#thanksgiving running
cosmicwhoreo · 10 months
Alright. Golden chocos morning routine after snuggin up with bold and beautiful.
Put in simple terms~! Calm before the storm
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He values his valuables. Especially since most of them are capable of leveling entire islands- So his first order of business is check bloody EVERYTHING. Of course he sets up defense mechanisms that act on their own before napping, but that doesn't really ease his mind any.
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padyandmoonfoot · 4 months
james and lily and regulus are the type of couple to run 5ks on Thanksgiving (okay, Regulus complained about it, but he ended up winning anyways) (James ignored him for the rest of the day because of it)
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beepborpdoodledorp · 2 years
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A family doesn’t have to be a man, a woman and a child. Sometimes a family is just two lesbians, one of the lesbian’s eternally tormented estranged brother, a 12-year-old train conductor in constant violation of OSHA protocols, the depressed wine aunt librarian who hasn’t seen the light of day in decades, and a donut with a face
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no-mercy-bby · 10 months
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
Hi Emry! How are you?
Do you think there'll be some Andrew shark hoodie stickers in the shop in the future or no? 🥺
(i really a in love with shark hoodie Andrew)
bye! <3
Hmmmmm you know
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There's really just no way to be sure
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m1d-45 · 2 years
Hi,um this is my first time so I'm sorry if the requests are close.So I read a few genshin sagau and what would happen if the reader get smaller if they don't receive love?Like,they turn younger and younger.And 1 of the character found them but instead if the so called imposter, they find a child?What would happen
Again,im sorry.If the requests are close,then pls ignore me.im more scared of getting a reply😭
the young
a/n: requests are open, don’t worry! personally, i don’t plan on ever properly ‘closing’ them, only delaying / putting them on second priority for whatever reason. thank you for sending in a request, and if this isn’t what you wanted, then feel free to ask again!
word count: ~1.3k
-> warnings: unedited stream of consciousness, but not much else! imposter au. slight mention of addiction, probably obsessive behavior / thoughts… rip to klee / diona / dori / sayu / qiqi mains. mad respect though.
-> lowercase intended!
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky
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at first, you didn’t notice.
teyvat, in its loving kindness, had kept you safe after you’d been run out of the city. boars made sure nobody got too close, cranes kept watch, birds fluttered around your small campsite during the night. your loyal guard, always there, inhuman to some but a blessing to you. the people may not believe you, they may run you out and shout for your capture, but teyvat would always be there.
it would lower the boughs on trees as you mumbled about not being able to reach the fruit, it would send smaller companions as you jumped at the size of a crow, it would lead you to areas with smaller and smaller wildlife, all in the hopes that if it made you happy enough, you would stop shrinking.
when you did notice, you were afraid.
you were sitting on a rock, absentmindedly braiding wildflowers together. they seemed larger than usual in your palms, but so did everything else! your mind told you it was just because teyvat’s plants and animals were bigger than the ones in your world, but you didn’t really believe it.
a large raven carefully landed on the rock besides you, eyes peering at your creation. it was huge, the size of a puppy at least.
…a dog, you correct yourself. no puppy is that large.
the bird hops closer, talons clicking on the stone, beady eyes still watching the wildflowers in your hands. it’s large, unnervingly so, and you swallow before turning back to braiding.
when you reach for another flower, it takes more strength than it should to pull it up.
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grass bends under determined shoes, eyes scanning the undergrowth. ferns part, your main ducking under surprisingly low branches. they’d heard from the locals that the imposter was spotted around here, and they needed to be the one to find you.
they couldn’t let down their god. they couldn’t let them down, not when they’d already been punished by being deprived of their aura. they didn’t know what they did, they didn’t receive an answer no matter how hard they begged, but they were certain this could fix it. after all, they were still the favorite, right? they still had their weapon, and their artifacts that had taken ages to collect, and they could still sweep away enemies with the same strength.
all that was missing was the precious aura of being close to the creator, a feeling they would do anything to get back.
the memory spurred them on, even as the thicket grew denser. they did their best to push through, the golden shimmer of their weapon being summoned making up for the lack of light filtering through the leaves, but it’s like the very earth didn’t want them going here.
the thought made them pause, but only momentarily. if the earth didn’t want them there, then that meant it was dangerous, a threat to the people nearby. at the very least, they had to see whatever it was to ensure they could bring the proper amount of backup.
as they cut through the leaves and bushes—doing their best to preserve as much as they could, unwilling to destroy what their god had so lovingly created—they began to feel the same thrill in their bones that came from being near their god. when they first noticed they had to stop their progress, leaning against a tree to mumble a prayer of thanks.
they’d missed this. they’d missed it so deeply, a hole in their soul that nothing could ever fill. from being surrounded by it daily, in and out of battle and other errands, to being stranded without it for months… it could only be compared to an addiction.
when they got their wits about them, they shakily drew their weapon once more. this had to be a reward, right? for going out of their way to protect the people? this had to be a sign, acknowledgment from the only one they truly cared about, and it only reinforced their actions. cutting through the brush was hard, a task of which progress seemed slower and slower with every breath, but this made it worth it.
with a final use of their skill—carefully aimed, as they were well aware of how their hands trembled—the foliage gave way, opening into a beautiful meadow. birds chirped and called, butterflies landed on flowers, and a creek bubbled through the center, emptying into a pool on one side. it was beautiful, an area certainly blessed by their god’s love, and they took a moment to look in awe.
the call of a child snapped them from their thoughts, the feeling of a divine aura pulsing in their veins, and they turned to the source.
a small child was sitting in the grass near the edge of the clearing, butterflies and birds surrounding them like a personal guard. in their hands was a braid of flowers, their clothes stained with dirt and grass.
the favored rushed to try and rationalize the situation, thoughts slowed to a drip of honey by the bliss in the air. this… child had to be the reason they were being blessed, right? their god wanted them to save them from whatever the earth didn’t want them to see, right? perhaps the child was one of their vessels as well? though rare, it wasn’t unheard of..
the child stood from the grass, setting down the flowers and attempting to brush some of the dirt off their clothes. it didn’t work as well as they might have hoped.
they cleared their throat, catching the child’s attention. “you should come with me.”
one of the birds besides the child cawed loudly in protest, flapping its wings. neither payed any mind.
‘why’ indeed. they couldn’t exactly explain the entire concept of divinity to somebody so young, and it would surely only give whatever monster lied in wait more time to return. if they were a villager’s kid, they would have heard of them being missing, but they didn’t, so no chance of using the ‘your parent sent me for you’ line…
“somebody very important is looking for you,” they settled, taking a step towards them. “and they’ve sent me to come find you.”
please say yes. please just come with me. i can’t hurt a child. i need you to come with me.
i need their favor once more.
to their relief, the child walked closer to them, and they crouched to meet their eyes. the blessing of their god thudded alongside their own heartbeat, their vision swimming at the edges. this is what they were meant to do. they had to bring this kid to their god. this is how they would be forgiven.
the child said something, something along the lines of trust and belief, but they fell on deaf ears. in an easy motion, the favored picked up the child and stood, walking for where they had entered the meadow.
the kid squirmed in their arms, making themself comfortable, but they didn’t stop marching. exiting was far easier than entering, the leaves no longer seeming to fight them—not that it mattered. they had the key to their god’s favor in their arms, and their blessing in their veins. nothing would stop them from returning to their former position, to where they belonged.
nothing would stop them from returning to their god’s side.
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quaranmine · 10 months
my plan tomorrow: watch decked out vods during work bc it's probably gonna be slow. make myself food in my crockpot for dinner assuming i did indeed get all my ingredients i needed the last time i went shopping. make myself....some sort of alcoholic drink. sit down at my computer and spend the rest of the evening fully rewriting That Scene in firewatch au
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readyforthegarden · 1 month
it’s really cool where i am in michigan rn and it’s giving fall vibes and we’re going to the grocery store to stock the pantry for fall (all my baking and cooking necessities and prep for the holidays) and get groceries for the week
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clairityy · 2 years
I think that thanksgiving should be renamed national dog show day in honor of the much more important event, the national dog show
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amtrak12 · 27 days
My second biggest complaint about how the modern day internet views Gilmore Girls is how everyone associates it with fall????????? Like pumpkins and leaf-peeping fall????????????
BESTIES, there are exactly two seasons you can associate Gilmore Girls with and those are June 3rd and Snow. END OF STORY!
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vamp-a-day · 10 months
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day 38
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utilitycaster · 10 months
Do you know that apparently counting words (of every CR PC) is a thing now on youtube and twitter and people are outraged that a certain character is now top of the list?
So first off this is a links/screenshots or it may have happened but I'm not spending more time on it scenario - I love a stupid argument but you gotta give me sources - but also like...if it is happening? That's great. It's like the old folklore about how if you throw rice at a vampire they have to count all the grains so you can escape. Honestly if this is happening this is a golden opportunity to fuck with people. Ask how they're getting these counts - is someone doing this manually? That's wasting time they could be spending writing the world's worst fanfic or something. Tell them they should write a python script. If they've wrote one? Critique their code. Ask them if they're counting in character words only or out of character and how they judge this because some classes have way more complicated combat descriptions. Act really offended about how much Matt talks and see how long you can string it out before people realize you're making fun of them. Send them a clip that cuts to a rickroll in the middle. This is a golden opportunity to fuck with people. Don't get mad. Get hilarious.
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mahikamihan · 10 months
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thank you so much kiuda! i really needed that 🥺💕
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I like to think that for every scene of the gallaghers siblings interacting and bonding, there's also one of the milkoviches we just didn't get to see
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fieriframes · 7 months
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
until Biden, Hilary Clinton won more votes than anyone else in US presidential election history.
She didn't lose because barely a percentage point of votes went 3rd party.
She didn't lose because too many people "got lazy and didn't vote for her"
She lost because she lost the electoral college. She lost because she didn't even try to appeal to entire states worths of people she felt she was owed simply by those people living in "safe Blue states" or because she thought fear of Trump was enough to get people to vote for her.
She lost because despite the democrats deciding to portray her as the safe nominee, she had over the course of Obama's presidency become one of the least trusted and most hated women in the government . She lost because her party torpedoed the campaigns of far more strategic and better candidates because they were too progressive and she had seniority.
She lost because she was never a strategic candidate until they forced her to be the only option and thus the lesser evil.
She lost because no one, not her, not her canvassers, not even her own campaign could come up with an answer other than "but Trump!" To the question far too many voters had "Hilary Clinton is directly responsible for killing many members of my family, and she has said she will mostly continue the policies that killed them, can I really trust her not to kill us more?"
She lost because this country was and is FAR more racist than people want to admit
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