ya missed before you started listenin' in?"
"Was dere for de whole thing, Rogue." Gambit retorted. "I know what she said."
"So you're jus' goin' off an assumption?" Rogue folded her arms again, raising an eyebrow. "Ain't that what Bishop did when he fingered you as Senator Kelly's killer?"
"Dat's different!" Gambit snapped. "Dat were Mystique deliberately deceivin' people! Shadow not gonna lie to Beast 'bout what she wants!"
"You think she's gonna lie to you?"
His fiery retort was extinguished before it made its way out of his mouth, and Gambit grasped quickly for words.
"N-No, but-" He looked away, rubbing at the back of his neck. "After everything wit Tom, she probably don't wanna think about it. 'Bout another guy on her heels."
Rogue's expression softened.
"You're worried she's gonna to say no."
Gambit's shoulders slumped, his heart seizing. The truth curdled in his throat like a thick oily sludge, and it took him a minute to push past it.
"Yeah." His fingers curled, blunt nails pressing into his skin as if the pain could hold his composure.
Silence yawned between them. Gambit wished they were having this conversation a little further away from the mansion and potential eavesdroppers, but the belfry was a known spot for mutants seeking solitude. If the others saw the access door was shut, they would leave them be.
Rogue stared at him, assessing. He didn't remember the last time that he felt so pinned down and exposed, like a deer in headlights. Even the telepaths couldn't unravel him like this.
"So you jus' gonna string her along like a lovesick puppy 'til ya get bored of her, sugah? That it?"
It was if Rogue had physically hit him, the pain in his chest almost driving the breath from him - he flinched.
"No!" He cried. "No, I- Merde, Rogue, I-"
"But ain't that what ya doin', Remy?" Rogue continued, eyes narrowing. "Keepin' her on a leash 'til ya figure it out? You ain't even talked to her about this." She paused, staring at him, the silence so loud Gambit almost heard the penny drop in her head. "You ain't even told her 'bout us, have you?"
Gambit prickled, pulling himself up to his full height.
"Well, you ain't told her either!"
"I ain't the one with feelin's for her, Remy!" Snapped Rogue. "The longer you keep hidin' that and keep her at arm's length, the worse it's gonna get if somethin' happens an' it all comes out!"
That hit a nerve, Gambit's shame replaced by anger.
"An' you be de one to know 'bout dat, wouldn't you?" He countered, a little harsher than he intended. Rogue's eyes flashed, and for a moment he thought she really would strike him. Instead, she pulled in a breath and retorted with:
"I don't think Cajuns should throw cards in their glass houses, sugah. What if she meets someone else, like you did? Ya think she gonna think twice jus' 'cos you're keepin' the bed warm?"
His heart stopped, the sharp, icy pain rippling through his body. He opened his mouth to argue, to offer some evidence otherwise...but nothing came. Sure, Shadow had wrapped him in compliments and touches, leaning against him, letting him read over her shoulder, keeping his love bite on proud display, but there was nothing concrete that couldn't be rescinded, forgotten, easily washed away should someone else catch her eye.
After all, had that not happened with Tom?
Gambit must have looked as crestfallen as he felt, as Rogue's expression softened into sympathy.
"Remy, if ya have feelings for her, ya need to tell her 'fore somethin' happens an' ya can't!" She urged.
He shook his head, beating down the unbidden, stinging heat that was beginning to rise in his eyes. Not now, not here.
"It's not dat simple, Rogue."
The Southern woman laughed ruefully.
"It never is, is it?" She stepped forward, gently settling a gloved hand onto his shoulder. "Listen, sugah," her voice was gentle now, "Shadow looks at ya like you put the stars in the sky for her. She brightens up whenever you walk in a room." Rogue smirked. "An' she blushes like a sinner in church when she's teased 'bout ya."
Gambit blinked.
"She does?"
"Find it hard to believe ya haven't noticed, sugah." Replied Rogue, raising an eyebrow at him. "Before dat night you were left alone in the Mansion together, the tension between you two were thicker than a barrel of molasses covered in tar."
It was Gambit's turn to chuckle weakly.
"Dat obvious?"
"Sugah, we were takin' bets when you'd finally wise up an' find a room." Her smile didn't reach her eyes, and Gambit decided not to inquire to who had won said bets. "Look, Remy, how 'bout you an' her do somethin' not X-Men related. Out of the mansion. Take her to dinner or somethin'?"
Gambit sighed, turning away and scratching the back of his neck.
"I...I dunno if she be wantin' to go on a date so soon afta breakin' from dat couyon," he said. "Ten years be a long time, chère. Most of her life."
Rogue tilted her head to the side, propping a hand on her hip.
"That not the same with you and Bella Donna?" She asked.
His heart cringed, though he just about managed to avoid wincing this time. He folded his arms around himself; of all the things she had to bring up - her?
"Dat...dat not the same..." Gambit muttered.
"Ya sure, sugah?"
Memories moved like the shadows of monsters in the ocean's depths, threatening to surface. A woman he loved...thought he loved, until he watched her change in front of him, twisted into a shape he no longer recognised.
"I thought we were always meant to be! The two sides of the same coin!"
The Cajun squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head to dismiss the echoes of Shadow's voice.
"It been a long time since I were good wit her," he said firmly. "Shadow, she not had dat long to get over Tom. I don't..." He took a deep breath, releasing it as a long, draining sigh. "I don' want her to feel she flew from one cage to another."
"Ya not, Remy." Rogue said kindly. "You ain't that Tom fella by any shot." She reached out to touch his arm, squeezing as comfortingly yet gently as her strength would allow. "This thing with Shadow, it don't have to be a big thing. Jus' get outta this place and spend some time with her. Maybe you'll figure out what ya both want."
There was a brief silence, before Rogue gently punched his shoulder - the force of it still enough to stagger him and utter an 'oof!'
"'Sides." Rogue grinned. "How could she resist the Ragin' Cajun?"
Gambit couldn't help the blush that burned across his cheek-bones, especially when Rogue chuckled to see it. He turned to her then, finally managing to meet her eyes.
"Rogue," he began softly, "ya really okay with dis?"
It was her turn to glance away, folding her own arms. It was the answer he expected, and it hurt.
"It's as I said, sugah." She spoke. "I want ya to be happy. An' that happiness is with her. Not me." The way she trailed off almost broke his heart.
"Chère..." Gambit reached out, curling his hand around hers. "Gambit still cares about you. He-"
"Don't, Remy." She shook her head. "We both knew it wasn't gonna work out in the end. You can light up everythin' you touch, but never me. Don't ruin this good thing you got for yourself. For her." Rogue smiled weakly. "I'm a big girl, sugah. I'll be jus' fine."
Gambit wasn't exactly convinced by that, but figured it might be better not to voice it; this was already painful enough.
"Jus' promise me you'll talk to Shadow at some point, alright?" Said Rogue sternly. "'Cos if ya keep screwin' around with ya head in the sand, that tide might come back in an' then you'll never get the chance."
She was doing her best to hide it, but Gambit saw the flicker of sadness in her eyes, heard the slight heaviness to her voice. It wasn't fair. He cared for both women dearly, yet whichever way he chose - to follow where his heart yearned or to linger to prevent further pain - he would hurt one of them.
Sometimes the cards forced your hand.
"Mais," he sighed softly. "Gambit'll try." He forced a smile.
"Good." Rogue gave him a pointed look. "You take care now, sugah."
"You too, chère." Gambit replied, his smile softening.
And with that, Rogue turned to fly down to the mansion below. His heart panged, hoping she was just moving to something else and not seeking a room to be alone for a while.
Merde. Gambit cursed internally, leaning against one of the thick white pillars that held up the dome above. The talk might have been a long time coming, but it didn't mean he hated it any less.
What was he going to do? How was he even going to broach the subject of his and Rogue's relationship to Shadow? And moreover, do it without scaring her off? The young woman was sometimes selfless to a fault, and if she got wind that he and Rogue had feelings for each other, some of which still remained, she'd pull away nigh on instantly. And with how his heart cringed at the very thought of that...
No. He had to lie - at least by omission. Gambit was good at that already, and since Shadow also had a habit of it, she would understand eventually. He hoped.
Rogue was probably right about one thing, though; taking Shadow for a meal in the city didn't sound like a bad idea. It wouldn't hurt, them taking the time just for the two of them to hang out. Friends did that all the time. Even when they're sleeping together.
Gambit cursed again, running a hand through his hair and staring into the sky, as if the clouds would give him the answers.
Well, it was worth a go. Maybe it would give him a better read on how Shadow felt towards him.
And if not? Then it still would be a good time.
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sims4t2bb · 7 months
weekly update
Hello everyone, and happy Sunday! Wishing you all a lovely and bright sunshiny start of the week, as spring comes ever closer 🌷🌞
The updates for this week can be found under the cut. From us, as always, happy Simming — onwards and upwards! ✨
— Database
Whilst we’ll do our best to continue to update every Sunday, it’s possible during busy periods that bi-weekly updates (like this one!) will be shared instead. This is only temporary — thank you for your understanding! 🙏🏻
— Base Game
Buy Mode
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A functional edit of @simsinlowspace's Unswitchable Switch conversion by @jacky93sims has been added.
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Sunny Shades - Left and Sunny Shades - Right conversions and recolours by @simsinlowspace have been added.
Build Mode
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Above-Deck, All Square, Applause Clapboard with Charcoal Brick, Arbor Ardor, Art of Subtlety, Banana Leaf-Motif, Barnyard Beauty, Basic Darks, Basic Darks with White Trim, Basic Pastels and more conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
— Expansion Packs
Horse Ranch
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Ranch Spandrel, Reclaimed Wood Double Bed, Reclaimed Wood Single Bed, Rustic Fire Pit, Rust'n Chic Table Lamp, Salvaged Barrel - Natural, Shortwave Shindig Radio, Solidly Built Wardrobe - Narrow, Sturdy Clothing Rack and more conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
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Crossbuck Double Door, Crossbuck Four Door Entrance, Golden Hour Ranch Window, Hay There! Shuttered Window, Modern Ranch Life Double Window, Modern Ranch Life Single Window, Picture Perfect Ranch Window, Rustic Wood Archway, Strength in Lumber Column, Timber! Log Column and more conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
— Stuff Packs
Spooky Stuff
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Nothing to Fear, Prettiest Little Parlor Wallpaper, Spooktacular, The Classics and Wallpaper in the Belfry conversions by @lordcrumps added.
Vintage Glamour
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Crushed Metallic Panelling and Shine Bright Like a Diamond conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
Bowling Night
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(Pre)FAB Stone Slab and Wooden Chevron Panelling conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
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At One with Stone and Wavestone conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
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Fashionable Wall Attire and High Fashion Triangles conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
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Divinity Leaf conversion by @lordcrumps has been added.
Crystal Creations
The filterable page is now available!
The link to the filterable page in the pinned post has been updated.
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Mooninbrites wallpaper conversion by @lordcrumps has been added.
— Kits
Country Kitchen
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Stones In Stacks conversion by @lordcrumps has been added.
Courtyard Oasis
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Boldly Brushed and Saffron Blossom conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 3 months
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now i WOULD go rest after the whole ypi business HOWEVER. is there any way to convince you to watch it because OH MY GODDDDDDDD THIS IS MY FAVOURITE SERIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!! it’s certainly not the best written tmnt series out there (ESPECIALLY with the romance…. shudders)
HOWEVERRRRRRR there are a lot of awesome things about it i really like….. i think one thing i like the most about this iteration (besides the very obvious obsession about sunset duo) is THE VOICEACTING. in a tmnt voiceacting teirlist i would put almost every rise character in s tier and yet STILL, despite the fact i put donnie in b, 2012 IS MY FAVOURITE VOICE ACTED SERIES. the original ask includes the giant navy battleship line and. yeah. sean astin’s delivery makes it a kajillion times funnier to me. IDK MAN THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT SPLINTER’S VOICE THAT IS SO SATISFYING TO ME. AND THE WAY SHINIGAMI LAUGHS???????????????? HRGHHHHH
also a big fan of the dynamics between the turtles…… the absolute brothers of all time. sobs (again it’s very obvious which duo is my favourite hfhdbsjbsdj)
also this might be a slightlyyyy controversial take but mikey’s adhd is written really really REALLY well in my opinion. like ok donnie said he hasn’t matured since age six and infantilisation is a big problem with neurodivergent people HOWEVER. a big part of mikey’s character is that he doesn’t like being underestimated and wants to prove he is capable but also. as a person with adhd. YEAH I TOO FEEL LIKE THE PERSON IN MY BRAIN IS A SMALL CHILD. the reason i peaked in primary school is because, back then, i was only slightly less mature than my peers. now as i’m in secondary school i realise i am like a TWO YEAR OLD compared to these people. when i was in s1 i would call myself the twelve year old toddler because that was essentially how mature i felt i was. SO THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. maybe there are times he feels slightly stereotypical but hey, everyone has their stereotype moments, right??? (as cliche as it is i feel like everyone has had a “hey, look, squirrel!” moment in their life). yeah i just relate to 2012 mikey on a spiritual level. like every time he’s on screen he does something and i think WOW. that is LITERALLY me (which is why i’m surprised that one poll i have more people think i’m like sonic than mikey?? but i’m not complaining, sonic is super cool)
the 3d animation is cool (the increase in skill is very obvious as you progress further through the series) and the fight scenes are just. MWAH. SO satisfying.
also SOME of the romance is pretty ok! raph and mona lisa are great. also arguably raph and casey (but we’re not ready for that conversation i think).
i have a full disc set of all five seasons that included a list of all the episodes and whenever i finished an episode i REALLYYYY REALLY enjoyed i would highlight the name in pink sharpie… here are all the episodes i marked :3 (i might need to rewatch some of these)
the pulveriser
cockroach terminator
the good, the bad, and casey jones
plan 10
a foot too big (i’m actually not too sure about this one right now, might need to rewatch it)
journey to the center of mikey’s mind
revenge of the triceratons (this one is only half highlighted for some reason)
bat in the belfry
tokka vs the world
requiem (sobs. sobs so so hard.)
end times
when worlds collide: part 2 (i think this one is where the giant navy battleship line comes from)
it’s ok if you don’t want to watch it or you’re not able to watch it but if you can and you don’t end up liking it THAT’S OK I TOTALLY GET IT THERE ARE A LOT OF PARTS THAT SUCK
erm anyways that was my strange ramble. sorry for invading your ask box 👍🏼
(oh yeah, the comics are pretty cool too)
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(guess who michalina’s favourite character + duo is challenge (impossible))
Ok I will say oddly enough I’ve read the comics for 2012. Weird, but I pirated found them and enjoyed reading them, they were fun.
I have watched a few episodes - I did like the speed demon episode (I love the dynamic of 2012 donnie and Casey mirroring the 90s movies even down the name insulting scene where they are going through the alphabet) and I like parasitica a lot. I have watched others like journey to centre of Mikey’s mind, Buried Secrets, and the usagi episodes, and also the final episodes of the Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (? I cannot remember the name, but the one with the insect guy as the villain who’s name I can’t spell and can’t be bothered to Google lol), that one where Donnie becomes dumb, the vampire ones, but that’s it.
What puts me off is the romance and the (in my opinion) partial butchered character Donnie has due to it. He’s genuinely creepy and it makes watching it uncomfortable and wildly out of character compared to what I’m used to. I’ve never been a fan of romance, and I expect ally despise the whole “main character has a crush on someone else but is so nerdy they don’t know how to approach them” trope. The whole love triangle and the poorly written “love at first sight” which most the romances in the show are just put me off completely. I genuinely have tried other episodes but I cringe every time the Donnie/April romance happens. It’s a shame because when they let Donnie move on from April or not be simping after her I really like his slightly sarcastic, blunt yet sensitive nature.
I’ve heard they kind of throw away the romance at season 3 but it’s having to watch this until then tbh. Maybe one day I will give it a go if people really say it’s worth the suffering of my least favourite trope. You seem to like it a lot so maybe :)
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every queer related belfry conversation and why they meant so much to their writer
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a-s-levynn · 2 years
Back with a cat update again
Jason: We need to start getting better food for the cat. I'll pick up some after my next shift.
Barbara: I thought you weren't the fan of the "Howling Demon Cat"?
Jason: I'm not. Oh, and tell Dick to stop giving him milk. Cats are lactose intolerant.
Barbara: So's Dick, but that's never stopped him
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disniq · 2 years
Some things we know about the Gotham Knights universe;
Jason was murdered at 16, and came back as Red Hood two years later with total amnesia of the years in between.
Bruce's reports after his 'confrontation' with Red Hood say "...after that shock came hope. He's still driven by a sense of justice"
Nobody says Joker's name. He's referred to as "[Harley's] ex", "her former partner in crime", "that monster" and "[Jason's] killer". That's it.
There are several conversations about Jason's trauma both in cutscenes and background belfry convos, and they all focus on either the amnesia and missing time or the Lazarus pit and its after-effects. No mention of his actual murder.
The GCPD report on Red Hood considers Batman's acceptance of him as "proving Batman's methods are inconsistent, and his moral high ground is for show".
We know GK Bruce is willing to bend his no killing rule when his protégés are at risk because Ra's threatening to kill them is why he blows the batcave in the opening scene, with the intention to kill both himself *and* Ra's
So, theory;
Some version of utrh happened in this universe, where Bruce let Jason kill the Joker and then he stayed to bring Jason back home afterwards anyway
Basically, GK Jason is what we get when utrh isn't written as a second end for Jason but a second beginning
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arobinwithoutbatman · 8 months
@thejestersiren from [x]
Well... this was awkward. This is what he got for trying to take the normal way out of a building. There was a perfectly good window right there but noooooo, he decided to be nice and take the elevator cause it's cold out and letting in the cold air wasn't fair on who he'd just visited. And now he was stuck in a broken elevator with Harley. Harley wasn't all bad; a huge annoyance and he was still a little disappointed after that last stunt but typically not one to be overly worried about. Unless she had her hammer. Then he could worry because that thing hurt.
With nothing else to do, he simply sat down and put a finger to his ear.
"Belfry? I'm gonna be a little bit. ...don't ask how, I'm not sure, but the elevator broke down and I'm stuck inside. Pretty sure it's a power surge of some kind? Might wanna check the nearby neighborhoods for Regulator activity. Uh huh... mhm... yeah I'm fine, just mildly embarrassing. Cool, I'll check back in when I'm free."
He hung up and sat in silence for a few until Harley started an equally awkward conversation. "I go visit people in Arkham about once a week." He replied with a small smile. It was the safest thing to admit to. "Harvey and Ed mostly, occasionally Tetch. I had wondered why I hadn't heard anything about you recently. You doing alright?"
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luxaofhesperides · 2 years
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miirshroom · 9 months
The Unreality of the Erdtree
It seems quite intentional that the Erdtree in the present is a phantom, and the physical tree burned long ago. This can be seen most clearly from Liurnia when the moon shines through the tree, as seen from the Four Belfries. Recent investigations on the utter darkness that occurs during the late night fog in Liurnia (also at the Four Belfries) has revealed that despite its bright appearance the tree is not acting as a radiant light source. If it was, then the light would have diffused through the fog. And this is confirmed by people who have examined the game files.
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Some other places that I have observed the Erdrtree as transparent are on the Bellum Highway bridge into Raya Lucaria, at the location where Yura can be encountered (cloudy morning at time of observation):
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In Limgrave, slight transparency seen at the back side of the Artist's Shack (standing on top of the mushroom there):
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And in Caelid from the vantage point of the Nomadic Merchant (Caelid South) who sells the Champion set:
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An even more radical proposal is that as an object of faith not even the gold phantom tree is visible to anyone but us, the Tarnished who can see the Guidance of Grace.
One piece of evidence for this is that Boc is excited to see the tree upon reaching Leyndell, which is an odd thing to say considering that we've always seen the tree (this point raised by the Tarnished Archaeologist on YouTube, who also goes over the evidence for the first burning of the Erdtree in his video "The 3 Creeds of the Erdtree").
This raises the question that if the Erdtree was burned long ago and the existing form is known to be an illusion, then why does no-one say anything about it - not even the non-believers? Or at least, no one starts a direct conversation about it - there are some subtle hints that we see something that no-one else does. And there are a few possible reasons why no-one talks about the Erdtree having burned before:
None of the Tarnished directly witnessed the burning. This would actually be a very good timeline marker because it would mean that the Tarnished were all sent off before it happened. When they return they see and accept the Golden Tree at first like we do, but probably at some point through the journey they one by one loose that ability and turn to disbelief. The Tarnished who survived long enough that we meet them are the ones savvy enough to realize that this is an Emperor's New Clothes situation - all of the general inhabitants of the world who remain loyal to the Erdtree are pretending that all is well with the object of their faith.
The finger-readers are blind. Were they blind before the tree was burned, or did they blind themselves so that they would not need to acknowledge that the Erdtree was burned a long time ago? Unclear. They are very insistent that burning the Erdtree is the First Cardinal sin which is either premonition or based on past events. (The finger reader at Leyndell asks "surely you see it too? The gold that enshrouds the heavens. The great tree which begets the pillars of light. " with regards to the tree. An odd statement to make if there was no doubt of the tree's existence)
The Commoners no longer have their wits (see Commoner's Headband). They would need to be witless to deceive themselves that the great glowing tree is real as if the burning never happened.
Morgott...I think he knows that the Erdtree burned and only a stump remains. I think maybe he envies the Tarnished - another being who was discarded as unworthy but is still granted grace to see the Golden Tree. He's the Emperor for whom the Commoners go through the motions of still having faith, but rather than being merely gullible like the Emperor of the story he is a ruthless tyrant who assassinates and imprisons dissidents.
As I'm familiar with the way that illusions are handled in Pathfinder 2e, disbelieving an illusion and dispelling an illusion are different actions. A perfect illusion will appear and perhaps even feel like a solid object depending on the strength of the spell, but disbelieving this illusion does not make the visual aspect disappear. It may cause the image to appear fuzzy or indistinct similar to the partial transparency of the Erdtree.
It seems to me that the Erdtree may be an illusion for the benefit of the Tarnished player that is believed or disbelieved by consensus. The stronger the faith of the people surrounding any given vantage point, the more solid it appears, but the illusion will never disappear completely for anyone as long as the Elden Ring exists. Melina "burning" the Erdtree is less of a burning of a physical object than it is of modifying the illusion or replacing it with a new one - after all the burning never progresses and consumes the tree no matter how long a player takes to defeat Radagon. It's the same for the Elden Lord endings, with each simply choosing the nature of their illusion.
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