#her and barbara’s convo was the better one of the four
avenging-gemini · 2 years
Lmao, I don’t know how I feel about that. Revealing who they are to Montoya? Her reaction to each of them was severely underwhelming.
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someonefantastic · 4 years
I Think I need a Doctor
Fun fact, I started this whole month out with a mini bucket list and this fic was one of two things on there. I really wanted to do some Karen whump since she is so underrated and this idea spawned during a convo about Deez Nups with the psych discord. It's a little different from my usual but I hope y'all enjoy it nonetheless! Summary: Fun fact, I started this whole month out with a mini bucket list and this fic was one of two things on there. I really wanted to do some Karen whump since she is so underrated and this idea spawned during a convo about Deez Nups with the psych discord. It's a little different from my usual but I hope y'all enjoy it nonetheless! Warnings: hospitals, miscarriage, nausea, blood also on ao3 (recommended cause this gets long) ___ Karen sighed. The women’s restroom in the police department wasn’t the most ideal place but it had been an extremely long day and she needed answers. All week she had been feeling tired and nauseous- frankly, she would have chalked it up to sickness but then she remembered that she had also missed her period which caused her thoughts to go elsewhere.
That was at 8 am and since then, she had been called down to a murder scene, the victim turned out to be an old police chief, had to deal with two ex-cops butting heads with her consultants, and comfort her detective after some sexist remarks. So she shoved the thought to the back of her head- or at least tried to. But the curiosity remained growing bit by bit. Eventually, the anticipation became too great and she had used much of her break running to the drug store and waiting in the women’s restroom.
Glancing at her watch for what felt like the millionth time, she took a deep breath noting that the three minutes were finally up. Her hands shook as she picked up the small piece of plastic, stilling herself for what answers it might hold. Her eyes widened as she saw the results.
Two clear pink lines.
She was pregnant.
Naturally, she’d have to confirm it with a doctor first but judging by all of her other symptoms, she was pretty sure it was true.
Leaning heavily against the stall door, reality started to sink in. A smile began to spread across her face, her breath coming out in huffy laughter.
“Holy crap, I’m pregnant.” She breathed, staring at the results, her heart beating rapidly. Her smile had turned into a full out grin, joy rising in her chest. She and Richard hadn’t exactly been trying but they weren’t being safe either. They had always wanted another kid but due to both of their ages, had never really thought it would happen. But now…
She resisted the urge to jump up and down. She couldn’t wait to tell Richard. ___ Walking through the front door, she barely paused to throw her keys in the bowl and shed her heels before seeking out her husband. She found him tucking Iris into bed and paused in the doorway to watch them. He was reading the four-year-old a story- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, her favorite- but the peaceful atmosphere was short-lived as her daughter saw her.
“Mommy!” She yelled, reaching out with grabby hands and Karen smiled, pushing off of the doorway to sit on her bed beside her.
“Hello sweetheart, I’m sorry I’m late.”
“Isokay.” Iris shrugged before giving her a gap-tooth smile. “Did you catch any bad guys?”
“Tons of them.” She leaned forward, placing a kiss on her daughter’s forehead. “Did you have fun with daddy?”
“Mhmm,” She nodded vigorously, “We went to the park and had hot dogs and I fell off the swings!”
Karen raised an eyebrow at her husband who smiled sheepishly, “It was just a small fall, she’s okay.”
“I got a Wonder Woman bandaid, wanna see?” Karen didn’t have time to blink before the covers were pushed back and her pajama pants leg was rolled up, revealing a red bandaid on her knee. “Can you kiss it better?”
After exchanging amused looks with Richard, she bent down, pressing her lips against the wound. “There… all better.”
“Thank you,” Iris beamed, settling back into bed. “You can read more daddy.”
Richard laughed, “Sure thing pumpkin.”
After two more books- because of course, Iris needed her mom to read also- she and Richard gave their daughter one last kiss. Bidding their goodnights, they shut the door a little behind them, finally alone. Karen was suddenly very aware of just how nervous she was. It was big, life-changing news and while she was excited, it still made her stomach clench with anticipation and anxiety.
They made their way into the bedroom, out of earshot of their little one, before Richard turned around, arms crossed as he leaned casually against the bed. “So, how was work, really? I mean, obviously, you had to work late.”
“Yeah,” She sighed, shedding her suit coat and tossing it in the hamper. “An ex-police chief got murdered and now he’s suspected of laundering drugs. You can imagine the kind of PR nightmare this is gonna be.”
He frowned nose wrinkling, “That does not sound fun. I’m sorry.”
She shrugged, “Well hopefully our detectives and consultants come up with something.” She shook her head, giving a little wave. “But enough with work, I have something I need to tell you.” Shifting a little, she bit her lip.
Sitting up straighter, he raised an eyebrow, clearly picking up on her mood. “Yeah? What?”
“Well…” She started, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the pregnancy test that had weighed heavily there for most of the afternoon. “I’m pregnant.”
His jaw dropped, eyes going wide and she thought for a brief second that he may have been upset. But his face quickly broke out into a smile, leaping off the bed and pulling her into his arms.
“Holy crap, we’re gonna have another kid.” He gasped, burying his nose into her hair.
“Yeah…” The tears of joy that had been threatening to fall all afternoon finally did fall, slipping down her cheeks to land on his shirt.
They were going to be parents again, their family was going to grow. It was amazing and wonderful and she just couldn’t wait. ___ The next few weeks were a whirlwind of babies and cases. An appointment with her doctor confirmed that yes indeed she was pregnant, putting her at about four weeks along. She half-listened to his warnings about overexerting herself since miscarriage at her age was so common but she waved away those doubts. There was no use worrying over something that hopefully wouldn’t happen.
Shortly after that, they sat Iris down and told her the news. She was elated at the idea that she was going to be a big sister almost instantly berating her parents with an onslaught of questions about the baby. For the next two weeks straight, all her drawings were of her and her brother or sister.
As for her and Richard, they were thriving. They both decided to not tell any of their coworkers or extended family until the second trimester, not wanting to get any of their hopes up in the off chance that something went wrong. But they didn’t have any fear. Keeping the knowledge just to their little family made the whole experience feel more intimate. Sure they did have a few slips ups- especially since Iris couldn’t keep a secret- and she noticed her detectives giving her a few odd looks every now and again, particularly when she left early for a doctor’s appointment- but for the most part, the knowledge stayed between the three of them.
Between pulling Iris’ old baby stuff out of the attic, taking vitamins, working, and getting morning sickness, it felt like Karen’s life had gone to a new level of crazy. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t love it. The idea of having another baby was exciting and fun and caused her to seek Richard out and steal a kiss or two on several occasions. Of course, some days weren’t as great, like when she’d feel sick all day or wouldn’t get home until late or Richard had to travel for work, but regardless, she was still happy.
Truth be told though, she barely had enough time to focus on the baby or any preparations due to her job. It seemed like lately the crazies were just getting crazier. Not only did she have to deal with a hostage situation- on a boat of all things- two convicts wound up escaping, launching a manhunt. Then after that, there was a serial killer who was picking off people from a liver donation list, her consultants started acting weird, and somehow they wound up implicated in aiding an enemy agent. Of course, the Feds had to be called in which was a nightmare in of itself, and then her detective asked for two weeks off- which she was more than happy to give to her considering everything O’Hara had been through as of late- which was shortly followed by a retraction and a request to aid her partner in extraditing a convinced criminal back to the states.
So to say life was crazy may have been an understatement. It was downright insane.
On top of all of that, she had started feeling worse and worse and she worried for her unborn baby, fearing that getting sick could cause problems. But, luckily, she had a rare Saturday off and she was insistent on using it to relax and spend time with her daughter and husband.
And she did exactly that.
Sitting outside in the warm fall Santa Barbara air, she smiled, watching Iris run around the yard. Her daughter was playing her new favorite game, doggy princess, which basically was her running around and doing dog-like things. Laughing, Karen sent a content smile at her husband who exchanged the look and reached out a hand to cover hers.
“I can’t wait for Iris to have a sibling.” He squeezed her hand and her smile grew.
She glanced down, her hand rested on her stomach, fingers brushing the very small bump. “Me too, it’ll be good for her to have a playmate.”
He hummed in agreement, picking up her hand to press his lips against it. “I love you, dear.”
“I love you too.”
Turning back to their daughter, she frowned as her stomach clenched for what felt like the hundredth time that day. She had felt crampy pretty much all morning and well into the afternoon but had shaken it off. She worried that it would turn into morning sickness- after all, it had been a few days since she last got sick and she wasn’t looking forward to that again. She was never one to feed into her worries though and figured that if it continued into the next day, then she would call her doctor.
She turned her head, looking at her husband through tired eyes and he frowned. “Still feeling bad?”
She nodded lazily, “I guess I forgot how much being pregnant can suck sometimes.”
He gave a short laugh, leaning forward to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “It’ll all be worth it though.”
“You bet your butt it will.”
She closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her. She wasn’t planning on taking a nap- after all a four-year-old made that particularly difficult- but resting her eyes seemed like a good idea. With a sigh, she relaxed, letting her stress and worry ease away.
She didn’t get very far into her quiet time before she felt a warm wetness between her legs. Groaning, she stood up and started walking towards the house.
“Where are you going?” Richard asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think I wet myself.” When his eyes widened, she rolled hers. “Remember? It happened all the time when I was pregnant with Iris. It’s just my luck that it’d happen with this one too.”
He frowned, “I’m sorry darling.”
“It’s fine,” She shrugged, “I’ll meet you inside for snack time?”
“Of course.”
She sighed again as she headed into the living room and snagged a clean pair of underwear from the laundry basket- thankful for once that she put off doing chores. Wandering into the downstairs bathroom, she stripped out of her pants and peeled back her panties, blood running cold. They were stained with a dark red.
She quickly changed, hands moving of their own accord as her mind raced. Exiting the bathroom, she made wide-eyed contact with her husband who paused his trek into the kitchen, picking up on her distress.
“What’s wrong?”
Swallowing heavily, her hands gripped the doorframe, knuckles turning white. “I think I need a doctor.” ___ The wait in the ER had been quick- only lasting about ten minutes- but to Karen, time crawled by. Waiting for the test results was even worse, the nurse had hastily taken blood, asked a few questions, then rushed off. Iris had been dropped off at her nephew’s house with little explanation which left the two of them to their thoughts and worries.
She wrung her hands, a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. It felt weird sitting on a hospital bed, after all the last time she had been in the hospital was when Iris was born and those memories did little to quell her nerves. Richard stood behind her, hands working her shoulders and she was grateful for his presence. If he had been on a business trip… she shook her head, now wasn’t the time for what-ifs.
“It’ll be okay.” She heard him say, though she wasn’t sure if it was to her or himself.
She didn’t have the heart to reply nor did she need to as a knock sounded on the door.
“Come in,” Richard called and a doctor walked in, holding a clipboard close to his chest.
“Chief Vick, Mr. Vick,” He greeted with a nod of his head. “My name is Dr. Phillips, I’m sorry for the wait.”
“It’s okay,” She replied, “Thank you for seeing us so quickly.”
“Well with something so-” He waved his free hand, “Serious, we wanted to get you in fast.”
Her stomach clenched. “Serious?”
He nodded solemnly. “Yes. I’m terribly sorry for this news but your blood work- and symptoms described- indicated that you’re having a miscarriage.”
Even though she had her suspicions, the words still hit her hard, knocking the air from her lungs. Her blood ran cold and she felt like she might throw up. Their child- the kid that they had been so excited about- was gone.
“In addition to your miscarriage,” He continued and she glanced up, barely registering his words, “Due to your age, I’m afraid you won’t be able to have any more children without serious complications. I’m very sorry.”
It felt like a punch to the gut, except she had experienced those before and this was so much worse. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. The world was falling apart around her, crashing to pieces. Her fingers found Richard’s, holding his hand as if her life depended on it- right now it felt like it did.
“Do- do you know the gender?” Richard spoke up, his voice sounding distant and shaky.
Dr. Phillips nodded, “While it’s not one-hundred percent accurate, the results of some blood tests indicate that the baby would have been a boy.”
“A boy.” He whispered, and her heart twisted again. They could have had a boy.
“I’ll give you two a few minutes.” The doctor said, though she barely registered his words.
Once he left the room, Richard climbed onto the bed, legs on either side of her, and wrapped his arms around her stomach, burning her face into her neck. She couldn’t even relax into his touch though, her body too stiff, too shocked to even move. Numbness felt all-consuming aside from the constant ache in her abdomen, stomach cramping with broken dreams- a signal that what they had longed for had officially come to an end.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until he wiped at her tears with his thumb and suddenly, all her emotions couldn’t get out fast enough. Her face crashed into her palms as sobs wracked her body. Behind her, she felt Richard tremble, his own tears beginning to fall. Her chest ached, lungs heaving as she grieved- because that’s what this really was, it was grieving. Grieving the loss of their unborn son, grieving the opportunity to have another child, grieving the joy that would have come with it.
They sobbed for what felt like hours until tears no longer fell and her cries turned to dry heaving. Her sleeves and back were wet, soaked by their combined tears but she didn’t care, too focused on the ache inside her chest. Leaning against him, she took a shuddered breath and he wrapped his arms across her chest, her hands coming up to grip his forearms.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “I lost our baby.”
She could feel him shake his head. “Absolutely not Karen.” His voice was scratchy from unuse. “You didn’t lose anything. It happens.”
“It happened to us.” She took another shaking breath. “We were going to have a son.”
He sniffled. “I know.”
The pain increased as a thought crossed her mind, “How do we tell Iris?”
His breath hitched, “I don’t know… oh gosh this sucks so much.”
Nodding mutely, she closed her eyes, letting stray tears slip down her cheeks. “How are we going to get through this?” She mumbled.
“I don’t know,” He repeated, “but we’ll get through this together. We always do.”
Swallowing roughly, she nodded. “Thank you for being here… I love you.”
“I love you too. For better or for worse remember?”
“For better or for worse.” She echoed. ___ Two years later and the pain had faded, though not completely. Some days seeing mothers with new babies or families with lots of kids brought her back to that hospital- to pouring her emotions out on that bed and feeling that pain. But time had gone by, Iris was 6 now having recently started first grade, she was still chief and loving it. Life was still moving forward, and definitely for the better.
Her head detective was getting married and she sat in a dressing room, watching his bride-to-be get ready for her big day. She talked about how excited she was to be marrying him and Karen smiled, reflecting on her own wedding day all those years ago. She knew first hand that marriage had its ups and downs and she didn’t hesitate to tell the woman exactly that- about her occasional dreams of running away to the South of France, about Richard’s failed attempts to make eggs florentine or how he knew exactly what she needed on a stressful day. Her heart twisted and she yearned to tell them all about her miscarriage, that even in the hard times, it would all be worth it but she stopped, knowing that now wasn’t the time.
Instead, she began talking about what might have been. About her dreams of Richard being there for the birth of their child- about their son. “Oh, or that day when he walks into your hospital room holding your newborn son, and he will lay him gently on your chest, and he tells you that you look beautiful, even though you know you look like hell frozen over…” They chuckled and she smiled fondly, “And it all will be worth it.”
The moment was cut short as the maid of honor began complaining about her parole officer but she didn’t mind, jumping on the opportunity to help out- and thankful for the distraction. And later, when her detective cornered her, asking about why she said son when Iris exists, she didn’t hesitate to share what happened, reminding her that all relationships had pain but often the pain was worth it.
Watching her detectives dance and party, she smiled. Yes, she didn’t get to have more kids but her family wasn’t small. While the pain was still there, there was also hope. She had found her family and while it was unconventional, she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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xlbi · 7 years
this blog is mostly abandoned but i remember i did one of these last year so in keeping with tradition (im gonna queue this for new years):
good things in 2017
-took my lgbtq class, met lots more Gays 
-started volunteering with LAD
-first tattoo!!!
-in total three tattooooos (especially the bambi one, still takes my breath away how something so beautiful is now a part of me permanently)
-took two speech classes that i think actually helped me with public speaking? also i got to meet lots of cool people, even if pretty much the only ones i still talk to are jack/charles/sometimes ash (related: got my med card even though i dont even smoke anymore)
-LA trip!! saw khalid live; lots of beach time; met Tony the Uber driver, arguably the best person in the whole wide world
-reconnected with l.yang and viv
-a lot of firsts wrt dating (related: got the implant and with it peace of mind for the next four years)
-clear lake road trip aka my beer pong debut
-visiting pittsburgh!! phipps conservatory is beautiful, the milkshake factory is life-changing, also i was introduced to kunal’s livestream which shall henceforth be my alternative to therapy
-started taking the bus which really does open things up, short of actually learning to drive
-palOOza (also, became a level 4 counselor)
-restarted meds (good thing?? still up in the air but at least if i ever need some extra cash i can just sell my addy and klonopin lmfao) (just kidding @the nsa agent reading my blog)
-finally finished moving and settled into my new room which i love and is full of plants and flowers (related: being able to go to the farmer’s market near the new place and how the flower stand guy recognizes me now c:)
-started playing the piano again and volunteering for seniors, turns out playing music is very relaxing and fulfilling
-my soc class and professor and my (kind of) reintroduction to art! being invited to collaborate with her on future art projects!
-baby’s first vibrator lol lol 
-got a job!! with unexpectedly high pay thank ya city of sunnyvale and your skyhigh minimum wage
-nice weekend in santa barbara!! ucsb is unbelievably gorgeous; my dumb lactose intolerant ass had a fantastic sundae/milkshake and somehow only a tiny bit of diarrhea lmao; watched the sunrise and it was beautiful even though we were freezing and tired; dproct had so many bops?? anyway this leads into:
-six months with a cute sweet boy who sends me mixtapes and makes me feel safe and loved and is a very good kisser to boot. we had a difficult convo about my eating last night and hes always so kind and patient and i know hes trying v hard and my heart is full
goals for 2018 
(i pretty much didn’t achieve any of the ones i listed for 2017 ha.. but here’s hoping this year will be better)
-driver’s license....... said this last year too but alas
-get into a school, really any school (YEE its not even 2018 yet but since i wrote this post ive gotten accepted to one whole school!!! im revising this to get into two (2) schools so i can actually ~choose)
-get tattooed by jess in january please please (this one is not entirely under my control but please please)
-remember to say thank you to the bus driver every! time! 
-open up more about my mental health (with him but also just in general), stop withdrawing so much when i’m feeling bad
-restart therapy
-get a coverup for my existing scars, stop making more 
-find an occasion to wear that dress!
-spend more time with pups
-be more patient with my mom
-learn to play more songs
-stay alive
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