#thanx every one
historyforfuture · 8 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 250 likes!
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geffenrecords · 1 year
theydid not lie that misgend3ring does slowly kill you overtime
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moonswolfie · 11 days
Kenma, suna, and tsukishima with a gf that loves to baby them? Like she loves dressing them up, dotes on them, and acts liek their parent sometimes? Thanx!
i return with a request and a new theme 😏 thank u so much for requesting🩵 i know i just changed my theme but i'm already making pinterest boards for new themes ITS JUST SO FUN!
in case you couldn't tell the reader is fem!
ALSO SUMMER HOLIDAYS!?!??! Its nice to finally be free...
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𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Tsukishima Kei
"I'm worried about you, you know." you placed your head in your hands, leaning your elbows on the table. "Really, it should be the other way around. You don't know this even though it should be basic knowledge." Tsukishima sighed, ready to go over the biology lesson with you for the hundreth time already.
"Do you get enough sleep? Your eyebags are looking a little big lately. Do you eat enough? You look stressed. You always tell me you're fine, but-"
"I'm fine." Tsukishima brushed you off, looking back at the notebook.
"What are you pouting like a toddler for?" when he looked back up at you, he was seriously baffled by the similarity of your face to a little kid who got refused to eat candy. Though, maybe, just maybe, he finds it kind of cute. Maybe.
"We're done studying." you got up from the dining table, placing your hands on your hips. "You do realise I'm only doing this because you asked, right? And you're the one still struggling with this subject, last time I checked." he furrowed his brows slightly.
"I won't be able to study in peace until I see you sleeping peacefully in bed after a good meal. We can start with the sleep and I'll cook something later!" you were determined to take care of him now. Sometimes your boyfriend's aloof attitude towards his well being and towards everything in general makes you worry. Whenever he replies with a simple "I'm fine" you must dote on him for a bit. That's the rule.
It looked like he was weighing his choices for a brief moment before sighing and saying "Fine, just don't come crying when you fail this test tommorow."
"Yaaaay, I'll be up in your room, ready to tuck you in!" you pecked his lips, spun around on your heels and ran upstairs to his room.
Tsukishima sighed, closing his notebook. When he looked to the doorway, his mom was standing there and smiling at him. He immediately tensed up, worrying about just how much of your conversation she heard.
"You know, your girlfriend would make a good mom. I'm just saying." Tsukishima's mom smiled at her son cheekily. He hid his face, not moving for a good thirty seconds before practically sprinting to his room.
He never did tell you why he looked so red upon arriving in his room.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Suna Rintaro
"Is all of this really neccessary?" Suna raised one of his perfect brows when you placed another shirt in his arms. You took him out for a shopping trip today. Your shopping trips always end with him walking out the mall with a whole new closet instead of the other way around.
He always insists that he doesn't need new clothes or much of anything, but you always end up convincing him into a mall trip. You spoil him rotten, to be honest. Not that he minds.
"Yeah, how else am I going to keep you well-dressed?" you urged him to the dressing room just so you can clap excitedly at every outfit he puts on and models for you. He already looks like one, so why not take advantage of that, right?
"Okay, whatever you say, babe." Suna rolled his eyes playfully and walked into the changing room. You were squealing excitedly at each outfit he appeared in from behind the curtain like a crazy fangirl.
He didn't seem too enthusiastic about some of the outfits which made you sad but for the most part, you had loads of fun. He was taking a while with the last outfit, though. And you were probably overreacting, but you got worried.
You just can't help but worry for your boyfriend sometimes, even if it is unwarranted. It's kind of your thing. One time he accidentally cut his finger and you spent every moment together with him pressing get better kisses on it. You made sure he changed the bandaid every day, too. You were comically worried about him being able to attend volleyball practice. And that's just one of the examples.
So you pulled back the curtain.
"A little privacy, please?" Your boyfriend was standing in the changing room in all of his shirtless glory. You never really thought about it until now, but Suna is fit. You suppose it makes sense, considering he plays volleyball, but still. He was smiling at you cheekily, probably amused by how dumbfounded you look right now.
"I... um, it's... I was just worried about you! And put your shirt back on, you'll catch a cold!" You don't think you've ever closed a curtain as fast before.
You could hear Suna laugh to himself behind the curtain. "Sure, sure, mom. But I think you were just trying to be a little sneaky."
Well, you still ended up spoiling your boyfriend with new clothes that day, but you ended up with an accidental gift of your own, too. Maybe being a worrywart isn't that bad sometimes.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Kozume Kenma
"Um, I can eat on my own..." Kenma gently pushed away your hand, which was holding food to his mouth.
"Oh, we both know you wouldn't eat at all if I didn't hand feed you. You seriously need to lay off the videogames sometimes." You playfully rolled your eyes, putting the piece of food back to his mouth. He sighed with exasperation and begrudgingly ate the piece of food.
"And besides, you know how much I love spoiling you. I can't resist when you're just... too cute." you pulled on his cheek like an overly excited grandma.
The thing about Kenma is, he hates that he likes being babied by you. When his mom used to do it, he found it overbearing and annoying, but when you hand feed him, it kind of feels comforting. Then again though, he can't focus on the videogame because of that. So that's why he hates it.
"I could go without the... ugh." Kenma was just about to beat the level, but you placing another piece of food in front of his face distracted him for just a moment, which made him get a game over.
"Oh..." you stared at the game over screen, suddenly feeling bad for being a distraction. You just can't help but want to baby him whenever you're with him. He doesn't exactly make it hard for you with the way he blushes and gets all embarrased every single time.
"Well then, I was just thinking you played enough videogames today. I propose we do something else." you pulled on Kenma's arm and he protested by giving you one of his iconic scowls.
"You'll get wrinkles if you frown too much." you reminded him with a gentle smile. He mumbled something you couldn't quite catch under his breath and reached for the controller.
"Oh no. No you don't." you tackled Kenma before he could do anything else. You know, if he wasn't so damn flustered right now, he would have been seriously mad. But when you smile at him like that, it's like his anger decides to get up and leave.
"Would you... umm, mind getting off me?" he was worried that he might overheat like his dad's poor laptop which he forced to run videogames far beyond its capabilities. Now he feels bad for that old thing.
"Only if you promise that we go for a little walk outside." he grumbled at first but ended up agreeing after you gave him a little kiss on the cheek as encouragement.
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Hiiiiii I'd like to please request for Yami nozel and Fue with a shy s/o who gives the guys a hickey on the neck or collarbone for the first time and it totally catches them off guard and they become a flustered mess
Thankyou (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)❤️
Oh flustered, blushing men, who usually are anything but~, sign me right up! ^^ I hope you like these! And you're very welcome, thanx for dropping by!
Pairings: Yami x f!reader, Nozel x f!reader, Fuegoleon x f!reader Genre: fluff Fanfic type: Headcanons Total length: ~1.3k Warnings: nothing, the guys are just blushing messes~
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You and Yami had been dating for a while now, but somehow he still managed to make you have butterflies in your stomach every now and then. Because that’s juts how he was. He would catch you off guard and give you that sneaky grin, that in all honesty, was so adorable.
He might have been a tease, but it was all to make you think about him. And he did want you to think about him.
A part of you suspected that he was more jealous than he lead on, even though he did trust you. It was more about him cherishing you, and wanting you to want to be with him, than anything else. But still. His jealousness was adorable as well.
However, there came on idea to you. Because if he was territorial about you, then why couldn’t you be territorial about him?
So? A lipstick mark on his cheek? A bracelet with your name on it? Or another piece of “couple jewellery” perhaps?
The it occurred to you, that you could give him a hickey~ It’d be something that you’d make, a mark left on his skin, which would be harmless and heal soon enough, but would still carry the symbol of him being yours and you his.
It was nerving, because you never did anything like that. But with Yami… you could. You would dare. Because you trusted him.
So, one day, when you were wishing him goodbye for the day, you leaned in, as if to give him a kiss on the cheek. A little innocent peck to wish him well for the day… but instead you had a very different plan~
You placed your hands onto his shoulders, and let your lips approach his cheek, but changed the trajectory of your movement, dropping your lips onto his neck instead.
You pressed your mouth against his skin, and sucked it between your lips. Hard.
A faint hum, a breath, as if an exhale to tell him that you were having something delicious, left you.
And as you leaned back, eyes looking onto the now red patch of skin on his skin, a smirk found its way to your lips. Because you had dared to do something like this.
But as your eyes climbed to gaze into his, they saw a dumbfounded expression as Yami stood there with what must’ve been a faint blush on his cheeks, and agape mouth, as he could only look at you.
However, he recovered and smirked back to you. “That’s my girl,” he said, making your cheeks warm in return.
You and Nozel had reached the state in your relationship, where your relationship had been made public; announced that you were in fact dating. That had been one of the most wonderful, and anxiety inducing days of your life, because there you had been, listening about how it was now official that you were dating a member of a royal house.
A part of you was thankful of the fact that when it came to his private life, Nozel was a very private man. Which meant that he didn’t put you on the spot either.
Of course, you needed to represent a bit as well, because of your newly acquired status, but you didn’t need to be out too much. And displays of affection happened mostly within closed doors, rather than under the eyes of … whoever might have been there to watch.
But you did enjoy the little things he did, here and there, such as hold your hand. Walk side to side with you so close that you could feel his warmth.
Though, your favourite thing had to be the hairclip he had given you. The Silva insignia hairclip.
It was now hidden behind your ear, in a place where it wasn’t quite so obvious, but it was there, with you, nonetheless. And it made you think about how you could dare to be a bit bold. Give him a mark of some kind to carry as well.
But he could buy anything he wished for, so a gift like that wouldn’t make a lot of sense. It’d have to be something that only you could give him.
And that was when you devised a plan.
Next morning when he was getting dressed, seated in front of the mirror, you came from behind him and leaned in, wrapping your arms around him.
His head turned in an effort to look at you, not through the mirror but directly.
But as you lowered your head down to the level of his neck, and pressed your mouth against his soft skin, he tensed in your arms. And the moment when his skin was caught between your lips as you sucked, a gasp left his lungs. A surprised, but not… un-pleased gasp. Quite the opposite, actually.
You moved back, revealing a patch of red skin where your lips had been.
Nozel turned around in his seat to look at you.
His eyes were open, lips parted, but most importantly, his cheeks were covered with a pink hue.
With his stare your confidence faded, and you averted your eyes, but still there was a pleased, proud smile on your lips. Because now he’d have a little mark, made by you. Even if it’d be hidden under the collar of his shirt.
But he had one.
Fuegoleon was, despite his authority, a private man. Especially when it came to his love life. But it stemmed from his wish to remain professional, as well as the concept of the matters of your relationship staying between you and him, instead of being the business of the public. Though he did declare that he loved you any time it was suitable.
His love was never something to be questioned.
And he did make you feel secure and safe. Despite being shy, you didn’t feel like that around him. You could say that his strength was contagious like that~
He was a strong, proud man, and you knew that he was also proud about having you in his life. Because, though it had taken time to notice it, whenever you were close to him, he stood a little taller. Whenever he looked at you, he smiled.
And you wanted him to feel like that all the time; to feel that you were with him, throughout his entire day.
A lipstick mark on his cheek would do the trick, but it’d smear, and perhaps be a little too obvious. In the way that it’d be right there, on his face. And he did want to be professional, so something else would have to do. Perhaps something that would be just for him and you to know. Which made you think about something…~
Next morning, when he still wasn’t wearing his jacket, only his t-shirt, and he came to give you a hug before venturing to work. You placed your hands onto his chest, and looked at him in the eyes, only to lover your gaze down and push the collar of his shirt aside just before your lips met with the skin right above his collar bone.
And you sucked, getting some of his skin between your lips, which left with a popping sound, leaving behind a red mark. But a very different kind as to the one that was on his forehead.
You couldn’t help the little proud smirk that tugged the corner of your mouth up right before you lifted your gaze to look at him.
He stood there with wide eyes, and lifted his right hand before his mouth to cough a little into his hand, as if to calm himself as a faint blush decorated his cheeks.
Your smirk faded into a tender smile as you averted your eyes. He was quite adorable with that flushed expression of his. But he was also your proud, adorable boyfriend.
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boredth · 1 year
Just sayin': two days ago I walked out of the cinema with the desperate need to consume every single piece of fanart dedicated to John Wick I can find, so here I am. Your page is a blessing, your art style is amazi- nope, BREATHTAKING, gives a huuuge inspiration boost. Thanx a lot for your drawings! Now I kinda wanna make one too :3
You're very welcome! Now grab that pencil and start creating :)
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bunnie-online · 8 months
Hi! Can you write a request for Clay Beresford with some soft fluffy morning love making. Thanx!
It’s totally fine if you don’t want to!
i was inspired by this video <3
warnings: fem!reader, unprotected p in v (stay safe pls) creampie, fluff fluff fluffy! established relationship.
you outstretched your arm to reach for your fiancé, the one and only Clay Beresford. to your disappointment, the right side of the bed was completely empty. you open your eyes to find that you were alone in your shared bedroom. Clay was always a morning person, so this shouldn’t surprise you but you’d like to cuddle him in the morning once and a while.
you sit up and rub your sleepy eyes. you decided to drag yourself out of bed and splash some water on your face to aid in waking you up. to your surprise you find your very handsome soon-to-be husband in the bath. he’s more of a shower person, but you weren’t complaining at the sight.
“good morning, my blossom.” he smiles at you. “morning” you yawn back, cheeks tinting slightly at the nickname. “c’mere baby.” he gestures towards you. you, forgetting what you came in here for in the first place, walk over to him and sit in the edge of the tub. “hi, pretty thing. how’d you sleep?” his hand comes up to softly stroke your cheek, fingers slightly wet from the bath water. “i slept well. did you?” you match his actions, gently rubbing your thumb against his soft face. ‘he’s so beautiful.’ you thought.
“i did too, had dreams about you.” he smirks, leaning forward and kissing the arm that’s keeping you from falling into the tub. “oh, yeah?” you laugh. he continues kissing up your arm, making his way to your lips, hypnotizing you into leaning down further. “dreams about you joining me in the bath, getting soaking wet, taking care of you.” he whispers between kisses.
“Clay, don’t you think about it.” you giggle at him. “oh why not? hm?” he’s smiling now, struggling to kiss you back while grinning. you feel his arms wrap around your waist. “Clay!” you exclaim“Clay don’t! i’m in your shirt!” your laughter fills the room. “we have a dryer.” he’s laughing out loud now too.
Clay bests you and you tumble into the water with him. “Clayton!” you scold and slap him gently on his chest. he feigns injury and offense. “oh! i’m wounded!” he continues laughing. you needed revenge now. while he was busy laughing at his victory you decided that it was the perfect time to adjust your position and straddle his lap, you can already feel him getting aroused.
“Blossom, what are yo-.” you cut him off by kissing his neck, he lets out a soft groan. “Baby-.” he tried to speak again “you wanted me in here, how can i resist the temptation of my gorgeous fiancé right in front of me.” you interrupt him.
both of his hands grab your face, making you kiss him back, tongues dancing in harmony, both of you letting out soft moans. you both starting moving your hips, desperate for friction. Clay started removing your (his) shirt. “fuck, you’re so beautiful. every-fucking-thing about you is perfect.” he sits back to eye you up and down, you turn your head shyly. “look at me.” he turns your chin towards him, holding your gaze. “so fucking pretty.” he pulls you in by your face, kissing you again.
you can feel how hard he is now, every little movement you make, he lets out a groan. if you weren’t in the bath you could probably feel a pool of your own arousal. “come on, blossom.” his guides your hips down to align your heat perfectly with his cock. “just like you did last night.” he whispers against your lips.
you take one of your hands and guide him into you, still feeling a little sore from your escapades the previous night. you both moan aloud as he slides into you. “ah, so perfect. just like you were made for me.” he wraps his arms around you, pressing your chest against his. your eyes roll into the back of your head and your jaw drops open. “just relax baby, let me do it.” he moans, you can hear the water sloshing around and splashing out of the tub. his hips slamming into yours. “shhh that’s it baby, let me do it, let me take care of you. ohh good job baby, good good job.” he praises you for taking him so well, you were always so good for him.
“ah! Clay!” you escape his grasp, leaning back so his cock slams against the front of your walls, hitting that perfect spot. your moans echo through the bathroom, due to your insides remembering this exact pounding from last night, you were twice as sensitive.
“i know, baby. i know.” his hands now forming bruises on your hips, tugging you up and down rhythmically like you were his own personal toy. your moans syncing with his movements. “ah! ah! ah! fuckfuckfuck! you’re gonna make me cum soon!” you scream.
“good. cum for me, pretty baby.” he moans, it’s obvious his release nearing soon, his eyes are shut tightly, his nails are digging into your soft skin, his mouth making a relaxed o-shape. almost on command, you started squeezing down onto him in pulses. your hips stuttered and you sprung forward, clinging onto him to ground you as your orgasm ripped through you.
his arms flung around you once again, squeezing you tightly as he released inside of you. his moans coming out louder and higher pitched.
both of your voices eventually subsided into soft gasps, he releases you from his vice grip and pulls himself out of you. you lean back again, giving him a soft, loving smile. “i love you.” both of you blurt out. after shared giggles and lots of kisses, you shakily climb out of the tub, followed by Clay. he wraps you in a towel and carries you bridal style to your bedroom. he places you down softly in bed. “i’m gonna go get myself a towel, okay? after we cuddle for a bit, how about we go to your favorite breakfast spot?” he strokes your face again and you nod sleepily.
‘ahh what a life.’ you thought.
i hope this is what you wanted !! <333
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autumnfoxthetherian · 3 months
This is my journey if anyone’s interested (its kinda long to read): For me, it’s a mix of multiple factors. I’ve always acted kinda different from my schoolmates (random noises, unconsciously doing animalistic things) so I thought I was just a weirdo, and that was fine. It wasn’t until a couple years later that I heard about therians for the first time at school. People where less then friendly when they where talking about them though (and they didn’t seem to actually know what a therian was, they just assumed it was a furry(not that furries are bad!)) Anyways, I went home and did a lot of research, and some of the things I read just started to click! I also watched Therian Territory videos and that helped too. I started a journal because I knew I might just be getting exited over nothing, I still wasn’t sure if I was a therian or not. After about another year, the whole idea had kinda faded into the background, but I still questioned every once and a while. But after I kept having shifts and noticing them, I re-started my journal and eventually came to the conclusion that I was a therian. That was pretty much my awakening; it felt great! I did more research to see if I had a specific theriotype/s and knew by instinct that I was a dessert animal (though I’ve always loved forests, but oh well) I did lots of searching and learned about lots of animals. I thought maybe at first I was a rodent, and stuck with that for a while. but a few months later I had a dream shift of snuggling up with foxes. I immediately started doing research again and confirmed after another month of questioning that I was a Corsac Fox. It felt so much more natural then when I thought I was a gerbil, and ever sense it’s been easier to connect with my theriotype (I’m still questioning if I might be a rondent though because something made me believe before) Fox shifts are fun! And my mom has been supportive of me ever sense I told her even though she doesn’t understand. I go outside regularly to try to connect with my theriotype and hope that one day I’ll meet other therians!
I hope you’re journeys where just as good, and that you found acceptance. I hope you’re happy being yourself. Comment your Alterhuman journey if you’re comfortable, I’d love to hear about it! And remember; everyone has different experiences and journeys, awakening could take years or days, but all Alterhumans and therians are beautiful!!!
Also pls reblog so we can get as meany answers as possible, thanx!
- Autumn
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selfloverrrrrr · 5 months
ok but… im curious maybe part 2 of the college incident (the gojo one)
Here's your requested one....
Hope you gonna like it<3
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The College Incident ( part-2)
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Warning: manipulating, jealousy, blood, murder, Yandere.....
( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read those warnings carefully.....if you don't like my stories block me not report....
The next morning I woke up. I slowly woke up suddenly felt a pain between my legs. A small gasp came from my mouth as I felt that pain. Suddenly I realised, remembered all those things happened last night. My heart beat fasten. I looked over my shoulder and saw Gojo sleeping. He was cuddling me with one of his hand on my waist. We both were still naked. I took a deep breath and got up. I slowly pushed his hand. As I tried to get off the bed I felt his hand again on my waist pulled me harshly towards him and he got on top of me. He could see the fear in my eyes. He was starting deep in my eyes.
" you're being a bad girl again..." He whispered while stroking my hair with his fingers. " G-Gojo please" my voice cracked. " Please what?" He whispered again. " Please let me go" I begged him. Hearing those words he got angry and grabbed my cheek harshly. " Why do you want to go away from me darling? You still want Suguru?.... Listen carefully.... I will kill everyone.... Every fucking one who will try to get you.... even if it's Suguru.... I'll kill him too" he whispered in a angry voice. " You're a smart girl... You know very well what you have to do... Now get ready... We have to go college". He said and went up.
He went to the shower and got ready. Then he came with me in my room. I got shower. After that I brushed my hair and wore my pants. He forced me to wear his hoodie so everyone in the college could understand that we're in a relationship. Even though he was forcing me to do it. He didn't let me cover those hickeys from the last night. He wants everyone to see it.
After getting outside of our hostel We both got into Gojo's car and went to the college. He stopped the car and looked at me. " You know that you have to love me and make everyone believe that you love me right?" He whispered. I didn't reply just kept silent. We got out of the car and started walking together. We were holding each other's hands. When we entered the classroom everyone looked shoked as if they saw a lion. Geto, Shoko and Mei Mei came to us. " What the.... Y/n??? What's happening???" Shoko asked. " We're dating" Gojo said. I put on a fake smile. " But y/n... Didn't you tell us someone else's name whom you love?" Mei Mei asked. " Yeah I did.... Because Gojo was there right behind us.... that's why I told you that.... But that yesterday evening he proposed me and I accepted that " I replied with a smile. " Okey... then congratulations" Shoko and Mei Mei said with a smile. Geto hugged gojo " what Satoru.... Didn't think of telling me about it? Anyways.... Congratulations" Geto said with a smile. " Yeah man.... Thanx" Gojo replied.
From the time I entered the college today all the girls were giving me the dirtiest look I have ever seen. When me, Shoko and Mei Mei went to the canteen there were three girls already. We went to a table of five because Gojo and Geto told us to save sits for them they're coming in a moment. We saw those girls reaching our table. " Hey you" the girl named Mai pointed at me. " Yes?" I replied. " I wanna know why you were coming in the college holding Gojo's hand today and why the fuck are you wearing his hoodie?" She spoke in a mean tone. " Because he's her boyfriend " Shoko replied her with the same tone she gave me. " What? Keep dreaming.... He'd never date a slut like you. He's handsome rich guy... And you're just a whore" she said with chuckle. Right then we saw Gojo and Geto entered the canteen. They reached for our table. Seeing them coming Mai pulled her top down to show more of her cleavage. When Gojo and Geto reached our table Mai spoke in a creepiest voice I have ever heard " heyyyyyy Gojoooo" but he totally ignored her like she wasn't there and went towards me. He sat beside me, give me a kiss and pulled me on his lap. Mai's eyes widened. " Gojo? Are you dating her?" She asked. " Hm" Gojo replied. She bend on the table like she wants to shove her breasts in Gojo's face " why her... You could have asked me ~" she tried to speak in a seductive voice. " Because I don't want to date a CHEAP WHORE" Gojo said with a straight face. Mai's eyes widened. I even got shocked. Shoko and Mei Mei started giggling. Mai couldn't control these so she and her friends went out of the canteen.
It was my off period. Gojo's lacture was ongoing. I finally feel some relief that gojo wouldn't be near me for some time. I headed to the library which was exactly opposite of our classroom. I went in. I was looking at the bookshelf suddenly hear someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Haibara. " Oh hey" I replied with a smile. " I'm fine... I heard you and Gojo went in a relationship....well congratulations" he said and give his hand to me. I shook his hand. " Thank you... and I like your breslet btw" I said. " Oh thank you..." He said and then we went on our own business.
Time passed. It was night already. I completed my dinner and was going to sleep when I heard a knock on my door. I went towards the door and opened it. I saw Gojo standing there. " What are you doing here at this time???" I asked. " Why.... I'm here to sleep with my girlfriend " he said but my eyes went towards his shirt which were drenched in blood. My eyes go wide. He came inside without my permission. I locked the door. " Gojo!.... What have you done now?" I asked. " Hmm~hmm~" he hummed while taking off his shirt. " Satoru I'm asking something!" I said in a low voice so outsiders can't hear it. " And I'm ignoring it" he said and took off his shirt. " Oh and this.... You liked it right?" He said and put something in my hand. When he removed his hand I saw a breslet. My eyes widened. It was Haibara's breslet. " N-no no....no.... Satoru you didn't-" " Yes I did..... How dare he touched what's mine.." Gojo said. I started at the breslet with disbelief. Tears came in my eyes. Gojo went on the bed. " Come on darling.... I'm so tired rn... I need a good sleep.... come here and sleep with me ~" Gojo cooed.
Give me your requests...
I love when you give me your requests:) <3
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Always and Forever My Truest: Chapter 2
(A/N): Hey everyone! Surprised myself with writing chapter 2 so quickly, but after writing the first chapter I think I really got my mood back for the series. By the looks of it I think it’ll really start kicking off in chapter 3 or so. I hope you guys like chapter 2! Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist, and thank you for all the support on my writing!
Word Count: 1,300-ish
Summary: Anniversary planning is never easy, especially when it’s your 453rd anniversary. Now the reader must be the one to deal with annoying Alexanders and the new information about a long lost Alexander female was just be brought to light.
Warnings: dub-con, forced marriage, polygamy, possible Stockholm syndrome?, obsessive/possessive behavior, Yandere-ish Walter de Ville, dom/sub relationship, abuse of power, threats—warnings to be added. Let me know if I missed anything.
Disclaimers: I do not own The Invitation or any of the characters within the movie. You know what is and isn’t mine.
Walter de Ville x Wife!Reader
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~Present day in 2022~
~(Y/N) P.O.V~
Roses. Traditional and elegant, but so unoriginal. Possibly the bleeding heart flower? The master would certain find that choice amusing. Then again, there is Cherry Blossoms. Representing renewal, which is befitting given the celebration.
‘Oh, but we had those for our 342nd Anniversary!’ I thought in frustration, huffing out a sigh. ‘Where is the creativity. The awe factor!’
The event coordinator must have sensed my rapidly rising irritation, as I shuffled through the damn flower books, and she scrambled to suggest more flower ideas. “There is always Locus flowers, Lady De Ville! They would certainly make a statement and the setting—”
“No.” I stated, indifference overcoming my composure. “No, I just don’t understand I suppose. You’ve had days and days to prepare and nothing you have shown me has yet to impress me in the slightest. Perhaps, I was wrong in believing you fit for the task…”
I stare her down as she struggles to find words in her defense. It was amusing in a way. Despite how I am in the presence of my husband, I cast off an entirely different persona in the presence of the public. A persona to rival that of the master. It’s certainly an entertaining sight for my Lord Love to watch as I interact with people. My mother always said, “who we are and who we have to be, are sometimes to completely different things.”
‘Words that I live by to this day.’  I mused to myself.
The coordinator still has yet to find solid footing and I grow tired of her incompetence. I close my eyes in disappointment and turn to leave the gardens before an innocent voice cuts through the air.
“Wait (Y/N/N)! Look at these flowers, Jade Vines.” Lucy called out, turning to me with a picture of turquoise blue flowers. ‘They certainly were stunning and most of all unconventional’ I pondered. I beckon her closer and she came bounding over, blonde curls bouncing softly with her every movement.
I hear the coordinator finally find her irksome voice, “Yes, Jade Vines would be an excellent choice! They are exotic flowers from the Philippines and considered one of the world’s most rare flowers, if not the rarest.”
I drown out her voice as a study the picture before I cast my gaze up to Lucy’s anticipated facial expression. I finally smile as I speak, “Yes, the Jade Vines would be perfect!” Lucy lets out an excited squeak. “Well done, Lucy.”
I bestow a soft endearing look to her as her face lights up at the praise and she bounces in her place. Viktoria can be so impatient with Lucy, bossing her about, and sometimes being just downright cruel. When Viktoria isn’t bullying her she simply ignores Lucy as if she isn’t even there. It saddens me to think that Lucy believes that no one cares for what she has to say. I do though, and I gladly listen her rambling. It’s nostalgic in a way as it reminds me of a younger me. A human me.
“Perhaps, I should place Lucy in charge of my anniversary event.” I glare at the other woman, who once again finds herself lost for words. “Don’t disappoint me again.” Which she vehemently nods in fear.
With that I swiftly turn and depart from the gardens. I’m almost inside when Renfield stops me on the spacious patio. He bows before rising to speak, “My deepest apologies for disturbing your planning, Lady De Ville. However, Oliver Alexander made an unannounced visit with what he claims is urgent news.”
I give Renfield an inquisitive and uncertain look before I fall back into my normal façade, “and tell me, why is this not being brought forth to the master?” I inquire, with a condescending head tilt.
“He has several important meetings lined up today, Mistress. Forgive me, I tried to send him away to return on a better day, but he insisted if he could not see the Master then he wished to speak to the Mistress.”
I heavily sighed before making my way towards my personal library. “Very well. Send him to my study in 10 minutes.”
“Certainly, Lady De Ville.” Renfield bowed, despite my turned back, and departed to collect Oliver Alexander.”
~(Y/N)’s Library~
I read over a few business project proposals and bank statements for some of the Castellan companies, before a steady knock sounds from the library doors. My golden hued eyes slowly trail over to the doors in disinterest. “Come in.”
Renfield swiftly opens the doors and makes way for Oliver. I internally roll my eyes, as Oliver gives me a dopey smile and bows in respect. He has always been a weasel and he truly had no favor with me at all. That’s why Walter tended to deal with him, so as not to upset me in any way. Speaking of which I didn’t need this boy here a moment longer than necessary.
“I hope your news is as urgent as you claim it to be, Oliver. You know I have little patience for those who waste my time.” My golden irises sharpen in a dangerous manner, to which the boy begins to squirm under.
“Yes of course, Lady De Ville. I wouldn’t dare dream of it. Though it truly is a marvelous occurrence and—”
“Out with it, Alexander!” I hissed, feeling my teeth elongate.
“We have discovered a female of the Alexander bloodline. Evie Alexander.” He fearfully blurted out.
This was quite a discovery. A very important one. All the bloodlines were bound in ancient magic to my Lord Love and the bloodlines worked together like a well oiled machine to insure prosperity and protection. Perhaps before the master and I were married, the prospect of offering a bride to the master held meaning, but that was no longer the case. At least not since he and I were wed and had became one. Now it was about keeping the bloodlines in line and doing our bidding under the illusion that their daughters held value. In truth, now all the families really did was help keep our identities and true nature from the light of truth. The brides from the other three bloodlines were really just incentive for the other bloodlines to behave and not induce the ire of my Lord Love.
With this new leverage over the Alexanders, we would be sure to have them under thumb once more. The only questionable matter is whether this girl was actually of the Alexander bloodline. I slowly stood from desk chair before leisurely gliding over to where Oliver stood.
“How exactly are you sure this so called long lost relative is truly of the Alexander bloodlines?” I asked, sweet sarcasm dripping from my voice.
“It was discovered through a DNA testing company that helps you discover people related to you.” He said, in excitement.
I nod as he finished speaking and waited on bated breath for my response, “Well, this is certainly a discovery. However, more research must be done into this girl. The Master must know as soon as possible, and I will be the one to inform him. Have you contacted this Evie?”
He shook his head and I nodded my approval. “Good. Make sure it remains so until I speak with my husband and he has decided what to do next. Only then will we commence with any plans.”
He gave me another idiotic smile and I gave a silent huff as I glared at him. “We shall be in touch very soon. You are dismissed.”
He bowed and quickly made way for the doors. I spun around to look out the enormous windows as my mind wanders off in thought.
‘Things are about to get a lot more difficult. This Evie was not raised like Viktoria, Lucy, and I. She is a different breed entirely, and certainly not one to be underestimated.’
Taglist: @dd122004dd​ @omgsuperstarg​ @crazy4books1​ @taetae123094​ @lychee02​ @liathelioness​
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thewritetofreespeech · 11 months
What about how they kiss and how they like to be kissed for the Psycho-Pass guys (you can choose which ones) Have you seen the movieWhat about how they kiss and how they like to be kissed for the Psycho-Pass guys (you can choose which ones)? Have you seen the movie??? :O Thanx!!
Psycho Pass Guys + kissing style
Shinya Kogami
Firm and direct.
Kogami isn’t really shy, or pussy foots around.
When he wants a kiss, he wants a kiss. Of course, if they are willing.
He pulls their whole body towards him and holds them close. It’s sort of a grounding thing when he can feel them against him when they kiss.
Nobuchika Ginoza
Shy and gentle.
His ‘kissing experience’ is basically non-existent before he became an Enforcer; not wanting to have to explain his father to anyone he got close to. And there isn’t much opportunity for kisses now that he’s on the other side of the fence.
Gino is meticulous. So, he wants to get it right. Unfortunately learning to kiss someone the right way is all trial & error.
He doesn’t want to hurt or scare them, and usually just lets them take the lead to teach him.
Shusei Kagari
Playful and persistent.
No one would disagree that Kagari’s love language is physical touch. He loves to hug, cuddle, be close to, and of course kiss his s/o all the time.
He’s constantly giving them little pecks on the cheek, head, or really anywhere he can get to. Sometimes multiple pecks in one go.
Like he’s storing up kisses for winter like a chipmunk or something.
Teppei Sugo
Passionate and unyielding.
Given Teppei’s usually calm, focused nature, it’s a surprise how powerful he is when he kisses, but it’s true. Perhaps his past in knowing things can slip away so easily that he wants to make sure that he takes full advantage of their moments when he kisses them.
He holds their face in his hands. Maps out their mouth with his tongue. Keeps kissing them until his lungs burn and physically must let them go.
Kisses them like every kiss might be their last, so he has to make the most of it.
Shogo Makishima
Sweet but deceptive
Shogo isn't a big kisser, in into physical touch.
He usually only kisses his s/o when he wants something or is trying to distract them from something he's done.
Like the rest of his personality he is able to manipulate them into thinking he loves them. He's good at it, and kissing. Using bits and pieces of affection to continue weaving his web of deceit and go about his plans with ease. Like a true psychopath.
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stxrmylxve · 10 months
minxx!! i missed youu love- thinking about your beautiful hcs lately and was wondering could i request since it's the kings day♥️ what izana + kakucho [since he has no official birthday😭 so they can share] would prefer to do on the special day sfw + nsfw. w their partner?? thanx always love you're the best! -💋
a/n: well you’re getting me back into writing so hello im back lol 💁‍♀️❤️
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he honestly just wants rest. he would ask you for his dreams; snuggling in your embrace after you both watched a long movie only to fall asleep with you, but he has a bit too much pride for that…
he only will hint at what he wants 🖐️
tbh he just wants a homecooked meal and downtime with you, and he doesn’t ask for anything else
… sometimes the meal is your cunt. who knows.
ironically enough he treats you more than he does himself for just about the whole week before and after his special day because he actually can step away from tenjiku for a bit
very polite as always, just more demanding thats all 🤷‍♀️ he will def grip your thighs bruisingly to pull you closer to him just to feel every part of you on him
… will ask to fuck at least once on the day of, in addition to the millions of other times he has already asked 😭
a needy little sweetheart, his poor soul
he wants more loving just cause it’s his day and he just doesn’t know how to ask so he just turns into a stuttering and blushing mess whenever he tries to ask you for something
he feels bad receiving gifts so he repays you with thousands of small pecks all over your body
he takes things really slow to make up for any time he has starved you of love
is very romantic, and even though you are already showering in tons of love, he one-ups you and makes a whole scene for YOU even though it’s supposed to be the other way around lol
denies you of any efforts to make him special because all he wants is to have special time with his girl
will run a bath and will ask you to join him.. only to end up fucking you and making you overly tired 🥲
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zoromuse · 1 year
Hey! If theyre still open id like to request God Usopp with prompt 20 for the Heart to Heart event :] gn!reader pls thanx >:D
God Usopp + “You know it’s fine if you’re a little rough with me, right?”
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cw. gn!reader, mentions of drunk sex, lowkey soft dom usopp
wc. 0.4k
a/n. also first time writing for usopp, hope you like it! happy valentines day and thanks for requesting <33
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Sex with Usopp is nothing to complain about. He’s always so thorough with his foreplay, you’re practically begging for him by the time he decides to put it in. He’s very soft when it comes to intimacy. But that’s also the problem, he’s too soft.
And sure, you enjoy his gentle hands when they caress your skin, but the feeling of that lingering touch makes you wonder if his hands would feel even better if they were holding you in place while he slammed his hips into you.
Truth be told, he had thought about the same thing, more than you could imagine. On lonely nights he’d fuck his fist at an animalistic pace, wishing it was you he was ruining instead of his palm. But he never got around to asking if you’d be ok with something like that, so he’ll settle for the pace he thinks you like.
There were moments when his true nature slipped between the cracks, like that one time he had a few drinks with the crew and he got a little carried away. He kept muttering dirty talk into your ear while you rode him, sometimes even accentuating a word with a thrust that made you gasp, wondering who he was and what he’d done with your lover.
Ever since then, you were convinced he was holding out on you, and you were determined to make him break.
“Usopp?” you say, hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer until he’s face to face with you. His brows are furrowed, but as soon as he hears his name roll off your tongue, all of his attention is on you. “You know it’s fine if you’re a little rough with me, right?”
You swear you saw his eyes light up. Just his eyes though, because he’s trying to hide his excitement.
“Are you sure?” he says, already hooking his arms to the back of your thighs and pressing your legs to your chest. He knows you wouldn’t say something like that if you didn’t mean it, but he still wants that last word of validation.
“Yes, of cou- ah-!” you’re cut off with the swift motion of his cock as he buries himself deeper than he’s ever been before, thanks to the new angle. He immediately set a pace that left you seeing stars every time he lowered his hips into you, and he was pleasantly surprised to find out all the loud moans he could force out of you in just a few thrusts.
He leaned in for a kiss, tongues clinging to each other while you hummed your moans against his lips.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this…”
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©️ zoromuse 2023 | all content belongs to zoromuse, do not modify or repost
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oxygenbefore1775 · 1 year
teaching you how to play guitar
❧pairing: jean x afab!scout!reader
❧tags: smut (minors/ageless blogs dni), mid-timeskip
❧cw: fingering, one (1) petname used, overstim, weird as shit guitar imagery
❧wc: 1,4k
❧summary: while out on deployment you asked jean to teach you how to play a guitar
❧a/n: my first dab into the full-on smut; that's what the poll was about; posting it *unconspicuously* in honor of jeans bd; thanx to /hangeslefteye and /pisspope for fueling the shitshow that was my brain while writing this (not tagging directly cuz i dont wanna bother you to much)
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"Do you mind teaching me how to play?" 
You finally collected enough courage to come up to him for the first time as your squadron was settling down for the night. Jean Kirstein — elite and revered member of the Survey Corps — took his eyes off the singing strings to meet yours. His quick with movements fingers though kept on fiddling, with precise pinches and harsh strokes to the cords eliciting a lively tune out of otherwise stiff metal. Truly fascinating you found this, alluring even, that his fingers were capable of creating such a lovely thing.
Service had become luck-luster and boring as of late with all the titans eradicated and Survey Corps having nothing better to do other than to sit around on the coast waylaying the currently non-existing Marleyan ships, as you explained to Jean. Then might as well entertain yourself and put the hours into a skill that you'd actually enjoy, you mused.
He agreed surprisingly easy. Amber of his eyes shimmering from the flames of the dying campfire as he suggested you two should meet after the lights-out in his tent. It was bigger than yours anyway and his only tentmate Connie was on the watch duty that night so you could have all the place to yourselves.
At that time you thought that the glint in his eyes was all anticipation at the sight of a near practice session, seeing as Jean found guilty pleasure in patronizing. That smile he gave you as you both parted your ways quickly morphed into an amorous smirk when you weren't looking anymore.
Who'd have thunk that it'd end up with you sprawled on the tarpaulin, mind fuzzy and body sheening with sweat, as Jean kept on spearing your sopping cunt with his fingers.
You'd give him that, he at least had a decency to actually start off with teaching you. Positioning himself behind you on the floor as you were holding a guitar, his arms going over yours to guide your movements. You were such a diligent student. Your eyes following each motion of his fingers in an attempt to recreate it afterwards, asking him to go through each chord step-by-step slowly this time and turning your pretty face to him in search of approval each time you got the sound right.
It wasn't like Jean wasn't enjoying teaching you. Just that his thoughts weren't exclusively dedicated to the process. Blame it on the pretty much non-existent distance between your ass and his crotch, your giddy with excitement wriggles coiling him even further. Jean nearly hissed at the feeling of his cock growing hard and heavy against the groove of your ass. The Scout uniform was already damningly form-hugging but now with the arousal taking form there surely wasn't a way for you to not notice it.
And notice it you did. Fucking hell. You couldn't help but to feel pleased with yourself. It's not every day that you get a chance to fuck Jean Kirstein. You leaned against him even more, trying to feel upon the outline of his cock.
Maybe you might've actually learned something about playing guitar this night. Too bad your body was pressing against his a little too hard for Jean's composure to last more than a few minutes before finally snapping. His mind giving way to the intrusive thoughts of your image he succumbed to the urge of planting hot wet kisses down your neck. Caught up by surprise you shuddered with pleasure each time his lips crushed into your supple skin, his mouth burning hot and greedy. Yet another avid caress captivating your lips, you felt Jean's hands pry the guitar away from your grasp and putting it aside as he intended on having you only to himself this night.
"Jean!" you gasped almost jerking at his mere touch to your core once he finally had you bare beneath him, "Your fingers, they're too rough"
The curve of his lips gained a feigned sympathetic expression as he brought his fingertips to his mouth to wet them.
"That's how it's gonna be though," he sweetened your sudden discontent with his tongue licking away at your entrance, "Playing the strings got my pads all rough. But these fingers are meant to last so by the time I'm done with you'll be numb with pleasure"
As you'd come to know very shortly he wasn't the one to be throwing promises around.
His touch remained just as rough. The callouses on his fingertips bullying your sensitive flesh to no end. The whimpers and mewls falling past the brim of your bitten lips Jean drank up with such poise and pleasure as if he wasn't the one to cause them with every drag of his digits against your gummy walls. The solace you found in seeing scarlet stripes your nails left on his shoulders was although sweet yet not enough to forget about your discomfort. All you were left to do is to writhe and whine in a futile attempt to escape his merciless caresses.
But the way he was putting his fingers to use — good grief. As if possessing a hidden knowledge of your body all this time, Jean knew the exact points to hit to make you a squirming mess under his touch. Avid precision to his strokes, he never missed that sweet spot, the pressure he applied just right for your pleasure to get at its peak.
"Now, is that what gets you going sweet thing?" He'd coo at you each time he brought your features to a new stage of twisted pleasure, "Keep those pretty eyes open for me, would you?"
Bliss and pain mixing together in a ontradictory concoction, you felt as if your body would soon shut down.
The first time you came on his fingers, it was unexpected. Orgasm creeping up behind the waves pain and crushing over you in shudders. Ever so gracious, Jean helped you ride out your high, his body towering over yours and his lips covering your contorted face in quick pecks as he indulges you into another kiss.
"Jean," you carded your clammy fingers aimlessly through his hair, trying to get your fleeing mind some sort of purchase, "That was so good"
"I know," through the squint of your eyes you can see him smirk down at you, beaming with benevolence, "Boring life of a Scout, my ass. Just come to my tent every now and then and see how quickly you'd forget your complaints"
Your orgasm leaving you still so sensitive, you quickly noticed how his fingers returned to rubbing circles round your bud of nerves. Your clit still angry and puffy, it hurt so much each time his rough fingerpads did so much as brushed up slightly against your core.
With an intruding kiss he shushed your huffs of protest, "Oh, sweet thing I'm not done with you yet. Haven't you heard me the first time?" his hot breath searing the shell of your ear. "You'll be numb with pleasure"
The man of his word, he kept you up in the tent for almost all night drawing orgasm after orgasm out of your feeble body. Prying you open and discovering the new layers of bliss in you you've never even known of before.
How beautiful he was looking down at you, lulling your distress away with his attentive touch and caress. Like a string of his guitar he had you pinned down, left at the mercy of his never-resting fingers. Impeccable strokes succumbing your body to his will, whimpers and moans chording a sweet melody to his ears.
And just as promised, your mind was a haze, your flesh a putty under his touch by the end of the night. It seemed as your body had no bones, so pliable for him. As he held your trembling form close to his chest he kissed away the salt from your cheeks — the only remnants of your former soreness on your otherwise painted with bliss features.
"Such a sweet thing for me," you smiled lazily at his words, "Coming undone on my fingers like that. The next time I'm teaching you playing guitar, you're going to be riding my dick all throughout"
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fiercynn · 11 months
As it usually happens on here, we become fans of things by osmosis if we didn't seek it out for ourselves. So I've been following you for a bit and I have finally crossed the threshold from "this person I follow really loves this media and I love seeing their love for it on my dash, so glad they're having fun" over to "I wanna have fun, too." And that's all thanx to @thatgothsamurai's photobooth art.
So, I hope you can guide me on where I should start with patpran and inkpa, and the rest. Like, are they on separate shows that crossover? A spinoff? Like, what's going on, where do I start, how do I watch. Like you, I'm in the US. Any suggestions are appreciated.
AAAAAAAH THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY and thank u @thatgothsamurai for the amazing fanart as always (the photobooth fanart in question, a classic in the fandom)
okay so both patpran and inkpa are canon pairings from the thai bl bad buddy and its related special episodes! all are produced by the thai production company gmmtv.
the show and all related episodes are available to watch on youtube with english subtitles - i'll link to relevant playlists.
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directed by "aof" noppharnach chaiyahwimhon (who is gay himself), and starring "nanon" korapat kirdpan as pran, and "ohm" pawat chittsawangdee as pat. the original show is twelve episodes, which aired from october 2021 to january 2022. i watched it for the first time in february 2022 and have not known peace every since
the premise is that pat and pran, who have lived next door to each other since birth, have been rivals all their lives because their families hate each other. after pran's sent off to boarding school for three years, they are unexpectedly reunited at university - where they find that their friend groups are also enemies, so they have to keep up the pretense of hating each other. but of course they fall in love instead!
the main story is about patpran, but inkpa is a canon side pairing featuring "love" pattranite limpatiyakorn as pa, pat's younger sister, and "milk" pansa vosbein as ink, a classmate of pat and pran's. though they get less screentime, i still think they have a delightful romantic arc themselves!
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zero photography: an inkpa special episode that is set after the main show. directed by "tee" bundit sintanaparadee, whom i don't know much about, and aired in august 2022
our skyy x bad buddy x a tale of thousand stars: so our skyy 2 was an anthology of special episodes released between april and june 2023 for a bunch of different gmmtv bls. each show was supposed to have two special eps for their characters, but since two shows directed by p'aof were getting special eps (the other one being a tale of thousand stars, also a delightful show), he decided to use four episodes as a crossover of the two shows. in the bad buddy timeline, these eps take place during a timeskip that happens in the original show between episodes 11 and 12, and features patpran but has a few great inkpa appearances too. you don't really need to have seen atots to understand the eps, i don't think? but they probably are more enjoyable if you have haha
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"just friend" music video: nanon sings two songs on the bad buddy soundtrack, and ohm sings one for our skyy 2, all of which have music videos, but i'm linking to this song of nanon's particularly because the music video its own story unrelated to the show at all! it's very cute and is basically an au where they are employees at the same hotel (and in love of course)
23.5 degrees the series: this is not technically related to bad buddy, but milk and love are going to be starring in gmmtv's first full-length gl, 23.5 degrees, which will be directed by "fon" kanittha kwunyoo (who i believe is a lesbian)! thai gls are just starting to get attention and backing by the major tv studios, and milklove's known chemistry from playing inkpa, as well as an exciting supporting cast and director, are making everyone super excited for this
there are also TONS of behind-the-scenes and making-of extras if you get into the show but i figured this was enough to start with :D
let me know if you have questions about any of this! i'm not sure how familiar you are with thai media or fandoms, so definitely happy to share/explain more as would be helpful! <3
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japhan2024 · 10 months
Ian throws Anthony a surprise birthday party
Such a timely prompt :D
I decided to combine this fic with this promt:
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The Best Day Ever
November thirtieth, 1987
June seventeenth, 1984
September sixteenth, 1987
Ian never had to think about these dates. He just knew, from around a month before they were due, to buy a gift and send a card. Of course he would also just call his sister and he'd see Anthony every week anyway. It had been like that for years and years. But the last few of them had been painful.
September sixteenth, 2017. Ian had sent a card and a text. No reply.
September sixteenth, 2018. Ian had sent nothing.
September sixteenth, 2019. Ian had sent a text. Just a 'thanx' in return.
September sixteenth, 2020. Ian had sent a birthday meme. 'lol thanks'.
September sixteenth, 2021. Ian sent nothing.
And September sixteenth, 2022. Nothing.
But now it was August 16th 2023 and Ian was determined to make Anthony's upcoming birthday count for seven. He was pacing up and down his Los Angeles appartement, suddenly stopped and shouted: "that's it!" into the dullness of the evening.
"What's up with Ian the last few days?" Shayne asked Keith at the Smosh headquarters.
They'd barely seen Ian, which had been common but not lately, now Anthony was there too. They peaked into Ian's office.
"He's still on the phone?"
Shayne stroked an imaginary goatee. "He's up to something…!"
Then the invitations started to arrive at people's doorsteps. They were impeccably hand written in gold letters that made you feel guilty of even considering not going. "The Declaration of Anthony Day" was written proudly at the top of each invitation. People would ask each other if they'd gotten one in hushed tones, and soon it was apparent that everyone at Smosh - the cast, the crew, the supporting staff - they were all invited. This was going to be some hell of a party.
And then the day arrived. A dull Saturday morning, Anthony had invited Ian, Mykie and a couple of his close friends for a vegan brunch at his home. Nothing fancy. Turning thirty-seven wasn't a particularly remarkable feat and Anthony didn't want to remind everyone of how hot he was while being the oldest person at Smosh.
The brunch was nice and uneventful, and Anthony was ready to spent the rest of the day quietly but all of a sudden the doorbell rang.
"Did we order pizza?" Mykie asked.
"I don't think so?" Anthony said, confused.
He opened the door and his jaw might as well have hit the floor. Shane Told from Silverstein was at his doorstep, dressed in all black but casual garments, and said matter-of-factly: "Happy birthday Anthony! Are ya comin'?"
"Wh.. whaaaat?" Anthony laughed and looked around, and immediately found the culprit. Ian stood there cheesing like a fool.
"Are you behind this, bestie?" Anthony asked. Ian winked.
Everyone followed Shane down the stairs and then they saw it: a sparkling monstrosity of a party bus. It was already packed with people!
"Oh my god, Jenna? Justine? Ryan! Natalie?!"
It was like the bus was filled with the year 2005. Anthony loved it. All these OG youtubers he'd not seen for ages. All of them greeted him with hugs and kisses and giggles and there was wine and champagne, and Anthony's party entered the bus as well and they drove off into downtown LA. When they arrived, Anthony saw they were at Rahel Ethiopian Vegan Cuisine, one of the best vegan restaurants in the city.
The owner of the restaurant greeted the party at the door and said "In honor of Anthony Day I have prepared you the most delicious foods! Please come inside."
"Anthony Day?" Anthony wondered aloud, and Ian laughed.
The evening was simply wonderful and Anthony saw so many people he almost got dizzy. But the night wasn't over: Ian's phone rang and he said "Hey Anthony, it's for you!"
Anthony picked up the phone, and he saw his mom in her home, together with Ian's mom who was apparently visiting.
"Hello dear," they said in near unison. Anthony was on the verge of tears.
"Hi moms."
They exchanged some sweet words and congratulations and when they hung up, Anthony dived in to hug Ian.
"This means so much to me, Ian."
Ian smiled mischievously.
"What are you planning now?" Anthony said mock-accusingly.
"Well, Anthony, you've just eaten the best meal of your life, but not everything can be five stars on your birthday. I've made you something that you must eat, or I will be offended! But I can't promise you that it's any good, or edible at all…"
The chef appeared again and rolled up a cake with thirty-seven candles on it.
"You made the cake?!" Anthony asked Ian, with a quiver in his voice.
"I sure did buddy. You know the last six years I haven't gotten you a proper gift or anything. I want to make good on that."
"Oh Ian!" Anthony hugged him again.
"Alright, alright," Ian patted Anthony on the back but he smiled widely while he did it.
To be honest, the cake did taste mediocre, but Anthony didn't mind at all. It was all the more proof that Ian had actually made it himself. He ate a whole chunk of it, and it wouldn't have mattered, all the other things. Just this cake alone, and Ian, those were the best gifts he could have ever gotten. Anthony was blissfully happy. When he went to sleep that night, he croaked to Mykie:
"I love Ian so much, he's the best friend in the entire world."
"I know you do honey," Mykie replied sweetly. "I'm so glad you're finally back together. You've been so much happier, and that in turn makes me happier."
Anthony hugged her under the blankets.
"You're such a hugger, I love it."
"Come here, daddy wants his cuddles," Anthony joked. But he was so tired that he fell asleep almost immediately after that.
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Forever and Always My Truest- Prologue
A/N: I’m back! You guys, it’s been a hell of a ride these past couple of years. I just decided one day that I was finally ready to go to college and flash forward a few years and i’m so close to having my Bachelors degrees in Psychology and Pre-Law! Anyways, I know there’s a lot of back and forth about whether the newly released 2022 movie The Invitation is good or bad, but I honestly really like it. You can’t go just by me though, cause i’m a whore for 70′s, 80′s and 90′s slashers! Yeah honey, I born a y2k baby and grew up watching horror movies like that😂 anyways lets go!
Requested? No😭 I think this is actually the first reader insert imagine or general imagine/one-shot for this movie. Hopefully, I won’t be the only one posting for The Invitation cause I really want to read other writer’s work and takes on the fandom!
Word Count: 1,650k-ish
Summary: Lady (Y/N) de Ville has been Lord de Ville’s favored bride for more than four and a half centuries. She is Walter’s beloved and cherished wife in every way. Lady Viktoria and Lady Lucy holding title and image of being one of Dracula’s brides strictly for power and connections, so that Lord Walter can provide (Y/N) and himself an eternity fit for a king and his treasured Queen. The Alexander Bloodline threaten Dracula’s goals of obtaining and maintaining control and power for (Y/N) and himself. Until the Alexanders are finally able to produce a long-lost daughter of their waning bloodline, Evelyn Alexander. As much as (Y/N) wants it to work out as well and easy as it did with Lady Lucy’s transition into bride-hood, she understands and respects that Evie is an entirely different breed of woman. Can (Y/N) save her husband and sisters before it’s too late? She wasn’t his first bride, but she will be his last bride in the end. No matter if that is by the end of this wedding or by the end of eternity.
Warnings: dub-con, forced marriage, polygamy, light NSFW, possible Stockholm syndrome?, obsessive/possessive behavior, Yandere-ish Walter de Ville, slight exhibitionism, descriptions of exhibitionism, dom/sub relationship—warnings to be added. Let me know if I missed anything.
Disclaimers: I do not own The Invitation or any of the characters within the movie. You know what is and isn’t mine.
Walter de Ville x Wife!Reader
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~453 years and 7 months before present day 2022~
           ~(Y/N) P.O.V~
The dark corridors were lit by torches lining the walls, leading straight to heavy ornate wooden doors. I stood before the doors with my father, shaking with nerves as I let out a breathless sigh, before gathering the courage to look towards the handsome matured lord.
“Papa…what if he decides that he doesn’t want me?” She softly inquired. The man quietly laughed, with pure amusement shading his golden eyes. Those ethereal golden eyes a signature trait of the Castellan bloodline descendants.
“My dearest (Y/N), how could he not desire you above all others?” He sweetly cooed, seemingly so certain of his words. Still I cast papa an uncertain look and he softly sighed before fixing me with a gentle stare.
“Little one…the Master has never selected a bride before. Yet, he himself specifically chose you to be his wife, did he not?”
The man gave out an inquiring hmm as he gazed softly at me. I let a slight smile crack through my composed face. ‘Never let them see what you truly feel or think’ I mused to myself; ‘I suppose I can let my papa see though.’
Papa smiled brightly in the softly lit walls.
“Such a stunning young lady.” My papa states proudly. He’s always been a proud man, especially when it comes to me, his only daughter.
I am not the only girl from my ancient noble bloodline, but I was the only one out of all the young eligible ladies of my family, that received the Master’s immediate undivided attention. He did not seem to care at all for his bride Lady Viktoria, even as she stuck close to him practically breathing down his neck. He seemed vexed and annoyed in fact. Constantly sending her away to do something else, so that he and I could have privacy.
The master was a intimidating presence to say the least. He was tall and deliciously handsome, but a dark and dangerous look always seemed to dominate his angelic face. However, not with me. ‘Never with me.’ I thought wistfully. When he’s with me he’s soft, loving, patience, kind, understanding, funny, playful, and the list goes on. Truly shocking sites to bear witness to at first, considering all the horrors that I’ve heard people to dare whisper through the halls of my family’s castle about the Master.
I was pulled from my mind wandering state by a delicate wanton message. It called to me, washing my entire body with heat and desire.
“I belong solely to you, my truest. Soon you shall belong to me”
‘My Lord Love.’ A relaxed smile blossoming across my shining lips as my eyes slipped shut to bask in his voice.
“It is time, my dearest (Y/N)” I hear my papa’s voice.
My eyes snapped open to zero in on my papa’s face and I take in his knowing look. He knows, as he’s seen first hand the deep affections the Master holds solely for me. Papa knows he won’t have to worry for me. He knows I’ll flourish by my Lord Love’s side. He knows. He knows. He knows.
I straighten my posture and face as the doors begin to open to the night church. There he stands, so regal and handsome. Dark brown hair styled to perfection and the bluest of blue eyes that exploded with light as he lays them upon my queenly figure. He large smile stretches across his face as he locks his sight and attention on me.
I begin the slow march down the darken aisle between the pews of important lords and ladies. I can see my family and members from the other three prominent families. I see Lady Viktoria in all her jealousy and envy. ‘Certainly, no one wears desperation and jealousy the way your do Viktoria.’ I snicker away in mind, with genuine amusement.
My internal laughter is joined by the master’s laughter not a moment to soon. My eyes cut back to his, only for me to bear witness to a large smirk and the loud mischief lurking in his beautiful irises. ‘Behave, my truest.’ He teased inside my head.
‘I would have thought my master would like my naughtiness?’ I quipped, immediately receiving a pleasure full growl back as I finally stand before him. He gazes at me for a long moment before his eyes harden towards my papa. He wants papa to hand me over quickly, and thankfully my papa takes the silent demand in stride.
My papa guides my body to up the 2 steps to my lord and I hastily stretch my hand out, and the master snaps his hand out to clasp mine softly, yet tightly in his hand. His pulls my body up against his side and nuzzles his nose into my right temple, his lips just barely caressing my hairline. I relax and lean into the intimate display of affection before he slowly pulls back. He lets out a pleased sigh as he looks to the priest and gives the man a commanding nod to commence with the vows.
“Do you, Lord Walter De Ville, take Lady (Y/N) Castellan to be your lady and wife; commencing from this day forth for all eternity?” The priest asked.
“I do, absolutely.” He longingly states, whilst gazing into my golden eyes with unadulterated rapture.
“And do you, Lady (Y/N) Castellan, take Lord Walter De Ville to be your lord and husband; commencing from this day forth for all eternity?”
“I do, with all my heart.” I saying without any trace of hesitation, my damp golden eyes never straying from Walter’s intense stare.
Walter smiles at me as he releases my hand from his, to quickly drag his left index claw down the inside of his right wrist. He sweetly caresses the right side of my hair, pushing it out of the way, with his fingers as he pushes his bleeding wrist up to my lips.
“Here, my truest. Drink to your heart’s content…” He whispers, somewhat desperately with anticipation. I gently grasp his wrist in both my hands, as I swiftly wrap my lips around the wound and begin drinking. It so warm and sickening sweet, and I can’t get enough of it. I start to suck hard as I feel the need and desire pull in my nether regions, and the pleasure threatens to slip over as I teeter on the edge of ecstasy.
The same ecstasy I felt that night after the starlight ball, when he pulled me through the gardens and pinned me to a statue in a secluded area. He kissed with such passion that it was all devouring and suffocating, and I never wanted to stop. Certainly not when he pushed my dress upwards and wrapped one of my legs around his waist to grind his hard length against my heat. Most definitely not when he shoved his fingers into my smalls to caress my drenched wetness. I wanted to cry out into his wrist now, the very same way I cried out and whimpered into his mouth that night in the garden.
His low moan pulled me from my memory as I cast a side glance to his face only to feel my mouth grow slack at the sight before me. His face contorted in pure pleasure as he tilted his head back and his mouth falls open in another sinful moan. His beautiful fangs peaking through causing me to feel a warm fuzziness in my bosom and a slickness to gather in my smalls. He pulls his head back down to look at me as I once more tighten my jaws around his wrist.
He lovingly cradled the back of my head as he nuzzled into my hair, sending shivers all the way from the top of my spine to the base of it, as I feel him pant a moan into my ear. “Very good, my truest. Our eternity is just within our reach.”
I can feel it beginning to spread throughout my entire body and finally release his bloody wrist from my lips. It feels like nothing and everything at the same time. I couldn’t decide if the pain was hellish or heavenly. It was chasing to keep up with the blood rushing through my veins while my heart began to fall behind. Then, the dull ache set into my teeth and nails, feeling both grow and elongate in length. Then everything and nothing froze in place. My heart gave one last weak and long thump. The feeling of my heart stilling with its cage of bones was irrelevant compared to the feeling I receive when my eyes startle open to rest on my newlywed husband.
His eyes gave me a inquisitive and tense once over before he laughed and dove down to capture my lips within his. Cheers and applause sounded throughout the dim-lighted church and it was then I remembered that it wasn’t just the two of us. That fact didn’t even matter then, especially when my lord love pressed his tongue pass my lips and fledgling fangs to deepen the kiss and taste his essence coat the inside my mouth.
We reluctantly pulled from one another to stand and face our subjects. They all bore smiles, some fake I’m sure, but for the most part seemed genuine. I could respect Lady Victoria for that at least. She didn’t hide her true feelings behind pretty words and false smiles about the Master and I’s marriage. Her face twisting even more in disdain and envy with the Master’s next words, that he never once uttered for her.
“Hail my wife and queen, Lady (Y/N) de Ville!” He roars, soaking in the cheers and applause of our subjects. He looks to me once more with a victorious smile, whilst cupping my jaw in his hand and places a domineering kiss on my lips. I cannot help but press myself into his side and keen in wanton delight as I savor the taste of his lips and blood.
He hovers his smiling lips over mine and playfully nips at them, “Forever and always my truest love. Let it be my unbreakable vow from my soul to yours.”
“Forever and always, my king.” I swore back in hushed tone.
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