#that I haven't discovered yet
goliig68 · 1 year
19 days fic rec pt.2
Making pt.2 cuz I couldn't add all of my favourite fics here( again, with no particular order )
Mark My Love by ria_green
( E | 12,525 | 9/? )
He Tian gently holds Mo Guanshan by the neck, thumb pressing into where a bond bite might one day appear.
Shivering, Mo Guanshan shoves him away. "Go do that with an omega, idiot."
Note: a funny omegaverse story. Don't let the omegaverse title put you off it's seriously very funny and cute. I love the interactions between guan shan and jian yi😂 he tian and zhen xi too! I swear they all have weirdest dynamics!
It will come back by mgsdays (regencyaus)
( E | 44,417 | 12/12 )
He Tian leaving on self-protection, after Jian Yi's disappearance, makes Mo scared enough to make a move. They stumble into something together just as He Tian leaves the country, and they have to figure things out long-distance while waiting for He Tian to come back.
Mo's known the gist of it since the dawn of his puberty. Water's wet, sky is blue, Mo's sexual desires are intertwined with his complicated feelings for He Tian. Big deal.
But the reality of it is- something else. This is something else entirely.
Did you miss me? – H
Barely noticed. - MGS
...did you? - MGS
Every minute of every day. - H
How the fuck does He Tian just say those things? Doesn't he feel embarrassed? Mo thinks he's feeling embarrassed for him, and he didn't even write it. He stares at the words until his phone light goes out, and then he turns it on again and stares some more.
Note: an amazing reunion au. I think author did a great job at handling tianshan's long-distance relationship and all of that mafia stuff. I think this fic has to be In everyone's "to read" list👌
nothing fucks with my baby by figglypudding
( E | 23,897 | 3/3 )
unexpectedly, and in the most unlikely of places, mo stumbles upon a reunion he'd long given up on.
but how can he heal when he's only just begun to acknowledge the hurt?
Note: another reunion au. But angstier and so much sadder😭 but it's happy ending, so all of that sadness was worth going through.
swimming in the blood by powerandpathos
( M | 29,455 | 1/1 )
Guan Shan’s nose wrinkles. ‘I sing like I mean it. I don’t sing it ‘cause I want everyone else to hear. That’s Jian Yi’s thing.’
’And what’s your thing?’
He Tian holds his gaze. Street lamps and car headlights are mirrored in the amber surface of Guan Shan’s eyes, and He Tian can see his own shadowed silhouette in his irises, a blocky shape of darkness with no detail. For some reason, that bothers him.
‘Still figurin’ that out,’ Guan Shan says.
Note: rock band au. Sex, drama and rock 'n roll. No drugs lol. This fic in in my top 10 favourite 19 days fics, And it is so underrated!! Go read it, it's truly wonderful!
nail House by powerandpathos
( M | 13,309 | 1/1 )
‘God,’ Guan Shan mutters. He pushes himself up onto his elbows. His thighs are still trembling, and he rolls his ankles. ‘You fuckin’ love control, don’t you?’
He Tian sits back on his haunches. ‘Have you seen my family?’
‘I don’t wanna talk about your family right now.’ Guan Shan huffs. ‘Bet you can’t fuckin’ stand that I have to drive you about, right?’
‘I got used to it. It’s a shame the car isn’t a manual. I’ve enjoyed seeing your hand around the gear stick.’
Note: Triad au/driver!Guan shan. One of my favourite aus! I really enjoyed reading it, so I read it 3 more time.
hook, line, and sinker by fayre
( Gen | 3,673 | 1/1 )
“So everything that happened,” Guan Shan says, trying and failing to keep a steady tone, “The shopping, the barbeque — everything was just because you didn’t want to go home alone? That's pretty damn convoluted if you ask me.”
He Tian huffs, amused. “Not exactly. I had nothing planned; no expectations. I just wanted to be with you.”
a post-chapter 292 drabble (the day after the BBQ/sleepover at the He family estate.)
Note: i loved all of the calm feelings I got from this fic. The descriptions of atmosphere and everything around them was so detailed that I literally could feel them too. It was very gentle and pure you know?
allergy season by fayre
( T | 6,506 | 1/1 )
“You know, they say that sneezing a lot means you’re on someone’s mind.”
“Yeah?” Guan Shan says a bit drily, sniffing hard. “Then what a fuckin’ shame.”
He Tian watches him. “For you?”
“For the bastard unfortunate enough to have gotten me on their mind,” Guan Shan answers, walking again. He hates how nasally and gross his voice sounds, and the back of his throat feels sore. “If someone’s thinkin’ of me this fuckin’ much, it can’t be good news for either of us. Trust me.”
“Ah,” He Tian says, and then nothing more.
a post-chapter 348 oneshot (the He Tian & dog chapter).
Note: man...i remember reading this fic hoping that one day, we get a love confession and kiss scene between he tian and guan shan (and now we fucking have it)
Knee high, stage fright (even if you're alright) by fayre
( Gen | 5,383 | 1/1 )
It’s no longer about what He Tian thinks; it’s about what he knows. And he knows Guan Shan — at least on a foundational level — and he knows how Guan Shan doesn’t just ask when he needs. He knows how Guan Shan doesn’t talk but doesn’t listen, either. He knows that Guan Shan doesn’t always think rationally but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think, and he knows how his body goes on autopilot before his thoughts cause him to malfunction and crash and burn.
He knows.
After all, it's the little things that add up. He Tian can only pray that they won't come crashing back down.
(or: no matter how hard he may try, guan shan can't hide all his problems. fluff ensues.)
Note: a soft and cute tianshan oneshot, with a little bit of angst but it's mostly fluff. I loved the ending, it melted my heart and brought smile to my lips🫠❤
singing in red by starlightstarshine
( T | 27,204 | 6/6 )
In which He Tian is the bassist for the most popular band in the world and Guan Shan is only doing modelling so that he could get enough money to pay for his next meal (based on that art by Old Xian).
Note: I love the fics where guan is head over heels for He tian haha😆
Tell Me On A Sunday by Llybian
( T | 1,501 | 1/1 )
He’d begun, with great difficulty, to accept all of this in his heart. But he still could do nothing. What was he supposed to do? Confess his feelings like a pathetic little schoolgirl? Not a chance.
But then again, what did he really suppose would happen if he told He Tian he “liked” him? Well, the world would end, for one. That was just a given. But beyond that, they’d probably just make out. There was really no chance of He Tian shooting him down or saying this was all just some long con.
Despite that. He just couldn’t.
Note: I think by summary everyone can get a brief foresight that what this fic is about. In my opinion, this fic is very real and in character.
Bites by Asfodel
( M | 24,263 | 7/? )
Turning to look at the black sky, he let his mind wander to a place he tried not to visit too often. To the last words Guan Shan heard He Tian say in that dim corridor.
« I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I love you, I’ll fix it, I’m sorry. »
Like a mantra.
or a rewrite of their reunion a few years after high school, basically disregarding the Christmas chapters. Side of ZhengYi, angsty but with a healthy dose of fluff, tags will be updated as the story goes.
Note: reunion au. It's such a beautiful but heartbreaking story. I love author's writing style, it captures feelings perfectly👌
A dog by Alien_Kitsune
( E | 50,000 | 10/10 )
Mo Guanshan and He Tian didn't meet in the school and each went his own way. Several years passed and Mo became a criminal. But on the verge of death destiny surprises him.
Two broken men who are still trying to find themselves in this world were always fated to find each other.
Note: mafia au. Thanks to @maruuzen for recommending me this fic!❤ I really loved the process of tianshan's relationship development. I'm sure that's how their relationship would go if they didn't meet at middle school, and/or he tian joined his family business, just like how it's stated in fic, fate brought them together. also it's angsty (of course) so be warned.
Dawn Rising by powerandpathos
( E | 78,968 | 13/? )
An Historical Fantasy AU—A poisoning; a death; a thief. A prince struggling to be a prince. A guard trying to stop one from getting killed. And everyone else on the sidelines. It has never been so hard to navigate the court of an empire when not everyone can survive.
Note: my favourite historical fantasy au, the plot, the drama, the characters it's just_ugh👌💞 unfortunately, this fic is probably abandoned, but don't let that stop you from reading it, even though it's unfinished, I think this fic is still amazing.
Cold On The Inside by incorrect19days
( E | 4,879 | 6/6 )
‘Look at me.’
He Tian instructed softly.
He took a deep shuddering breath and opened his eyes.
Note: a short and oh-so-beautiful story. It's a little bit sad but it's happy end, or hopeful ending better to say.
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imclou · 6 months
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@head-in-the-icloud's Dawn and Dusk doodles from last week's magma. Drawing them is so satisfying istg, my hand cramped really bad but i held on til the end for that sweet sweet dopamine
|| Ref Sheet ||
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Also this little ref sheet i made back in December.
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skrunksthatwunk · 10 months
average putty sermon
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rubashev · 2 months
everything is very bad and very awful all the time but sometimes it all eventually just becomes very funny in retrospect. and also there's art you haven't seen and weird animals you don't know about and gay sex you haven't had yet and this is reason enough to continue on. telling myself this nightly
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oldbutchdaniel · 2 months
random question but what’re some of your fav songs that remind you of devil’s minion? i’m trying to build a playlist and only have like 2 songs 😩
okay you're so real so i will link my Very Unfinished devil's minion playlist but to me these are The Songs for them:
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bossladytae · 2 years
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Sakamoto Tatsuma (Gintama) & Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
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buggbuzz · 10 months
my gender is like meat leaf i think. boy materials in the structure of girl. like im a girl made out of boy things but not in a transman way like i like being female im just. a girl-leaning boygirl. maybe??
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#u dont understand ive been insisting to all of my friends for like 6 years that im NOT a trans man#i cannot be proven wrong at this point i'll lose it#and anyways im not actually a guy#im definitely a girl just like. a type of girl that scientists haven't discovered yet#and that sounds like a joke but im soooo fucking serious#im a fucking student geneticist dude#i think theres some autosomal gene (or probably multiple) that regulate gender in convoluted ways#probably linked and i think there's probably multiple types of fem and masc genders not to mention non fem OR masc genders#codominant? incomplete dominance? is it different on different scales?#its a completely possible and furthermore plausible concept like from my perspective it'd be really weird if gender genetics weren't a thing#i think theyve already lowkey been proven to be a thing cause of that paper comparing trans brains to cis brains#& finding a link where trans men had a certain section that was the same as cis men#and that same section in trans women was the same in cis women#its an OLD study too#anyways i want to research this one day but i also dont because i dont trust humanity with that information#but if i found proof that it exists maybe it could seriously back trans people with scientific evidence#not that they should fucking NEED it testimony should be fucking good enough#ive been bio obsessed since i was born and im a natural skeptic#but when i was 11 i asked a trans person i knew like 2 fucking questions and they answered me and i was like 'yeah this makes sense'#figured anything that didnt make sense was just something i didnt understand yet#and now that im older and in college level biology and genetics classes i know i was right#it would be really really weird if trans people didnt exist did you know that? all the kinds too like nb genderfluid agender genderq demi#i dont fucking care it makes SENSE#'nonbinary' was a good term to adopt because it really just fits perfectly#nothing in biology is ever ever ever truly binary especially not a neurological and psychological phenomenon#especially not in a species with a brain so overly complex and tangled up like HOMO SAPIENS??#are you kidding?? the fact that we even have a concept of art and music let alone have talents and passions for them is proof alone dude#that shit doesn't help us survive its a modified version of pattern recognition and uncanny valley#combine that shit with the fact that intersex people exist?? like#nonbinary gender is literally the combination of intersexuality and human neurology
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pinkyjulien · 3 months
Tagged by @arcandoria MMWAH Thank you bb 👁👄👁
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
▶ Tagging, no pressure in doing it 🤏 @lokiina - @elvenbeard - @wraithsoutlaws - @cybersteal - @teddys-shion
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the mask that Light Yagami slathers on while he's in public feels like it was the result of asking someone who had been isolated in a bricked-off room for several years with nothing but a TV and a collection of Afterschool specials to build a person completely from scratch. he reads like a vague imitation of a human being that's been zipped into a pretty boy skin suit. "believe it or not, Ryuk, I'm actually a pretty popular guy-" I don't fucking know how, man. easily the most impressive thing that he ever managed to achieve, and yes, that includes his Almost Successful attempt at world domination.
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would you rather have dinosaurs or Transformers actually exist in the world today?
This was a very difficult choice, but I eventually decided (with a heavy heart) the non-avian dinosaurs had their chance, and that the implications of aliens being real and here too enormous for me to pass up
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hood-ex · 7 months
Sadly leafing through my Dick and Damian archive hoping I'll magically see a new piece of Dick and Damian art I've never seen before.
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neet-chan · 5 months
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this is literally me
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Psychic Scream You unleash the power of your mind to blast the intellect of up to ten creatures of your choice that you can see within range. Each target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 14d6 psychic damage and is stunned. If a target is killed by this damage, its head explodes (assuming it has one).
if her skill tree doesnt give her epic and fucked up new bard spells imma riot
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coquelicoq · 3 months
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so i found this Reece Shearsmith fan video edit in this site and i wanted to share with my Reece Shearsmith squad of beloved mutuals in case you haven't seen it yet
@local-blog-for-local-people @almost-born-in-1893 @a4chocolate @gavetheflamingswordaway @amalthea9 @whizbang-cap @furfurforever @lapis-lazuliie @lilac-paeonia @9leaguesofmirrors @elizabeth-gadge @insideroystonspsychos @haras24
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presidenttyler · 5 months
the weirdest, horniest shit i have ever read about 19th century politicians has been written by ostensibly straight middle aged men
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