#thanks marina 💛
libelelle · 1 year
this. this you🐹
🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
I am a sily non threatening hampter : ) i do sily hampter things like steal bread 🐹
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stylespresleyhearted · 3 months
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liked by austinbutler, tmznews, perezhilton, and 1,382,632 others
arcticbree its 2024, get with the vibes 🤟🏻
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anthonyboyle are you and cal trynna tell us something? 😉
keoghan92 all love ❤️
alexachung love I think you’ve broken the internet
fan23 as a member of the community thank you for always taking a stand and an advocate! ❤️💙💜💚💛🧡
fan21 lol i think she’s trynna tell us something
fan33 no if her and callum were in a throuple we’d know
vanessakirby Iconic
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liked by austinfans, turnerupdates, and 72097 others
arcticupdates via Deuxmoi’s Sunday Spotted stories today
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LMAO @precious-little-scoundrel i’m supposed to be finishing my works cited page right now but inspiration was strong AND I JUST HAD TO DON’T KILL ME! want to keep my mommy full of inspiration and thots
if you’re reading this confused, just enjoy, it’s something that may be soon to come courtesy of our savior Marina! (and nobody judge me for Bree, blame Marina for that too)
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catgirl-yeji · 3 days
Create a poll with your five favourite characters! ( And then tag five people, if you like! ) Thanks for tagging me, @meant-to-be-a-hero !! 💛🩷
I'm tagging @arel-o-imladris @dalkyum @bunnakit @ngtskynebula @eternal-carat @jiatiful @klutenpetter @darkowlsworld @kalamos @twigsnbones @sometimesraven ( but no pressure!!! )
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blueyjoy · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💛
I've been debating who to do this for. But I think it's inevitable, I need to do Aria Sapphire.
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Aria has grow old, but I've played her for over a year now! She's the "main" sim of Gen 3 in my Sapphire legacy family.
Her favorite color is blue even if it was kind of forced upon her when she was a child (because Sapphire family you see). She prefers cyan blue though, not the dark blue.
She always aspired growing up to have a relationship like her mother and father. (I think she kinda did? She and James had some hardship at some point but were pretty much always intensely in love.)
She has a weakness to the moon as a mermaid. From Expanded Mermaids mod by SpinningPlumbob.
She never had a lot of close friends growing up, so the friend bracelet she is always wearing is actually one exchanged with her brother Kellen. (He is also her only best friend.)
As a young adult, she used to look forward her future reign as a queen. But when her grandmother died and she became the official heir apparent, she became fearful of her life as a future queen. Her mother Dahlia actually died only a decade later, making it even harder on Aria. (Yes, Marina lived LOOOOONG).)
Thank you for the tag <3 It's complicated to find stuffs that I don't overshare on my simblr already haha.
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lattesqueeze · 28 days
favorite ice cream flavor? 🍦🧡
delightful question, thank you!!!
in general i’m a raspberry kinda girly, or like cookies and cream
i live in cyprus right now and my current favourite is this really specific cherry and white chocolate gelato that i can buy at a teeny tiny store near the marina
what’s yours! 💛
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authorspirit · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon ! ~thank you for contributing multiple questions! (This is question 10 out of 10 that this specific anon sent)~
huh, interesting question! I do actually, depending on what type of simblr post. Most of my posts are put in my queue that is set to post in a specific time interval (so I'm usually not on tumblr when my curated posts go live).
I edit most of my posts, and depending on if it's for a lookbook, a sims picture, a build picture or gameplay pic, I will use SRWE or not (yes for first two cases, no for builds and gameplay), I almost always take screenshots with one of my ReShade on (my Marina reshade is for lookbooks, Joyce is for my silent pines save gameplay, and Dahlia is for my Sapphire gameplay and builds).
Usual process is: taking a screenshot with ReShade's shortkey, edit screenshots with Gimp, save in corresponding edit folder. Then delete all original unedited screenshots. Queue posts in specific edit type format. Keep edit folder until published on tumblr (and not just in queue). Delete edit folder.
I guess the most process-like posts are the lookbooks with all the CC to be linked. I use BetterExceptions to compile the outfits cc list (or Tray Importer) (✿◡‿◡)
For gameplay, if I have the Sapphire recaps I'll update the links where necessary. Otherwise I just have a specific format to follow (bold title and spacing) 'cause I like things organized and queue everything at once. ✍️(◔◡◔)
Also my wip builds pictures are no brainers. They're just screenshots straight from the ReShade screenshots folder. ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
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sunny-adorkable · 1 year
5 songs
Rules: 🎶 when you get this, list 5 songs you've been listening to & tag 5-10 people.
Thank you for tagging me @deerfests 💛💛💛
1. Supreme by Robbie Williams
2. My Heart Has Teeth by Deadmau5 and Skylar Grey
3. Emotional Machine by Marina
4. Human by Buzz
5. Shirt by Sza
Just the ones off the top of my head 😊 🎧 🎵
Tagging: @wysely @mrsdulac @resident-milf @honestlyitsjustsam @subjectsix @tafferling @hamyheikki @boopingthesnoot @rose-s-587 @draikaesehoch @yesterdear @ineedmoredragons @disconnected-dragon @hereticstations
And anyone else! 🩷🌟
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lola-theshowgrl · 11 months
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WIP: The Prince and The Botanist
Current Task: Editing/formatting
Pages Complete: 64 of 89
Current Music: Obsessions - MARINA
Almost finished my run of editing what I have so far, so that's good! It's been nice to give my brain a little break from actually writing after the past few months, but I'm now ready to jump back in and keep going with Dante and Lucien's story!
I posted the first two chapters to Wattpad on Friday, so thank you to everyone who went and had a read, who voted it up, commented, or added to their reading lists, I'm so incredibly grateful!
It'll never be as easy to encourage folks to look at as fanfiction was, but it's gone better than I had expected, so that's just wonderful! 💛
I'm planning to update every Friday!
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racingliners · 2 months
🏎️💨 THE FORMULA 1 TAG GAME! 🏎️💨: tagged by @avida-heidia-5, thank you!!
(this has been in my drafts since January and I had completely forgotten to post it, so I'm going to fix that immediately. I am so sorry this took forever!)
1. Who or what got you into F1?
My Dad. The best memories I have of my Dad are watching F1 races together when I was growing up. idk how long he'd been an F1 fan by the time I was born, but I still have a very old Ferrari hat of his.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
As a kid Michael because of my Dad (according to my Gran when I really really little I used to run around going "vroom vroom Schumacher!"). When I got back into watching F1 in 2013 I supported Jenson and Seb, and I still do! They're very much my beloveds.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
the dream teams of Seb, Britta and Antti & Lewis and Bono. I am a sucker for colleagues turned besties.
And as for teammates, Lewis and Jenson are my favourites. I frequently go onto YouTube and look up old McLaren promo videos because they're just hilarious in the best way (also shoutout to Series 1 of Tooned, I still have it on DVD!).
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
Nope, I'm the only F1 fan in my family. My parents (Mum and Step-Dad) have the odd opinion on some drivers but as a whole they're very unbothered 😅
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
I have so many for various different reasons. Silverstone 2014 & 2018 because I was there. India 2013 and Singapore 2019 for Seb reasons, Hungary 2019 and Turkey 2020 for Lewis reasons. Hungary 2021 for the whole of lap 1 and also for Seb reasons. Bahrain 2014 also sticks out because it was such a good race long battle between Nico and Lewis.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
Silverstone and Marina Bay (Singapore)
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
As mentioned above I have been ridiculously lucky to go to the British GP twice in 2014 and 2018. The first time my parents organised it and the second time was via coach trip (which honestly I would recommend, it took out a lot of the stress in terms of getting to the track).
Obviously it's been a while but both years were absolutely amazing. Silverstone is a brilliant circuit both in terms of spectator facilities and seating options (idk if they still have it, but for our weekend tickets we had roving grandstand seats for the Saturday which meant we could sit in different parts of the track for FP3 and Quali - Luffield and Village are great spots!).
The atmosphere at the track is also just incredible, even during a practice session. They also open the Porsche experience centre and have cars on display (including cars that have won Le Mans!!)
I did post some pictures at the time from both trips under the Silverstone 2014 and Silverstone 2018 tags and I'm happy to post more if people want!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
I have not but I know someone who has 😅
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
I have a colossal soft spot for the Brawn GP BGP001, she will always be famous 🤍💛
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
Esteban Ocon purely for everything that was Hungary 2021.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
Lewis' post-race radio from Turkey 2020 and a (very) long list of Seb quotes
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saphkick · 3 months
Get to know the blogger ask game!
thank you to my bby @delivish for tagging me 💛💛💛💛💛💛
Last song: Regina - popx
Fav colour: 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Last movie/TV show:
on my 12th yearly rewatch of the only anime ever
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sorry for being extremelly autistic about this franchise it will happen again
Sweet/spicy/savoury: absolutelly spicy
Relationship status: single parent of 35 furbys
Last search: marina and the diamonds birth-chart
Current obsession: in my yearly fma hyperfixiation period (it never really goes away)
Tagging: @nastrond-skelly @rarilee33
and obv anyone reading this you're officially tagged by me now soooo
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crypticcupid · 5 months
hello aqua! ty for reblogging my ask game💛 if you feel like it, would you answer underwater and one kiss for a f/o of your choice?
OMG thank you for making the ask game! I love the prompts and saw you were thinking of making an angst version so I'm super excited to see that one as well! :D I'll use Marina! ^w^
Underwater : Describe what it’s like to be loved by your f/o. What would they say it feels like to be loved by you? Being loved by Marina feels like the way fizzy drinks feel and taste. It's so exciting at first and a bit fluttery! Then mellows out into something so sweet it could just rot your teeth. In the good way! IT'S A GOOD TOOTH-ROT SWEETNESS. As for Marina though, Marina would first probably give a very literal definition of love and what it feels like before just settling on saying; Being firmly surrounded by softness.
One Kiss : Describe you and your f/o’s first kiss. Honestly, like the first kiss to the lips, was very casual. Having overly affectionate friends will do that for you haha. Marina initiated it though as Myst didn't want to cross a boundary. It was just, soft. And a little unsure, but mostly just testing. Myst leaned way to far into it though and they may have bumped noses from eagerness lol.
Chill Kill Asks
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taeraenomuyeppeo · 1 year
tagged by: @prismaticavocado (thank you emily 💛)
put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs:
l'arc~en~ciel - butterfly's sleep
nakashima mika, miliyah - fighter
weki meki - picky
placebo - the bitter end
t-ara - goodbye, ok
nct 127 - welcome to my playground
otsuka ai - peach
wayv - domino
snsd - oh!
marina - how to be a heartbreaker
tagging: @weitual @sayonaramidnight @taeminblr @delhyun @snsdpop @lloveorloved @strhwaberries @lisanamjoon @wabisaba @dahyun
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conkers-thecosy · 1 year
Do you have a specific music that inspires you to write? Or you don't need it? 😶‍🌫️
Hello! Thank you, this is a lovely question!
I listen to a lot of music honestly, but nothing too specific. I really enjoy strong vocals, and I have a big love for singers like Lana Del Rey, Nina Simone, Kiki Rockwell, Hozier, Kate Bush, Paris Paloma, Marina Diamandis, Stevie Nicks, and Florence Welch 💛
That said, when I'm actually writing I get distracted suuuuuper easily, so to get my brain to focus I either have one song on repeat (for hours... DAYS sometimes!) or I listen to instrumental or lofi music (@lordoftherazzles sent me a brilliant playlist yesterday, so that got me through my silly writing-wobble!)
I do have a playlist for the Soldier, Poet, King series, but honestly I tend not to listen to it when I'm physically writing - more as inspiration when I have to go cosplay as a grownup in The Real World, haha!
It's not a great collection, but if you're interested you can find my Spotify here :)
Thank you so much for sending this, it was fun to talk about!
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excuseme-greentea · 8 months
I was tagged by @callmenewbie 💛 thank you!
shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10 songs:
somebody like you – giant rooks
break my soul - beyoncé
labour – paris paloma
thoughts of a child – the lathums
lost the breakup – maisie peters
I can see you – taylor swift
ancient dreams in a modern land – marina
keep driving – harry styles
I'll never forget the time I spent with you – the lathums
kismet – the beaches
list your top 15 tv shows because it reflects your personality: (this is so hard to do??)
gilmore girls
new girl
the rookie
grey's anatomy
the nanny
emergency room
the fresh prince of bel-air
sex and the city
doctor's diary
little house on the prairie
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honeyedlashton · 1 year
hi honey 💞💗💕💕 hope you’re doing well <33🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish,then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Okay this one is for you and Swan who both graciously left these in my ask box, so thank you thank you!!!! 🖤🩵🤍💛 now I have to dig through my most recent cause I’ve been in less of a spotify mood recently and more of a watch tiktoks and decay mood so we’ll see:
Baby Blue (Cut Copy remix) by Luke
Hits Different by Taylor
Lonely Hearts Club by Marina
Your Best American Girl by Mitski
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths (god forgive me but it’s been on repeat)
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squishlamb · 1 year
hi i made a huntlow playlist!! 💚💛 i might be updating this from time to time
genres: pop, indie pop, kpop
i am very insane about them & spent SO LONG curating this playlist. so here's my long ass breakdown of the songs cuz huge brainrot:
PART 1: the lone wolf (oh wait, feelings?)
"Don't do love, don't do friends; I'm only after success. Don't need a relationship; I'll never soften my grip."
Hunter at the start of it all, the Golden Guard™️ who's knows what he wants: making a change for the better aka recruiting kids for the emperor's coven!
but ACTUALLY, he's slipping. sorta losing it and he kinda knows it: "If I fail, I'll fall apart... cause I feel like I'm the worst so I always act like I'm the best."
flor – heart
any sport in a storm!!!!
our boy makes friends! he learns teamwork and sportsmanship! he really does have heart and is letting his heart hold true <3 such a feel good song
"Don't wanna waste love, don't wanna hurt you" yeah that's about captain willow
ALSO the mention of wolves, OF COURSE: "And for so long, I've lived my life listening to the wolves looking for scraps to tear from me 'til I lose control. Can't take my heart no matter how your teeth sink and pull. Won't lose my heart"
Wallows – Scrawny
"Hate feeling like I'm not in control... I've been sleeping with the light on. I tend to freak myself out."
here we have the skrunkly going THROUGH it. like, about everything in life. he is so conflicted
"Will you come a little closer now and see that I'm a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle?" yea he had a cool hairstyle fr
i also take this as he wanted to be closer w/ Willow + the other kids but he had to keep up that confident/independent golden guard front as a defense mechanism yk? And he rly believed he was nothing more than a Scrawny Mf With A Cool Hairstyle
twenty one pilots – Tear in My Heart
the 안녕하세요 (hello) at the beginning aww lol
"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know that you're alive and have a soul."
hunter questioning his grimwalker origins but at the same time his new hexside friends ARE his real living friends. his feelings and new friendships are proof that he's alive, and it's all thanks to Willow so he is especially drawn to her
leo. – despair
my guy realizing he feels Particularly different w/ Willow lmao. REAL different. confusing feelings. what's a hug??? affection???? wh??A???
"It's not romantic, I swear. It might be closer to despair." real
joan – nervous
really just another cute pining song i wanted to add in lol. but also it's Hunter becoming more aware of his feelings. not really denying it anymore; he KNOWS he gets nervous around Willow
“It’s not like me to bite my tongue and hold back” Hunter is well-spoken af BUT NOT ANYMORE LOL
The Happy Fits – So Alright, Cool, Whatever
"After you leave, I'll be so alright, it's true. It's not like I've got something grand to say to you."
Hunter's sloww acceptance of his feelings. he WANTS TO BE W WILLOW! YASSS
But also "I've got an effervescent glow if you'd show me all the dark parts of your mind." foreshadowing to FTF of course >:3
Will Joseph Cook ft. chloe moriondo – Be Around Me
ok finally we have some Hunter AND Willow POV. this song's like after they've been texting A LOT and they're so used to regularly talking with each other <3
also the iconic "OMG did you call me baby?" part is so huntlow, especially the "Cool" followed by the nervous chuckle omg. That’s what I call loser boy pining and girlboss flirting. But it's nothing too serious... YET.
The Cars – Just What I Needed
gotta put some 80s in here. I'm thinking this is them spending more casual time together in the human realm!
"I don't mind you hangin' out and talkin' in your sleep." After seeing Willow sleep in TTH, I hc that she sleeptalks lol
Blossoms – Oh No (I Think I'm In Love)
Wrapping up this first part of the playlist aka Hunter’s (generally) one-sided crush. Started with an Oh No and ending with another kind of Oh No.
"You and me, we're different as people... You've got blue skies in your head." Hunter def put Willow on a pedestal and saw her as this huge inspirational sunshine
"Home is where I'll be when you're standing beside me." Hunter finally feels at home with someone else--Willow!! (+ living with the rest of the hexsquad ofc)
PART 2: smitten
Troye Sivan, Jay Som – Trouble
it's giving a simultaneous hunter and willow POV. though i also take it as willow slowly falling for him :3
"Accidental lover, what'd you do with all my common sense? You came in undercover..." (any sport in a storm moment!!!!)
"I'm tired of livin' like I'm dyin' but now I can't find the silver linin' like before" Hunter fr
"I'm not one to need saving, but I guess I'll give it a try" Both of them fr
Jayme Dee – Tip Toes
Oh my god this song was in all the edits in 2014 or whatever lol
“Boy, you came like a hurricane, knocked me down like a tidal wave. Didn’t see you comin’ so quick; look at you boy movin’ so slick” Literally Willow’s first impression of Hunter was this kid ZOOOOOMING
Mentions flying a lot = flyer derby duhhhh
Also tip toes cuz yeah HEIGHT DIFFERENCE slay
Carly Rae Jepsen – Sweetie
"I ran into you like a crash of thunder." Willow POV. anything thunder/lightning/electricity means Hunter and this is true
"You're not as lonely as you think you are... Anything you want boy, I can make it happen. We could fall in love and I could be your sweetie." Willow being the absolute girlboss she is while also reassuring Hunter
SEVENTEEN – Adore U (Eng trans)
First kpop song let’s go. One of the cutest songs to ever exist LIKE??? "So what I mean is, I want to know all of you" / "I adore you, enough to get dizzy, adore you!"
“You’re so pretty it’s selfish but your personality is so humble” Hunter @ Willow
“You can lean right here. You can cover your pain with me. Tell me your feelings.” BOTH
“Baby, you are my angel” First song that mentions angels, which is a big theme moving forward in the playlist! since they helped each other with their respective near-death experiences jgkldfjsg (ACTUAL DEATH for hunter)
BTS ft. Halsey – Boy With Luv (Eng trans)
So much fluff. 100% Hunter in the human realm, totally smitten and totally in love and he LOVES the feeling!!!!!
"Your every picture I wanna have under my pillow." Yesss all the polaroids hello!!!!
"...now I became a hero" Hunter's so mf giddy from Willow he's growing from his traumatic golden guard days and he really does love who he's becoming!!!
Ariana Grande, Mac Miller – The Way
Really sweet song I’m dying from the sugar at this point
FLOWERS. “I’m thinking ‘bout her every second, every hour. Do my singing in the shower like do she love me, do she love me not?”
“Be your lover, your friend, you’ll find it all in me. Stay by your side, I’ll never leave you … I got a bad boy, I must admit it.” yaaaassss hunter the "bad" boy lmaoooo
The Cab – Her Love Is My Religion
Ok HEAR ME OUT we all know Belos is some crazy puritan whom Hunter grew up to value. but now that he knows Belos is fucking insane, Hunter is finding faith in his loved ones instead which INCLUDES WILLOW BROOOOO
Sorta angel references!
Leanna Firestone - Smitten
“You snored and it was the most beautiful sound that I’d ever heard” Hunter @ Willow lmao
“You’re insecure about your crooked teeth but can I just say this, I’m kinda glad that you never got braces cuz I like your smile just the way it is” Willow @ Hunter HHHNNNNNGGGG
“I don’t know what I did or how I did it, but I did something right” Hunter fr
beabadoobee – Dance with Me
Everything so far has been high energy crushing but I imagine they had very chill cozy reflective moments too
They’re just happy and forgetting about their troubles
Also a transition to slowwww it down into the next part
Part 3: losing and trusting
Ariana Grande – raindrops (an angel cried)
"The day you left me, an angel cried." yeah remember how Hunter DIED in Willow's arms? yeah,
Melanie Martinez – Cry Baby
"Your heart's too big for your body, it's why it won't fit inside."
Willow ANGST time. Imagine seeing your close friend die in your arms and feeling like you're not allowed to cry cuz you're the strong one??
This opens up all the wounds of being bullied and she’s reminded of being a crybaby, losing her friends (esp Amity), and just feeling SO much. But she’s not ACTUALLY letting herself cry now. Especially after this bitch ass BOSCHA taunts Willow; Willow doesn’t want Boscha to have that power of truly hurting her
“You’ll just let them drown” Willow @ her past, bullies
“I just let them drown” Willow @ her own feelings and ultimately herself in her vines
Carly Rae Jepsen – Making the Most Of The Night
"Baby, I'm speeding and red lights, I'll run. What I got, you need it and I'll run to your side when your heart is bleeding... I know you've had a rough time but here I come to hijack you; I'll love you while making the most of the night"
Ok wtf this is literally Hunter when Willow was in her vines. Speedy boy
The only thing that doesn’t match is when Carly sings about “no more tears” but other than that this song is so huntlow
MUNA – I Know A Place
“I know a place we can go where everyone gonna lay down their weapon… Just give me trust and watch what’ll happen / Don’t you be afraid of love and affection”
In the playlist timeline, this would be Hunter reassuring Willow to trust him (and Gus) but it also works the other way around in general!!
Like this is so Willow @ Hunter: “It’s like you’re carrying all the weight of your past. I can feel the bruises, yellow, dark blue, and black. But baby, they’re bruises, only your body trying to keep you intact”
Vacation Manor – Thoughts in Progress
"Well, you can hold back the truth while never tellin' a lie. And I won't ever know the person that you're keepin' inside 'til you trust me with your thoughts in progress."
Hunter @ Willow !!! SOBBING
The “wasting our time” has a lil negative mood to it but honestly it DOES make sense considering Gus was suffocating in Willow’s vines LMAO
Maisie Peters – Take Care Of Yourself
THIS is the song that started this whole playlist
"The world won't fall if you're not holding it up... And you try, and you try, and you're trying but the burden is heavy and overgrown." WILLOW !!!????
"I hate how you talk to yourself. It's not weak if you need to be held. So cut off a little slack and roll all your cavalry back; my love, take care of yourself." 100% HUNTER @ WILLOW DURING FTF. am sobbing
Then the second verse is totally willow @ hunter: "You don't get a medal for the last one awake so rest your eyes and give your baggage to me." bro these two im gonna die
flor – restless soul
another sweet song of reassurance and self-care that totally works both ways within huntlow ;-; I take it as more Hunter POV just cuz of FTF.
"Come and lay down your restless soul. ...you're wearing out."
It also sounds uplifting and happy, so we're shifting from the heavier tunes!
Part 4: falling
Harry Styles – Golden
did i put this in because it's "golden"? yeah,
Willow POV, actually allowing herself to fall in love in a scary, vulnerable way. love is not just a lighthearted cute flirting, this shit is pretty serious!!
BUT Y’KNOW IT ALSO works the other way around. I'm so stuck on Willow POV just cuz the lyrics are "You're so golden" hahah
BTS Jimin – Serendipity (Eng trans)
one of my fav songs ever; so beautiful
continues on the theme of vulnerability in love, but also revolves around destiny. considering caleb x evelyn, huntlow is definitely references that fated universe stuff.
This song also has a theme of flowers and duh WILLOW
“Let me love you” Hunter really reaching out to Willow here this is WHAT HE WAS COMMUNICATING TO HER *muffled screaming*
Ariana Grande – pov
A continuation of that dreamy, romantic, vulnerable love vibe.
Huntlow both gotta work on their respective self-perceptions. but they totally love each other. their relationship emphasizes learning to trust and love YOURSELF outside of your strong persona and THAT…! YES!!!
"How you touch my soul from the outside? Permeate my ego and my pride" Willow @ Hunter
"I wanna love me the way that you love me, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too. I’d love to see me from your point of view.”
Troye Sivan – Angel Baby
another romantic BANGER while also continuing the dreamy mood. Specifically emphasizes angels and living.
“I’ll tell you how I almost died while you’re bringing me back to life.” works both ways.
“I just wanna live in this moment forever cuz I’m afraid that living couldn’t get any better.” ok Hunter WANTING TO LIVE.!! I’M SO NORMAL
Ariana Grande – Intro
“I’ll give you all I have and nothing less, I promise.”
THE ULTIMATE DREAMY song. From Angel Baby to this, they’re talking about the heavens or ascending or some shit and THIS IS WHERE I think of Huntlow holding pinkies (PROMISING THEY MEAN A LOT TO EACH OTHER!!) at the end of FTF & ready to keep moving forward
“I want you with me on this road to the sky, we’ll be shining every night. I promise you, just me and you. Oh, I promise you.”
Part 5: fight for love
The Cab – Angel With A Shotgun
“Fighting ‘til the war’s won, I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back. I’ll throw away my faith babe, just to keep you safe.”
Hunter again throwing out Belos' puritan bs and fighting for his loved ones
If Belos does some shit to Willow I think Hunter will go into Avatar state lol. Either way Belos is gonna get his ASS BEATEN
The Script – Superheroes
“She’s got lions in her heart, a fire in her soul. He’s got a beast in his belly that’s so hard to control. Cuz they’ve taken too much hits, taking blow by blow. Now light a match, stand back, watch them explode.”
Willow has already proven to the ones who hurt her that she is more than her weaknesses PLUS now embraces her emotions, but Hunter hasn’t totallyyy confronted Belos so when he WHOOPS BELOS’ ASS IT’S GONNA BE SO GOOD AND HEARTFUL—(I’m really on about this aren’t I)
Linking back to Song #2 (flor – heart)! Embracing your emotions rather than hating them!
A nice, feel-good, inspirational song to wrap up the war stuff. Also, they are still learning and will always be, they’re not suddenly emotional gurus saved by romantic love
This song was my shit in 2016 omg
Part 6: ease
NIKI – Plot Twist
Cute song, transitioning to the happy ending (I fucking hope so).
This section is them having the time to relax and pause and reflect on their relationship! Hunter was a plot twist in Willow’s life alright. But also the other way around ajkflsjgkla ilove them
“Who could’ve imagined… you?”
JVKE – this is what falling in love feels like
I think about Hunter ABSO FUCKIN LUTELY JOVIAL after everything is ok and he’s just!!! Wow! The sun! I love my gf!!! I’m happy!! eee!!!!!!!!!!
push baby – Wishing We Were More Than Friends
hunter again :3 more reflecting back
“I even told your friends the perfect phrase but they just laughed in my face” imagine hunter talking to like. Luz or gus about how to tell Willow he likes her but he’s just so CRINGE and they’re dying
“I’d sit and wait ‘til you came online, wasting hours of time, it’s fine.” Totally bro
NCT DREAM – Walk With You (Eng translation)
They’re talking about the snow crunch and it’s winter THEREFORE HUNTLOW
Everything’s settled on the Boiling Isles and the two are meeting up for a date!! Dawwww
Lostboycrow, AVIV – Strawberry Sunscreen
Happyyyyy ass song. Huntlow being happy together UGH!
“She’ll paint a cabinet from the 60s and find diamonds when she’s thrifting” Idk this gives me Willow vibes :)
Deniece Williams – Let’s Hear It For The Boy
Basically Hunter’s a loser but Willow loves him soso much LOL
Rex Orange County ft. Benny Sings – Loving Is Easy
Dreamy ass romantic song
“I was all on my own, almost glad to be alone until love came in on time” Hunter fr
Taylor Swift – Daylight
Oh my god y’all this is Hunter wanting to live part 4893248
“There are so many lines that I’ve crossed unforgiven” / “I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked” Golden Guard days??
“Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it’s morning now, it’s brighter now” Golden Guard days OVER!!
“I once believed love would be black and white but it’s golden” YALL.???!!!
OK AND. THE OUTRO… “I wanna be defined by the things that I love. Not the things I hate. Not the things that I’m afraid of, I’m afraid of… Not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night. I, I just think that you are what you love.”
The 1975 – I’m In Love With You
"It's simple and it goes like this," HE LOVES WILLOW GOD DAMN ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
I also have a raeda playlist and a lumity playlist!!! Idk if I'll do writeups for them cuz this one took SO long but we'll see ;)
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