#tharntype the series: ep 10
lutawolf · 1 year
TharnType Ep 6
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I know this is a long time coming, guys! I'm sorry. Things came up and Tharntype is not an easy series. It involves really thinking and looking below the surface. There are many layers to the book and the show. And for a while there, I just didn't have the energy.
Onto episode 6. Let's bring the pain episode. To recap, Type is making the change from victim to survivor. But with that change comes triggers and emotional upheaval. Which sadly but naturally has Type trying to get back to what he deemed normal.
We see Type smiling as he communicates back and forth with Fai. Sometimes we lie to ourselves, lie so strongly that even we believe. Yes, I'm back to normal! Yes, I'm happy! At least until something happens to show that we've been lying to ourselves.
We see Tharn telling Type that he knows what type of food he likes. Not because Type has told him, but because Tharn pays attention. This makes Type uncomfortable because it means something to him, and he doesn't want it to. You can see the struggle in the way he asks Tharn what he likes, but then tells him that he only asked one question. Type is struggling to put his walls back up.
What I love is that Tharn can see the small things and take them for the huge growths that they actually are. It's not easy to change guys, especially if it's changing your trauma protection techniques, even if they aren't good for you. Example: women think that they should be nice and friendly to men, that this will protect them. It's actually the opposite, being nice and friendly can often put us in dangerous situations. Things we know better than to do, but we don't want to appear rude and unfriendly or cause upset. But going into a hallway void of anyone but one man and few exits is stupid and dangerous. It should go against our survival instincts, but we've been conditioned to not hurt feelings. What other animal do you know that pretends to like their opposite sex when they feel threatened?
Now, for someone who has learned this lesson the hard way. Defenses are tight, high, and strong. Few people actually understand why, but I would argue that it's actually more naturally than how we are conditioned to behave. I get it, we're humans and social structure dictates friendliness, but at what cost? There has to be a middle ground, and it can be a struggle to find it.
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Tharn pays a lot of attention to Type. He knows what he normally behaves like, so he knows that Type is acting out of character. It makes him suspicious. Which he should be concerned, as we find out. Techno lets it slip. There is a huge blow up. Tharn tells Type that he is his, and Type hits him. Now what we have to figure out is if this is a trigger or not. You trigger someone with PTSD and it's dangerous. But Luta, he didn't hit those other people who triggered him! No, he didn't, he said nasty things but didn't hit. But Tharn is becoming Type's safe space and his constant. Those people can be in the most danger when someone with PTSD hasn't yet gotten the help they need. PTSD is emotional confusion with the past and the present. A stranger is easier to differentiate than someone close to you. I'm not saying this is right, I'm just explaining how the snap to violence can happen. It doesn't mean someone who loves us should accept it, it means we need help.
What we see from Tharn is actually pretty common of PTSD partners. More hurt than harm.
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Let's talk about the 10 rules for casual relationship: 1) Never get jealous. 2) No emotional involvement. 3) Don't cross the line. 4) Can become exclusive, but not necessarily. 5) Don't share partner with friends. 6) If a partner wants a real relationship but not with you, then don't cause a ruckus. 7) Don't be overly attentive. 8) Both partners can have many lovers. 9) BF/GF is priority. 10) If caught. Game over.
This screams the need for control. Type is feeling out of control right now, and that's something he needs badly. It also says that he doesn't really want a gf, he just wants control back. You see this especially in his talk with Techno because the last thing he wants is for Tharn to get over him.
Tharn really knows Type. He's calling his bluff. Then Type says he isn't coming to his gig, so he thinks he has lost.
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I truly love this series, and it's for the raw moments like this. I've talked before about the fact that there are couples who burn bright. Who need the drama because drama has been such a large part of them that they don't know how to live without it. That's this couple. In a normal relationship, Tharn would smoother his partner and Type would constantly be fighting with an outside source. That would traumatize that partner, but together, they are balanced and happy. Maybe they aren't healthy, but relationships are made up of behaviors, and all behaviors can be characterized as healthy, unhealthy, or abusive. However, the behaviors may look different for different people, and what is unhealthy for one person may be abusive or healthy for another.
Type is telling Tharn what happened, and he says, "The slap was nothing compared to what I did to her." I've said it a million times, but Type is actually a very good person. He just isn't perfect. He doesn't fit the moral standards that everyone thinks he should, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He is a person still on the road to growth. As Tharn says, "Type has some self awareness."
A shy Type is adorable. And they are now official.
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This moment is everything. It's Type pushing his way out of his comfort zone. Showing Tharn that he is trying.
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Giving a protected piece of himself to Tharn. Letting him know that he trusts him. From the way Tharn gulps and says Type's name, it's everything he has ever wanted from Type.
They are far from a perfect couple, but they are perfect for each other.
That's it for episode 6. Drop me some likes and comments to let me know that you want me to keep going! 💜💜💜
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi! Sorry in advance for how long this post is going to be. I have so many things to ask.
I'm mostly obsessed with Thai BLs at the moment, but I do want to diversify, so what are the top recommendations for Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese? I don't like too much angst or conflict. As in, I could barely get through series like Theory of Love and Never Let Me Go.
Your BL linguistics and honourifics posts helped me a lot when I was but a newbie in this world. Ah, good times. Anyways. What I wanted to ask is, taking inspiration from, and with (credited) reference to your posts, can i make a post of my own? It will only be on Thai. I just want to compile all the things I've learnt so far.
I was sniffing around MyDramaList (for reasons) and found Water Boyy. Is it worth watching? Also, Boys over Flowers (F4 version). I really don't want to watch het romance unless it's really, really good.
You don't have to answer this, it's just for my own curiosity. I'm thinking of making a EarthMix TharnType AU with role reversal. So far I have Mix as Tharn, Earth as Type (yes, i got the idea from Love by Chance), Tay or New as Thorn (Tong is so much better as Tankhun. Also, in this, Thorn is also ver gay, hence TayNew), Love or Film as Thanya, and of course, the crowning gem, Neo Trai as Techno. Question is, who should I cast as Lhong (better if its GMMTV since i know them best, but other agencies are also good.)
Last but definitely not least, I respect you a lot. And i love your blog. Irrelevant, but I wanted to ask, how was today's Boss and Babe (ep. 4)?
Moving on from Thai BL
1a. I'm mostly obsessed with Thai BLs at the moment, but I do want to diversify, so what are the top recommendations for Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese?
Sure thing. Read the descriptions of my top 10, they will let you know how soft the different dramas are. (I like soft and sweet a lot myself, so there are always many in there).
This one needs to be updated, I added quite a few more to my 9/10 list for Korea since then. But with Our Dating Sim and The New Employee this year is going to require it to be updated AGAIN. (Both highly recommended for your needs)
This one is mostly up to date.
This one is totally up to date.
Low Angst, Low Conflict, Soft BL
1b. I don't like too much angst or conflict. As in, I could barely get through series like Theory of Love and Never Let Me Go.
Here are some lists for ya:
Don't watch Waterboyy.
3a. I was sniffing around MyDramaList (for reasons) and found Water Boyy. Is it worth watching?
NO. Avoid all versions. It's terrible. I mean, if you are completest you have to but otherwise... NO.
Boys over Flowers is gross
3b. watch F4?
I am sorry to all the stans out there, but I LOATHE this franchise. I've watch a number of them, always hoping a new remake will make it palatable. NO. I hate all of them. All the worst tropes of a reverse harem. I am intersted (like Twilight) in understanding WHY it's so popular but personally, it gives me the disgust willies. Yech.
This is why I want it gay. Would that make it palatable?
I suppose the one form Laos is the only one I even kinda enjoyed and it is by far the worst production values. I gave it up 1/2 way through. I think I watched 3 eps of F4. No thank you.
Honestly if you want this kind of het toxicity, I think Heirs is a better version of these tropes. Also it's legacy Kdrama so will tell you a lot abouy that industry and what toxic tropes they love (and still employ) even in their BL.
4. who should I cast as Lhong?
Khaotung? First? 5. Last but definitely not least, I respect you a lot. And i love your blog. Irrelevant, but I wanted to ask, how was today's Boss and Babe (ep. 4)?
Aw, thank you so much!
I haven't watched it yet. Tonight!
Lunch, regression analysis all afternoon, dinner with one of my adorable exes, then Jack o'Frost, B&B, and Boys' Planet... in that order.
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starryalpacasstuff · 1 year
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke, thankss <3
Credits: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Arghhh I just know this is going to be so hard, I'm gonna be an indecisive mess throughout.
Favorite Thai QL: Starting off strong with an impossible question to answer! I'll always have a spot for Bad Buddy in my heart, being the creative genius it is, and bonus points for being my first actual BL. But I have to also mention My School President, for the sheer joy, amazement and wonder that series sparked in me. I cried. My only 12% is forever going to remain in my heart, it hit close to home but I liked the pain. Probably the sweetest, most wholesome show ever. And, can't quite wrap this up without my newest favorite: Not Me!! Truly an amazing series that had pretty much all I could ask for.
Favorite Pairing: Dang it. I feaking love Gemini Fourth, they're genuinely such an amazing pair with amazing chemistry. But also, OffGun in NoT Me genuinely knocked the wind out of me. (Special mention to SantaEarth for being frickin adorable)
Most underrated actor: Joining @dribs-and-drabbles in the pitch for Harit, most well known for his role as Todd in Not Me. I REALLY want to see him as a lead, because I knew he'd be evil from the start and yet I was still so sad when the reveal came.
Favorite Character: God this is so hard to chooseee. Probably Tinn from MSP because my god the guy is so cute, and the greenest of flags to ever green flag. Also Black, from Not Me because I am here for the spiky on the outside but a little bit soft deep deep inside thing. And I can't forget about bestie Sam from GAP the series. Everything about her was just>>>
Favorite Side Character: Tiw from MSP for being the best wingman ever, and Ink for being the best just ever.
Favorite scene in a QL: Theres many, but two main ones come to mind here. The bar scene in episode 12 of Bad Buddy, when the gang is hanging out, drinking, and witnessing the stupidity of their younger selves through the eyes of an older generation. Second is the pride celebration scene in Not Me. I tell you, that scene made me sob.
Favorite line in a QL: I literally have a google docs filled with impressive lines from QLs!!!! I think I'd have to go with "All we can do is try. Even if its scary, we have to try it to find out" from the eighth sense, ep 10. "I will choose to remember only the good ones so there will only be the beauty of tomorrow" from uwma ep 10 comes a close second though.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): 23.5 I NEED high school lesbians. Also, GMMTV's first gl!!! I'm praving they don't f it up.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Probably PatPran or TinnGun
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Agreeing with @telomeke on Tharntype here. Goddam they were messy. And toxic.
Guilty pleasure series: Uhhh Love in The Air.
Most underrated series: My Only 12% definitely, no doubt about it. This little series is so amazing and it needs so much more love. The story is simple but engaging. The characters have amazing dynamics and chemistry. It has a lot of little messages and meanings and lessons hidden in it.
@chordassinationtechnique @dimplesandfierceeyes @coffeelovesdramasalatte @snidgetwrites @ahxu-laowen @transpat @theyellowhue
And anyone I haven't tagged who wants to join as well, consider yourself tagged if you see this :)
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mikuni14 · 1 year
Step by Step Ep 10
If you're a Step by Step fan, If you still love the series, don't read any further ✨ I may have misunderstood something from this episode, because I skipped big chunks of it, so I admit it right away. Feel free to correct me.
I have no idea what's going on with Step by Step recently. I'm literally having a hard time watching this.
Episode 10 got off to a good start with a weak, but still, calling out Pat’s bullshit. Chot is the one person I can always count on (get your shit together Jeng and make him a boss) 💖
Then BAM! and there’s the worst, least romantic confession scene I've ever seen on any BL show. And I've seen almost all of them. Wtf was that. What’s with the crying?? Throughout the scene I kept asking myself, Jeng, are you sure about this? You want that? But are you really, REALLY, sure about that??? Chop chop, ugly crying but with no tears done, and BAM! Jeng turns on his sex drive at full speed, goes full sex god mode... and I’m so embarassed that I have to take my little mobile with a little internet in it to scroll through silly videos, letting the show play in the background because...
Okay, hear me out. Personally, I love passionate kisses, sex scenes, high heat, I even enjoy problematic scenes as long as they are well acted and actors are “natural” (*cough*TharnType*cough*). I don't have much of a problem with drunk sex, dub con, whatever, as soon as I see the actors are comfortable with each other, I'll watch anything.
And I couldn't even watch the kissing in Step By Step because it was so fake to me!! Not because of the actors, I think they're doing fine from what I've seen. I mean those scenes had a vibe to me of "ok, whatever, it doesn't matter if the hot stuff fit the plot, the atmosphere of the scenes, we starved the viewers for 9 episodes, giving them NOTHING, so now it’s the bang time". I don't know why, but I felt weirdly embarrassed by all this, as if I was treated as an idiot. I mean there was nothing between them and suddenly Jeng turns on the turbo boost, puts on his sexy face and plays his sexy voice and I’m like what? how? The couple, that for 9 episodes had zero sexual tension, literally one staring scene (in ikea lol), suddenly, after the most pathetic love confession ever, immediately goes into full action and honeymoon phase. For me, it wasn't love making, love kisses, love touching. It was a pure FAN SERVICE, it was A PERFORMANCE. With an emphasis on how hot Jeng is and yep, he is hot. But that hotness, his perfect body, it was all done for the viewers, like a half naked superhero in the Marvel movies. And I didn't want to be any part of it.
Tutor and Fighter had a tension that could be cut with a knife, even when Fighter was dating a girl. When they finally started banging, viewers knew where their crazy passion came from, because it was built up throughout the series. It was SUPER SATISFYING, like getting a reward. An that’s the problem with SBS, it’s not satysfying!
I spent the rest of the episode roleplaying an engineer who had warned from the start that something wasn't working and now is tiredly watching the disaster unfold before his eyes. Literally two days ago I wrote that rules are for something, that they protect employees. I know it sounds like a nagging of a boring boomer, but it's true, a lot of “not fun” rules protect employees, especially those at the lowest level. Pat found it out the hard way. Rumors are terrible, but they happen and you can’t stop them. In fact, people saying to Pat, that he shouldn't worry mean well, but they’re wrong, because all they have to do is ask themselves: if Pat fails at work, make a mistake, screw up, will he be treated like any other employee, or Jeng will cover for him? And we can already see how defensive Jeng is when it comes to Pat, how he elevates him! And I assure you that all employees asks themselves this question!
Also, in this episode, Jeng proposes Pat as a project manager and decides he will be his successor. Pat, as far as I understand, is the youngest employee, recently hired. Didn't Jeng REALLY think about how it would look to other employees? No matter how much someone likes Pat, their first thought will be: why him? guess he earned it in bed 🤷‍♀️ And how is Chot supposed to feel when the boy he has to constantly train and tell him what to do is jumping over him on the corporate ladder? Is it fair to him?
And the worst part is that neither Jeng nor Pat try to deal with it. There are emotional outbursts again, mood swings, ignoring problems - also from Jeng's side when Pat actually wants to talk about it for once!!! But what do you expect when instead of building a relationship, we had nothing for 9 episodes and then fan service!! The funny thing is that I kind of understand why Jeng didn't want to talk and wanted to make love. He's waited so long, at some point he gave up, and now he's finally happy and all he wants to do is stay happy, and Pat's words painfully try to bring him back from the ninth cloud. I understand him as a man in love. But not as an adult man and not as a boss. 
The painful truth is this: Jeng and Pat actually have NO relationship. NONE. For 8 episodes there was a one sided pinning, using tricks to spend time together, then a big fight, then a quick reconciliation and even quicker dive into the honeymoon phase... but other than that this relationship has no substance, no foundation!! Like, why did Jeng always have to somehow trick Pat into spending time together, and why had he never just invited Pat to, for example, help homeless people? Why is this scene NOW when I think it would have been much better before??
The series for 9 episodes shows Jeng becoming more and more infatuated with Pat. Once he gets him, it's like the whole emotional part of his falling in love disappears, leaving only the physical part. Pat lives his own life for 9 episodes, dates other men, even has a short relationship, treats Jeng as a boss and nothing more, which he confirmed in the 9th episode. Then he suddenly admits that he actually does like him after all (without any plot/story/narrative leading to this confession), then, like Jeng, focuses most on the physical aspect of their relationship. There's no “relationship” in this relationship. There’s a deep infatuation, but it feels empty. It’s good in the good times and it crumbles in the bad times.
Oh, and that AWFUL scene with the father. Not only do I hate those "just try to hurt my little girl" scenes, but Jeng didn't deserve the aggression, the shoulder slapping, the shoving. And Pat, instead of saying that Jeng did nothing wrong, smiles and treats it as a "loving family dynamic." Can we please stop treating hitting like a love / family language, ffs!!! (looking at you, mom from the Love Tractor)
The brightest, nicest moment, the highlight of this ep was, of course, Chot, who is the only one who approaches his problems with dignity and reason, is able to talk about them, trusts his partner and together they make a normal, adult relationship. I love him and wish him all the best. Chot my beloved 💖
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nueing05 · 2 years
ซีรีส์วายไทย ที่ห้ามพลาด รับประกันความฟิน
วันนี้เรามาต่อกันหลังจากที่แนะนำซีรี่ย์ต่างๆกันไปแล้ว วันนี้เรามาพบกับซีรี่ย์ในไทยกันบ้าง
1. กลรักรุ่นพี่ 2 (2022)
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ซีรีส์วายไทย เรื่องแรกที่จะแนะนำคือ กลรักรุ่นพี่ 2 เรื่องราวของมาร์ค เด็กหนุ่มวิศวะปี 1 ที่เป็นศัตรูกับรุ่นพี่อย่างวี เพราะหลงรักบาร์ที่กำลังคบหาอยู่กับทศกัณฑ์ วีจึงพยายามกีดกันมาร์คออกจากเพื่อนสนิทของเขา แต่แล้วความรักระหว่างมาร์คและวีก็ค่อย ๆ ก่อตัวขึ้น ทั้ง ๆ ที่ตัววีเองก็มีพลอย แฟนสาวที่คบหากันมานานอยู่แล้ว บทสรุปความรักวุ่น ๆ จะจบอย่างไร ต้องไปติดตามดูเองนะ
นักแสดงนำ: อานันท์ ว่อง, วนรันต์ รัศมีรัตน์ และ ราชภัทร วรสาร 
จำนวนตอน:  10 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง:  WeTV 
2.  เกลียดนักมาเป็นที่รักกันซะดี ๆ – TharnType : The Series (2019 / 2022)
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ซีรีส์วายไทย ที่ถึงพริกถึงขิงของทางช่อง One เรื่องย่อเป็นเรื่องราวของ “ไทป์” หนุ่มใต้คมเข้ม ที่มีอดีตสุดเจ็บปวดจากเรื่องของเพศที่สาม จนเกิดเป็นแผลฝังใจ แต่แล้วชะตาชีวิตก็เหมือนกลั่นแกล้ง เมื่อไทป์ต้องมาอยู่หอพักห้องเดียวกับ “ธาร” หนุ่มนักดนตรีลูกครึ่ง และที่สำคัญชอบผู้ชาย ตอนนี้กำลังจะมีซีซั่น 2 แล้วด้วย
นักแสดงนำ: ศุภศิษฏ์ จงชีวีวัฒน์ และ คณาวุฒิ ไตรพิพัฒนพงษ์ 
จำนวนตอน:  13 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง:  One
3. กียร์สีขาวกับกาวน์สีฝุ่น (2020)
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เป็นซีรีส์วาย GMM ที่กำลังออนแอร์อยู่ในตอนนี้เลย ทั้งพระเอก “อิฐ” และนายเอก “ไป๋” เรียกได้ว่าน่ารักชวนฟิน เรื่องราวของ ไป๋ ทายาทโรงพยาบาลใหญ่ ที่ตั้งใจจะเข้าศึกษาแพทย์เพื่อสานต่อธุรกิจครอบครัว และอิฐ คู่ปรับเก่าสมัยมัธยมของ ไป๋ แต่ได้ไป๋ ช่วยติวให้เพื่อสอบเข้าเรียนวิศวะ เมื่ออีกฝ่ายแอบรัก แต่ไม่รู้ว่าอีกคนก็รักด้วย เรื่องราวความรักความสัมพันธ์ครั้งนี้จะเริ่มเมื่อไหร่ ต้องไปรอชมพร้อมกัน
นักแสดงนำ: ปาหุณ จิยะเจริญ  และ ภวินท์ กุลการัณยวิชญ์
จำนวนตอน:  12 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง:  WeTV
4.  บังเอิญรัก A Chance to Love The Series (2019 / 2022)
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เรื่องราวความรักของ พีท หนุ่มหล่อมาดคุณหนู และ เอ้ เดือนคณะวิศวะและนักฟุตบอลของมหาวิทยาลัย ที่บังเอิญมาพบกัน โดยเอ้ ได้เข้าไปช่วยพีทจากแฟนเก่า ที่พยายามข่มขู่ รีดไถ่เงินจากพีท โดยขู่ว่าจะบอกครอบครัวพีทว่าเป็นเพศที่สาม การเข้ามาช่วยเหลือของเอ้ ทำให้พีทค่อย ๆ รักเอ้มากขึ้น แต่ไม่กล้าบอก พยายามรักษาความเป็นเพื่อนไปเรื่อย ๆ แอบบอกว่าตอนนี้ซีซั่น 2 มาแล้วนะ
นักแสดงนำ: ธนพนธ์ สุขุมพันธนาสาร และ พีรวิชญ์ อรรถชิตสถาพร
จำนวนตอน:  13 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง:   WeTV
5. เพราะเราคู่กัน Together The Series (2020)
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ถ้าไม่มีเรื่องนี้อยู่ในลิสต์ซีรีส์วายคงไม่ได้ เพราะกระแสความดังก็เปรี้ยงปร้างไม่แพ้เรื่องอื่นของ GMM เลยทีเดียว เรื่องราวของ “ไทน์” หนุ่มอาภัพรัก คบสาวคนไหนก็ไปไม่รอด จนเข้ามหาวิทยาลัย กลับมี “กรีน” เพื่อนสาวในร่างชายมาตกหลุมรักแถมตื้อไม่เลิก ไทน์จึงต้องหาทางสลัดเขาออกไปให้ได้ จนต้องไปขอร้อง “สารวัตร” หนุ่มสุดฮอตมาเป็นแฟนปลอม ๆ แผนสลัดกรีนจะสำเร็จไหม ต้องไปดูเอง เพราะไม่อยากสปอยความฟิน แต่รับรองว่าจิ้นหนักมาก!
นักแสดงนำ: วชิรวิชญ์ ชีวอารี และ เมธวิน โอภาสเอี่ยมขจร
จำนวนตอน: 13 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง: GMM25
6. เพราะรักใช่เปล่า Why R U The Series (2020)
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เมื่อเรื่องราวในนิยายวายของ “ซอล” น้องสาวของ “ซน” หนุ่มนิเทศปี 3 เริ่มเกิดเป็นขึ้นกับชีวิตจริงของเขา โดยที่ซนต้องคู่กับ “สายฟ้า” คู่ปรับตลอดกาล แถมยังมีคู่ของ “ติวเตอร์” เพื่อนของซน ที่ต้องมาคู่กับ “ไฟท์เตอร์” รุ่นพี่คู่อริ ความรักที่ไม่มีทางเป็นไปได้ แต่เมื่อคำสาบานทำให้ทุกอย่างเปลี่ยนไป ซนจะต้องทำยังไงต่อไป ตามไปดูเรื่องราวความรักโรแมนติก จากคู่กัด จนกลายมาเป็นคู่รักของทั้ง 4 คน
นักแสดงนำ: ศุภพงษ์ อุดมแก้วกาญจน และ พฤกษ์ พานิช
จำนวนตอน: 13 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง: Line TV
7.  มีช็อป มีเกียร์ มีเมียรึยังวะ My Engineer The Series (2020)
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แนะนำซีรีส์วายสายฟินสนุก ครบรสอีกหนึ่งเรื่อง เมื่อ “บ่น” หนุ่มวิศวะสุดหล่อ ต้องการให้ “เดือน” รุ่นน้องหน้าใสคณะแพทยศาสตร์ขอโทษตัวเองด้วยการไปหาดดอกกุหลาบมาให้ เป็นระยะเวลา 1 เดือนเต็ม เรื่องราววุ่น ๆ นำไปสู่ความรักของทั้งคู่โดยไม่รู้ตัว สำหรับซีรีส์วายไทยเรื่องนี้ ยังมีคู่ของ “ราม” “คิง” และ “เมฆ” “บอส” ให้ได้ฟินและลุ้นไปกับความรักครั้งนี้อีกด้วย
นักแสดงนำ: ภัทรพสิษฐ์ ณ สงขา และ กฤษณพงศ์ สุนทรชัชเวช
จำนวนตอน: 14 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง: WeTV
8. วัยรุ่น วุ่น Y รัก – Gen Y the series (2020)
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แค่เปิดตัว EP. แรก ก็สร้างกระแสแรงได้เลยทันที กับหนังวายไทยเรื่องนี้ที่สร้างมาจากนิยาย และจากความวุ่น Y ก็กลายเป็นความรัก มาในแนวโรแมนติก ดราม่า คอเมดี้ ที่เรียกได้ว่าครบรส เรื่องราวเป็นการสะท้อนความรักในทุกรูปแบบ โดยไม่จำกัดเพศ ไม่จำกัดวัย ไม่จำกัดฐานะ และการศึกษา แถมยังเสิร์ฟฉากจิ้นชวนฟินกันแบบรัว ๆ นับว่าเป็นหนึ่งในซีรี่ส์วายที่ควรดู เพราะแค่นักแสดงวัยรุ่นก็มากกว่า 30 ชีวิตแล้ว
นักแสดงนำ: สุรเดช พินิวัตร์ และ วโรดม เข็มมณฑา
จำนวนตอน: 12 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง: ช่อง 3 และ iQIYI
9. แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน – Bad Buddy Series (2021)
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ชวนดูซีรีส์วายไทยสนุก ๆ คอเมดี้เรื่องนี้ ที่รับรองว่าคุณจะขำจนกรามข้าง กับซีรี่ส์สุดยิ่งใหญ่แห่งปีของ GMMTV ที่หลายคนรอคอย เรื่องราวของเด็กหนุ่มวัยรุ่นบ้านตรงข้ามที่เป็นเพื่อนบ้านกันมานาน แต่กลับไม่ถูกกันสักเรื่องตั้งแต่รุ่นพ่อจนถึงรุ่นลูก แต่ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างเพื่อนที่ตีกันบ้าง ทะเลาะกันบ้าง ก่อให้เกิดความรู้สึกแปลก ๆ อย่างไม่รู้ตัว เมื่อทั้งคู่เริ่มรู้สึกที่อยากจะเป็นเพื่อนกัน ก็กลับกลายเป็นว่าวันนั้นความรู้สึกมันไปไกลมากกว่าเพื่อนแล้ว แล้วทั้งคู่จะเป็นได้แค่เพื่อนจริง ๆ หรือ รอติดตามดูกันได้ในปีนี้ 
นักแสดงนำ: ภวัต จิตต์สว่างดี และ กรภัทร์ เกิดพันธุ์
จำนวนตอน: 12 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง: GMM25 
10. ใครคือ…อองชองเต – Enchante (2022)
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หนังวายไทยสไตล์รักโรแมนติกหวาน ๆ ที่สร้างมาจากนิยายวาย กับการตามหาว่าใครคือ “อองชองเต” ที่แปลว่า ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก เมื่อ “ทิว” หนุ่มนักเรียนนอกจากฝรั่งเศสได้กลับมาเรียนต่อที่เมืองไทยอย่างกะทันหันตามคำสั่งของที่บ้าน และเรื่องราวของการตามหาอองชองเตก็เริ่มต้นขึ้นเมื่อเขาเจอข้อความบางอย่างในหนังสือของเขาที่เขียนด้วยลายมือ พร้อมลงชื่อไว้ว่า อองชองเต ซึ่งทำให้เขาตกหลุมรักผ่านตัวหนังสือ เขาจึงเริ่มออกตามหาว่าใครกันนะคือคนคนนั้น โดยได้เพื่อนสนิทมาช่วยเหลือ แต่แล้วเรื่องราววุ่นวายก็เกิดขึ้นเมื่อมีหนุ่มรุ่นพี่ถึง 4 คนมาแสดงตัวว่าพวกเขานี่แหลคือ อองชองเต งานนี้ทิวจะทำอย่างไร และใครกันนะที่เป็นอองชองเตตัวจริง แค่เรื่องย่อก็บอกเลยว่าน่าดูมาก ๆ ถ้าอยากรู้ว่าทิวจะเลือกใครต้องรอติดตามกัน
นักแสดงนำ: จิรัชพงศ์ ศรีแสง และ กษิดิ์เดช ปลูกผล
จำนวนตอน: 10 ตอน
รับชมได้ทาง: GMM25 
0 notes
dlguswls0271 · 2 years
태국 BL드라마 한글자막 무료로 보는 사이트
태국 BL드라마 한글자막 무료로 보는 사이트 추천 가능합니다. 요즘에는 BL장르가 여자들에게도 인기 상승 중입니다. 2023 새로 방영하는 BL드라마 작품이 볼만합니다. 1화부터 마지막화까지 명작입니다. 소설 번역 원작이 BL드라마로 제작되는 경우도 부지기수 입니다. 더쿠에서 엄선한 작품 위주로 선정했으니, 한편도 빼놓지말고 정주행 해보세요. 태국 비엘 드라마는 넷플릭스에도 있지만 다양한 종류를 더 볼 수 있습니다. 턱시도 작품도 추천 합니다.
<bl드라마 종류 목록> 1. between us The Series 한글자막 2. love in the air special episode 자막 소설 번역 3. vice versa the series 자막 4. never let me go the series 5. love by chance season 1 한글 자막 6. kinnporsche the series 7. restarted the series 8. A Chance to Love 9. love stage the series 1 10. not me the series 11. my secret love 12. my only 12 한글자막 13. Big Dragon The Series 소설 14. la cuisine the series 15. unforgotten night novel 16. love area the series 17. my ride the series 18. triage the series 19. he's coming to me ep 1 eng sub 20. sotus the series 21. make it right the series ep 1 eng sub 22. 넌 나의 mr. right 원래니시저양적고선생 23. something in my room 24. the tuxedo the series 25. Our Skyy Series 26. 탄타입 tharntype the series ep 1 소설 번역 27. love in the air special episode 28. check out the series 29. y-destiny 30. physical therapy the series 31. secret crush on you
태국 BL드라마 한글자막 사이트 <<
제가 알려준 사이트 가시면, BL드라마 무료로 볼 수 있는 곳 추천 해드렸습니다.
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연방 노동 관계자가 주식회사의 노조 결성을 지지했다. AMZN 5.81% 증가; 뉴욕주 스태튼아일랜드의 그린업 트라이앵글 노동자들, 지난해 조직 투표에 이의를 제기하려던 전자상거래 대기업의 항소를 거부했다.
동관계위원회(NLRB) 대변인에 따르면 이 사건을 감독해온 코넬 오버스트릿은 수요일 아마존이 선거 결과를 뒤집을 충분한 증거를 제공하지 않았다고 판결했다. 뉴욕의 공화당 관계자들은 하원의원이 말했다. 조지 산토스(뉴욕주)는 선거자금과 선거운동 기간 중에 한 거짓말에 대한 조사에 직면한 새내기 국회의원에 대한 조사가 진행되는 가운데 의회에서 사임해야 한다.
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
Tharntype the Series: Ep 10 Review
I had a good day at work today so Tharntype BETTER NOT DISAPPOINT (they never do but still)
Section 1
Jesus I got scared even tho I saw that coming lmao
I saw that slick action Tharn 👀
“You’ve got to pamper me” ugh such a mood
Kinda surprised Type didn’t hit or make a shit remark at Tharn lmao
Lhong ayyyyy I love him
He’s being a little sketch tho lmao
Look at how happy Type looks being able to talk about his relationship with Tharn haha
The music gave me a bad feeling
The music makes it seem like everything Lhong is saying is deceiving 🤨
Lhong is so cute and I love him but this music makes him seem like a villain
He really doesn’t know Type because Type is capable of a lot of things lmao
Section 2
Writing songs for Type maybe 👀👀👀
Awwww his cute smile HES SO CUTE
Let him talk to you please bro
Lowkey they’d be cute 😉
WORD he really said that
oh that shit lowkey cute not gonna lie
Son that doesn’t help you lmao you have to tell him or he’ll never understand
He wants forgiveness duh
Type is so adorable in such weird ways lmao
Tharn is so cute WHY IS EVERYONE SO CUTE
We love an understanding developing Type
Gosh dang it Tar JUST TEL HIM DAMMIT
Tharn really said “AND THATS ON PERIODT”
That shit was bogus as fuck Tar not gonna lie wtf
No pal i dont like liars
Bruh is my mans Tar getting depressed again :///
Section 3
Tum pal he’s probably not in there
Bruh mans is showering
He needs to get him a paper bag mans CANT BREATHE
Damn this got real sad real quick
“You’re the most important person to me” wow get you a mans
He got that food quickity quick
Unknown number??? Hmmmm
Lmao I love that
That’s such an interesting question lol
They’re so cute lol
Tharn’s messy hair gives me life
I love them sleeping together it’s so cute too
Omfg what is Type up to
did he like turn caller ID off or somewhere? Is that why that number came up as actual numbers when actually it was like Tar or something? Do y’all know what I’m trying to say ?
Ugh Lhong is so cute I hope he’s not a bad guy
Oh Tum tum tum...
Lhong’s facial expressions are everything
Lhong lowkey does look like he likes Tharn
I hate people who act the way Tum is acting... like bitch just accept it and go damn
Jokes on you whore because it’s Tar that’s meeting up with Tharn
Did his phone actually ring or was it fake 🤔🤔
I knew my boy Type wouldn’t be waiting around :)))
section 4
I wonder if he’s meeting Tar
Oh they’re gonna talk? Hm....
Bitch where else is he supposed to sit? At the bar?
Straight up I like that! But don’t make him cry :(
If he doesn’t say why he broke up with him imma fight
Woah this shit is intense
Tum needs to FUK OFF
But like what are they saying tho?
If I were type it just kind of looks like Tharn is comforting a friend tbh
Jeed being a queen
Brooooo if If Tharn doesn’t answer imma be sad
I hope he tells the reason some day
Damn bro that shut hurted
Does he look okay bro
He is a whole liar and a deciever oof
Type really came for blood lol
this does not look food for you Tharn
Poor type
Why is everyone just chilling in different locations lmao these types of camera shots are always super intense but idk how I really feel about them
Tar still has them as his home screen on his computer woahwoahwoah
Type crying is something I never thought we would see
I knew it would end there smh
Or not oh ?
Tharn is really being painted as a villain but mans is just trying to save his relationship
Fucking type always has to do too much lmao
NOW it ended lmao
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liaaaannee · 4 years
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What saddens me is the fact that tharn and type have known each other for seven years yet they still dont trust each other
I mean we know tharn has some issue in relationship (esp in lhong scene) but i expected that they have talked and knew each other best.
Honestly the script is little to becoming unrealistic at this point, the conflict is too shallow for tharn to overreact like that
Kudos to mew tho, he was soooo intense looking at fiat
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“Just deny it and I’ll believe everything you say.” -Type
Rewatching Tharntype for the millionth time, and this scene still hurts so much 😭
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ttnille · 5 years
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i’m gonna take a pause from the turmoil tonight’s episode is making me feel ~~~
and instead post these two cute moments, which i find extra adorable because of how type automatically closes his eyes and kisses back whenever tharn surprise kisses him.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi! Just finished watching Not Me some 3 days ago and then went into Theory of Love for OffGun. It was kinda clear they won't be doing any more BL tbh, like, you could feel it. What I wanted to ask is if Thai BL doesn't do justice to a couple wanting to bone, then what type of BL will? I haven't watched much so I've no clue. Am I looking for Taiwan? I guess I'm asking for good physical chemistry and good chemistry in general. Excited to see more from these actors tho, esp Gun. And yeah, I don't think they would have been able to play in Bad Buddy. OhmNanon does it differently. <3
OffGun? I wrote them a eulogy. 
I guess I'm asking for good physical chemistry and good chemistry in general.
You are looking for Taiwan. 
What can I tell you? 
It’s ALWAYS Taiwan. 
Here, will this convince you? 
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Let’s see, so you want: HIStory Obsessed, HIStory 4, both HIStory 2s, both HIStory 3s (MODC is EXPLICIT, if you want boning, this is your BL, just don’t watch the last ep, stop watching as soon as they move in together), and We Best Love, Be Loved In House I Do, Love is Science?, even the lesser BLs like Because of You bring on the “oh yeah, they actually desire each other.” Christ in See You After Quarantine? they aren’t even on screen together and it’s still pretty darn clear... yes, there will be sex. 
We all expect great things from Plus and Minus. 
Just don’t expect good story, okay? 
Let’s see... Who else manages this? 
Some of Strongberry’s short stuff from Korea (like Some More, A First Love Story). Also Long Time No See, Just Friends? and Semantic Error. 
But mostly just... Taiwan. 
I mean the darker stuff from Japan can go there but honestly do you want to follow where they go? That’s the question... 
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That said, watch My Beautiful Man. I mean you haffa. It’s just fucking amazing. Like Japan was all, 
“We would like to take this BL moment to remind you that we started this madness, you beetches, and this is HOW TF IT’S DONE. TAKE IT AND LIKE IT.” 
And we were all, “Thank you, Japan, may we have another?”
But in general, yes, safer to just go to Taiwan. 
The baby island will provide. 
It’s there for you. 
It’s there for all of us. 
It’s not like you have much to get through, they only have 20 or so worth watching and 40 total. 
Otherwise it’s: Love By Chance, Why R U?, Cutie Pie, TharnType, Don’t Say No, and Secret Crush On You. (Ha! Apparently either Zee, Saint, or MewGulf have to be involved. Fair cop.) 
Oh, right, any of MaxTul oeuvre will work too. 
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Right *waggles hand* sally forth. 
Visit with Taiwanese BL for a while, you will not regret it. 
Oh here’s this post: 
10 BLs in Which it's Clear both Characters Wanna Bone
Here’s more on Taiwanese BL:
Taiwanese BL Why does every relationship in the HIStory series have to be a bit weird?
A Guide to the HIStory Franchise, BL from Taiwan
Top 10 Best Kisses from Taiwanese BL 
Taiwan futzes with seme/uke
Top 10 BLs Out of Taiwan (plus a history of the genre)  
BL in Taiwan & Gay Marriage
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25shadesoffebruary · 2 years
Currently Watching [Airing]: 8
Kiseki: Dear to Me [11/13] Tuesdays
Kimi ni wa Todokanai (I can't reach you) [6/8] Tuesdays
Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo (If it's with you) [4/5] Thursdays
My Dear Gangster Oppa [1/8] Thursdays
Dangerous Romance [11/12] Fridays
I Feel You Linger in Air [1/12] Fridays
You Are Mine [6/10] Fridays
Only Friends [10/12] Saturdays
Currently Watching [Not Airing]
Word of Honor [21/38]
Extraordinary Attorney Woo [9/16]
Bokura no Shokutaku(Our Dining Table) [0/10]
Till the End of The Moon [34/40]
My Journey to you [17/24]
Queue Shows
3 Will Be Free
Love Area
Dropped Shows (I'll return to watch at some point) (2)
War of Y [5/ 20]
The Promise[5/10] Wednesday
Upcoming Series 2023
23.5 degree
Last twilight
Cooking crush
The next prince
Love upon a time
Wall of dawn
Big dragon s2
Cherry magic [thai version]
Make A Wish
Wish Me Luck
Wish You Luck
Cinderella Boys
City of Stars
Lost in the woods
the whisperer
Finished Shows from Dec. 2022 (35)
Eternal Yesterday
My Tooth Your Love
Oh! My Assistant
Together With Me: The next chapter
Till the World Ends
Between us
The new employee
I will knock you
My school president
Utsukushii Kare: Eternal
Moonlight Chicken
The Warp Effect
A shoulder to cry on
The eighth sense
A Boss and A babe
Chains of Heart
Bed Friend
Never Let Me Go
Our Dating Sim
Be loved in house: i do
step by step
house of stars
love tractor
Be My favorite
La Pluie
History 5: Love in the Future
Crash Course In Romance
Why r u
Jun & Jun
Stay by My Side
Laws of Attraction
Dinosaur Love
Taikon Yoho [My Personal Weatherman]
Love in Translation
Bump Up Business
Shows I have watched and did not finish and have zero intent to going back to watch:
My engineer ( this show smh, the main couple HOW? Why? What was the purpose? Side couple not enough for me to want to finish)
Love by Chance ( love aepete tho)
Tharntype (never ask me about these two, can’t believe I even made it to episode 7, that was a miracle in of itself )
What the Duck ( more like wtf, ep 1 was enough for me)
Don’t Say No ( I watched the special episode first, fiat character annoyed the absolute shit out of me , and I knew I couldn’t watch the whole series)
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mineonmain · 2 years
Reveal your Watch and Rewatch List! (BL Edition!!)
Thank you my love @disaster-j for tagging me - This is extremely overdue I know; I had this whole post written out almost 2 weeks ago but then right when I was getting ready to publish this 💖lovely💖 website decided to refresh and my post was lost. I was so mad that I didn't want to re-write it, but here I am anyways.
Currently Watching (I'm extending this to shows that have juuust finished too)
Kinnporsche - It's so fresh in my mind. I have way too many thoughts about this show to put down here, so i'm going to make another post similar to my Not Me Retrospective - all the things that were right and the things that were not. It may not have stuck to the book, and it may not have fully lived up to all the hype and expectations, but it's still unlike any other BL i've seen so far. Gotta commend them for that. Also it's the VegasPete show now, sorry I didn't make the rules. 7/10 (i'm sorry pls don't @me just read my retrospective later)
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories - talented brilliant incredible amazing show-stopping spectacular...I think she deserves a separate post for herself too. Maybe when i'm not drowning under the guilt of not working on my Dissertation. There wasn't too much angst, the ending wasn't rushed, it was honestly perfect. Imperfect can be perfect too, you know. 11/10
Old Fashion Cupcake - I had low expectations for this so it kind of blew me out of the water. Great acting, incredible chemistry, and that scene in Ep 4 lives rent free in my brain. It's amazing how they (mostly) managed to tell a story in just 5 episodes and still have it feel complete and not unnecessarily rushed. A teensy bit of beef with how the finale went, but there's always something isn't there. 8.5/10
My Secret Love - Pretty mid, like the standard GMMTV sort of fare, featuring My-ponytail-is-my-personality-trait Boy, Walmart Saint Suppapong, Why RU's too-many-couples disease, mildly problematic behavior and a thin excuse of a plot. Still, it's nice to get something banal and light-hearted after all the weekend angst of KP and TMS. The latest ep was surprisingly better and less superficial than all the others so far.
Star and Sky: Sky in my Heart - The sequel to JoongDunk's Star in my Mind, this is typical lighthearted GMMTV stuff ft. P'Mek and debut actor Mark. A series of mini-series' where new couples get to flex their acting muscles a bit and test out their chemistry on the screen. I don't have much to say except it's soft and cute, nothing too groundbreaking.
Looking Forward To
Never Let Me Go (PondPhuwin)
Between Us (BounPrem)
My Only 12% (SantaEarth)
Remember Me (maybe??) (JaFirst)
Happy Ending Outside the Fence
Love in the Air (maybe??)
War of Y (maybe??) (BillySeng and more)
Moonlight Chicken (EarthMix)
Blueming S2 (let's freaking GO)
So. I'm not in the middle of rewatching anything at the moment, frankly I do Not have the time for full rewatches, but when I get in the mood I tend to rewatch specific moments from certain shows instead of full rewatches:
Bad Buddy Ep 5 4/4
Bad Buddy Ep 11
Literally anything from BBS who am I kidding
ATOTS Ep 6 3/4
ATOTS Ep 10 4/4
UWMA EP 2 4/4
Why RU FighterTutor Cut
LBC AePete Cut
WBL Ep 5
Utsukushii Kare Ep 5-6
Semantic Error
Mr. Heart
Light On Me (esp Ep 13)
Tharntype Ep 6/Ep 12
UWMA WinTeam Cut
Blueming Ep 9/Ep 11
TMS 2 Ep 4/Ep 10
OFC Ep 4
Love Is Science? MarkOuwen Cut
2gether Ep 6 3/4-4/4
My Tasty Florida
(Can you guys smell a theme hmmm I wonder🤔) Y'all I'm so sorry about this gotdamn list. It ran away from me. RIP. If anyone actually goes thru this, veterans discount for you. I could probably add more if I stopped to think more but that's where i'm gonna stop for now.
Tagging (I don't rly have friends but): @elevatormusic @whatisgodtoanonbeliever @incandescentflower @liyazaki @onstoryladders @strutforlove @billlkin @7nessasaryevils @excessivelyobssesed @milkpansa @johnnysuhsbathtowel @rythyme @piningbisexuals @ablazenqueen
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whumpetywhump · 4 years
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Whumptober Day 7 - Carried
Advance Bravely - Ep. 25
Duel - Ep. 16
Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth - Ep. 18
Life On Mars - Ep. 5
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - Ep. 4
Tharntype The Series - Ep. 10
The Lost Tomb 2 - Ep. 12
The Lost Tomb 2 - Ep. 35
W: Two Worlds - Ep. 1
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lovely writer the series is sooo good and im kinda sad that no one is giving it the hype it deserves
gene is absolutely adorable with his mannerisms and the fact that he portrays the awkward introvert so well makes it even more great
nubsib is so good looking holy fu. and he is so kind and caring towards gene who is in need of care
and im kinda upset towards how people are hating on gene bc he “overreacted”. as far as i see it, he didnt
he is a very private person who has a partner who had just lied to him. it felt like he deceived him and played him like a fool
idk bout u but i would be pretty upset
and the acting!! its so good!
and the plot too!! its so wholesome and soft i would die for them
i kinda think its even better than 2gether and tharntype.. but opinions may differ but this drama is really good. i cant say that i would have the same opinion till the end since its only 5 ep but so far, im loving every part of it
one thing though, i want them to release the whole series so i could just bingeee :( and this is for all bl
thats it really. i was just really upset that a bl drama who is actually talking about s*xual harassment was called garbage, i had a hard time watching the scenes when they were noncon honestly
and we cant forget about bi queen ms tiffy <3
10/10 i love gene
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the-wayside · 3 years
I'm going to preface this by saying I'm not in the best mood because my boss was unintentionally rude to me and I don't handle disrespect well at all. That being said, let's continue.
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Mame gets away with a lot because her characters are fundamentally complex and/or are relatable in some way and that's attractive to the audience. I love many of her disaster children.
But as a writer myself, her pacing is atrocious. Both overall and in some of the episodes, ep 12 being one of them and I'll explain why. So an example of good pacing from her is Type's slow realisation that he wasn't attracted to Pufai and he was actually attracted to Tharn and wanted to be with him. That was a culmination of an internal struggle that was externalised through that plot point. Great. Peak. Love it. Poor pacing is when she reveals Type's sexual assault but we never revisit it ever again. Like 'kay bye. The whole front end of the season is dedicated to Type's trajectory and then suddenly the overarching villian is Lhong and we have to fit in a break up, excessive pining and resolution in 1.5 episodes. Sound familiar?
There was no solid grounding in Leo's reaction in episode 11, other than to force the reaction out of Fiat to break up. The whole entire season Leo has been showing up for Fiat. Holding him when he cries, solidifying his existing place as Fiat's person. Do we delve into any of Leo's psyche around that? No. Fiat shows up for Leo, I approve, ya boy is flawless, but it's just exposition. How do we get these two in a place to deal with the villains (King and Punn)? MAGIC 10 MINUTE RESOLUTION TIME, BABY.
Don't get me wrong, in practice, it works, they say the right words, happy days. But my dudes. That's bad writing. It's, to a degree, lazy. For me, the sweet spot in a drama is the angst. TharnType got away with it to a certain extent because Mew went all in and dragged our asses. Tharn begged on his knees for his love to stay, and we're supposed to believe that Fiat and Leo are in their own way closer than that? No, you didn't earn it. You didn't earn it because Mame didn't invest in Leo the way she did with Tharn. For example, the conversation TT have in S1 when Tharn says, it's fine if I see someone else. Him holding his face after, my heart does the sad thump thump.
A lot of the time, I felt like she was edging me only with no gratifying pay off and it's so frustrating because these men are so interesting and complicated. Their codependency, their history of portraying artifical versions of themselves out of fear -- it was a goldmine.
And you know, I don't lay this on First or Ja because I watched the BTS, they really listened to what they were told and workshopped the scenes under that guidance. You can have the most amazing actors in the world, but if the story isn't there, it isn't going to work.
Honestly, I don't mean to sh*t on the episode because at the end of the day, like I said, job done, happy-ish endings all around. It's just, I expect more. I expect more because Mame should be capable of more. She's had multiple series adapted now and she needs to ascend to more than what she is now. Mentioning the BTS again, she gives a lot of direction, which I don't necessarily agree with. It should be a director's set and P'Pique's vision enacted. Her role should be advisory only and to carry out re-writes when requested because, lord knows, I would have.
But yeah, I still need to watch it a couple more times to really delve into a full analysis but that's where I'm at with everything.
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